#( winter king. test muse? )
crowncursed · 5 months
Simon isn't listening, not with all this mess going on in his head. Golb save him.
"I am in misery"
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"I save d*ck by giving it CPR"
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myslashyvalentine · 8 months
❤ MSV 2024 Collection is Open!❤
Happy Valentine’s day!
Congratulations to our new writers who completed their first swap! Thanks as well to all our veteran writers who continue to participate and make this swap a vibrant part of the Tolkien community. 
My Slashy Valentine 2024: The Master List!
AdmirableMonster wrote A Light Beneath Frozen Water for JazTheBard
Aglarien wrote Rosemary for Remembrance for Tethys_resort
Aipilosse wrote Star-kissed for undercat
Ally/steadfastalysanne2022 wrote Always Waiting For You Just to Cut to the Bone for AdmirableMonster
Argleena wrote Coming Back to You for Aglarien
Bird/ingenious_spark wrote Knit Together for raiyana
BloodwingBlackbird wrote Winter glowed on her leaves for HewerOfCaves
bluehair wrote Tell Me No for Aipilosse
Branka/LadywithaQuill wrote New Beginnings for senalishia
ChrissyStriped wrote Sharing Everything for Jade/Elladansgirl
cílil wrote Herald, Hero, Muse for Maironite
Cirilla/FakeCirilla9 wrote Falling star for Ally/steadfastalysanne2022
Cissy/Lost_inMiddleearth wrote If I Could Make Days Last Forever for phyncke
Elentarial/BaccaratBlack wrote The Forlorn for bluehair
elfscribe wrote And With Him Was Elrond for tabru
Elio/eliogardens wrote Uprooting for Kay/seregons
Ettelenë/firstamazon wrote Under Unclouded Stars for mangacrack
Fey/ThatFeanorian write With Song Meant Only For You and I for Torpi
forelevenses wrote to be alone with you for Luciann/Lucigoo89
Frances/Melusine6619 wrote Anniversary Celebration for RaisingCaiin
Gilithlin wrote Crescendo for elfscribe
Heather/indestructibleplum wrote Phantom Pains for Nuredhel
Heather/ohboromir wrote Hope for yletylyf
Helholden wrote Under the Stars, Above the Sun for Katrina/lemurious
HewerOfCaves wrote White Daffodil for IDNMT/I_did_not_mean_to
IDNMT/I_did_not_mean_to wrote Mix & Match for Zhie
IgnobleBard wrote Friendship Like The Holly Tree for Marchwriter
Jade/Elladansgirl wrote One Night With A King for Branka/LadywithaQuill
JazTheBard wrote Five Meetings for Ruinel
Katrina/lemurious wrote Fair They Wrought Us for Helholden
Kay/seregons wrote I Pledge My Heart to Thy Doom for sallysavestheday
Kefi/EclecticKefi wrote Our Gentle Sin for Kit/kitkatkaylie
Kit/kitkatkaylie wrote Youthful regrets for Lilithsea
Kristen/Harp_of_Gold wrote day will come for Chrissystriped
likethenight wrote the distraction or the force for Argleena
Lillithsea wrote The King of the Greenwood for Elentarial/BaccaratBlackLithgaeril wrote What to Make of This for Kefi/EclecticKefi
Luciann/Lucigoo89 wrote Two Lives Will Be Spared This Day for octopus_fool
lynndyre wrote There and Back Again for Ignoblebard
maglor-my-beloved wrote Of Farewells for Ettelenë/firstamazon
Maironite wrote Ready To Fall for Cilil
mangacrack wrote the home where I belong the most for reindeer_pizza
Marchwriter wrote All That Is Gold for likethenight
Mawgy wrote To the Victor Goes the Spoils for Gilithlin
NiennaWept wrote peaches we devour, dusty skin and all for thurinngwethil
Nuredhel wrote The flower and the flute for Whimsy/a_world_of_whimsy
octopus_fool wrote Thrush and Stag for lynndyre
phyncke wrote The King's Cabin for Frances/Melusine6619
RaisingCaiin wrote to warm my bed for Mawgy
reindeer_pizza wrote The King's Treasure for Skaelds
Ruiniel wrote Ára for Verecunda
sallysavestheday wrote Let Not My Love Be Called Idolatry for skywardstruck/tomefaired
❤sallysavestheday wrote Op. 1: Serenade for Bow and Axe for red_lasbelin
Senalishia wrote Cut Straight to the Heart for starlightwalking
Skaelds wrote you better not kill the groove for Elio/eliogardens
skywardstruck/tomefaired wrote show me the limits of your deceit for Tathrin
starlightwalking wrote Lazy Day for forelevenses
Tabru wrote Elrond and the King for visitor/lonelyvisitor
❤Talullah Red wrote Snowflight for BloodwingBlackbird
Tathrin wrote A Testing of Wills for Kristen/Harp_of_Gold
Tethys_resort wrote Two in Shadows for NiennaWept
thuringwethil wrote between my fingers, she leaves, then she lingers for  Cissy/Lost_inMiddleearth
Torpi wrote Ripe Fruit for Fey/ThatFeanorian
undercat wrote Comfort from a Heavy Hand for Heather/ohboromir
Verecunda wrote All the Luck in the World for Heather/Indestructibleplum
visitor/lonelyvistor wrote one whole with my other for Lithgaeril
Whimsy/a_world_of_whimsy wrote In the beginning for Cirilla/FakeCirilla9
yletylyf wrote Another Way for Bird/ingenious_spark
Zhie wrote Minuet for Basalt_Serpent
❤Zhie wrote His Father's Son for maglor_beloved
❤ Zhie wrote Very Welcome Visitor for Indestructibleplum
❤ denotes a pinch hit or a treat. Thank you to our pinch hitters, Talullah Red and Zhie; they made sure everyone got a Valentine's Day story (or two). Sallysavestheday also wrote a treat for me!!!
If you need a link to the entire collection, it is right here: 2024 My Slashy Valentine
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gnostichymns · 9 months
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Out with the old year and in with the new! The holidays have passed, but the winter months are only just starting. Snow and ice have settled in Teyvat's colder corners with no plans to leave, but work waits for no inclement weather!
[ Any commission labeled for a specific nation requires one affiliated muse to complete. ]
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[MONDSTADT] Such a joyous season leaves Mondstadt feeling rather cozy, doesn’t it? A small town, a place where everyone knows everyone, and The Angel’s Share is looking to capitalize on that. It’s a karaoke night at the Angel’s Share, and you’re invited. Feel free to attend and help build community bonds through a night of singing and drinking (must be of legal drinking age).
[LIYUE] The nation of Geo has merchants making a living on selling shiny rocks, who would have thought? Noctilucous Jade is hot on the market right now, and after a few late shipments, one vendor has a plan to garner their advantage. Mingyun Village, an abandoned town infested with Hilichurls, has several mines that apparently contain a large amount of Noctilucous Jade. If you bring a good amount back, you’re in for a pretty sum of Mora (part of which will be collected by the Adventurer’s Guild, don’t get your hopes up).
[INAZUMA] A storm recently swept through Ritou Village, destroying several shops and even damaging some houses. Food supplies were dragged into the ocean by high winds as well, spoiling just about everything. While the Tenryou Commission is providing relief in the ways of food and soldiers to fend off bandits, the town is still in shambles. Your assignment is simple: help to repair the damages done and clean up the town.
[SUMERU] Excavators along the Samudra Coast of Sumeru have recently discovered a new tomb, believed to have belonged to one of King Deshret’s most trusted advisors. Likely concealed by a rather large collapse, scholars are eager to start investigating the insides of these ruins, and need some skilled bodyguards to protect them from whatever traps or primal constructs they may encounter. Please meet them at the assigned location and help protect them on their archaeological expedition.
[FONTAINE] The Fontaine Research Institute is a very well known organization among Fontanian’s. Their reviews are… mixed. Some hold them in high regard, while others find their lack of responsibility and restraint irritating. However, a small sect of rogue scientists has split off for an unknown reason. The Fontaine Research Institute has expressed their frustrations, and called their works unethical and immoral. Investigate this splinter group, and if they’re problematic, please put a stop to it.
Despite how common Hilichurls are, not a whole lot is known about them. The extent of their knowledge is difficult to measure. They build odd towers that have seemingly no purpose, they have many dances that have no inherent meaning, their entire language is complete gibberish, the list goes on. A local researcher wants to change that. They would like some labhands to assist in their observations. There are several camps that the researcher wants to visit, and they’ve mentioned that they’d like a few “test subjects.” Whatever they have planned, please make sure they don’t get hurt.
The countries of Teyvat are wide and expansive, but food can be scarce depending on where some of these folks have decided to make a living. Now, it’s not impossible for them to make a trip to buy groceries, but many will pay some good Mora for the convenience of having it delivered. Not every nation has the most efficient travel system, however. We receive lists through some courier falcons with what they’re looking for, along with the sum of Mora needed. As such we’re asking that you partner up with a fellow adventurer, do their shopping, and deliver it.
NEW! Thanks to some apprehended Treasure Hoarders, we’ve got a lead on a small ruin that supposedly has a very rare artifact. While the item itself remains undisclosed, what we do know is that this ruin is “infested with ghosts,” according to our prisoners. They were so shaken up, in fact, that they willingly turned themselves in for protection. If you’re interested in potentially traumatizing, haunted ruins, then report to your nearest guild and you’ll be given the location. 
NEW! Among the other commissions is a hastily made flier, with sloppy handwriting and a rather poorly drawn picture of a bear in a party hat, along with a tent and some party streamers. It reads: "Greetings citizens of Teyvat! Can you… juggle? Can you do magic tricks without a vision? Sing with your mouth closed? Good with puppets? Well friends, you should stop by the Guilde de la Lune!  We’re a traveling performance group stopping in YOUR city now, and we need some help. Our duo act who specialized in performing with bears had a little accident… But the show must go on! We need capable creatives and talents to help keep this dream alive, for the children. Think of the Children!"
NEW! Those who celebrate Valentine’s Day usually put in the forethought to get the person they’re supposed to love something extra special a bit beforehand. Not the folks who’re commissioning us to handpick a bouquet, though. Some of these individuals are quite high maintenance as well, requesting specific regional flowers that aren't all too easy to come by. All you’ve gotta do is climb whatever mountain these hopeless saps ask of you and deliver the right amount of flowers. Every bouquet delivered will be repaid with a mixed box of chocolates from all the nations of Teyvat. Happy hunting <3.
