#(( 500 arrivals to check in on two of those days
tenebriism · 3 months
// looks at work schedule
// perishes
We're so fucking busy. 😭 Okay, okay. I really gotta buckle down on replies today and tomorrow, because I literally will not be able to next week.
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natsuyuki-w · 1 year
Not one of the boys
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Twisted wonderland cast realizes that (Yuu) is a girl.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 Featuring: Idia and Ortho - Sebek and Silver
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The dark figure in our dorm's yard was unmistakable, and like in his prior appearances, I jogged to him as soon as I noticed.
- VDC you say? Are you actually trying to invite me to this?- - Why yes...The boys have been working hard, I assure you, it's stunning! And well... As fun, as it is following your "Will-o'-the-wisp", I would like to be around you a bit more. - and hastily added - Only if you want to of course! -
Much as his Fae companion, Tsunotarou laughed at my expenses leaving me with my lingering smile and owlish confused eyes. - You really seem to know no fear. - he smiled broadly - Very well. I humbly accept your invitation.- and I smiled satisfied.
- Will you be going on stage? - - Ah no! I'm their "Manager", as Vil likes to call me. - - Mmm a shame...- I chuckled flustered - Crowley didn't want to risk other schools finding out I'm a girl. You never know what could ever happen. Ha ha ha - - Mm yes I can see the risks. Lilia told me he discovered it as well. -
Thinking back to each event I recalled the surprise on everyone, and feeling a little insecure I asked - ...Tsunotaro, you think...Am I perhaps...not feminine enough? - he threw me a weird look - I-I mean, nobody ever noticed till seeing my... More prominent features. And is not like I'm going out of my way to hide it! So you know...- and I scratched the back of my head.
He hummed and smiled beautifully - No, I think you're plenty. - his words without an inch of tease - I think the beauty of your femininity is enhanced by your boyish charm.- ... - Wai..what!? - - I'm looking forward to the day of the show Goodnight (Yuu).- *puff* and he left me standing in a blushing mess.
- Tsunotaro thinks I am beautiful...- I sighed dreamily - and he looked happy, I'm glad.-
A couple of days before the culture fair I made my way to Mr. S's Mystery Shop - Gooood morning Sam! How is it going? - - Hello (Yuu), very well thank you. Radiant as always are you? hahaha. - - Of course! My delivery has yet to arrive? - I scanned the shelves. - The pile is right there next to the Grimoire. - he pointed. - You almost caught them this time. -
- Uff... they're so... slippery. They've been so kind to sell all those manga for such a low price. I would really like to thank them face to face. - - They are elusive indeed. - commented Sam - Sorry, but he begged me multiple times not to say a word. - and winked. He wasn't sorry at all, he just enjoyed seeing my frustration. - Yeah yeah... I'm not here just for those; 'must refill our team. - and I handed him the grocery list.
- Another pile? - Commented Grim. - I know right?- completely missing his point. - And for like 500 Madol??? - - Shopping again Trickster? - I nodded happily to Rook - Have you seen them this time? - - Nah. Again, they ran away before my arrival. - I climbed the stairs to pose my new collection - And it's so frustrating! Sometimes they go for an hour via chat. Talking about what I should watch or read, his thoughts and theories. But then, they shut down completely saying stuff like: "Sry I'm such an otaku lmao bye.'" and then avoid me for days. -
- Would you like me to do a little research? - asked the hunter with a sharp smile. -...no...thank you for...the thought. I guess. - I patted his shoulder awkwardly. What I didn't know then was that he already discovered the identity of my seller long before. - But why give away all those books anyway? - pondered Grim. - Apparently bought a stock and he already owned some of them. "I must share the words of those artworks for the greater good". Something like that. -
On the day of the festival, me and Grim joined the booth check team. Entered the boardgames club exhibit we found a tall boy with long hair like flames sulking in a corner of the class. - Ahh, two hours left until the research presentation...- -... Idia, what are you doing at a place like that? - frowned Riddle. - It's called anxiety. - I mumbled.
- Uwah!!! Riddle master!!! Why are you here? - he jumped. - M-master? - - Fist of steal even outside the dorm eh? - I nudged the redhead on the side. He frowned at me and taking advantage of his distraction I saw the awkward boy nodding profusely. - Are you ready for the research presentation?- turned back the little tyrant. - Y-you don't have to worry. Just wait and see. - responded the other.
I stared for a moment in thought, making him even more fidgety than before - Are you perhaps... Ortho's brother? - - Sigh... *Eh-hem Y-yes. - he exhaled relieved. - 'Knew it I saw somewhere that blue hair! I have to say, after seeing him "draw a sword" defending your honor at the VDC auditions, I was very curious about meeting you. - - I-well-there's n-nothing i-i-interesting aab-b-bout m-me...I CAUGHT THE INTEREST OF A NORMIE IKEMEN????? - he mumbled hiding from my view.
- Riddle Roseharts, Trey Clover, Grim, hello! Of course, I'll always be there for Nii-san, he's a genius, (Yuu) (Wander)! - appeared the brother in question before I could protest the title of normie. - (YUU) (WANDER)??? - Idia jumped back but quickly covered his mouth and his back faced us all for a second time. He sneaked a look from his shoulder, caught my eyes, and the flames on his head turned pink. My companions looked me over questioningly, but seeing my expression just as confused, they searched for answers in his most trusted subject.
*Blank stare.* - W-well...*eh-hem Hi Ortho! I'm sure you speak the truth about your brother, I'm looking forward to hearing the...- - ...(Yuu) (Wander) - interrupted me once more in a softer tone. The four of us stared back and forth at the pair in search of answers.
- But it's great! - suddenly quipped Ortho. - Nii-san don't you understand? Is like in that Shojo where the girl in disguise in the boy academy becomes friends with her crush and...- - W-W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ORTHO??? - The floating boy started to chant robotically. - (Yuu) (Wander) has sent at 09:45 a.m., Friday 2...- - I KNOW WHO HE IS BUT WHAT GIRL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? - - (Yuu) (Wander), student at Night Raven College, is a non-magical human being. Gender Female, height...-
- Stooop - I interrupted the chaotic theatric playing before our eyes. - 1, How was I unaware of sending messages to...you... - but the teenager was no longer with us, his soul probably left his body, and the now empty shell lay on the ground stiff...- ...and 2, when did you find out about me, Ortho? Being a girl that is. - I got closer to check on the dorm's leader's well-being. Tho, sensing my nearby presence he recovered immediately and ran out in a string of apologies. His hair turned a Barbie pink.
- I... Hope his presentation goes well. The magic, engineering that he specialized in has a lot of interesting articles about modern magic. So let's hope this...predicament hasn't caused too much brain damage. - pondered Riddle. - I'm a bit worried, but I'm sure he is going to recover. - and the little Sheoud turned back to us.
- So... What just happened exactly? - trailed off Grim. - You asked: 1, how were you unaware of sending messages to my brother? Nii-san has been chatting with (Yuu)San under the nickname of "Gloomy Samurai" in the second-hand shopping app: Twyst. - *GASP! I reacted dramatically - He was my generous dealer!!!! - - What was he dealing to you??? - Riddle panicked already picturing me falling into the drug club. - One launched Man, flexible cover edition from 01 to volume 23, Junior High attack, redesigned edition, flexible cover, complete... - - Mangas Riddle, Mangas. - I reassured.
- And for number 2: I scanned and stored your physical information when we met the first time. - he confessed nonchalantly. - That's... Fascinating intimidating. - I commented, eyes wide open. - And what was that Shojo girl in a boy academy... - teased Trey. - Please Ortho, don't answer that.- I flashed the green-haired boy a sharp gaze.
I had the impression Gloomy Samurai would've shut me down completely from this day on, and if before there was little possibility of him wanting to meet up in RL, now... stupid to even take it into consideration. - Say Ortho, what's your brother's favorite food? - If I couldn't thank him with me present physically or digitally, a gift would've sufficed.
- TSUNOTARO????? - Sebek was in a tantrum.
- You too? - I murmured in disbelief once they finished their back and forth - Tsunotaro, can I confirm a suspicion of mine? - he smiled and nodded curious about what was going on in that small brain of mine. - This is just a stretch... But is it perhaps that you are searching gazes different from "Mighty prince" or "Terrifying magic user"? I mean why come to a public school otherwise right? -
His faithful knight threw again insults, but the subject himself stayed quiet. Silence needed to be fulfilled for my brain to function so I rumbled even more, in search of an understandable response from the boy - You know,...People can be so focused on What we are, instead of the Who. I mean I thought of it because I saw in us some similarities...Of course, is totally on a different level and type,...but, you know,... I can see a behavior change when my friends discover I'm a girl. And it's...- - WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??? - Sebek screamed and became a blushing mess.
Silver widened his eyes in realization. - The infirmary, it wasn't a dream...- and pink gradually made its way on his face. I flew a hand on my mouth. - I got lost in my thoughts. - Malleus petted my hair chuckling while Grim clapped his paws with a flat face - It could've gone worse - I enquired to the cat - It could've rained...- I joked nervously.
- NOW EVERYTHING IS CLEAR! You have been luring our master! - screamed Sebek - That's why he has permitted you so much! For sure, under that innocent cute look, you're hiding some secret spell, seducing him you little witch. And grumble, grumble, grumble... - - I would take this as offense honestly - I murmured to the prince. - I would take that as a compliment, cute innocent witch, fufufufu.- he teased.
After recovering from my blush, he was still on fire with his ranting. So I decided to suffocate it with my trashing around - Doll, I'm not stealing your man dah. - - Wha...- As I predicted, his voice died stunned. - Not this again...- groaned Grim recalling the joke Catfights between me and my ginger friend.
- This relationship is completely consensual. - I gestured, and perplexed but very amused Malleus nodded - See? And now, look at ya. - I returned to Sebek - Chasing after him, seeking attention - and with a click of my tongue I concluded - so desperate. - - You... Never stop to surprise me child of man. -
Earthquake magnitude 6.2 in the Isle of Sages Possible causes: tectonic plates moved by repeated sound waves with abnormal peaks of decibels. Location: Night Raven Collage.
They say that I'm a witch And that I weave a spell Well, I'll be a son of a I don't know what Well, let me tell you brother I'd rather be burned as a witch than never be burned at all (I'd rather be burned as a witch - Eartha Kitt)
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*Eh-hem so... What happened? - inquired Crowley. Both me and Ruggie despite the clear frustration of the headmaster, sat nonchalantly, being confident in our innocence.
I roamed my eyes on one of the topper shelves in the library holding on a ladder to reach them better. - What are you doing up there (Yuu)? - I heard a whisper from the ground. - Oh! Hi Ruggie! Just searching for my way home. What about you? - Maybe I could find some documents about magical transportation or alternative universes. - Ehmm okay(!?) Me? Same usual, Leona's chores. I'm taking some books for him or he'll just forget to do his research. - - Lazy ass... - I snorted reaching for another book. - Leona. That's who he is. *Shshshsh.-
His eyes then darted down. On the topic of asses. - *Eh-hem... Can you lend me a hand? I think I saw one of the books I need up there. - - Oh sure! Which one?- I responded. - There on the third, no no the fourth down,... Yep, A little more on the right...- - This one? - I glanced back. - No no the other one on the left. *Shshshhshs -
Yep, TOTALLY looking at the books.
