#☓ interactions ↳ // archie
black-stede · 1 year
okay hear me out:
bi4bi4bi4bi archie x jim x olu x zheng yi
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bingoary · 1 month
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legend said he was quiet the entire tram ride
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saintmalosunsets · 1 month
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Scott Grimes and Eion Bailey in 'ER' (Ep: 11x15)
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r4vn · 2 months
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kaı x reader
w.c: 3,066
disclaimers: nsfw, 18+, unprotected sex (stay safe out there guyz), fem!reader, withdrawals, praise kink, use of cannabis, da weed, tension, fingering, smexy time, missionary (bc we love intimacy)
—synopsis: you notice how irritable kai has been throughout the day, and it concerned you. later that evening, you make your way to his room, hoping you could help him out.
a/n: hola :D i am very slowly getting back into writing. this is a fic abt kai having withdrawals!! this is not my best work it feels so...meh. this was actually inspired by a post weeeeks ago by an account that deactivated BUT I KNOW @uch3na REPOSTED SO TY SWEETHEART.. but i hope you enjoy :) all love ♡
「divider by @/cafekitsune」
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everyone was off of the blue now. the air within the whole ship was heavy within this past week. new emotions and new feelings emerged to define everyone differently as the days passed. everyone began to show different personalities and likings. it sort of felt like, well, life was breathed back into them.
some kids ran the halls and some got ..busy with each other. you and your friend sela stuck to one another in the midst of the emotional chaos. you, her and a few others would keep up with your tasks and maintenance checks around the ship. chris, voted new leader, had a hard time trying to keep the troublemakers in check. the ones who would wander off during tasks or play around recklessly, affecting other's work.
"please, stop being idiots and get back to your plants." chris spoke firmly. zac dropped whatever he was holding in his hand and stepped to chris, scoffing.
"or what? are you going to throw me off the ship?" zachary taunted with a smirk.
"that can arranged." foretold chris, stepping even closer to the boy in front of him. zac's smile left his face after his words, wearing a more serious expression.
"enough! zac, take a break. chris, get back to your job at hand. for god sake, we don't need any more chaos." sela scolded while stepping in front of the two men. zachary reluctantly backed off, holding his hands up in a mocking tone. he walked off and the tension in the room immediately became lighter.
you looked at kai, who seemed to be on edge as he did his tasks. his forehead was glistened in cold sweat while tending to the vegetables. his fingers trembled ever so slightly. he looked agitated, anxious. you worried yes, but you decided not to bother him. you made a mental note to ask him later and walked away in the hall, sela catching up.
"hey, do you...you wanna do something ...risky?" you couldn't help but arch a brow. a smile threatened your lips and you nodded. sela immediately took your hand and began walking briskly in the halls. you two ended up going to richards room. you were amazed by all the things he had from earth such as photos, trinkets, and clothing. you knew nothing of this supposed beautiful planet and were amazed at the things he had.
"he showed me all these things, i don't know why. maybe because i'm chief medical officer, maybe i was most responsible." sela sighed before opening a medium-sized box of richards personal belongings. she dug under the photos to find an even smaller, wooden box and held it up with a grin. it was the size of her hand. you rose brow and grabbed it, opening the box to reveal rolled cylindrical wraps. an intense smell made your face scrunch up. it didn't smell particularly nice but it wasn't bad either. it had the slightest hint of floral notes.
there were 5 rolled, opaque cream-colored wraps with a grinded plant in it. you heard of it before, vaguely reading about it in your books. it was cannabis.
sela locked the door and turned on the room air filter. she then grabbed the box full of joints and the black lighter. you sat down on the floor against richards bed. it felt odd to you, to be in the room of the dead. richard's death was tragic, and it disturbed you whenever you thought about it. you pushed the thought away quickly.
sela placed the filtered end of the joint to her lips before lighting the opposite twisted end, igniting it. she inhaled slowly, pulling away from the joint to fully inhale to the back of her throat. her face tightened in discomfort before finally exhaling. she then coughed roughly, giving you thumbs up.
