#'she have beer flavored nipples?'
dirt-goth · 3 months
Last night my friend and I made their husband watch 10 Things I Hate About You with us and his rule was that we had to turn subtotles off if we were going to quote the movie which is. So valid. But at least 3 separate times he very clearly did not believe the line one of us said was about to be real and I think that's just such a testament to how perfect that film is
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chiriwritesstuff · 6 months
The New Girl in Tinseltown - Chapter 2 - Devil's Advocate
A Dieter Bravo x Actress! Reader PR Marriage AU
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Chapter Rating: E (18+, MDNI)
Chapter Summary: A look into Dieter's point of view at the night of our fated trip to Vegas. How does America's favorite Bad Boy™ end up married to America's New Sweetheart™?
Chapter Warnings and Tags: (Not So) meet cute, PR Relationships, what happens in Vegas ends up in the headlines, Dieter just does not give a FUCK, Smut, SO MUCH SMUT, a look at the inner workings of Tinseltown and the sleaziness it comes with, Dry Humping, A hell of a lot of dirty banter, is that yearning?, mentions of devious deeds by sleazy people in show business, our loverboy makes a 'Pride and Prejudice reference, SLOW BURN WE DONT KNOW IT, this is unhinged, no use of y/n, No beta we die like men!
Word Count: 8K (whoops!)
A/N: I know, I know, I KNOW. I promised the release of this chapter weeks ago, but I got struck by the not-covid-but-felt-like-covid virus and managed to get myself into the biggest writing slump. I really do apologize for that, and I want to give a big thank you to everyone who stuck around and showed and shared love and support for the first chapter and this series! I can confidently say that the writing slump has finally passed, and we can finally get this crazy show on the road...
An (almost) year before that night in Vegas.
“Dieter, I'm expecting you to be on your best behavior tonight."
Dieter scowls at his publicist while his groomer diligently applies yet another round of pomade in an attempt to tame his unruly curls. "Define best behavior."
"They're about to launch a new girl into the circuit, some unknown that the studio thinks will become the next girl next door," his publicist responds, tapping away at his MacBook. "She's a genuinely sweet thing, all doe-eyed and untouched by the suits. Apparently, she's so sweet that Feldman-"
“Let me guess,” Dieter deadpans, "Feldman wants to fuck her," he rolls his eyes at that, slightly curious at the prospect of fresh blood. "Why am I not surprised?"
"That's not the best part," his publicist quips, his eyes locking with Dieter's over the rim of his laptop. "The studio wants to protect their asset, so much so that they hired-"
"No fucking way, they hired the Shark for this broad? What? Does she have beer-flavored nipples or something?" Dieter exclaims, his curiosity piqued. "Is she really that sweet?"
His publicist's mouth quirks into a small smirk. "The sweetest, most fucking forbidden fruit, my friend. So sweet that the Shark doesn't want you within ten feet of his client."
"Oh yeah?" Dieter replies, his eyes raised.
"Hell yeah. He tried to corner me earlier, warning me to keep my client's - and I quote - Dirty fucking paws off of his Doll-"
"Doll, huh? I bet I could tap that," Dieter challenges, his chest puffed out.
Dieter's publicist chuckles to himself, shaking his head. "Dieter, I know you believe you're God's gift to the masses, but trust me, this Doll? She's a bit out of your league."
Dieter leans back in his chair, a sly grin forming on his face. "Out of my league, huh? That just makes it more interesting. The thrill of the chase, my friend."
His publicist raises an eyebrow, skeptical. "Dieter, I've seen you chase plenty, but this Doll is different. She's not like the others. There's an innocence about her that even your charm might struggle to crack."
Dieter smirks, undeterred. "Well, we'll see about that. The forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest, doesn't it?"
The publicist lets out a resigned sigh. "Just remember, Dieter, not every fruit is meant to be plucked."
"What is this event even for?" Dieter counters, appraising himself as his stylist smooths the fabric of his suit, a deep emerald green number with a crisp obsidian button-down. He pouts at the mirror, glancing at his publicist and his agent behind him. "It's not the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards again, is it?"
"Why? So you could be caught doing blow off a toilet bowl seat like last year? I'm still doing damage control for that, you know," his agent deadpans. "You're in luck; it's the MTV Movie Awards-"
"... and this is Doll's debut, huh? Is she up for an award or something?"
"Several, actually. Surprisingly, her last film gained quite the following-"
"... let me guess, it's some rom-com," Dieter interjects, a hint of disinterest in his tone. "What are the categories?"
"Three, to be exact." His agent smirks into his cognac. "Best Female Lead, Female Breakout Star, and Best Kiss-"
"Best Kiss? Seriously?" Dieter retorts incredulously, his eyes widening. "What's the name of her movie? I might need to see it for myself-"
"Dieter, level with me. Are you gonna keep your dirty fucking paws off of the Shark's asset?" his publicist sighs, giving him a stern look. "As much as I want to shove my foot up his fucking ass, I don't have the energy to have him breathing down my back the entire fucking night-" he looks off into Dieter's direction, who is currently on your Wikipedia page. He frowns. "Dieter, do you hear me?"
"What?" Dieter snaps, slamming his phone onto his seat.
"Can you manage to be on your best behavior tonight? Stay clear of-"
"No. I mean, sure, fine, whatever-" Dieter interrupts, his tone dismissive.
"I heard you! I promise to stay away from her, but the real question is, are you able to keep her away from me?" He smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
The (not-so meet cute) at the MTV Movie Awards.
"Dieter!" you shout, hastily making your way toward him, clearly a few drinks in. "Surprised to see you here!" you shout excitedly, a little wobble in your step as you approach him. 
You adorn a sleek silver gown, your hair elegantly swept to one side, and your radiant face contrasting vividly with the venue's intense lights. Dieter finds himself momentarily breathless as he gazes at you, captivated by your ethereal presence, akin to an angel descending into the depths of hell. "Fuck me," he murmurs under his breath as you draw near, the collar around his neck suddenly feeling constrictive as he nervously swallows. "What the hell? I never get nervous around women," he mutters to himself, his eyes tracing the entirety of your figure. His pants grow notably tighter, his attention fixated on the hypnotic sway of your hips.
He greets you with a nervous smile as you come face to face, tenderly planting a kiss on your cheek. His eyes close momentarily as he savors your delicate scent, a sensation that electrifies his chest and courses through his veins, prompting his hands to instinctively caress the back of your head as he subtly tries to capture another whiff. A subtle sense of pride swells within him as he notices the blush unexpectedly blooming across your skin, its warmth cascading down your cleavage.
Forbidden fucking fruit indeed. 
"Doll," he attempts to say smoothly, a hint of nervousness lacing his voice. "I've heard so much about you. Congrats on your wins tonight; they're truly well-deserved!"
"Really?" you suddenly squeal, and Dieter feels like he could get lost in your energy. It's pure, sweet, and so inherently innocent—the childlike wonder of being thrust into the limelight, untarnished by the sleazy underbelly of Hollywood. He can't help but internally frown, foreseeing the inevitable vultures in suits trying to get a piece of you. Their insatiable hunger for new, sweet flesh is something he knows all too well.
"Well, yeah, Doll, you killed it, as expected. Winning tonight and sweeping all your nominations was a given," he muses, casually leaning against his chair. As he leans towards you, a subconscious desire prompts him to take another whiff of your perfume, desperately trying to commit its essence to memory amid the haze of his coke-induced high. He can't resist burying his nose in your hair, eyes closing as he takes you in once more. 
"Dieter-" you question his sudden boldness, a nervous chuckle escaping you. 
"I'm sorry, baby-" he moans into your neck, his hands traveling down the length of your back. "You must tell me what the name of your perfume is, its divine-"
"Oh," you laugh as Dieter pulls you into him tighter, groaning as his hands travel dangerously close down your hips. "It's 'Missing Person' by-"
"Doll," a voice emerges from behind the two of you, accompanied by a stern clearing of someone's throat. Dieter's expression darkens as he recognizes the owner of the voice, but not before planting one final teasing kiss against your throat. With a smirk playing on his lips, he straightens up and turns to confront the perpetually annoyed yet annoyingly handsome face of the man Hollywood dubs 'The Shark'- also known as the most ruthless of publicists in all of Tinseltown, protecting his clients with an iron fist so strong no one ever thinks of crossing him.
Unless they wanted a cease and desist letter shoved so far up their assholes... without any fucking lube.   
Dieter gets it, though. If he were in his shoes and he had a client like you? All sweet and pure with the face of an angel but a body curated by the Devil himself?
Well, he would fuck your brains out and make you forget your name first, but that's beside the point. The point is, he gets it, he really fucking does.  
"Well well well," Dieter croons as he holds his hand up towards your publicist. "It's been a long time, Shark. Tell me, did you have to call ahead to make sure that some poor bloke's mangled testicles made it onto your plate for tonight, or did you rip someone's balls off fresh on-site?" he snarks with the raise of his eyebrow, shaking his head as your publicist stares at his outstretched hand in greeting. Dieter scoffs as he retreats his hand, placing it on his hip.  
"Bravo," Your publicist grits through clenched teeth as he tries to appear as unbothered as possible. "Aren't you a little old to be here tonight? The rumors aren't true, you know. Fucking girls close to half your age doesn't keep you young, but I suppose it makes sense, considering a woman your age would know better-"
"Shark, I won't tolerate you talking like that in the presence of an actual earth-bound angel. Just because she's young doesn't mean she doesn't know right from wrong-" Dieter retorts, flashing you a smoldering smile. "... you know how to handle yourself, don't you, Doll? You don't need some uptight prick telling you what you can and cannot do, right?" he winks, a slight puff to his chest.
You visibly shiver at his cheeky insinuation, nodding. "Right," you breathe, taking a hasty gulp of your champagne. "I'm 29 years old, I don't need you defending my 'honor' like I'm some virginal maiden-"
"Well, when my client has far too many drinks in her and doesn't understand the kind of man she's in the presence of-"
"The Devil, right?" Dieter exclaims, pointing to himself. "A no-good washed-up actor who fucks anything with two legs while high off my rocker, who just so happens to be good at what I do with the Oscar in my shitter to prove it? Don't you think she knows all of this? My bare ass isn't on the front page of TMZ weekly because I'm a nobody, baby."
"Oh my god, Dieter," you gush, clapping your hands together. "I loved you in-"
"Doll," your publicist interrupts, a firm hand on your shoulder. "You have that meeting with Favreau at the Beverley Hills in 30 minutes. As much as we would love to stay and chat... we have our jobs to get to, right Doll?" your publicist says to you sweetly, his hand grazing your arm. He clears his throat, nodding at Dieter. "Bravo, it was stimulating, as always," he deadpans with a hint of finality, pulling on your elbow like a lost puppy on a leash. Dieter swallows as he witnesses your light dimming from your face, a small frown on your face as you try to remain cordial, a fake smile etched on your face.  
"It was nice meeting you, Dieter," you almost whisper, pulling him into one last hug. "... maybe we'll just run into each other again soon?" You quickly whisper in his ear, and the thought of the two of you meeting up in secret thrills him to no end. His dick certainly twitches at the prospect. 
Dieter takes one last whiff of your scent, his eyes closing as he wills the time to stand still, not wanting to lose the warmth radiating from your aura. He presses one last kiss on your cheek, his fingers caressing the spot as he gives you a genuine smile.  
"... it wouldn't be soon enough, baby."
He gives The Shark one last salute, flipping him off once his back is toward him. “Fucking asshole cockblock,” he mutters to himself, patting his suit pocket for his little baggie of E. He pinches the baggie between his fingers, looking at its contents in silent contemplation.  I guess if I can't get the girl, at least I can get the high, right?
The morning after.
Dieter is face down on his sofa in his boxers and his robe, groaning from the after-effects of his debauchery just a few hours before. As if his skull is splitting into two, he winces as he turns himself onto his back, staring aimlessly into his ceiling as his iPhone suddenly starts to go off from under him.
Sighing, he blindly reaches for his phone, one eye open as he squints into the tiny, shattered screen.
TMZ NEWS FLASH! Up-and-coming Actress who swept MTV awards show last night being groped by Resident Playboy Dieter Bravo? Her publicist sweeps in to save our New "It" Girl in Tinseltown from the grasp of the Devil himself-
Dieter scoffs as he swipes the notification away, his eyes scanning the next headline.
AP NEWS ALERT: Dieter Bravo seen kissing Rising Actress at MTV Movie Awards last night, is a new romance brewing between the Fresh-Faced Actress and Playboy Lothario Dieter Bravo?
"Dieter," his publicist groans as he walks into the room, picking up a crumpled pair of boxer briefs off the sofa, and throws himself on it, pinching the space between his eyebrows as he shakes his head. "What the hell did I tell you? Stay away from The Shark's client, don't grope her in front of him! Can't you just listen to me for once?"
"It was innocent! I kept my hands at a respectable distance from her ass," Dieter retorts, throwing his phone across the room. "I didn't even make a move—"
"That's not the point, Dieter!" his publicist spits back, pulling out his phone. "Do you realize how much this guy despises you? I'm good at my job, but The Shark? I can't go against a god—"
"You're making him out to be some untouchable—"
"...because he is untouchable, Dieter! Do you even know he's buddies with Feldman? After learning about your stunt last night, he's considering pulling you from the project."
"Please," Dieter scoffs, rolling his eyes. "They need me more than I need them! I'm practically doing them a favor, signing on to this fucking movie. They're not going to pull Dieter Bravo from a sinking ship! It's just scare tactics!"
"Yeah, well, you know what they say. The pussy is stronger than god, right?" his publicist replies, scrolling through his phone. "Feldman didn't appreciate your hands on his girl, and now he's out for blood. I warned you about this, D. Is some girl worth losing a multi-million dollar contract? Do you want to go back to doing 'surprise guest star' roles on cable TV? I heard they're thinking of rebooting 'Suits', it might be a good fit for you-"
"So what do I need to do then?" Dieter fires back, a joint between his lips. "I assume I'll be needing to make a public statement or some shit? Keep the old bastard happy?"
"It's funny you mention that D. I have an email from The Shark himself, with a list of what he wants you to say in your statement, promising he'll back the fuck off if you promise to not go within ten feet of his asset-"
"Have you ever heard of 'Missing People' perfume?" Dieter suddenly asks, taking a hit off his joint, his eyes following the thick plume of smoke as he leans back into the sofa. "Missing... Woman?" he mumbles to himself absentmindedly, licking his lips. "Fuck, what did she say it was? I need to stop going to these things blitzed out of my fucking mind-"
"Dieter, focus. Are we releasing the statement or not?"
"MARCUS!" Dieter calls out for his PA suddenly, ignoring his publicist as he grabs the phone out of his hands. "MARCUS! I NEED YOU!"
"Yes D?" Marcus responds as he rushes into the living room, pulling a fresh pack of Kitkat out of his back pocket. "Did you need a snack?"
"Have you ever heard of 'Missing Someone' perfume?" he asks once more as he pulls up the Safari app on his publicist's phone.  
"You mean 'Missing Person' by Phlur?" Marcus quips, picking up the stray pieces of discarded clothing strewn randomly around the room. “One of my favorite actresses just became the spokesperson for that perfume, swears by it-“ 
“Missing PERSON, that’s what it was!” Dieter shouts, tossing his publicist's phone back at him. “Marcus, you’re a fucking godsend! I knew there was a reason why I kept you around! Could you do me a small favor?”
"What do you need, D?" Marcus asks eagerly, his hand perched on his hip. 
"I need you to buy me 'Missing People'. A couple of bottles, at least."
"How many is a couple?" Marcus asks with a nervous chuckle. "Five? Are you giving these out as gifts or something?"
"Maybe I could call Chriselle, and tell her you're interested in the company, there are more scents suitable for men, D," his publicist says casually, pulling out his laptop from his messenger bag. "I ran into her at Erewhon the other day, she's a big fan of your work, and couldn't stop talking about Cliff Beasts... Now, about that statement-"
"Fuck asking, just go to Neimans or Sephora or something and buy out their entire stock. Lotions and body wash and candles if it comes in that scent, too, Marcus. Go to all of the fucking Sephoras if you need to."
