#♞ — ic // in character.
nos7evin · 2 years
still gotta figure out icons but here's some tags !
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lavenderlegends · 11 months
can you fall in love after a single kiss?
ship: stiles/derek prompt: crisp air characters: erica, scott, isaac, danny, jackson, allison mention, boyd mention cw: drinking tags: college au, fluff word count: 2.6k ao3 ♞♚♞♚
"Ahhhh," Stiles says, as he steps out into the crisp fall air. He looks over at Erica. "Do you feel that?"
"Hm?" she says, looking up from her phone. "What's that?"
"The air! Fall has begun!" Stiles exclaims. He nudges her. "C'mon, why aren't you enjoying this?"
"Because," Erica says, looking back down at her phone as they walk down the path towards the parking lot. "I've got a lot going on at the moment."
"Mhm, it's that guy, isn't it?" Stiles asks, trying to peek at her screen. She hides it from him with a pointed expression.
"None of your business," she answers.
"Ugh. Well, will I at least see you at Danny's party?" Stiles shoves his hand into his pocket, searching for his Jeep keys. Erica doesn't answer by the time he's pulled out the bi flag lanyard, so he pouts. "Ericaaaa, midterms are over. We have to celebrate. Please tell me you're coming to Danny's party."
"What?" she asks, looking up at him. "Oh. Danny's party. Yes. I'll be there."
"Will he be there?" Stiles asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
Erica's face flushes in a way he's never seen before. She shrugs. "Maybe."
"I can't wait to meet the mystery man, then."
"He's not a mystery man. He's just a guy I met at the library." Erica bites her bottom lip when they reach his Jeep and are about to say goodbye. He doesn't rush to open the door.
"What is it?"
"I think... oh my god, I can't believe I'm even thinking this, let alone saying this... but..."
"Spit it out already," Stiles says, shaking with impatience. He should've taken his Adderall today, but definitely forgot. He likes to pretend he does better studying without it, but his most recent midterm would prove otherwise.
Erica ducks her head. "I think he's, like, the one."
"What," Stiles blurts. He doesn't mean to, really, but he's never ever heard Erica talk like this and they've been best friends since kindergarten. Stiles waits until she lifts her head up again before he asks, "Are you possessed?"
She shakes her head.
Stiles blinks. "Holy shit, Erica! That's huge. I never thought you'd settle down for a boyfriend, let alone the one."
Erica lets out a soft laugh. "Yeah, me neither. I don't know what it is about him, Stiles, but he gets me."
"Does he...?"
"Know I'm trans? Yeah," Erica says, nodding. "I know. It's strange, isn't it? I don't think I've ever been on a second date before."
"But this guy?"
"This guy," Erica confirms, a shy smile crossing her lips. "This guy is something else. Listen, I'm going to go shopping before Danny's party. I want to look good. I'll catch up with you later?"
"Sounds good."
"And if you tell anyone what I said--"
He laughs. "As if anyone would believe me."
"True." Erica grins, and bounces away with a skip in her step. Stiles stares after her.
This party is going to be one to remember.
Erica's in love. It's obvious. She just met the guy a week ago, but some things are undeniable.
He smiles to himself as he gets into his Jeep. Maybe, just maybe, the one for him is at the party tonight too.
Stiles shows up a little late, but he meant to be on time. He even set like six alarms to stop his ADHD from getting in the way, but alas, it was pointless. He just hopes Danny isn't mad.
"There you are!" Danny's voice comes when Stiles enters the kitchen.
"Hey, sorry." Stiles hands him a bag of ice. "I know, I know. Super late. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Derek also brought ice."
Stiles jerks his head back. "You asked Derek to bring you ice too?"
"I did," Danny says. "Figured you'd be late. I've known you since high school, remember?"
"Yeah, yeah," Stiles says, rolling his eyes. "I just can't believe you asked Mr. Grumpy Pants to bring ice. It's like asking a bear to step out of their cave while they're hibernating."
"Ha, ha," a sarcastic, dry tone comes from behind him.
Stiles jumps and whips around to see Derek freaking Hale standing behind him. He groans. "Are you everywhere? I swear, you have the hearing of a bat."
Derek tilts his head. "You shouldn't be that surprised to see me. I am Danny's roommate."
"Mhm," Stiles says. "Don't remind me."
Stiles and Derek haven't gotten along since first semester of first year. The guy has been nothing but rude and grumpy to Stiles. His theory is that Derek's in love with Danny, especially because his attitude just got worse after he learned that Stiles and Danny used to hook up in high school.
But Danny's been dating Jackson pretty much since they started college, so Stiles doesn't get why Derek's not over him yet.
"Alright, I'm off to find Scott and Isaac!" Stiles announces, before muttering, "'Cause I can't stand to be around you anymore."
Derek snorts. "Like I want to be around you either."
"Can't we be nice for one night?" Danny pleads, but Stiles just tosses his hand in the air and walks towards the living room.
Erica's talking to a very handsome guy in the corner, and she's twirling her hair. He freezes, watching them. He's never seen her twirl her hair before. Ever. But there she is, giggling, and looking up at this guy with the biggest heart-eyes he's ever seen.
"Oh my god, I can't believe it," Isaac says, suddenly appearing at Stiles' side. Scott joins him on the other side. "I've never seen Boyd talk so much to a girl before."
"Yeah, it's a bit weird," Scott says. "Erica's like... usually on the prowl by now."
"Jesus," Stiles mutters. "You make her sound like a cougar."
"Well, you know what I mean. She eats boys up and spits them out. It's her thing," Scott says. "I've never seen her so... infatuated before."
"That's a great word for it, honey," Isaac says, grinning. He shares a look with Scott, and Stiles groans. "What?"
"You two are also disgustingly in love," Stiles mutters. "Everyone seems to be these days!"
"Calm down," Scott says, but he's still got a moony look towards Isaac on his face. "You'll find the right person soon."
"Uh-huh." Stiles sighs. "I'm going to find Lydia. You two are making me nauseated."
He doesn't wait for them to protest, but heads out to the balcony. He smiles when he finds Lydia alone. She takes a long sip of her drink before looking at him.
"Nice night out, huh?" Stiles asks.
"Yeah." Lydia sighs. "I wish Ally was here tonight."
"Why isn't she?" Stiles asks, glancing back through the windows as if he might magically spot her.
"She went home to visit her parents."
"Are you two...?"
"Yeah," Lydia admits. "We're keeping it on the downlow for now. I mean, her breakup with Kira is still pretty fresh. But..."
"Damn." Stiles rubs his face. "Everyone seems to be in a relationship these days."
Lydia pats his shoulder. "I'm sorry, darling. You'll find someone. I just know it."
"Yeah. That's what they keep telling me." Stiles sighs.
Lydia finishes her drink and then says, "I'm going back inside. You coming?"
"I think I'll stay out here for now." Stiles doesn't care if he shivers. Nothing is going to make him go back inside now.
Erica has Boyd. Danny's with Jackson. Scott and Isaac have been dating for almost a year. Now Lydia and Allison? When is it going to be his turn?
Stiles stretches his neck before leaning over the edge of the balcony. He's looking into a parking lot, and it's not very exciting, but he can sort of see the city lights from here, and that's nice. He guesses.
He's not drunk enough for this.
Maybe he should ditch the party, curl up, and watch Disney Plus. Anything would be better than this. Being alone. Again. As always.
"Room for one more out here?"
Stiles freezes at the sound of Derek's voice before turning. "What do you want?"
"Thought maybe we could talk." Derek shuts the door gently behind him. "What do you say?"
"Whatever," Stiles mutters.
"What's your problem with me?" Derek asks, as if he doesn't already know. Stiles glances at him again but can't stare too long because his heart has started to pound.
He's never actually been alone with Derek before.
"Like you don't know," Stiles mutters.
"I don't," Derek says, flatly.
"You've been nothing but rude to me, and you only got ruder once you learned about my history with Danny."
Derek blinks. "What are you talking about?"
"Sure. Play dumb." Stiles rolls his eyes. He turns to face Derek now, surprised at how close they are together. It's not a huge balcony, but it's not that small either.
Derek looks down at Stiles, just slightly, and asks, "Talk to me like I'm dumb."
"Fine." Stiles lifts his head and bites his lip. Derek's eyes are unwavering on his. "You are the rudest person I have ever met. You totally changed your vibe around me after the news about Danny and I came out. You were stiffer, and not in like, a fun way. You wouldn't look me in the eyes. You just... grunted. A lot. Danny was my first. I was his first. It was all very sweet, but just because you're in love with Danny, doesn't mean you have like... claim on him. He's his own person. And he chose Jackson. So, I don't get why you're such an asshole to me."
Stiles is shaking now, but he doesn't care.
The crisp fall air has turned cold.
And then...
Derek kisses him.
Stiles would jerk back if he had the ability to think. But Derek's lips are hot against his, and suddenly, Stiles is grabbing onto Derek's sweater, and holding him there.
He'd be lying if he said this hadn't popped into his mind before. But he never thought... never in a million years imagined... never...
Derek pulls away, but not far.
His voice is soft but gruff when he says, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Then he turns on his heels and walks back into the party. As if he hadn't just given Stiles the best kiss of his life.
"What the fuck?" Stiles whispers, bringing his shaking fingers up to his lips.
He doesn't know what to make of that, so he stays out on the balcony until it's too cold, and then when he goes back into the party, Derek's already gone.
He can't stop thinking about it. He might actually understand Erica's obsession with her phone and Boyd now. Stiles waits. He waits for some sort of flicker of hope that maybe Derek kissing him was real. That maybe it wasn't a fluke.
But no notifications ever come. No Instagram follow. No accidental Tweet like. Not even a Facebook friend request.
Stiles hates it.
"Hey darling, I'm sorry, but I have to bail on our shopping trip today," Lydia tells him on the phone a few days later. "Allison had a rough time at home, and came back to campus early. I'm going to go over to hers, is that okay?"
"Yeah, of course," Stiles says, absentmindedly.
"Okay, thank you!" Lydia sends kisses through the phone and hangs up.
It takes him a minute to realize they've said goodbye and she's gone.
He's busy staring at Danny's messages in Whatsapp and debating on what to say.
Nothing sounds right.
hey your dumb roommate kissed me
hey can you fall in love after a single kiss
hey I was wondering if I could come over?
The last one, he sends.
Danny gives him a thumbs-up and Stiles makes his way over. He hesitates at the door, but it swings open and Jackson stands there.
"Jesus!" Jackson says. "You almost gave me a heart attack, Stilinski. What are you doing here?"
"We're going to hang out and play some video games!" Danny's voice comes from somewhere in the apartment.
"That," Stiles says.
"Alright," Jackson replies, shaking his head. "Just, like, knock next time." He pauses to call back to Danny. "Love you!"
"Love you too!" Danny shouts.
Jackson heads out and leaves the door open for Stiles. He slowly inches his way into the apartment and shuts the door behind him.
"Is, uh, Derek here?" Stiles asks.
"Huh?" Danny says, coming into the living room. He wears a bright smile. "No, no. He hasn't been around all week. Studying for some big test he has next week, I guess. The apartment's all ours."
"Where's Jackson going?"
"Oh, his dad's in town, so they're having dinner."
Danny gives Stiles a quick hug. "C'mon, let's play."
It's reasonable of Danny to assume Stiles wants to play a video game, but all he wants to do right now is ask about Derek. He shoves his questions deep down though.
At least, until he can't hold it in any longer. They're three hours deep into the newest game Danny bought and Stiles blurts, "Why would Derek kiss me?"
Danny freezes, pauses the game, and turns to look at Stiles. "He did what now?"
"He kissed me. At your party. On that balcony. Last week." Stiles breathes. He's finally told someone else and it feels good. "Why... why would he do that?"
"I... I honestly don't know," Danny says, slowly. His eyebrows come together. "Although, now that I think about it, he does ask about you sometimes."
"He does?" Stiles asks, hating how hopeful he sounds.
"Yeah. Like he asked if I had heard from you after the party," Danny explains. "I thought it was a little weird, but... Derek's kind of weird, y'know? Keeps to himself a lot."
"Right." Stiles bites his lip. "Okay, you know what, let's not talk about it anymore. Pretend it never happened."
Because that's what Derek's doing.
"Sure thing," Danny says, and hits play on the game. Stiles is almost instantly killed.
Stiles is walking to class with Erica through the courtyard when he finally sees Derek for the first time since the party.
"Hey, I'm not feeling well suddenly." Stiles puts a hand over his stomach. "Dairy issues."
Erica scrunches her nose. "Gross, Stiles. You really don't need to tell me that every time. And also, stop eating dairy!"
Normally, he'd laugh, but he's too tense. "Catch you back at home?"
"Sure. Feel better," Erica says, kissing him on the cheek.
Stiles waits until she's in the building and out of sight before he crosses the courtyard. His heart pounds so loud he can hear it. He's losing his nerve the closer he gets, but he doesn't stop.
"You kissed me."
Derek swings his head up from his textbook. He meets Stiles' eyes and calmly says, "Yes."
"Why?" Stiles asks, slipping into the picnic table bench. "Because I've been thinking and thinking and nothing makes sense except--"
"I have a crush on you." Derek says it so clear-as-day, it almost shakes Stiles' core.
