#( I'm thinking here perhaps he didn't recognize thran yet? or doesn't know him?? )
warriorswithin · 5 years
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                       laethir said:  ❛ This is not happening. ❜ —thran to maemae
      the news traveled fast and when word came that beren and lúthien were dead, the light of a silmarill could be seen shining in the woods of doriath once more it was celegorm that riled his brothers up to prepare an attack. even if maedhros had seen his fair share of death, blood, anguish and pain he knew their oath required them to at least be there during the KINSLAYINGS. he also knew it was inevitable to try to change their brothers minds when tyelko was already getting cheered on by the others ( not the twins, they never seemed to want to be a part of it either. ) 
       the oath was a curse, whether they saw it that way or did not, there was no turning back until it was fulfilled lest they would endure an eternal darkness. no rest for their souls when they time would come, sooner than expected per times, maedhros throught to himself. none of it was to be enjoyed, all the slaying, the oath causing the heaviest of responsibilities in their shoulders and what remained of their souls. after so much death and screams of pain whilst being slain, maedhros took as CAPTIVE the only one that seemed to have been spared by his siblings. 
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       ❝ this is happening, ❞ he contradicted the words of the silver haired elf. ❝ all we wish to know is where the silmarill rests, than perhaps you shall live longer given that you provide us with that information. ❞ his sword remained sheathed, for it has had it’s fair share of spilled blood this day, yet his glance was as SHARP. ❝ where is the silmaril that belongs, rightfully, to us? speak. now. ❞ 
        @laethir​​  ( meme / accepting. )
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