#( han solo ║ starter )
scoundrvls · 2 years
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𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐀𝐒𝐇 chewbacca could still smell them. the kids. buried under the rubble that denied their broken remains a peaceful burial. persistent rushes of aggravated wind whipped the long fronds of chewbacca’s mane into a frenzied tach nest as the wookiee desperate dug through the remains of luke’s humble school.
      spoors of adrenaline and fear lingered on the stones despite the sudden end of those entombed. his sensitive olfactory glands were not only keen enough to scent the traces, but produced a taste on the roof of his maw that burned his throat with residual electricity. stinging moisture sprung from the tender membranes around his eyes, blurring chewbacca’s vision to the point of fueling his frustration. the deeper the wookiee dug, the futile it became. with every shift of stone, the more destabilized the precarious nature of the ruins would become, tumbling more broken sections of temple into his freshly excavated cove.
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      he could smell them. all of them. all the young, shattered forms beneath, taken too soon. each individual signature that rose from the rubble to his tentative nose lanced chewbacca’s great heart, unable to dig them free of their improper tomb. a failure compounded by the inadmissible lack of a particular scent, the one chewbacca’s was most desperate to find.
                  where was his nephew?
                        where was his ben?
      luke’s school was reduced to scattered contortions. chewbacca searched them all, following his keen senses along a rapidly deteriorating trail from one to another in a mad search for his loved ones. this was the last. and neither his friend nor his hairless cub were there.
      hope that both still lived bundled anxiety for what other fate befell both jedi. chewbacca rose from his knees, abandoning the heap of devastation to draw himself to his full height. the wookiee breathed deep the acrid air and unleashed a bellow that silenced the howling wind. it carried over the hills, through the bordering trees, frightening the flocks of roosting ossus birds into the desaturated sky.
      chewbacca called for luke skywalker and his apprentice. each howl greater than the last, persisting echoes stacking against the brewing gales. he would’ve continued till he choked on soft tissues of his throat turned raw, blistering his wilting cries scarlet — if not for han.
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pull yourself together . we have work to do . — @lionthought as 𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐎
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      stunned, the wookiee cut-off mid roar to fix his friend with baffled blue eyes. rendered speechless by the smuggler’s unexpected sharpness, chewbacca chuffed quietly. but no matter how brusque han's tone, the ardent nature of the human face said it all.
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dreammakcr · 4 months
muse ║ han solo fandom ║ star wars notes ║ can take place at any time
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"I've got a bad feeling about this..."
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tofeelthecold · 9 months
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open to: anyone verse: tbd
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"I won it," Han stated simply. "Then I lost it and now I have it again. It's mine, that's all."
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aughts · 2 years
ooc tags cause my dumbass forgot. 
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swevenhq · 16 days
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Llegada a Tacenda.
Después de un largo día donde los ahora integrantes han tenido que responder y observar las introducciones de todos, el día de la Presentación llega a su fin. Son conducidos hasta el edificio 1 cuando la noche comienza a caer, pudiéndose observar la imponente estructura que se recorta contra el paisaje verde. Apenas ponen un pie dentro, se les cita individualmente para que comuniquen su aspiración al Comité Fundador. Y antes de que puedan ser libres por fin, las cinco mujeres los reúnen para dar una pequeña reunión. Morgan Carlisle, Rhea Verdi, Valerie Maxfield y Lorelei Park permanecen de pie de manera formal. Jocasta Morrissey es la que da un paso hacia delante para hablar en esta ocasión: —Estarán vigilados la mayor parte del tiempo, así que les recomendamos que planifiquen sus días teniendo en cuenta esto. Es muy importante impresionar a aquellos que les van a observar. De hecho, ya les han juzgado en vivo y en directo con las presentaciones que han hecho hace unas horas. Les adelantamos que ya se han fijado en varios de ustedes, pero está en sus manos que no pierdan el interés. La charla sigue mientras el salón se encuentra en silencio. Jocasta deja claro a los integrantes que su prioridad en este momento es enfocarse en la aspiración que han comunicado, y que trabajen en ello al igual que en la convivencia. —Muy importante, no solo deben demostrar sus habilidades, sino también quiénes son como personas. Harán bien en recordar esto. Para cualquier cosa que necesiten nuestro Equipo Organizador estará a su disposición. Eso es todo, integrantes. Buena suerte y sorpréndannos. Con esas últimas palabras se da por finalizada la reunión improvisada y en el ambiente se palpa el cansancio general, como es lógico, después de un día con una agenda apretada. Ahora los integrantes pueden dirigirse a sus habitaciones asignadas y comer algo. Y con todo el tiempo del mundo, explorar y familiarizarse con Tacenda y lo que tiene por ofrecerles.
