#━━ santiago // interaction . ❜
thedailydescent · 4 months
people keep saying claudia is lestat's daughter claudia resembles lestat over louis. but what was this episode if not claudia going 'thank you, sir. 'yes, sir.' 'of course, sir.' subject, verb, agreement, 'sir.' smile, nod, 'yes, sir.' coming from the same organ using her weakness to rise like she is daddy lou's daughter.
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srldesigns6277 · 6 months
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Louis in Santiago, Chile - Up close and personal
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lareinawriites · 3 months
santiago: you know where my sister is at??
santiago: frankie is worried about her
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stcnecoldd · 2 months
quem: @aguillar
onde: em algum lugar da ilha. sabe-se lá aonde exatamente!
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A beleza pitoresca da ilha podia ser estonteante, mas Aurora não se deixava distrair-se demais com ela, logo encontrando uma maneira de tornar-se útil durante aquela visita. Indignava-se com o esforço excessivo colocado na segurança do local, enquanto o acampamento permanecia negligenciado e vulnerável a qualquer criatura que desejasse destruí-lo. No entanto, aproveitava sua função como voluntária para estudar o perímetro e realizar suas próprias rondas. Não confiava nas promessas volúveis dos deuses, por isso não acreditava que estavam realmente seguros ali. Conhecer melhor o local era o melhor a ser feito. Instigada por ruídos que surgiram nas proximidades, Aurora decidiu se aventurar pela mata adentro, apenas para se deparar com um rosto já conhecido. Baixou a guarda depois de reconhecer Santiago, mas não perdeu a oportunidade de provocá-lo com uma de suas típicas investidas. ── Circe deve estar realmente preocupada com a segurança daqui, se recorreu a qualquer um por ajuda. ── O sorriso ferino brincava nos lábios ao proferir.
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chvmpcgnerps · 1 month
continued from here with @muse-legion
Nora, for some odd reason, couldn't seem to pull her gaze from the male. granted, he was very easy on the eyes and seemed to carry himself very well. but she never been the type to get head over heels regarding looks. however, something about him made her anxious and not totally in a bad way. it was nice to finally put a face to the missing piece of the puzzle, as nora hadn't met the male figure in paulina's life. typically her mom was the parent that showed up to the conferences and the orientation. "well it's very nice to meet you, Santi." she finally got out with an uneasy chuckle following. "you should know that you have a very lively character here on your hands..." a smile curving her set glossed in dior lip oil, as she briefly drops her gaze over to paulina teasing the little one a bit. "but she's amazing! it's been an absolute pleasure teaching her and she talks very highly of you."
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devourcr · 4 months
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the coven stands in silence. the execution funeral pyre burns bright, the light bouncing off armand's amber gaze, his expression remains stern, dutiful, and his eyes reminiscent of the centuries he's lived, rather than the youthful face he wore. the echoed screams of the burned vampire had died down, leaving only the memory in the smoky catacombs, ventilated by the open manhole leading to the street.
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❝ dampen the fire, take what's left and bring it to the tombs, ❞ he instructs the theatre troupe, finally lifting his eyes to meet their solemn faces. killing one of their own isn't a time for celebration. particularly one who had been with them for so long. but to break their laws was to face punishment. and sometimes — that punishment meant death. armand steps back from the flames, turns on his heel to leave. idly, he rubs his palms together, the very hands that had directed the fire gift to the other vampire.
he never spares a glance at santiago. though, he knows the raw emotion filling the space belongs to him. armand won't pretend that what he'd witnessed had been easy ( he knows it isn't ) and despite not looking towards him, his voice lifts again, ❝ santiago, come with me. ❞
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@vyrulent // starter for santiago!
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hellersdarcy · 2 months
starter with @aguillar
As horas passadas no SPA tinham se provado bastante eficientes na tarefa de melhorar o humor ranzinza de Darcy. Depois de meses no Acampamento Meio-Sangue, os produtos de skincare e cabelo que tinha trazido consigo da Inglaterra estavam chegando ao fim então ter acesso a tratamentos de qualidade realmente fazia uma diferença.
Com as unhas recém pintadas em um tom de roxo bem escuro, se dirigiu ao salão de refeições. Havia passado o dia beliscando petiscos e agora sentia necessidade de uma refeição completa. No caminho de volta ao resort, seus olhos não desgrudavam do céu, receosa que os pássaros que a atacaram em sua ultima estádia na ilha aparecessem novamente. Com o prato em mãos, hesitou perante o local de oferendas. Circe havia dito que todos precisariam oferecer algo no último dia mas será que seria falta de educação não oferecer algo todos os dias? "Você acha que ela vai ficar chateada se não fizermos oferendas?" perguntou a Santi. "Eu dificilmente faço oferendas para o meu próprio... pai." A última palavra foi dita com um certo desconforto, Darcy nunca se acostumaria a chamar Thanatos de pai.
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deathmvrks · 16 days
lestat called for a lyric based starter . @prescitia
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" my ' give a fucks ' are on vacation. " espresso | sabrina carpenter.
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a roll of his eyes and he placed the charcoal stick that he'd been using as eyeliner down. if he had to hear the older whine -- one. more . time. he was going to commit the fifth law... a twitch of the corner of his lip was given. " too bad your ex don't do it for ya. " santiago slowly turned in his chair to look at the blonde . " but do you have to come in here and interrupt my concentration ? i have a show to get ready for. "
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angelsdvsts · 9 months
↪ closed for @lethalties
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"must admit, i didn't expect to see you at my steps again."
