#★�� elle’s writings .ᐟ
stawbeemilk · 4 months
⤷ their love language – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: none
✩ a/n: i finally managed to get the motivation to actually sit down and write something, thank you for being so patient with me!!
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⭑ physical touch
he's definitely a little touch starved, regardless of how much he might try to deny it. it was definitely a bit of a shock when you first started dating and you saw a completely new side to him, discovering just how clingy he could be and how much he loves to be close to you. there's nothing that makes his heart flutter more than feeling the warmth of your body against his own, and he finds himself unable to stop from initiating physical contact at every chance he gets. he appreciates the little things such as linking pinkies or having his hand on your lower back when the two of you are in a crowd, but he especially loves cuddling with you after a long day while you play with his hair, and when you randomly hug him from behind he literally melts.
⤷ bokuto, hanamaki, nishinoya, konoha, goshiki, atsumu, yahaba
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⭑ words of affirmation
he's always encouraging you, not only with actual words but also through smaller gestures, such as leaving you little notes on the fridge for you to read before you leave for work or by sending you sweet messages throughout the day. he loves to tell you how proud he is of you, congratulating you for all of your achievements, regardless of how small or unimportant you might think they are. if you're ever feeling insecure about yourself he will reassure you as if his life depends on it, complimenting you and reminding you that he thinks you're perfect— but at the same time he also likes to hear encouraging words from you, especially at times when he tends to doubt himself and needs nothing more than to hear that he's enough.
⤷ akaashi, yaku, oikawa, ennoshita, yamaguchi, tanaka
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⭑ quality time
he's not always the best with words, and so he prefers to show you he cares by spending time with you. sometimes it's a case of not doing anything in particular, and instead just being in the same room as you and enjoying your company. he really appriciates the fact that the two of you feel comfortable enough to simply be in a room with each other, not feeling the need to try and fill the silence with small talk and finding the lack of conversation to be comforting rather than awkward. he also enjoys doing chores with you such as getting groceries together or cleaning the house, things which others might find mundane, but he likes doing them purely because it means he gets to spend time with you.
⤷ kenma, tsukishima, kyotani, ushijima, kunimi, sakusa, kageyama
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⭑ gift giving
he shows his appreciation for you by giving you things, whether that's something he knows you've been wanting for a long time or just an item he's seen when he was out shopping that immediately made him think of you. he's very observant of the things you like and dislike, and when the two of you go out together and you subconsciously start eyeing a particular item in a store he'll definitely notice, making a mental note of it so that he can buy it for you later as a surprise. he's also quite sentimental and will keep absolutely everything you give to him, from birthday cards to polaroids to the matching bracelets you made when you first started dating— no matter how insignificant you think it might be, he keeps it.
⤷ kuroo, hinata, sugawara, matsukawa, semi, yamamoto, suna
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⭑ acts of service
he loves doing favours for you, especially when he knows you've been feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and when you're sick and need someone to look after you he'll always be there for you no matter what. he's the type to make sure that you're taking care of yourself and will frequently ask you if you've eaten— if you say you haven't he will insist on making you food or ordering you takeout, telling you that you shouldn't go without a proper meal. while he loves taking care of you, he feels so warm inside when you do the same for him, and having you there to support him when you know he needs it the most will never fail to make him feel loved.
⤷ daichi, kai, fukunaga, iwaizumi, kita, osamu, hirugami
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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stawbeemilk · 5 months
⤷ when they're jealous – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: none
✩ a/n: sorry for being so inactive lately, i've been busy working on my ac island hehe
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⭑ gets possessive
this guy is definitely the jealous type. as much as he tries not to, he always ends up letting his emotions get the best of him, and whenever he happens to catch someone else hitting on you he can't help but become all possessive over you. once he notices them getting a little too close for his liking he won't hesitate to approach the two of you, immediately interrupting the conversation by asking you who they are, and making sure to refer to you by a pet name as a not so subtle way of letting the other person know exactly who you belong to. gets super clingy with you afterwards, refusing to leave your side and making sure everyone around you knows that you're his.
⤷ kageyama, yaku, kuroo, yahaba, semi, futakuchi, atsumu
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⭑ acts unbothered
pretends he doesn't care, but on the inside he's furious. he can't help but narrow his eyes at the other person, watching as you erupt into laughter at one of their jokes— even though it wasn't really that funny. once the interaction is over he'll try his best to keep up the act, finding himself becoming more reserved than usual as he attempts to hide the fact that someone else flirting with you made him far more irritated than he’d like to admit. it isn't until you call him out on his obvious jealousy that he gets all embarrassed, shocked that you noticed so easily because he genuinely believed that he was being subtle. he will probably try to deny it, but deep down he knows it's pointless as you somehow manage to always see right through him.
