#'i'm gonna get a masters degree' i said
winter-seance · 2 years
lol today is one of those days where I have a shit-ton of things due by midnight and i’m now asking myself why i thought it would be a good idea to go back to school 
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stuckwith-harry · 3 months
i am handing in my b.a. thesis (on motherhood in gothic fiction) in a few short days and though i have been complaining about having to write it for six months straight, right now i am actually feeling bereft of future opportunities to write academic papers about my silly little interests. for instance right now i really want to research & write about dracula daily & genre & the impacts of the newsletter format on the narrative (the addition of a timeloop)
i think about format and the specifics of narration a lot when i'm writing my own little things and i loooove when the narration - not just the narrator, but the act of telling the story - is part of the narrative. love when the narration is diegetic! love an epistolary novel (like dracula!) for this reason. should read more of them
inventory by carmen maria machado (short story! read it immediately!) is a GREAT example of this. the format of the narration is so integral to the story. does more than elevate it imo, i would argue the story genuinely wouldn't work any other way
g*d. i'm gonna have to become a video essayist
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savage-rhi · 5 months
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pinkieroy · 6 months
Me after ANY news about education drops: what if I kill myself? What if???
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tardis--dreams · 2 months
Gotta talk to the department boss tomorrow because i asked for opportunities to increase my work hours. I regret it already but i can't back out now so this is gonna be fun (:
#I'll probably say I'd be happy to stay in my current contract until next february and then I'd be happy to do something more challenging/#work more hours#because i generally would love to work more but with my current health insurance it's not allowed and if i switch#to a different position i will no longer be able to help the others the way i am currently doing and that would be unfair#considering i only started 6 months ago and i don't want to work more if it means the Others also have to work more#maybe I'll just quit/fake my death and never show up there again instead (:#i really don't want to have this conversation ahhhh#it's so embarrassing#but i guess it's an opportunity to talk about a potential future full time position for me there#because i really need some sort of plan for what happens after i'm excluded from student health insurance next year#not because I'll have finished my degree but because I'll be too old 🤡#and if i don't have a job it's gonna be too expensive to live lol#I'll also have to pay for rent myself then so the current income won't suffice ahahah#also my coworker said something about 'salary expectations' and i cannot stress enough how much i do not want to have to talk about that#because hey. i get minimum wage rn. if i was still working at the university I'd get 2 Euros more per hour#if i worked in a supermarket I'd probably get even more (which is fair considering the horrors people working there are facing)#but as i currently don't even have a masters degree and probably can't work as an editor right away#and his company is dirt poor (as it seems. it likes to pretend otherwise but the salary is shit even for experienced employees)#an actually appropriate salary expectation won't be appreciated lol#also i just read that trainees aren't entitled to minimum wage??? apparently? so I'd probably get Less money??#i would probably really just quit and take the next best job i can get at university until i finish my degree#and then enter my career in customer service and kill myself before i turn 35 because it's just not worth the pain#jesus christ why did i bring it up#digging my own grave here#void screams#work stuff
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bambyrot · 1 month
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remember when I said I was thinking of making a future AU comic? here's some stuff for it!
After the X-games, Bradley gets taken out of school and gets sent to live w/ his mum in a different state to finish his bachelor's degree (his parents are divorced THIS IS IMPORTANT)
The actual comic would take place in the 2000s, the main gang are in senior year, and everyone's older + more sure of themselves (or so we think)
It would start with Max meeting up with Roxanne (I love her) to catch up before the semester begins (She's back in town for reasons I will not reveal yet). She also brings along her mysterious friend who recommended the course and also happens to be returning with her to start their masters (or PhD I'm gonna need to look into this more ofc!)
The mysterious friend is of course Bradley (seemingly more mellowed out! That's what therapy does ig lol) and chaos ensues! I just really want to draw and write disaster queers if I'm honest and this group is the perfect cast for it.
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mj0702 · 4 days
For @helen-with-an-a and her master brain and for @valewosomtb because she's now officially allowed to run people over now
You just wanted to do something nice. For Ona. Who looked after you the whole week while Lucy was away all the way back in England to “get some things sorted” - namely selling the house Keira and she bought all those years back. The house you basically grew up in. But now was not the time to dwell on long gone things. Now was the time to worry. To worry about Ona. She was maybe small – but she was also damn scary.
You watched all them firefighters weaseling in and out of your (Onas and Lucys) house in their full firefighter clothes with breathing mask so they don't inhale all the smoke. The smoke you inhaled. Oh Lucy gonna be so pissed. You sat in the back of an ambulance, your arm bandaged all the way up to your shoulder an oxygen mask over your nose and mouth like you were starring in an episode of Grey's Anatomy. You looked up at the paramedic who smiled at you with pity in her eyes as she pulled another liquid into a new syringe
“Hey ehrm... quick question” you said your voice raspy as you pulled the mask from your face
“Yes?” the paramedic – who looked a LOT like princess norwegian – looked away from the medication and right at you
“Ehrm... how long will that take until everything is done and all of you guys are gone again?” you asked a little embarrassed
“You got a deep 2nd degree burn and a smoke in your lungs and you really want us to go?” the dark haired medic asked confused
“Yeah...” you looked up shyly
“Yeah sorry that's not going to happen” the woman said smiling slightly “... we need to take you into hospital but we have to wait for an adult that gives us consent to do so... so no, we won't leave in the next few minutes”
“I'm an orphan...” you quickly said
“Oh please” the dark haired woman snorted “... you really think we don't know who you are? If I have to I contact Alexia Putellas”
“Ona is going to kill me” you mumbled as you pulled the mask back over your nose
“Ona Batlle” the paramedic asked as she pushed the liquid into you IV
“Yeah...” you croaked under your mask before you started to cough
“Looks like you're out of luck...” the spanish paramedic smirked nodding towards the end of the street where you could see a black Cupra with an open drivers door and a blonde woman sprinting up the hill towards the scene
“Fuck me... hide me....” you coughed “... better... kill me... you're probably way softer about it... she'll just rip me head off”
“The panicked expression on her face tells me she won't rip your head off” the woman smiled after she took a quick glance at Ona
“That's her disguise... she always looks nice and friendly and approachable but no no....” you croaked out “... she's pure evil... small... but pure evil... she didn't allow me dessert the last three nights”
“So evil” the woman snorted “... is that why you tried to get into her good books again?”
