#'dont cook for me ever again if youre not gonna wash the pan.'
meowsogynist · 2 years
My mom really is trying to get me to kill myself at this point
0 notes
inlovewithsaturn · 4 years
Dean Winchester’s 42nd Birthday
Dean woke up on his 42nd birthday the way he had been waking up nearly every day in the last few months: an armful of white fur and wet kisses across his cheeks. When Miracle first came home with them Dean had made sure to get her a big, cushy, memory foam dog bed so that she would be comfortable, but it had taken all of three nights for him to relent and let her sleep pressed against his side. He liked having her there, hell, he didn't even try and hide it. He was trying to hide things less now. He was trying to be better. ** **
He was trying to be the man Cas had told him he was. 
The thought of Cas had him hugging Miracle just a little tighter to his chest, burying his face in her warm fur. He thought about Cas a lot. His eyes, his final moments, his confession. Dean missed him more than he really thought was possible. But life goes on. You lose people and you have to keep going, no matter how big the ache in your chest gets, you have to keep going. That's what Dean was trying to do. He wanted Cas’s sacrifice to mean something. If he got out now Cas’s death would have been for naught, so he kept going. 
There had been some close calls, even as the number of hunts got lower and lower. Dean had a nasty gash still healing on his ribs from where a piece of rebar almost got him, now that would have been a dumb way to go. Those first couple of weeks had been hard. Dean contemplated just ending it all, he wasn't really sure how to go on after everything that happened, wasn't sure how to fill the angel-sized hole in his heart. But Cas’s words played on his head in a loop and he wasn't going to die and throw away the chance Cas had died to give him. He loved the other man far too much to let that happen. 
So Dean got up, he pulled on his dead guy robe and grabbed the plate from last night’s pizza rolls, and he scratched Miracle behind the ears. Today was going to be a good day, whether the universe wanted it to be or not. He hummed as he walked to the kitchen. He was doing better. Coffee was scenting the air as he neared the doorway and, oh, bacon? Happy birthday to him! As he grinned and rounded the doorway three things immediately became clear. 1. That was not his brother (way too short), 2. The “unbreakable” glass plates he got at the store were not in fact unbreakable if the cuts pricking his legs were to be believed, and 3. He was going to get to start his birthday by killing whatever son of a bitch had decided to put on that trenchcoat and waltz into his home. 
The shattering dinnerware caused the creature to turn in surprise, it's elbow nearly bumping the frying pan to the ground, but it caught it at the last moment. It then turned back, blue eyes locking with green. Dean was frozen, not for long but for longer than a seasoned hunter should have been. In two long strides he had a knife from the butcher block in his grip and was pressing the blade to the fucker’s neck with his other arm solidly around it’s chest. His voice was wobbling when he spoke. 
“I dont care what the fuck you are, get out of that body now or your death is gonna take a hell of a lot longer than it needs to.” 
The sigh of frustration coming from the monster was almost expected. Monsters were cocky little bastards. The words it spoke though? Rather surprising. 
“Dean, if you don't let me go the bacon is going to burn and this is the only pack in the fridge.” 
Huh. Okay. So it was going to get extra tortured then. It was one thing to take his shape but pretending to be his angel cooking him breakfast was another. He pressed down harder with the knife, drawing a blood and a wince-
Dean didn't loosen his hold but he did turn his neck to look at Sam, who was currently in the same position of shock Dean had vacated moments earlier. His brother’s face pushed the tears that were burning the back of his eyes into the light. He needed a drink. 
“Sam, get the silver and the holy water from the cupboard,” Sam didn't move. “Now!” Dean gritted out, just as the monster cut in. 
“I'm not a shapeshifter Dean, or a demon, I was just trying to make breakfast.” 
“Shut up. Stop saying my name.” Was all Dean could manage. He had been thinking about hearing Cas say his name, just once more, for weeks now. This was agony. 
Sam had apparently been shaken from his trance because the next thing Dean felt was residual holy water splashing his cheek. He let go of one arm so Sam could push up the coat, his coat, and draw the thin silver blade over skin. 
Nothing happened except a few pricks of blood and a sharp inhale that Dean could feel pressed against his chest. Then there was a quiet, fluttering, woosh to his left. A sound he hadn't heard in months. 
“It seems I should have arrived at the same time as Cas, sorry about that.” 
Dean’s brain was going way too fast. It felt like there was cotton stuffed in his ears and all the way through his skull. The edges of his vision went dark, zeroing in on the figure standing next to the stove, white jacket somehow almost glowing. Now Dean was almost certain that this was a dream because the last thing he saw before fainting backwards into the counter was Jack, smiling like there was absolutely nothing amiss. 
His head hurt. Not like a hangover but more like that time a vampire had clocked him from behind with a 2x4. He opened his eyes, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. That dream had been insane. Why was he in the kitchen? 
