#“have you looked at ao3 and wattpad” yes. multiple times.
boneywones · 13 days
i need more classicerror fics. im going to go crazy. bonkers, even.
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vettelsvee · 5 months
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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rbr sebastian vettel x schumacher!reader | part 2 here
summary: y/n thinks she's sick from f1 traveling stress, but what if that's not the reason of her sickness?
word count: 992
warnings: hints of having sex. mentions of wishing to die (because reader is sick af). use of y/n
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback, as well as comments and reblogs, are truly appreciated!
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It was barely five in the morning, and the sun was beginning to rise on the horizon of the city of Berlin. Sebastian and you, without having been able to rest after the German Grand Prix that had taken place just hours ago, were at the airport of the German capital, ready to head to Hungary, where the next Formula 1 competition would be held.
You were aware that following the lifestyle of a high-level racing driver was not easy. However, you didn't think that getting eight hours of sleep or having free time would become privileges that you would have, in part, during the holiday period. Despite the excitement that filled you every time you embarked on a new destination, you had been feeling unwell for several days, and no matter how hard you tried to remedy it, all you did was worsen it.
Seb, who knew you well enough to know that something was wrong, tried not to make a big deal out of it. He knew that you tended to get sick frequently, although the fact that you was quieter than usual and didn't have as much energy as usual started to worry the blonde who, at the moment of takeoff, observed carefully as your face grew paler, while you gripped the armrest of the seat tightly.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Sebastian asked with concern.
You tried to breathe deeply to calm the wave of nausea you were feeling right now.
"Yes," you simply replied, faking a smile. "I just feel a little uncomfortable with takeoff, you know airplanes and I are not friends. Stop worrying, love. You'll see it'll pass soon."
Despite your multiple reassurances, Seb couldn't convince himself. Your eyes reflected how you felt, and he had no doubt that you were hiding something from him to avoid worrying him.To try to relax you, he leaned towards you to leave a kiss on your cheek.
"Sweetheart, I know you've told me you're okay, but if you start feeling worse, let me know, okay?"
You nodded, silently thanking the German for his concern.
Although he tried not to make a big deal out of it, the truth was that as the flight progressed towards its destination, you felt worse, even reaching the point where nausea turned into frequent trips to the bathroom to vomit, and constant dizziness into a desire to faint and not wake up for a few days.
"Seb, I swear… I can't deal with this anymore."
After suddenly getting up from your seat, hurrying to the bathroom trying not to cause too much commotion among the other passengers, you quickly locked yourself in the small cubicle, bending over the toilet to empty everything you didn't know you had inside yourself. Sebastian watched with concern as you fled, trying not to lose his composure under the curious gaze of those present, including a few Red Bull engineers.
“Y/N!”, Seb called out as quietly as he could, anxious because you weren’t responding. “Are you okay? Please, open the door.”
You didn't answer him, which only heightened Vettel's anxiety. He fixed his gaze on the bathroom door, waiting for you to come out and give him some explanation of what was happening.
After what felt like an eternity, you emerged from the bathroom with a completely pale face and a tired look. Sebastian simply pulled her close to his chest and held her tightly in an embrace.
"Love, what's wrong?" he said anxiously. "I need to know what's going on. Things can't continue like this if you're going to keep accompanying me. I'm sure it's getting to you: everything is overwhelming you and..."
Suddenly, you began to cry from the helplessness you were feeling, causing Sebastian to hold you even tighter, stroking your back to help you relax as much as possible.
"I can't take it anymore, Seb. I feel awful. I want to die right now."
"We should seek help," he said, wiping your tears away. "We'll see what we can do now to keep you as relaxed as possible for the remainder of the flight, okay? And when we land, we'll go to an emergency room to see what's wrong with you."
Sebastian then called one of the flight attendants in their area and explained the distressing situation, emphasizing that he wouldn't want anyone to find out to avoid conflicts with both the media and his team. The flight attendant simply nodded and informed them to return to their seats, immediately assisting the world champion's partner.
"Mrs. Vettel, here's some water and an aspirin," the woman kindly offered you. "Additionally, I've informed the crew about your wife's situation," she said, now looking at the blonde, "and they confirmed that if she gets worse, there's no problem in making an emergency landing at the nearest airport."
"I'm not Sebastian's wife..."
"Thank you very much," the driver interrupted, thanking the flight attendant for her assistance.
The German began to laugh at your reaction as soon as the woman left.
"You should have seen your face, Y/N. You can't deny that you didn't mind being referred to as my wife," Seb said, stroking your hair and opening the water bottle for you to take a sip.
The flight continued, and although the nausea had been brought under control, the discomfort persisted. The couple was aware that there was only, thankfully, about half an hour of travel left.
"Darling," Sebastian whispered sweetly. "Close your eyes and focus on your breathing: inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. I'm here, hold my hand."
You followed your partner's instructions, allowing yourself to be guided by his voice, which was truly comforting in those moments, in each inhalation and exhalation. Gradually, you began to feel calmer, and you would even swear that you hadn't felt this way in several days.
Finally, the plane reached its destination. You felt greatly relieved that the flight, which had caused you so much distress, had come to an end as it had left her physically and mentally exhausted.
As soon as your feet touched Hungarian soil, Sebastian made sure that you felt as comfortable as possible before heading to the hotel. Despite the rush Britta, Sebastian's PR, took a moment in some small seats to rest and, as much as possible, recover from the turbulent journey they had just endured.
Although he knew he might hurt your feelings, Sebastian decided to broach the subject with a mischievous smile:
"Love, don't you think we've had enough intense Sunday nights celebrating my victories? Because I think it's led to something good."
At first, you were a bit confused, but a few seconds later you let out a shy and sweet laugh. The driver wasn't lying: sex had become your ritual to bid farewell to the weekend and, above all, as a celebration of Seb's victories that season. Now that you remembered, there were quite a few occasions where you didn’t use protection, so you thought that the possibility was even more up in the air now.
"It could be, Seb," you said with a knowing smile. "If I am, we could have a pretty big problem..."
"Please, love, don't say that," Vettel drew closer to you, taking your hand and gently tracing small circles on it with his fingers. "If you're pregnant, I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother. Besides, I know we haven't talked about this, but I've always wanted to be a father and I can't imagine anyone better than you to fulfill this dream."
Tears began to form in your eyes, and you hurried to wipe them away to prevent your boyfriend from noticing.
"So, what do you say? Should we tell Britta that we need to go to the pharmacy and buy a test? That way we can find out, and if it's a no, we can keep trying," you clarified eagerly. "What do you think about tonight?"
Feeling excited, after you explained the situation to the woman who had become another member of the family, and who, obviously, had been thrilled at the possible news, headed to the nearest pharmacy to avoid arousing suspicions among the journalists and paparazzi, who were lurking around with the intention of getting the latest scoop on the man of the moment.
Alone together and holding the small bag containing the test, you began to feel nervous as they approached their room. Upon entering the suite, you both sat on the edge of the bed, taking a moment to calm themselves before checking whether you would become parents.
"Okay," you said, taking a deep breath, "I'm ready."
After that, you opened the box containing the test and went to the bathroom, where you followed the instructions carefully. Once finished, you placed it on the surface of the sink and returned to where Seb was, waiting for the indicated time to pass to see the result.
You approached your boyfriend, who gently stroked your back once again to comfort you. He knew you were nervous and scared. He felt the same way.
"Whatever the result is, I'm grateful to have a woman like you in my life. I'll be by your side no matter what, ok?" Sebastian reassured you.
Tears filled the your eyes again, and as you looked at your watch and saw that the waiting time was over, you ran as fast as you could to the bathroom, followed by an anxious Sebastian.
Quickly, you took the test in your hands and saw the result:
"It's positive!" you shouted, your voice trembling. "I'm pregnant, Sebastian!"
A wave of emotions engulfed you both, not knowing what to do except to embrace tightly as you felt a mixture of astonishment and joy, as well as uncertainties about what could happen from that moment on.
"Well, it turns out that in the end I'm not just good at pointing with my index finger when I win," Sebastian teased you mischievously.
"I find it surreal that you're making dirty jokes after finding out we're going to have a child."
"I guess," the driver continued playfully, "we'll have to tell this little one that his dad is a two-time, for now, Formula 1 world champion, and that his mother is a champion in other aspects."
You laughed at your boyfriend's quips, finding them unbelievable.
"Come on, Seb, don't act modest now saying you didn't have merit. You know perfectly well that I motivated you quite a bit during those baby-making sessions."
"Of course, I'm not saying otherwise," the German continued jokingly. "I'm sure the baby will become the royalty of Formula 1. Who wouldn't want to have Vettel and Schumacher genes?"
Both of you burst into laughter, filling the room, giving way your thoughts on how you would tell your families, the media, your respective coworkers... Especially, you spent a few minutes sharing your expectations about what your life would be like from that day on.
"Miss Schumacher and future Mrs. Vettel, let me tell you that now that we know we're expecting a little miracle, I propose we celebrate it in a more... intimate way."
"You can't even give me a day's break, can you? I don't know about you, but I'm convinced my father wouldn't find it amusing to hear his daughter screaming to ask her boyfriend for more," you said, knowing your father would be in the adjacent rooms.
"I know," Seb simply said, "but I’ve won in life, and I don't apologize for winning."
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simpforpeterp · 5 months
lucifer morningstar x oc
summary: A story in which the King of Hell falls in love with a fallen angel who became the most powerful overlord in Hell, the owner of millions of souls, in less than a year. (She obtained them all on accident) (Yes, she accidentally became the most powerful overlord in Hell)
warnings: no specific warnings other than the fact that it's hazbin so (hopefully?) you know what you're getting yourself into
word count: 2.7k
author's note: this is the first chapter of ten uploaded on ao3 and wattpad so far!!!! if you like this chapter please go read the rest on there or ask and i can upload more chapters on here!! :)
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Chapter 1: The Fall
no one warns you before the fall
"So," Lucifer began his voice a low murmur, placing his hand on his forehead. "Do you wanna tell me your deal? I've gone through hell and back, pun intended, to track you down."
  "Are you implying I owe you an explanation? Because if that's the case, honesty is key here, right?" She smiles.
  "I- maybe? You know what, sure. Let's run with that," He lets out a dry chuckle. "Spill it, sister. How...how did you become a fallen angel?"
  "This is stupid."
  "It's not stupid, I know that better than anyone." He tries.
  "No, no, no, I don't mean it like I'm ashamed to tell you. I mean...how it happened. I'm fully aware of how stupid this is about to sound but everything that's happened to me, how I got here and became one of the most powerful people in hell within months...it was a complete accident. A series of unforeseen accidents." She tells him, leaning back further in her chair.
  "Are you bullshitting me?"
  "No, okay, listen. I'm not gonna go at this saying I'm completely innocent. Did I sneak into Earth multiple times and do a lot of horrible things like drugs, become the lead singer in one of the biggest bands in existence, and live multiple lifetimes over the decades on Earth? Yes. But that's surprisingly not what got me kicked out. But it did get me 100 hours of heaven's version of court-mandated community service. I had to lead tours of the biggest museum in Heaven. The Museum of Other Religions."
  "And here on your left, you'll see a pair of horns from a real-life minotaur. This museum was built centuries ago to show amazing things from our neighbors. With the rule that you have to have at least three people to form a religion, a lot of religions have formed, a lot of them with an afterlife similar to ours. We share these skies with hundreds of others! Even...some bullshit like religions like those who follow the Sonic Bible. Yes, the Hedgehog. And that leads us to...ten golden rings." She sighs, absolutely tired of this work.
  "What's that?" A child points to a large Norse weapon.
  "That's a spear. It looks like a cane, but it's a spear. This famous weapon actually has a name. Gungir is the famous spear of Odin, the King of Asgardian Gods. Actually-" She starts before a loud noise starts next door. It's only her second month of volunteering, she's never heard anything like that.
  "What is that?" A concerned mother asks.
  "Ah...I'm not entirely sure. Everyone, please wait here, I'll go check it out." She says, awkwardly scooting away from the tour group until she reaches the door.
  The air reverberated with deafening screeches, assaulting her ears as she stumbled upon the source of the commotion. A putrid stench, like sulfur mixed with decay, took over her senses, causing bile to rise in her throat.
  The building next door has always had no name and no one was ever allowed in there except for very special people. So, entering the alley between the two buildings probably wasn't a good idea but that's where the noise was coming from.
  That's when she sees a big glowing portal. With a perfect view of hell and angels who definitely do not belong there. Angels who were doing something they shouldn't have been. She shuts the door to the alley and stumbles backwards quickly. A conveniently placed rock causes her to fall backwards, still trying to back away as the portal radiates heat.
  "Watching these stupid fucks die never gets old!" Adam laughs as he watches other angels do their killing. He steps backwards into the portal, watching proudly. That stupid son of a bitch.
  She tries her best to be quiet, not letting him hear even a breath. He sighs and begins to walk into the adjacent building before turning back around and seeing the other angel on the floor, a look of horror on her face.
  "Of course, my fucking luck. Listen here, you little bitch. What you saw? Never happened. Got it? 'Kay, thanks! Bye!" He throws a smoke bomb on the floor, filling her lungs and making her cough relentlessly.
  It leaves a hollow feeling in her chest as she tries to hit it out of her lungs with her wrist. The portal is gone when the smoke clears up. Well, mostly. The thick black smoke is slowly rising, just barely out of her face.
  "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The head Seraphim comes out from the museum.
  "Oh, f- my group. I'll head back in n-"
  "Christy took your group. You're coming with me." Sera says coldly before leading the way to the heavenly court.
  They appear there within seconds. The room is almost empty. Just Sera, Emily, and a few others who are usually involved in the proceedings. And it's horrifying. It's a known fact, a joke in Heaven, about how the only other time this room was like this was when Lucifer fell.
  "L-look, if this is about Lute, she only hates me because I tried to tell her to stop yelling at the first graders whenever she passes by." The Angel tries to deflect.
  "I have heard much about you, Eleanor." Sera begins.
  "Really? That's- that's uh- really dedicated," She clears her throat awkwardly. "You can call me Ellie though."
  "Eleanor, we have let a lot of things slide with you. You've broken over fifty cardinal rules. We've only punished you for five. We thought your volunteer work would help you but then I find you away from your group, smoking in the alley?"
  "Woah, woah, woah, smoking? Me? I haven't smoked since the sixties!" She puts her hands up in defense before mumbling. "Cigarettes, anyway."
  The people in the room begin whispering and it's overwhelming.
  "Look, please, you've gotta believe me. I know I've messed up in the past but I can explain myself. I was with my group, okay? And then we heard this noise and I decided to go check it out and it was horrible! I saw this big portal and- and- it was to Hell!" She starts frantically explaining before everyone's faces change quickly. "Angels were there, they were killing those poor souls in hell! Adam! You were there, you saw it." She points to the man sitting.
  "Huh? Oh, yeah, I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugs.
  "What? No- but I saw it! I was there, I know it was Hell and I know they were killing sinners. They were wielding angelic weapons and- and-" She tries.
  "Enough," Sera holds her hand up and everything falls silent. "The court stands firm in this decision, you were supposed to stay with your tour group, you barely had half your hours done. This was your final warning-"
  "But it wasn't my fault! There were these loud screams and explosions and this horrible smell, I wasn't trying to be irresponsible and leave my tour group. I was trying to comfort them and let them know the noise was nothing more than something normal but I couldn't do that because apparently angels can be murderers!" Ellie raises her voice.
  "We've never allowed anything of the sort to happen. You must be making this up. But perhaps this is for the best, this was never the place for you. It was only a matter of time before we had to do this." Sera sighs.
  "Before I got kicked out? You all think I'm trouble just like everyone else here." She shakes her head, trying to step back but she can't. She's frozen.
  "Lute?" Sera calls. "Get her wings and halo, now."
  "But the exterminations are real, they do happen. They just- they lied to you and said you were the liar? That's...fucked up." He breathes out.
  "I learned that the hard way when I saw the big countdown on that big white tower. But I couldn't just sit around and lick my wounds. So, I got up and held onto the walls to make sure I didn't lose my balance without my wings. I was bleeding down the entire back of my shirt but I didn't want anyone to think I was dead and eat me. I had no idea where I was but then I started meeting all kinds of new people." She shrugs.
  "And so you just randomly turned evil and started taking souls?" He asks.
  "I'm not evil, dude. I'm an idiot, sure, but I'm not evil." She tries.
  "You own millions of souls by yourself. You've been here for a year."
  "Okay, this is about to look like a lie because of, again, how stupid this is. But that was also an accident."
  "Come on!" He laughs loudly, literally slapping his knee.
  "What? It was!" She manages a giggle too, leaning slightly forward.
   "I- oh, hold on. I have to call my daughter really quick, I'm not making it to this meeting. Sorry, Darlin'." He winks with a wide grin.
  "No, god bless you, baby." She smirks as he stands up, keeping his eyes on her as his smile never drops.
  Ellie breezed into the crowded bar, her presence drawing curious gazes from the denizens of Hell. With a nonchalant smile, she approached the overlord seated at the center of the room, his imposing figure exuding an aura of dominance. The demon, adorned in extravagant robes adorned with glistening jewels, regarded her with a mixture of amusement and disdain.
  By then, rumors had begun to spread about her rise to power. Her presence immediately commanded attention despite her seemingly unassuming appearance. Her light brown wavy hair cascaded over her shoulders in her white sundress. She looked utterly angelic, standing out like a sore thumb.
  "What's your deal, babe? You dealin' in souls looking like that?" The demon chuckles.
"That's usually how it goes. Usually, I say, 'If I win in a game of tic-tac-toe, I get your soul,' and then you say-" Eleanor chirped, her tone playful and carefree.