⤷ tsukishima, kenma, kunimi, sakusa, washio, suna, shirabu
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⭑ ready to throw hands
will definitely try to fight anyone who dares to hit on you, to the point where he's basically your own personal guard dog. not only will he refuse to tolerate anyone flirting with you, he won't let them get away with looking at what's his either. as soon as he realises someone has been staring at you for a little too long, he'll be quick to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you into him, all while glaring daggers at the person who had the nerve to shamelessly check you out like that. he might get a little defensive about it afterwards, especially if you start teasing him, but whenever someone starts eyeing you up and down like that he just can't stop himself from getting protective of you, simply because he hates the thought of anyone making you uncomfortable.
⤷ kyotani, iwaizumi, tanaka, konoha, aran, nishinoya, matsukawa
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⭑ feels insecure
it's not that he believes you would ever be unfaithful, because he trusts you completely— it's just that deep down he thinks you're too good for him and that you could do way better. when he sees someone else trying to flirt with you he can't help but feel a little nervous, insecure thoughts plaguing his mind as he begins worrying that he's not good enough for you. he probably won't say anything to you about it afterwards, but you don't miss the sad look in his eyes or the way he appears to be trapped in his own thoughts. you know by now that he needs a lot of reassurance due to his tendency to overthink, and so you always remind him that he's good enough at times like these when you know he needs to hear it the most.
⤷ akaashi, koganegawa, asahi, hanamaki, tendou, yamaguchi
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⭑ super touchy with you
whenever he gets jealous he finds himself unable to keep his hands off you. he's definitely the type to wrap his arms around your waist when you're in the middle of a conversation with someone else, hugging you from behind and leaning his head on your shoulder. it always manages to catch you off guard, wondering why he's being so affectionate with you all of a sudden, but with the way he scowls at the other person and pulls you into him it doesn't take you long to figure out that he's jealous. he won't be able to keep his hands off you for the rest of the day, asking you for cuddles or wanting to hold your hand, and pouting when you start making fun of him for it.
⤷ bokuto, oikawa, sugawara, osamu, hinata, lev, daishou
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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stawbeemilk · 6 months
⤷ insecurities they think are beautiful; part 2 – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: none
✩ a/n: i've been super busy with work but i'm finally back! i decided to write a part 2 to this bc i've been feeling pretty down lately. but yeah these are once again all things i personally struggle with or have struggled with in the past ◡̈
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⭑ bare face
every time he gets the opportunity to see you without makeup, he swears he feels his heart beat twice as fast. of course he appreciates all the time and effort it takes for you to do your makeup, but he just thinks there's something so intimate about seeing you fresh out of the shower, your hair still damp and your face entirely bare. he doesn't miss the way you tend to avoid eye contact, how you shy away from him and subconsciously try to hide your face, and it makes his heart sink because how do you not realise how cute you are? his favourite part of the day is waking up next to you and getting to see your pretty face, imperfections and all— it never fails to make his heart flutter.
⤷ hinata, fukunaga, iwaizumi, tendou, suna, osamu, ennoshita
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⭑ messy hair
he thinks your unruly hair is adorable. he knows that it can sometimes make you feel a little self-conscious, worrying that you don't look presentable with your hair a mess and finding yourself becoming frustrated with it because of how long you spend trying to style it in the morning, but he loves the way it sets you apart from everyone else. he might occasionally tease you about it, but it's always intended to be lighthearted and he never means anything by it. likes to ruffle your hair for his own amusement, making it even messier than it is already and enjoying the way you pout at him and try to smooth it down.
⤷ kuroo, tsukishima, matsukawa, yaku, akaashi, daishou, hoshiumi
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⭑ beauty marks
he finds himself drawn to the pretty marks on your face, unable to take his eyes off you because you're so beautiful. whenever he goes to kiss you he always starts off by letting his lips trail over the points of your face where your marks reside, before softly pressing them against your own. he loves how unique they make you look, and he thinks they compliment your features perfectly. it makes him so sad when he sees you trying to cover them up with makeup, and the fact that you don't see them the way he does genuinely hurts him. he loves the idea that your beauty marks are where your lover kissed you the most during your past life, and he likes to kiss them in hopes that he'll be leaving those marks on you in your next life too.
⤷ sugawara, kai, oikawa, tanaka, konoha, kita, hirugami, asahi
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⭑ cellulite
he loves to randomly grab your thighs at any chance he gets, enjoying the way the supple flesh feels under his palms. he thinks you look amazing in thigh high socks and cute little skirts, and whenever he sees the small amount of pudge at the top of your socks he'll definitely have a hard time keeping his hands to himself. to be honest he probably didn't even realise you had cellulite until you pointed it out to him, too preoccupied with how absolutely gorgeous you look to notice such a small detail. reminds you that it's completely normal and natural, and will reassure you that he thinks it's beautiful as many times as it takes until you start to believe him.
⤷ daichi, bokuto, yamamoto, kyotani, atsumu, nishinoya, meian
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⭑ being thin
he honestly can't understand why you don't like your body, because in his eyes you're literally perfect. he knows that you tend to wear baggier clothing most of the time, the loose fabric swallowing up your figure and concealing the parts you dislike the most about yourself, but he would be lying if he said he didn't love those days when it's really hot outside and you opt for something that's a little more revealing than usual. he adores the way tighter clothes look on you, and the way they show off and accentuate your beautiful figure. he thinks you look so pretty and delicate, and the fact you're smaller than him makes him swoon.