* SBAM I jumped down. - AARGH DON'T HIT ME! - and neither of us expected the disaster after that.
- That's what you get looking at my boogie! - - YOU WERE TRYING TO THROW THAT BOOK AT ME! I can't believe you chicks! Thinking you have permission to use violence on men, am I right? - - NO I WASN'T! I just jumped down, You scared off yourself and hit the shelf on your own!... And don't deflect!!! You were the one scheming to... -
- SILENCE!!! - Crowley's strong voice covered both of ours. - Ruggie. - he called out sternly. The ears of the hyena were now flat waiting for the worse. - By "chicks" you mean,...girls? - he then trailed his eyes on me with that scary glowing gaze of his. Ruggie thought about it for a while and then smirked. - Yes. I meant girls. - he probably thought the Crow would get too distracted, so he could make a run out of his disaster. - That's quite an interesting predicament (Yuu)... Didn't I warn you to take secrecy? How is that this dear student know?-
- You... Didn't know, headmaster? - I blinked confused. - Know what? - I caught him unprepared. - *ps... What are you doing???- whispered-yelled Ruggie. Sure, he wanted for me to be scolded for HIM knowing, but he didn't expect... - I thought either Azul told you or you had noticed already. - I responded. - Aw. That's nice! It means they really did maintain the secret. - I reached the ahs blonde boy and patted his cheek. - I have such good friends! - - H-hey!It's because there was no advantage in telling anybody.- Embarrassed, he drove my hand away.
- (Yuu).- - Yes? - - EXPLAIN. NOW -
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Finished this series!!!! Ruggie was with Silver the less brought up in the "discovery timeline", so I thought it might've been nice to include them a little more with two mini stories (Silver's is in part 3).
Malleus, on the other hand no, he didn't need more timing. But my simping for him did.
I hope you had a fun time with lil old me! Wish you the best, 'till next time! ✨💙
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lovemyromance · 7 months
Listen, if someone can just tell me why/how Azriel knows that Cassian would feel it if Nesta was dead, I'll shut up forever.
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I'm definitely willing to accept that this is another literary, figurative way to just say "Oh, you'll know in your heart if she's alive or not."
But this is magic fae world with mating bonds that can be felt. With love, attraction, lust, anger, sorrow, all emotion basically being able to be felt through the mating bond between a pair.
So I ask again - how does Azriel know? He taps Cassian's chest and says, "Right here–you'd know, Cass."
Like?? Hello?? How does he have the exact coordinates to this feeling?? What is giving him GPS powers??
Could it be-perhaps-that he knows because he has felt it before?
But when could he have felt such a feeling, if he does not have a mate? How?
It's haunting me, truly. I'm sitting here trying to think how this man would know what that feels like, and I've come to two conclusions:
Maybe Mor is his mate, and he felt that same feeling of emptiness in his chest when she was left beaten/with nails in her stomach from her failed betrothal to Eris. It was a traumatic moment for her, and Azriel has always been ready to defend her honor.
But this situation still doesn't make sense. If they were mates, how is he able to move on from Mor after 500 years? Cassian notes Azriel seemed to have moved on in ACOSF. Mor seems to be perfectly fine and well, so it's not like she has been in any danger since that would imply that's the reason why Azriel knows what a mating bond going silent feels like
OR, and in my opinion, the far more likely theory:
When Elain went into the Cauldron, Azriel was shot by a faebane arrow. Or whatever poison it was that snuffs out all magic, including the bond. He was basically dead to the world. Maybe there was some kind of bond that was supposed to snap between them, and so when Elain went into the Cauldron, it assigned her to a different male, after presuming Azriel as dead.
Maybe that dormant bond still lingered, even when Elain was taken by Hybern. When they put those chains on her, that also snuffed out all magic. Maybe that's when Azriel noticed he couldn't feel Elain anymore. Maybe that's why he was so, so desperate to get her back. To get those chains off her, even though his wings were shredded. Maybe that's how he knows what that emptiness in your chest feels like when you lose your mate.
What is very interesting about the Hybern/Elain's chains situation is that she was still mated to Lucien during that. And yet, Lucien did not magically arrive at their camp (he knows where they were, he arrived like the next day smh), and declare he was going to get her back. He can winnow. He can sense the bond, that thread between him and Elain. Where was he, when he got that emptiness in his chest? When he presumably sensed his mate was gone? He did not act like Cassian when Nesta got taken for the BR. He did not go insane, demanding he needs her back. He did not even attempt to send word or check in with Feyre/Rhys. No, that was all Azriel.
And please do not reply to this with "Oh, well how do you know he didn't do any of that?" um. because if SJM did not mention it on the page, why should I consider that a possibility at this given time? She has no reason to not mention that. In fact, if she were going for Elucien, it would have been a great way to show Elain the perks of the mating bond and have her become more accepting of it, but Lucien was. not. there.
Those are the only two times we've seen Azriel lose his cool. When it's situations around Mor's honor, and now situations with Elain. Not going to even bother commenting on Gw*n, as Azriel has not shown any reaction to her despite being around her every day in ACOSF and barely acting phased and going to save Eris instead when the girls were taken to the BR. Like, completely wrong redhead, my dude.
Personally, I would like it more if Elriel weren't actually mates, and still chose each other. But this whole mating bond thing with Lucien/Elain/Azriel is so suspicious to me. I need some answers Sarah!!
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thenon-fictiondays · 1 year
Hirano to Kagiura light novel translation 3-1
Chapter 3: Present.
Part 1
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“Long time, no see…well, not really, huh? Your casual clothes are cool, Hirano-san.”
At the meet-up spot just outside the ticket gate, Kagiura smiles carefreely.
When complimented this straightforwardly, Hirano can’t help but be flustered. His cheeks tinged with red, he replies, “Ah, you too,” raising a hand in greeting.
Their large bags are hard to handle when they’re walking side by side, and they almost collide.
After Hirano had gone home, they had talked on the phone almost every day in order to solidify their plans. Although they just talked for five minutes before lights out, he’s gotten used to hearing Kagiura’s voice over the phone, and his tone is different in person.
Now seeing the soft-spoken Kagiura face to face, Hirano gets the feeling he’s even taller than he remembered, which elicits from him a wry smile.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, yet Kagiura hasn’t even been absent that long.
Summer vacation hasn’t even been going on that long.
When Hirano had brought up going to the countryside to hang out with his kouhai, his mother had looked surprised, and his father had seemed amused.
After he finally received the taken-aback response of “Well, that came out of nowhere. I suppose it’s fine, though”, he’d realized the hypocrisy of him telling Kagiura to get permission from his parents.
And after I’ve been acting like an older brother to Kagi-kun.
He hadn’t shaken off the sheepishness of this blunder, and they made none of the conversation that usually follows after saying hello.
Hirano has two pieces of luggage, a gray Boston bag and a tote bag borrowed from his mother. Inside the tote bag is a hostess gift. The day after they’d discussed his trip, his mother had prepared something that would keep for a long time at room temperature.
When’s the right time to hand it over?
In his day to day life, he’s always playing the role of dorm senpai or disciplinary committee member, but in the grand scheme of things, he’s still only just a high schooler.
Playing in the river, swimming in the ocean, fireworks.
He had imagined how they’d spend time in the countryside, and had diligently researched how to get a ticket for the long-distance bus, but he hadn’t even considered the right way to give his greetings.
The night bus, with four seats to a row, leaves the terminal at 10:30; they expect to arrive at Kagiura’s countryside house at around 9:30 the following morning.
There is no way they won’t get hungry while traveling for roughly half a day.
Which is to say, as soon as they checked where to board the bus, Hirano and Kagiura decided to stock up on snacks at the convenience store.
As the two stand side by side in the blindingly-lit store, all the awkwardness of not seeing each other for a week melts away.
“I wonder if the 500 milliliter bottle of tea will be enough.”
“We’ll be stopping at a rest stop along the way, so we can probably buy more then.”
“Should I get karaage?”
“It’ll have a really strong smell.”
“Yeah, you’re right…what should I get, then…?”
It’d be prudent to get something that won’t spill easily, smell strongly, or make a loud noise when eaten, so they won’t bother the passengers around them.
Once they consider those conditions, their options are narrowed down quite a bit.
“You should get something that’ll keep you full overnight. Like onigiri or something.”
“That might be enough. Ah, I’m gonna get konbu.”
“You’re a fan of konbu, huh?”
Being away from school, in addition to being totally caught up in the excitement of the trip, makes the boundaries between senpai and kouhai fade away.
While they test out the various furnishings, each of their appetites subdued by onigiri as soon as they’d boarded the bus, the speakers crackle to life to announce that the interior lights will be shut off.
As they were instructed to do so as not to bother the passengers around them after the bus lights shut off, the reading lights flicker on all around the bus.
Hirano was among those who turned them on for the sheer novelty of it, but he had packed most of his belongings in the Boston bag, so he actually doesn’t have a book on hand.
Not quite ready to settle in yet, he looks to the side, where Kagiura has spread out a blanket and made himself completely at home.
He has turned his sling bag round to the front, as if trying to cradle his valuables. The seats must be cramped for the long-legged Kagiura.
“You’re not sleepy, are you?” His voice fading to a whisper, he adds on, “I kinda want to sleep since we ate all that food”, and his words are illustrated by the drowsy look in his eyes. There’s no helping it. It’s already past 11 o’clock.
Hirano turns off the reading light.
“...Now I’m kinda tired, too.”
Hirano spreads out his blanket, adjusts his footrest and reclining seat, and unfolds the eyemask he’d taken from his bag.
When he glances around the bus, there’s just a few people left who still have their lights on.
Hirano slowly opens his eyes, having become conscious of the tap tap of his arms being lightly poked. The aisleway lights are on, glaringly bright.
At some point the eye mask had slipped upward, and is now hanging on to the top of his head by just a hair.
“Hirano-san, we’re here—at the rest stop, I mean. Let’s go outside.”
The person whispering into his ear while gently touching his arms is Kagiura.
He faintly remembers the schedule. The break at the rest stop is indeed late at night, around 1 a.m. They’d only gotten to sleep for a few hours. Hirano, who is bad with mornings at the best of times, normally wouldn’t be able to get up this early if the world was ending. But he’s been woken up by Kagiura, who is even worse at waking up in the morning, which never happens. He can’t very well just not get up.
Upon rising from his seat as prompted, he quickly realizes that his arms, bared by his short sleeves, are freezing. Just standing up is enough to get his blood moving again.
