#( my other half: noemi. )
urapunk · 17 days
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Damons sibling! Half sibling, at that. Their father was a greek man while her mother, also damons mother, was a Jamaican woman; resulting in our charming, adrogynous Ronnie!
Ronnie and Damon always bicker. 'Did you steal my lunch, you dick!' Or, 'WHY DIDNT YOU CATCH THE FUCKING BALL!?' In PE. Ronnie wont hesitate to steal something of Damons, and he wont hesitate to steal something of Ronnie's.
They're part of the bully clique, despite being on the wrestling team. Is probably the reason that troy is sexually confused, considering Ronnie's real handsome and pretty at the same time, aswell as intersex.
Ronnie's about as fast and steong as their half brother, after all he is a 'physical specimen'. But in the end, when she ran for track, her legs were wobbly and her vision blurry. Thats when they found out they have POTS.
They prefer they/them, but honestly cpuldnt care less aslong as tou're not making fun of them then they really just wont correct you. They move on and dont stop.
Respected by lots of cliques... But just not the nerds... Or non-clique infact.. Constantinos hates them with his guts. Mostly because he's their biggest target, and the only rando student who can fight pretty well, other than the times he runs away screaming. Hes a challenge for them.
....... Guys im still thi3ning about stuff for them. Leave me alone.
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simslegacy5083 · 12 days
Not So Berry (Straud Descendants) Gen 9
Today's (9/18/2024) Episode: Back to Reality
Noemi and Luigi popped home just long enough to drop off their Batuu souvenirs and bags , then headed right back out to pick up Skye and Blossom.
“It was great to have some time just for us” Noemi said as they climbed the steps to Isra and Rhy’s place “but I’m ready to see my baby!” Luigi just smiled and nodded. He didn’t feel nearly as ready to dive back into “that parenthood life”, but he wasn’t about to disappoint her by saying so.
They waved at Isra and the kids through the door, but as soon as little Skye spotted his mom he took off like a tiny parent-seeking rocket.
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Isra wasn’t able to catch him in time and the toddler smacked face first into the nearly invisible glass. Fortunately, maternal comfort was close at hand. “Shhh, you’re OK, mommy and daddy are here now, we missed you so much.” Noemi whispered as she wrapped him in a hug.
“momma back now” Skye echoed, his tears subsiding quickly under her loving ministrations as his little friend played happily beside him, quite used to his drama by now. Luigi was hanging back to let Noemi handle it when Isra stepped up next to him to have a quiet private word.
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“Luigi” she began “I have to tell you; Skye was a little… aggressive while he was here. He was fine with the older kids, but we had some issues with the infants. First, he bit Orson when he tried to take a toy Skye was playing with. Then yesterday, during a playdate with Beau and Breanne on the beach, he hit Betty after she accidently messed up his sandcastle. We convinced Beau not to bother you, but he’s pretty mad. You should talk to him.”
Luigi didn’t know what to say, finally landing on “I’m sorry about that. I know Skye likes things just so and he’s not used to sharing.”
Gesturing towards the back patio where Noemi had settled with the tiny terror in question for a game of peek-a-boo he continued “He was obviously missing us too. I’m sure now that we’re back, he’ll calm down. Also, thanks for the heads up about Beau, I’ll call him soon.”
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Isra followed Luigi outside to join the others. Wanting to make sure she knew he was taking the information she’d provided seriously Luigi wasted no time filling Noemi in: “Honey, Isra was telling me that Skye here wasn’t very nice to the little ones while we were gone.”
Noemi was appalled when she heard what had happened, immediately telling Skye: “We don’t treat other sims that way! We have to be nice to our friends or they won’t want to play with us. Now you say sorry to Ms. Isra, and then we’re going to go find Orson and say sorry to him too.”
“Sorry” Skye parroted, looking vaguely in Isra’s direction “Thank you” she replied “Everybody makes mistakes. I’m sure Orson will forgive you too.”
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As Noemi led Skye inside to the nursery, where Isra indicated the twins had just woken up from a nap, Rhys appeared. “Welcome back man!” he greeted Luigi “Can you believe the hype around the video you posted of your wedding dance!?”
“What hype?” Luigi said, all ears. “Part of the Batuu experience is avoiding interaction with the outside world as much as possible.”
Rhys shook his head in disbelief “Oh wow, they really keep you isolated at that theme park. Well, come on upstairs – you’ve got to see this.”
Luigi could hardly believe the millions of views listed under his SimTube video. “People are talking about it, and you, everywhere” Rhys told him “I know the PR department at work is going to want to capitalize on this while it’s still viral. I’d say you’re a proper celebrity now – congratulations!”
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Thanking Rhys for the good news Luigi hurried downstairs to find Blossom and leave. He was eager get home and take a serious look at his SimTube analytics dashboard. His older videos were sure to be seeing an uptick in viewership thanks to this, and he was dying to review everything.
Noemi wasn’t thrilled to be the other half of the dance video that was apparently sweeping the nation, but she tried her best to take it in stride. She knew Luigi loved the fans and the fame, and she loved him. It was why she’d agreed to let him film them after all.
Collecting Blossom from under their friend’s couch, they agreed to catch up again soon before heading down the beach towards home.
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In game I actually moved Skye into Isra’s household to live “that NPC life” for a couple days while I took his parents on their honeymoon, and this is what I came back to 🤪🤭!
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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shiningwonderland · 8 months
Reiji Kotobuki (All Star) Memorial
Memorial 02 - A Lovely Car
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Translator: Belen (Twitter: reiharus)
Proofreader: Raine (Twitter: amagiyas)
Editors: Mae (Twitter: itoshikimaegirl), Noemi (Twitter: dreaminbeyond)
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The moment our eyes met, I knew it was fate.
“Hnnng, I still can’t resist these curves!”
The new car I've bought from an acquaintance is styled like a green beetle and difficult to handle. The car I had been driving up until now was too worn out and ended up breaking down, which was to be expected. It had been well taken care of, but the engine wouldn’t start anymore, so there was nothing I could do.
I had been driving it forever, so naturally, I grew attached to it. It was sad to have to dispose of it but I couldn’t expect it to go back to functioning normally.
It was just the other day when I told her to take a rest and prepared myself to say goodbye.
However, the truth is that even if you decide to let go of a car, it’s not something you can just throw away as if you were taking out the trash.
While thinking about what to do, the dealer of my previous car came to mind.
I met this green one when I went to ask him about taking in my previous car.
“Uncle, are you around~?”
At the end of the shopping district where Kotobuki Bento is located, there’s a car dealer running a small shop.
The manager is a middle-aged guy who always comes to Kotobuki Bento to buy our lunch boxes, so I also became acquainted with him.
He loves cars more than anything; half the reason he runs the shop is to collect them, so his shop is always full of rare cars.
Every time I visit, I worry about the lack of business because the place looks so dead, but he seems to be content enough with things, so I guess it’s alright.
“Ah, what’s up?”
All of a sudden, Uncle showed up at the window of his home office.
“I have something to ask you about. Is now a good time?”
While waiting for him to come out, I started looking around idly and gazed at the colorful cars.
From luxury cars to small passenger cars and even trucks, he’d really gathered a lot of different vehicles.
“They just keep on comin’~”
Sold cars were nowhere to be found, yet he was somehow able to get more. How the business could keep going was such a mystery.
“The new ones are this one, that one, and… AH...!”
Our eyes met and there was no doubt. That moment, an electric current ran down my spine.
My feet started moving towards her on their own, being lured in like a zombie.
“Sorry to keep ya wai—the heck are ya doin’?”
“Already found it, huh? Just arrived this mornin’. Very stylish, dontcha think?”
As I touched the body gently, I could feel her rejoicing too… or that’s what it felt like.
“Decided…? Did ya come to buy a new car?”
“Erm, since my current one broke down, I came to ask if you would take it. But nobody else is interested in this one, right?”
There were no “reserved” or “sold” signs pasted on the green body.
“Ya come to turn in your car and end up buying another, ain’t that generous...”
“Isn’t that good?! It was love at first sight!”
“Love at…? Well, if it’s you, I have no problem selling it, but ya sure? It’s never been driven, but it’s still an old, pre-owned car.”
“I don’t care if she’s been in a relationship before!”
“... That kind of joke doesn’t suit ya.”
“How cruel, something made me want to try and say it.”
I do confess I was hamming it up a little bit.
“But anyway, put the ‘sold’ sign up already!”
I was feeling anxious that somebody would set their sights on it while the whole situation was unfolding.
“Yeah, yeah. Still, this kind of car again?”
“Listen, listen! This retro feeling is just so...! It’s so charming, right?!”
It was so cute that maybe, if nobody else was there, I would have rubbed my cheek on it… Truth be told, I did.
“HEY! It’s not your car until you’ve signed all the paperwork!”
My only desire was to bring it home at once.
“Sheesh… Well, I’m sure she’ll be happy to be bought by such a devoted fella.”
And so, I got my new car.
When helping out with Kotobuki Bento, I would use the light truck or minivan. But right there and then, I made a promise that this car would be for leisure only.
I knew the consequences of a promise like that, but still…
“Reiji, just when was the last time you drove that car of yours?”
I ended up not using it at all, so much so that even Big Sis was shocked.
And even if I got a day off and looked forward to going for a drive...
“... Y'know, Mom, I’m not a taxi.”
“Oh? Weren’t you free anyway?”
“I’m not! It’s the first day off I’ve had in a while!”
“That means you’re free.”
So cruel… My family always treats me lowly.
“It’s fine. You’re happy you get to go on a drive, right?”
I wouldn’t say that taking your mom to the community center for a meeting with the neighborhood association can be considered “going for a drive.”
… But seeing how cheerfully she walked as she entered the community center after saying she'd call when it was over made me feel a little better about things.
“Alright, even if it’s just for a little while, let’s enjoy a ride.”
As I thought of stepping on the accelerator, my phone rang.
“Hey, hey~ Oh, Ranran? ‘Sup, this is rare.”
It was still eight in the morning and I seemed to recall that Ranran had been up all night on a photo shoot.
“Come ‘ere.”
“Reiji, aren’t you off today?”
“No, no, I’m off but… I can’t make it!”
Judging from his voice over the phone, it seemed like Ranran was very drunk.
If you want to go home drunk, please call a taxi company instead of me.
But even though that’s what I thought, I ended up going to pick him up because, sadly, that’s how I am. You could say I’m a worrywart, or over-protective…
Actually, I take on the same role when I’m at work.
“Come on, Ranran, put on your seat belt properly!”
“Aah? Ain’t this car different or somethin’…”
“Hehe~ You noticed? This is—”
The instant I tried to boast, Ranran’s body suddenly slumped forward.
I glanced to my side for a bit and saw Ranran deep asleep.
“You gotta listen to my bragging at leaaast!”
At the end of all of this, even with a new car, the sad reality is that the only people who have sat in the passenger’s seat are my mom, big sis, and colleagues.
I’m pretty sure the car also wants to have a bit more of a sensual use.
BUT! Today, I bid farewell to that bitter past.
“I see you’re in a good mood.”
“Sure am!”
I turn back to look at Kouhai-chan, who’s walking a little behind me, obviously with a big smile on my face.
I’ve given rides to different people up until now, but Kouhai-chan will be the first “girl” to ride in my passenger seat.
“Yeaaah, as expected, it’s absolutely fantastic when a girl sits in your passenger seat.”
“Is that so?”
“Yup, yup! And she’s overjoyed too.”
As I open the door to my green buddy, I agree with a “that’s right” in my heart.