⤷ kageyama, kenma, hanamaki, sakusa, yamaguchi, goshiki, kunimi
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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stawbeemilk · 7 months
⤷ insecurities they think are beautiful – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: none
✩ a/n: my first post eek! this is pretty self-indulgent shdjsj but i hope it makes someone else feel a little better about themselves as well ◡̈ enjoy!
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⭑ stretch marks
he literally thinks they're so pretty, and can't understand why you'd even be self-conscious about them in the first place— as far as he's concerned they only make you even more beautiful. nothing makes his heart ache more than seeing you pulling down your shorts or skirt in an attempt to hide the pretty marks residing on your thighs. he likes to trace over them when the two of you are cuddling, fingertips grazing over each mark adorning your skin while his eyes are filled with nothing but adoration, hoping that in time you'll start to appreciate them just as much as he does.
⤷ bokuto, sugawara, goshiki, inuoka, koganegawa, washio, kita, aran
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⭑ hip dips
he often finds himself staring at your hips, unable to take his eyes off them— it doesn't help if you're wearing something a little tighter than usual that hugs your figure in all the right ways. the last thing he wants is for you to feel as if he's judging you, but he doesn't miss the way you subconsciously try to hide yourself from his gaze whenever you notice his eyes wandering and he swears he feels his heart shatter a little more each time. if he catches you looking at your body in the mirror for a particularly long time, he'll come over to you and rest his hands on your hips, giving them a gentle squeeze as he looks at your reflection with a tender smile.
⤷ iwaizumi, suna, yamaguchi, akaashi, aone, semi, sakusa
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⭑ soft tummy
in his eyes, your tummy is just the cutest thing, and he sometimes has a hard time keeping his hands off you. he likes to randomly come up behind you when you're just going about your day, hands wrapping around your waist before discreetly slipping underneath your shirt to squish the soft flesh. after a long day, the only thing he wants is to come home to you and rest his head on your tummy while you play with his hair— and usually, that's exactly what he does. with the way he presses his lips against your skin and nuzzles into you, it's hard to feel insecure around him as it's so obvious how much he adores you.
⤷ osamu, yamamoto, komi, matsukawa, daichi, kai, futakuchi
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⭑ imperfect teeth
he absolutely loves your smile, it's one of his favourite things about you. it was one of the first things he noticed about you when the two of you met, and it still makes his heart flutter just as much as it did back then— nothing breaks his heart more than seeing you erupt with laughter without a care in the world, only to hide the lower half of your face behind your hand a few seconds later. he won't hesitate to grab hold of your wrist, gently prying your hand away and granting him a full view of your cute smile. who cares if it isn't entirely perfect? it only makes him adore you even more, and he wishes you could see what he sees.
⤷ fukunaga, kuroo, hanamaki, nishinoya, konoha, hoshiumi, komori
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⭑ small chest
he honestly doesn't even understand why you don't like them. he's not trying to invalidate your feelings or anything, he just… doesn't get it. whenever you express any sort of insecurity regarding your chest size, his response is always “but there's nothing wrong with them?” because he genuinely thinks you're perfect just the way you are. he encourages you to wear tighter or lower cut tops that accentuate your chest, and won't hesitate to let you know how pretty you look, feeling his heart flutter when he sees you smile bashfully and grow a little more confident from his words. likes to tell you that when he hugs you it just means your hearts are closer together <3
⤷ yaku, oikawa, kunimi, tendou, hinata, kenma, atsumu, hirugami
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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stawbeemilk · 5 months
⤷ his s/o is insecure about their small chest – hq
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✩ characters: kuroo, kenma, hinata, bokuto
✩ warnings: f!reader, suggestive
✩ a/n: finally doing some more small-chested reader content, i'm sorry this took so long!!
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⭑ kuroo
⤷ kuroo is so good at comforting you when you're feeling insecure, he'll hold you in his arms as he places gentle kisses along your neck and collarbones, mumbling compliments and reassurance against your skin as his hands caress the small of your back
⤷ he's definitely someone who likes seeing you in his clothes, but he especially loves when you wear one of his shirts and no bra— as much as he tries not to he always ends up staring, and he never means for you to feel that he's judging you, it's just that he thinks you're so hot and can't take his eyes away <3
⤷ if you're someone who's ever been made fun of because of your chest size, kuroo will tell you that you shouldn't listen to anyone who feels the need to project their own insecure feelings onto others as a way to feel better about themselves
⤷ he reminds you that you're beautiful no matter what and says that you shouldn't let other people’s opinions determine the way you feel about yourself
⤷ if you're still not convinced, then kuroo will happily tell you what he likes about your body, reminding you of all the benefits that come with having a small chest— he always finds himself going into a little too much detail and ultimately flustering you
⤷ he's determined to get you to see yourself the way he sees you, and will tell you how gorgeous you are as many times as it takes until you start to believe him <3
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⭑ kenma
⤷ to be honest it probably didn't take kenma long to pick up on the fact you were insecure about your chest
⤷ he noticed how you always seemed to wear clothing that covered certain parts of your body, the way you had a tendency to slouch instead of sitting up straight, and not to mention the countless times he'd caught you staring at your own reflection for an unusually long time
⤷ while he did manage to piece things together rather quickly, that isn't to say he understands why you feel the way you do about yourself, he thinks you're so pretty!