Indicaciones OOC:
¡Buenas! Como habrán podido leer, nos situamos en el mismo día que los personajes llegan a Tacenda. Tal y como habíamos mencionado previamente en el meme de pre-apertura, los personajes ya pudieron conocerse un poco durante el día de la Presentación. Podrán ambientar sus starters en el mismo día que llegan después de que la reunión haya terminado, o durante cualquier otro día de la semana mientras los personajes exploran y se familiarizan con los edificios y todo lo que pueden encontrar. Son libres de tomar como referencia las localizaciones o inventar algunas (pueden venir a preguntarnos si no están segurxs de alguna)
Nos manejaremos con starters abiertos, a los que podrán dar reblog desde nuestro blog de starters ( @swevenst ). Les pedimos que los retiren una vez que hayan alcanzado las respuestas que pueden manejar, y recomendamos no seguir respondiendo si alguno ya ha sido retirado del blog al entenderse que ya está cerrado a más respuestas.
Los personajes tienen total libertad de comenzar a planificar sus días como mejor les convenga. Estos primeros días les sirven para que se habitúen a todo lo que hay por hacer y ver. Recomendamos que se pasen por la normativa de Tacenda en donde se recogen algunas pautas de comportamiento, que les pueden servir a la hora de rolear. Los personajes conocen esas mismas pautas gracias a la reunión que han tenido.
Los integrantes no tienen ningún tipo de comunicación con el exterior, por ende los teléfonos móviles no están permitidos.
La actividad está planificada para una duración de 10 días, con la posibilidad de acortarse si así se cree necesario. Estaría finalizando el viernes 20/09.
Si tienen cualquier pregunta, no duden en acudir al ask. Den like a esta publicación si han leído hasta aquí.
¡Muchas gracias y esperamos que disfruten!
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galactic-rhea · 8 months
Test Flight (ficlet)
Okay, I know I SHOULDN'T be brainstorming let alone writing AU things when I still haven't watched the movies or finished the series, I apologize.
But I just was possesed by writing this funny interaction of:
"Han Solo loses all of his confidence when he needs to make a good impression for Leia's parents. Aka Padmé and no-evil-Anakin( not evil but still sharper at the edges and very serious because of the horrors)" and I figured I might as well just post it.
Word count: ~ 1k Warnings: None. (Possibly some OOC because like I said I still haven't watched the movies, although i tried my best, sorry)
It must be made clear that Han didn’t exactly agree with any of this, he wasn’t eager nor looking forward to being welcomed into Leia’s prestigious family. If anything, he would rather go on with their lives far away from Naboo’s aristocracy and what not. And for starters, he wasn’t sure he was going to be welcomed, per se.
But Leia had been insistent. And there was nothing on that planet or the whole galaxy that could change her mind. So he had no other choice but trying to look for the best of his clothes, which he suspected would get the snobbish aristocracy laughing at him.
Well, maybe not Leia’s family. She was quite an oddball, and it seemed to run in the family, as neither of her parents, or Luke, for that matter, seemed to be normal. First there was Senator Amidala, whom Han had seen just briefly and watched some of her speeches through holograms.
For an aristocrat and a senator, there were quite the wild stories of her being in the middle of an open fire; she being the one holding a gun.  And second, she seemed…strangely just, for a politician, that was it.
But Senator Amidala wasn’t the one he was both intrigued and concerned (even though Luke insisted it was their mother the one in charge). Leia’s father was no other than famous, or perhaps infamous, depending on who you asked, Anakin Skywalker. Legendary war hero, retired jedi and turned aristocrat of Naboo after marrying Senator Amidala. 
He was a secretive, and shady person, and Hans had never seen him, all he knew from him were among bar rumors and telltales. The only thing he was sure of, was that he was  particularly adept at training his own children in his own ways, and if rumors were true, he also led some underground operation of rebels in Naboo.
But he forced himself to not believe in these. After all, Luke and Leia spoke of their father as a fairly fun guy. 
As he stepped out of the speeder and looked up to appreciate the palace, he sighed. Yes, perhaps he should be more concerned about the senator than some failed jedi that fell into a scandalous affair.
He was escorted by guards through long hallways until Leia materialized at his side, seemingly from one of the upstairs. He felt as though it was easier to get lost in such a place than into any forest he had known. 
“Hey,” he greeted. 
“Hey,” Leia smiled and leaned closer to him to speak without being heard by the guards. “I already softened them. All you have to do it’s not make a fool of yourself for an hour or so, it should be easy even for you, right?”
“I never make a fool of myself,” he retorted with a cheeky smile.
“Huh huh.” They both turned in time when Luke appeared from other of the hallways,  waving his hand and loudly greeting them
“You better don't pick up on Luke,” Leia rolled her eyes and twisted her lips as if the thought was too sugary and cheesy for someone like her. “He’s their dumb baby boy.”
“That will make things harder,” Han chuckled as they watched Luke approach.
They shared greetings and a few meaningless words before finally moving onto the dining hall. A giant room with a table several meters long. 
“You don’t look relaxed,” Luke pointed out, and if Luke was pointing it out, it meant he was doing a poor job at being calm. He wasn’t even sure what was worrying about this whole ordeal. At worst, Leia’s family would forbid him from their private parties, right?
He had had no time to answer when the opposite doors opened and everyone directed their attention towards the pair now approaching them. Han squared his shoulders, while Leia and Luke did not so much as to minimally change their stances.
Senator Amidala was regal and with a long white dress adorned with different shades of golden. She held a kind smile, and her hair and makeup was remarkable. A stark contrast to how little makeup Leia would usually wear. 
