#( MAIN. rafe ) i try all the time in this institution
Saw someone say that the wheel of time show has nothing in common with the books and this is. So not correct.
If you want to see what a show looks like when it has nothing to do with the source material, watch Netflix’s take on the witcher. That’s what happens when not only do the people adapting it not care about the source material but the showrunner actually has stated on record that she dislikes the source material. The witcher on Netflix fucked it up so bad that the lead actor, a huge fan of the source material, walked after three seasons. (I have been informed he actually left due to onset conflicts and instances of being misogynistic to his coworkers. Still a bad adaptation but I rescind this point) Pretty sure the entire country of Poland has disavowed this adaptation and the author wants Nothing to do with it.
The wheel of time is the total opposite. It is Extremely clear that the people working on it and the showrunner love the source material.
This production is running off a shoestring budget. Amazon put most of their high fantasy money into the rings of power (and the effects for the volcano eruption). And rather than being given enough seasons to adapt the entire book series, they’ve been given 8. To adapt 14 Extremely long and complicated books. How many named characters are there in the wheel of time?? Over 3000.
They are being given a very short time frame to accomplish a LOT of plot. Of course they’re going to cut stuff. Of course they’re going to combine characters. Season 2 is covering both books II and III! But they are focusing on the arcs of all the major characters and making sure they are set up for all their major character beats, and setting up the power players and institutions that matter in the larger geopolitical conflicts of randland. Sometimes that means making one character have later parts of their own plots sooner than it takes in the books (Moiraine and Mat in particular so far).
There are a lot of people saying it’s a bad adaptation mostly because a. They’ve made any changes from the books at all and b. Too many characters are gay now. Admittedly most of the people complaining about the adaptation having too many gay characters and nonwhite actors are on Reddit, but still. Both of these are of course nonsense. Of course you have to make changes in making Any adaptation of any book but trying to do the wheel of time in 8 seasons is a Herculean task. That’s why RJ made it 14 books, he tried to do it in less and failed cause he was an adhd king.
Rafe and the other writers have their own particular interpretations of characters but they Are interpreting the original work in a way that holds all the core themes. This season in particular is doing a great job so far of establishing the threat of the seanchan and the trauma of when channelers are cut off from the one power, both of which will of course be central focuses of the rest of the narrative for all of our main characters. I’m Really looking forward to the introduction of the Aiel this season as well.
Also if you’re mad there’s so many queer characters Come The Fuck On. Siuaraine is book canon, go reread New Spring. And I think making the polycule an actual polycule instead of a Mormon sisterwife situation is a fucking Brilliant choice. Making polyamory overtly present in the world already with Alanna and her warders is so good! And given they’re already coding Min as bi I have high hopes for Aviendha and Elayne as well (and also Mat, Mat should join the polycule I am crossing my fingers and toes like I know he’s probably gonna marry Tuon still but Come On he deserves to be in the polycule). If there is one thing I trust Rafe and co. to do well with this adaptation it’s the queer stuff.
Like I get it I’m also sad Uno had to die to make the Seanchan look more badass (r.i.p. my favorite foul mouthed bastard). But they have to make changes in the course of adaptation and if your criticism is just ‘they changed something,’ then please look at the holistic context of the changes, and accept that every adaptation of every book will make changes in order to translate the story to film.
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abronzeagegod · 10 months
Untitled YA Novel Chapter 13: Queue Up Some Good Danger Music
First Chapter || More
11:57 AM local time
Oceanic Institute, Miami, Biscayne, United States
Getting into the grounds of the Institute was easy, there were no guards and the parking lot was almost empty. It didn't help that they knew they were going into the heart of the Silence.
The door was still unlocked from where Alt's team went in. With Hira taking the lead, they went in, trying to remain quiet.
"I know we are supposed to be stealthy and stuff," Mike said outloud. "But this is creepy and I want to know the second we hit the Silence so I'm going to play some danger music."
Justin nodded after giving a little shrug. It made sense. The Silence made it so no sound traveled. They couldn't hear them coming. And if Alt was around, they could hear the group. "It makes sense."
Hira shrugged and moved forward.
Mike scrolled for a moment on his phone before hitting play. 'Good 4 U' started playing from the small speaker in his phone.
"This is your danger music?" Justin asked.
Mike got indignant. "What? This is a great song!"
"That's not the point. Oh, never mind."
Hira at the front of the group would fly a few feet in front of the boys, check the corners and then move forward.
The entrance they took led them into part of the building with offices. There were lots of cubicles in the middle of the wide room, and closed door offices and conference rooms along the walls.
It's really weird seeing this building this empty," Justin muttered.
"There's no sign of Alt or the team in this room," Hira said when the boys caught up to her.
"If we go through those doors," Justin pointed, "we go into the main lobby area. We can then go upstairs and into presumably some offices. I don't know if I ever went upstairs. Or we can keep going and go into the labs and pools."
"Let's take a look and see what we can see," Hira said.
Mike didn't say anything, he just sent off a quick text in the group chat. "Cubicles empty. No sign of Alt. Can still hear."
Hira cracked open the door to the lobby and peered through. She couldn't see anything but she did notice some movement on the second floor. A door looked like it was just closing.
"Something upstairs," Hira said in a whisper, even through the upbeat tempo of Mike's 'stealth playlist'.
"What?" he asked from his position behind Justin.
"Something upstairs," Hira repeated louder. "Something moving."
"We should check it out," Justin said, but didn't move. Mike agreed and waited for those in front of him ot move as he quickly texted the group what was happening, keeping Mister Collins informed.
"Follow me," Hira said.
She moved into the big open lobby, quickly scanned the entire area, doing what Rafe kept trying to teach her and used both sets of eyes to scan for detail and movement. Nothing reached her notice so she signaled the boys to follow her as she quickly flew up to the top of the stairs that lead to the second floor.
"This is ridiculous isn't it?" Mike asked as Justin and him ran up the stairs still crouching a little bit to try and be quiet and everything.
"Yeah, but so is your 'infiltration playlist'," Justin remarked.
"You got a problem with Beyonce?"
"No, it's a good song," Justin said, "but it doesn't feel very stealthy."
"These songs are for all occasions I'll have you know."
Justin rolled his eyes as he joined Hira by the door. She pulled it open slowly and peered inside.
She immediately spotted a few zlilfians on the ground and some people moving further down the hallway.
"They're here," she said.
Mike quickly texted Mister Collins.
"I saw a couple of the team members down, and some movement further away."
"Should we go in there and try to pull them back?" Justin asked.
"Yes. And hit anyone that gets too close that isn't one of us," Hira instructed.
Justin and Mike nodded.
Hira opened the door and right away Justin saw exiting one of the lab rooms 30 feet down the hallway was his dad.
"Found team n Justin's dad. Also bad guys gotta fight bye!!!!" Mike quickly texted Mister Collins. He felt the phone vibrate multiple times as the song ended.
"I gotta get my dad!" Justin said and ran into the room just as the song changed over. It took a moment to realize that he stopped hearing whatever Mike was playing next as he entered the aura of silence.
He ignored it and ran down the hallway towards his dad. But he was stopped short by a big burly man stepping in front of him. He looked like someone who might work security at a secure research facility.
He looked down at Justin and the teenager quickly backed up as the silent man advanced on him, hands out, intent on catching him.
"Remember when you said," came the song as Justin backed out of the silence aura.
"Oh crap," Mike muttered as he and Hira pulled out their weapons.
Justin ducked under a swing from the big man as Hira and Mike advanced with their clubs and hit him straight in the chest.
But the burly man didn't seem to register the blows at all.
Justin raised his arm with the zlilfian taser thing on it and moved his hand down in the gesture to fire it that Hira had taught him. A blue bolt of light shot out from the front of the taser and slammed into the man's chest. He twitched slightly and fell over, stunned.
"And good for you," the song continued.
"Oh crap, they see us," Mike pointed out.
This part of the building had labs on one side, and a wide open area with views down to the large pools and water tanks on the first floor. Across the gap, opposite to where they were standing was an entire group of other people gathering equipment from the labs. The light from Justin's taser alerted everyone to their presence.
Justin's dad saw the attack and hurriedly started to climb down to the first floor.
"Now you can be a better man..."
Justin ran to follow him, and Mike went after. Hira flew to the downed agents and saw that they were unconscious. But there were only two of them, the other three were missing.
