#( rp response . )
shardkn1ght · 1 year
Hueso Raised Leo AU
Main story completed for now
The Next chapter: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Family reunion: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Bad Future: Hueso Jr disigne
Teen life: Working at Run of the mill Leo’s a lil gay guy Leo plays guitar Turtle spotted p1 Turtle spotted p2 Part of a family
Early Life: Meeting your little brother Baby Leo The day Leo was found Missing a brother Gender Fluid Leo! Lil Leo in dresses Glowing boi Uncle Piel! Young life
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lee-and-honey-bee · 10 months
I wanna lovingly squish Honey's face! But I cannot she's a hard working girl.
Can you squish her for me??
Why ofcourse!
Completely understandable. I find it hard to resist squishing her, too.
Here ya go!
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She's so squishy. 💙
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sinnohsiblings · 1 month
Response to This | @singularity-and-co
"I don't see what's so bad about it." She shrugged indifferently at Galaxis "My mother sits on my father's lap, funnily enough she also did that to silence his sister for trying to ruin a special occasion for him. I suppose I get my boldness from her."
"You're right he doesn't have as much experience as I do, having been in one other relationship before. But how to you expect him to get that experience? Just only date people who are also just as inexperienced and hope that they'd be compatible after learning what they want? I've only been in one serious relationship prior, and you make it seem like I'm some corruptive negative thing because I know what I want in someone after learning what I don't want. Why does it shock you that I'd go for someone like Singularity? How low do you think of him that he wouldn't be found a worthy match? Or are you shocked that someone could look at someone with a corrupted form and see someone worth value?"
"You know what I see in Singularity outside of the things I already told you about his kindness and consideration he's shown not just me but others? He saw value in me outside of my rank and political value. Previous suitors of mine where only interested in me for what being with someone like me would do for their image and their political and social standings, after all I am quite literally the highest of the pantheon's ladder. But Singularity gains nothing from courting me outside my company, we are equals on all fronts, and there for I know he is not motivated by self-serving reasons, well...outside of the normal relationship desires. He is not interested in me just to make himself look better or be treated as someone more important, he actually wanted to know who I was, and I want to know who he is. It's a shame that's so outrageous to you that when you see you aren't getting your way you think threatening him with the ire of your father."
"I must ask Galaxis...how does Singularity having someone in his life who actually wants to hold him, see him smile, and show him affection effect you. Like seriously? You act like me kissing him is gonna set you or your world on fire, it's not. You might not like it, and you don't have to. But you can always leave, it takes zero energy to not be a dick. It takes nothing to just look the other way and not get involved."
When she felt singularity's hand on her shoulder she turned her attention onto him, looking over her shoulder as he spoke. She frowned hearing Singularity say his father hated him; it was easily seen by anyone that the very words of a father hating their child saddened her.
When Galaxis had the audacity to insinuate, she was trying to control him she snapped her head in his direction and if looks could kill the sheer venom in her gaze at such an insult of her character would have laid low legions.
When singularity leaned closer she tilted her head towards him. When he complimented her, she blushed, and when mentioned he'd find honor in receiving a kiss she smiled. Deciding to pay Galaxis no mind she thought she'd indulge the other Giratina.
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This wonkin’ shoob has had me waiting outside his house. Like DUDE, I am already here!
Come on, Howard, let me iiinnn. The Game Hole awaits!
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eldersoonglore · 3 months
Continuation of this thread with @data-dominant
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The paralyzed android sat there for a moment, a wave of shock and sadness rippling through him as his eyes fell on his niece's immobile body. He had heard some whispers here and there about another Soong-type being here, but it was never clear to him who that may be. Now that he was laying eyes on her for the first time, a slight shifting of goals switched deep in his chest.
He had notoriously been eager to reunite with family, after all.
Lore cut the feed as soon as his brother instructed him to cover him. He wasn't sure what his brother meant by that or what his plan was. Perhaps he meant to keep the door locked. There wasn't much he could do, but even still, the elder android shifted his efforts to gain that access. If he could figure it out in time, maybe he could prevent his own deactivation and give his brother enough time to find him.
Meanwhile, Maddox stood outside of Lal's lab where Data had just shut the hydraulic doors in his face. Something was off about this whole situation, causing the cyberneticist to squint his eyes suspiciously.
"Go and check on our friend downstairs. If his neural activity levels have risen substantially since the Lt. Commander has arrived, shelf him," he instructs his assistant, Deveraux.
