#'oh but you don't have to go online!!' fuck you
drdemonprince · 2 days
any advice for coping with being on the receiving end of a public callout ?
Oh yes:
Do not acknowledge the callout publicly. It will only further its spread, lend it legitimacy, cause you to be interpreted as guilty, and convey to anyone who bears you ill will that you are rattled and feeling socially threatened.
Do not act out of urgency. One of the ways that cancelled people get themselves in far worse trouble is by spiraling due to anxiety and rushing to issue a statement about what has happened, or to attempt to socially manage public impressions about what has happened. Do not do this. Anything that you say will be picked apart and used against you. The situation is truly not as urgent as it might feel. A lot of times, doing nothing and being quiet is the best way to proceed, and the dust will settle better if you do.
Do not issue a public apology. If you truly feel that you have wronged someone, that conflict should be worked out in private with the people you have directly affected. You do not owe the anonymous public audience a damn thing. Do not apologize for something you don't honestly believe that you have done wrong. Take time and really think about what happened, and seek the counsel of people whom you trust in PRIVATE.
Do not attempt to disprove the callout unless you have crystal clear, smoking gun evidence that the person who accused you is actually victimizing you. And even then, probably don't do it. I have only seen a disproof of a callout work ONCE, and that was when Juniper Abernathy revealed the person cancelling her had been abusing her. Even if the facts are on your side, acknowledging the accusations will only make more people aware of them, give your detractors ground to criticize your every word, and will muddy the waters and make people find the situation confusing and troubling rather than clear.
GET THE FUCK OFFLINE. Delete your social media apps for the time being. Turn off notifications. Turn off DMs requests. Change your settings so that you only ever hear from people you already follow (I do this, on the advice of Philosophy Tube). Get away from the computer.
Connect with IRL friends. When you're wrapped up in a cancellation, the negative opinions of a handful of foaming at the mouth freaks loom way larger than they actually are. And social media dramatically skews our sense of social priorities such that the approval rating of complete strangers starts to seem more important than people we actually know, and trust, and who actually know us. Go get a meal with a buddy. Watch a dumb movie. Talk to your grandma about her plans for her garden. Surround yourself with real people you care about and focus on their life and problems, to help put things in perspective.
Find distracting, active, rewarding activities that bring you out of the digital space and into physical reality. Not everyone is talking about you, not everybody hates you, most people have no fucking clue what has been said about you, and most people do not give a fuck about you (that's good). There are so many areas of life that are completely fucking untouched by what a bunch of social media power users have to say online. Go volunteer to clean up a park, run some errands, take an exercise class, foster a dog, regrout your bathroom, knit a hat. Even if the worst case scenario happens and a cancellation sticks, it's really only among a certain very vocal group of miserable fucking people. There is a whole world around you that will not ever care, and you will have a life outside of this.
Good luck!!
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meyerlansky · 3 days
>vent about antisemitism in the hbo war fandom last night
>wake up and check activity page
>"oh a few new likes on my mota gifsets from a blog i don't recognize! ...and they followed and unfollowed very quickly. hm."
>check their blog
>literal neonazi shit two posts down
this is what i'm fucking talking about. if you're going to participate in a fanbase for a piece of media that deals directly with wwii in europe, you need to get way better at recognizing neofash propaganda, especially the flavor that valorizes the american war machine and uses media that does the same valorizing—like every hbowar installment—to further their rhetoric. you need to be thinking much more critically about the ways groups like this are using rising antisemitism to disseminate genocidal beliefs to people who otherwise wouldn't find those ideas palatable. you need to be a lot more fucking careful. there is a neonazi presence on this website, and fascist groups WANT images like those in the post i'm talking about to spread without commentary to solidify their ideas in public discourse. you need to be able to recognize it when you see it, and you need to be not only prepared and willing but ACTIVELY SEEKING to shut it the fuck down immediately.
in terms of practical things you can do to learn to recognize fash and nazi propaganda, this document is a good starting point, though it's from 2021 and some of the entries are dated. online fash iconography co-opts things—like the american war machine, as mentioned—that will make it easier for nonfash people to digest, and can be very quick to shift to stay ahead of the public awareness that it IS in fact fascist. staying aware not a one-and-done thing. you have to keep doing it.