“How is your head Dean?” Cas’s low voice washed over him in a sea of warmth. 
“It hurts like a bitch. What happened Cas?” 
Oh fuck. Not a dream. 
Dean pushed up so he was sitting and tried to stand and tackle the man before him at the same time but the floor seemed to rush towards him and he ended up slumped on Cas’s chest. Warm arms caught him by the waist and sat him back down. A large hand gripped his chin and he was turned to see his brother. 
“Calm the hell down okay? You hit your head pretty hard on the counter.” Dean jerked his eyes back to Cas and tried, again unsuccessfully, to leave his hold. His face was turned again. 
“He's not a monster Dean, stop moving. You have a cut.” Sam lifted his hand to place a small bandaid on Dean’s eyebrow. 
“Jack pulled me out. Please let your brother finish his first aid so we can talk.” 
Dean sat still. 
Once Sam was satisfied with his handiwork he and Cas helped Dean stand and move to the table. 
Dean sat still. 
This was not happening. How in the world could it be? 
Cas sat in front of him. Cas gazed at him with a mix of worry and pure joy. Cas reached out a hand to gently squeeze the one Dean had lying limp on the tabletop. He felt real. He felt like Cas. 
“Cas?” Cas smiled wider. 
“Hello, Dean.” 
Tears slid down Dean’s cheeks as his hand not currently occupied with gripping onto Cas lifted, shaking, to brush across the angel’s cheekbone. He was really here. He was warm and solid and breathing. He was the most beautiful thing Dean had ever seen. 
“How are you here?” His voice was barely above a whisper. He was terrified that if he spoke too loud or moved too fast this would all fall apart and he would wake back up in his bed, alone with only his dog and memories to keep him going. 
“Jack came to an agreement with the Empty, he could help it sleep if he was allowed to pull a few angels out to help in Heaven. I was the first.” 
“I prayed to you Cas. I didn't think you could hear me but I kept praying. How long have you been out?” At this, sadness shadows across blue eyes, guilt evident in his ethereal features. 
“A while by Earth standards of time. There was so much to be done. I heard them. I heard you.” 
He looks back up. 
“I am sorry Dean, we worked as fast as we could. I cannot tell you what it is now, but it is far better than what my father created. Jack is a good leader. It was important I finished before I saw you again.” 
“Why?” Dean is now holding both of Castiel’s hands in his own. A sad smile graces Cas’s mouth.
“Because I knew once I saw you I would be unable to leave you again.” 
Dean stands, the floor now remaining steady under his feet, and has his arms around Cas in seconds. Castiel stands as well so he can wrap around him, Dean’s face quickly finding its home in the crook of Cas’s neck. 
“Thank you.” 
“I didn't actually do it, Jack is the one to thank.” 
“No.” Dean pulls back so he can see Cas’s face. “Thank you for coming back.” 
“I’ll always come when you call.” 
Dean pulls him back in, suffocating himself in the scent of Cas. He stays that way for a time, only pulling away when he hears a small giggle from behind him. Jack is beaming, as is Sam, and Dean rushes to envelop Jack in a hug as well. 
“Thanks kid.” 
“Of course, Dean. It was his choice anyway, I just made it happen. I don't think there is anyone better to teach him how to be human than you and Sam.” 
Dean pulls back. 
Cas speaks again, anxiety laced into his words. 
“Yes, as Jack said, I made the choice. I can go somewhere else if that-” Dean’s arms surround him once again, crushing any doubts he was holding. 
“We are gonna teach you everything okay? You're gonna love it.” Dean is smiling so wide his cheeks hurt. Cas is staying here. Cas is human and real and he's here. 
“I know you all need to catch up on some things but I do have some pressing matters to get back to, and I brought a birthday cake that I would very much like to eat.” Dean doesn't know if he will ever be able to feel this much joy ever again. 
“And I insisted on a birthday pie as well, though it is not traditional I thought it may be appreciated.” Dean’s heart could have exploded right then and there. Cas is the best thing that ever happened to him. 
“Get some plates Sammy.” 
They sit down, Cas and Dean on one side, Sam and Jack on the other. They eat cake. Dean eats pie. They tell Cas about the things Dean left out of his prayers, like Dean’s application to a local mechanic, and how Eilleen has been staying over more and more. They all hug Jack goodbye and he promises to drop in sometimes. Sam leaves to call Eilleen, and finally Dean and Castiel are sitting side by side in the empty kitchen. Cas speaks first. 
“I got you something.” Dean blushes and averts his eyes from the man beside him. 
“You didn't have to Cas. You coming back is pretty much the birthday gift of a lifetime.” Cas chuckles at that but slips his hand into the breast pocket of his coat all the same. 
