#✨ask games yahoo
Wanted to try my hand at making an ask game and since one of my OC's bdays is tomorrow, I figured I'd make one themed around the different birthday cards in the game!
Bday Boy:
💭 What is your favorite birthday memory?
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦What is your family like?
🥪 Talk apbout your favorite food.
🐾If you could be any animal, what kind of animal would you be?
🏠Talk about your hometown.
📱Talk about your hobbies.
📝Talk about your club(s).
Union Bday:
🎁 (For the "Interviewer": what gift did you get them?) For the birthday student: how do you feel about this gift? Is there any significance to it?
🏝️ If you were stuck on a deserted island, which student would you want to take with you?
🫂If you could choose one student to be your sibling, which student would you pick?
🪞 If you were to join any dorm that wasn't your current one, which dorm would you pick? Why?
🥧 What is your favorite flavor of pie/cake? Hope you don't mind having it thrown in your face! (/j)
🪽 If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
🪄 Can you name a time that magic came in clutch for you/helped you out?
🏫 What is your best subject?
🥱 What do you like to do in your free time?
🗓️ What do you want to do in the next year?
⌚ Where do you see yourself, say 5-10 years from now?
🌹 What is your favorite kind of flower? Is there any significant meaning behind that pick?
Platinum Jacket:
🖼️ Which member of the Great Seven do you look up to the most? Why?
- Alt Vers. For RSA OCs: Are there any heroes you look up to the most? Who are they and why?
📖Are there any notable stories from your hometown? What are they?
📽️ What is your favorite movie?
🗝️ If you could lay claim to any one artifact of the Great Seven, related heroes, etc. what would it be? (E.g. The Sea Witch's Necklace, The Sorcerer of Sands's Staff, etc.)
Cozy Loungewear:
🛏️ What is your room like? How is it decorated?
💤 Tell us a bit about your nighttime routine and how you get ready for bed.
☀️ Tell us a bit about your morning routine and how you get up in the morning.
👥 Do you have any roommates? What are they like? Would you consider them a friend?
🌅 Are you a night owl or an early bird? Does this conflict with your roommates (if you have any)?
🛋️ Do you like spending time in your dorm's lounge? What do you like to do while you're in there?
Some of these questions are directly pulled from their associated cards (like the union jacket set), while others (like the platinum jacket or the loungewear sets, for example) are based more on vibes of the cards themselves (since. I cannot read the vignettes in English. I keep meaning to look up a translation tho for some of em).
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kaymarie-bell · 5 months
Diasomnia Spoilers, Chapter 8 (JP)
part 1
After Idia finishes his explanation of the plan, he makes our Magic Stones able to switch our clothes (like a character customization screen / magical girls lmfao) and we use Silver’s UM to start moving around. The first dream we see is Epel’s
Epel's dream:
In his dream, Epel has a buff body but the same face (also his steps sound like a giant walking lmfao.)
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We go to talk to him, but he picks a fight with Sebek. In Epel’s dream he’s taller than both Sebek and Jack (😭). We have to convince him that this dream isn’t really what he wants in order to wake him up. He kinda loses it once we mention Vil.
We get blot clones of Vil and Rook that are trying to convince him to stay inside the dream, telling him how much Leona praises him as the best rookie in the magift team and how he embodies the strength and beauty of Pomefiore.
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Grim snaps and reminds him of his wish to defeat Neige as the “poisoned apple” after the VDC.
Epel finally wakes up and accepts his true appearance. We fight against the fake Vil and Rook. Epel uses his UM to win. After that, Idia (in tablet form) explains the situation him.
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Idia gives him the invitation he prepared, and we leave a fake copy of Epel’s body in the dream (the buff one 😭) to keep Malleus from finding out too soon.
We then move on to Rook’s dream:
Just as the new SSR showed: we are in a dream where Rook is still a Savanaclaw student. He is not a first year. He recognizes Epel and wonders if Leona asked to see him because of magift.
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We try the “Vil would be mad if he saw you looking like that” strategy on Rook, however he doesn’t understand why it would concern him since Vil is an RSA student (‼️)
Vil is also Neige’s best friend (‼️‼️‼️)
Rook begins his fanboy rant about Vil and Neige’s “friendship.” He always imagined them as besties, and he keeps talking about their interviews and how they behave with each other. Sebek snaps at him and gets him to shut up for a bit, Rook is apologetic for getting too excited since he doesn’t have anyone to talk about this topic in Savanaclaw (😭)
Ortho wants us to go into Rook’s room to get more information about this version of him to wake him up. Rook tries to stop us but we manage to get inside.
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His room is decorated floor to ceiling with Neige’s merch on the left and Vil’s on the right (😭😭😭😭)
Sebek voice: what kind of rituals are you performing here?