"... the entire stock? D, what is this for?"
"Do I pay you to ask all of these fucking questions? Don't worry about what I'm going to do with it. Just get it in my hands by the end of the day, do you think you could swing that?"
"... yes?"
Dieter takes another drag out of his joint, nodding aimlessly. "Great. Also, stop by Blicks on your way back. I need an entire arsenal and the biggest canvas they have. New brushes, too! Set up my studio and put the 'Missing People' in my bathroom, and I'll want my usual In n Out order, too."
Flustered, Marcus pulls out his phone and starts typing Dieter's requests on his notes app. Running a nervous hand through his hair, he looks at his boss once more. "Anything else?"
"Yeah. Get the fuck out of my face and get to work, Marcus. Chop Chop!"
His assistant nods and scrambles out of the living room, tripping on the corner of the area rug on his way out. Dieter's publicist raises his eyebrow at the display, shaking his head as he types away on his laptop. "You know, you could be nicer to him, D. He tries hard to cater to your every fucking whim and fancy... now, are we gonna release that fucking statement or not?"
"What statement?" Dieter asks absentmindedly as he pulls out a small baggie from his robe pocket.  
"The one where you say that you had a little too much to drink and that you didn't mean anything by groping Doll at the Movie Awards, and that you're really sorry and will be donating a couple thousand to a women's shelter-"
"... and this will make The Shark happy? and Feldman off my ass?" he replies, rubbing his gums as he smiles to himself. "I'll be able to stay on the project?"
"You can start packing your bags, yes. Filming starts in a week for the next few months in Europe. It'll give this whole Movie Awards nonsense some time to blow over."
Dieter considers this for a moment. He sticks his tongue out in contemplation, coming to the unsettling realization that he hasn't been in a major studio project in the last few years. He needs this job more than they need him, and deep down, he knows this. He takes one last drag out of his joint, flicking the roach away as he turns towards his publicist.
"Release the fucking statement."
His publicist nods, fingers flying across the keyboard. "Good," he murmurs, genuine relief softening his features. "I can't handle you out of work for another month, not after the fucking pandemic... What's the deal with all that perfume, anyway?"
"What?" Dieter replies absentmindedly, scratching his beard.
"The stuff you made Marcus buy in bulk," his publicist clarifies.
"Forget the perfume. Do you still have those photos I sent you?"
"I've got them, but I haven't checked them out yet. Why?"
Dieter gestures toward the laptop. "Why don't you take a look?"
His publicist eyes him warily, opening the email. His expression shifts to shock as he glimpses the contents. "Is this—"
Dieter nods, a smirk creeping onto his face. "Yep."
"This is huge, Dieter. How did you even get these? They're screwed if this ever goes public—"
"That's why it's payback time. A little warning shot," Dieter interrupts, leaning forward eagerly. "We leak the photos. Anonymously, of course."
"Dieter," his publicist warns, "If they trace it back to you—"
"I'll take the risk. They messed with the wrong guy," Dieter scoffs, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "These amateurs think they can get away with it?" he mutters to himself, then clears his throat. "Remember our motto?"
"Nobody fucks with Dieter Bravo."
Dieter leans back on the sofa, nodding. "That's right. Nobody fucks with Dieter Bravo."
Six Months later.
"Hi, I'm Carol Cobb!"
"... and I'm Dieter Bravo!"
"And we are doing a Wired Autocomplete Interview!"
"Alright! Is Dieter Bravo..." Carol energetically rips the first sheet of paper off her card, a playful smile spreading across her face as Dieter looks attentively at the camera. "Is Dieter Bravo dead?!" She bursts into laughter, smacking Dieter with the card, who simply shrugs. "Wow! Why would they hit us with that right out of the gate?"
"Not dead yet!" Dieter exclaims, pushing his signature glasses off his face while gazing into the camera. "Got close... several times," he adds with a pointed smirk.
"...and we are very much thankful for that!" Carol shouts. "Shall we move on to the next one?" She tears the next slip of paper, her eyes widening as she reads, “Is Dieter Bravo secretly married?!”
“Well, it wouldn’t be a secret if I spilled the beans now, would it?” Dieter smiles conspiratorially, rubbing his chin in contemplation.
“I can't imagine you ever settling down,” Carol muses with a smirk. "It seems unnatural, like going against the natural order of things, like sea animals on land. Dieter Bravo, settled down with one girl? Hell would have to freeze over before that ever happens," she teases.
"I think it could happen," Dieter says matter-of-factly, crossing his arms over his chest as he settles back into his seat.
"What could happen?" Carol asks, her curiosity piqued.
"Settling down. Getting married, perhaps... even starting a family," Dieter replies thoughtfully.
"It would take quite the woman to make 'The Great Lothario' change his ways. Seems like an impossible feat," Carol interrupts, chuckling. "A woman who can stop the great Dieter Bravo from his manwhoring ways? Maybe someone who lives under a rock and doesn't know about your reputation."
"Actually," Dieter interjects, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I think I've met someone recently who's made quite an impression on me."
Carol's eyes widen in surprise. "What do you mean, you think you've met someone? Who is this mysterious girl that's captured your attention, D?"
"Well, she's an actress-"
"Of course," Carol quips with a knowing smirk.
"... she's new. I had the pleasure of meeting her at the MTV Movie-"
"You're not talking about Doll, are you? The woman you groped after meeting her for the first time? Someone even said that they caught you sniffing her! Who does that, Dieter?!"
"I am a connoisseur of all things exquisite and beautiful, ma chérie. She smelled absolutely divine, and I swear her scent lingered on me for days after, I swear, just let me nuzzle my face in between the valley of those luscious tits-"
"God, D. I think they're gonna have to edit this shit out!" Carol mutters, looking embarrassed by Dieter's boldness. She leans towards Dieter. "I thought you signed some embargo with The Shark promising you wouldn't mention her," she whispers in his ears. "Even I wouldn't think to fuck with him-"
"Well, Feldman was my main concern, and now he's facing jail time for all of those underage claims and those leaked photos, so fuck it!" Dieter counters, knowing damn well he worked behind the scenes for it to happen, leaking a few photos he had stored away on his iCloud, kissing himself on the mouth knowing it would come in handy sooner or later.  
AP NEWS ALERT: Hollywood bigshot arrested for leaked inappropriate images from an anonymous source of various actresses, denies all allegations of misconduct.
One asshole down, one Shark to bury next, he thinks to himself, chuckling at the thought. "Besides, I can't get her out of my fucking mind! I've never felt this way about a woman before, Carol, I mean it this time!"
"I mean, she's undeniably beautiful," Carol agrees, "but she's still new to the industry. They've been typecasting her in those romcoms with whatshisname, but I've heard she's pushing for more challenging roles—"
"Cut!" The director's voice slices through the air, his eyes narrowed at them both. "This interview is about promoting Cliff Beasts, not discussing Dieter's love life with some woman."
"Hey, that 'woman'? She's my future wife, so watch your damn mouth," Dieter snaps back, his tone defensive.
"Whoa, D, hold on. Future wife? You barely know her!" Carol interjects, her hand pressed against her chest in disbelief. "Take it easy, baby. Get to know her first, at least."
"It's gonna happen, Carol. I can feel it in my damn bones. I was drawn to her the moment I laid eyes on her," Dieter insists, his confidence unwavering.
"Listen, Casanova, I don't care who you think you're gonna marry, but we're on a tight schedule here!" the director interrupts, frustration evident in his voice. "Stick to the damn questions, and no more talk about your little 'girlfriend.'"
"Fine," Dieter mutters, rolling his eyes and taking a sip of water. "But do me a favor—don't cut out the part about her assets. It'll bring in views like crazy. I did you a favor there."
The director waves him off as he storms away. "Remind me why I took this job knowing this idiot would be here," he mutters to himself, heading back behind the camera.
The day of the (not so thought out) wedding.
Dieter is anxiously bouncing his leg, biting his pinky nail as his groomer meticulously applies another layer of concealer under his darkened eyes. "Jeez D, have you been sleeping at all lately?"
"What?" Dieter asks absentmindedly, running a shaky hand through his curls. "Yeah- I've been sleeping, why?"
“Your under-eyes, D. They’re darker than my fucking soul, man. Didn’t I tell you to lay off on the sauce? I’m on my fourth layer of concealer-“
“It’s nothing,” Dieter says dismissively. “Just… have you ever been in love?” 
"Sure I have," his groomer replies, a small smile on their face. "That's why I'm married, silly. Why?"
"Say you like a girl, and you think that this girl might be interested but then TMZ posts leaked photos of said girl and some beefed up Hollywood hunk "canoodling" with each other while filming their movie together in Canada-"
"This is Doll that we're talking about, correct? The one you groped at the MTV Movie-"
"I DIDN'T GROPE HER!" Dieter exclaims, groaning as he sinks further into his seat. "Why does everyone keep saying that? I was simply giving her a friendly, yet casual hug when she APPROACHED ME-"  He huffs like a petulant child, his arms crossed around his chest in defiance. "Anyway, I thought, after I desperately tried to shoot my shot, let my intentions known in that 'Wired' Interview with Carol, that she would contact me, you know? Maybe slide into my DMs-" 
“Slide into your DMs?” His groomer scoffs, plucking a stray eyebrow hair with their tweezers from his face as he dramatically flinches, narrowing his eyes at them. “You flat out said you wanted to smother your face in the ‘valley of her luscious tits’, I would be surprised if she hasn't filed a restraining order against you yet... Let me give you a bit of advice: Girls want to be romanced, not objectified! ... have you ever had a 'real' girlfriend before, D?"
"Hey! I've had girlfriends, alright?" Dieter groans, frustration evident in his voice as he clenches his fists. "Just because they didn't stick around afterward doesn't mean it was all my fault, okay?"
"The girls you hook up with during your benders and then discard once the high wears off don't exactly qualify as 'real' girlfriends, D! Let's be serious here!"
"That's what I'm trying to be," he whines, "I'm trying SO HARD to be serious for once! I can't get this girl out of my head, and it's been what? Almost a year since I've met her? I can't get my dick hard when I'm with anyone else anymore, I don't want to take drugs, it's like I'm fucking broken or something! ... and now she's off fucking Joe Hollywood over here like I'm not bleeding my fucking heart out for her-"
"Wait, you mean to tell me that you're actually sober right now?"
"Well, yeah. The last time I took something was before filming Cliff Beasts, I thought you knew that. Anyway, it doesn't fucking matter. All of that and she doesn't even notice me."
"Well, I would tell you that if you had bothered to read TMZ this morning instead of sulking, you would know that there are split rumors between this girl and Hollywood neanderthal," His groomer retorts, a shit-eating grin on their face. "It was over before it even began. I mean, I've heard for such a massive man, he has quite the tiny di-"
Dieter perks up at that. "Say that again."
"They've broken up. She's back on the market, silly goose."
"So that means-"
"That means that I'm going to groom the shit out of you and help you out by making her realize just what she's missing out on, D." His groomer replies, massaging his scalp as they make eye contact through the mirror in front of them. "You're lucky that I consider myself a hopeless romantic. If you promise not to break her heart, I'll help you get the girl, ok?"
"Shit, do you think she'll like me?" Dieter says nervously, fidgeting in his seat.  
"Obviously," his groomer replies cryptically, a smirk forming on the corner of their mouth. "I may or may not have some intel from another groomer friend of mine about their supposed breakup."
"Oh?" Dieter perks up, his eyebrow raised in curiosity. "... and what would that intel be?"
"Oh, you know. Someone might have asked their stylist if they think you'll be attending tonight, how she kept trying to be sly about it."
"Doll asked about me?! Are you serious?" Dieter's excitement is palpable.
"Well, according to my friend, the reason why they broke up was that someone might have moaned your name while being eaten out by 'Joe Hollywood' the other day-"
"No fucking way!"
"She's into you, D! I would say that your little ploy during the 'Wired' interview worked more than you think, bud."
Dieter nods, taking the biggest sigh of relief as he settles in his chair. "One last thing, do you groom just the top half of me, or are you open to grooming other places?"
"What do you mean?" his groomer cocks their head to the side.  
"Shit, well... are you open to grooming my nether regions? It's been a while since I've been with a woman, I'm almost full caveman down there-"
His groomer tsks, pulling out their phone. "Dieter, as much as I love you, I don't love you that much. Let me call someone for that, ok?"
A few hours later, on the red carpet.
"Dieter," his publicist says under his breath as they walk down the red carpet. "The cameras are this way, why are you so distracted?"
"I'm looking for someone," Dieter replies as he winks at the sea of paparazzi, flashing them a peace sign as he walks toward the venue's entrance.
"Well, who are you looking for?" His publicist replies impatiently, looking down the red carpet.
"Doll, obviously. Do you know if she's arrived yet?"
His publicist rolls his eyes, sighing. "She arrived about five minutes ago, don't you see her?"
Dieter inhales deeply, his gaze scanning past the vibrant red carpet until it locks onto yours. His breath catches in his chest, surprised by the unexpected connection. You appear taken aback at first, but swiftly compose yourself, subtly angling your body towards him with a seductive smile playing on your lips.
"Holy Shit..." Dieter's mind races with excitement. "She really does want me."
Filled with newfound confidence, he playfully purses his lips in your direction, sending a cheeky kiss your way as his eyebrows wiggle in amusement. A flush of color blooms across your cheeks in response, catching his eye. But as he revels in the moment, he notices The Shark's gaze narrowing in his direction, a whisper passing between him and you.
That's fucking right Shark.  I'm coming for my girl, and there is nothing you can fucking do about it.  
Later, Dieter observes you from across the room as you sit at your table, alone, nursing another glass of champagne. He notices how you try to avoid meeting his gaze, despite catching you stealing glances at him throughout the night when you think he isn't looking. It surprises him to see you being so reserved, so quiet, especially without The Shark hovering around you like a protective dragon guarding its treasure.
What's gotten you so down, babydoll?  he muses, leaning back into his chair. As if you could read his thoughts, your eyes meet from across the room once more, and you quickly look away, smiling to yourself at getting caught looking.
Dieter senses the moment's significance, his heart racing with anticipation. He knows he must seize this opportunity, the perfect moment to step forward and break the barrier between the two of you. With a determined smile, he decides it's time to make his move.
As he rises from his chair, Dieter's confidence swells, fueled by the intensity of the moment. With purposeful strides, he crosses the room, his gaze fixed on you, the anticipation building with each step. This is his chance to bridge the gap, to finally reveal the feelings he's kept hidden for so long.
He draws in another deep breath as he approaches you from behind, mustering his most seductive gaze as he leans in towards your exposed ear, his warm breath grazing your skin.
"I can't help but notice that you've been eye-fucking me the entire night."
He groans softly as he takes a seat in the chair beside yours, hoping to conceal any nerves as he attempts to exude charm. "I guess my little ploy of trying to get your attention with that 'Wired' interview worked out in my favor-"
You respond with a subtle smile, your fingers gracefully tracing the edge of your champagne glass. How does something as simple as that manage to rile me up? he wonders inwardly, returning your smile.
"You know," you say softly, a chuckle escaping you as you shake your head in disbelief, "There are more normal ways to get a girl's attention-"
The longer Dieter spends in your presence, the more he feels himself on edge, the tension mounting with every passing moment. His pulse quickens, and he can't ignore the growing semi in his suit pants. It's astonishing how much you affect him, like a siren calling out for him while lost at sea, lying in wait, ready to bring him to absolute ruin. 
Fuck. Keep it cool, Bravo.
"Ah, but you're America's Sweetheart, and your pitbull of a publicist won't let me near you, I had to let my-" he gulps at the sight of your ample bust, licking his lips in anticipation, "... intentions very clearly known."
"Well," you breathe, chest heaving. "I don't know if it's 'clearly' known," your voice drops to a whisper, like a secret that is shared only between the both of you, two lonely souls amongst a sea of chaos. "I think you're just going to have to spell it out for me."