“They said the break will be 15 minutes. We’ll be more comfortable if we get off the bus and stretch. Just about everyone else’s already gotten off.”
Sure enough, when he looks around all the empty seats stand out. Walking up the narrow aisles to use the bathroom in the bus is an unappealing prospect, so it seems they’d be better off going outside.
When he follows Kagiura off the bus, the lights of the buildings shine brilliantly below the night sky as far as the eye can see. There are multiple buses stopped besides the one Hirano and Kagiura are taking, and the carpark is also bustling with personal automobiles.
“The night bus is colder than I expected.”
As they walk towards the facilities, Hirano regrets not having a long-sleeved shirt on hand.
“Yeah. If you only have that blanket, it’s a little chilly.”
It’s probably because of all the greenery. Even considering the fact that it’s night, it’s still the middle of summer, yet the open air is refreshingly cool.
“It doesn’t feel much like summer, does it?”
“It’d be nice if it felt like this during the day, too.”
As they walk, he stretches his wrists out and rolls them in relief. For Kagiura with his long legs, the seats in the bus are probably way too cramped.
Hirano had bought corn soup in a cup from a vending machine after quickly using the facilities.
He isn’t hungry, but it warms his stomach.
Even though he blew on it, it doesn’t cool down the way it would in wintertime.
As he lightly sips it to keep from burning himself, Kagiura, having returned from buying more onigiri, tilts his head.
“Hirano-san, are you gonna take that onto the bus?”
“Nah. The smell is pretty strong.”
“Can I eat some of it then? We only have three minutes left.”
“Geh. I’m leaving it to you, then.”
“You got it. I’ll take care of it for you!”
Kagiura’s refreshing smile brings his defined features into prominence, and he looks a bit like an idol. A pair of college-aged girls passing by whisper to each other, “God, he’s hot,” and “I know, right?”
After gulping down more than half, Kagiura hands the cup back to Hirano.
“It’s not hot anymore, so you should be good.”
Just as he said, when Hirano tilts the cup, he can feel the warmth where his lips touch the rim.
“Oh, you’re right.”
He drains the cup in two large sips and throws it out, and they hurry back to the bus.
Apart from the two of them, it looks like all the passengers have already returned to their seats. They made it back in the nick of time with one minute to spare.
After sharing a silent smile with Kagiura, Hirano pulls the blanket firmly up over his shoulders. There’s a short announcement, and then the bus quietly pulls out of the rest stop.
Thanks to the warmth in his stomach, he slips back into sleep easily.
They take their time eating a breakfast of curry at the cafe in front of the train station; the car comes to pick them up as they look around at the station tenants.
“You’ve come such a long way. Thank you for looking after Akira.”
The person who receives them fondly is Kagiura’s aunt.
Apparently, the plan is to head to a place they call the main house after stopping at a supermarket on the way for some shopping. Noticing that the side profile of the woman in the driver’s seat resembles Kagiura, Hirano says, “you look a lot like Kagi-kun,” to which Kagiura replies, “you think so?” with a grin.
Their affable expressions especially look alike.
Upon arrival and disembarkment, Hirano stands in front of the house in amazement.
“.....It’s huge!”
“Right? It makes it really easy for us all to get together.”
There are spots for six vehicles in the parking lot, a fact by which he’d been overwhelmed. And when taking in the full breadth of the house with wide eyes, he is once again at a loss for words at the vastness of Kagiura’s grandfather’s house.
He’d heard it was big ahead of time, but this is several times larger than the scale he was imagining.
The construction seems old, but it wouldn’t be out of line to call the meticulously maintained house a mansion.
Just as he’d expected from Kagiura’s description, the countryside spreads out around the house as far as the eye can see.
The sky is wide and open, and a river flows nearby.
Narrow irrigation channels for agricultural usage flow quite quickly, and it seems dangerous for small children.
“Wow…no way, this place is frickin’ huge. Do you guys have barbecues and stuff on that riverbank we passed by earlier?”
“I haven’t. It’s easy to get down into the river there, and there’s a lot of fish and other critters, so we play in the water there a lot.”
The pathway leading to the entrance is paved, so he looks around at their surroundings without worrying about getting tripped up. The buildings are set quite far apart from one another, and he can’t even begin to guess the distance.
Through the front door that had been left open, he just catches a glance at the more than ten pairs of shoes lined up. The foyer itself is also wide, as is the entryway step.¹ It looks as if someone had reproduced it from a picture of a classic Japanese building.
“We’re home!”
“Pardon the intrusion.”
Following Kagiura’s lead, their larger luggage is left in the entryway for the time being. Hirano takes from his tote bag only the hostess gift and heads into the house after Kagiura.
They are greeted by a group of small children.
“Oh, I haven’t seen you guys since spring break!”
Going by their ages, they might be his cousins? It seems as though Kagiura is acting like the adult of this group, and his expression looks more mature.
But where are the actual adults?
Kagiura’s aunt, who’d driven them here, had gone around to a side door, so they had parted ways a bit before reaching the entryway.
Who should I give this to?
The presence of the paper bag, the corner folded down, has made him uncharacteristically antsy.
“Ummm…..Hirano-san, this way.”
Kagiura, who at some point had procured a sword fashioned from newspaper, is heading down the hallway while engaged in mock swordplay with a boy of around five.
Rather than going easy on him, he is fending off the attack strategically so as to avoid taking any hits; he seems to be taking the match seriously as he grins. He’s not even pausing for breath.
As he trails behind, a small girl follows close by Hirano’s side. As expected, she vaguely resembles Kagiura. Particularly, the part of their hair.
The girl’s eye level is only up to his legs, so he figured she must have mistaken him for a family member, but when he asks her “how old are you?” she cheerfully replies “four!”, so he probably doesn’t need to worry about it.
The fingers she has confidently thrust upward, presumably so Hirano can easily see them, are only three in number; he’s tickled by not knowing which was the correct number.
He probably did stuff like this, too, he thinks—he’s starting to get an image of how his kouhai was as a child, despite not having known him at that age.
Thanks to that, his nerves settled, and even giving his greetings to Kagiura’s grandfather, who was relaxing in a Japanese-style room listening to the radio, was enjoyable.
The hostess gift that he’d finally managed to hand over will, after being used as an offering at the household altar, be put out as today’s afternoon snack.
In the meantime, everyone is called to their seats for lunch, and proper introductions are made.
As far as Kagiura’s parents and siblings go, apparently they plan to arrive around the time of Obon.
When asked why he’d chosen to come at a separate time, Kagiura had replied, “I wanted to come before the jellyfish start coming out,” but this explanation comes under fire as a “weird reason”—the residents of this house don’t play in the nearby seaside much, since rip currents form easily there.
At that moment, Kagiura’s eyes had flitted to Hirano, meeting his gaze before darting away.
Well, it was probably just that if they came for Obon, it’d be uncomfortable to let friends tag along.
After lunch, their troupe, led by the kids, play in the river, and as soon as they return to the house to rehydrate start playing a game with a ball, so there’s no time to rest between the nonstop activities.
Hirano had intended to keep up with Kagiura, but the difference in their stamina had been made painfully clear, and before he knew it he’d found himself surrounded by a growing number of small children.
They kept on playing, but they told him, “we’ll save you!”, so they’re just putting up with the guest.
The sunlight was strong, so he had borrowed a straw hat, but having changed into a swimsuit and entered the river, his upper half had gotten quite sunburnt.
The prickling pain had been getting progressively worse, and if his skin wasn’t damaged before he got in the bath, it sure was after.
Hirano is suffering away in the second floor bedroom he’d been given when Kagiura, who’d taken a bath after him, returns holding a tube of cream in his hand.
“Hirano-san, I heard your back is bright red. Put this on. It’s for sunburns, so it’ll help a bit.”
“Oh, they told you?”
“Yeah. They said it looked super painful when you washed your back.”
Hirano, who’d ended up in charge of the kids and even been put on bath duty before he knew what was happening, had taken his bath with the three boys, aged lower grade to kindergarten.
Among them was the young boy who’d enthusiastically brandished the newspaper sword.
“Yeah, for sure. It wasn’t bothering me that much, but it hurts like a bitch when something rubs against my back.”
“Getting that lot to behave must’ve been rough.”
“They didn’t behave…they weren’t even still when I was drying them off.”
Luckily, they weren’t cowed by Hirano’s blond hair, but they kept jumping up to play with it, so they got wet again as soon as he dried them, and he’d had to put their pajamas on with their hair still soaking wet, which was a pain in the ass.
“Huh? At that age, they can dry themselves off, you know.”
“...Are you kidding me?”
Kagiura giggles.
“It’s because you’re so nice. You’ve been spoiling them rotten. …..Will you take off your top for me?”
“You gonna put the cream on for me?”
“Of course.”
He pulls his shirt off, flinching at the feeling of the fabric grazing his skin.
The sensation of the refreshingly cool fingers stroking his shoulder blades feels indescribably good.
With the hectic day finally over, he thinks he’ll go to sleep early, but strangely, drowsiness doesn’t come.
“There’s a ton of manga in this room.” At Kagiura’s prompting, he decides to begin reading a volume—it’s halfway through the series, but it’s just a gag manga.
He was under the impression that reading while lying down makes your eyes bad, but there are no chairs, so it’s the most comfortable position.
Have the younger kids fallen asleep already?
When it occurs to him to check the clock, it’s drawing near midnight.
When did that happen? Surprised, he looks over at Kagiura beside him.
Up until yesterday, he would always be asleep long before this time, but right now he’s wide awake.
“Kagi-kun, you’re not tired?”
“Nah. We had a slow morning, so I’m fine.”
Ah, that’s right. With the night bus arriving so late, he’d gotten to sleep in three hours longer than on days he has practice.
Hirano, who like Kagiura is not a morning person, had also slept in quite a long time today.
But if they don’t sleep soon, before they know it they’ll be ringing in a new day.
“We should go to bed soon, though.”
“Wait, just a little longer.”
“Hm? Didn’t you already get to a good stopping point in your book?”
The manga had already been put away, and Kagiura’s the one who finished getting ready for bed first, but for some reason he shakes his head.
No sooner has he pulled his sling bag towards him than he has withdrawn a small paper bag.
“Your birthday.”
Hirano’s eyes grow wide at Kagiura, who had passed him the bag as he spoke.
At first, he’s surprised.
After a moment, he glances at the clock, and lets out a little huff of laughter.
It is August 1st, 12:00 a.m. on the dot.
He’d managed to get the time to the minute—and Hirano’s giving his abs quite the workout, suppressing his laughter out of respect for the fact that it’s the middle of the night.
Kagiura is stumped by Hirano’s laughter, which had continued for a while, but eventually he smiles, as Hirano certainly seems satisfied with the present, firmly clutching it in his hands.
Kagiura is stumped by Hirano’s silent laughter, which had continued for quite a while, but eventually he smiles, apparently satisfied by the fact that Hirano’s clutching the present tightly.
