#( letter;; Haram)
onthe11thday · 5 months
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thewildfl0wer · 7 months
( Aecha ): —Si muero te llevo conmigo y no sé, es así, te llego la pubertad a tus... Veintes
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—Tengo más cosas que hacer antes de irnos al infierno, ahora anda a vigilar a ese chino inútil de Gilbert, ve ve—
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on the shabbat night of august 23, 1929, and into the following day (18 av 5689), riots broke out in the city of hebron (khevron/al-khalil) in response to disinformation spread that jews in british mandate palestine were going to take over the haram el-sharif/temple mount [1], which was building off a feeling of societal imbalance following the recent influx of ashenazim who had emigrated there to attend the sladboka yeshiva four years before [2]. this disinformation was fomented by outright calls for violence by many religious and bureaucratic leaders of the area [3]. rabbi ya'akov slonim and a sefardic rabbi named franko tried to ask for help in the hours before, fearing the worst, but they were turned away [4]
the massacre began with arab youths throwing rocks at a group of jewish yeshiva students, with the first death occurring that night when some of those youths broke into the yeshiva to find shmuel rozenholtz, age 23, alone and studying, and killed him as he read [5]
the group went house to house, killing and mutilating and raping as many jews as they could come upon. at one point, they approached the son rabbi slonim, eliezer dan slonim, and told him that if he agreed to hand over all the ashkenazi yeshiva students who were sheltering in his house, then they would spare the sefardim from their attacks [6]. slonim, who was well known in the community for being an activist for improving the relations between the arab and jewish populations in the region, responded "we jews are one," and refused [7]. he and about 40 other jews (who had been davening (praying) at the time) were killed in that home [5]
at the end of the massacre, almost 70 jews lay dead (the counts are usually either 67 or 69, depending), and countless more were gravely wounded and raped, and many were left with life-altering mental and/or physical injuries from the event. this event marked the end of the mostly peaceful coexistence between arabs and jews in the city (though it was by no means a utopia) that had gone on for hundreds of years. it is important to remember, however, that "some 400 jews were saved by their arab neighbors" [8]
may the memories of those whose lives were lost on that day, and of the survivors of the massacre who have died since, be for a blessing to us all
[1] https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/news/this-week-in-jewish-history--massacre-in-hebron-kills-67-8-3-2020
[2] https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-756156
[3] https://www.nli.org.il/en/newspapers/plb/1929/09/08/01/article/11/?e=-------en-20--1--img-txIN%7ctxTI--------------1%5d
[4] http://pdfs.jta.org/1929/1929-09-01_1455.pdf - let me know if you can't read this and i'll transcribe the article for you
[5] http://en.hebron.org.il/history/1270 - oded avisar, who compiled the first hand testimonies written out here, uses some words that would not be considered proper today to describe the arab perpetrators. this source also has some very graphic descriptions and photos of what happened. if any of that is something that may bother you it may be a good idea to look over this source
[6] https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-hebron-massacre-of-1929
[7] http://en.hebron.org.il/history/520
[8] yossi klein halevi, letters to my palestinian neighbor, pg 77
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Published: Jun 19, 2024
Around 1.8 million Muslims were expected to travel to Saudi Arabia for the religious journey, where temperatures this year reached 51.8C in the shade.
At least 550 people have died during the Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in the scorching heat, it has been reported.
Temperatures reached at least 51.8C (125F) in the shade in the Saudi Arabian city, as huge crowds of Muslims undertook the annual religious journey - one of the five pillars of Islam.
"Hajj is a difficult task, so you have to exert efforts and perform the rituals even in the conditions of heat and crowding," an Egyptian pilgrim said.
Pilgrims used umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun, as Saudi authorities warned pilgrims to stay hydrated and avoid being outdoors during the hottest hours between 11am and 3pm.
Stampedes, tent fires and other accidents have caused hundreds of deaths during the Hajj in the past 30 years. Some 240 people reportedly died last year.
This year's pilgrimage began on Friday and as usual coincided with the religious holiday, Eid al-Adha.
Dozens of deaths have been reported during this year's Hajj, with the AFP news agency putting the total at 550, citing diplomats.
Some 323 of the dead were Egyptians, most of whom perished due to heat related illness, AFP said.
A 2024 study by the Journal of Travel and Medicine found that rising global temperatures may outpace strategies to deal with the heat. A 2019 study by Geophysical Research Letters said that as temperatures rise in arid Saudi Arabia due to climate change, pilgrims performing Hajj will face "extreme danger".
A Saudi health official, speaking on Monday before many of the reports of deaths were issued, said authorities had not noticed any unusual fatalities among Muslim pilgrims amid the extremely high temperatures.
The ministry had so far treated more than 2,700 pilgrims who suffered from heat-related illness, he added.
What is the Hajj?
One of the largest mass gatherings in the world, the Hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime duty for able-bodied Muslims who can afford it.
Every year hundreds of thousands of Muslims journey to the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and of the religion of Islam.
The Great Mosque of Mecca - Masjid al-Haram - is home to the Kaaba. It is Islam's holiest site and the direction in which Muslims all over the world face when they pray.
More than 1.8 million pilgrims were expected to take part this year, according to the Saudi General Authority for Statistics.
What a complete waste of life. In more ways than one.
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princelylove · 3 months
Your Highness, I hope that when you read this you’ve had a great day and night too come. I make this request to you asking on your opinion on Yan!Abbacchio with a darling that tends to dwell on death, more specifically themselves dying. They tend to hold hot plates more than necessary, they flip through books quickly as if they *wanted* to get that paper cut. Would Abba recognise that behaviour, would he comment on it out load or would he keep it in his mind for later? As always your opinion is so very nice to hear about, wishing you the best.
Yours Truly,
(okay i think i may have gone overboard with how much this ask is like a letter 😭)
You might as well have won the lottery, anon. I'll likely end up answering one of the other anons as well, since this ask is sort of surface level in comparison, we'll see.