"im okay– i'm okay, it just burns." she strained.
"burns? what the hell is in it?" you asked, nervous at her reaction. you felt like a delinquent. you’ve never done anything like this before. "it's only dried cannabis. on earth, they'd dry the plant cannabis sativa or cannabis indica. when burned and inhaled, the active chemical, THC travels through the lungs to the bloodstream." sela passed the joint to you, causing a nerving ache to fill your chest.
"the decarboxylation process for the active chemical occurs between 200° and 245° fahrenheit." a staccato sigh escaped your lips, mentally hoping you don't die before you took a small hit of the joint. the hot air immediately hit the back of your throat and caused you to go into a huge coughing fit. your throat burned like hot coal and your eyes glazed over with tears.
"easy [y/n], easy. reel it back in, slowly," sela laughs at your reaction, slowly patting your back.
"clear your throat and take small breaths." you did as told, your hacking settling down to staccato coughs. you sniffled, wiping your teary eyes as you continued to clear the unscratchable itch in your throat.
"wow." you strained out, beginning to laugh. sela chuckled while taking another hit, holding it for a few seconds then exhaling.
"as i was saying," sela started jokingly. "the active chemical makes the human brain have psychedelic effects on the body." you get the joint again and take an even smaller hit, slowly blowing it out. "effects such as altered senses like slow movement and brighter colors, difficulty thinking, and psychosis when taking high doses."
you freeze and look at her with slight concern, glancing between her and the joint. the blonde giggles, taking the spliff out your hand so hit it.
"don't worry, this is a normal dose." she chuckled, blowing the fumes in the air above her. for the next ten minutes you share the spliff, occasionally tapping the ashes in the box.
the effects engulfed you like a warm fuzzy blanket. you quickly acclimated to taking bigger puffs, enjoying watching the smoke dance above you. as you continued, your eyelids began to feel heavy and your movement slowed. you and sela giggled every few seconds, feeling amazing physically. you felt like a cloud, but heavy like gravity was pulling you down.
"do you feel good?" sela asks, smiling with low eyes. you simply nod, suddenly beginning to laugh when realizing you didn't answer audibly.
"yes, i feel..good. i feel so warm and light." sela nodded and stood, stumbling with a giggle. she grinned and turned to you with a hand out. you grabbed it and forced yourself up, the blood rushing to your head. you took a deep breath to begin wondering how to look as sober as possible.
you were only 3 hallways down from your room, and you needed to look as normal as possible out there.
"thanks for this ..earth experience." sela nodded happily, opening the door for the two of you. you parted ways with her, and walked to your room in a slower pace. you walked closer to the ship walls to keep you from falling like an idiot. your gaze was low and you felt so suspicious. but you couldn't second guess yourself. you kept walking with your eyes to the floor. almost there..one last turn and–
your head collided with something firm, and warm. you stumbled backwards but due to being intoxicated you fell completely on your ass. your red, [e/c] eyes looked up at dark brown ones.
"kai?" you asked and stood up with a hand on the wall.
"watch where you're going." he replied roughly. you scan his person, noticing his shoulders moving up and down. his breathing was deep and rough, and sweat glistening on his face and neck. he looks distressed, and even more fidgety than earlier.
"are you ..okay?" you asked, ignoring his snarky tone. kai furrowed his brows, lips parted from panting ever so slightly. your low orbs trailed down to the beads of sweat on his neck, then too the veins of his forearms were more visible against the surface of his skin. your head buzzed and you gulped thickly, a warmth building up in your core.
"im fine–.." kai mumbled, blinking rapidly. "just...just watch where you're going." the brunette pushed past you, walking away.
you watched as he walked away, staring at his back.
he has a nice back...
you continued to walk and finally made it to your room with no more obstacles. sitting on your bed, you watched the stars out the window. they seemed much brighter, nearly shining in your eyes. you enjoyed this feeling. you felt euphoric and everything fell away from your troubles. finally laying down, you let the slumber take you.
waking up much more clear-minded, you blinked your eyes noticing they didn't feel as heavy as before. your mind immediately went back to kai. you couldn't help it. you immediately get up and out on your shoes, exiting your room.
you walked the halls silently. it was late in the evening and so no one was awake. you made your way towards kai's room and stood in front of the door. anxious filled you now, knowing that only a door is what separated you and the brunete. suddenly, his door immediately opened and were now facing kai himself. he immediately froze for a split second before slamming the door in your face.
your heart dropped before hurriedly spluttering over your words, knocking this time.