Dieter, sensing victory, leans back triumphantly, spreading his legs as he subtly encloses you within his space. His dark, smoldering gaze meets your thinly veiled attempt at your best innocent doe eyes... but Dieter sees right through it. He grins widely, reveling in the knowledge that he's the cat about to get all of the cream—your cream.  That's right, babydoll, I've finally caught you, and I'm never going to let you go.
He laughs at the sight of you, his chin motioning to your breasts.  "Do you want to have sex with me, Dollface?"
Your eyes widen, and a small gasp escapes your lips, as you search his gaze, trying to decipher if he's just bullshitting or if he's actually fucking serious.  I'm serious, alright, he chuckles to himself. "If I miscalculated this fucking thing that's going on between us, tell me and I'll fuck off, leave you alone-"
"What if I don't want you to fuck off, and want to tell you that I'm this close to being plastered and that all I kept thinking about tonight is you railing me with that huge cock we both know is aching for me in some deserted hallway-" you challenge, picking your champagne glass for good measure, downing its contents in one swig.  For courage, he thinks. "I would beg to ask you... what's taking you so damn long, Bravo?"
WhatsApp chat between Dieter & Marcus: Dieter: Hey Marcus, are you still in the venue? Marcus: Yes! With your publicist. Did you need something? Dieter: This party blows. Can I borrow your car? Marcus: Oh, did you want me to drive you home? The party just started, Dieter. Dieter: I can drive myself back, stay for the party! Catch a ride with the suits afterward! Get shitfaced, you're officially off the clock! Marcus: Seriously? Do you know how to drive a stick? It's my baby, I don't know if I feel comfortable with you driving it, are you high right now? 🤦‍♂️ Dieter: No, for the last time, I'm fucking clean, man. Just do me a solid and let me borrow your car, I swear I'll give you a fucking raise! What do you want for one night with your baby? Tell me, I'll give you anything! Marcus: Fine. Just tell me what you did with all of that fucking perfume, there"s a bet going on and I would like to shove it in your publicist's face that I know! Dieter: Seriously man? That's all you want? Marcus: Do you want my keys or not, D? Dieter: Fine. I took the fucking perfume, doused my entire bedroom in it, and fucked myself smelling it thinking about Doll. Dieter: Is that enough of an explanation for you? Come the fuck on, man, I need your car! Please! 🙏 Marcus: 🙌 Meet me at the lobby in five. 
"So tell me," Dieter shouts as he peels out of the parking lot, laughing at the delighted squeal that escapes your lips as you throw your head back, your arms raised upward as he turns quickly into the streets of Los Angeles. "How often did you think about me, babydoll?"
You boldly reach over to cup his erection, your small hand wrapping around the tip of it. "As much as I reckon you thought of me, Bravo. Tell me, how often did you come, alone in that massive bed of yours, to the thought of your cock thrusting into my tight pussy?"
"Fuck baby, do you want me to crash this car? It's not mine, you know?"
"Answer the fucking question, Bravo."
"Baby, if you only knew how much I fucking came just thinking about your tits... I don't think you know just what exactly you got yourself into, little girl... but I'll show you just how I thought of you coming on my fat cock, giving me absolutely everything-"
I've been hungry for you, baby, and I'm going to feast on every inch of your body, just you fucking wait-
He cackles like a madman as he peels into the dwindling streets of LA. "Are you hungry, Dollface?" he yells, almost running a red light, his eyes fixed on the glowing In n Out sign in the distance.
"I shouldn't, I have that screen test next week-"
"Fuck the screen test!" he shouts. "The night is young, and you are gorgeous. Let Dieter take care of you, baby... while I still have you in my grasp. I ain't gonna waste a moment I have you in my orbit!"
He pulls into the In n Out parking lot, cutting the engine, and pulls you into his lap, his face immediately diving into the valley between your breasts. "You can suffocate me with these tits and I would die a happy man," he mumbles against your skin, his growl reverberating throughout your entire body like wildfire. "What do you say, Doll? Would you do me the honors?"
"Fuck Dieter," you moan, tipping your head back in pleasure as his tongue teases the edge of your dress covering your breasts. "Grab my tits," you beg, grabbing his hands for good measure. Dieter wastes no time as he grabs the back of your head, pulling you into a kiss, his tongue licking along the seam of your mouth, begging for entrance.  
"Open up for me, baby girl. Let Dieter taste you-" he pleads, and you pull away with him, your hair wrecked and lipstick smeared. Dieter imagines he looks as wrecked as you do, his pupils blown and chest heaving. You pull him into another kiss, sighing into it, your mouth opening slightly. Dieter takes this as a sign to devour you completely, your tongues fighting for dominance as you begin to rock your hot pussy against his thick cock.
"I want to ride you into the sunset, D," you whisper, pulling at his curls harshly. "Are you gonna give me what I want? Or am I going to have to find someone else to do it?"
"Fuck-" Dieter pants, his gaze reaching yours, his mouth agape in awe. "How in the fuck did I get so fucking lucky-"
"Grab my tits, D," you ask once more, moaning and throwing your head back, biting your lower lip as you grind on his throbbing erection. Dieter quickly obliges, his large hands engulfing both of your breasts. His fingertips graze the edge of your dress, the hardness of your nipple pressing into the middle of his palm, and he swears that if he were to be struck down dead right at this moment, he would die a happy man.  
"Shit, I knew that your tits would feel amazing, but you are so fucking soft-"
"Oh yeah?" you tease, your teeth grazing the shell of his ear. "I'm soft in other places, too." You whisper in his ear, and he swears he feels the ghost of your smile as he moves his hands back on your hips, his fingertips squeezing the softness of your ass as he angles his dick where he imagines your clit to be, thrusting into your hot, wet heat. "Fuck, so goddamn soft-" he groans, his tongue licking a wet stripe along the tops of your breasts. "You're fucking everything I never knew I always wanted, baby girl," he praises you honestly, cupping your cheek as he pulls you into another kiss, groaning as your tongue dances with his, leaving him breathless.  
"Am I?" you pant as you wrap your arms around his neck, your pussy dragging along the thick outline of his cock. "You talk like you want to marry me or something-"
"... oh, but I do want to marry you, breed you, keep you locked up in my mansion... you have no idea just how much I've thought about you, these last few months-"
"Dieter! My Man!" someone shouts in the distance. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" he yells back, "I'm about to fuck this beautiful woman in an In n Out parking lot, what are you doing here?"
"Fuck, can I take a pic, man?" the fan shouts as he approaches the convertible.  
"Don't you see we're a little preoccupied?" you shout at the fan, flicking him off. "Get the fuck out of here!" you shout.
The fan quickly takes a shot of the both of you with his iPhone, a half-hearted apology mumbled out of his mouth as he quickly runs back inside of the restaurant, probably to the group of men who are completely unaware of the two celebrities dry-humping the fuck out of each other in their wake, eating their double-doubles and sneaking sips out of a cup filled with some cheap ass vodka, fist-bumping the night away.
"Are you gonna come in those Gucci pants of yours, D?" you tease, your pace quickening as you ride his dick relentlessly. "How does it feel having America's Sweetheart getting you to come in your pants, baby?"
"Fuck," Dieter pants, his hand wrapping around your neck as he pushes you against the steering wheel, angling the tip of his cock against your clit. "How does it feel to get fucked by The Devil, sweetheart? Your pussy is begging me to just rip those fucking panties off and just claim you, right in front of all of these fucking people-"
You shiver at that, a choked curse and his name out of your mouth as he sees the entirety of your body begin to quiver and shake.  
"Don't fight it, baby, I know you fucking like the attention, I know you want everyone to see how much of a bad fucking girl you are inside... but don't worry, Dieter knows, and I'll help you show them," he pulls you against him harshly, your chest pushed up against his, as his teeth sink at the hollow of your neck. "I'll get the world to see just who you really are, baby. Let me show you the way-"
You scream as he thrusts into you once more as he rips your orgasm out of you violently, crying out into his neck as Dieter explodes into his Gucci trousers, the mixture of your slick and his thick cum making an absolute mess of his loaned suit.  
I guess I'll have to pay for these, Dieter thinks to himself as he cradles your shaking form into his arms, licking away the salty tears running down your face. "You did so good, Doll, don't cry-" he whispers, stroking the back of your head as he tries to get you to calm down. "What do you need, baby?"
You lie quietly against his chest, your breaths falling into rhythm with his, as he assumes you're simply gathering your thoughts. "Baby," he pleads softly, his hands tracing soothing paths along your exposed back. "Please, say something—"
"Marry me," you whisper against his chest, the words barely audible but filled with undeniable certainty.
Dieter freezes, his heart skipping a beat at your unexpected words. For a moment, he's speechless, his mind racing to catch up with the sudden turn of events. Slowly, he lifts his head to meet your gaze, eyes wide with shock and disbelief.
"What did you say?" he breathes, his voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid that speaking any louder might shatter the fragile moment.
You lift your head, meeting Dieter's stunned gaze with unwavering determination. "I said, marry me," you repeat, your voice steady despite the racing of your heart. "Let's take this car and drive it to Vegas, get married by some overweight Elvis impersonator, and book the honeymoon suite at the Cosmo... I don't care how we do it, but let's get fucking married, D!"
Dieter's mind whirls with a mix of emotions—astonishment, disbelief, and a profound sense of joy. He blinks several times, as if trying to confirm that he's not dreaming, before a wide grin spreads across his face.
"Oh, my God," he breathes, his voice trembling with emotion. "Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes."
Taglist:@yxtkiwiyxt @skysmiller @picketniffler @readingiskeepingmegoing @islacharlotte @drewharrisonwriter
@daydream-believer19@survivingandenduring@darkheartgatita @gobaaby-blog-blog
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karvroom · 1 month
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10 Things I Hate About Katsuki Bakugo
⇦ 006. Several Assholes in One Day
007. Convincing the Brute
Sero and Kirishima peered into the classroom at first, scoping out the sight. They ventured into the dangerous territory once they spotted their target. The pair stuck close together, nearly holding hands in a way that would make you think they were scared shitless.
"Go." Kirishima whispered to Sero, pointing at the burly blonde with a torch in his possession.
They were in the welding and mechanics class. They knew Bakugo would be there because that's where their previous encounter with him was. Cautiously, they wandered deeper into the scene.
"No, you go." Sero whispered back, teensy bit louder than his friend.
"I went before." Kirishima groaned as Sero pushed him forward. He took note to get back at the ravenette later down the line. The red-head gulped as he walked into the vicinity of Bakugo. He exhaled before speaking to the frightening blonde, "We know what you're trying to do with (Y/N) Ashido."
"Is that right? What do you plan to do about it?" Bakugo shouted over the noise of the machine, making him sound almost ten times angrier than he normally sounded.
Kirishima watched Bakugo work. The veins in his arms popping through his skin as he moved the equipment in different directions to perfect his masterpiece. The flames spouting from the tip of the torch ignited a certain kind of fire in his eyes. It was a little intimidating to say the least.
"Help you out." Kirishima shyly admitted.
"Why's that?"
"The situation is," Sero stammered, stepping in before Kirishima said the wrong thing. He hooked his arm over his friend's shoulders. "my man Kirishima here has a major jones for Mina Ashido."
Bakugo stopped the flames by turning off the machine, spinning to look at the two meek boys in front of him. "What is it with this chick? She have beer-flavored nipples?"
"Hey!" Kirishima said, about to spoil the entire conversation they had rehearsed before walking in.
He was offended for Mina, wanting to protect and defend her at all costs—even if she couldn't remember his name. Sero held Kirishima back, pushing him behind his figure. Bakugo turned away, walking to a different area of the room. He was more focused on the project than the conversation and it showed.
"I, uh—I think I speak correctly when I say that Kirishima's love is pure, purer than, say, Denki Kaminari's."
Bakugo looked at the pair, shrugging at their words. "Look, I'm in this for the cash. Kaminari can plow whoever he wants." The blonde dropped the object onto a desk, observing the details under a light. He reached his hand to touch and readjust the parts of the weld.
"Okay, there will be no plowing." Kirishima said defensively, starting to push through Sero's back.
He knew he didn't stand a chance against someone as tough as Bakugo, but it was the manly thing to do—to stick up for someone even if they weren't around.
Sero put his hands on Kirishima's chest, pushing him out of Bakugo's direction. He held his hands up in a way to say he's handling it.
"Bakugo, uh," Bakugo moved from one desk to another, the two traveled with him. It was as if they were attached to his hip, and Bakugo was starting to get annoyed by it. "let me explain something to you. We set this whole thing up so Kirishima can get the girl. Kirishima. Kaminari's just a pawn."
Bakugo uncapped a marker, preparing to draw on a sheet of paper at the desk. His finger pointed to both Kirishima and Sero, "So, you two are gonna help me tame the wild beast."
"Absolutely." Sero nodded in agreement with his words. He watched as Bakugo began to move the tip of the marker against the paper. "We'll do some research, we'll find out what she likes. We're your guys."
Sero snaked his arm around Kirishima's shoulders, shaking him a little as he spoke. Kirishima shook off Sero's affection, gaining the attention of Bakugo once he started talking, "And he means that in a strictly non-prison movie type of way."
"Let's start here." Sero cleared his throat, taking a yellow paper from his pocket and handing it to Bakugo, "Now, Friday night, Tenya Iida is having a party. It's the perfect opportunity."
Iida wasn't actually throwing a banger like Sero implied. It was a study session Iida initially set up for the AV Club. Before Kirishima came to the school, Sero was the president, but Iida took over, meaning Sero wanted revenge. So, as petty as the boy was, he reprinted copies of the study session, but changed it to a party. It was a one-sided rivalry.
"Perfect opportunity for what?" Bakugo briefly looked away from the paper, only returning his gaze to read the address and time.
"For you to take out (Y/N)."
Bakugo picked up the blowtorch and handed the flyer back to Sero, "I'll think about it."
"So, have you heard about Tenya Iida's party?" Kirishima asked Mina.
They decided to take a stroll after school to re-evaluate the plan. Kirishima would fill Mina in about their findings so far. They travelled to a small overpass that was cleared underneath, making a great spot for a hang out. Though, Mina wasn't the biggest fan of how outdoorsy it was.
"Yes, and I really, really, really want to go." Mina responded, finally reaching level ground with Kirishima. He held out a hand for her to jump off a dirt ledge, gracefully landing on the dirt. "But you know I can't. Not unless my sister does."
"Yeah, I know. I'm working on that, but so far, you know, she's not going for my guy. She's not a..."
"K.D. Lang fan? No." Mina confirmed, sitting on a bench. "I found a picture of Jared Leto in her drawer once, so I'm pretty sure she's not harboring same-sex tendencies."
"Okay, so that's the kind of guys she likes—like, pretty guys." Kirishima repeated, trying to get some more confirmation out of Mina.
Mina shook her head, "I don't know. All I've ever heard her say is that she'd die before dating a guy that smokes."
"Okay, all right, no smoking. What else?"
"You're asking me to investigate the inner workings of my sister's twisted mind? I don't think so." Mina crossed her arms over her chest. She looked away from Kirishima to observe her surroundings. Dirt coated the area, as well as bushes and fallen leaves.
"Well, nothing else has worked. We need to go behind enemy lines here."
Mina was quick to take action, suggesting they head back to your house and search your room for any further clues. She seemed to have no remorse as she searched the drawers of your desk. Her fingers fumbled through various loose sheets of paper for school, guitar tabs, etc. Nothing that held any significance to the situation.
Mina stumbled across a pile on top of your desk, reading off each item before handing it to Kirishima to sort through.
"Okay, here we go. Class schedule, reading list, date book, concert tickets, concert tickets." Mina continued her search while Kirishima awkwardly stood, occupying the entrance of your room. Mina opened a drawer where you kept your clothes, a smirk appearing as she lifted an article of clothing. "Aha! Black panties!"
"What does that tell us?" Kirishima bluntly stated, kind of uncomfortable in your room.