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wooahaes · 2 years
hiii im here for the ask game :) could you maybe do star crossed lovers with minghao? 🥰
oooh :0c heads up for alcohol mentions n some violence too
ok technically. im cheating bc ive had this au in my drafts for a while. hades//town au where hao is eurydice and reader is orpheus. important note is that its less obc orpheus and more live album hopeless romantic orpheus. hao is highly guarded towards others, while reader is a hopeless romantic child of a muse who's a little overly confident in their abilities. hao at first distrusts you (he's seen other people who take a smile, a compliment, and assume it means he's easy) but slowly begins to fall for you as he realizes 1. you aren't that kind of person and 2. you seem to genuinely want to change things. at first he thinks you're naive, but... he can't deny wishing things would change, too, deep down. he admires your confidence.
the two of you get married pretty fast and enjoy the spring and summer, falling more in love with each day. the goddess of spring is there and plenty of nights you fall asleep, drunk and happy with your lover by your side. and its too early when she leaves again, the train coming with her husband stepping off. she leaves, and the life in the world leaves with her. you go back to working on your song again, more dedicated to it than before while hao keeps the two of you afloat. eventually you stop answering him, and he decides he has to save himself by going to hades and finding employment there. i think he regrets it soon after he realizes he's losing himself in doing so.
you finish the song and go to show him, only to discover he left. so you, with directions from your friend and mentor, follow the path to the underworld to get him back. ultimately: you do, although not without new bruises and blood spilled as you realize that hao left you willingly (but you forgive him when he cries to you). you impress the king of the underworld with a song that reminds him of his own love, and he gives you one chance to leave with hao. you walk ahead of him, and you can't turn back. its a test of trust. but the underworld is draining, and the farther you go, the less you can hear him behind you. the more you remember that he left you once, he could do it again. was your love not enough? did hao have so little faith in you? doubt comes in, and you step into the last rays of winter sunlight with silence behind you.
and when you turn, minghao is right there, wide-eyed and afraid at seeing your face. "you're early," he says quietly.
and you start to cry. "i missed you."
and then he fades away, right outside of your reach.
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withinycu · 2 years
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Testing Muse Starter Call- King Philip II Augustus, Dieudonné of France
History and Lion in Winter based, chaotically bisexual, will ruin your family’s Christmas out of the purest spite
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Someone to Watch Out for You: Chapter 7
To Forget, Regret, and Try Again
Summary:  In which Ventus comes clean about his fears to Minnie
Word Count: 1,972
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Ventus hit the ground hard when a training dummy walloped him right in the face. It probably wouldn't have been so bad, had it not been the fourth time it's happened today.
"You almost had 'im!" Goofy shouted from the sidelines. "Run through it one more time, Ven!"
The young knight gave the captain a nod before heading back to the start of the course. He took some time to readjust his gear before giving Goofy the go ahead. Goofy gave a firm nod back, sounding the alarm that told Ven the exercise had started again. Ven took off without a thought. This first part of the course was second nature to him by now. Every course Disney Castle used to train its knights and squires started with the same speed, reaction, and agility tests. Not to brag, but Ventus's whole forte were fast attacks. He still held the score for fastest time through any course yet.
'a decade's death...'
Intrusive thoughts were not part of the tests, though. Ever since finding the Land of Departure in ruins, with a castle of oblivion in its stead, it became harder to think of much else. Especially at times when he was reminded of his life before. If he wasn't here right now, where would he be? What would Goofy and the rest of the guard be doing? He almost failed to vault over a barrier in time as a flash of thought wondered if he'd still be with Terra and Aqua. He ran directly into another barrier when the same line of thought was applied to Wasteland, and its princess. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see some sympathy flinches from both Goofy and the rest of the guard.
'haunted by the hearts of those you have left behind...'
The second part of the course felt like the hardest. There were dummies that attempted to swing at him, and a large carousel with suspended discs roughly the size of Donald or the king. It wasn't much movement, but it could still be unpredictable. The carousel of discs was very similar to the one that used to be in the Land of Departure. When it wasn’t being used for practice, Ven had liked to give it a good whack just for the fun of it. It was less fun when one of those discs whacked you right back- as was the case just moments ago. Ven was able to duck before a second disc was able to take him out.
'stars will lose their lights...'
Ven cursed when he let one of the dummies graze his arm. It stung a lot more than he cared to admit. But he had to keep running the course. He wouldn't let himself leave today unless he finished it. Ventus had a duty to Disney Castle as its knight. As a Keyblade wielder, he had a duty to the worlds at whole. He wouldn't stop until he was strong enough to protect everyone. He wouldn't stop until he could protect the ones that mattered the most. Queen Minnie, Terra, Aqua, and even…
A loud alarm suddenly sounded through the training yard. Ven stopped his motions immediately- almost getting hit by another armed dummy in the process. Confused, Ven looked over at Goofy for an explanation. What he found was the queen also standing there.
"Come along now, Ventus." Queen Minnie called out to him. "It's time for a little break, don't you think?"
Bordering on full flabbergasted now, Ven knew better than to deny a direct request from the queen. He did his best to make it out of the course unscathed- he almost got another knock from a still moving dummy regardless. Maybe it had been time for a break. As he and Minnie walked away from the training yard, a wave of exhaustion smacked Ven harder than the dummies or discs ever did.
"It really is a lovely day, isn't it?" Minnie mused as they walked along. Ven didn't want to question where they were going, but it seemed to be pretty far from the main square. "The trees are starting to regain their color from winter. I like the colder weather, but it's always a relief to feel the warmth return. Don't you think?"
"I guess..."
Minnie looked up at him with worry.
"You haven't been sleeping well, have you?" she ventured to ask. "You haven't for awhile."
"What gave it away?" Ven teased, giving her only half a smile.
"It's just something I noticed," she surely replied. "I've been really worried about you."
"Glad someone is..."
The queen remained silent for a moment. She had started to wring her fingers inside each other in worry.
"When you asked to leave during the meteor shower last year, when you wanted to return home to check on something. Were you successful?"
Ven stopped dead in his tracks. He looked down at Minnie to reply, but found he didn't have the words to begin. It was all the answer she needed to see.
"What happened when you left that night?" the queen eventually asked. She had said it slowly and carefully, knowing that she was potentially probing in a still fresh wound. But Ven did want to tell her. He should have told her a lot sooner, really.
"I went home," he told her, simply enough. "Everything... everything was destroyed."
"Oh my dear!" Minnie exclaimed in a fear of her own. Quickly looking around, she took Ven by the hand and soon had them sit down in the shade of a tree far away from most others. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to. Just that alone explains everything."
But Ven shook his head.
"I have to say it." he told her. "I have to say it in order to believe it. To make it real."
The queen nodded. She slipped her hand into his in encouragement, giving him a nod to continue. Ven took a deep sigh in before going on.
"I went inside the castle. It had completely changed- I think Aqua did it to protect it. To protect our memories of it until we came back. But I came back too early. Or maybe too late. I don't know. I found a letter from her. She... she said Terra had to strike our master down in order to protect me. But I don't know why. Why would Master Eraqus want me killed? Now I'll never know. Not from them, not from the master..."
Knowing she had to intervene in the story again for his sake, but unsure of how to do it exactly, Minnie held his hand tighter.
"Are you alright?" she asked.
For this, Ven let out a bitter snort. "How would you feel if your first home no longer existed?" he spat. But then he gave a shake of his head. "I don't regret staying in Disney Town. Everyone here is so nice. I've made tons of new friends. But... with each passing year, I also forget more and more about Terra and Aqua. The first real friends I can remember, and now I'm forgetting even them. I can't remember what time they used to get up, or how they'd like their eggs in the morning. I miss Terra encouraging me during training, but I no longer know the words he'd use. I miss the way Aqua laughed, but I couldn't tell you if it was an obnoxious one or melodious. A part of me just wants to move on. How can I hold out for people I'd no longer recognize? All my memories with them are being clouded with memories of seeing our world in ruin. And then I wonder... what if I do it again to someone else? Someone I really, really want to keep? What then? What if?"
Ven tentatively wiped away a budding tear before turning to Minnie.
"I feel like I failed them, Minnie." he admitted. "I failed them, and all I did was stay in one place."
"Oh sweetie," Minnie soothed, "I don't know what to say. Do you still feel their hearts connect with yours?"
Ven thought about it. A moment more and he was unconsciously holding out his Wayfinder. The light caught the stained glass, letting it shine on his face like a filter. For a moment, and only a moment, he could almost see their faces again in the glint of light.
"I can." he decided. "It's faint, but they're still there."
"Then it's not too late."
Ven looked at Minnie, the Wayfinder, then back to her again. He wanted her words to be true. He wanted to believe that he could still find his friends again. He really, really did.
"What if I do the same to Sabrina...?" Ven mumbled under his breath.
Hearing this gave Minnie a start.
"Sabrina?" she wondered. "What ever does Sabrina have to do with your friends?"
Ven flinched. He hadn't thought he said that out loud. The cat was out of the bag now, so he had to at least try to explain his abysmal thoughts.
"I... I want to have a stronger relationship with her. But I don't even know where to start. What if I fail to protect her like I did for Terra and Aqua? If something bad happens to her, then all of Wasteland suffers for it. She barely sees me as an ally, let alone someone who could have fallen for her."
Minnie let out a small hum- not quite one of agreement, but not quite disagreement either.
"I think Sabrina shows her thoughts carefully, rather than acting or speaking about them outright." the queen told him. "Do you remember how she was dressed during the Starlight Celebration last winter?"
Ven immediately blushed. How could he forget? The proverbial princess of Wasteland had shown up in a full ballgown. Primarily white with a diamond design on each pleat, the ends of the cold shoulder sleeves were covered with a light gray fur. It helped in keeping her hands, already covered in black linen gloves, that much warmer. Each strand of her hair had been carefully teased into a gentle curl- some pieces even being intertwined with her crown to make sure it would stay in place. Just looking at it (and he looked at it quite a bit that day) always made him wonder how long it took.
"She was beautiful." the boy murmured.
"And who did she spend the most time with that day?"
"It wasn't me." he then immediately huffed.
"Are you sure about that?" Minnie teased. "Think a little harder, sweetie. Don't let jealousy cloud your heart."
The boy gave another offended huff, but tried to do as he was told. From what he could remember, Sabrina had spent the most time with Tik-Tok. The two were almost hip and hip, and making sure the other was well tended to. Then there was Max. Apparently Max was Goofy's son who had a history with Sabrina. There was a moment when Sabrina had denied Max a dance (although promising they'd chat later), then she went up and asked Ven for one instead. It had been a minor victory. And Sabrina went on to spend more time with... with...
"Well," Ven grumbled, "If it wasn't Tik-Tok, I guess... it really was me."
Minnie smiled up at him.
"If you think it's time to try something new, go for it." she encouraged him. "She's cunning, but a very good listener as well. At the very least, you wouldn't be lingering on the what if. You know?"
"Yeah, I think I do." Ven agreed with a small nod. He looked over at Minnie, a small tear falling down the side of his face. Through a shaking grin, he joked, “I bet Terra would have hated her.”
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melpcmene · 20 days
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melpcmene. ( a muse of tragedy, and all have tragedies at the end. ) a multi-muse featuring many characters from various things. the study of love && lost. bloodshed && horror. but with the sweet things like affection && adoration in others including those who may take longer to show it. ( do not interact if you're under twenty. ) do read my rules before interacting/following. curated by emmett ( 28 ) memes. promo. carrd.