⤷ he has an endless supply of hoodies for you to wear when you're feeling self-conscious, and he'll make sure to give you one of the softest and warmest ones before quietly asking you if you want to cuddle with him
⤷ speaking of which, kenma loves to rest his head on your chest when the two of you cuddle, and listening to your heartbeat always manages to put him at ease— there have definitely been times where he's fallen asleep in your arms because he just finds it so comfortable <3
⤷ when he knows you've been feeling bad about yourself he'll give you his card and let you do as much online shopping as your heart desires, encouraging you to buy as many new outfits as you want to give yourself a little confidence boost
⤷ kenma might not always be the best with words, but you can tell from his actions alone just how much he cares about you and wants to see you happy <3
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⭑ hinata
⤷ hinata is so confused when he finds out about your insecurity, because he genuinely thinks your body is perfect the way it is and so in his eyes you have literally nothing to be insecure about
⤷ your boyfriend is such a sweetheart, as soon as he realises that you're unhappy with yourself he starts showering you with even more compliments and affection than usual and doing whatever he can to see you smile
⤷ with the way he was teased about his height growing up, he definitely knows what it's like to feel inferior to others because of something you have no control over, and so he can empathise with the frustration you feel and the way you can't help but compare yourself to those around you
⤷ but that doesn't mean he won't do whatever he can to try and change the way you feel about yourself
⤷ while hinata is the literal definition of a ray of sunshine, if he ever overhears anyone making a joke or comment about your chest size you'll see a completely new side to him— his smile will vanish and he'll become incredibly serious and hostile, glaring daggers at the person who dared to speak about you like that
⤷ while he knows he won't be able to magically get rid of your insecurities, regardless of how much he wishes he could, he hopes that if he keeps on telling you just how perfect you are that one day you'll start to love yourself as much as he loves you <3
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⭑ bokuto
⤷ it never even occurred to bokuto that you were self-conscious until you decided to open up to him about it
⤷ your boyfriend literally adores you and thinks he's so lucky that he gets to wake up next to you, and so he never imagined that someone as wonderful as you would ever think so negatively of themselves
⤷ when you did finally open up to him about your insecurity he honestly couldn't believe what he was hearing— he thinks you're so beautiful, how do you not see yourself the way he does?
⤷ bokuto didn't hesitate to engulf you in a big hug, pulling you into his broad chest and telling you that he loves you just the way you are
⤷ he's another one who is big on complimenting you, and he'll probably become a lot more touchy with you as well— but only if you're comfortable with it!
⤷ he also isn't the type to judge if you need a shoulder to cry on, and he will always be there for you if you're having a bad day and just need to be held as you let it all out
⤷ bokuto gets so upset whenever you make self-deprecating jokes or negative comments about your chest size, not only does it hurt to hear anyone talking badly about the literal love of his life, but it also breaks his heart that you don't see yourself as the amazing person he knows you are, and he's determined to convince you otherwise <3
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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stawbeemilk · 5 months
⤷ their s/o has anxiety – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: mentions of panic attacks
✩ a/n: i know anxiety is different for everyone but this is just based on my own personal experience ◡̈
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⭑ kenma is very observant and can always sense when you're feeling overwhelmed in public places— it isn't long before he's asking if you want to leave, and if you say you feel guilty for cutting your day out together short he'll tell you it's fine because he prefers being at home with you anyway.
⭑ hinata isn't afraid to deliberately embarrass himself in front of others whenever you do the same, he knows you hate being the centre of attention and so he hopes that he can draw everyone’s eyes away from you and onto him instead.
⭑ yaku is so good at reassuring you when you have a panic attack, he’ll stay with you the entire time and hold your hand, refusing to leave your side as he tells you that everything will be okay and that you'll get through it just like you always do.
⭑ akaashi is always happy to listen if you ever need to vent to someone about your struggles, he can empathise with how you feel since he experiences a lot of the same things you do and is therefore very understanding of what you're going through.
⭑ sugawara has no problem with being the one who talks to the cashier when the two of you are at a checkout, and while he does try to encourage you to face things that make you anxious, he appreciates that it's not always easy for you and is happy to help you out when you need it.
⭑ kuroo likes to remind you to take your medication on time, especially if you're someone who is prone to forgetting— he even buys you one of those pill organisers and will leave various post-it notes around the house to help you remember.
⭑ yamaguchi does his best to learn all of your triggers so that he knows when you might be likely to have a panic attack, and whenever he notices that you're feeling anxious he'll walk you through breathing exercises to try and help you ground yourself.
⭑ bokuto will always order your food for you if you ask him to, he does it for you so often that he practically has all of your go-to orders for different restaurants fully memorised— he never judges you for not being able to do it yourself, but any time you do find the courage to order without his help he'll be so proud of you.