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kyogos · 4 months
Spoiler culture has gotta start being enforced again bc apparently it's fair game to just raw post about everything immediately after it drops
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hazel2468 · 11 months
"UWU op defends Israel UWU"-
Have I not made it clear enough what I think of the Israeli government? Have I not made it clear enough that what infuriates me the MOST about all of this shit going on is that neither government gives a damn and civilians will CONTINUE to die because Hamas and Netanyahu are cranking that war machine for their own benefit? Have I not made it clear that I think what the Israeli government is doing is fucking horrific, a war crime, murder, a violation of human rights?
Why do I even need to MAKE that clear? Why is it that you can talk about LITERALLY anything else, any other country, and people don't rush to fucking accuse you of personally supporting the government when you discuss the wrongs committed against a people, but the SECOND you're a Jew you have to justify your stance about Israel?
Why is it that I cannot even be angry about the slaughter of MY FUCKING PEOPLE. Innocents. Civilians. Fucking CHILDREN. The slaughter of the Palestinian people. Innocents. Civilians. FUCKING CHILDREN.
Without one of you absolute fucking monsters deciding to slap some shit on an unrelated post about how "uwu op defends an apartheid state just ignore that"? Do you have to make it part of EVERYTHING I do? Do you consider everything I put out there tainted somehow because I don't support your joy, your cheering, your unrestrained GLEE at the murder of Jews? Do I need to publish a fucking thesis on my stance on Israel, Palestine, and their respective governments like a fucking disclaimer any time I want to talk about myself, my oppression, my experience as a Jew, or a disabled person, or a queer person, because you fuckers cannot for five seconds be NORMAL about Jews?
To decide to slap something about Israel and Palestine on a post I made about MY oppression, about how people will oppress you no matter who you actually are- it all depends who they think you are. It's a bit ironic, isn't it? Doesn't QUITE fit, but it's funny that someone would read that post, agree with it, and then think "Ah yes, THIS is the place to put some tags about how OP, a Jew who has been reeling for the last couple of weeks about the violence, who has been checking on their Israeli friends every day to make sure they aren't fucking dead, who is dealing with vicious antisemitism from people who they thought were friends, who watched as the people claiming to be progressive supporters of human rights on this hellsite and others OVERWHELMINGLY reply to the murder of their people with good they deserved it fuck you, is CLEARLY a defender of an apartheid state and that makes them a bad person because something something I don't know what nuance tastes like and I am a bigoted ass."
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transmechanicus · 4 months
Everyone scandalized about Chilchuck being thirsted over, a character who is objectively 29, which is 40+ in human years, who has 3 grown daughters and a divorce, just because of how he's drawn, you have my biggest congratulations. I truly did not think the complex physiological system of a human body could be managed by a creature with not one singular brain cell. How you managed to stagger over to the computer and bash your skull against the keyboard with enough accuracy to post remains a further mystery. I am going to put you in a maze filled with buzzsaw goblins and will use the results to write a second PhD thesis.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Hey ya'll back on my bullshit again!
So this time if this idea doesn't get outta control it'll mostly be focusing on Danny and Bruce!!!
Danny is gonna be younger here by the by, maybe like 10.
So after being accidently hit by on of his parents inventions, big ol' Danny-o sometimes gets these dreams about some random ass old man. He doesn't know who he is, nor why this is happening, but he mostly just goes along with it.
Most of the time they just spend the time there in silence, not really doing anything and just existing around each other until one day Danny let slip that he fights people on the regular.
Most of them being other people in a dream, who he assumes are ghosts. He manages to hold his own decently well, even without powers of his own.
Plus, he can even take his parents stuff into the dreams!
Sure he sometimes loses, but that's really not the point here.
but the man does not like it.
Danny doesn't get it, considering he can kick ass, take names, and it is just a dream after all.
So imagine his surprise when that old man, who he's known for a while and dare he say can perhaps even be called a friend, takes a fighting stance and tells him to come at him.