"Of course, sir, but wouldn't that have risks disconnecting his matrix so quickly? It would be like tearing a rooted tree out of the ground-" the meek underling replies, to which Maddox snaps at him.
"Just do as I say! I don't have a good feeling about this either..." Maddox's expression says it all, twisting in anxiety to match the feeling bubbling in his gut.
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codemagister · 8 months
Hello dear, happy valentine's day! ❤️❤️
Can I offer you a kiss? 🥰🥰
You may offer me a kiss, my dear, but whether I'll accept it or not depends on if you'll take the moment to foil my plans...
If you promise to behave, then I suppose I can spare a few minutes for a kiss...
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blake-in-the-closet · 1 month
Asta is cleaning the house and accidentally opened the door of Blake's closet.
"Sorry... I didn't know..."
*Blake glares up at her. He's sitting on the floor of the closet, rifling through a dirty old backpack, though when Asta opens the door he pulls it close to his chest, wrapping his arms protectively around it.*
you can't have it.
*He seems defensive, automatically assuming they're trying to take the bag.* @asta-barnes-rogers
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capsekai · 7 months
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Rainbow Dash Equestria Girls.
200 + 100x100 RP icons.
DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UwlLljEdXko0a7z1qdyTx_-cLAVCxT1C/view?usp=drive_link
Warning: THERE MIGHT BE DOUBLES. We didn't directly cap this we did a pinterest run for it for a quick run through. THERE MIGHT even be leftover fan art. If you spot fan art in this, please let us know.
Free to use. Reblog & Credit if using.
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sleepyinteractions · 10 months
♠️Response to this @/tricks-n-illusions♠️
Lady stood there for a moment after witnessing the death of Calamity, or at least she assumed the spirit was dead thanks to it fading away. Her gaze returned to the fox, thinking quietly to herself as she didn't move an inch away from Silas, seemingly staring into the emotionless mask.
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"May she rest in most beautiful garden ever..." She almost bowed her down in respect keeping her hand up to her chest closely as she once more returned gaze to the fox in fact not intimidated by the threats. "You think I am going to squirm and scream too?" She asked bluntly before tilting her head to the other side - she has dealt with enough in her life to answer Silas in face too as she pointed to him back with her small finger a joy in voice escaping her - she moved her hands behind her back to appear more innocent by body language
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"Trust me - I ALSO have taken down bigger foxes than you, pup." She said the nickname out of spite - her words we're dripping like venom almost from the fake sweet tone
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"You reek of someone who really wants to be loved - something like a rose... Who is so beautiful and wants to be loved by everyone yet you prick anyone that picks you up just to keep yourself safe..."She scoffed, tilting her head to the side now. "And look how that got you here—killed another who tried to help you out and reedem themselves in your eyes..." she stopped the vine from moving any further just making the thorns dig into the foxes skin
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"Its funny how creatures like you think that if you will kill the questions - it'll go away like nothing every happened almost like it got…erased…" she said in a fake thoughtful voice tapping her chin for the added act "but yet you get oh so angry when they come in even higher numbers asking same questions - like all the heavy duty job you did before didn't even matter huh?" she said now letting out a sigh dropping the act she simply opened her hands in a shrug as the vines in same beat let go of the fox
Dropping Silas on the ground now as Lady stood now looking down on him instead as she ironically ducked down now tilting her head to the side as a toothly grin manifested back on her face
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"You still want to arrange stuff? Time and place? Because I didnt even ask you the question in first place but you killed the spirit who had to answer it." She said mockingly hearing no answer from him the flower sighed as she looked to him "But I dont mind having a little... talk with you ~ " "Well... sadly...I'll take that as my leave-" she finally got up now almost her whole act dropped as she didnt actualy want to bother anymore as her eyes still wandered for moment to Calamity as she let out a sad sigh So much death followed her even if it wasnt her universe
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Silas has made a impression of Lady Ombre
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ask-idv-astronaut · 4 months
[ @idv-asktheconsigliere ]
"I don't think I've seen you before. I'm Melissa, but most people know me as the Consigliere. Who might you be?"
“Me? Why, I am Alden! Most call me by my real name but some call me, The Astronaut! Perhaps you have read about my adventures somewhere! If not, I would be pleased to tell every little detail possible!”
The man seemed pleased with himself. A proud smile was plastered on his face. His eyes were closed as he spoke, almost as if The Astronaut was already recounting past adventures in his head.