“Happy birthday, Hirano-san.”
“Dude, you’re such a try-hard! ….Thanks. Ah, sorry for laughing.”
He’s as overjoyed as he is shocked.
He hasn’t said as much, but with the way he can’t stop grinning, he probably doesn’t have to.
“I’m glad you’re happy about it!”
Hirano’s pretty sure his own expression now matches the soft smile on Kagiura’s face.
He checks the contents of the bag to find a small box. It’s clearly some kind of accessory.
“Now what do we have here?” With a feeling of trepidation, Hirano opens the box with a click. Inside is a set of earrings in an understated blue color lined up within the velvet fabric.
“These are…”
“I’ve been thinking it’d be a shame if your piercings closed up. Wear them every day, Hirano-san.”
“Yeah.” He nods, then goes to the mirrored dresser in the corner of the room to put them in.
The holes really have started to close, and rather than allowing the earrings through smoothly, they feel slightly obstructed.
After affixing them to each ear, he goes to stand in front of Kagiura, whose eyes are crinkled in apparent satisfaction. Like this, it is unclear which one of them had received a gift.
It’d be easy to lose them if he wore them to sleep, so Hirano takes them out soon afterward, but he’ll wake up before Kagiura tomorrow and put them in first thing.
Having made up his mind, Hirano went to sleep.
And how soft he felt.
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Long chapter, but we made it 😭🙏 I feel so bad it took me this long to get chapter 3 out to yall but the past 6 months have been nothing but suffering and I've basically been working on this in bits and pieces around all the other bs I've been juggling. Thanks for being patient with me!
T/N: (1) I don't know what this is called in English. I don't think it even has a name in English though I feel like I've seen it in some houses here. Basically, it's when you walk into a house and there's a step beyond the foyer leading to the rest of the house. Like this
(2) Obon is an annual event meant for honoring your ancestors. Families tend to get together and visit their family graves, and it's believed that the spirits of the deceased visit household alters. So Hirano thinks that the reason Kagi wanted to come at a different time from the rest of his family is because it might be weird to have a friend hanging around during Obon, but really it's just because Kagi wanted to be able to celebrate Hirano's birthday with him lol
(3) I don't think this is true I have no idea why he thinks this lmao (but then again, it'd be explain my terrible eyesight, so maybe he's onto something)
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A very big thank you to reading list members @jeizet, @jujupanic, @massyworld, @umbreonwolfy, and @acidsuzanne-blog (who tumblr won't let me tag for some reason?) You guys are the reason I'm still doing this and I'm very grateful for your support 🥹
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thehomophobe · 1 month
Latest & Greatest Chapter 6: Bandages for Boo-Boos
After a well-rested sleep, you wake with a grin on your face. You take a shower and get dressed. You promised yourself today you were going to visit the Celestials in the hospital as well as check on the survivor. You check your phone. 7:00 AM. Good. You grab your coat and head for the door. You look out to see the soldier S.T.A.F.F. bots carry more of those crates down to the storage room from a pile. You wonder where the crates are coming from, let alone what's inside. They carry them effortlessly, then again, these things can carry from 300 to 500 pounds. Your curiosity got the best of you as you took a peek under the cloth. The wooden crate had a red logo: "Please refrain from touching necessary equipment." A S.T.A.F.F. bot shooed you away from the pile. That's weird. It acted as if there was something fragile and pricy that the slightest touch could destroy it. Like you said, it's probably just ammo and the bots were programmed to prevent anyone from stealing. You continued down to the elevator and pressed the button up to the 1st floor. 
DING! The doors open to the futuristic city of the plex. Citizens mingle with each other like it's any other day in life. You remember the times when you talked with Sylvester back in high school. How he would ask you about the homework from last week since the military programs he's in keep him left behind in school, meaning you have to take the fall for him. You didn't mind of course, though you hated explaining to the teachers that he was not cheating off of you. You're surprised all those B-'s in school didn't stop him from joining the military. Though Sylvester is one of the most headstrong and determined people you have met in your life. When there was a will, there was a way for him. You just didn't think the way was him leading armies of androids to battle against an alien invasion. You arrived at the Matthew Patrick Emergency Clinic. The biggest hospital in the plex supposedly named after a great detective and forensics specialist. Pass the sliding doors reveal doctors and nurses around with patients walking, in wheelchairs, or emergency beds. You walk to the front desk and greet the Asian woman and the S.T.A.F.F. bot in teal scrub uniforms.
"How may we help you, commander?" The woman asked you. 
"I'm looking to see the latest survivor that came here." You responded. 
"There were 27 survivors rescued from the surface." The bot calculated. (Looks like you have some competition) 
"Then can I find where the Celestials are?" You asked again. 
"They are currently in room 4-013."
"Visitor elevators are on your left." The woman pointed to three elevators.
"Thank you." You nodded and headed to the middle elevator. You waited until it arrived with two doctors joining you. They greet you respectively before looking annoyed. "Those dumb bots think they're always right and know the proper treatments for patients." 
"Yeah, they treat us like scrubs." (Ay scrubs are just as important as the doctors themselves thank you 😠)
"Did the researchers have to make them so nitpicky?"
"They look eager to steal our jobs." 
You wonder who they were talking about. They weren't talking about Sun and Moon, right? No, they can't be. Sun's a sweetheart. Moon looks a little intimidating, but you're sure he's chill. Probably just complaining about the S.T.A.F.F. bots being annoying again.  (Imagine those things as doctors. TAKE YOUR PRESCRIPTION TAKE YOUR PRESCRIPTION oml) The elevator opens on the third floor as the doctors leave talking about some hot chicks they met somewhere (my god 🙄) It felt like the stuffiness of the air was cleared and you could breathe again. The elevator closed again and moved up to the fourth floor. You hoped that the survivor's scars were healed and was feeling better than before. 
The elevator opened to see a white hallway with blinding lights. The doors and windows were lined with a light purple. Signs with the respective numbers of each room hung above the doors. You looked at each of them. "4 11, 4 12, 4 13." You stop in front of the room's window seeing Moon wipe a cotton ball on the survivor in the hospital while Sun was talking to them. Speaking of them, their face looked clearer than it was when you found them. The same tan skin and brown eyes, only their hair was down. Brown hair that was short and a little frizzy. (Hasn't been washed in months) You knocked on the door. Sun opened the door. "I'm sorry but visitors aren't allo-" He stopped his sentence when he saw it was you. *Gasp* "Sunshine! I-I mean commander (Y/N), what are you doing here? Wait don't tell me. You wanted to see how's our patient?" He dragged you in to see the survivor. "I'd said she looks healthier than before," Sun said proudly.
My throat feels better after all that medicine you shove down it. It did the work all right. The survivor's voice sounds much clearer. 
"You're welcome." Moon threw the cotton ball in the trash bin next to him.
"Glad you're still standing after everything." You smiled at the survivor. "And that goes to you two as well." You look to Sun. He giggled sweetly. "Aw sunshi-commander. You're too sweet." Moon rolls his eyes. "Now, haven't you found a home for me yet?" The survivor raised a brow. You completely forgot about that.
"I bet the commander found you the perfect place." Sun grinned.
"Uh yeah yeah I did..." You fiddle with your coat sleeve. 
"Hope it's not cramped and dirty like most people say they are." The survivor snides. 
While you have never actually seen what the housing looks like for citizens, you hope that's not the case. Sure, you've heard about how the rich live in these penthouses on the second floor as well as luxury hotels that cost a lot of money, but being forced into a small, old apartment building sounds horrible. (Especially if you're paying $1,000 in rent) You didn't want to tell her that you hadn't figured out the housing yet, but you didn't want to lie to her after going through all that surviving on the surface. "I'll show you the place once you're out of the hospital." You look to Sun asking about when the estimated time would be.
"Well since your temperature decreased by 2 degrees, it's normal again. But the stitches still need to heal so I'd said the next 3 hours would do the trick." Sun smiled.
Moon looked at the clock. "It's 9:00 Sun. Let's give our patient some breakfast." 
"Oh goodie! Do you want some commander? Sun asked you.
"Uh, sure."
"Okie dokie! We'll be right back. You can get comfy on the chair over there." He pointed to the burgundy wool chair near the window before shutting the door, leaving you with the survivor. Silence fills the room before the survivor scoffs. "I can't people actually trust these...things." You looked at her with a curious expression.
"What do you mean?"
"People are willing to let robots do their work for them. Nursing our people, protecting our homes, teaching our children. And people like you're just letting this happen." 
"The androids help as extra hands. There's only so much humans can do nowadays." You make your point. "The amount of people who lost their jobs on the surface, hell, the amount of people who died. All of those parents, their children being left alone. And there are very few teachers. That's why Sun and Moon were created, to care for all the orphans." 
"But isn't there already a lot of doctors? Why do I need robots giving me my prescription if a pharmacist can do the same thing?"
"The amount of people who were injured by the invasion was, and still is, high. That's why there are so many hospitals built. And I heard that med school takes a while, so we need doctors on hand now."
"Alright alright, but what about those freaky bots on wheels, what's their purpose? Just look like cannon fodder to me."
"Our army of androids help defend against the raptures so we can claim the surface again. The military isn't built for those things."
"Then why not upgrade your tanks, or weapons or stuff like that?"
"We are!" You apologize for shouting. "But I heard that androids like my squad are the greatest piece of technology ever created. There's a significant decrease in casualties and rapture population recorded from the past 7 months. Androids can be the way to save society."
The survivor doesn't respond. She just stares into space.    
"Are you really that against them?" You asked.
The survivor doesn't speak until "Do you really think you can reclaim the surface...?" She asked. And to be honest, you...weren't exactly sure. All the evidence you used to back up your claim was from catching up with the news about the surface and the androids from the moment you came to the plex. Your fascination with technology over the years led you to learn about almost everything from what the research team announced. You kept track of all the news (for the first time in your life) But to reclaim the surface, that's a feat you weren't sure of. However... 
"I think we can. I believe in the androids."
You have this unshakeable hope that tells you they can.
Silence befalls again. 
"My name's Lorelei." She smiles. "But tell that to those guys and I'll beat the shit outta you."
"Alright. Nice to me you Lorelei." You smiled. 
"We're back~! Sorry for the wait." The doors open suddenly to see Sun and Moon with trays of food. A plain omelet, three crispy hash browns, a blueberry muffin, a little bowl of cut-up strawberries, blueberries, grapes, orange slices, a glass of orange juice, and a carton of 2% milk on the light green trays. "Here you go sunbeam!" Sun places the tray in front of Lorelei while Moon hands you yours. "Thanks." You smiled. Moon grunts and hands you a plastic fork and knife. As you ate a piece of the omelet, you could see Sun trying to feed Lorelei a cut-up piece of hash brown to her. "I can feed myself, you know." You chuckled at that site. Eating your food, you can see in the corner of your eye Moon watching you. You shuddered a little, his eyes stared into you. You just thought he was observing (like an introvert) but it felt cold.