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Sing Characters in Human AU Explained: PT 1 The Teens
Ta-Da! Here's a version of my lovely character sheets for the teens (+ alfonso) in my continuation fic! These are all headcanons obviously, I just thought y'all would like to see their information before the fic comes out. I hope y'all enjoy! - <3 Gooseless
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Legal Name: Noemie Victoria Peart
Common Name: Nooshy Peart
Nicknames: Noosh, Shy
Pronouns: They/She
Age: 20
Birthday: November 13, 2002
Sexuality: Lesbian
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Height: 5'6.7"
Ethnicity: Welsh Canadian American
Languages Spoken: Welsh, English
Diagnosis: Autism, ADHD
Hair Color: Black roots with the rest dyed silver
Eye Color: Brown
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Vitiligo, faint freckles, four piercings per ear, nose piercing
Family Members: Bio older brother (William), Bio younger sister (Isla), Bio younger brother (Owen)
Habits/Stims: swaying back and forth or in figure eight shapes, bounces on toes
Romantic Partners: Ash (very barely hinted at eventually)
is basically Johnny's adopted sibling
loves teasing the other teens
calls her older brother once a week since he moved back to Canada with their siblings
was homeless for two years before the events of Sing 2
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Legal Name: Ashlen Gabriella Batalla-Moon
Common Name: Ash Batalla
Nicknames: Ashy, A
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 18-19
Birthday: February 27, 2003
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender Identity: Demigirl
Height: 5'5"
Ethnicity: Guatemalan American
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English, ASL
Diagnosis: Autism, PTSD
Hair Color: Dark brown with dyed blonde streaks
Eye Color: Blue
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Six piercings per ear, nose piercing, identical tattoos on upper arms, tattoo on ribs, tattoo on back, tattoo behind left ear, tattoo on right wrist, tattoo on right ankle.
Family Members: Adoptive dad (Buster), Adoptive stepdad (Eddie), Foster younger sister (Porsha), Honorary mom (Rosita).
Habits/Stims: Tapping her fingers in a rhythm
Romantic Partners: Nooshy (very barely hinted at eventually)
legally changed her name seven months after Sing 1, when they were legally adopted by Buster
has a pet turtle named Taquito
has several phobias (lilapsophobia, ophidiophobia, aquaphobia)
her PTSD was due both to Lance and the theatre flood
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Legal Name: Porsha Rose Dominque Camilla Crystal
Common Name: Porsha Moon
Nicknames: Porshe
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 19
Birthday: August 19, 2003
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender Identity: Questioning/Unlabled
Height: 5'9.2"
Ethnicity: White American
Languages Spoken: English
Diagnosis: ADHD
Hair Color: Platinum blonde dyed bluish silver
Eye Color: Brown
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: one piercing per ear, single freckle on right cheek
Family Members: Foster dad (Buster), Foster stepdad (Eddie), Foster sister (Ash).
Habits/Stims: clapping or flapping her hands, bouncing on her toes
Romantic Partners: none
publicly disowned her dad after the Sing 2 performance and now goes by her foster dads' last name
currently stepped down as heir of Crystal Entertainment to focus on the show
barely sees her mom and stepdad
hates quiet spaces
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Legal Name: Ryan Oliver Biāo Willis
Common Name: Ryan Willis
Nicknames: Ry, Toast, Biāo
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 18
Birthday: September 24, 2003
Sexuality: Gay
Gender Identity: Cisgender
Height: 5'10"
Ethnicity: Chinese American
Languages Spoken: Cantonese, ASL, Haitian Creole, English
Diagnosis: ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Anxiety, Eating Disorder
Hair Color: Orangish red
Eye Color: Green
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Freckles, tongue piercing, two piercings per ear, small scars from falling backstage in Sing 2 on knees.
Family Members: Bio mom (Lila), Stepmom (Ellie), Half younger sisters (Amy, Bella).
Habits/Stims: fiddling with his jewelry, rubbing his arms, skin picking
Romantic Partners: Johnny (not officially yet, this is a slow burn)
really close to his family, especially his sisters, since he wasn't able to really see them for years
started his own dance troupe with other former students of Klaus
going to an online university getting a degree in dance, english literature, and gender studies (he's currently a freshman)
has several phobias (astraphobia, claustrophobia, phasmophobia, sociophobia)
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Legal Name: Johnathan Demarcus Taylor
Common Name: Johnny Taylor
Nicknames: Johns, Jahnu, John-Song, Jay
Pronouns: He/They
Age: 17-18
Birthday: January 24, 2004
Sexuality: Gay
Gender Identity: Demiboy
Height: 5'8.5"
Ethnicity: British Indian
Languages Spoken: Hindi, English, ASL
Diagnosis: Autism, Depression, Panic Disorder, PTSD
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Golden Brown
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Four piercings per ear, lip piercing, eyebrow piercing, tattoo on left wrist, tattoo over heart, tattoo across back, tattoo on right wrist, small scar on right hand from an engine, small scar on left cheek from falling glass during a heist, a few small scars on left forearm.
Family Members: Bio dad (Marcus), Honorary uncles (Stan and Barry).
Habits/Stims: Tugging on his sleeves, chewing on his bottom lip, tapping his fingers like playing the piano
Romantic Partners: Ryan (not officially yet, this is a slow burn)
his bio mum died when he was 6, only a few months before they met his uncles, and is utterly babied by the rest of his family due to their worry of him
attends family and personal therapy virtually during the run of the show and calls his dad everyday
moved to the US at age 10 rather unwillingly
has several phobias (coulrophobia, melissophobia, nosocomephobia, trypanophobia)
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Legal Name: Alfonso Francis Romano-Hassan
Common Name: Alfonso Romano-Hassan
Nicknames: Al, Ice Cream Man
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 18
Birthday: April 3, 2004
Sexuality: Straight
Gender Identity: Cisgender
Height: 6'2"
Ethnicity: Italian Jordanian
Languages Spoken: Italian, Arabic, English
Diagnosis: OCD
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Dark green
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Dimples, pierced upper ears, scar on upper left arm from some machinery falling when he was opening the truck.
Family Members: Bio Mom (Ghazal), Bio Dad (Tommaso), Bio older brother (Omar), Bio younger sister (Zara)
Habits/Stims: Saying the word "wow"
Romantic Partners: Meena
opened the ice cream truck when he was 14 for a school project
is the middle sibling
calls Meena everyday
is afraid of the dark
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Legal Name: Minha Farrah Amari
Common Name: Meena Amari
Nicknames: Meens
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 16-17
Birthday: May 18, 2005
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender Identity: Trans Woman
Height: 6'
Ethnicity: Pankistani American
Languages Spoken: Arabic, English, ASL
Diagnosis: Anxiety, PTSD
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark blue
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Faint freckles
Family Members: Bio Mom (Aamanee), Maternal grandpa (Wildan), Maternal grandma (Tahiyat)
Habits/Stims: Picking at her nails
Romantic Partners: Alfonso
wears a hijab and eats halal
has multiple phobias (agoraphobia, claustrophobia, glossophobia, sociophobia)
developed PTSD after the theatre flood
is completing her senior year of high school online to continue working on the show.
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id-element0 · 1 year
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In my 7 times of playing the same week, I had arranged Rollins and Noemi's wedding 5 or 6 times. In my 8th and permanent round, though, I somehow missed the engagement notification and the next thing I know, they were married. :/
But I have another chance at inactive wedding with Sid and Casey. Sid was pregnant with his baby in previous rounds, so I'm excited. Casey is the mentioned half-brother of Fendi and works at the Jolly Pins.
Danzig, basically, has an outing with his uncle and cousin, who are also dating. But they don't share a grandparent, so that's ok. It sounds horrible though. It sure beats EA's "children of cousins are legal to each other" mentality.
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speevtheteev · 2 months
AF Batch 1
My profile if you want to attack me (I will be doing revenges until around the last day of AF!): https://artfight.net/~SpeevTheTeev
Ok so since I'm basically done with attacking other people, I will begin posting my attacks :P first half of them will be in this post, and the second half will be posted on the last day of AF (in case I do any revenges before the deadline) Also including the attacks I revenged :P
Attack 1 - @qmulus-tmb
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01/07/24 || OC: M || Attack on my friend >:)
Attack 2 - @itsmepatata-blog
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02/07/24 || OC: Rant || Rlly cute OC!!!
Attack 3 - __unluckyy__ on Instagram
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04/07/24 || OC: Oliphia || Revenge on my friends oc! She's so cute :)
Attack revenged (By unluckyy):
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Attack 4 - kittylikesdrawing on Instagram
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04/07/24 || OC: Nebula || Revenge on my sister
Art revenged (By my sister):
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Attack 5 - crystalized.calamity on Instagram
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05/07/24 || OC: Noemi|| I rllly wanted to draw an object oc! Noemi had such a unique design!
Attack 6 - marybgabe11 on Instagram
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06/07/24 || OC: Soot || Tried to animate on photoshop... Photoshop sucks to animate on!! So i learnt from my mistakes and used aseprite and flipaclip for the rest!! Soot is adorable tho :)
Attack 7 - TheCosmicDiety on Twitter
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08/07/24 || OC: Trait || Used flipaclip!! I love the fanged teeth hehe also was a revenge!
Attack 8 - Alexander Heddlepuff on Deviant art
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09/07/24 || OC: Whesker || Actually a really fun one :) was a revenge! This guy attacked me last year too, so it was nice to revisit a past attacker!
Art revenged (By Alexander Heddlepuff):
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Attack 9 - @qmulus-tmb
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09/07/24 || OC: Never|| Another attack on my friend! Basically started a revenge chain hehe... Animated on flipaclip :P
Art revenged (By @qmulus-tmb):
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That's all for now folks! I will post batch 2 on the last day of AF and probably make a seperate post about the art I recieved! (Tho maybe not... Idk if ppl r cool with me reposting all of it???) If I made any mistakes with crediting, or anything about ur OCs please feel free to message me and I will edit the post!
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kamreadsandrecs · 5 months
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Title: Indian Burial Ground
Author: Nick Medina
Genre/s: horror, thriller, mystery
Content/Trigger Warning/s: suicide, alcoholism, death, murder, parental neglect
Summary (from author's website): A man lunges in front of a car. An elderly woman drowns herself. A corpse sits up in its coffin and speaks. On this reservation, not all is what it seems.
All Noemi Broussard wanted was a fresh start. With a new boyfriend who actually treats her right and a plan to move from the reservation she grew up on—just like her beloved Uncle Louie before her—things are finally looking up for Noemi. Until the news of her boyfriend’s apparent suicide brings her world crumbling down.
But the facts about Roddy’s death just don’t add up, and Noemi isn’t the only one who suspects that something menacing might be lurking within their tribal lands.
After over a decade away, Uncle Louie has returned to the reservation, bringing with him a past full of secrets, horror, and what might be the key to determining Roddy’s true cause of death. Together, Noemi and Louie set out to find answers…but as they get closer to the truth, Noemi begins to question whether it might be best for some secrets to remain buried.
Buy Here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/indian-burial-ground-nick-medina/20272870
Spoiler-Free Review: This wasn’t half-bad, in all honesty. This is the first novel of the author’s that I’ve read, and I kind of wonder if this is set in the same reservation and involves some of the same characters as their first novel, Sisters of the Lost Nation, since both appear to involve the same tribe - which is, apparently, not a “real” tribe, but one that’s heavily based on the author’s own tribe, with other elements pulled from other tribes as well. That last bit is kind of a head-scratcher since I found it kind of strange that they had to do that given their own background, but I guess it means the author’s less restricted in the things they can and can’t use as elements for the story.
My main gripe with this story is the pacing. I thought it was was strange: the constant shifts in POV between the two narrators, which also came along with a switch in time period, did not work wonders for the buildup. Things would get REALLY interesting in one storyline, only for the narrative to haul me back into the other storyline, losing the momentum of the plot I’d originally been engaged with. I personally think that if Louie’s story had been told in one straight block of narrative, instead of being interspersed with Noemi’s throughout the book (maybe Noemi’s story could have been the bookends to Louie’s narrative?), the story would have been more propulsive, but that’s just me.