Rook has been keeping his room a secret for all of his three years at NRC. He says he can’t let us go now…without looking at his oshis’ DVD collection first (😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
5 hours later. Everyone is tired, and Silver even fell asleep for the first time since we got stuck in these dreams.
Epel tries to make him remember the VDC, but in this Rook’s memory Neige sang Minna de Yahoo! alongside Vil. He tells us goodnight and we leave his room.
The group starts to wonder if this dream means that Rook would’ve preferred to not be friends with Vil, but Epel is against that idea. He thinks that Rook is still thinking about Vil’s overblot, and maybe he believes that if Vil and Neige weren’t rivals then Vil wouldn’t have gone through all that.
Our plan to make Rook wake up involves going to the Coliseum / VDC stage and sing Absolutely Beautiful (new rhythmic!)
We get a flashback of how we rehearsed the song. Epel guided us and assigned our places. Epel -> Vil / Ortho -> Jamil / Sebek -> Epel / Silver and Grim -> Adeuce combo / Yuu -> Kalim / Idia -> Audience and judge.
Idia is happy to take this role, since he is very strict about idol performances (😭) he also offered to get everything ready
Epel: ✨Really? Thank you, Idia-san! ✨
Idia: Ugh! It’s too dazzling! For a moment I thought I’d been reincarnated into an idol training game-
Idia: Pomefiore is frightening….
Idia: I mean, doesn’t this kinda make me a manager or a boys' idol group P?
Idia: “Idia Manager”….”Shroud P”…..Hah! It doesn’t sound too bad~
note: in the type of idol games Idia is talking about, the P stands for “Producer” (time to Ensemble our Stars)
Rook begins to wake up, but blot clones of Vil and Neige appear. They begin to sing Minna de Yahoo! and Rook gets distracted again. Epel starts to scream at him
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Epel: Look closely! The real Vil-san looks more wicked, and his eyebrows are so angled! His eyes are so sharp that his stare will make your heart skip a beat!
Epel: Your Roi de Poison! Our Queen! He is far more Poisonous and Beautiful [than the fake]!
Rook: Poisonous…Beautiful…?
Epel: Don’t you dare give out the words Vil-san wanted the most that day to those fakes! You’re a worse traitor now than when you voted for the Royal Sword Academy! (ouch)
Epel: Come on, wake up! ROOK HUNTEEEER!
Rook: One vote for RSA…traitor…ugh!
Rook: Ugh!….that’s right…in this world…the most beautiful thing in this world is…ARGH!
Rook wakes up, but the fakes are still trying to distract him. ( shoutout to Vil’s VA, this Vil speaks in a more…princely? manner. Definitely not Our Vil)
Rook knows this is a dream, but he still feels guilty about pointing his arrow at them
(Groovy spoiler for Rook's new SSR)
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Fake Vil voice: Neige get behind me!
We defeat the blot clones, and Rook and Epel have their reunion
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Meanwhile Sebek and Idia:
Sebek: I can’t believe it…you’re not only making me fight, but also dance.
Idia: Hehe. I managed to get a good recording of the magnificent Sebek-shi waving his arms and feet in such a clumsy manner.
Sebek: You-! Turn that off! If you show this to anyone, I will not let you get away with it!
Rook notices Idia and is moved by him “guiding the underclassmen as a Dorm Leader” (😭)
Idia is like “eh? Not really…I’m more of a P or a manager…”
Rook asks him to explain what happened at Lilia’s farewell party. Idia shows him the video too. Rook joins our party, receives the invitation, and leaves a clone behind. We move onto the next dream.
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kaoharu · 4 months
for the ask game, ✨🎄🌧️
ask game !!
YAHOO thank uu for the ask >:]
✨ - which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
raaaaahhh. theres one guy but im embarrassed of him. so my second choice is probably tsukasa tenma . . . they dont get him like i do /silly
🎄 - what is your favorite holiday?
hmhmm probably halloween ! i love getting free candy :]
🌧️ - favorite thing to do on rainy days?
i like to stare at the raindrops on the windows :] like when they make the rivulets and stuff
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iamgroundzero · 2 years
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munday asks!
@mightiboy​ asked: Every symbol that doesn't get sent to you in the next three hours. I want to learn more and get to know you better. I hope that's okay and if it's too much, we can limit it to these: ❓❤️💘🗒🎶🤗😀🎁🎉😗💯 (( Don't be mean to my friend Tyto. I will bite your cheek if you are. )) 
Alright, here we go...
🌈 — name(s) & pronouns 
I have a very uncommon name so I don’t give it out, just call me Tyto and my pronouns are he or they.
🎈 — gender and/or sexuality 
Somewhere in the nonbinary spectrum and asexual.
🎂 — age and/or birthday
May 6th is my birthday.
💕 — single or taken?