And at her side, towering over her for several inches; Anakin Skywalker strode in perfect coordination with his wife. He had a mild, barely noticeable limping. And if Han hadn’t trained his eyes to immediately search for weakness on anyone who enters his vision, he probably wouldn’t have ever noticed. 
Skywalker’s eyes were cold and his semblance stoic. Not exactly what Hans was expecting from a retired, or more like, fired, jedi. His whole presence filled the room with certain heaviness, as if the air had become charged with static and with each step, Hans felt more and more uneasy, struggling to remain still. 
“Senator, Amidala,” Han bowed his head slightly, then he turned towards the retired jedi and vacillated. How was he supposed to call him? He took several seconds to address Anakin before he could come up with something. “Mr….Amidala?”
He supposed a senator’s surname held more importance than a retired jedi’s one, right? 
It seemed to be the wrong answer, though,  by the way Luke scoffed and Leia turned her eyes away from him. The senator seemed amused, as she turned to look at her companion, but Anakin’s expression barely changed.
“Shall we begin our dinner?” With no amability or whatsoever, he spoke in a low, raspy voice, and Hans wondered if it was the aftermath of an old battle wound.
They all got on their respective seats and started dinner rather awkwardly. Senator Amidala would be the most talkative, prompting questions towards her children and a few directed towards Han. If it weren’t because Leia’s father wouldn’t take his icy glare away from him, it would have been a rather pleasant dinner. He figured it would be best if he was the one to start the conversation with Skywalker.
“I heard you’re a skilled mechanic, sir-”
“How old are you?” General Skywalker cut in dryly as he started cutting his steak.
Han hesitated, pondering his options. He could always lie…But given Anakin Skywalker’s reputation, he wouldn't be surprised if the man could somehow read minds as well.
“Twenty five,sir,” he answered simply. 
"I see..." He answered emotionlessly and then carried his eyes towards Leia, who , if anything, seemed mildly curious, rather than intimidated. "Perhaps you should be socializing with people of your age, instead of chasing after older people, don't you think, youngling?"
Leia's brows joined together in an offended glare. However, the corner of the retired general curved upwards; bordering into a smile. Senator Amidala, however, was rather obvious, as she brought her glass of wine towards her lips in an attempt to hide a mischievous smile.
“I don’t chase,” Leia let out an airy huff and held her father’s gaze. “They all get into a line and I choose.”
“What line? Hans is the only one who could stand you,” Luke raised his voice, and it was hard to understand if his question was serious or he was merely attempting to rile up Leia. 
“I fought all the others in the line, actually,” Han smiled with a wink, hoping his intervention would avoid any argument between the siblings. 
“Cute,” Senator Amidala smiled, approving of Han’s sense of humor. She turned her attention onto her husband with a raised eyebrow. “Do you have a problem with your steak, dear?”
General Skywalker’s eyes shone with a hint of amusement for a heartbeat before his expression returned to cold stone as he looked down at his plate; he had already run out of parts to cut. “Yes. Insipid…” He returned to glare at their guest. “Dull.”
“Do you want mine, pa’?” Luke offered, probably breaking every single dining rule known to aristocracy. 
“No, Luke.”
Han shifted on his chair and tried to focus on eating; the faster they finished dinner, the faster he could run away from Anakin’s unbearable deadly look.
Leia cleared her throat, leaning towards his father, who immediately turned all of his attention onto her.
“Dad, I bet you didn’t know Han is a pilot.”
Anakin hummed, considering this and then landed his seemingly eternal glare back onto Han. 
“I did not. Is that true?” 
Leia turned her face to Han and gestured, twisting her mouth as she spoke silent words. Words that Han didn’t understand, not even a single one. He frowned as he tried to piece the words together until he realized Anakin’s impatient hum. 
“Yes…Sir. I’m.” 
“Are you good?” Anakin pressed, reaching with his robotic arm a glass of wine.
Han raised his chin with a wide and confident smile. “The best.”
The general’s expression changed, as he stopped mid-drink and lowered his glass. He curled his lips into an authentic cocky smile. Strangely enough, the smile of someone who’s used to laughing and playing around, and it made him appear almost like a different person.
“Oh, really?” He scoffed, leaning against the back of his chair. “Let’s have a race, then.”
Han blinked, unsure about what to answer. He looked for Leia’s guidance and help, but she had her head turned towards her parents.
“Ani,” Senator Amidala gave her husband a look. 
“He says he’s the best, I wanna know if he’s lying.” He shrugged. “If he didn’t lie, there’s nothing to fear.”
“We’re having dinner.”
“We just finished dinner, m’ lady,”  he gave a quick glance at Luke and Leia’s plates to point out his words. Then landed his eyes on Han. “So, what do you say…Mr. Solo?”
He supposed he would rather show off his skills at piloting (even if it meant to embarrass Leia’s father in a race) than to stay any single minute at this horrid frivolous dinner. He put down his fork and jumped onto his feet. 
“It will be my pleasure.”
Following his movements, the retired jedi rose up from his seat almost as if the frivolous dinner was just as annoying to him as it was to Hans. He pulled away his cloak in a swift movement and pulled his hair away from his face. 