"But why?"
Derek swallows before answering. He keeps his voice low. "Because you are so unafraid to be yourself. Because you clearly care about our mutual friends. Because you show up with ice even when you're an hour late. Because you're loud and obnoxious and funny and a smart ass. Because you don't care that my parents are rich and my dad's the dean of our school. You treat me the exact same way. You don't tiptoe around me or ask me for favours or try to get in good with me to get in with my dad."
Stiles blinks. He's positive that at some point Danny told him about Derek's parents, but he didn't realize that people... did that to Derek because of them. He swallows.
"I... I see."
"Does that answer your question?" Derek asks.
"Yes. But I have one more."
Derek simply stares at him.
Stiles musters up all his courage and says, "Can we do it again?"
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brightblessed-aa · 2 years
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@fxrtunas​​ said:  Star + minfilia!
Send a 🌟 + a name and my muse will talk about their bond to that character!
⸻ ♞
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❝ Ah... ❞  Hearing her name brought a heavy weight down upon his heart. Minfilia was the first person to break through the walls Roi had built up after the loss of his mother. With each loss, he fortified it. Niall. Aunt Caitria. Each time he felt his heart ripped into pieces, he used those pieces to close himself off from the world. Until she, slowly but surely, remained kind to him. When she discovered their shared lineage in Ala Mhigo. Roi began to consider her a friend. And somehow, the ice he had crafted around his heart melted. Right for it all to be ripped up again. 
The loss of Minfilia was devastating to him. He lived with thousands of voices echoing in his mind. Things he should have done. What a fool he had been to trust that Hydealyn would protect her, as She had him. Even if he had forgiven Her, he couldn’t forgive himself. He knew it had to be done. Or else the First would have been lost. And yet... he is still childish enough to ache about it. To wish she was still here. To wonder what she would say about things. To think of how she would smile or reassure. To expect to see her out of the corner of his eye. Loss is not something that ever goes away. Roi still lived with the ghosts of all those that had been taken from him. And yet, she was the only one he had the chance to bid farewell to more than once. But his stubborn heart still refuses to let go. 
 There is nothing he can say about her. There is too much to say. A contradiction, much like the one in his heart. She is at peace. Her legacy entrusted to Ryne and himself. And yet... his arrogant heart tells him he could have done more. As if he had the power to do that. Instead of dwelling on the bitter feelings, he speaks on the most prominent sentiment in his soul. 
❝ I hope she knew...❞ His voice is soft, quite. Somber. ❝ How much she meant to me. And that she saved my life. ❞ The reason he could keep going. The reason he tried to love himself and take care of himself... It was because of the people he loved. The people he would have never allowed himself to get close to had she not torn down his walls. 
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ayakoito · 2 years
♟ : Do you do any research when you roleplay?, ♞ : Which do you prefer, shorter or longer roleplay posts?, ♚ : What’s something you just can’t stand and will unfollow someone over?
♟ : Do you do any research when you roleplay? - Sometimes. When I don't know a specific word or thing I use Google to help me with it. Everyone does that, right?
♞ : Which do you prefer, shorter or longer roleplay posts? - Both. It really depends on the situation like if I need to add a lot to it or just a few sentences and words. Tbh I try to match my partner's (:
♚ : What’s something you just can’t stand and will unfollow someone over? - People writing permanently one-liners when it's not just for crack and never describing anything. As if you would talk ooc, just ic with your character. I don't follow these blogs in the first place
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kvhitorr · 3 years
tag drop no. 1
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   aesthetic   ⑊   all my flowers grew back as thorns.
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   visage   ⑊   quiet like a fire.
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   ic interaction   ⑊   i’m not a stranger to the dark.
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   belle speaks   ⑊   a tired dog mom.
✴︎♞✴︎   ⑊   character study   ⑊   some women fear the fire;   some women simply become it.
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uselesssomebody · 3 years
steve harrington masterlist
**steve as a mom in s2+3 is *chefs kiss*
** all works are x reader (written as x fem!reader but most are/can be read as gender neutral)
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my full masterlist
everything for all fandoms in one place
my stranger things masterlist
all the stuff i’ve written for any stranger things character
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♜ - angst ♞ - fluff ♝ - smut ♛ - personal favorite ♚ - most popular (currently over 100 notes)
text type
⌲ - oneshot ↳ - mini - series ✞ - series │ - drabbles
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⌲ beginner's luck - ♞
summary || in which the reader hosts a party, but doesn’t know what to do with the crowd
⌲ blue sweater - ♜
summary || in which steve cares more than the reader about their relationship
⌲ ice cream parlor - ♜/♞
summary || in which steve is the reader’s ex, and they didn’t feel like they deserve him
⌲ really pretty - ♞ + ♛
summary || in which a beautiful necklace gets the reader (and steve’s) attention
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usermischief · 2 years
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♞Pairing: Steo ♞Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Kira Yukimura ♞Tags: canon divergence, post 5b ♞Words: 2715 ♞Bad Things Happen Bingo - Silent Treatment (for @jimmy12427)
a/n - I know it took forever, but I was in the worst writing slump ever. But I'm getting back... ever so slowly.
Theo stares at him, arms folded and lips pressed into a thin line. His patience is wearing thin, that much is more than obvious — but that doesn’t mean he’d ever give up. It’s still surprising Theo hasn’t gone off on him yet, but that’s probably because he is trying to act like he really does care about Stiles even though they both know all he did was use him. 
And Stiles fell for it.
Like an idiot.
“Stiles,” Theo says, reaching for his hand resting on the table, “please, let me explain.” 
Crossing his arms over his chest, Stiles leans back in his chair. There really isn’t anything to explain. Theo lied to them. He lied to him. He fucked with his head and heart for over a month; does he really expect Stiles is just going to sit here, listen to his fucking excuses, and everything is going to be fine again? Because if that’s the case, Theo couldn’t be any more wrong… hopefully. Because even though part of him knows Theo is telling him the truth, Stiles is scared he might be wrong. 
And he can’t go through this pain again. 
Stiles presses his lip together and stares past Theo. The other boy has been trying to convince him for a couple of months now. He’s going to give up eventually. All Stiles has to do is endure — and beg that Kira is going to arrive soon. He needs to leave before he allows himself to talk to Theo and give him a chance to lull him back into yet another false sense of security. His head is on board with him, but his heart is a piece of shit.
“Babe, please.” Theo places his hands on the table, palms up, almost as if he’s hoping Stiles will reach for him. 
He doesn’t. He won’t. No matter how much his fingers itch to touch him. He purses his lips instead and narrows his eyes at a group of girls who are very clearly talking about them. Good thing he can’t hear them. The last thing he needs is an unsolicited commentary on his love life. He’s got Lydia for that, and she is really walking on thin ice. 
Theo draws his brows together. “Stiles,” he whispers, scooting closer to the edge of his chair, “have I ever told you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me?” Flattery, that’s what he’s going with knowing very well it does not work on him? 
One of the girls makes a sound, and Theo’s expression hardens as he’s staring her down for a few seconds. She’s just managed to climb his shitlist faster than Tracy ever could. But he takes a deep breath and returns his attention to Stiles. His expression once again softens. “I mean it, babe.” 
Stiles would like to point out that Theo lost all of his ‘babe’ privileges, but that would mean he’s talking to him again, and that would defeat the whole purpose of this silent treatment. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Theo continues in a soft voice, “and you’re all I can think about. You’re everything I ever wanted.” He taps a finger against the table, biting his bottom lip. For what it’s worth, his expression seems to be genuine. But Theo has proven to be a master manipulator as well as a pretty good actor. 
Stiles is not falling for his shit again. 
The door to the coffee shop opens. Kira is finally walking in but stops when she spots Theo sitting with him. 
Stiles couldn’t get to his feet quick enough. Without looking at Theo, he grabs his coffee and rushes toward the other fox. “Please, let’s just go,” he mutters because he really, really does not want to be any longer in the same room as Theo as he has to. 
Kira grimaces a little. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Stiles nods for emphasis, “please.” They wanted to relax a little before she’d help Stiles figure out how to get in touch with his fox while he’s not being extremely angry. 
Smiling softly, Kira steps out of the doorway and points in the direction of her car. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine,” he replies even though he knows those two words are going to raise all sorts of red flags for his friends. They’re not wrong either. Stiles isn’t fine. He’s hurt and heartbroken, and he hates Theo for lying as much as he loves him for everything else. The short while they dated — are they still dating? They never officially ended things — it was great. Stiles has never felt as loved as he did when he was around Theo. Now? Now, it just fucking hurts even thinking about it.  “And I’m gonna be peachy once I bring as much distance between Theo and me as possible.”
Kira sighs but doesn’t say anything even though Stiles can tell she really wants to. He appreciates her silence for as long as it lasts because he knows this topic isn’t done. They’re going to talk about it multiple times today. 
-  -  -
Stiles stares at the beautiful red rose sitting on the table in front of him. It has been a beautiful red rose for longer than it was supposed to be. “It’s mocking me.” 
Kira sits down next to him, nudging his shoulder with her own. “Or maybe you’re just not in the right mindset.”
Groaning, Stiles lies down. “I don’t wanna hear it,” he mutters, knowing very well that he is about to hear everything about it because Kira has become much bolder after returning from the skinwalkers — and Lydia’s influence doesn’t help either. 
“You know,” Kira says, tapping a finger against her ankle, “he can’t stop talking about you?” The question is why is everyone chatting with Theo after learning he worked with the Dread Doctors? Did they all forget he is the enemy? 
Is Stiles the only one who’s feeling betrayed? Considering that he’s the only one who’s had his heart ripped out, that’s entirely possible. “He doesn’t love me.” Stiles throws his arm over his eyes, feeling like a petulant child. But it’s the truth. How could Theo love him if he kept something this huge a secret? Unless he was just scared of how Stiles might react to the truth. Well, he surely would have not been this pissed. It’s the lie that makes Stiles feel as if Theo never told him the fucking truth about anything. Now, everything Theo has ever said and done feels tainted. He probably shouldn’t have listened to his dick because then his heart wouldn’t have had a chance to get involved. After all, that’s when everything started to fall apart. He should’ve backed off when he caught feelings, but Theo has already gotten into his head at that point. 
“That’s not true.” 
“No.” She flicks his arm and then lies down next to him. “You can tell he loves you. It’s so easy to see.” 
Sighing, Stiles pulls his arm away and looks at her. “There’s an accusation somewhere in there, and I don’t like it.” 
Kira understands that as her cue to continue. “I know what Theo did was wrong,” she says, sitting back up, “don’t get me wrong. It’s just—” fidgeting with her hands, Kira shifts into a cross-legged position “--- after you said you don’t trust him in the beginning, I decided to keep an eye on him.” She hooks a finger under her sleeve and sighs.” Every time, and I mean every time, you’ve entered a room, he turns to watch you. Whenever you talk, he watches you. And whenever he watches you, his eyes light up. He looks so genuinely happy even when you don’t give him the time of day… it’s like, I don’t know, like an invisible weight is lifted off his shoulders.” 
Stiles closes his eyes. The thing is, he noticed all of that too. He knew Theo was looking when he thought Stiles wasn’t paying attention. But he was. All the time. It’s impossible not to notice Theo. He’s ever-present, and he refuses to get out of Stiles’ head, no matter what. Kira telling him all that is not helping. Not even in the slightest. “So,” Stiles says, squinting at the ceiling, “you’re saying I should forgive him?” 
“I’m saying you should hear him out.” Kira tips her head to the side. “I think he deserves a few minutes of your time, don’t you?”
Groaning, Stiles covers his eyes again. He hates that she’s right.
-  -  -
Theo didn’t answer his phone, he wasn't home, and he wasn’t at school the next day. If it were anybody else, Stiles would assume they were moping because of Stiles’ not talking to them for a few months now. But Theo doesn’t mope, and he certainly doesn’t give up. That’s why he dragged Kira to the police station with him the second school’s over. Parrish was less excited but tracked the last known location of Theo’s phone anyway. 
Turns out, Theo is somewhere inside a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. The concerning part isn’t necessarily the location; it’s the flashing light and screaming that’s a cause for concern.
“Okay, Stiles,” Kira says, following him out of Roscoe as quickly as she can, “don’t let your emotions get the best of you. The nogits—”
Narrowing his eyes, Stiles throws his hands in the air. The door to the warehouse blasts open, flying off its hinges. 
Kira sighs and pulls out her katana. “Fine, let’s do it your way.”  
This fucking town and everyone inside of it are cursed. Every fucking year, like goddamn clockwork, something is going on. Hunters, supernatural fuckfaces, or teenagers losing their minds. The options are endless, and today it seems they’re going back to the roots after all the bullshit that was the Dread Doctors. 
The lights stop flickering, and so does the screaming. 
A man spins around. Something yellow clatters to the floor. But Stiles’ gaze snaps towards Theo, chained to the fence and wet to the bone — just like the rest of his pack. His hair and clothes stick to his skin, but his eyes are wide. Stiles can sense his pain from here. 
Stiles returns his attention to the man. “I know who you are.” Stiles tilts his head, smiling as he raises his right hand. “Schrader,” he says in a low voice, stepping further into the warehouse. “Never thought I’d see you outside of Eichen House.” 