“I wanted to. You deserve good things, Dean. Especially on your birthday.” Dean wants to make a joke about how utterly unworthy he is of anything Cas has to offer but the words die in his throat as Castiel stands from his seat to kneel on the cold floor beside him. Holy shit. 
“I heard your prayers Dean. I know how hard you tried to get me out. I know about your mom’s ring. I could hear the life you planned out for us. I heard everything. I could see you too. I know how hard you have been working to be true to yourself. I never regretted for a moment that I let the Empty take me. Not one. You are worth everything. I rebuilt Heaven for you, Dean. Everyone will benefit but I did it for you. You are so full of love. From the moment I raised you out of hell I knew I would never lay my eyes on another soul as beautiful as yours. I know I do not technically exist and you are legally dead but I do not want to spend another moment without you. So, Dean Winchester, will you marry me?” 
Dean is on his knees, hands cradling Cas’s face, lips crashing against the ex-angel’s before he can even utter his response. He’s been wanting to do this for years. Dean kisses with every ounce of adoration he has in him, pushing away only when he needs to breathe. Their foreheads rest against each other, two sets of tears mixing on cheeks. They are breathing the same air, eyes still closed, chests rising and falling in frantic harmony. 
“Yes! I love you. I love you so much I can hardly stand it.” 
They're kissing again, soft and sweet. Dean’s fingers are threaded through dark hair, he never wants to let go. They stay kneeling on the bunker floor wrapped in eachother’s arms for what feels like an eternity. Once Dean can feel his knees giving out he stands and drags Cas along with him, the shorter man scooping up the ring box on the way. Dean hadn't even seen the ring yet. Cas clutches his hand and rests it over his heart while he fumbles to get the jewelry free. 
It's a simple band, nothing flashy or ornate, but Dean’s eyes catch on something engraved inside. Cas reads his mind, the same way he always does. 
“For Love,” Castiel smiles that same watery smile that is seared into Dean’s heart.
“The engraving, that's what it says. I made it before we came.” With those words he slips the ring onto Dean’s hand. He doesn't let go, only uses one hand to pull Dean back in, kissing him with all the love in the world. Dean kisses back, matching him move for move. 
The next day they walk hand in hand through the door of the lone jewelry store in Lebanon, Mary’s old ring in Dean’s pocket. Lighter silver than the one on Dean’s finger but fitting all the same. They get it engraved too. 
“We are.” 
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70swizards · 4 years
marauders in a bakery
would absolutely LOVE to work with dough
would make the biggest mess
tries to act like those italian chefs that spin the pizza dough, EVEN THO HES NOT MAKING PIZZA
refuses to clean after himself. what’s cleaning?
wears “kiss the cook” apron
gives you literal “helping his mum in the kitchen” vibes
listens to muggle music in the bakery and everyone is just so fed up bECAUSE HE HAS TO HAVE IT AT ITS HIGHEST VOLUME
initiates food fights
teaching baby hazza his recipes and lily walking in screaming, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING- DONT CORRUPT THE CHILD” even though she’s looking at him with so much fondness
early morning pancake surprises
breakfast in bed for whoever he’s living with
edits recipes to make them so much better
glasses go all wonky and he’s got bits of food all over them after cooking
all the mess it worth it at the end bc the resukt is perfect
seerius blek:
his favourite part is dusting the pastries with powdered sugar
gets lily accidentally involved in food fights and ends up running for his life
“i’m the best cook!” *burns pasta water*
he uses box mixes for cakes and tells remus he made it from scratch, and after remus finds the box in the trash sirius just turns into a dog and goes “you wouldn’t hurt a poor innocent dog would you 🥺”
cries over james’ lava cake
he does it as a prank and everyone else is just like wha t t h e f uc k is wrong with this man while he just eats the dog food happily
often gets banned from the bakery
leaves the dishes to “soak” so he can clean them later
never touches the dishes ever again
hazel said sirius loves jelly so sirius loves jelly and would force james into making it for him often
“that’s NOT my hair in your food.”
