#( ғʀᴜɪᴛʟᴏᴏᴘ. )
mxndwitch · 3 years
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@badasshandmaid liked for a starter
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To be paired with another Handmaid for the shopping was not unusual, but the former Offred’s reputation preceded her and Wanda was nervous. She didn’t want to be mixed up with someone who openly rebelled against Gilead, mainly because she knew she would lack the restraint to stay out of trouble herself. For the longest time she had felt entirely numb. All she wanted was to keep her head down and survive somehow. She had been pious and obedient, had given her previous family a daughter and left her without rebellion. But ever since that day, something had shifted. Her brother had been strung up on the wall, because he had tried to free his daughter, who now lived with one of the Commanders. There had to be some fight left in Wanda as well, she just needed a spark to ignite the flame. The spark came in form of her second pregnancy and she knew now that she would NOT leave another child behind. Gilead had to fall, but she was still terrified to step over the edge. It was now or never, though. She was pregnant, so she had another three months left before the birth in which she was considered almost holy. She had to make those count. “Blessed be the fruit”, she greeted Ofjoseph the morning she picked her up for the shopping the first time, head down, because there were Angels watching. “I want in on Mayday”, she added in a whisper, heart racing, because she couldn’t believe she was actually saying it out loud.
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