Schrader looks around, panic flooding the room.
Part of Stiles hopes he remembers him, but he’s aware that it doesn’t matter in the end. Stiles isn’t here for petty revenge. A smile slips onto his lips as he stops walking, eyes still fixed on Schrader. He’s here to save Theo. “You should’ve stayed in Eichen.” Stiles raises both of his hands, feeling excitement rush through his veins as Schrader lifts into the air. The panicked shrieks are music to his ears. It’s always the same; hunters and bullies are cocky bastards until they meet someone they can’t pick on. “Don’t touch my boyfriend and his pack ever again.” He twists his left hand. Schrader’s neck snaps, and he crumbles to the floor like a broken doll.
“We talked about this,” Kura mumbles, elbowing him in the side. “You have to keep your feelings under control. This cannot keep happening.” 
Stiles ducks his head. “Sorry.”
“So,” Theo interrupts them, clanging his chains against the fence, “if you don’t mind?” 
His relief at seeing Theo alive clashes with his annoyance at Theo’s behavior. Remembering he worked with the Dread Doctors doesn’t help either. Stiles grinds his teeth, staring at his boyfriend — are they even still together after months of whatever this was? — and raises his hand. With a single snap of his fingers, four sets of chains open and clatter to the ground. 
Josh fails to catch his balance and is only saved by Hayden and Tracy from falling onto his face. 
Corey rubs his wrists, pulling a face. “Thank you,” he says softly and glances from Stiles to Theo, still chained to the fence, and back again. 
Finally cutting eye contact with a mildly pissed-off Theo, Stiles smiles at Corey. “Don’t mention it,” he replies, forcing himself to speak as lightly as possible. He’s pissed, but the other chimeras had nothing to do with any of this. They’re not at fault for Theo being a lying asshole. 
Stiles turns away, grabbing Kira’s wrist. They are leaving, or he’s going to punch Theo in his smug, stupidly handsome face. He deserves it. 
“So, we’re not listening to him?” Kira asks quietly, dragging her feet a little as she goes. 
“Wait.” Another set of chains clatters to the ground. “Stiles, babe.” Theo rushes towards him, footsteps echoing around the warehouse. “Please.” There’s an odd crack in his voice, “please, please, wait.” 
Despite himself, Stiles stops and lets go of Kira. After exchanging a short glance, she leaves Stiles to his own devices. It’s probably better this way, even though Stiles doesn’t exactly feel ready to forgive Theo yet. Something has to give if he ever wants to figure out how any of this— how they can continue. Because they’ve lived in this fog for a couple of months. He either needs to listen to Theo and give him another chance, or he has to break up with him. 
But he doesn’t want to. 
He can’t. 
Theo runs his fingers through his wet hair, smiling ever so softly. “Thank you for…” he trails off then nods in the general direction of Schrader’s body and his pack. 
Stiles folds his arms over his chest. 
“And I’m sorry,” Theo adds, rubbing the nape of his neck. “I should’ve told you about my past with the Dread Doctors.” 
Stiles believes him, he really does — even though he tries his best to deny it. 
“Meeting you again changed everything.” Theo reaches for his hand and seems almost startled when Stiles doesn’t pull away for once. “I— I’m…” he trails off again, and after a few seconds of silence, Theo pulls him close — probably more than aware of what this does to him. 
Stiles has denied himself those touches for far too long, and maybe he could’ve spared himself all of this if he’d listened to his heart instead of allowing his anxiety to run rampant. He should know better than that. 
Theo licks his lips, curling his arms around Stiles’ waist. “I missed you,” he whispers, brushing their noses together. “I love you.” 
A small part of him is still hesitant about trusting Theo, or about letting him back in. The idea of having his heart ripped out of his chest and stomped on once more is more than a little terrifying — mostly because Stiles doubts he’ll make it through this again. Just imagining it makes him feel sick. He loves Theo, more than he’d ever dare to admit. It’s a scary thought, but, at the end of the day, it’s the truth. Plus, Theo did kill the Dread Doctors. He protected Lydia and helped get Kira back from the skinwalkers. Theo did a lot of shit wrong, but he does try to make up for it, but he still lied. It’s going to take a while to come back from that. 
“You’re not gonna say it back, are you?” Theo quirks a brow. His tone is amused despite his attempts to look annoyed. “Are you still not talking to me?” 
Stiles puts his hands on Theo’s shoulder, gently pushing him away. He’s going to hold out a little longer. Theo will survive it, and hopefully, learn his lesson never to lie again — especially not over something this huge. 
Theo slips his hands lower, pushing them both into the back pockets of Stiles’ pants. “You’re a stubborn ass, you know that?” He smirks, eyes darkening ever so slightly when he pulls him close while very pointedly squeezing his ass. “Which I love very much, by the way. You and your ass, that is.” 
Rolling his eyes, Stiles flicks Theo’s nose.
Apparently, Theo takes that as his cue to kiss him. Hard. And if the low rumbling in his chest is any indication, Theo might not make him talk any time soon, but he’ll certainly make him moan.  
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i-am-baechu · 3 years
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Title: Ice Princess | ♞ | | ♚ | | ♛ |
Paring: Kim Seokjin x reader
Genre: CEO Jin Au, Ice skating teacher au, strangers to lovers au, single father au, age difference au, fluff, romance, angst, and smut
Summary: Getting a divorce was the best decision Seokjin has ever made in his life. Nina never truly loved their son the way he wished his partner did when he was younger. Now after three years, his son wants to do ice skating for his new hobby and Jin wants to start dating. Meeting the loud and blunt ice skating teacher was Jin's next favorite decision. The two slowly realized how much they missed loving someone, especially on Christmas. 
Warnings: Parent abonament, divorce, being a single parent, and multiple sex scenes 
Author’s note: Happy birthday Jin!!!! I was listening to Dust to Dust by Civil Wars and I felt like it matched the characters perfectly.
I remember being a kid and seeing my parents being so in love. As I got older, I saw my brother experience the same love with his wife and I realized that’s all I wanted. To be with someone and just feel pure love and happiness. It was a stupid thing to wish for as a child and even a teenager but it was one of my top wishes. I wanted a family that was filled with warmth and even outside our house, the feeling of home never left. I never thought divorce would happen to me or even having full custody because my ex wife didn’t even want to see our child. I guess everyone makes mistakes and hopefully that mistake will turn into a win in my book at least. 
Kim Seokjin sat in his living room alone after another fulfilling Christmas with his eight-year-old son, Doyoung. He looked down at the eggnog in his glass and took a big gulp of it as the warm whisky warmed his throat. He grabbed his phone from across the couch and picked it up to see Jungkook, his assistant, texting him. He unlocked his phone and smiled to see the younger man saying happy Christmas and sending him a picture of his wife and new addition to his family. His smile quickly disappeared when he heard small footsteps going down the steps in his house. He looked to the side to see his son rubbing his eyes gently causing him to get up and kneel down to his level in concern. 
“What’s wrong little star?” 
Doyoung stopped rubbing his eyes and tilted his head at his father with a frown, “I felt lonely...” 
“Why? Was your teddy not giving you enough attention? Should I have a stern talk with him?” 
Jin went to tickle his son’s stomach as Doyoung let out a loud giggle, “Papa, no. I just felt lonely... Can you sleep with me?” 
“Yeah, let's go, little star.” 
Doyoung gave him a smile and grabbed his hand as he led him to his bedroom. Jin let a small smile appear when he saw all his toys he got in his chest and his posters already on his walls. Doyoung pushed his dark blue blanket that had stars on them and Jin took off his slippers and went to bed with him. Doyoung immediately wrapped his arms around his fathers waist as Jin brought him closer. He kissed his forehead and Doyong let out a small laugh, “I love you papa.” 
“I love you...so much more, my son.” 
In another house, Y/N stares at her Christmas tree in her empty living room or rather empty house. Her roommate, Joy, decided to go back to her hometown with her boyfriend to have Christmas with her family. While all her friends were with their families, Y/N was alone in her living room with her Christmas lights shining brightly in her face, mocking her. She got up from the wooden floor and walked up to her bedroom slowly. She sat on her bed as she looked outside her window to see the soft snow becoming one with the ground. She smiled at the stars and moon but no matter how bright it was outside, it didn’t touch her. The only people that texted her happy holidays were her roommate and her older brother, that was it but why would she expect her parents to text her. She grabbed her dark green blanket and looked up at her ceiling with a sad look whispering to herself, “Merry Christmas...”
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Jin was in his office typing away when his phone started ringing. He picked up the phone and was met with surprise when he heard the voice of his son's babysitter, Mark, “Hello?”
“Oh, Mr. Kim. I’m just calling you to let you know that Doyoung wanted to go to an ice rink and I was wondering if that's okay?” 
“An ice rink? That’s new. Ummm...Where is the ice rink so I can know where he's at?” 
“At Queendom’s Ice Rink across the street from Starbucks, Doyong always goes, sir.” 
“Oh, that’s not too far. Okay, text me to let me know when you're there please and thank you.” 
“No problem, sir.” 
Jin put his phone back and looked at his documents with furrowed eyebrows, “Ice skating, that's new.” 
He heard a knock on the door and snapped out of his thoughts as he let out a small cough, “Come in!” 
The door opened to reveal Namjoon and Yoongi with folders in their hands smiling at him, “Good morning, Sir.”
“Good morning, Namjoon, Yoongi. What do you need me for?” 
Yoongi took out a document and handed it to him as Namjoon gave him an uneasy look, “It seems like Flimmagic pictures wants to re-discuss the deal you offer.” 
Jin raised his eyebrow and took the document in confusion, “What is there to discuss? I gave them 45 percent of the deal and I allowed them to use their filming studio instead of ours, what’s there to discuss?”
“Sir, they want to raise the deal to 55 percent and they want to change studios...”
Jin glared at the paper and shook his head at this, “Our productions are putting their special on television, why would they be asking more?” 
“It’s because they saw how much Daybreak studios made with us, sir.”
“That deal was different, they gave us new equipment and software. I guess set up a meeting with them on March second, so we can get this over with. Thank you.”
The two of them nodded their heads at the CEO and walked to the room leaving Jin to stare at the paperwork with an angry look. He looked at the time to see it was three and realized that he was going to be home late, something he doesn’t like doing. He picked up his phone and texted Mark, I’m going to be home around seven or eight. Sorry for the late notice but something came up unexpectedly. 
No problem sir! 
Down at Queendom Ice Rink, Doyoung held onto Mark’s hand tightly as they entered the large rink. When they walked in, his eyes became wide at the fairy lights that were wrapped around the small lights across the railing of the stairs. Doyoung let go of Mark’s hands and looked across the way to see the biggest ice rink he has ever seen. He saw many people going in a circle but there were people doing tricks, tricks that he wanted to do after seeing that sports special with his father. He ran back to Mark and started jumping up and down with his hand in his, “Mark!! I want to go on the ice!” 
“Let me text your father that we’re here first and then we can go.”
Mark took his phone out and sent a simple message to his boss, Were at Queendoms now, sir. As he put his phone back in his pocket, Doyoung latched himself onto his legs as he let out a small chuckle. 
“Mark, I want to go now!!”
 “I just texted your father, we can go now.” 
Doyoung didn’t need to be told twice and grabbed Mark’s hand to run down the iron stairs in a hurry. Mark just continued to smile at the young boy and looked at the many crowds of people getting ready or leaving. He walked up to the cashier and gave her a small smile, “Hello, how can I help you?”
“May I have a size fourteen mens and a size 8 in children skates, please.”
“Of course, you said child, right? You can sign up to a free skating class that they have today, if you like.”
Mark thought to himself and nodded his head, “Yeah why not.” 
The lady nodded her head and headed towards the back for a clipboard. She came back with a smile and handed it towards him, “Can you please put the child's name on the form so they can be accounted for.”
“Of course, can I ask who’s teaching the class?”
“Oh, she's the champion of the local ice skating competition here. Y/N L/N.”
Mark looked up with a head tilt and nodded his head, “I heard of her, she won the Victoria competition?” 
“Yes, she won the Victoria and the Anastasia competitions here. She’s also traveled the world for her career so, don’t worry. She’s qualified to teach, she does it every year.” 
Mark headed her the clipboard and nodded his head, “That sounds fun, maybe she can teach me some moves.” 
He let out a small laugh as the lady laughed with him as she headed towards the back. She grabbed the skates off of the wall and handed it to him carefully, “The blades are covered so be careful taking them off. For the children's skates, it's the same. The class starts in twenty minutes and will be held at the end of the rink. Have fun out there.”
“Thank you so much.” 
He turned around to see that Doyoung was watching the people on the ice with wide eyes, making Mark smile softly at the scene. He walked up to Dyoung and gently patted his back, “Hey lets put these on and we head out to the ice. I have a surprise for you after we put on the skates, okay.”
When Mark got both of their skates on, Doyoung started tugging on his sleeves in excitement as Mark let out a loud laugh, “Can I help you?”
“You said I have a surprise...” 
Mark bopped his nose and Doyoung let out a small giggle, “I signed you up to a class so you can learn tricks and what not.” 