The walls were lined with posters from different bands and music artists. An easel for your paintings was sat at the end of your bed, the current canvas being covered by a towel to hide its face. Your room reminded him of a funhouse but for feminists.
"She wants to have sex someday, that's what." Mina explained, stretching the underwear to its full view before balling it up and throwing it back in the drawer.
Kirishima was speechless at the level of comfortability your sister had to have to touch your panties. He figured it was maybe a girl thing, but it still weirded him out. He stuttered, "You—she could just like the color."
"You don't buy black lingerie unless you want someone to see it."
"So, uh," Kirishima started, stepping closer to Mina as he lifted his brows. "can I see your room?"
"No." Mina looked at him almost in shock—as if he had asked her to cut off her arm. She brushed a piece of her hair from her face, nervously speaking "A girl's room is very personal."
Oh, the irony.
⇨ 008. Bikini Kill, the Raincoats and Letters to Cleo
taglist🫐 @katsukota @wheezdostuff @honeydwitch @chuugarettes @suckstobrlaurie @the-hangry-otter @napbatata
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pankowperfection · 2 years
Can't Go Back
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Summary: Years of resenting JJ for hating you finally comes to a boiling point
Warnings: smut, drinking, mentions of weed, semi public sex, rough sex, 18+
A/N: this one goes out to @pankhoeforlife and the season 3 obx trailer that made us both feral. also gif credits to @pankhoeforlife
You were a Pogue through and through, growing up on the Cut and always hanging out with the rest of the gang. For as long as you could remember, JJ had always been cold towards you. He had no issues spending time with Kie or even Sarah, but for some reason whenever you came around he made an excuse to disappear.
Over the years your crush on him grew deeper. The soft, cute roundness of a younger guy turned into sharp lines and strong muscles of a man. You lived for the days where you got to watch him surf from the beach, manipulating his body in ways that took your breath away.
Of course you weren't the only one who took notice of his change in looks. There was no shortage of local girls or tourons who weren't lined up and ready to jump into bed with him. His reputation had gotten out of hand, a supposed god at using his tongue and extremely skilled at fucking girls into oblivion.
Kie was tired of you pouting at the bonfire tonight, making sure your cup was never empty. "Are you trying to get me drunk?" you slurred, head already buzzing from the previous drinks she'd made you.
"Nah, I just want you to have fun. Let's go dance!"
Reluctantly you let her lead you over towards the other party goers, swaying your bodies together to the music. As the minutes passed you started to actually enjoy yourself, laughing and dancing with Sarah and Kie.
At some point you ended up alone while they went to refill their cups. You wandered around, searching for John B or Pope to keep you company. Instead you stumbled upon JJ, making out with some blonde tourist a few feet away from the fire. Anger flushed hot through your body, storming over to where their bodies were wrapped around each other.
He heard you approaching, breaking the kiss just in time for you to throw the rest of your drink in his face. "I fucking hate you! Why do you sleep with anyone else but me?," you scream, not caring that people are starting to stare. You can see the rage behind his blue eyes, silently wiping the alcohol from his face before pushing to his feet.
"Let me take care of her, before she embarrasses herself even more." The girl laughs, shooting JJ a flirty wink that makes you lunge to punch her in the face. He wraps his arms around your body, throwing you over his shoulder like nothing as he carries you away from the crowd.
"JJ, I swear if you don't put me down I'm gonna kill you." You slap at his back, desperate to get free of the iron grip he has across your thighs.
"Shut up y/n. You've caused enough trouble for one night." He stomps the rest of the way up to his bike, setting you down on your feet.
You watch as he throws one leg over, straddling the machine, muscles rippling beneath his cutoff t-shirt. You've never been more turned on in your life, something about the way he was in total control and how his body looked perched on the seat made you snap into action.
You close the short distance between you, leaning over the handle bars and grabbing onto the back of his head. You slam your lips into his, savoring the flavor of beer mixed with the signature JJ tinge of weed.
At first he's so shocked he doesn't respond, but after a few seconds his hands are in your hair, angling your head to deepen the kiss as his tongue swipes into your mouth.
He's the first to pull away, dismounting the bike and backing you up against the nearest tree. His hands are rough, tugging the ties on your swim top before tossing it away, instantly going to roll your nipples between his fingers. You groan at the feeling, pushing your chest forward to meet him.
He smirks darkly, sliding one hand down your torso before teasing just underneath the waistband of your shorts. "J please. Touch me."
He chuckles, undoing the button and zipper of your shorts before pushing them down to your ankles. Suddenly you're facing away from him, hands against the tree as he pulls your ass backwards.
His hot breath tickles your ear before you feel his teeth sink into your neck, surely leaving a huge bruise for everyone to see. "I plan to do a lot more than touch you princess. Just know, there's no going back after this."
You hear his zipper, mind racing at the thought of him stretching and filling you. He teases his cock through your folds, letting a moan slip at the feeling of your hot skin against his. "For someone who hates me, you're pretty wet," he teases, catching his cock on the edge of your entrance.
You can't wait any longer, throwing your hips back and forcing him to fill you up. You both curse at the sensations, your back arching naturally to let him in deeper. "Fuck, you feel like heaven. You better hold on tight sweetheart."
His grip on your hips is tight enough to bruise but you don't care, lost in the feeling of his cock slamming in and out of you. His pace is brutal, each powerful thrust knocking your body forwards against the tree, bark biting into your bare breasts. The pain mixes with the pleasure, sending you closer and closer to your high.
He winds one hand into your hair, pulling roughly and making you cry out at the burn. The new angle sends him impossibly deeper, brushing against your cervix with each thrust. "Oh shit. I'm gonna cum J, don't stop."
A few strokes later and you fall apart with a scream, clenching his cock as wave after wave of euphoria washes over you. "Fuck y/n," he groans into your ear, hips stilling as you feel his hot cum fill you up. You wince when he pulls out, already sore from his size and his roughness.
When you turn around to face him you melt at the smile on has face, dimples on display as he takes in your fucked out appearance. "Well, that wasn't how I expected tonight to go. Next time you want to hook up, please don't throw a drink in my face."
You shove him playfully, letting him lead you back over to his dirt bike. Once again you have to stop and appreciate just how hot he looks. He catches you staring, shooting you a knowing smirk. "What can I say? I like a man who knows how to ride."
@adventuresinobx @starkeyobx @paradisehamilton @ailee-celeste @pankhoeforlife @outerbankspov @houseofperfecttaste @drewbooooo @maybankslover @maybanks-luver @blueicequeen19 @toystory2wasjustokay @onmykneesforrafe @penny4yourthoughts @maddie-routledge @ilovetheavenger143
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Dominik Szoboszlai x Black Reader - First Sight Part 5/8
The threesome
⚠️Warning ⚠️ 😳
*Minors DNI, it's nasty AF
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This story is about the night reader met her boyfriend Dominik and the series of crazy events that led up to the beginning of their love story.
It was awkward.
Dominik was on the couch whilst you were on the floor. Cassie had gone to put on some records and you were going through which ones to play next, however you weren't sure what flavor of music Dominik preferred. You were pretty sure it wasn't Melanie Martinez.
"Anyone want something to drink?" Cassie asked, popping her head through the living room door.
"No thanks, I'm actually...."
You were already tipsy from the party. Dominik should have consumed as much alcohol as you had, however....
Cassie returned from the kitchen, handing him a beer. She joined him on the couch, the two sitting awfully close. "You guys would make a cute couple." She said.
"Oh. We're not...together." You mumbled, your eyes avoiding Dominik's.
"No?" Cassie frowned. "Then I guess you don't mind if I do this?"
Your body stiffened seeing Cassie scoot closer to Dominik. Her hand brought his face forwards, but instead of kissing him her lips attached to his arching neck.
Your eyes widened and Dominik letting out a disoriented moan did not mend the sharp pain that pierced your gut.
His gaze was drowsy, distance somehow, but he gave her his consent by reaching out to stroke her thigh. Cassie giggled as he struggled to reach for her ass. She made it easier for him by shifting stance, throwing a leg over him so that she was now seated in Dominik's lap.
"Y/N, come." She called your name, but you weren't sure weather you were on planet earth anymore. "Come on, help me." She smiled deviously.
You stood from the floor, your knees too weak to be walking with an even stance. Nevertheless, Cassie reached out a hand, guiding you to join her and Dominik on the couch. You sat down next to him but did not dare to meet his eyes, they were too busy staring at Cassie's cleavage anyways. She had him lost in her trance and when she bent down to kiss his neck again, he moaned, louder this time.
"Y/N?" Cassie lifted her head, frowning at you. "Don't be shy now."
Your heart fluttered. Looking down, Dominik had grabbed your hand, guiding it towards his lap, towards his....
"This has to come off." Cassie said, pausing all movment as she helped Dominik get rid of his t-shirt. It was the second time of the night that he had his many tattoos on display. Cassie ran a hand down his chest, followed by her tounge licking across the skin, sucking his nipples. Dominik's head fell back with the sensation it gave him, a sly grin twitching the corner of his lips. You looked on, not really sure what to do. Then you felt the tug of your hand again, Dominik, guiding it to rest in his lap. You cupped his groin, feeling the size of him.
"Take them off Y/N." Cassie was already seen unclasping Dominik's belt. "Help me take them off." She got off his lap, giving you room to pull down his pants. You slid onto the floor, on your knees, with Dominik's thighs trapping you on each side. He looked down on you with his lips between his teeth. He winced once your hands went to the hemn of his jeans, slowly peeling them down.
"Y/N....what you do to me."
He was left seated in his underwear, Dominik's erection staring you blankly in the face. You were still on your knees, seated before him looking up. You wiggle your hips, undoubtedly feeling how your pussy was starting to throb beaneath you.
"Like I said...."
Cassie's was heard from somwhere behind you, however, you did not look back, your eyes remaining glued to Dominik's.
"You guys would make a cute couple."
The record changed, playing another Melanie Martinez song, a slow one. Perhaps it's what got a hold of you, giving you the courage to touch him again, to stroke the wet tip of Dominik's stiffness.
"Fuck." He groaned.
You were still teasing him by not pulling down his underwear. Once you did, you did not hesitate to bend forwards, capturing all of him in your mouth. He gasped, placing a hand to your head, guiding it downwards. You swallowed him whole, moving up and down to the sound of the suction of your wet mouth.
"Fuck Y/N, you're incredible."
He was praising you, moaning your name whilst all you could think of was how much you enjoyed this, enjoyed him.
Cassie withdrew to her bedroom. "Don't be afraid to join me once you're done."
You did not know what she meant by that until after you were wiping Dominik's cum off your mouth with the back of your hand, as he was coming down from his loud orgasm.
"Come "You said, getting up from the floor. You took his hand and guiding him towards Cassie's bedroom. It was small, and dimly lit. However she had a king sized bed, which she lay in naked and touching herself. "Took you long enough." She chuckled, rasing her hand from between her legs, pointing it towards Dominik. "Come, lay on the bed." He did so, anxioulsy looking back at you.
"Don't worry, Y/N will join us."
Whilst Dominik took his place on the bed, Cassie got up to join you. The two of you stood side by side, watching Dominik lay on his back, his erection pointing towards the ceiling.
"I think he wants a show. " Cassie smiled. "Should we give him a show, Y/N?"
You nodded. "Yes."
Cassie pulled you towards her, her hands cupping your ass. You were the only one still wearing clothes. Cassie looked determined to fix that.
Her face came inches apart from yours, the heat from her tounge caressing your lips. She licked and nipped her way down your body, stopping as she crouched down, now having a good look up your skirt. Her hands disappeared behind the fabric, returning with your underwear, peeling them down your legs, having you step out of your thong. She then folded your skirt, exposing your flesh to Dominik who was watching you with anticipation, with his hand around his cock, slowly stroking himself.
"I've missed you."
You looked down to see Cassie smiling.
"I've missed the way you taste."
You drew a sharp breath as her mouth crashed into your center. Cassie fed off of you to a point where you lost your footing.
"Cassie,  I'm gonna..." She was so experienced, dangerously good with her tounge and mouth. She had you gripping her hair and screaming out the loudest "Fuck!" You've ever moaned. Once you were done she had you strip out of the rest of your clothes, pushing you towards the bed, towards Dominik, who was more than happy to catch you as you stumbled into his arms.
"There. My job here is done." Cassie said, licking the tip of her fingers, the fingers that had been inside of you, making you squirt. She left the room, shutting the door on her way out.
Dominik was breathing heavily, his body shifting to lay on top of you with urgency. You could feel him growing stiff against your thigh, and by pinning your arms above you head he was set to fuck you until you crumbled into a pool of liquid, pliant and consumed by him.
"Have I told you how fucking sexy you are?" He spoke between licking the pebbles that were your erect nipples.
"Yes. But tell me again." You moaned.
"Your so fucking sexy Y/N. You're everything I've ever wanted."
It was just the two of you now, your naked bodies rubbing against one another. Running water could be heard in the distance, Cassie, enjoying a shower. You and Dominik were in a world of your own, a separate universe. He came into you slowly, with his head moving to rest in the crease of your neck, his first thrust violent, reaching deep.
"Aaah." You winced. The pleasure, unbearable and amazing at the same time.
"Shit. I'm sorry baby. Should I stop?"
"No. Keep going." You begged. You would endure it for him. He was big, to the point of breaking, however as warm lips traced down your neck and Dominik's praising words were spoken against your skin, you let yourself go, becoming the pliant pool of liquid that his love desired.
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brittanysnewsletter · 7 months
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Here are some of my favorite quotes from 10 Things I Hate About You
Bianca: There's a difference between like and love. Because, I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack. Chastity: But I love my Skechers. Bianca: That's because you don't have a Prada backpack.
Mr. Morgan: Pipe down, Chachi.
Mr. Morgan: I know how difficult it must be fore you to overcome all those years of upper middle-class suburban oppression. Must be tough.
Ms. Perky: By the way, his testicle retrieval operation went quite well, in case you're interested. Kat: I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls.
Ms. Perky: People perceive you as somewhat... Kat: Tempestuous? Ms. Perky: Heinous bitch is the term used most often.
Chastity: I know you can be overwhelmed and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed? Bianca: I think you can in Europe.
Kat: Remove head from sphincter, then drive
Walter Stratford: Hello, Katerina. Make anyone cry today? Kat: Sadly, no. But it's only 4:30.
Michael: What we need is a backer. Cameron: What's that? Michael: Someone with money who's stupid.
Michael: I have a dick on my face, don't I?
Kat: You don't always have to be who they want you to be, you know? Bianca: I happen to like being adored, thank you
Kat: Ugh, what is it, asshole day?
Walter Stratford: My insurance doesn't cover PMS
Walter Stratford: You don't know what you want. And you won't know what you want until you're 45, and even if you get it, you'll be too old to use it.
Patrick: What is it with this chick, she have beer flavored nipples?
Joey: Yeah, it's - it's more... Bianca: Pensive? Joey: Damn, I was going for thoughtful
Michael: Don't touch anything, you may get hepatitis.
Michael: Should you be drinking alcohol when you don't have a liver?
Patrick: So, I'm supposed to buy her some noodles and a book and sit around listening to chicks who can't play their instruments, right?
Chastity: Mr. Stratford, it's just a party! Walter Stratford: And hell is just a sauna
Michael: I'm just so nervous, you know? And I'm also very excited. I'm nervous and I'm excited. It's all so very mixed up
Michael: The last party I went to was at Chuck E Cheese
Bogey: That must be Nigel with the Brie.
Kat: Did your hairline just recede?
Bianca: Please do not address me in public
Walter Stratford: Kissing isn't what keeps me up to my elbows in placenta all day long
Michael: The shit hath hitteth the fan...eth
Kat: You can't just buy me a guitar every time you screw up, you know? Patrick: Yeah, I know. But then, you know, there's always drums and bass and even maybe even one day a tambourine.