They were immediately set on by a combination of humans and zlilfians. All with the same dull expression and lackluster compelled movements.
Hira jumped over the railing on the balcony and down on the head of one of the humans rushing the boys. She quickly dropped her with a sting to the back of the neck. The human's eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground.
Mike got into a duel with another security guard who drew a baton of his own.
Hira quickly went to go assist him by bashing her baton into the security guard's knee, which Mike followed up by smashing his own baton into their head.
"Sorry!" he yelled as the guard crumpled to the ground.
"Well good for you, you look happy and healthy, not me," rang out the phone as the Silence Aura moved back away from the teens and their assault.
They charged forward again, once again into the Silence. Justin pointed his taster at a zlilfian he saw flying at him. The blue light erupted from his wrist and hit the flying person square in the chest, dropping them straight to the ground in a crumpled heap.
Mike fought off a zlilfian that had tried to come from behind them, and Hira was avoiding a stinger of a djargandin who was taller than her by a few inches. They were quick with their stinger, so Hira was hoping that their toxin potency was as law as it usually was for djargandins.
"Well screw that and screw you"
Justin looked out across the pools and saw there were a bunch of people, presumably still in the aura loading up equipment and things and taking them out of the area.
His dad was heading that way, with what looked like a computer tower in his hands.
Hira flew backwards a few feet and then rushed forward before her opponent had a chance to react to the distance change and slammed her weapon into their chest. She quickly followed it up with another sting. There was a lethargy she was starting to feel with her stinger. She knew that she had, maybe, one good sting left.
Mike had position himself so that when he charged forward and pushed his opponent, they fell into a pool with a now very perturbed manatee.
"And good for you, it's like you never even met-" the song cut off as the aura pushed past them again, and suddenly they were back in utter silence.
Justin pushed Mike down as a taser blast rushed by where he had just been standing.
Hira saw the bright blast and quickly took cover behind some boxes of diving equipment.
Mike took out his phone. "What do we do now?"
"I have to get my dad!" Justin texted back furiously as another blue bolt soared over their heads.
"We don't know what's going on here," Hira said. "The aura keeps moving. And we haven't seen Alt yet."
"What are you doing there?" demanded Mister Collins. "Don't fight them! Retreat! Now!"
They all collectively dropped him from the group chat.
"My dad might know what is going on. If we can get him we can learn what they are doing," Justin texted.
"Then we go. Be careful," Hira responded.
"If you ever cared to ask"
When the teens looked up most of the silenced people had retreated to the far end of the room, most carrying equipment they were stealing from the Institute.
"They're trying to leave," Justin said as he rushed after them, and his dad.
The group quickly followed the fleeing Silenced. Justin shot off another taser blast, just missing the last of the group fleeing out the back door.
Mike got to the door a second after it closed, and slammed it open. The heat and sunshine of the Miami day hit them a moment later.
"Good for you" the song chorused again.
After blinking for a moment to let their eyes adjust, they saw that the Silenced were trying to load up a bunch of equipment into one of the research vessels the Institute owned.
Justin spotted his dad by the boat. Hira also spotted Rafe amid the crowd. And she realized she had a choice to make. Did she help out Justin and try to rescue his dad, or did she try to rescue her friend?
In some part of her mind Hira knew that she had to help out Justin and his dad. The Silence was the enemy of the zlilfians. The humans were collateral damage, unwitting pawns in an ancient war that they didn't deserve to be involved in. She had to help them out. And as much as she felt responsibility for Rafe... well Rafe could handle herself.
Hira flew over to help Mike and Justin.
i have a kofi
find me on pillowfort
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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@ersatzeverything​ sent  "Hey, MacCready, what are your thoughts on himbos?"
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“Listen, I don’t see anything wrong with himbos. I don’t care who you are, everyone can appreciate a good himbo. Even if dudes aren’t your thing, they’re good for a laugh. Oh, and opening jars, too.”
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my hella arbitrary list of fav malec moments ranked, just because i felt so aaaaaaand i have an unhealthy obsession with lists that is definitely diagnoseable but ssshhhhh
37. “you stupid Nephilim“ (c)
36. “I think the autumnal theme would be nice” “ABORT, ABORT, Isabelle, are you insane?” (c)
35. Hall of the Accords kiss in CoG
34. subway mugging attempt from the very first date
33. the way you just know book!magnus enunciates word “Alexander”
32. this absolute gem of an interaction
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31. Magnus somehow figuring that enchanting his sister’s whip with magical protections would be the best gift to Alec for his birthday
30. The simple fact of Alexander Gideon Lightwood turning out to be wild AF, and having a certain proclivity to tearing Magnus’ expensive wardrobe pieces right off him, while in throws of passion
29. “Wow, you and Monogamous Bane make me tired. He’s even dumber than you are” (c) Lily
28. When Clary invented a rune to temporary present herself as one’s most beloved, and Alec saw Magnus, even though it happened mere months in their relationship
27. Magnus coming to the Institute to see Alec off to Alicante in CoHF, even though they were broken up
26. “Alec Lightwood loved one man so much...” cause duh 
25. “He is not my warlock” cause DUUUHHHHHH
24. general population of the Downworld sometimes subtly reminding Alec about Magnus being slightly out of his league (e.g. “Punch above your weight a little, huh?” (c), etc.)
23. but at the same time, the journey from “STOP HUGGING SHADOWHUNTERS IN FRONT OF MY PLACE OF BUSINESS” (c) TEC 1 to “Get a room, cute boys!” (c) TEC 2
22. Mere fact that in spite of all the convoluted and complicated history Magnus has had with Nephilim over centuries, he eventually somehow ended up being married to their highest authority figure like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
21. “I do not ever want another love“ how dare you sir
20.  the fact that Alec instantly knew(c) with Max, and Magnus instantly knew(c) with Rafe
19. and that it is physically impossible for them to come by an abandoned child, and stop themselves from adopting on the spot
18. Alec’s behaviour during warlock sickness in TDA
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14. “The Voicemail of Magnus Bane” cause legendary
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12. “Catarina gave Magnus a delighted look over Alec’s shoulder. “At last”, she murmured. “A keeper.” (c)
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10. unforgettable “Since I am the Consul now, I guess I make the rules.” [...] “Was that flirting?” Magnus said. “Because I have to tell you I’m more in than I thought I would be.” [...] “Yes.” Said Alec. He paused. “No. A little bit.” [...] ‘’I mean I make all the rules. I’m in charge now”. “I told you already I was in“ (c) QoAaD
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8. I wanna say the entirety of tRSoM, which main plot premise was “two poor clueless idiots are just trying to screw each other in peace, but kept getting cockblocked at every turn”, but am gonna say Rome Hotel Scene, for reasons
7. also, the marvellous fact that the cockblocking torch was passed down from demons/cultists/princes of hell to malec’s very own precious infant heir
6. aaaaaaand of course let’s not forget to mention Simon Lewis in that particular regard
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5. the general level of thirst throughout the whole saga
4. Yes, this one, this one fits, after all the stumbling around and searching, and here it is. (c) What to buy the Shadowhunter
3. The Land I Lost (”his first kiss and his last”, “but he could imagine, in some faraway future, the face he loved best”, “hey, my baby”, “once he’d said “my betrothed” and felt like a total idiot”, feel free to stop me at any point)
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1. [...] I spent days dying in chains, thinking you would never know this, so let me tell you now. I will love you as long as I live. However long or short my life may be, it seems to me that I could never find time enough to love you as you deserve. Loving you made me believe in eternity. Aku cinta kamu. (c)
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
The Shadowhunters Chronicles time travel head cannons because I have ideas but no ideas.
THL Meeting TMI
Charles coming to the future and being really conflicted on whether or not he should check old records to see if he’s council bc on one hand he’s Charles and he has a very big ego but on the other hand he also has a really big inferiority complex.
Matthew realizing that gender roles are very bent now and wearing skirts and make up and nail polish also having several piercings. Because she/they rights.
Also Matthew going to a bookstore in June and seeing the whole pride layout and just how many books there are about being LGBTQ and how explicit they are ans the wide demographics and generas and everything and just being by the way. 
Christopher realizing that there are way more elements in the periodic table now and just about micro organisms and flipping the fuck out. Like DNA was not discovered until 1980 this man would be having a field day.
We know that Alastair would watch so many Disney movies, just every musical he can get his hands on his watching. 