His eyes widened and he started clapping his hands, “Really?!?”
“Yes and if it goes well, I’ll ask your father if you can continue it.” 
Doyoung nodded his head and grabbed Mark’s hand to head to the ice. In the beginning Mark helped Doyoung keep his balance by holding his waist as he led the way. Doyoung was laughing and smiling when a girl came into the middle giving him a small smile. 
“Hello, if you're in the class can you please come to the middle, thank you.” 
Mark stopped and looked down at Doyoung who gave him a nervous look, “Markie...do I go?” 
“Yeah, I can walk you in the middle if you want?” 
Doyoung shook his head, “No, I want to go by myself.” 
“Okay, go show them who you are then. You’ll do great. If it becomes too much I’ll be by your side, okay.” 
Doyoung skated forward slowly and before he could meet up with the teacher, he looked behind himself to look at Mark who was waving at him gently. He nodded his head at Mark and went forward to see that he was the first student there. 
Y/N looked down at the short boy and gave him a big smile, “Hello, you're the first one here. At least I know you can listen to instructions.” 
She gave him a wink and Doyoung gave her a smile, “I listen to instructions, my dad tells me that all the time.” 
“Oh, does he now? When I was your age I used to do the opposite.” 
“You didn’t get in trouble?” 
“I never said that.” 
Doyoung let out a small laugh as she ruffled his hair and saw that he was the only student there. She bit her lip and looked down at the little boy, “It looks like we're having our class now. What's your name?” 
“You say your name first...”
“My name is Y/N L/N, the great. What's your name?” 
“Doyoung...why am I the only one here?” 
“Ah, it's Monday that's why. I get more students on Thursdays and Fridays but hey it's alright because I'm going to teach you. How did you get interested in skating?” 
“Me and my dad watched a sports special that had ice skating together last week. I thought it would be fun to try.” 
Y/N gave him a smile and nodded her head, “That’s sweet. The first thing I’m going to teach you is how to stand, is it okay if I grab your hands?” 
Doyoung nodded his head at her, “Am I going to fly in the air?”
“Oh no sweetie, the first thing we need to learn is how to stand and then move forward, gently.” 
Jin leaned back in his chair as he ran his hands over his face in frustration and tiredness. He closed his eyes for a few seconds until his phone vibrated and he unlocked his phone to let a smile appear, Sir, we just came home. Doyoung wanted me to send you a picture of him with his teacher. 
Jin clicked on the picture and his eyebrow raised at the teacher with his son, “She's pretty...” He let out a small chuckle when he saw his son smiling widely on the ice and looked at the time to see it was six-thirty. He shut off his phone and started to put his documents back in the many folders on his desk. He put all of his belongings into his bag and shut off all the lights within his office but before he could head out he locked the doors. Driving home was very slow to him, the traffic was more than usual causing him to feel even more tired from his long day. When he was in his driveway he saw the time was now seven thirty and he knew Doyoung was sleeping for school. The one thing he hated was Doyoung going to bed before he could kiss him goodnight, it hurt him. He got out of the car and headed inside to see Mark sitting on his couch watching Spiderman. 
Mark looked behind him and waved at him, “What’s up Jin.” 
Jin rolled his eyes and set all his stuff on a table near the door, “How was Doyoung today?” 
“Oh, he was perfect as always. I think you have a new problem though.” 
Jin entered the living room with a confused look as he untied his tie, “Oh, what is that?”
“He wants to continue his lessons so you better buy skates soon.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do, I can fire you anytime you know.” 
Mark rolled his eyes and put his water on the coffee table as he looked up at Jin, “Then you can tell Doyoung that you fired his godfather.” 
Jin sat down on the couch as he looked at the tv and then back at Mark, “What's the teacher's name?” 
“Y/N L/N.”
She opened the door to see Joy drinking red wine as she watched her dramas on the tv. Y/N let out a small chuckle and walked in putting her stuff down on the table. She walked in the living room and grabbed the switch from the charging cable making Joy glance at her. 
“Long day?” 
“Not really, it was actually a really good day but something weird kept happening.” 
Joy set her wine on the table and sat next to her with excitement, “Oh, do tell me.” 
“I had a student and he was the sweetest boy I have ever met in my teaching. That's not the weird thing that happened, I kept sneezing.” 
“Ohhh, that means someone is talking about or thinking about you.” 
“Hopefully it's positive.” 
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He waved to his workers who were shocked to see him leaving but didn’t question it. When Jin was in the parking lot of Queendom he texted Mark, Meet me outside. He stared at himself in his mirror and fixed his hair but as he did this he didn’t know someone was approaching him.
It’s been six lessons and Jin still hasn’t met the teacher that Doyoung talks about all the time. It doesn’t matter where they are, he always tells Jin about her. Jin would be lying if he wasn’t curious about the teacher and her personality. The only thing he knew was that she was pretty from the one picture Mark sent him and how she makes Doyoung laugh. Today was different though, he told Namjoon to take care of the paperwork he had to finish and Jungkook to make sure his office was locked because today was the day he will meet the teacher. 
“Oh shit!” Jin jumped in his seat and hit his head on the roof of his car and stared at Mark who had a smirk on his face, “What?” 
“You're the one that texted me to meet you outside. Isn’t it early for you to be out of work?”
“I-I...I haven’t been with Doyoung in awhile so I wanted to surprise him.” 
“It's only been a month but alright. Do you want me to leave so you can have precious time with him?”
“Yeah, if you're okay with that?” 
Mark looked down at his watch and nodded his head, “I was actually invited to a party by Jimin so, perfect timing.” 
Jin nodded his head and rolled up his window and locked his car, “Alright I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Yup. Oh and talk to her!” 
Jin turned around and glared at Mark who gave him a thumbs off making him roll his eyes. He entered the rink and his ears perked up when he heard his son’s laughter. He went towards the railing and leaned forward to see his son laughing away with the woman from the picture. He instantly smiled at the scene and he headed down the stairs slowly as he watched his son. He leaned against the railings around the ice rink and he gazed at the teacher who was holding his son's hand. He looked the women up and down but was snapped out of his gaze when he heard a voice, “Daddy!!!” 
He watched his son slowly skate across the ice as the woman watched him with a small smile. Jin gave Doyoung a smile as he grabbed his hand, “Hello little star.”
“I thought you had to work daddy?” 
“You see my star, I felt like I haven’t seen you in so long and I had to see you because I missed you so much.”
Doyoung nodded his head and turned around to look at Y/N with his innocent eyes, “Miss. L/N, this is my dad.” 
Y/N skated towards the two and nodded her head at Jin, “Hello, my name is Y/N L/N. I’m obviously his ice skating teacher.” 
Jin smiled at her and nodded his head “I’m obviously his dad, Seokjin.”
“Obviously. Doyoung, how about today we finish early so you can spend time with your dad.” 
Jin gulped and felt bad that he cut the lesson early but before he could say continue Doyoung shook his head, “Miss. L/N I want to show my dad how good I've gotten.” 
Y/N looked at Doyoung with a soft face making Jin’s heart flutter at the look as she turned towards him, “Is that okay Mr. Kim?” 
“Please call me Jin and I would love to see you- Doyoung skate.” 
She raised her eyebrow and let a small smirk appear on her face and nodded her head, “Doyoung shall we?” 
“Yes, Miss. L/N.” 
She looked Jin up and down and when Doyoung was out of hearing she smirked at him, “If you're going to check someone out next time make sure you make it less obvious.” 
Jin’s face turned red and scratched the back of his head as he looked away from her, “I-I- I’m sorry-”
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” 
He looked back at her with a raised eyebrow and before he could say anything she gave him a wink and skated away to his son. His eyes widened as he watched her skate away and he let out a deep sigh that he was holding in. He watched his son skate around the rink while holding her hands and doing small spins making his heart flutter. Every time he saw her making him laugh, it made his face flush even more. He hasn’t even noticed that it's been an hour. 
When the lesson was done, Doyoung jumped into Jin’s arms as he held him tightly. He kissed the side of his head as Y/N smiled at the sweet scene before her, “You did good today Doyoung, I’ll see you next week.”
Y/N turned around with a raised eyebrow, “Yes?” 
“I-I could walk you to your car?”
She looked up as she thought to herself and nodded her head, “Sure. Let me get my bag and you can lead me.” 
She waved at him slowly and went towards the locker room as Jin watched her leave. Doyoung lifted her head from his shoulder and watched Y/N leave, “Daddy do you think Miss. L/N is pretty?” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“Mark says when you look at someone a lot that means you think they're pretty.” 
“What do you think, Doyoung?” 
Doyoung's face flushed lightly and hid his face in his neck, “I think she's pretty...and funny.” 
“That’s good to know.” 
Doyoung laid his head back on his shoulder and he started to fall asleep. Jin rubbed his back gently as he waited for Y/N. He swayed side to side and when he heard footsteps he looked up and saw her in a black crop top with glitter weaved in the shirt and grey sweatpants. She waved at him and looked at Doyoung with a concerned look, “Did he fall asleep?”
“Yeah, I guess he had a long day with school and the ice skating lesson.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot that kids go to school with other kids.” 
Jin let out a small chuckle and nodded his head, “He loves his school so that's all I can ask for.” 
“God, Doyoung is so different from other kids. I hated school and all the kids there but of course everyone loves him who wouldn’t.” 
His mother... “I’m glad you love him, it makes me happy.” 
“Shall we go? Before it gets darker.” 
He nodded his head and they both walked out of the ice rink together. They chatted about small things and he realized that she was very blunt with her answers. For example, “Do you ever get cold ice skating?” “I’m on ice? So, yeah.” But he thought it was funny because it was coming from her. 
He walked in front of her car and he gave her a smile, “Thank you for making Doyoung happy this past month.” 
“Oh, I love him and I’m not just saying that because you’re his father. I would tell you if I didn’t like him.”
“I believe that.”
She opened her car door and looked at him with a smile, “Thanks for walking me to my car.” 
“Of course...I wanted to ask you something to be honest.” 
She put her bag in her passenger seat and turned towards him with a raised eyebrow, “Oh, what is it?” 
“This weekend...Would you like to have lunch with me? To say thank you for making my son happy.” 
“Oh lunch with someone so fancy...I would love too. I get to look at you more so it would be great.” 
He let out a small chuckle as he looked down at his shoes and then back at her, “Okay. Can I have your number?” 
“Of course you can but you have to work for it. You can ask Mark for my number.” 
She winked at him and sat in her driver seat as he stared at her with a raised eyebrow, “I’ll work for it then. I’ll see you this weekend then.” 
“I’ll see you this weekend, Mr. Fancy.” 
He waved at her the best he could as he held Doyoung and walked back to his car. He turned around to watch her drive off and she gave him a small wave. He smiled and pressed the button to open the door and put him in his seat. He kissed his forehead and took a blanket that he kept in the trunk for emergencies or whenever Doyoung fell asleep in the car. He wrapped him in the blanket and kissed his forehead again before he closed the door. He sat in the driver seat and took his phone out, Mark, Give me Y/N’s number. Why do you have her number in the first place?
Ohh...She wanted my number in case Doyoung gets hurt and I sent her pictures of his dad to her ;) and she was very interested.
Is that why you told me to talk to her -.- 
Get your dick wet. 
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Jin looked at himself in the mirror and took a deep breath. He flattened his white shirt and grabbed his ripped jean jacket from his bed as he continued to stare in his mirror. He put his watch on and a silver ring but he didn’t see Mark leaning against his doorframe. 
“You look so casual, I'm not used to it.” 
Jin looked at him and looked back at his outfit with a frown, “I look stupid, don’t I.” 
“I didn’t say that. You look casual, you look good.”
Jin sighed and looked back into the mirror with a frown, “I don’t want to give dad vibes...” 
“Is it because she's twenty-seven, dude it's fine. Your only thirty-six, not fucking ninety.” 
He rolled his eyes and started walking towards him with a smile, “It’s my first date in five years...Is that sad?” 
Mark shook his head and put his hand on his shoulder, “You’ve been working your ass off and raising your child with the help of me. It makes sense, it's time for you to focus on yourself and get some pussy.” 
“Don’t say that. I like her and I don’t want to just have sex with her, I actually want to have a relationship.” 
“At least one of us can do that. Anyways, Doyoung was asking for you.” 
Jin nodded his head and headed towards the living room to see him sitting on the couch eating his animal cookies, “Doyoung, is everything okay?” 
Doyoung put his cookies down and looked at Jin with a frown, “I’m sad that you won’t be with me today.” 
Jin frowned and sat next to Doyoung, “I want to start going out...I’ll always be with you no matter what, okay.” 
“Okay, daddy.” 
He gave him a smile and he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took his phone out and he let a small smile appear, I just finished getting ready so, you can come now if you want lol.
He put his phone back in his pocket and kissed Doyoung’s forehead, “I’ll be back tonight, okay?”
Mark smiled at the scene and sat next to Doyoung on the other side of him, “Go on, have fun but not too much fun.” 