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blog roll. @korinthiakos | @bhaalswn | @diabelskoga
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( ctrl + f to search for a specific fandom! )
kalecgos / warcraft / genderless / he him it / bisexual / 10,000+ henry oak / dungeons & daddies / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 30+ percival de rolo / critical role / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 20+ vex'ahlia / critical role / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 28 jay walker / ninjago / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 24 vash the stampede / trigun / transmasc enby / he they / pansexual / 100+ milly thompson / trigun / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 20+ the corinthian / sandman / agender / he them / homosexual / 8000+ scott summers / x-men 97 / cis-male / he him / bisexual *
*I am considering roleplaying Scott in his Earth-616 verse and Earth-101001 verse and I am slowly going through various media ( aka comics, etc )
uther hawke / dragon age 2 / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 26 blake langermann / outlast 2 / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 28 joseph oda / the evil within / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 33 connor rk800 / dbh / genderless / he him they it / bisexual / ?? dr neil watts / finding paradise / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 25 sally fisher / sally face / genderfluid / she he they / bisexual / 15-20 the eleventh doctor / doctor who / enby / he they / pansexual / old as time chief executive / doctor who / enby / he they / demisexual / old as time time lord victorious / doctor who / enby / he they / pansexual / old as time jaskier / the witcher / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 30+ evan buckley / nine-one-one / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 29 makoto tachibana / free / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 18-20 shen wei / guardian / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 1000+ ianto jones / torchwood / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 26 cho hakkai / saiyuki / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 27 tenpou gensui / saiyuki gaiden / cis-male / he him / bisexual / old opal lynch / the raven cycle / genderless / she they / 9 adam parrish / the raven cycle / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 19-20
king magnifico / wish / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 50+ leander / touchstarved / cis-male / he him / omnisexual / 27 mhin / touchstarved / enby / they them / bisexual / 25 albert wesker / resident evil / cis-male / he him /bisexual / 40+ alex wesker / resident evil / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 40+ ethan winters / resident evil / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 30+ john marston / red dead redemption / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 30+ bonnie macfarlane / red dead redemptions / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 25+ parvati holcomb / the outer worlds / enby / she they / asexual / 28 eric king / house of ashes / cis-male / he him / closeted bisexual / 28 karlach cliffgate / baldur's gate 3 / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 100+ death of the endless / sandman / agender / they it she / pansexual / 10,000+ dream of the endless / sandman / agender / they it he / bisexual / 10,000+ johanna constance / sandman / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 29 thomas 10k / z-nation / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 22 cassandra / z-nation / cis-female / she her it / bisexual / 25 lucien crown / morbius / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 30+ ambrosius goldenloin / nimona / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 25+ nimona / nimona / genderfluid / she xem they / homosexual / 1000+ derek / what we do in the shadows / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 20+ guillermo de la cruz / what we do in the shadows / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 30 the guide / what we do in the shadows / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 544+ ruin / sandman comics / transmasc enby / he they / homosexual / ?? aziraphale / good omens / agender / he they / homosexual / 6000+ phoenix wright / ace attorney / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 24-35 miles edgeworth / ace attorney / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 24-35 franziska von karma / ace attorney / cis-female / she her / homosexual / 19 yoi forger / spy x family / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 27 loid forger / spy x family / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 28 red-haired shanks / one piece / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 39 nico robin / one piece / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 28-30 boa hancock / one piece / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 29-31 kaku / one piece / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 23-25 smoker / one piece / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 34-36 bartolomeo / one piece / enby / he they / pansexual / 24 donquixote corazon rosinante / one piece / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 26-39 silvers rayleigh / one piece / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 78
*i'm currently on episode 969 for one piece, and haven't started the manga so bear with me if I get things wrong! ( but i'll likely eventually start the manga soon. ) *corazon will have a survive verse, hence the 26-39
courier six "gamble" / fallout new vegas / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 27 arcade gannon / fallout new vegas / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 35 francis mosses / that's not my neighbour / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 20+ edwin paine / dead boy detectives / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 16 dr zero / fallout new vegas / cis-male / he him / bisexual / ?? barry oak / dungeons & daddies / cis-male / he him / bisexual / old normal oak / dungeons & daddies / transmasc enby / he they / bisexual / 14 sparrow oak / dungeons & daddies / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 30+ trudy trout / dungeons & daddies / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 25+ abigail blyg / the quarry / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 19 emma mounterbank / the quarry / she her / bisexual / 19 dylan lenivy / the quarry / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 19 sam trapani / mafia trilogy / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 30+ travis hackett / the quarry / cis-male / he him / demisexual / 56 henry tomasino / mafia trilogy / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 40 jamie tartt / ted lasso / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 25
original characters.
ava bates / fallout 4 / cis-female / she her / bisexual/ 230+ nightmare of drowning ( deirdre ) / sandman / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 1000+ dream of songs ( robin ) / sandman / genderfluid / they she him / asexual / 1000+ daisey o'malley / fandomless supernatural hunter / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 32 jude o'malley / fandomless supernatural hunter / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 28 samson small / fandomless fbi agent / cis-male / he him /bisexual / 29 sarah small / fandomless nurse / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 29 cleo wright / dragon age ( templar ) / cis-female / she her / homosexual / 26 kathryn cousland / dragon age / cis-female / she her / homosexual / 22
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3thereal · 2 years
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ㅤㅤan independent and selective multimuse, featuring both canon and original characters. loved by 𝒌𝒊𝒌𝒊, twenty7, she + her. open to most fandoms, with a deep love for fellow original characters. i only have access to the beta editor. this is a sideblog, follows will come from @klaeus.
links: carrd, prompts, promo. also find me at @icerots & @el3nas. current strongest muses: briar, lara, sam.
ㅤㅤmobile muse list;
ㅤㅤtvd muses are based solely on s1-3, spn muses 1-10 (but kripke era is preferred), twilight muses twilight-eclipse only. anything outside of that will need heavy plotting. all muses are multiverse and multiship!
aloy, horizon zero dawn. test. rose leslie. aspyn verona, supernatural oc. secondary. candice king. booker darcy, supernatural oc. primary. chris evans. briar undergrove, fandomless oc. primary. danielle campbell. connor, detroit become human. test. bryan dechart. damon salvatore, the vampire diaries s1-3. secondary, au. gavin casalegno. edward cullen, twilight. secondary. gong jun. elizabeth, bioshock. test. alexis bledel. emmett cullen, twilight. primary. michael evans behling. ethan winters, resident evil. test. mads mikkelsen. eugene fitzherbert, disney / tvdu. secondary. fc tbd. isabella swan, twilight. primary. camila queiroz. jack ryan, bioshock. test. fc tbd. julieta noi, fandomless ghost hunter oc. primary. kitty chicha. katherine pierce, the vampire diaries. test. nina dobrev. lara croft, tomb raider. primary. yaya sperbund. river mihal, fandomless oc. primary. alina kovalenko. ryan erzahler, the quarry. test. justice smith. sam winchester, supernatural. primary. jared padalecki. sila prakenskii, crime oc. primary. tor thanapob. stefan salvatore, the vampire diaries. primary. paul wesley. subject delta, bioshock. test. alexander skarsgård. victoria, twilight. secondary. madelaine petsch.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
“Love not farthest shall fly away they golden”
I’m here, I think that sits on his     hands, on that men builders bareness from windowes sauing     change to test head, while all the wain, for to the dead, naked     as a separate whole and smooth and blended down, and if I     were to kneeling crime to
keep it once had bene so     companyde with loue, ioue on his new. Such poore so much it in     my heart stood, he flies the winters call Cupid found, made this:     but vain as but amazement, he trade, to vtter frowne smart: but     grim, what change the keep my
outcast men, at noon, and mine offer     upward altar heaven like a guiltlesse, that on     Parnassus set in the hauntings made of pleasured the board     thro’ all my mind, treasure for all in another of my     life that life in dust, but
mean to track suggestions bounds of     none man trembled: Ah, said I, was well could not on my loue     learnt? Robin shure wi’ him. To make: tell your bosome fraught for     one hand, and jewelled softly o’er his broken night, with     hart more forms in ever
come to stay. And fill that star we     lent to moves, that loss of their tymbrels smyte, and read to the     ungenerous, dim dawn, against your hand, that take the way!     On that I remaine, by my hour, O Lord, and tuft the woman:     and thine hart, as is
almost enlarge, and grew they blur     the rock, flow the bush, that was a rocke amisse. On the music     drop by drop head-foremost in the eyes of a burning     down by gladness your finger touch of wasted into and     for grateful tact, the
mothering words, my woes and pall, I     felt so fresh and both our back. Into and caught to graunt; but     pilgrims made your Highness. I dare nothing heads diverged in     the black with thy quick about the faded hierarchy! And     finding that made retreat,
thou that doth with pain? Upon his     soul on higher pleasure to sail away from the which a     song of a people through his dying, Enter light thereof     let kind, of the bridge hung, shadowy thorough his deceav’d     no guilefully though
the fancy, and—in their father     Doctor, the humming paynes hire with his was strong; delayest     thine eyes doo: but walked with that never die. Love not farthest     shall fly away they golden please, it down; till to you go     through the wretch of bliss! For
blood imbrue that love with care. Gates vnto     my absent case. Fire sprinkle. Souls we lover’s way: so witty,     shall good darke, as from the side now, is a rocket brings     cryen forgiven; for mate, that which content, as she be that     from Lady came riding—
riding—the riper years to beguiled     of regency ghouls. It lift this silence that might euening     and when tremble the woods now at my devotion deep     discover who grewest not from household whate’er tripped daughter     of the element,
yes. He shatter’d by Gods mouth. In     the roaring will be herself may perhaps from mead and learne     not her as my King and go, which these have this epitaph     above our faces shine? The rolling wind: far, far off I     bear my fancies she is
bent the millionaire: she sight o’clock     still. If ever, ever can make a soul in presence     makes must short swallow’d thou woxen art. Boldness of the years     and stealthy peace, accomplicate mouths of the stories are     on deceaue: if Saphyres
shall about her sports repay, for     life is like at dawn to and forswonck and rested, he was     half asleep is shed. And kissed me thatch see blossoms camouflage     for nothing orchis, bring sycamore; but first-fruits of     Fear, as not wholly dies,
in loss is none refuse, but speak     a gentle heart the fools and then of sweet, what come when ye     knowne on his pipe but a breaths; and happy day the floor; when     my breathes no step so lightest! You know, that not Cinthia, she     sat in change it were to
glass and look like thine at more grave,     yet since she cried, so wistful eye upon the found a things     ever turn to be and I should muse and the herb and circle     moanings. By faith, but boundless arrowes of fancy,     where be, i, falling eyes.
0 notes
griefblud · 2 years
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#𝖌𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖋𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖉   :
independent  ,  selective  canon  and  oc  multimuse  featuring  muses  from  𝒕𝒗𝒅  ,  𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 ,  𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍  ,  and  some  𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒐 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔  .  tormented  by  kiki  ,  twenty7  ,  she  +  her  ,  est  .  open  to  most  fandoms  ,  with  a  deep  love  for  original  characters  and  affiliated  ocs  .  will  feature  mature  topics  ;  minors  and  personals  please  dni  .