“No.. that was supposed to be just a thank you” you mumbled
“Bebita...” Ona suddenly appeared next to the ambulance her face panicked her breathing labored
“I swear I had good intensions” you immediately said shuffling back a little bit
“Are you okay?” the blonde spaniard asked checking you over “Your arm... what's with your arm?”
“2nd degree burn... we have to take her in but we needed an adult to give consent” the paramedic woman said trying to keep her face neutral but everyone could see the smirk that was forming on her lips
“Yes yes of course...” Ona said quickly “... take her”
“What?” you squeaked out shocked “... you can't let them take me”
“To the hospital Bebita... I promise I'm right there with you okay?” the blonde said gently
“Just hop in... you can ride with us” the dark haired woman said and immediately Ona stepped into the Ambulance
“Ona.....” you whined as you saw the doctors and nurses speed walking past your hospital bed
“It's okay Bebita” Ona said softly holding your left hand her thumb stroking over your knuckles in a calming manner
“No.... everything went wrong” you felt tears prickle in your eyes
“I don't care what happened Bebé...” the spaniard said gently “.... all that matter is that you are okay”
“No...” you chocked out
“No? What you mean no?” Ona asked confused
“I ruined everything” you sobbed as Ona started to brush your tears away
“No no Bebita... everything is okay... you are okay and that's I need” the blonde kept her voice soft
“I swear I just tried to make something good” you kept crying and at one point Ona realized it was the painkillers that made you cry
“Something good hm?” Ona smiled when she saw how the pain medication kicked in
“I wanted to make you paella” you sobbed heartbreakingly “... like you always make it”
“Oh Bebita” the blonde sighed
“I went with Mapí to the market thingy to buy sea creatures and that was a disaster because Mapí bought a whole fin thing” you started to ramble while Ona had to bite her lip hard to not burst out laughing “... a WHOLE one... with all the inside stuff... when she asked if I wanted a whole fin thing I thought she meant like... not whole...”
“Hm...” Ona just hummed amused
“... and then we got some of them... crab snippy thingies... the bigger ones... the ones that always look at Lucy when she eats them” you kept on rambling not even caring that Ona had to work really hard not to burst out laughing at your misery “... and I said “just two” and Mapí talked speed spaniard and you know I can't follow speed spaniard”
“I know Bebita... your spanish got very good” the blonde praised you but you didn't even noticed it as you just kept on talking
“... I wanted to snippy snappies not two kilo... so I had a whole fin thing with inside stuff and a bag full of snippy snappies... and Maps was so proud of herself that she was the bestest translator that I couldn't tell her she got it all wrong” you sniffed
“What happened then?” Ona asked keeping you occupied since you didn't even noticed the nurse that started to change your bandage
“Well... I went to the beach and made a snippy snappie race to see which ones are the slowest so I wouldn't kill the best ones... they have the best chance to survive... so I let them free on the beach but they didn't race each other... they... just ran in different directions and in the end I had no snippy snappies” you sobbed “... but I still had the fin thing so I went home and thought I just make rice with fin thing for you and order burger for me... I don't like fin thing... bleh”
“I know Bebita... you don't like fish... or sea food in general” the blonde smiled
“So when I came home I had to... cut..” you started to heave
“Deep breath Bebita....” Ona said calming
“Do you know how much things fin things have inside them... so so many things” you gagged again “so I got all the insides outside and I figured we need an alligator so the insides just don't lay around on the outside in the kitchen”
“An alligator? You could have also just used the trash bin” the blonde chuckled
“His name is Jesús... he'll be such a good gator...” you said wishfully as a doctor checked out your arm making you wince in progress
“So you really prepared a fresh fish for me Bebita” Ona said distracting you from the pain
“Yeah... it was really bleh...” you scrunched up your nose your eyes glassy
“So... how did you end up occupying a whole fire department?” the blonde mused
“Oh yeah... so I made the rice yeah... I followed the YouTube steps to the brim...” you got back on track of your retelling what happened “... and put the fin thing in the pan... and then I remembered that I saw that thing on that show...”
“That thing on that show?” Ona asked confused
“Yeah... you know...” you showed a pan swivel motion
“No.. I don't but please continue” the blonde shook her head
“So I looked in Lucys adult cupboard...” you started again
“Wait... Bedroom or living room??” Ona interrupted quickly
“There's an adult cupboard in the bedroom?” you asked confused tilting your head
“No... no... absolutely not” the blonde back paddled quickly shaking her head
“Oh... okay... alcohol is not good in the bedroom... only alcoholics have alcohol in the bedroom” you slurred “... so I went to get some of the alcohol and put it in the pan like they always do in the show”
“Oh god...” Ona groaned suddenly knowing what you were talking about
“So I tried to make it extra crispy but it wouldn't... poof you know” you looked at Ona but in reality you looked through her “... so I took a match and threw it in there and then it went... poof... big poof”
“Oh Bebita” the blonde started to pinch the bridge of her nose
“I tried to extinct the fire but then my sweater got very warm and it got very... smoky and yeah... next thing I know is that the men with the heavy boots kicked in the door” you at least had the audacity to look guilty
“Bebita... I really appreciate you going out of your way to make dinner for me but PLEASE don't get yourself in danger like that” Ona said seriously but you were already looking in the other direction
“Did you know we are in a hospital?” you asked looking around in awe
“I'm feeling like I lived through that before” the blonde mumbled as you pointed at an exit sign
“That's so pretty” you said in awe “Pretty green”
“Mhm...” Ona hummed stroking over your forehead trying to calm you down so much that you fall asleep
“You’re also very pretty…. Pretty spaniard” you slurred
“That would be Alexia but thank you Bebita” Ona chuckled
“Oni...” you mumbled “... I'm getting sleepy”
“Then sleep Bebita” the blonde whispered gently hoping you would listen to her
“But the green is so pretty” you mumbled your eyes darting back to the exit sign
“I'll get you your very own pretty green sign if you close your eyes and sleep for a few minutes” Ona said softly
“Okay” you sighed deeply closing your eyes falling asleep instantly
“No Lucy... she's not badly hurt” you heard Ona speaking softly her thumb still running over your knuckles “.... her arm is burned and she inhaled a bit of smoke but the docs say she'll be good in a week or so”
You made a low whining sound resulting in Ona looking up and over at you
“She's waking up...” the blonde said into the phone “... I'll call you later okay? Yeah... Love you too”
“Hey Bebita... how are you feeling?” Ona asked softly
“Me throat hurts” you whine still half asleep
“That was to be expected Bebé” the blonde hummed stroking over your cheek
“I really didn't mean to cause trouble” you mumbled ashamed
“I know Bebita....” Ona kept her voice soft “.... but Lucy and I decided that you'll take some cooking lessons... with my Mamí”
“It was all Mapís fault...” you whined “... she started the whole fuck up with buying the wrong fish”
“We'll work on your cooking okay?” the blonde said gently seeing how your eyes start to fall shut once again “... sleep some more Bebita... I'll be here when you wake up again”
“Hey Bubs...” you heard a soft voice next to you “... open your pretty eyes for me okay?”