Jin rolled his eyes and got up from the couch. He gave them a small wave and headed outside to his car. He gripped the wheel and took a deep breath before he drove towards her apartment. Unknowing to him, Y/N was also feeling nervous for the lunch date with Jin but she wanted to come across confident within the text. She stared at the light pink sundress that showed off her collarbones and shoulders. The dress itself stopped above her knee and it had some lace at the bottom of the skirt. She turned to the side as she stared at herself and sighed heavily. She walked out to her living room to see Joy and her boyfriend, Hyoseob, watching the food network together. 
Joy looked at her with a small smile, “Ohh, look at you. You look so cute.”
“Is it fancy?”
“I think you look great. Did he say where you're going?”
“The Five Roses.”
Hyoseob raised his eyebrow at this and looked at her, “The Five Roses is so fancy.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and sat in her arm chair as crossed her legs, “I know. That’s why I asked if I looked fancy.”
“Maybe add a pearl necklace?”
“Thank you Hyoseob, that’s actually a good idea.”
Before she could get up Joy yelled at her to wait, making her turn towards Joy with a raised eyebrow, “Y/N, you look fine. If you didn’t look fine, I would’ve told you.”
She let out a sigh and leaned back in her chair with a frown, “Fine. I’m just nervous because it’s been a year since I went on a date and Jin is fancier than me.” 
“But at the end of the day, Jin is just someone you're interested in regardless of age and how “fancy” he is.”
She nodded her head in agreement and took her phone out to see that Jin was waiting for her in the driveway. She let out a dramatic sigh and stood up to see Joy had done the same, “I look good?”
“Of course you do, it’s my dress.” 
“I will burn this.”
Joy let out a chuckle and walked her towards the door and hugged her, “Everything will be okay don’t be too blunt. You can be real mean sometimes.” 
She nodded her head and walked out of the door as Joy watched through the window. She saw Jin looking down at his phone and then looked up when he heard footsteps. They both stared at each other and mirrored the same bashful smiles but one had red ears. Jin got out of his car and his smile only grew bigger at her, “You look beautiful.”
Her eyes widened at the compliment and she shyly looked away, “Shut up. I was expecting a suit, you look good casual.”
Jin smiled at this and did a little pose causing her to let out a small laugh, “Thank you I do try.”
“You're so cute.”
He opened the passenger door and grabbed her hand gently to help her in. She looked down at the hands and her face turned red, “How nice of you.”
“Anything for you.”
He winked at her causing her eyes to widen at him but she couldn’t say anything because he closed the door. She watched him go to the other side and she looked at his nice expensive car. She didn’t want to touch anything because everything was so clean and nice, even the steering wheel was nicer than hers. When he entered the car, he gripped the wheel and turned towards her, “I hope The Five Roses is okay with you.” 
“It's fine, I saw people say their red velvet cake is the best.” 
“Is that your favorite?” 
“Red velvet cake is my favorite when it's done right. Too much dye and it ruins the cake.”
“I’ll remember that. You're ready?” 
“Of course I am.” 
The drive there was very calming with the conversation between them overpowering the soft jazz music in the background. When the car stopped, she looked outside to see a pastel purple restaurant that had flowers around the large windows. She looked back at Jin who gave her a gentle smile, “Do you like it?” 
“It's so cute. I was expecting it to be more fancy, not homely.” 
“Isn’t homely better than fancy?” 
He got out of the car and headed towards her side to help her out. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly so she wouldn’t fall from her heels. When she settled on the ground, she gave him a small thanks as she flattened out her skirt. He looked down at her hand and thought to himself if he should hold her hand or not but as he was thinking to himself about it, she grabbed his hand. 
“Don’t look so shocked, you were the one that was staring.” 
His thumb gently rubbed hers and nodded his head, “Shall we get some food.” 
“We shall.” 
The two walked towards the restaurant hand in hand as she leaned her head against his arm. He couldn’t stop smiling at the softness of her hands and the butterflies he had from her head on his arms. He opened the door and he waved at Hoseok, who was the owner.
“Ah, Jin, welcome. Aren’t you here early?” 
“Yes I am, is that alright?”
Hoseok looked behind him to look at the tables to see there were spots for him open, “There’s a spot near the window, is that alright?”
Jin looked down at her as she looked up at him at the sudden movement, “Is that alright with you?”
“I don’t see a problem with it.” 
Jin nodded his head at her and looked at Hoseok with a wide smile, “I’ll take it.” 
Hoseok smiled at this and took some menus out from behind and moved to the side for them, “Follow me please.” 
They walked towards the table and Jin pulled out her chair as she said her small thanks and sat in the chair. He did the same as Hoseok handed out the menus and gave them a final smile, “Taehyung will be your server for today.” 
She watched him leave and looked at Jin with a confused look, “Do you know him?”
“Oh, yeah. We went to the same college and have been friends since then.” 
“Aww, how cute. Do you know what you're going to get?” 
The two continued to have small talk and order their food and drinks. She leaned back in her chair and stared at him with a shocked face, “No one wanted to date you for five years, I found that to be unlikely.” 
He let out a chuckle as he sipped his water, “It's not that no one wanted to date me...I just never found someone that I was interested in.” 
“You were interested in me?” 
“I mean, who wouldn’t be? Enough about my past, what about yours?” 
She rolled her eyes and stared at the window, “Last year, I went on two dates with this guy but then his ex-girlfriend showed up and she was pregnant. I walked out before he could say anything to me.”
“That sounds rough but at least now you can be with someone who's very much interested in you.” 
“You really know how to flatter a girl.” 
“I only want to flatter you from now on, if you like?” 
Her smile widened and nodded her head, “I would actually love that but don’t get too cocky.”
The evening was so easy for the two. There was no awkwardness between the two, only comfort and laughs. Y/N learned that Jin was married to a woman named Nina Lee and she was actually his highschool sweetheart. He explained that he loved her for more than she ever loved him but he never saw it until Doyoung was born. She only wanted a child to prove to her mother that she was fertile but never told Jin that she never cared about kids. After Doyoung was born, she left to go clubbing with her friends leaving Doyoung with Mark, her brother. Jin was desperate to work it out with her but that all changed when he saw her on top of someone in their bedroom. After that, divorce. He moved out of the house and he became the CEO of Siesta’s Network.
The only thing Y/N could tell him was that she lives with her best friend and she competed in ice skating competitions becoming top twenty in Korea but that was it. She didn’t really have much to tell him besides that but Jin told her that it's an achievement that he could never get. 
They walked back towards the car with their hands intertwined with each other. Jin looked down at the girl and smiled, he can really see this relationship going somewhere and he hopes she saw it that way too.
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It was now September, which means it's been four months of being together with Y/N and he couldn’t be happier. In the past four months, Y/N and Jin have been going out every Saturday and on Sundays they both spend time with Doyoung at Jin’s house. Doyoung was delighted that Y/N was dating his father but that didn’t change anything between her teaching him at the ice rink. Doyoung felt even closer with her because after their lessons she would take him to dinner with Mark or just the two of them. The only thing that they were putting off was having sex for the first time, wanting to wait longer. 
In the past four months, Jin has also been busy with work. Flimmagic has been difficult with their filming and have been late with some of the deadlines, something that annoyed him greatly. Another thing that annoyed him was that the CEO of that company didn’t bother writing emails to him, having his assistant sign it off. He doesn’t even know the CEO’s name and he hadn’t had time to look him up. 
Today, Y/N was watching a random movie that was on her tv. She wasn’t really paying attention but she needed the background sound to relax on her day off. It was the first Saturday of the month and she was waiting for Jin to message her about their date. Last night, she asked him what they were going to do today but he kept saying it was a surprise. She even asked Doyoung but he kept saying the same thing. 
Just as she was closing her eyes, her phone started to buzz on the cushion next to her. She groaned and picked up her phone and she immediately got up when she saw the message, Come outside! 
She walked towards her front window and saw Jin in the driveway waving at her with Doyoung next to him. She ran outside and stared at them with a confused look, “Is this the date?” 
“Actually, Doyoung wanted to go to an amusement park and I remember you saying you wanted to go there once so, here we are.” 
She looked him up and down in his outfit, “And you had to wear overalls?” 
“Do you not like it?” 
She looked at Doyoung and then leaned forward so she could whisper in his ear, “I never thought overalls would turn me on but here I am.” 
Jin started coughing at that as she leaned back to her spot with a smirk on her face, “Anyways, let me change and we can go.” 
“Doyoung, you heard that! We're going to the park, go inside as we wait for Y/N, okay?” 
He rushed to the backseat as they both laughed at how fast he got into the car. Jin looked her up and down and returned the smirk that she had towards him, “You look sexy in lounge clothes.” 
She looked down at her outfit and raised her eyebrow, “I’m wearing a sweater and sweatpants, the least revealing clothes.” 
“Anything is sexy on you, anyways I’ll be in the car waiting for you.” 
“Sounds like a plan, I’ll be right back.” 
Jin got back into his car as Y/N rushed back inside her house. She took out her phone and texted Joy that she would be out this afternoon and no one would be home. After that she went straight to her room and threw on a dark blue cardigan that had orange flowers on it and some jeans. She rushed back outside after she locked the door and went to the passenger side. 
“That was fast, it hasn't even been three minutes.” 
“I’m just so excited, sorry.” 
“No worries, Doyoung was excited too.” 
She turned around and gave him a big smile, “What are we going to do first?” 
“Daddy said I could have a funnel cake!” 
She looked at Jin and wiggled her eyebrows, “Oh a funnel cake, is this because he got one hundred on his math test?” 
“It helped with the decision. You ready Doyoung?” 
The car ride there was filled with Y/N and Doyoung singing along to the random Disney songs that Jin put on. He glanced between Doyoung and Y/N and his heart fluttered at the scene before him. This is what he wanted his family to be like, this is what he wanted since he was a kid. He parked his car in the parking lot and started singing along with them waiting for the song to end so they could head out. Doyoung immediately grabbed Y/N’s hand and Jin held her other hand. He leaned down and kissed her forehead as she looked up at him with excitement in her eyes, “Are you ready?” 
“You don’t have to ask me, you should know the answer by looking me in the eyes.” 
Jin let out a small laugh and nodded his head, “True, lets go!” 
Like Doyoung said, the first thing he wanted was the funnel cake. They all sat at a table and shared the cake together. Jin kept taking pictures of everyone and sending it to Mark to show him how fun Doyoung was having. The two watched Doyoung on the many rides as Y/N leaned her head against his shoulder. Y/N even convinced him to ride a rollercoaster with her and Doyoung, something he regretted. 
After the long day, the drive home was silent, different from the drive there. Doyoung was passed out in the back as Jin had a hand on the wheel and the other on Y/N’s thigh. She leaned back in the seat and turned towards him, “Thank you.”
“For what love?” 
“Just wanting to be with me...I can’t explain to you what it means.” 
Jin glanced at her quickly and shook his head, “The moment I saw you, I felt something and then I talked to you, it changed everything for me. Thank you for wanting to be with someone that had a divorce.” 
Y/N scoffed at this and looked at him, “Even if you didn’t have a divorce and were just a single parent, I would’ve still been with you.” 
“That’s sweet of you, love.”
“Don’t get used to it.” 
Jin rolled his eyes and glanced down at the time to see it was eight at night. He gave Y/N a worried glance, “Do you want to come to my house and sleep for the night? It’s kind of late...” 
 She took her phone out of her pocket and saw that Joy was home and smirked, “Since Joy’s home, I would love to stay the night with you.” 
“Is it because you're scared that house would get broken into if no one was there?” 
“God you know me so well, it's disgusting.” 
When they arrived in Jin’s driveway, he gently picked up Doyoung as Y/N took his keys to unlock the door. He slowly walked up the stairs as Y/N locked up all the doors. She headed up the stairs and walked into Doyoung’s room to see him in his plaid pajamas laying down in his bed. She walked behind Jin and wrapped her arm around his waist as Jin put his over her shoulders, “Goodnight, Doyoung.” 
“Goodnight my little star.” 
They both leaned down and kissed his forehead as he let out a small laugh. They gently closed the door and Y/N kissed his cheek, “You're such a good father.” 
“Mark also helped me along the way.” 
“Shut up and take my compliment.” 
He laughed and they walked together into his bedroom with her head against his arm. He handed her a shirt and some boxers for the night. She folded her clothes and set them on top of his dresser. He came out of his bathroom and leaned against the doorframe as he looked her up and down. To see Y/N in comfy clothes and her hair in a loose ponytail just did something to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek as she leaned back into his chest. 
“Can I ask you a question?” 
“Of course you can, Jin.” 
He looked into the mirror and stared at her with a smirk, “Can we do what we did the other night at your place?” 
She looked up at him with a confused look, “What brought that up?” 
He kissed her neck as she let out a small moan, “Just seeing you with Doyoung and in comfy clothes, it's just...it's so hot.” 
“God Jin, you're acting like a horny teenager, I love it. Let’s go.” 
He smirked and picked her up suddenly and tossed her on the bed making her let out a small laugh. Jin slowly crawled over her and started kissing her but their position slowly changed. He lifted her up and brought her into his lap as her fingers clung to his hair. Their tongues grew more daring as they both let out small moans and groans. Jin brought his hands up and cupped the soft flesh on her chest making her lean forward a bit. His thumb grazed her nipple which was already hard from the make out session and Jin seemed to gain more confidence because he cupped her butt and started to rock her against his crotch. 