Despite that gripe though, this was still a fantastic read, especially once things REALLY get going in the novel’s latter third. The author’s use of indigenous folklore and traditions as frames for very modern concerns (specifically: the high rates of suicide and alcoholism among Native Americans) was quite well done, highlighting how the history of colonialism, imperialism, racism, and poverty all come together to form the nightmarish background noise that persists in the lives and psyches of many Native Americans today. The author shows how, for many Native Americans, even if one manages to “make it” and leave to live a “better” life, one’s past always finds a way to come back. Either one finds a healthy way of dealing with it by seeking some kind of help, or one is consumed by it, and dragged down by the dark undertow. And even if one CAN get help (and it must be noted that many, MANY Native Americans aren’t always able to get that), the past will always haunt one, no matter what.
Overall, this was a pretty good horror novel, blending elements of Native American folklore with the real-world horrors of suicide and alcoholism that plague Native Americans up to the present day. However, the way in which the story is told means that the novel tends to break up the overall plot’s forward momentum, which is a pity in my opinion because I think the story would have been spookier and even more tense had the plot been arranged just slightly differently.
Rating: four anoles
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indefinitelyjaded · 7 months
Empty Nest (Super Sim Update)
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TFW all your kids are graduated, grown, married, moved out, and making grandbabies.
Yes, that's right -- Stella and Dexter are officially empty-nesters. All three kids aged up to Young Adults, and immediately married their high school sweethearts and got busy (pun intended) starting their own families.
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Cade and Luna got engaged and immediately eloped in the backyard. I didn't bother with screenshots of Kinsley and Orange or Tate and Noemi - truthfully, those two were getting engaged and married at the same time, so I couldn't, really.
Each of the kids moved into their spouses' family homes - I was kind enough to give Cade and Kinsley new homes (that do have toilets lol), but since Nina was the only other remaining household member in the Caliente house, they had plenty of room for Tate to move in.
No pictures yet, but Stella's first grandchild is already here - Cade and Luna had a daughter, Sawyer. (Both Kinsley and Noemi are currently pregnant with one baby each, so two more grandchildren will be arriving in the very near future!)
As for Stella, the Scientist career is veeeerrrry slow going. I don't know if it's the fault of the latest game patch or if the Scientist career is just extremely bugged, but I'm having major issues with unresponsiveness and cancelling queued actions, especially while she's at work. I also didn't realize that having a relevant degree for this career wouldn't really be an advantage, other than in pay (which I don't need to worry about - between all the money Stella has made in all her many, many careers, and Dexter's daily salary, the household reserve is at like half a mil and ever growing). I have to complete all the "breakthroughs" for levels 1-8 of the career, just to get promoted to level 9. I did use a re-traiting potion to give Stella the Genius trait, so she could be focused more often, which I think is helping. (I replaced her Cheerful trait with Genius... then she got a self-discovery pop-up asking if she should get Cheerful as a bonus trait. lol)
The glitches are so bad, I finally broke down the purchased the Steel Bladder, Forever Fresh, Forever Full, Needs No One, and Never Weary reward traits, so I could minimize the amount of "things" I needed to tell her to do. Personally, I find it sort of boring/too grind-y when Sims never need to take care of needs, so I wasn't going to purchase those traits. But here we are.
(The only other reward trait I have not purchased - and will not be purchasing - is Fertile. I think we all know how I feel about babies/infants at this point. The fewer the better!)
Anyway, I'm also having her load up on crystals and metals while she's in the Scientist career, in anticipation of the jewelry-making she'll be doing in the (distant) future. Hell, when I get that far, I might just have her go back to the Scientist career temporarily to load up on supplies. lol
I did download Turbodriver's moodlet fix, so maybe that will help solve some of my issues? I'm kind of glad I don't have time during the week to play, so I won't be tempted to (further?) wreck my save file. If nothing official has been said by this coming weekend, I might just have to start a new save of something else to play with for a while.
0 notes
lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
Oh, Mexican Gothic is so good, love the fucked up fungi, wonderfull protagonist, interesting and hateable antagonists (that gets what's coming for them), loved the relationships (the general sense of the term, not strictly romantic obvs) between both Noemí and Catalina, and Noemí and Francis. I listened to the first half of it's audiobook on an long train ride and the rest at home, because I was so hooked, and I had to babble to my mom about it afterwards because it was so good!
Thank you for your time.
YEESSSS!!!! the fucked up mushrooms!! Noemi my beloved!! All the characters are so interesting, even the worst of them!!!! And Noemi's primary goal being to save her cousin, and for Catalina to get her revenge at the end!!! And how Francis and Noemi made a genuine friendship with each other and they both helped to save each other!!! IT WAS ALL SO GOOD!!! thank you for YOUR time anon!!
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urapunk · 15 days
It was bullworths annual 'spring forward' dance, which just so happened to fall on the 50th anniversary of bullworth this year. It was beautiful, so nice and sweet. All the girls were dressed in short dresses and other on gowns, pinky was in a beautiful emerald green silk with black velvet gloves which bruna couldn't stop gushing over.
Bruna, the lady herself, was dressed in a nice cinderella blue minidress, which crabblesnitch wouldnt originally allow so she had to get it customized to reach a few inches above her knees. It was expensive, less than pinky but more than any of the other girls, with a pair of white heels that had the buckle around the ankle and cute, thicker bases that everyone loved back in 1994.
Her hair had been curled, curled nice, taut, and fair. Noemi did her hair, pulling it all up into a bun shaped mostly like a flower, parting her frings and fixing it to go both ways like little curtains with stray strands curled to perfection and hanging so sweetly, with gel used to make a soft curl infront of her ear. She looked so fair, so elegant and so irresistable...... But her date was nowhere in sight.
She moved the little boutonniere up her wrist a little to check her watch, until her other arm was pulled which sent her into a twirl. She knew it was max, the calloused yet soft hands were familiar to her own. She felt the hand at the back of her head which pushed her face against his cheek. She was the same height as him, which was annoying but adorable. Imagine it, always eye level with your partner.. But they never really were eye level.
she reached for a napkin from the punch table they were beside, dabbing it beside his mouth with a sort of ceinge on her face, but a sweet one. She nearly greeted him until he blurted out quicker than she could. "Care for a dance, fair lady?" Hah! He was such a gentleman, such a sweet man tonight! She nodded and he gave her another twirl, bursting a giggle from her sweet, strawberry lip balm coated lips. He ruffled her bangs which gave her a frown. "Max, don't do that! It looked so good!" She cried, attempting to fix it without a mirror and a playful frown on her face, stretching at her features and aging her face just a tad more.
The song was a beautiful one, an older one for sure since it was the half a century anniversary, they themed it oldies. It was a song by leseley gore, she couldnt tell the name but she knew it was a lesley gore song.
Max was holding a cup of punch, smiling for once during that day as he held her close..
With her heels she was a bit taller, which allowed her to press her face into his sweet crisped blonde curls. His own hands rested on her sides... Intil one was pulled away, and then the other.. And the warmth left, just as quick as the front of the train. She glanced over to see gary, white button up and black slacks, careying away her date. Her dance. HER BOYFRIEND! NOT HIS!
She tried to fight but gary was quick, but she managed to grab maxes wrist, only to met with the force of him pulling away leaving him to splash punch on her dress. The dress she had paid so much to get customized, just for her.
And he had no regard. No care, no notice. Not even a snicker did he give her. She just stared as the cooled liquid stained through her dress and against her stomach, which was a lovely metaphor of how this had sank through her gut, like the liquid sank through the oh so expensive silk. The makeup done by mandy began to run down her face as she watched gary convince max once more, and she didnt want to stick around to watch. She could bare to seem him do something stupid anymore.... But she didnt move. She wanted to look at him, just a moment longer.
Because only a moment longer, would she ever put up with him.
'Here he comes heading straight in my direction, and there he goes, passing me by!'
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simslegacy5083 · 4 days
Not So Berry (Straud Descendants) Gen 9
Today's (9/26/2024) Episode: Rep Redemption
Luigi’s sudden illness delayed his plans to redeem his reputation after his embarrassing fight with the paparazzi at the Flea Market.
He wasn’t sure if it was just age, bad luck, or his multiple comorbidities ganging up on him, but his Bloaty Head symptoms lingered longer than they ever had before. Even with the support of his better half, he struggled to concentrate on anything productive for days.
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The couples staggered work schedules had always left Luigi in charge of Skye while Noemi was at the office, but with his head feeling “like an overinflated balloon” he clearly wasn’t capable of providing a safe level of supervision for their boy.
Work on Project Daisy stalled as Noemi called off as well, making sure Skye “let daddy rest” while enjoying some playtime with their friends.
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While Noemi was whisking Skye away Luigi’s older family members were coming over to keep him company.
Whether he was relaxing on the couch watching a movie with Grandpa Candor or playing a simple game of “Don’t Wake The Llama” with his Step-Mom, Luigi was glad to have the support of his loved ones to help him feel less alone.
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When Luigi’s head finally started to clear he began his campaign to show SimNation he was sorry for his recent actions and intent on changing.
First up on the agenda was setting up time with a therapist and recording the dreaded apology video. True to her word Dr. Valasquez happily agreed to take Luigi back on as a patient, and their prior working relationship helped kick start the beginning of his emotional readjustment.
As for the apology video… it went about as well as he’d expected. His sincerity was hotly debated by some, while many others argued that his entry into anger management therapy showed that he was serious about doing better in the future. Either way, he was glad to be making the effort.
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On the advice of his therapist Luigi started making some changes in his lifestyle that he hoped would improve his overall emotional state and leave him with the “spoons” to deal with those times when he was placed in stressful situations that caused his temper to flare.
He started by breaking the habit he’d gotten into of working straight through lunch at the office, taking a little time to work out his stress and get those good endorphins flowing with a quick workout in the facility's small on-site gym.
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He continued his “de-stressing campaign” at home, calling up Maids United and arranging for their daily cleaning services package.
For a long time, he’d found many household tasks to be uncomfortable and nausea inducing, and now he and Noemi would be freed of those chores.
His wife, who had herself realized recently that she really preferred when things were kept nice and tidy, was equally excited at the prospect of having someone come in to help keep their home in tip top shape.
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Finally, Luigi continued his long-standing practice of giving back to his community, which gave him both a reputation and emotional boost!
He knew his papa would be proud of him for his generous donation of simoleons to the local animal shelter, and it felt good to know that he was helping support animals who were waiting for their “forever home”.
When he maxed his cooking skill making treats for Rainy Day’s career day booth at the high school, the thought of the happy kids warmed his heart.
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In the end Luigi felt that all his efforts had been worthwhile.
His anger management therapy was helping him make some positive life changes, and his good works made him feel good while helping others less fortunate.
When public opinion clearly began to turn in his favor once again, he was left with no doubt that he’d made the right decision.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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shiningwonderland · 1 year
Syo Kurusu (Repeat)
Translator: Terry (Twitter: turtlemudge)
Proofreader: Raz (Twitter: agnadance)
Editor: Noemi (Twitter: dreaminbeyond), Snail (Twitter: herbert_snail)
May — May Alla Caccia
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It is now May. Today is the day of the annual sports festival.
Tomochika Shibuya: Let’s do our best today, Haruka!!
This person is Tomochika Shibuya-san. We’re in different classes, but she’s my friend and roommate.
I’ve never had someone I could remotely call a friend before, but Tomo-chan made friends with me the day we met.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah! Oh...Tomo-chan, where’s your P.E. uniform?
Tomochika Shibuya: Oh, this? It’s the outfit for the cheering competition that comes before the other matches. I’m leading the dance.
We’re wearing casual outfits and dancing with pom-poms.
Haruka Nanami: I see…. Do your best, okay?
Tomochika Shibuya: Leave it to me! Anyway, how about you? What are you doing?