"It's nice for you to visit us here at the hospital, commander." Sun beams. (haha get it?) "Rarely anyone comes to see us." He said that all to cheerfully. 
"What, why not?" You asked.
"No cares about us." Moon growls.
"No, if that was the case, commander wouldn't be here!" Sun looked at you. "Right?"
"Of course. I care about both of you." 
Moon scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Still, it's really nice for you to visit us. It gets a little lonely when it's just us and the patients. The doctors here aren't the friendliest." That made you remember what those doctors said in the elevator—calling them nitpicky and wanting to steal their jobs. You knew that's not the case, they're just doing what they're programmed to do. You didn't want to mention what they said to Sun and Moon not wanting to ruin the mood so you decided to change the subject. "I also wanted to congratulate you two on your first mission."
"Oh sun-commander, we should be congratulating you! It was your first mission after all." Sun chuckled.
"No way, this was your first mission as well."
"We were just doing what we're programmed for." Moon comments.
"Still, I'm proud of you. Especially you Sun." You smiled at him.
"Me?" Sun points to himself.
"Yeah, you. You were so brave during the operation. You went out of your way to save someone's life." 
"I did. I did didn't I?" His eyes widen. *Gasp* "I'M A LIFESAVER!" 
"As if I was dying," Lorelei remarked.
"You could of if it wasn't for that garbage stitching barely holding you up." Moon snides.
You chuckled at the sight of Sun's realization and the quips exchanged by Moon and Lorelei. "So are you two twins?" You asked Sun, wanting to get to know them better. "Oh yes! Yes, we are. At least that's what the researchers said. We were both created at the same time so I guess we're considered brothers." Well that makes sense. "I couldn't ask for a better brother than Moonie." He gives Moon a big hug. 
"Sun that's not what-"
"Do you have any siblings commander?" Sun's question cut off Moon's response.
"Actually I do." You told them. (Sorry only children) "A brother," You smiled. "Really?! *Gasp* "We have to see him sometime. We could have a sibling bonding day!" Sun stims a little while Moon just looks away. You wouldn't mind hanging out with the twins besides work. And besides, it's been a while since you and your brother talked. "Is he as bright and cheerful as him?" Moon points to Sun. "Well he's calmer and more analytical than me but he can be the funniest sometimes." You reminisce about the times you spent with your brother before the invasion. From him helping with your homework to getting into fights to just plain old having fun. You were separated before the invasion occurred since he was in college. After that, you called him on the phone, worrying if he was ok. But the cell service wasn't working by that time. The only way you found out he was alive was by getting your ID badge on the first floor. You bumped into him while waiting in line. You did miss him.
"He's a researcher here." You smiled.
"Gosh, he must be pretty busy." Sun puts a hand under his chin sympathetically.
"Rarely see him." You sigh. "But I guess he could say the same about me being a commander." 
"Yeah. You must have a lot of work to do in that little office of yours." Moon said sarcastically. 
"Hey! You can only imagine how many reports I file a day?" You argued. Even though they get all a little repetitive and you miss most of the due dates due to procrastination.
"And you can only imagine how many patients we see in a day. Guess we're not so different." Moon smirked.
"Hey! That's not true Moonie!" Sun intervenes. "Commanders are just as important as doctors here in the plex." He nods his head.
 "Really? Are you sure?" Moon looks daggers at you. Ok. You really don't know why he's giving you these dirty looks. The entire time you've been nice to them from the operation to today, giving your time to visit them in the hospital. Could it be that he doesn't trust your skills because you're a novice? No this doesn't feel like that. This feels like hatred. Well, at least Sun likes you. You look at the time. 12:30 PM. Boy did time fly. You wanted to get back to your room to submit more reports before you get in trouble. "As much as I want to stay here I have to get going." You head for the door.
"Aw. Leaving already? You just got here." Sun pouts.
"Sorry Sunny. Thanks for the breakfast though."
"Our pleasure commander." He smiles. "I'll put that in the cafeteria." He takes the tray from you.
"And Sunny."
"You can call me 'sunshine'. I don't mind." Sun smiles widely. You can tell he wasn't comfortable talking to you formally. You bet that everyone tells him to talk properly when authority. It must have been hard for him to contain himself. You say your goodbyes as you leave the room. You head to the elevator.
The elevator brings you down to the first floor. You wave goodbye to the receptionist and the bot and out the door. While you walk around the plex, your phone vibrates. You turn on your phone to see a message from Vanessa.
Vanessa: Come to the observation tower. Immediately.
You wonder what she needs you urgently. And when was there an observation tower?!
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lazulisong · 11 months
i guess i should clarify the surgery timeline a bit (and also link the amazon list haha)
Nov 9 is the in person appointment with my surgeon, where i will get to ask fun questions about Pain Management and Weight Restrictions and answer even more fun questions about How I Want to Look (rn those answers are: idgaf as long as these fucking glands are off and that the idea of having cut and paste nipples causes me acute revulsion)! i'm taking the day off despite working at the same campus as the surgeons office because i will probably be taking the full amount of xanax im prescribed in the morning.
Nov 27 is the pre op appointment which will be over the phone with one of the PAs.
My leave starts as of Dec 8; i will return to work on Jan 2
sharon arrives dec 10, ??? i somehow get myself over to the rental which may involve sharon picking me up as she goes from the airport. (also i get groceries delivered to the rental because there is no way i'm going to the store when i expect to be wound up anyway)
if i don't have to go haring all over Portland for medications on Dec 11 (i'm going to campaign hard for getting them released on Friday since the pharmacy i go to is also on this campus), sharon and i will drive down south to pick up Mom and see the dog.
dec 12 at 8:30 i check in at the hospital (ALSO on the same campus and the one where amy had brain surgery) and juli arrives to be emotional support / be contact point for friends
surgery is scheduled for 10:30 and i should be out of the OR by 2:30 so i expect to be back to the rental by 3:30 or 4:00.
Mom stays until i'm off the good pills and can stay by myself, sharon drives her back (im not driving two hours with drains in, thanks)
dec 18 i have my first post op, and on dec 26 i will have the last one except presumably any follow ups i get scheduled later.
i might go south after my second post op but i have been repeatedly, reliably assured that i can expect an acute stage of depression d/t you know, being knocked unconscious, carved up, and then having drains for a week so that's going to be a big "i'll let you know the week before, mom"
i've been blessed with an amazing amount of support but if you would like to contribute i'm about 500$ shy of my overall goal of $4000:
and i also have an amazon list of assorted necessities and comforts:
but i also really need a lot of good thoughts because wow my anxiety is through the roof. and maybe some kindle unlimited suggestions for while im on painkillers.
thank you for your support!
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watchingovergvff · 2 years
Family Firsts- Danny Wagner
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Summary: Meeting Danny’s family was nerve wracking. Thankfully he’s there to save the day when you need it most.
Genre: Established Relationship. Fluff.
Word Count: 500
Warnings: None.
A/N: I love to hear feedback, so don’t hesitate to do so. Thank you for all the love and support<333
“Are you sure I look okay? It’s not too much?” you question as Danny grabs his coat.
“Baby, you look fantastic. How many more times do I need to tell you that, before you believe me?” he says. “I just want to make a good impression. This is the second time I’ve met your parents, not to mention all of your extended family. I want them to like me,” you whine, nerves thumping under your skin.
He pulls you close, rubbing soothing circles into your hips. “First of all, my parents adore you. Josie won’t stop bugging me about bringing you over more. Plus, it doesn’t matter what my family thinks of you, I happen to like you too much to get rid of you now,” he exclaims, a grin threatening to break out over your tight-lipped face. You lightly smack his chest, pushing him away from you with a laugh. Silently, you double check yourself in the mirror, pushing your worries to the side.
“Okay, we better go now before I chicken out and play dead,” you gripe as you trot through the front door. Danny chuckles at your dramatics, very used to them now.
Upon arrival, you anxiously climb out of Danny’s car, reaching for his hand, hoping it would stabilize you a bit. The both of you stand outside of his car for a few short moments, trying to prepare yourselves. Danny cups your hands, bringing them up to his lips, gently peppering kisses onto them.
“You ready?” he asks.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you mumble under your breath.
Walking up to the doorstep, you and Danny share small smiles towards one another, hoping to relieve some tension. Danny’s parents met the both of you at the door, with big welcoming smiles, begging the both of you to come in. The both of you are pulled into tight hugs by both parents. Danny’s mom telling you how happy she was that you came. His father insisting that he take all of your bags for you.
Both you and Danny make your way into further into the house, greeting everyone you come across with a polite hello and smile. Walking into the kitchen, you spot Josie from a mile away, shimmying through the group of people to get to her. She wraps you into a tight hug. “Just so were clear, the booze is that way. You’ll need it, I promise,” she laughs out. Laughing along with her, Danny goes to grab the both of you something to drink.
A few minutes later, dinner was set and ready for everyone attending. Danny quickly offers to fix a plate for the both of you, as long as you find you both a good seat. Claiming two spots across from Josie and her mother, you begin to catch up with the both of them. Shortly after the conversation is moved to another part of the table, Danny comes back with plates filled with food. You quietly thank him as he sits down.
After listening to Danny’s parents tell past Thanksgiving tales, a question is thrown your way.
“So, Danny, how long have you and y/n been together? How did the two of you met?” they ask. You shift in your seat a little, adjusting to all the attention on the both of you.
“We’ve been together for about three years now, quite a long time for someone to put up with me,” he says with a wide grin. Everyone shifts their gazes onto you. “If I’m being honest we didn’t really meet in the most romantic way. I had gone out with a few friends to a local bar, to celebrate my birthday, and it just so happened that their band was playing there that night. My friends had made me wear one of those silly birthday crowns and sashes. I had had a few drinks and my friends decided to make their way onto the dance floor, but I wanted to stay back and just watch the band play. The band finally took a break and went up to the bar to order some drinks, when a certain curly headed drummer walked past me, giving me a gentle smile. He asked if he could sit down with me and we just talked about anything and everything until their break was up. He griped about not wanting to leave me, but happily went back after I told him I wanted to hear the play some more. It was my birthday after all, how could he say no to that. I ended up staying until after their set was over, and he came back to sit with me. We talked until the bar made us leave, because they were closing. Of course, Danny the gentlemen, walked me to my car, and asked if he could take me out on a proper date. I teased him a bit, but eventually gave in. That was that, here we are three years later,” you said.
Everyone coed at the two of you, grinning at the both of you. Danny rubbed at your knee softly, happy that you felt comfortable enough to tell that story to his family.
Once dinner was over, the both of you began to say your goodbyes, exhausted and full to the brim with food.
Starting your drive home, you look over at Danny, eyes full of love.
“Do you think they liked me?” you asked.
“Are you kidding me, every last one of them couldn’t stop talking about how much they loved you. You have nothing to worry about, my love,” he says.