sobs like a child when cutting onions
remmy the ratatouille:
“i’m literally not even a rat”
somehow makes the most food eith the least mess
it’s bc of this magical thing he does
it’s called cleaning after himself
“james i love you so much but get the fuck out i cant watch that, please i’m begging you”
*right after calling james out for being messy* *drops the bag of flour followed by fluent cursing*
“it seems to me that you’re the one making the mess rem”
usuallt says he doesn’t wanna help but when he sees someone doing something in a different way he’d go “can we please do it this way? like this- look” *does it himself, smiling*
was once reading before coming to the bakery so his glasses were up in his hair
while he was making cake batter, he looks down and the glasses just fall into the batter and he almsot cried because
acts like he hates food fights but as soon as he gets hit- it’s over for everyone. to say the least, make sure you’ve booked a bed at the infirmary
will fucking throw you off the eiffel tower if you even think of tasting raw batter
never uses specific measurements
“i’ll just eye it”
mostly controls and monitors them
loves to make cinnamon rolls and sirius makes the icing
peter pan:
will knock everyhting down accidentally
pro taster, will immediately know what’s missing
bowl licker
when cleaning after himself, he turns the tap onto the highest setting and just splashes himself and everyhtunt arounf him
cooking is his love language
LOVES to work with puff pastry
will literally make up recipes from scratch in class and give them to james to try
he picks at everyhtunt he’s making so he’ll start off with enough to serve 12 and end up with enough to serve 8
who listens to serving proportions anyways
cooks or bakes when he’s bored
coukd litwrallt start a business
gets his mums cooking notes to show the marauders
refuses to use magic when cooking
lily flower:
if you’re working with fish, eggs, meat, chicken, or anything of the sort, she should supervise bc she doesn’t want you to make a mess with them.
proceeds to spray clorox everywhere
will carry baby hazza in one hand and cook with the other
owns a bakery with a little library on the side
peter is the co-owner
she never lets james cook dinner bc she does not appreciate the mess he leaves behind
but always let’s him cook bc she knows he loves it
helps james clean the kitchen but ends up becoming a make-out session with her sitting on the countertop and james standing in front of her
hazel thought of orange juice so lily loves orange juice 
makes harrys birthday cakes with james and lets baby hazza help in the tiniest ways
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How you two meet.
Tuesday, January 13 2018
"We are expecting a rather violent snow storm this evening. Its suspected to last a good three days. Infact its suppose to drop below freezing tonight and its expected to stay that way leading into tomorrow morning..." The women on the small television exclaimed.
"Ugh.. Of all days She could have made me work..." Y/n sighed, looking out the window which reflected no other color but white.
"Well what can you do about it?" You coworker Dokyeom chuckled, mixing the batter.
Rolling your eyes you walked over to the oven placing the empty pan inside and pulling out the cooked bach, setting it on the table turning off the oven.
"Well I could go home b-"
"Then go home, ill cover for you."
You smiled. "..but! You didn't let me finish. I was going to say.. I need this job."
Cocking his brows he reminded you, "y/n you dads a billionaire, you said it yourself he's given you more than enough to buy a nice car, house, and then just sit on your ass all day, for the rest of your life."
"Yes but he's also only a billionaire because of his father and his fathers, father. Should i go on?"
Dokyeom quickly declined your offer waving you off with his towel. "Blah blah blah."
"Haha very funny. Hey can you go tell them they need to leave? Its a minute till closing time."
"What?! Why can't you do it?" Dokyeom complained.
"Because, one I have to stay late anyways remember? Im on clean up duty. Also I dont like kicking people out.. Besides, I think they're homeless.." You trailed off.
Dokyeom sighed. "Fine. But you owe me.."
"대박! 감사해요." (Awesome! Thank you.)
"I see you've been practicing." He commented.
You smiled.
He made his way to the simi-empty dinning room where a young man and a child sat. The man had a smile on his face as he listened to the small child, who from what I could understand was telling him about her day at daycare. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Trying not to think about it, I began throwing out old samples and displays that once sat in the display case, though I over heard Dk politely tell them they had to leave.
"Excuse me, sir.." He started.
Trying my best to make it seem like I wasn't there I slouched down behind the case. Listening to the small conversation between the two men, peaking around the corner. The male looked up at Dk, worry on his face as he pulled the small girl closer. she looked to be around three while the male looked to be in his late twenties. He had short brown hair and what looked to be a faint beard growing. He was wearing an old torn-up off white sweater, ripped black jeans, and a gray scarf. The girl on the other hand had oily black hair that was pulled into a ponytail. She was wearing a hoodie that was three sizes too large for her, an ankle length navy blue skirt, and a red bennie.
"...I'm sorry to say that's its closing time and you'll have to leave." Dk finished.
"Ah, I'm sorry. We hadn't realized what time it was. haha!" The man said. Standing up to pick up the small child only to sit her down and begun putting her winter attire on.
"Okay. Stay safe." Dk smiled and started walking back to the kitchen putting the freshly made batter into the fridge for early shift staff tomorrow and begun washing the dishes.
"Daddy, are we gonna sleep under the bridge again?"
My breath hitched, and i slowly stood up looking at the child who was now putting on gloves while he wrapped the scarf around her neck. As she looked up to him warmly.
"N-no sweetheart we'll find somewhere."
Once his stuff was on he picked her up and made their way out into the harsh weather with one last glance into the kitchen, making eye contact with me for the first time.
"Welp that concludes our shift.. I owe you one Dk. Again."
Dokyeom chuckled putting his coat on. "You sure do. Now if you'll excuse me I have a wife and daughter that are waiting for me. The wife especially." He winked.