The overlord's laughter rumbled through the room, a deep and menacing sound that reverberated off the walls.
  "You? Win my soul? That's funny, little angel. But very well, indulge me," he chuckled, a wicked gleam in his eyes.
With a snap of his fingers, a makeshift tic-tac-toe grid materialized before them, the lines etched in crimson fire against the darkened backdrop of the bar. Eleanor's grin widened as she accepted the challenge, her fingers tracing the X's and O's with childish delight.
  She plays the game and everyone around can smell off of her that she has no idea the power she holds. People don't treat souls like a big deal unless you're dealing with them. How was she supposed to know if she had no friends in hell?
  As the game unfolded, Ellie approached it with the same innocence and naivety that had defined her existence thus far. Each move she made was guided by whimsy rather than strategy, her laughter filling the air as she reveled in the simplicity of the game. Her having learned the trick to win almost every time years ago gave her the unearned confidence of a white man.
  But to the overlord's growing horror, Eleanor's seemingly random moves began to form a pattern—a pattern that ultimately led to her victory. With a triumphant giggle, she declared her win, completely unaware of the gravity of her actions.
  The overlord's expression darkened, his features twisted in rage as he realized the consequences of his defeat. "No...this can't be!" he growled, his voice filled with anger.
  But Ellie just shrugged, her carefree demeanor undiminished. As the overlord begrudgingly handed over his soul, the realization dawned on him that Eleanor's ascent to power in Hell was not the result of cunning or calculation, but sheer innocence and luck—a fact that made her all the more dangerous. She has no idea what kind of power she holds.
  "No, no way, you're telling me that's how you got all those souls? A children's game? And no one owns your soul? You've won every time?" Lucifer laughs even louder than before.
  "I mean, yeah! Maybe I'll show you how sometime." She laughs with him.
  "So, were you just doing this to millions of people, thinking it was a fun game for almost a year?"
  "Yeah, pretty much. Well, not necessarily to millions. As I played with more people, I would joke that if I won I would get their soul and every other soul they own. That kind of picked up my numbers. Fun fact, I only found out that it indeed was not a joke last week. Only after I became the owner of millions of souls. But it was never in a malicious way. I was just trying to make friends. It always struck me as weird that I would find decent enough people and after we played tic-tac-toe they would be scared or wouldn't want to be around me anymore. It never occurred to me that I was and was not the problem at the same time." She explains.
  "So, you're really not evil, huh?" He smiles at her again.
  "Unfortunately, I'm not evil. But I've only been here for a year." She gives him a smile that grabs his attention. A cute smile.
  "Ellie?" He hums.
  "Your Highness." She hums back.
  "Please, call me Lucifer. Anything else is too fancy. Unless you want to call me baby again." He leans the slightest bit closer to her with a smile.
  "What were you saying, baby?" She says in the same flirtatious way she did before.
  "Is your place around here? I don't have anything else to ask you, you don't seem to be as big of a threat as I thought. You are insanely powerful and own the most souls but without the malicious intent, we should be good to go, darlin'." He chuckles.
  "My place is an idea, a concept. My place is a thought. I go where I want, basically." She shrugs.
  "You don't have a home?" He asks.
  "Nah, when I found out this is where I'm gonna be forever, I wanted to explore everything. But now I think I've explored everything so I should probably get on that. You know, find a place fit for an overlord. If I was scary enough to strike your fancy, I should have somewhere to fit that, right?" She shrugs.
  "Come home with me." He sits up straighter.
  His voice carries a hint of vulnerability, his gaze showing a flicker of loneliness. He extended the invitation to Ellie not just out of duty as the King of Hell, but because he could see right through her. She brushes everything about it heaven off. The way she fell, the way she had to find her way in this awful place, she made it seem like no big deal. But he knows it's not. This place is scary, especially to outsiders.
  And maybe he does have slightly ulterior motives. Everything about her is so familiar. The way she held herself, her feet quickly tapping on the floor, the way everything went down. He's been so in need of companionship and he can't help but want to know her better.
  "You know...I would, but I um, have something to do later, not that it's more important than you, the king of hell, but I-" She starts to nervously make an excuse.
  "No, sorry! I meant, come stay with me. For now. You're an angel, a fallen angel, just like me. I- I know what it's like to be just...cast out like nothing. I can't just throw you back into hell like I never met you. I want you to come stay with me," He throws in a small smile at the end. "I mean, if you don't want to, that's fine. I can't force you. But I think I'm a pretty good roommate."
  "Did I also accidentally find the King of Hell's soft spot?" She giggles and gets one out of him too.
  "I guess you did, Ellie. So...what do you say?" He asks, slightly nervous and not sure why.
  "You know what...sure. Why not?"
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ixkhor-and-ambroxia · 6 months
Hey #GreekMythology tumblr, I want ya’lls help on something :).
So, I’ve been thinking about starting this massive project. Like, would take years and years work of writing and research and sheerly finding the time and motivation for. And as I was thinking about the specifics, I thought: why not bring others into it as well? Because as much as I am interested in a lot of Greek Mythology, there are things that are simply not my interests and might cause writers block and my goal for the project would to be as fun as possible. So, here we are.
What is the project exactly? Well, hopefully, it’ll be a long Ao3 series/fic focusing on the individual perspectives of various figures/events in Greek Mythology arranged in (semi/good enough) chronological order. I personally intend to write for Poseidon in his/my version of the Titanomachy and (maybe) some events that follow, if you want a little bit of an idea on what I’m talking about.
The limits on this are almost completely free, all that I ask are that each of your submissions are one POV only (and by that I mean your main subject’s POV). Why do I say this? I say this because that is what I want this project to look like. It doesn’t matter if it’s First, Second, or Third POV along with all the other variants of those three, my main focus is on the individual experiences of these individuals. Kind of like character studies, if you know what I mean. I’m intending for it to be mostly formal but I will absolutely accept crack admissions that I will probably put into its own series to Separate the Vibes for whoever comes by :).
Ultimately, this is a completely open-ended project that has absolutely no deadline. I’m about to go to bed so I can’t go into too much detail, but if you want to DM me or send any asks, I am completely okay with that and we’ll all flesh out the specifics we go :).
What is my overall purpose? Not only is this project made for my own individual purposes of learning more about the gods and other Greek Mythology writers, but it’s also the chance to spread the word of other writers. I know how hard it is to get specific audiences, especially when you’re shy, so this is a chance for your work to be stumbled upon. Each post on the eventual Ao3 fic will include your socials, how to find you, and your other general works on either ao3, tumblr, wattpad, or other :)
Can you participate even without socials or a tumblr page? Yes you absolutely can :). My asks will always be open to anons and I will do my best to give credit when I eventually post everything :). If you want to post multiple submissions or simply just want a trackable (between works) name to your writing, just sign something at the end. It could be a name, it could be a potential username, I don’t mind at all :)).
How do I submit things? Well, the best way would be to DM me :). I have a personal writing email separate from most things that would be perfect to either share a google docs with or to just send a copy-and-pasted copy of it. Otherwise, I take asks. None of them will be posted unless asked or we’re ready to so it’ll be safe to just drop them off in! It’s also where I take questions :).
Any other things to note? I’d really appreciate some other moderators and editors :). There’d only be like two or three of each and we’d have to know each other decently well before officially starting, but some help would be appreciated! Also, I’d like to keep a working ‘spreadsheet’ of who’s working on what just for people to see what’s going on :). Maybe some people can collaborate or it’ll encourage those niche writers to write :). A third thing is that most questionable stuff is accepted. I’d personally rather not handle all those things other than posting it so it might be a while until I can officially accept (consensual and/or graphic) ✨spicy stuff✨ but, other than that, I’ll take any of it (also, it’s Greek Mythology, almost all of it already happened). If someone’s willing to take over the ✨spicy stuff✨ then please DM me so we can work out the details and see if it’s a nice fit :)
Honestly, that all should be it. The main point is that I’m trying to start up a long-term project on Tumblr and Ao3 about what is essentially Greek Mythology character studies that not only allows for mass communication across a wide audience, but also (hopefully) gets some recognition for the smaller writers :). Feel free to DM me or send me asks with questions but for now, I shall sleep
Tagging: @bluebellstudio @thirteen-deaths-later @0lympian-c0uncil @happyk44 @h0bg0blin-meat @sworeontheriverstyx @deathlessathanasia @gotstabbedbyapen. Sorry if I tagged you and you want nothing to do with it, I just wanted to get it out there /pos /gen
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goayeos · 3 months
:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ↻ ◁ II ▷
Anyone's allowed to join, this is just for fun! ♡
scroll to end for results!
1: how long have you been on tumblr?
a: -5 months(10 pts)
b: 5+ months (25 pts)
c: 1-2 years (50 pts)
d: 3-5+ years (100 pts)
e: 10+ years (150 pts)
2: when did you become a writer?
a: -5 months(150 pts)
b: 5+ months (100 pts)
c: 1-2 years (50 pts)
d: 3+ years (25 pts)
e: 5+ years (10 pts)
3: what's your main genre?
a: fluff (10 pts)
b: angst (25 pts)
c: smut (50 pts)
d: other (100 pts)
e: all (150 pts)
4: who do you write for?
a: boy groups (10 pts)
b: girl groups (25 pts)
c: both (50 pts)
d: soloists (100 pts)
e: all (150 pts)
f: (bonus) other fandoms (250 pts)
5: any specifics?
a: I stick with one group/soloist (10 pts)
b: mainly my bias (25 pts)
c: I try others occasionally (50 pts)
d: I do only three-five groups (100 pts)
e: I write everyone (150 pts)
6: how many works have been published?
a: -5 (10 pts)
b: 5+ (25 pts)
c: 15+ (50 pts)
d: 50+ (100 pts)
e: 100+ (150 pts)
f: (bonus) 150+ (250 pts)
7: what are the wips looking like?
a: empty (10 pts)
b: could be worse (25 pts)
c: starting to get a bit packed (50 pts)
d: I'm starting to stress out (100 pts)
e: writer's block my greatest enemy (150 pts)
8: have you ever collabed?
a: I'm a lone wolf (10 pts)
b: I want to! (25 pts)
c: thought about it but don't have the patience/time (50 pts)
d: yes! (100 pts)
e: multiple times (250 pts)
9: are you ethnic diverse friendly?
a: I stick to korean y/n. (10 pts)
b: I stick to my race (25 pts)
c: too nervous to try other groups (50 pts)
d: I'm open to write for other groups! (100 pts)
e: I write for more than my group (150 pts)
10: are you LGBTQIA+ friendly?
a: only writing hetero! (10 pts)
b: only writing BL (25 pts)
c: only writing GL (50 pts)
d: other (100 pts)
e: I write for all identities! (150 pts)
f: (bonus) I write poly! (250 pts)
11: do you create ocs?
a: no, just Y/N (10 pts)
b: I only do memberxmember (25 pts)
c: thought about it 50 pts)
d: have them don't use them (100 pts)
e: yes I use ocs! (150 pts)
12: what is your content made up of?
a: just writing (10 pts)
b: audios+links (25 pts)
c: edits+trailers (50 pts)
d: mood boards (100 pts)
e: all (150 pts)
13: how do you feel about band crossovers?
a: um, I rather just stick to my group (10 pts)
b: hm, sounds interesting (25 pts)
c: I've thought about crossing groups (50 pts)
d: I've written crossovers! (100 pts)
e: I've written groupxgroup (150 pts)
14: where are you located?
a: north america (10 pts)
b: south america (25 pts)
c: asia (50 pts)
d: europe (100 pts)
e: africa (150 pts)
f: oceania (200 pts)
g: (bonus) central america (250 pts)
15: do you work outside of tumblr?
a: nope, tumblr girlie 4L (10 pts)
b: I use wattpad too (25 pts)
c: ao3 girlie (50 pts)
d: multiple (100 pts)
e: no, but I do other stuff on insta/tiktok! (150 pts)
f: (bonus) all socials (250 pts)
16: how are the moots looking?
a: we only follow (10 pts)
b: we reblog and like (25 pts)
c: we're friendly :) (50 pts)
d: I talk to them occasionally! (100 pts)
e: they're my marital spouse(s) atp (150 pts)
17: is there any other fandoms aside from kpop?
a: nope! (10 pts)
b: yes, but I don't write for them (25 pts)
c: yes! I've been thinking of writing for them (50 pts)
d: I've done kpopx(-) crossover (100 pts)
e: yes! I write for them separately (150 pts)
18: what was the first work like?
a: a FLOP, fish out of water (10 pts)
b: it did okay, I was just starting (25 pts)
c: better than I thought, but wasn't astronomical (50 pts)
d: woke up surprised (100 pts)
e: wow, I wrote that!? (150 pts)
19: what layout is your main?
a: drabbles/timestamps (10 pts)
b: oneshots (25 pts)
c: series (50 pts)
d: headcannon (100 pts)
e: reactions (150 pts)
f: (bonus) all/other (250 pts)
20: do you have a specific theme for your blog?
a: no, everything's uncoordinated, yolo (10 pts)
b: yes, but I eventually switch aesthetics (25 pts)
c: it changes like every month (50 pts)
d: yes! same aesthetic for everything (100 pts)
e: I make themes for others! (150 pts)
21: how seriously do you take your work?
a: it's just for funsies! (10 pts)
b: I take it somewhat serious (25 pts)
c: I would like to be a novelist in the future (50 pts)
d: I want my work to be put into movies/TV shows (100 pts)
e: I'm a fanfic writer and future tumblr icon (150 pts)
22: do you do idol aus?
a: I only do non-idol aus (10 pts)
b: I only do idol-aus (25 pts)
c: I've thought about it (50 pts)
d: I do a mix of the two! (100 pts)
e: I do idol aus in my own way (150 pts)
23: have you met your bias(es) irl?
a: nope! (10 pts)
b: I've met other idols (25 pts)
c: I've seen my favs! (50 pts)
d: I've met my favs! (100 pts)
e: I've met them multiple times! (150 pts)
f: (bonus) I'm going to see them soon! (250 pts)
24: have you met that author?
a: no, they don't know I exist (10 pts)
b: we've interacted, but aren't moots (25 pts)
c: we're moots! (50 pts)
d: we talk occasionally! (100 pts)
e: my pookiewookieschmuckmsbear (150 pts)
25: how do you feel about the kpop community on tumblr?
a: ugh! toxic! (10 pts)
b: could be better (25 pts)
c: I stick with my fandom! (50 pts)
d: I visit other fandoms sometimes (100 pts)
e: lol I live here y'all ain't getting rid of me (150 pts)
f: (bonus) I'm actually an OG (300 pts)
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ⌨ ✰ RESULTS ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ꒱ | ೃ࿔₊•
250-350 pts, staff member
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You're a staff member! Which means you range from being a stylist to even a bodyguard! The range you have my, my.. which will you choose? Your only task is to keep out of controversy and scandals!
350-500 pts, trainee
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You passed your audition! Which company are you under? What position do you think you'll have if you debut in a group? Whatever's your forte, you must be rlly good at it ♡
500-625 pts, rookie
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Congratulations on debuting! You're already off to a fresh start and the world can't wait to see more of you. You were already awarded rookie of the year!
625-700 pts, soloist
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Soloist, you're icon material. You're a one (wo)man show but you got the power of a band. Your fans constantly ask for a collab with another soloist or idol that they ship you with, it's kind of amusing. Maybe you'll give them that couples stage one day.
700-900 pts, girl group / boy group
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You landed in a boy/girl group! What's your fixed position in the group? Main vocal? You must sound like heaven! Or main dancer? Visual? You got it all. Maybe you're the most biased or popular too! Just make sure to share the spotlight with your fellow bandmates, you don't want them to look like backup or your entourage.
900-1150 pts, 5th gen it girl/boy
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The generation JUST started and you're already declared it girl/boy!? How much influence did you have? Damn, you're an icon in the making. Just be prepared for the oncoming onslaught of bullshit that may transpire.
1150-1250 pts, 4th gen it girl/boy
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Right where K-Pop is reaching peak with the younger generation, all eyes are on you globally! Be a role model for the teens and young adults, show them what "it girl/boy" really means.
1250-2000 pts, 3rd gen it girl/boy
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Ah, you're either over loved or over hated. There's no in between. Lucky thing about you though is your influence that you bring into the industry, and the fourth/fifth gen idols look up to you as a mentor.
2000-2500 pts, 2nd gen it girl/boy
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What a time, when K-Pop was peak experimenting. the KBS was switching and changing back to back, and being the it girl/boy, your face was modeled after when it came to cosmetic procedures. You're seen as a K-Pop icon for the older generations.
2500-3000 pts, 1st gen it girl/boy
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Just when everything was starting out. Your face was everywhere on TV and the girls and boys alike always tried to dress like you everywhere they went. Your song was on constant repeat as people shopped in the mall, and even though you weren't big globally, you were that bitch in Korea. (Even if the parents weren't fond of you.)
If you got more than 3500...
Congratulations you're a fucking icon
JYPAPI bitch, uh huh.
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Do I even have to put it into words? I-CON— nah-
peak cunty peak everything you're just a fucking legend. and my oppar. love ya!
ミミ◦❧◦°˚°◦.¸¸◦°´*•.¸♡ ★ ♡¸.•*´°◦¸¸.◦°˚°◦☙◦彡彡
So... I hope this was fun 😭😭, it took me I kid you not seven hours to make. I've been working on it since 17:40sum, and it's 00:22... lmk if I should make more games like this one or if it was ass. Honestly it's for shits and giggles. 😭🫶
- 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑠 ♡
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prettyboybuckley · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @saybiwithme @bi-buckrights @zainclaw
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I've mostly written for 9-1-1, though I started off with Shameless (6 fics) and I have written some for Teen Wolf (5 fics). There's one 9-1-1 crossover with Schitt's Creek.