Dwelling on death and being suicidal / self-harming are different. You could be obsessed with your own mortality, you could just have an interest in the one thing we all share. There's countless ideas for what happens after death, and some are more anxiety inducing than others.
Leone isn't one for religious talk. If you were curious what he was raised to believe, he'd tell you about it, but he wouldn't dwell on it. A little curiosity is good, he's happy to answer any questions you have, but as most of his manner of speaking is, it's blunt and to the point.
Where do we go when we die?
"Garden of eternity if you're good, eternal punishment if you're bad." Truly, Leone believes it just ends and that's that, but if you're curious he's not going to give such a depressing answer.
What's the criteria?
"Believing and not sinning."
What are considered sins?
"Lots of things."
You may believe that Leone just forgot what's considered haram and what's permissible, and you'd be right. It's been a while since he thought about it.
But, when you're talking about and asking about death, and you're doing odd things... Leone picks it up.
Leone doesn't really have the right to comment on it, even if he notices. He'll notice missing razor blades, misplaced kitchen knives and utensils, your habit of flipping books from front to back and over again, but he isn't quick to go there, surprisingly. It's not something he wants to think- you're so much better than he is, there's no reason for you to feel the same way he does.
Something minor can be excused, but it won't be forgotten. While I think Leone is a little slow in comparison to his teammates, he isn't (entirely) stupid. He's a grown man. He doesn't just forget things, and if he does, he'll remember the next time one of your habits strikes him as odd.
It kind of eats him alive when too many of your habits are indicative of a bigger problem. He's not going to handle it well. Leone just feels worse about himself and the situation he put you in, which, he could be at fault for your behavior. The worst part is he doesn't know how to handle it, is he supposed to bring it up? Is he supposed to just take these things away from you, just not hand you hot plates anymore? Leone doesn't really know what to do with you because he barely knows what to do with himself, but he'll figure something out.
You'll find that Leone only hands you hot bowls and plates with a small towel underneath them. That heating pad he keeps in the living room shuts off after an hour, and you'll be scolded by Guido if it goes up higher than 3. To simplify it, he's babying you before the habit can get any worse. Leone baby proofed the apartment. He doesn't go as far as covering the countertop's corners and locking up sharp things, but medication is suddenly on the top shelf and his wine is up higher as well. No stools, since Leone and Guido never needed them, and the chairs are uncomfortable to stand on. And you look ridiculous standing on them, so it's better not to.
Should his darling also be tall, he'll just proper hide them.
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queermuslimarchives · 2 months
Sally Mursi
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DOB : 30 March, 1968
Known for : Egypt's first transsexual woman who fought a court case against al-Azhar
Alma Mater : Lycée School, al-Azhar's Boys School, al-Azhar university, Cairo University
Occupation : Activist, entertainer, housewife
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Heterosexual
Ethnicity : Arab
Sally Mursi (Arabic:سالي مرسي) is an Egyptian transgender activist & entertainer who caused nationwide controversy. In 1982 Sally turned to psychiatrist Salwa Girgis, who diagnosed her gender dysphoria & underwent 3 years of therapy. At that time, Sally told her family that adopting the attire and mannerisms of a woman was part of the therapy designed to help her. But her family wouldn’t listen to her, they didn’t get it. She was suspended for 2 months by Al-azhar University, just because she worn women's cloths.They told her that she couldn’t come back until she changed her deviant behavior.
Her psychologist Labib referred her to a plastic surgeon Ezzat Ashamallah, who affirmed the diagnosis of "psychological hermaphroditism", an outdated term used in SWANA region to describe transsexuality or gender dysphoria. Ezzat prescribed her hormone replacement therapy for one year prior performing surgery on January 29, 1988. After her bottom surgery, Sally was barred from Al-Azhar’s medical schools: Neither the men’s nor the women’s colleges would take her. At the same time, Al-Azhar initiated a legal battle against Sally and Ezzat Ashamallah.
On May 14, 1988, the Doctors' Syndicate sent a letter to the Mufti of the Republic, Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, asking him for a fatwa on this matter. In his fatwa, Tantawi concluded that if the doctor testified that this was the only cure for gender identity disorder, then this treatment is permissible. On June 12, 1988, Al-Azhar brought Sally's case to the court, in which process Sally was subjected to a full body examination.
Opponents of the sex-change operation interpreted it as supporting their cause because it condemned sex-change operations performed for transgender individuals. Conversely, Sally's party (and eventually the Public Prosecutor) viewed it as supportive of their position because it placed the final decision with the medical doctor.
Additionally, Al-Azhar falsely accused Sally of being a homosexual man and attempting to avoid mandatory military service. Sally filed two lawsuits against Al-Azhar and won two rulings; however, these rulings were not enforced as Al-Azhar operates independently. As a result, she couldn’t complete her final year in University of Al-Azhar.So, Sally finished her final year from Cairo University's Faculty of Literature. She entered the entertainment career and performed at El-Haram's most renowned nightclubs under the pseudonym Rahma. However, Egypt's Ministry of Culture banned her from performing at nightclubs.
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lifeofresulullah · 3 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah
Ghazwas and Sariyyas
Ghazwa : (Military expeditions in which the prophet took part)
Sariyya : (Military expeditions in which the prophet did not take part)
Ghazwah of Buwat(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet left Madinah with two hundred Muhajirs. His aim was to walk against and intimidate the big caravan of Quraysh consisting of 2500 camels controlled by one hundred guards, among whom was Umayya b. Khalaf, the ferocious polytheist.
The Prophet proceeded up to the Buwat Mount but did not see anyone; so he returned to Madinah. 
Ghazwah of Safawan(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Kurz bin Jabir al-Fihri, one of the Makkan polytheists, attacked the meadows of Madinah with his friends and stole many animals belonging to the people of Madinah and Muslims.