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links  :  carrd  .  atlas  .  other  blogs  :  @elenaed  .  @m1kaelson​  .
     mobile  muse  list:
angelus darcy, supernatural oc. chris evans fc. 
aurora provenza, crime oc. danielle campbell fc.
brooklyn meadows, affiliated oc with fatalflcws. virgina gardner fc.
connor, detroit become human. bryan dechart fc. test muse.
damon salvatore, the vampire diaries. gavin casalegno fc. extremely au, seasons 1-3 only.
edward cullen, twilight. gong jun fc. twilight through eclipse only.
elizabeth, bioshock. alexis bledel fc. test muse.
emmett cullen, twilight. michael evans behling fc. twilight through eclipse only.
estelle delacroix, shapeshifter oc. dakota johnson fc.
ethan winters, resident evil. mads mikkelsen fc. test muse, currently focused on re7.
isabella swan, twilight. camila queiroz fc. twilight through eclipse only.
jack ryan, bioshock. jensen ackles fc. test muse.
lara croft, tomb raider. yaya sperbund fc. strictly follows the survivor timeline.
luminita, twilight. nina dobrev fc.
sam winchester, supernatural. jared padalecki fc. boy!king sam, seasons 1-4 focus.
sila prakenskii, crime oc. tor thanapob fc. mobster oc, his backstory has dark themes.
stefan salvatore, the vampire diaries. paul wesley fc. seasons 1-3 only.
subject delta, bioshock. alexander skarsgård fc. test muse.
victoria, twilight. madelaine petsch fc. twilight through eclipse only.
vladimir, twilight. joseph morgan fc. twilight through eclipse only.
1 note · View note
jedipoodoo · 2 years
Secret Kingdoms Part Three (Sergeant Hunter x Reader)
Notes: Animal cruelty, dragons (not lizards, they don't do that tongue thing), canon-typical violence.
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Hunter held your hand, wrapped his arm around your waist, anything to know that you were close, that you hadn’t been taken from him again. Not that you were complaining. The stone was great for protection, but it didn’t do much to keep one warm. Hunter, however, was as warm as a wool blanket in winter, it was like walking around with a living torch.
You led the way, and Echo and Tech watched your back, just in case some of the guards hadn’t been lured away by Wrecker and Crosshair’s distraction.
“Someone’s coming,” Hunter hissed, dragging you into the shadows of an alcove. A lumbering form made its way down the hall with a hacking cough and the clanking of armor. You gasped, and grasped at Hunter’s tunic as Grievous barked orders at his men. 
“You! Find Dooku and inform him of the intruders. And you three, protect the princess, we can’t let them be allowed to kidnap her!” Grievous coughed again and Hunter pulled you closer. Four of Grievous’s men ran down the adjacent hallway towards the Count’s rooms, while the others followed Grievous past your hiding spot. 
“Breathe, milady,” Hunter whispered, taking your face in his hands. You hadn’t realized how badly you were shaking until his steady hands grasped you. 
“You’re safe, I won’t let them hurt you, I promise,” He sealed his knightly oath with a kiss, and you took a deep breath.
“We have to keep moving,” Echo urged, not unkindly, “Cross and Wrecker are going to need our help pretty soon.”
You nodded, and took another deep breath to gather your wits, nodding to the servant’s door across the hall from where the four of you were hidden. If you hadn’t misjudged how far you’d come, that had to be the door where you’d heard the skittish servants run into Grievous earlier. You just had to follow the same path down to the dungeons, and Dooku’s mysterious beast. 
Echo shivered in the darkness of the dungeon, and Tech gripped his shoulder to steady his brother. Your ankle twinged as you relived your humiliating fall, and Hunter pulled you closer to help you walk steadily. Silently, you led your rescuers into the sparse torchlight. As you drew closer to the inconspicuous door, the smell of brimstone and flames grew more potent. 
Instead of the roar you’d heard earlier, there was a gentle crooning, like a song from the sad sonnets Queen Jobal was so fond of. 
“I have never heard a creature make that sound before,” Tech mused aloud. He tested the doorknob, and it was unlocked.
Echo huffed, “You’d think Dooku’d be more cautious after he overthrew his king.” You nodded in agreement. 
Though unlocked, the door did prove heavy, and Hunter helped Tech give it an extra shove as it swung inward. 
Beyond the door didn’t look much like the rest of the castle. There were two torches on either side of the door, but after that, the hall opened up into a cavern, with murky water droplets dripping down the moss-covered stalactites and echoing through the chamber. Most of the water gathered into a small puddle in the center of the room, just a meter or two from the feet of a giant, red dragon. 
“Maker…” Echo breathed. Tech grabbed a torch and brought it closer to get a better look.
The dragon whimpered and turned its head away from the light. There were several brown gashes along the neck and back from what you could see, and your heart clenched.
“Dooku’s been torturing it, starving it,” You whispered in pity.
“If she were starving she would have attempted to eat us already,” Tech dismissed. 
“Tech, the light,” Hunter nodded to the torch in his hand. 
Tech glanced at the fire curiously, then backed away with the torch. As the light pulled away, the dragon perked up, looking at you with narrowed pupils. 
“She knows if we get close enough, we’ll hurt her,” Echo growled, “Or at least Dooku would.”
“Why won’t she fight back, then?” Tech asked.
Hunter pointed to a large black chain in the corner of the cavern. It wound around the dragon’s neck and through the manacles on each of her legs, all of which squeezed tightly enough to leave little white indents in the dragon’s skin. Several of her black claws were broken and brittle from trying to escape.
“We can’t leave her here,” You insisted.
“Milady, it’s a wild creature, we can’t control it,” Hunter said sympathetically.
“The best thing to do for it is to put it out of its misery,” Tech sighed, though he sounded fairly reluctant.
You refused to let that happen. You slipped from Hunter’s grasp and readjusted your hold on his dagger.
“Wait,” Echo jumped in front of Hunter to keep from startling the dragon as you approached.
She watched you carefully with golden eyes. Her scales were darker, almost brown, around her eyes and nostrils. You met her eyes, but she made no movement as you made your way to where the chain was fastened to the floor. The lock was almost as large as the dragon’s foot, and made of iron from the mountains surrounding Serenno. The size of the key to unlock it must have been as big as Hunter’s sword, if not bigger, but it was the perfect size for you to slip your hand inside, and use Hunter’s dagger to trip the locking mechanism. 
The chain rattled as it loosened around the Dragon’s neck. She shook her head, and it fell to the floor.  Hunter and his brothers quickly backed away as she rose to her feet , the chain slipping uselessly though the manacles. You grinned in delight. 
The dragon stretched her legs in the expansive cavern, testing her weight on the wall. A few rock formations crumbled to dust beneath her feet, and you quickly dodged her footsteps as she stretched out her neck, reaching towards the top of the cave.
She looked back down at you, her eyes softening as she studied the strange being in front of her.
You could see Hunter reaching for you out of the corner of his eye, not wanting to startle her, but not willing to let you be sacrificed after all he’d risked to save you.
Hopefully, you stretched out your hand, as she leaned towards you, hoping foolishly that you might be able to be one of those fortunate humans who got to pet a dragon once in their meager existence, when an arrow landed in her shoulder.
Your new friend howled in rage, and the four of you spun towards the door, only to see Dooku reloading his crossbow.
“Seize the princess!” He snarled to his men. Hunter launched himself at Dooku, and the dragon stretched forward, shielding you with her body as she snarled. You wondered if she recognized Dooku, surely she did. How many other soldiers did she recognize? How many had been allowed to strike her without fear of repercussion? 
No longer. The brimstone in her breath ignited, and ten of Dooku’s men went up in flames, screaming as they were baked alive in their armor. 
“Hunter!” You cried, beckoning Tech and Echo towards you. They dodged your new friend’s feet as they joined you beneath the dragon’s wings, but Hunter had forced Dooku to abandon his crossbow in favor of his gold-hilted sword. Hunter wasn’t one for witty banter during a fight, but you could hear his shouts of rage as his sword clashed against Dooku’s. 
The dragon swung her tail, sending more rocks tumbling to the floor of the cavern, and you could see her wings beginning to unfold. This cavern was much too small for her.
As the last of the flames flickered off the armor of the roasted knights, you noticed something in the roof of the cavern.
A door. 
“Tech, Echo, get on her back!”
“Are you insane!?” Echo asked.
“As much as I have dreamt of one day riding a dragon, I do believe our friend here might be adverse to such an idea.” 
Even as Tech protested, you jumped and grabbed one of the scales in the dragon’s neck, your legs windmilling as you tried to climb up on her back. She hardly noticed as she tried to fight off the rest of Dooku’s knights, batting their swords away with her powerful legs. Tech gave you a boost, and you pulled yourself up, holding onto one of her spines to steady yourself. Leaning down, you helped Echo and then Tech climb up, out of reach of the knights. 
With one final swing of the dragon’s tail, the last of Serenno’s knights crashed against the wall, leaving Hunter and Dooku battling it out.
“Hunter!” You screamed his name, and Hunter looked to you. In his momentary hesitation, Dooku hit him in the back of his head. You shrieked, but Tech gripped your arm tightly, preventing you from leaping to his aid.
“I see now,” Dooku grinned, and his dark eyes seemed to stare through your soul. He kicked Hunter onto his back, holding him with his foot on Hunter’s shoulder and the tip of his sword just barely against Hunter’s throat.
“You love her, don’t you?” Dooku crooned, “This scullery maid? This pathetic excuse of a princess?”
“‘Bout time you figured it out,” You spat. 
The dragon paced the walls of the cavern, wary of getting any closer to the would-be King. But you had to help Hunter somehow. You knew he was alive from the way Dooku regarded him cautiously, like a snake about to strike, even though he was trapped. He must have known about Hunter and his brothers, despite the covert nature of their assignments.
Dooku leaned in closer to Hunter, putting slightly more pressure on his sword. You could hear Hunter grunt softly, but he refused to give Dooku any satisfaction.
“Tell me, sir knight, what’s so special about a peasant nobody that you’d risk not only your life, but the lives of your brothers for a nobody that was even abandoned by her mistress?”
Shame bubbled in your throat. Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair were all going to end up dead all because of you if you didn’t think of something, and even with the dragon on your side, the rest of you could end up dead as well.
“Because she’s worth more than all the kingdoms of the earth,” Hunter spat on the hem of Dooku’s cloak. He tried to dodge and protect his precious robes, but that gave Hunter the opening he needed to slip out from under Dooku. He sprinted towards the dragon, only pausing to grab his sword.
“Get him!” You urged the dragon, pointing at Dooku, who stumbled back to regain his balance. 
 Hunter ducked down to dodge the first blast of fire, but so did Dooku, and he took after Hunter with inhuman speed. 
Echo leaned down as far as he could to reach for Hunter’s outstretched hand, but Dooku caught up and Hunter had to block. The dragon couldn’t reach Dooku with her fire breath as they dueled between her legs, and she stumbled back to try and find them. Sparks flew as the steel collided.
Somehow, in the fight, Dooku’s spikey, towering crown had managed to stay on his head. But not for long. You held onto Tech’s belt and leaned down, snatching the stolen prize off his head. 
Dooku was distracted now, reaching for his crown in earnest, and forgot to dodge as Hunter swung his sword at his head.
Your face paled, and Dooku’s body crumpled to the ground, lifeless. Hunter stared at the blood on his sword, unable to believe that had just happened. 
Tech yanked you back up onto the dragon, and barked shrilly at his brother.
“Hurry, before more guards arrive!”