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manybcdthings · 1 month
grand gala
cruz alvarez and santiago alvarez @gloriouswhispers
Observing wasn't anything new to Cruz. It seemed to be a trait that he embodied from as young as he could remember being. Perhaps, it was the curse or gift of being the middle child. Perhaps it was entirely taught by the old man he was watching right now, mingling with names the world seemed to know. Sending his older brother appearing at his side, Cruz didn't glance to Santiago and only grinned slightly. "Think we'll still have to drag our asses around being nice to everyone we see when we're seventy?" he gestured to their father, only then giving a look to Santi. "Gotta hand it to him though, I know he doesn't even like that fucker right there." a gentle wave of his hand pointed out a Hollywood star, Miguel effortlessly engaging with them as if they were life long friends. "You're better at that shit than me and Angel." Cruz offered the simple compliment before turning properly to speak to his brother. "Still think they might be here?"
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Closed starter: Theo Martin and Santiago Silva (@rcsplendent)
Setting: The Guard's quarters
Theo wanted to feel excited, wanted to be satisfied with the knowledge that the Holy Roman Empire had been found to be behind the attacks, but there was a prickling nag that something was unfinished. They still had not settled on who among the staff of Versailles had helped in the attacks, though they now knew who was bankrolling them. They were also not completely certain that the Holy Roman Empire was the only country conspiring. Of course, Theo did not bring this up to the other guards who were simply relieved at the possibility of getting to go on furlough to Paris and get out of the palace for a few days. Theo did not want to rain on their excitement so he took his worries to Santiago.
Theo had learned early into his mentorship, that Santiago was almost never pleased or at ease. Years of protecting the unprotectable had left the Marechal with a deep sense of impending doom, one that was rarely wrong. If Santiago told Theo it was time to relax, he would do so, but he sincerely doubted he would. Theo found Santiago with a group of recruits, setting the ground rules for them as they entered the service of Versailles so he waited, standing straight and tall, an example for all of those in front of Santiago. When Santiago dismissed them, he fell in step beside him. "It seems you were right to have me look into the Hapsburgs sir. I wanted to know if you still wished me to focus on them or if you wished me to pivot my focus to those inside the palace who might have helped."
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immcrtalsx · 2 months
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"Shall we?" Miles held out his arm to his girlfriend as the dancing started, "Let's show everyone how it's done, huh?" he joked, knowing full well that he would not be one of the best dancers out there. Despite the grace a fairy should have, Miles' dyspraxia made him clumsy. He just wanted to dance with the woman he loved and have fun.
@mcnstercus ( Emilia )
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lareinawriites · 28 days
sms : sebastian
santiago: i know i don't have to say this
santiago: but you need anything just say the word
santiago: letty with you?
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musemuseum · 11 months
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@thefvrious | for Santiago muse: Avalon Foley
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Avalon had found the sweater ── an oversized fit on her slender frame ── lying around her garage from the last time Santiago had come around to help with her passion project. She had thought to return it multiple times, but it smelled just like him-- and it was much too comfortable to give up. The sleeves hung down below her fingertips, perfect for curling into her fists to keep warm; while the rest of it took on the appearance of a short dress, ending mid-thigh. "Can I get you anything?" It was easy to pretend that she hadn't essentially stolen his sweater ── he had left it in her garage after all.
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willxmeyers · 6 months
who: @santiagodeleons where: poker night
"My god, you're robbing me blind!" Will groaned from across the table. Playing poker with Santiago felt less like playing cards and more like giving out free money. The Brit was never particularly good at games that required playing the long con, Will never had the patience, he was more of a Blackjack kind of man. But poker did have a certain charm, he supposed. Why else did he attend these games?
Will lifted his scotch to his lips in between hands. "Are you going to kick my arse every round?"
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rcsplendent · 11 months
closed starter — the three musketeers. ( @effervcscents, @swordsandcrownsxx, @bloodycrxwn ! ). not a group thread !
location : the infirmary.
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he'd  been  pistol-whipped  —  an  assailant  had  come  up  behind  him  in  the  woods  &  bashed  him  so  hard  up  the  back  of  his  head  that  he'd  hit  the  ground  instantly.  he's  felt  worse  pains  —  sword  slashes,  gunshot  wounds  —  but  nothing  is  as  torturous  as  this:  a  throbbing,  hollow  pain  in  his  skull,  dull  enough  to  make  him  stubbornly  insist  he  can  get  up  &  enact  his  duties  as  a  general  (  he's  been  incapacitated  for  nearly  two  days,  now  —  he's  never  been  absent  for  so  long  before  ),  but  also  awful  enough  to  make  a  wave  of  nausea  wash  over  him  as  he  sits  up  from  his  infirmary  bed.  regardless  of  his  attempt  to  hide  the  way  he  sways  when  he  finally  stands  (  &  then  immediately  sits  back  down  again  ),  he  glares  when  he  feels  someone  approach  —  of  course,  one  of  his  protégé.  he  knows  he  looks  awful;  paled  complexion  &  sallow  features.  &  yet,  he's  stubborn  as ever.  "  i  am  fine,  "    he  insists  sternly,  already  predicting  their  concern  before  they  even  begin.   "  i  need  to  get  back  to  work. "
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