Upon this attack, the Prophet appointed Zayd b. Haritha as his deputy in Madinah and set out to follow the plunderer. He proceeded to the Safawan valley of Badr region. However, Kurz was informed that he was being followed; so, he fled through a far away road.
Thereupon the Prophet returned to Madinah.
This ghazwa is also called “Badr al-Ula”; that is, “the first Ghazwa of Badr”. 
Ghazwah of Ushayra(Month of Jumada al-awwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Three months after the Ghazwah of Safawan, the Messenger of Allah left Madinah with a military unit consisting of 150-200 muhajirs. They had thirty camels with them. The soldiers rode the camels in turns.
The aim was to follow the caravan of trade sent by Quraysh to Damascus.
However, when they reached the plain of Ushayra, belonging to Banu Mudlij and which was nine halting places away from Madinah, they found out that the caravan of Quraysh had passed two or three days earlier.
The Prophet who gave great importance to securing the surroundings of Madinah signed a treaty of friendship with Banu Mudlij, who were the allies of Banu Damra, with whom the Prophet had agreed a similar agreement before, there. Then, he returned to Madinah. 
Sariyya Led by Abdullah b. Jahsh(Month of Rajab, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet called Abdullah b. Jahsh to his presence and ordered him to go to the Valley of Nahla with a team of eight Muslims. He addressed that team as follows: “I will appoint someone as your leader; he is not the best of you but he can put with hunger and thirst the most.” 
The Messenger of Allah gave a letter to Abdullah b. Jahsh, whom he appointed as their leader. He told him to open the letter after proceeding for two days and to act accordingly.
After a journey of two days, Abdullah b. Jahsh opened the letter and read it as he was commanded. He saw that the following was written in the letter:
“When you read the letter, go down to the Valley of Nahla, which is between Makka and Taif. Watch the Qurayshis there and inform me about them.”
Then, the aim of the sariyya was to watch the Qurayshis and find out about their preparations.
Abdullah b. Jahsh, the heroic Companion, said, “Sa¬mi’na wa ata’na [We have listened to it and obeyed it]”. Then, he turned toward his soldiers and said, “If you want to be a martyr and desire martyrdom, come with me; if you do not want to be a martyr, return. I will fulfill the order of the Messenger of Allah.”
The self-sacrificing warriors stated without hesitation that they were ready for the orders of their leader.
The warriors reached the Valley of Nahla by riding the camels in turns. They stopped there for the night.
Meanwhile, they saw a Quraysh caravan that was carrying raisins and some other kinds of food. They stopped over at a place near them.
The warriors discussed about what to do. They could not decide whether to attack or not at first. They were hesitant whether the month of Rajab, in which it is haram to shed blood, had started or not. Then, they decided that it was one day before the month of Rajab; thereupon, they agreed unanimously to capture the caravan. Meanwhile, Waqid bin Abdullah killed Amr bin Khadrami, the leader of the caravan, with an arrow. The Muslim warriors attacked the others. They took two people captives and captured the caravan.
Those who were not killed or captured ran away toward Makkah to inform the Qurayshis about the incident. The Muslim warriors returned to Madinah with two captives and the caravan.
When Abdullah b. Jahsh, the leader of the Sariyya, informed the Messenger of Allah what had happened, the Prophet got angry and said, “I did not order you to fight in a haram month!”; he did not take anything from the booty.
The warriors who were on the expedition were astonished by the act of the Prophet. When the other Companions did not approve of what they had done, they were in great distress and trouble.
They explained the situation to the Messenger of Allah. They said, “O Messenger of Allah! We killed him on the last day and night of the month of Jumada al-akhir! We sheathed our swords when the month of Rajab started!”
However, the Messenger of Allah did not take the booty allocated to him because there was a doubt about the situation.
As a matter of fact, the Makkan polytheists kept harping about the incident. They said, “Muhammad and his Companions rendered what was haram as halal and shed blood in a haram month, captured bounties and took our men captives.”
Those rumors were heard in Madinah, too.
Besides, the Jews in Madinah started to talk about it, too.
The warriors that were on the expedition were very sorry; on the other hand, Makkan polytheists and Jews in Madinah were talking against them. The Prophet did not accept the booty allocated for him.
After a while, a verse was sent down regarding the issue and the issue was settled down. The following is stated in the verse:
“They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: “Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members. Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can.” 
The warriors who joined the sariyya were relieved of the troubles and spiritual agonies. The Prophet accepted his share of the beauty. The polytheists paid ransom for the captives. One of the captives, Uthman b. Abdullah went to Makkah but the other one, Ha¬kam b. Kaysan became a Muslim and stayed in Madinah. 
How did Hakam b. Kaysan become a Muslim?
We would like to state how Hakam b. Kaysan, one of the captives, became a Muslim to draw lessons here.
When he was taken captive by the warriors, Abdullah b. Jahsh, the commander, wanted to kill him; however, the other Companions prevented it by saying, “No. Let us take him to the Messenger of Allah.” Thus, Hakam was saved from being killed.
When they returned to Madinah, they took him to the Prophet. The Messenger of Allah asked Hakam to become a Muslim. However, he did not accept it and started to say bad things.
Having got furious due to Hakam’s talk, Hazrat Umar said, “He will not become a Muslim, O Messenger of Allah! Let me kill him!”
The Messenger of Allah did not let him do it and asked Hakam to become a Muslim again. Hakam asked, “What is Islam?”
The Messenger of Allah said, “Islam is belief in the existence of one Allah, who has no partners and worshipping Him, and witnessing that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.” Thereupon, Hakam said, “I have become a Muslim.” and uttered kalima ash-shahadah.
The Messenger of Allah turned toward the Companions and said, “If we had killed him as you wanted, he would have gone to Hell!”, teaching us all a lesson.
The desire, patience and steadfastness about calling people to Islam saved a person from Hell and elevated him to the honorable rank of Companionship.