Senator Amidala shook her head, but there was the faintest amused smile in her lips as she rose up as well and glanced at the twins.
“We'll need good seats.”
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mvacts · 1 month
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Ya han pasado semanas desde lo que ahora se denomina el accidente del Carnaval. Un eufemismo, una manera de continuar fingiendo que el atentado y el subsiguiente asesinato y desaparición ligados a este ocurrieron en una burbuja apartada de la vida apacible que Arcadia Bay prometió alguna vez a sus habitantes y visitas.  A pesar del toque de queda y el cuasi déspota actuar de la policía arcadiana, la autoridad local ha empezado a fingir que las tensiones no siguen hirviendo bajo la superficie — Laroy declaró el evento en la escuela como un completo éxito, una verdadera prueba de la unidad reforzada entre los ciudadanos de Arcadia Bay sin importar su especie. Y como muestra de agradecimiento, la alcaldía ha premiado a varios de los voluntarios al azar. Así, cierta mañana muchos afortunados encuentran la siguiente invitación en su correspondencia y en sus correos electrónicos. “En Arcadia Bay las buenas acciones no pasan desapercibidas…” empieza la misiva.  «Todo el pueblo agradece el esfuerzo que cada uno de los voluntarios puso en restaurar nuestra querida secundaria; cada grano de arena cuenta, y todos los aportes nos ayudaron no solo a darle una segunda vida a Arcadia High, sino que también han servido para reforzar el sentido de unidad que nos caracteriza a los arcadianos. Humanos y vampiros por igual.  Por eso, te consideramos un ciudadano ejemplar, y como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, estás cordialmente invitade a una escapada de tres días a Nueva Orléans, nuestra icónica ciudad vecina…» La carta continúa con la lista de panoramas disponibles para los ganadores del sorteo: desde un recorrido en tranvía, un paseo por bote a vapor hasta visitas a museos y el acuario local — todo pinta como un fin de semana perfecto y la justa recompensa a los buenos samaritanos que aportaron en la remodelación; la distracción ideal para olvidar las últimas semanas. Todo, claro está, auspiciado por la mismísima alcaldesa Laroy, quien concluye la nota con su flamante firma — para algunos, la muestra de su caridad. Para otros, una ominosa cortina de humo. 
Como ven arriba, sus personajes han sido seleccionados aleatoriamente por la alcaldía para hacer un viaje a la rica ciudad de Nueva Orleans. El propósito de este viaje es retribuir por la ayuda con Arcadia High, pero también pueden tomarlo como un respiro de todo lo ocurrido en las últimas semanas.
Esta vez nos manejaremos con sentence starters, repartidos en diferentes ubicaciones que elegimos para ustedes por ser las más icónicas.
La actividad tiene una duración total de 10 días, concluyendo el 25/08 a las 17:00hs gtm-3.
Sin más preámbulos, esperamos que se diviertan. Cualquier cosita, estamos a un mensaje de distancia.
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forcenexus-archived · 3 months
INTERACTING WITH THIS POST, you give a starter from anakin skywalker of various lengths.
fandoms: star wars, modern, merlin bbc, and crossovers
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wanted connections: Padme Amidala, Obi Wan Kenobi, Rex, Ahsoka, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Dooku, Grievous, Rey and more
multimuses please comment which muse for anakin to interact with, otherwise i will choose.
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dynastymuses · 3 months
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like/comment (if you are a multi) for a starter
character key
(🍊 is high muse) (🌊muses i want plots for) (🧁new muses)
Star Wars
luke skywalker🍊🌊
qui gon jinn🌊
obi wan kenobi🍊🌊
padme amidala🍊🌊
poe dameron🌊🧁
han solo🌊
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mcrcki · 1 year
** CLOSED **
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i scream, you scream, we all scream for the corn. it's my favorite time of year : the halloween event !! it's gonna be hell, but we're all here together. if you're scared in the maze, we can hold hands or something, but you're gonna have to like this for plots !! or reply for starters , since this is a combination plotting call and starter call! the cap is three starters per writer, so i can get through everyone, and you HAVE TO SPECIFY or i'll literally ignore you i'm so sorry but i will! below you'll get a vibe check for all my babes of how they're feeling in the corn, if they were going in willingly or dragged, as well as potential plots! ** in the meantime about pre event prep : i will be going through and dropping so many threads unless they are plot relevant. if i drop something that you wanted to keep, let me know, but otherwise we can pick things back up in the corn!