“Five more minutes” you mumbled trying to turn away just to turn onto your burned arm making you shoot up clutching your arm in pain
“Easy Bubs...” Lucy reacted quickly moving your hand away from your bandaged arm “... easy... breath Bubs”
“Owie” you whined tears shooting into your eyes
“Yeah.... you really outdid yourself this time” your sister chuckled “... Keira is not happy”
“Owie” you whined again
“Mhm...” Lucy hummed “... I just woke you up so I can force some more medication down your throat”
“No” you looked at your sister pitifully
“Yes...” your sister smiled gently “... come on Bubs... just two pills and then you can sleep again”
“Lucy” you whined just realizing your sister sitting next to your bed – your own bed “... when did I go home?”
“I got you home last night” Lucy smiled still holding two pills in her palm
“I....” you looked confused
“I know... you were dead to the world” your sister chuckled “Open”
“Nooooo” you whined pulling your head away from Lucy
“Bubs you know I will get these pills down your throat” Lucy said gently grabbing your chin “It's either you take them or I'll make you OR I'll get Keira... you have to take them... one is a painkiller and one is an antibiotics”
“You're so mean” you huffed but opened your mouth
“I know... good girl” your sister smiled popping the pills into your mouth holding out a glass of water “... swallow”
“I'm not Ona” you grumbled as you grabbed the glass
“Don't start....” Lucy warned you but still smirked “... open”
You opened your mouth showing your sister you swallowed the pills
“Good.... now... will you behave when Ona changes your bandages?” your sister asked
“It won't hurt right?” you asked scared
“No.... the nurses showed us how to do it” Lucy said gently as Ona entered the room carrying several bandages and creams
“No no no no no” you said as you saw the materials shuffling away from where Ona put the stuff down
“It's okay Bubs” your sister said calmly “... it's not going to hurt”
“I don't like that” you tried to get away but Lucy quickly got you and just pulled you in between her legs so you have know chance to run
“It's okay.... it won't hurt” Lucy repeated over and over again
“No Lucy please” you sobbed as your sister hugged you tightly into her
“Okay... okay... calm down” your sister said quickly “... we won't do it”
Ona shot Lucy a quick look and Lucy just shook her head before she returned to whisper sweet nothings against your temple to calm you down
“I thought we won't change...” Ona started half an hour later
“.... she's out cold... of course we change her bandages...” Lucy said as she carefully held your arm for Ona to unwrap it
“She's going to kill us” the blonde catalan mumbled working as quickly as she could
“We'll let her call Alexia later... she'll wake up high as a kite again.... she'll be so happy to talk to the “pretty spaniard” for as long as she wants” your sister grinned making her girlfriend chuckle
“I'm sorry Lucy... I really am” Ona said her voice low as she carefully pulled the compresses off your arm cleaning the burn
“What are you sorry for?” Lucy asked confused still holding your arm
“You trusted me with her... she got hurt... I should've...” the blonde started her voice breaking slightly
“Babe no... no no no” your sister quickly interfered “... it's not your fault”
“You left her under my watch and she got hurt... how can it not be my fault?” Ona sniffled lightly as she started to wrap your arm back up
“She's a klutz Babe... no one holds you responsible... not Keira... not Bubs... and definitely not me” Lucy said seriously “... you know how often she got hurt just because I turned around for a second... trouble finds her... I swear there's ONE glass shard on the whole beach... I guarantee you you she'll steps into it...”
“I got so scared when I saw all these firefighter trucks and ambulances....” the blonde confessed lowly “... I got scared for her but then I also got scared you could hate me”
“I could never hate you Baby... I love you” your sister said softly as she gently placed your arm back down
“.... now let get out of here and let her sleep and I show you just how much I love you” Lucy smirked pulling Ona out of the room while you snored peacefully
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natriae · 7 months
Oh to make out with omi omi like it’s so messy and hot and surprisingly he love it too. Maybe one day u are having drinks and things get heated. OMGGG a roommate au fuckkkkk my mind goes burrrrrrrrrr
NO FRR needy omi makes me go brrrr
WARNINGS: 17+, BONER ALERT!!, drinking
Friday nights with your roomate weren't unusual. The two of you often going to the fanciest bars in Tokyo with the best views. You'll have to thank the Volleyball Association for his hefty paycheck. The two of you didn't get to see each other often between you pursuing your master's degree, Kiyoomi traveling and his tough practice schedules. The most interaction you guys have had in the pass month was passing him in the hallways. Him always being half dead and you... well you weren't in the best shape as well.
So you decided that the last friday of the month was Omi and Y/N time. While you wanted to spend this time showing him how greatful you are he took you in, omi had the idea of going to "better" establishments. By better he means 3 star michelin restaurants... the ones you can't afford.
Yes, it was nice to see that his name allowed the two of you to experience these beautiful places, but as of lately these seemed more like dates rather than two roommates catching up. Not that your opposed to a date with Omi. Have you seen his body? But he's seen you at your worse. Crying to him at the bar in Ongiri Miya about how your getting evicted from your apartment and how your behind on loan payments. He's seen you sick and begging for him to get you toilet paper. If anything he probably takes you to these places to be his wing woman.