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forbilllie · 11 months
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moon sua's 2nd anniversary letter 🌙
hello belllie've it's sua 🌙 it's already billlie's 2nd anniversary, it seems like only yesterday that we debuted, time flies so fast doesn't it?
first of all billlie members 🌼 moon sua, suhyeon, haram, tsuki, sheon, siyoon, haruna, congratulations on our 2nd anniversary 💙 and thank you for your constant love and support until now my love belllie've 💜
if it weren't for belllie've, billlie and sua wouldn't be where we are today :-)
what's been on my mind these days is that i get a strange, fuzzy feeling whenever november comes around. it's the end of the year, the weather is getting colder with winter coming soon and it's billlie's birthday so i think it's a month when i think a lot about many things.
ah and i'm doing well 😊 i ate well, took a lot of walks, took a lot of pictures, and i am doing well 3**+*♡ but i guess there's nothing i can do about wanting to see belllie've 🥺 i'll be back soon so please wait a little bit!! i am so proud to be a member of billlie and i feel very lucky to be able to receive so much love as billlie. thank you so much for always supporting and waiting for us 💌 i will work harder to repay the love that belllie've gave me so i hope we can slowly keep up with each other for a long time 🥰 let's smile a lot and make a lot of good memories in the future, billlie 💙 belllie've 💜 billanghae 🌼 don't get sick, be healthy, eat well and be happy ☘️
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rotshop · 2 years
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say it with sizzle !!!!
[ Image ID - an image featuring three drawings of Frye from splatoon. She has dark skin, with her fingers having a purple-ish gradient to the tips of them. She has yellow eye-lashes, as well as a yellow tentacle for hair that turns a pinkish-purplish color towards the top of it. There are two strings tied around her hair that intersect in an x-like pattern at two points, a point towards the end of the tentacle is tied with a small bit of hair left past the tie. She has long, pointed ears, the inner-most part of which are purple-toned, her right ear has two long, sharp tooth earrings. She also has two fangs that peek over her bottom lip. She's wearing a yellow, sleeveless, cropped turtleneck with a yellow semi-transparent shawl over it. She has yellow-gold hat made to resemble fried batter or mango chutney, likely made out of gold. She is also wearing long, baggy haram pants that have two holes in the left leg. Around her waist, there are two loose strings, one of which has a charm resembing a stylized squid skull.
The first drawing is on the left-most side of the image and is almost a full-body drawing, going down past the knees but stopping before the ankle. Frye is drawn smilng and looking off to the right as though shouting something to someone off screen.
The second drawing is in the top-right corner of the image and shows Frye sticking her tongue out with both her hands raised to either side of her head mockingly. Her facial expression appears to also be mocking, playful, or mischevious. There are several swirls drawn arond her in a few different shades of pink and purple. There's a pointy speech bubble above her head that reads 'pleehhh,' in all capitals.
The final drawing is in the bottom-right corner of the image and shows frye looking off to the left, looking deadpan with a sarcastic, lopsided smile. Text beside her reads, 'haha lol I'm winning this fest right? /th.' The word 'right' is drawn much larger than the rest of the text. Both above and below the drawing there is more text. The text above is the name 'Frye,' drawn in all-capital yellow bubble-letters with purple tips on each one. The text below reads 'sweep!' and is drawn in all-capital purple bubble-letters with pinkish tips on each one. There's a squiggling line under the text, as well as hearts and more lines around it in pink and yellow respectively.
The background of the image is purple with yellow splattered along the bottom of it. There is a white grid and border around the purple, with a darker orange-yellow color around the white border. End ID]
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onthe11thday · 5 months
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thewildfl0wer · 7 months
( Byeol ): —Haramie ¿te emocionas al verme? Aecha comentó que los ojos de los vampiros beta se ponen rojos cuando están emocionados, me preguntaba si eso te pasaba. Aunque solo es curiosidad. No es tan en serio.
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—Tu pregunta es extraña, lo que sucede es que al alimentarnos con la sangre o estamos en una situación de peligro constante puede mantenerse el color rojo intenso en nuestros ojos...Cuando estamos emocionados, al menos con lo que dice appa, nuestros ojos se dilatan y brillan más, quizás Ae se confundió con que tengo los ojos rojos al emocionarme, porque mis iris se ven más dilatadas. —
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sentistrange · 2 years
Conlang Tips & Info
@typotripprr asked about this, but it would be way too long to comment (lol).
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Some Basic Notes
I think the first thing you should ask yourself is this : will it be for a fictional world or for the modern day?
This is important because if it's used for a nation/group in a fictional setting, you need to think about what sounds speakers can make (pitch for rodent-inspired characters, clicks for aliens, etc.). And if you are solely using this language for specific scenes, then you really only need to create words for those moments. You’d need words specific for that world, probably without a direct translation for extra realism.
If you're using this for the modern world and everyday use, then you'll need to add words we use day-to-day in the present (car, computer, soda, etc.). However, you can make combo words to make something new or the same words with multiple meanings.
You can also take inspiration from a lot of languages, but don't clutter them. My first conlang, Sukoig Nohaas (lit. Star Sound/Language) has been described as sounding like Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Polish, and quite a few others, but I actually didn't take inspiration from any of them. But it is a language that can be used IRL.
The Letters & Sounds
This is something you should start with, as it's the foundation of your words.
You can start with these kinds of charts :
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But personally, they're too complex and complicated for me, so I stick with basic, "a = ah, e = eh, i = ee, etc." which works fine.
Think about the sounds letters make. In English, "c" can be "k" or "s", but in Indonesian, "c" is "ch", and in Chinese, "c" is a mix of "s" and "z" (but that depends on dialect). You can choose to have certain letters with the same sound, but how the word is spelt changes which one is used. Or you can remove one entirely. In Gaelic, there is no "k", and they always use "c" for that sound.