branwen || acotar ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, thought it'd be fun really, but immediately freaking out and having a bad time. she tried to fly out instantly, but couldn't and somehow that has only made it worse. doesn't know how to fight, and will be hiding in the corn potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, the person she went into the maze with, someone to help her calm down, someone who can keep her safe, friends :)))
starters : rhysand, amren, emily fields
daniela dimitrescu || resident evil : village ( 1 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, every time something wild happens in the city, dani is there. they absolutely love this shit and will become a horror of the maze. come have fun with them and enjoy the scary shit. or get fucked up by her idk, your call :)) potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, as well as murdering, who she went into the maze with, other villains, people she can torment, someone to get her to Chill Out
starters : felicia hardy
elain archeron || acotar ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in via magic, there was no way anyone was going to talk her into going in there. she has a bad feeling about that place, and honestly i wanna play with elain's seer abilities so i think she's starting to see things again and will not!! be going in there!! until the magic drags her in potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming , someone to find her freaking out, someone she has a vision about, a group of people that she can stick with to stay safe, maybe someone she saves
starters : eloise bridgerton, princess tiana
kaya dura || star wars ( 2 / 5 )
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they/she pronouns - willingly, thought it'd be fun to take their mind off things, now they wish they were unaware again nvm. would actually like to leave very quickly, this is bad and they are still just getting used to their memories again. will be full on jedi knight vibes though, putting themselves in harms way to keep others safe etc etc potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming , whoever they went into the maze with, people they can keep safe, someone to help them because i know they're gonna get their ass kicked
starters : kasil monsula, heather chandler
leia organa || star wars ( 5 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in, WHY TF COULDN'T THIS HAPPEN WHILE SHEEV WAS IN CHARGE WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN WHEN SHE'S BACK IN CHARGE there was no way leia was going into that maze, not at all, not until the magic fully dragged her in there and now she's stuck and would very much like to leave. she's not good being ?? captured. but will do her best to keep her family and the citizens she comes across safe. nervous about using the force at all since Everything™ but she's trying potential plots ➛ someone who was there when she got dragged into the maze, people she can save
starters : mags flannagan, patia por'co, han solo, angelica schyler, breha organa
louise vance || harry potter ( 2 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, LITERALLY RAN IN THERE THOUGHT ItD BE FUN. *narrator voice* "it was not fun". starting to wonder if you actually need magic to survive this city, how is it more dangerous than back home?? will be doing whatever they can to find their siblings and making a run for it even if it's useless. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, whoever they went into the maze with, someone to find them trying to fight off a monster with a pocket knife, friends to make the best of this shitty situation
starters : emmeline vance, jin ling
marlene mckinnon || harry potter ( 5 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, went in to "check it out" thinks she can keep ppl safe from inside, say it with me : delulu. truly out here thinking they can just fight their way through all of this and they sure as fuck cannot. please someone come watch her get humbled potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, whoever they went into the maze with, people they can keep safe, someone who can help her when she gets in over her head
starters : stitch, fliss mckinnon, james potter, lily evans, dorcas meadowes
morrigan || acotar ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in, saw her other friends were in there and like hell was she letting any of them go in alone. will be trying to stick close to all of them, main focus is finding the inner circle cause if someone gets hurt and she can't help, she'll flip. this place sucks pls why cant she winnow out, please someone give her a shot she needs it potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, someone who was there when she got dragged in, people also wanting to get drunk in the maze, people who need help
starters : laudna, tamlin
omega || star wars ( 4 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, RAN IN THERE, she loves halloween pls this looked fun and now it's hell and where the fuck is their bow. they really just thought it'd be fun and they could have a little haunted maze fun and now they're pretty sure they're gonna die in here. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, whoever they went DRAGGED into the maze, who wants to fight gritty with them
starters : jill roberts, freddie fecilier, hunter, mouse honrada
pj halliwell || charmed '98 ( 3 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, but will tell you they were dragged in, went to have some spooky fun and now they're saving the innocent !!! isnt that just the way!! potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, if you need help she's your gal, someone they dragged into this
starters : tamora mitchell, melinda halliwell, childe
rosemary winters || resident evil : village ( 2 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - dragged in, you couldn't catch rose in that maze for a million bucks, that had BAD VIBES and now they're stuck!!!!!!!!! will be FREAKING out , seriously they were okay , they didn't want to be here and now they have to use their powers again when all they want is to be Normal potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming , someone they can use their powers to help (or harm by accident), whoever dragged them in, someone to join her in being A Coward for a little bit
starters : mia winters, evie winters
rowena ravenclaw || harry potter ( 4 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in, tbh she thinks she'd be able to solve the maze too easily so she didn't think it'd be any fun to actually go in and make the builders feel bad. but now that she's in here she's so intrigued by the magic she isn't even scared she just wants to study it. like a nerd. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, whoever dragged her in, people she can talk to about being so interested in this place, or someone she can talk out of being scared
starters : hunter, slyvie slytherin, salazar slytherin, calleigh duquesne
sella palpatine || star wars ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, PLEASE ONE NORMAL DATE JUST ONE, she thought it'd be a cute fall date, take some cute instagram pictures with allana, kiss in the corn a little and just have a cute moment BUT NOOOOOOOOOO potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, people she can be a coward with, someone to help her figure out how to shoot a gun lmao, someone who will let her hide behind them
starters : sion val palpatine, allana solo, soren palpatine