Top five fics by kudos:
parents always yelling (telling us to get our acts together)
i just want something to hold on to (and a little of that human touch)
I will come to you (even in my sleep)
open up again (i believe in second chances)
exes and the oh's
Do you respond to comments?
Always, even if it takes me months. I actually just caught up again (there's still a bunch to go, but right now the oldest is 17 days ago instead of 250 days...). It's just a rule I have for myself, and even with the backlog I've kept it up so far, so I'm not going to stop doing it now.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm not a big fan of angsty endings, I generally try to at least make it a hopeful ending or, in the case of the college au, use an epilogue to fix things.
But I guess sunny skies & summer highs qualifies as an angsty ending simply because of the cliffhanger (and yes, there is still going to be a continuation, I'm working on it 🙈).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Choosing one out of 160 is really hard, but I think tell me, will you stay or will you run away is definitely one that deserves a mention here, because it already has a happy ending and then the epilogue just makes it even better 🥰
Do you get hate on fics?
Not commented on the fic itself, no. I've had some people talk shit about my fics on twitter, though, and not even vaguely but calling me by (user)name.
Do you write smut?
Is grass green? Yeah, I write smut 🤭 Thanks to two times kinktober, I have 95 explicit fics, by far the most used rating for my fics.
Craziest crossover:
let's have some fun tonight is my 9-1-1/Schitt's Creek crossover fic for 9-1-1 Rarepair Week, and my only crossover fic
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
My head over feet Buddie valentine's two-parter got posted as one chapter in Wattpad work with over 30 fics once. Filed a DMCA and Wattpad took it down within two hours.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two of my fics have been translated into Russian afaik, one on ao3 and one on Ficbook
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope. It may be a nice challenge for the future? Not sure who I'd do it with.
All time favourite ship?
Gotta go for Buddie on that one, lol. Especially if you look at my writing history. But I often tend to hyperfixate on one ship at a time (current reading obsession is McDanno)
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Buck's POV of if love is art then you might be my masterpiece. I really want to, but at this point it's been two years since the original so I don't know if it'd be worth it either. (I know not everyone was happy about how I ended it, but I doubt any of them are still waiting for more). Writing a different POV of the same fic takes an amount of planning that my brain just really struggles with. And I could pick up where the last chapter (before the epilogue) picks up, but I think that way there would be some crucial information about Buck missing.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told quite a lot of times that I am good at keeping characters, well, in character, even when putting them in partial or complete AU's. Of course, what is in character or not is subjective, but I do always challenge myself to work as much of the canon backstory and personality into who they are in the AU as possible.
And I like to think I'm pretty good at writing smut.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm terrible at pacing, which multiple of my long fics prove. It'll be drawn out first and then suddenly rushing. And being ESL I do struggle with things like sentence structure and grammar pretty regularly still.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
As long as there is some kind of translation provided somewhere I like it, but I'm not so quick to use it myself. Not beyond a few Spanish words here and there (generally pet names between Eddie and his family we've seen on the show or the occasional curse word when I feel it fits better than an English one, but I usually need to employ help from Spanish-speaking friends for those).
First fandom you wrote in?
Shameless! I binged that right before I started 9-1-1 and combined with the creative writing minor I was doing, it was actually what got me back into writing in general and what made me write my first ever fic.
Favorite fic you've written?
My in your arms i feel safe-series (which I always lovingly refer to as the ace kink fic) is definitely one of my favorites simply because of how personal it is to me and for the reason behind me writing it in the first place.
Other strong contenders are i would've loved you forever (it's never enough but i wanted it to be) and i'm begging you, come home to me (Teen Wolf, Thiam)
tagging @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz @watchyourbuck
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xxpeppermintxx109 · 1 month
I’m sorry but you’re lying. I have downloaded your fic from a long time when you started wiriting it. You did not tag it as a love triangle. For instance: I would have never started it if I had seen the love triangle tag. We are stupid like you keep insinuating. You are a liar. The only ship tagged was original female character/aemond. I have the proof of it. A lot people in the hotd fanfic community knows this and has seen the proof. That is why you are known in the fic community as an imposter. For almost a year you didn’t tag it as a love triangle. That is why you keep getting criticism: you used aemond/ewan’s fanbase to gain traction and attention for your fic, and then decided to blindside everyone with your own little fantasy of qoren.
Let me make it clear. It is your story and you can write whatever you want. But it doesn’t mean people have to like it. Most people don’t. And people have a right to give their opinion. But you keep crying about it and making yourself be a victim. Just accept it. You write for yourself and that is totally okay. Just accept the criticism that you cheated your readers and that is why ppl got upset and stopped reading your fics. It’s not because we only want aemond; it’s because that is how you advertised your fic and then switched it up. At least have the decency to be truthful.
You did not tag your fic as a love triangle. You added it months after starting it, after you hooked aemond fans in. That’s why people hate your fic now and don’t trust you.
so actually, no the only pairing tagged wasn’t just aemond and oc
From NOVEMBER OF 2022, what like two weeks after I posted the first chapter mind you, Qoren Martell/original female character was a pairing. And there were a TON of other pairings I shouldn’t have tagged cause they weren’t main pairings, as see this screenshot below :)
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Betrayal, angst, and tragedy were tagged since the very beginning. Love triangle was tagged in chapter 5, it appears when looking back at all my screenshots of chapter summaries to upload, which yes is my bad it’s not the VERY beginning but jfc, still EARLY. And guess what, I think I had maybe 5k-8k hits on this fic at that point. That is not me sinking my claws into the Aemond fandom like you so accuse me of, and then just doing a bait and switch.
Qoren only became a viable option AFTER Aemond killed Luke, which if you look at all of my old edits over this last year and a fucking half, has always been the plan. Luke was always gonna die, Aemond was gonna get into shit with Shaera for it. Qoren was an emotional decision on her part. Even now she still considers Aemond a lot of the time. AND I HAVE STATED MULTIPLE TIMES THAT AEMOND AND SHAERA ARE ENDGAME, so unclench jfc.
I don’t paint myself as a victim, when I get shit like this all the time being rude. When I was getting Islamophobic comments comparing MY writing of Qoren to fucking 9/11. When I was getting harassed for the simple act of writing the story as it’s always been laid out by multiple anon accounts who spammed my asks and my ao3 comments. And it sure as hell doesn’t seem like this fandom “hates” me and my story as you so claim, cause I still have a ton of readers who enjoy this story and give it kudos on ao3 and read and interact with me on all platforms, so fuck off lol. Shit, it’s hitting 5k votes on wattpad. Doesn’t seem to me like people hate it or my writing decisions??
Get off anon and say this with your whole chest while you’re at it <3
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morimakesfanart · 29 days
Sindria's Prophet #40
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [Intermission] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39]
[AO3] [wattpad]
*Sinbad goes yandere off and on *Sinbad goes to horny jail *Major spoilers for the Adventures manga ~POV Mori~ The King left with the first few fate scrolls and I dropped onto my new sofa. Even after the curtain covering my doorway stopped moving I couldn't look away. 'Does he mean it? ...Actually, what was "it" in that question? His willingness to change his path, or what he pressed me on before that? ... But Sinbad never falls in love or gets married.' I could try to deny which part was hitting harder all I wanted until those feelings made themselves into words I couldn't look away from.
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There was no way I was going to get any meaningful progress done for the rest of the day, but I also couldn't bring myself to move. Only the ringing of the Great Bell was able to break the looping conversation in my head. ---
During the meeting the next morning I couldn't stop myself from watching Sinbad. 'How much of the scrolls did he read?' There wouldn't be anything actually useful for him for a few scrolls so that could be why he looked the same. Regardless, my heart couldn't stop racing every time I remember everything else that happened around his request to take the scrolls.
Eventually I couldn't hold back my curiosity and a few days later I asked him what he thought of the scrolls at lunch. He got a nostalgic expression, and put down his food. "I was surprised to see you wrote that much about my parents. I don't have many memories of my father so it was... nice to read about him."
"I see." I wasn't sure how else to respond.
The nostalgic look in his eyes left but I couldn't tell what it was replaced with. It reminded me of when he was analyzing new information to make some type of plan. He moved the conversation along the timeline and eventually asked, "Is what you wrote about Yunan true? He really has the memories of multiple lifetimes?"
I nodded with my answer, "Yes. Having to experience the continuous ups and downs of history first hand is what made him so jaded."
"I see." Sinbad immediately switched topics to the adventures recorded in the scrolls and talked of feeling nostalgic but it didn't touch his features like it did earlier. At least his laugh seemed genuine. "Reading about how I handled Sassan and Artemyra made me realize just how little I cared about the basic rules of nobility. It's no wonder Ja'far was always so stressed."
I almost had a spit take. "That's putting it lightly." He used force to back their leaders into a corner and then said 'Join me in the name of peace.' --- ~POV Sinbad~ The King had hoped for more detailed answers. It was clear that the section about Yunan had been rewritten to remove something important. But that wasn't the only reason. In a later scroll, he read about his own experience in learning what Magi are. When he realized Yunan, a Magi, had chosen him it only made him more certain that he was chosen by Fate, and his gift of the waves was undeniable proof that he was special. His Beautiful Prophet did not hold back when she wrote: 'his illusions of grandeur reached a new height and were undeniably why he would fall into traps made by his own greed just as much as by those wishing for his downfall.' Knowing what would be covered in the next few scrolls made those words hit harder. It also made him hesitate to retrieve them from the Prophet.
Mori was getting better at hiding the aspects of Fate she didn't want anyone to know. If he pushed, it would become obvious what he was actually looking for: clues about the 2nd Calamity as well as his own death. At least Mori's answers confirmed the thoughts he had reading the scrolls. As soon as lunch was over, Sinbad instructed Ja'far to gather as much information as possible on Yunan and, more importantly, any information about the past Kings chosen by magi. There was an important clue there; he could feel it. ---
~POV Sharrkan~ The King dismissed all but the first generation of Household Members from the meeting room. Spartos dutifully left to return to his post, and Yam returned to the Magician's Tower with Mori. Meanwhile, Sharrkan and Pisti roped Masrur into staying back with them to eavesdrop. Ja'far was the first to speak. "We've narrowed down the options to 3 rooms for Mori," he sighed, "but I have a feeling you won't pick any of them." A pit formed in Shar's stomach, 'Wait. Doesn't Mori already had an office?' Their King laughed. "I'm sure they're all good options, but I still say the rooms next to mine would be the best." "Right." Hina teased, "Because Mori's going to be real happy when they realize you put them in the Queen's Suite after they rejected you." 'Nonononono!' Pisti and Masrur both gave Sharrkon pity pats. The shorter of the 2 struggled to suppress her giggles.
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When the Palace was made, Sinbad said he didn't want a Queen's Tower or Harem built because he'd never want either. The lack of a Harem was eventually accepted, but Sin couldn't deny that the Kingdom would someday need an official heir so the Queen's Suite was made to placate the voices he couldn't convince. However, nothing short of the threat of war had a chance of putting someone in those rooms, until now. "They confessed their feelings for me first. It'll be fine." Sinbad defended his decision. "In time, Mori will realize that my feelings aren't going to change and all of this will be a thing of the past, won't it? I just want to make sure they're safe and comfortable while I'm out of the country." 'Damnit! If Mori actually likes Sin, then repeatedly coming on to her would definitely prove that his feelings weren't changing.' ((Boy no... (⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠>⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■)) Shar was about to lose the last bet and there was nothing he could do about it. The only bright side was that this could give him the answer of how to finally get Yamuraiha to turn his way. Drakon countered Sinbad's enthusiasm. "While constancy is important, so is respecting consent." The Generals hiding outside pictured his serious expression in their heads. "Forcing them to fill the position in all but name will only make them hate you." "Augh." Sinbad groaned in time with Sharrkon. "I know, but what am I suppose to do then?" The Womanizer of the Seven Seas asked with not even a fraction of the despair his protegee was feeling. "Well, for one thing," Ja'far gave the first recommendation, "you really need to stop asking for call girls and flirting all the time." "I know. That's-" Sinbad started. "A decade and a half of cleaning up your messes is reason enough, Sin." Ja'far continued. "I don't know what Mori told you, but did you forget what they said back in Balbadd? How they'd never fall in love with a womanizer? They might not care while they're just flirting with you, but that's very different from being in a relationship." No wonder the Prophet had brought up Yam saying the same thing to Sharrkan... Sin tried again. "I know. That's-" Drakon agreed with his fellow General. "For a man to prove his character, he must show what type of partner he will be before he ever enters a relationship." "Which is why I-" Hinahoho added for good measure, "Think of it this way Sin: which of us here have actually had happy marriages?" "JUST WHAT TYPE OF MAN DO YoU TaKe Me for?!" Sinbad's voice booming was followed by a thump of him crashing back into his chair. "Don't answer that!" He paused. "I never wanted to get married before so it wasn't a problem until now!" He sighed loud enough to be heard outside the room. "Mori told me directly that they don't believe my advances because of reading my Fate, so I've already been working on it! Ja'far!" He was probably pointing at him. "How many complaints have you gotten about me in the weeks since the Announcement? I know I haven't been requesting any call girls recently either." There was a short silence. "Now that you mention it..." Ja'far mumbled something that Masrur explained was counting under his breath. "There were a few in the days right after, but those were about things that happen at or before the Announcement." Sharrkon wanted to cry. Or at least get a drink. Hina and Rurumu were really happy together while she was alive, and Drakon and Sahel are really happy now. Sin had gotten married by accident a few times and would always flee the morning after, but now that he wanted to get married for real, the object of his affections repeatedly turned him down. Womanizing was the problem all along. This was all Sinbad's fault! ---
~POV Sinbad~ Sinbad talked a big game to his Generals, and he meant every word. He had to completely shake those habits if he really wanted Mori to view him as an option. His original plan was to ween himself off of that vice by the time he came back from the Kou Empire. However, Fate had other plans and made him quit cold turkey early. ~flashback~ After seeing Mori recovered, the King struggled with his new intense emotions. He drank himself into a stupor, and only sobered up when the woman leaving his room said, "So... 'Mori' is the Prophet, right? You seemed really close during the festival." She giggled. "Will you just be calling us when she's on her period from now on?" The memory of his actions attacked him viciously. He had called out Mori's name multiple times. In fact, his memory told him that he thought it was his Beautiful Prophet under him in those moments thanks to the alcohol. "N-no." He shrugged her off with a smile. "This will be the last time actually." Why hadn't anyone warned him that this could happen?? "Aw~ that's a shame. I'll let the others know." Sinbad sighed in relief when she left. He knew the fear of death and injury from his adventures. He had even experienced guilt, and regret due to the weight of others' lives on his shoulders. But love was teaching him the hell of humiliation and shame. He knew that his thoughts were turning to Mori more and more at the mere idea of satisfying his libido no matter how he got there, but how could he call out their name when they weren't the one with him? Even worse, how could he mistaken anyone else for his Beautiful Prophet??? Between alcohol and sex, he knew which would be easier to quit -especially since the later would only be until he got his partner of choice to join him.
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~flashback over~ At least he had the Fate scrolls to fill his suddenly empty nights for the time being. They weren't nearly as fun, but he'd rather think about the scrolls than why he had more free time. The King cleared his throat. "There shouldn't be any problem with preparing the Queen's Suite for Mori. But if you really think it will be a problem, prepare one of the rooms you've picked as a back up as well." All 3 Generals showed their disappointment, but this was one decision Sinbad wouldn't back down from. He didn't want Mori questioning the sincerity of his feelings if they were given anything less than the Queen's Suite. They were already insecure because of their ex fiancé and Sinbad's own reputation, so he would do whatever he could to remove any shadow of doubt in their mind. ---
~POV Sharrkan~ Sharrkan hit the Prophet's desk and the sound echoed in her office. She looked up shaken and stirred.
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"I'll take you!" Sinbad sabotaged Sharrkan's relationship, so fuck 'im! "But I want you to fix something for me in return." If Sinbad does anything because of this it will only drive a wedge between him and 'his Beautiful Prophet.' "You gotta clear up this thing between Yam and me!" She blinked up at him a few times before jumping up. "What- Is this about the- Can we go right now??" "Yeah! Let's go!" ---
~POV Ja'far~ The General walked towards the Prophet's office only to catch a glimpse of them passing between a few book shelves in the opposite direction. "Mori! Do you have a minute?"
"Ah! Um." Mori's voice called back. They mumbled something and then appeared before him. "Yeah. What's up?"
"I wanted to read the Fate scrolls. It seems like they have been enlightening to Sin so far."
"Of course! They're your Fate too." They started to turn away. "Feel free to take them from my office. I'm on my way to a meeting, so I'm sorry I can't show you this time."
Ja'far thanked them before parting ways. It was actually better that the Prophet couldn't be there. Sinbad had mentioned that the scrolls he grabbed went up to their return to Riem which meant that the ones that remained might include the secret Sinbad was hiding -how he truly knew the risks of siding with Parthevia but agreed but agreed to buy the island anyway. The King might have admitted to that mistake, but he still refused to give details.
The scrolls had notes on the outside to explained what they covered, so Ja'far was easily able to find what he was looking for. He brought them to the guest table to unroll.
Before reading, the illustrations caught his attention. The first was of a teen Sinbad standing in front of a cage full of monsters that Ja'far recognized as victims of Parthavia's experiments. In the second, Sinbad was shocked with drawings behind him -they seemed to be depicting what Sinbad was thinking about in that moment. The biggest showed Ja'far beating sense into Sinbad under him. It looked to be around the time Sinbad was freed from slavery. Even before reading, Ja'far was getting an idea of what this was about.