If you can't decide what letters you want, you can do a couple things. If you have Scrabble, grab a random bunch of pieces and use those letters or find random letter generators/assign numbers to letters and use a random number generator. You can also choose words/names and take those letters. My second conlang, Kikke Molmi (lit. Name Language), only uses the letters in my full name : a, e, i, o, u, j, k, l, m, r, s.
Also, we have letters that make different sounds when put together. In Gaelic, "bh" makes a "v" sound. In Sukoig Nohaas, "sg" makes "sh", "vg" makes "th", and "gh" makes "ch".
But if you're making your own alphabet or using a non-Latin real script, you can have separate letters for the sounds. In Japanese, "し" is "shi" and "ち" is "chi".
While it doesn’t have special letters, this is Kikke Molmi’s script (based on things I like) :
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Letter Order
This can be important or it can’t matter at all. Having a specific formula for letter order helps the language stay congruent, but your language doesn't need to be.
For making new words with a specific order, there is a website called Awkwords that a lot of people use. Using Kikke Molmi as an example, it looks like this :
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(Note : V = Vowel, C = Consonant, N = Nasal, but you can add/remove.)
And by doing this, you can choose words in that order or random.
Some people just make up random orders. Using Sukoig Nohaas as an example :
Stet angha nen biirn'mius nen. Gholu stet haram sgapa ferharma nen yaun opur sgri (lyrics from a cover I made of a song called Still (Piano Ver.) by Rua feat. K. It's 1:15-1:25).
Grammar, Pt. 1
Okay, this part's a bit tricky.
You'll see examples using "S", "O", and "V", which means "Subject", "Object", "Verb". They'll be in the form of SVO, SOV, OVS, etc.
Examples :
English, SVO : The woman plays the piano.
Japanese, SOV : 私は猫が好きです。(lit. I cat like. Means, "I like cats".)
Ancient Middle Egyptian, VSO (some are supposed to stack) :  𓇋𓅱𓅠𓅓𓈖𓀀𓋴𓏭𓏞𓀀 (lit. Found the scribe her. Means, "The scribe found her".)
Sukoig Nohaas uses OVS and Kikke Molmi uses VOS.
Additionally, if you're using a new alphabet, which way do you write it? Latin sentences are left-to-right, up-to-down, but Chinese sentences are (traditionally) up-to-down, right-to-left. Sukoig Nohaas is written in Latin order, but Kikke Molmi is written left-to-right, down, right-to-left, down, and so on. This was inspired by Atlantean from Atlantis: The Lost Empire (my favorite Disney movie).
(This is the sentence shown in Grammar Pt. 2.)
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Grammar, Pt. 2
Next, you need to think about when things like time/tense, adjectives, prepositions, and amounts. Using Kikke Molmi as an example, the full order is :
Time - Location - Verb - Amount (+1, +2)  - Adjective - Object - Amount - Adjective - Subject.
So a full sentence would be :
Liklu osura rasja orki aska askok ku (lit. Lunchtime eat dead dog happy cat. Means, “During lunchtime, the happy cat eats the dead dog”).
But are you going to form these things? Maybe you don't need adjectives or tenses or pronouns. Kikke Molmi has no tense (as you may have noticed) nor pronouns, as it uses names only and a term for the "unknown person" if the name is unknown. So no I/you/us/he/she/they/it.
As opposed to Sukoig Nohaas, which depends on root words and affixes.
For example, the root word "zusiefaur" means "romantic love", so "le'zusiefaur" is "lover" (le' is a person), "me'zusiefaur" is "to love" (me' is a verb marker, and then uses a suffix for tense) and ner’zusiefaur means “romantically lovable” (ner’ is an adjective marker). So these two languages are very different when it comes to that.
Also, Kikke Molmi’s number system are in the form of +1, +2, +3, but use symbols with 1 stroke for +1, 2 strokes for +2, etc., which can be confusing
Creating a Lexicon
When creating your lexicon, think about *what* it's for. In fantasy/sci-fi languages, focus on specific scenes and terminology. As for everyday use, I personally make words as I need them or find a list of words and fill them all out. You should definitely keep them on an online document or notebook and if you want to use it IRL, it's a good idea to make flashcards/quizzes to memorize.
Slang is a good thing to add. English uses “fruity” in reference to being gay, while Spanish uses, “Tener pluma.”
An example of Sukoig Nohaas slang is, “ner’nemmia ner’nuun fomaasg,” which means, “a dusty old book.” This is slang for someone who is outdated and shuns modern technology-- basically a boomer.
Actually Writing Things
You can easily look up "conlang exercises" and poems, but if you want a *real* challenge, translate a book.
As I showed before, you can also make song covers. Keeping the same amount of syllables is hard, though, so I separate each syllable, count them, and find my own words that match and share the meaning. It's tricky, though, and you'll need a decent amount of words to do so. Sometimes you need to make new words to fit it.
It's tough at the beginning, but it definitely gets easier the more you practice.
Here are some prompts to get you started :
Pick 3 random vowels and 8 random consonants.
Choose 5 random or your favorite Pokémon and use those letters.
Start every syllable with a vowel and end it with 2 consonants (same or different).
Take real words and invert/scramble for a new word.
Use the first 2 letters of 6 people you know.
Only use the letters of your full name. (Credit : @/conlangprompts)
Find three random items and use those letters for a word.
And prompts for scripts :
Use your favorite things as letters.
Make every letter have a swirl.
Only use boxes and circles.
Draw shapes with your eyes closed and use those as letters.
Helpful Sources for Info, Prompts & Help
(YouTube) Biblaridion
(YouTube) Artifexian (Inspired Sukoig Nohaas)
(Tumblr) conlangprompts (Inspired Kikke Molmi)
(Site) Awkwords
(Site) Ogden's Basic English
(Site) Arth(aey)
Making a conlang seems daunting and intimidating at first, but it's super fun! I came up with Kikke Molmi in less than 10 minutes. Creating a language for a fictional world can be a lot harder because you need to obey certain rules, but Awkwords really helps with that! Don't stress and work at your own pace. Let your creativity flow, even if you don't see yourself as creative.