Also Alastair realizing that the Eiffel tower is now like one of the main things associated with Paris and everyone thinking it’s the coolest thing in the world. 
I propose the idea that Anna Lightwood would be actually be bad at hooking up with modern day women, because this one super hot lesbian would like ask for her Snapchat or something and she would have no clue what that is. 
Also Anna realizing that there are more modern day terms for gender and being able to finally identify as gender queer and maybe experimenting with pronouns. 
I don’t know why but I would love to see Cordelia in modern fashion. Or really any of them just, any of these kids going to a mall would be amazing. 
Lucie creating an AO3 account and immediately posting every single chapter of the beautiful Cordelia on there. Also her reading rpf fanfics.  
Will would later join her and make a Twitter account as well.
Kamala watching Bollywood movies. Also I feel like she get a really cool lesbian experience that she never really got and also I think she would love to know that gay marriage legalized and that there are opportunities for her to have children that don’t involve sex with a man. 
I would like to see what Matthews opinion on abortion would be because of his backstory. I feel like there’s no correct answer to this but I would like to see some ideas.
But also I would love to see Matthew meeting like future!Magnus and either thinking that he’s still the coolest person in the world or have his vision of him be crushed. Because Magnus is a father of two teenage sons, he hasn’t been an aloof party animal for a long time, he’s a full on Dad.
I think Matthew would also try to live with Magnus for a while only for it to backfire the second he comes home drunk. 
I feel like Charles and Matthew would both get arrested, Matthew would obviously try to go to a bar or get drunk or something, English law and American law are very different even today so a lot of the things Matthew enjoys doing he would be banned from but he wouldn’t realize that until it’s too late. Charles on the other hand would probably say something intolerant, because he’s Charles and it’s the 21st-century now, and piss off the wrong person and end up getting thrown out of jail cell. The real tragedy would be for the poor inmates and policeman who have to listen to these two fight until Clary can come and pick them up. 
Also Matthew getting help for the bullshit he’s been through and everyone just being openly gay please I need it.

Max and Rafe going to the past and being absolutely terrified of what’s going on and meeting Magnus from the past and trying not to have a breakdown because they’re dad doesn’t know who they are and they can’t go to him 
Mina going with Max and Rafael to the past and playing at the Hell Rule because you know she would.
Also Will knowing that she is Jem and Tessa’s daughter because she’s so beautiful just like his Tess and he knows that the only other person Tessa would love enough to have a child with would be their Jem. 
Everyone knowing that Charles is gay and in the closet because they can read this bitch very well.
And Max and Ralph trying to like keep the whole “hey there are new rules now and downworlders and Shadowhunters can share powers thing” on the down low and failing during a big fight and it being reviled with like Max using the seriph blade or some thing and then Rafe just straight up using magic and everyone’s like “Wwwhhaaaaaattt”
They were getting like serious trouble for this in Lake Charlotte with interrogate the hell out of them because wtf was that.
Magness from their present coming back to pick up the kids and seeing Will and everyone again. And Will asking how Magnus is only to realize this man has a family!!
Or even better Alec Lightwood Bane coming back to the past, through a portal, to come get his kids real quick and him seeing Past!Magnus and then flirting with him and Magnus being interested while the kids are like,”Really, this again”.
Kit going into the past and them being confusion because there are two Christophers, also how are you a Herondale?! 
Ty stealing cats. 
I would love to see how Rafe, Tavvy, Max, and Mina react to Church being alive.
Tavvy, who I have somehow not yet mentioned, getting like separation anxiety from his siblings and Ralph just hanging out with him a lot more and cheering him up and just being a good Parabatai .
Also Tavvy spoiling the entire Blackthorne line whoops. 
Also I feel like Max, Rafael, and Tavvy would very much not going to drive to the toxic masculinity of the time, and be super affectionate and nice to each other and respectful of women and it would be quite shocking for people.
Rafe would go to a ball or party and totally teach people either the Cupid shuffle or a bunch of other modern dances.
I feel like someone would make a comment about Max being half demon and a warlock, especially after they realize he can have runes. Not sure what the comment would be, but it might involve Benedick having a thing for demons and it would make everyone super uncomfortable. 
Also just the Lightwood-Banes, and Tavvy, seeing Magnus with another person and being so upset over this.  Bc their dads in love with someone else and that shit hurts.
Arguments over who’s related who and which line everyone comes from because I don’t think the modern gang would know exactly who they’re related to so the relate would be pretty open.
Everyone staying at the institute because no one would take all three of them and then Mina just tagging alone because she wants to.
I feel like Max or Rafe or maybe even Tavvy would screw up and accidentally call Will Dad or Alec and this would cause a lot of panic.
Once again a shopping montage because you never have enough clothes.
The Merry thieves and the modern squad hanging out and just having fun together would be cool. They could all go to each other’s houses or the devils tavern and drink. -Which would probably be Max and Rafe’s first time drinking bc American laws are weird and different and Rafe wouldn’t break the rules.
Or Alternatively him getting in a drinking contest with someone, Matthew, and not knowing that he’s an alcoholic until way later. He would then demand that this boy go to therapy.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Mai Tai - ep. 02 - Rafe Cameron
Summary: Some heavy flirting and a day out with Wheezie.
A/N: The rewrite for chapter two.
Holiday in the Sun Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
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The Nassau house was arguably bigger than Tanney Hill. Enough bedrooms that you got your own and so did Sarah and Wheezie. Rafe and Topper were stuck in a room together though you saw Sarah’s boyfriend put his suitcase in her room as you dragged your suitcase into yours. It was at the end of the hall, a sliding door that you couldn’t quite figure out how to lock, and enough white that you weren’t sure if Rose thought she was in an institution or a vacation home. It was nice either way and the bed was definitely comfortable as you dropped your things and flopped back on it, legs hanging over the side as you stared up at the ceiling.
“Kinda miss that tomboy look you used to rock.”  
You sat up in bed, Rafe leaning against the open door frame, grinning at you. “Sorry to disappoint,” you replied, “it was more a cover-up than a style and I finally grew into myself in case you didn’t notice.”
��I noticed.” He said, “Oh, and Rose said dinner’s ready.”
Dinner was awkward and quiet, the leftover tension from the plane ride unresolved as you all sat around the table. Rose and your mother spent the entire meal plotting out the week, what they would do, where they would go. It was all arbitrary stuff that you didn’t care about. None of the Cameron kids seemed to care either as they stayed relatively quiet throughout the meal. Sarah would whisper back and forth with Topper but Rafe and Wheezie kept quiet, the latter texting in her lap. Ward spent the meal talking business with your stepdad and you pushed your food around your plate, counting the minutes until dinner was over and you were allowed to go into your room.
Your friends had already texted you about their own first night in Ptown and you’d promised to facetime them after dinner, something you were itching to do. Though, Rafe was making dinner slightly more bearable. Rose had said something particularly annoying and Rafe had rolled his eyes, only to realize that you were looking at him. After that it felt like every time you looked up he was staring at you, the attention making you slightly flushed.  
“Hey,” you greeted, leaning forward so you could see passed the refrigerator as Rafe came into the kitchen. You were sitting up on the counter, the large sliding window open behind you as you ate straight out of a pint of ice cream. “Can’t sleep?”
He nodded, running a hand through his hair, messy from sleep and notably a little long. “You?” He asked, opening the refrigerator and obscuring you from view for a moment.  
“Something like that.” You replied, stretching your legs out casually though you were actually double-checking that you didn’t have any forgotten hairs or unsightly nicks. You knew it was stupid but you couldn’t help yourself, four years had only made him more gorgeous than he’d been at 15 and you were enjoying the attention he’d already given you. At least the sleep shorts and sports bra could work in your favor. “You want some?” You offered the pint of ice cream, your spoon stuck in the middle.  
“What kind?” He asked as he took the spoon and dug in.
“Coffee.” You replied, “I snuck it in.”
“You snuck it in?” He took a bite and you watched the spoon slip back out between his lips as he swallowed the ice cream.  
“My mom’s got me on a diet, I’m only allowed like four hours of eating a day and definitely not ice cream.” You admitted, “gotta get rid of the baby fat.” As you said it you pinched the inside of your thigh to prove your point and he laughed. You looked cute enough for midnight but you weren’t above self-deprecating jokes.  
“Well your secret is safe with me.” He replied, grabbing the beer he had taken from the refrigerator, “As long as you don’t tell anyone I was drinking.”