sophie hatter || howl's moving castle ( 3 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - dragged in, this sucks, they hate it, they want to go home why did they let themselves get talked into going into this!!!! they just immediately got lost and now are stuck here!!!!! their sense of direction is AWFUL and now they're paying for it. pls help potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, people who are also lost, someone who has a way better sense of direction than her, someone they can help with reassuring mom vibes
starters : james norrington, gu zi, qi rong
tatum riley || scream '96 ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in, no way in hell you could have gotten her into that maze without bribery. and will be spending the whole time going "i told you so" to this whole place being scary and spooky as hell potential plots ➛ whoever dragged her into this, people she can yell at, other people who are not trusting of any of this, someone who wants to fight monsters with her
starters : sam carpenter, billy loomis, dewey riley
vesta starkos || star wars ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, this seemed fun and now that it's scary??? THATS EVEN BETTER. will be a menace to everyone they bump into. will try to fight every monster, genuinely just having a great time like the menace of a child they are. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, someone they can bully for being "scared" , people they can fight, anyone who wants to fight them etc
starters : kaiden monsula, qui gon jinn, gabriel
victoria sutherland || twilight ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, mainly went in bc it's easy to grab a bite in these kinds of places. hide a body in the corn, who's gonna know. now is just bored, she doesn't really want to get into any big fights and will mainly be avoiding the monsters by just being a monster herself potential plots ➛ open to murder or maim, people who make this seem more fun for her
starters : bree tanner, laurent da revin, anne sutherland
violet sorrengail || fourth wing ( 4 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, okay she made a bad call going into this place!!! she thought it'd be chill and fun and now it's ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING BUT but it's fine, we're fine, they've trained for this????? it'll be fine. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, someone she can help, people she can freak out with before finding an actual solution
starters : ki yuri, nami, xaden riorson, jeon pildo
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hiddenwashington · 4 months
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the loves of my life, members, angels, chaotic kings and queens and nonbinary deities, first off, let me just start by saying THANK YOU so much for the activity and love and excitement that was felt throughout this event!! we are truly grateful for that and all of the creativity and surprises we've seen across the dash!! we have no doubt we’ll be seeing the same energy for the next one, and the one after that, and the dozen more that we wish may follow. but with that being said, all good things must eventually come to an end, for some that means an end to your memories but.. man did a lot of you follow through with 'kill or be killed'. please, from this point on, DO NOT POST ANY NEW CONVERSATIONS regarding the event ( new starters, or replies to OPEN event starters )!! however, YOU MAY CONTINUE TO WRAP UP YOUR EVENT CONVERSATIONS, put a nice ending to them, find a good stopping point, or adapt them to work outside the event!! but with that said, if you did not kill your target, you are unable to complete the murder now. any assassins who have failed, please find your name under the cut to be sure your memory status is updated accordingly. with the event ending, each mun will be allowed ONE FREE OPEN STARTER, just like the start of the event, for the next 24 hours only! after that, our rules go back into place as usual! remember that is ONE STARTER PER MUN! NOT PER CHARACTER!! but again, we just want to thank you all for the support of this event, and we look forward to seeing how all of your characters reunite and adjust to these changes. we can’t wait to see how it all plays out in your writing and how your muses handle that shift!! please give this a like once you’ve read it entirely, thank you!! have fun and happy rping!! ♥ - the admin team ** once again, below is a list of all characters who have not completed their murder and the updates to memory statuses, please read through to make sure there are no mistakes and send us a dm if you catch something we've missed!
alex ( @mischiefxmuses ) : no memory changes
anna ( @thetorturedmusesdept ) : no memory changes
annie ( @bcrncoldx ) : no memory changes
aria ( @grcycosmcs ) : eddie diaz will switch to UNAWARE
atlas ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain ) : bram greenfield will switch to UNAWARE; diana holland will switch to UNAWARE; minette will switch to UNAWARE; rory gilmore will switch to UNAWARE; sailor serpeni will switch to UNAWARE; stitch pelekai will switch to UNAWARE
bea ( @torturedheart ) : daniel sousa will switch to AWARE
britt/b ( @hiddenpxpercuts ) : no memory changes
casey ( @withinthem ) : diana prince will switch to AWARE
cassie ( @ofsvnlightt ) : no memory changes
cheshire ( @wndrstruck ) : no memory changes
cici ( @ofxscavengcrs ) : no memory changes
ck ( @ivehurtpeople et al ) : gwen stacy will switch to UNAWARE
dee ( @vcndetta ) : penelope featherington will switch to UNAWARE
ellie ( @misteriios ) : amy pond will switch to UNAWARE
h ( @rampagerogue ) : no memory changes
hali ( @nightwhispcrs ) : no memory changes
jodie ( @lcngliive ) : no memory changes
june ( @masqce ) : no memory changes
kasey ( @tragcdysewn ) : korra will switch to UNAWARE; mj jones will switch to UNAWARE
kirie ( @empathiie ) : no memory changes
kow ( @lcveliess ) : no memory changes
l ( @lavendaers ) : kate bishop will switch to UNAWARE; ruhn danaan will switch to AWARE; sophie beckett will switch to UNAWARE
maig ( @mcrcki ) : no memory changes
maria ( @devilsmenu ) : no memory changes
mario ( @rcvcrics ) : altair rigel will switch to UNAWARE; han solo will switch to UNAWARE
may ( @miindfuck ): clarke griffin will switch to UNAWARE
mia ( @coreofgold ) : no memory changes
moon ( @wvsteria ) : andarna will switch to AWARE; avery biers will switch to UNAWARE; mouse honrada will switch to UNAWARE; rosita espinosa will switch to UNAWARE
ollie ( @mvsicinthedvrk ) : no memory changes
queen ( @hiddencitywaters ) :  cassie hobbes will switch to UNAWARE; luke skywalker will switch to UNAWARE; matthias helvar will switch to UNAWARE
risa ( @papermccn ) : no memory changes
salsa ( @rainbowmuses ) : no memory changes
sammy ( @mastcrmiind ) : enola holmes will switch to UNAWARE; helen parr will switch to AWARE
sunny ( @irresistiibles ) : no memory changes
swan ( @drvcxrys ) : buffy summers will switch to UNAWARE
violet ( @spellbcok ) : lorelai gilmore will switch to AWARE; tak dongkyung will switch to AWARE
z ( @lcvelxss ) : eisa rigel will switch to UNAWARE; rachel summers will switch to UNAWARE
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mvsicinthedvrk · 1 year
i'm doing something a little different for my event prep-- because i'm on hiatus the rest of the month, i don't really have the ability to do much reaching out to plot (though if you pop into my dms unprompted to plot, feel free, as i'll definitely get back to you to chat when i'm able) and i need to make sure i keep my threads to a manageable number. but i still want to be able to be active during the event when i can! especially since other threads will be paused!