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usagimen · 1 year
𝐼. ⸻ general.
name. Kobayashi Sayuri alias(es). Yuri-chan, The God Hand Sorcerer, Kuro-Usagi gender. Female age. 27 years old in current timeline spoken / known language(s). Bits of English, primarily Kyoto dialect (Kamigata ) preference. Bisexual, no preference occupation(s). Manager of Tsubaki Cafe / former accountant of Okiya Kobayashi / Faculty member of Kyoto Tech
𝐼𝐼. ⸻ appearance.
eye color. Light Green (runs cooler) hair color. Jet Black height. 4’8ft // 142cm notable marks: round cheeks with a small button nose (crooked from an early indication of a break) two visible moles right cheek, one the left side of her lip.
𝐼𝐼𝐼. ⸻ favorite.
color. ruby red song. yokan - dir en grey food. umeboshi onigiri, her diet is tricky since she is a vegetarian though she also enjoys soba when it’s really hot drink. iced coffee, jasmine tea, flavorful beer or whiskey
𝐼𝑉. ⸻ have they …
passed university. no had sex. no (heavy petting yes) had sex in public. nope gotten pregnant / someone else pregnant. no kissed a boy. yes kissed a girl. yes gotten tattoos. no gotten piercings. yes! Both ears, nipples, navel (she wants more hush) been in love. It’s very complicated stayed up for more than 24 hours. yes
𝑉. ⸻ are they …
a virgin. yes a cuddler.yes a kisser. yes but only with a partner or love interest scared easily. yes and no, she’s afraid of everything but also refuses to show it jealous easily. not really trustworthy. yes, she will keep every secret till her last breath dominant. somewhat depends on circumstance submissive. Again, depends on circumstance in love. It’s complicated single. yes
𝑉𝐼. ⸻ random questions.
have they harmed themselves. no thought of suicide. no attempted suicide. no wanted to kill someone. yes have / had a job. Being a teacher sure is wild, she prefers it over an accountant that job was maddening from the demands have any fears: fear of being visible (she lives on deception && illusions), being helpless, illness in any shape or form, being deemed unlovable.
𝑉𝐼𝐼. ⸻ family.
sibling(s). none parent(s). Nakamaru Minato (biological father), Nakamaru Mizuki (mother, no affiliation), Kobayashi Hatsuko ( aunt / adoptive mother) children. none significant other. none pet(s). Okami (shikigami takes the form of a black shibu inu to pacify Sayuri, true form is a giant wolf) Yasu (small slender dragon during the Past Arc, massive in form && maw during JJK0 / current timeline)
stolen from : @kusattainu tagging: anyone who wants to!
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He dreamed of Claire that night. She lay in his arms, heavy-limbed and fragrant. She was with child; her belly round and smooth as a muskmelon, her breasts rich and full, the nipples dark as wine, urging him to taste them.
Her hand cupped itself between his legs, and he reached to return the favor, the small, fat softness of her filling his hand, pressing against him as she moved. She rose over him, smiling, her hair falling down around her face, and threw her leg across him.
“Give me your mouth,” he whispered, not knowing whether he meant to kiss her or to have her take him between her lips, only knowing he must have her somehow.
“Give me yours,” she said. She laughed and leaned down to him, hands on his shoulders, her hair brushing his face with the scent of moss and sunlight, and he felt the prickle of dry leaves against his back and knew they lay in the glen near Lallybroch, and her the color of the copper beeches all around; beech leaves and beechwood, gold eyes and a smooth white skin, skimmed with shadows.
Then her breast pressed against his mouth, and he took it eagerly, drawing her body tight against him as he suckled her. Her milk was hot and sweet, with a faint taste of silver, like a deer’s blood.
“Harder,” she whispered to him, and put her hand behind his head, gripping the back of his neck, pressing him to her. “Harder.”
She lay at her length upon him, his hands holding for dear life to the sweet flesh of her buttocks, feeling the small solid weight of the child upon his own belly, as though they shared it now, protecting the small round thing between their bodies.
He flung his arms about her, tight, and she held him tight as he jerked and shuddered, her hair in his face, her hands in his hair and the child between them, not knowing where any of the three of them began or ended.
He made his way down the ladder into the half-warm, horse-smelling fug of the barn, nearly falling in his haste, ignoring a splinter in his bare foot. He hesitated in the dark, still urgent. The horses wouldn’t care, but if they noticed him, they’d make enough noise, perhaps, to wake the others.
Wind struck the barn and went booming round the roof. A strong chilly draft with a scent of snow stirred the somnolence, and two or three of the horses shifted, grunting and whickering. Overhead, a murmured “ ’ugger” drifted down, accompanied by the sound of someone turning over and pulling the blanket up round his ears, defying reality.
Claire was still with him, vivid in his mind, solid in his hands. He could imagine that he smelled her hair in the scent of fresh hay. The memory of her mouth, those sharp white teeth … He rubbed his nipple, hard and itching beneath his shirt, and swallowed.
His eyes were long accustomed to the dark; he found the vacant loose box at the end of the row and leaned against its boards, cock already in his fist, body and mind yearning for his lost wife.
At the second stop, there was wine—decent wine. He drank it cautiously; he hadn’t tasted anything stronger than small beer in years, and the lush flavor clung to his palate and rose like smoke inside his head. The soldiers shared three bottles—and so did he, welcoming the slowing of his racing thoughts as the alcohol seeped into his blood. It would do him no good to think, until he knew what to think about.
He tried to keep his mind off their unknown destination and what might await him there, but it was like trying not to think of a—
“Rhinoceros,” Claire said, with a muffled snort of amusement that stirred the hairs on his chest. “Have you ever seen one?”
“I have,” he said, shifting her weight so she rested more comfortably in the hollow of his shoulder. “In Louis’s zoo. Aye, that would stick in the mind.”
Abruptly, she vanished and left him sitting there, blinking stupidly into his wine cup.
Had it really happened, that memory? Or was it only his desire that now and then brought her so vividly to life, in snatched moments that left him desperate with longing but strangely comforted, as though she had in fact touched him briefly?
Willie. God, Willie. I’m so glad they gave him your name. He seldom thought of his brother, but every now and then, he could feel Willie with him; sometimes his mother or his father. More often, Claire.
I wish ye could see him, Sassenach, he thought. He’s a bonnie lad. Loud and obnoxious, he added with honesty, but bonnie.
What would his own parents think of William? They had neither of them lived to see any of their children’s children.
He lay for some time, his throat aching, listening to the dark, hearing the voices of his dead pass by in the wind. His thoughts grew vague and his grief eased, comforted by the knowledge of love, still alive in the world. Sleep came near again.
He touched the rough crucifix that lay against his chest and whispered to the moving air, “Lord, that she might be safe, she and my children.”
Then turned his cheek to her reaching hand and touched her through the veils of time.
Jamie dreaming of Claire and remembering her. 
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charnelhouse · 2 years
I don't know if you already answered this, but does Baron has a girlfriend/wife, like, is he in love? (Is he capable of it?) Was he somehow attracted to Z too?
He doesn’t! He actually is much more reserved than the dudes. He doesn’t really sleep around because he’s very focused on his business.
I think he is attracted to Z but he’s MORE interested in why those dudes (who are notoriously incapable of monogamy) fall all over this broad. Like why? Does she have beer-flavored nipples? She’s beautiful but there are beautiful women all around them all the time. He’s hardcore intrigued.
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winged-fool · 2 years
I’m not even remotely avoiding spoilers for tonight’s episode. So seeing that Greg has now joined Flint in the void, and Maria and Dallas are apparently flirting my 90s baby brain went right to a(possibly) obscure quote from 10 things I hate about you. What is up with this chick? Does she have beer flavored nipples? 🍤🍤🍤
Hahaha omg that quote is PERFECT!! Yes exactly! I mean at least they referenced Greg instead of just pretending Flint doesn't exist! Grr
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mariahthelioness29 · 3 years
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( Maintaining Friendships pt.2) 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Black!Plus Size Reader 
Words: 4.2K 
Warnings: SMUT (nasty but loving), slight degradation, unprotected sex, drug use, mentions of alcohol 
Please if you are a minor do not interact, due to the themes of this fic, this story is 18+ 
A/N: Here it is a part 2 as promised hope you like it. 
@xbuchananbarnes @siancore @avintagekiss24 @lesbians-love-samwilson
@maddiestundentwritergaines @whiskey-cokenfanfic @liquorlaughslove @sopranomaestra93 @afriendlyblackhottie @samwilsons-pillowpecs
@missdforever @buckys-plums @xxindiglow @kissthatlifeaway​
Bucky called you a few times after your lunch with him. 
You texted him the address of the restaurant, with 7:00 p.m
You have facetimed ever since he got an iPhone and Bucky likes it when you send him pictures of you.
Today you have been extremely busy, with meetings and finally, you picked the phone and saw a message from Bucky.
“Where is my daily picture ?, Bucky texted you
“Very bold from the man, who was walking with a flip phone a couple of days ago”, you texted back
“Good Afternoon to you too”, you send him.
 Bucky sends you a voice message “Jesus, having a flip phone is a capital sin in Wakanda or something?”, He laughs “Good afternoon, doll, how’s work ?”
“I mean it’s prehistoric, busy a lot of meetings today” you replied via text.
Bucky licks his lips and shakes his head. 
He takes a picture of him shirtless with a cute smile and sends it to you. 
Wish you were here, I could distract you from work, take a break, he texts. 
“ Who taught you to send thirst traps ?", you text him laughing seeing the pic. 
“ Isn’t this what people do to woo each other nowadays?, give me a break I’m trying”
“Is it working ?”, he texts you 
You look at the pic and sink your teeth on your bottom lip. 
“It is, but in person it's so much better, the pictures don’t do you justice”, you replied.
He sends another voice message.  
You put on your headphones giddy for his reply.
“For fucks sake, you can’t say shit like that and not be here”
“What ?”, “Are you that desperate that my words are reeling you, horny dog”., you replied 
You don’t know how the conversation changed from PG to NSFW, but is a welcome change after almost a week of you keeping it cute.
“Yes”, he texted 
Oh, yeah? be a good boy and show me with a video, get to it”, you order him via text
You read your papers, with the anticipation of the video in the back of your mind.
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Bucky sighed “fuck”, he has never sent a picture or a video of himself like that, but he trusts you so he manages to put the phone on the nightstand against the lamp to take a video, he presses record.
 After a couple of minutes, You hear your cell vibrate and there it is.You open the video.
He frowned in concentration, figuring out if the camera was recording or not
“Is this thing recording ? he wonders out loud
oh yeah it is, the minutes are ticking”, he confirms to himself
He sits on the bed. He smiled at the camera, feeling his heartbeat out of his chest. 
‘For my best girl”, he winks to the camera, trying to hide his nerves.
He took himself out of his shorts, spit on his hand, and began to stroke himself slow, sighing, mouth slightly agape, his head tilted to the side until he was fully hard.
‘F-fuck”, he stuttered 
“I have never done this”, he breathes out, pumping himself fast with his vibranium hand. 
He groans and moans, squeezing himself, rolling his hips into his hand. 
“I can’t wait for the day, you let me inside again, I have never forgotten how you felt wrapped around me, it’s like heaven on earth”, Bucky confessed with a strangled voice in between his high pitch dragged out moans. He keeps teasing his tip with his thumb while jerking off. 
You feel yourself getting wet, because of his words and moans.
His dick so thick and long, and the red tip, shining with precum.
You bite your lips, mouth-watering at the sight of him jerking himself for you. 
Your breathing is now deep and a little erratic, your nipples are hard against your bra. 
“Fuck, baby, you got me fucking riled up”, he moans. 
Bucky fondles his balls while jerking off. 
He hissed, feeling the contrast of the cold hand against his balls, and he jerks himself with his flesh hand.His hips twitch and his dick throbs in his hand, he jerks himself faster and his fist gets tighter.
His breathing is harsh and his groans get louder and deeper. 
“Oh fuck”, he growls, feeling his release near. 
He pumps himself a couple of times crying out your name on repeat until his mouth is agape, his breath and moans come out stuttered while ropes of cum spurt out of him painting his abs, his hand while he looks into the camera. 
He throws his head back, trying to control his breathing with a smile of relief after emptying himself. 
He hums enjoying the aftershocks of pleasure .He takes the phone and closes up to his cum painted abs. 
“ Such a shame, this should be in you instead of painted on my stomach”, he pants
“ Have a good day, sweetheart, can’t wait to see you tomorrow”, he pants smiling at the camera, and the video stops. 
“Bast”, you breathe, suddenly the room has become hotter. 
You text him. 
“My day got so much better, thank you, can’t wait to see you tomorrow”
“You’re welcome, doll”, he rasps via voice message.
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After work, you shop for a nice dress for tomorrow night. A cute, lilac silk dress with a high slit with your clear high heels. You look at the lilac lingerie. You remember the first compliment he dared to say. You had a crown of flowers, the children did it and it was full of purples flowers.“ You look like a flower yourself”, he whispered while you taught him how to dance. 
Bucky was pacing around looking at the small number of clothes he had. 
He felt a skip on his heartbeat that was pleasant but at the same time, he felt his nerves tingling. He realized he was nervous but excited and that suddenly he has no clothes for this date. He took a deep breath and decided this is an emergency and called Thandiwe, Andrew, and Sam. 
"Suddenly I don't know what to wear", he laughs looking at them.
"Uncle Bucky, leave that to y/n, we guys put on some jeans and a nice shirt, that's it", Andrew answers him.  
He now has three friends: his co-worker Sam, his great grand nephew Andrew, and Thandiwe.
"I disagree, you have to look good too, put on some style too", Thandiwe replied 
Sam just laughs, "you jump off of buildings, but you are freaking out ‘cause of a date, man let's take a look at what you have. Black, black, black, like you barely have anything with color". "Oh, I see sum, is that a suede brown jacket, that would look good and that olive green t-shirt for a change? I think it will go well with the jeans, those shoes, and your gloves. You're all set". 
Thandiwe and Andrew nod smiling.
"Put it on", Thandiwe suggests. 
"See, all set", Andrew nods 
"By the way, I have not seen y/n, who is she", Andrew ask 
Bucky smiled.
"We met in Wakanda, she is.., Bucky smiles.
"Aww shit,he gone",Sam teases
" We lost him", Andrew shakes his head in faux disappointment. 
Thandiwe looks for a picture of you and sends it to the group. 
Thandiwe holds in a laugh 
"Oh, since the first day Shuri introduced him to her, he was gone", Thandiwe adds
"He froze like a deer in headlights"
Thandiwe, Bucky warns and side-eyes him.
"What?, are you going to tell me that I am wrong, ingucka", Thandiwe smirked
Bucky just shakes his suppressing a smile. 
"Wow", Andrew looks at your picture up and down and they settle on your breast. 
"Hey, watch it, eyes on her face, punk", Bucky warns Andrew. 
"What ?, I am just looking", Andrew laughs and shrugs. 
"So this what your ass was doing in Wakanda scrolling through meetWakandawomen.com all day, maybe I could tell old Steve to tell T'challa to invite me there, ‘cause goddamn". Sam looks at your picture
"You two together are insufferable", Bucky rolls his eyes. 
"So where are you going to take her ?'' Thandiwe asked. 
Bucky mentions the name of the restaurant. 
"Oh, nice", they replied
"Just be your gentleman 40s self, like Grandma Becca used to tell us stories about you", Andrew tells him. 
"It's going to be alright", Sam reassures him. 
They all said goodbyes to each other and wished him good luck on the date. 
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Bucky gets dressed and he goes to the restaurant. and there you were on a sofa drinking a glass of sparkling water. 
"Hmm,7 o'clock not second less not second later, impressive", you stand up. 
You hug him and kiss his cheek. 
Bucky blushes and offers his arm.
“I cannot make my best girl wait, you look breathtaking”, Bucky takes a good look at you. 
“You don’t look that bad yourself, old man, I like the brown jacket, brings a grey green tone out of your eyes” 
Bucky is flustered ”uhmm..thank you” 
You take his arm in yours and walk into the restaurant, the hostess seats you, but Bucky pulls your chair for you and you sit. 
“`Such a gentleman, I got your flowers today” 
“Lilacs and roses”, you smile 
“That is where I got the inspiration to wear this”. 