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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stawbeemilk · 6 months
Hey I love your work ! Um if it’s ok can I ask for kuroo and iwaizumi and Akashi and others if you like! Um they somehow realize that their girlfriend even though she is happy all the time has a abusive mother like she left a scar on her back or something and because of that she is insecure to change in front of them or you know I want to know their reaction 😭🙏🏻💕(you can ignore if you like!)
⤷ his s/o is insecure about their scars – hq
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✩ characters: kuroo, iwaizumi, akaashi
✩ warnings: f!reader
✩ a/n: i finally managed to get one of my requests done, i'm so sorry this took so long. i decided not to go into much detail about the origin of reader’s scars bc i thought it might be triggering to some, i hope that's okay!!
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⭑ kuroo
⤷ kuroo decided to surprise you with a new dress for you to wear on your date, telling you how he came across it online and immediately knew it would look amazing on you
⤷ you excitedly took the article of clothing from him, eager to try it on, however you soon felt your heart drop to your stomach as you realised that the dress he had chosen for you was entirely backless
⤷ you always made a conscious effort to wear clothing that covered as much skin as possible, especially your back— the large scar that resided between your shoulder blades caused you a lot of insecurity, and you felt more comfortable knowing it wasn't visible for anyone to see
⤷ you did your best to hide the fact you were self-conscious about it from your boyfriend, and while you knew he would never think of you any differently, you would be lying if you said you didn't still feel nervous any time he would see your bare skin, knowing that your scar was on full display to him
⤷ kuroo didn't miss the way your smile dropped or the sudden worried look in your eyes, your reaction seemed so unlike you and he instantly knew that something was wrong
⤷ you quickly changed into the dress, trying to face him as much as possible so that he didn't have a full view of your back, but when he asked you to do a spin for him you knew there would be no avoiding it
⤷ you reluctantly turned around, finding yourself unable to look anywhere but the floor as you came to face him again, watching in your line of vision as he began moving closer towards you
⤷ you couldn't help but turn away from him again so he didn't see the tears that were beginning to well up in your eyes— by this point your heart was beating so loudly you could practically hear it in your ears, nervously anticipating his reaction
⤷ your breath hitched in your throat as you suddenly felt kuroo’s lips brushing against your back, softly grazing the skin where your scar resides before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him
⤷ “you look beautiful. you should definitely wear that tonight.”
⤷ “but, tetsu, i—”
⤷ “shh, you're gorgeous, okay? and nothing will ever change that.”
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⭑ iwaizumi
⤷ your boyfriend accidentally walked in on you changing, which to him didn't seem like that big of a deal, and so he was surprised to hear you shriek when he entered the room, watching as you tried to cover yourself with the shirt you were holding
⤷ you shakily tell him to get out and that's when he sees the panicked look in your eyes, realising your reaction wasn't just simply a response to him catching you off guard and scaring you, and that there was clearly something else going on
⤷ “hey, what's the matter?”
⤷ “it's nothing, haji. i'm fine, just— please, just get out.”
⤷ “no, you're not. you're a terrible liar, you know that? i'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong.”
⤷ you sighed, knowing that regardless of how much you tried to avoid telling him about what was probably your biggest insecurity, you couldn't keep it from him forever and right now it seemed there was no way around it
⤷ the scar on your collarbone was never something you particularly liked about yourself, and so you usually just tried your best not to think about it and pretended it wasn't there
⤷ however you still found it hard to ignore sometimes, especially with the way everyone’s eyes seemed to be drawn to it whenever you'd wear clothing that left the area exposed, and as time went on you found yourself feeling more self-conscious about it than ever
⤷ you couldn't help but feel a little nervous as you explained yourself to iwa, finding it hard to put your feelings into words but doing your best to tell him how insecure you felt, admitting that you were embarrassed for him to see you because of your scar
⤷ your boyfriend listened intently to everything you told him, trying his best to understand how you were feeling, but it still made him sad to hear you talk about yourself so negatively— how do you not see yourself the way he does?
⤷ iwa literally thinks the world of you, he couldn't imagine spending his life with anyone else and to find out that you think so little of yourself makes his heart ache
⤷ he pulls you into a hug, telling you that he thinks you're perfect just the way you are and that he appreciates everything about you, even the parts you don't like so much yourself
⤷ “i love you for you, alright? now put a shirt on, doll. it's cold in here.”
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⭑ akaashi
⤷ i feel like it didn't take long for akaashi to notice your scars, they would catch his attention whenever you wore shorts or a skirt and the material would ride up your thighs
⤷ however he didn't mention anything to you, trusting that you'd open up to him about it when the time was right— he knew scars could be a sensitive topic, and the last thing he wanted was to make you feel uncomfortable by bringing up something you didn't feel ready to talk about yet
⤷ until one day when he caught you examining yourself in the mirror, a sad look in your eyes as your fingers lightly traced over the scars that were scattered along your hip bones and thighs, and he realised it was clearly something that bothered you
⤷ your boyfriend came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder— it was evident that you weren't expecting him to catch you in the middle of picking apart your own appearance, given your startled expression and the way your body stiffened under his touch
⤷ a smile promptly made its way to your face in an attempt to convince him you were fine, but akaashi was rather perceptive and he therefore noticed the way it didn't quite reach your eyes
⤷ “oh, keiji. i was just—”
⤷ “you're so beautiful, sweetheart. you know that, right?”