He asked if the guy was sure, the guy nodded, he told him not to regret anything when he gets his ass handed to him, the guy said nothing and motioned for him to attack and Danny went for it.
Not even a few moments later and he's insanely embarrassed he got his ass handed to him. Like, it was over before he even began and Danny didn't even know what happened.
So of course, being who he is and knowing this guy for a while. He very obviously asks the guy to teach him his ways and he must be insanely charming because the guy didn't even hesitate to say yes!
It was like, a few more dreams in that he finally asked for the guy's name. He said his name was Bruce, and that he was traveling the world and learning every martial art currently still existing.
Danny instantly grew to like him more after that. Sure, his mom's a blackbelt, and sure she taught him to kick major ass before she got dragged into her inventions, and sure she doesn't train with him or spend time with him anymore because of that-
Wait he's rambling.
So the guy asked him if he was taught martial arts, since he does have a pretty solid foundation. Danny said yes and then talked about his mom, because anytime to gush about how much of a badass she is, is one he's gonna take.
Somewhere along that rant it turned into a rant about his parents, and then their inventions, and then it turned into his sister and then it turned towards the ghosts he fights and how he beats them up really well and how his parents inventions really helps and then it turned towards that one time he got hit by one of his parents inventions which is why all these people appear in these dreams-
Bruce motions for him to stop, and then asks what Danny means by being hit by one of his parents inventions.
Danny stops, then gets real sheepish about it. Because really, it was kinda technically his fault that he got hit since he did sneak into his parents lab while they were out and accidently messed with something unfinished.
Bruce asked how Danny got into their lab. To which Danny said pretty easily since he already cracked the passcode for their 'secret' lab, and yea sure they didn't know that and sure he shouldn't really be in there in the first place without them knowing, but it's not like they know where he is most of the time.
Then Danny gets frustrated and say that they changed the passcode, so now he has to crack it again and he can't ask Jazz for help since she's too busy with school, but it's not like he really needs her help because he's plenty smart on his own but it would be nice-
Bruce doesn't say anything while Danny takes the conversation to an entirely different place than it started. His face only growing dark, as he quietly listened to Danny now going on about how to not fight a living jelly because they are vicious.
Which is another cause for concern, frankly.
Bruce has noticed that Danny has a tendency to just. Ramble about random things for hours if he isn't stopped, and is extremely surprised when Bruce actually listened whenever he stopped to take a breath.
He does wonder who exactly this boy's parents are however.
So then this keeps going on for a while, with Danny and Bruce either training martial arts or just talking (more so Danny rambling on about his day or anything really and Bruce just listening and commenting here or there.) and existing.
Then when Danny turned 11 he tells Bruce about how his parents got this huuuuuge mysterious donation that let them buy parts to make this super-mega-awesome invention of theirs that's supposed to be some kind of portal or something.
Which Danny is a bit jealous over because his parents are spending less and less time out of their lab, but that's besides the point.
Sometimes he also shows Bruce blueprints on things his parents worked on and then left unfinished because they lost interest in it or just don't see how they can work it out.
And Bruce, being the super-mega-awesome-nice friend he is, looked them over and then tweaked them a bit here and there and then they just worked!
(Also yes, he did indeed crack his parents code again and stole some of their parts to make said inventions but hey what they don't know won't hurt them and plus he can take it into his dreams.)
Some very, very rare times, Danny showed Bruce some of his own blueprints that he tried to make. Because if he showed an interest in inventions then maybe, just, maybe he'll be able to spend more time with his parents.
But anyways.
He showed them to Bruce, and they kinda just sat there figuring out how to make Danny's dreams become a reality. Then over time Danny just, sorta stopped showing his parents blueprints and more of his own.
They still trained of course, but it was really cool to just, tell someone his ideas and for them to actually listen.
And sure, he could tell his mom and dad but they have the attention span of a goldfish when it isn't anything ghost related (no hate indented but it's just facts.) and Jazz is really busy with her own life too and also a bit... smothery.
