#🍑 in her natural habitat
peachdues · 1 year
I just wanted to say that your face is IMMACULATE and that it deserves to be hugged.
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u mean dis face
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hollygl125 · 7 months
5 things that make me happy:
List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. Get to know your followers and mutuals! ☺️
I was tagged by @lolkavian to share five things that make me happy. (Fun! Thank you so much for the tag!)
My dog (even though she is now pestering me terribly for more of my dinner, which I have been sharing with her all night). 🐶
Getting to spend time in the minds of my two favourite science nerds. 💕
Skiing, up in the high alpine, on a day when the visibility is good and my feet don’t hurt too much. All of life’s troubles seem to matter a little bit less up there. 🎿
Adventures: Half-day road trip to see the tulips?* Let’s do it. Two-week road trip because of a last-minute wedding invitation?* I’m in. Several months on the other side of the world, getting to work with local women’s groups and maybe also to see some lions in their natural habitat? I am totally there. (*Getting to blast music out the car’s open windows on the drive there is a bonus!) 🏕️
Peach milkshakes and spending time with the people I love. (Those things totally go together, right?) 🍑
Yes, I realize a lot of these things involve me escaping my life, but let’s all pretend we don’t see that, okay.
I am terrible with tagging, so, if you are reading this and would like to join in, please consider this your invitation! I’d love to know what makes you happy! (Please! Give me some inspiration!)
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