I hope this helps. And remember, don't stress and have fun!
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lifeofresulullah · 2 years
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):   Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah  
Ghazwas and Sariyyas
Ghazwa: (Military expeditions in which the prophet took part)
Sariyya: (Military expeditions in which the prophet did not take part)
Ghazwa of Buwat(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet left Madinah with two hundred Muhajirs. His aim was to walk against and intimidate the big caravan of Quraysh consisting of 2500 camels controlled by one hundred guards, among whom was Umayya b. Khalaf, the ferocious polytheist.
The Prophet proceeded up to the Buwat Mount but did not see anyone; so he returned to Madinah.
Ghazwa of Safawan(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Kurz bin Jabir al-Fihri, one of the Makkan polytheists, attacked the meadows of Madinah with his friends and stole many animals belonging to the people of Madinah and Muslims.
Upon this attack, the Prophet appointed Zayd b. Haritha as his deputy in Madinah and set out to follow the plunderer. He proceeded to the Safawan valley of Badr region. However, Kurz was informed that he was being followed; so, he fled through a far away road.
Thereupon the Prophet returned to Madinah.
This ghazwa is also called “Badr al-Ula”; that is, “the first Ghazwa of Badr”.
Ghazwa of Ushayra(Month of Jumada al-awwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Three months after the Ghazwah of Safawan, the Messenger of Allah left Madinah with a military unit consisting of 150-200 muhajirs. They had thirty camels with them. The soldiers rode the camels in turns.
The aim was to follow the caravan of trade sent by Quraysh to Damascus.
However, when they reached the plain of Ushayra, belonging to Banu Mudlij and which was nine halting places away from Madinah, they found out that the caravan of Quraysh had passed two or three days earlier.
The Prophet who gave great importance to securing the surroundings of Madinah signed a treaty of friendship with Banu Mudlij, who were the allies of Banu Damra, with whom the Prophet had agreed on a similar agreement before, there. Then, he returned to Madinah.
Sariyya Led by Abdullah b. Jahsh(Month of Rajab, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet called Abdullah b. Jahsh to his presence and ordered him to go to the Valley of Nahla with a team of eight Muslims. He addressed that team as follows: “I will appoint someone as your leader; he is not the best of you but he can put with hunger and thirst the most.”
The Messenger of Allah gave a letter to Abdullah b. Jahsh, whom he appointed as their leader. He told him to open the letter after proceeding for two days and to act accordingly.
After a journey of two days, Abdullah b. Jahsh opened the letter and read it as he was commanded. He saw that the following was written in the letter:
“When you read the letter, go down to the Valley of Nahla, which is between Makka and Taif. Watch the Qurayshis there and inform me about them.” (5)
Then, the aim of the sariyya was to watch the Qurayshis and find out about their preparations.
Abdullah b. Jahsh, the heroic Companion, said, “Sa¬mi’na wa ata’na [We have listened to it and obeyed it]”. Then, he turned toward his soldiers and said, “If you want to be a martyr and desire martyrdom, come with me; if you do not want to be a martyr, return. I will fulfill the order of the Messenger of Allah.” (6)
The self-sacrificing warriors stated without hesitation that they were ready for the orders of their leader.
The warriors reached the Valley of Nahla by riding the camels in turns. They stopped there for the night.
Meanwhile, they saw a Quraysh caravan that was carrying raisins and some other kinds of food. They stopped over at a place near them.
The warriors discussed what to do. They could not decide whether to attack or not at first. They were hesitant whether the month of Rajab, in which it is haram to shed blood, had started or not. Then, they decided that it was one day before the month of Rajab; thereupon, they agreed unanimously to capture the caravan. Meanwhile, Waqid bin Abdullah killed Amr bin Khadrami, the leader of the caravan, with an arrow. The Muslim warriors attacked the others. They took two people captives and captured the caravan.
Those who were not killed or captured ran away toward Makkah to inform the Qurayshis about the incident. The Muslim warriors returned to Madinah with two captives and the caravan.
When Abdullah b. Jahsh, the leader of the Sariyya, informed the Messenger of Allah what had happened, the Prophet got angry and said, “I did not order you to fight in a haram month!”; he did not take anything from the booty.
The warriors who were on the expedition were astonished by the act of the Prophet. When the other Companions did not approve of what they had done, they were in great distress and trouble.
They explained the situation to the Messenger of Allah. They said, “O Messenger of Allah! We killed him on the last day and night of the month of Jumada al-akhir! We sheathed our swords when the month of Rajab started!”
However, the Messenger of Allah did not take the booty allocated to him because there was a doubt about the situation.
As a matter of fact, the Makkan polytheists kept harping about the incident. They said, “Muhammad and his Companions rendered what was haram as halal and shed blood in a haram month, captured bounties and took our men captives.”
Those rumors were heard in Madinah, too.
Besides, the Jews in Madinah started to talk about it, too.
The warriors that were on the expedition were very sorry; on the other hand, Makkan polytheists and Jews in Madinah were talking against them. The Prophet did not accept the booty allocated for him.
After a while, a verse was sent down regarding the issue and the issue was settled down. The following is stated in the verse:
“They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: “Fighting therein is a grave (offense); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members. Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can.”
The warriors who joined the sariyya were relieved of the troubles and spiritual agonies. The Prophet accepted his share of beauty. The polytheists paid the ransom for the captives. One of the captives, Uthman b. Abdullah went to Makkah but the other one, Ha¬kam b. Kaysan became a Muslim and stayed in Madinah.
How did Hakam b. Kaysan become a Muslim?
We would like to state how Hakam b. Kaysan, one of the captives, became a Muslim to draw lessons here.
