#(○) - xellos (wanderalmighty) | thread 001
teatheteal · 1 year
Don’t be weird Claudia, don’t stare and bring attention to yourself.
Tèa sat at her table, pretending she was more interested in her food than a certain priest she had spotted just across the way. She hadn’t expected him to be in this unimpressively small town, much less pick the same damn restaurant she had decided to have lunch at. This was either a strange coincidence, or whatever forces that dropped her here were also orchestrating this to taunt her, her specifically.
She sighed, trying to hide the crawling blush on her face as her eyes pried away from her food and back to the notes she had laid next to her. Tèa was still a long way from her target destination, some place in the New World she believed housed documents pertaining to holy magic. It was a long shot, but she had to at least look into it, otherwise the art will remain lost.
She grumbled to herself, picking at her food while she tried to steal a couple of glances towards the priest, hoping that she hadn't been noticed. It didn't take long for her inattention to be her downfall, however, as wind picked up and snatched the loose papers and blew them away.
"Son of a bitch, really??" she muttered herself. There was no way she could get herself lost, she'd get herself killed doing that.
Tèa took a deep breath before moving from the table to pick up the scattered remnants of her notes. Unfortunately, a few pieces had scuttled themselves over to the priest's table. Oh shit.
She felt frozen, her mind not sure how to proceed. She needed those papers, but that meant she had to interact on some level. Just my luck…
In the end she decided to be brave, her shyness be damned.
“O-oh, sorry about that, those are mine..”
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