What was written confirmed what Sinbad had admitted that night a month ago. He knew full well what type of person Barbarossa was, and how he treated his own people. But there was one thing Sinbad was very wrong about: his ability to read the waves had nothing to do with his decision to side with Barbarossa.
...Sinbad was desperate to reach the next step towards his dream after all of his recent failures, but he couldn't ignore the horrible truth starring him in the face. If he denied this opportunity to become King there was no telling if he'd ever get another. But if he accepted, he'd be putting everyone that trusted him at risk to the same treatment as the villagers he had left behind when he was 14. In that moment his mind was sent to the only other time he faced something similar. That time he had made the decision to accept the opportunity -risking the lives of the slave children. When he was freed before his plan even finished, he was finally safe enough to be able to see how needless their sacrifice was. There was only so much he could do to make up for his mistake though. While he struggled with the guilt of that decision he was told "Did you think you could realize your dream while keeping your hands completely clean? This is the path you chose." Ja'far had said more in the moment, but that was the line that stuck with Sinbad. If the avoidable deaths of children were something he needed to accept, than surely siding with a violent fascist was also necessary even if it would definitely lead to more victims...
"What is this??" Ja'far was shaken. He grabbed the scroll that would have the full version of the memory that apparently haunted Sinbad. The illustration that had been behind Sinbad in the previous scroll was drawn bigger in this one. He skimmed the surrounding text until he found what he was looking for.
...Sinbad had done all he could to correct his mistake. Making Madaar sign the agreement she had already promised to the Sindria Company only saved the few slaves that somehow survived the massacre. He turned to the one person present that he could rely on. Ja'far looked at him with obvious disdain. The guilt poured over into Sinbad's words, "I knew this would happen if I caused a rebellion..."
Mori wrote out Sinbad's whole self deprecating rant. He struggled to cope with the guilt that he learned from watching Madaar manipulate the vulnerable and became willing to use the exact same techniques. He lamented the irony of his actions and his goals for the future. The rant ended with Sinbad quoting to Ja'far the exact thing he said when he swore his loyalty to him.
"'If you disappoint me, I'll kill you'... I guess it'll turn out like that, huh? As I am now, I have nothing to say about it..." Ja'far had had enough of Sinbad's pitty party and punched him in the face as hard as he could (which was actually kinda impressive with their height difference at the time). "NO... THIS ISN'T A FUCKING JOKE!! SINBAD!!" It wasn't punishment enough to quell his guilt. "But I disappointed you, didn't I?" The person Sinbad disappointed the most was himself. Ja'far beat him until he lay on the ground bloodied and bruised. "What a fucking joke. Disappointed me? Yeah, you disappointed me. You'll take responsibility for everything? You're not taking responsibility for anything are you? You're letting yourself sink into despair, giving up, and, on top of that, having the nerve to act like it's all over..." Ja'far called out his bullshit. "Listen up!! IT'S YOUR NAIVETY THAT DISAPPOINTED ME THE MOST!!"
This was more like what the present Ja'far remembered. Mori wrote his full rant back at Sinbad. Why didn't Sin understand that his point was that he needed to be responsible for the survivors? Ja'far was what? 13 at the time. His wording of things wasn't great, but he had to pull Sinbad back together -Sin could have his breakdown later. Of course dirtying his hands is unavoidable sometimes. But that-
...Sinbad relented and apologized, and would never admit to the pain and guilt he held from this event ever again. He couldn't afford to disappoint everyone relying on him. He was the one chosen by 'the Magi' to become King. Sinbad grew up having to be the rock of his small village since all the men died in war, and the remaining adults were too sickly or burdened. He had long forgotten how to ask for emotional support and the the first person he tried opening up to shut down his expressions of guilt. Sinbad was unable to understand that the timing and choice of person was the problem. Those feelings would fester every time he made another mistake until he was able to fully replace his guilt with the acceptance of 'Fate' as inevitable. He wouldn't be able to acknowledge his own potential for evil for another 15~ years... If Sinbad hadn't admitted to struggling with this directly then Ja'far wouldn't have believed the opinionated portions of what the Prophet wrote. This was what Sinbad was hiding. This was why he refused to explain anything that had happened back then in detail. That last line hinted at the future they were afraid of. If Sinbad was unable to view himself as human until 15 years after that incident, it would line up perfectly with when the 2nd Calamity happens and he dies. These 2 scrolls gave more credibility to that dreaded theory. It would also explain why Mori would agree to be Sindria's Prophet and help Sinbad. Because he refused to ask for help. Because he hid his pain from the very people that swore to support him. Mori offered the help Sinbad no longer knew how to ask for because she already knew he needed it. Mori was the only one able to get Sinbad to defend that he wanted to change a part of how he did things because she was the only one that knew what parts he meant and what not changing would lead to. He needed to talk to Sinbad. Ja'far grabbed all of the remaining Fate scrolls and headed to out to have a very important conversation with the man he had sworn his life to. ((HiHi!! This past round was pretty okay for me :D I only had a small disability ep! Here's hoping this stays the pattern for a while :3 But even better than that is: While working on the next arc (specifically ch42) I hit a new level of healing from my PTSD with my ex. :D I literally felt my brain rewiring when it happened and recognized it from past times it's happened. For the week afterward I was unable to stop being stupid levels of happy. And now I'm frustrate with Mori because they aren't past it yet XD At least I know what I needed so I can write it))
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star-my · 1 year
Vixen ~ Chapter One
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➼ Pairing: Park Jimin x OFC (Shin Ara)
➼ Length: 5.7k
➼ Rating: pg-15
➼ Content: Arranged Marriage AU, CEO AU, Mafia AU | TW: Medical Issues (resolved), Mentions/Discussion of Human Trafficking (not by BTS or SKZ members) | JK is Ara's BFF and bodyguard and Best Boy; Bangtan and Stray Kids are mafia; think Kitty Gang Jimin; flirting and fluff; multiple ARMY and STAY easter eggs sprinkled throughout (I welcome comments detailing which ones you caught); author does her best to beat the Wattpad allegations and fails miserably, which is funny because she went straight to ao3 and skipped the orange app phase
➼ Many thanks to @kookthief @moonleeai & @yoongiobsessed for betaing this chapter&lt;3
➼ Taglist (Open): @bangtan-famiglia-net @kookthief @otome-wandering
➼ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of BTS, SKZ, or any other K-pop group mentioned in any way beyond the face and name claims the author made for this work.
➼ Chapter Two (14/10/23) ➼ Chapter Three (15/10/23) ➼ Masterlist ➼Ao3
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The door to the opulent room swung open soundlessly, allowing the tall, muscular man to enter unnoticed. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the young woman seated at the vanity.
“Your father has requested your presence ASAP. When will you be ready?”
The woman glanced up from her careful application of sparkly gold eyeliner.
“Give me five minutes, Kookie! Is he home?” She moved towards the walk-in closet across the spacious bedroom.
“He’s at the office. I’ll bring the car around, then.” The woman’s bodyguard –but first and foremost her friend– left, and she began the process of accessorizing.
Fifteen minutes later, the car pulled up to the tall office building in downtown Seoul, the headquarters of ShinCorp.
As the heiress of ShinCorp, Shin Ara was immediately escorted to the CEO’s office and served tea by the secretary.
Secretary Kim set the tray on the coffee table, leaving father and daughter to their meeting.
Ara glided gracefully over  to warmly hug her father. “Jungkook told me you wanted to speak with me about an urgent matter. Is something wrong?”
Shin Jungok sighed, lowering himself onto the sofa across from his only child. “No, nothing is wrong. What has my beautiful daughter been accomplishing lately?”
Ara crossed her legs, smoothing her ruffled swiss-dot skirt over her knees. “I’ve been looking at property for my gallery. Other than that, I’ve been rather quiet. You’ve been busy with work, so I haven’t wanted to disturb you, Appa.”
Jungok smiled. “You are such a respectful child, Ara. Yes, I’ve been occupied with work. I just finished a meeting with the new CEO of Park Group.”
“Oh, their former CEO died recently, didn’t he? His son took over, I suppose? Awfully young to be CEO,” she mused.
“Yes, he’s only twenty seven, but he has a good head for business. We’ve never partnered with the Park Group before, though a contract was once drawn up between us. I guess he’s trying to show the board he’s capable despite his youth.” 
“Maybe he’s capable because of his youth,” Ara arched her brow at her father.
Jungok took a long sip of his tea. “Ara, are you seeing anyone?”
She blinked at the non sequitur. “Uh…no? I’ve been busy planning my gallery. I haven’t had time to date.”
“Park Jimin asked for your hand in marriage,” Jungok stated simply.
Ara stared. “What?”
“Will you at least think about it? I’m sure he’ll take good care of you and be a good husband to you, and if we make this partnership, he’ll be more solidly accepted as a businessman. You know I’m getting older, and ShinCorp will stay in our family when I retire. I am proud of you for following your own path, and a little pleased that you do not want to take over ShinCorp, but I want to make sure you are taken care of.”
“May I see the contract?”
Jungok handed her the portfolio, and she read through it carefully. “Will ShinCorp go to Mr. Park or to our children?”
“Mr. Park will have a share and your children will receive the rest. Until they come of age, you and he will have joint control over the company,” Jungok explained. “I know you don’t want to be CEO, but we must take caution in this day and age. I know you will make sure ShinCorp is run according to our mission statement.”
Ara hummed an acknowledgment and flipped over a page.
“Do you have Mr. Park’s number?”
Her father looked up in surprise. “Are you sure? I’m not pressuring you, Ara!”
“I know, Appa. I accept his proposal.”
“Well, I believe he left his card…” Jungok moved to his desk and shuffled through some papers. “...here!” He handed it to Ara.
“Er…the marriage is best announced and signed on sooner rather than later.”
Ara barely glanced up from creating a new contact in her phone.
“I’m aware, Appa,” she said briskly. “Will next Saturday work? I saw the perfect dress when I was out shopping with Unnie last week. I’ve been planning my wedding since I was a little girl, Appa.”
It was Jungok’s turn to stare at her. “In just over a week?”
She smirked. “Money is king, is it not? I’ll get everything done in time.” She patted his shoulder on her way to the door. “Leave it to me.”
Twenty minutes later, Ara slipped into her car. She clipped the seatbelt in, and Jungkook took off. 
“You’re looking at the future Mrs. Park Jimin!” she announced cheerfully.
“What?!” Jungkook swerved, then corrected the car.
“I’m marrying Park Jimin next Saturday if that works for him.” Her phone pinged. “Speak of the devil. ‘Yes, Saturday is perfect. Thank you for accepting my proposal. I am sorry it is so short notice and businesslike,’” Ara read aloud. “He sounds decent. Good.”
“He’d better be more than decent,” muttered Jungkook darkly, turning a corner smoothly.
Ara cooed. “Aww, are you worried about me? You’re the one who trained me for my black belt in taekwondo.”
“It’s literally my job, Ara!”
“I know, but still…Anyways, can you drop me off at the Whalien Cafe so I can meet all the girls at once?”
“Sure. Should I come in?”
“If you want. Have you ever tried their special 52 Hertz menu item? It’s sooo good.”
“No, I haven’t. I’ll come to crowd control your friends and try it while I’m there.”
“Wise choice.”
Ara and Jungkook walked into Whalien Cafe and ordered, then joined the five girls at two squished-together tables. Ara’s friends and unnie updated her on their lives since she had seen them last, then Ara dropped her bomb.
“Will you be my bridesmaids next Saturday?”
There was a beat of silence, then complete chaos erupted.Once they calmed down, she explained the situation. They immediately agreed to be her bridesmaids and began planning.
Ara explained her vision, then sat back as the ideas ran wild. By the end of the afternoon, she had a list of her favourite suggestions and a promise from each of her friends to join her the next day for dress shopping.
The friend group had met in college, except for Ara’s unnie, Kim Sihyeon. Sihyeon was the cousin of Jungok’s PA, Seokjin, who Ara viewed as an older brother.
Ara’s mother died in a car accident when Ara was eleven and Jungok immediately hired Ara a bodyguard-chauffeur. Jungok had Jungkook befriend Ara and trained him to become her new bodyguard-chauffeur when he was old enough. The other four members of the friend group were Jennie, Rose, Jisoo, and Lisa. They’d all been dorm mates in college and were quite close.
After a light supper, Ara spent the evening reserving things and purchasing necessary items for her upcoming nuptials.
Her phone dinged with an alert. Curious, she turned from her laptop and tapped on the message.
PJ: You’re certainly very organized! I was honestly expecting a month at best. I have people working on a story of how we met earlier. Here’s a link to the rough draft. Make whatever changes you want.
Inquisitive, Ara tapped on the link to the document, a professional publicist’s work, of course. It was well-written, if a little sensational, but she frowned at the extra drama sprinkled in, such as their coincidental meeting in Italy in the spring and their secret romance (none of which she recalled).
SA: Why do we need an article? Do you need this for appearances? *I* don’t mind being ‘just a business marriage’. It is a good story, though:)
PJ: I thought you would want it to seem as normal as possible. You are quite intriguing, Miss Shin.
SA: Good;) Let’s just release a formal announcement stating we’ve decided to get married. The media really doesn’t need anything else.
SA: I have the place and time booked for the reception and ceremony. Is there anything you’d like me to add, like family traditions?
PJ: Whatever you like. I will be giving you my halmeoni’s ring, if that’s alright with you.
SA: Of course! One final question…pink?
PJ: It’s a decent colour?
SA: 👍
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A light knock echoed from the heavy wooden door, then a man popped his head into Jimin’s private office.
“Hey, Boss, there’s a box from your fiancée.”
“Bring it in,” the man behind the desk ordered. 
He carefully opened the box and lifted out a pastel-pink silk tie. The paper inside read, “I hope this hue of pink is a decent enough colour to wear to our wedding. If this is satisfactory, text me and I’ll send over the rest for your groomsmen. Black suits, please. ~SA”
Jimin smiled a little at the slightly wonky smiley face Ara had drawn beside her name and carefully replaced the tie.
PJ: It’s perfect. Thank you.
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A woman all in black walked purposefully into the old warehouse. Several men and a few women were working busily in the large space, barely looking up at the click of her heels.
The door to the private rooms built into the warehouse swung open with the slight squeak of a hinge needing oil.
Gold eyes scanned over its occupants.
“Where’s Hyunjin?”
“He’s restocking the medical room since he got his new supplies,” answered a man with vermilion hair, stretching from his slump over a computer.
“Thanks, Chan.”
A tall man with long black hair popped out of a side room. “You called, Boss?”
The woman nodded shortly, clapping her hands for attention. “You all know that since Park Wonshik died, Bangtan’s been targeted. Well, the head of Bangtan had a brilliant idea to partner with the Grays, business-level and gang-level, through marriage.
“The head of Gray’s daughter is marrying Park Jimin on Saturday. The other mafia will find out tomorrow. With Bangtan and Gray united, the mafia  looking to take over Bangtan may set their sights on smaller game, so we need to be prepared for any backlash against us.
“Minho, you figure out if the others are planning to attack anyone. Hyunjin, find out how much Bangtan has on Stray Kids. Everyone else, get ready for an attack, worst-case scenario.”
“Yes, ma’am!” saluted the eight men in unison. They turned to their tasks, leaving Chan to approach the woman.
“Vix, you sure about this?”
Vixen’s blood-red lips curved in a smile. “Don’t worry, Channie. I have everything under control and I have plans for every variable, just like oppa taught me.”
Chan sighed. “Alright, then. I trust you, Vix.”
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“Boss, here’s the file on Shin Ara you wanted.”
“Thanks, Hoseok.”Jimin took the file and flipped through it.
Good grades, though they slipped the year her mother Aeri died; friendly but only had a handful of close friends- four girls she met in college, four of her father’s employees, and one ex-boyfriend, Lee Minho, whom she was still friendly with. Graduated high school and college with honours, has an arts degree in photography, and had recently purchased a building on the edge of downtown Seoul for a gallery.
Who are you, Shin Ara? Why did you so readily agree to marry a stranger?
Jimin mulled over the possibilities, staring at her picture on the screen before him.
Another knock on the door roused him. “Sir, it’s time for your suit fitting.”
Jimin looked eagerly at the doors, waiting for the first glance of his wife face-to-face.
The audience stood as Ara strutted down the catwalk with a grace only a girl who had been bred in high society could achieve.
She took his hand, her fingers gripping his tightly. Her hand fit perfectly in his. A whiff of her floral perfume wafted through the air. Her very presence seemed familiar, though Jimin figured that could be from the hundreds of texts they had exchanged in the past eleven days.
Kim Seokjin was officiating at Ara’s request; it seemed to Jimin that he spoke slowly on purpose, taunting him with the veiled face of his bride.
Finally they reached the vows, and Ara’s grip on his hand tightened momentarily.
Jimin slipped his grandmother’s ring onto her finger, admiring the sparkle that seemed right. The three red garnets bookmarked by tiny diamonds suited her.
Ara slid the gold band on his finger, a little shock running up his arm from where she touched him.
“Sorry,” she whispered.
“...You may kiss the bride,” announced Seokjin.
Jimin carefully lifted the veil over Ara’s reddish-brown hair, careful not to mess up her hairdo, and met her eyes with a smile he hoped wasn’t too eager.
Her eyes locked on his, a hint of a smile in their mahogany depths. He smiled back, placing his hand on her cheek, his thumb cupping her jaw. The steady beat of her heart pounded under his thumb as he dipped her slightly, the crowd cheering in celebration.