“Where are you on your 12 steps?” You teased, waving your hand for him to pass you the beer.  
“Step 1,” Rafe replied, “fuck my life.”
You laughed, nearly spitting the beer that you’d just sipped. As you went to reply you both heard footsteps coming toward the kitchen. You slipped off the counter, almost bumping into him because he was so close. You grabbed his hand as the hall light flipped on, abandoning your ice cream to the counter as you dragged Rafe out onto the porch with you. “Sorry, I’ll be done for if my mom finds me.” You admitted, pressing your back against the wall just passed the door, out of sight.  
“Trust me, I’m in the same boat.” Rafe answered, standing close to you, watching the door. You were trapped between him and the wall and you were convinced that you would be tripping over your words if the light was actually hitting him and he wasn’t completely shadowed.  
“It’s Rose.” He finally said, able to see enough into the kitchen that he recognized his stepmom’s blonde hair.
“What’s she doing?”
“You’re gonna have to buy new ice cream.” He whispered, looking down at you and grinning.  
“No,” you whined, leaning your head back against the wall. “Damn.”
“Here, eases the pain,” he teased, passing his beer to you.
Rose left the kitchen with your ice cream and Rafe backed away from you, giving the all-clear as headed back inside. You followed after him, topping off the rest of his beer and dropping it in the bin beneath the sink.  
“You want your own this time?” He asked, pulling out two more.  
“Yes please, if I can’t eat all my calories, I’ll drink them.” You joked, watching as he popped the lid off with the edge of the counter. “That’s a neat party trick.”
“Glad your impressed.”  
“Was that the goal?” You asked, taking your beer from him.
He only smiled, trying to look as innocent as possible as he shrugged his shoulders at you. “Come on-”
“Where are we going?” You asked, cutting him off. He walked out of the kitchen and you followed after him, down the hall in the dark.
“You don’t want anyone to catch you right?” He asked, stopping at a door near the end of the hall. The entire house was on one level, windows everywhere in the main rooms to make it feel like it was outside and inside at the same time.  
“Right,” you replied skeptically. Your room was up ahead but he stopped before that.
He pushed the door open and you realized it was his bedroom, the same one you’d seen Topper moving his suitcase out of earlier in the day. “Hotel Cameron,” he joked as you walked in passed him.
“I thought the whole house was hotel Cameron.”  
“You’re mistaken.” Rafe replied.
“Well, what does Hotel Cameron have to offer then?” You asked, walking further into the room and taking a seat on the end of the chaise near the window, “besides beer?”
“A great view.”  
“Kinda dark out.” You said, glancing over your shoulder, out the window.
“Wrong view.”
You laughed even though anyone else saying it would’ve instantly made you cringe and Rafe smiled at his joke, this insanely dorky grin on his face as if he wasn’t nearly as confident as he acted. He shut the door and came further into the room having waited until he was sure that you were comfortable.
“Okay, so view, beer...anything else?” You asked.
“Great company...and possibly breakfast in bed.” He offered.  
“Are you cooking the breakfast?”  
“Definitely not.” He laughed, taking a seat on his bed, stretching out on top of the comforter.
“I was just checking, I wasn’t sure how many compliments you were gonna pay yourself before we got through this.” You teased.  
“Only a few more.”  
“Well I’m already here so I might as well stay.” You replied, you moved further up to sit with your back to the window, relaxed against the armrest as you watched Rafe lounging in bed.  
“So, your boyfriend bummed you skipped out on vacation?”
“I don’t have a boyfriend...” you said, trying to decide what he was getting at, “were you listening to my facetime earlier?”
“I may’ve overheard.”
“Overheard?” You laughed, “can’t believe you were creeping on me.”  
“I wasn’t ‘creeping’ on you.”  
You hummed, biting back a smile, “well I’m single so-” you shrugged.
“Good to know.”
Even though he’d offered breakfast in bed, and you could imagine how incredible that whole situation would be, you snuck out before the sun was up, heading back to your bedroom. You managed to find a pen and paper in the drawer of the desk in his room, leaving him a note that promised a raincheck on breakfast before slipping out.
When you woke up the second time it was in your own bed, in your room, and you were disoriented for a second as you tried to remember the night before. Everyone else, Rafe excluded, seemed to already be awake when you made it out to the kitchen. Sarah and Topper were sitting at the island eating while Wheezie was engaged in a pretty heated argument with Ward.  
“What’s the matter with them?” You asked, spooning some fruit into a bowl and sitting down next to Topper.  
“Wheezie wants to go to some aquarium at the resort,” Topper replied, “Sarah and I are going to the beach and Rose is going shopping.”
“It’s the aquarium in Atlantis,” Sarah said.  
“Oh well,” the door to the outside opened and Wheezie came in, red faced as Ward walked in after her, “I’m free to go to the aquarium.”
“Seriously?” Wheezie asked, suddenly perking up.
“Yeah, I’d actually love to go to the aquarium.” You’d rather that then lounging on the beach all day. Besides, you were pretty sure if you spent any more time around Rafe you would rush into something without giving it the thought it deserved.  
“Alright, aquarium it is.” Ward agreed, “but next time you throw a tantrum like that you’ll stay here, understood?”  
“Understood.” Wheezie repeated, biting down on her lower lip. Even though you could tell she was excited for the aquarium the obvious fear of disapproval from Ward won out.  
“Thanks,” Sarah whispered, leaning passed Topper to grab a piece of toast, “I just don’t wanna get stuck babysitting.”
You wanted to say that spending time with a thirteen year old didn’t amount to babysitting by any degree but you only nodded and said, “no worries.”
“What are we talking about?” Rafe asked, announcing his presence in the kitchen. He placed a hand on the back of you're chair and leaned over you to grab a piece of pineapple off your plate.  
“Hey!” You twisted around to look up at him, gaze trailing up a bare stomach and chest to meet his eyes. This was going to be a long week, “you can get your own breakfast.”
“Do you wanna go to the aquarium with us?” Wheezie asked, sitting down on the other side of the island.
“Who’s us?” He asked, still hovering over you.  
“Sarah and I are hitting the beach,” Topper replied, excluding them from Wheezie’s trip to the aquarium.
“I told Wheezie I’d go to the aquarium with her.” You said, smacking his hand when he tried to get another piece of pineapple. “Stop it.”  
His hands fell to your shoulders, gently squeezing before he let go, walking around the counter and grabbing some of the food that had been laid out for breakfast. You tried not to watch him as he moved. “Sorry, I was only trying to cash in on my raincheck.”  
“What are you talking about?” Sarah asked, looking between you and her brother.
“Nothing,” you coughed, glaring at Rafe, who only smiled. You didn’t miss the look he shared with Topper, one the suggested Sarah’s boyfriend knew exactly what Rafe was talking about.
“So,” Wheezie piped up, “do you wanna go with us?”
“Yeah alright,” Rafe agreed. He’d promised that he wouldn’t ditch her this vacation anyway and he intended to keep at least that promise. You were making it easier on him too, he could spend more time with you and hang out with Wheezie at the same time.  
The marine habitat in Atlantis was arguably the largest aquarium you’d ever been to and Wheezie was thoroughly enjoying stopping in front of every display, spitting out facts about different animals. “My teacher says I’m on track to becoming a marine biologist someday.” She mentioned as you walked through a deep sea fish exhibit.  
She was like a kid in a candy store from the moment you arrived, face to the glass. You lagged a little behind her, reading the cue cards that told you all the same facts that Wheezie already knew, taking in the sight of the aquarium and enjoying behind a spectator to her and Rafe.  
“Hey,” Rafe called, looking over at you as Wheezie stopped to strike up a conversation with one of the workers there. “Stop texting your boyfriend and pay attention.”
“Stop!” You laughed when he grabbed at your phone. You tried to pull it away but failed as Rafe took the phone out of your hands, holding it above his head. “God, you’re like the tallest person ever.” You grumbled, trying to reach but failing when he extended his arm all the way. “Rafe, give me my phone back.”
“We’re supposed to be on vacation, no phones.” He joked, trying to sound like your mom when she caught you texting at dinner the night before.
“Give me. My phone. Back.” You said, punctuating your words. He dropped it into your hands. “God, I forgot you were this annoying.”
“Annoying?” He turned to look at Wheezie, staring into a display, “hey Wheez, am I annoying?”
“Right now or general?”