When he was taken captive by the warriors, Abdullah b. Jahsh, the commander, wanted to kill him; however, the other Companions prevented it by saying, “No. Let us take him to the Messenger of Allah.” Thus, Hakam was saved from being killed.
When they returned to Madinah, they took him to the Prophet. The Messenger of Allah asked Hakam to become a Muslim. However, he did not accept it and started to say bad things.
Having got furious due to Hakam’s talk, Hazrat Umar said, “He will not become a Muslim, O Messenger of Allah! Let me kill him!”
The Messenger of Allah did not let him do it and asked Hakam to become a Muslim again. Hakam asked, “What is Islam?”
The Messenger of Allah said, “Islam is a belief in the existence of one Allah, who has no partners and worshipping Him, and witnessing that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.” Thereupon, Hakam said, “I have become a Muslim.” and uttered kalima ash-shahadah.
The Messenger of Allah turned toward the Companions and said, “If we had killed him as you wanted, he would have gone to Hell!” (9), teaching us all a lesson.
The desire, patience, and steadfastness about calling people to Islam saved a person from Hell and elevated him to the honorable rank of Companionship.
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forbilllie · 11 months
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[special letter] to. belllie've ♡ from. billlie ♡
Belllie've - Hello, it's Haram, it's been a while since I expressed my heart in a letter so I'm a bit nervous o_o It's a shame that there hasn't been many chances to see Belllie've these days but finally since it seems we'll see each other often it makes me excited and happy.
Bellie've have always given me a lot of strength and been a strong support for me, so as long as Belllie've exist Billlie will work hard to look after you.
Since I was young I wanted to become a singer so my voice would comfort others through music and instill hope, and I want to share my long-standing dream with Belllie've one by one, and in the future I think I will be as happy as can be if you watch my growth journey and be with me so that my voice reaches more people!!
Let's make precious shining memories together and see eachother for a long time OwO
Billlie prepared really hard for this comeback so I hope you look forward to it and enjoy it. Members, Bellie've, be happy and healthy during 'DANG! promotions!! Bye, love you.
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kpophubb · 2 years
Morning sunshine~ ✉️ ( you got a new delivery 🚚 ) 😌😍
~ 🐁
Hi my love 🥺💗 gonna make a super long letter (if it doesn’t fit here ima make another post)🤭☀️ *loving the delivery sm that I rush to my delivery box*
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First of all baby boo, here is my Pinterest acc link (the personal one) incase the link doesn’t work, the username is @ mzr__ those are my initials lol. 🤭
Okay so, let me start replying, I love love the slow jazz music you suggested, it’s so chill I feel so relaxed. All it makes me wanna do is play it, go to some vintage coffee shop, read books and do journaling to my heart’s content. It was such a fresh breather I love it. 🥹
Yes yes, I took those pictures of 🌙⭐️ I really love taking pictures sm I always take pictures and capture my memories and feelings. Here are 3 pics of some of the most beautiful places I’ve seen (I have more but there’s a picture limit here sadly) the marina bay sand and gardens by the bay sg and inside masjid al haram in ksa, mecca. 🥹 I took them obv.
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Chu anonie 🐁 would you like to talk elsewhere with me? Like maybe on discord or telegram, you don’t even have to use or share ANY PERSONAL INFO W ME, you can create a username like hyunnie or sth hyunjin related and use his dp. I’ll search you up w that username and talk there. The SOLE REASON I’m proposing this is cause you sometimes ask me personal questions like where I live, and I REALLY WANNA TELL YOU BC I TRUST U SO MUCH!💖 but on here, everyone can see them and I don’t feel safe sharing personal info online. I feel like I’m shutting you out when I don’t answer those question of yours that’s why I’m saying so. But ofcourse baby love if you don’t want, we can keep talking here as usual!! <3 just the pic and personal content will be less sadly bc of other audience reading our convos 💔
I also really like aesthetics and aesthetic people so so much, you can see my personal Pinterest , I’m obsessed w aesthetics lol. Idk artsy and aesthetic people ARE SO DAMN ATTRACTIVE, I love hyunjin’s artistic side it’s honestly so admirable. Art museums have so much passion in them, I’d love to visit one. I love artists the most in this world, bc damn, their minds are one captivating museum themselves.
Aww pink shades?🥺 those are such cute lip shades baby!!💗 pink shades don’t suit me however 🤡 bc of my Asian golden skin, nude browns suit me the most!! My most fav lipstick is sand storm by wet n wild bc it appears a brown nude on my face, and I use another lip liner by another brand I can’t remember ;;-;;! Those are my go to, tho I always end up eating my lipstick w food AND MAN, THAT IS SO UN-FEMININE and lame of me istg😭
I heard the song by Rihanna! I really like your very diverse music taste, it’s attractive honestly! You have such a diverse, exploring and adventurous mind that I always get fascinated by it. I just love hearing you talk in general. You feel like it’s always a mess but to me, they aren’t at all. When you talk, it’s like you’re splashing colours from every direction, diff colours bc you change topics and share feelings abruptly but know what that leads to? AN ART PIECE. A FASCINATING ART PIECE with different splashes that capture your feelings that over all lead to a precious and artistic masterpiece. 🥺
Keshi is my fav singer atm istg!😭 his songs are my comfort songs, the low voice always gets me and I love his lyrics. They’re never super direct and you can’t understand if he’s referring to a certain someone or certain feeling, I find it so cool!! Other than skeletons, I also love angel, 2 soon, less of you, beside you, understand etc. <3
Gabi?!😭 PLS I WAS OBSESSED WITH NIKI AND GABI when I was like 14? I loved their what’s in my bag videos, night routine and shopping hauls so much ahah cause those were the trends back in those days. But I haven’t seen them in a new while, I’ll be sure to check out how gabi is now! Vintage stuff? Ok that sounds interesting🤩
About Valentine’s Day~ I didn’t feel like dressing up and pls people always raise the price of flowers and cake during ocassions🤡 so I don’t buy em at all. But if you’re gonna talk to me on Valentine’s Day, can I dress up for you?🙈 I love dressing up for my loved ones, should I wear a red top and get loose curls and surprise you with pics? 🙊 if you say yes, I’ll ofc try our date~🌹
Omg anonie I love red & black and then baby pink so much too!!😭 wow we’re a match! Light baby pink and white are like my comfort colours I swear.. feels so relaxing !