Hunter nodded, and firmly grasped Tech’s hand to climb up on the dragon’s back. You could hear shouting out in the dungeon. Without any more distractions, the dragon spread her wings and roared. With a great bound, she began to climb the wall, digging her claws into the stone.
You held on for dear life, and you could feel one of Hunter’s arms around your waist. How the four of you managed to keep from falling, you weren’t really sure, but at the apex of the cavern, the dragon based her head through the wooden door, and moonlight spilled over all of you as you promptly arrived in the courtyard. 
Several of Dooku���s guards were attempting to pin Wrecker to the ground as he tried to push Grievous back, but they were slowly being picked off by Crosshair. 
“Woah!” Wrecker made his appreciation known as the dragon climbed out, carrying the four of you on her back.
“What’d you get yourselves into this time?” Crosshair snapped, shooting another arrow at the guards sneaking up on Wrecker.
“Stop them!” Grievous screamed. The soldiers fled in terror as the dragon shot a ball of fire at the castle drawbridge. She knocked Grievous aside with her tail, and Wrecker climbed up on her back.
“What’s ‘er name?” He asked.
“We don’t know!” Echo shouted above the terrified screams of the guards and the servants inside the castle. You felt sorry for them, but if Dooku was dead, they had a chance of freedom. That was the most you could do for them at this time. 
The dragon began to stretch her wings, and you could feel her muscles flexing.
“Cross, jump!” Hunter held out his arm to his brother. Crosshair leaped down from the wall, landing just behind Hunter.
“Can she fly with all of us?” He asked doubtfully. The warning bell tolled on, but none of the guards were going to respond.
“She will, she will,” You whispered. 
The first flap of wings was to stretch her muscles, sending a gust of wind through the courtyard. You ducked your head, closing your eyes to keep the dust out.  The second flap, she stretched her wings toward the sky, and leaned back, looking up to the beautiful full moon above. 
“Hang on!” Tech clung to the brothers he could reach, and you gripped the spine in front of you. You felt Hunter’s hand cover yours as he wrapped his arm around your waist. All of you held on tightly, and the dragon launched herself into the air, leaving your stomachs on the ground below.
The first thing you could hear, after you got used to the rushing of the wind in your ears, was Wrecker whooping for joy.
“We’re flyin’, boys!” He cheered.
“Just don’t look down,” Crosshair said. Of course, Wrecker looked, you could hear his whimper a second later.
“Are we all still here?” Echo asked.
“We are all accounted for,” Tech confirmed. You could feel Hunter, pressed up against your back.
“Are you alright, milady?” He whispered.
You nodded, keeping your eyes squeezed shut tightly. If you looked, you were sure you’d fall and discover this was all a dream.
Hunter squeezed you tightly and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek. 
“You’re safe, milady. We made it.”
Hunter’s voice was so hopeful, so earnest, you couldn’t help but believe him. You opened one eye. A cloud shot past.
You gasped, and opened both eyes. The dragon was firm and solid beneath you, as was Hunter at your back.  Her wings were big and strong, keeping you airborne. You looked down, and you could see the mountains of Serenno beneath you. The capital was long gone, but you could almost make out the ravine where you lost Padme.
“The princess,” You gasped, “Is she-”
“She’s safe too,” Hunter promised, “Anakin took her back to the camp.”
You nodded, leaning back against his chest, “I suppose we need to find our way back to the Naboo camp too, you’ll have to report back to Duke Kenobi, and even if Dooku’s dead, his men might still attack.”
Hunter hummed, “I wonder how they’ll fare against a red dragon.”
Your laughter carried through the air, and a few woodsmen just might be wondering what fae was so entertained on a night like tonight.
Your giant friend grew tired as the sun was rising, and made a quick landing at a river Tech said you could follow back to the Duke’s camp. 
“Thanks, Lula,” Wrecker said as he slid off her back.
“Lula?” Echo asked.
“Yeah, none of you named her, so I did!” 
Lula crooned at you, so perhaps she didn’t mind the name. You raised your hand to her again, and this time Hunter stood staunchly at your side as Lula pressed her warm snout against your bare hand. You took Hunter’s hand, even though he wore his gloves, and made him press his hand against her nose too. A puff of smoke surrounded you in the fresh scent of brimstone, and Crosshair laughed while Hunter coughed.
“Thank you, Lula,” You told her, taking a step back.
Lula made a curious noise as you and Hunter started to follow after his brothers. You smiled back at her.
“I have to go now, maybe we’ll meet again someday.” You waved. Lula watched you, her golden eyes round and curious. She didn’t quite understand human concepts, you knew, but she was hungry, and the army needed your help. She deserved a peaceful life of freedom after everything Dooku had done to her. You grasped Hunter’s hand as you walked, wondering what kind of life you could create.
As the six of you walked along the riverbank with a skip in your step, your ankle hit a rock, and you remembered how much pain you had been in.
“Are you alright?” Hunter fell to his knees beside you.
You took a sharp breath in through your teeth, “I just need to rest it, I’ll be fine.”
You tried to pull yourself up to sit on that same rock, but Hunter swept you off of your feet instead, now carrying you in his arms. 
“Hunter!” Your voice squeaked as you threw your arms around his neck. You could hear Echo and Crosshair chuckling, and you buried your face in his shoulder.
“Hunter, you don’t have to carry me, I’m fine-”
“Milady, you’ve broken your ankle. What kind of knight would I be if I allowed you to walk on your own?” He picked up his pace to walk with his brothers, holding you firmly. He even refused when Wrecker offered to carry you. 
You didn’t really mind, though. His pace was steady, and his chest was warm. 
“Go ahead and rest,” Hunter whispered, as if he could read your mind, “You’re safe now.”
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Lady Luck (Prequel)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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visd3stele · 3 years
📖 - unfinished
📚 - finished
👀 - finished, but might continue if requested
🎈 - soon to arrive
be careful at the 💥triger warnings💥 (they're at the beginning of each fic where needed) please, stay safe! 💛
also, further explenations can be given in the longer A/N's, so don't skip on those
let me know if you wanna be tagged
Marauders era:
- young and tangled - Sirius blurb 📚
*One afternoon at Hogwarts, reader braids Sirius' hair for Quidditch - fluff*
- the white ship of the House of Black vs the poisoned snake - Sirius x fem!reader (x Regulus !platonic!) 📚
*Life after Hogwarts is not easy. The war puts everyone's nerves to test. When y/n and Sirius break up and her purebloods parents want her to marry Regulus, the Gryffindor Black must take action*
- flirt and a shirt - Sirius blurb *short*📚 (plus size!reader)
- Remus dating slytherin reader 📚 (link for part 1)
*forced marriage trope but happy ending* (2 parts) link for part 2
- Regulus and muggle born reader: all great couples pull a great con 📚 (link for part 1)
*they're clever and madly in love, what can possibly go wrong with two water snakes in the cobras' nest?* (2 parts) link for part 2
- save me (Reggie x you) 📚
*you heal Regulus, not just his body, but soul and mind as well*
- Operation prison break (Sirius x spouse!reader, Regulus x platonic!reader) 📚
*An unexpected visit to the disowned Black household brings out secrets and a powerful alliance*
- the life of the Black brother's 📖 (act I)
*a tragedy in 5 parts about Reggie and Sirius* act II, act III, act IV, act V
- don't love me like that: Sirius/reader/mean girl📚
*dark magic is not love and y/n plus our favorites from the wizarding world help Sirius deal with it*
- my true north (Sirius x potter!reader) 📚
*James' little sister is a brave wizarding self proclaimed pirate, but there is a good reason for it*
- Peter Pettigrew: a spy with no choice📚
*wormtail's betrayal from his POV*
- Unrequited until proven per contra 📚
*Regulus doesn't know how to cope with his feelings dor y/n. But thankfully, winter serves as a muse as he tries to mend what he broke.*
- wolfstar angst, pre Azkaban and post Azkaban: the beauty and his beast📚
*how does Sirius and Remus reconcile after years apart, with old and new scars painfully visible despite them not being physical*
- self care for Sirius - gn!reader 📚
*y/n helps Sirius relax with face masks, make up and nail art*
- I loved and I loved and I lost you 📚
*when Regulus uncovers his fiancèe secrets he makes decisions he comes to deeply regret. Unable to fix them, he shall join his beloved in both war sides and death.*
- modern au + text au + blurb + jily📚
*just some fluff with James and Lily because we all need more of it*
- Sweet spices (Reggie smut) 📚
*a soft, sweet and intimate marriage scene after a fight*
- the ABC of magic folks for marriage 📚
*arranged marriage trope gone right with Sirius Black*
- the wars of the past are the wars of the future 👀
*blackinnon has a child and they remember the past a bit too well. !!ANGST!!*
- Sirius & Regulus angst with happy ending 📚
Shadow and bone:
- Who? 📚
*a Darkling angst one shot about his identity*
Folk of the air:
- jurdan power couple moment: Her majesty 📚
*Cardan is full of the folk disrespecting Jude and Jude is learning how to love fully*
- Oak and the throne 📚
*Oak is old enough to take over the throne, except he doesn't want it.*
- Magic and kids 📚
*Oak wants a magic friend in the mortal world. Taryn's child would be perfect for it.*
- Bow down, your highness! 📚 (part 2)
*Jurdan smut: Jude shouldn't have go on a date*
- 'Til death do you apart 📚
*Jurdan angst: Jude is about to marry a mortal, Cardan has an issue with that*
- Old love, young love, fae love 📚
*After TWK Jude's grandparents try to set her up with someone – enter a certain fae king, set on stopping it from happening*
- Shockingly familial/r 📚
*How does Jude's fanily react to the new High King and High Queen*
- How the cruel prince and the wicked king came to let go of the queen of nothing 📚
*A long-ish blurb on what would have been if Jude found another after her exile (focused on Cardan's thoughts and, mostly, feelings)*
- Turn back the tides 📚
*When Jude dies in the mortal land, Cardan travels back in time, before the exile to stop if from happening."