You take a bite of your food, moaning at the flavor. 
Bucky feels a little tingle when you make that noise. 
And he drinks beer, to quench the sudden dryness of his throat. 
”I’m glad you like them, doll’
“ I am excited, I have a new job” 
“Don’t say”, you widen your eyes. 
“It’s a big project, I mean the opportunity, I have is once in a lifetime, I will be working reforming people that do not want to be part of these criminal organization, help them settle, build a new life, Sharon and I, we are putting everything together, to pitch the project ”
“Bucky I am so happy”, you squeeze his hand. 
“Yeah, I also got a new therapist, don’t get me wrong, Dr. Raynor, she did what she thought was right but we have very different mindsets” 
“Wow, what a week,  a lot of change”. 
“The partnerships of the outreach and the schools are going so well, more children are learning, we are discussing opening a little bit more the borders but that will take some time,”. 
“That’s amazing, though it doesn’t surprise me, you are good at everything”, Bucky took a bite of his food not breaking eye contact with you
“You know what I love about this century apart from you, of course, Bucky said so naturally. 
“You love me? isn’t that a little too soon, it’s our first date after all”, you joke but you feel your heart miss a bit. 
“I’m a man that knows what he wants, '' Bucky drinks from his beer, narrowing his eyes at you. 
“The food, we used to boil everything”. 
“Ughh, and you all call yourself the developed world, huh ?”, you glare at him playfully 
Bucky laughs and shrugs. 
“That’s why your palette was dead, remember when you ate the goat stew with the peppers” 
“Yeah, I had to drink like a gallon of milk, felt like my mouth was in the pits of hell”, Bucky laughs 
“That hot sauce is a torture device, I might call Kiya to send me some, I put it on someone, and they’ll talk” 
“It’s not even that hot”, you frown 
“It’s a torture device, but the taste while eating is nice, it’s the burn afterward”, Bucky shudders You cackle at that
For the rest of the dinner, you laugh going to memory lane.
“This is so good, would you like a bite”, Bucky feed you with his fork 
You took a bite from the fork, looking at him. 
Bucky bites his lip looking at you eating from his fork. 
You finish eating and then dessert with champagne. 
“Whew, I feel like I am about to explode”, you sighed 
“Me too”, Bucky chuckled 
“I mean you had two entrees” 
“Super soldier appetite”, he shrugs Your mind went to another place and you just drank your champagne, trying to be subtle. 
‘Supersoldier appetite? you ask with a smirk
‘Yep”, he answered, licking his lips cocking his head to the side. 
You go with Bucky to the French Quarter with your arms wrapped around Bucky, while he rides the bike. You catch a whiff of his cologne, you hum. It smells strong but with delicate notes. It is just like him with a strong demeanor but with a delicate interior. 
Bucky parks the bike and helps you get off it. 
You go to the different bars, you go to the House of Blues and drink and listen to the different artists. 
There was a guy named SiR, playing tonight. 
His song was calm, nice and soon enough Bucky is behind you with his chin on your shoulder, in an embrace, swaying you sideways with him listening to the music. 
 He likes it. Maybe Sam is right, maybe he needs to give modern music a chance. This guy is speaking all the feelings, he felt falling in love with y/n in Wakanda. 
The man was singing: 
Why was last night the first time I felt anything in a long time
Feels like Imma fall hard said my cold heart made up its own mind
Love ain't what I came for, but it's here now, and it feels good
You told me you were special, and you meant what you said
I don't wanna leave this bed
Baby, you're all in my head
All in my head (x5)
Baby you
Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm making a mistake
But who's gonna save me
Who's gonna say I'm wrong to stay
But you so amazing, it started out as fun and games
I didn't know we'd swim this deep, and she didn't know I'd be afraid
Bucky just hugged you tighter to him, and you throw your head back and he peppers your neck with light kisses
You smile and you keep swaying, enjoying his hug.
You turn around laying your head on his chest and he lifts your face by your chin and he bows his head a little and kisses you softly, a brush of his lips. 
You feel the warmth of his hug, there is a crowd, but only you two matter.
After the show, Bucky takes you home. 
He insisted to go with you to the door 
“Bucky what is going to happen, it is just the elevator, and I am going to my apartment”, you chuckle
“For my peace of mind, doll”, he entered the elevator. 
You kiss some more in the elevator, Bucky breaths you in and kisses you slow, drinking you in. 
Until the elevator stops and you reach your corridor. 
“So this is it”, you bite your lips and cross your legs, and cast your eyes down, fiddling with your hands.  
“Nice place”, Bucky admired around. 
You feel your mind racing and your heart beating fast. 
You stay looking at  each other for a second but it felt like longer. 
“I..”, you sighed, while holding the door  
“You what ?”, Bucky gets closer. 
“I want to let you in, but I am scared, last time, I blur our friendship and it didn’t go well” 
“You just broke off your engagement, and I was a semi stable-100-year-old, things have changed for the better now”, Bucky took your hand and kissed it. 
You feel a tingle when does that and you can’t help but smile
“ I’ll go slow, I promise, so goodnight, doll”, Bucky plants a kiss to your lips so softly, you feel like you're melting to the floor. Bucky smiled and let go of your hand slowly.
He began to walk away.
‘It is now or never”, you think while he walks away, you realize you don’t want him to leave
“Bucky, wait!”, you raise your voice. 
He stops dead on his track and turns around, looking at you. 
"When was the last time you smoked?",you ask him.
Bucky snorts
"I smoke it all after my first session with Dr. Raynor", Bucky confessed
"Your accent is still horrible", you tell him, scrunching your face. 
"Maybe I need some lessons, it's been a long time without speaking Xhosa", Bucky grinned. 
"Maybe I could give you some lessons", you whisper. .
You let him in your apartment. Bucky looks around, again feeling a little nostalgic, it looks like your house  in Wakanda. 
You groan, taking your heels off.
"Something wrong?", Bucky asks, a little concerned. 
"Just, these heels were killing me", you sighed plopping on the couch. 
"You could've just taken them off, I would've held them for you", Bucky sits next to you. 
"and ruin my outfit", You side eyed him with a small smile on your lips 
“Can’t do that, can we?”.Bucky set his face in faux seriousness, he scoots closer to you. .
You just chuckle shaking your head. 
There is a hidden compartment on the table, with the Kimoyo beads you open it. 
You wink at Bucky and roll the joints, seal them with your saliva. You dry them with a lighter and hand him one. 
You light it for him. He just get comfortable smoking. 
“This is the only thing that can get me a small buzz”, Bucky does a French inhale. 
You smile when he does that. 
“Oh you can do tricks”, You challenge
You puff out the smoke in little “o’s”. 
Bucky licks his lips, you take another hit and you get closer to him. 
You blow the smoke to his lips and he inhales it, your lips brushing against each other, you put the joint on the ashtray and he does too.
You kiss is heated, you fumble with his jacket and he takes it off, throwing it on the floor. He sighs and hums into kiss, drinking you in. 
You straddle him and he grabs your hips and his hands travel to your ass kneading them hard.
You mewl into his mouth, you take a breather when he kisses your neck. He gets you off his lap and sits you next to him. 
“I know you love to control me, and I love it, but let me be on top tonight, I missed you” 
His hands travel to your core, making you spread your legs. You throw your head back, he kisses your neck again. 
You feel him , pulling the lacey lingerie to the side and begin to rub you. 
You gasp and moan with your eyes closed. 
‘Drenched for me, aren’t you sugar’’, he chuckled 
“Yes, for you, since the concert”, you pant 
“ Your smell’s been driving me crazy all night”, Bucky groaned, entering his fingers in you. 
He hugs you to him while fingering you, enticing you, he breathes in your hair. 
“Fuck, I missed you”, he breaths out. 
You can only roll your rips meeting his hand halfway, moaning, looking into his blue eyes and how full of desire they look. 
You bite your lip and your chest heaving.
He hissed feeling you throb on his fingers, his pants are tight, his erection on full display. He took his fingers out of you and before you can protest, he rips your thong off of you. 
“Why did you do that”, You whine 
“I bought them, now I don’t have a set”, you pout. 
He just puts them on his nose and takes a deep breath smelling them then putting them in his jeans back pocket. 
You feel your pussy throb at that, you are liking this side of Bucky. 
“ You are mine”, he states. 
You scoff. “You haven’t made me cum”, you raise an eyebrow at him with a teasing smile. 
“Oh, doll, you are going to regret those words”, Bucky enters his fingers in you slowly. 
Then something changes, he is fingering you eager and he finds your spot, you arch off the sofa, with a whine. 
His fingers brush again and again against that spot.
“Fuck!”, you moan almost screaming
Bucky just has that shit eating grin on his face, watching you lose it for him
“This is going to be a long night, doll, the first of many”, He bites your earlobe 
Your hips jerk and your thighs tremble and you cum on his fingers, he slows down but he does not stop, until you whimper at the sensitivity. 
You catch your breath and he grabs making you stand up with him. 
You kiss each other all tongue, lip biting. 
He takes your dress off in a frenzy and you undress him in a frenzy. 
You were taking your lace bra off but he stops you, you smile knowing what he wants. 
He sits legs wide open, dick standing.
You go between his legs, kissing his dick, looking at him.
“Oh fuck”, he breathes out looking down at you. 
You stick your tongue out and he slapped it on your tongue. 
You suck him for all he is worth, bopping your head up and down, jerking the part that you can’t fit it,  till he stills your head with his two hands and he bucks into your mouth. 
“ Shit, that's it, honey, taking me so well”, he thrusts into your mouth faster, your gagging enticing him.
He stops and takes himself out of your mouth, loving how fucked out you look already, your gloss smeared, your eyes teary and trails of your spit between him and your mouth. 
You just smile and lift your bra and he gets in between your breasts. You start bouncing, loving how desperate he gets thrusting between your breasts. 
His heavy breathing, his stuttered moans, he throws his head back in complete bliss. 
"Oh my God", he moans all strangled, thrusting while your breast helps him to get off. 
You just hum and moan. 
" Come on,baby, make me yours", you whisper all sultry. 
Bucky thrust faster groaning
"Fuck that is such a sight", he looks almost in awe at his dick wedged between your breast. 
"Y/N", he cried out and he moaned. 
"That's it, I want to hear you, don't hold back, mark me", you rasp.
You keep bouncing and pushing your breast together to make it tighter for him. 
"Baby", he croaks
"Do it, I want to taste you", you moaned, feeling his dick twitch. 
Bucky throws his head back with a silent moan, tensing spurting all over your chest,neck and some of it flying to your face. 
You hum, receiving it all closing your eyes. 
Bucky looks back to you. 
"So pretty", he pants. 
You blow a kiss to him and then you scoop the cum off your face on your fingers and moan at the taste, all while looking at him.
"Taste, so good", you lick your fingers
Bucky brings you to him and you straddle him,rubbing his still hard dick between your lower lips, while he sucks on your breast. He takes off your bra and licks them clean and makes out with you, both of you moaning sharing the taste.
You lower on his length slow, gasping at the stretch till he bottoms out. 
Bucky hugs you to him tight, caging you in his arms and he just grinds in deeper making you feel all of him. 
“Fuck, you're deep”, you croak. 
Bucky just smiles and kisses your breath away while giving languid thrusts, almost pulling out and slamming back in. 
Bucky picks up the pace and you throw your ass back to him, mewling.
Breathing in each other, looking at each other lost in pleasure, your lips brushing against each other 
"You are it for me, sweetheart", Bucky breaths out,hammering up to you. 
The only thing you can do is moan and nod, your breathing is erratic, you feel that throb and your nerves are lit on fire. You throw your head back, straighten up.  
"Can feel you’re close. Give it all to me",Bucky grunts while he is  bouncing you up and down 
You tense with a loud moan escaping your lips with indiscernible clipped cursing in Xhosa. 
You groan dropping on him, your eyes rolling a little, Bucky hammering on against that spot, chasing his release.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck”, he cries out with a crack in his voice till his breath in stuck in his chest  and then he spills deep in you. You hum with a lopsided smile, caged in his arms, resting your head on his shoulder. You feel the warmth and how it trickles down. 
 Catching both of your breaths, he traces your spine up and down, looking at you like hung the moon, while you lazily pepper kisses where the flesh meets the metal of his arm. 
He grabs your face with both his hands and kisses you with that softness, you feel loved. 
He lays on the couch and puts you on top of him. He stretches out his arm and grabs the joint with the lighter and lights it up. He smokes and he passes to you. You keep doing that until it's done.
“I want no one else, but you, I have you again and I won’t let you go this time”, Bucky confessed. 
“Me neither”, you whisper while tracing his scar and then peck lips. 
“You owe me a set”, You chuckle
“I’ll buy you all the sets you want”, he sighs smiling. 
You stay in comfortable silence, basking in the intimacy, both naked, smoking, convinced that you never are going to separate this time. 
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chiriwritesstuff · 7 months
The New Girl in Tinseltown - Chapter 2 - Devils Advocate Sneak Peek!
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Who's ready for a Dieter POV? I sure as hell am! Chapter 2 is out Soon!
"That's not the best part," his publicist quips, his eyes locking with Dieter's over the rim of his laptop. "The studio wants to protect their asset, so much so that they hired-" "No fucking way, they actually hired the Shark for this broad? What? Does she have beer-flavored nipples or something?" Dieter exclaims, his curiosity piqued. "Is she really that sweet?" His publicist's mouth quirks into a small smirk. "The sweetest, most fucking forbidden fruit, my friend. So sweet that the Shark doesn't want you within ten feet of his client." "Oh yeah?" Dieter replies, his eyes raised. "Hell yeah. He tried to corner me earlier, warning me to keep my client's - and I quote - Dirty fucking paws off of his Doll-" "Doll, huh? I bet I could tap that," Dieter challenges, his chest puffed out. Dieter's publicist chuckles to himself, shaking his head. "Dieter, I know you believe you're God's gift to the masses, but trust me, this Doll? She's a bit out of your league." Dieter leans back in his chair, a sly grin forming on his face. "Out of my league, huh? That just makes it more interesting. The thrill of the chase, my friend." His publicist raises an eyebrow, skeptical. "Dieter, I've seen you chase plenty, but this Doll is different. She's not like the others. There's an innocence about her that even your charm might struggle to crack." Dieter smirks, undeterred. "Well, we'll see about that. The forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest, doesn't it?" His publicist lets out a resigned sigh. "Just remember, Dieter, not every fruit is meant to be plucked."
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little-diable · 4 years
Don’t tell the elf - Dean Winchester (smut)
This is my imagine for lovely @deanwanddamons​ 2k challenge, as a massive lord of the rings fan I just had to choose this prompt (you’ll find it written in bold). I loved writing this. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Dean always gets rather distracted as he’d watch lotr with the reader, turning it into a metaphor of their own. 
Warnings: smut, 18+, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving)
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She wasn’t even quite sure how they ended up in this discussion, quoting random dialogues from Lord of the rings, while the boys would tease her about her crush on Aragorn, ignoring her remarks about the way they’d fawn over Arwen at any chance they’d get.
(Y/n) couldn’t remember a time where she hadn’t been in love with Tolkien’s masterpiece, able to recite most dialogues, able to talk about the books and movies for hours on end.
Dean would love to hear her ramble about it, even though most of the time he wasn’t truly listening, eyes admiring her features, thankful that he got to call her his, the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
“Urgh”, another annoyed groan spilled from her lips, hopping down from the kitchen island, “no Dean, it’s Aragorn who tosses Gimli, that’s the whole point of the dialogue, ‘don’t tell the elf’, that’s obvious enough, isn’t it Sam?” she turned towards the tall Winchester brother, hoping that he’d support his fellow lord of the rings fan.
Dean watched her with an amused smirk on his lips, eyes taking in her pacing form, moving from one end of the kitchen to the other, reciting the whole scene between Aragorn and Gimli as they were fighting the battle of Helm’s Deep.