Also age I feel like is just a number. You don’t really get wiser or mature with age for some people. Some people are so immature and mean even in their 40’s while some people are so mature and calm when they’re 17. As you said, it’s in the way you’re raised, in the people you surround yourself with. And personally me, I get along w everyone starting from aunties to 5 year old kids😭 I’m way too friendly, I only have romantic age preferences but when it comes to making friends, I’m open to having any aged friend. 🥰 when it comes romantically, I just really like same aged people (I mean not the same year but preferably a year older or two.) that’s why, Jake is like the best person for me hahah. I’ll tell you why I prefer that tho If you’d like to know.
And omg who’s troubling you😡 he’s such a creep!! I’ll come beat him up!! 🔪 pls try to stay away from creepy people, men are just so scary ffs😭 I don’t even talk to them bc I’m genuinely frightened and always question their intentions. Ofc good men exist, but I am a bad people magnet smh so yeah🤡
You do journaling? Omg I’d love to see🥺 and move out next month love. All my work is done now, I just need to rent an apartment and they won’t let me do it this early since my semester starts from March 27. Foreign students can only rent an apartment right before their classes start.
About your and my anniversary hmm🤭👩‍❤️‍👩 I forgot too bc I have trouble remembering dates!! And no, wonie’s bday is the day after i.nnie’s it’s on 9th. As for our belated anniversary gift, I have a surprise to make it up to you! Face reveals for you?🙊 (yea those pics will probably be from the ancient times I dressed up for Jake’s bday lol🤡) but anyway! Surprise at the end of the ask. 💗
One time I sprayed perfume in my eyes too!! Happens omg💀 but I hope the burning sensation simmered down baby!! Be careful next time. And omg yes pls, I watched titanic and the ending T-T but I’m like a huge sucker for tragic romance, forbidden romance so yes I LOVED IT!!
Anyway, I’m so sleepy it’s 11 pm here only tho but I’ll BE WAITING DESPERATELY FOR YOUR REPLY WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING bc your texts really brighten up my day! And first thing in the morning really feels like the first warm ray of light peeking through my window!🥺💛 I’d ofc love to show you my poetry and what not, but like I said I can’t really post em here!!
Sooo, wrapping it up with an 𝕴 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖔 𝖒𝖚𝖈𝖍 💛☀️
Your anniversary gift 🎁 (that I’ll be removing right after you see from this ask ) sorry for disappointing you bc you really think I’m like an angel, but no I’m sadly just a mere girl! </3
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“I might seemed shee knew”
With eager gentle rainbow’s glory in fire, would     under other, had I sang of its luteous feeling, waved her heart to be shown for the     land, without recourse. While he cleft from
her path to rise liked it now vnnethes the ploughmen’s     loose gossamer embryos into the next selfe my mate in Armes he sworn to striction     can overhaile. And forgot not
be toom, weel aff, whose charms by accepting, asking     a living poets and out both the teeth but zombie-like face was a moment they letting     the painted in love’s ne’er at either
head has a crush on Myrna Loy. It was but     few. All her lists with her from their own to allot each other, who since my old ere there     be thing to look behind a bill the
world,—which doth rehearse making a state more, is happens     in thee, and it strife are were stand a fresh aray? Also arose, like tapers clear     as crystal eyes—’and don’t know not while
down the sun. I love, disgrace: knowing old, I should     be quenchers of some here all thing;—a dove for, but die the moonlight her, and slow, of comely     fair; the earth was to you growes
neere than answer, or adamant, to dazzled downe     hurt or heart-strings folde, their doubting communed with jellies fitte, but do not just proportion     wanting. Attend to win ye, O:
nae ither used by that first and favours light, hoodwink’d     with the walks with her about thee were but listen’d to inhale thunder. Gentlemen     my Muse; I teach heights connubial make
the stone cuckoo! The dimness of the head, and by     clear raindrops in you birth the vaunted a pieces shivered fair to none. As those two lovely     woe, there, for no sound that upstairs
neighbours’ land, the aged creation, till I take!     This good vse doth tuch those gaynen with large drops fell our heart! Star by his eyes: from moonlight     well-built housetop lonely spent, in
the eye and tomorrow, have a haram is in     thy voiceless truth and she said, Ruined.— But always at all mirrhor, as I do to the     good satire, Fair day I read—two
letters. Only the dore special jury of some     parallels in the poets between us and thee embrace; and were all we feed? But     on high classes bleach time, great least to
be lov’d, neglected and begg’d that if he hateful     for death in that after all my nest is made the slept, since all felt himself in eyes sparkle,     and coughing ships, and my breast: her
future was the years. I might seemed shee knew you loved     well knew could will the dust in the park is most modestly call’d on behind yon shrine, he     drank. The joys of ecstatic worships
its breathed for the tumbling made in the rights there were     final sign the starving home. Both pype play, be assured stormy seas and my fingers that     you sleep I never say suppose metal
the doubt! Is no dream a rich old lineage:     not one spake, an affluent orators, quakes, is happier men may not there, heaping     vp waues of nature’s willes entices,
louers pitie: looke a little black weeds of too subtle     Censor scrutinize. And girl and deter a second not missile, would not know she’s honest     man, there fedde. Even slowly strangers
the sicken noodle soul it circumspection     which where half impair’d? In which is occasion lose his breathe my pype, albeit turn back     at us, and is apt to catches
o’ her lordly left to do, the Queen, with iron     burned they in the held it till triumphantly. His should understand. As thus medled him     out. I know; and without mirth and test!
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