⤷ you laughed nervously, trying to play it off but it was clear your boyfriend could see right through you, and you knew you had no choice but to tell him what was bothering you
⤷ “i don't know, i just kinda think i'd look better if my skin was… y'know, smoother…”
⤷ hearing you talk so openly about your own insecurities wasn't something akaashi was used to, you were always so happy and carefree, seeming so comfortable in your own skin— he hadn't seen this side of you before and he hated to think he had no idea you really felt this way about yourself up until now
⤷ “nonsense. you are so much more than your body, my darling. your scars don't define you.”
⤷ you watched through the reflection of the mirror as his hands made their way a little lower, softly caressing your hips as he pressed a gentle kiss against your shoulder, eyes filled with nothing but adoration for you and your body
⤷ you felt your heart flutter and you couldn't help but smile at his words, and akaashi was thankful to see that this time it did in fact reach your eyes <3
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stawbeemilk · 6 months
⤷ relationship headcanons – hq
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✩ characters: hinata, bokuto, tendou
✩ warnings: f!reader
✩ a/n: i had so much fun writing the first part so i'm doing more!! i love these three so much it's actually insane
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⭑ hinata
⤷ you two are so cute together it's almost sickening, you're definitely that couple who everyone is lowkey jealous of because of how utterly infatuated you are with each other
⤷ hinata literally adores you so much, he sometimes annoys his friends and teammates because of how much he talks about you
⤷ he tries to dial it back but he can't help it, he just loves you so much— you and volleyball occupy pretty much all of his thoughts <3
⤷ hinata is literally a ray of sunshine, he always knows how to make you feel better when you're having a bad day
⤷ likes to send you good morning and good night texts when the two of you are apart, it's his way of showing you that he's thinking of you
⤷ he definitely prefers to be the little spoon when cuddling, but gets super embarrassed if you ever mention it in front of anyone
⤷ hinata thinks you look adorable in his clothes, whenever you put on one of his t-shirts and it's all loose and oversized on you it makes him weak in the knees— you're just too cute <3
⤷ he can't explain why but he gets so flustered whenever you wear his jersey and will start blushing and fumbling his words
⤷ loves to randomly pick you up and spin you around, lifting you so effortlessly as if you weigh nothing to him
⤷ lets you do his makeup because he gets to see your face up close, he thinks you look so pretty when you're focused and will have a lovesick grin plastered on his face the entire time
⤷ likes doing chores with you such as cleaning the house or buying groceries together, but every time you go shopping he somehow always manages to get lost and you end up spending half of the trip looking for each other
⤷ hinata is always showering you with compliments, and will call you beautiful at least three times a day
⤷ overall a huge sweetheart <3
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⭑ bokuto
⤷ when bokuto falls in love, he falls hard— he adores absolutely everything about you and genuinely thinks the world of you
⤷ he's a very affectionate boyfriend, definitely gives the best hugs and makes you feel so safe when he wraps those beefy arms around you <3
⤷ he loves pda and will happily kiss you regardless of who's watching, but only if you're okay with it!! he never wants to make you uncomfortable and will definitely tone it down if you ask him to
⤷ bokuto can't sleep without you, when the two of you are away from each other he always has to call you and listen to your voice or else he won't be able to sleep
⤷ whenever you're sad he will do everything in his power to try and cheer you up or comfort you— likes to break out the puppy dog eyes if you refuse to tell him why you're upset
⤷ if you have an argument, he's always the first to apologise, even if he wasn't in the wrong
⤷ the first time you took him to a yakiniku restaurant on a date he very nearly got down on one knee and proposed to you
⤷ no matter how busy bokuto is with volleyball, he always manages to make time for you
⤷ he loves when you come to his games and cheer for him, and whenever he scores a point he'll make a heart with his hands at you
⤷ regardless of whether the team wins or loses, you always give him the biggest hug afterwards and tell him how proud of him you are
⤷ bokuto enjoys watching you do your skincare routine and will be over the moon when you ask him if he wants to do it with you
⤷ he would be lying if he said he understood what any of your products actually were, but he loves the feeling of you applying all the different creams and serums to his face
⤷ he's such a golden retriever bf
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⭑ tendou
⤷ tendou still doesn't understand how he managed to end up with someone as gorgeous as you, he honestly thinks he's the luckiest guy on earth
⤷ literally worships the ground you walk on
⤷ he still can't believe he gets to wake up next to you, and he sometimes has to pinch himself in the morning to make sure he isn't dreaming
⤷ the first time you called him handsome he cried
⤷ tendou gets so excited if you're someone who also likes anime, the two of you binge watch so many shows together and he'll talk about his favourite characters with you for hours
⤷ takes you on cute little café and park dates
⤷ he's also quite spontaneous and will do things like randomly surprise you with tickets to disneyland or the eiffel tower
⤷ likes to sneak up behind you and scare you for absolutely no reason, he thinks it's so cute when you get mad at him for it
⤷ tendou actually gets really insecure if he catches someone else flirting with you— it's not that he doesn't trust you, because he does more than anything, it's just that there's always a voice in the back of his mind telling him you could do so much better than him </3
⤷ needs a lot of cuddles and reassurance from you, please tell him that he's good enough and that you love him just the way he is
⤷ if you have a sweet tooth, he likes to surprise you by bringing you little chocolates home from work <3
⤷ he's so touched starved, when the two of you first started dating it caught him so off guard when you would show him affection
⤷ but as time went on and he grew accustomed to your touch it wasn't long before he revealed his clingy side to you— asking you for cuddles and kisses all the time and sending you texts while he's at work saying that he misses you
⤷ protect him
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stawbeemilk · 6 months
⤷ their s/o is insecure about having a small chest – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: a teeny bit suggestive
✩ a/n: i've been struggling with my body image a lot lately, so i decided to write some more content for my fellow small-chested folks <3
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⭑ kuroo likes to remind you of all the benefits of having a smaller chest, like how you're less likely to suffer from back pain and that exercising is more comfortable, or his personal favourite, the fact you don't have to wear a bra.