“Unbelievable.” Rafe muttered though he smiled at the end.  
The tour resumed, your phone tucked securely into your back pocket as you walked through the aquarium with Wheezie and Rafe. She stopped again at the shark tank, looking in at the two sharks they had swimming around the indoor/outdoor habitat. Just like before, she zeroed in on the nearest worker and approached them, asking a million questions as she discussed the sharks with them.  
You stood there staring at the shark swimming through the habitat, feeling both like the conversation from earlier was over and like you wanted to continue you it. “I don’t have a boyfriend, by the way.” You blurted out, internally cursing your inability to ever let things go. “Which you knew because I told you. And besides, I wouldn’t have gone back to your room if I had a boyfriend.”
“Nothing happened.” Rafe replied, smirk working it’s way onto his face, “did you want something to happen?”  
“That’s not what I meant.” You huffed, crossing your arms under you chest and looking away from him.  
“I mean, there is a vacancy-”
“Shut up!” You knocked your hip against his.  
“Hey, I’m just laying it all out there. I mean, we’re only here for a week, might as well skip the small talk.” He shrugged.
“So I’ll...sleep with you?”
“You suggested it, not me.” He replied.  
“That’s not what I meant.” You insisted though you had definitely been thinking about it since the car ride to the Nassau house. Wheezie called the two of you over, finished looking at the sharks and ready to move on. “Besides, I’m not as tragically hideous as I was at thirteen but I’m also not as gullible.”  
“You were not tragically hideous.” Rafe laughed, following you as the two of you caught up with Wheezie.
“It was a pretty rough year, I had a golf ball sized bruise from a skateboarding accident.” You replied, “and that was just temporary...the rest of it was...”
“You were cute.”
“What?” You couldn’t hide the disbelief, even if you wanted to.  
“I thought you were cute.” Rafe repeated. “I’d use some different adjectives now but...you definitely weren’t hideous.” He said, walking ahead of you to meet up with Wheezie and leaving you standing there shocked.  
Taglist:  @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes@millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox@belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla@vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh@gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot@stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon@alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes@wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa@aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn@pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys@lemur46 @haute-shawn @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower@vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it@outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama  @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar@babymatilda @raekenliar @prejudic3 @drewsephsmiles @starrystarkey93 @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @sunwardsss @28cnn @mysterious-adventurer @butgilinsky
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okay so i saw a post ages ago and i suppose people have probably already done this, but i really wanted to because it’s hilarious; this oneshot suggestion:
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absolutely ALL credit to this idea goes to you @cloudburst-ink !
It had been a long day for Alec. Some drama with this Institute and that Institute, and all he wanted was to go home for some cuddles with his husband, and the kids. As he approached the door to the apartment, he could hear Magnus yelling and Max and Rafe laughing their heads off. What the hell was going on?!
Alec opened the door slowly, creeping in. He could hear Magnus yelling commands, and could see the mischievous yet adorable smile on little Max’s face.
Then he heard it.
“Alexander, turn off the lights!”
“Turning off lights.”
“Alexander, make the lights different colours!”
The lights funnily enough became an array of colours, but that was not Alec’s main point of concern right now. He stood in the doorway of their living room and coughed loudly. Magnus turned around immediately, looking more pleased with himself than Alec liked. He briefly bent down to hug Max and Rafe, and then they ran into another room to play.
“Yes, darling?”
“Why the hell are you calling the Echo Alexander? And why does it sound alarmingly like me?”
Magnus grinned. “I’m not telling you, because you’re just going to figure out how to change it.”
Alec put his head in his hands. It would’ve been easier if it was say Izzy. Everyone else he knew called him Alec. Magnus was the only person he allowed to call him Alexander, and now there were two.
Except one was a tiny machine thing.
There had been enough confusion when Magnus bought the thing in the first place- Alec had thought it was a spy camera that recorded everything you did and had no idea how it worked. It took him two weeks to get used to it, and those two weeks meant enduring all of Magnus’s torture about how he’d been alive for four centuries and knew how to use it better than a 23 year old. And the fair amount of complaining about Shadowhunters.
“I just want to know why, honey,” he said.
Magnus didn’t reply to this, just smirked and lifted it up. “And by the way I’m hiding this, because I know you’ll try to break it too.”
For not the first time, Alec wondered why he had to fall in love with such an incredibly adorable and annoying idiot.
For the record, only Alec is allowed to call him an idiot. Because Magnus is his idiot. Anyone else can get an arrow through the eye.
As the week progressed, things got worse. Magnus had somehow managed to get the thing to say ‘I love you.’ Max and Rafe found it the absolute pinnacle of comedy.
“Magnus, please stop. Every time you use this goddamn thing I think you’re talking to me.”
“At least it’s here for me when you aren’t,” he retorted, making a dramatic oh-woe-is-me face. “You spend all day at work, and what about poor me? I get stuck with cleaning up Max every time Rafael convinces him to do something stupid. You know, one day last week he looked less like a blueberry and more like...a rainbow berry. If that exists.”
Alec’s eyes widened. “He WHAT?”
“See I knew you’d freak if I told you. It’s fine, he just got some paint on his clothes. But with my new and extra Alexander, I can have you here even when you’re not, and it actually convinces me to do chores and stuff.”
Alec blushed. “Wait that’s actually-it’s actually kinda sweet to be honest.”
Magnus smiled triumphantly. “Exactly!”
Magnus stopped what he was doing and took Alec’s hands in his. “Look, I promise if you don’t like it I’ll throw it out. I just thought it would be funny. And I have to admit watching your adorable little face of frustration every time I call out to it is fun. But if you don’t want it, I’ll stop.”
“I don’t mind it, although I do prefer it when it’s me you’re calling Alexander, not some tiny thing.”
“But you are tiny too. So tiny. So small. So short.”
“Magnus, I’m six foot one.”
He bent his head slightly and kissed Alec’s soft hair. “That’s still two inches shorter than me so therefore I am legally required to bully you about it.”
Alec moves his head away and their eyes locked together. Magnus’s eyes were so beautiful; it pained Alec to think someone would ever bully him for them. So what if they were like cats’ eyes? They were still gorgeous. The mesmerising swirl of green and gold with the stark black pupils.
Magnus banged his head against the wall. “Goddamit I can’t ONE MINUTE PEACE WITH MY HUSBAND?!” he yelled as he stormed out. Alec rolled his eyes and laughed.
Later, Jace and Izzy came around for a general catch up. Of course, Uncle Jace and Aunt Izzy were in favour of the Alexander Echo Thing. In fact, they were encouraging the boys to use it. “If you and Clary ever have kids Jace, I really hope Clary is the only one allowed near them.”
“Are you accusing my parenting skills of being trash?”
“No, I just know that Clary wouldn’t be the type of mother to encourage her child to do this.”
“Hey! They’re having fun, right little guys?”
“Daddy inside MACHINE! Cool Daddy!” Max exclaimed.
“No, daddy is not inside a machine and daddy is cool enough already thank you very much.”
Rafael snorted.
“Hey! Mean.”
Magnus high-fived Rafael.
“You guys should give me it. It’s Simon’s birthday soon!”
“And he’d want this?”
Izzy looked like she didn’t know why Alec would even doubt that. “Obviously? I need to get back at him from last time.”
Jace sniggered. “Oh, when he scared you with that fake rat?”
“STOP IT!” Izzy said, sniffling. “I still have nightmares.”
Izzy had managed to convince Magnus to part ways with his precious Alexander for the sake of torturing Simon. Alec just thought it was better Simon than him.
“That was literally the most chaotic week of my life. I hate you.”
The two were lying on the couch watching movies, as Max and Rafe were in bed. “No you don’t. You love me.”
“Who says that? Huh?”
Magnus shuffled in closer. “Our marriage certificate, hun.”
Alec hummed with peace and happiness. “You’re right. I lied. I love you.”
Magnus smiled. “And I love you too,” he said.
“More than some stupid piece of technology.”
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feelingsinthedark · 6 years
Jem & Lunar New Year part 2
there are qoaad spoilers and it’s long so under the cut :3 hope yall likeee
Chinese New Year of 2013...