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manor-tea-time · 10 months
*knocks door* “Leroy! Leroyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”
A chirpy male voice howls at the mentioned “Key-Master” from the other side of the door, with a slight hint of concern.
“Are you available at the moment, partner???” The voices whines lightly in a worried but hopeful tone.
"Why hello there Laurence!" A disheveled-looking (or more accurately dressed down) LeRoy opens the door, uniform still long abandoned somewhere in his room. Light sparked into their eyes as they saw the news reporter, although, he couldn't help but feel awful for causing so much worry to spread. Gah! If only he could figure this all out faster, perhaps no one would have noticed then.
"Of course! I don't have any matches scheduled for the next few days. Something about me being needed for a trial match for a new hunter, isn't that fascinating?" He hummed, trying to keep up his normal cheery attitude for the reporter's sake. He opened the door to his room so Laurence could walk inside. "You sound a bit worried though. Is there something on your mind, friend?"
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
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shardkn1ght · 11 months
(WRW) if you don’t mind me asking, what is Honey trained to do/help you with?
I don't mind answering at all!
Honey is an assisting and support dog. She helps me with day to day activities, which I may struggle with due to my bad joints, like shopping and fetching me items.
but I also have PTSD, anxiety, and night terrors, so she helps to calm me down and ground me. She does this by sitting with or on me or licking my face.
She's also trained to get someone if I happen to be in danger.
She's a very smart girl when in uniform and when I need her.
But she's also incredibly dumb, and I love her for that. 💕
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lee-and-honey-bee · 10 months
Finally ready to head off to my date.
Cross your fingers for me🤞
I'll keep you guys posted.
Oh! almost forgot to show you guys the fit!
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sinnohsiblings · 6 months
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*Singularity approaches Galadriel, a bouquet of pink hydrangeas in hand. The grey suit seems to work well on him.*
Singularity: Hello my dear. Sorry I took a bit. Finding and preparing these flowers was a little troubling but I was able gather some. I hope you’re ready for an extravagant evening. ---------------------------------------------------
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"And to be fair after the past few weeks i've had after the gala, I could use the night out." She smiled seeming genuinly pleased and flattered by the flowers.
"Also you look nice, I should have dressed up a little fancier for this I suppose!" She chuckled slightly taking the flowers and breathing in their delightful smell, "What do you have planned?" Interaction count down started (1/20) (Sending asks/interactions to gal has triggered a count down to something. Anyone can send an ask to interact with her to progress the timer!)
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Beva was floating around, zooning out, clearly NOT playing attention ahead of her, as she bumps into a grey hero
"Oh! I-I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking!" Beva panicked a bit
[Bug squeaked, nearly falling forward but catching herself before she could hit the ground. They looked up and narrowed their eyes, about to snap at this mysterious person to 'watch where you're going', but then ae spotted the panic in their eyes, and paused.]
[She stayed silent for a moment, before finally speaking.]
"Are you okay???"
//can i get a brief description of Beva so i know what im working with mayhaps, doesn't have to be rlly long i just wanna have some context yk :3c /nf-
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eldersoonglore · 3 months
<< Continuation with @data-dominant from this post>>
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Bruce Maddox approached Lore with his hands clasped behind his back, smug expression illuminated by the light reflecting off the table. He looked Lore straight in the eyes, and Lore stared back as intensely as he could manage.
"Oh, don't look at me like that, my synthetic patient," he purred, uncrossing his hands to reveal a small tool, "It was your hatred that got you admitted here in the first place."
Bending forward over the android, Maddox begins to tinker around with a component underneath one of the connectors sticking out of his temple. The action causes a jolt of equal amounts pain and pleasure, Lore eyes screwing tightly closed in response.
"Mhm..." the human murmurs, adjusting the device once more before Lore feels a strange cooling, numbing sensation across his forehead, "That should do it." Suddenly he pulls away, lifting another cord up with him and setting it down neatly aligned with the others.
"Do you feel any discomfort? Pain?" Maddox asks mirthfully, letting out a chuckle when Lore inevitably cannot respond. The human's dark eyes rake over the pale android's body before he returns to his original prim and proper stance with his hands behind his back, looking over his "work."
Suddenly, a chirp comes in over the coms, summoning Maddox to another level in the facility. The man responds easily, keeping his eyes trained on Lore as he speaks before doing an about face and exiting the laboratory.
God, what a fucking asshole.
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