“I do think my grandparents wanted to have a stroke when they heard we met in a bar though,” he says with wide eyes. The both of you busting out in laughter. “Thank you for coming, babe. It really meant a lot to me,” he says, gazing into your eyes.
“You’re my family now Danny, I’d do anything for you. Even if it means getting grilled by your family. I’d do it again and again for you if I had to. Plus, it wasn’t so bad, your mom knows how to make a mean dirty Shirley, what more could I ask for,” you exclaim, grinning at him.
“You’re so ridiculous. I love you so much you weirdo,” he sighs in content.
“I love you too weirdo,” you say, pulling him into a kiss.
Hope you enjoyed!!!
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silicacid · 10 months
Near Rafah border, baby dies and aid held up again as Israel’s war resumes
One of the 28 premature Gaza babies moved to Egypt from al-Shifa Hospital is dead. And trucks with aid for Gaza must wait again.
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Humanitarian aid truck drivers drink tea as they wait to cross the Rafah border crossing to the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 [Amr Nabil/AP Photo]
Hundreds of trucks carrying aid for Gaza were lined up in a long queue at the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing. Drivers and volunteers, many of them waiting for more than a week at the border, were having their lunches on carpets next to the trucks in the evening sunlight on Thursday.
A car passed by to sell bread and cigarettes. The border gate opened every now and then to let empty trucks through, returning from the Gaza Strip.
Truck driver Ahmed Naim Ibrahim has been one of the first in line. On Thursday, no trucks were let in, Ibrahim said, due to congestion on the other side of the border. After entering the Rafah crossing, trucks first have to drive 40km (24 miles) south along the border towards the Al-Owga crossing between Egypt and Israel, Ibrahim explained. There, the Israelis inspect the trucks, after which they return to Rafah. Only then can the trucks unload the aid that is being delivered to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society and the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA.
From the moment a truck moves into the Rafah border crossing it takes two or three more days for the aid to be distributed in the Gaza Strip, Ibrahim said. “There is a line of 20km (12 miles) before the Israeli inspection,” he added.
Another driver, Saleh Ebada, agreed. “The inspection takes time, this is what causes the delay.” The trucks driven by Ebada and Ibrahim carry medicines, food, water, blankets and shrouds to cover the deceased.
“We are here because we want to support our brothers in Gaza,” said Hazem Mohamed, a volunteer for the Egyptian charity organisation Resala, which has 21 trucks waiting in line at the border. He is frustrated about the long wait. “Every day we are supposed to go in, but every time they postpone it to the next day,” he said. “But it is not in our hands. It is our duty to help, and the least we can do. Waiting for eight days is nothing compared to what those in Gaza are going through.”
Ibrahim and other drivers had hoped that they would be able to cross on Friday, but as the ceasefire ended, no trucks were let in. During the truce, the number of trucks entering the Rafah border increased from fewer than 100 to about 200 per day, but many of these are still stuck at the Israeli inspection. UN officials have said that, on average, 500 trucks used to enter the Strip daily before October 7, when Israel started its bombardment.
Trucks can be turned back to Egypt if the Israeli inspectors find “forbidden” things, drivers said. One, named Taha, said that for instance, small kitchen knives, scissors and gas canisters were not allowed. Israeli officials have said their checks are needed to ensure no weapons are being smuggled in for Hamas.
There are also X-rays on the Egyptian side of the border, to check the trucks before they enter the Rafah crossing. One volunteer explained that Egypt wants to make sure the trucks do not carry things Israel would block, in order to prevent any problems.
Besides aid, the Rafah border crossing has been a pathway for more than 9,000 people to leave Gaza in recent weeks.
According to official numbers in Egypt, 8,691 foreign or dual nationals entered the country between November 1 and November 29, including the period of the truce.
In the same period, 389 wounded Palestinians and 328 other people accompanying them also arrived in Egypt. They are being treated in a field hospital near the border in Sheikh Zuweid and in hospitals in El Arish and other cities in Egypt.
Among the Palestinians allowed to leave Gaza were 28 premature babies who were in al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City before it was taken over by Israeli forces. Of the 28 babies, 16 were first taken to El Arish General Hospital 45km (28 miles) from Rafah, while the remaining 12 were moved to Cairo.
But a doctor at El Arish hospital said on Thursday that one of the 16 babies at the facility had died. Six were taken to Cairo, while the remaining nine are in good condition. “They are healthy and growing,” the doctor said, who requested to remain anonymous as he was not the official spokesperson of the hospital.
Still, their future remains uncertain, as they are in Egypt without family. Many have no surviving direct family members, and it is unclear who, and where, their remaining relatives are, the doctor said. “Until we find them, they stay in the hospitals.”
One of the adult Palestinians treated in El Arish General Hospital is Rasha Elwan. Her legs were crushed by falling debris when an Israeli air strike hit her house in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.
She was taken to El Arish on November 21. “When I arrived here it was more comfortable. I am a little calmer here,” she said. Before being taken to El Arish, she was in Nasser hospital in the Gaza Strip. “In Gaza, the situation is disastrous. It was very difficult, there were a lot of wounded in the hospital. The doctors did not have time for all of us.”
In El Arish she underwent an operation, and doctors told her she might need another one. “Maybe I have to stay another two weeks in the hospital here, and afterwards I could go to Cairo to continue treatment,” she said. She hopes to stay in Egypt, but her family is still in Gaza. “My son died, and my husband is in a hospital in Gaza, he did not come here yet.”
Doctors at the hospital said that once the wounded are released, the diplomats from the mission of the Palestinian Authority in Egypt take care of them. There is a place in El Arish where the recovered Palestinians can stay for at least as long as the fighting continues. No one has been returned to Gaza, one doctor said, “only those who died”.
It is unclear what would happen to the wounded Palestinians in Egypt, and whether Elwan could stay in Egypt, if the fighting in Gaza were to stop.
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leasstories · 10 months
Lea’s advent calendar day 7 - A cute winter night
@writerthreads writing prompt for Christmas (2022), prompt 2:
["S'mores are perfect when the marshmallows are burnt" "You just can't cook."]
Eddie x gn!reader
No trigger warning.
WC: ≈500
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December 7th, 1985
Eddie and you just left the school parking lot when you excitedly say. “Eddie ! ‘Tis the perfect season to make ‘s’mores!”
At your words, Eddie’s eyes started sparkling like those of a little kid who just got a candy.
“Say no more !” He says in a theatrical voice “I make them like a pro!”
You giggle at Eddie’s excitement before saying. “Eddie, we actually have to go to the store to buy some!” You say when he keeps going in the trailer park’s direction.
“Shit!” He says before turning the van back like a maniac. You let out a small, according to Eddie cute, scream before slapping his arm. “You’re going to kill us in a car accident one of those days !”
“Relax Love” Eddie tells you “I know how to handle my old van” he says while driving in the direction of the store.
“Eddie, you know how to handle your precious van but you can’t handle the ice on the road!” You say looking at him sternly.
Eddie pouts but deep down, he finds you adorable all worried like that. Do not mistake him,he doesn’t like the fact that you’re worried. He just thinks you’re adorable.
A few minutes later, you arrive at Hawkins only store. You buy marshmallows as well as wooden sticks to put them on. You check out and despite Eddie’s protests you’re the one paying. Your argument was that it was your idea. In realty, you’re conscious that even with the money from his deals your boyfriend struggles with money.
After checking out, you go back to Eddie’s van and Eddie drives towards the trailer park. You spend the ride in comforting silence, Eddie holding your left hand and driving with his left hand.
You arrive and you both practically run inside the trailer. You’re the first one arriving in the trailer, you take some barbecue charcoal.
Eddie sets up everything to make a fire while you take care of putting marshmallows on wooden sticks.
Once everything is ready, Eddie insist on putting your S’more on the fire. He then wants to be the one feeding you, because when you’re just the two of you, your boyfriend is a cheesy romantic.
When Eddie take your S’more out of the fire, you look at it dubitative.
“Eddie! It’s burnt.” You tell him.
“S'mores are perfect when the marshmallows are burnt" Eddie protests.
“You just can’t cook” you say fondly before kissing your boyfriend on the cheek.
You take two picks with marshmallows, put them under the fire and feed Eddie one. You spend the night playfully feeding each others. At the end of the night, Eddie even take his acoustic guitar and teach you how to play your favorite songs next to the fire, with you sat on his laps.
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awmedspaa · 23 days
Host the Ultimate Botox Party in Hoffman Estates!
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Are you in the lookout for a special occasion for your wedding anniversary or a birthday party? Check out a few examples birthday celebration or any other special occasion, you surely know that inviting AW Med Spa in Hoffman Estates for a Botox party will add the right Glam to the event! Here’s How It Works: 1. Choose Your Party Pack: There are two unique approaches in case you decide to patronize the Botox party in AW Med Spa. You can either have it done at their elegant spa or even hire one of their specialized injectors to come to the clients’ house. 2. Host at the Spa: You would love a hosted two hour occasion during which you and your guests would be treated to Botox. This is as an additional feature where people are allowed to bring their own food and drinks to enhance the occasion. 3. Host at Home: Unlike the previous two options that are popular among those, who do prefer a quite formal way of communication, the present option is more individualized. All you have to do is prepare an inviting area in your own house and one of AW Med Spa’s professional injectors will arrive! 4. Event Requirements: To help facilitate a great party, provide a contact list, $500 down payment that goes toward your desired party, and have your notice of the preparations made 3 days in advance. Plus, earn rewards it means that for each 100 units of sales the hostess is supplied with 10 units for further use.
Read more: BOTOX PARTY
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thetenthdimension · 3 months
I Can't Stop Writing Diaries
There’s this one picture I took two years ago. Well, it’s two pictures, one isn’t as good as the other so I forget about it.
It’s the picture I look back on as the axle that my life is spinning around. At the solstice of 2022, at the age of 27, I went to a park in Tolworth that was on my way to work. I arrived at dawn, changed into a white floral dress, and did sun salutations at sunrise. After that, I did Tai Chi until I had to start work at 6am.
That day I was thinking the culmination of thoughts who-knows-how-long in the making. “I don’t want to look back at the age of 50 when so much of my life is already done, and just wish I had the courage earlier”. Three, maybe four, days later I finalised my new name and spoke to a couple of friends. It was time to transition.
The picture was taken at the Solstice, as the sun rose, in that dress, doing those sun salutations. One of the most pivotal moments of my life actually captured.
I can’t stop thinking about Herodotus.
He’s the “father of history”. The first (western, preserved) person to write an extended record of history. Before him, all we have is archaeological artefacts. We look at them and guess their meaning.
Even this is amazing. The amount of oral history that floated away as soon as it was spoken must be staggering on a level of a shadow-internet. We have a literary record with herodotus. He brings the past into vivid colour. You look at the Proto-Indo-European culture of 4000 BC and you piece it together with some wheels, some cups, some grave goods, and the odd descendant word across 500 descendant languages. Herodotus makes history feel like it’s finally arrived.