⭐️ — sun, moon, & rising signs, if known 
I looked this up just now haha
Sun: Taurus Moon: Aquarius Rising: Scorpio
💭 — MBTI and/or enneagram, if known
ISTP-T (I took a test for this)
❓ — three adjectives that describe you
Quiet, Friendly, Easy-going
❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
I’m very easy to talk to (I think?)
💔 — what are some of your worst qualities?
I have sometimes crippling anxiety and inferiority complex issues.
✨ — what would you change about yourself, if anything?
I’d get rid of my depression.
💘 — what and/or who do you consider near and dear to you?
My fiancee, my friends.
🚗 — what vehicle(s) do you drive?
We have a Kia Soul right now but might be getting a second car.
✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting?
I’ve been to England twice (London and Cambridge) and Hobbitcon in Germany once.
⌨️ — what operating system(s) do you use? 
Windows 10
📱 — mobile or desktop version of tumblr?
Desktop. I hate the mobile version.
🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr?
 Eeehh... I don’t really have a favorite.
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
FFXIV, Monster Hunter
🖱 — any cool devices/tool(s) of the trade? (i.e. type of mouse, monitor, keyboard, tablet, etc)
My keyboard and mouse both light up? I think I can change the colors too but I just have them cycling through rainbow because it looks best.
💍 — any piercings? 
Not anymore.
💎 — want any (more) piercings?
Nah, I had my wild phase. xD
🖊 — any tattoos?
Two. An owl on my back and my first snake on my leg.
🔏 — want any (more) tattoos?
Yeah, someday, but I’m not sure of what. I have a few ideas of the theme, just not the execution.
🎄 — favorite holiday(s)?
I don’t really have one. Any of them that I get off work.
😍 — celebrity crush(es)?
Never had any.
😊 — any career desires?
Something where I don’t have to talk to people unless I want to (so like, no retail, customer service jobs) and preferably work at a computer.
📚 — if you’re in college, what’s your level (undergrad, grad, phd, etc) and/or degree program? 
Until I moved, I was working on an accounting degree, but after I moved I can’t afford it right now.
🎶 — favorite song at the moment?
I never have just one, so here’s a few;
Crusader (Are We There Yet) - BlackGryph0n & Baasik
Need the Power - Dankira!!!
Anti-Hero - Sekai no Owari
Lion - Hearts & Colors
I’m Good (Blue) - David Guetta & Bebe Rexha
📕 — favorite book/series?
Dragonriders of Pern, honestly. I also really loved the Guardians of Ga’hoole as a kid. Harry Potter (Controversial I know, but it played a major part in my youth and even if Rowling is a trash human being she came up with an amazing world that has evolved and grown far more than she’ll ever be capable of).
🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests?
📺 — favorite movie(s) and/or tv show(s)?
It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a TV show, honestly. My general go-to for movies is anything animated Disney/Pixar but I don’t have a single favorite anymore.
✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr?
On and off since 2011.
✍️ — what other platforms have you roleplayed on?
Neopets. Gaiaonline. Proboards. Acornrack. Spleafnet. Avidgamers. Email. Skype. AIM. Yahoo!IM. Discord.
🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write? 
Hhhh... Dunno. Slow-burn romance?
🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most?
😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc?
Meeting people with similar interests.
😤 — what do you dislike the most about being part of the rpc?
Call-out culture. Feels like so many people are oversensitive.
💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
Quite a few, many of whom no longer RP.
🎧 — do you write while listening to music/podcasts/videos/etc, or do you need total silence?
Either works for me. Silence or music.
😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before?
Yes, but not from the MHA community.
— what was your most embarrassing moment in the rpc?
I can’t recall any.
🫂 — how many friends are in your irl friend group(s)?
Like, 5.
🎉 — what are some of your favorite things to do with your irl friends?
We all live in different states but we used to go to anime conventions, before Covid happened.
😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself?
Write. Listen to music. Play games.
💯 — share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you.
1. I have a large collection of plushies, including a collected set that would be worth approximately $1000+ if I sold them on ebay.
2. One of my ball pythons, Marble, is a chimera and was hatched from the very first clutch of eggs bred by me (I no longer breed, they are all pets).
3. I used to be terrified of spiders and I’m still not comfortable holding them/handling them (not that they like being held/handled to begin with) but having to care for them has helped me otherwise completely get over my fear.