so below is my list of event threads; i'm limiting myself to 3ish per character for the time being with the understanding that i'm also willing to stretch it to more if there's pairings i really want to write for.
if you want me to write a starter, please request one below (limit 2 per member for now, please). i probably won't pre-plot with you much but i'll roll for the situation on my end as soon as u request them & add that info below so you have a general idea of what the conflict in the thread will be.
**and then this is the untraditional part of the starter call: there's obviously no obligation, but if you want to volunteer to write any starter(s) for a pairing, please also feel free to let me know below, so i can add that to my total thread count. i would love that. i likely won't be going through your starter calls to request things, not because i don't want to write with you all, but because i don't want to impose when there's a high chance i won't be around as much as usual
i'll also note that i don't think i'll be killing off any of my characters during this event, even temporarily, and if you want to kill off any of your muses, i'd honestly prefer you do it in a thread that's not with one of mine, but if you feel really strongly about it, we can definitely plot, i just need a heads up. thank u for understanding!
total thread count (list last updated saturday 10/14 at 9am):
bold is for my notes; means i need to write it still and strikethrough is that it's already written (written 19/20)
wei wuxian-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing wei wuxian and dream for alex (rolled: rat with a gun)
two: wei wuxian & yanli (aria writing)
three: wei wuxian & vic for swan (rolled: children with pumpkins for heads)
four: wei wuxian & cangse sanren (rolled: living corn attempting to eat u but it's still the size of regular corn)
five: wei wuxian & han solo (rolled: skeletons)
xie lian-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing hualian for mia (rolled: crossing stream)
two: xie lian & feng xin (kasey writing)
three: writing xie lian & mu qing for june (rolled: quicksand mud)
four: xie lian & shen qiao (june writing)
five: xie lian & sophie (rolled: a hoard of geese)
wen kexing-- 1 slot available
one: wenzhou (atlas writing)
he xuan-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing beefleaf for sunny (rolled: poisonous gas)
two: writing he xuan & chunyu for kasey (rolled: giant spiders)
sha hualing-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing sha hualing & shang qinghua for sunny (rolled: murderous clown)
two: writing sha hualing & tina for risa (rolled: gritty)
liu qingge-- 1 slot available
one: liu qingge & anya (violet writing)
loid forger-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing loid & anya for mia (rolled: werewolf)
two: writing loid & yor for kasey (rolled: giant table and feast)
dongfang qingcang-- 1 slot available
one: dongfang qingcang & xiao lanhua (kasey writing)
chu wanning-- 1 slot available
one: ranwan (kasey writing)
filippa kosta-- 1 slot available
one: writing filippa & cordelia for alex (rolled: high winds)
qi yan-- 1 slot available
one: qi yan & laudna for cassie (rolled: giant spiderweb)
kaz brekker-- SLOTS FULL
one: kaz & inej (sunny writing)
two: kaz & ninoma (alex writing)
three: writing kaz & wylan for aria (rolled: dead end/spores/drunk)
mo xi-- 1 slot available pls give him some love
one: june writing a surprise starter for mo xi and somebody
pei ming-- 1 slot available
one: pei ming & bond (risa writing)
two: pei ming & heidi for swan (rolled: werewolf)
lee rang-- SLOTS FULL
one: rang & yeon (atlas writing)
two: also lee rang & jang yeo hee (atlas writing)
two: lee rang & yuri for violet (rolled: whispering plant life)
xiao chiye-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing chiye & zechuan for june (rolled: werewolf, followed by truth zone)
two: chiye & qi zhuyin (june writing)
lu junyi -- 1 slot available
one: writing junyi & jasmine for moon (rolled: frozen tundra of corn)
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anniemainiancs · 1 year
Hello all! My name is Annie! I am 20+ so MDNI, i prefer my rp partners be 19+. I am in multiple fandoms! I write literately/semi-literately! 2-5 paragraphs, whatever you are comfortable with I will match! Here are some fandoms I am in as well as ships I will do!