She groaned softly when she felt how hard he was and pulled away from him, “Can I tell you something?”
“Of course love, anything.”
She looked down and bit her lip before looking back up at him, “Jin, I-I...I love you and I know it's kind of quick but I really do love you.” 
His eyes widened at this and then it turned soft, “Damn...I really wanted to say it first but you beat me to it.” 
She let out a small giggle and leaned forward and started to leave kisses all over his face, “I really do love you.”
“And I really love you, my universe.” 
“Oh my god, Doyoung is your star and I’m your universe. That’s so cute, it's disgusting.” 
He rolled his eyes and squeezed her butt as he brought her back to grind his crotch as she let out a groan, “My universe...”
“Do you want me to turn around or are we going to do it like this?” 
Jin looked down at himself and saw how hard he was and shrugged his shoulders, “Honestly, whatever you want. I just need to let it out.”  
She nodded her head and took off her shirt to show him her bare breasts. He watched her breast jiggled at the sudden movement making him leaned forward and captured one of her nipples into his mouth. Her hands went to his hair and gripped at it as a soft moan escaped her lips, “We should hurry up...I might just cum from that.” 
“Okay. Thank god for dry humping.” 
“Again, horny teenager. Get to it.” 
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Happy birthday my love! I hope you're excited for dinner tonight! Don’t you dare bring your wallet tonight!
Jin smiled at the text and put the phone away when he heard the door open. Even though it was a Saturday, Jin had to go to the office to help Jungkook with some ad work regarding the tv special. Jungkook entered the door and gave him a small smile, “I’m sorry sir that you had to come in on your birthday but everyone chipped in for this.”
Jin saw a two tier cake that had white frosting and dark red frosted roses along the sides. He stood up and started rubbing his hands slightly, “Wow, you guys. Thank you so much.”
“Also, me and Namjoon have taken care of the ad problem but now we just have to wait for the CEO from Filmmagic or the assistant to sign it off.” 
Jin nodded his head at this and leaned against his desk with a frown, “Have you met the CEO or know his name?” 
Jungkook set the cake on the coffee table and shook his head, “I haven’t even met him, sir. The only thing I know sir is that he's constantly overseas for something.”
“Constantly overseas...interesting. Thank you Jungkook for the cake and handling the ad trouble.”
“No problem sir. Also, Mrs. L//N said she's on the way and wanted me to tell you.” 
He raised his eyebrow and nodded his head, “Thank you Jungkook. Before you go, please tell the people who are in the office today to come get some cake.” 
“Yes sir.” 
Jin watched Jungkook leave and looked down at his floor with an emotionless look. Constantly overseas...what kind of CEO doesn’t even know what his company is doing right now? A bad one. 
He sat back down at his desk and took out his phone with a smirk, Cheeky. I’ll see you soon.
I’m almost there! 
Y/N parked her car as she looked at herself in the mirror and reapplied her dark red lip stain. She took a deep breath and took the black trench coat from the passenger seat and headed towards the tall building. She took out her phone and texted Jungkook that she was in the waiting room of the building, not wanting to head straight up to Jin’s office thinking it was rude. She sat down and looked around the expensive waiting room. All around her were vases that she would never think of buying and even pieces of art that she was probably too poor to understand. 
She heard the elevator ding and looked up to see Jungkook, “Hello you!” 
Jungkook came towards her with his arms wide open as she gave him a gentle hug, “Thanks for sneaking me in.” 
“Anytime honestly. Let's go, we have cake for his birthday.” 
“Oh, that's so nice.” 
The two stood in the elevator talking about random things and when the doors opened he pointed at the office at the end, “I don’t think Jin would appreciate me walking in with you, especially on his birthday.”
She let out a chuckle and nodded her head, “Thank you, I’ll see you.”
“I’ll see you.” 
She made quick steps towards the office and knocked on the door but she heard no answer. Her eyebrows furrowed at this and before she could open the door someone grabbed her waist and kissed her cheek. She let out a squeal and a small laugh, “Let me go!” 
He put her down and truly looked at her outfit which caused her to wiggle her eyebrows at him. She was wearing a dark green velvet mini dress that hugged her curves perfectly, a diamond choker, black pantyhose that had black heeled boots and a black trench coat. She spun in a small circle in front of him, “Do you like it?” 
“I love it.” 
He leaned forward and kissed her forehead as she looked up with a soft smile. He opened her office door and took a piece of cake out for her, “We should share. Want to save room for dinner.” 
The two of them ate the white cake on Jin’s couch as they let out small giggles. After eating the cake, they headed out for dinner. Y/N dropped off her car at her place as Jin followed her and they were off to The Five Roses. The whole car ride there, Jin had his hand on her thigh as she rested her hand on top of his. The dinner there was very calm and relaxing until Jin asked her about her family when there was some tension in the air.
“What do you want to know?” 
Jin grabbed the napkin and stared at her with concern, “I want to know everything about you, even the bad things.”
She nodded her head and took a sip of her wine before she continued, “My parents basically disowned me when I turned eighteen and kicked me out. They said I was an adult now and I needed to learn how to be one. My older brother, Nicholas, was the only one there for me and helped me go into ice skating competitions. The rest is history.” 
“They just kicked you out?” 
She gave him a tight smile and nodded her head, “Lovely parents you know.” 
She took another sip of her win as Jin reached across the table and grabbed her hand, “You can always start a new family you know. Your friends can be your family, it's just people that make you safe.” 
“I’m glad you said that because I see you as my family, the same goes to Doyoung.” 
Jin picked up her hand and kissed her hand with a wide smile, “I’m glad you see that love.” 
“Why are we talking about sad things, it's your birthday.” 
“I wanted to ask because I wanted you to spend Christmas with me and Doyoung...” 
His gaze softened and he thought she was going to start crying but she nodded her head, “I would love to spend Christmas with you...It will be my first Christmas spending it with someone in a long time.”
“I’m glad it can be me.” 
“It will always be you.” 
The two finished their dinners and Y/N had some macaroons make their way to him to finish off his birthday. The car ride home was filled with small laughs and jazz music playing in the background. He stopped in front of her house and gave her a frown, “I hate that you have to leave me.”
“I do too, can you pull up to that parking spot?” 
“Umm, sure.”
Jin did what she wanted and parked the car. He turned towards her with a confused look as she smirked at him, “What do you have planned?” 
“This area is pretty hard to see because of how dark it is.” 
“Okay, what does-”
He let out a small gasp when her hand started to palm him in his pants. His whole face turned red as she continued to give him that smirk that he loves, “I wanted to give you another gift, if you let me?” 
She smiled at this and unzipped his pants to see a slight bulge forming. She gently licked his head and when she heard the grunt above her she took him in her mouth, sucking firmly around the tip. His hands instantly went to her head and started to run his fingers through her hair. He groaned lowly and thighs were tensing up but he relaxed when she started to jerk her fist. Taking him deeper, she swirled her tongue as best as she could around the thick flesh. Jin’s length was impressive and she could never get used to it, she hadn't even had him inside her yet but she knew she would lose it when it happens. 
“Sh-should we go in the back seat? I don’t want your back to hurt.” 
Pulling off of him, a sting of saliva broke apart making Jin swallow in shock at the scene. She shook her head and ran her palm all the way up to his length twisting against the tip. He bucked into her hands making her chuckle lowly, “It's fine, love.” 
He opened his mouth to say something but was stopped when she spread her saliva up and down him slowly before speeding up, giving him a smirk. Jin’s mouth was open and his breathing was shallow. He ran his fingers through her hair and took one of her hair ties from the glove department and put her hair in a ponytail. She continued but stopped when she heard his voice, “Y/N, can-can you look at me?” 
She looked up at him and saw the pleasure written on his face as she continued to suck, never taking her eyes off of him. She watched his eyes close and his whole face scrunched as he came down her throat letting out a deep groan. She released him from her mouth and slowly got up, wiping her mouth gently with her fingers. She glanced at him to see his head against the headrest as he continued to breathe heavily, “Happy birthday, love.”
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December twentieth and Jin was in his office waiting for the CEO from Flimmagic. This meeting was either going to end positively or the deal is completely off. He has been requesting to see the CEO for a couple of weeks now to only be met with silence. He only came in now because Jin threatened to sue him for not following through the contract they had. Jungkook stood next to him when the door opened and Jin raised his eyebrow to see him by myself. 
“Hello Mr?”
“Mr. L/N”
Jin looked at him with furrowed eyebrows as he sat in the chair in front of him. He looked at Jungkook whose eyes were also wide. Both of them could clearly see the similarities the man shared with Y/N. When the man sat in his chair he sat there without a care in the world but that didn't make angry. What made him angry was he remembered what Y/N told him about her parents. Jin had to figure out how to calm himself down or he would snap at the man before him. 
“Mr. Kim, you asked to see me, why?” 
Jin took a deep breath and stared at him, “You’ve been late on multiple deadlines and as well not communicating with me when I am the one that is providing resources and money to you.” 
“Well, things have been busy overseas. I haven’t been able to be in one area.” 
Jin fought the urge to roll his eyes and only raised his eyebrow, “You have a laptop or a phone, you could’ve easily sent an email or even a call.” 
“My assistant sent emails.” 
“It required you to see the emails, not your assistant.” 
Mr. L/N let out a small cough and moved uncomfortably in his seat making Jin get more annoyed at the lack of anything, “Me and the higher ups of Siesta have decided to end this contract because we're putting too much money in this when you haven’t done anything in return. My legal department will have a conversation with you.” 
Mr. L/N glared at Jin as he stood up suddenly but Jin seemed unfazed, “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” 
“Jungkook, please go to the legal department as I finish this meeting.”
“Yes, sir.”
Jin watched Jungkook leave the room and Jin looked up at Mr. L/N with a stone cold look, “Sit down, Mr. L/N.”
Mr. L/N glared at him and sat down as he kept his stare on Jin, “Why would you end the contract so late?” 
“It’s actually been a conversation since June but we decided to give it a chance. We gave three chances and that was it for us. We also thought it was extremely unprofessional of you to not return Emails when I specifically said, I wanted answers from you, not your assistant. You at the end of the day have the final say, not your assistant.”
Mr. L/N crossed his arms at him and let out a deep sigh, “You're a CEO, you know how busy we get. Why must you expect me to email you every time?” 
“Don’t compare me to you. I am the CEO of Siesta and I take pride in all the works we produced or helped produce. I’m also there for every project we take on. We are not alike.” 
Mr.L/N scoffed and stood up from his chair and fixed his suit jacket, “Fine, you lost out on a great special then.” 
Jin stood up slowly and glared back at him, “You lost out on many things sir, please leave.” 
Jin watched the man leave and let out a deep breath as he sat back into his seat. He took his phone out when he felt a buzz and saw that Y/N sent him a picture of her and Doyoung putting Christmas decorations up all over his room. He smiled at this and put his phone back in his pocket. He packed everything up and headed out his office, he headed down to the legal department and waved at Jungkook.
“Can you please send all the documents to Hanna for me?”
“Yes sir!” 
He waved at everyone in the office and was off to go home. Seeing Y/N’s father really exhausted him out and he needed to head home now. When arrived home, he smiled when saw Christmas lights all over the house and even a blow up snowman in the front lawn waving at anyone who was walking past. He got out of his car and opened his door when the smell of gingerbread hit his nose. He set all his things near the door and headed to the kitchen to see Mark, Doyoung but most importantly Y/N making gingerbread cookies together.
“Oh, hello love!” 
Y/N wiped her hands off on a towel and ran towards him to give him a tight hug, “Hello my universe. I missed you so much today.” 
“Did you have a rough day?” 
Jin pulled away and looked down at her as he kissed her forehead, “Yeah but now everything is fine. I’ll help finish the cookies.” 
“Oh really? Doyoung wanted to make cookies for his friends and he wanted to make sugar cookies but I said gingerbread cookies had more personality.”
“Shut up Mark!” 
Jin let out a chuckle and they headed back to the kitchen as Jin could only smile at the scene before him. She rolled out some dough and handed him a cookie cutter, “It's supposed to be Santa but it doesn’t really come through.”
“I’ll love it either way.”
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“Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro’ the house-”
“Jin, shut the fuck up. If you say that one more time, I'll shove my foot up your ass.” 
Jin was right, twas the night before Christmas and Doyoung was asleep in his room. Jin and Y/N wanted to put their gifts for him under the tree before Santa Claus made his trip. Jin let out a small laugh and wrapped his arm around her waist as she leaned her head on his arm. They stared at the colorful tree before them and Jin was happy that Y/N convinced him to change the decorations on the tree. Instead of whtie and gold, they have all the colors and the tree felt more homely to him. 
He leaned down and kissed the side of her head, “Shall we go to bed?”
“Jin, since it's Christmas. I have a gift for you.”
Jin looked down at her with a raised eyebrow, “Oh and what is it?” 
Jin smirked when she brought down her shirt to show him the bright red bra and picked her up to go to bed. He kissed all over her face as she let out small laughs through the silent hall. When they arrived back into the bedroom he sent her down and she pushed him to the bed.
“I want to show you this piece, Santa baby.” 
