#'i wouldn't be caught dead there' *shows up & dies*
squishosaur · 1 year
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fate worse than death (showing up to octavinelle)
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evilminji · 6 months
*evil grin of The Ponderings™*
You know who DEFINITELY would have Unfinished Business?
Heroes. Professional "If I could just MOVE, just fight a BIT LONGER, save ONE MORE PERSON" Heroes. It's the ultimate and unending Unfinished Business. To protect people. Not just their friends, their co-workers, but the innocent people around them.
That kid, stuck crying in the rubble.
That business man, screaming in pain, caught in the cross fire.
The People NEED them. They SWORE. Their very SOULS burn with the NEED to help. But... the flesh gave out. Injuries. Age. Quirk overuse. They knew... they KNEW, this was not a safe line of work... but... but! Please! Just one more person! Why can't they just make their breaking, dying, bodies MOVE!
Of course they refuse to move on.
They are needed HERE.
Yet? Their hands pass through. Their voices do not reach. A hell of their own, unknown, making. They can't let go, but they can't HELP either. There isn't enough Ectoplasm here. The walls of their reality overly patched up, since that unfortunate leak a few centuries back.
After all, the Zone had dumped near lethal quantities of unfiltered Ecto into the atmosphere. They're STILL dealing with the mutations and fall out, aren't they? At least, they are according to the Zone. (Wtf is a "Quirk"?) And, yeah, someone should PROBABLY do an assessment on the ecological recovery of the Reality. But like?
Do you have any idea how few people have an Obsession for stuff like that? Wait your turn! The list is long and you're not fuckin special, okay? The agents are BUSY.
Now, you might wonder? Wait. If they aren't moving on. Are DEFINITELY Ghosts. Starving as they are. Refusing to die as they may be. Wouldn't... Wouldn't that leave the whole ass area around their Reality an ecological dead zone? If it got over patched and no Ghosts LEFT, thus noticed, and started to try and work on it from the outside? Assuming the COULD?
Yeah. Yeah it would be!
It's called the "New Wastes"!
There used to be some cool Lairs around there. But there was a turf dispute. Someone DID something. Punched a HOLE. And everyone re-died. It was fixed but never quite re-healed. Portals... don't show up there? For some reason? Meh. Wanna brawl?
No. Danny's curious. He wants ANSWERS.
It's his fatal flaw.
Well... that and his inability to keep his mouth shut. But he likes to think he's funny. So... off he goes! And MAN! Does it feel funky out there! Weird textures. Mmmm, Don't Like THAT ™. It's probably a King thing? The Zone here... FEELS wrong.
Not... the way it's SUPPOSED to be shaped, if that makes sense?
And? It feels... if you sorta squint? Like... a LOT of people AREN'T where they should be. But aren't gonna leave until they're READY. Ooof. Great. Someone messed up again. Why does he KEEP FINDING bits and pockets that need straightening out? Unruffling? It's like he has to keep smooth out this giant peice of fabric with all these stains on it. Clean the messes on it.
He feels more like a maid then a King.
Maybe he is?
Pretty sure he's more of a nanny, since the Zone is more of a whiny yet excitable toddler then anything else. Alright, let him in. And fix... whatever THAT is.
So he steps into the Reality and? Huh. Japan. Neat. He always meant to go, never got around to it. Why is that man an otter?
.......oooohohooo, this place was HELLA fucked up by Ectoplasm, wasn't it? This is multi generational exposure. It's in the air. The water, ground, buildings. But stale to the point of stagnation. That can't be healthy. At least a few people he sees have developed ecto-resistance, thank the Ancients.
Danny discovers there are? "Superheroes"? Or just... heroes, apparently. They sell shampoo lines and athletic gear. Villians are petty criminals and psychopaths. All lumped together. He gets fuckin CHASED by the COPS and half the cities spandex patrol, called a "villian" (you know, like the purse snatchers and the DUDE WHO TRIED TO OPEN FIRE ON A CROWD) for flying around trying to assess the situation. Not speaking Japanese fast enough.
Soooorry! He TRIED to answer your confusing barked demands! This isn't his native language! He's translating through Ghost Speech! He knows it sounds unsettling to the living! It's the best he's GOT, man! (Asshole)
He escapes, obviously, because he's not 14 anymore. And honestly? He could top 200mph or so AT 14. He's only gotten faster. Intangible flight means no wind drag, motherfuckers~! OR need to dodge buildings! HA. Try to follow him through THE GROUND!
A few Blob sucked (to remove the ectoplasm) bits of treasure later? And he leaves a pawn shop with local currency. Thank YOU shady pawn shop! Ask him no questions, he'll tell you not lies. Enjoy Pariah's gold.
He does tourist things. Buy foods he's never tried, wanders around. Sees what's needed. Noticed a lot of people struggle with some aspect of the ecto-mutations brought on by the extreme Limnality. Need accessibility aids.
.....well, he IS a Fenton. His parents would disown him on the SPOT if he left with out at least TRYING to help. So he tracks down one the local ghosts. He'll need a guide or two.
He? VASTLY underestimates how desperate a sea of Obsession Starved Hero and Vigilante Ghosts will act, the INSTANT, they realize not only someone can see them... but it's? Their "Boss"? They aren't sure HOW they know that. But they DO. It's THE Boss. Here to help them! Asking for HELP ™ from THEM!
He gets swarmed. Hundreds of ghosts fighting over each other. Shouting. Turning on each other like rabid animals. All worn down and ragged by their Obssesion starvation. He's forced to shout over them.
And? Holy shit, these are only the ones from THIS CITY, too.
Thank Zone, again, he's no longer 14. That he has friends who are Rulers ™ that taught him HOW to Rule. To delegate. Pretend he TOTALLY knows what he's doing. That every action is on purpose.
It takes less then two hours, with all the experienced Unground Heros help, to make himself a Real Boy and buy a building. Put himself into the correct databases. He officially has licenses for things he's never studied. Is a tax paying citizen. Even belongs to several local clubs.
Over the next few days? He sets up his new... oi! Quickdraw! What're they called again? Right. "Lifestyle Support Company" which? Is a dumb name. But, Fenton Works is Fenton Works. Somehow he always kinda knew he'd be inherenting. It's in a cruddy part of town and the prices are cheap as he can safely get um.
He already had two customers, even though half the building isn't even fully set up. Which? I mean... he gets it. Poor guy. Knives for hands. Sharp ones too. The other guy's Obsession made him emotionally react to colors and like three different ones were ruining his life. So, hand Prosthetics controllable by knives and color filtering wrap around glasses.
Took him a lunch break or two.
Changed THEIR lives.
Suddenly his shop is packed. Schedule screaming for relief. And the ghosts? Getting more tangible by the day. See, his work shop? Ecto proofed. Let's him relax. But it ALSO let's him radiate fresh, clean, Ecto out into the air. And as King? With a direct line to The Zone? He puts out a lot.
There start to become Sightings.
People who SWEAR they saw long dead Heros out of the corner of their eyes. Dead vigilantes. That was who through that bottle. Who tripped that thug at just the right moment. Who unlocked the door. The SWEAR. They aren't crazy!
And... at first? Brushed off. Stress does a lot of crazy thing to a person, ma'am. But? How do you brush off, making eye contact with your dead best friend? Your old mentor on the other roof? That vigilante, who you WATCHED bleed out? Can you brush them off... when a vigilante from the dawn of quirks, punches some two bit villian on live television? Calls the Heros on the scene gloryhounds? Goverment dogs?
Runs from the cops and vanishes into thin air?
When this shit KEEPS HAPPENING?
Is spreading?
Are... are you supposed to arrest them for illegal vigilantism? How? They're THE proto-Heros! You don't want your name tied to that! The HPSC is furious. The goverment is uneasy. There are like... 6 dudes and a lady, openly stalking some kid in UA. Trying to mentor him. He looks moments away from a nervous breakdown.
Us too, kid. Us too.
All? While Danny? Is just sitting in his lil shop. Tinkering. Not HIS problem. Gotta let the ghosts here get it out of their system. Get their Obsession's full. Then it's all aboard the Zone Train. He's just here to make sure no one does anything "Too Crazy".
What's HIS definition of "too crazy"?
Wouldn't YOU like to know, weather boy~☆
@hdgnj @lolottes @nerdpoe @babbling-babull @mutable-manifestation @spidori @the-witchhunter @legitimatesatanspawn
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gor3-hound · 1 month
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ft. fox!naoya zenin x bunny!f!reader
a/n: guys i cannot for the life of me think of good fic titles... hicc... another commission for the no.1 naoya stan @nexysworld !!
cw: 18+ content, dead dove do not eat, non-con, abuse references, hot water burns, biting, claws, forced breeding, creampie, p in v, riding... not super hybrid focused, but knotting and stuff !! forced marriage/coercive marriage
word count: 1.6k words
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Being the favoured whore of Naoya Zen'in is considered an honourable position to have. You would be blind to miss the envious gazes of the other servants within the clan walls as you make your way through the halls once more, towards his room.
You're sure their jealousy would dissipate if they knew how he truly was. He did not mask his attitude, his distaste for women as a whole – for prey women, no less. The extent of it was not something even you had anticipated. You had theoretically climbed the ranks to an easier job. After all, you'd gotten your own chambers. Three square meals most days. It was no wonder the other women wished they were in your position.
You'd gladly take your old station if it meant you didn't have to be a bed warmer for the Zen'in heir. He was cruel, not only in his words, but his actions. He would use you to his own satisfaction, tossing you aside without a second thought once he was done. Your body ached more each time he called on you, new scars and marks marring your once perfect skin.
You were sick of it.
Your hands shake as you stand in front of the door leading to his room, tea sloshing precariously in the mug you held in one hand. You swallow thickly, taking in a deep breath through your nose to steel your nerves. You know what your punishment will be if you get caught, but you know Naoya's pride exceeds anything else. If you succeeded, he wouldn't dare breathe a word of what happened. You would become his wife – he would have to wed you. You'd gain enough power to calm his cruelty, to reign him in even slightly. You'd take anything over the treatment you were receiving now.
You raise your free hand to knock on his door, tail twitching anxiously behind you. A lump forms in your throat as you hear footsteps approaching the door, one that you have to swallow multiple times to dislodge. You force a smile onto your face as he opens the door, floppy ears perking up as your eyes settle on him.
“The servants prepared your tea, master. I brought it with me to save them the trip.” You say as steadily as you can, attempting to mask the shaking of your voice. You only hoped the sizzling had died down, that the herbs you'd added to the liquid would not be too noticeable.
His lip curls as he gazes at you, showing a flash of a sharp canine tooth. His tail flickers with irritation which you choose to ignore. It would all be okay, as long as he wasn't suspicious of your actions.
“I don't recall asking you to speak, woman.” He huffs, taking the mug from your hand as he steps aside, walking into the room. He pauses as he nears the bed, glancing back over his shoulder. “Well? Come in, and strip. I don’t wish to waste any more time tonight. You're late.”
You nod once, stepping into the room and closing the door behind you. You step into the centre of the room, stopping in front of Naoya as he sits on the bed, taking a sip of the tea. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest, almost painfully as you wait to see if he notices a difference in the flavour. He says nothing.
Slowly, you shed the clothes from your body, unable to conceal the trembling of your hands as you do so. Naoya notices, of course, but his expression twists into one of amusement as he sips at the tea once more. He hasn't caught you out, not yet. The effects of the herbs would begin to show soon, you hoped. Before he realised what you had done.
“Do I scare you, girl?” He says, head tilting to the side as his gaze flicks across your body, taking in the array of bite marks and scars left by his hand. A sharp grin spreads across his features as he takes you in, pride shining on his face in a way that makes you feel sick. You shake your head, and a hand comes out to force you to your knees.
“A bunny at the mercy of a fox, putting on a brave face?” He says with a chuckle, condescension lacing his voice. “You should be scared.”