With a wink at her surprised glance, he swept his thumb over her lips, pressing his own to his thumb.
Seokjin gave him a minuscule nod that he caught out of the corner of his eye. No one else appeared to have caught the faux-kiss, thankfully.
Jimin really didn’t want to have to explain to his teasing brothers that the big, bad mafia boss didn’t want to scare his new bride away.
Sihyeon straightened the train of Ara’s Alexander Wang dress and handed her the bouquet of pink ranunculus. Jimin extended his arm, Ara looped hers through his, and they swept down the aisle.
Jungok caught his eye on the way by, “Don’t forget your promise,” he mouthed.
The promise, in Jimin’s copy of the contract– Jungok’s only stipulation.
Do not let Ara find out that you or I are in the mafia.
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Ara was a total Daddy’s girl, only idolizing him. He didn’t want to break her heart, tell her that her appa wasn’t all she’d thought he was.
Jungok had been secretly overjoyed when she had come to him, saying she wanted to study art, not business to prepare for inheriting ShinCorp. It was much easier to hide the fact that he was the don of the Gray mafia, one of the biggest in Seoul.
Jungok could leave ShinCorp to his Head of Strategy, Kim Namjoon, who would run the Grays as well, and Ara would be none the wiser.
Jungok’s one wish was to never crush his little girl’s world of gold and pink and glitter and peace.
Yes, he had insisted she learn a martial art and have a bodyguard, but many CEOs’ families had more protection. Aeri’s accident may have truly been an accident, but after he failed to protect his wife, he vowed to make sure Ara would always be protected.
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After the luxurious reception, the Parks drove to Jimin’s home and base of operations, codenamed Cypher. Jimin drove them himself- Ara had brought Jungkook with her but given him the night off, and he was hitting it off with his new colleagues and Jimin’s friends/groomsmen, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi, Choi Soobin, and Choi Beomgyu.
Jimin pulled the bulletproof SUV up to the steps and sighed in relief. None of the other mafia or gangs had attempted anything, and Bangtan was now officially allied with Gray; the gangs pressuring and testing him since his father’s death should relax now.
He leaned his head against the headrest and looked over at Ara. Oh, right.
“So…it didn’t seem quite right discussing it over text, but where should I put your things? I have a suite prepared for you, or you can have the master bedroom, whichever you’d like…”
Ara smiled a little at his awkwardness, masking her own. They hadn’t exactly had the time to discuss the finer points of married life, beyond the ‘getting married’ point.
“I think the suite would be best for now, although I am looking forward to getting to know you better, and I hope we can make this relationship work.”
“I do, too.” Jimin pulled out his phone to text the housekeeper to move the rest of Ara’s things to the prepared suite . “You looked beautiful, I meant to say that earlier.”
“Thank you. Er- did you dye your hair to match the colour scheme? I wasn’t expecting that level of cooperation.”
Jimin chuckled, getting out of the SUV and stretching to relieve the lingering awkwardness. “No, that was a coincidence. I’m glad it didn’t clash with the colour scheme, though. When you asked about suits and colours all I could think of at first was, ‘Oh no, what if she wants one of those ultra-modern black-and-white weddings’ or something.”
Ara’s light laughter floated through the crisp night. “Don’t worry, I like colour. Photographer, y’know?”
“I was really impressed by how quickly you got everything prepared.” He paused, debating on broaching the subject now or later. Curiosity won, and he plowed ahead. “Can I ask why you agreed to marry me so quickly?”
Ara shrugged, bending over to pull off her sparkly pink Louboutins. “You needed a partnership with my father’s group. Appa would have a beneficial business agreement with your company. I would like to be a wife, and in the future, a mother. I’ve never had a long-term boyfriend or anything…all the chaebol heirs are too old, too young, pricks, immature, or just not my type. I confess I did a little stalking of you, and Appa approved of you. Even if this was a business marriage, he would never suggest a man who wouldn’t treat me well. And you saved me the time and stress of introducing my boyfriend to my family and waiting to see if the verdict would fall in your favour or not,” she shrugged again. 
Jimin nodded, fascinated by the peek into Ara’s brain. “I hope that, at the very least, we’ll get along as friends. Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?”
“Sure, I’m free. What time?”
Ara settled into her very comfy bed and pulled out her phone.
SA: 2:00 p.m. tomorrow
KS: Done so soon?
SA: Shut up. 2:00, be there or don’t.
KS: Got it. I’ll be there.🙄
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At 1:55 p.m., Ara descended the stairs of her new house, ready for her date. Her peach tunic dress hugged her curves and fell to her knees, complemented by her chunky brown leather heels, gold jewelry, and an oversized burgundy purse.
Jimin had just pulled the car up, and his jaw loosened a little. “You look stunning!”
Ara blushed, pushing a loose curl behind her ear. “Thanks, you look pretty nice yourself.”
Jimin wore his loose white suit well, his plum shirt complementing his peachy-pink hair.
The car ride to downtown Seoul was filled with quiet chatter as the newlyweds got to know each other better.
Jimin pulled up to an art museum and got out, heading quickly to Ara’s side to open the door for her. She took his arm, and he let her tell him all about the art and curation as they toured the museum.
“Abeoji first took me to a museum when I was six, I think? I really liked it and begged Eomma to take me back. I just kept making my parents take me to museums until I’d seen them all, and then repeated it. I tried drawing and painting, but I wasn’t very good at them and didn’t want to put in the hours of practice to attempt to be good.”
They strolled along to the photography section, having gone through the traditional paintings and sketches.“Photography caught my attention when I was ten or eleven…Jungkook had taken up photography as his hobby, and he let me try sometimes. I really loved those times taking pictures and decided that’s what I wanted to do as a job, not run ShinCorp. Appa was surprisingly accepting of my decision, but he’s always spoiled me a bit,” Ara laughed.
“Jungkook, as in, your bodyguard?” Jimin asked curiously. “He couldn’t have been much use when you were ten…he’s only a bit older than you, right?”
“Oh, Kook wasn’t my bodyguard till he was eighteen. We grew up as childhood friends since my eomma’s accident. He’s from Busan, but he was kidnapped and trafficked around the time of my mom’s accident. The police rescued him and some other children when they broke up the ring of gangsters that had been trafficking kids,” explained Ara, pausing in front of a photo of a field of wildflowers.
“Jungkook was an orphan, so one of the policemen who’d rescued them fostered him. He was Appa’s friend, and they thought it would be good for both of us to have a companion.”
Ara turned to see what Jimin thought of this revelation. He was frowning at the floor, one hand in his pocket. Running his other hand through his hair, he exhaled. “That must have been tough.”
Ara nodded. “He doesn’t speak about it much–sensitive, you know? Oh, and you don’t need to worry about…anything between us,” she added hesitantly. “We did have a crush on each other in high school, but we realized we’re better off as friends. There’s no competition.”
He raised his head to smirk at her, pushing his hair back one final time. “So, there’s a chance of winning your heart?”
She smiled back, lifting her lashes flirtatiously. “I’d say there’s a good chance.”
“Shall we go for dinner, then?”
“Sure, I could eat. Could we try this new French restaurant nearby?”
“Whatever you want, milady. What’s its name?”
“L’Domino. Main floor of the Star Lost hotel,” Ara pointed down the street to a tall building several blocks away, visible from the museum parking lot.
“Ah…I’ve heard of that place. Let’s go, then!”
The maitre’d heard their names and immediately showed them to a table. Dim lighting, but not so dim you couldn’t see what you were eating, opulent fabrics and the quiet instrumental soundtrack gave the dining room an atmosphere oozing exclusivity. Jimin pulled out Ara’s chair for her, then sat opposite her.
A black-suited waiter approached, his chubby cheeks lifted in a smile. “Good evening! My name is Jisung; I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with a beverage?”
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At D9, Vixen’s HQ, Chan picked up the phone, halting its first ring. “Chan.”
“Christmas, it’s me. Have Park Jimin’s hacker find Jeon Jungkook’s file of his kidnapping. Shin Ara told him about it; he’ll be suspicious.”
“Got it. Did Seungmin make the drop?”
“The goods are in position. I’ll contact you later for news on our plans, I just wanted to give you a head start on the file. Vixen over and out.”
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“Thank you for the lovely date, Princess. I enjoyed getting to know you. Perhaps we could make this a regular thing?”
Jimin opened the front door, and Ara stepped into the low-lit foyer. “Thank you. I had a lot of fun, and ditto,” she returned. “Making this regular sounds lovely.”
Jimin inhaled and pushed further. “Would you like to have breakfast together in the mornings if I’m not at the office early?”
“I’d love to. What time do you normally eat?”
“Quarter to eight. Does that work for you?”
“Sounds perfect. See you tomorrow, then?”
“See you then. Sleep well,” he called after her, already halfway up the stairs.
“You as well. Goodnight, Jimin.” Ara entered her suite, all done in pastels with gold accents. It was either a strange coincidence or someone had been talking (she bet it was her appa), but it was very similar to her room at home.
She headed to the ensuite to begin her nighttime routine, replaying the whole date with Jimin.
She had expected maybe dinner or an outing, but not the entire afternoon and evening. It was lovely, but she wondered if Jimin would face any backlash over spending so much time off work. It was crucial he maintained a flawless profile in the first months of being appointed CEO, Ara was enough of a businessman’s daughter  to know that. Their marriage was, in part, to help stabilize his takeover, and she didn’t want to be a hindrance.
He was a perfect gentleman and quite attentive. She’d miss his company, but she’d make sure their next date was a little shorter. By their first anniversary, he should be able to spend more time with her again.
It’s not like she was expecting love and him to wait on her hand and foot, even if she did hope they’d grow to genuinely care about each other. Time flew by, anyway– she’d survive a few months without his constant presence. Resolved to broach the subject at breakfast the next morning, she crawled into her comfy bed and replayed his every action again.
He was too perfect. She’d find his flaw sooner or later.
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Jimin tapped his fingers rhythmically on his desk and sighed. Finally, he pushed a button and asked for Jungkook to be fetched.
Minutes later, Ara’s bodyguard stood at attention in front of him.
“You’ve known Ara since you were eleven?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You were adopted by Jeon Jeonghwa, an officer in Seoul’s police department, Organized Crime division?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Ara told me you were kidnapped from Busan and brought here by traffickers, till you were rescued by your adoptive father.”
Jungkook nodded.
“You became her bodyguard at eighteen…you’ve trained in martial arts for twelve years?”
“Yes, sir. Mr. Shin insisted Ara and I take self-defense lessons, and I wanted more.”
“You know who Shin Jungok is? Who I am?” Jimin leaned back in his chair, studying Jungkook.
“Yes, sir. Head of the Gray Gang and the Bangtan Family.”
“Does Ara suspect who we are?” Jimin narrowed his eyes. The million-dollar question…or maybe, billion-dollar, considering the revenue estimated to be brought in by this alliance.
“No, sir. Mr. Shin wants her to know nothing about your other business. He’s made sure she knows nothing.”
“Tell me if she ever mentions anything about it to you, please. Thank you for your time.”
“Yes, sir. Also…there was never really anything between us. We’re like siblings, sir.”
Jungkook left, and Jimin resumed his finger tapping, staring at the spot where the man had stood.
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Time went by, and the newlyweds fell into a routine. They would have breakfast together four times a week when Jimin wasn’t ‘at the office early’. When he came home, they would have dinner, either trying out a new restaurant or one of Ara’s home-cooked meals. 
Cooking was her hobby, and she enjoyed experimenting with various cuisines and fusions.
Mrs. Lee, the housekeeper, let her have free reign of the kitchen, a feat not easily achieved.
The long-date problem was solved by the compromise of several shorter dates. Once a week, Jimin would take Ara on a coffee or lunch date, the short distance between Ara’s gallery and Park Group’s buildings coming in handy so they could stretch out their precious minutes together. 
Ara had almost finished setting up her gallery and excitedly shared her plans for the opening and all the organizing she had to do. Jimin was bemused by her enjoyment of organizing things and creating organizational systems, imagining if she knew about his secondary business and how she’d whip everyone into shape. He had no doubt that she would be a force to be reckoned with if someone got into her path. Grinning at the mental image of Ara siccing Jungkook and maybe his own men on someone standing in her way, he realized he was smiling like a loon and quickly smoothed out his expression.
Just in time.
His secretary knocked on the door and poked his head in. “Sir, the dress was delivered. However, Mrs Shin has not opened it yet.”
With a fond smile, he rolled his eyes. She was probably busy focusing on the networking for the ball tonight.
For all her love of order, she could be so scatterbrained and distracted sometimes. Her suite was a disaster when she was getting ready to go out, and she was always leaving something behind somewhere. Maybe it should have annoyed him, but it only endeared her to him more. She wasn’t completely perfect, something that reassured him to no end. Perfect people were too good to be true, something that made him suspicious of Ara and Jungkook in the beginning.
At first, he’d only spent so much time with Ara because he wanted to know what she was hiding behind that girly-girl, society and gilded mask, but as they became closer, he realized she truly was that good-hearted; not shallow at all, but she didn’t shy away from being the cliche chaebol princess.
Her openness drew him to her like a moth to a flame. He had so many secrets. What was it like to just be who you are, unapologetically? Not worry about what people thought of you?
Jungkook was similar to Ara, probably because they’d been practically attached by the hip for over a decade. He’d quickly proven himself to Jimin’s closest circle, and as Mrs Shin’s guy, he was quickly welcomed to the inner ranks. He gave Jimin good advice about how to deal with Ara, which Jimin truly appreciated, and he was always down to join Jimin in a workout or spar.
Even Hoseok, Jimin’s Head of Security, approved of Jungkook, a difficult achievement.
By the second month of the contract marriage, Ara and Jungkook were permanent fixtures in the Bangtan Family’s life, and it seemed unthinkable that anything should happen to them. They were Parks now, and it seemed like they always had been.
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Jimin knocked on Ara’s door, fiddling with his garnet cufflinks while he waited. The thick carpeting muffled her footsteps, and the door swung open unexpectedly.
His jaw dropped.
The form-fitting red dress had a sparkling corset bodice, laced up tightly to emphasize his wife’s curves, and a hint of thigh winked at him from the slit in the gauzy skirt.
Diamonds glinted from her ears, between fluffy curls he wanted to wrap around his fingers.
Shin Ara looked every inch the mafia queen she was, even if she didn’t know it. 
Jimin’s gaze slowly slid down to her strappy gold heels, then back up, making Ara blush.
“You look wonderful,” he said, extending his hand.
“Thank you.”
Jimin proudly escorted his wife into the high society, clandestine mafia ball.
Jungok spotted them arriving and came over to greet them.
Every two weeks, the entire group of Gray and Bangtan’s inner circles came together for dinner. Jungok had been at their mansion two days ago, yet he acted as if it had been two months.
“Hello, my beautiful daughter; Jimin. You look so much like your mother,” Jungok stared wistfully at Ara. “Speaking of, when will I get my own grandchildren?”
Blushing furiously, Ara thwacked her father’s arm. “Appa!”
“What? I’m an old man, I want to see my grandchildren before I die.”
Ara scoffed. “You’re so dramatic, Appa; you’re not that old. Anyways, how’s your new secretary doing? Has he learned anything yet?” she grinned, recalling her father’s exasperated rant on the secretary’s new structuring and organization tactics earlier that week.
“Yes, Seungmin just needed some time to learn the ropes; he’s quite bright. When will you have your opening night?” Jungok switched the topic.
“Next month, the twelfth. I’m so excited!”
Jimin chimed in with a chuckle, “It’s all she’s been focused on for a while now.”
Ara glared playfully at him and swept off for some punch. 
Rejoining the men, she saw her father grip Jimin’s wrist tightly and speak lowly into his ear.
“Appa? Gwaenchana?”
“Just a little thirsty,” Jungok said thickly. Ara quickly passed him her punch and watched in horror as it spilled all over the front of her dress, the cup crashing to the floor moments before Jungok.
“Appa!” Ara stared at the sweat gathering on his forehead, at the light, fast breaths he was taking as he weakly tugged at his tie to loosen it. 
"Call an ambulance!" She demanded of no one in particular, crouching beside him in worry.
Jimin dialed the emergency line quickly and waited for the ambulance to come. Jungkook rushed over, checking Jungok’s pulse and loosening his collar and cuffs, rolling him onto his side.
The EMTs arrived and transported Jungok to the hospital, sirens blaring as they sped through the streets.
Ara nervously twisted her fingers in her lap, her gaze fixed on the flashing lights directly ahead of them as Jimin followed the vehicle carrying her father.
Finger twisting was joined by impatient pacing in front of the row of chairs as she awaited any news.
After what seemed like hours of pacing under the glaring white lights, the doctor who’d taken her father approached.
“Mr. Shin is stable but unconscious right now. He had a heart attack. Do you know if he had any of these symptoms lately?” the doctor rattled off a list of concerning things Ara wished she knew about.
She shook her head helplessly. “I-I don’t know. I just got married recently and moved out- I’ve only seen him briefly…”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Jimin wrapped his arms around her comfortingly, returning from making calls to his secretary, letting her know that he wouldn’t be in the next day. “You didn’t and couldn’t know– that’s not your fault. It’s not anyone’s fault; it’s just a fact. Your dad is stable now. It’ll be okay, yeah?” His hand rubbed soothing strokes up and down her arm. “Ara, you’re cold.” Shrugging his coat off,  he wrapped it around her like a hug.
“We’d like to run some tests on Mr. Shin, just to make sure he’s okay besides this issue,” said the doctor, eyeing her sympathetically. “Could you come to my office to sign some papers?”
Once everything was finally sorted out and she had seen her father, reassured that he was going to be okay and there was nothing for her to do at present, Jimin took her home and sent her straight to bed.