One too many drinks later, and the two of your are stumbling out of the restaurant to his luxurious car. Kiyoomi was much better at hiding his drunkenness than you where. The street lamps were just dim enough to hide the pink dusting his cheeks.
All of your weight pressed into his side while he attempted to keep you upright. "Y/N you need to work with me," the taller man grunts before decides to lift you up over his shoulder. "we need to go home," he breaths into the chill night air.
"whoa, big boy take me on a date first," you giggle into his back. Hitting one of his butt cheeks with the palm of your hand.
You're flipped back upright once you reach his car. He opens the back door and tosses you in. It takes a moment for your brain to register that he got in next to you. "why aren't you driving?" you question, laying your head on his shoulder.
"I'm drunk...gonna wait till I sober up a bit," he states closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Always so responsible. "Also we live together, and that was a date, so I wouldn't be in the wrong," he says sternly looking down at you.
Popping your head up you look at him with furrowed brows. "what do you mean that was a date?"
"Was it not?" He questions, more so to himself than to you. While Kiyoomi is lost in his own thoughts yours run wilding thinking of all the times the two of you have gone out like this. He never said any of these were dates...
You watch as Kiyoomi's adam's apple bobs in his throat. If his face wasn't flushed enough it's clear now. His ears bright red as he stutters out his next words. "d-did you not want this to be a date?"
Did he really think these were all dates? You attempt to look at him in the eyes, yet his fail to meet yours. His head remains looking at the window leaving you with only the view of his red ear. Memories flood your mind in attempt to find the word date leave his mouth during any of your plans. Yet all you can remember are the times Kiyoomi was left stressed he wouldn't have time to shower and change, how he spent an abnormally long time on his hair, or how he always would sneak his card to the waiter so he paid for your meal.
"Hey, look at me," you whisper, lightly moving his chin to face you. His pupils widen over his already dark eyes making them look like perfect tapioca pearls. "we're these all dates?" did you want these to all be dates? Kiyoomi nods his head slowly, and you drop your hand from his face. Unwanted touch was not the man's specialty, yet his hand drops to yours. Placing it back on his cheek, as he looks into your eyes.
"I didn't know how to ask you, and I definitely drank to much tonight," his face flushes more as he rubs your hand softly. "Miya told me to ask you tonight, but i was.."
"Kiyoomi you can say you were nervous," you whisper in the dark car inches from his face.
"never," he smirks. That's something you can tease him about tomorrow. You want nothing more then to kiss the stupidly handsome man. "didn't think you'd like me.. you know with my habits," he states barely loud enough to hear.
"how can I not, at least i know you don't have shit stains," you giggle, leaning closer, noses almost touching. He giggles with you, a sound you don't get to hear often. The deep breath he takes is almost enough of a distraction for you to miss the way his eyes flicker down to your lips.
"huh" he responds on autopilot.
"do you wanna kiss me?" you ask, eyes widening like that of a doe.
"may I?" the gentleman in him asks. Not even a second later your leaning completely into him. Leaving a soft kiss on his lips. His eyes remain shut after you seperate. Your nose still touching his, a small smile escapes as you lean in to kiss him longer. His hand comes to rest on your neck to push you futher into him. You may have broken Kiyoomi.
He bites your lower lip as his hand leaves your neck to wrap around your body while his other hand grabs your thigh to help situate you on his lap. Both of your hands hold his face as you deepen the kiss. You can't help, but strattle him while your tongues explore each others mouths. It's mess and sloppy as saliva drips from the corner of your mouth. His large palms move under your dress to kneed your ass. Your not even sure this is your Kiyoomi with the way his hand slaps, strach that, spikes your ass. Kneading the flesh before repeating the action. Your left unbuttoning his shirt as he begins to trail kisses down your neck. His hands go to waist to push your heat to his hard on.
They were right, it's always the quiet ones.
Your hands tangle in his hair as your left grinding onto him. At this point your dress is bunched up around your waist, allowing Kiyoomi's hands to play with the string of your thong.
Kiyoomi's deep breaths lead you on as you kiss down his neck. "y/n, y/n, not here," he breathlessly rasps. He hears your whine as you grind a little harder into him. He laughs before bringing your face to look at him. His hairs a mess, shirt halfway unbottoned, and his breathless. What god do you have to thank for this sight.
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bittersweet-folder · 5 months
♡. Stuck by the glue🎐🍃🌧
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Pairing: literature student Wonwoo × literature student gn reader. (University au) ( edit: though I have mentioned "she/her" pronouns once. Sorry about that 😭)
Genre: fluff, lots of fluff and bit of crack lol, established relationship, there's lots of kissing | Word count: 1.5k [ik I went overboard lol] | MASTER LIST
Song rec: tip toe by hybs // glue song by beabadoobee ft clairo // love scene by baekhyun [yes title is inspired by the glue song]
Warning: there's lots of kissing ? And Wonwoo rides a bike.
Summary: you were at your boyfriend's place. you were bored and Wonwoo is reading. So Wonwoo came up with the idea of taking you to a bookstore he came across few days back
Note: here's some oddly specific details🍃 reader is tall but shorter than Wonwoo and wears glasses and even if you dont wear glases that is also okay (This is for all my tall glass girlies and gays out there because I'm one of them as well)
Taglist: @hongmingo , @shuabby1994 , @unlikelysublimekryptonite , @asyre , @yumiyumis-blog @soobunsbun , @nishloves , @aaniag , @sikuthealien , @jespecially , @thepoopdokyeomtouched (girlie lemme know if you were in my taglist 😭 because I've lost track of it😭)
A nice pleasant Sunday afternoon. You came over to Wonwoo's apartment for lunch. You both don't live too far away, barely ten minutes away from each other. After lunch you laid on one side, on the sofa, your head resting on Wonwoo's lap. You were going through random shows on TV. One of Wonwoo's hands was caressing your hair while the other held a book he was reading. To be more accurate, going through the reading material suggested by their professor in class. You were bored. Not because of Wonwoo nor the random tv show displayed in front of you. Wonwoo did notice that. "Are you okay? Or you're bored? Which one?"
"Jeon Wonwoo am I that transparent-" you turned to look at him, your lips pressed in a thin line.