The burn settles into your skin before you see the movement of his hand, the now emptied cup being dropped at your feet as the hot water seeps into your skin, making you cry out in pain. Your arm shakes and trembles, but you do your best to silence any other cries. His hand grasps your injured arm, squeezing just so he can hear you whimper once more.
“Almost as pretty as the sounds you make under me.” He hums as he yanks you up onto the bed. His claws dig harshly into the soft flesh of your arm, droplets of blood rising to the surface of your skin before trailing downwards.
He works on his own clothes as he nips at the skin of your neck, biting down harshly at the juncture of your throat when he's finally able to shimmy out of his underwear. He growls softly, pulling back to lick over his teeth with his tongue. His gaze is hazy, almost distant as he looks down at you.
“Tastes… so good, bunny.” He huffs, but the words sound strained – forced. The grin falls slowly from his face. Naoya blinks multiple times, eyelids heavy and almost sticky, like he's struggling to open them fully.
“Fuck… my head.” He grunts, raising a hand to hold it against his forehead, eyes squeezing shut. He sways on his knees, unstable. “Fetch… a servant. Call for a servant, girl.”
As soon as you hear the slurred manner of his words, you know you've succeeded. You'd planted enough of the herbs for them to be effective despite the small amount he'd drunk, relief rushing to you when you realise your plan was working.
It's easy to push him onto his back, straddling his hips. Almost too easy. You gaze down at him in suspicion, but he barely moves. Not even a twitch of annoyance crosses his face as his body goes slack against the sheets. His eyes are practically glazed over as he looks at you. It's almost unnerving – like he's looking right through you.
“Y-you…” The word comes out thick, his tongue too heavy in his mouth to properly form the words he wishes to say. He feels like he's choking on them. “Whore.”
“I'll be your wife, soon enough.” You reply sharply, lowering yourself steadily onto his half-hard cock. It's the only part of him that appears to be working fully, twitching to life inside of you until the tip kisses your cervix. You lift yourself up, hands steadying your movements as they press against his chest. You pulse around him, and his hips buck almost imperceptibly. Another choked sound leaves his lips, which curl back to reveal gritted teeth and sharp fangs.
“I would never… take a whore wife.” He grits out, the effort it takes to speak causing drool to form in his mouth, spilling past the corners of his lips. His body strains as he attempts to move, his muscles too relaxed for him to make any progress despite his best efforts.
“You have no choice.” You say simply, rolling your hips in a steady pace as you fuck yourself on his length, setting a pace you know he enjoys. “I'll bear your heirs. Do you think your father will allow his only son to sire bastards that weaken his family's claim? I doubt it.”
A growl rises in his throat, fingers twitching desperately as he attempts to raise his arms to push you off of him. All he manages is to grab the sheets beneath them with a low whine, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
“Please.” He whimpers, voice weak and barely audible. You can't help but laugh, rocking your hips down once more, greedy cunt swallowing each and every inch of him with ease.
“Please?” You repeat, watching the tears that stream down his face with satisfaction. “That's never worked on you, has it? No matter how much I begged and pleaded, you never faltered.”
You watch him open his mouth once more, almost anticipating an apology. It does not come. His head tilts to the side – the best he can do to conceal the pitiful expression on his face without full control of his body. His Adam’s apple bobs up and down as he swallows the sorry resting on the tip of his tongue, eyes shutting once more.
He gasps as he cums, expression becoming tense as he fills you. You press down until he's buried to the hilt inside you, his knot swelling and plugging you full of his seed. He's always been so careful as to avoid spilling inside of you – bunnies we're known for their fertility, and he could not risk siring a bastard with his already weak claim. You can almost sense how defeated he is, a surge of pride shooting through you. A shaky sigh leaves your lips as you still, head tilting down so you can look at him.
He's already looking at you, eyes sharp and narrowed. His expression is filled with resentment, hatred and anger blurring together. You meet his gaze, unwavering as he attempts to stare you down. Eventually, he concedes, allowing his head to fall to the side once more like a scolded puppy depsite the way his cock as already started to harden again, locked inside of you with his swollen knot. You lean down to speak, lips brushing his ear.
“You should consider wedding preparations. I doubt your reputation could take the scandal of this got out.”
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themaclean · 6 months
We Don't Have To Be Friends (1/2) Characters: Cooper Howard/Lucy MacLean. Summary: 3,507 words, Post Season One -- character study that was meant to be PWP, but then ended up being entirely plot. Part two will be smut or I will krill myself. Warnings: Nothing you wouldn't see in the show. ( Ao3 ) > Part One | Part Two | Part Three <
Cooper never thought much about Hollywood anymore.
He had no reason to and no time either— but the thoughts bubbled up when he saw how the gold thread of his shirt dulled and familiar street signs melted into slack arches. Sometimes, he’d catch sight of a tattered newspaper with names he recognized or faces of people long since dead.
But nothing made him think of Hollywood the way Lucy did.
It hit him one afternoon with a nasty churn, that flash of the old world that locked his knees mid-stride. It was pathetic, really, when he thought about it now.
It was the flash of Lucy's Vault-Tec-sponsored smile over her shoulder, her thin hand with a necrotized finger pointing ahead of them at some landmark she’d heard of. With her head turned at just the right angle, and the sun was low as it caught the edges of her cheeks and lashes…
She had the sort of face girls in the movies had: clear skin, big eyes, and neat hair. Pretty — beautiful, actually, but not as a matter of compliment. Beautiful in the way she’d make a good price at any given market if he was inclined to sell her. Beautiful in the way people loved to exploit.
That’s the lifeblood of Hollywood—that churning mass of young talent desperate to prove they had what it takes. They’d sweet talk whoever they needed to, go to the parties, and chat his ear off about how amazing he’d been in whatever movie had come out lately, about the sponsorships they’d been offered, and about the dresses they got sent. They’d slip him their number and hold his bicep too long like they’d been taught to by managers and mothers alike.
Dozens of pretty women rushed to audition for the role of arm candy. They’d audition to play the mayor's daughter, the farmer's daughter, or so-and-so’s daughter. They’d always been the damsel. Then, whatever cowboy he’d been hired to play would toss the pretty woman onto the back of Sugarfoot and ride off into the sunset. The sort of girl who'd be gone by the next movie or end up married to a director, so she'd quit acting.
And, much like all the girls in Hollywood Cooper had spent time with, Lucy had changed. She had the same optimism, but it’d dulled; her marketable face now held tired, empty eyes. It was like she finally caught onto the world’s current: no sunset and no next movie.
Cooper couldn’t fault her. It's a strange journey to discover what to do to survive.
“Hey Cooper — is that it?” Lucy asked, repeating herself. The sprawl of buildings ahead was dotted with torches and candles.
Cooper nodded, his hand firm on Dogmeat’s collar.
A short strip of buildings stood out against the expanse of desert and dry shrubs. Each building leaned towards another, with sheet metal fastened with unskilled welding. Several turrets puttered away, seeking whatever wasn’t humanoid enough. Strips of fabric and tin cans garlands peppered the buildings' front. The smaller buildings on either side were your standard fare: a repair shop, a medic, a trader with a little diner area.
But the one Cooper was after stood out for its neon sign—Hell’s Oasis.
Hell’s Oasis served its purpose—it was a decent place to get information, and the people minded their business. They weren’t too bothered with ghouls or mutants as long as you had caps. The place often served as a meeting ground for bounty hunters and their contractors. It was also one of the more upscale places, as they wouldn’t harvest organs unless you died of natural causes.
And, if you couldn’t fight or forage for survival, you could fuck for it.
(Not that Cooper ever wasted caps on the whores who took residence within Hell’s Oasis. He’d sooner pay people to fuck off than spend the night with him.)
Cooper grabbed Lucy by the nape of her neck to yank her close and keep her firmly by his side. Most people he brought here, he left here — call it a force of habit to handle her so roughly.
“I can walk, y’know,” Lucy hissed.
“Stick close,” Cooper clicked his tongue at her, and a slight hiss followed. His grip flexed to further the message that she’d do well to follow his guidance.
They made their way through the hotel lobby, the moldy carpet slick against the floor with dirt and grease from the world outside. A few people chattered away in the attached bar, laughing at jokes Cooper couldn’t make out. Casino chips clattered on the table as they played made-up card games.
Long dead plants clung to arid dirt, the sticks of old ferns wilting against one another. Metal crates were lashed together in each corner of the alcove where the front desk sat, providing a makeshift cage between the staff and the patrons. Several girls rushed past Cooper and Lucy, jeering and cackling as they approached the bar. They were clad in lacy nightgowns. He couldn’t tell if they knew they were lingerie rather than clothes or if they’d even care.
“It’s so lively here,” Lucy said, a pang of something in her face.
“It happens in pockets,” Cooper said with a shrug of his shoulder. Little uh… spots of life.”
“Must be why they call it an oasis.”
Cooper rolled his eyes as they reached the front desk. Magazines sat in thick stacks with information about local tours in the area and a guide to the national parks. An abandoned handbag was tucked against the desk, which Lucy eyed with curiosity.
Cooper slapped the front desk bell a few times, a gargling growl low in his throat.
They needed this break after a couple of weeks on the road together. Water was getting sparse, and he wanted to be ready to meet with whoever the fuck Hank had run off to. And in such an open desert, there’s no sense traveling at night, and all manner of dumb shit came up along the way.
It was always something. People needed help or some dumb cunt trying to pick a fight, resupplies, rest… He didn’t like helping people much, but Lucy argued with him whenever they tried to go on without at least trying. And whether the people lived or died, at least they tried. That was her argument.
But Lucy listened to him a little more now, and he was as patient as he could be with her.
Cooper rang the bell again. He wanted a room, and the chattering laughter in the bar was only making his aches worse.
Priscilla appeared from behind a moth-eaten velvet curtain. Her hairline was hidden beneath a thick headscarf with puffy blond curls bouncing beneath it. The last time he’d been here, her hair had begun to rot out of her skull. He guessed it’d only gotten worse. She’s still pretty, mirroring that old-world red lip with pin curls.
“Oh my God, is that you, Coop? I haven’t seen you in a long time,” Priscilla said in a slow, low voice. She had a rasp to it, always had, though he wasn’t sure if it was from the radiation or a smoking habit.
“Was underground,” Cooper said with a lazy smile. He wouldn’t mention that he’d been underground in a literal sense, trapped in a coffin.
“Well, it’s nice for you to come to see us and…” Priscilla’s gaze slid to Lucy, that usual surprise swelling up at the sight of a genuine Vault Dweller. They weren’t hard to spot. “Ah, you turning her in for a bounty?”
Lucy’s head snapped towards him, a mixture of shock and disgust.
“No,” Cooper shook his head, his grip firm on Lucy’s neck to turn her head away from him. His fingers tensed before they dropped away altogether, brushing across Lucy’s shoulder. “Tag-along. Helpin’ her uh…” He picked through the words that came to mind, cautious not to share too much. “Adjust to the surface.”
Priscilla’s jaw squared as she stared Lucy down.
“We’re just lookin’ for a room, some food,” Cooper said before she could pry further. “Usual fare.”
“Please,” Lucy said, like Cooper had forgotten, and it was important to say. “The usual fare, please.”
“She speaks,” Priscilla said in a purr.
Cooper had to give Lucy credit. She’d stayed quiet much longer than he’d expected.
“Oh, we’ll also need water,” Lucy said, looking up at Cooper. “For cleaning and drinking. I’m not sure if you separate it that way or if you reuse it unless you have showers.”
Priscilla narrowed her eyes. “Running water? We can get you a bucket of water, sweetness. That alright with you?”
“It works great for me. Big fan of buckets. They’re the backbone of agriculture and cleaning, really, if you think about it…” Lucy agreed, her smile as bright as the neon sign by the front window.