...they have a new addition to the family
Kit lol
And also their unborn children
Tessa’s like a little over 6 months pregnant so in the third trimester and it’s going pretty well
They just do some simple things at home and take it easy
Tessa and Jem give Kit 红包 even though he doesn’t really need money because they insist on buying everything for him
They teach him some phrases like 过年好 and give him the 红包 when he masters it
(But like that’s kind of a thing I feel like my parents are training us like this year my mom walks into my room with a red envelope and she’s like “what do you say” and I said 过年好 and she gave me the red envelope lol)
And they watch the 春节晚会 together
Kit doesn’t understand anything but he just likes spending time with them
And he’s able to appreciate the production bc damn its fucking fancy af and like there must be like soooooo much rehearsal beforehand it’s crazyyy
Tessa catches the bit where they talk about spending Chinese New Year in your hometown bc that’s a big thing with the holiday
She asks Jem about it and if he wants to go to his hometown even though the main point is to be with your family
He just says “you are my home now, always and forever”
Kit pretends to gag but secretly he loves it and is #1 Jessa stan
No wait he’s #2 Will is #1
Chinese New Year of 2014 they spend with friends
Alec is busy with Clave-in-exile stuff that Magnus isn’t involved in so Magnus just decides to Portal to Devon with his kids bc why not
And Tessa and Jem have a new addition to their family too
Charlotte Sophie Carstairs
This is the best baby Carstairs name fight me
She’s about 10 months old
Tessa’s feeding Charlotte when Magnus appears but she isn’t surprised
This happened a few months ago too
And a few days after Charlie was born
She just calmly greets Magnus and the kids and asks Kit to go find Jem
They weren’t really planning on doing anything bc they were so busy with Charlotte
But since they’re here Jem decides to have them help make dumplings
Out of the two of them Tessa is the better cook but Jem is okay too
And they had some more practice with dumplings in the years before so it’s not like their first try
Tessa mostly sits it out and watches over the kids
Charlie loves her older cousins Max and Rafe
They also try making some
Max makes a squashed little lump of dough that has a tiny bit of filling inside
Rafe’s is a little better and sort of resembles a dumpling but also doesn’t have much inside
Alec Portals in a few hours later (he got Clary to make him a Portal idk)
He finished the Clave stuff earlier than he expected
So he just joins them and they eat dumplings
They put on the 春节晚会 after
No one’s really paying attention to it
The kids aren’t bc they don’t understand it so they’re kinda running around and so the parents are occupied
So it’s just kinda on in the background
At one point there’s a magician guy who… does some magic
Like just suuuuper complex sleight of hand kinda tricks
Max sees it and is like “he does magic! My papa can do magic! Auntie Tessa does magic too!”
So then it turns into a magic show from papa Magnus and Auntie Tessa
Charlotte loves seeing magic and it calms her down so eventually she’s asleep on Jem’s chest
Magnus and Alec and their kids leave
Tessa and Jem put Charlie in her crib and Will’s ghost keeps her asleep
Jem is kinda feeling things about how he didn’t think he would live long enough to have a family or wouldn’t be able to bc of Silent Brotherhood but he just had an amazing Chinese New Year with his wife and children and his nephews and some of his best friends
Chinese New Year of 2015 they decide to spend in Shanghai
Jem hasn’t been there since his parents’ death
But Tessa’s there for him and even Kit knows his story too
And he wants to show them and his daughter how they celebrate in China
They stay in a hotel bc they’re not technically part of the Clave anymore so they can’t go back to the Institute
And besides there’s a lot of memories there for Jem
Charlie’s almost two and she has picked up some Mandarin from Jem (which is like wildly different from “Shanghai-nese” but whatever)
She’s a really outgoing toddler and everyone who meets her falls in love with her
She talks to a lot of people just on the street and says 过年好 to everyone in her adorable baby voice with her adorable baby face
Kit is highkey proud of his little sister and carries her around on his shoulders
He knows how to say like two things in Chinese and not well but Tessa and Jem let him take Charlotte out to just walk around sometimes
Jem takes them to some outdoor markets and stuff and they buy some cute stuff
They also buy some firecrackers and set them off on Chinese New Year morning
Charlie loves loud noises so she loves that the whole day and night there are firecrackers going off and it makes her really excited and happy
Kit stays up with Charlie that night when she’s all excited by the firecrackers so Jem and Tessa can try to sleep a little bit
Chinese New Year of 2016 and onward are variations of these last few
Jem and Tessa spend many Chinese New Years with just the two of them and their children
Sometimes they join or are joined by friends
They go to China a couple more times but for Jem just being with Tessa and his family is more than enough
One year they spend it with all the Blackthorns after Kit and Ty get married what
It’s pretty unconventional and more of just a gathering but they’re all one super happy and big family
And the Blackthorns are technically related to Tessa if they actually descended from Lucie and Jesse
Eventually Kit leaves to live with Ty but he tries to spend most years with Jem and Tessa
He loves his family and he wants to spend time with them especially this holiday with its emphasis on being with family
Eventually their kids move out too
They have a few quiet relaxing Chinese New Years when their kids are busy and can’t make it
And of course
The hands wrapping the dumplings start to get wrinkled
The hair that Tessa cuts every year starts to go grey
She’s reminded of Jem when they first met and he was dependent on the yin fen
His eyes stay dark though, and full of joy and health
Chinese New Year of 2088-
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Ok sorry back to your regularly scheduled sadnessheadcanons
Chinese New Year of 2088 is Jem’s last
Just getting straight to the point skskskskskssksk
He’s obviously lived a very long and satisfying life
He stayed healthy so he’s able to do stuff still even at almost 230 years old
(Yeah idk if the timeline is realistic I don’t think it is but whateverrrrr)
That morning Tessa wakes up and Jem’s already out of bed
His side of the bed is cold and for a second Tessa thinks her nightmares have come true and Jem was ripped from her in the middle of the night
But she hears violin music coming from down the hall
She follows it after getting dressed
Not unlike her first night in the London Institute
She stops in the doorway and watches Jem
He plays a hauntingly sweet and sad melody
She stands there for a while until he finishes
He turns and says quietly “I wrote it for you, my love”
There are tears on both their cheeks from the song
He’s written many songs for Tessa over the years but this one is different
Jem poured all his happiness from previous Chinese New Years, his love for Tessa and their children, his regret for having to leave her soon, probably this year
He cups her face and wipes her tears
“Let’s have one more Chinese New Year together”
Tessa kisses him and even after so many years every kiss between them is the same
“We won’t think about that today, love,” she says
“We won’t think about that today,” he agrees, grasping her hands in his
Their kids Charlotte and Will join them with their families
Kit and Ty and their kids come too
Over the years Jem and Tessa have developed their own traditions for Chinese New Year and they also do stuff like dumplings and they give 红包 to their kids and grandkids
That night Tessa and Jem watch the 春节晚会 by themselves in bed
Their kids and their families have left with the promise that they’ll all see each other again soon
Tessa’s head is on Jem’s shoulder
He holds her tightly to his side
When they finish they sit in silence for a while
Tessa’s half-asleep when she breathes “stay”
Jem brushes her arm and whispers “I’m not going anywhere”
Chinese New Year of 2089 Jem has finally reunited with hisparabatai
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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// i should post these here while i’m thinking about it
i finished the build for zay and nathan (@america-redefined)’s surface home in a particular iteration of elle’s sosu verse a while back, but never got around to taking screenshots. now i’ve fixed that, so i should share them?
you can see the full album here (with a little bit of commentary). the mod i used for this space is concord speakeasy player home. if you wanna know where any particular furniture or decoration came from (bc this build HEAVILY uses mods), send me an ask and i’ll try my best to remember for you!
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gwinnetts · 4 years
@america-redefined // cont’d, bc we haven’t subjected our dashes to zay and nathan being idiots and that just can’t stand
“What are you doing at my terminal?” Nathan’s voice is shrill. “And my switch is fine.” He reaches over Zay, arm brushing Zay’s shoulder, to correct the line and make his words retroactively true.
Zay doesn’t miss a beat. “Rescuing your code, that’s what I’m doing. Clearly, you need that.” He looks pointedly at the fresh cup of coffee Nathan’s brought back to his desk.
When he looks back, Nathan is fixing the switch, and Zay can’t help but roll his eyes, even as he’s leaning back to give him more space to type (and in the process, accidentally backing into him). 
“I saw that. You’re welcome, by the way.”