"Well maybe anyone can figure that out because you are going through random tv shows without actually watching them" He said while squeezing your cheeks.
"Okay then what about the book you're reading? Is it doing any better?" You said.
"I am particularly not liking it at all and reading it for the sake of my degree" He said with a forced smile really did explain that he was suffering.
"Wow okay, things we go through as literature students huh, even I hated some reading material from the previous semester. I swear to God they were so sexist and insufferable I don't even want to talk about those anymore" You said mulling over that for a few moments.
"Yeah exactly but I was asking if you're bored baby" He had a soft smile on his lips clearly because he saw that you got distracted from what he asked you previously. You were flustered about the fact that you went a bit off topic.
"Umm well yes I am and what will you do about that?"
"Hmmm lemme think…" he paused to think and then continued "we can go to a bookstore? there's a new one I came across, it also sells second hand books which are cheap"
"What-" you were always over the moon whenever you went book shopping with your boyfriend. "Oh yes we are going to the bookstore now!!"you exclaimed in sheer excitement. One thing Wonwoo knew is that you loved books and anything related to books. Bookstores had a special place in your heart, his too since that's how both meet. In a bookstore. Nearby your university. On a busy rainy monday afternoon.
"Alright sweetheart, wear your shoes and cardigan, I'll go get changed okay?" He said and then pressed a kiss on your cheek. You nodded and then started getting ready and fixed your hair too.
Wonwoo came out of his room after a few minutes in a sap green hoodie and wide legged jeans and… riding gloves?
He walked up to you. "So I'm guessing you're ready let's goo then"
"Umm baby are you gonna give me a ride as well?" you looked at his gloves and then raised your eyebrows.
"What kinda ride exactly are you talking about baby?" Wonwoo smirked.
"Eyyyy shut up you dirty minded weirdo I'm talking about the gloves you're wearing" you smacked his arm while the blush on your cheeks were becoming even more evident.
"Well yes love I'm gonna give you a ride to the bookstore because it's a little far away" Wonwoo squished your cheeks with both of his hands and planted a peck on your lips. You both put on your shoes and walked out of his apartment. Wonwoo locked the door and handed you your helmet. Wonwoo riding a bike was your favorite genre of Wonwoo. You found that really attractive of him for some reason. You also remember him, giving you a ride to your home because it was raining and you weren't carrying an umbrella. As cliche as it sounds like a scene from romantic dramas, that was the first ever time you saw him riding a bike and giving you a ride as well. You liked that feeling of holding someone close and resting your chin on their shoulder. And that someone became Wonwoo.
When you both reached the bookstore you saw it's an old bookstore and is a little dilapidated but it had its own beauty in its way.
"It's quite an old one, you know. I came across this a few days back while the night out with the guys" he said.
"Oh ohhh I see"
You both entered the bookstore and were greeted by an old man.
"Ahh we have a young couple as customers today! Good afternoon to you both. New books are on the ground floor, the second hand ones are upstairs" the old man may have aged a lot but he seemed to be very cheerful for his age which you really liked.
"Good afternoon grandpa and thank you" You both greeted him and went inside the bookstore. You felt a hand around your waist.
"We really do give off couple vibes huh"
"Yes honey we do! now coming to the point on what books we wanna buy"
"I'll guessing it's either a horror or a romantic one"
"No, I mean well yes that would differ if there's any book which grabs my attention and you're gonna follow me and hold the books" you smiled and if anything that made his heart melt.
"Why is she so cute, so enthusiastic about her interests, god I love her so much" He thought to himself.
"Wonu back to earth are you even listening?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Yes I got it I heard what you said" He said.
You both started looking through the romance section first but didn't end up finding anything much interesting. Then you both went through the crime and thriller. It's like that's where the magic happens.
"Wonu wonu! Isn't this the locked room mystery novel you were searching for?" You held a book named "The Village of Eight Murders" by Seishi Yokomizo.
"Oh yess I was. There's also a fourth book, the last book of the series The Inugami Curse" He said and then took the book from your hand going through the pages.
"Found it!" You said after finding the fourth book. He raised his eyebrows and looked at you. "So are we.." you cut him off mid sentence "we're taking these two, hold them baby" you were happy to finally found the book he was searching for. He was happy too.
"Wonwoo?" you called him by his name, your voice was soft.
"Yes love" He said, his fingers still going over the titles of each book on the shelf he's looking through. You turned and looked at him.
"I wanna go upstairs" you said.
"Hmm alright let's go" he said while a soft smile lingered on his lips.
While going upstairs y'all heard the rain suddenly started pouring down.
"See I told you it will rain tomorrow around this time, now I want my kiss baby" Wonwoo said grinning.
"Nope you aren't getting any right now especially not when we are here standing inside a bookstore" You said with a playful smile on your face. The books upstairs were second hand books so it was common to come across the one's which might have damaged covers too. Wonwoo picked out a book for you.
"y/n isn't this the book you were talking about yesterday? Its cover is slightly torn though" Wonwoo handed you the book. It was "The Remains of the Day" by Kazuo Ishiguro.
"Oh my God yesss! I'll buy this and we can glue that part you know" you said looking at the torn cover of the book he was holding.
"Yeah it's like how books helped me glue to you and we ended up in a relationship"
"My my aren't you being so cheesy for someone who's standing in the fiction aisle with me" You gave him a coy look and then went back searching through the shelf of books.
"Well then love what about kissing in the bookshops as well, like they do in the romance books"
A blush crept your cheeks and ears. You turned to look at him. He smiled looking at your flustered face, his eyes traveling back and forth on your eyes and then your lips.
"Since when did you become so romantic-" your sentence was cut off by him putting his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to the side slowly. And then he pressed his lips against yours. A soft and warm kiss in the middle of a crispy old bookshop while the euphonious sound of the rain drizzling played outside. He pulled away shortly after but you chased for his lip even more.
"I always was and you're cute when you want more you know" he whispered, his cheeks slightly flushed now as well.
"Yes of course you are" you mumbled and pouted.
"We should check out these books, you know" you said.
"Yes love we will but let's just stay here until the rain slacks off" Wonwoo said as he took you by your hand and made your way to the couch placed on the right side of the room.
"Till then we'll sit here okay?" Wonwoo made himself comfortable sitting beside you.