I never used to take pictures. Certainly not of myself. The first time I ever took lots of selfies was after I was an extra in Bohemian Rhapsody. They put me in pretty makeup and did my hair and on the last day, I asked them very politely not to wipe it off or undo it. I took all the pictures at the train station. It was the first time I ever felt compelled to do this. I remember loving myself and finally feeling good. My scene got cut.
I look back on those pictures and make my best guesses as to my thoughts. I think they jog my memory. I’m grateful to have something to latch onto. How much is lost, though?
One thing they ask you during a psych evaluation for transition is “were you unhappy then? Are you happier now?” God, I think so? I feel happier, I think? I look back at bright spots and dark spots and I can say there’s a common thread. But how can I reconstruct my thoughts when so many of them have just floated away?
I have these moments I call Talismans. Moments that when I doubt myself, I think back to and remember the feeling. Spending an hour staring at myself before a goth girl concert because I felt I looked amazing. The first time I got gendered right when I’d deliberately put little effort in. I try to hold them and the feeling close. I keep them written down, because I want to preserve those thoughts. How can I prove to myself I’ve transitioned if I can’t prove I’ve changed?
But the thing I cling on to more than anything is this: even if I can’t prove I’ve had that change, I know in that moment that I Want it. I’m desperately checking my face, body, and mindset every day to try and find any evidence that the hormones are working. Even if I don’t have a vivid history, I can learn to trust my present.
It’s two years on. I’m back in that park. I was here last solstice too. It feels good to collect my thoughts again. Who knows what’ll feel good next year. All I hope is that that’s what I’m doing.
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redheadinjapan · 6 months
Niigata Station Is Opening The First of Three New Sections
The Niigata station construction will soon start paying off as Niigata station is opening several new sections over the next few months. Ever since I arrived in Niigata a year and a half ago, Niigata station has been under construction, sometimes opening sections and closing others. However, we’re nearing the end of one of the major projects: the station building. Many new stores are set to open on the second floor by the end of March as well as the new bus tunnel under the station, and more will be coming before summer.
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On March 27th, Niigata station will officially open most of the second floor. Two small sections–one on the east side and one on the west side–will remain closed until next month, but there will be almost 60 new stores available by the end of March. Most of the stores in this section seem to be food and snack shops, though there will be some general stores and services. There will be rice cracker stores like Happy Shop (soft rice crackers) and Bakauke (Niigata rice crackers), as well as coffee shops and cafes like Kaldi Coffee Farm and Tully’s Coffee. Everything from gelato shops to sake stores to snack stands and even a Japanese omelet cafe will be opening. There will even be a 500 yen store, adding to the existing bargain stores Can Do (100 yen store) and 3 Coins (300 yen store).
If you want more information, check out the Niigata CoCoLo website: https://jenic.jp/cocolo/newopen/#f1-east_wrapper
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While the second floor will be open next Wednesday, we’ll have to wait a few more days for the new bus terminal under the station, which won’t open until March 31st. This new terminal is meant to connect the north and south sides of the station, which were previously separated by the station building. A combined B12/S61 line will go all the way from City Hall through Furumachi and Niigata station to Kameda Aeon Mall, making travel more convenient. Several other lines will also change their routes to go through the station, including S5, E9, and S9, and two morning direct routes will be added for S90 and W14/W24/W46, which won’t stop at the station at all. 
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You can check out the new bus stop location map and routes here: https://www.niigata-kotsu.co.jp/~noriai/news/infomation/2024/2024_kouka_station.html
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Even more excitingly, just today they opened a brand new grocery store in Niigata station! Seijo Ishii is the newest centrally located grocery store and the first of its kind in Niigata prefecture. This will be great for people living around the station and those passing through as there hasn’t been a grocery store inside the station since construction started. Seijo Ishii is known for its premium raisin cheesecake, cup desserts, and cheeses, and it features many great products from around the world. Next to Seijo Ishii supermarket is also Niigata station’s new tourism center, which opened earlier this month and has information about tourism across the prefecture.
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Niigata station is opening a wide variety of stores for the first time since last year, which is especially exciting for anyone like me who lives in the area. And this isn’t the only change Niigata Station will see this year. In the next few months, even more stores will open along with the new first floor of Niigata station. Currently, the grand opening is set to be April 25th, just before Golden Week, while the last to open will be a small first-floor food court on May 29th. While there’s still work to do on the station, I’m excited to see what Niigata station has for us on March 27th.
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atdmoney1 · 9 months
ATD Money SalaryShield Loan
Salary advance loans (sometimes known as small dollar or payday loans) are readily available from banks and credit unions and provide an ideal alternative to predatory payday loans and high interest personal loans, if you require small sums for unexpected expenses.
Loan Shield cancels or waives loan payments up to your contract limits in the event of a protected life event, so find out more and apply now.
Interest Rates
If you find it hard to obtain funds through traditional banks, alternative lenders offer loans at more reasonable interest rates and offer flexible terms - giving you access to cash quickly.
Advance salary loans offer an effective solution for people needing money in between paychecks. They're easy to apply for and quick approval processes make them even more appealing - plus there are no prepayment penalties so early payment of your loan can always be an option!
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Jupiter Salary Advance Loan provides competitive interest rates and flexible repayment schedules, offering options such as three or six equal monthly instalments with low rates of just 1.5% per month EMIs; or one lump payment with no interest charged, making repayment an easy, hassle-free experience.
Jupiter makes getting an advance salary loan easy and convenient, without the need for credit checks or lengthy paperwork processes. All that's necessary to apply is proof of identity, age and address - anything from PAN cards, Aadhaar cards, passports, driving licenses or utility bills will suffice - along with our convenient mobile app application process that makes everything simple. Once approved, loan funds will be deposited directly into your account within minutes making this the quickest way possible to borrow money!
SalaryShield Loan by ATD Money provides protection from unanticipated life events if you become unable to meet repayments due to circumstances beyond your control. While this service is optional, certain eligibility requirements, conditions and exclusions apply; please read them thoroughly prior to opting in for it. You can cancel it at any time but the remaining cost must still be covered before cancelling this coverage.
The company offers a simple application process and strives to match you with the optimal financing solution for your business. They have various funding products such as an SBA loan at competitive rates for well-qualified borrowers; with fast approval times and funding within 24 hours on some products.
Shield Funding stands out from other online lenders by not charging application or closing fees, and providing you with a fixed interest rate throughout your loan term that won't change no matter what happens with your credit or employment status. Furthermore, funds will typically arrive into your bank account in two business days or less!
ATD Money is an Indian financial services provider with more than 100 branches and 500 employees across India. Offering consumer and corporate banking, wealth management, investment services and investment advice - as well as digital financial solutions through mobile apps and website - ATD Money caters to individuals as well as businesses in over 200 cities and towns throughout India.
This company enjoys an outstanding reputation for offering high-quality loans to small businesses at highly competitive interest rates, with fast loan application processes and low default rates among their borrowers.
Small businesses looking for fast loans will find this lender an ideal solution. Specializing in working capital loans with flexible terms that are both flexible and affordable, its loan terms tend to be shorter than those offered by traditional banks - providing loans up to $5 Million!
SalaryShield Loan is an unsecured short-term personal loan you pay back in equal monthly instalments. Once you sign your loan documents, you usually have funds available in two business days or less in your bank account - use them however you wish - from paying down debt to increasing savings or fulfilling other financial goals. Your interest rate will depend on your credit history and employment history while remaining constant over the loan term - payments are automatically deducted from your salary. Hence, there's no chance of missed payments or fees going uncollected!
SalaryShield loans usually arrive one to two business days after approval; however, if your application was approved on a Friday it could take longer as banks generally process applications on Monday mornings.
SalaryShield loans provide customers with a way to address debt and ease financial strain. Offering fixed interest rates throughout your loan's duration means no changes even when switching employers, with simple procedures and no need for guarantees; your salary itself serves as security against the loan.
Shield Funding is an alternative lending company that specializes in providing small businesses with capital. They offer merchant cash advances and unsecured business loans at competitive rates with quick turnarounds; plus offer options suitable for owners with various credit scores.
There are numerous differences between a Shield Funding business loan and a bank business loan. One obvious difference is that banks often charge higher interest rates. Also, bank loans take longer to approve and are rejected more than three out of four times; alternative lenders such as Shield Funding business loans can often provide much faster approval times and greater funding amounts - in addition to providing you with protections life events protections that allow for debt payments cancellation if affected by certain events.
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eatstoneop2022 · 11 months
BANSAL ONE: The Premium Corporate Destination Of Bhopal 
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“Dare To Dream Big, Bansal One Is Here To Help You Achieve Them.”
Attention visionaries, pioneers, and trailblazers! Your search for a perfect business place ends here. Yes, we now have one of the biggest attractions for all the commercial and corporate space hunters in Bhopal. We are talking about Bansal One, Bhopal’s number 1 commercial and corporate place designed to cater to the needs of emerging businesses like yours. 
Bansal One is a premium corporate hub owned by the Bansal Group. 
Crafted by the renowned Bentel Associates and certified by RERA, it is strategically located at the prime location in the heart of Madhya Pradesh, adjacent to Rani Kamlapati Railway station. 
With a sleek and modern design, Bansal One exudes sophistication and professionalism. Considering its modern infrastructure, planning, amenities, and connectivity, Bansal One stands out as the prime destination for investors.
Bansal One is the first transit project in India to blend offices, lifestyle, restaurants, and parking facilities seamlessly. 
What’s Special About Bansal One?
Bansal One is a modern-day hub for those looking for a vast space for their dream company or shopping outlets. It is equipped with world-class facilities ensuring your comfort and needs.
It is meticulously crafted to blend functionality with aesthetics, ensuring that it is not just a place of work but also an experience that stimulates creativity and productivity. 
The spaces within cater to diverse needs, be it a sleek corporate office, a dynamic retail outlet, or a platform for innovative startups. 
1. Prime Location, Endless Possibilities
Sitting adjacent to the Rani Kamlapati Railway Station, Bansal One enjoys easy accessibility for the city's residents and business travellers. 
BRTS and NH12 provide additional openings, creating excellent connectivity to most residential and business localities and making it a prime location for corporate offices, retail shops, and other companies.
2. More Than Just A Space
Bansal One offers a variety of options for businesses to thrive, with office spaces starting from 700 sq. ft. and retail spaces beginning at 300 sq. ft. The 15-story tower boasts 4,00,000 sq. ft. of centrally air-conditioned premium retail, office, and dining spaces.
The property is designed to facilitate smooth, efficient business operations with 8 escalators, 2 passenger and 2 service elevators in the retail area, and 8 high-speed elevators with 2 separate service elevators for offices.
3. 3-Tier Security System- First Time In Bhopal 
Bansal One is the first in Bhopal to provide 3-tier security. All the regular members will be able to enter through biometric checking. The guests and visitors of the corporate floors will only be given entry after checking their ID proofs and confirming their arrival from the respective offices.