And he didn't really have any other friends since no one really wants to take to the child of the resident ghost hunters. There is those two friends he knows online, but he doesn't wanna ruin anything by just showing blueprints.
So telling Bruce was something he took readily too after he reacted well the first time he showed him his first blueprint. Hell, it didn't even need to be a blueprint for a weapon, it could be anything and Bruce would still find a way to help him.
Eventually it shifted from Blueprints of weapons and household items, to ones of spaceships and stuff meant to mimic the stars. Then conversation shifted from everyday stuff to space and it's many wonders and how cool it is.
Danny talked, and Bruce listened.
Bruce trained him, and so Danny fought.
Danny trusted an adult for once in his life, and Bruce gave him every reason to trust him.
Bruce helped Danny with his ideas, and in turn Danny gave him a distraction from most of the pain and worry of what's happening in Gotham until he can go back and help.
Danny found a place he can just let go in, and Bruce allowed him that space.
Which made it oh so terrible whenever he lost everything.
Well, not everything. But it sure felt that way to Danny.
It was when he turned 12, telling his friends online about how his parents completed this craaaaazy new invention that apparently should open a portal to, somewhere he isn't sure.
One of his friends told him he should totally go check it out and tell them if it works or not. It didn't really take much convincing since he also wanted to check it out too.
The pain was overwhelming.
Feeling his body be defiled by electricity and then slowly disintegrate while he could still feel everything and then not feeling anything from his limbs after and yet still being alive and then suddenly feeling again after he couldn't was so overwhelming and the pain was still there and-
Nobody was in the house at the time, his parents out for the day and Jazz hanging out with her friends. So no one could hear him scream.
Then there he was, in the air trying to remember how to breathe only to realize he wasn't breathing-
Then he dropped to the ground and found he could breathe as air forced itself into his lungs until he started feeling light headed and passed out.
Later when woke up he told his friends that it never worked, and stayed away from it for awhile.
Later when he was asleep he didn't see Bruce anywhere, nor any of those ghosts he fights at all.
He didn't think much of it, maybe Bruce just wasn't sleeping.
He thought the same when a few days past by and still no signs of Bruce.
He distracted himself with fighting the ghosts from his dreams that came from his parents portal that he forces back to the zone.
A single day multiplied as it turned to a week, and then that week turned into weeks and then a month and then that month turned into months-
-And he hasn't seen Bruce in so long that he just doesn't get why he couldn't find him. He searched his dreams, not seeing hide nor hair of Bruce and spent his days awake fighting ghosts since his parents homeschool him even though they spend most of their time in their lab and it's him who homeschools himself and sometimes he has to run from his parents because they also attack and hunt him-
But it doesn't matter.
He kept searching for Bruce until he couldn't. He kept searching past when he couldn't.
Sometimes he couldn't help those few thoughts that creep into his brain whenever he stares up at the ceiling and can't sleep.
That maybe Bruce finally got tired of him and that he doesn't care about him anymore and stopped wishing to meet him and abandoned him for another child who isn't like him and can actually be normal and isn't a freak who can't do anything right.
Sometimes Danny lets himself stew in those thoughts.
Danny doesn't like thinking about them that much.
Bruce will be back. He just has to wait. Friends wait for their friends and besides he already has two other friends and yea he can't meet up with them in person but still.
It was when he encountered this one ghost while going past the boundaries of his own dream in search of his Friend that he was told that Bruce wasn't ever going to come to his dream, that he can't come back to his dream anymore.
Now, Danny is smart. Maybe not as smart as his parents or Jazz, but he has something in his brain and he knows that what this ghost is saying is probably true and that he should just accept but-
He just can't.
He doesn't want to.
Bruce couldn't have abandoned him. He's probably still looking for him right now in his own dream and Danny would be such a bad friend if he didn't continue looking.
But then he was told that Bruce wasn't looking for him, because this Bruce person never existed in the first place.
Danny didn't want to believe it. He couldn't.
Bruce wasn't a figment of his imagination.
He just couldn't be.
Bruce was his friend. He's his friend and he was real.
So obviously this ghost is lying.