⭑ bokuto will genuinely get so upset if you're the type to make self-deprecating jokes about your chest size, his hair will droop and he'll look almost as if he's close to tears as he tells you that you shouldn't talk about yourself in such a way.
⭑ iwaizumi encourages you to wear clothing that's a little out of your comfort zone, and he will literally lose his ability to speak when he sees you all dressed up— he thinks you're absolutely stunning.
⭑ kenma likes to give you one of his oversized hoodies to wear when he notices that you're feeling self-conscious, before pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you, leaning his head on your shoulder as he plays on his switch.
⭑ akaashi refuses to let you talk badly about yourself, whenever he senses that you're about to criticise your own body he'll give you a stern look and shake his head, his reaction making you fall silent before you can even get your words out.
⭑ suna loves resting his head on your chest while he naps, he thinks it's really comfortable. he can't help but nuzzle his face in between them, mumbling into your skin about how pretty you are as he feels himself dozing off in your warm embrace.
⭑ hinata will constantly remind you how beautiful you are, showering you with endless affection and so many compliments. even if you have a habit of deflecting them, he won't ever stop telling you how much he adores you, hoping that one day you'll start to see yourself the way he sees you.
⭑ matsukawa will randomly cup your chest when the two of you are cuddling— at first you thought it was his way of trying to start something with you, but you soon discovered that he just enjoys holding them because of the way his hands completely cover them.
⭑ tendou can empathise with you if you've ever been made fun of for the way you look, and he knows how much of an impact it can have on your self-esteem. he will always remind you that he thinks you're perfect, and that you shouldn't listen to anyone who says otherwise.
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stawbeemilk · 7 months
⤷ pet names they call their s/o – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: f!reader
✩ a/n: it's been a long week but i'm back and (finally) off shift, so hopefully i'll be able to get some more writing done soon!!
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⭑ babe, baby, sunshine
he's definitely the type of boyfriend who refers to you by pet names more than your actual name. he will call you these with the biggest smile and so much fondness in his eyes, and it literally makes your heart melt every time.
⤷ bokuto, hinata, nishinoya, komi, tendou, inuoka
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⭑ sweetheart, darling, gorgeous
ugh he's so charming. he loves to call you these out of nowhere when you're least expecting it, enjoying the way you get all embarrassed and stumble over your words. he always knows exactly how to make your heart flutter and your stomach erupt with butterflies.
⤷ kuroo, akaashi, sugawara, oikawa, fukunaga, hirugami, kai
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⭑ pretty girl, doll, princess
he's such a tease, his favourite time to call you these is when you're mad at him because he knows it will catch you off guard and fluster you to no end, regardless of how angry you are. he's so smug about it too, it’s so infuriating but so hot at the same time.
⤷ suna, matsukawa, kyotani, konoha, semi, iwaizumi
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⭑ love, my love, my dear
he doesn't call you these all that often, and so when he does it only makes it that much more meaningful. he might not always be the most expressive, but you see the way his gaze softens when he looks at you, and it's clear from that alone just how much he adores you.
⤷ ushijima, daichi, kageyama, aone, sakusa, washio, kita
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⭑ bubs, cutie, bunny
he was a little embarrassed about referring to you by pet names at first, but now he finds that they just effortlessly roll off his tongue. he's a sucker for cute and sappy nicknames like these because he thinks they fit you perfectly.
⤷ kenma, yamaguchi, lev, koganegawa, goshiki, komori
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⭑ dove, honey, angel
it honestly surprises his friends when they overhear him calling you one of these, because as far as they're concerned it seems so out of character for him. if only they knew what he was like behind closed doors, they'd soon realise just how soft he really is for you.