Priscilla looked at Cooper and then at Lucy, repeating the loop before she sauntered behind a moth-eaten velvet curtain strung up with zip ties. The distant hum of a generator underscored the silence as Cooper picked over the board of caricatures. Plenty of people were banned from the premises or with a bounty on their heads — no one stood out on the board, at least.
“She was giving us a weird look,” Lucy leaned closer to Cooper, feigning a swipe of her hand through her hair. The floor creaked as she shifted her weight closer to him. “Is it the bucket thing? I panicked.”
Cooper scoffed from the back of his throat.
“It is safe here, right? You trust her?”
“It’s safe,” Cooper bared his teeth at Lucy, begging her to return to the docile silence she’d thrived in.
“Then why — ”
Cooper hissed for her to shh through clenched teeth.
Priscilla pushed past the curtain. She gripped a little blue card with faded gold edges. A key with a golden ball chain was attached to the edge. It felt strangely archaic to be so formal about lodgings, but it was why he liked this place.
“I guess it makes sense,” Priscilla said as she slid the key to Cooper. She nodded to Lucy. “You wanting a girl who’s more… Old—world flavor. It reminds you of the golden years, hm?”
“Six, right?” Cooper ignored her question, his gaze fixed to the card.
“Six,” Priscilla repeated, her gaze on Lucy.
Cooper tossed a few caps onto the front desk, the clatter of metal their own punctuation. He notched his head towards the stairs, and Dogmeat and Lucy followed in stride. He was eager for the simple things — water, food, and a moment to let his bags rest.
“Wanting a girl…” Lucy smiled, mumbling more of Priscilla’s words under her breath.
After several flights of stairs and a few hours, Cooper felt all the better. He’d eaten his fill and enjoyed the peace of an enclosed room. He didn’t often allow himself such a luxury, as being in a settlement put a target on your back for any larger groups. But it’d been two weeks since they’d had proper rest out of the elements.
Tracking Hank wasn’t easy, either. That suit meant he could skip over all the pocked landscape and roaming threats. What would take him an hour to travel by air was a day for them sometimes, a fact that spurred Cooper on. But they couldn’t rush, as rushing would only get them killed.
One wrong step and you were deathclaw chow.
“God, more, please!”
And there went the silence. Cooper’s eye twitched; his lipless mouth sneered at the screeches.
Whoever had taken up residence in room five was making the most of their money — an hour straight of screams and moans, an hour straight of Lucy pretending to read. She’d picked up a holotape at the last outpost they’d stopped at; something about a sequel she’d always wanted to continue reading.
By the second hour, it wasn’t so much that room five stopped fucking. But they at least got a lot quieter about it. The occasional shriek or moan rattled through the air vents, but it was far and few between.
Lucy lay across the double bed, her boots discarded beside the door. Her vault suit hung from the defunct radiator. Her washing was all done, and she’d freshened up, the usual Lucy shit. She’d helped herself to the water and changed into some pajama set she’d pilfered from a house a few days back.
“I think it’s nice,” Lucy said into the open air of the hotel room.
Cooper looked up from his shotgun, teeth bared like he was trying to smile. “The quiet?”
“No,” Lucy smiled at the wall between them and room five. “That people can find love, even now.”
Cooper couldn’t stop himself from laughing at that. The cackles shook from low in his lungs and caught him so off-guard he hacked up some foul muck into his palm. He hissed through a wheezed breath as he fumbled with his RadAway puffer.
“I mean it! It’s not funny!”
“That ain’t love, Vaultie,” Cooper coughed out, his eyes narrowed as drool and tears mingled on his cheeks. He wiped his face, fine skin catching against the scarred, leathery mess. “That…” He pointed to the wall. “S’probably a whore and her John making the most of the caps.”
Lucy’s eyes darted as she picked apart what he’d said. “John..?”
“John’s a term for uh…” Cooper’s jaw strained against a smile, though it was far too cruel to be kind. “A guy who pays for sex.”
“Ah, wasteland slang,” she said with a solemn nod, as if it made sense she hadn’t caught on immediately.
“Old world slang,” Cooper corrected.
Lucy looked around the hotel room anew, like she’d finally caught on to what this place really was. She scooted to the edge of the bed, to sit with her legs angled towards him. “That woman at the front desk said you’d want a girl who’s old world — she thought I was a prostitute. ”
Lucy crossed her arms as if she had more to say on the matter. But then she remained quiet, uncharacteristically so.
“S’waste of caps.”
“Hiring me to have sex with you? Actually, I know all about sexual gratification, so I think it’d be a great use of money — caps.”
Cooper stared Lucy down as if he couldn’t parse what she’d just said. “Paying anyone money to fuck you is a waste.” Cooper tongued his lips apart. “Bullets. Meds. There’s shit worth paying for. Sex is — ”
“Sex ain’t worth much.”
“To you, maybe,” Lucy frowned. “It’s an act of love and intimacy, and… It’s how humanity continues, and it’s — fun if done well.”
“You wanna waste your caps on some cock?” Cooper snapped, his hand flapping at the door. “Be my guest.”
“No,” Lucy shook her head. “I don’t want to, but I’m saying that I… I think killing people is probably worse than sleeping with people for caps. If it’s to survive, I think it makes sense. Morally speaking.”
“Don’t,” Cooper snarled.
Cooper didn’t like how Lucy spoke to him most days, but this was a new, worse permutation. Her Vault-addled morality was sickening enough on its own, as she embodied whatever bullshit had been drip-fed to her by the company who’d bought her vault. Not that he was without sin, given the shit he’d done to survive this long.
But sex and love and all that shit was not front of mind. He needed to find his family and to know what happened to them. He didn’t need a two-cap blowjob from a stranger in the dim light of some bar. Though, in all honesty, his drug habit mixed with the amount of alcohol he’d drowned himself in, some nights got hazy.
There’s that animalistic, self-destructive part of him that won on his worst nights. The same part of him that kept him alive, the same part that let him do all the miserable shit he needed to do to survive.
But it’s certainly never been love. Not since Barb.
Never again, he’d wager.
"I had sex once," Lucy said this like it was a point of pride, now on her feet. She idled beside the bed, her gaze settled onto the empty space she’d been lying. "With my husband, but…" Her face twisted with this delayed amusement. She turned towards him, closing the gap between them.
Lucy’s eyes remained unfocused as she stared at the marked table between them, where his shotgun lay across a dirty cloth. "Does that make us both widows..? You said you have a family, right? So, you were probably married and had at least one kid. Not trying to presume, so tell me if I’m wrong, but… You said that in the observatory. That’s what you’re after."
Cooper parted his lips, a nasty tilt to his hairless brow.
Lucy gave a tight smile. "I was married. Only for a few hours, but… It was an arranged marriage, I didn’t meet him until the wedding. It turned out he was a raider from the surface posing as my match from Vault 32 and…" At this point, Lucy caught herself. “I feel for you, if you lost someone. That’s all.”
“You ain’t a widow.”
“Technically — ”
Cooper stood up, unable to stay seated. “You say you’re a widow like it’s a fact outta some book. The shit you went through — you’re an experiment gone wrong, not a damn widow,” Cooper said, his voice flat.
Lucy’s face twitched at his words as if she struggled to keep her smile. “Well, guess what? We’re all an experiment gone wrong, whether you’re in a vault or not.”
Cooper’s eyes twitched, narrowing in the dark of their hotel room. Room five was quiet, which made this moment all the worse. He didn’t like how she spoke about him, as if she knew what was happening in his mind. He wasn’t some wounded man looking for sympathy.
He wasn’t anything.
“Go back to your holotapes,” Cooper said with a jut of his chin. “You’ve been up here a few weeks, acting like you know how it is.”
“Well, I know we’ve all been screwed over by people hundreds of years ago, and I’m sorry if I’m not as beaten down by it as you, but — I’m just trying to share things with you, to…” Lucy struggled through her words, her arms crossed protectively over her chest. “We don’t have to be friends, but we have to be — something.”
The couple in room five screeched. Cooper tensed out of habit but relaxed again when he reasoned what the noise was. It didn’t solve the fierce look on Lucy’s face as she stared him down, her fists clenched by her pajama-clad thighs.
“I don’t want to fight with you,” Lucy said, shaking her damp hair out of her face. She stood idle by the table as if she had just realized she had stepped towards him in their argument. There was a bird-like shake to her chest, her heart and lungs quick beneath bone.
It was moments like this that made his nature crystalline to him — that thin line she couldn’t perceive of how easy it’d be to string her up by the ankles and bleed her dry. Of how easy it’d be to slide into that ache for warm flesh between his teeth and blood down his throat.
Ghouls aren’t welcome in most settlements for a reason, and Lucy is too damn optimistic to learn that lesson.
Cooper tongued the inside of his cheek, and his teeth gnashed at the frayed edge of his lip. “We have to be something, huh?”
Lucy’s brow twitched, and her jaw strained as she tried to stand taller. She nodded as something like hope softened her stern expression.
It wasn’t hard to close the gap. It was even easier to grab that ponytail she always wore and yank her head close, fist tight in her hair as he brought her close. Her hand scrabbled against the table, and nails dug into the wood as their eyes met.
“Don’t you ever talk about my family again,” Cooper said, his voice level. “We clear?”
Lucy’s breathing redoubled, but she nodded. Her nostrils flared as he let her go with a firm shove. There was a real sense of satisfaction as he felt her perception of him shift as if she’d forgotten she was dealing with a monster rather than a man. As if the rotted skin and exposed tensions, or the gaping hole where his nose had once been, weren’t enough warning.
Pretty girls in Hollywood were overlooked as much in his time — all in the name of survival in a race that no one really won. You took your part and played it until the work dried up. Then, you prayed for sponsorships, deals, and other things to spare you from the real world.
He watched it with co-stars, time and again. It wasn’t much different now, just less rhinestones and more rads.
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enchantedlov3r · 2 months
~Wild enemies turned lovers~ A Jacaerys Velaryon love story Cowboy AU
Chapter 1
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Summary: you and Jace were enemies, no one could get you guys to get along. so when you guys are forced to work together on your mother's farm for a summer, burning hatred turns into passionate love...
Pairing: cowboy!Jacaerys x cowgirl!reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: lots of sadness and angst, Jace being a tiny asshole, aemond being a good friend, daemon being the reader's fav as he should, and lots of cussing yayy! smut in future chapters, fluff at the end kind of, mentions of death, arguing, let me know if I missed anything! enjoyyyy!
A/N: heyyyy... how y'all doin'.... so look I know I have other stuff to work on but I just couldn't resist y'all know me! so this is dedicated to a lovely girl @coral021 so I hope you like it and it suits your liking, this will be a series btw!
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You felt as though you and Jace were supposed to be enemies since the womb.
Jace was always so stuck up and such a know it all while you were more reserved and chose to hide in the shadows.
yes you were outgoing and loved riding your horse around the farm, but you also didn't like a lot of human interaction with others you didn't know.
you were reserved and introverted that way. you liked to tend to the farm animals and do chores, stuff normal people wouldn't exactly enjoy doing.
but when you put those headphones on, you were in a whole other world. a world that Jace always loved to mess up when he and his family came to visit.
It was currently 2:55pm when Jace and his family arrived. It was Daemon, your favorite. Aemond and Aegon, Lucerys, Joffery, and Rhaenyra.
you spotted them from the barn as you were feeding the pigs. you finished tidying up in the barn when your twin sister comes running towards you.
your sister was your best friend, she was the only one who you felt actually understood you.
"There here!" she says with a giddy smile. "yea I caught that, you seem a wee bit too excited, I wonder why." you say your southern drawl coming in strong.
"oh stop it! you know he doesn't like me back, it's just a tiny crush anyway. to be honest I think he takes a liking to you." she says as you both walk hand in hand.
she had the biggest crush on aemond. he showed signs that he didn't like her back but to be honest your sister could never truly stay hooked on one man.
when you guys were 12 she had a crush on jace but when you guys were 15 she obtained a crush on aegon.