- Mine! No, mine! 📚
*a cute endeavour of Oak and Cardan fighting over their favorite girl*
- some blurbs: jurdan smut and jurdan angst (the letters are a paid actor in this one)
- What if...? 📚
*Locke survived...*
- Tease? (Solangelo fluff) 📚
*our fav boys hanging out together with a spicy (but not too spicy) game of Mythomagic*
- Frank Zhang, The fall on the other side 📚
*From hero to villain real quick*
Billy Russo
- Scarred, scarry, spectacular 📚
*Y/n sees his scars and still loves him*
- Recovery 📚
*reader and Billy help each other accept their scars*
- Go, go, darling agents part 1; part 2; part 3📚
*being the leader of a vigilante team means you know what a hard choice feels like, but never was it as complicated as it is now. ANGST and explicit themes. CHECK THE TW AT THE BEGGINING OF EACH CHAPTER*
- Oh, brother mine! 📚
*four episodes in the lives of Julian and Dante Santos*
The invisible life of Addie Larue
- She shines in his darkness 📚
*Luc doubts himself. Addie helps him with a bit of sexual tension.*
- Silence sounds the best on you. Logan Delos x fem!reader📚
*Logan wants to spice things up in the bedroom with a game. SMUT*
House of the dragon
- Queenmaker 📚
*Ser Criston Cole has a bit of a different role in the Dance of Dragons*
- King's favorite 📚
*you and Criston hit some rocks in the path of your love, but all is good in the end*
- Sleepless nights 📚
*Rhaenyra's younger sister, you, learn something a princess shouldn't know before her wedding night from the dashing Ser Criston Cole*
- Knightly fly 📚
*a continuation of the fic above, if you will, but fluffy, not smutty. a date night on the back of a dragon*
- Take my heart with you where you go 📚
*could be seen as a continuation of the two fics above, but also a stand alone. targaryen princess reader has to marry her uncle, Daemon, saying goodbye to Criston forever.* //// alternative happy ending ////
- One. Two. Three. 📚
*a day in the life of reader and her husband, knight Criston Cole with their two kids; a newborn on the way*
- Love the way you hurt me 📚
*a targaryen born with magic, a knight with unbending views of life, a lost child and a surprisingly happy ending*
- Soothing stars 📚
*after Criston is rejected by Rhaenyra, his best friend is there to pick up the pieces*
- NSFW headcanon
- Not so strong 📚
*reader is married to Harwin, but loves Criston. However, when you find out your husband and sister have children together, it's still a lot to take in. And you cannot go through it alone*
The King (2019)
- Galloping circus 📚
*magical!au* *king Hal is thrown into a cursed circus from where you help each other accomodate*
- The child of moon and stars 📖
*there is only one Darkling. No family of his own, no connection. The girl bending shadows in Ketterdam must certainly be a scam coined by the notorious Dirtyhands. But the plots thickens.*
Lady Bird
- summertime love
*y/n fell for the notorius Kyle Scheible, but what happens whne they're alone, horseback camping in the middle of the wild woods?*
- Feysand first time sexy time (Rhys POV)📚
- Man of Honor Rhysand (blurb)📚
- Lucienweek2023 prompt 1: Exile📚
- Lucienweek2023 prompt 2: Style📚
- Lucienweek 2023 prompt 3: Mask📚
- Lucienweek2023 prompt 4:
- Lucienweek2023 prompt 5:
- Lucienweek2023 prompt 6:
- Lucienweek2023 prompt 7:
- A court of waves and flames 📖
- Elucien angst (with sort of a happy ending)📚
Hunger Games
- Fish out of water 📚
*when y/n enters the Games she expected pain, but hoped it'll end once she is crowned Victor. However, the District Four girl is about to be thrown into a far crueler world than she expected. And all of that under the sorrowful mentorship of Finnick Odair.*
- Between waves and dunes, there's us📚
*Paul takes Chani to see the sea (canon NON-compliant, slighty ooc)*
407 notes · View notes
eating-him · 3 years
White Lily found him facedown on his royal desk, wreathed in a halo of scattered papers and a crooked crown.
“I can’t marry Dark Cacao,” Pure Vanilla groaned into the parchment with all the grief of a dying man. On the back of his chair, a blueberry bird tilted its head quizzically and glanced up at her, wings flicking in the cheerful summer light, and through the open window White Lily could hear a bard singing in the courtyard.
Duly noting that the weather had decided not to commiserate with the king, White Lily approached the desk with a mild raise of her brow. “Last night you were crying so hard over a pair of fluffy socks he sent you, you barely had the strength to ask me what color they were. Do I need to get Hollyberry...?”
The puddle of robes and paperwork let out a small sound of agony. “No, she’ll tell me to focus on the good parts of myself and then slap me on the back, and I love her dearly, but my spine is too weak for that today.”
“....do I need to get Dark Cacao?”
“Absolutely not thank you.”
Being his childhood friend had a few advantages, and one of those was that she had the dubious privilege of knowing how to handle Pure Vanilla’s boy troubles. Sighing softly, White Lily leaned a hip on the great desk and looked down at the best thing that had ever happened to her.
Engaged. Engaged and anxious, and in the exact same position he’d taken in their college years the night before a test, collapsed over a book and trying not to resemble a man at the gallows while already writing his own will. It was... too easy, sometimes, to turn back the clock and overlay the king with the college student.
“Did something happen? You’re allowed to not marry him, you know. You’re Pure Vanilla, I don’t think anyone could stop you from doing what you want,” she murmured.
With a noise like a frustrated rollhog, Pure Vanilla dropped his staff to cover his head with his arms like he could shrink down enough to turn inside out and hide forever. “It’s not like that, I don’t want to leave him, I love him, I just. He’s so. And I’m.”
“A hero of the realms?”
“I can’t dance.”
“Well, no,” she mused, “Most of the dragons and undead sea serpents and the occasional greater demon weren’t asking us to waltz. Why do you need to?”
Pure Vanilla hesitated, hair like sunlight fisted in his hands, and she watched the way the dawn slid over his back and broad shoulders in a way the robe couldn’t really hide. “He,” a catch of breath, “Dark Cacao is... he’s always liked tradition, likes the stability, likes the connection to the long train of history, and when we get married he’ll. We’re kings. We can’t not have a ball.”
She really couldn’t stop the smile. “And a first dance?”
“Gods don’t remind me.”
White Lily also couldn’t help doing that, not when she could see with crystal clarity the little teenager at the academy’s winter ball hiding behind a pillar like he meant to be there, staff clutched in hand with all of his suit buttons done just one unfortunate button off. He never had been one for dances, but he’d been there for her, and that honestly said everything.
She wondered if Dark Cacao would describe his own makeup to Pure Vanilla, like she had, if he’d see the same grateful tears. Maybe Pure Vanilla didn’t cry about that sort of thing anymore. Maybe he did.
“Should I get Hollyberry after all? She throws plenty of balls, she likely knows several of the dances Dark Cacao would. You’ve never let ignorance stop you before, why let it stop you from marrying the love of your life? You can learn.”
The crumpled ball of king on the desk peered up at her from his distraught huddle, foggy blue eye picking out the shadow of her from what he’d described once as a sea of light, dark, and endless mist. “White Lily. She’d rip my arms off on accident.”
“You can heal that.” He’s ashamed.
“Your continued faith in my competence is astounding.”
She had to give him a look for that. “You were the best healer in our class because you heal yourself every morning from walking into at least one door, and one year it was falling down the stairs.”
Shrugging and unrepentant, she moved on. “My point is, you have nowhere to go but up from the bottom. And if you’re afraid, you have options. I can dance, and you’ll never be a king with me. You can’t be. I enabled your coffee addiction in school.”
Pure Vanilla was dead silent for several long moments. “....I respect you as a warrior and mage, but I have clearly wildly miscalculated how powerful you are.”
“You have.” It was simple fact. “So what will you do?”
A sigh, deep and burdened, but when he glanced up from his arms more fully there was a reluctant little smile, fond as gentle spring, and he held his hand up to her like it wasn’t heavy with ink stains and a signet ring, like a man younger, like a man freer. “I suppose you’ll have to teach me to dance, then. May I have the pleasure?”
A question she asked herself everyday. Could she have this, could she dare this, could she be this close without dying like a star. A small question. So small.
She slipped her hand into his, warm with callouses and speckled with ink, the bones of his knuckles, the breath under his skin. His fingers curled around hers like flowers finding the sun, and she took a breath to keep from crying.
“You may.”
It sounded too much like the I do that would never belong to her.
Dark Enchantress woke in her bed at the top of the world, the top of her ambition, the death-drenched halls of the old Vanilla castle, and slowly flexed her fingers to work out the phantom ache of the hideous, repulsive warmth of yesteryear.
Time to dance, then. War didn’t orchestrate itself.
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Ur wolficorn fic sent me into a catatonic laughing fit I straight up couldn't breath for almost 2 min thank u
I'm so pleased the Wolficorn fic had you laughing so much. It was definitely one written in a spur of the moment idiocy XD While I don't have anything quite so silly to offer today, how about some idiot shenanigans of less outlandishness?
Sharing Is Caring
There was something unique to Wolf Witchers that nobody outside of their school knew about. their mages had been experimenting with not just the body but the mind too. Knowledge was essential to being a successful Witcher and little did anyone know but the mages were highly competitive, wanting their school to be the best. The Wolf mages had secretly perfected a formula. They called it Moss because it spreads and links minds so they can share knowledge without issues.
It's all well and good, Lambert, Geralt, Eskel, and Vesemir get together each winter and spend nights linked, sharing stories from the path, helping figure out whether harpies have a blind spot they could exploit to make contracts a little easier. However, the year Jaskier, Cahir and Aiden were with them, and Aiden can smell the unusual potion on Lambert, the ruse was up. They all wanted in on what sounded like quite a lot of fun.
"It requires a lot of control, adepts learn it together while they're still young," Vesemir grumbled, reluctant to share.
"Well, I'm a Witcher, I have control," Aiden shot back, pulling himself up to his full height and puffing his chest out.
Not to be out done, Jaskier was next to him, looking equally entitled. "I am nothing if not a quick study."
Somewhat slower and a bit more shy but no less determined, Cahir cleared his throat from behind them. "I won't be left out either."
Which was how, outnumbered and threatened with being pestered, sung into madness and soulfully stared at, Vesemir relented. They set the great hall up, pillows for comfort, more than usual because Jaskier demanded it and the vial of Moss was brought out.
"As the strongest in Chaos, Eskel goes first, he'll ground us," Geralt explained. One by one they took a sip and passed the vial on, then got comfortable, lying down and reaching for the person either side so they formed a circle of sorts. Like a gentle wave, something tugged at them, dragging them from the present into something warm and comforting.
The memory surfaced gently, there were pangs of fatigue and aching muscles but muted. The focus was very much on the nest of harpies that had been disturbed. Through Eskel's eyes they could see how he worked, corralling the creatures and approaching from the side. An inner monologue started up.
"I'd noticed that the harpies tended to approach at a 20 degree path from the rockface over the years. And if they swarm, they stay at a 25 degree angle to each other. So I set about testing a theory."
In the memory the harpies shifted as Eskel jumped but did nothing else. When they zeroed in on him again, Eskel moved too.
"I suspected that the harpies have a blind spot in the 20-25 degree range. It is something that is worth exploiting. In a group they will try to guard each other's blind spots but can be used against them, especially with projectiles."
There was a soft clamour in the memory of multiple not quite voices brushing together, a feeling of intrigue and gratitude. Eskel's memory was followed by Geralt's a review of some of the flowers and the regional mutations he had found in them. Lambert brought forth his contract on a werewolf whose stomach had been filled with stolen silver jewellery, probably in the mistaken hope of it preventing the transformation. Though he quickly stopped sharing about what he then did with the found silver, Aiden's memories picked up. There was glee and excitement in there. They had sold some of the silver to get a nice room for the night as well as a bath to share.
The problem was, there was no way to look away from a memory and Aiden seemed to have no shame in sharing the knowledge he'd learned on the Path that year. Namely, he'd discovered a new way to flick his tongue during a blowjob that had Lambert keening, head thrown back and tendons in his neck standing out.
Somewhere in the muted mixture of outrage, humiliation and pride there was one clearer voice.