Haruka Nanami: Uh... well, I run slow, so...
Select the phrase!
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... I’m in the tuna-of-war…. (+0 Love +5 Music)
Tomochika Shibuya: Oh, so you’re in that…. Well, it could be a rumor, so I don’t know if it’s true or not, but….
They say it’s a mysterious game where you have to pull a Pacific bluefin tuna once around the track….
Haruka Nanami: Huh…? That actually sounds kind of delicious.
Tomochika Shibuya: … That’s true. I can see how you could think that. Well, do your best.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah!!
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... I’m in the ball-throwing game…. (+0 Love +5 Music)
Tomochika Shibuya: Oh, so you’re in that…. Well, it could be a rumor, so I don’t know if it’s true or not, but….
They say that last year the principal said something confusing like, “Balls are round. Y’know what else is round? CATS!”
Apparently it was a game where each team had to carry a basket into the mountains behind the school and look for a cat named “Ball.” Searching back there took half a day, apparently.
Haruka Nanami: I like cats, though.
Tomochika Shibuya: Is that so? Then I’m sure it’ll be fine. Well, good luck!!
Haruka Nanami: Yeah!!
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... I’m jumping rope… (+0 Love +5 Music)
Tomochika Shibuya: I’ve heard that the jump rope goes along with a word game. Apparently, people have to jump in one by one while saying a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word.
And there’s no passing, either. Using your body and mind at the same time seems difficult.
Haruka Nanami: Eek... I’m bound to trip on the rope immediately....
Tomochika Shibuya: ….
Well, do your best. I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines.
Haruka Nanami: Okay. Thank you.
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Syo Kurusu: Haruka, this spot open?
Syo-kun, with his excellent motor skills, has really been looking forward to the sports festival. For the entire last week or so, he’s been muttering, “Can it hurry up and get here already?”
And now it’s finally being held today. Syo-kun looks like he’s having a great time.
Haruka Nanami: Oh, of course.
Syo Kurusu: It’s Tokiya’s turn next, right?
Haruka Nanami: Umm….
I take out the sports festival program to check, when….
Syo-kun brings his head close to take a look.
Syo Kurusu: Hm? Hundred-meter marathon? If it’s a hundred meters, how is it a marathon?
Haruka Nanami: Oh, there’s an explanation underneath. Um, “In this event, competitors do a low crawl for one hundred meters along a track.
Before starting, competitors must drink a mouthful of oolong tea, and make it to the finish line without spitting it out.
Furthermore, in addition to the course, hitmen prepared by the school will appear to make the competitors laugh.
Please endure this ordeal safely and achieve your goal.”
... That’s what it says, anyway.
Syo Kurusu: That’s Shining for you, making a school based on his whims…. Just because it’s called a sports festival, it doesn’t mean we can take it lightly.
Select the phrase!
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You’re right. (+30 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: It’s just one exciting day after another.
Syo Kurusu: “Exciting”...? Are you being serious right now?
Haruka Nanami: Yes. There are so many fun things.
Syo Kurusu: Hah. You’re funny.
Saying this, Syo-kun chuckles. His face is so cute that just looking at it makes me start smiling, too.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you very much.
Syo Kurusu: Dummyyy. I’m not complimenting you. Take that!
Saying this, Syo-kun pokes my forehead with his index finger.
Haruka Nanami: Ouch!
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Sounds like fun. (+0 Love +5 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Seriously?
Haruka Nanami: Yes. I think it’s fitting for a legendary idol to think of something so unique. I can’t help but admire it.
Syo Kurusu: You’re pretty unique too, aren’t you?
Haruka Nanami: Yes. Thank you very much.
Syo Kurusu: That wasn’t a compliment….
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It really is amazing. (+0 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: It’s the principal’s work, all right. He’s something special. This is incredibly fascinating.
Syo Kurusu: No, actually, you being fascinated is the amazing thing.
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And so, the hundred-meter marathon begins.
Everyone seems to be having a hard time keeping the oolong tea in their mouths while doing the low crawl, and competitors start failing one after another.
Haruka Nanami: Look, Prince!
Syo Kurusu: What?
Haruka Nanami: Oh, no... not you, Syo-kun. Look, over there, in the truck, can you see that tall man? He’s a special guest lecturer for the composing course and the girls call him….
Female Student A: Kyaaa, Prince~~!! Look this way~
Female Student B: Ohmigosh, he’s waving at us…. Ahhh, his smile is just too amazing.
Haruka Nanami: He’s called the Prince of Composition and he’s very popular.
It appears that the Prince is somehow participating in the event as a hitman.
Syo Kurusu: … A prince, huh… ? He really seems popular with the ladies, but…. Is he really on a prince’s level...?
Haruka Nanami: The Prince is really, really cool and can compose the most wonderful songs.
Also, he’s a lyricist, and he can write the sweetest, most heartbreaking words for love songs.
Maybe he’ll write a love song for you too one day, Syo-kun.
Syo Kurusu: I… like your songs more….
Haruka Nanami: Hm? Syo-kun, did you say something?
Syo Kurusu: … No, not really.
Haruka Nanami: When you get bigger, you might even become a wonderful prince like that. Heehee. I’m looking forward to it.
Syo Kurusu: That… isn’t really what I’m aiming for….
… So then, are you saying he’s the kind of guy you like?
Haruka Nanami: Yes. I admire him as a composer. I hope to create songs as good as his one day. Even his lessons were very easy to understand.
Syo Kurusu: … That’s not what I meant….
Haruka Nanami: Hm?
Syo Kurusu: … It’s nothing. But, is that right…? … A composer you admire, huh….
Haruka Nanami: The Prince is very mindful of his singers, and values them highly. He thinks of them constantly when he’s composing.
I mean, I want to be like that, too. I want you… your songs to shine brighter than anything, Syo-kun. I’ll try my best to write good songs for you.
Syo Kurusu: I-is that so…? You know, I really like your melodies. They’re—they make me feel calm somehow….
They’re bursting with this upbeat energy…. I don’t know if it’s a good match or what, but my body feels really comfortable when I dance to them. You have good taste, you know.
Haruka Nanami: I—I’m not that good at all!!
Syo Kurusu: Don’t sell yourself short!! I’m saying it, so it’s absolutely true! Have more confidence in yourself…!
Syo-kun drops his hand onto my head and ruffles my hair.
Somehow, hearing Syo-kun say all that is very reassuring. It makes me think that for him, I can do anything.
Haruka Nanami: I’ll work hard…. I want to debut with you, Syo-kun…. If I’m going to debut, I want it to be with you.
Syo Kurusu: Of course! We’ll definitely debut together! It’s a promise!
Syo-kun gives me a fist bump.
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
Syo Kurusu: A man’s word is his bond. I’ll keep this promise if it kills me!
Haruka Nanami: Yes. I’ll do my very best!
As I speak, I meet Syo-kun’s gaze, and we laugh together.
And then, from the track, the sound of laughter—and the sound of someone spitting out their oolong tea—could be heard.
Syo Kurusu: … Wow, that person is something else. He’s made most of the girls spit out their tea just by whispering in their ears. I wonder what the heck he said…. … Oh, but it doesn’t look like it’s working on Tokiya.
Haruka Nanami: I wonder if his princely techniques only work on high school girls?
Syo Kurusu: Looks like. Doesn’t look like he’s getting to Ittoki, either.
Haruka Nanami: Ittoki-kun…?
Syo Kurusu: Oh, right, you wouldn’t know him, huh? He’s Tokiya’s roommate, but he’s in A class. We hit it off during soccer in P.E. class, and now some afternoons we play together on the school grounds.
He’s a pretty good guy. I’ll introduce you sometime.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you very much.
Syo Kurusu: Oh! … Hey, looks like all the students except Tokiya and Ittoki are out, huh.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, you’re right…. Ichinose-san, Please do your beeeest!
Shining Saotome:HA-HA-HAA~~!!
I’M amazing, even when NAKED!
Suddenly, the principal appears in front of Ichinose-san and Ittoki-kun. And then….
His form, with the suit torn away, is incredibly superb.
Shining Saotome: TA-DAAAAA!!
On that abundantly large chest, the words “MAN OF JAPAN” are written in magic marker.
Tokiya Ichinose: Pbbth!
Otoya Ittoki: Pbthack! Cough, cough! N-no one could withstand something like this!! Hack, cough!
Ichinose-san and Ittoki-kun both spit out their oolong tea at the same time.
Shining Saotome: Ha ha haa~~ You both faillll!
Your training is not yet enouuuughhh to withstand my MUSCLES!
Syo Kurusu: Whoa…. That has to be foul play….
Select the phrase!
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He’s so cool. (+5 Love +10 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Huh…? Seriously? That’s really the type of guy you’re into?
Haruka Nanami: The principal is amazing at everything he does. He’s so cool! And he seems very strong, as well.
Syo Kurusu: … Well, sure he is, but…. If it were just strength, I’m just as….
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He’s very manly. (+5 Love +10 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Well, he did write “MAN OF JAPAN” on his chest and everything….
If we’re talking manliness, then sure, I guess he is, but…. That’s separate from whether he’s cool or anything, right?
Haruka Nanami: Do you think so? I think he’s cool, though….
Syo Kurusu: Really…? That’s quite a type you’ve got, huh.
Haruka Nanami: ???
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Amazing.... (+0 Love +10 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Amazing, huh….
I guess he’s a weirdo who’s transcended everything normal.
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Syo Kurusu: Next is Ren, right…? Yeah, he was saying he was going to be in the mock cavalry battle. All right, let’s cheer him on!!
Haruka Nanami: Apparently Jinguji-san will be the one riding on top of three people supporting him. He was saying he has confidence in horse riding.
He said something about being able to break even the most unmanageable mare to his hand…. Impressive, isn’t it?
Syo Kurusu: “Mare”... ? I think he was talking about something else….
Haruka Nanami: Something else…?
I tilt my head to one side, confused, and Syo-kun pats me on the shoulder.
Syo Kurusu: No, you don’t need to know. Just forget about it.
Saying this, Syo-kun nods to himself, looking thoughtful.
What was that all about?
With the sounding of a conch shell, the match begins. From different sides of the field come the sounds of…. Galloping?
Syo Kurusu: W-what!? What’s going on?!
Haruka Nanami: Ah! They’re horses. But there’s so many!!!
Hoofbeats ring out as dozens of students riding horses gather in the center of the sports field.
It seems like they entered through the school gates, but where on earth did everyone get a horse to ride on…?
Oh, but now that I think about it…. The principal has said before that there are animals kept as performers by the school….
Syo Kurusu: Wow…. When they said “cavalry,” then…. They really were horses…? But then, where did that many come from…?
Shining Saotome: Ha-ha-HA~. These are no ordinary horseees.
These are descendants of real war horses of the Sengoku period, a line of stock raised in Japan from time immemoriaaalll!
Haruka Nanami: … Now that he’s said that, it really does seem to be true. They don’t appear to be as tall as thoroughbreds.
This really does look like a battle. Umm, Jinguji-san’s camp’s banner says… “Wind, Forest, Fire, and Mountain.”
Another one says “Honor”...?
Shining Saotome: HA-HA-HAA~. This is the Battle of Kawanakajimaaaa!
Haruka Nanami: The Battle of Kawanakajima…. Umm, let me see.... When Shingen Takeda of Kai Province conquered the northern Shinano Province, the forces under attack retreated to Echigo Province.
There, they appealed to Kenshin Uesugi for aid, and in 1553, Shingen and Kenshin clashed at Shinano, Kawanakajima.
Up till 1564, they fought five times in that field. Today, Shingen and Kenshin are regarded as worthy opponents, and are called “The Tiger of Kai” and “The Dragon of Echigo.”
So I suppose that this time, Jinguji-san is Shingen Takeda fighting against Kenshin Uesugi?