"you know how you get around him, I just don't want him hurting your feelings, you know how mean they are, and besides your too sweet for him anyway. and I highly doubt he wants me," you say smiling at her as you rub your nose with hers.
she was the joy and happiness that you don't have. you weren't exactly depressed but you weren't exactly happy either, being the oldest by 5 minutes meant more pressure on you then her.
but she was still able to put a smile on your face as always. you havent been the best, especially since dad died. it's been rough on everyone but daisy doesn't show it as much. tyring to stay happy for everyone.
(gonna name her daisy btw you can use it if not thats ok too)
you eventually just shut everyone out except her. your older brother, your mom, your friends, even other family members.
"you think mom's gonna tell em? that dad's dead?" daisy asks you. you sigh and look at your house up ahead.
"maybe, they are like family and daemon really did like our dad so maybe?" you say honestly. you weren't sure.
your mom hasn't left the house in months. he recently died and you guys had the funeral a few months ago.
she hasn't moved from the house and you and daisy were constantly trying to coax her to help out.
so instead of getting up to help she calls the Targaryen family over to help for the entire summer.
now to anyone that sounds amazing. to you, it was a nightmare because of the sleep schedule, the trouble you'd have to endure, and the endless amounts of teasing and annoyance from Jace.
"I like your outfit btw but you might wanna change, and shower. you smell like mud and pigs." she says snickering.
you had on a white t-shirt with blue overalls and a cowgirl hat on to keep the heat from out of your eyes along with your handy dandy cowgirl boots.
"yea yea, I know. but not before i do this!" you exclaim before rubbing your hands all on her arms and rubbing your cheek on her cheek.
"ewwwwwww! gross! whyyyy mee!" Daisy yells out as she runs away from you. you quickly follow after her you catch a glimpse of the four boys staring at you guys. your older brother, aemond, aegon, and jace.
"ok ok! I surrender. I give up, come on daisy I won't do anything, promise!" you yell out at her.
she laughs and puts both her thumbs up before making her way back to you.
you both walk up the porch steps towards the front door when your met with your older brothers gaze.
"Where have you two been? Mom was looking for you both to greet the Targaryens." he says with a stern gaze.
"doing the work you should have been doing. that's where I was." you say with a bit of venom behind it.
"well I was busy. you know taking care of mom." he says. you roll your eyes and so does daisy.
"bullshit Tyler, I was taking care of mom while you were out fucking some girl." daisy announces.
"oh wow, but what the hell was all that talk about how you care for mom's mental health and how you needed to now step up and be the "man" of the house and take care of mom?" you question, restating what he said the day after the funeral.
"I meant that. I'm doing that, I'm putting in more work than you." he says with his chest puffed out.
"Yea tell her." Jace whispers.
'Oh.' you saw what was going on here, Tyler wanted to act all tough and big and bad because they were here. well, you were gonna show your brother just how pathetic he is.
you glare at the boys behind him and then look at your brother again.
"hey by the way, tell that girl, what was her name again, cat? yea did you ever tell her that you had chlamydia and might have given it to her? yea did you tell her that you got it from her sister? well, that's too bad cause I uhm already told her. she's on her way here shortly so that'll be a fun conversation." you say with a smile.
"let's go daisy," you say before walking towards the door. "Oh by the way welcome back boys," you say with an insincere smile on your face before pushing the door to your household open and walking in.
you hear the muffled conversation and you smile knowing that there questioning your brother and his sexual acts and the fact that he just let me punk him.
"that was just cruel but well deserved." daisy says with a giggle. you smile at her and laugh too.
"Hi, Rhaenyra." you greet as you see her and your mom talking at the dining table.
"Hello girls, always a pleasure to see you guys." she says with that warm smile on her face.
sometimes you wished she was your mom instead of your actual mom because Rhaenyra actually understood you, unlike your mom.
"I would hug you but i'm covered in mud and hay, lemme go clean up yea?" you say to her with a smile.
she smiles and nods with understanding and you walk up the stairs towards your room.
you grab a little white sundress with yellow flowers on it. you grab some panties and a bra as well and walk towards your bathroom for a well-deserved shower.
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It was currently 7:45 when you finally left your room after your daily reading routine, you got out of the shower a while ago and your ready for dinner.
"Hey! Come downstairs loser, dinner is ready, and Daemons asking for you." daisy says bursting into your room.
"hey, one I'm not a loser and two you had me at Daemon's name," you say excitingly as you rush downstairs with her.
you see Daemon's white hair and his black cowboy hat and sneak up behind him and jump on his back.
"RAHHHH!" You yell out as he twirls you around with his hands on your legs holding you there.
"There she is! How's my special girl." he says with a smile on his face. you laugh and wrap your arms around his neck.
"I'm doing pretty good old man, how are you?" you say laughing when he drops you off him at calling him an old man.
"well I was doing good until that statement child." he says rolling his eyes playfully.
you laugh at him and shove him with your shoulder snatching his hat off his head and putting it on yours. You stand next to him listening to him talk about his time here in the last hour or so and you smile.
your deep in his conversation when Lucerys runs to you with Joffery.
"Hey guys! Omg! Luke you're getting taller dude and Joffery last time I saw you, you were like this short." you say shrinking your hand a bit.
"Hey guess what i'm 7 now! and Luke is 13!" he says proudly. you smile at them and high five the both of them.
"well ain't that something nice," you say roughing up Luke's hair. "Alright, boys why don't you go and find some seats, dinners ready."
they both nod and go find a seat. you smile and bid him a farewell while you go and find a seat next to your sister.
"Hey sissy." you say with a smile. "hey loser." she says with a smirk. you kick her foot and she laughs.
"girls. no playing at the table you know that." your mom says for the first time today.
"but dad never had a problem with it." daisy says in protest. you roll your eyes not even bothering to put up a fight with her.
"Yeah well he's dead isn't he, so whatever I say goes," she says sternly making everyone at the table go silent.
"yea well you haven't done anything around here anyway so what's the point." you whisper under your breath.
"I'm sorry, did you have something you wanted to share with the family?" she says with that aggression and attitude in her tone.
"Miranda don't," Rhaenyra warns.
"No its fine. Yea I do have something to share." you say putting your fork down losing your appetite.
"Here we go again." Tyler says rolling his eyes.
"You have not moved from your room in months. you have done nothing to help with the farm, you just sit around and sulk in the coldness of your room. Daisy has coaxed you to start eating properly, I have stepped up and cooked and helped take care of the fucking animals you and Dad raised when we were babies. and yet, whatever you say is supposed to go? yea, mom that makes total sense coming from a woman who couldn't even go buy fucking groceries for the goddamn house." you say out of anger.
"please don't do this, not again bro," Tyler says.
"No.. no Tyler you have no right to talk. your last words to dad were that you fucking hated him and wished he wasn't alive anymore. and for what? all because he wouldn't let you sneak some fucking whore in the house?" you say angrily with tears streaming down your face.
"You wanna act like the man of the house so bad but you couldn't even make the real man in the house proud. I blame you for his death, every single fucking day. I hate you Tyler, and I hate you Mom because you act like it's nothing. You don't check on your kids, you don't comfort Daisy at night when she wakes up crying and calling out for Dad. you do nothing. and whatever you say goes right?" you yell at Tyler and your mom.
your full-on crying now.
"I can't even look at you anymore," you say finally before looking away from them both and silently crying.
"sorry to ruin this wonderful dinner that Daisy cooked. and I'm sorry Rhaenyra and Daemon and everyone else for making you uncomfortable. I'm fine now." you say calmly.
"darling, it's totally fine. I can tell you needed to let that out." Rhaenyra says with a smile on her face.
"You just ruin everything don't you, no wonder Tyler never wants you around either," Jace says under his breath.
"what the fuck did you just say?!" you yell at jace.
"Man come on don't make her angry," Tyler says.
"JACAERYS VELARYON!" Rhaenyra yells making everyone silent at the table.
"you have no right... no right to say that. out of all people you should understand as you lost your father, don't you start with this family, and put them through more hell." she exclaims.
"I've lost my appetite, i'll eat it later daisy. I'm sorry." you say before running out of the house and running towards the barn.
"why couldn't you just stay quiet like you always are Mom? I made a n-nice dinner and you ruined it. You too Tyler and you Jace. you guys know better but you act fucking childish anyway!" Daisy says with tears in her eyes as she runs to her room.
"I'll go find her, Aegon you go after Daisy. don't worry, we'll fix this." Aemond says.
you're sitting on the bench by the coupe of chickens when you hear rustling behind you.
"go away Tyler! I don't want you here right no-"
"Not Tyler," Aemond announces interrupting your sentence.
you turn around and see aemond standing there with his hands in his pocket.
"come to tease me like Jace does? if so I'm not in the mood," you say sitting back down to feed the chickens.
"actually i'm here to comfort you. see I lost my dad too so I know how you feel. My dad may not have died like yours did but I lost mine and I'm at least civil enough to know that, that shit isn't something to make fun of." aemond says as he sits next to you.
"Yea, it's not," you say throwing more food for the chickens. you glance at him and he's staring right back at you.
"you know I don't hate him, not really." you say with a slight smile on your face.
"who Tyler?" he asks.
"nope, not him no I hate him with my life. I mean Jace. I never hated him. He just started hating on me from the jump so I just went along with it. But it's getting exhausting. were both adults now, were 18, why can't he just act more mature." you say looking at the stars in the sky.
"I don't know, I'm never really around my niece all that well but maybe he likes you. You know, arguing and pretending to hate someone for no reason at all is a sign that they like you but are trying to hide their feelings deep down."
"Oh shut up!" you say shoving him and laughing.
"Just saying," he says with a smile. you smile back at him remembering how fun and nice Aemond really was. when you guys were alone at least.
"by the way you gotta stop bullying Luke, he's 13, and you're 19. get it together bro," you say sternly locking eyes with him.
"yea yea I will." he says smiling at you. you smile back and stare at him.
for a moment it felt as though time had stopped. you both stare at each other before Aemond's smile fades and he leans a little closer to you.
he leans closer and closer until he's near your ear. "we should probably get back, daemons calling." he whispers.
"oh uhm-" you clear your throat. "yeah w-we should. thanks aemond, I really needed this talk." you say with a smile before hugging him.
"no problem." he says hugging you back as he rests his head on yours.
you both walk back engaged in conversation again about his love life. of course, he didn't have a girlfriend. you're gonna have to tell that to Daisy, maybe another night...not tonight.
then out of the blue, Jace pops up in your mind and you speak before your mind can tell you to shut up.
"D-does Jace have a girlfriend by any chance?" you ask keeping your head straight, not daring to look at Aemond's amused face and teasing smirk.
"no...he doesn't. why, are you interested?" he asks nudging you a bit as he chuckles with amusement.
,"No, not at all. Just curious is all." you say with a little giggle. you both make it back to the house and are greeted with Rhaenyra and Daemon's lovely faces.
they thank you that you came back and thank Aemond for bringing you back.
you smile at them and bid the three a goodbye. you try to make your way up the stairs but the sound of Jace's voice stops you.
"Hey, wait," he says walking to catch you quick enough. you turn around with an emotionless expression as you really don't want to speak to him.
"look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that when I know your clearly hurting. I know what it's like to lose your father or someone close to you. I shouldn't have been such an asshole and I'm really sorry. If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I would really appreciate it." he says with a serious face.
you saw past the serious facade though. there was something in his eyes, a look of not only a feeling of apologetics but of sincerity too, and passion and remorse.
a look that you can forgive.
"I forgive you Jace. I am really tired now so, goodnight." you smile at him and give him a light hug.
he hugs you back as his eyes widen. you've never shown him affection like this and neither has he so this... this was new.
"goodnight, i'll see you tomorrow then. my mom told me to help you with whatever chores you need help with," he says.