"kai– i know this is abrupt im sorry but–" you rambled.
"what do you want [y/n]?" he asks behind the door, voice laced with irritance.
"i–...i wanted to check up on you. i didn't think you'd be awake at this time heh– but you looked unwell all day today." you laugh sheepishly, fiddling with your fingers.
"im fine." he cuts in. you purse your lips and sigh, turning your nose up to the ceiling.
"heh, you suck at lying kai. just tell me what's wrong." there was a long pause. you were giving up on the door opening anytime soon and nearly took a step back before kai opened the door. he simultaneously turned away while doing so to walk to his bed. you enteted and closed door behind you rubbing your neck at the unbearable tense silence.
"..so," you sighed gently at kai's stubbornness not to look at you. "what's wrong?" kai doesnt turn around, nor answer.
you don't say anything else and instead examine what you can see. his breathing was still ragged and his hands clenched and unclenched into first every handful of seconds. the light from the low LEDs that trailed the space window gently outlined his figure. his nape was glistened from cold sweat. kai wasn't alright. something was wrong.
"..kai–?" you asked. kai groaned softly, rolling his neck out of agitation. your heart thumped loudly in your ears.
"[y/n]–.. i think– ..i feel weird. i-i feel hot." kai reluctantly explained. "ive been like this all day i– ive been irritated and uncomfortable all day. im sweaty and trembling and–..and my stomach right here feels.." he groans out, holding his core. it wasn't in a painful sense, but in a discomfort yet, yearning one. your body pulsed at the sound he made, causing you to take a step towards him.
"does it feel warm? too warm? do you feel a light fog in your head?" kai strained another whiny groan, holding his nape as he turned a 45° angle to look over his shoulder at you. he hesitantly nodded. he was trying so hard to be tough but had a needy look in his eyes, a gaze of hunger. you didn't know if it was the cannabis still in your system but you felt magnetized to him. the aura he radiated made you feel like small prey in front of an apex predator, but you enjoy the sense of thrill.
"well not to sound creepy but i've been sort of watching you all day. you seem to be having withdrawals, kai." you explained, walking towards him. his hand raised up to his forehead, humming. you placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling the brunette flinch then relax again. you then decided to walk around him so you faced his front now, your big [e/c] looking up at him. kai forced himself to look at you but it only worsened the warm feeling in his core.
"what are you feeling right now kai?" you questioned, your hand gently grabbing his hand to pull away from his face. he gulped, staring at you intensely. the way your hair was slightly tousled from waking up, how your skin looked so soft and supple and your eyes stared at him so enticingly.
"my head is all light, my abdomen burns, i have cold sweats, and–.." kai bites back his has words, looking away from you. you tilt your head and tenderly cup his cheek to turn him towards you again.
"and..?" you ask, genuinely concerned. kai swallowed thickly. he suddenly flushed a more prominent rose color across his face before replying
"and ...i'm so, horny [y/n]. god, you being here isn't helping." he breathed out. before you could even respond, both of his large hands cupped the sides of your head before kissing you deeply. you squeaked into his mouth, kissing back as your hands gripped onto the sides of his clothed torso. he moved closer to you which caused you to move back, falling onto the bed.
"i couldn't stand looking at you all day because i couldn't take this pent up feeling [y/n]," he gasped between kisses. "but i can't take it anymore now, i need you now." you blushed deeply as you began to fail at keeping up with his kissing pace.
kai slid in between your legs and pushed his warm body up against yours. he kissed down your face and neck, licking and sucking at your skin. you allowed him to do so before the two of you started pulling off each others shirts.
the tall brunette kissed hungrily down your chest as his hands roamed your torso. you gasped at the difference in body temperatures of you and him, closing your eyes in bliss.