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ciagent8 · 6 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Have fun and answer if you wish! :3
AHJFHDD . okay okay uhh
Insecta Apostate - GHOST
Along Came a Spider - Czesław Śpiewa
Snakes - Miyavi & PVRIS
Quiet As A Rat - Amigo The Devil
Chemical Overreaction / Compound Fracture - Will Wood
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shahnoorblogger · 9 months
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epikulupu · 3 years
fuck it here's my pronoun hoard. warning for some gore + bug related ones. didn't put the full sets bc JFC that would take so long and it would make this ask 10000x longer -🧮
he/it/h3/1t/that thing/kitty/nya/mew/.exe/.txt/.com/pop-up/advert/pipis/tem/honk/clown/fun/silly/pitter/patter/luv/love/wah/huh/what/cute/crash/boom/bang/lol/lmao/lmfao/ghost/kill/death/bot/halloween/sparkle/zzz/snore/brain/heart/blood/gore/bone/skull/eye/look/pupil/iris/anon/cringe/vamp/zombie/wilt/rot/mush/trollface/swirl/dizzy/glitch/cartoon/cloud/rain/weather/rainbow/space/star/planet/frog/slime/otter/seal/squid/meat/burger/candy/bug/snail/knife/scare/scary/grr/hiss/cation/radioactive/danger/hazard/alarm/red/ufo/circus/night/abandon/celebrate/game/gamer/die/dice/joker/joke/fool/jester/silly/dvd/cd/hack/virus/tv/television/vhs/film/comedy/mirror/plush/laboratory/mad/science/experiment/test/infect/dna/color/coffin/gravestone/fantasy/shuffle/pause/play/contaminate/think/click/tap/wow/woah/yahoo/yippee/yay/static/scam/odd/trend/web/arcade/cabinet/violence/steampunk/omega/mart/save/hack/hologram/pillbug/critter/scitter/parasite/soda/goo/gunk/sludge/fuck/funky/bruh/scrimblo/skrunkly/blorbo/hour/uncanny/404/spooky/spoopy/mii/meme/cheezburger/plinko/pog/awesome/derp/jazz/punk/portal/snax/friend/pop/roblox/srs/wtf/[redacted]/[data expunged]/error/qwerty/asdf/123/<3/?/¿/?!/!/.../:3/:0/:]/o_O/-_-/^_^/x_x/ ( ꈍᴗꈍ) / (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ / ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ / (^._.^)ノ / くコ:彡 / (눈‸눈) /ꙮ/♡/★/☆/❀/♩/♪/♫/♬/☻/␛/␡/ᴴᴰ/№/∞/#/@/™/%/&/🜚/🜛/🝮/☏/⚀/⚁/⚂/⚃/⚄/⚅/⚛/⛀/⛁/⛤/⛧/⌫/⎘/𝄞/🂱//�/███/🥳/🙃/🤯/😴/😵/🤡/👻/🤖/🎃/✨/💤/🎉/♥️/💘/💖/💕/💌/🧠/🫀/🫁/🩸/🦠/🦴/💀/👁️/🫂/👥/👤/🧛/🧟/🥀/🍄/🪨/🌀/🌁/🌩️/🌧️/☔/🌈/☄️/🌠/🌌/🪐/🐱/🐸/🦎/🦕/🐢/🐍/🐈/🐈‍⬛/🦦/🦭/🐬/🦐/🦞/🦑/🦂/🐌/🪲/🐛/🪱/🧇/🥞/🥩/🍖/🍔/🥨/🍟/🥫/🍥/🍨/🍦/🍰/🎂/🧁/🍭/🍬/🍩/🍿/🧊/🧋/🧃/☕/🍽️/🔪/🚧/🚨/🧭/🛸/🎢/🎡/🎠/🎪/💒/🏩/🏚️/🏙️/🌆/🌇/🌃/🌉/🎈/🎀/🎁/🏆/🛼/🛹/🎯/🎱/♟️/🎮/🕹️/👾/🎲/🎰/🃏/🪄/📷/📸/🖼️/🪡/🧵/🎛️/🎙️/📻/📺/📼/📽️/🎥/🎞️/🎬/🎭/🎫/🎟️/📱/☎️/📟/📠/🔌/🔋/💽/💾/💿/📀/💻/💰/🧾/🧮/🕯️/💡/🪟/🪞/🧸/🧽/🧼/🧦/🧤/🧣/🪖/👑/☂️/🌂/💎/⚗️/🧫/🧪/🧬/💉/💊/🩹/🔭/🔬/📡/🛰️/🪓/🪚/⚙️/🔗/⛓️/📎/🖇️/📏/📐/✂️/📌/🗑️/🖊️/🖋️/✒️/📔/📖/🗃️/🗂️/📂/📁/📊/📦/📨/⏳/🕰️/📣/🔍/🔮/⚰️/🪦/💣/🪤/📜/🗡️/🗝️/🔏/🔒/🔓/❗/❓/⁉️/‼️/⭕/❌/🚫/🚷/🔕/🔇/🛑/🔀/▶️/⏸️/⏯️/🔈/🔉/🔊/🎼/🎵/🎶/☢️/☣️/⚠️/🏧/💭/🗯️/💬
some favs ;; pipis / trollface / contaminate / experiment / blorbo / plinko / (^._.^)ノ / ███ / 🧾 / 🗯️
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