"Gross, really Dokyeom? Really."
He smiled before clocking out, telling you to drive safe and walking out the door. I followed his steps only there was no one to tell drive safe and I had the extra step that included locking the doors.
"Shit, it really is cold out here... Doesn't help that my car is halfway down the fuckn' street." I muttered to myself.
Sitting in my car I couldn't help but think back to the man and his child. What she said to him specifically.
'Daddy, are we gonna sleep under the bridge again?'
Resting my head on the steering wheel I sighed. "Why didn't i say anything..."
Once I was done pondering and beating myself up about the past I started on my way home. Though the road I usually take was blocked off so I had to take the Sketchy way, through the alley and under the bridge. When it was in sight I calmed my nerves with some low-fi music my friend Yoongi produced. As I was driving through I saw someone- no someones. A familiar red bennie was huddled into something. I couldn't help but pull up next to them, driving slowly. Rolling my window down only to be greeted by snow and cold air assaulting my face.
"Excuse me. Do you need somewhere to stay?" I had to yell just to be heard over the yelps and roars of the winter air.
Man stopped and so did I, the little girls grip remained tight on her fathers arm.
"Uh. No, thank you we'll be fine.." He responded looking down.
"Daddy I'm cold.." She said and as a response he begun taking off his coat only to wrap it around her small frame, because she had one of his arms he could only use one to keep himself warm.
"Come on, its suppose to drop below freezing tonight, and if she's gonna have your coat.. You'll freeze... You'll both freeze."
He sniffled before telling her to get in the car.
"Come one Haru, get in the car... Hurry sweetie."
You smiled unlocking the doors, he sat in the back with her.
"You can get in the front."
"No, its fine." He quickly responded.
"Here, I'll go make you two some hot chocolate."
"Hot chocolate! Yay!" The child now known as Haru yelled in excitement.
"Here let me help you princess.." He said taking her shoes and wet clothes off.
When you came back you set the three cups on the table and warmed up some left over egg soup.
"Do you have some dry clothes? Haru's are wet.." He said sounding timid and a bit hesitant.
"Uh ya.. Um, can you keep an eye on the food? You know to make sure it doesn't boil over."
"Sure.. Come here haru, and stop bouncing around on her furniture." He said sternly.
You chuckled walking to your room looking through your night gowns looking for one that was, shall we say appropriate for someone of her age.
"Finally..." You sighed.
'to the moon and back.' It read.
You started looking through the stuff your late husband left behind, and came up with a shirt that said 'proud husband of a kick ass military wife!' And some sweats. Quickly folding them you made you way into the kitchen where Haru and her father waited.
"Oh you could have made yourselves a bowl.."
"Oh, sorry we didn't want to touch anything..."
Making your way to the cabinet s to get them a bowl. "No no its fine im sure you two are starving anyways.. Here are the clothes. I found some for you to..."
He smiled slightly, "I'm Jeonghan by the way.."
"Im y/n. So that's your daughter?" You smiled as he picked Haru up and begun to dress her.
"Y-yes, her mother died at birth and things went down hill from there.."
"Oh, I'm so sorry.."
Jeonghan looked at you "I saw a picture of a man.. Assuming by the shirt you cave me your married?"
You cleared your throat. "Um no he died 2 years ago.."
He stared at you before apologising profusely.
"Heh.. No its fine, I guess I'm over it anyway.. I didn't stop and cry when going through his stuff.." You chuckled.
"No one ever truly gets over the loss of a loved one..."
He looks at you. You shake your head. "That makes two of us.."
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lovelyparkers · 4 years
lifeline - introduction
warnings: allusions to sexy times lol, some spice but nothing explicit, hospitals, mentions of blood/wounds, peter calling you sweets a lot (read the teaser in my imagines book first!) 2k words
at exactly 5 am, your alarm blared, waking you up with a groan. early shifts were not your forte. you hit the button on your phone and rolled over into peter who was lightly snoring, mouth open a little.
you pressed up against his bare back, considering last nights escapades, and wrapped an arm around him to wake you up. peter always insisted that you wake him up before you leave for a shift so he could give you a kiss and maybe eat a quick breakfast for you. sometimes he would go back to sleep for awhile before leaving for his job. peter worked at the daily bugle doing photography while also maintaining a deli counter job at the bodega he frequented as a high school student. both jobs were great for him, he had fun, made extra money, and afterwards he could do his favorite job of all—being spider-man.
"pete," you whispered, "good morning."
he rolled over in your arms to face you, "mmm good morning sweets. i love you."
he rubbed his eyes so he could see you clearly, skin still glowing from last night and he gave you a quick peck on the lips.
"i love you pete."
he placed his head on your chest and closed his eyes again mumbling, "you're so pretty."
you blushed. you've been together for over ten years and he still had that affect on you.
