#✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   ic interaction   ⑊   i’m not a stranger to the dark.
kvhitorr · 3 years
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@renlios​ said :   “  they  hate  what  they  cannot  control.  ”   //   villain & hero starters.
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control.   it reminds her too much of her time with the grysk,   jaw clenching and fist tightening around the hilt of her sheathed vibroblade.   a burning wrath rises in her chest;   a desire for vengeance whose flames have not dulled over the years.   forcing the tension from her jaw,   she tilts her head to look at her fellow knight:   the former princess.   there are times when she can’t help thinking the other is rather spoiled;   but this appears to be an area on which they have common ground.   “   then they must hate much,    ”    for in reality,   no person should have complete control over anything other than themselves.   she shrugs,   looking away again as her eyes unfocus,   thinking of those years she’d spent in forced service,   surrounded by mindless crew mates:   “   let them hate.   let them choke on the futility of it;   hating will bring them no closer to control.   and then,   just for a bit of fun,   let them try to MAKE you follow their orders   ---   and then make them suffer for it.   ”
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kvhitorr · 3 years
tag drop no. 1
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   aesthetic   ⑊   all my flowers grew back as thorns.
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   visage   ⑊   quiet like a fire.
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   ic interaction   ⑊   i’m not a stranger to the dark.
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   belle speaks   ⑊   a tired dog mom.
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   character study   ⑊   some women fear the fire;   some women simply become it.
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