#👑 of noble design; royalty au
The new queen of Yamamori was tired. After quite the festive coronation, she had also seen a good portion of Homuran merchants out now that the annexation has run its course. The currency exchange department was going to have their hands full. Then there was the addressing of a rising problem since the Decimation of Fushima- Fushiman born citizens facing discrimination from Yamamorian citizens due to... the incident. 
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“This is not good... not good at all.”
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The emperor of Homura was a somewhat humbled man after losing his campaign against Yugen, and for the first time, Madara felt acute shame in a way not even Kagura screaming at him in front of his army had done.
He fell out of favor when word of his humiliating defeat spread throughout the empire, spending the next four and half years doing damage control and secretly trying to find answers and perhaps even the lost princess of Yamamori. His surprise one late spring afternoon when Suiiro, regaling him with all the latest gossip in the territory, had mentioned reports from Yugen about the new queen taking in a foreign princess, black haired and blue eyed, like Miyako once was. 
“Musashi, come. We’re going to Yamamori.” 
Getting to Yamamori proved to be a more tedious task than he imagined. The borders were more fortified than he had ever seen them, and there were various camps already in place, including the ever familiar crest of the Yugen royal family. Would that traitor Shisui be with her? Likely not. 
“Sorry, but Yamamori is closed to any and all entry,” the guard captain repeated for possibly the hundredth time. “Hmm?” Another of the guards excitedly whispered, pointing to the Yugen camp and then ran off inside. Within the hour, massive cheering was heard from behind the gate as the new queen and the child in question stepped out of the camp, to the roaring crowd of Yamamorians. 
“The princess has returned!”
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Royals during the Summer Palace thread
Madara @ his court: Today on forced heteronormativity...
Musashi @ the tengu: I'm three inches of whoop-ass!
Kagura @ both her and Homuran court at the start of the war: Fuck you... fuck you... fuck YOU... *looks at Itachi, Genji, Hahari, Sasuke and Shani* You're cool. Fuck you, I'm out.
Itachi, Suiiro, Shisui, Hashirama and Genji @ Madara after finding out Kagura ragequit and left: Congratulations, you played yourself.
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Masahiko and Kaede: Mama is the nicer one when it comes to talking to people.
Musashi: <_< *nervous sweating from twenty years into the future*
Miyako: :/ *got bitched at for not wanting to wear Yamamori court attire after being held captive and trained to be a weapon of war by an ex-Fushiman duke for the last five years bc he was #extra and #pettyaf*
Madara: 누_누 . . . *witnessed first hand the savage Kagura is capable of when she has a grudge*
The entire Yamamorian royal court: ...
Miyako: I'm going to tell them-
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Of Noble Designs: A Royal Verse Fanfic
@theredpalace @hikaru-mikazuki
Chapter 1: The Shocking Dawn
The continent of Mihen was sprawling with a myriad of nations, kingdoms and a quickly expanding empire. The once small nation of Homura expanded under the reigns of Tajima and his eldest son Madara after internal struggles that lasted several years. In the first years of his reign, Madara moved on from reclaiming his throne to expanding territories with much success, save for the island nation of Uzushio, ruled by his estranged friend’s wife.
At 28, Madara was quite the accomplished ruler. However, not even his military prowess could keep his court from pressuring him to seek out a wife, despite already being father to the fondly nicknamed Spitfire Prince, Musashi. Deeply interested in Yugen’s mystical and fabled fountain, he planned to marry into the Yugenian royal family. However, he and the crown princess quickly realized they were too incompatible. So in an uncharacteristic move, he played matchmaker and arranged for a distant, more lively cousin to be his replacement. Funny enough, it worked.
However, what he did not expect- besides an invitation by the Yamamori royal house to participate in their annual Spring Lantern festival- was to find the perfect bride to make up for it.
Yamamori, despite its name, was more hill country and full of deciduous forests than mountainous. It was still a beautiful country, and Madara only hated that he could not bring Musashi to marvel in it. While the boy didn’t quite enjoy travel, he enjoyed being with his daddy. When entering the court there was very little fanfare, he was greeted by the Second Princess of Yamamori, Duchess of Suzukane, High Priestess Kagura. The official introductions would be much later.
“Hello, princess~” Madara purred as he bowed to the duchess and high priestess of Yamamori. The young emperor looked up with analytical eyes, a cocky yet inviting grin. “I am the emperor of Homura, Uchiha Madara.” There was a pause where she was supposed to fill the silence with her name. Fortunately, though they were outside, they were not in the public eye.
She was contemplating his name, as if they met somewhere before. Likely at his old childhood friend’s wedding, where she was a guest and a friend of the bride. Perhaps as children, trying to survive in a world where they were expected to stay out of adults’ way, but some were also expected to fight like them and against them at far too tender ages. Perhaps as adversaries meant to become eventual lovers. Regardless if it was any of the scenarios he had conjured up and more, the duchess’s silence was starting to verge onto too quiet.
“You have an odd name. That is the name of the man who strikes fear into the hearts of generals and warlords all over the continent? A man named Spot?” . . . What? That had been the reason for her silence? The meaning behind his name? He could feel himself get more and more incensed as her eyebrows furrowed, genuine confusion then a playful demeanor in her expression. “How much did your father hate you, exactly?”
“A lot, but my name had nothing to do with it!” Kagura smiled and shook her head, not taking this as seriously as she probably ought to.
