#『trick room』❤ memes
lorirwritesfanfic · 2 years
Personal Favourite - Part 1: Kiss It Better
Author's note: I got this ask from @missameliep​​ over six months ago, but an idea only came to me yesterday. Is it a coincidence since today is her birthday? Who knows... Happy birthday, my dearest! I hope you're having the best time today and I wish you a lifetime of joy, great gifts and wonderful stories to tell 🥳🎂❤ [Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios]
Book: Desire & Decorum (modern day AU) Pairing: Prince Hamid x MC (Daphne) Rating: T Word count: 1141 Reading time: ~4 min Summary: The everyday routine might cause small disagreements. But even then Hamid knows why he always eager to come back home. Based on the prompt: OTP ask meme #6: What is their favourite feature of their partner’s?
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Hamid placed his toothbrush into the holder and reached for the lip balm he was slowly getting attached to. At first, he often forgot to wear it and only had it on his lips if his partner applied it for him. But after that tiny product helped kept his lips hydrated during the driest season in Morocco, the balm became part of his everyday routine.
As he glanced in the mirror, he idly searched for the tiny cream jar only to be intercepted by Maya, who lightly bit one of his fingers.
"Kızım¹? Are you here because you want me to leave the water running or did you miss me?”
He smiled at the cat, who purred once he scratched under her chin.
“I know I haven't given you enough attention since I came back, prensesim². I promise we'll go for a walk and play tomorrow, okay?"
After a few more scratches, he put Maya on the floor and looked back at the counter.
"Now, where is it?"
He inspected the messy bathroom counter and shook his head. He wasn't the most organized person, but sharing a bathroom with Daphne could be a challenge sometimes. Whenever they went out, her process of getting ready included leaving a complete mess on the counter in a way it reminded him of the spare room they turned into a studio for her. For someone so worried about tidying up their home, chaos seemed to follow her once in a while.
Yet, he didn’t have the heart to argue about it. They hadn't been together for almost three weeks and because of jetlag, he barely remembered if they kissed since he spent most of the time sleeping after he arrived. It'd be a shame to deprive himself any longer of the lips he crossed oceans so many times to kiss again.
Trying to focus on his search, Hamid looked for the balm once again until he accidentally knocked down a few misplaced objects that unfortunately landed on one of his toes.
"Ow! Dalyarak!" He yelled and crouched down to check on his toe. Apparently, her spray pomade found the perfect angle to hit a toenail, which began to throb in pain.
Still not a reason to argue. But maybe kindly remind her of reorganizing the counter? Hm... She always gets annoyed with her own mess and rearranges everything anyway...
"Hamidciğim?" Daphne called from the bedroom.
"Is everything alright in there?"
"It's fine!"
"Then who were you calling a dick swinger?"
He shook his head, but couldn't suppress a chuckle. It was hard to be mad when he could almost see her cheeky smile whenever she used the literal translation of such an offensive word. Either way, this wasn't a talk he wanted to have through the wall. So he ignored the chaos and returned to the bedroom.
As he approached her, he stopped in his tracks. Sitting by the vanity dresser,  Daphne wore nothing but one of her sheer nightgowns. The ones she saved for whenever her plans for the night didn't include sleeping.
His eyes began to follow Daphne's ring finger brushing on her lips whilst she applied a balm. Over the years, Hamid often found himself ogling at her lips. But there was something about how they grew a bit fuller when she massaged them with her fingertips to moisturize them. Maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. It was just a balm after all. Yet, he knew it had more to do with the effect those luscious peach-coloured lips had on him.
"Bir tanem?"
"What happened in the bathroom?"
"Nothing... I knocked over some cosmetics and a hair spray fell on my foot."
“Which foot?”
“The left one.”
"Hm… That explains why Maya ran out of there as if she witnessed a paranormal activity. How is your foot?"
"It hurts, but I'll survive."
"Let me see it."
"Aşkım, you don’t have to—"
"Sit down and let me see it." She pointed to the bed imperatively.
His eyebrows went up in surprise. Judging by the tone in her voice, it was better to simply do as he was told. He then sat down and placed his foot on her lap.
In silence, Daphne looked down at his foot. Her fingers lingered over the small scar on his left ankle after the accident at the beginning of their relationship. Then she inspected his injured toenail.
“Your toe is getting swollen, but since you had no trouble walking, it probably isn’t broken.”
“I told you everything is fine.”
"I still had to see it for myself.” She answered with a shrug. “Anyway, I think a cold compress and a kiss will be enough, but I can see if we still have a pain relieving cream."
"I beg your pardon?"
“You know… Those creams people apply to avoid bruises.”
“I was talking about the kiss part.”
"Oh, that…” She looked at his foot again, avoiding his gaze. “My mum always told me it works. I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try."
“It certainly won’t.”
Daphne gazed back at him and they shared knowing looks and smiles.
"Very well. I'll take the kiss now."
“Okay.” With that, Daphne placed a kiss on his reddened toe. “There. Better?”
"You cannot be serious..."
"But that's how it works."
"No, it isn't!"
"Yes, it is!"
"It didn't work for me." He folded his arms, feigning annoyance.
"Alright, I'll get the ice pack then."
As she stood up, he held her back by the waist and pulled her into his lap.