One Piece 🏴‍☠️
(Can double up with ocs)
Ships: Zoro/Sanji, Nami/Vivi
Characters I will write: Sanji, Nami, Zoro
JJBA (Jojo) 👊
Some Characters will be aged up or I will not rp the ship I can also double up OC with this)
Ships: Joseph/Caesar, Giorno/Narancia, Jolene/F.F
Characters I will play: Giorno, Caesar, Jolene
(characters will be aged up to adult hero's)
Ships: KiriBaku, BakuDeku, TodoZuku.
Characters I will play: Kirishima, Todoroki, Izuku.
Banana Fish 🍌
characters will be aged by two years, already have a starter ready)
Ships: EijiAsh
Characters I will play: Either I don't mind
SK8 the infinity 🛹
Characters will be aged up)
Ships: Langa/Reki, Matchablossom
Characters I will play: Langa, Reki, Joe
Miyano and Sasaki 🏳️‍🌈
Characters will be aged up)
Ship: Miyano/Sasaki
Characters I will play: Either of them :)
Supernatural 💀
(I will not rp Sam/Dean, so please don't ask)
Ships: Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
Characters I will play: Dean Sam Gabriel or Cas
Good Omens ☀️
Ships: AziraCrow
Characters I will play: Crowley ❤️
Ships: Henry/Alex
Characters I will play: EITHER
Star Wars
Ships: Luke/Han Solo (I also have an itch to write an Anakin ship it can be an oc and him if you want but the OC has to be male)
Characters I will write: Luke and Anakin
If any of these interest you pls interact or message me I can rp here but prefer to use discord! You can find me @/ sunshinekin
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tofeelthecold · 2 years
han tags
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crisalizmo · 1 month
. ୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ starter para 🌿 @tsvbavsa
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Está sumamente ansiosa por la propuesta que piensa plantear en la cena, pero sabe que los tres van a estar mejor juntos, ya ha pasado tiempo desde que han logrado reunirse, quizá ese apoyo que puedan brindarse viviendo juntos les vendrá bien  ❛ ¿Quieren escuchar un dato curioso del lugar?  — los mira de reojo sin dejar de caminar, ya solo faltan un par de pasos para llegar al restaurante  ❛ ¡Vean eso! — señala ventanales con adornos acorde al lugar y sin perder temática de la estación invernal, Sunhee no puede creerlo  ❛ Bueno, el dato es que es casi imposible obtener un lugar en estas fechas, o incluso en halloween, planeaba invitarlos ese día pero bueno, finalmente se nos va a hacer probar comida navideña mexicana — sonríe, adelantando a abrir la puerta para que sus hermanos puedan entrar  ❛ ¿Creen que sea muy diferente a la habitual de aquí? —
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enkisstories · 4 months
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"We're working on starting our own families", Finn and Armitage had claimed. But what were his exact feelings for Rose, the General wondered? Or, for that matter, what were his feelings period?
Rose had once told him that he was only ever reacting. Was there a grain of truth to that? Armitage Hux would have to find out, and the only way to do that was to leave the brewery to live with Phasma and Corra in the forest for a while. Out here, with no Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron or Rose Tico to bounce off, he'd be forced to be himself.
Himself... Beyond the strategist, even beyond the engineer... Armitage liked the color blue and variations thereof as well as fruit teas and even had a secret vice, unhealthy foods. In the New Republic he’d be called a grey ace, a label he had taken offense at until he had learned that the term didn’t refer to his piloting skills or the lack thereof at all.
That should be more than enough of a personality, shouldn’t it?
For starters Hux picked a slightly hallucigenic mushroom... for science. He was pleasantly surprised when his mind didn't dissolve in fluff after eating the mushroom, but turned even more focused and calculated.
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A modicum of killer instinct? Yep. Definitely him, too, no use denying it. 
(Also getting bitten into the finger by his catch. So much textbook himself, but he’d deny that any day, of course.)
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And then this. Nobody knew what exactly it was, that Hux had pulled out of the lake, but it had been extremely difficult to catch and whatever it was good for could probably be achieved cheaper with more readily available ingredients.
Just like Starkiller base and trackerless hyperspace tracking...
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At the end of the day, though, the best moment was when Armitage served his salmon (that Phasma had cooked for him) to Rose.
Agnon: "So how's your self-discovery going, Sir? Ran away scared yet?"
Hux: "I realized that we're only ever catching salmons, so to say, but never roast and enjoy them. Maybe it's time to stop expanding for a while, and consolidate our territory."
Kylo: "Fatherhood hormones at work already? Careful, Hux, that kind of shit can get a man killed."
Until this day Hux had mentally filed Han Solo as a deserter and career criminal, nothing more. Now it sank in that the smuggler veteran had also been Kylo's father, a father of the kind one didn't throw away, not for all the power of the dark side. One more to the pile of why he hated Ren so much!
Come to think of it, the General mused, if killing Han Solo had brought Kylo Ren closer to the dark side, than himself having gotten rid of Brendol Hux must have brought him closer to the light side...
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