"i've wanted to do this even on the blue. i just couldn't explain the feeling until i got off it." he mumbled against your skin. butterflies erupted in your stomach as he spoke in such a low, seductive tone. his hand slipped in between your thighs and you lost nearly all strength as he teased your already wet second pair of lips. he hummed into your neck as you let out needy gasps, the pleasure radiating throughout your body.
he entered two fingers, finally getting a broken moan out of you. you threw your head back onto the bed, nearly riding his fingers.
"good girl." he praised, leaving deeply colored bruises all over your skin as his fingers thrusted into you. you squeaked and moaned all over, trying to keep quiet due to it being so late. you could feel your walls pulsate around his long fingers, kai occasionally curling them to hit that one sweet spot.
"o-oh please– kai..kaiii–" you mewled, eyes watering from the amount of bliss you were in. he hushed you in a soft tone before slowly pulling his drenched fingers out of you. he lifted your head up to make eye contact with you and he licked his fingers clean.
"i'm right here [y/n]." he nuzzled his face into your cheek before planting a kiss. kai leaned up and pulled off his black pants and underwear, groaning as his hard-on bounced out from under the fabric. he stroked himself slowly to relieve some of the pressure before lining up at your entrance. brown orbs look up at you, silently asking for permission. you nodded eagerly, jaw slightly dropping as he pushed inside of you.
he was big, and thick. it burned ever so slightly but the pleasure overruled the pain. the ecstasy came in ways of pleasure as he slowly thrusted into you. your core tingled with warmth as he engulfed you. his sweat smelled like soft soap and you held onto his soft-toned arms for comfort.
"fuck–" he moaned out with a shudder. his eyes occasionally rolled back as he picked up speed. your moans became louder and you couldn't help it. you had never felt like this before. kai's hands trailed down to your hips and he leaned up to hold you in place as he rammed your insides.
"you're doing so good, [y/n]. there you go.." his voice felt like warm honey drenching your skin. it was like music to your ears and helped you edge closer to your climax.
"mmh– just like that, just like that–" you pleaded, nodding impatiently. you tilted your hips upward and it changed the feeling almost completely. kai was thrusting right up against your sweet spot. you moaned and whimpered and mewled all you could and became incoherent rather quickly. kai took notice of this and changed not a damn thing.
"you're so pretty under me [y/n]. i want you to finish all over me like a good girl, yeah?" he queried, a smile dancing on his pearly whites while erotic sounds occupied your mouth.
"yes. yes please– o-oh–" kai quickened his pace but kept his position, watching as you began to tremble. you made a face, signaling you were about to finish. watching you act so erotically made kai all pent up too. he tried his best to keep his pace, focusing only on you.
"oh god i– ..kai– ..i'm–" you cut yourself off with a loud shaky moan, your walls constricting around kai. your legs shook violently and your hips bucked wildly under his arms. your eyes flashed a brief white and you hear kai mumble a 'fuck' before feeling his cock puslate inside you.
"god–.." kai groaned, dropping his head below his shoulders.. his thrusts became shaky and eventually slowed to a stop. a comfortable silence fell over the room with only the sounds of panting occupying it. kai looked down at you, smiling cheekily. you couldn't help but giggle.
"you okay?" you asked, stroking his cheek with the pad of your thumb.
"yeah. i feel ..better," kai laughed at the slight coincidence. "round 2?"
you blushed and grinned, nodding before kissing the brunette above you again.
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© r4vn ²⁰²⁴, do not repost my work.
see yall later :")
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prowerprojects · 1 year
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Love this energy
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themintman · 2 months
feathered (?) friends 😊
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funcomfortworld · 3 months
I love the idea of Protoman being a deer humanoid robot all because of this one meme
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.. Deerboys..
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shantimochi · 7 months
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I love these two so much!!! 🧡🩵
Learning that Earl teases Archie so much is so funny to me! Their dynamic is perfect! Earl being the chaotic one and Archie being the straight-man to balance him out. I had to draw a character interaction between the two!