Syo Kurusu: You… know a lot about this.
Syo-kun stares at me, wide-eyed.
Haruka Nanami: Um… I like studying…. Because… I can do it… even if I’m by myself.
Syo Kurusu: … That’s too dark!!
Syo-kun takes me firmly by the shoulders.
Syo Kurusu: You… you can’t possibly…. I can’t imagine it, but…! Have you never had friends before?
Haruka Nanami: No, I haven’t… not a single friend, through middle school….
Syo Kurusu: Seriously!? That’s too sad….
Syo-kun takes his hand away for a moment to wipe his eyes, and then grabs my shoulders tightly again.
Syo Kurusu: You’re my servant, but…. No, BECAUSE you’re my servant, I’m making this an order! From this day forward, I order you to be my friend!
Got it? You’ll never be alone again. Ren and Tokiya are your friends, too!!
That’s why… that is…. Never say something that sad again. Understood?!
Haruka Nanami: … Okay. Thank you very much. I’m very happy… that you said that….
No one has ever said that to me so seriously before. I’m so happy, and I feel a little bit like I might start crying.
Syo Kurusu: … Dummy! Don’t cry….
Haruka Nanami: I won’t…! Really, thank you so much!!
Saying this, I wipe away the tears that have gathered in the corners of my eyes.
Syo Kurusu: As… as long as you understand. … You understand, right?
Oh, hey! Looks like Ren’s battle has started.
Ren Jinguji: Heh, it’s time for a fight. Masato Hijirikawa!! Today, it seems we’ll be able to settle things.
Masato Hijirikawa: … I am not fond of fighting, but…. If attacked, there is no way left but to fight. Come! I will beat you at your own game.
Syo Kurusu: Hey, doesn’t it seem like Ren’s gotten perfectly into character? Hijirikawa’s getting surprisingly into it, too.
Haruka Nanami: Idols really need strong acting skills, so those two must be throwing themselves into their training day after day.
Syo Kurusu: … You think so? Well, those two seem to be taking this seriously, but…. Somehow, they don’t seem all that different from normal.
Haruka Nanami: Do they normally fight like that? Jinguji-san and, um, Hijirikawa-sama, right? The one in the role of Uesugi Kenshin….
Syo Kurusu: Oh, you’ve heard of the Hijirikawa conglomerate, right? That giant organization. He’s the heir to that.
Maybe it’s because Ren has ties to their rival company, Jinguji Group, but Ren’s aaaallways picking fights with him.
Haruka Nanami: I see, so they’re destined to be rivals.
Perhaps because the theme is the Battle of Kawanakajima, an hour passes without the match being decided. It ends with a tie.
Ren Jinguji: Hmph. A tie, is it…? But next time I will surely win!
Masato Hijirikawa: Come back whenever you like. I will defeat you.
It seems that as this time was a draw, the war between these two will continue.
Syo Kurusu: Alright! My turn’s next.
The moment after Syo-kun yells this...
Ryuya Hyuga: Alright, let’s get started, yeah? Everybody, on your marks! Ryuya Hyuga: Get set. Ready, Go! Rodriguez: Rrooooawrr!! Rodriguez: Grrrrrrrr!!! Rodriguez: Grrraaaaah!! Rodriguez: Rwowrrr~~! ♪ Rodriguez: Graowl!! Rodriguez: Whimper. Haaaaaah!! Ryuya Hyuga: This is sudden, but we’re going to have a pop quiz today! You’ll be fine, it’s not that hard.
Natsuki Shinomiya: SYO-CHAAAAN!!
… someone comes running at Syo-kun hard enough to raise a cloud of dust behind them.
Syo Kurusu: Geh!! Natsuki!!
Syo panics and tries to dash off, but….
The person chases after him and embraces him as hard as they can.
The moment he’s embraced, there’s a worrying crack from Syo-kun’s back that I definitely shouldn’t have been able to hear.
Syo Kurusu: Gah!!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Syo-chan, Syo-chan! I heard that you’re also going to be in the obstacle course?
I’m in that, too. It’s sad to have to fight against my dear friend.
Syo Kurusu: I-it hurts….
Because he’s being held by a tall person, Syo-kun’s feet are no longer on the ground....
But it seems the one holding him doesn’t realize this at all.
Natsuki Shinomiya: But you know... Ringo-sensei told me that best friends have to fight each other at times.
So, Syo-chan, please don’t hold back, not even against me. Please compete with all your might. Okay?
Syo Kurusu: You’re the one who needs to hold back! Get your hands off me right nowwww!
Syo-kun’s legs flail uselessly in midair.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Oh, sorry!
The person opens their arms instantly and Syo-kun thumps back onto his feet.
Syo Kurusu: Hack, cough! Aaah, I thought I was gonna die, getting bear-hugged with that much brute force….
So you’re saying you think I’d stoop so low as to take it easy on you, just because we’re competing in the same event? You’d better be ready to get your ass handed to you instead!
Syo-kun raises his fists and gets into a fighting stance.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Is that how it is…? I see. You’re right. Syo-chan is always serious when it comes to battles.
Syo Kurusu: That’s right!! As long as you get it!
Haruka Nanami: Um… who is this person…?
Natsuki Shinomiya: I’m Natsuki Shinomiya, from A Class. I’m roommates with Syo-chan in the dorms~
Shinomiya-san, then. He seems like a very kind person….
He’s slender and tall, and his slightly curly, milk-tea-colored hair looks fluffy.
The gaze coming through his glasses is gentle and kind. Overall, he gives off a very warm impression.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, um, I’m Haruka Nanami. I’m Syo-kun’s servant.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Oh, is that so…? I’m also Syo-chan’s servant, you know. Right? Your Highness? ♪
Saying this, Natsuki-san grins cheerfully.
Syo Kurusu: Is it my imagination, or are you making fun of me…?
Tokiya Ichinose: … Syo, you’re almost up.
Syo Kurusu: Whoops. Hey, Natsuki, let’s get going!!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Okay!
Syo-kun seems to be having a lot of fun, somehow.
Those two are roommates, so I’m sure they get along well. Friendship between boys seems so nice.
Hyuga-sensei walks onto the race track and cocks the starting gun.
The competitors break into a run the moment the starting gun fires.
The first obstacle in the course is a set of monkey bars. Using only their arms, competitors have to cross over a ten-meter pool of mud without falling in.
It seems that the pit is at least two meters deep, so if they fall even once, their lives could be in danger....
Therefore, everyone is crossing them desperately.
Syo Kurusu: Yah! Hah! Hah!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Hup-hup….
The two of them are moving quite well, and they steadily pull ahead of the students from the other classes.
If things continue like this, it seems like Syo-kun and Shinomiya-san will be the only two fighting to be first.
After that, there’s a balance beam, but the beam is surrounded by a tunnel of fire, so it looks as if they don’t cross it quickly, they’ll catch fire.
Syo Kurusu: Hot! Hot! My hair, it’s catching fire…. Gaaaaaah!
Syo-kun crosses the balance beam with incredible speed. Shinomiya-san, on the other hand….
Natsuki Shinomiya: Aah, it’s warm here....
Looking absolutely unperturbed, he crosses the balance beam slowly… and yet, he and Syo-kun leave their balance beams at the same moment.
The next obstacle is not a bread-grabbing contest, but instead a crab-grabbing contest.
Lively, energetic-looking crabs are hanging over the track, waiting for the competitors to grab them in their mouths….
The risk of their pincers catching their lips seems very high.
Syo Kurusu: Ow! Don’t pinch there! Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Wow, so cute….
Cute? I guess crabs can be cute to look at….
I wonder if Shinomiya-san likes small animals? That’s rather charming.
Finally, for the last challenge, the competitors have to pick a scrap of paper from ones scattered on the track, find someone with the trait written on it, and run a three-legged race with that person to the finish line.
Syo-kun picks up a piece of paper, looks it over, frowns at it for a moment, and then comes running toward me.
Syo Kurusu: Haruka. Come on. Let’s go to the finish line together.
Syo-kun reaches out and offers me his hand.
Haruka Nanami: … Okay.
I wonder what was written on the paper that Syo-kun chose?
“Partner,” maybe? Or “composer”? I’d like to ask him later.
Syo-kun removes the headband from his head and uses it to tie our legs tightly together.
Syo Kurusu: Okay, let’s go. Are you ready?
Haruka Nanami: Yes.
Syo-kun holds tightly onto my arm. I can feel his shoulder against mine. It’s more solid than it looks. It reminds me that Syo-kun is definitely a fit young man.
Even while we’re running in a three-legged race, Syo-kun’s being very careful with me as he leads us forward.
The two of us reach the track, and then….
Natsuki Shinomiya: There, there, who’s a good boy…?
Haruka Nanami: A-a lion!?
Shinomiya-san has a lion with him.
Possibly startled by my voice, the lion suddenly starts to go wild.
Syo Kurusu: Geez! Where did you even get something like that!? Or wait, what was even written on your paper?!?
Shocked, Syo-kun fiercely demands a response from Shinomiya-kun.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Hm? It had “kitten” written on it, of course. See, isn’t he cute? What a sweetie~
Syo Kurusu: No matter how you look at it, even you can’t think that’s a kitten! How bad are your eyes?!?
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ah!!
The cord tying Shinomiya-san’s leg to the lion’s suddenly snaps, and the lion comes bounding towards us.
Syo Kurusu: Haruka! Get down!!!
Syo-kun immediately gets in front of me, protecting me from the lion.
Haruka Nanami: Eh…? S-Syo-kun, be careful….
Syo Kurusu: Shut up. I’ll absolutely protect you!! So, don’t worry about me!!
Haruka Nanami: … Syo-kun….
The back that I’ve only thought of as small up till now suddenly seems so big and strong.
Syo Kurusu: Ugh. You—!
The lion bares his fangs at Syo-kun, threatening him.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Syo-chan, you shouldn’t act so aggressive…. You need to speak to him more gently.
Syo Kurusu: How can I?!? I wouldn’t have time for that, he’d eat me!
Haruka Nanami: S-Syo-kun, no. You can’t win against a lion bare-handed! You have to run!
Syo Kurusu: Shut up! If I run, what’s going to happen to you? I’ll be fine, just let me keep you safe!!
The lion lunges at Syo-kun!
Syo Kurusu: Guh!!
Haruka Nanami: Eeeeeek!!
In that moment…
Shining Saotome: Hmm~. What’s wrong, Rodriguez? You’re not allowed to leave your room by yourself, are you? Goodness, what a naughty widdle boy.
… the principal pins Rodriguez down and kisses him.
Like a tame housecat, the lion immediately calms down, and the principal begins to snuggle with him.
Natsuki Shinomiya: His name is Rodriguez-chan.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAA~~ He is my pet, as well as animal talent for Shining Agency.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Haha. Isn’t he cute?
As he says this, Shinomiya-san comes closer to Rodriguez. In that moment….
Rodriguez reaches out and lightly bats Shinomiya-san’s cheek.
When he does…
… Shinomiya-san’s glasses are knocked off and fall to the ground.
A dark, evil aura begins rising from Shinomiya-san’s body and into the air.
Dark clouds cover the sky as thunder booms.
An evil presence strong enough that even the lion can feel it envelops the school grounds.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…? Shinomiya-san’s eyes... suddenly seem so different.
His gaze overflows with hatred for everything in the world….
He seems completely different from the gentle person he was before.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Hah!
Shinomiya-san’s fist strikes the ground at his feet.
In that instant, the earth trembles. The school shakes as cracks open up across the school grounds.
Female Student A: Eeeek!
Male Student A: What the heck? What’s going on!?
Shining Saotome: That’s no good—at this rate the earth will be destroyed!
The principal shouts, lunges at the glasses, and at the speed of light, places them back on Shinomiya-san’s face.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ah… what? Why is the ground all broken up?