Sam moved towards his brother, jamming his elbow into his side, “you’ve watched the movies at least ten times and you still don’t know stuff like that?”, Dean’s raspy chuckle made (y/n) smile, eyes catching Sam’s dark ones. “Well I always got a bit distracted”, Dean winked at his girlfriend, watching her cheeks flush, burning in embarrassment, mind wandering back to all those nights she had forced him to watch the movies, ending up tangled between the sheets.
“Well that’s my cue to leave”, Sam drowned the last gulps of his beer, striding towards the library, with a disgusted expression gracing his features, hopefully getting enough distance between him and the two of them.
Dean’s gaze followed his brother's frame, hands reaching for (y/n), pulling her into his chest, “maybe we should give the movies another try”, he nibbled on her earlobe, hands wandering underneath the shirt of his she was wearing. “Mhm”, (y/n) hummed, playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck, trying to press herself even closer, “sounds like a plan”, she shifted her weight onto her toes, lips meeting his.
Both got lost in the kiss, hands tenderly tugging and squeezing, tracing one another’s skin, moving backwards towards Dean’s room, careful to lock the door behind them. (Y/n) shoved him onto the bed, mattress dipping underneath his weight, she straddled his waist, pulling on his necklace, locking their lips once again. “What about the movie?”, he breathed out, Dean flipped them around, crotch perfectly pressed against her middle, chuckling as he caught her unamused gaze, “just kidding”.
Heat radiated off his body, clashing against hers, engulfing her like a warm, fuzzy blanket, protecting her from the chilly air of his room. Dean’s lips perfectly molded against hers, driven by their hunger, the desire that burned in the pit of their stomach, skin tingling as they got lost in each other's embrace.
The atmosphere around them buzzed, as if a thunderstorm was just about to approach, Dean had to bite down another remark about Lord of the Rings, drawing yet another comparison to Helm’s Deep and the downpour that crashed upon Théodens army.
He slowly began to grind his lower half against hers, unsteady breaths spilled from his swollen lips, arms placed on either side of her head, “I love you”, he reminded her, stroking some loose strands of her (y/h/c) hair behind her ear.
“I love you too, but now I need you to fuck me”, (y/n) impatiently moaned, moving her hips in synch with his, desperate for some additional friction. A laugh bubbled out of him, pulling her shirt over her head, tossing it aside, smirking at the sight of her naked chest, “running low on clean clothes”, (y/n) averted her eyes, fumbling with his button-down.
Dean kissed along her jawline, goosebumps rose on her skin, body giving into his touch as he finally made his way down her neck, thumbs circling her nipples, watching the nubs hardening, lips leaving a few marks behind. His scent overwhelmed her, creeped up her nostrils, a homey, almost peaceful warmth settled in her bones, “Dean”, she whined, hand moving down his upper body, undoing his trousers, “don’t tease me”.
Finally he attached his lips to her nipples, sucking on the now hard nubs, his piercing green eyes wouldn’t leave hers once, watching her pupils dilate. (Y/n) combed her fingers through his short hair, tugging on his roots, “I need you”, she was aching for him, walls fluttering around nothing, arousal dripped out of her heat, sticking to her thighs, damp panties pressed against her folds.
The older Winchester brother rose from the mattress, putting on a show for her as he slowly took off his clothes, standing completely bare in front of (y/n). He snaked his cold fingers around her ankles and pulled her towards him. In one quick motion he had tugged her soaked through panties down her legs, tossing them to the floor, where the rest of their clothes were placed.
Her heart was racing in anticipation, he brushed two fingers through her heat, whines of protest spilled from her lips as he drew his hand away, bringing his fingers up to his lips, licking them clean. The sight made (y/n) moan, he looked insanely handsome like that, naked body towering above her, the strong want to press her thighs together overcame her, cursing Dean for standing right between them.
“Shit, you taste so sweet darling”, a throaty groan rumbled through him, flavor of her arousal heavy on his tongue, the taste had an addicting effect to it, he could stay nestled between her thighs for hours on end, devouring her till she’d come on his tongue over and over again.
His length twitched as he painted that picture in his mind, growing harder with every passing moment, “god, the things you do to me”, he kneeled on the mattress, pulling her legs over his shoulders, sliding his impressive shaft through her wet lips. Dean patted his tip against her entrance, nudged against her pulsing clit, “are you ready for me darling?”, the teasing undertone in his voice coaxed a few curse words out of her, “don’t play games with me Winchester”.
Dean bit his lip, “such a brat”, he didn’t give her any time to comprehend the words he just spoke, length ripping her walls apart, slamming into her in one motion. All air got knocked out of her lungs, snarky remarks dying on her tongue, engulfed by the pleasure that overtook her senses. She slackend her jaw, back arched as Dean began to rock his length into her, choking out noises and sounds only Dean would ever manage to coax out of her.
Her walls tensed around him, struggling to adjust, body trembling from the ferocious pace he was set on, for a second or two tears blurred her vision, senses working on overdrive, drowning in the bliss that began to spread through her body. Dean threw his head back, arms wrapped around her legs, nails digging into her skin, “shit, you’re so tight darling, don’t think I’ll ever get used to this”.
She was just about to cum right there and then, orgasm building up, (y/n) could tell that it probably would hit her like it would rarely do, giving the word ‘release’ a whole new meaning. Dean knew her body like the back of his hand, knew how to move to push her right over the edge, squeezing just the right places and spots.
(Y/n)’s face screwed up in pleasure, letting the sounds that clawed up her throat fall from her lips, allowing Dean to have his way with her, ripping her apart with his rough pace. He felt her release nearing, struggling to stop her body from giving into her orgasm, teeth about to pierce through her lips, “it’s alright darling, I got you, let go”. She couldn’t think straight, body quivering, giving into the inferno that pulled her further down the rabbit hole, the sparks that shot up her spine, crying out his name.
Dean fucked her through her high, panting and growling, tightening his grip on her legs, “let me”, (y/n) whimpered, weakly pushing him away from her, she wanted to pump him, to wrap her lips around his girth, to taste herself on his velvety skin.
She crawled towards him, limbs still quivering from the powerful orgasm that just wrecked through her, hands finding his length, tongue licking its way up his warm skin, “fuck, just like that”. Dean loved to feel her hot mouth on him, her rough tongue twirled around him, hands tracing his defined ands, admiring every inch of his skin.
His length twitched in her grasp, “I’m-”, another moan wrecked through him, lips parted, eyebrows furrowed together, eyes closed, letting his body give into his orgasm. His release coated her cleavage white, milky substance dripping down her skin, his cheeks were flushed, drops of sweat pooled on his forehead, chest heavily rising and falling.
“Ah man, I truly love watching lord of the rings with you”, he chuckled, running a hand through her hair, “maybe we should watch part two as well, just to refresh your memory?”
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acciofanfics · 4 years
Be Quiet (Harry Potter x Reader) SMUT
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Request: Can you write a story where the reader (Slytherin) and Harry fall in love with each other and have their first time (smut pls!) and at the same time Sirius and the reader find out that’s she’s his daughter? Xo
Pairing: Harry Potter x FemReader
Warnings: Smut, very slight mentions of death, unprotected sex
Word Count: 2389
A/N: I forgot to specify the reader’s house! 😭 Also I didn’t do a whole lot of set up, let’s pretend their slightly older in Order of The Phoenix and this is set in when they’re staying in Sirius’ place? -S
(Y/N) rapped quietly on the door, she supposed knocking on the door at all kind of defeated the purpose of trying to be quiet, so she abandoned her efforts and attempted to open the wooden door with minimal squeaking. “Harry? Are you up?”
Harry was quick to appear and open the door for her to come into the room. Honestly, he felt kind of bad, because it had been his intention to come to her. She had just beat him to it, but he supposed that wasn’t too surprising; she had always seemed to be more sure of herself than Harry had. “Yeah, come in. I was just about to go look for you.”
She didn’t need to be told twice. Harry was probably her best friend...or maybe Hermione, but that would only because she couldn’t share EVERYTHING with Harry (despite her desire to do so). She plopped on the bed and let out a sigh, a dramatic, but justified one. “This is a lot, right?”
“It’s a bit much sure… not entirely bad though?” Harry knew immediately what she’d been referring to. A bombshell for sure. One thing they had been able to bond over was the fact that she grew up without her parents, Harry was thankful that she had a much more loving and tolerant aunt and uncle though. She never knew who her father was, and her mother had died around the age of 3. She knew who her father was now though… the notorious Sirius Black.
(Y/N) knew that she had been kept in the dark for her own good. Most people still thought the man was a murderer and she knew her aunt and uncle just didn’t want her to grow up knowing that they shared the DNA. “I mean I guess not… Sirius is cool and all.” It definitely sucked that his name hadn’t been cleared to anyone not in the Order, but while not seemingly knowing a lot about what he was doing he seemed eager to try as much as he would be able to.
“I feel like I’ve been lied to my entire life and I get why they did it, but I wish I would’ve known.” (Y/N) sat up and laid her head on Harry’s shoulder. He’d sat down beside her after she’d laid back. “I suppose nothing really changes that much though.”
He could definitely relate to some extent. Harry constantly felt like he was playing catch-up, and he was always a step behind everyone in knowing about himself and his life. “Right.”
A silence fell over the pair. Harry wasn’t sure what (Y/N) was feeling, but he felt content. She always had a way of making him feel that way. Hermione kept pushing him to say something, and as much as he wanted to he always found a reason not to do so. Now for example would be incredibly inappropriate, she was already so overwhelmed it just wouldn’t be fair to add the weight of his feelings for her onto her shoulders.
“Can I ask you something completely off topic?”
“Do you like me?” (Y/N) felt bad for blurting out the question. Now probably wasn’t the time and that probably wasn’t the best way to go about it, but at that moment it seemed like the most appropriate option.
Poor Harry was happy he didn’t have a mouth full or butter beer or pumpkin juice because there was no doubt that he would’ve probably spit it all over the bedding and the floor. He used to say that they were close enough that she could never surprise him, but that clearly was a lie. He often wondered if she was a Legilimen, because she seemed to have some sort of innate ability to read his mind. She also knew when he was lying to playing dumb probably wouldn’t be too much help in this situation, “Uh...yeah. Hermione says it's bloody obvious.”
(Y/N) chuckled and smiled, even though he wouldn’t be able to see it, “She says the same to me if it makes you feel any better.”
“You fancy me?” Harry always had a small suspicion, he didn’t think that Hermione would be constantly trying to get him to confess his feelings if she thought it would end badly, but still he had his doubts.
“You might be the chosen one, but you can be pretty thick sometimes…” She sighed and lifted her head from his shoulder. When he turned to see what was wrong she just planted a soft kiss on his lips. He immediately melted into it, he didn’t need to be told twice to kiss her back. He’d been thinking about doing it so long that it just seemed second nature.
Their foreheads stayed pressed together even when the urge to break away to breathe came. Her eyes were still closed, but Harry kept his open (he just needed to make sure this wasn’t a dream). “Would it be too soon to say that I’m in love with you?”
“I don’t think I’d use the word soon at all.” (Y/N) teased with a soft laugh.
Harry pulled the girl back in for another kiss, the second was even better than the first (which he hadn’t previously thought to be possible). She tasted like mint toothpaste, which probably now his favorite flavor as his tongue swept across hers. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around him, an act partially meant to pull him closer and partially meant to keep a grip on him so that when she laid down he’d come tumbling down with her.
Her back hit the mattress with a soft thud, and she found herself mildly impressed with Harry’s ability to gracefully follow her. His body resting between her legs and his hands on either side of her head. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled herself further into him, earning a small groan. Her lips curled into a smile against his skin, and she set herself on a mission to elicit a similar reaction, but not before whispering to him, “You have to be quiet, apparently my dad is in the other room.”
Harry rolled his eyes at her, but soon found himself forgetting what she’d said. Instead he was more focused on the feathery light kisses being trailed down from his cheek to his neck. He took a deep breath when she began to kiss his neck, her ministrations on the skin a new and very enjoyable experience. He didn’t even notice her hands sneaking under his shirt. He shivered slightly from her cold hands, but relaxed into her touch when she ran her palms across his chest and torso. “Whatever you’re doing for Quidditch is clearly working.” She hummed into his ear.
Harry chuckled and leaned up, pulling his shirt over his head and then helping her out of hers. He was kind of shocked by how not nervous he was. There was just something about her, he doubted there was anything in the world she could do to make him think less of her and he just had a hunch she felt the same (or least that’s the way she made him feel). There was little light in the bedroom, but he could still see her (barely, but he could). He hadn’t even thought about the fact they were in her pajamas and she probably wouldn’t be wearing a bra… she definitely wasn’t and he felt his voice catch in the back of his throat.
“This is the part where you tell me how good I look.” (Y/N) whispered playfully to him. She worried that perhaps she might’ve been ruining the moment with so much talking, but she also knew that Harry was aware she liked to make jokes to ease her own nerves. He was often the only one not taken aback by the sometimes poorly time sentiments.
“You’re bloody gorgeous.” His voice held no trace of jest and he didn’t even give her a chance to respond before he went back in for another kiss. The kiss was chaste, because honestly he wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine. When his lips met the skin of her neck (Y/N) found herself having to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her voice down. However, whenever he dipped lower and found her chest the action was futile. A sharp gasp tore through her throat at the new sensation and when to shower her breasts in kisses she no longer found holding back a moan a possible option.
The sound was like music to Harry’s ears and he began to crave hearing more like it was a song stuck in his head. He switched between her right and left nipple, carefully trying to pay the same amount of attention to each one, and he only found himself willing to stop whenever she rolled her hips upward and brushed herself against the erection he was now painfully aware of. To be honest, he wasn’t quite sure what was exactly expected of him. He definitely wasn’t entirely stupid on the subject, he knew WHAT happened, but maybe he was skipping an important step in the foreplay that he wasn’t aware of. He didn’t have much time to think too much about it, because (Y/N) wiggled out from under him. He would’ve been worried that he’d done something wrong, but when she began to shed the rest of his clothes those thoughts abandoned his mind. Really the only thoughts left in his head was her… and how she looked. Completely bare. In front of him. Merlin, he wasn’t sure there was ever a sight more beautiful and he doubted he’d ever be able to think of anything else.
“Care to join me?” (Y/N) hoped she wasn’t being too forward. This really was probably too soon… they’d just had their first kiss not even an hour ago and now she was lying on his bed completely naked. She’d been imagining this for far more than a few hours though. It was definitely not a fleeting thought… well it wasn’t to her. She hoped Harry felt the same.
“Oh! Yeah!” It occurred to him how lame it must’ve been that he was just sitting there looking at her and he quickly shed his left over layers too. Now they were both naked, and still just staring.
“This is okay with you right?” She drew closer to him again, careful not to touch him until she was sure that he also wanted this.
“Yes.” He thought she was bloody insane to even ask him that, but he wouldn’t say that to her (at least not right then).
That was all she wanted to hear, (Y/N) kissed him again, but this time it was different. It was full of anticipation and desire and their lips just moved together instinctively, because they were both too focused on the feeling of their bodies being pressed together.
This time (Y/N) didn’t have to pull Harry on top of her, this time he carefully laid her down and hovered over her. The tip of his cock brushed against her core and he was worried that he’d lose it right then and there. She whimpered and raised her hips to meet him. Their eyes locked and there wasn’t a need for words to ask permission or any questions. They both knew this was exactly what they wanted. Harry reached between them and drug the tip of his cock across her folds, his eyes closed when he slowly began to press himself into her.
Immediate pleasure washed over Harry and to put it bluntly it was far better than any late night with his hand. (Y/N) felt it too, not quite as intensely as she was still adjusting to the foreign feeling of being so completely stretched by him. The thought alone made her shift her hips. He was trying not to give into the desire to just completely ruin her, the thought had crossed his mind more than once if he was being honest and now that he was presented with the actual opportunity he was doing his best to be a gentleman.
“Harry,” He had always enjoyed hearing her say his name, and this was no exception. It was at least 10 times better when it came out more of a moan than an actual word, “Move already.”