"oh ok, well then see ya tomorrow Jace." you say as you turn on your heel to make your way towards the stairs and go to your room.
you didn't quite know what tomorrow would hold for you but you prayed it wasn't Jace being an asshole.
if only you knew how much tomorrow was going to be hell for you...
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Taglist: @raynesbandaids @liliesdiary @ribbonprincess and anyone else who wants to join.
©enchantedlov3r| All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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koolades-world · 6 months
Your Umbrella (solomon x reader)
It'd been a long day. The rain poured down like the heavens weeping. He had forgotten to bring his umbrella from home. Resolved to the only good part of his day being getting to get to bed, he set off to Purgatory Hall through the onslaught of rain.
As he walked, he contemplated his life, staring down at the sidewalk. Simeon and Luke had headed back at the end of the school day, but he had to stay behind to help out with setting up for tomorrow's lesson in potions since he'd agreed to help since he knew a thing or two. At the time, he was all for it, but now that he was actually there, he couldn't be dreading it more. The last thing he wanted was to help teach a lesson.
Maybe his social battery was just finally drained, after all these years. Maybe RAD had finally been the thing to wear him down. Or, maybe he just needed to power through it. He had no clue what he needed. But, he had to figure it out, or it he wouldn't find the answer he was searching for. That's that way it'd always been.
Despite always seeming chipper, he wasn't sure how much of that he had left in him. He'd honestly lost track of how old he was at this point. He vaguely remembered his birthday, but for a while, it stopped mattering to him because despite the passage of time, his physical body showed no signs of aging. Most of the demons around him knew this, and it felt like common knowledge. But something none of them had considered was the state of his psyche. The human brain wasn't meant to function for an indefinite amount of time like his. He wasn't sure what it felt like to be normal anymore. Was he even human anymore? Even if he was, he wasn't sure he really enjoyed it anymore. Anything that was joyful about being human he felt like he lost long ago.
Being surrounded by demons who were hundreds of thousands of years older than him was troubling at times like this. Sure he was young by comparison, but that thought didn’t comfort him. He should've died a long time ago. Yet he was still here, and it felt as if he was rotting away from the inside out. They didn't stop to consider the toll of spending so much time with them was taking on. And, it wasn't even like it was anything they did on purpose. He wasn't trying to discredit their efforts of course, but they just didn't know what it was like to be human. If he didn't understand himself, how could they?
At this point, it just felt like he was dragging himself through the days. He honestly wasn't sure how he'd made it this far, or how he'd done this in the past. He felt like a dead man walking. He felt like he was wasting away.
But that's when he met you.
Mc made him feel young again, like he finally had a place to belong. Someone that kind of understood him and the struggles of being human. He didn't know what he'd do without you. You breathed the life back into his daily routine, by doing all sorts of little things you probably didn't even think twice about. You actually understood his struggles, and he felt as if turning to you was embracing the sun's rays. He smiled to himself as he continued to shuffle through the rain. He found himself thinking of you more and more as of late. You were nothing but the sparkle of joy in his day.
Behind him, he heard someone splashing through puddles through the din of rain. As he turned around, with the echo of the smile still on his face, he saw the very person he was thinking about. You had a cute pink umbrella in hand that was proabaly a gift from Asmo, blocking the rain from directly hitting you. However, you were still pretty soaked and water was practically dripping from your RAD uniform.
"Ah! You caught me. I was hoping I could sneak up on you and jump on your back." You walked over to him and immediately pulled him under your umbrella.
"You're so interesting." Solomon found himself laughing a little at your antics.
"What're you doing out here all by yourself? I went looking for you and was told you left in this awful weather." You immediately reached up and brushed his bangs out of his face so you could see his eyes. He reeled for a second, his heart thumping, before remembering he had to respond.
"Oh, I just wanted to get back to Purgatory Hall. Simeon took my bag home with him when he left at normal dismissal, and the rain didn't seem too bad when I left. Clearly, I was wrong." He tried to smile and brush it off, but you saw through him.
"Are you upset again? You don't have to tell me why, but let me just be with you and try to cheer you up, if you'll let me." The smile faded from your face a little, and he saw the concern shine through.
He didn't have it in him to speak, so he just nodded. You grabbed one of his hands with one of yours unoccupied with the umbrella. The way you quickly pulled him close and covered him with your umbrella felt oddly fitting to him. You were quick to grow close to him, for whatever reason, and he felt as if when he was around you, it was alright to feel how he was feeling. "Let's go do something crazy! We're both already wet, so what'd you say to dancing in the rain somewhere, then heading to Purgatory Hall to enjoy a movie together? Your favorite, of course. We might get sick, and while magic could solve that, that just means we could take a few sick days together." You leant into his side, placing your chin on his shoulder.
"I'm following you, Mc." He felt himself begin to smile again. He couldn't lie about how enamored he was with you. He couldn't say no to you. You made him happier, like he didn't just have to let the days bleed together. Not everything was going to go his way, but that's alright. At least he knew you'd be by his side.
Maybe being human wasn't so bad after all.
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ghost-husbands · 2 months
In Defense of Charles Rowland
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Under the cut because this is gonna be a long one, folks.
I'm going to begin this by saying that I have recently joined this fandom and to be fair, don't have as much experience with writing meta and all that. However, I love reading and given that meta is
discussion of fanworks of all kinds, fan work in relation to the source text, fanfiction characters and their motivation and psychology, fan behavior, or fandom itself.
I have always thoroughly enjoyed reading and attempting to write it. Now I have finished watching all the episodes of the season we currently have, and when I finished watching 1x04, I had some pretty strong emotions about what happened in there.
What happened exactly?
Well before we get into that, I want to say that I was inspired to write this because of the original writing of @pippin-katz on the same subject.
So as we know, in 1x04, the ghost husbands have a confrontation with the Night Nurse--an immortal (I think she's immortal, no?) being in charge of the Afterlife's Lost and Found Department. Why is she after them? Because Charles and Edwin are two unaccounted for spirits who are wandering the world and not where they belong. They're both technically special cases. Edwin was dragged to hell by pure accident, the victim of a demon summoning. It says something that even the demon itself apologizes to him for the technicality before he's taken down to the inferno | Charles died after an attack, of hypothermia and his own injuries. He discovers he's dead when he sees his own body and once it hits him that Edwin's going to leave, he doesn't want to stay behind to wait for Death. Frankly, he isn't ready for Death, so he says. So he decides to flee Death, just as Edwin has been since his escape from Hell.
Aside from staying with Edwin for their foreseeable eternity, Charles' motivation for staying is, according to him, the purpose he still serves...the face that he is a Dead Boy Detective who's dedicated himself to helping spirits who still have unfinished business. He's doing good here with Edwin. They are helping people. Ah, let's not forget, I almost missed the fact that when the Night Nurse arrives, Charles almost immediately puts himself between the Night Nurse and Edwin.
He's protecting Edwin as he always has and always will. He's almost bristling with fury and you can see the strength of his will in the way he's standing there, refusing to go quietly. He will fight for his purpose here, he will fight for Edwin, and he will fight for his newly found friends (Niko and Crystal watching from the sidelines now).
The Night Nurse has her job, and she's convinced that it shouldn't be a problem to simply apprehend the boys and pop off. Perhaps if she had only just, then truly, there wouldn't have been a problem. The show would have ended there and that would have been a pretty fucking pathetic end, I'd say. But she resorted to force, and I here want to begin to make my point. The exact kind of force she used and how she used it was cruel, a low blow and makes her, to a certain degree at fault for what befalls her.
What did the Night Nurse do?
Put simply, as pippin-katz points out, she made Charles relive some of his worst memories.
That's being beaten by his father.
That's being stoned by his friends and pushed into the lake where he caught hypothermia.
That's dying freezing and miserable in the attic until Edwin shows up.
If you want a thorough analysis of her actions, go look at what pippin-katz wrote, I'm going to focus on Charles here.
She twisted the knife (and we know that it is a very, very deep wound in Charles, the anger and abuse of his father--he's emotional enough over it to get caught in the murder loop at the Devlin House and it's one of the points of his breakdown in 1x04) when she showed him these moments and basically asks him, "What's the point of staying here, this is what happened to you. That's what people here do to you. You wanted to stay for this? You can't make things better (this was during his father's beating)..It didn't get better, you died. That's the point."
Please, let's not forget how much this affects Charles, the fact that his father beat him and so we might suppose, was always disappointed in him. With Crystal, Charles admits that he looks in on his parents every now and then because yes, he misses them (this coming from a 16 year old boy who despite suffering at his own father's hand obviously had, at least before he died, still the desire to please that man, and perhaps some degree of love for him) but also to be sure that his father will not hurt his mother the way the old man hurt him. He wants to protect his mother. So all of that, reliving that, is going to be very painful.
What did Charles do in this moment?
He's angry. We know that he's very physical, and we can see the way that he puts himself between Edwin and the NN as he refuses to 'come quietly' to the Afterlife. He's visibly shaken by the ordeal and rattled after he recovers from whatever the NN did to him when she made him relive his memories. She flicks her hand and basically does something that makes him collapse, and he's trying to pull himself to his feet after that.
He's so very angry, hurt.
"If you wanted me crushed, devastated, I am. I'm also bloody angry."
Looking around a bit, I asked around to get an idea of how exactly what he did could be taken in a shocking, jarring way. I'm not here to disprove anything or knock other's opinions, I just wanted to compare both sides of it. That being said, two points.
He hit a woman with that big metal device.
It's not like him to be so violent.
Those, in a nutshell, are a very brief, concise idea of why people might look at what Charles did and think, "Hm that was a bit too much. Maybe he shouldn't have done that, not in that way."
I answer with the fact that, as pippin-katz also pointed out, the Night Nurse looks like a small, older woman, otherwise defenseless (Granted, she didn't have anything to defend herself when Charles attacked). Apparently in Doom Patrol (I've never seen it and don't plan to) she looks a little less like a woman and a little more monstrous. So she's not entirely innocent here. I personally disapprove of what she chose to use against Charles (and Edwin, given that she threatened to bring up the same painful memories in Edwin's mind). I don't condone the idea of violence against a woman, that's not okay, and it was a little jarring to see. I guess I'm trying to say....I believe that Charles was right to defend against the attack initiated by the Night Nurse.
Was it laudable that he reacted so violently to her? Perhaps not, I don't think so.
Was he to blame for choosing to fight? I certainly think not.
To the second point, I can't say very much because I haven't read the comics nor do I know extensively his personality and what he would or wouldn't do. But I've gathered that, from seeing the series, he's never quite been the one to attack first, or to strike just for the hell of it. I've only ever seen him react, not initiate. I think it's understandable that he would react strongly to what has happened, and I hold that he isn't to blame for wanting to protect Edwin and their loved ones.
How did his friends react to all of this?
Charles reels from what happened, and you can hear that he's shaken by it. You can hear it in his voice when he asks Edwin and the girls, "Why are you all looking at me like that?" Edwin steps forward and tells him it was extreme. That kind of tipped it for Charles, then, I think.
"Was it too extreme, Edwin? So was me dying at 16, mate! I don't wanna be dead. I hate it. Yet every day I'm fucking smiling 'cause who else is going to be the one holding it together, keeping spirits up? You? Are you gonna do that, huh? And for what? What good am I even doing? I couldn't stop Devlin from murdering his family over and over. I can't stop Crystal from hurting. I can't stop whatever it is that's going on with you. I can't stop anything. I sure as hell couldn't stop my dad from beating the shit out of me. No matter how good I was."
Honestly, this part broke my heart. Because Charles, earlier, said that he did this for them, to protect them. He's admitting here that he IS the one trying to hold everyone together but that (wake up call everyone) he's actually hurting too underneath all of it. But as someone pointed out to me, Charles never brought that up to Edwin because he might have considered that Edwin has spent 70 years in hell and would not have wanted to burden his friend with his own problems.