"Yeah you're right" You said leaning on his shoulder.
Let's just say,he made your day a lot better than before.
A/n: my exams are finally over so yes I'm back and I'll write more ig. A lotta drafts are piled up literally. Also feedbacks and reblogs are really appreciated. I have proofread once but lemme know if there's any grammatical errors.
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starrystevie · 1 year
it's 2004 when steve finds himself back in hawkins for the first time since he moved away for good. he has a master's degree under his belt, a mortgage on a house outside of st. louis with a dog and picket fence, and a rockstar that wormed his way into his heart next to him in bed every night. he's closer to 50 than he is to 20 and life feels good, life feels settled, figured out in a way he never thought he'd get to see.
"you gonna tell me why you're shakin' like a leaf?"
but sitting across from wayne munson and his sharp gaze is enough to make him feel like a teenager again.
steve takes a sip from his glass of water before setting it down on the end table next to him and watches the way wayne's finger taps against the side of his coffee cup. it's like he's keeping rhythm with something that steve can't hear, like a drum beat in his head that proves that he's the reason eddie has musical talent.
"i'm fine," he responds back to wayne, a stilted smile crossing his face. wayne's gaze deepens like he he doesn't believe him. "i'm fine!"
there's a clock ticking somewhere in the living room and the faucet in the kitchen is dripping quietly and it makes the silence that falls between them even more deafening. steve takes in a deep breath and nods absently as he rubs his palms over his denim clad knees.
"is he in trouble?" wayne asks in a gruff voice, low and to the point. steve shakes his head immediately, stutters out something that sounds like no, and wayne looks at him with his eyebrows pinched together. "are you in trouble?"
"no, it's not-" steve stands up and paces out some of his nerves, hands shoved into his pockets so that he stops waving them around. he sighs and looks back at wayne. "it's nothing bad."
"if it ain't bad, then just say it."
steve groans and runs his hands through his hair. it's harder to do this than he thought it would be, quite possibly the hardest thing he's done in years and that's including having to admit to eddie that he does indeed like the stupid beard he grew as a dare from jeff. wayne is still staring at him with a determined look, like he won't let steve get away with any of his usual charming bullshit, and looks so much like eddie that it makes something in his heart explode.
"fine! i'm asking eddie to marry me and i need your permission or something. happy old man?" he finally says, or well, shouts. it's too loud in the quiet house and he can see wayne wince from the decibel he reaches but it's out. it's off his chest and he's finally said it.
and wayne is smiling.
seeing him smile is strange, not because he doesn't look good with a smile, but because it's not often that steve gets to bear witness to it. it starts off slow, clipped at the edges before it spreads to his cheeks and crinkles his eyes. steve's breathing hard when wayne stands up and wraps his hands around the tops of his shoulders. he can feel himself shaking under wayne's grip and from this close, he can see the tears that he knows wayne is fighting against.
"it's about damn time, boy. took you two long enough to pull your heads outta your backsides."
getting hugged by wayne is almost weirder than seeing him smile. it's short, to the point, with pats on backs and chuckles that break loose from steve's too tight chest. part of him wishes eddie were here to let him be a part of the moment, but it would ruin the surprise he's so carefully planned, so he revels in the rare time between just the two of them.
"had to wait for somewhere to allow it first, wayne," steve mutters as they pull apart and he feels hope unfurl somewhere within him when he says it.
"well, alright, i guess you're off that hook then. but y'know," wayne's sitting back down in his arm chair and steve does the same, matching grins plastered on their faces. "you don't need my permission. that boy is crazy over you and if you think you ain't a part of this family already, then you're crazier than he is."
steve looks around at the pictures on the shelf behind wayne's head. sees young eddie and wayne with arms around each other, sees a makeshift graduation picture, an out of focus one of the two of them outside their house in missouri, one of all three of them around the chritmas tree in '99 when they had wayne come down to see them, and he thinks, yeah. they're already a family. at least now it'll be paper official.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Hell Pride University 2: Charlie & Vaggie
Charlie: (unlocking the door to her dorm room, her workout clothes are slick with sweat and rain, cheeks flushed, and out of breath) Thanks again for *pant-pant* helping me out with my stamina and *huff-puff* endurance, Vaggie. I appreciate it.
Vaggie: (drops her soaked duffle bag off on the floor) No worries, Char. Thanks for letting me stay over while the storm passes o- (glances at the dorm) -ooooooh....
-The dorm has a queen sized bed, desk, full closet wardrobe, desk, and is twice if not three times larger than the regular dorms. Kitchenette stands in the corner with a personal shower and bathroom. Razzle and Dazzle are passed out in their oversized dog bed that's too big for them both-
Vaggie: ....Charlie.... why is your dorm room so huge?
Charlie: Oh! Uh! (pulls a spare set of sweat pants and hoodie out of her closet and passes it to Vaggie along with a clean towel) You know..... My dad's the dean of the college.
Vaggie: (takes the clothes and towel) .....And.... that gives you a damn near hotel suite for a dorm?
Charlie: (sweating and blushing) Would.... you believe me if I said I was the Hall Director and lived here full-time?
Vaggie: (jaw drops) Don't you need a master's degree for that? .....Wait.... That's a full-time JOB!!!
Charlie: Well... (pokes fingers together) I'm working on my graduate degree... so... my dad may or may not have pulled a few strings to get me the job....
Charlie: Vaggie, it's not that bad!
Vaggie: I just thought you were late to going to school like me! How old even are you?!
Charlie: (mumbles and looks away bashfully)
Vaggie: What?
Charlie: ......almost thirty.....
Vaggie: THIRTY?!?!?! I'm twenty-four!!!
Charlie: ALMOST!!! ALMOST thirty!!! I still have two months, one week, and three days....
Vaggie: Ay, dios mio! (plasters her head against the dorm door) I'm interested in a woman who could have been my baby sitter....
Charlie: (perks up and eyes sparkle) You're interested in me????
Vaggie: I-I mean... Yeah... But I thought you were MY age!!! YOUNGER even!!! I was starting to feel like a perv because I thought you were eighteen!!!
Charlie: I'm the same person I was dying on the track fifteen minutes ago, Vaggie!
Vaggie: You probably know how to use a VHS player!