He grunted a bit at the order, but obliged nonetheless. He pulled out slowly and then resheathed himself in her again. Each time a little faster and every little whimper or moan that came from her lips egged him on ever more. It didn’t take long for the somewhat uncomfortable feeling to completely disappear and soon her weak noises became a little louder. Harry would’ve been happy to have her screaming his name, the noise echoing through the hallways, but she was right. Her father was in the other room, as well as other people who would not approve of their display of affection.
“We have.. To be.. Quiet… remember?” His sentence was broken up by the thrusting of his hips, unable to find enough concern to completely stop his movements. Knowing he was right (Y/N) roughly kissed him. She wasn’t entirely sure that it would keep the noises at bay, but it was the only thing that she could say would have the potential to work at the moment. She was getting close, she could feel something like a spring in her body being twisted tighter and tighter with every thrust and then POP. A wave of relief and pleasure erupted through her body and a moan that sounded more like a strangled sob was let out. As cliche as it sounded, it completely undid Harry and he held her close, his face buried into her shoulder as he found the same pleasure she did and his hips stilled.
“That was my first time.”
“Mine too.” He answered honestly.
“We’re pretty good at this.” She let out a quiet laugh as Harry pulled himself out of her and collapsed on the bed. She laid down beside him, her head resting on his chest.
“Honestly… I think we could go for a bit more practice.”
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with Gilberto ‘Gilly’ Lopez.
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Here it is the dirty idea you voted for our big guy 💖
Warnings: nsfw, smut.
Word count: about 2k (lmao not sorry).
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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That tight pair of black shorts fitting perfectly your legs and pushing up your ass are driving him insane. And the crop top adjusted to your chest, showing up your abdomen doesn't help either. You aren't in the mood for a Mayan's party. It's supposed that you should be cuddling with your boyfriend on your sofa, watching a movie, drinking beer and eating popcorn. But the club had other plans in mind. And of course he could say no to them and stay with you. So there you are, walking around the main crew to reach the bar. Squatting to a box of empty bottles to leave yours there, you know that Gilly has his eyes glued on your buttocks, drawing a heart shape over your heels. While you're playing with fire, he's already burning among the flames. Standing up on your sneakers, your ass bounces slightly and his orbs follow the move enraptured by it. Swallowing the bitter drink, he cleans his lips with the back of his hand, abandoning his beer somewhere over the table to get up from his chair.
You would be lying if you say that you weren't expecting him, when you feel his fingertips roaming your forearms in an ephemeral caress up to your shoulders. Then, his calloused palms fall down slowly by your sides to surround your waist with his strong arms. Taking a last step forward, the bulge under his rough jeans, covered by the black shirt he's wearing, creates some friction against your butt. Your boyfriend doesn't give a shit if someone is looking at the two of you, slightly rubbing his hard dick forcibly to your body.
“Baby, I am so sorry”. He whispers into your ear, with his warm breathing provoking you some shivers.
You can feel the desperation in his tone of voice, sobbing against your skin when you intertwine your fingers with his. Believing that you are going to give him some chance, you just push him away from you, turning around to face him. You're pissed off. You asked the hospital for that free night, because he was off too. And this is not how you wanted to be. He can see the deception on your face, crossing both arms over your chest. But let's be sincere, you're just being tough.
“I prom—”.
“Don't”. You mumble raising up your forefinger to shut him up. “Don't you dare to make another promise you ain't going to keep, Gilly”.
“Baby, that's not fair… I should be here”. He's trying hard, walking somewhat closer.
“You should be with me”. Placing a hand on his middle chest, you stop him.
“And I a—fuck, mami! Don't punch me…”
“You fucking pendejo…”
“Let me make this up to you, c'mon”. He leans forward, catching again your body under his arms.
Sometimes you hate you're so weak for him, for his smell, for his voice. He wields a power on you that no one else could. And when you're about to fall for him again, you watch over his shoulder his brothers saying you with gestures to fuck him off. The encouragement you were needing.
“No, thanks”. You utter pushing him away, causing the laughs of the other men.
“Seriously? You have to be fucking kidding me!” Gilly turns at them, raising both arms with indignation. “I didn't even want to come to see your fucking shit-faces! That's not fucking fair, (Y/N)”.
He faces you again, pouting like a bitten dog.
“Mami, I'm fucking losing my mind”. He grunts in your ear, holding you tightly. So tightly that you can't move a single inch from your body. “These shorts are… so short. So, so short, mi amor… And, fuck, I can see your nipples getting harder under this top. I wanna put them in my mouth. Suck them. Bite them. Lick them. Taste them”.
“You don't deserve it”.
“I know… I fucking know… But you do. You deserve the pleasure only I can give you”. He bows down his head to your neck, letting his incisors mark his territory with a superficial bruise on it. Somehow, his hands have ended up on your ass, squeezing it and forcing you to lean on your tiptoes. “I will do anything you ask me to… You deserve it, (Y/N), because I'm the worst boyfriend of all”.
He is not, quite the opposite. But you like the way he's having to slightly degrade himself for not keeping his promises.
“Tell me what you want me to do”. Gilly whispers hoarsely, making you walk backwards to the hallway straight to the dorms.
“I want you to stop”. You grouse.
And he does. But not in the way you were asking him to. Your back finds the wall, and one of his knees finds your center. Scrubbing his leg against you, your boyfriend rolls up your shirt over your breasts. His fingers squeeze them together, so his mouth can welcome both nipples among his lips. As he said; he sucks them, he bites them, he licks them. He tastes your tits, tearing you some delicate and delicious moans. A sweet melody for his ears. Your boyfriend hums against your skin, making it vibrate, before sticking out his tongue to roam the gap between your breasts up to your collarbone over the black fabric, until finding your lips. His huge hands knead your skin tightly, devouring your mouth so desperate. And the last thing you can think on it's that you two could be caught for another Mayan.
“I bet your sweet pussy is so fucking wet right now… Isn't she?”
You gulp in silence, licking your lips and licking them too by the movement.
“Let me compensate you…” He mutters, rubbing his cheek against yours with gentle caresses. “Please…”
Gilly is still pressing his knee against your core, creating the kind of friction that turns you on. His lips attack again your breasts and your hard nipples, stealing you a lovely moan that accelerates his heart. But his task gets frustrated when you hear some voices coming closer, dressing up well and adopting a normal posture against the wall. Your boyfriend holds your hand to guide you to his shared dorm with Angel, coming in and locking the door.
“You know what are you going to do, Gilberto?” You ask with a honeyed voice, taking off your top over your head, to toss it to the floor.
You can see him licking his top lip, walking dangerously towards you when you start to undone your shorts, falling down by your legs. Heel against heel you leave away your sneakers and the socks, walking backwards to his bed under the gloom of the room.
“You're just gonna watch”. You sentence, looking how his expression changes completely.
“Please, don't”. That beg makes you chuckle, as you get comfy on his mattress, sliding your wet panties down through your thighs to grab it with a hand raised. The piece of clothing falls from your fingers to the carpet. “Please, mi vida”.
“You watch, or you leave me alone”.
“Fuck…” Gilly complains, taking off his kutte to place it over Angel's bed.
Palming a side of his, your boyfriend lies down next to you, putting an arm under your neck to hold you. Finding his lips to kiss them, your right hand travels the skin of your stomach to your center. You can feel the heat that emanates from your wetness, digging two fingers into your pussy. Gilly drinks you gasp with eyes closed, slipping your hand in and out with a low pace.
“Tell me how it feels, baby…” He pleads you, leaving soft kisses all around your face.
“So good… Exactly as you love”.
“Yeah?” Mumbling, his right hand caresses your neck, trying to contain himself from replacing your fingers for his. He's having so much trouble with it.
“Yeah”. You reply, speeding up the pace, while your free hand gives to your throbbing clit the attention it deserves.
“Fuck, you're killing me…” He sobs onto your ear, sucking your weak spot under it.
You have to recognize that his hands feel better on you than yours, but that's the punishment he has earned by choosing the party over a night with you. Gilly's lips bite yours, tucking his tongue among them to softly caress the tip of yours. Little by little, the heat starts to flood your anatomy, stirring under his grips. He takes the risk of touring your skin with his mouth, giving you some tickles because of his rough beard, until reaching one of your nipples to attend the other with his free hand. You're about to fall into the edge, passing away to the orgasm, when you think he has been good enough this time.
Pulling out your fingers, you take them to his mouth. Gilly grunts pleased licking them. Your boyfriend grabs your wrist, sucking them with impetus, and his eyes glued on yours as you place a shaky leg over his.
“You taste fucking good…” He sighs cleaning up your juices and enjoying his favorite flavor.
“You like it?” You whisper, run out of air, stroking his strong chest with your free hand. He just nods. “You wanna make me com'?”
“Fuck, yes, baby… please, please”.
Gilly doesn't hesitate in begging you. He knows how much you like to tease him, as he does. And he looks really excited crawling down the bed to settle his torso between your legs, clinging his hands on your thighs as your legs get placed over his shoulders. His tongue licks your cunt completely, slowly, without any rush. Your fingertips travel the back of his head, slightly arching your back, while he starts to devour your beating pussy. Your moans soon flood the whole room, knowing that you couldn't have this much pleasure only with your fingers. Not even with another man. No one works your body as Gilly does. You know it. He knows it. The whole fucking crew knows it. And you can't help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
“Make me cum, my big boy… Only like you can do”. You whimper desperately, closing your eyes at the exact moment that he slams two fingers into your cunt.
His pace is rough, deep, fast. His lips are sucking your swollen clit as if there was no tomorrow. As if it was the last time he has the opportunity to give you pleasure. And shit. You reach the orgasm screaming out his name. You're sure that his brothers have listened to you. But you don't care at all. His mouth is clinged to your folds and he doesn't mind if your body can't handle him anymore. He continues worshiping you with his tongue drinking your sweet juices and his fingers curled inside you, pounding you. Once and again.
“Fuck…” You cry out, almost with tears in your eyes.
Rocking unconsciously your hips against his face, your thighs get rubbed by his beard, giving you dangerous shivers.
“Baby… Baby, fuck… I don't… wanna cum again”.
He suddenly stops confused, crawling over your body looking for your lips.
“Why?” He can't help but pout at you, surrounding your waist with his arms.
“Cause I want you to fuck me at home”. You brush his lips with yours, sensually, licking them. “I want you to pull my hair from behind, fucking me deep, all in four, spanking my ass…”
“That sounds good, mi niña”.
“You want it?”
He nods while pecking your lips, trying to hold on his desire for you to explode inside the intimacy of your house.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Kinktober Day 26 LEATHER
Oleander Hale x Reader
Tags: 18+ | 1.2k words | spanking, lingerie, light sub/dom, it’s almost how-low-ween beebees
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AN: unedited; show of hands who actually watched Tessa Thompson in Little Woods 2018. If you haven't, it's a great film! 
You met Ollie after she moved to Seattle. You're a native and help her navigate the lay of the land first by telling her to find an apartment outside of the city. She is forever grateful for your wisdom and the two of you become fast friends after that. 
She doesn't talk much about North Dakota, only that she has a sister and nephew she supports out there. You've heard them on the phone some nights, talking about finances and her sister Deb asking for a pay raise at her waitress job. 
"She's not supposed to be seeing Johnny's dad but…" Ollie grinded her teeth. 
You nod in understanding. "Have a little faith that your sister's learned from her mistakes." 
Ollie nods and asks you to stay the night, it's the first time you sleep in her bed. 
You work city planning for Seattle and ride the bus together in the morning and afternoons home. Mostly you text each other so as not to disturb the unnatural quiet of bus times. 
Ollie: you're goofy! Gimme another one
You: ok, tell me… 
You: tell me ONE kink you have
Ollie: *read* 
When she didn't respond right away, you assumed she was thinking. But then so much time went by you turned to look at her in the seat next to you. She was frozen, eyes forward and staring at the front of the bus. Your stop was still miles away and it was hardly the most daring thing you'd ever talked about. 
"Alright, you obviously don't HAVE to answer–" 
Your phone chimed and Ollie still wouldn't look at you. You check your text and see she simply wrote 
Ollie: leather 
Ollie: You know DC comics? I always had a crush on Black Canary…
Oh baby, did it ever give you thoughts and distract you the rest of the day… 
You bought two of them online for Halloween. One as part of the costume– full coverage, supportive of your breasts, not warm by any means but it would look good with the jacket and tights. You hoped the boots would be a part of it– they made you very tall. 
Ollie dressed up as a construction worker since she was working that day. She smelled like saw dust and sweat and that did turn you on a little. You met her at your friend’s apartment complex a couple blocks from your place. 
"Hey precious," you swagger up to her dressed to the nines. 
You see her eyes darken. "Oh you would, wouldn't you?" 
"You don't approve?" 
You strike a couple poses, showing off the enhancements the corset made of your body. Ollie swallows and tries not to crush the cup in her hand. What she does do is take you by the hand, drag you to a dark corner and kiss you. 
“Behave, please.” 
Ollie returns to the party just as swiftly as she had taken you from it. You revel in the taste of her beer and orange flavored chapstick lingering on your lips and plan phase two. As the halloween party wraps up, you feign needing to be home asap and leave Ollie confused. You drive home as fast as you can knowing she’s soon to follow, and you swap your sensible, covered leather corset for a more... risque cut. 
“Hey babe,” Ollie enters your apartment with the key from under the door. “You ok? You left in a hurry.” 
There’s no rose petals on the floor, but there is a trail of discarded clothes leading to a soft glow in the bedroom. Ollie gulps and pushes the door open cautiously. She finds you, barely clothed with underbust leather and a riding crop on your hand. 
“You know, I wasn’t sure if this,” you lift the riding crop, “was too much or not. If you’re not into it… you can use it on me…” 
“No no,” Ollie drops her canvas jacket to the floor. “It’s… it’s perfect, actually. Can I…?” 
Ollie walks towards you and guides you to lean back. She runs a hand over top of your corseted stomach down to the top of your lacy open access red thong. “I like it…” 
You let her tweak your exposed nipple then roll over and wiggle your hips in the air. "Come play with me, Ollie." 
Ollie took the riding crop from you and smoothed it over the curve of your spine. She smacks your ass with her hand causing you to yelp in surprise. 
"I had fun tonight," Ollie says, "no girls back in North Dakota I can take out to parties." 
You hum as you feel the tip of the riding crop skim across your butt. "No parties in North Dakota either, I hear." 
"Not for me, no," she chuckled forlornly. 
"Ollie? Babe?" 
Ollie pauses running the crop over your hip. "Yeah?" 
"Stop teasing and hit me with it." 
You don't hear anything and almost worry she somehow left the room until a THWAK to the meatiest part of your cheeks renders you speechless. 
"Ooo that's good." She smacks you with it again across your thighs and you yelp this time. "Such a good sound…" 
Ollie's voice is sultry as she commands, "count 'em for me, sweetheart." 
Ollie spanks you with the riding crop and revels in your breathy moans and excited wriggling. The leather loop at the end leaves delicious stinging welts on your cheeks. By the time you reach the count of ten, you're sweating and squeezing your thighs together to relieve some of the pressure in your stomach. Ollie's hand feels cool like a balm as she rubs your ass. 
She doesn't say anything, just snaps the red straps of your thong and delights in your broken protest, only to turn it into a garbled moan as she slips a finger inside you. 
"So wet for me…" 
You're breathless and hot. "Always wet for you, baby…" 
Ollie adds another finger and pumps them into you. You faintly hear the sound of her zipper but can't turn around to see what she's doing. 
Ollie let's you stand and reposition yourself on another side of the bed so you can face the vanity mirror. This time you feel Oleander fuck you with her fingers and you see her slip her other hand into her own pants. 
"Look good in leather." Ollie bites her lip and makes a 'come hither' motion inside you. 
Your eyes roll back into your head when she brushes her thumb over your clit and you come the instant she adds a tiny bit of pressure. The squelch of your juices as she pumps into you is obscene to the point of embarrassment, but Ollie loves it. 
"Not done with you yet, sweetie." Ollie frees both of her hands and walks to the closet. "Let me get the strap." 
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