Syo Kurusu: Now’s our chance, Haruka. Let’s run!
Haruka Nanami: O-okay…. Um, b-but, Shinomiya-san….
What on earth….
Syo Kurusu: Don’t worry about it, just come on!!
While Shinomiya-san is still distracted, we run quickly towards the finish line, winning first place.
Syo Kurusu: We did it! Exactly what I expected from my servant! Good job!!
Syo-kun hugs me tightly in celebration.
Haruka Nanami: I’m glad.
There probably isn’t any special meaning behind it, and he just hugged me because he’s happy, but it does fluster me a little.
Syo Kurusu: Oh…. Sorry….
Syo-kun lets go of me in an instant. I can only see a small part of the side of his face, but it looks like he’s gone a little pink.
Haruka Nanami: It’s fine….
A small piece of paper slips out of Syo-kun’s jersey pocket and falls to the ground. Written on it are the words “pretty girl.”
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun, is this…?
When I pick it up to give it back to him, Syo-kun turns bright red and snatches it away from me in a flash.
Syo Kurusu: Did… did you read it?
Haruka Nanami: The message? It had “pretty girl” written on it.
Syo Kurusu: D-don’t misunderstand! It’s not that I think you’re especially cute or anything like that!!
L-look, “girl” just means a female student, right? S-so, any girl would have been fine. It’s a coincidence that I chose you, okay? Just a coincidence.
D-don’t overthink it!!
Haruka Nanami: ??? What are you saying…?
Syo Kurusu: … It’s fine if you don’t get what I’m saying too, I guess.
Haruka Nanami: More importantly, you need to get that looked at.
Now that I’m looking closely, I can see the small line of blood running down Syo-kun’s arm.
It’s probably from before, when he was fighting the lion. I think it scratched him.
Syo Kurusu: It’s no big deal. It’ll heal on its own with a lick.
Select the phrase!
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But if you get tetanus or something… (+25 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: … I’m sure it would hurt a great deal. I don’t want you to go through that experience….
Syo Kurusu: Aaaah, geez!! Don’t make that face!!
I get it. If you’re going to treat it or whatever, just do it.
Syo-kun makes a slightly troubled face and blushes.
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
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That’s no good. (+15 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: If you leave it like that, it will get infected!
I take Syo-kun’s hand and start walking him to our classroom.
Syo Kurusu: You’re… pushier than I would’ve thought…. But… fine….
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Please let me treat it. (+5 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: You shouldn’t just leave it like that. Let me treat it, I beg of you.
Syo Kurusu: Well, if you insist….
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There are a lot of injured people in the nurse’s office, so Syo-kun and I return to our classroom.
I take some disinfectant and a band-aid out of the classroom’s first-aid kit, and bandage Syo-kun’s arm.
Haruka Nanami: … This might sting a little.
Syo Kurusu: … Ouch….
Haruka Nanami: I’m sorry….
Syo Kurusu: Don’t worry about it. It just stung a little bit, that’s all. Quit apologizing for every little thing.
Haruka Nanami: That’s not it…. If I hadn’t been with you before, Syo-kun, you would have been about to run away from the lion….
You were injured because I was a burden on you….
Syo Kurusu: This is just a scratch. I’m just… glad that you’re safe….
Syo-kun pats my head. His hand is so warm….
Haruka Nanami: Th… thank you….
Syo Kurusu: Uhh, that is…! If, if you’re not here, I won’t have any of your songs. You’re my partner, I need you….
M-men are supposed to protect women…. So my body just moved on its own, I guess…. And…. It’s a prince’s duty to protect his servant! So!! Don’t worry about it!! Understood?
Syo-kun grins.
Haruka Nanami: Understood!!
What a wonderful prince. I’ll keep doing my best as his servant from now on.
We’ll debut together.
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After the sports festival, we walk together toward the dorms.
Haruka Nanami: Today was fun, wasn’t it? Everyone was very lively, and you were amazing too, Syo-kun. I’m bad at sports, so I’m jealous. Have you always had great motor skills?
Syo Kurusu: Yeah.
When I ask, Syo-kun answers shortly and lightly presses one hand to the left side of his chest.
Haruka Nanami: Your Highness…?
Something about him seems strange. It makes me wonder what’s wrong….
Plip, plip....
Haruka Nanami: Huh? Rain?
It starts raining.
And then, in a moment, it turns into a downpour.
Syo Kurusu: Come on, don’t just stand there! Let’s go!!
Haruka Nanami: O-okay!!
I’m a little worried about how Syo-kun looked before, but there’s no time to think about it. We make a run for it to the dorms.
Haruka Nanami: Well, see you tomorrow.
Syo Kurusu: Yeah!!
We part ways, and when I’m almost to the dorms…
Cat: Meow~ meow~
… I hear a cat’s plaintive cries.
Haruka Nanami: Ah!
A kitten is huddled under the hedge in front of the dorms, shivering.
Haruka Nanami: It’s, it’s okay…. I’ll help you….
I pick up the kitten and hold it in my arms, hurrying to my room.
Haruka Nanami: I’m home~ … Oh. Looks like Tomo-chan isn’t home yet.
We go into my room and I gently wipe the kitten down with a towel.
Cat: Meow~ meow~
Haruka Nanami: Are you cold? Or are you hungry? But all I have right now is….
I offer the kitten my leftover melon bread from this morning.
Cat: Meoww~
The cat meows happily and begins eating the melon bread ravenously.
Haruka Nanami: I didn’t know cats could eat melon bread…. Well, regardless, have I seen this little one before...? Oh!! You’re the one from the entrance ceremony!!
That’s right, on the day of the entrance ceremony, this is the cat who’d gotten stuck in a high place and couldn’t get down.
Haruka Nanami: Right….That’s where I know you from…. I bet we were meant to meet again. Hey, can I give you a name?
Cat: Meowww.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you. Let’s see then….
Select the phrase!
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Prince. (+20 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun’s a prince, so…. Maybe… Prince…?
When he hears the word “Prince,” the kitten looks a little sad.
Haruka Nanami: Oh…. But, that might be a little embarrassing… huh? Well, then how about something like Kuppuru?
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Kuppuru. (+15 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Would Kuppuru work?
I ask the kitten, my heart pounding.
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Cat-emon. (+0 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: … That’s actually a little difficult to say. Hmm, let’s see…. Oh! Kuppuru…. Would Kuppuru work?
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Cat: Mew!!
Haruka Nanami: Pleasure to meet you, Kuppuru.
And now I’ve made a new friend.
I have a feeling that my school life will be getting more and more fun.
Mini Game
This is a simple paper test. There are many basic questions in here, so you can definitely solve them.
Well, this is just to test your knowledge. Just choose the answer for each of the multiple-choice questions.
Regular studying is useful for something like this. Be sure to build a habit of immediately looking up any music terms you take an interest in.
So, time to begin!
S Rank
Syo Kurusu: … You’re really smart, huh.
I’m a little jealous, but…. Actually, I’m glad I can rely on you.
When he looks at my answer sheet, Syo-kun smiles happily.
He’s… he’s counting on me!
I’m so happy.
I’ll need to keep studying hard to meet his expectations.
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Chapter End
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poisecup1d · 2 years
No one talks about how disconnecting it can be to sit at a table surrounded by people who have no ties to the language attempted to pick up beside me. While the observer delves into the uncertain space that half of my ancestors found comfortable trudging with, I am left waiting for the signals I could not inherit.
I sat directly next to an older man who told me of his parents who were just then situated in Iceland and where his interests in linguistics rested. I asked about why he had a pull to Japanese language and experiences in media.
It is a heavy extinguished lamp in the cold. But the trees have wild colors; signals to the other shore. As if people wanted to be fetched On my way home I see mushrooms sprouting up through the lawn. They are the fingers, stretching for help, of someone who has long sobbed to himself in the darkness down there.
Go inside a stone That would be my way. Let somebody else become a dove Or gnash with a tiger's tooth. I am happy to be a stone. From the outside the stone is a riddle: No one knows how to answer it. Yet within, it must be cool and quiet Even though a cow steps on it full weight, Even though a child throws it in a river; The stone sinks, slow, unperturbed To the river bottom Where the fishes come to knock on it And listen.
Charles Simic
This is an elongated section of what I remember about myself when I did not know what I do now:
There is a repetition of the conversations I finally participated in. When I got to a certain age I introduced myself to people as a whole person and my words started flowing like water pouring into that cup I said before. It isn’t too private or revealing in how long these moments are, but they still hold a precious value to me. On my birthday every time I could anticipate the date by a certain quantity of days (six became a pattern), I’d accumulate what I was too anxious to say out loud to those I’d care about if I haven’t already confessed to them. I’d slip each page into a book with plastic sleeves with hidden notes on the backsides. It started when I felt a hesitation for receiving gifts or things I didn’t know I could take in after. A bit like feeling uncertain of when you are adopting love when you still do not know what that is to begin with.
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My aunt’s titre for me is Noemie. Each time I take a ride to see her, I am reaffirmed I do not yet know a space that was not hers first even if she had not remained in it for too long. She professed and raised me as a figure who would reclaim the identity of her Japanese descendants. I have remained true to the care I have for those who precipitated our practices so I could be here, though I would not be able to confine mine into the silhouettes of theirs or my Norwegian half-part. A mixed person with no desire to fit into only one self only pushed me toward being closer to what both of my halves were so I could become a whole again. My second mother since I was petite and if there was any object that could fossilize her it’d be the gift she gave to me before I had the chance to realize it as such.
I recall the first time I found notebooks in the hidden cardboard boxes. The pages are filled with moments to be seen by an audience, another person at minimum. With postal cards, letters, her film, the flow of a pen on the surface telling more of her times in Mikkeli, Calapan and Nairobi. I think about what she told me about existence in the world, how she mentioned she did not leave home to live another experience.
“Noemie, I will never know all the places my body has been. Occasionally you will feel as though you are an observer of your own life. Do not slip into that for too long, there is no need for anxiousness for what you can still do with the time you have left either. There is no reason to be elsewhere in order to not be here.”
Her writing stands on fluidity as she did not allow herself to be confined into a singular form. She told me of a constant procrastination behind all her entries and left the thought unexplained. She is still present in all of her words, solidified. Words like those that she had made up herself like “sortish” and “aimiration” which combine the Japanese sound for love and the English word admiration. Her film and notes on existence piecing together the echo of her mother as she neared the outcome of age. Scripting what had happened was not simply an attempt to retrace and live in what is not currently available, but in order that she could truly coexist with the events that she endured with those she cared for. The blankness of pages told me of the work and days she had not been able to write down or felt had been necessary to do so other than living through it. I read once that the base of more immediate mood repair over the longer-term is what procrastination is. In a study of the process of working on tasks in a novel project, “it was only when they first learned about the task and then put it off that they considered more novel ideas. It turned out that procrastination encouraged divergent thinking.” The more prolonged avoidance of doing monotonous work can resemble a swirled mind that admires more than one option or solution.
I finally understood through flipping through her internal thoughts one of the pure reasons for delaying what she planned to do, as it was not for earlier than she wanted. She could not stand to depersonalize what was happening around her for the sake of what she was expected to pursue in her experiential. Every instance I had taken to look at her notebook I recall a life that she comfortably kept to herself and those she let listen. How closeness could open up the limitless spot of mind.
I moved like a dark star, drifting over the drowned other half of the world until, by a distant prompting, I looked over the gunwale and saw beneath the surface a luminous room, a light-filled grave, saw for the first time the one clear place given to us when we are alone.
Mark Strand
Will I say, I am fine, and believe it with You until it comes true? A plate slides Off the table. Branches graze this House, where I sleepwalked last night. It all reminds me of history that I Have forgotten, the long tales of triumph, And the defeat in a lighter time of Year.