“I see. My name is Kamiya Kagura. It is nice to meet you.” It was Madara’s turn to be silent for almost two minutes, mostly out of a need to be petty. “So your parents named you “divine entertainment”? You were named after a dance?” He could feel the corner of his lips twitch in an amused smirk. “Could your father not come up with a more sophisticated name?” The duchess gave him a matter-of-fact expression, head tilted to the side as she gave him a once-over.
“My mother named me. And I do believe it to be much more sophisticated than one designated for pets.” Madara chuckled, and usually that was a warning that doom was afoot. However, not in this case. With a somewhat mock glare, he responded with a once-over of his own.
“Of course you would, Your Highness. I am weary from my travels, so I must cut this conversation short.” The festival that night was well underway when Madara saw the princess again, yet he was surprised to see her unhappy. A lord from a southern province west of Shiori was accosting her, though she pulled away from his grasp.
“You think I am some ditzy little girl who cannot spot ill intent?”
“Your Highness, I simply-”
“You are a spineless coward who doesn’t seem to have grown out of his boyhood days. Get out of my face.” Splash! The lord in question was drenched when he tried to grab her again as she stormed off. Surprisingly, no one seemed too shocked to see this happen.
“That’s the third guy this year,” one man chuckled, shaking his head. Madara followed shortly after, seeing her walk towards the bridge.
“You know something? Your name is quite sophisticated. You have proven to be quite entertaining to me.” He walked towards her with all the swagger of a predator stalking its next meal. “A woman such as yourself must be quite the prize, with all these men still competing for your hand. And yet you spurn them all. Does your heart yearn for a lost lover?”
“No. I spurn them because it’s just a game to them, nothing more. I have made it clear time and again how unattractive weak men are to me. Perhaps they are doing it to see if I will eventually wear down.” Kagura leaned over the side of the bridge, gazing out into the night sky. “My heart is not a plaything.”
“That is an utter waste of everyone’s time and energy. I agree with you. Weak people are ugly,” Madara murmured, copying her actions. “You live rather modestly for one destined to a comfortable life here. Have you thought of doing more with it? Outside of your duties as the High Priestess, that is.” The paper lanterns below illuminated the river, showing glimpses of fish looking for a late meal and the reflections of the two royals just above the river. Madara watched as a camellia shaped lantern floated between their reflections. This kingdom was so peaceful, its royal family welcoming and sincere. This peace would be uncomfortable for him. He was forged in iron and hardship.
“Mmm, not really. I am happy being as I am. I might not act like a princess all the time, but I can’t imagine myself as anything else.” They sat in silence a little longer as Madara studied the woman before him. She was strange. She spoke in a rather simplistic fashion in more intimate settings and was rather direct about her desires, likes and dislikes.
“Then why not become the bride of one of the most powerful men in the world? You will want for nothing, have however many or few attendants you desire. You will not have to concern yourself with another weak boy pretending to vie for your affections. You will be well respected and envied by women. You deserve a man who will at least respect you as his partner.”
Kagura chuckled humorlessly. “That is... not exactly why I desire strong men, nor is status the motive. Nevertheless... That is merely a fantasy. Not out of the realm of possibility, but still a fantasy, nonetheless.”
“I could make that fantasy reality, if you would let me.”
Kagura, content to watch the paper lanterns float, snapped her head up so quickly her royal kanzashi loosened. Surely, she heard him wrong or he was just joking. They had only known each other less than a day! “I’m sorry, what?” He looks on, serious, as if he were discussing weapons’ schematics. This can’t be happening. He isn’t really suggesting…-
“You think I joke about things like this?” The air was slowly starting to chill, and Kagura could see her breath coming out in puffs of hot air. “Marriage is a serious commitment, Your Highness-- one I do not take lightly. I am not one to be so fickle as to plan to divorce, remarry or behead any wife who does not produce a son. I may not be as devout as you, but I do my best to respect the wishes of the divine.” The priestess was speechless. She had never been proposed to so casually yet so intimately. Not only that, there was almost some kinship in their views, even if his are a bit more draconian in nature. “That is, if you are willing to have me as your husband.” She nearly jumped at the sound of his voice. “Well?” Kagura jumped up, walking away.
“Well, just give me a moment! I’m going back inside.”
“Oh, princess? Castle’s the other way.” Kagura turned the other way quickly, walking off as fast as possible. After she walked inside, Madara felt the weight of his actions creep on him like the night’s chill. Just what was he getting them into?
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Skirmish in the Summer Palace!
Shortly after the autumnal ball, Madara had returned to the heart of his empire. Even if he was loathe to admit it to himself, the duke of Fushima... got to him. In a way, it was pointless to be so upset by it, especially since he was not the truly wounded party. Duchess Kagura was. Still, there was a sense of pride that swelled in his chest every time he thought of them putting the duke in his place. She was never always as polite and friendly as she tried to be. Prior to all this, he had heard rumors of the duchess being a feisty sort before being arranged as her next suitor. He was even encouraged to pursue her in hopes of seeing her tamed and domesticated like a beast of burden. She was as kind as she was quick witted and direct, years of court tempering her tongue but not her spirit, which was the cause of many a disagreement between them. But these would be thoughts for another time.
Seeing the palace in the distance, he felt a sense of pride, and even chuckled to himself as he thought of his son. No doubt Musashi would be at the very front of the gates, impatiently waiting for his return.
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