We see that Charles is falling apart here. He's questioning the good that he does, because in his eyes he sees only how he's failed "to stop" all those things, and you can note how his voice rises and breaks towards the end.
Niko and Crystal say nothing in this moment, but either later that episode or in the next one, Crystal snaps at Charles.
"You’re a sweet guy with a rage problem. You walk around acting like the sun always shines, and then you lost your shit while beating the Night Nurse. Edwin and I are walking on eggshells around you instead of just saying 'what the actual fuck?'”
That was definitely something that caught my attention because didn't she hear what Charles said up above? It just popped out at me because Charles explained why he's the one acting like the sun always shines (he needs to try and keep everyone's spirits up because if he breaks down, and Edwin were to break down because of all the shit he's been through, that coupled with Crystal's own problems with David and her personal struggles...there would be no one to pull everyone out of their darkness)
Anyway, I'm not here to bash anyone either. Back to Charles.
So in the end, he breaks down and we can see that the catalyst here (probably) is not only reliving those memories and dragging up the pain he's been carrying from all of that but also the reaction of his friends. In his mind, he did it for them. He immediately steps between the NN and Edwin, to defend Edwin. He's left questioning the good that he's doing here, the point of all of that.
To the final question of was it wrong for Charles to do what he did?
I believe he wasn't wrong. He was defending against an attack. He might have responded with too much violence but he's reacting to something that wounded him just as deeply.
So this ended up being more of an exposition of Charles and his emotional state, but I tried to make a defense of his actions. It's not perfect, and I'm not out to prove any sort of point, just expressing thoughts because I too had a strong reaction to that episode.
Nonetheless Charles remains my favorite.
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 year
Surprise Me! Mihawk (OPLA)
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y/n is a new assassin who catches the eye of Mihawk. She thinks her past is private but the warlord knows a lot about her and wants to talk. Part 2 to Fight Someone Your Own Size.
Part 1
After your encounter with the warlord Dracule Mihawk, you decided to skip town. He had an infamous reputation and it wasn't wise to get on his radar for good or bad reasons. You had a past, a bloody past that led you to skip from town to town until you landed in the last town and actually felt safe until those stupid guys had to attack you in the alley. You were a trained killer, a fresh one at that, which is how you garnered a leave me alone kind of reputation. The reason you never settled down was the fear of being hunted down for what you did.
You were an orphan, a scrappy one at that, fast and light-fingered, which is how you gained the attention of your former master. He took you in when you were ten, housed and fed you, training you to kill those who wronged others while giving you an education you wouldn't have gotten on the streets. You owed him everything, but you couldn't give him everything he wanted.
If anyone did come looking for you those men from the alley knew your face, it was a rookie move leaving them alive, you had to go back. They wouldn't sell out Mihawk, no one would believe them but they would throw you under a cart to save their own skin.
You return to town at night, grabbing your knives and scouting each of the men's homes. It was simple after that, breaking in and killing each of them with a single sliced throat. Now you could leave town without fear of being exposed.
However, that was really short-lived as you're stopped in your tracks by a familiar voice that sent shivers down your spine, 'huh...'
You gulp and dare to look up from his bare chest to meet his piercing eyes, '...what?'
He watches you intensely, like a rabbit he had caught in a trap and wasn't sure what to do with it next, 'nothing, I just didn't know you had that in you. You also don't seem like the type to come back to the same town twice y/n.'
This makes you laugh, 'the fact you think you know anything about me at all, is genuinely hilarious.'
You go to step around him but he continues to block your path, 'your real name is y/n l/n, your parents died in a house fire when you were five but it wasn't an accident. Your father abused your mother and she snapped when he forced himself onto you so set the fire. You lived on the streets for five years before being taken in at age ten by a man calling himself David. And for the next eight years, he made you into a killer. But now he's dead and you're all alone again,' he lists off your life story blankly.
Your hand goes for a knife, 'you knew David? Are you going to kill me because I killed him?'
'You think you killed him y/n? What do you remember?' Mihawk asks, intrigued by you.
'Before you saved me in that alley I've seen your face before but I can't remember where. Do I know you?' you answer his question with your own question.
Mihawk inhales loudly, clearly annoyed that you weren't answering him, 'I like people to follow my orders. When I ask you a question you'll answer. But I'll let it slip just this once y/n, now tell me about that night.'
You click your tongue and bow your head, 'not much, it's all a bit of a blur. He tried to come onto me and I must have snapped remembering my father because next thing I know he's dead.'
You shudder, remembering vividly the night David put his hands on you and got angry when you refused. If you didn't submit to him he was going to kill you, so you had to fight back.
I do the unthinkable and pull y/n into me watching the wheels turn in their head, 'we met briefly when you were eleven, I was curious what David saw in you. We then met for a second time when you were eighteen. I believe men should show honour and respect women, so when I saw him on top of you I killed him, you passed out and I left.'
y/n looks up at me, and through their emotions, I see further, I see hunger and drive, 'what happens now Mihawk?'
'You're still not ready to be out on your own so you're coming with me and I'll finish your training. You don't have any say in the matter because now you owe me your life,' I state, and y/n nods.
y/n then motions around them, 'any more loose ends to tie up?'
I shake my head, 'All taken care of, now let's go.'
I place my hand on y/n's back and guide them into the shadows. They continued to surprise me, and with my training, everyone was going to fear them.
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inators · 2 months
From that one prompt that said 'Heinz Doofenshmirtz has died'
The main console nearly bowed to the power of Perry's fists as he slammed them down, chair behind him clattering to the ground from the force at which he stood. He glared up at the screen, murder in his eyes and a ferocious curl to his lip. That was not funny.
Major Monogram and Carl glanced at each other, then back down at Perry with some amount of trepidation. Everyone knew of Perry's less-than-professional connection to Heinz Doofenshmirtz; they just didn't know how deep that connection ever went. "We understand that this might come as a bit of a... shock. We just got the news ourselves."
Perry's fists clenched even harder, if such were possible; his nails dug into his palms as he ground his teeth. Heinz, dead? Impossible. He had just thwarted him yesterday. The resultant explosion from his self-destruct button shouldn't have been near enough to cause serious harm. Not to the most resilient man he knew. Could it be? Did someone finally manage to thwart his nemesis? But that was his job. Who else... What else...?
( If this was Peter's work, he thought savagely, then OWCA would have a rogue agent on its hands in no time flat. )
「Show him to me,」demanded the agent without preamble, his signage snapped out restlessly. He held up a finger when Carl opened his mouth to object.「Now.」
Carl pressed a button. A pneumatic tube appeared next to Perry, which he tried not to hurry into. His mind was still reeling from the news... If it was news. Some elaborate plan, perhaps — or a duplicate, a clone, a doppelgänger of some sort. He'd cloned Perry before. Why not himself? He felt sick. His stomach was tying itself in knots. It was as if his body knew, even if he refused to believe it himself. Don't be dead, Heinz, he prayed, his heart beginning to ache as its beat thundered in his ears. Don't. Don't. Don't.
The morgue was clean in a way that was disturbing even to Perry. Every inch of it gleamed with a sickening promise. I will take him, it whispered as Perry exited the tube. I will take him and tear him apart.
He was so small.
Perry swallowed hard and approached the gurney, his body beginning to shake. Monogram and Carl stood nearby the tube, but he didn't care about his audience just now. Heinz — wonderful, ridiculous, extraordinary Heinz — lay there cold and lifeless. His arms were missing; someone had put them to the side in preparation for the autopsy, he guessed, but it only served to make his nemesis look... Tiny. Frail. Helpless. His fingers danced over his narrow forehead, down his cheek and along his neck where he finally stopped to check for a pulse. He bent, listening for a cough, a breath, anything, but nothing came. His own breath caught in his throat. No. No-no-no.
Ever so slowly, ever so painfully, Perry realized that yes, he was looking at his esteemed beloved cherished nemesis. He could remember every burn, every scar, both pink and grey, old and new. They were all there. Every single mark, every single story, mapped out on the stiff body displayed before him.
Perry choked.
Was he sick, or was that a sob? There was a constriction in his throat that he didn't recognize, and a wetness in his eyes that he refused to name. He breathed hard through his mouth, tried to let the pressure out, but he couldn't. For once, Perry the Platypus couldn't control himself. His fingers clenched on the side of the gurney as he tried and failed to stem his tears, determinedly blinking them away. Heinz wouldn't want him to cry. He would never want Heinz to see him crying. He needed to be the personification of unstoppable, dynamic fury that Heinz knew. For Heinz, he needed to be Agent P.
I never got to tell you, he lamented, and let his fingers trace over Heinz's cheek again. I never got to tell you... but I will show you.
He took one last look at Heinz, not knowing what his expression looked like — not wanting to know what his expression looked like — and turned away, heading back for the tube.
"Agent P — " Monogram tried; but Perry shouldered past him and took the tube back to his lair, where he shouldered his jetpack and headed straight for Doofenshmirtz Evil, Inc. He would find out who did this if it took his last breath.
And they would pay.
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myheroblogs · 10 months
Yoichi and All For One are IDENTICAL TWINS (and what it means...)
Okay, I know this acc has kinda been dead for over a year or two by now and I haven't exactly caught up with MHA, I only started reading the last 3-4 chapters, and I wasn't planning to revive this acc after being inactive for so long, but I discovered something that I CAN'T keep quiet about.
In the newest chapter, further detail on Yoichi and AFO's backstory is revealed (Yes! The chapter I've been waiting for!), and surprisingly, AFO and Yoichi are TWINS! I think very few people really thought of the concept, so it was unexpected in general.
I assumed they're fraternal twins, because while they're twins, the anime showed them having different eye colors... (Yoichi has green eyes and AFO has red eyes)
...Until I realised that isn't actually possible.
Because TTTS (twin to twin transfusion), can only occur in IDENTICAL TWINS.
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In other words, yes, Yoichi and AFO aren't just twins, they're IDENTICAL TWINS. Anime may be wrong about eye colors again (like how they were for Iida's).
And while it's both unexpected and funny to think about all this (I mean, c'mon, that means Yoichi could've had the exact same face as his brother-), a lot of people may have missed the very BIG implication that this has.
Remember, identical twins share the exact same genetic makeup. After all, they are basically what should've been one person but got split into two somewhere in the early process.
But aren't y'all forgetting...
...that QUIRKS are also genetic?
If AFO and Yoichi are identical twins the entire time, with the EXACT SAME GENETICS, then that would mean that the quirks they have, would be identical as well. Because quirks are also genetic.
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All For One and One For All are the SAME QUIRK by nature.
You may be wondering, "if they're the same quirk, why do they seem to function differently?" Yes, OFA can pass itself on, AFO can't, etc.
Well, while they are identical twins, they did suffer through TTTS, with Yoichi as the donor twin.
This probably messed a lot with Yoichi's development, and thus, his quirk. After all, while identical twins, are well, identical, a lot of factors can change how their genetics are expressed (some are expressed more than others). TTTS would've been a big one for AFO and Yoichi.
Notice when looking at OFA's functions (minus the stockpile), it's a significantly weaker version of AFO? AFO can just take and give through close contact with another person. For the transfer to even work for Yoichi, he has to transfer through DNA (blood, or eating hair??), and the only way it can even store quirks if said person inherited the quirk and passed it on like hot potato. I wouldn't even be surprised if Yoichi's quirk could only story a certain number of quirks.
The functions of Yoichi's original quirk got so messed up, it had to evolve into being able to pass itself on for it to even function itself. So much so that literally no one realised he had a quirk, maybe even Yoichi himself until after his death.(Im in the camp that Yoichi died passing on the quirk and it was Kudou who discovered the transfer ability and made the plan to defeat AFO)
So yeah, Bakugo was correct about OFA being the same as AFO all along. Except he was wrong about it being due to AFO creating OFA. It's actually because the original quirk holders were identical twins, meaning the quirks they have would also be identical. But things happened, which caused the quirks to work differently from each other.