Noelle Kocot
Wafer and wine to the human wound, we laid Ourselves to cure ourselves down: I'm afraid Our vestments wanted, but Francis' friends were crying In the nave of pines, sun-satisfied, and flying Subtle as angels about the barricade Boughs made over us, deep in a bed half made Needle-soft, half the sea of our simultaneous dying. *Death is the mother of beauty.' Awry no leaf Shivering with delight, we die to be well Careless with sleepy love, so long unloving. What if our convalescence must be brief As we are, the matin meet the passing bell?. .
John Berryman
0 notes
sofipitch · 2 years
Can you recommend me some literature other than the vampire chronicles?
Oh man I could give book opinions and recommendations all day so this almost feels too broad of an ask so I'm going to narrow it a little by recommending books that are similar enough to VC that I think VC fans will like. I'll try and remember to say what it is I think the book has in common with VC. But if you want recommendations for other genres just say the word!
I'm also gonna do contemporary books because I feel like most people have already discussed the parallel between VC and lots of classics, but for good measure my top choices would be: Wuthering Heights, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and Giovanni's Room
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab: This was a recent read and so so good. The hype is real. In this story a 17th century preasant girl makes a deal with a forest god that allows her to live forever. However the catch is no one can ever remember her. She goes through life meeting all kinds of people, but if they leave the room and come back it'll be like they never met. There is an aching loneliness this concept and book. I think in general this book has a really reflection from it's characters and other than the immortality aspect that is what I think makes this book like VC is the existentialism and yet lust for life that carries throughout. Because while Addie is often very lonely, she is also so in love with the world and people. I also really liked the character of the god who cursed her, he returns to taunt her regularly and their relationship is really fun (what tik tok teens would call "enemies to lovers"). Addie and some other characters are also queer which is a +
Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno Garcia: A you a fan of vampires? This book is a really creative take on vampire, more creative than a lot of contemporary reimaginings. Humans have known about vampires since the 1960s and vampires also come in different species, endemic to different regions, which would explain why some vampire lore may be contradictory. Why can some eat food and others can't? Different species. Atl is a vampire hiding from a different vampire clan in Mexico City, a city supposed to be free from vampires. She gets a homeless garbage collector named Domingo to help her avoid being caught by both the police and other vampires while trying to escape the city. Atl and Domingo have very Armand and Daniel in The Devil's Minion vibe. He's a human guy just fascinated by this cool vampire and hey, the extra cash isn't bad. But things get dangerous fast.
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno Garcia: Same author as previous (I really like her if you can't tell). This book is meant to be a take on the gothic genre, if you can't tell by the title. Noemi's cousin who has been recently married sends her a letter asking her to come rescue her. Noemi then goes to the her in-laws family home, a decrepit Victorian mansion, with an equally eerie family. I don't want to say too much but I think this one is a great gothic horror. It both does the tropes and reinvents them
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones: This one is more straight up horror. Jade is a teen horror junkie who loves slashers. So when people start turning up dead in town she thinks she knows exactly what's going on and as a social outcast, this is everytging she has been waiting for, she hates the people of her town and wants them dead. Jade reminds me a bit of Lestat, not a ton in character but there is a deeply personal narration style and the fact that you can tell Jade is masking some massive insecurities she doesn't want to reveal to the audience. I also recommend this author's writing in general, they make my head go brrr
The Devourers by Indra Das: This is a werewolf book and starts off a LOT like IWTV. A history professor meets a man who claims to be half-werewolf. Despite being unsure if he believes him the man asks him to transcribe some historical documents, which tell the story (sst during the reign of Shah Jahan in India) of a werewolf and a human woman. This story is similar to IWTV in how it uses it's monsters as a reflection of humanity, they are both very human and unsettlingly inhuman. This book does have a hard plot so much as a charactrler exploration, and of course the mystery of the characters themselves. This is also a story where monsters are used to explore queer sexuality and gender and it's SO well done. However, since it is kind of a big part of the book, it's not described in detail but mentioned repeatedly, tw for rape
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Vows Pt.8
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Series Summary:
The last battle with Negan doesn’t go as it should, with Negan coming on top, and so reader, Daryl’s girlfriend, offers herself as a wife to Negan if he doesn’t kill Daryl or anyone else. Negan accepts, he won’t kill anyone but will take reader as a wife, and he’ll take Daryl and some of the others to the Sanctuary as prisoners, promising not to hurt anyone if reader is one of his wives and the communities work for him.
This has both flashbacks to reader and Daryl’s story since meeting to now, and the present with reader living at the Sanctuary as a wife, trying to keep Daryl and their people safe, and she and the other wives dealing with Negan, plotting… (This is not a Negan x reader fic!)
Warning, Daryl is tortured.
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Negan dragged you into the main hall of the Sanctuary, where everyone seemed to be gathered, and you gasped in horror when you saw Daryl.
He was tied up to a beam, hanging from his arms. They’d removed his sweatshirt and someone seemed to have decided to have their sick fun with him already, either Negan or any other savior at his orders, because you could see bruises over Daryl’s torse and face, as if he’d taken a beaten already, and his head was hanging low.
Up the stairs, you saw Rick, Rosita, Ezekiel, Gabriel, Eugine, and Dwight on their knees with guns pointed at their heads. This had to be your worst nightmare.
You tried to go to Daryl, out of instinct, but Negan was still holding your arm and he tugged you back roughly. “You don’t move unless I tell you,” he warned you, letting go of your arm to approach Daryl.
Negan grabbed his face and lifted it, making him look at him. “Now, Daryl…look who I’ve brought.” He moved Daryl’s head to make him look at you, even if he looked half gone, and you hated how in pain and hurt he looked, making your eyes fill with tears. “You wanted to go see her, uh?” Negan made Daryl nod. “Trying to sneak into my wive’s rooms like a dog in heat, sending one of my men to the infirmary…that’s more than a no, no…”
“See what I did to Dwight?” Negan moved Daryl’s face again so he looked at Dwight. “And to Mark, that was my dear Amber’s boyfriend.” Negan made Daryl look at Amber now, who was half-hidden behind the other wives. “He died…but I didn’t plan that, it just…happened…” Negan shrugged as if nothing. “But with you…no, I’m tired of you, I gave you too many chances…no, I’m marking you and then you’re going to meet Lucille…and you all here are going to watch and remember what happens if you pull up shit like that, because I feel I’ve been too soft and you all have forgotten!”
Negan let go of Daryl’s face, and you wanted to do something, anything, but you were paralyzed by fear. Negan walked around Daryl, circling him, and then he chuckled, looking at his back. “It seems that someone marked you pretty well already…”
Negan headed to the oven where an iron was begin heated, and you finally managed to push past your shock, running to him, not caring if you ended up being ironed yourself.
“Please, please, no, wait!” You didn’t care if you had to beg a million times, but you weren’t sure that would work anymore. “Please, he…he was worried about me, that’s why he did that, he wanted to check that I was okay, please, it’s my fault.”
“Get out of the way, doll, before you burn yourself,” Negan warned you, but you didn’t.
“Please, please don’t.” You kept trying. “I’ll do anything you want, please.” You didn’t know what you could offer, you had already married him. “I’ll clean this whole place every day, I’ll manage walkers on the fences, I…I…”
“I already have people doing all that, doll,” Negan said while you kept trying to think on stuff to do. “You’re my wife.”
Yes…and there was nothing that you could offer as a wife because he already took it when he wanted it… you felt so desperate that you felt tears in your eyes again. “Please…please, just ask me anything and I’ll do it, please…I’ll fuck you every way you want in every room here the same day every day, I’ll have a threesome if you want…” You weren’t sure if any other wife would be on board, but you just kept thinking stuff that you could give as one of his wives. “I’ll fuck you right here in front of everyone…I…I…” You couldn’t think on anything, no matter how much you tried.
Negan looked at you, and you weren’t sure if he was just going to iron you and then Daryl, or spare you and go for Daryl…but then he smirked, chuckling, and dropped the iron back on the fire…you didn’t dare to have hope, though, not with the look in his eyes.
“I see…you sound, oh so convincing, doll, with you those beautiful ideas…” He chuckled and then grabbed your neck, making you walk around Daryl and in front of him again, while everyone else looked at you in silence.
“On your knees.” Negan instructed and you did as told, dropping onto your knees on the floor. “Open my belt,” Negan smirked when you looked at him at that…so he really was going to take your word. “Open my belt, doll.” He repeated, grinning darkly. “You’re going to blow me here in front of everyone and then I’ll see if I also fuck you here as you so kindly suggested.”
You heard Daryl struggling and then him grunting as he was hit again, but you didn’t look at him, couldn’t, and you kept your eyes on Negan. “And then you’ll spare Daryl?”
“Maybe…” Negan shrugged with that dark smile.
You weren’t sure he would, but it was the only chance you seemed to have, and so you’d do it. You opened Negan’s belt and unzipped his trousers, but he grabbed your wrist before you could go any further, making you stop. He looked at you, smirking, seeming to be considering you, before he tugged at you so you’d get up again.
“So…you’d really do it…” Negan muttered, chuckling, and you nodded. “Hmm…I don’t feel like it, not now, not here, but…later.” He smirked, winking at you, and you stayed silent, even when held your chin and kissed you. “Now, doll…if Daryl misbehaves in any other way, he’s dead, understood?”
You nodded and Negan smirked, letting go of your chin. He approached Daryl and you looked at him warily. Negan held’s Daryl’s face, which was hanging low, making him look at him as he dug his fingers into his cheeks.
“Understood?” Negan said. “If you try anything again, I’ll kill you. But first, I’ll drop Y/N into one of the cells, she’d eat dog food and she’d leave only to work at the fence with the walkers…I don’t want to, it’s not what I’d do with any of my wives at all, and I like her, I like fucking her.” He chuckled. “So don’t make me.”
You forced yourself not to say anything at that, but you couldn’t keep silent when you saw Negan approaching the oven and taking the iron. “What are you doing?!”
“Don’t worry, dear, I won’t kill him…probably.” Negan chuckled, and before you knew what was happening, he pressed the iron onto Daryl’s shoulderblade, over his tattoo, making him cry out in pain, and you gasped aloud.
“I’m sorry, doll,” Negan said, pulling back the iron, the burning smell almost making you gag. “But I couldn’t let this pass so easily…he’s lucky enough I didn’t kill him…isn’t him?”
Daryl was beyond answering, he seemed unconscious, but Negan was looking at you, and you understood the threat, so you composed yourself. “Yes, Negan,” you said blankly.
“Good…” Negan gave you that dangerous smile of him. “I’ll even let that doctor friend of yours, Siddiq, treat him so it doesn’t infect…so probably he won’t die, yeah?” You didn’t say anything and Negan chuckled before looking at his saviors. “Take Daryl and bring him to the infirmary.” He looked at the other wives then. “I want you all back to the room…and you,” he turned to look at you. “You are coming to my room.”
You nodded, swallowing all the instincts that were telling you to try to kill Negan right there and then. “Yes, Negan.”
Negan kept you in his room until the next morning, and you couldn’t pretend to enjoy his attention, not then, but at least you tried not to appear as disgusted, sad, and mad as you felt, not wanting to risk him taking it out on Daryl.
When you went back to the wive’s room the next morning, the other women seemed to be waiting for you, looking sad and worried, and you were grateful, but you didn’t feel like being around people, feeling like you might either snap or start crying and not stop for hours.
They looked at you in silence, but finally, Noemi was the one to speak. “Sweetheart…how are you?”
“I’m okay…” You muttered, shrugging and looking down, and nobody seemed to believe it, but they didn’t press it.
“I know you don’t want to, but we got you some food,” Noemi said, but you shook your head.
“I’m not hungry, I just…I’m going to bed, I’m tired,” you excused yourself, heading to your room without looking at the other women, and you closed the door behind you.
You had just dropped onto the bed when the door opened, and Lila looked inside. You let out a sigh, trying not to snap. “I really want to be alone,” you said, hoping not to sound too harsh.