"wanna have breakfast?"
"yes, please," he yawned.
you got out of bed, wearing nothing but underwear, reaching for your robe. peter whistled, watching you put your robe on.
you laughed, "no, nuh uh. don't start this. i have to leave for work in 40 minutes!"
peter grinned, "k."
you walked to the kitchen and starting making some eggs and toast, a quick little meal before you got ready for the day. when you finished cooking peter finally joined you in the kitchen, wearing his boxers and an MIT t-shirt.
"smells so good y/n."
he got out plates and two cups of water for the little kitchen table while you brought the food over, giving peter more because this boy had a big appetite.
"you're such a good cook, how?"
"you tell me that like everyday ya know."
"but it's true! how do you cook so good?"
you got up, cleaning the pan, "i don't know...practice, i guess."
"well i guess i need to practice more after that god awful pasta i made last night."
"pete, it wasn't awful."
"yes it was dont lie to me. it was bad."
you thought for a second, staring at him, "okay well you did overcook the pasta—"
"see! bad!"
"it's okay. you'll learn."
"i don't know, i think it's in my genes."
you laughed and headed to the bathroom to shower and finish getting ready. peter organized all your things for the day by the front door so you could head out right away. he grabbed your white coat, sitting on the couch watching the news waiting for you to come to the front door. at exactly 5:40 am you walked down the hallway, shoes clicking against the hardwood floor.
"okay babe, i'm gonna head out," you walked over to him by the couch before he stood up, smiling at you and holding up your white coat to guide onto your body.
"there you go doctor," he said after helping you put on the coat. you grabbed your bags and fixed your hair one last time in the hall mirror.
"thank you, as always."
you walked back over to him to give him a tight hug. he pulled back and gave you a nice long kiss, knowing you wouldn't be home till around 6 pm.
"go save some lives sweets."
you smiled, "i will. you too!"
he smiled. the two of you saving lives daily, working hard, and loving each other.
you walked onto your floor for the day setting your things in your locker and meeting up with your interns for the day. you quizzed them on questions, answered their questions, and gave them assignments.
"dr. y/l/n?"
carly, one of your interns, perhaps a favorite but you would never say that, called your name.
"what's my assignment today? you didn't give me one."
you waited until your interns left the area before answering carly.
"you are going to be working with me in emergency surgery."
emergency surgery was great practice for when a surgeon had to be quick and precise, even under pressure and time restraint.
"oh, really?"
"yes, i think you're ready first."
carly was extremely smart and disciplined. she graduated top of her class from boston medical school. she was very efficient. and she was like a sister to you, since you lost natasha.
after successfully performing an appendectomy that morning along with carly, you sent her on a break and went to have lunch on your ward you were working on this afternoon. you always sat out on the deck.
fortunate to peter, he knew this was your favorite spot. he came to have lunch with you every so often. and today, he happened to swing by—literally.
you were going through some paperwork and eating a hospital cafeteria salad when a big gust of wind came by. and so did peter. he was swinging in the vicinity of the hospital to get your attention and he sure did.
when you noticed the red and blue hero, your peter, you smiled and waved. he was adorable and you loved that. it made your day. he did little poses while in the air, making you laugh, before swinging off after a few minutes. then peter swung over to the pediatric wing of the hospital and stuck to the windows, crawling around and waving to all the kids.
peter's heart was truly kind. he loved so many people and did so many good things. but a lot of the time, good things rarely happened to him as a hero. he got beat, scratched, shot...you name it. all for what? to protect people? exactly that. he put others first before himself, always. especially you.
unusually, you arrived at your apartment before peter. your shift ended early and he was still patrolling, giving you a quick call to let you know he would be home late. you decided to relax on the couch after a long day of being up on your feet. in the afternoon there was an issue between two of your interns fighting over a surgery.
the thing is, when it comes to being a doctor, there's no arguing. you do what's right when your told or do what's right yourself. you were disappointed in them, to say the least. if they want to be surgeons, they have to focus on the patient, not themselves. self-flattery has no place in a hospital.
you clicked on an old sit com and watched, before drowsing off into a full sleep.
two and a half hours later, peter cane jumping in through the open window of your apartment, startling you awake. he landed messily on the floor, laying on his back not getting up.
you immediately jumped to his side, seeing the blood pooling onto the floor from his leg.
"peter! what happened?"
you already started to pull off your loose tee shirt, ripping it and tying it securely around his thigh to stop the bleeding. his tight suit should have helped stop it, but it didn't.
peter quickly pulled of his mask, hair a complete mess and brown eyes filled with tears, "i was- i was stabbed."