EDIT: As another addition to this post, this also explains why OFA and AFO are so intricately linked, that the two users can start seeing into the other's vestige realm. To the point that when they both come into contact, it merges their vestige plains into one. Or perhaps, it's actually two quirks temporarily merging into one.
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Since identical twins are basically one split into two, then two identical quirks having contact with each other is the same as two merging back into one again.
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zombiigrll · 2 months
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INSECURITIES. ⋆。°✩ carl grimes x reader .ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 1.1K ꩜ .ᐟ WARNINGS ⭑ hurt to comfort, use of y/n, spoilers for twd 6x9, carl and reader are already in a relationship .ᐟ SUMMARY .ᐟ ⭑ you help carl after he gets shot. ꩜ .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ ive been rewatching the early seasons of the walking dead and seeing everything carl went through again makes me SOB HYSTERICALLY. so ofc i needed to write this and make you guys feel my pain 😈 my creative juices have also been flowing a little bit more recently... but its also a little short too......... hope u dont mind 🙏
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he never showed any of his insecurities to you before. he always made sure that you felt comfortable telling him things, but he would never fully open up to you.
you were aware of his mother passing, that his dads friend died, and just how he's experienced so much death. but he never told you how anybody died. he wouldn't tell you no matter what.
that was until the walkers flooded the streets of alexandria.
as always, you were by carls side. you held his right hand in line as you two along with rick, michonne, jessie, ron, and sam walked through the herd in gut-stained ponchos, attempting to lead them to the quarry nearby.
but everything went downhill. fast.
sam saw something in the herd. no one was sure what, but he freaked out. his cries were loud, and gave away his position.
the walkers killed him, then they made their way to jessie, who had refused to let go of sams hand.
and if it wasn't for you using your machete to cut her arm off, carl would've died, too.
you thought that was it, that you would just have to slash through some more walkers to get somewhere safe, but not yet.
you looked to the side and noticed ron pointing his gun right to you.
but right as he shot, michonne stabbed him.
you were supposed to get shot. but due to the timing...
"dad..?" you heard carl from your left.
you turned to face him, and you immediately noticed his eye.
it was gone. a trail of dark crimson leaking from his socket. you caught him before he could fully fall.
"no.. no, no!" you cried trembling as you held him.
rick runs over and picks carl up. you and michonne pull out your weapons and begin clearing a path with adrenaline coursing through the three of you.
you guys eventually make it to the infirmary.
rick places carl onto the bed. the rest of that night, a loud ringing played in your ears.
your mind raced wildly. thinking of all the possible outcomes, but you were sure he was going to die. i mean, he was shot in the face.
after the nurse helped patch him up the best she could, you sat on the opposite side of rick. rick held one of his hands, you held the other. you rested your head on top of his shoulder, sobbing.
rick was crying, too. praying for carl to be okay.
that's when you felt his hand hold yours back, tightly.
you lifted your hand up to look at rick, and he had the same expression. he was holding both of your guys' hands.
your sobs turned hopeful as you began to smile.
a few days had passed. carl was awake, thankfully. he tried to get you to leave the room, but you refused.
"i don't want you to see me like this." carl strenly spoke, his voice cracking slightly as he attempted to hide his face.
you walked over to his side, putting your hand up to his face to carefully cup his now scarred cheek. you turned his face so he could look at you. "i'm not going anywhere."
he sighed and closed his eye, knowing he wouldn't be able to make you go away. "i don't understand you."
"after everything i've done.. you're still here with me." he lightly chuckled. "i'm really not a good person, y/n. theres so much you don't know about me."
"nothing you could tell me would make me believe that." you shook your head, moving your hand down to his and holding it tightly.
"you say that now.." he turns his head away. "if i told you what i've done, you'd think i'm a monster. you'd hate me."
"you're not a monster, carl. what are you talking about?"
"i've killed people. a kid i didn't know the name of, my dads friend.. my mom." he kept his eyes shut as he spoke, his voice and body trembling.
you held his hand tighter, looking at him softly. "i'm sure there were reasons to all of that. i don't believe you're a monster."
carl stayed silent.
you brought your other hand up, moving his hair behind his ear before holding his face.
"i love you. no matter what." you smiled at him with your eyebrows furrowed. "no matter who many people you've killed or hurt, no matter if you've done shitty things in the past, no matter how many scars, i don't care. because i love you."
he opened his eye to look at you, he quickly sat up and put his arms around you, putting his head in the crook of your neck.
"hey.. be careful for your eye." you put your arms around him carefully, your hand on the back of his head.
"i love you, too." he silently mumbled. "i don't understand how i got so lucky with you."
you laughed, kissing the top of his head. "i've done bad things too, carl. it's just something we can't avoid now. it doesn't make us monsters." you pushed away from the hug, leaving your hands on his shoulders. "i got lucky with you, too. in my eyes, you're an angel."
his eye moves all over your features. you knew he had been adjusting and learning how to see without his other eye, but seeing it happen right in front of you was a bit difficult to witness.
"i should've been the one that got shot. you saw me kill jessie." you sighed, your gaze turning down to the floor. "he was aiming at me."
carl shakes his head. "it's not your fault. it's no ones fault. if he had shot you, i think he would've really killed you. but i got shot, and i'm alive." he smiles at you, tilting his head as he continues taking you in. "i'm glad it was me."
you tilted your head, pursing your lips slightly. "i guess either way, no matter who got shot, no one would be okay with it." you laughed, trying to make light of the situation. "...you should get some rest."
"i know." he moves away and lays back down, looking back up at the ceiling.
you stand up, leaning down to give him a quick kiss on his forehead before turning back away to the door. "goodnight, carl."
you turned back around. "hm?"
"...could you stay?" carl asked, his voice softened.
your lips curved up into a smile, walking back over to him. "of course." you sat back down next to him, holding his hand again, similarly to when he was first shot. "get some sleep, okay?"
he nodded, closing his eye. "alright. i love you."
"i love you too, carl. always."
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0yuri-chan0 · 1 year
~ Don't leave me ~
Wait.. Wait Sally Face fandom isn't dead? YES! No, because I love sally face like he a murderer but hes my murderer 💅 So you guys like demolished Levi Ackerman and I'm not mad about it. I know this is basic but he's gonna show you his face for the first time. Fluff with a pinch of romance because y'all eat that shit up anyways no more ranting. Enjoy!!
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Paring - Sal Fisher (Sally face) x Gn reader
Warnings - None
Genre - Fluff
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Yes it was true you and Sal knew eachother for the longest. It also wasn't a secret to the group you liked Sal, well everyone knew. I mean who wouldn't fall hard for the blue haired boy he was sweet and gentle, caring, selfless. Basically near definition of perfect in your eyes. But in his, not so much he didn't see himself like you saw him. He knew he fit the description of a kind soul but definitely not a beautiful one. It was all because of his face, sure you never saw it only Larry, Ash, and Todd had. And if your honest it bugged you a lot, not just because he didn't show you his face no, no, no not that. It was the feeling that he didn't trust you enough to do so. The feeling of sadness that washed over you every time you thought about it. He told you before that it was a hard topic for him to talk about. And you respected that; you really did, it just confused you why you hadn't seen it in all the years of knowing Sal Fisher. So of course you had to find out.
It was a normal day, well not so normal Larry couldn't hang out with you and Sal because he was with Ash at the towns oh so very small mall. Todd said he couldn't hang out because he had a science project which was fine before, you and Sal would hang out all the time doing whatever without the gang. You didn't know why this time was any different. It was awkward you both sitting in his room watching TV as gizmo layed on the bed next to you. Sal on your other side playing on his gear boy. You couldn't help but look at him stealing a couple of glances his way.
Not wanting to get caught staring at him like so many times before. You averted your gaze back to the TV. Now acting like nothing was wrong, it was eating at you and on top of that you didn't think he'd trusted you to show his face. You usually were a outgoing person, a person who voices their concerns. Being quiet was unusual for you and of course Sal noticed, I mean if he did he didn't say anything. You couldn't just blurt out "Sal why don't you show me your face? Do you not trust me?" That would make him anxious and you didn't want to do that to him. I mean who would do that do him? Not you. You looked back at him playing his gear boy. His long slender fingers pressing buttons skillfully might you add. A soft sigh escaping your lips. Trying to hype yourself up to ask him or at least express your feelings. Basically in that moment you were trying to grow a pair as fast as you could.
You opened your mouth and closed it. You needed something to say it could be like 'Sal I need to ask you something' then ease you way into telling him. That was your best option and only option, so you really didn't have a choice. "Sal." You called his name in a soft manner. He only hummed in response not looking away from his gear boy. "Why don't.. Am I the only one who hasn't seen you're face, Sally?" His fingers stop moving in result his character died. His screen showing a red 'Game Over' his head turned to you his eyes focussed on yours.
Did you mess up? Maybe but you really can't think at the moment. You turned your gaze to the floor and exited a deep breath through your nostrils. "What I mean is like. I feel like.. I know I'm. Probably the last to see your face in the gang and I know it takes a lot of trust to let me see it." And there you go, you were rambling nervously because he was looking at you. Your stomach doing flips and heart beating so fast it might give you a heart attack. "You want too see it.. My face?" Now those seven words stopped you from talking. Lifting your head up you looked him in his one good eye the other a prothsic. You nodded your head slowly. "I don't want to force you to show me your face. I want you to be positive you want to." You started picking at your hang skin on your pointer finger. "I want to" Was all he said before he uncliped both the buckles. He held the mask up on his face with his hand and looked down. The gear boy clearly discarded on the bed.
"Don't be scared of me [Y/n]" He said in a shaking voice already very nervous. You sat on your knees facing him on the bed you raised your hand slowly hooking your fingers under his mask. Your pace slow giving him time to pull away if he wanted. He didn't "I would never be scared of you Sal. Your my best fucking friend." He let out a sharp breath when you lifted his mask. His heart was pounding his plams sweaty. He quickly grabbed your wrist with his free hand. "Promise me you won't leave me.." His voice wavered while he spoke. Your gaze soften and a pleasant, calming smile appeared on your face. "I wouldn't dream of it." You truly did love Sal. You looked him into this eyes while he retracted both of his hands back to his side.
You slowly pulled his prosthetic away from his face. Once you saw his face your grip tightened on the plastic mask. His face had a lot of scarring. His nose was deformed as well as his jaw. His jaw was crooked his cheek torn showing some of his top teeth. You could tell chunks of meat were removed from his cheeks. You could clearly tell his left eye was a prosthetic, it being more dull and only staring straight ahead instead of looking at the ground like his other eye was. You brought your hand to his cheek gently. His flinched soon his eyes finally meeting yours. "You're beautiful.." Was all you could say your thumb stroking his cheek gliding over his scars gently. Tears falling from his eyes with ease his hand grabbing your wrist once more. "You really mean that?" He asked in disbelief once you muttered out those two words.
You nodded and leaned forward your lips connecting with a bit of difficulty. You knew this man was touched starved so you let him get use to it. His lips were kinda chapted and the kiss was kinda clumsy but it felt so good at the same time. You felt him visibly relax as you pulled away with a small smile on your face only to be pulled back by his hands behind your neck reconnecting your lips to his. The kiss got more desperate, and more needy.
You finally pulled away with a airy chuckle. "I mean it." He smiled it honestly amazed you how you never saw him smile but it was better then you imagine. "I want... Will you be lover?" You grin and kissed his forehead. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear those words." He laughed and grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him. "How long?" He said with a raised brow. "Too long" you mused and kissed him again.
At least you finally know what's under the mask and its beautiful...
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Its finished! I had a hard time with this for no reason. Thank you for reading. I have another problem the you guys can solve 🙏 I have no clue what to write next so my request are open to you! Please use it 👀
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Honored One Shot no.14 - @satosuguswife
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Hurt and comfort Warnings: fake blood, mentioned nsfw
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When you entered the house, you saw Satoru lying on the floor with the left part of his forehead red. His cheek, the corners of his mouth, his throat. Everything was painted red.