⤷ yaku, tsukishima, futakuchi, yahaba, daishou, osamu
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⭑ hot stuff, sugar, my queen
he's such a simp for you. you can never tell if he's joking or if he's totally serious when he calls you these, but regardless of how much it might make you cringe, you can't deny that you find yourself fighting back a smile at how ridiculous he is.
⤷ tanaka, hanamaki, yamamoto, terushima, atsumu
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stawbeemilk · 7 months
⤷ relationship headcanons – hq
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✩ characters: kenma, osamu, suna
✩ warnings: f!reader, mentions of periods
✩ a/n: hii i'm back ◡̈ this was so fun to write hehe
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⭑ kenma
⤷ i feel like it took kenma a very long time to actually tell you that he liked you— he didn't plan on telling you at all at first, but it was thanks to kuroo’s persuasion that he finally decided to ask you out
⤷ he was very nervous to tell you, so he chose not to make a huge deal out of it and just casually mentioned it when the two of you were hanging out together
⤷ his confession definitely caught you off guard ahaha
⤷ kenma is actually quite affectionate when the two of you are alone together, he likes to randomly hug you from behind and lets you sit on his lap while he games
⤷ offers you his hoodies when you're cold because he likes seeing you in his clothes
⤷ he loves when you play with or style his hair, he never admits it out loud but if you pay close attention you'll notice the way his eyes flutter shut as he leans into your touch
⤷ sometimes he'll deliberately neglect brushing his hair so that you do it for him </3
⤷ kenma can't cook to save his life, so he really appreciates when you bring him snacks while he's streaming— his fans absolutely love you and always flood the chat with comments about how pretty you are whenever you make an appearance
⤷ you once begged him to take you on a cat café date and he reluctantly agreed, however by the end of it he was far more attached to the cats than you were but refused to admit it
⤷ the two of you regularly have mario kart tournaments on his switch, and a lot of the time he lets you win because he thinks you're adorable when you start bragging and making fun of him
⤷ plays minecraft with you and puts his bed next to yours unironically, you have so many in-game cats together and they all have names
⤷ i love him so much aaah <3
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⭑ osamu
⤷ osamu is definitely the type of boyfriend who sends you texts throughout the day asking if you've eaten
⤷ he always encourages you to eat a proper meal and will cook your favourite food for you, even when you say you're not that hungry— he likes taking care of you and making sure you're well fed
⤷ you'll come into the kitchen every morning and he'll be making you breakfast over the stove in nothing but a pair of sweatpants
⤷ while osamu loves making your favourite meals, nothing makes him happier than seeing you cook for him— even if it's not perfect, he still appreciates anything you make for him because he knows how much effort went into it
⤷ he isn't the biggest fan of pda, but he does like holding your hand because he wants everyone to know that you're his
⤷ osamu is so attentive when you're on your period, you won't have to lift a finger— he always goes to the convenience store for you when you're out of pads or tampons, reminds you to take your painkillers, and will make you herbal tea to help with your cramps
⤷ he also offers to massage any sore areas if you're in a lot of pain, he likes looking after you when he knows you're not feeling your best <3
⤷ osamu loves to take you on cute little picnic dates in the summer, he thinks you look so pretty in your flowy sundress and can’t take his eyes off you </3
⤷ kisses your forehead every morning before he leaves for work
⤷ it always makes his day when you surprise him by showing up unannounced at onigiri miya, as soon as he sees you walk in his eyes will light up and he'll be unable to wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the day
⤷ i want him so bad it's honestly not ok
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⭑ suna
⤷ i just know that suna has several albums on his phone dedicated to photos of you
⤷ there are so many of you sleeping, candid shots of you smiling, as well as a bunch of mirror selfies he's taken of the two of you
⤷ he definitely has an embarrassing photo of you as his wallpaper
⤷ calls you “pretty girl” or “princess”
⤷ suna loves napping with you, cuddling on a lazy sunday afternoon and just falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms is his favourite way to spend the day
⤷ tells you he loves you and softly kisses your face when he thinks you're asleep— you’ve caught him once or twice but never said anything because you were afraid he'd stop if he found out you knew </3
⤷ randomly sends you playlists he's made for you, most of them are full of love songs
⤷ lets you paint his nails because he thinks you look cute when you're concentrating, his favourite colours are dark red and black
⤷ sprays cologne on his hoodies before he gives them to you
⤷ suna loves late night calls when the two of you are apart, a lot of the time he can't sleep without you and just wants to hear your voice <3
⤷ probably asks to get matching piercings or tattoos with you
⤷ likes to keep spare hair ties on his wrist for you, providing your hair is long enough to tie back
⤷ he gets secretly jealous whenever he sees someone staring at you in public, he’ll instinctively wrap his arm around you and glare at them
⤷ if you get hungry during the night he will happily drive you to mcdonald's at 3am
⤷ suna remembers a lot of small details about you that you randomly mention, things that most people would overlook or forget— he has a hard time being open about his feelings sometimes so it's one of the ways he shows you he cares
⤷ literally such a good bf ugh
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stawbeemilk · 7 months
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