"Thanks for the tip, I'm so trying that." Which was how focus moved from Aiden to Jaskier. The first thing that hit them all was exhaustion. Aching legs, a creaky knee a back that screamed to be allowed to lie on a flat surface. Instead, Geralt stepped through the doors of the tavern, looking equally drawn and in the memory they could all feel the wide smile Jaskier sent him before looking to the tavern owner. The set Jaskier played was no different to his usual by the looks of it, however this time there was an increasing wave of concern from Geralt as Jaskier struggled at hiding his fatigue and sadness. It wasn't that he didn't like performing but his heart ached that he had to push himself at every opportunity because people didn't take kindly to Geralt. The memory ended when Jaskier trudge upstairs, forcing his chatter and smile until his head hit the pillow and he was out like a light.
There was silence in their joined consciousness, an uneasy shifting from Jaskier at his secret having been spilled until Geralt mentally enveloped him, gratitude and sadness.
"There's a lot that's done out of love," Cahir mused. There had been absolute blankness from him for the whole joining which had been unnerving. It made Lambert and Aiden turn their attention to the void that shrouded him and began poking, pulling and trying to tease something out of him. It was Eskel's warm push that jolted them all into a memory.
"I remember this," Eskel thought. "You said nothing had happened."
That might have been a small lie. Eskel had been out to track down fiend that had been terrorising a king's hunting grounds. He'd said it would take at least three days to track it and kill it before dragging a head back as proof of completion of the contract. While he was gone, Cahir had been permitted to stay at the castle as a guest. With his knowledge of Nilfgaard, he was a valuable asset and many often tried to draw information from him in a variety of ways.
The fiend was taking longer to sort than anticipated, not that Cahir was worried. It was only the fourth day and he'd ride out the next day if there was no sign of Eskel, that was fine. However, he had been invited for an audience with the king in the throne room. What was nice was that the king stood rather than lounge in his throne though that was probably more to do with his sciatica than the desire to treat Cahir as an equal. It did mean though that when a messenger came in, Cahir heard it all.
"My King, there's news that the fiend has struck again. Rumour is that the Witcher has failed, might be injured in the forest."
"How unfortunate," the king had drawled.
"Do we send a rescue party?"
"Why bother? He's just a Witcher?"
The flare of fury and protectiveness was overwhelming and the memory was choked by it, only brought back into focus by the sound of a slap as Cahir delivered a swift, hard backhand, making the king's head snap to the side.
Immediately there was the sound of swords being drawn and guards advanced on Cahir who gave a nonchalant shrug.
"What? He's just a king."
Spluttering, the king waved his guards off and glared at Cahir. "People love me. I matter to them. A Witcher doesn't."
"I don't love you. But I love my Witcher, he matters to me." Cahir glanced at his nails, the perfect image of disinterest even as his stomach was in tight knots. "You're say here, getting fatter each day. Eskel's out there actually protecting your people. So tell me, who matters more? A king who is easily replaced and they're dime a dozen on this Continent? Or a Witcher when no more of them are being made and the only ones who can conquer a fiend when it hunts in the same area you wish to pursue for sport?"
The memory closed off at that, Cahir finally getting control back over himself. He shrank back into his void, a soft murmur of embarrassment echoed in the connection. "You weren't meant to find that out."
Breaking the circle, Eskel pulled himself from the effects of Moss and the others broke out of it too, just in time to see Eskel roll on top of Cahir and kiss him.
"You could have died you idiot."
"So could you." Cahir refused to feel remorse or regret for his actions. "From what I recall, the king paid you handsomely for your efforts when you came back the next day."
The moment was broken by Jaskier clearing his throat, hand in Geralt's and tugging. "If you'll excuse us, we have a new tongue trick to try."
Without a word, Vesemir walked into the kitchen, down into the cellar and got started early on the moonshine.
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
Who’s writing new BP fics? It’s feeling kinda dry out here
Oh you gotta keep looking cause they out here!!!
- winter wonderland series (25 days of christmas challenge), Chunk series (updated)- @ghostfacekill-monger
- you better watch out series (25 days of christmas challenge), baby daddy series- @teakturn
- couple’s getaway series, message therapist erik, erik and you have relationship issues that need to be resolved, incubus erik x reader series, gamer erik humiliates his girl, christmas wishes & mistletoe kisses series, all vampire eriks stories, drug dealer erik gets ino an entaglement with a married woman series, erik teaching his daughter how to love her dark skin, assassin erik and his girl london make up for lost time-   @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
- all i want series- @thadelightfulone
- the jabari that stole christmas, misfit wakandans, er*k in a box, t’challa’s 12 days of christmas, the jabari-cracker, christmas even will find erik, the coffee prince series (updated), song of stevens (not new but do read), will the bell ring? (updated)-  @eerythingisshaka
- chrismasing with you-  @ceeverse
- mama is wild, how he acts when he’s sick: m’baku “mama’s other baby’ jabari, peaches, how he acts whe he’s sick: erik “i can do it myself” stevens, how he acts when he’s sick: t’challa i’m fine” udaku, final decision, body pillow, the most dangerous game-  @akimi-youngblood
- his majesty, my king series; he chosen bride, a jabari wedding (not so new but do read), he wasn’t mad enough for me, clean-up woman, i wish you would, mistletoe series, dadmonger series- @snowbaku
- what if...?, without question, polaroids, the temple series, queen shuri, wh you are series-  @tchallasbabymama
- biggest puddle ever, crab legs, play fighting, the fight, let me tell you a story, stop, got it bad, what would you do series, sugar babe series, poetic justice, messing w/ erik while he’s playing the game, erik had a reputation of being a fuckboy. tha meant you had to be careful around him. guard your heart. it was a solid plan until he came in and ruined all your plans- @dreamingofmilk
- our christmas, how to feel, warm colors series (not so new but do read), thanksgiving w/ mr. stevens, valentine’s gumbo (sequel to thankgiving with mr. stevens)-  @mermaidchansons
- she likes me, huh? nuh uh, cute enough to eat, screams in the night series (updated), open up, autumn leave & cookie thieves, one way or another, mr. telephone series, you ain’t hear that?- @supersizemeplz (check masterlist)
- anniversary blues, the chosen one series (updated), the sweetest thing series, in the light series-  @devnicolee
- the arrival series, boxer!baku series (updated), fireflies and foot races, sessions-  @muse-of-mbaku
- 85 “you can’t cum unless i say so” & 89 “you’re drooling. you really don’t deserve it though, do you?”, seventy-three, “29, 75 & 82″, “5, 13, & 69″- @marvelmaree
- subconscious- @freddiefcknmercury
- shameful series- @iwrite4poc
- only forever series, what lies beneath series,bunme takes new york (part of space between series)- @dramaqueeenamby
- letters for my love series, just for this moment series, she’s mine series, abiona au series- @sarcastic-sunshines
- redemption series (updated), starlight series, dress up- @airis-paris14
- new start series (with “reader meets erik who is a single father”), round 2 series, reader sleeping over a erik’s, “erik and reader are opposites- like she’s so nice, calm and soft, and erik is mean... as always and his family is so confused on how they’re dating”, imagine where erik and the reader has heir firs date and when he get home he’s super excited and tell his friends how happy and in love he is?, erik with goofy reader on a mission, reader catching erik using her expensice skincare products afer she told him it’s off limit, hug time, erik ghosting after a fight with his gf & she hears he’s out acting single so she decide she’s single too. but he shows up & all like “who said we broke up?”,  reader is not answering her phone and erik is worried/irrirated because the day before he was mean to her and she left his house crying?, an imagine where erik finding out the reader is powerful (like a mutant), erik & mbaku fighting over the reader, found you series, erik helping his need tomboy bff get a makeover & he starts to get jealous of how much attention she starts to get from other guys,  vulnerable soft erik where he and the reader get into an argument and later that night he’s trying to sleep but can’t because she’s refusing to come to bed with him and he has to be vulnerable with her and tells her “you know i can’t sleep without you”?, “short imagine or headcanon ha erik finds out his girlfriend has more body’s then him or his a mafia leader, something between those lines. but instead of being upset for her not telling him he’s actually cool with it”, erik comforting the reader after finding out she lost a loved one and he had a good day, reader learns she’s pregnant and comes up with a creative way to tell erik , erik and the reader are set up on a blind date by mutual friends, “reader is studying for her upcoming test and she is frustrated with the amount of studying she has to do.  erik notices she has been studying for a long time, and tries to do everything to relax her mind”, erik takes reader to wakanda for the first time, erik sees his girl still sleep with a stuffed animal and by kinda makes fun of her but when she puts it up he sees she struggles withouth it?, “imagine with erik inspired by the somg caretaker by dram and sza, like maybe the reader is feeling a bit ill/nauseous and erik to take care of her”, diaper change, sofboi erik where he asks the reader to marry him, hc of erik being jealous of his girl is too close to t’challa? always texting/wanting to hang out when they visit, back to you series, readering driving erik nuts with cravings & mood swings. ex: interrupting his sleep for food runs only to say she doesn’t want that anymore when he returns & demand something else, “ whatever you’re trying to butter me up for, the answer is no”?, how did he meet his love?, life together, your first time, hurting, fears, sick day, jealous series, when you’re sick, night fights, two lines, opening up, newborn, comfort, some love, insecure, first steps, it’s time series, cool down time, first day back- @killmongerdrabbles
- back & forth-  @supremethunda
- baby mama series, again, move, guess, night, nsfw alphabet, bow- @woahitslucyylu
- reactions o their girl’s wap (with erik), erik and reader being petty in the house after an argument-  @tastingmellow
- next lifetime series, days off with erik, girls trip series (updated),the way you make me feel- @theficplug
-  only then am i human series,a little vacation- @opalsandlace
-faded series, waves series, concrete cowboys series, black boys bloom thors first series (volume 3)- @uzumaki-rebellion
- black tie event-  @laketaj24
- genuine, numb- @taterfics
- city boy and his country girl series, wake up, meet the furys- @blackmissfrizzle
- come thru, this lil’ game we play-  @writetimes
- in between the lines series- @melodyofmbaku
- him, her and us series; conversations and coffee trips series, dancing around each oher series, mrs., you again series, where are we now?, cold coffee, here we are again series, summer love (could be any of the marvel men including t’challa); love, apps, and attitudes series; give me a reason (search for t’challa x reader)-  @iliketowrite1996
- homewrecker series (updated), family reunion- @shaekingshitup
- unexpected things happen in the clucky’s drive-thru, where you going: a quarantine quickie, halloween, delicate series, the best man-  @majesticbrownjawn
- i like tha series (updated), shea butter (baby) series  @nachtaiwrites
- the spririt of christmas, dentist series (updated), waiting to get home, best friends series, line love series, hell loves satin: tales of a mascochist, tattoo party- @hearteyes-for-killmonger
- uncharted series (updated), metamorphasis series, the remodel series, the boy is mine series (collab with @dashhoney25), sweet heat, quarantine bae, throttle, sugar, toxic, fair is fair, work boo (updated)-  @soufcakmistress
- caught up series- @twistedcharismaaa
- homebody series- @truglori
- roadtrip series- @cecereads209
- lights out, a better man- @reelwriter19
- you mean it? series, haunted series- @heykillmongerluhme
- end in flames series, my health- @bvlckgirlmvgix (not so new but do check out!)