His shirt was also soiled, and his uniform jacket was unbuttoned. Clothes a bit tattered. A pool of blood around.
And next to the wall sat Suguru whose face was tilted down. His typical loose clothes were also soiled. One sleeve of his white traditional dress lay on the floor as his left hand held his shoulder. Hair in disarray.
You felt the cold flow through your body... As you drop your bag on the floor, you heard faint sounds.
And suddenly you saw and heard Satoru laughing out loud and wallowing in 'blood'. Suguru also joined him and his arm appeared, showing that he doesn't have a severed arm at all.
They both laughed and suddenly looked at you.
And then their laughter died down. Because they saw big tears running down your face as you looked at them.
Their expressions stopped and you suddenly kicked your bag at Satoru, watching him catch it.
"(y/n)...!" Suguru called after you, reaching out to you with his hand but he didn't manage to stop you.
Wiping away your tears, you ran to your room slamming the door.
These are supposed to be grown men?! They may be almost 20 years old, but that doesn't change the fact that they are idiots!
You lay down on the bed and cried.
How could they do this to you? It was not funny! You thought something had happened to them! You thought someone had attacked them! And here it turns out that it was just their stupid joke?!
You'd take it more as a joke if you caught them fucking on the kitchen table! Or if they did something else! But that's not cool!
What they did is not cool at all...
You've been afraid of losing them so many times. Especially Suguru who had an existential crisis for a while. But now everything was fine, so why did they want to fool you and show that they are dead.
"Baby, can we come in?!"
You heard Satoru's voice outside the door.
"...Fuck off!" You groaned as you turned your head away from the pillow you were lying on.
"Get away from me! You're so stupid!"
"(y/n), we can talk?"
Suguru opened the door slightly, peeking inside to see you lying on your stomach on the bed and crying into your pillow.
"What do you want think?! You think it was funny?! You're probably fucked up and crazy! Fucking idiots!"
"It was supposed to be a joke... A little revenge for scaring us earlier..." Whitehaired one muttered.
"This is not funny!" You screamed as you watched your boys wipe their faces off of the fake blood. "I never meant to scare you!"
"And that blood on your clothes in the washing machine?"
"I got my period, you idiot! We've been together since second year at school and you still can't remember when i get my period!"
Suguru's hand was placed on your back and he picked you up, placing you on his lap.
You hugged him crying.
Satoru sat next to you, put his head on Suguru's shoulder and pulled you up to hold on to him as well.
"We didn't know you'd react like that... Sorry..." he muttered, rubbing your thigh.
How could you have reacted differently? They pretended they died! You used to be afraid of them all the time because they are sorcerers...
And now they're doing this to you... You were afraid that you would lose one of them... And when you were afraid that they might leave, it turns out that they made a joke of it?
"You look prettier when you smile than when you cry. Like when you blush."
You looked up at Satoru's blue eyes as he stared at you intently but just as calmly.
"When you look at us with love and not something like that. We didn't want to do this to you. Sorry. It won't happen again."
He leaned in to kiss your cheek. You let him, feeling his soft lips against yours.
You gave him your lips, allowing him to kiss you. So he pressed his lips against yours.
"So Suguru wouldn't be jealous..." he murmured with a smile and reached over to his boyfriend's face, pulling him in for a kiss.
And then you kissed the dark haired boy softly.
"Show you something?" He took his phone out of his pocket and opened the flap.
And then he showed that you were his wallpaper.
You're used to him wanting a model in a swimsuit or something in the beginning.
And now he has you and Suguru as he stands shirtless next to you. His shirt is on your body. naked thighs. Why? Because Satoru took this picture naked in bed.
"This photo is beautiful. But I'd like to see your smiling face with hearts in your eyes. When your mouth is open when you moan."
You changed suddenly and he clenched his hands on Suguru's clothes.
"Satoru, do you think it's a good idea to talk about it now?"
"I'll have a picture of her fucked up face next to yours. And you'll have a picture of her fucked up face and mine. Matching wallpapers!"
"And she?"
"She will have a picture of my face when you fuck me and your face will be next to mine!"
"I don't know if that's a good idea now."
"Honey, can I make you feel better?" He purred in your ear, licking your neck.
You can't be angry with them for long. Because they hold your heart.
"Do it..." you murmured as you snuggled into Suguru's chest and felt their fingers begin to touch you.
It's supposed to be humorous? Yes.
Because he's looking for the perfect shot for photos. His photos are crazy. Remember how he used to sneak pictures of you at school when you were in your room or in the shower so you could go back to his room and do things everyone knows...
That's why he likes taking pictures like this.
And if they want you to forgive them, let them. Maybe thanks to this you will forget that the whole floor in the house is smeared with fake blood...
Just as it was supposed to be. For Suguru, a picture of you lying under Satoru with a red face and small tears. Your face contorted in pleasure. And next to your face is the face of Satoru whose cheeks are red and his eyes are rolling backwards.
For Satoru, your same face when you lie with your back on Suguru's chest. And next to the dark-haired man's smile.
For you (even though you didn't want this wallpaper on your phone), a picture of their faces as Suguru dominated Satoru. Satoru blushing with little tears in his eyes?
At least you'd prefer these photos to photos of them in fake blood.
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hailkingphantom · 2 years
Dp x dc
Double dead
After two years in a relationship with Jason, Danny begin to have odd syntoms
He get tired easier, eat more (food and ectoplasm), become very protective over Jason, steal things of everyone and frost everyroom he is in for more than 30 minutes
Fed up for not know what is happening, they decide to go where frostbite for answers. The results were unexpected.
"I AM/HE IS WHAT!!!??"
"Incubing another core, or in human terms, pregnant"  Frostbite repit.
"how thats even possible!? I'm a boy!" Danny yells, both young adults look confused, faces showing shock and disbelief.
"Yes, but you are a half-ghost and have a core by this, in ghost terms you are perfectly fertil. If your partner were a full human this wouldn't were possible, but Sir Hood was a full liminal and did die before. Th-"
"WAIT. What do you mean with was?" Jason asks
"By all the time Sir Hood spent in the ghost zone more being a liminal and had died before he develop a core and become sucessfully in a new halfa." Frosbite said, before stop a moment by the look in the young adults who looked like they were to pass away. "...with know you two having cores the conception was totally possible and the results are here"
Jason passed out by the shock and Danny caught him. He really don't know how they gonna do this.
Fright knight: "we'll have a prince!" And go to make a train rutine and a sword as a gift
Dora:" I need to prepare a present"
Clockwork: ready to fight Bruce and Alfred for the place as the favorite grandpa
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tuxebo · 7 months
What do you think of John marston?
he's hot, that's about it (pretending i didn't just write this whole thing abt him.) while i've read that he gets better over time, i'm yet to see it so i have mixed feelings on him. he's not a good father, not a good friend, not a good husband. let's be real here, he wouldn't make a good partner unless he fell in love before joining the gang.
john marston who wasn't completely alone before dutch saved his tail from getting hung. there was this poor baker and his wife, they had a kid, you. you weren't wealthy folk, no, but you always brought john dinner or shared yours. it wasn't large portions, but enough to keep him from dying of hunger.
you first met him when you caught him trying to steal from the bakery, rather than telling your parents you just handed him to bread. you had a mini picnic on the bakery's front porch, you talking his ears off was more than enough payment for the food.
you brought him food a couple more times, talking about yourself while he ate in silence, eventually he opened up and started engaging in the conversations you started. he never told you much about himself, other than the orphanage you could find him at. he showed you which window was his and that you only need to toss a pebble at it to get his attention.
as time passed, john became more and more of a no b.s. little boys. the kind of little boy that got himself killed or in a gang, as your daddy said. he didn't put up with anyone messing with you, in that respect he got more aggressive with your bullies, but never with you. you taught him things you learned from your mother as she was your teacher, some of it didn't stick but you tried.
inevitably, john disappeared. he was either dead in a ditch or in a gang, your dad didn't mention a third possibility but you liked to believe he'd been adopted by a nice family and that you'd see him again. you were only about 11 years old and he was 12, it wasn't shocking for you to have such enthusiasm.
life continued as usual for about three decades. you never married, business was going well after your parents died and suddenly you had one too many responsibilities on your plate for any of that. the world was becoming more and more industrialized by the day, you wouldn't even recognize it to what it once was when you were a kid. the only place that felt like home was your bakery, which is part of the reason it was doing so well, the nostalgia.
having had been in the business for so long, you were no stranger to thieves ─ you even caught one before you were double digits. one a particularly slow morning, the grey clouds settling in as you prepared for rain, a quiet hum caught your attention.
stepping out from the back, you caught a young man staring down your trays of different breads. he wasn't quiet at all, practically begging to be caught. you smiled, planning on just giving some to him anyway, but the look he gave you rendered you speechless from deja vu. same type of bread, same guilty smile, same brown eyes, same thinking hum.
"aw c'mon, son ─ jus' had to be this one of all the damn shops on the block," a man swore, the same way your dad did when he read about some young-ins doing stupid stuff in the paper. the voice was familiar, deeper as it had been many years now, but before you was john marston and another younger john marston.
since leaving the gang and his son's mother, john marston was a changed man. finally able to pay you back for all the bread and the bread his boy tried to steal. this time he gave you a proper picnic, in the large yard on his property. he set up under on of his sycamore trees, just like you had described three decades ago.
john marston may not have been adopted by some nice family nor was he always a nice man, but he was ready to become one for his son and you.
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moonandwind · 11 months
I wanted to bring you another analysis of Sesshomaru and Kagura's relationship with some details I hadn't noticed before. 👀
Did Sesshomaru know that Kagura wouldn't die even if her body took heavy damage? It's very likely that he had guessed it.
First of all I found a VERY interesting detail in the manga. Here Kagura tells Sesshomaru "Hakudoshi is a Naraku's offspring, he's like him" referring to the fact that no matter how many times you destroy his body, he doesn't die because he doesn't have his heart inside him. So Sesshomaru, consequently, could have definitely thought that Kagura is like that too, as she actually is.
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Another hint that Sesshomaru probably knew is that although Jaken and Rin are quite convinced that Kagura died with that huge hole in her chest, Sesshomaru is patiently waiting for her to wake up. Jaken even wonders "How did she get here in that state? She should be dead!".
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But in any case we know that many things on Sesshomaru's part would be out of his character, for example showing that he cares about a Naraku's offspring in front of someone would be too much for his pride but, as much as he tries to show that he doesn't care about her at all, some of his gestures betray him.
For example, when Kagura tells him about having found Naraku's heart, the first and only thing Sesshomaru feels like saying is to warn her that she's in danger "In that case, any further actions on your part are futile, Naraku would soon find out that you're going after his heart".
First he says he doesn't care what happened to her but the thing that seems to have caught his attention the most is that Naraku knows about Kagura's betrayal and he can't help but warn her, typical Sesshomaru behavior… 😏
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And when she leaves he watches her go away with an intense and worried look.
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Furthermore, it's significant that, right in the middle of this chapter, Rumiko inserted a scene in which Naraku talks about the fact that he doesn't kill Kagura yet because she's still useful to him for one thing. In the manga it's not specified what, however in the anime Naraku says that Kagura is a perfect bait for Inuyasha and his friends... 👀 Sesshomaru was close to find Naraku's heart but he gave it up to go to save Kagura...
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When they next met, Sesshomaru felt the need to protect her when Moryomaru was finding out that Kagura gave him the shards.
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And it's no coincidence that Sesshomaru got worried when he smelled Naraku's scent next to Kagura's and not before then, because at that moment he knew that Kagura was REALLY in danger.
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In conclusion, I think Rumiko Takahashi is really good at showing when Sesshomaru cares about someone without him going out of his character. 😊
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