"i was—"
"never mind! don't move, i will be right back."
you were prepared for situations like this. ever since junior year of high school, peter came to you when he got hurt, knowing you could take care of him. you learned plenty of first aid, living with the avengers and being taught by dr. helen cho. as well as having to patch up your sister after a battle.
you kept a first aid kit in your home of course, you were a doctor and lived with a superhero. you rushed to grab and and ran back to peter's side. the blood was staining the white wood floors as he groaned out.
"pete this one is bad. i gotta stitch you up okay. you're gonna be okay but i don't know if that's gonna heal itself."
he nodded.
"let's get you out of that suit," you said pressing the spider on his chest, the suit loosened and you pulled it down his body and off his injured leg after removing the mock tourniquet.
he had bruises all over his abdomen and chest, as well as a black eye. you always got really sad when he came home hurt. but you focused on taking care of him.
you cleaned up his wound, and gave him a few stitches to help it heal faster. he winced, he always did, not because it hurt that bad, but because it was you, and he got stressed when you had to take care of him because he didn't wanna put that on you. but you always took care of him no matter what.
after stitching him up and disinfecting his thigh again, you cleaned up the bloody area and washed your hands. peter was still laying on the floor, suit in a pile next to your fake plant. you knelt down on the ground next to him.
he cried out, "i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i know i said i'd be more careful but there was-i couldnt-it was just- you know."
you teared up, "peter, stop it's okay. you're fine, i've got you."
you rubbed up and down his arm to comfort him. in times like these he was extra vulnerable, he often had flashbacks to tony, thanos, beck, etc. it was a time he needed you most. you pulled him up into a sitting position to give him a long, tight hug. he cried into your shoulder, beat up and bruised.
"it's okay," you whispered, "i love you."
"i love you too," he sniffled out.
"c'mon, let's get you in bed."
you slowly and carefully helped him to his feet, letting him lean his uninjured side into the ground for balance while the other stayed limp—you being his support. you got him into bed on top of the covers and placed an old towel under his leg as well as taping extra gauze on top of the wound.
"thank you y/n."
"of course. i'm gonna bring you something to eat."
"n-no you don't have to you did enough al—"
"please, it will make you feel better."
you brought his so heated up leftover pasta in a bowl. enough to make him heal but not so much he got sick from the blood loss. you put on the tv as he ate his pasta in bed. he grabbed and held your hand while the other held a fork.
when he was done you placed the bowl on the nightstand and cuddled into his side. he looked at you for a long while.
"what?" you asked when you notice him staring.
"i just really really am thankful. you always take care of me and never leave. i really love you."
"i love you too. i'd do anything for you peter."
he leaned over to you and captured your lips in a sweet and long kiss. moving your lips together in sync, slowly and lovingly. he placed a hand on your cheek to deepen it even more. eventually he tried to pull you in his lap, much to your dismay.
you groaned against his lips, "mmh no."
peter whined, "why sweets?"
"peter, you just got stabbed, c'mon you need to rest."
"fine," he pouted. he obviously had no limits whatsoever.
"let's go to sleep. and promis me you won't go out tomorrow?"
"okay," he said cuddling up with you, stroking your hair from the side, "i won't. i love you."
"i love you too."
you dozed off safely in each other's arms.
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The Perfect Gift! - A Naehiro fanfic gift for Nandrew
Warning there is some slightly nsfw/lewd talk towards the end if the fic. This gift is for @nandrewrambles I hope you enjoy it!!!!
Chihiro awoke lightly to the smell of french toast filling his nose. He was laying in his bed (he was not here last night when he fell asleep). Chihiro slowly sat up and stretched. After rubbing his eyes Chihiro looked to find a plate of French toast laid out on a stand with a glass of orange juice and a small bowl with a homemade jam. This must have been *his* doing. Chihiro smiled to himself as he ate his french toast. He looked out the window into the bright white snowy landscape. It was nearing Christmas, his second favorite holiday.
When he had finished his meal he picked up the tray and walked to the kitchen to find Naegi cleaning up dishes, he hadn’t noticed Chihiro yet. Chihiro stealthly moved behind the luckster and hugged him with a kiss to the back of Naegi’s neck.
“Good morning sleepyhead.” Naegi said as he set down the pan he was washing to turn to his husband. He picked up the small programmer in a comforting hug as he kissed him. Once the embrace was complete he set down the smaller boy and starter working back on the dishes again. “You need to stop falling asleep in front of the computer. Its not good for you.”
Chihiro set his dishes in the sink and put away the tray in the cabinet. He stepped up next to Naegi and started trying to help out with the dishes.
“Oh no. Not today mister.” Naegi said while stopping Chihiro. “Today you are just gonna relax.”
Chihiro pouted at Naegi. “I want to help you. You cooked it all, why can’t I help with dishes?”
Naegi turned to Chihiro and smiled. “Cause today is your first Christmas present.” Chihiro loved that smile. It shone so brightly and was so warm. He wondered what Naegi meant though.