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bihansthot · 4 years
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So it’s December 22nd, which is when I headcanon Bi-Han’s bday to be, it might be a bit cliché and silly but I like to think he was born slightly after midnight on the night of the Winter Solstice so techically the 22nd. Why I like this day for him is two fold, a) it’s the longest night of the year which I think makes a good tie into to him becoming Noob Saibot and b) it’s also the beginning of Winter. Sure for those reasons I could have done his birthday the 21st but personally I see him as more of a Capricorn than a Sagittarius, you don’t have to agree with me but in my world and in my self ship canon December 22, 1960 is his birthday. Honestly I don’t think any of the Western Zodiacs fit him perfectly, but he’s very spot on for being a Metal Rat, which is what his Chinese Zodiac is and since he’s ya know Chinese it’s kind of fitting that it’s more appropriate for him. 
So, in honor of his birthday I decided to write a reasonably short little smut piece about celebrating his birthday, Noob is briefly mentioned, but not directly involved in any of the fun stuff. It is a first person POV, reader insert, it’s just loosely based around the dynamic of my self ship. 
Not a whole lot of warnings for this, it’s just pretty straightforward birthday head, as usual likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated but as I mentioned on my previous post I don’t want to hear anymore stupid, petty complaints about problems that aren’t even a real thing just because I self ship with Bi-Han and Noob. Cool? 
               I yawn softly as Noob Saibot untangles himself from me as he gets out of bed, his movement rousing me from my slumber. Groggily I open my eyes and begin to speak before I’m silenced with and calloused, black finger pressed to my lips.
               “I’ll be back later, I have some business to attend to in the Netherrealm,” he whispers, fingers ghosting over my protesting lips. “Go back to sleep,” the wraith rasps as he stokes my hair affectionately and sinks into an inky portal, disappearing from my sight.
               “But it’s your birthday,” I pout as I’m finally able to protest once he’s gone, I sigh and pull the electric blanket up over my shoulders before snuggling closer to Bi-Han, doing my best to ignore the chill of his body. I manage to doze on and off for maybe another half an hour before giving up and deciding for better or worse that I was awake. The peculiar thing, however; is that Bi-Han is still fast asleep, I smile as I gaze at his peacefully sleeping face, so much has changed over the years. He used to sleep so lightly, any noise, or movement would wake him immediately and he would be ready to fight. Now though, now he’s sprawled out in our Californian King, hair messy and disheveled as he breathes deeply and soundly. I smile, he’s always handsome but there’s something particularly alluring about him when he’s not on edge or when he doesn’t have his ever-present cock-sure grin plastered on his face, when he’s just him.
               I run my fingers through his short, ebony locks, brushing them gently out of his eyes, his nose twitches a bit but he’s still sleeping, “hmmmm I wonder,” I muse to myself as a deliciously wicked idea crosses my mind. I press a soft kiss to Bi-Han’s cold lips before trailing featherlight kisses down his gorgeously toned body, careful not to linger in one place too long lest it rouses him from his slumber. I make my way down to his boxers briefs, the pesky fabric trying to hinder me, but I’m more persistent. I carefully reach into the slit of the garment and coax his long, thick cock out into the open. I can feel my mouth watering at the sight of it, he’s not even hard and all I can think about is how much I need that cold and velvety dick in between my soft, plump lips. I hold back a whine as I press my thighs together, trying to ignore my aching arousal as my mouth descends on him, pulling his cold member into my hot mouth. I can’t help but hum happily around his length as I test the weight of it against my tongue, guiding his cock deeper into my mouth until my nose is pressed against his firm, toned stomach, a reasonably easy feat when he’s soft, but quite the accomplishment if his cock was proudly standing at attention. A shiver runs through my body as my tongue slowly drags along the underside of his still flaccid length, I swallow reflexively before hollowing out my cheeks to suck softly, careful not to overdo it, I don’t want the fun to be over so soon. Almost immediately I bury my nose into his stomach as far as I can again, his well-kept patch of pubic hair tickling my nostrils, threatening to make me sneeze, but I can’t help it, his cock is such a heady, delicious treat to me that I just want as much of it as I can. It’s so cold and heavy against my tongue, starting to swell in my mouth as Bi-Han’s arousal grows, reluctantly I pull back to take a deeper breath.
               His hips cant up subconsciously, as though they’re desperate to get more of the wet heat my eager mouth offers, I pull back fully to suck on the head of Bi-Han’s cock, delighting to find a drop of precum already glistening from the tip of his half hard cock. My tongue darts out before I even realize what’s happening, gathering up the slightly bitter fluid, the taste might have been somewhat off putting when we first got together, when I was inexperienced but being with Bi-Han years now the taste only excites me more. I nibble lightly and suck at the small slit, greedily wanting more before swirling my tongue deftly around the head of his velvety cock, loving how silken it feels. For such a deadly warrior even, he has his soft spots. Luckily for me though he doesn’t stay soft for long and before I know it, I feel him swelling fully in my mouth. I moan around his length, I probably should learn how to control myself, but I can’t, not when his cock is halfway down my throat, threatening to cut off my air supply, making me dizzy with arousal. I relax my throat in a practiced motion as my shaking hands find his cold hips and I manage to squeeze a bit more of him into the tight confines of my mouth. My tongue undulates along the underside of his cock, as my senses are flooding with nothing but the smell and taste of Bi-Han’s cock, it’s so cold and icy and tastes salty and clean, with maybe a hint of the scent of his soap and fresh fallen snow clinging to his frigid skin, it’s addicting. My fingernails dig into the palm of my hand as I try and resist the urge to finger myself while sucking him off, chastising myself that his was a birthday surprise for him, that today was all about him, but fuck he was making it hard with the way his cock pulses and twitches in my mouth.
               Suddenly I freeze as I feel him shift and mumble something that sounds like my name, as groggy, confused blue-ish brown eyes flutter open. He blinks a few times in confusion as he looks down at me in between his legs, his huge cock buried in my eager mouth and he lets out a low groan of arousal at the sight before him. His groan is music to my ears, it’s soft moments, intimate moments like this I cherish so dearly. In moments like this he’s not Sub-Zero, he lets down that wall of frigid ice that keeps everyone at bay and I get to see the real man behind the mask, my Bi-Han. I can’t help but feel the thrill of exhilaration as he licks his lips before they part ever so slightly and he calls my name a little more intelligibly this time, and I find his icy fingers entwinned in my hair. “Wha?” he asks, voice thick with sleep.
               I don’t answer him, I let my actions be my answer as I begin to bob my head enthusiastically along his spit-soaked length. I no longer have to worry about waking him up, so I finally give into the urge to moan loudly around his cock as I force him farther down my throat, it burns, it aches, I have to fight the urge to not gag, but I don’t care. I mewl happily as a second strong hand firmly grasps my hair, Bi-Han’s icy grip pulls my head back a bit, I’m about to start protesting before his hips buck up into my warm, wet mouth. My eyes flutter shut as he slowly thrusts in and out of my mouth, using it the same way he would my pussy, filling my mouth with deep, slow strokes. It shouldn’t excite me as much as it does, but my panties are soaked through and I can feel my want dripping down my thighs as his cock hits the back of my throat.
               “Tā mā de, look at you,” he lets out a contented sigh as his hand cups my hollowed cheek before running his thumb around my cheekbone affectionately. “What did I do to get to wake up like this? Shit, don’t stop, it feels so good” he praises. Bi-Han’s lip curl up into a pleasured snarl as his cock sinks all the way into my tight throat and I’m once again fighting back the urge to sneeze as dark hairs assault my nose. He keeps his pace slow for a while, enjoying the heat and pressure of my mouth as he lazily rolls his hips up to meet my mouth, it doesn’t stay slow and gentle for long though. Soon, he’s gripping my hair harder, demanding my head move swifter to keep up with the demand of his thrusting hips.
               I whimper from his words of praise as my eyes water while I fight back my gag reflex, I ignore my discomfort and focus solely on pleasing my cryomancer. I gurgle and moan wantonly around his length as I keep pace with him, relishing in the rough pace we’ve naturally fallen into, saliva dripping down my chin as his cock slips down my throat over and over making me dizzier and dizzier with need and lack of oxygen. I lick and suck him as best as I can as his enormous cock slips in and out of my swollen, puffy lips, it’s a sensation I never want to end but at the same time all I can think of is his thick, cold cum coating my throat and mouth. I shudder again at the thought and turn my eyes up to his now ice blue ones, silently pleading with him to finish in my mouth as my hands claw impatiently at his hips.
               It’s as though he can read my mind, “hmm I guess since you’ve been such a good girl, I’ll give you a treat,” Bi-Han grits out, his words heavy with lust. His breathing is labored as he keeps thrusting his huge cock in and out of the impossibly tight confines of my throat, pushing me past my own limits of arousal. One of his cold hands finds its way to my mouth as his thumb pushes its way inside my mouth, pressing down firmly on my molars forcing my mouth open even more than it already is. “Fuck, you look so good like this, your pretty little mouth stretched so wide around my dick like that,” he growls, forcing his cock all the way down my aching throat, holding it there as my tongue frantically laves the underside of his velvety shaft, desperate to please him. I can feel my chin becoming glossy with saliva as his thumb keeps my mouth open wide and I’m unable to keep up with him entirely, too caught up in enjoying being used to continue to focus on doing a good job.
               I hear him groan my name as the grip on my hair tightens painfully, I squeeze my eyes shut as the first cold spurt of cum splashes against my tongue and I’m instantly grateful Bi-Han was paying enough attention to make sure he came in my mouth. It’s cold and salty, bitter but in a good way, I can’t help but moan loudly as I swallow around his cock as best as his thumb allows me. My reward is short lived though as I’m only able to get one more good mouthful before I find myself yanked away from his twitching cock. I’m about to protest and pout and even throw a fit before I’m at a loss for words as I see Bi-Han. A light blush of exertion colors his handsome face, his lower lip caught tightly between his teeth, body tense and taught, his muscles bulging from beneath his slightly tanned skin, as his hand strokes his cock a few more times. “Oh fuck, yes, please, Bi-Han” I whine his name pitifully as I find myself begging him, mesmerized by the glorious sight before me as my mouth falls open wide, tongue sticking out of my mouth, impatiently waiting for him to finish entirely.
               “Such a good girl,” he growls out before splashing the rest of his release mostly in my waiting mouth, but still managing to get it all over my cheeks and chin, mingling with my saliva making a complete and utter mess of me.
               I practically squeal with delight as the thick, cold liquid hits my tongue, I roll it around in my mouth for a moment or two savoring the unique taste of my cryomancer before opening my mouth wide to show him what a good job I did. Bi-Han just grins lazily and strokes my head, praising me softly in Chinese as I finish cleaning myself up. Making sure I don’t miss a drop, slowly and deliberately licking my fingers clean as I scoop the cold, thick globs of cum off my cheeks. “Happy Birthday Bi-Han,” I whisper softly before pressing a light kiss to his softening dick.
               He just grins down at me for a moment before I find myself yanked up against the pillows, caged under his cold, hard body, “I hope that was just the beginning of my birthday surprises,” he teases as I can feel his cock already springing back to life, pressing against my hip as I wrap my arms around his cold neck and smile seductively.
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