Tucking her in, he smoothed the comforter over her shoulders, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. “He’ll be okay, Princess.”
“Thank you for everything, Jimin.” She blinked up at his shadowed profile.
“Of course. Get some sleep.” His finger brushed her cheek, then she heard his light footsteps head toward the door and the quiet snick of the door closing.
Closing her eyes, she did her best to sleep. Its comforting embrace welcomed her swiftly.
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mybrainsrottingwithmcd · 10 months
hi!! so i’m. really really new to the aphmau fandom, aka i was super into it when i was like 8 and now my autistic ass got back into and actually joined in fandom stuff
i don’t. entirely understand how to guide through the aphmau fandom on tumblr. and i have a few questions- if you wouldn’t find can you answer them for me since you seem to be super into this!
what is an MCD rewrite and where do i find them- i assumed it’s people rewriting minecraft diaries but what sparked this and why?
what’s with the hate for aaron and aarmau- i don’t. fully understand it
how did garroth/lawrence happen (i love the idea)
is there like. a masterlist of aphmau lore somewhere so i can make sure i didn’t miss anything in my rewatch (i definitely missed stuff in my rewatch)
Hello hello!! Welcome to the fandom (we’re so sorry ur here its a mess)
I’d be happy to answer ur questions :D
“what is an MCD rewrite and where do i find them- i assumed it's people rewriting minecraft diaries but what sparked this and why?”
Yeah you’re right a MCD rewrite is people rewriting MCD and adding their own ships or improvements or different plot points. It started because the original MCD is kinda written poorly. Some plot points go nowhere, some parts are problematic, some parts drag on, characters appear and disappear, characters stopped developing and most importantly MCD has no ending and was abruptly discontinued by Jess so she could focus on Mystreet and other projects. People just wanna improve and finish the thing that means so mich to them basically. You can find them on AO3 and a few on Wattpad (I recommend AO3 tho its easier to find rewrites ur interested in cuz the tag system)
“what's with the hate for aaron and aarmau- i don't. fully understand it”
(There arent enough words in this world to explain my hatred for aarmau and aaron BUT)
Many reasons heres the main few: when Aaron was introduced he was supposed to be a side character but then he became a love interest kinda outta nowhere (my theory as to why is because Jess’s husband Jason voices him) and when he did become a love interest other characters like Laurence and Garroth kinda stopped developing and became worse to justify why Aaron was a good choice for Aphmau. For me they never had any chemistry in MCD, when its revealed Aphmau is pregnant with Aaron’s kid my brain logged out because wtffff how did they find the time and also why Aaron ://. He wasn’t kinda boring, his angsty past could’ve been used more but wasn’t he was just a brooding masked figure who followed Aphmau around. Then Pheonix Drop High happened and made things really weird. So when Aaron was 18 going on 19 he started dating Aphmau who was 14. Very creepy much yuck, they didn’t communicate well and then his whole character became that he’s in love with Aphmau but “he’s just not good enough for her :((“ and “i shouldn’t be with her shes perfect” and personally i find romance dramas infuriating, especially that kind of drama. AND YES AS A 18YR OLD U SHOULDNT BE DATING A 14YR OLD WELL DONE AARON. Mystreet they were the annoying lovey dovey couple with relationship drama they just rubbed me the wrong way in that series, I stopped watching after Emerald Secret and only recently forced myself to finish Mystreet and yeah no idc about them or their relationship. In MCD season 3 when Shad was introduced as a full character his whole thing is he’s Aaron again but evil and Aphmau’s sad about it and uuuuugg i dont caaareee. And I personally thought Aphmau wasn’t gunna end with anyone in MCD because she went on multiple rants about how that isn’t what she’s looking for and she has to think about her people first and she prefers her own company and then BOOM gets pregnant of masky mcsad face. Ugh. Basically Aaron ruined everything.
(Aroacemau truther 4 life aarmau hater 4 life)
“how did garroth/lawrence happen (i love the idea)”
Garrence has been a ship since the characters were introduced and quite simply its because they have more chemistry together than with Aphmau. I’ve always been a lil uncomfortable with how Jess wrote Laurence and Aphmau’s interactions and Garroth and Aphmau’s interactions but Garroth and Laurence interactions were just more natural they had more banter they were sweet together. Then Jess did a bunch of queerbaiting with it and the ship got bigger, so many fanarts so many fanfics. Then it just never happened because Jess is a coward. Like it would’ve been so nice to see the hints and chemistry go somewhere but it didn’t. Everyone still holds hope tho. With rewrites Garrence is Canon :))
“is there like. a masterlist of aphmau lore somewhere so i can make sure i didn't miss anything in my rewatch (i definitely missed stuff in my rewatch)”
i have no idea on that one, i’ve rewatched MCD every other week for the past 8 years (autism go brrrrr) i’ve never had to look for a masterlist of lore BUT I’m sure someone has to have compiled one somewhere either on the fandom wiki or on Tumblr somewhere. :))
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dreamdepot · 3 months
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Dreams of the Kingdom - Chapter 8: Sage of Water
Edited 7/9/2024 - Updated chapter navigation links.
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It's time to banish the sludge from the Domain once and for all, but things keep getting stranger. Are these voices and visions helping or hurting you?
AO3 Wattpad Or below the break!
(Also, next week... Korok Space Program...)
Once again, you found yourself in the skies, but this time the air felt eerily still. The Great Wellspring floated miles above the Domain. Gravity was stunted and leaping between the floating islands was nearly effortless. The only sound was the roar of the fountain filling the massive carafes. Your trio had only one of the faucet locks left to go before you could wash away the belching source of the sludge.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this!” You kicked your legs as you fell tantalizingly slow back to the temple floor. The strange low gravity was disorienting, though Link and Sidon seemed to take it like second nature. The latter made sense, as he nearly swam through the air. The former… well, your knight was simply amazing. Even with the power of the Triforce with you, it seemed hard to keep up with him sometimes.
“No offense babe, but maybe I should take care of this one?”
You glared up at the switch crystal hidden in the spinning tower. You groaned, but flashed Link a thumbs up. “Go for it.”
Link looked up at the tower. “Do you have an extra Hover Stone?”
“Uh, yeah, here.” You tossed him a device capsule from your pack.
“Thanks!” He caught it and grabbed several other pieces of junk with his Ultrahand.
You watched as he started to build something that looked needlessly complicated. “It’s a good thing Link isn’t evil. I sometimes worry how long Hyrule would last if he decided to embrace chaos.”
“Who knows?” Sidon mused. You nodded but snapped back in a double take. Your friend was replaced by a tall, light blue Zora – but a species of Zora that you recognized from ancient artwork, not one from the modern day. He was flecked with turquoise scales, and had deep, dark blue eyes with swirling starry specks. You rubbed your eyes and he changed again, this time looking more sharklike than usual with a tooth necklace and a bright yellow surfboard under one arm.
“Sidon, what happened to you?!”
“What do you mean?” Sidon asked. Suddenly he had returned to normal. “Are you feeling okay, [Y/n]?”
You took a few deep breaths and rubbed your eyes. “I-I-I don’t understand. You were different! You were…” Your voice trailed off as you saw the concern on Sidon’s face. Your voice dropped to a whisper. “Sidon, am I losing my mind?”
“Hey now, I’m sure you’re not… but why would you think that?”
You thought back over the past few weeks. “Seeing things that aren’t there… dreams of another time in another body that’s not mine… hearing voices and whispers from Ganondorf…”
“My friend, you’ve been under a lot of stress lately. Maybe it’s just your body telling you that you need to rest?”
“How can I rest when it’s in my dreams too?” You groaned. “It’s… oh man, Sidon, I know it sounds crazy, but it feels like this isn’t supposed to be happening.”
Sidon stared at you and motioned to the waterworks.
“Yes, I know that everything with the Demon King shouldn’t but… if feels like something is wrong beyond that. It feels like time itself is wrong. It’s like I have multiple sets of memories all fighting to be correct.”
Sidon thought for a moment. “Do you think, perhaps the Demon King can alter time itself?”
“I have no idea how. As powerful as the secret stones seem, I don’t think they’re powerful enough for that alone.”
Speaking of time, you watched Link leap into the air and draw his bow. The way he was skilled with archery made it look like he could slow time by sheer focus. With the switch struck, the water drained, revealing the way to the final lock.
“My friend, perhaps it is best that we take this one step at a time. Even the mightiest currents have a way around them.”
“Thanks Sidon, the only question is how.”
With the locks open, the carafes were full of pure spring water. “Ready, guys?” Link asked.
You drew your sword and Sidon brandished his trident. “Ready,” you said. You braced yourself as Link tapped the activation sigil. What kind of monster would emerge to fight you? A mass of sludge? A demented slimy Deku Baba? The carafes dipped forward, drenching the altar in gallons of water.
Suddenly, a glob of sludge escaped, darting to the central plaza. The three of you pivoted, and Link summoned Tulin’s spirit to his side. The sludge melted away to reveal the sickliest, shrimpiest octorok you’d ever seen. “What… is that?”
“Is this some kind of joke?” Link muttered.
Sidon shook his head. “I don’t understand. This looks like a Mucktorok, a sort of trickster monster from fairy tales. The Demon King is using it to poison us all? There must be something el-” Sidon was cut off by the Mucktorok belching a pile of muck. A massive sludge shark emerged for a brief moment, merging with the trickster before diving back into the goop. “Hmm, I see,” Sidon grumbled. “Get ready!”
The shark darted across the plaza. “Sidon, water!” you shouted. Sidon encased you in water again, and you flung a wave at the shark, knocking it on its side. The shark melted away, leaving Mucktorok running and flopping around. Tulin’s shade fired an arrow, knocking the monster down, and Link charged in, slashing away.
The Mucktorok was slippery, though, and slipped back into the muck, forming another shark and filling the plaza with slime. The shark dove again, sending a wave of slime that almost knocked you off the edge. The extra sludge made it much harder to move, and every attempt to use Sidon’s water or Splash Fruit barely made a difference. Even when Link finally scored a hit, knocking the monster from the sludge, the Mucktorok began to leap between each of the slime pools.
Each strike missed, as the Mucktorok stayed just out of range, leaping into another slime pool. “Okay, he’s getting on my nerves! Link, please tell me you have a spare hydrant?”
“Way ahead of you.” Link popped open a few Zonai capsules, attaching two hydrants to a Hover Stone and a wheel, constructing a floating makeshift sprinkler. “Sorry Sidon.”
“Believe me, no offense taken,” Sidon groaned as the Mucktorok leaped past him again. “If you get that side, [Y/n] and I can take care of this side. That infernal creature won’t be able to hide.”
The Mucktorok seemed to hear and chose to blow a raspberry at you, before making another sludge shark. This time though, Link’s sprinkler washed away the slime. You swapped to a bow and took aim, tracking the shark. “Sidon, ready?”
You fired the arrow, knocking the Mucktorok out of hiding again. This time however, the Mucktorok’s eyes grew red, and it screeched at you. “Oh, it didn’t like that!” You shouted as it changed tactics. You felt that same odd pain in your head. Instead of summoning its sludge shark again, the pest created a massive wall of slime that spouted tentacles of slime.
“A sludge Morpha?” Sidon muttered.
“Morpha, a monster that once plagued our people a long time ago. It seems Mucktorok and Ganondorf want to dredge up the past.” Sidon said, with a glare you never expected to see from him.
You stared at the monster. “This… this isn’t supposed to happen…” you murmured, rubbing your throbbing temples.
“Are you alright?” Link asked, holding his shield up as he sidestepped towards you.
You took a deep breath. “Yeah. Yeah, let’s fry this guy.”
“Eww, even I’m not hungry enough to eat him,” Link groaned.
“Figure of speech. Sidon, any advice?”
“Not unless you have a hookshot.”
You studied the way that Mucktorok moved around the tentacles, then you looked at Link. “Got it! Sidon, can you bait it out with your water?”
“Will do!” Biding his time, Sidon aimed before letting a wave loose at one of the tentacles, revealing the head of the Mucktorok.
You coated the arrowhead in the sticky elixir. With careful aim, you let it fly, sticking to the side of Mucktorok’s head. “Now Link!”
Link summoned Recall, pulling the arrow, and Mucktorok free from the sludge wall. Sidon wasted no time, stabbing the creature. Finally, the Mucktorok spluttered and wheezed. Streams of gloom burst from its body as it deflated like a balloon, finally imploding and exploding in a burst of demon energy.
“Good riddance,” Sidon muttered.
“Look, the sludge!” you said. Just like with the snow, the sludge disappeared into thin air. The water flowing from the cistern was now clean and clear. You had no doubt the same was happening down in the Domain as well. Last but not least, the secret stone emerged from the altar, glowing brightly.
Before you could say anything else, you found yourself swept up with Link in a bone crushing hug. “Thank you, my friends! Thank you! Twice now you have saved us. The Zora shall tell stories of the Swordsman and Prince for ages to come. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”
“What are friends for?” Link said, tapping Sidon to let you both at least breathe.
“Having the Domain safe and sound again is reward enough,” you added. Sidon set both of you back down. “Now, before we head back, I think there’s something with your name on it.” You motioned to the secret stone.
As Sidon spoke to the former Sage of Water, you felt a presence reaching out to you. Thankfully it wasn’t Ganondorf, but it was just as, if not more, powerful. A voice was trying to reach you, but it was garbled. “Lady Din?” you whispered.
You couldn’t make out the voice, but the tone seemed to indicate it wasn’t her. Was Ganondorf right? Were there more people in your head? Most of all, were they trying to manipulate you or guide you? For now, it didn’t matter, since you couldn’t make out the words.
All you could hear was a beautiful harp.
“Welcome back!” Lady Yona greeted the three of you as you arrived back at the throne room.
“Well, well, I have to say this feels a bit like déjà vu!” The great King of the Zora, King Dorephan chortled, slapping the side of his throne. “Saved once again by Link and the Prince!”
Muzu nodded. “The sludge is gone. Even I have to admit we owe you a great debt.”
“No words could express the depths of our gratitude. Thank you, heroes, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. As for you Sidon,” King Dorephan continued, “though [Y/n] and Link certainly played a key role, your own efforts to save the domain were nothing short of magnificent. I have always believed in you, Sidon. Now, you have unequivocally proven your worthiness to bear the crown. That is why I shall joyously take this opportunity to pass the throne to you.”
“Father… this is so sudden!”
“No, it only seems that way. In truth, it has been heavy on my mind for some time. Sidon, my son, it is time to ascend the throne as the new king and lead Zora’s Domain to a brighter tomorrow.
“Me, the king?” Sidon looked between you and Yona. Yona gave him a reassuring nod. He then looked to you.
You flashed him your own smile. “Sidon, you’ve got this! There’s no one better I could imagine leading the Zora.”
He took a deep breath and nodded back. “Thank you, Father! I will not let you down! I swear it.”
“That’s the spirit, my boy!” Dorephan laughed. “The High Prince and the finest swordsman in all of Hyrule shall bear witness to this momentous occasion!”
Everyone gathered at the center of the Domain, now freshly cleaned.
“Silence, everyone!” Muzu shouted.
Sidon stood on the balcony, flanked by Yona, Link, and of course you. The sun sparkled on his scales, making him look more regal than ever. The crown looked like it couldn’t have fit better on his head. Sidon raised his arm. “I hereby inherit this crown from my father, the Exalted Dorephan. From this moment on, I shall be King of the Zora!” He then motioned to Yona. “At this same precious moment, I ask that you also open your hearts to your new queen, our beloved Yona!”
A cheer rose from the crowd, as Yona stepped forward. You noticed she didn’t climb the steps to be directly beside him. You also caught the fleeting look of adoration to her attendant. “The sludge threatens us no more. We are once again free to swim through crystal waters beneath azure skies without fear. We could not have achieved this without our dear King Sidon, our heroic Link, our valiant Prince [Y/n], and all of us who call the domain home. I am so proud and so very grateful to count myself among the Zora of the Domain. However! That does not mean that all matters have been resolved.”
“Right you are, my queen!’’ Sidon said, striking his royal pose. “So long as darkness lurks in the depths of Hyrule, this peace we have fought so hard for could vanish like a bubble on a needle. We shall not allow that! It is now time for the Zora to help Prince [Y/n] and Link prevail! Everyone, I ask that you lend them your strength! Doing just that shall be the first task that I and my partner in leadership shall undertake as your king and queen!”
A great cheer rose up from the crowd. You cleared your throat and called out, “All hail King Sidon! All hail Queen Yona!”
“All hail King Sidon! All hail Queen Yona!”
Sidon was cheered to the echo, as you all returned to the throne room. “I wish we could have made it a proper party,” you said.
“We’ll certainly make it a full celebration once the Demon King is defeated,” Yona agreed.
Sidon shook his head. “Parties can wait. There are more important matters. If the Princess Zelda I saw in my vision while talking with the previous Sage of Water was the real one in the past, then the one that attacked Father must not have been the same,” Sidon said, scratching his chin. “Questions upon questions.”
“It’s not the first time either,” Link said. “We’ve been running into fake Zeldas left and right.”
“I wish I could accompany you on your journey, but given I’ve just ascended the throne, I must be with my people. My sincerest apologies.”
You nodded, “Of course, Sidon, we understand that completely.”
“We’ll do our best to keep gathering information for you. Oh, and Prince [Y/n], would you allow me to speak with you for a moment alone? Royal to royal, you could say.”
It was easy to tell there was something special on his mind. “Of course, Sidon.”