Until he found out that he wasn't because this ghost knows the dreams of every person on the planet and the Bruce that he knows was never one of them and Danny.
Danny couldn't take that.
This ghost was lying. he just had to be. Bruce is his friend and he's real and he's been with him for so long and he couldn't help him if he wasn't real and everything they've done together was real.
Bruce was real.
Bruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was realBruce was real
He woke up.
He didn't move. Didn't do anything. He just stared up at the ceiling of his room while light shined from beyond his curtains and he should be getting up but he just can't and then it got dark and little stars and planets and blackholes and supernova's played across his ceiling and it was the first thing he and Bruce made together and-
He started crying. He couldn't even sob. He just laid there, watching his pride and joy dance across the ceiling of his room for minutes and then hours.
When the first ray of sunrise tried to peek throw his window was when he finally managed to drag himself out of bed. He took the invention and one of his parent's bat, went to the back of the house and hit it again and again until he felt better.
He didn't feel better.
He did the same to everything else he and Bruce made.
Nothing ever made him feel better.
So instead, he threw himself into fighting all the ghosts that came through the portal. Every fight marked victory, and victory meant injuries because that's just how things worked.
Victories used to give him joy. Because he could go back to Bruce and tell him everything about it and get praised for it.
Now he can't.
He can't tell his parents. He can't tell his sister. He can't tell anyone.
Nobody cares about him anymore, and that's just sometime he has to accept now.
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wienners · 5 months
"is gooseworx upset about digital circus becoming a cocomelon ass thing id be so angry lol" I cannot express to you how much they have achieved the DREAM for an online indie animator. they got millions of views with A PILOT ALONE! the original characters are already being cosplayed and the models are being thrown into random ass meme videos as if its a massively famous IP! all that with an indie 3D studio! AND the cg actually looks incredible!!! think they're gonna be okay if some content farms use their models for some brainrot finger family video.
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moghedien · 8 months
i swear if you people start uwuifying OCD like you did with ADHD and autism I'm going to start attacking
#the general idea of what OCD is already so fucking wrong and harmful#if you start being like 'oh my little meow meow is so OCD' or 'its not a disorder its just a different way of thinking uwu'#I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL#ALL OF MY EARLIEST CHILDHOOD MEMORIES FROM AGE 3 AND UP ARE OF HAVING PANIC ATTACKS#PLEASE GO FUCK YOURSELVES THIS IS A MISERABLE FUCKING DISORDER ITS NOT CUTE ITS NOT QUIRKY ITS THE REASON I HAD GRAY HAIR AS A TEENAGER#i saw this like 'i let the intrusive thoughts win' isn't something people use all the time for like dying their fucking hair#its exhausting how many people what to be all 'mental illness needs to be more accepted'#and then in the next sentence want to deny that your mental illness is actually harmful to you and doesn't negatively affect you#and its just because society doesn't accept your different way of thinking uwu#NO I LITERALLY WOULD HAVE KILLED MYSELF AS A TEENAGER IF SOMEONE HAD CONVINCED ME THAT MY MENTAL ILLNESS WAS NORMAL AND FINE#figuring out that something was Wrong with my brain was like the best moment of my life#and this 'no you just think differently don't try to change' attitude may be helpful in SOME CASES#but that shit needs to me pulled back on A LOT online because that framing can be extremely harmful to some people (like me)#knowing exactly what is wrong with my brain is literally the only way I'm able to not let it affect me#and it not affecting me is literally the only way I can function and live happily#like you understand that some people do genuinely have things wrong with them#and telling them they don't is beyond cruel
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hairtusk · 11 months
also if you're ever wondering why we as a society are descending into lunacy, it's because children no longer care about the real world because their entire lives exist exclusively online
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dolokhoded · 1 year
judas is the most obvious queer allegory in the entirety of human history it genuinely shocks me sometimes how transparent the whole BETRAYING A SON OF MAN WITH A KISS thing is when you think about it for over like 0.03 seconds.