He smirked and sat at the edge of the bed with excitement. She took off Jin’s large shirt and his eyes looked down her body to see the red lace bra that barely covered her nipples and underwear that showed everything to him. He looked back at her face and she winked at him. She slowly walked forward and straddled his waist, “Merry Christmas, my love.” 
“Santa’s going down someone's chimney.” 
“Jin, if you say anything like that again, were not fucking.” 
“That’s fair.” 
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Extended ending: 
“Merry Christmas Doyoung!” 
Doyoung ran into Y/N’s arms and hugged her tightly, “Thank you, Y/N. Before we head downstairs, can I give you something?”
Y/N looked at him with a soft gaze and pushed some hair back from his face, “Of course you can, love.”
Doyoung grabbed her hand and headed to his bedroom and he told her to sit. Doyoung smiled at her and took a piece of paper from her night stand and handed it to her, “I hope you like it...” 
She folded the paper and she let out a gasp, “Doyoung, are you sure?” 
“Yes...if you want that...”
Y/N dropped the paper and brought Doyoung to a tight hug. As the paper fell to the ground the words Can I call you mom? landed on his rug and Jin watched from the doorway. What a great Christmas for once. 
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corruptaxpoliticus · 3 years
♞ ❪ ooc ❫ … ❝ ᴏᴜʀ ʙʀᴀɪɴᴄᴇʟʟ... ɪᴛ's ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ❞
♞ ❪ memes ❫ … ❝ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ғᴀɴᴛᴀsʏ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴅᴜʟᴏᴜs ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғʀᴀɪᴅ ❞
♞ ❪ promos ❫ … ❝ ɪ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴛʜᴇʏ'ʀᴇ ɴᴇᴀᴛ ❞
♞ ❪ psa ❫ … ❝ ʙʀᴀᴠᴇʀʏ ɪs ʙʏ ғᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅᴇsᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ғᴏʀ sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅɪᴛʏ ❞
♞ ❪ wishlist ❫ … ❝ ᴏʜᴡʜᴀᴛᴀʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ ❞
♞ ❪ photoshop ❫ … ❝ ᴍʏ sᴛᴜғғ ❞
♞ ❪ save ❫ … ❝ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ғᴀʙᴜʟᴏᴜs ❞
♞ ❪ answered ❫ … ❝ ɪ’ᴠᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴠᴇʀʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ❞
♞ ❪ ic ❫ … ❝ ᴀʟʟ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛs ᴀʀᴇ ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ. ᴀʟʟ ʟɪᴠᴇs ᴇɴᴅ. ❞
♞ ❪ headcanon ❫ … ❝ ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴍᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ❞
♞ ❪ meta ❫ … ❝ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ɢɪᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ᴍᴀᴘ ʀᴇғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ғᴏʀ ʜᴇʟʟ ❞
♞ ❪ visage ❫ … ❝ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ғᴀʀ-ᴀᴡᴀʏ; ɪɴᴛʀᴏsᴘᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ❞
♞ ❪ character study ❫ … ❝ ᴀ ɴᴇᴄᴇssᴀʀʏ ᴇᴠɪʟ ❞
♞ ❪ aesthetic ❫ … ❝ ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴄᴇᴍᴀɴ ❞
♞ ❪ desires ❫ … ❝ ᴘɪɴɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇsᴘᴇʀᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ❞
♞ ❪ body claim ❫ … ❝ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴍɪɴᴀɴᴛ ᴍɪɴᴅ ❞
♞ ❪ older visage ❫ … ❝ ғɪғᴛʏ ʏᴇᴀʀs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ❞
♞ ❪ v. main ❫ … ❝ ᴀ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴏғ ɢᴏʟᴅғɪsʜ ❞
♞ ❪ v. teen ❫ … ❝ ᴛᴏᴏ ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ɢᴇᴛs ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ❞
♞ ❪ v. single dad ❫ … ❝ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ sᴀғᴇ ᴀɴᴅ sᴏᴜɴᴅ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ❞
♞ ❪ v. immortal ❫ … ❝ ᴍɪsᴇʀʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇs ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ ❞
♞ ❪ v. wizarding world ❫ … ❝ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅs ᴊᴜsᴛɪғʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴀɴs ❞
♞ ❪ v. teacher ❫ … ❝ ᴅʀᴏᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡʟᴇᴅɢᴇ ❞
♞ ❪ v. older ❫ … ❝ ɪ ʜᴀᴅ ᴀ ᴍᴀʀᴠᴇʟᴏᴜs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʀᴜɪɴɪɴɢ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ❞
♞ ❪ v. vampire ❫ … ❝ ɪᴛ ʜᴜʀᴛs ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ɪᴛ sᴛᴏᴘs ❞
♞ ❪ v. regency ❫ … ❝ ʜᴇɪʀs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsɪʙɪʟɪᴛʏ ❞
♞ ❪ v. old fashioned villain ❫ … ❝ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏʙᴇᴅɪᴇɴᴛ sᴇʀᴠᴀɴᴛ ❞
♞ ❪ sh. w/ ofcongress ❫ … ❝ ɪ’ʟʟ ʙᴇ ʟᴏᴠɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ǫᴜɪᴛᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ❞
♞ ❪ sh. w/ notyouraveragesecretary ❫ … ❝ sɪᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴇɴᴄʜᴇs ❞
♞ ❪ sh. w/ ruinousaltruism ❫ … ❝ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ɪs ᴛʜᴇ sᴡᴇᴇᴛᴇsᴛ ᴄᴏɴ ❞
♞ ❪ sh. w/ gunmetalgrey ❫ … ❝ ɪᴛ's ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ❞
♞ ❪ mycroft & sherlock ❫ … ❝ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏss ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ❞
♞ ❪ mycroft & riley ❫ … ❝ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ'ᴠᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ᴀ ʟɪғᴇᴛɪᴍᴇ ❞
♞ ❪ sherlock holmes ❫ … ❝ ɪɴɪᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʜᴇ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ᴘɪʀᴀᴛᴇ ❞
♞ ❪ mycroft holmes ❫ … ❝ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏsᴛ ɪɴᴅɪsᴘᴇɴsᴀʙʟᴇ ᴍᴀɴ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛʀʏ ❞
♞ ❪ john henchman ❫ … ❝ ᴀʟʟ's ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴇɴᴅs ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ❞
♞ ❪ anthea jones ❫ … ❝ ʏᴀ ʀᴏᴜʜɪ ❞
♞ ❪ maisy hooper ❫ … ❝ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴄᴀʟʟɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ʙʟᴜғғ ᴏɴ ᴀʟʟ ᴍʏ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ ᴛʀɪᴄᴋs ❞
♞ ❪ john watson ❫ … ❝ ᴡᴇ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴜᴘ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ғʀɪᴅᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ғɪsʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜɪᴘs ❞
♞ ❪ james moriarty ❫ … ❝ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏsᴛ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜs ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟ ᴍɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ʜᴀs ᴇᴠᴇʀ sᴇᴇɴ ❞
♞ ❪ riley evans ❫ … ❝ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ; ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ❞
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uselesssomebody · 3 years
bucky barnes masterlist
** y'all are gonna understand how much of a whore i am for this man - i have so much i'm gonna write for him
** all works are x reader (written as x fem!reader but most are/can be read as gender neutral)
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my full masterlist
everything for all fandoms in one place
my marvel masterlist
all the stuff i've written for any marvel character
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♜ - angst ♞ - fluff ♝ - smut ♛ - personal favorite ♚ - most popular (currently over 100 notes)
text type
⌲ - oneshot ↳ - mini - series ✞ - series│ - drabbles
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𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢-𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
↳ you’re too late - ♜
summary || in which the the reader realizes something about her and bucky’s relationship
↳ thank god for tony’s parties (request) - ♜ / ♞
summary || in which the reader’s worried about seeing bucky again
⌲ he’s just so… - ♞
summary || in which the group finds out about how close bucky and the reader have gotten
⌲ james and jamie - ♞ + ♛
summary || in which bucky bonds with the reader’s nephew
⌲ the bet - ♞
summary || in which nat and sam goad bucky and the reader into making a bet
⌲ the holiday - ♞/♜ + ♚
summary || in which the reader's holiday is hijacked
⌲ adorable (dad!bucky barnes x neighbor!reader) - ♞ + ♚
summary || in which bucky's neighbor really connects with his daughter part of my week to hallows' eve halloween countdown
│ ice-blue hue - ♞
summary || in which the reader appreciates bucky’s eyes and his smile
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concept: in which we can appreciate the hunk that is bucky barnes in ca: the first avenger
𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢-𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 (𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬)
↳ teach him a lesson - ♜ / ♞ / (lil) ♝
summary || in which steve’s been looking at her instead of the reader
↳ for a moment - ♝ / ♜ / ♞
summary || in which the reader hooks up with her boyfriend’s best friend
! this fic is 18+, please do not interact if you are under 18 !
↳ the first choice - ♜ / ♞
summary || in which the reader has to come clean to steve
coming soon!
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concept: in which bucky is still under mind-control
disclaimer! more dark content as winter soldier remains mostly apathetic and violent towards the reader and others
✞ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
series summary: in which the reader was the soldat's psychological evaluator - and then became so much more
coming soon!
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concept: in which we can appreciate bucky barnes as a kind-hearted - if a bit stereotypical - fratboy/college student
coming soon!
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concept: in which bucky, and the rest of the team, belong to biker gangs in small midwestern towns
disclaimer! i know nothing about bikers, do not quote me on the lifestyle
coming soon!
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for miscellaneous bucky au!s
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 (𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
series summary: a series of drabbles and oneshots of different characters based on the song ‘the end of the world’ by rob dickinson. particularly, the line(s) “the moment of truth between you and me / if we had 5 more minutes”
they are not connected to each other.
│ 40s!bucky
│ infinity war!bucky - coming soon!
✞ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
series summary: in which the reader has been cursed with an eternity of solitude, until she found someone that would bring that eternity to an end. she would make sure of it (lighthouse keeper!bucky x siren reader).
191 notes · View notes
usermischief · 3 years
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♞Pairing: Steo ♞Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken ♞Warnings: - ♞Words: 1013 ♞Dialogue Prompt: "I am either going out for ice cream or to commit a heinous crime. I'll decide in the car." ♞Mini Fic Roulette: 4/∞
“I’m sorry… she what?”
Theo chuckles, leaning against the counter. “She was nice to me.” A smirk curls around his lips, almost as if he’s enjoying the whole situation. He probably does enjoy everything happening right now. Everything. The asshole probably couldn’t wait to come home and tell him about how Tracy kept touching his shoulders and back and arms, about how she touched him as if she owns him.
Stiles grinds his teeth and continues cutting the vegetables. “And you just let her?”
“I was supposed to stop her?” Theo asks ever so innocently.
No. No, Theo will not get a rise out of him. He will not. Stiles is highly aware that his idiot boyfriend is just trying to prove a point. Clearly, he does not understand the difference between being overly possessive as well as the most jealous person on this side of the universe and having an issue with Tracy, who has the most obvious crush on Theo, touching him.
Theo hums and shifts closer.
Stiles slams the knife into the kitchen counter, feeling a small sense of relief when it sinks into the marble without any resistance. “You don’t wanna get close to me while I’m handling something sharp.” His nogitsune is a fickle beast, but Theo keeps pushing and pushing it. He doesn’t care about the consequences. He wants Stiles to snap.
Unsurprisingly, Theo is amused by his threat. He chuckles and wraps his arms around Stiles’ waist, kissing a line from his shoulder to his neck to right behind his ear. “I thought you aren’t jealous?” he whispers, biting his earlobe as if they aren’t in the middle of a brewing argument. This is all fun and games for him.
“I’m not jealous,” Stiles says in a low voice. He can feel his anger vibrating just underneath his skin. “But I have a problem with that fucking bitch being all over you all the fucking time.” Taking a deep breath, Stiles curls his hands around the edge of the counter. He closes his eyes, feeling the marble give way under his grip. Good. Stiles wants to break something. Theo’s kitchen is the better option than Theo’s face, although the second option seems more enticing.
Soft lips brush over the nape of Stiles’ neck. Theo chuckles soundless, fingers dancing just above the hem of his sweatpants. “Babe—“
“I’m not jealous,” Stiles interrupts, grinding his teeth as the marble cracks under his fingers, “because I trust you, but you just want to prove a point. So what’s the next move? Let her suck you off?” He elbows Theo in the ribs and pushes him off. Distance. He needs distance, or he is going to use that knife for something Theo is not going to enjoy. “I need some air.”
“Baby,” Theo says, still sounding as if the whole situation is nothing but a fucking joke to him, “what are you doing?”
Stiles walks out of the kitchen, heading for the stairs and his shoes. “I’m either going out for ice cream or to commit a heinous crime.” Maybe he should stab Tracy instead of Theo, that way he’s finally getting rid of her and the biggest issue in their fucking relationship. This bitch doesn’t understand boundaries and acts as if Stiles and Theo haven’t been dating for almost two years. “I’ll decide in the car.” But he knows, he knows, Tracy is not going to survive this night if he actually does leave this house.
“Don’t you think that’s a bit dramatic?” Theo leans against the door frame, watching him with a small smirk.