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I also wanted to include some traditional pieces I made with colored pencil of these two! They look so soft… 🥹 I adore them with my whole heart!…
Archie Aster and Early Early Oxenfree from Dream Along With Me belong to @dreammeiser
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spittyfishy · 5 months
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Digital boy meets digital girl
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Maxie, horrified: Pineapples can be plucked...?
Archie: Not right away you gotta get the leaves off, but yeah it's like an orange you can seperate it, it's more like grapes than a single fruit-
Maxie: HUH-
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opiummist · 4 months
quem: @archibvlds
onde: bar de dionísio
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Como uma romântica incorrigível, a presença de Fahriye em um baile de temática tão lírica era marcada por uma mistura de apreensão e expectativa. No entanto, aquela noite parecia particularmente melancólica. Após um dia repleto de alegria e diversão em Waterland, o otimismo esperançoso da semideusa estava abalado. Sempre sonhara em viver uma linda história de amor, mas, com o passar do tempo, uma triste percepção se tornava cada vez mais clara: nem todas as flechas de Eros acertavam seus alvos. Acumulava mais fracassos amorosos do que medalhas de glória em batalhas. A companhia de James era um lembrete disso, ainda que colocasse um sorriso em seu semblante entristecido. Enquanto seus amigos trocavam olhares apaixonados e dançavam ao som de baladas lentas na pista de dança, a esperança dela se esgotava a cada sorriso cúmplice que via. Depois de alguns minutos de autocomiseração, decidiu que já era o suficiente. Se o amor não quisesse dar as caras naquela noite, ela encontraria consolo de outra forma. Com passos pesados, dirigiu-se ao bar comandado por Dionísio. O local estava repleto de semideuses em busca de um pouco de coragem líquida para enfrentar as complexidades do coração. Sem hesitar, pediu uma dose de tequila. Nunca havia experimentado da bebida antes, sendo mais habituada a degustar boas taças de vinho, mas sabia que o silenciamento de sua angústia exigia algo mais forte. Quando o pequeno copo lhe foi entregue, o observou com hesitação por alguns instantes, contando até três para reunir coragem e virar o conteúdo de uma só vez na boca. O calor desceu por sua garganta de maneira imediata, provocando uma careta amarga em seu semblante. Foi então que percebeu ter esquecido do ritual que acompanhava a bebida. Do outro lado do balcão, avistou as porções de limão e sal necessárias para a conclusão da cerimônia alcoólica, apressando-se para alcançá-las.
Ao se deparar com os ingredientes, porém, se viu em um impasse. Por onde deveria começar? ── Esqueci de perguntar a ordem desse negócio. ── Murmurou, frustrada. Tentando recuperar o ritmo do procedimento, ela se virou para a pessoa ao lado com a dúvida. ── Depois da tequila, vem primeiro o sal ou o limão? ── Mal conseguiu concluir a pergunta quando sentiu seu estômago revirar de repente. ── Archie! ── Encontrar o melhor amigo ali despertou uma sensação estranha em seu âmago, difícil de discernir entre nervosismo ou medo. Depois de pedir mais tempo para avaliar melhor a proposta hipotética apresentada por ele e ter a sensação de que o decepcionara, não sabia se sua companhia ainda era bem-vinda. Algumas evidências a levavam a acreditar que não. Inconscientemente, seu olhar percorreu a figura do rapaz, da cabeça aos pés, suspirando ao vê-lo em trajes tão elegantes. Realçavam sua beleza como nunca havia presenciado antes. Até seu coração reagia ao seu fascínio, agora batendo mais forte contra o peito. Claramente havia se dedicado para agradar sua acompanhante. ── Você está lindo... ── O elogio escapou quase sem que percebesse, os lábios se movendo automaticamente. Quebrou o próprio encantamento de forma súbita, trazendo-se de volta à realidade. Ainda não havia admitido para si mesma, mas a frustração por não ter recebido um convite para o baile era uma parte substancial da angústia que sentia naquela noite. Não esperava uma proposta romântica, mas temia tê-lo magoado demais com sua incerteza durante o convite para Nova Roma. Junto com o sabor da tequila, engolia o orgulho. ── Espero que esteja se divertindo hoje. ── O desejo, embora soasse sutilmente lastimoso, era sincero. Realmente desejava que ele tivesse a melhor das noites, independentemente de quem fosse responsável por fazê-lo companhia.