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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@enclaveborn​ // walking dead meme // still accepting “ we could use a soldier like you. ” (Jared at Riley)
So you keep telling me, is on the tip of Riley’s tongue. Not that he means Jared, specifically, since they just met, but... He’s heard the sentiment, if not those exact words, over and over again ever since he was brought to Raven Rock. It makes him just as uncomfortable now as it did the first time they said it.
“I... uh. Thanks.” Riley rubs the back of his neck, self-conscious. He knows he has Pre-War training, but... He never really felt like he was that great of a soldier. And he knows it’ll only be a matter of time before they find out for themselves, so maybe he should say something...
... but then they might not help him find Shaun, once this... new war is over. All he can hope to do is train more, make himself better, make himself useful, before he blows it.
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“I hope I really can be of help.”
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gwinnetts · 4 years
@america-redefined, more like @enclaveborn​ actually // muse intro meme //
Elle is... nervous. She thinks that’s understandable. She’s pretty sure anyone else in her position would be nervous. (But then, anyone else probably wouldn’t be in her position.) She knows she couldn’t put this off forever, and she already knows Carrington isn’t happy about it, but... well...
They don’t — They don’t have any choice. X6-88′s wounds are too awful for her to be able to handle by herself. She’s confident in her ability as a field medic, and she knows she’s been able to save people others with more training than her couldn’t help, but — Carrington is a good doctor, even if he hadn’t started out as one. And... and, she... She trusts him. She knows he’ll do everything he can to save someone, even... even a courser.
That particular argument — It’s going to stay with her, a heavy weight in her chest, she knows that. Carrington’s point about how if he saves X6 now, then he could be signing the death warrants of Railroad agents in the future. How he isn’t happy to be doing this, but he’ll do it anyway, because it’s what’s right.
She’s gotten enough lectures about X6-88 since she started traveling with him. She knows the risks she’s been taking, not just for herself, but for the Railroad. For Deacon. For Carrington.  She’s had to explain, over and over, why she’s friends with someone before, but this — this is a lot more serious than trying to justify Dean Domino to her friends at the Lucky 38. She... She knows she’s putting everyone in danger by letting a courser work with her. But... she...
She hasn’t been able to bring herself to turn her back on him. And she especially can’t do it now, when — when he’s so close to death because he was protecting her. But if something happened to the Railroad, to Deacon, to Carrington because of her, she doesn’t think she’d —
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Elle fidgets with her gloves, her hands tugging and twisting anxiously as she stares down at X6-88, unconscious on the bed and bleeding through his bandages.
“C... Carrington, this — He’s... This is... him. X6.” She doesn’t say his full designation out of habit, out of familiarity. “I... This is really... I’m s...” She probably shouldn’t apologize again. “... Thank you.”
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gwinnetts · 4 years
america-redefined replied to your post: @remnantrecruit // plotting guide meme // ✔ ...
//Introducing your boyfriend to your brainwashed science experiment for the first time is always a bit awkward.
// please imagine bellamy slowly chewing popcorn and watching... from the next building over... with binoculars and a radio, which he’s using to tune into the frequency of the bug he planted in the room specifically for this purpose
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
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also I think I might be lactose intolerant? but I only get really fucking bad headaches, nausea and the like from milk but am pretty okay with other dairy products and it...oh wait no ice cream and yogurt also make me sick after I pass a certain limit and is this why cheese makes my stomach feel weird sometimes? okay theory, I am not TOO lactose intolerant. main problem is milk and the rest I can have in limits. makes sense.
alright! CHAPTER 4!!
david loml it'll be fine...probably idk man I am really scared for y'all
Alright random person...I will fight you in an abandoned parking lot for this DO NOT DO THIS SHIT
David :((
First I cry over IALS mavid...now I have to cry over lbaf mavid. what is this happening
also there's this thing called Communication. Not sure y'all have heard of it though. Lmk if you need a dictionary :)
to the fucker attacking the institute, motherfucker I will literally push you off a building
maybe it's someone who wants him to not be the head of the institute for whatever reason?
Anyway Anjali so hot so efficient would literally die for her
david you good bro? God I love it when the kind ones go feral
no but srsly you good? Well no but like...Im worried. For his health. David :((
“Ask for help,” she said again. “And if you are feeling overwhelmed, take a break.”
“Revenge means you are being harmed in return for the suffering you’ve caused,” Anjali told him. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You did the right thing. So, even if it is Asmodeus, this isn’t revenge. This is an attack, David. And I intend to put an end to it.”
God I love it when women
Them :((
“Why do people call me baby boy or baby girl?” David wondered out loud.
petition to only call david baby boy or baby girl from now on
I've been watching The Crown (it took me three days to get through episode 1 but let's not talk about that) so I am literally hearing all the dialogues in with an english accent. It's...something
Some people drank alcohol to relax. David drank tea.
Bitch same.
I've lately fallen in love with Earl Gray. I drink it while I'm studying. I sit down at my desk with my tea and only then do I get to work. Helps me focus and keep my anxiety at bay. Good shit.
same energy as me realising how quickly I had been going through my tea. I...I've been way too stressed lately too, hon. NOT THIS WEEKEND THOUGH HHAHA
he would love a cake <3
oh to have someone buy me overpriced magic chocolate
that's so romantic though 🥺
in my relating a bit too much to david era kjkcuhud
Bitch I know you're stressed as fuck so like?? TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF?? Srsly, shit's really hard rn for you and it's gonna get harder. Take a nap or something
“Mon ange,” David chuckled and pointed at the screen. “He went back in time and is literally trying to sleep with his own mother.”
not the ICE CREAM
also yeeeeeeeeeee camilaaaaaaaaaa
david and anjali wedding CRYING SOBBING SHAKING LOOK AT THEM
that's a really long proposal dude you're not writing an essay
 “My fave power couple is getting hitched. Do it soon!”
Live footage of me
omg the talk with the parents huduifuifugiugf
I love rafe so muvh omg
anjali truly the best person out there
I am so soft rn no one talk to me
Marry me. Marry me. Marry me.
they're so amazing I could cry
how bout I punch Kingsley
Oooo marcus
marcus is kinda cool though. I'll probably not like him by the end of this but still
what...what is he working on
what the fuck you on dude?
i love camila so much
damn girl!!
oh marcus...Yeah I remember now what he was doing...
ah yes, the seashell
cool motives but like...that's not gonna happen
we don't live in a perfect world bud. exploitation and prejudice are the first two words that come to my mind when I think of his thoughts becoming a reality.
He didn’t like it when Mallory was in a bad mood. He wanted her to be happy.
Mal in a bad book ends horribly for every person she has ever interacted with
I was watching The Crown and George is LIKE SICK AS FUCK MAN IS DYING LEAVING BEHIND A DAUGHTER NOT PREPARED FOR THE CROWN JUST YET AND HE'S SMOKING. Sir you just went through a surgery to remove one of your lungs?? you have cancer?? You're coughing up blood?? AND YOU'RE SMOKING!!!
"I know," she smiled at him. "My destiny is Max."
Oh no...I will stab :)
“I’ll ask Jeff to ready the jet,” he smiled at her.
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The...what...that is so bad for the environment dude I'm pretty sure there is a beach in New York...I forgot how rich they were for a second there...Taylor swift core
Sometimes...you just wanna get stabby with someone...the someone is two someones...
If they do something to Anjali...
lexi...I love you so much but please...just talk to liv about this
I will repeat advice I gave in part 2 (?). Fly there, tell her, fly away.
gabriel and selena >>>>
“Relationship drama waits for no one,” Selena huffed. “Besides, stop making excuses, Lex. Just do it.”
putting off stuff like this makes it so SO much worse lex.
We threw a farewell for someone right? and that day my friends and I were all sitting together and one of us had a permanant marker so like rational people, we wrote on our hands. I wasn't sure what to write but then I remembered seeing an anon say that their shipname should be lixi so that is what ended up going on the place underneath my thumb. You know where you can feel the bone? I wrote "Lixi" right there. Nice day that was.
which reminds me I need to make plans for my birthday next week with my friends-
No amount of biceps or boobs will distract her today.
me to me every morning
and I love you guys <33
The man went to Idris to talk to the Inquisitor.
Good luck and god bless!
Lexi stared at the numbers. It gave her a fucking headache
Me in maths everyday.
“Wait,” Lexi said. “Are you saying these are not demon attacks?”
Imma get the knives
Lexi was going to help Gabriel figure this out. She was going to find out who was hurting her brother like this.
Hurting him with paperwork!