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sonics-left-shoe · 4 months
Tired of living in a period of enabled overconsumption and the quality of everything being replaced for cheaper alternatives with only higher prices. Tired of corporations being able to get away with selling products that won't last. Tired of unnecessary mass manufacturing. Tired of trends and impulsive purchases being encouraged by companies. Tired of celebrities being worshipped whilst they help destroy the environment. Tired of micro transactions and blatantly invasive advertisements everywhere. Tired of false advertisement, misinformation and clickbait being normalised. Tired of corporate fear mongering and blatant disregard of human livelihoods.
I'm so tired of all the wastefulness and cruelty and how corporations can just get away with it.
#dont get me started on corporations that make millions who don't pay their workers accordingly and give them inhumane hours#or those “doctors” on social media that are clearly just trying to get you to buy products and people fall for it#or “influencers” who you'd swear couldn't lick jeff bezos' boots any harder than they already do with their “amazon finds”#mlm schemes have been around forever but they're getting worse with how they reel people in#the rampant hate and disgusting shit that goes unchecked online makes me sick#especially when posts online are deliberately spreading misinformation just to fuel the hate for minorities#I feel like humanity is going back in time god#the casual racism all the time makes me so sick#and the homophobia#“theres no ethical consumption under capitalism!” yeah but that doesnt mean you need to buy 50 fucking reusable cups from target or whereve#the state of the environment isn't the average person's fault of course but there's no need for all this mass consumption please#yes corporations are literally pouring sewage and litter in the ocean but please just try please#we can't fix it on our own but we can try to not make things worse#please find joy in things that aren't spending thousands on a corporate product#please#I need to lie down honestly#mick squeaks#not sonic#environment#anti corporations#anti consumption#anti consumerism#please don't get all “oh so we can't be happy now??” because this isn't an attack this is a plea
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supercantaloupe · 2 months
what’s a fun fact about you that people may not guess
i am not anyone's idea of athletic. however since my social circle is like 90% other honors student orchestra losers, i technically qualify as a jock given that i have six years of experience playing field hockey
#i was a goalie though. jysk. lest you think i was actually running around like a fit person or something#sasha answers#infinitelytheheartexpands#i wasn't bad at it actually. though my 12th grade season was squandered by my fucking coach who never let me in varsity games#my team was shit and my teammates hated me. i don't think i ever had an unqualified Great experience playing with them.#by some miracle though i came out of it all actually enjoying field hockey as a sport#both as a player and a spectator#and to this day it's the only sport i've willingly gone to see professional matches of#and will actively sit down and watch the olympic matches of#though they don't often get broadcast here because field hockey in the us is not taken seriously and our teams rarely make the olympics lol#so if i want to watch i'd have to stream it online at odd times. like a netherlands or australian match or something#though the upside of the sport being kind of small in this country outside of specific regions (like where i grew up)#means that going to see literally the us national team play on their home turf is great. the crowd is modest it's not cramped or too loud#lots of fun. too bad they moved their home base though and are no longer in driving distance for us to attend games. oh well#my sister was always way more into field hockey than me. she played in college as a recruited athlete...i just played in high school#mostly cause i had to. but i still somehow enjoy the sport anyway#which i can't really say of any other major team sport#not the ones i've tried to play anyway
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allyouzombies · 9 months
my sister, my parents, my friends tell me I was cheated, having to do all but my first semester of grad school during covid, and that I graduated supposedly more employable into the clusterfuck of may 2021. usually I feel resigned to it at much as anyone else does to the first few years of the pandemic. it sucked and everyone was numb.
but sometimes, like when I see happy pictures of friends and family who got their masters and phds pre-pandemic, carrying diploma covers and in the ugly robes with their most loved surrounding them in celebration, I do feel pretty fucking bitter. it does make me feel cheated that my sister and I were first generation college students, graduate students, and my sister an entire fucking doctor of her field, and we didn't get to have our families or anyone celebrate at our schools. nobody traveled out to Iowa because I told them not to, and I didn't go to my own graduation when that kind of ritual means a lot to me, and I didn't buy or rent robes or a cap or a tassel, and I didn't walk anywhere or commemorate the day. what I did was post to my instagram story once I submitted my final project, and I bought a departmental cardigan, and as a member of the LIS student org exec board, I drove all over the county delivering cardigans to others. my family and friends and J were still proud, and I was happy with myself, but yes! yes I did get cheated!