“Today is a Christmas Present?” Chihiro asked with a confused look. “What does that mean?”
Naegi booped Chihiro’s nose lightly which left a few soap bubbles on the tip of it. “You will understand. Now go to the living room. Part two is on the couch.”
Chihiro wiped the suds off of his nose and walked to the living room. What was Naegi playing at?
As he arrived at the living room he saw a large pile of blankets on the couch. On the table in front of the couch was a large bowl of chips and a plate of warm cookies with a tall glass of milk. Chihiro hurried to the couch and got wrapped up in all the blankets and turned on the tv. Netflix was already up he just needed to choose what to watch.
As he settled in with a movie Chihiro heard Naegi enter the room carrying a tray of food for himself. When he sat down on the couch Chihiro immediately engulfed Naegi in the blanket cocoon he had made. “How are you enjoying your present?” Naegi asked.
“Its nice, but I still dont get why you are doing this.” Chihiro replied while attempting to worm into Naegi’s arms.
Naegi opened up his arms to allow Chihiro to get comfortable then squeezed him in a super warm hug. “Because, you have been spending so much time working these past few days, I thought you could use a break. A day of just us, hopefully a really relaxing day too.”
Naegi’s hugs were one of the greatest presents Chihiro could ever ask for, but and entire day of just time with Naegi? That was something he was extremely excited to have as a gift. Now he just wondered what the rest of the day held.
After a couple hours of cuddles and netflix Naegi told Chihiro “You need to go get changed.”
Chihiro looked back at Naegi with confusion. He gave a pout and said, “But Naegi-kuuuuun, I’m comfy!” He had always been able to convince Naegi by calling him Naegi-kun and he knew that Naegi couldn’t resist the pout.
Naegi laughed lightly and hugged his husband. “I am sure you are, but we have reservations tonight. It might be smart to wear something a little more fancy than normal.”
Chihiro didn’t budge. He was trying to convince Naegi not to make him move. Unfortunately, Naegi moved his arms under Chihiro and stood up. Chihiro felt himself being lifted and carried to the bedroom. He started giggling uncontrollably, as they got close to the room Chihiro kissed Naegi on the cheek and got out of his grasp.
“It shouldn’t take me more than 30 min.” Chihiro said as he walked into the master bathroom.
“You said that last time and we were almost late.” Naegi reminded him of their trip to their High School Reunion. “Take your time though. We are in no rush.”
Chihiro took off his pjs and got in the warm shower to clean off. After his shower he walked to the closet, noticing that it was still open from Naegi getting changed. He secretly hoped Naegi was wearing his dark blue suit, he always looked good in that suit, plus it usually meant that Naegi would have a surprise when they got home.
Now was time for Chihiro’s big problem. Dress or suit? It seemed obvious to the outside observer, a suit, but it was actually a lot more of a challenge for him. Thanks to Naegi, Chihiro felt very comfortable as a male but also enjoyed wearing dresses from time to time.
After about 10 min he walked out in one of his favorite dresses. It was a knee-length red dress with an illusion style neckline. It was actually a present from Naegi last Christmas. He walked out of the room and saw Naegi in the kitchen in the dark blue suit. He got a little excited.
“Im ready to go!” Chihiro said as he walked to Naegi and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “So where are we going tonight?”
Naegi wrapped an arm around Chihiro’s waist and led him to the car. “Well I got us reservations at that new theater that serves dinner in front of a triple feature.”
Chihiro’s eyes lit up! He was so excited. When this theatre first opened up, it was super difficult to get into and reservations were always full. Chihiro guessed that Naegi had Togami pull some strings for him or he got lucky when he called in. It didnt really matter though.
As they drove to the theatre, they sat in a content silence. There really was no reason to be talkative. It was something that Chihiro adored about their relationship. Being able to be content in silence with Naegi was more important to him than anything else.
They finally got to the theatre and it was one of the best dates of Chihiro’s life. The food was amazing, the movies were so diverse but enjoyable, and Naegi kept getting more and more handsome as the night progressed.
After the final credit rolled off the screen, Naegi caught Chihiro staring at him with that loving look in his eye. He laughed as the shy programmer blushed at getting caught. He got up and helped Chihiro up into a loving and passionate kiss. Chihiro almost got handsy with Naegi but was stopped. “When we get home.”
Naegi’s answer was short and simple. Chihiro was happy with it and grabbed his coat from the rack. They walked to the car and drove home chatting happily about the movies and the food.
It didn’t take long for Chihiro to pull Naegi into bed and enjoy himself some of his favorite lucky charm. Chihiro genuinely did enjoy pleasuring Naegi. Chihiro felt like he should give Naegi a present because of all Naegi did for him.
After their session was complete, Chihiro laid happily in Naegi’s arms and smiled up to him.
“So, how was your present?” Naegi asked.
“It was perfect…”
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