Charlie: I mean. I do, but that's beside the point. Also, they're called VCR's.
Vaggie: (flops onto the bed and groans) Clara and Odette are gonna have a field day when they find out.
Charlie: Clara and Odette? Oh! I didn't know you were a Carmine. I had those two come see me in the tutoring center when I worked there as an undergraduate!
Vaggie: ........of course they did.......
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metalotaku-da · 1 year
So many cross overs so narrow of common hero choices. Let's expand a little.
"Rip what the hell is that?"
"It appears sir, to be a small human child. Around the developmental stage of 4-5"
"Even you know better than to cuss infront of kids.
"I was gone for five minutes."
"Actually I snapped you back to a minute after you left."
"Are You misser booser gol?"
"Yeah kid that's me. You a fan or something who got into something you shouldn't to find me?"
"No. Clockie said tis for you." Hands a sticky note to booster.
Note reads: this is Danny. You will care for him from now on. See this as payment for resetting your time line safely. If you even try pass him off to Bruce wayne/batman, I will ensure your entire familial line never touched time traversing. And you stayed forever trapped in the 31st century. -clockwork master ancient of all time. P.s. there is not conning your way out of this. I will hunt down every ancestor or decendant for all time.
"This looks very serious sir. Congratulations sir you are a father Now"
"Wow kid. Clockie must hate you. I'm so sorry."
"I'm not that bad of an option. Obviously I was judged better that batsy."
"Clockie ass hero I want to say wiff."
"OH kiddo and you asked for the greatest hero boostergold?"
"I wike space. He say geen lanern is space. He take care of me."
"I'm so sorry sir, you have already disappointed your new child. Should I take a commemorative photo of this milestone moment for you?"
"No" "yes skeets"
Camera flashes.
"I shall add this photo to a new album labeled baby book. It is labeled Danny's first disappointment, sir."
"Thank you skeets." X2 one sarcastic one pleased.
"I wan geen lanern."
"Think you're gonna need help anyway Micheal. Call one of them. Not guy."
"I would never co-parent with guy. What kind of idiot do you take me for?"
"Rip takes you as the utmost idiot sir. As does most of the justice league sir."
"Thanks skeets."
"You are most welcome sir."
"Can I pay wif the talking space ship?"
"Sure kid." Pushes skeets into the kids hands.
"I do not believe I am rated for physical interaction by children under 10 sir."
"To bad skeets." Picks up Danny who looks up at him instead of at skeets to smile all teeth. "Holy shit are those fangs? We are going to go see my friend Ted now. He will know what to do."
"He will atleast know not to cuss infront of kids. Don't know about the rest."
"Is ted geen lanern?"
Cue shenanigans. They were roommates, but adopted a child.
"Does Batman know you stole a child from him?" <- Jaime when he visits.
"Do not even joke like that. My existence is at stake."
"Batsy is the new beetle juice. In this house."
"Are You geen lanern?"
"Sorry kid I am blue beetle."
"Should I take a picture for Danny's third disappointment since becoming your child sir?"
"No skeets."
"3rd? How long you had him?"
"A week"
"Ouch. Hey kiddo why do you want to meet green lantern? Aren't these guys just as cool?"
"Considering the average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees I do not believe they qualify as cool sir." Jaime is picking up danny to hold on his hip.
"Clockie says geen lanern is space." Danny smiles.
"Are those fangs? Is this a meta kid? You like space? My scarab is from space. Isn't that just as... Oh My, no scarab!" Scarab starts to go into protect host mode while screaming danger desteoy threat in Jaime head just as Danny's eyes start to glow green at the statement and his mouth splits inhumanly wide with even more teeth. Ted and Michael scramble to grab Danny and move him away from Jaime till he gets control of the scarab again. But Danny has a death grip and won't let go of his new friend.
"I do believe sir that your new child qualifies as a meta. Should I take a picture to commemorate your child's first power demonstration sir?"
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I'm not
Tryna make discourse here
But I'm curious about Ascended Astarion. All evidence I can see points to the fact that his love for you dies and warps into possession, obsession. Like you're his favorite pet, and not an equal or a partner or even really a person
But I've seen some fans of ascended Astarion state that they believe he does love you, he's just blinded by his new powers and will mellow out in a bit.
I wanted to point out how spawn Astarion speaks about loving being in the sun,
But ascended Astarion, who CAN walk in the sun, speaks about wanting to blot it out completely and plunge the world into darkness
Spawn Astarion says he wants to be equals with you at his grave scene
Ascended Astarion breaks up with you if you do not agree to become his spawn, and, if you DO agree, he believes you are degrading yourself.
I understand that there's a wealth of ways to interpret things, but I haven't seen any evidence of Ascended Astarion having.... How can I explain my feelings here...
He seems to me to have lost his soul and his ability to love. I see the desire for power, control, safety, possession. Obsession. But I don't see love, or affection beyond "obey me and you will be my most treasured possession"
Again, please, no hating on one route or the other I'm looking for legit like, literary analysis of the scenes we have been given for evidence. I'm even trying to refrain from pointing out too much my own opinions based on what I've seen to some degree so I don't overly colour this post while asking for more info, I get I've said a few things already that may colour it but I really am, without judgement, asking for your genuine perspective. I'm not gonna rant hard on the negative and then say "prove me wrong" I GENUINELY would like to learn more cause I recognize I may have missed an angle here? Also
Question: is Ascended Astarion a full vampire, as well as "the vampire ascendant" like is he a true vampire? Or is " the vampire acendant" a different kind of creature than a full vampire since he did not drink the blood of his master? Do we have any in game or canon explanations?
I'm curious! Help me
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andrevasims · 5 months
Here's the text that can appear in pop-ups when a sim watches the weather channel:
— Summer: —————————————————————
• When it's a really hot Summer day, sometimes I think about cold things, and my mind tricks my body into thinking it's cooler than it really is. Except one time I thought about too much ice cream and it made my stomach hurt.
• Sorry, but I can't help you today. I'm out at the pool.
• Why do they call us Meteorologists? I have never predicted a meteor in my whole life! They're scary. If you see one, let me know and I'll tell people. I'm on TV, you know.
• I'm having a bad day. Just go outside if you want to know about the weather. Stop bothering me.