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bugsbenefit · 8 months
scary that there's still Will bowlcut haters around. like... that's his core character design, it looks nice too. sorry to all the different hairstyle enjoyers out there but Will without a bowlcut simply wouldn't be Will to me. that's the side effect of them doubling down on that one single hairstyle for 8 years. they can style it different or make it messier sure, but he needs Some version of a bowlcut otherwise who is that
#Duffers did it to themselves#if they'd change the haircut Now i'll call the s5 hair department a flop no hesitation#not because it would look bad but simply because That's Not My Will that's just noah schnapp with a wig#also unrelated side tangent ik this is just about silly hcs but anytime i talk about Will's hair i get annoyed about how the#bowlcut became the minion meme equivalent of the fandom#i simply refuse to believe people actually hate bowlcuts that much that has to be some kind of moist phenomenon#i've never in my life seen someone irl make fun of bowlcuts or personally even noticed one as 'strange'#but go online and there's apparently consensus that bowlcuts are cringe or something? lmao?#you can probably imagine how surprised i was when i found the st fandom for the first time and everyone just kept talking about Will's hair#when it's literally a normal ass haircut#and meanwhile no one realized that Mike also had a bowlcut for 3 seasons. i swear 'Will bowlcut lmaoo' just became a meme#i'm convinced half of these people don't even know what a bowlcut looks like since they apparently can't recognize one#side tangent over this had nothing to do with what people are talking about actually 😭#my furstration about the way a fucking haircut out of all things became the funny stinger of the show apparently never goes away#and comes back out any time i type the word hair.... oh well#ignore the tags i was having a moment (flashback having nothing to say after a show besides 'the hairrr 😭')
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The ignorance of people on this site will always confuse me. How are you on THE gay platform and you refuse to think that people can have different lives and circumstances than you LMAOO
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agueforts · 1 month
i wonder, if i ever met a dropout watcher irl and somehow managed to not drop a reference anywhere in my time around them and so they wouldn't know i watched anything from it, how fast they would catch onto me from my speech patterns, or how fast they would realize in retrospect where all these things come from upon finding out. or like, alternatively, someone getting to know me irl and then being introduced to dropout, and suddenly having a frame of reference for like. what a lot of my speaking habits are probably modeled after. does it show that i watch dropout? do i talk like a good percentage of the audible conversation i am exposed to in my daily life comes from one streaming platform? would love to know. would truly love to know
#aspen tag#it really is like. like.#there is only so much of sentence delivery you can convey online and i STILL think i'm noticable out here#but like. in my head? just fucking thinking my thoughts?#i will look back in on myself like a hall of mirrors and go “oh i am putting emphasis on this sentence exactly like brennan does”#or “oh i am doing this thing to make people laugh that i picked up from aabria”#i straight up like do not see ppl irl often or rlly even like talk to people out loud with my mouth all that much#bc not all the friends i have online rlly vc and i'm also not always awake when they do#or i'll be like bouncing around between discord and watching something and i don't catch that they're on until they're not doing it anymore#and . ..... this is a rheka voice. is what i'm doing as i'm thinking this#sorry. anyways. back on track#i don't have a job i'm not in school i have like ... just started a hobby but i haven't really connected with anyone there yet etc#the people i have conversations out loud with regularly can be sorted into two categories and they are my parents and doctors#so like i have so little frame of reference for what i am like in actual conversation with ppl just out of scarcity of data to work with#and like ..... idk. it'd be interesting#obviously i know i'm mirroring it because i'm in my own head#but i don't know to what degree it'd be noticable to other people (if at all)#it'd just be cool to dig into if i ever got the chance#and like. y'know. obviously there's like the “in-credible” level tells and shit. but like. inflection? wording habits?#the stuff that's like. influences. as opposed to direct draws. i SAID smth about this in the tags and somewhere in the edits it got lost#so. yeah. that stuff. that stuff
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