He led you to a more secluded part of the throne room. Part of you had to laugh, it was the same spot as a kid that he always took you when he had secrets to share. Due to the design of the throne room, no sound spoken in that part of the room could be heard anywhere else. “You know, proposing would have been quite timely after a coronation…”
“No. That would’ve been tacky. I’m not ready and I wasn’t about to steal your thunder.” You sighed. “I hope that wasn’t what you brought me over to talk about.”
“No, no,” Sidon laughed. “It’s actually something a bit more important. When you and Link arrived, I certainly wasn’t feeling myself. The pressure of being a good leader and trying to keep one’s people safe can certainly get to you. I wanted to thank you for being there to remind me that friends are always there to share the burden.”
He looked at you expectantly. “Of course, Sidon, Link and I will always be there for you, but I’m not sure if I’m following?”
“You put on a brave face, my friend, but I can see it in you too. You’re not yourself lately.”
“Sidon, I…”
“My friend,” Sidon said quietly. “Remember, no matter what, you’re not alone. You have all of us supporting you, and most importantly, you have Link.”
“Sidon, without Zelda, everyone is counting on me and-”
“And they all know what you’ve done in the past for them. You don’t need to face this alone.”
You felt your chest unclench. “Thanks… really.”
“Of course,” Sidon said with his usual grin.
He took you back to the rest, addressing both you and Link. “Please promise that you shall once again grace our fair Zora’s Domain with your presence sooner rather than later! Whatever comes to pass, know that you and I will always be connected… by the power of a sage, no less!”
The sun hung low in the sky as the two of you made your way across the eastern edge of Hyrule Field, heading towards the Great Plateau and ultimately Gerudo Town. You stretched and shrugged your shoulders. You fished out the rock that you found Depths, watching it sparkle in the evening light. The stone still made no sense, but it certainly was beautiful. You slipped it back in your pack. “If we keep up this pace, we should be able to get to Riverside Stable by nightfall. What do you want for dinner? I think I have some extra meat…”
Suddenly, Link grabbed your shoulder, flinging you back and drawing his sword. “Hey, what the hell?”
“That gloom pool moved,” Link hissed, keeping his eyes trained on the distant pool.
“Don’t be ridiculous, the gloom can’t…” You stopped as you noticed the sky was growing darker, shifting to a red hue. The pool was moving and moving fast. Five hands reached from the gloom, yellow eyes embedded in the palm watched you with unblinking focus. A tinge of fear shot up your spine, but you drew your bow. “Link, what is that?”
“A Blight?” The monster screeched and scrambled forward, trying to grab at you. You loosed an arrow, striking one eye dead on. The hand shrieked before withdrawing to the ooze. The other hands countered, snatching a tree log and flinging it at you. You drew your sword, slicing the log in half.
While they were distracted, another volley of arrows flew towards them. Link had summoned Tulin and Sidon’s shades to help, while Link drew his own sword. Suddenly, the hand you struck down reemerged, seemingly without damage. “We need to take them all out at the same time,” you said.
“On it!” Link swapped to his bow, nocking a bomb arrow. With the explosion, some of the hands turned white and retracted. You chucked your own bombs at the remaining hands, sending them into retreat.
“Okay… that’s taken care of…” you huffed. You watched as the leftover gloom began to shrink back… and then congeal. “What… the…” The gloom bubbled and churned as the air grew stale. A terrible being rose from the goop, a clone of the Demon King himself. Before you could react, the monster charged you. Link leaped in, parrying the blow just in time.
You strafed to the side, eager to put some distance between you and the Phantom Ganon. Gloom oozed from his feet, each step decaying the earth. Link caught up to you, raising his shield just in time to block another slash of its cursed sword. “Ideas?” he grunted, parrying the blow. The two of you had to keep backing up to avoid the gloom from swallowing you. You drew your bow, firing a few arrows to slow down the menace, but it pursued you relentlessly.
“I don’t know,” you said, “working on it.” Regular attacks didn’t seem to do too much. At this point the best strategy seemed to be to simply whittle him down. Then, the Phantom swiped at Link, knocking him back.  
You clenched your fist, feeling the power of the Triforce come forth. “That’s it!” The golden energy traveled up your arm in veins of light. “Leave us alone, Ganondorf!” A ball of light formed, and you flung it at the Phantom. The light burst and crackled around it, paralyzing it to the ground.
Link wasted no time, charging in with his sword, knocking Phantom Ganon back. You followed behind, chaining his strikes with a rising cut. Strike after strike, Link and you traded off. Finally, the gloom monster recovered, knocking you both back.
Once more you threw a ball of light at the Phantom, but this time, it batted it back. Link volleyed it back, smashing it into the monster. Before it could react, Link parried its dark sword away and flurry rushed in for the kill. A stab clean through the monster’s forehead made it collapse into a few dark clumps.
“Been a while since I’ve been able to do that…” you panted, looking down at your hand. The glowing light slowly faded, but the tingle in your arm remained. “It feels different this time. It’s like the power is traveling through me on its own.”
“Maybe it reacts more to the gloom?”
You rubbed your arm to get rid of the pins-and-needles feeling. “That’d make sense. Just hate the exhaustion that comes afterward. Even that feels stronger than normal.”
Link helped you up. “Come on, let’s get you some rest then. I’ll cook some stew and we’ll set up camp.”
“Just promise me you’re not going to try to put Lynel guts in it again.”
“One time. One time I try to make a stew to make us strong as Lynels, and you never let me forget it.”
“If I’ve told her once, I’ve told her a thousand times,” you mumbled, gently cleaning the cuts on Link’s arm. “I wish she’d fly more carefully, but no, she’s so reckless! Granny Syrup’s gonna be so mad at her, flying around and not doing her chores…”
“It’s really alright,” Link said, picking at the bandage on his leg. You smacked his hand without looking and reached for more red potion, shoving it into his hands.
These dreams were slowly becoming routine, and seeing various versions of Link was almost a bit exciting – or at least it would be if the dreams made sense to you. This Link seemed fairly similar to yours in a few ways, but perhaps more than anything was the look in his eyes. This Link was an experienced warrior, and the steely determination behind a cool demeanor was something you were intimately familiar with.
“It’s not though! You’re working so hard to help everyone, she doesn’t need to be getting in your way!”
“At least I get to visit you each time. Who could say no to visiting a cute witch boy?”
You stopped for a moment then blushed furiously. “You… it’s not nice to tease!” You wrapped the last bit of the bandage, but then noticed Link was wincing as he leaned to the side. “Okay, shirt. Off.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. Off.”
Link groaned and lifted up his tunic. You had to bite your lip to keep your face neutral. While not bleeding, Link’s body was covered in welts and bruises. “Okay, I might have taken a few more hits than just from Maple.”
“Where did these come from?”
“Giant octopus called Octogon.” Part of you wanted details but Link’s life was so strange, you simply started on the ointment to ease the pain. “Hey, that’s cold!”
“Is the big hero weak to cold? Goddesses help us, Veran just needs to throw a snowball at you.”
Link rolled his eyes. “It just caught me by surprise. Besides, this is nothing compared to Kholdstare back in Hyrule’s Dark World.”
You paused. You could practically feel the smirk from Link, knowing he had you now. “Fine, I can’t resist.”
Link beamed. “Okay, so get this, there’s this giant iceberg in the Dark World side of Lake Hylia. A long time ago, someone carved it out…”
The story led to another and another about Hyrule’s Dark World, even after you had finished patching him up. It had gotten late by the time he finished. After locking up the shop, the two of you walked through the torchlit streets of Lynna City. Link had just finished telling you all about the Dark World version of Hyrule’s Death Mountain.
“Um,” you blushed, straightening your hat. “I was thinking, if you’re not busy…”
“Yeah?” Link said, leaning in with a little smile.
Your cheeks burned. “Well, tomorrow I was gonna go check out the Goron Dance Hall.”
“Oh, hey isn’t that place like ancient?”
“Yeah, I heard the Gorons have been dancing there since even before Queen Ambi’s reign. I heard it used to be part of a volcano, modeled after their capital city of Goronia.” You felt like you were babbling. “My friends in Subrosia set me up with some dance lessons and the Gorons said I should bring a friend. It might not be as cool as the Dark World, but-”
“Sure, it’s a date!”
“Great, I’ll – wait, a d-d-date?!” Link just headed out into Labrynna Field with the biggest grin on his face. “Wait, I haven’t said when we should meet!”
“Don’t worry, I won’t be late,” he said, pulling a beautiful harp from his bag. He winked, and with a strum of the harp, disappeared in a golden shimmer of light.
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it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.
**please read!**
hi there, this is my first time publishing a long fanfic on tumblr. updates will be a lot slower here as i like to post longer chapters on tumblr (at least 1-5 chapters need to be written before posting to tumblr) just as a personal preference. that means updates will take a lot longer here than other platforms so please follow me on wattpad or ao3 if you'd like to support me more or read this book faster. find me at @ insaneintheemembrane thanks!
in which a burnt-out detective/vigilante meets the ninjas.
a trans-fem!reader with spiderman? powers x ninjago boys & girls.
slow updates
i will make a male and gender netural version of this book if its wanted! please check out my profile for other books,
posted books; > into the fog (fem!reader x dbd) - only ao3 and wattpad atm > its not paranoia if theyr're really out to get you (fem!reader x ninjago) - all platforms
upcoming books; > teen by day, wicca by night (fem!reader x twilight) > fight for me (sodapop curtis x fem!reader x steve randle)
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chapter 1 & 2
A/N: the timeline is fucked and I've added my own parts to spice up the plot so it isn't similar to other fanfics. i do attempt to stick somewhat to the order of things though. please excuse the spacing, this was copied to multiple sites from notion.
warnings: mentions of blood & violence, swearing words: 1906
chapter 1
i didn't know where i was going or why i even the station, i just needed to get out, needed to do something, anything else. nothing made sense, my thoughts were irrational and i wasn't stable enough for this case. i needed to hand it to someone else, but i couldn't, people were counting on me to solve it.
i'm amazing at cases, this is what ive always wanted to do, what i've dreamed of, so why couldn't i? when it mattered and when it counted why couldn't i solve a singular case? what was wrong with me, why was my brain acting like this? god, it felt like my brain was running at 100 miles per hour.
i kept walking, turning different ways when i felt like it. eventually i came to a tea store. outside was a huge poster for fresh tea and pastries on a discounted price for the winter.
'yes' i thought, 'exactly what i need.'
i walked into the store and was immediately greeted by the smell of an intrusive citrus tea. it flooded my senses and slowed my brain down almost instantly.
"hello dear, something i can help you with?" a calming voice asked.
i spun around to see an older lady, she had grey hair and kind green eyes. she was wearing a light coat of well applied makeup and was smiling at me while holding a cup of tea (which seemed to be the culprit of my relaxation.)
"i, uh, i saw the uhm." i tried to explain using my finger to point toward the window, but my eyes were very obviously glued to the cup of magic the woman was holding.
she followed my gaze and lightly chuckled. "you like the smell of this tea? its ours new brand of organic lemon balm tea, otherwise know as melissa. It increases GABA activity, meaning it's a fantastic choice for calming you down andddd getting to sleep at night!" "sounds just like what i need."
i look from the cup to the shelves, they are covered in hundreds of boxes of tea, ranging from all different colours and types. on the shelves behind the counter sit at least 200 different teapots.
"well lucky for you we have an offer on this type of tea, as its new. 2 boxes for £15. although you do need a good teapot to brew this kind of tea to a high standard. so for an extra £15 ill through in a teapot as well." she responded, putting down her teacup, grabbing two boxes of the tea from the shelves and walking behind the counter to select a teapot.
this woman moved fast, i hadn't even said i wanted it yet.
"right okay, £30 sure." i nodded approaching the counter.
as the woman turned back around she knocked the shelf causing one level to fall. without thinking id hopped over the counter and caught the shelf before it could cause any real damage.
"oh woah, those are some… fast reflexes. and your quite strong too. hm" the woman said stepping back putting the teapot she had selected for me on the counter. she then turned round and looked me up and down.
i propped the shelf back up and sighed nervously.
"aha, yeah well, i am a detective so quick reflexes and all."
"sure sure, whatever you say, just seemed a little… unnatural is all." she responded with a smile.
i walked back round the counter, pulling my purse out of my oversized winter jacket. it was like this woman could see right through me. read me like a book - as cringey as that sounds. i pulled out three 10s and handed them too her. she bagged up my things and handed then to me.
"have a nice evening and come again!"
"thank you."
i spun around making a b-line for the door, 'freedom!' i thought, right before the door opened in front of me and i crashed into the stranger that had walked through.
"woah! sorry about that, wasn't expecting you to come through." i said apologetically, regaining balance.
i looked at the guy in front of me, he was solid and hadn't even wobbled when i bumped into him. he had fiery brown hair, gelled up into stupid spikes. he had beautiful light brown eyes, but they were currently looking cold and sharp right at me.
"watch where you're going next time." he half-shouted.
i scoffed, looking at him in disbelief. i was being kind and apologising! what was this assholes problem?
"kai! don't be rude to customers." the woman that had served me said from behind.he rolled his eyes walking off to the back grumbling about something. the woman started to say something but id already walked out, fuming.
like my shitty day could get any worse, not only am i in a slump at work, i nearly exposed my powers to the tea lady AND that guy was unnecessarily rude.
i angrily walked back to the station and set my tea down in the locker room. i ignored everyone's confused looks and sat back at my desk, head in hands.
chapter 2
blood dripped down my face and onto my vigilante suit, not like i wasn't already covered in snake juices and blood but it was still an inconvenience. i had been on my way home from work when i heard cries down an alleyway. a group of snakes had stolen a baby. very original.
i dipped into the alley, stashed my bag and tea in an old bin and changed into my suit, before saving the baby. i fought of the serpentine and found the mother a few streets down crying out for her lost child. a few of the slimy bastards got away so i tracked them through the city, to the sewers. it was some kind of hive for all the serpentine clans too meet. how freaky.
that's when i saw them, the ninja. the most irritating men you will ever come across.
4 arrogant, cocky, colourful men in pyjamas. they call themselves ninjas but fail to do the simplest of tasks, not to mention they are always in my way. they believe in no killing unless absolutely necessary, i believe some people just aren't worth keeping around and that not every life is worth saving.
it's fair to say we don't see eye to eye.
they were all here, trying to fight off the serpentine horde and (to my misery) winning. this place must be important because they were all here blue, red, black and… pink? since when was there a pink ninja? what happened to the white one?
i saw the one in black get knocked down and decided to be his knight in shining armour. i pulled down my hood and used my webs to swing myself into the fight. i grabbed the snake on top of the black ninja with my webs and flung him into a wall. the ninja on the ground looked up at me and nodded, swiftly getting off of the ground, rushing back into the fight.
i rolled my eyes, although he couldn't see that. we continued fighting until the serpentine were dead, tied up or knocked out. i'd been scratched a few times but nothing serious. most of the blood on me wasn't mine, not that you could tell whose blood is what anyway, a certain breed of these filthy things exploded into blue goo when it died. extremely gross. there were only a few stragglers left, but i thought that the Pyjama Men could handle them on their own - they were big, scary ninjas after all. i turned on my heel, prepared to leave, when i heard a scream behind me. i looked over my shoulder to see the pink (white?) ninja being lifted up by his neck. the thing lifting him was grotesque; it was like a hybrid snake. it was bigger, stronger, and covered in markings, and metal.
the remaining ninjas rushed to aid their friend, while i took care of the less powerful serpentine who were trying to assist the hybrid. dealing with the remaining serpentine was easy, and i dispatched them quickly while the others did their best to help their icy companion.
the poor guy was choking and struggling as his teammates desperately tried to get the thing off of him, attacking them with everything they had. their golden weapons, powers and strength didn't work so i helped out and tried my best to strike the hybrid with my weapon. nothing worked and the thing just shrugged us off or threw us back. i eventually got fed up and webbed the guy's hands up, he dropped the icy ninja to try and get the webs off. the fire ninja grabbed the ice ninja and we all ran out of there while we still could. there was no point fighting something so strong, especially since we were very under-prepared. plus i could sense that the ninja still weren't my biggest fans even after i just saved them.
we ran out of the sewers and hid in an alleyway. i lifted the bottom part of my mask, revealing my mouth and gasped for air. it stunk in the sewer and i appreciated the fresh air. part of my hair fell out of the mask along with it.
"are you a girl?!" exclaimed the blue lightning ninja.
"i thought that was obvious?" i responded, looking his way.
"not to me."
"it was obvious, you're just a dumbass jay." the earth ninja said rolling his eyes while checking on his injured friend.
"your name is jay?" i asked.
"oh for fucks sake cole!" the red one exclaimed.
"and yours is cole?"
"shut up you two!" the injured white one shouted, his voice sounding croaky and sore. "she knows too much about our identities now, we will have to take her to master wuu."
"yeah good idea. besides, we still need to discuss whatever that monster was." the red one replied nodding, a hint of disgust in his voice toward the end.
"im not going anywhere with you lot." i started backing up, they came toward me and i turned around and bolted.
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thomasisaslut · 11 months
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Lucien Vanserra x Tamlin
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Cockwarming — KTober
Word Count: 1.1k
Includes: Cock Warming, Spit as Lube, Pre as Lube, Desk Sex, Anal, Anal Fingering, Gay Sex, Hair Pulling, Hickeys.
Part Two Of: Edging || Lucien Vanserra x Tamlin
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On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51240175
On Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1391145317-𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫-𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑-𝐂𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠-𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧-𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚-𝐱
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The letter sent, Tamlin sighs as he slouches in his chair. He stated a while ago to his mate that he wanted to send an apology to both Rhysand and Feyre, while he couldn't do it in person—due to multiple reasons—he still had a bit of relief as the letter flew away.