4. First RIFD Parking In MP
Bansal One provides 5-level RFID parking, the first elevator parking in MP. This facility offers unrivalled convenience and can accommodate more than 500 cars and 300 two-wheelers across 3 basements. 
Furthermore, they provide reserved multilevel parking exclusively for office tenants on the 3rd and 4th floors.
5. Your Space, Your Way, Your Time
Bansal One understands that every business is unique. That's why it offers office spaces tailored to your needs, ranging from 560 sq. ft. to an entire floor of 27,000 sq. ft. The property provides modern features like power backup and the latest fire safety measures, ensuring the efficiency and safety of your office space.
6. The Retailer's Choice
Bansal One is dedicated to offering a diverse range of national and international brands. The classy ambience of the corridors, large glazed windows, high-visibility corridors and signage ensures your brand gets the exposure it deserves. 
With advanced amenities prioritising customer and business visitor comfort, Bansal One ensures maximum customer footfall.
7. A Unique Shopping Experience
Bansal One offers a unique shopping experience for businesses that rely on retail. The air-conditioned comfort, abundant natural light, and open corridors create an ideal shopping environment. The property's strategic location and remarkable growth potential make it an attractive choice for retailers.
Best Amenities For Your Comfort
Bansal One provides various convenient features that every space needs. 
1. Designer Floors
Bansal One offers value-for-money floor designs with common areas featuring granite, marble, and Italian marble. At the same time, 800 x 800 mm vitrified tiles are used according to developer or architect preferences, ensuring elegant and lasting impressions.
2. 24×7 Cooling Environment
Now, working in hot and humid conditions is possible with the top-notch cooling facility provided by Bansal One. Their High-side air conditioning and chilled water chillers bring a refreshing and energy-efficient breeze to your space.
3. Fire Safety System
Safety is their topmost priority. Installed by SAGRE Group (Fire Fighting Consultant), Bansal One boasts the best fire safety system to prevent further hassle. The fire systems are labelled per fire department norms and equipped with a water supply for fire alarms and sprinklers.
4. 100% Power Backup
With Bansal One’s highly efficient power backup system, you will never have to worry about power outages again. Their MEP Consulting Engineers ensure 100% power backup so you can keep your operations running smoothly, even during electrical disruptions. 
5. Premium Quality Design
Bansal One provides you with the best-class infrastructure and premium-quality doors and windows.  The sleek powder-coated aluminium or high-grade UPVC combines style with durability, giving you excellent comfort.
6. Aesthetic Electrical Infrastructure
Bansal One has a highly safe electrical infrastructure with concealed PVC conduits and insulated copper wires. By altering the unsightly cables with a sleek and minimalist look, Bansal One promises to provide your dream company with a neat and safe environment. 
7. Your Digital Oasis 
Bansal One ensures seamless connectivity for your company with DTH service, 24-hour internet facility, cables and telephone lines to stay connected.
Bansal One is a testament to our commitment to keeping you plugged in and in control, no matter where your business or personal ventures may take you. Stay connected, informed, and entertained – it's all part of the Bansal One experience.
The Silent Features
Energy efficient Gold Deemed LEED Project
100 per cent 24×7 power backup
Multi-layered security with a high degree of automation
Latest fire safety measures as per the NBC norms
Concierge desk for offices
Branded retail, coffee shops and restaurants
Best-in-class maintenance and housekeeping
Why Trust Bansal One?
Bansal One has collaborated with the best companies to provide premium facilities in one place. Which makes it unique and a reliable place for you. Each company contributes their unique skills and vision to make Bansal One the unparalleled experience it is. The partners and associates are:
Indian Railways
Nodal Agency Partners - IRSDC
Principal Contractors - Bansal Construction Works
Principal Architect & Designer - Bentel Associates
Traffic System Management Consultant - DIMTS
Consulting for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing - MEP Consulting Engineers
Structural Engineers - Shilp Consulting Engineers
Lead Consulting - Transven Leading Change
Associates and Vibration Consultants - VA Pioneering Acoustics Since 1947
Peer Review Structure Design - MANIT Bhopal
Fire Fighting Consultant - SAGRE Group
Digital Partner - i-engage, CREDAI, ICICI Bank
How To Contact Us?
Getting in touch with Bansal One is super easy! If you have any questions, need assistance, or wish to book a visit, here's how to reach them. 
Site Address
Bansal One, Ground Floor, Rani Kamlapati Railway Station, (Platform No. 1 Side), Bhopal – 462016.
Corporate Office
3rd Floor, Tawa Complex, E-5 Arera Colony, Bhopal – 462016
For Enquiry Call: +91 90715 21000
Whatsapp: +91 74404 45544
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uncleasad · 1 year
As a follow-up to those earlier posts, I now know how long it took Scene 3 to reach 500 hits…100 days. (It jumped from 499 to 502 in the past two hours.)
I’m sure this is partly due to the fact I haven’t published anything since then to bump me back into people’s minds, or, specifically here, no new scene in the series to cause new arrivals to read the prior installments.
With 15 kudos, Scene 3 is right at that 3% level. For reference, Scene 1 now sits at 955 hits and 57 kudos (6%) after 126 days and Scene 2 at 794 hits and 19 kudos (2%) after 121 days.
If I ever finish the Hosie half-shot, I’ll try to remember to check whether it gives these a boost…
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madafact · 1 year
ill try to be concise and add as much detail as possible
sometimes writing can be a cover to a book that is about to be written, read, burned, or put down
my brother anthony john masters died on june 10th or 11th i cant remember, the days post have zero anchors or even dates. mostly just a sense of disbelief, and the need to still have to put on clothes, smile and get hair cuts and shit, ya know life bullshit, the stuff that doesnt fucking matter after you lose what you really have in this odd plain we occupy.
my first notice was a photo of his beautiful body being held captive by a hospital bed and three not even complete sentences,
"bicycle accident. head trauma. will be in for seven days"
this was sent by my most eloquent father, who will not hesitate to mention he is a writer who has a vocabulary that could sink the titanic.
how we communicate, to me, shows me the level of respect, admiration, reverence and connection you feel to someone. Ill let you connect those dots. but i will give you a hint at the ending, anthony died. and all the anger, disrespect, lack of trust was the missing words in the first transmission. i think ive said it before but my father does not like me nor does it seem he has any interest in knowing who i am. but this isnt about me
anthony was conscious for the first few days and the prognosis was picking up like the wind. the sun seemed to be parting the clouds and what seemed like just another 'slam at the park' was going to be in the rearview mirror. but ya know, another front moved in on it began to rain.
i have been well informed just how prickly of a cactus new york city can be, and if you dont respect the idea, then you become the grease that turn the wheels of incompetence. it seems incompetent doctors, nurses and medical staff cut anthonys life short. more on that later.
i arrived at the hospital to late to see my brother still squirming in this world and he let me know just what he thought of my tardiness. im trying to open the ICU doors (which open not by handle, but by button, and once initiated, do not stop not even for a 500 lb gorilla. my welter weight body was absolutely brushed aside, sat on my ass with a broken nose and blood, thanks ant, you loved a good board to the face or some shit like that.
anyway he was gone, his body was warm, in a failed attempt i tried to climb into his bed and kinda just spread over him like butter, backside stil moist from his path through life. i touched his chest, kissed his forehead, held his hands examined his post humous face, and went as far as to cut lochs of his beautiful hair for safe keeping, for as many years as i have left. he truly was a beautifully built creature, tats and all, scars, broken bones, off set nose and all. but when i got there, all that started its slow process of fading slowly, then quickly, and soon into ash.
even having him in my arms wouldnt let reality in. shock will be my blanket for the coming winter and it looks to be particulary brisk this season. it still hasnt set in. even after gallons of tears, thousands of racing thoughts, a landscape of sweaty palms and not much rest or fuel. its starting to take a toll. i showed up to a memorial for him a day early today. cold sores are tilling my lips and a general sense of seeking shelter on a partiulary blustery day is my commute to work these days.
the lochs of hair were for me but ya know, as soon as people see you getting something, they want it too. it wasnt supposed to be for everybody, its supposed to be for the ones who seized the opportunity. me.
but ya know find grace and share. even though...what ever.
i maybe spent 40 minutes to an hour with his physical form before the next step had to begin. the state makes money on beds, and once you dead, you out da bed. he was just another stat, another pair of pants to check for loose change and maybe an unspent bill or two. and they wanted us out to begin the search.
fuck the state, and those who tow its nets across the ocean floor decimating everything in its path to catch a few prizes and waste a whole host more souls.
fuck new york
fuck california
fuck me
so i guess thats the end of the experience, but it is only the beginning of the angelification of my brother. the people he affected, the tone (for lack of a better word) he set, the wake he created and the stories that will outlive him.
his chosen family was a mega group of friends made around the college years, fostered across both coasts and eventually planted in bay shore or point pleasant new jersey. a wonderful family of young and old. similiar age and even multiple species. but little was i aware, this was only a small portion of the spiders web. he had been very busy spinning intricate patterns that in the morning light and dew would mesmorize people. moths to flame but this was a bit more of like a cozy fire or even perfect coals to prepare food over.
california, new jersey, new york, mexico city, colorado, oregon, washington, and im probably forgetting a whole host, or just havent found out about the other places. multiple ceremonies were held for him, and are still being planned for future dates, future surf trips, future joy and happiness.
he truly went after being part of peoples love for life. he was a one way street to positive town. it took many forms, tropical mental attitude, tony masters association, boistrous, gregarious, know only for hug not handshakes.
the ceremony we held in the immediate day after was located in new jersy at the beach with more surfboards and beach toys than the coast could imagine. we were even granted passed past the usual, permits, rules etc. for a day, anthony has the bay head cops in his pocket and they nodded to his celebration while many local people looked around in an unusual jealous disbelief.
the waves were not typical for the time of year, the wind stayed the right direction, the sun shined ALL fucking day. all ages caught waves and hooted for each other. anthony was fully on display as his new angelic form. tending to the elements, playing jovial pranks and keeing safe passage for all. just like he always dreamed of. he had arrived. he had become that all powerful, undenieable indescribeable wonderful dream. the light was so bright i imagine. he must have felt the warmth. after all it is a very bright light that we must walk into.
im not even two days into the i think day 5 nightmare/ endless bummer that has no signs of slowing, callousing or even seeming at all acceptable. please help me find acceptance anthony. what happened to you was unacceptable but if your reward is the infinite, cheers dude
i think ill have to do this post based on emotional resources, because as i get to this point, crying in a coffee shop wearing sunglasses trying to stay low key. its not working. the sniffles are giving me away and my coffee cannot be sipped in a unrippled fashion. the hands tremble and my backspace button is just getting a workout.
so please forgive me as i collect myself, my thoughts, and look to the sky for the strength to even find reason to keep my foundation built by me, for myself to not come crashing down.
the crescendo continues..
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