• I've wanted to be a weather man my entire life. Sure other kids thought I was weird playing with my barometer during recess but I knew I was meant to affect people's lives.
• Weather prediction is a serious science. I have a college degree in it. At least I think it was a college. It was all done on the Internet, but I got a shiny certificate in the mail!
— Fall: —————————————————————
• My advice for today? If it rains, wear a jacket.
• I used to like playing in leaf piles. But not as much anymore. They're itchy.
• You know when people say things like "It's raining cats and dogs out there!" Well, that doesn't happen. Trust me. I've checked.
• Oh, what's the big deal? It's hot, it's cold, it's raining, it's snowing. Who cares? It still doesn't change the fact that my job is basically to look out the window. You know how depressing that is?
• I was struck by lightning once. It didn't feel so good. I put a lightning rod on my roof after that and it hasn't happened since.
• I just love playing in a great big pile of leafs. Burning them is fun too. Except when you accidentally set someone on fire. Poor grandma. Her eyebrows never grew back.
— Winter: —————————————————————
• It's Winter. Wear a sweater. Does that help?
• Sorry. Couldn't make it into work today. It's too cold out there!
• When I was a kid, I made up my own superhero. I was "The Boy Weather - Master of the Forecasters!" My mom made me a cape and a mask, and I ran around my house shouting things like "Chance of Showers: 50 percent!". I fought off evil tornadoes and powerful hurricanes with my powers of prediction. I didn't have many friends.
• I had the worst Nightmare last night. I dreamed I was being chased by a penguin and he wanted to hit me with a fish.
• Did you know Penguins can't fly? They also have a natural resistance to polar bear attacks.
• I always wanted a pet penguin but my mother said that I was too young. I asked her again yesterday, but she said that I should let it slide.
— Spring: —————————————————————
• Can you help me out with something I've always wondered about? If you're in the pool, and it starts raining, do you get more wet?
• It's allergy season out there. The pollen count is off the charts! I'm sneezing just thinking about it!
• I have the greatest job in the world. I can be completely wrong nearly all the time and never get fired. When I make a mistake, I can just shake my head and say, "What are ya gonna do? It's the weather!" How sweet is that?
• Don't look to me for all the answers! The knowledge you seek is just a small step out your front door.
• We've been hearing reports of lightning striking tall trees in the neighborhood, so be careful out there!
• Hello. You have reached the Weather Station. We're not in right now, but if you leave a message after the beep…
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hush-writes-preg · 15 days
State of the Blog
Oh boy… where do I even start?
It's been a hot minute since I did a State of the Blog post, and for good reason. Do you know what happens when you study full-time for a master's degree while also juggling almost full-time freelance work, an acute soft tissue injury, a disabled primary partner, a sibling's wedding, recently unearthed childhood trauma, and the maintenance of a small farm?
It's called BURNOUT, baby!
Hole-y shit, Tumblr. I do not recommend taking on that amount of mental weight all at once. I don't even recommend taking even a part of it on all at once. Yes, I know I am a stubborn sucker for punishment.
Because of the stress, I was delayed in completing some commissions. And since some commissions were delayed, I felt guilty about writing new content (or even engaging with Tumblr), so I… just didn't.
I'm not gonna pretend that everything is okay right now, or even the slightest bit hunky-dory. The mental crash I suffered ended up losing me some income that I desperately needed, and I don't know how I'm gonna pay my bills this month. I don't have the spoons to take on more commissions for at least another month or two, and I don't feel right about promoting a Patreön when I haven't been consistently posting. I do have a tip jar if anyone is feeling generous (just remember the rule: anything written in a donation message needs to be rated G and not reference Tumblr), but I know that a lot of y'all are struggling too. So it's hard to ask for help.
All that said, I still live, and I'm working on getting back into the things I love while also reducing what I've got on my plate. Therapy (physical, mental, and pharmaceutical) is helpful, as are cat snuggles. The backlog of old asks is doing wonders for my creativity. I'll get through it. And this blog will return to its former horny glory in time.
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Am I the asshole for skipping out on shifts at my part-time job to finish university assignments?
I (27nb) work 20hrs a week as a customer service assistant at a supermarket to keep me afloat while I do my master's degree. Honestly, juggling both of them is fucking exhausting. I make it work most of the time, but I also have ADHD which puts me in the position of doing a LOT of last-minute work and all-nighters to keep up with deadlines, despite my best intentions and efforts.
A couple times now, I've found myself in a position where I have to make a choice: go to work that day, or stay home to finish an essay due tomorrow morning so I can submit it right down to the wire. As much as I REEEEALLY need this job to paying the bills and, you know, eat, it's ultimately just an interim thing for me - I mean, I do not want to get trapped in retail for the rest of my fucking life. That's why I'm doing this degree in the first place!! The degree and my future aspirations takes priority for me, so I fake sick and call out of work.
Now, I don't call out of work last minute for no reason — I don't do it just because I don't feel like it, or because I want to go out instead. (Not that I think that automatically makes me at all "better" than people who do — we're all wage cucks at the end of the day, abolish capitalism, etc etc — just to give the context that I'm not leaving my coworkers to pick up the slack for reasons that aren't related to either uni deadlines or genuine illness.) I'm no slouch when I'm at work either. I have no loyalty to the supermarket itself — I'm not gonna break my fucking back for a company that barely knows I exist — but I'll pull my weight so that my coworkers and I can all leave on time at the end of the night. All that to say, my coworkers and shift managers know I put the work in when needed.
I also DO like most of my coworkers. I don't love the work but my manager is decent enough, and I get along well with the team there. I honestly don't want anyone there to struggle or overwork themselves because of understaffing — which is getting to be more and more of an issue lately as we're literally hemorrhaging staff.
All that said — I don't regret putting my degree first, but I DO feel kind of guilty about pulling out from shifts last minute when I know we already don't have enough hands. Especially this most recent time, where I called in "sick" and discovered that I was the THIRD employee to call in sick that morning (😬😬😬). And my shift manager sounded REALLY fucking stressed about it. Oof.
So AITA for faking sick and leaving my coworkers short-staffed because of my own struggles to meet university deadlines?
(🐌 so I can find this later)
What are these acronyms?
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