Stiles slips into his shoes, curling his hand around the doorknob. If he opens this door, Tracy is dead. He can feel the anger bubbling to the surface, he can feel the nogitsune pacing in the back of his mind, can feel his control slipping with every passing second. His knuckles turn white. “Maybe I should call Brett while I’m at it.”
Fingers curl into his hoodie. Before Stiles knows it, Theo has him pinned against the front door, eyes burning red. “I told you to lose his number.”
“And I told you to put Tracy in her place,” Stiles snarls, trying to push Theo off him, but his boyfriend doesn’t budge. “The difference is that Brett is just a friend while Tracy has been trying to get you to fuck her since she first met you. I’ve been patient, but maybe I should cut off her fingers one by one to get my point across.” The nogitsune rejoices at the idea. Its excitement makes him almost dizzy.
Theo growls.
They’re pushing each other’s buttons all the time. They’re too fucked up to function with each other, too in love to stay away. Stiles needs Theo like he needs air to breathe. Theo gets him. Theo adores him. Theo keeps the nogitsune under control. But Theo drives him up the wall like nobody else. Theo makes him angrier than he’s ever been before.
“You’re mine.” Snarling, Theo curls a hand around Stiles’ throat, thumb pressing into his skin right above his furious pulse.
Stiles licks his lips. “Yes, I am,” he says in a low voice. His anger slowly ebbs away slowly, and he grabs Theo’s shirt, holding onto it as if his life depends on it. “So, tell your beta,” he spits, voice trembling with frustration, “that the next time she even thinks about touching you, she is going to regret it — and so will you.”
For the flicker of a second, the hand on his throat tightens, cutting off his air. Theo isn’t good with taking orders, never has been, and probably never will be. “Fine,” he says, and his eyes turn blue, shoulders and grip relaxing. “I’ll make sure she gets the message.”
“Good.” Theo’s lips twitch, and his amusement returns as if it’s a fucking roly-poly.
Stiles still has the urge to smack him. “You’re lucky I love you, asshole.”
Theo moves his hand to the nape of Stiles’ neck and pulls him in for a mind-melting kiss.
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usermischief · 3 years
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♞Pairing: Steo ♞Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate ♞Warnings: mentions of cheating ♞Words: 2295 ♞ Writing Prompt: “If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
for @jimmy12427
“Can you get me a piece of carrot cake?” Theo asks as Lydia raises to her feet to order her next complicated coffee concoction. Stiles would vibrate into orbit considering the amount of sugar inside of each and every single one, but Lydia acts like it’s nothing; of course, it’s decaf because the caffeine clearly is the problem.
Lydia nods, pulling her wallet out of her purse, and stalks off. The anger about Theo’s recent discovery is visible in every step. She’d probably use her heels as a murder weapon if she could get away with it.
Stiles wouldn’t blame her. At all. He’d probably help her hide the body. He’d give her a fucking alibi. Pressing his lips into a thin line, he rips a piece off his blueberry muffin and shoves it into his mouth. He knew it. He knew it. Well, he had a pretty strong hunch. He’s told them about Malia acting weird after Stiles got his acceptance letters to various colleges. Sure, he didn’t expect that Theo would go all private investigator on her. It pissed him off at first, Stiles won’t deny that, and it was probably a smart decision on Theo’s part to tell him while they were having their weekly coffee shop date with Lydia and Kira because Stiles almost punched him in the face.
To be fair, Stiles still wants to punch Theo. Having a weird feeling about something going on in his relationship is very different to seeing actual proof. Stiles could’ve lived without having seen what Malia really thinks about him. She’s not just cheating on him, no, she blames him for her cheating because apparently he’s a terrible boyfriend. Is he the best boyfriend she could’ve had? No. Especially lately, they’ve hit more lows than highs in their relationship. Yes, maybe he’s been thinking about ending things with her, after she tried to guilt-trip him out of going to college. He’s been talking about it for months. She knew he’s been fucking exciting about going to Harvard. He almost considered going to Berkeley since it’s closest to home. But it’s fucking Harvard. Plus, Lydia got accepted into MIT, Theo goes to NYU, and Kira scored a spot at Yale. They may not be next door neighbors, but they’re still close together. If college doesn’t get too hectic, they could see each other a lot on the weekends.
Stiles never wanted to risk that, and now he’s glad he didn’t. But even if he took a gap year, then what? It’s not like Malia could’ve managed to go to the same college as Stiles — not with her gap in education. They would have the exact same issue one year from now, but then Stiles would’ve wasted a fucking year for a girl who fucks other guys because her boyfriend is going off to college. He’d be a year behind his friends, he’d wasted a fucking year of his life for a girl that’s just not fucking worth it.
His phone vibrates, and Stiles drops his muffin to check it. Malia. Again. It’s like she knows that he knows. He rejects her call, pushing his phone in the middle of the table under Kira’s watchful eye. If not for her, Stiles would’ve thrown his phone straight out of this window the first time she called after Theo told him the truth. Groaning, Stiles runs his hands through his hair then covers his face. If he’s being totally honest, he’s still not sure if he’s actually hurt or just fucking pissed off. Maybe it’s a combination of both.
Theo puts a hand on his thigh, squeezing it gently. “She’s not worth it.”
“He’s right,” Kira says, wrapping her fingers around her cup of iced tea. “You deserve better than that, you know?”
Stiles nods slowly. Of course, Theo is right. For some reason, the guy always knows what to say or what to do to make Stiles feel better. He’s been there through a lot of bullshit in his relationship. He’s the one who reminded him to chase his dreams and go to Harvard. Theo stood by his side through a lot of shit. He had his back, always, and he’s never made him feel like shit for going after the things he loved. None of his friends did. But Theo… he’s always been a little different. A little more persistent.
Smiling, Stiles grabs Theo’s hand and squeezes his fingers gently. “Guess I am breaking up with her after all.”
“Which you should’ve done months ago.” Theo sits up a little straighter, pulling his hand away as Lydia returns with his cake and whatever sugar hell she’s ordered now — Stiles does not miss the touch, he does not. Just like he never wondered how it would be to date Theo instead of Malia, and how he never wondered if Theo would’ve actually kissed him had he pushed the topic a little bit further.
But he was dating Malia, so he never did. Because he doesn’t fucking cheat on someone he cares about. “Theo…”
“Oh, he’s right.” Lydia sits down next to Kira again and crosses her legs, one perfectly plucked eyebrow raised. “You should’ve found someone better a long time ago. There are plenty of options. Some closer than you think.” Her eyes cut to Theo for a second, gaze dragging over his features while he’s busy stabbing the carrot cake with a slight scowl. Usually, Stiles would just consider this a coincidence, but it’s not the first time this happened. Every single time, he mentioned that he’s not happy, or that they had a fight, or anything of that matter, Lydia tells him that he should look for someone better, and every single time, without fail, she either looks at Theo or brings him up in conversation when he’s not around.
Stiles may not be a guy who realizes when someone may or may not have feelings for him, but Lydia is making it really easy — even for him. And it’s not like Stiles never thought about it, about him and Theo together; especially in the past three months as shit with Malia got worse with every passing day. That probably makes him a terrible boyfriend, but even if Theo asked, Stiles would have never done anything. Not as long as he’s with Malia. That’s just not how relationships are supposed to be.
Sighing, Stiles covers his face. “I’m terrible with breakups.”
“I can break up with her for you,” Theo offers in a way too light-hearted tone, “but I might break something else too.”
“I’m not going to stop you,” Lydia smiles sharply.
It’s not that Stiles doesn’t appreciate his friends. He does, but their tendency to be slightly overprotective really doesn’t help anybody. “I can end my relationships myself, thank you very much.”
“Then do it.” Theo stabs his carrot cake almost a little too aggressively.
Feeling bad for Theo probably makes him a terrible boyfriend yet again. Thinking about breaking up with Malia to get with Theo is even worse, but she is the one who cheated. She is the one who threw away their relationship because Stiles is going to college in a different city.
Kira taps a finger against her mug. “Well, here’s your chance.”
Stiles turns around and lets out a breath. Great.
With a furious expression, Malia strides towards him. She points her phone at him. “Why aren’t you answering my calls?!”
“Why are you fucking other guys?”
Stiles elbows Theo in the ribs, who doesn’t even look up from his carrot cake. Although he usually appreciates the guy’s commentary, right now, he really doesn’t need it. This situation is going to be uncomfortable enough without Theo chiming in every two seconds. “Eat your cake, okay?”
“What’s he talking about?”
“Oh, sweetheart, you know exactly what he’s talking about.”
“Lydia,” Stiles warns, ignoring the glare he receives in return. As great as it is that his friends are defending him, it’s more than a little annoying. He’s a big boy, and he can handle his shit. Most of the time. “I think you know what Theo is talking about.” Stiles turns to look at Malia. Sighing, he leans back and folds his arms. He doesn’t want to give her the time of day. “We’re done.” And they should’ve been done months ago. There’s nothing she could possibly say to convince him to stay with her.
Malia has the nerve to look shocked. “What? But Stiles—“
“I saw the messages.” At least the ones she exchanged with Theo. Fuck knows, what she’s said to other. Considering the shit she said about him to someone she’s started talking to 30 minutes prior, he really doesn’t want to.
Malia swallows. Her gaze darts to Theo and Lydia, to Kira then back to Stiles. “Can we talk about this in private?”
“I don’t think so, Sweetheart.” Lydia’s smile remains as sharp as a dagger.
Theo props his chin on his hand. “If you don’t want people to know you’re a cheater than perhaps you shouldn’t find guys to fuck on Instagram.” Quirking a brow, he buries his fork into another piece of carrot cake with a little more force than strictly necessary. Well, better the cake than Malia… although she certainly deserves it.
“Okay, Stiles, let me explain.”
Stiles folds his arms over his chest. “I don’t need a play-by-play on how you fucked other guys. I really don’t.”
Malia draws her brows together, holding herself as if Stiles was the one who’s hurt her. But he didn’t. He tried. He tried so hard for both of their sake. Every relationship hits a bumpy road eventually. It’s natural. Theirs is Stiles going to college, and Malia having to repeat senior year. They were both aware that this would most likely happen, yet he didn’t fuck someone else. Or multiple people. Theo hinted at something after showing him the picture of Malia getting into another guy’s car.
“I wasn’t about to.” Malia crosses her arms over her chest, looking as if Stiles cheated on her instead of the other way around. “I was just trying to say—“
“Oh, I can’t wait for this.”
“You’re going away!” she all but shrieks, and people are turning around to stare. Great. That’s even better. Like he needs an audience for this breakup. This is really all he ever wanted; his girlfriend not only cheats on him, but she blames him for cheating and then lets all of Beacon Hills know about it.
Stiles throws his hands in the air. Again. A—fucking—gain. “I’m going to college, Malia. It’s the circle of life.” And it’s not like she would’ve made it to any of his colleges anyway. Her grades have been a disaster from the very beginning. Stiles doesn’t know who pulled any strings, but that she made it to Senior year is a miracle to begin with.
Malia sets her jaw. “I asked you to stay.”
“You were just looking for an excuse to fuck someone else,” Stiles says, shaking his head. A gap year has never been on his radar. “And you know what? Knowing that fucking hurts. If I am such a horrible boyfriend, you should’ve just left me.” It hurts. It really does hurt. Stiles didn’t expect that because their relationship has been more about convenience than romance for a while. Still, it stings like a bitch to learn a person he did love once has nothing nice to say about him. Swallowing dryly, Stiles looks down and away.
“No,” Malia steps closer to the table, her voice shaky, “no, Stiles. If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
Stiles exchanges a quick glance with Kira, who blinks in confusion. “What—“ Stiles turns to look at Malia again, “what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Stop blaming him for everything,” Lydia snaps, slamming her mug on the table hard enough coffee spills over its rim and onto her fingers. “You hooked up with other guys, and now he’s breaking up with you. It’s called consequences. Maybe look it up in a dictionary.” She smiles again, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Without people watching them, this conversation could’ve gone a lot differently.
Kira taps a finger against her mug. “I think it’s best if you’re leaving now.”
“And never come back,” Theo adds, nudging Stiles with his elbow, and offers him a piece of carrot cake.
Stiles takes the fork and looks at Malia. “One more time, fuck off.”
Her lips tremble, and for all but a second, Malia looks as if she’s about to break down crying. She rushes out of the café instead.
Good. Now that that’s over, Stiles can focus on the more important things. “Looks like I gotta find a new date for my aunt’s wedding.” Sighing, he picks the cake off the fork then props his chin on his hand. His cousins are going to be a fucking nightmare if he’s showing up single. The whole wedding is going to be a horror. He hates weddings. Attending alone is so not going to be on his agenda. Especially not when his dad can’t make it.
Kira chuckles. “I don’t think you gotta look for too long.”
“I make a great date,” Theo says, placing his hand on Stiles’ thigh again.
Lydia coos.
“Shut up,” Stiles mutters, flushing slightly, and grabs Theo’s hand. “The wedding is in three weeks, but Dad probably expects you to have dinner with us at seven tonight.”
Theo chews his carrot cake apprehensively. “Can you tell him tomorrow? I need more time to mentally prepare for dinner with your dad.”
“You’re an idiot.”
Theo squeezes his hand with a grin.
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