#(( I put it in the same verse I share with my Cheong-San if you would rather a different verse let me know. ))
sizhuibattleguqin · 2 years
zheheimao asked: “When you’re hurt and scared for so long, the fear and pain turn to hate and the hate starts to change the world.” ( for Nam Ra )
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from this meme [_here_] accepting.
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He   sat   on   the   roof   top   over   looking   the   destruction   of   the   city   bow   and   blade   at   his   side   he   did   not   expect   company   yet.   Shushu   Ning   and   Cheong-San   had   gone   to   gather   things.   Sizhui   was   not   really   needed   below   but   he   still   kept   a   silent   vigil   until   the   others   returned.   He   always   would   when   his   family   was   out   in   the   zombie   and   debris   strewn   streets.   She   was   quiet   but   she   was   not   quiet   enough   for   his   trained   hearing.  
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The   blade   slipped   free   from   the   blue   sheath   and   was   extended   to   point   at   her   until   he   realized   who   was   with   him.   “Ah,   apologies   Nam   Ra.”   he   said   as   the   blade   was   quick   sheathed   in   one   elegant   movement.   Where   his   skill   had   been   passable   due   to   his   martial   arts   training   it   had   improved   significantly   with   the   bombing.   He   motioned   to   the   spot   beside   him.   He   could   tell   something   was   on   her   mind.   So   he   held   his   peace   and   gave   her   time   to   talk   to   him   if   she   choose   to   do   so.  
Her   words   honestly   didn’t   surprise   him.  
“It   has   already   changed   the   world–I   don’t   think   you   know   what   started   all   this.   Few   people   do.”   he   said   softly   “We   hacked   the   files   we   found   out   things.”   he   said   quietly   as   he   watched   for   movement   below.   “Its   how   we   have   our   wifi   signal   at   all,   how   we   have   online   classes   now–how   I   can   get   the   truth   out   to   the   public.”   he   took   a   small   breath.   “It   all   started   because   of   bullying   so   I   can   not   dispute   your   words.”   he   whispered.   “I   can   not   say   you   are   wrong.”   Violet   eyes   rose.   “This   is   the   price   for   being   pushed   to   far,   this   is   the   price   for   cruelty,   for   arrogance,   for   anger   and   for   looking   the   other   way.”   he   said   solemnly.   “Humanity   has   been   trying   to   destroy   itself   time   and   time   again–this   time–”   he   motioned   outwards   towards   the   ruins   of   the   bombed   city.   “It   was   successful”   the   whole   mess   was   likely   only   going   to   become   worse.  
“There   is   still   hope   though–the   medicine   seems   to   be   working.   For   you,   for   Cheong-San   for   Wen-Ning.”   he   said   to   her.   “We   just   need   to   learn   from   our   mistakes.”   his   tone   low   and   serious.   “I   want   to   say   its   an   isolated   event.   Hyosen   suffered—”   he   shook   his   head.   “I   can’t   though.”   his   tone   quiet.   “The   military   has   the   dna   of   the   zombies,   and   of   the   hombie   or   halfbies   or   what   ever   term   you   prefer.”   he   pulled   the   small   metal   tin   from   the   bag   at   his   side   and   passed   it   to   her.   “Medicine,   I   know   your   not   comfortable   around   many   people.”   he   glanced   upwards   “I   just   hope   I   am   overly   concerned   from   shell   shock   as   opposed   to   being   right."  
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