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sonknuxadow · 7 months
originally had a super long multi paragraph ramble about this written out but then realized i did not have to say all that . anyway . i think that the reason some little animal guy sonic characters have last names while most others just go by (name) the (species) has to do with cultural differences... the fact that the characters with last names are also the same characters who have more human sounding first names makes me think that they were born in an area that had a large human population, or that their parents or grandparents were, so their family was influenced by human naming practices
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krafterwrites · 12 days
Wait now that I think about it, have Silver and Jet ever interacted? I feel like they're a pretty popular rarepair, but I can't think of any times they've spoken to each other
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jhsharman · 4 months
necktie wear
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Bob Montana is channeling Dan Decarlo on this one.
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Decarlo's fashion sense is shown in at least one other illustration with multiple ties wrapped around a woman's bosom, interesting in that it is a couple tied falling from a bowtie.
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r4vn · 25 days
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listen yall we are about to get REALL personal im not sober from a houseparty i had last night playing Drinkopoly and if we gonna be writer besties LISTEN UP
so i have a fling. or an attempted flingy..situation rn. i havent seen him in nearly 2months now bc first month he had a situation and i went to uni!
but my GOD...THE PINING BETWEEN US? I NEED TO DIEE GUYS. i initiated the fling first (i sweet talked the hell out of him i love making men intimidated) and then never got to kiss him or see him or ANYTHING bc he had a srs situation going on. so now its just huge horny pining between us and texting bc his car is in another state rn and im at university AND THE FLING WAS SUPPOSED TO STOP WHEN I GOT TO UNI BUT I CONTINUED IT BC IDK KFNDJFBD ANYWAYS GUYS WHEN I TELL YOU OVULATION WAS KILLING ME AND THE URGES CARRIED INTO MY CYCLE AND I JUST CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM HE'S SO CUTE AND DORKY AND MAKES ME FLUSTERED SO BAD URRGHGKGKFKFG
his hands ..his arms..i love arms on a man so much i want them around me after a brief round of play fighting and he's jus holding me securely so i dont run.. they arent too veiny and his hands r soft and well kept and he has tattooes on his forearms of an artist we both love and i jus want to JUMP HIS BONES.
he has thee best, dorkiest smile and his laugh is so contagious its so silly and HES SO SILLY.
i dont care if we are the same height and he's a..not bigger guy..but like samoan-man build if YK WHAT I MEAN....samoans r big but not BIG. he jus has that masc bigger build and when he wears his work uniform and sends a video in it i pay no attention to the words spoken. errfgggngngfnffnnfnfnffnfndnhnhhnhnhn please pick me up and sit me on the counter omfggmg
he's the flirty type to tease you gently and so smoothly guys lemme show you texts (i have samsung so 🙄)
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*bella is his dog i would die for her
i keep imagining sharing beers with him again and kissin him as slowly as possible and he yearns for more but i back up nd he leans in even more trying to capture my lips till he grabs my waist with one hand and my jaw with the other forcing me to kiss him as he is getting impatient jus groaning into my mouth after waiting so long to kiss me eehehehehehehehee
or he just using me and im facing away from him and holds my hips as they meet with every thrust and reaches forward to put his hand over my mouth saying "awh i know baby... i know.." AGGGGGGHGHH
i think im done. i think. this will deleted whenever LFMAOAOA
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nightwhispcrs · 23 days
closed starter for @rainbowmuses (violet & archie) / "i'm telling you archie, it was just so uncomfortable..." they sighed as they pushed their sleeves further up their arms, only for them to slide down again. "i don't know why i have such trouble fitting in here." she'd hoped her life in washington would have been different, now that she finally had a chance to build one for herself. "thankfully i have you."
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