"Will you stop with this nonsense and give me a real kiss?"
Her hand moved towards the nape of his neck their lips touched at last. Wasting no time, she parted her lips to deepen the kiss, guiding his tongue into their very own slow dance.
Once they pulled away just enough to catch their breath, he chuckled softly.
"Are you wearing the lip balm you gave me?"
As he stared at her deadpan, she smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry… I don't know where I left mine."
"It's probably in the middle of the mess you left on the counter."
"Yeah..." She bit down her lip and looked away. "Sorry about your toe. And the mess. I’ll put everything back in the morning.”
“It’s okay, my dove,” he answered, lifting her hand to his lips.
“Should I get the ice pack?"
"Not now. You still have to make up for what you did."
"Are you sure? I thought you'd still be a little jetlagged."
"Which means you'll have to work a little harder this time, aşkım," he whispered.
Though she tried to look innocent, the lust in her eyes told him a different tale. "As you wish, my love."
Hamid then closed his eyes and revelled in the feeling of her lips and hands roaming down his body.
¹ kızım: my girl/ my daughter
² prensesim: my princess
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mercysought · 2 years
FIRST MEETINGS MEME A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘What you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet. Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Fill in details.  (Please do not remove the credit + blank meme link)
tagged by: @mindsmade​ ( round twoooo ) tagging: steal thiis ✨
blank meme: x
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Gender: cis woman.
Race: caucasian.
Complexion: light skin with some light brushes of freckles that are barely visible on her shoulders and cheeks. You really need to squint to see them though. A single blemish on the right cheek.
Height: 5′6′’ / ~168 cm.
Body Type: I think it’s probably a mix of Meso and Endomorph? She is shapely and that means that she has some more volume around her hip and tights area.
Body Build: ^^^^
Body Hair: she has what I would consider to be the average amount of body hair, light brown
Head Hair: light brown to auburn, always kept long past her shoulders and down her back. Naturally she has some tighter curls but usually has her hair kept with brushed waves that frame her face
Eye color: really dark green
Scars: some faded scars. One from getting stabbed as a teen in her abdomen which was healed to the point where is barely visible in verses where that is possible. Also very old faded burn scars around her wrist (from lightning magic as a child before she was able to control it)
Fashion Style: purely classic. The theme will always be light colours in clothing (mainly white) with simple patterns that fit her shape. Gold jewellery, specifically rings and her locket. A cloak with gold embroidery where it makes sense. It is the sort of style that can be seen as simple but impactful, especially given how the way that she dresses is very much its own way of communication (from cuts to colours).
Color Palette: white, gold, dark green, red.
Typical Clothing: draped white silks with long sleeves (much like this)
Piercings: none beyond her earrings
Tattoos: I’ve written about this in the past. She only has three hand tattoos and all of them are script. I don’t use these really often outside of the dragon age verse.
Other Information: —
General Facial Expression: hmm I would say smiling, overall just a very open energy 
Default Body Language: maxima carries herself as a tower of a person (despite not being that tall). Gracious, open for dialogue, those two things are important as someone that works most of the time as either a diplomat or as an information broker. At the same time, I could totally see how her presence and way of dressing could be incredibly intimidating.
General Movements: you’ve never seen someone as gracious as her in your whole life. the trick is to make calculated movements seem as natural and part of her person as possible without letting anyone see that is part of the act, part of being in a public setting and knowing she is being perceived. 
Presence: in most verses where she is already in a position of power, Maxima carries herself as that: a lady, a ruler. She is the type of person that will walk in a room and everyone’s eyes will inevitably fall on her.
Appearance: maxima, while being naturally beautiful, has always gone above and beyond to make sure that she is the most stunning as she could be. From clothing, to her presence, to the way she talks. She will always have red lipstick and red nails, will have her hair brushed to perfection. It is clear that she cares about her looks, even in the most dire of circumstances (which speaks about her need for control)
Scent: flowers, roses if she’s been working on them or is wearing a real crown of roses on top of her hair. A light perfume.
Voice Description: I’m going with the descriptions that were given to me in one meme a while back by @cllgood​ (here) and @orphidian​ (here) which are exactly the sort of tone. Thank you both because it is wonderful ❤
Maxima’s voice has a sing-song melody to it, something light that can easily be mistaken for childlike and girlish –which she is absolutely aware of and uses to her advantage. - @cllgood​
he hears a sort of lower pitch, almost silky smooth and very pleasant to listen to. it’s soft in a way that doesn’t /translate/ as softness, more like something hard and sharp wrapped in soft velvet. there’s a smokiness there too that he finds intoxicating, like a sort of refined roughness that just flows so beautifully. - @orphidian​
Accent: depends on the verse and depends on the situation. Maxima can easily mimic accents that she’s familiar with. She has her native French (or Orlesian) but will usually use and lean more heavily in a Italian (or Tevinter) one instead. 
Speech Mannerisms: You will never hear her call anyone by the diminutive of a name (Krem instead of Cremisius, for example). She finds it demeaning, unless the person specifically asks to be called by the diminutive over their actual name. More often than not she won’t use contractions (’will not’ versus ‘won’t’). Nothing else really comes to mind!
Anything else to add? —
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