And she was going to kick their ass!
lots of blob thingies
“Have you guys seen shadow demons? They’re the demons of Lucifer.”
I am sorry they materialized WHERE
grabriel is so cool omg
She was talking about some issue with the warlocks in LA not being able to use magic
Lex I told you not to go with metaphors...sigh
this is really entertaining though.
Shit. white...who's magic is white?
and on this note a very good night I can't wait to sleep. LOVE YOU!
Evieeeee. I missed your live blogs so much 😭😭😭
Here is a meme that perfectly captures my reaction to it
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I like the live blog too akskskssm but the random gossip 😍😍😍
Your Lexi energy is unmatched 😎
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
bestie do you really think it's funny to make me cry?
That's it. that's all I have to say.
All those shadowhunters who ran back to Idris I hope you starve to death there. have fun!
Anjali is so awesome OH MY GOD I LOVE HER ALREADY
Rafael is THAT kid I see...it suits him so well.
It had been two very long years stuck in this small office room. But every time Alec saw the way David giggled when Lexi called her father Jalapeno poppers or some other equally ridiculous name, Alec knew it was worth all the trouble.
Alec wondered if that’s why so many leaders before him had been awful. It was easy to be a bad leader. But it took effort to be a good one.
This is so true...I'm so proud of him...
Dani...bestie THAT IMMORTALITY CRISIS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME. I know it's gonna happen but I was having a very good day. why do you hurt me in such ways... (I'm pretty sure my family thinks I'm mentally unstable after the way I screamed reading)
“Anjali,” Diego sighed. “What have I told you about doors?”
“Knock them down?”
“I said knock on them!” Diego corrected, shaking his head. “Not knock them down!”
I'm in love.
well, Rafael do you perhaps have a little crush? (Grammarly ik I'm writing in lowercase stfu)
ok ok I know this is pretty sad but every time someone gives Magnus or Alec the "you haven't talked to him yet?" look I start laughing-
“So, you are just going to leave me here and go to York then?” Max demanded now; all puppy dog eyes. “Like my mom left me at the academy?”
Yeah. He took the news a little too well.
“Is it because you don’t like me?” Max pouted again. “Like my mom…Who left me all alone.”
“You can’t play the adopted card with me, you lil shit,” Rafael laughed. “I’m adopted too.”
“Weren’t you listening to a podcast on Mayan Civilization during breakfast?” Alec raised an eyebrow.
“Bapak said it’s historically accurate!” Rafe argued.
“Bapak is not that old!” Alec countered.
“Maybe he is,” Max said, analyzing the paintings on the walls. “Maybe you don’t know it.”
“Excuse me, I know how old my husband is,” Alec said indignantly.
“Then where are the receipts dad?” Max asked. “Show us the receipts!”
Where are the receipts, Alec? EXACTLY!
“I think he likes David,” Rafe whispered.
“Of course he does,” Alec whispered back. Why were they whispering? “David is a sweet boy.”
“No. I think he ‘likes him’ likes him,” Rafael giggled.
Alec looked at his son sharply. “But-He is..Da..They are children!”
“You’ve never heard a childhood crush?” Rafe grinned.
“No, I was too busy…studying,” Alec sniffed.
“That’s not what I heard,” Rafael bit his lip. “I heard you had a thing for boys in motorcycle jackets.”
“Okay that’s it! You are not allowed to hang out at Hotel Dumort anymore,” Alec said.
Really Alec? Studying? REALLY???
Hugs max it's gonna be ok buddy.
In that moment, Alec remembered all the talks.
He remembered how his mother had lectured Izzy about not going out alone late at night, but she hadn’t said anything to Jace or Alec.
He remembered the way Jem spoken quietly to Mina in soft Mandarin about how people might call her names, but he hadn’t said anything to Kit.
He remembered the way Julian had told Ty to be careful about kissing his boyfriend in public, but he hadn’t said anything to Dru.
I hate this so damn much. I hate it. It sucks how there will always be people who will be targeted for being born the way they are. Whether it be skin color, sexuality, body type, or anything, people will always fucking talk and make the world unsafe for certain people just because they aren't generic male cishets. If you're a girl you're in danger. If you're a POC you're in danger, If you're neurodivergent you're in danger. If you're a member of the LGBTQ community you're in danger. If you're disabled you're in danger. If you're part of any minority you're in danger. If you dare to be different you're in danger. Fuck people. I'm a queer POC female and it's scary. I don't want to be always checking my surroundings when I'm out. I shouldn't have to feel this scared walking out of my own house but I do and it sucks. Ok, I feel like I'm derailing from the main point here.
Sorry for that just got really heated for a second there.
“This is who you are,” David said, his voice oddly soft now. Softer than usual. “And you’re beautiful.”
Alec blinked at that.
“Blue,” David said quickly. “I meant you’re blue. Uh, yes.”
Also, alec sitting outside max's room...IM GONNA-
“David is in there,” Alec whispered. “I just wanted to…check…if everything was okay.”
“Alexander, are you spying on our child?” Magnus demanded. “Without me???”
“What? No! I-”
“Move over!” Magnus sank down next to him. “What are they saying? Are they kissing?”
“WHAT? They are not kissing!” Alec said in alarm. “Wait. Are they???”
He couldn’t hear anything now. Alec panicked.
“I haven’t talk to the kids about kissing yet,” Magnus pointed out. “We can’t talk to Max without talking to Rafael first.”
“Wait. Is Rafael kissing people???”
“Rafael is not kissing people,” Rafael replied as he walked past them to the kitchen. “Also, you guys are shit at whispering.”
Alec rolled his eyes at him and turned to Magnus. “It’s stressful enough that we need to talk about racism in the shadow world. Now we need to talk about kissing??”
“And other stuff,” Magnus chuckled.
Alec groaned into Magnus’ shoulder. “By the angel. Fine. We’ll just tell them there is no kissing. Until they are 30.”
“Hypocrite,” Rafael coughed into his hand as he walked back to the table with a bag of chips.
And srsly alec? 30? really? whips out the extract "kissed" from cassie's website According to my files here-
“And David?”
“Yes, sir?”
“The bedroom door stays open from now on.”
David blinked, his cheeks pink. “I…What?”
“Door stays open,” Alec said, lowering his voice, just a register. “Is that understood?”
Alec advising David with the bow is so close to my heart...IDK WHY IT JUST IS
“Why don’t shadowhunters have acne?”
"What?" Alec blinked.
“Their skin is like so freaking perfect and smooth and they can just freaking go through puberty without a one freaking pimple and don’t even get me started on the freaking dimples and then-”
Magnus started laughing. Alec felt a little confused.
That part about how we normalize these little things which are actually hurtful...I didn't realize that. I guess we really do, huh? This just made me want to be more careful with others and if I feel others do this with me, to stop them and correct them.
I loved this chapter so much. You're such a great writer.
I wanted to share something of my own now!! I FINALLY GOT MY COPY FOR RWARB!!!! I told my parents it was a thriller about how the first son and the prince forge a friendship and discover secrets about the government and the monarchy-
The place I bought it from sent me a very cute bookmark. It's a pride bookmark and it's just my first ever pride merch and I'm close to tears. Let's just say my family isn't the most accepting so this bookmark's really precious to me
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Sorry, the quality isn't the best. I was in a hurry. It's almost 4 am now I'm gonna try and sleep (I'm gonna reorganize my bookshelf). See you on Tuesday!!
Thank you so much. I love reading your comments. They are so honest and full of life. You are going to LOVE rwrb. It's such a good book and it's so romantic and raw and perfect. Lmao about your parents. What they don't know can't hurt them ;) And I loooooooooove your bookmark. Be gay. Do crime.
PS -
"It sucks how there will always be people who will be targeted for being born the way they are. Whether it be skin color, sexuality, body type, or anything, people will always fucking talk and make the world unsafe for certain people just because they aren't generic male cishets. If you're a girl you're in danger. If you're a POC you're in danger, If you're neurodivergent you're in danger. If you're a member of the LGBTQ community you're in danger. If you're disabled you're in danger. If you're part of any minority you're in danger. If you dare to be different you're in danger. Fuck people. I'm a queer POC female and it's scary. I don't want to be always checking my surroundings when I'm out. I shouldn't have to feel this scared walking out of my own house but I do and it sucks. Ok, I feel like I'm derailing from the main point here."
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gwinnetts · 5 years
tag drop 02: mains
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