“I know, but I have to tell you something, it’s about Daryl,” Lila said and your stomach dropped, and you almost felt dizzy as you waited for the worst. “I made Arat check on him and Siddiq.”
“He’s in pain and the wound is bad, but Siddiq said he thinks he’ll recover without an infection,” Lila told you with a small smile and you let out a breath as your eyes filled with tears.
“Good…that’s good…thank you, thank you really.” You knew that Lila had put herself at risk asking something from Arat, they could be discovered and Arat might get tired and turn on her.
“It’s nothing…I’m glad I could do something…just…it was an asshole thing to do, not only burn him but burn his tattoo like that.” Lila let out a sigh. “Anyway…I’ll leave you alone.”
Yes…Daryl’s tattoo must be gone, burned, but he was alive even if hurt, and Siddiq thought there would be no infection and he’d recover…that was good…
You smiled when you heard Daryl hum as he woke up at the feeling of your fingers softly stroking over his bare back, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he snuggled to the pillow. The bed in your cell was small, but neither of you seemed to mind it.
You knew that Daryl had to go out hunting soon, but you both still had a little bit of time just to lie together in the bed, and so you kept stroking his back for a bit, before leaning to press kisses across it, and Daryl let out another sigh, still with his eyes closed and that soft smile. He was just so cute sometimes, you’d have never imagined it if you hadn’t seen it yourself.
You pulled back and caressed the ink of the tattoo on his shoulder blade, those two winged figures that looked like demons. You’d wondered about it sometimes, when you saw it, but had never asked.
“How did you decide to get this tattoo?” You asked, leaning to press a kiss on it, and Daryl just shrugged.
“You just went to a tattoo shop and picked it?” You half teased, Daryl had other tattoos, but that was the bigger one, and you’d always wondered if it had any meaning to it.
“Nah, someone drew it for me,” Daryl murmured, eyes still closed, moving his shoulder under your hand so you’d keep caressing it, and you couldn’t help your smile at it…purring kitten Daryl asking for pets. He’d get so offended if you said that aloud.
“Yes?” You asked while you kept running your fingers over his back. “Who?” He’d picked your interest now, and you hoped that he wouldn’t stop talking about it now.
“Girl from my high school,” Daryl muttered, still sounding sleepy.
It was stupid, but you felt a bitter pang of jealousy on your gut. A girl had drawn that for Daryl and he’d gotten it tattooed…what, twenty years ago?  How could you be jealous of such a thing. It was ridiculous…
“High school girlfriend?” You found yourself asking nonetheless. Daryl rolled to lie on his back, looking at you, eyes sleepy but questioning as he arched an eyebrow at you, and you wondered if you had sounded jealous. You hoped not because it was embarrassing.
“No.” Daryl looked half confused, half-amused, and you wonder again if you’re failing at hiding that stupid, silly pang of jealousy.
“So, who was her then, that drew you the tattoo?” You asked, trying to sound like you didn’t care that much. It wasn’t out of jealousy, though, not really, you were really intrigued.
“Girl from my town, same school…We both used to be grounded after class,” Daryl said, and he moved his head to nuzzle your hand as if asking you to keep cuddling him, and you almost snorted at it, but resumed your caresses.
“Aw, little troublemaker Daryl, weren’t you,” You teased, earning a scoff from Daryl, who reached to jab at your ribs as if trying to tickle you, and you squealed and moved away.
“People were assholes, I just fought back.” He shrugged. “But I was the one blamed for shit always…a Dixon and all that.”
You guessed so, and your heart broke for little Daryl. “So that girl, did she start the fights or did she just fight back too?” You asked while you played with Daryl’s hair.
“Neither.” Daryl closed his eyes when he felt your fingers on his hair. “She was grounded all the time ‘cause she didn’t care for the classes or the teachers or nothin’, spent the classes just drawin’, teachers didn’t like it,” Daryl kept explaining. “She was supposed to do like homework when we were grounded or some shit but she didn’t, just kept drawin’ anyway.”
“And so she drew you that tattoo?” You asked.
“Yeah…we were grounded a lot so we ended up hangin’ together sometimes, I didn’t have any friends, but she wasn’t bad to be with. She wanted to drop out of school as soon as she could, like me, but she wanted to be a tattooist…I wanted to be nothing.” Daryl shrugged.
You always hated it when he said stuff like that about himself, but you didn’t say anything, letting him speak, it wasn’t usual that he talked about himself and his past, and you always cherished it when he did it.
“So…you were friends with that girl,” you said, trying to encourage him to keep talking. Daryl hummed a yes, closing his eyes again and tugging at you, and so you lied down, snuggling to his chest when Daryl wrapped his arm around you.
“We hang after school…Merle wasn’t around, but he eventually came back, and when he did…well, she and him…let’s say they didn’t get along much…” You felt the rumble of Daryl’s chest as he let out a chuckle, and you snorted. You could imagine, you had suffered Merle yourself.
“So…uh… we kept hangin’ but she’d talk shit about Merle…sayin’ that he’d always get me doin’ whatever he wanted, draggin’ me everywhere…so…yeah I didn’t take it well...we fought…Merle’d talk shit about her too, they really didn’t like each other…” Daryl let out a sigh.
“So, uh…I stopped hangin’ with her… But then one day when we were grounded, she passed me this tattoo drawing she’d made. It was like a demon thing and an angel, she said those were the Dixon’s, my brother’d be draggin’ me to hell and anywhere he wanted and I’d just gladly take his hand or some shit.” Daryl shrugged, seeming shy and defensive. “I just got more pissed…yelled at her so much that I got grounded for another hour.” He snorted bitterly.
“I just ignored her since then even when she tried talkin’ to me, I think she was tryin’ for us to be friends again but I’d just yell at her to leave me alone…then one day Merle left, as always. Left me without a word and with a damn mess of his  to deal with, people he owed money to, drug money.” Daryl let out a sigh and you felt sad that teen Daryl had to deal with that bullshit…you decided to not voice your opinion on Merle, though, it wasn’t like Daryl didn’t know it enough already.
“Then I realized that the only friend I had was that girl…but I’d been a dick to her, I knew she wouldn’t want to see me anymore. I hadn’t seen her in a few days, I guessed she’d tried not to get grounded so she wouldn’t have to see me, ‘cause I was a prick to her…” Daryl sounded remorseful and you knew he was. “Turned out she’d just moved to the city with their parents, they got better jobs there and she could study art…so, yeah…she didn’t tell me and never saw her again…”
“I’m sorry.” You moved up from Daryl’s chest so you could look at him, caressing his cheek, but he didn’t look at you, seeming shy. You knew it was hard for him to talk about himself and his past, and you appreciated it.
“So…uh…I still had the tattoo drawin’ she made, one day I was wasted and I went to a guy who sometimes hung with Merle and tattoed him stuff to tattoo it for me,” Daryl explained. “But uh…I ain’t no angel…just a prick like my brother…so I made them both demons…”
“Daryl…” You let out a sigh, shifting over his chest so you could look down at him and stroke his cheek. “You’re not like Merle…” You weren’t sure if you weren’t risking to upset or anger Daryl saying that, his brother was important to him. “You’re much more than you think you are.” Daryl just scoffed at that without looking at you, and you cupped his face, searching for his eyes. “You’re an amazing person, Daryl, loyal and selfless, and I’m lucky to have you, I couldn’t have anyone better than you.”
“Stop it,” Daryl grumbled, you knew that your words made him shy, but you would tell him stuff like that until he believed it. He tugged at you until you were lying over his chest again, hugging you to him, and you smiled when he kissed the top of your head.
You weren’t going to say anything else, not wanting to make him shyer, but you thought on something and couldn’t help but tease him a bit again. “Also…you should have kept the angel. You are an angel, darling, you got the wings and all, on that vest that I love.”
You heard Daryl half scoffing, half snorting at it. “Stop it…” He murmured again, nuzzling your hair in that way he did when he was shy and trying to hide.
You smiled at it, closing your eyes and snuggling to him with a content sigh…
You were lying on the bed, hugging Daryl’s shirt to you, barely any of his scent left, your face buried in it as you cried. You looked up when you heard the door opening and saw Abby walking inside. She didn’t say anything, just walked to lie next to you on the bed.
“I have to get Daryl out of here…” You whispered, sniffing.
“You know you can’t…” Abbi told you softly.
“No, I only don’t know how to do it,” you retorted. “But I will. I will get him out of here, I’ll free him and the others…and I’ll kill Negan,” you half whimpered half hissed. “Kill his saviors, and then…then we all burn this place down…”
If you enjoyed this, comments and reblogs are always more than welcome, thanks.
Also, as always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
New taglist for Daryl,I trimmed it, if you want to be tagged let me know and also, please, if you are not interested in being tagged anymore let me know too
@coffeebooksandfandom​​  @gruffle1​  @yenne-yen-illustrations​  @sourwolf-sterek32​  @lonewolf471​​  @daryldixonandfrogs​​    @collecting-stories​​ @princessxpunk​​    @smiithys​​    @captainbuckyboobear​​   @dazzledamazon​​   @spidergirla5​​ @lilythemadqueen​​ @lightning-butterfly​​ @purplebtsmagic​​  @courtnytrash04​​       @seizethesam​​    @fuseburner​​ @phoenixblack89​​  @boywivlove​​  @amaroho​​ @woundmetender​​  @classyunknownlover​​ @tenderlyunlikelyexpert​​ @kaitieskidmore1​​ @sttrawberries​​ @huffledor-able541​​ @browneyes528​​ @soraitmnt​​  @thereshallbenoother​​ @leej2468​​  @heartlessmarvello​​  @redneckstrash​​ @bitchynicole​​   @supernatural79impala​​     @thiccblondeliv​​ @maggie-l-m​​ @baseballbitch116​​ @sweatywildpanda​​ @theteaset​​  @amaroho​​ @my-current-fandom-is​​   @whitexwingedxdoves​​ @nickangel13​​ @oceans-daughter-3​​  @tuttifuckinfruttifriday​
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tenthgrove · 3 years
This is basically the relationship between Gelato and his parents before he left the house. Also WHAT are Risotto's parents doing to those poor girls 😭?!
(CW for emotional abuse and toxic parenting)
Okay moving onto the lives of Risotto's sisters, I see them bearing the brunt of their parents' cowardly and manipulative attitudes through a highly toxic family dynamic. Starting with the oldest daughter Noemi, she would have been made to take on a maternal role to her two sisters despite only being a few years older than them, and just generally tasked with more responsibility than any child should be expected to have. Her life would have been ruled by a complex of being the responsible, favourite child and any attempts to form her own identity would have been swiftly crushed. For this reason, I see her as the least likely to escape from the family as an adult. Middle child Rebecca got the shortest stick because as the third attempt this dreadful couple had made at reproducing, her childhood consisted of many periods of her parents half-genuinely trying to be good parents to one of their children for once and many periods of them just giving zero shits and being downright vile to her. As I'm sure many of you with parents like this will know, this oscillation between love bombing and downright psychological abuse can be really crushing, and would have made her the most troubled child of the bunch. Finally, youngest child Irene would have just been ignored. By this point both the parents would have quietly admitted to themselves that no, they don't just have bad luck with kids, they're genuinely shitty parents and child number 4 isn't suddenly going to make their family functional. She was de-facto raised by Noemi and other sympathetic individuals from the close-knit village, which to their credit, actually turned her out somewhat emotionally functional, if withdrawn and self-hating. She definitely has the best chance of making it out the family, though due to her solitary disposition is probably less likely than Rebecca to be the one who ends up giving their kid to Risotto in that scenario you're referencing.
Why did i write all this? Fuck knows. Anyway yeah, Risotto got off light. His cousin wasn't kidding when he called the rest of the family a nine-car pileup.
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