The High Lord stands from his chair when he spots another mound of complaints from the people, he grabs the paper from the top of the stack and begins to look it over when he hears the door creek open. Tamlin looks over his shoulder.
"Lucien?" Tamlin instantly sets down the paper and walks over to his mate, he cups his cheek with his right hand. "Is something wrong?" The blond asks, worried.
"No." Lucien chuckles then leans up and pecks Tamlin's cheek. "Is something wrong with you, Tam?"
The blond shakes his head no but his face reveals the truth, he was stressed. The paperwork of complaints has only been growing since Tamlin decided to start trying to fix is court.
"Tam." Lucien warns.
"Yes. I'm just stressed, Lu." The High Lord leans forward and kisses Lucien's forehead, staying close to him for a moment before turning back towards his desk. He sits back down in his chair. "The people's complaints have only been growing..."
"Well, yes, I imagine our court needs some adjustments, Tam." Lucien walks over and stands beside Tamlin's chair before intertwining their fingers.
Tamlin looks up at his mate and raises his eyebrow.
"Let me help, Tam?" Lucien smirks.
"You always help with my work, Lu." The blond seems oblivious to what his mate was suggesting.
"I know." Lucien moves to straddle Tamlin, the High Lord's cheeks flush a deep red. "Let me help you another way, Tam." 
The Spring Court's High Lord looks suspicious but finally nods, Lucien unbuckles Tamlin's belt then his own before sliding down both of their pants in one movement. Tamlin's cock twitches from the sudden cold, the tip starts to leak pre.
"Already? I haven't even started." Lucien smirks, Tamlin's cheeks only darken in color.
Lucien smirks, he strokes Tamlin's cock a few times before removing his hand and spitting into it, he lubes up the High Lord's cock before lifting his hips and aligning his rear with the head.
"Lucien... I won't be able to focus if I fuck you." Tamlin whispers.
"Yes you will." Lucien sinks down, Tamlin's entire cock sheathed inside of his arse. "Oh... fuck!" The red headed moans, Tamlin has to fight the urge to buck his hips up, his claws begging to be released as he clutches the armrests.
"Lu... Lucien." The blond groans.
"Work, Tam." Lucien smirks, he rests his head in the crook of Tamlin's neck—making the High Lord completely able to see the work on his desk.
"I can't when you're-"
"You will work if you want to cum tonight, Tamlin." Lucien nibbles on the blonde neck, leaving a dark, red hickey on the pale skin.
Tamlin wants to say no but the thought of being left without being able to release in his mates ass... fuck. The High Lord complies, he picks up the paper he was looking at before and begins to read it over.
This scene goes on for around thirty minutes before Lucien rocks his hips, Tamlin's eyes instantly look over to meet Lucien's eyes.
"What are you trying?" Tamlin growls, he bites on his mates neck.
"N-Not yet, Tam. Only keeping you on your toes." Lucien smirks.
That smirk quickly fades.
Tamlin stands, his hands under Lucien's rear before he slams the other on his desk, he instantly begins to thrust his cock in and out of the red head, causing the Autumn fae to moan.
"T-Tam!" He shouts.
"Shush." The High Lord grunts, he snaps his hips, hitting Lucien's prostate every single thrust. "You've been teasing me for too long, Lu. I intend to pay back the favor."
Lucien makes a grunt of confusion.
Tamlin only smirks, his hand finds the tan cock waiting for him. He strokes the member with Lucien's pre, using it as lubricant.
Lucien can feel his release building, he moans and grunts, his back scraping against the hard wooden desk. "Tam... Tam I'm gonna..."
Tamlin removes his hand.
"What..." Lucien raises his thrown back to meet his mates piercing green eyes.
"You teased me, my love, now you will suffer the consequences." The blond proceeds to stroke Lucien's cock, his hips slow down their thrusts but don't dare to stop—teasing the red head.
"No... No! Tam p-please!" Lucien moans, pleading, wanting to feel the sweet satisfaction of his relief. "I need to cum, please, so bad!"
"No." The High Lord of the Spring Court smirks, mischievously.
Tamlin continues to fuck Lucien's cock with his hand, his free hand grips the red heads waist—pulling him down onto his cock.
"T-Tam... please..." He whimpers.
"Hm, beg." The High Lord smirks.
"Tamlin! Please, please, my mate! Let me cum, please!" The Autumn fae begs, he locks his legs around Tamlin's waist—trying to gain friction. "I need to cum so bad... please... please do it with me!" The red head continues.
That is all it takes for Tamlin to lose all of his control, his hips begin to pound and thrust, slamming against Lucien's sensitive spot once again. His pale hand continues to fuck Lucien's cock, stroking the tan member with his pre as lube.
"You want to cum, Lu?" Tamlin asks, a hint of malice in his tone.
"Oh! P-Please, Tamlin!" Lucien pleas, he rocks his hips, his cock moving up and down in Tamlin's hand. "Let me cum!"
Lucien lets out a whine. "Tam, Tam, please!" The red begs. "I need to cum so bad, do it with me... fill me up with your own! Oh-" He moans. "D-Do it with me!"
"No." The High Lord of the Spring Court smirks, he continues to fuck into Lucien's rear before his release shoots into Lucien's arse. Filling him up to the brim with his cum, Tamlin pulls out. Some of his release dribbles down Lucien's inner thighs and the High Lord only stuffs it back in the red heads arse with his thumb.
"Tam... please..." Lucien pleas.
"No." Tamlin kisses his mates temple. "You will not cum unless it's on my cock, Lu."
The blond sits back down on his chair, he scoots in before pulling Lucien back onto his cock, the Autumn fae moans, the feeling of his mates cock and cum too much for him.
"Now, Lu, you are going to do what you came into my office for. Cockwarming."
"You heard me, Lucien." The High Lord smirks. "You're going to cock warm me until I'm done working." Tamlin picks up another assignment.
And with the High Lord's demand so it was done, Lucien stayed on his mates cock, twitching and whimpering until the blonds work was done.
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swampstew · 1 year
𝔸𝕥 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 - 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠
Welcome to Raven's Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Take a seat next to the log fireplace as we begin this in-progress, spicy/smutty reader insert story starring YOU (AFAB Reader) and the Kid Pirates. Powerade and snacks are provided! You can find links to the mini-series on Wattpad and AO3 at the end of the post. Minors DNI you will be blocked - for mature audiences only.
Angst, hella violence and death, and finally your background is revealed! Enjoy my loves😘
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Lightning and thunder crackled in the sky during the assault on the enemy vessel. It was a blur and Kid couldn’t remember the last time he had this much fun fighting in the rain on a bunch of weak morons that had no business sailing his waters.
Back in the good ole days when he had both arms, he and the crew would take their time to draw out the agony for their victims, make their prey experience every single second of their torment before they met their ends by him. It had become a bit stale after so many victories, aside from his…previous embarrassments…and frankly he had found the routine of raiding other ships to be a bit boring.
Not this time.
Kid didn’t take the lead in the assault either and he was perfectly fine with that – because he got to launch Y/N right on to the other ship. Where the men actually screamed when they recognized her as she landed on the slick deck and leapt into the first man, gutting him instantly.
It was a sight he’d never forget. A story he was already excited to retell the next time he got drunk and worked up over his crew’s accomplishments.
With a gleeful laugh, Kid jumped on to the ship to back her up. For every man’s knees or ankles she swiped at, Kid would follow up with a sickening punch in the face to knock them out. Pomp and Dive would bind the hostages while Gig and Haikei transported them to the Victoria Punk prison cells; their crewmates covered them as they worked, hacking down the sailors with extreme prejudice. The Kid Pirates rarely left survivors and today would not change their status quo.
Y/N disemboweled or clawed out the throats of her former crew that were nothing more to her than a distasteful memory of betrayal. Kid and Killer would follow up with a final kill shot to ensure their demise, and Kid could swear he heard Killer giggling out loud as he ran across the deck slashing everything and everyone to pieces. The redhead played with the ship’s Captain while Y/N fought against the last of her mutineers, clearly not needing any help with them. Her fury was radiating off her as she blocked their blows and advanced on them, ripping them to ribbons but not quite killing them yet.
Kid grinned, Y/N was playing too. Gods she was so hot for that.
It took him a moment to process that while the gauntlets he made were good quality, they weren’t so well crafted, or even responsibly armored having prioritized aesthetic over protection, that they should be holding up while parrying with multiple swords at the same time; and there wasn’t even a slice or nick on Y/N’s hands or wrists. Taking a closer look –
Yes, he could sense her energy, could see the hardening that covered her skin as she applied Busoshoku Haki to armor herself and her gauntlets as she lulled her mutineers into a fall sense of comfort in fighting. When one made a misstep, Y/N went in for the kill.
With grand, underhanded swipes, the claws of her gauntlets caught the man’s chest and the force ripped his shirt and breast bone open as he was flung backwards over the rail. The next parry with a sword ended with the steel blade shattering as she gripped it with one hand and slammed her fist through the flat of the blade.
The rain didn’t let up as Y/N and the last man standing walked in a circle, sizing each other up. Kid observed the deck and saw that everyone that wasn’t his crew was pretty much dead. He returned his attention to her, interested to see what she would surprise him with next.
“WHERE IS IT?!” Y/N screamed, Y/H/C plastered to her scalp and cheeks. The blood of those she attacked became translucent as it was rinsed off her skin and clothes. Almost like nature itself was washing away her involvement, absolving her of any crimes – karma or some shit.
The man didn’t answer her, instead nervously eyeing the Kid Pirates, “Listen, there’s treasure below deck. Take it, and you’ll never hear from me again. Take it – all of it, just give me my life.”
“ANSWER HER!” Kid roared.
The doomed man faced Y/N, his sword shaking defensively in both hands, “It wasn’t s’possed to be like this Captain! All you had to do was tell us—"
Kid relieved the man of his weapon as Y/N lunged at him. Her claws raked over his face, slicing through bone and muscle. The gargled screaming barely audible over the pouring rain.
Lightning lit the sky to illuminate the rabid head nodding.
“Heat, Wire go—”
“NO!” Y/N eyes burned brightly as the flash of light petered out, “I’ll go. To make sure he’s not lying.” Striding into the ship without waiting on anyone’s approval, Y/N vanished and with her departure the rain almost seemed to slow down.
“Boss, it’s right over us and about to get real bad! We need to tie shit down and get back inside the Punk before it wipes us out!” Wire slammed his trident on the ground to draw the Captain’s attention.
Nodding, “Right! Heat, lead the crew back and get shit done. Wire and Killer, double check the ship for any stragglers or treasures. Take whatever Y/N’s not interest in.” Kid turned his attention to the man marked by claws, “Y’can’t really say your prayers so try thinkin’ em in your head. If she doesn’t kill you first, the sea will. Both have appeal, I could go for either one,” he taunted him.
Tears and rain drops spilled in abundance over the man’s ruined face, creating a pretty red waterfall as it spilled over the frayed edges of what was once a chin. More lightning arced in the sky and Kid lifted his face to watch it branch out, following the lower streaks that crashed straight into the sea about a mile away.
“What do you think the chances are that you’ll get hit by lightning?” Kid crowed.
“Boss, everything’s secured, we gonna hunker down and ride it out?”
Kid walked towards the ruined boarding plank, “Yeah, we’ll switch to automatic swimming to catch the current until it blows over. Light this piece of shit up will ya?”
“Is everyone out?”
“They’ll make it, get to work! I want this in pieces at the bottom of this deep blue sea!”
Heat and Jaguar began tossing loose explosives from the gun deck over to the ship, with the blue haired man following to a measurable distance before preparing to shoot out fire. Kid held his hand up to pause the assault, and Heat deflated.
Hate when he does that, it takes a second to work it up, Heat internalized his annoyance.
His deep set black eyes became brightly illuminated as more lightning ignited the sky, seemingly lighting up every inch of the supercell cloud system that hovered over them. Kid’s eyes were glued to the sky as the wind picked up and every loose piece of garbage on the ship he was occupying quickly whipped up a storm around him.
Times up. 
His ears managed to pick up the sound of thundering footsteps, he felt the vibrations from the floor through his boots, and he was all too eager to get the hell off the ship himself. He twisted his body to dodge remains and other shit when he saw a crackling flare catch his eye from a piece of flying metal. From his peripheral he saw Y/N’s body as she came crashing down on the half-faced mutineer.
There was a crackling energy in the air, more pronounced than the electrically charged air. Or maybe it was one in the same, Kid couldn’t quite tell. All he could really make out was that there was a shit load of lightning, some bright in color and some…not so bright, as it flashed over the deck. Followed by a river of red as the man’s body dropped, nearly clean in half.
Y/N’s crouched body stood off to the side of the fresh corpse, in her gauntlet braced hands she held a massive claymore great sword. One she hadn’t been in possession of before.
Kid didn’t have time to question it. Killer and Wire came barreling out of the ship behind Y/N holding chests and sacks of bulky items, more lightning came crashing to the sea off starboard far too close for their comfort.
“LET’S GO!” Kid roared at them, staring at Y/N as she shook the massive blade to clear it of blood before sheathing it behind her back. Not making eye contact with him at all as she followed them, crossing the metal walkway Kid constructed for their passage.
Firmly grabbing her hand, Kid ushered her into the ship with the crew. When the explosions on the doomed vessel went off and rocked the Punk with enough force to make them all lose their balance, Kid yanked on Y/N’s hand to pull her into his chest, keeping her steady on her feet as his back slammed into the wall.
The Kid Pirates were separated into groups: a squad in the gun deck to make sure no cannonballs got loose; a squad in the crows nest to report the weather patterns or other oddities on the water; the rest in the hull where the feel of the rocky waves was the most pronounced.
The crew in the hull were further divided into five groups: four in each corner of the round bottom shaped ship, and one in the back by the rudder. Y/N sat in the back with Kid and Killer.
“We added bone-webbed, steel flipper shaped paddles around the bottom of the ship where the crew are sitting. Kid takes control of the ship in bad weather like this to glide us through the rough waters. If anything happens to incapacitate him, we’re able to take over with those metal oars you see there,” Killer pointed to the benches and indeed there were metal sticks out in front of the crew that were already moving on their own without their assistance.
“We keep in contact with the crows nest through baby transponder snails to see where the winds are shifting or any rising waves. Back here is the rudder, which Kid gave a flat, paddle-like tail we unchain for this sort of thing. Helps us maintain a semblance of control when the weather turns,” Killer proudly held out a tiny snail with sparkling sapphire blue eyes, and a blue and white striped shell.
“That’s really quite clever,” Y/N mused.
Kid ignored her as he focused on paddling his ship like it was a remote-controlled toy through the chaotic churning. Sitting with his hands gripping the arm rests of the impressive seat obviously meant for the Captain.
“Men and their dinosaurs,” she continued with a grin, “It’s cute you made your ship into a proper Spinosaurus.”
With red flushing his face, Kid chose to keep his eyes screwed shut in concentration instead of engaging with her bullshit.
“It’s a crocodile!” Bubblegum argued from the front of the hull.
“It’s a shark head!” Quincy retorted.
Reck stood up with a furious face, “Are you all dumb? It’s a T-Rex!”
“I’m surrounded by idiots,” Kid griped.
“Let’s all be quiet now!” Killer yelled out over the crew, silencing them effectively.
Over the course of two and a half hours, the ship violently rocked from side to side, and pitched forward and backwards at a nauseating pace, but not once did it tip over or suffer damage through the storm. There were several times when the crew complained of feeling sick, only to suddenly feel better when Kid muttered immediate death threats on anyone who vomited on his ship.
Y/N was impressed with Kid’s concentration and professional handling of the ordeal. She knew she surely did not have the willpower or patience like he did to sit in the back, focusing however much energy and power it takes to control a ship this large in weather as terrible and unpredictable as it is in the New World. To his credit, he did look awfully tired when Wire reported that the storm had passed and they could resume normal sailing or drop anchor until tomorrow.
Kid chose dropping the anchor and taking a shower.
Y/N was further shocked when he did not suggest or make any attempts to drag her into the shower with him. Simply asked her if she was good, and then he strut off to his cabin with a nod when she confirmed she was good.
Letting the crew get first dibs in the communal washroom, Y/N sat on her rented bed holding a worn leather scabbard in her hands. Trembling, she slowly unsheathed the large sword, choking back tears as she held and admired it for the first time in three years.
Her sword.
Allowing her emotions to run free, she used her sopping clothes to wipe the marbled blade clean of blood and matter. Wiping it dry, she inspected the foreign steel for any damage and when she found none, began her routine of polishing and waxing the blade.
After taking a quick shower, Y/N was invited to join the crew for a late night celebration over the demise of the enemy ship and the treasures they stole. Getting ready with the girls in their cabin, they left together in giggles and good spirits. Afflicted with separation anxiety, Y/N kept her weapon strapped to her back, sitting snugly against her white, ruffled blouse and tight fitting pants. She knew she was getting odd looks but she chose to ignore them as she drank the beer and food Killer set out for everyone to enjoy.
It seemed like no one was going to bother her about it and that made her more willing to engage in their drinking games and conversations. For the first time in years, Y/N felt…relaxed. Comfortable even.
But like all good things, it came to an end after an hour.
“C’mere Y/N, join us. You’ve been giving everyone else attention but me!” Kid pouted.
The lopsided grin on her face slowly morphed into an unsure, firm line as she left her conversation with Reck and Hop to join Kid at the table with his commanders. They of course had the grandest table on the deck, stacked with platters of food, cards and berri from their gambling games, and a ton of liquor on hand.
Opening a bottle for her, Kid handed it over following it up with a suggestive pat on his lap.
“I’ll stand, thanks,” Y/N took a baby sip from the bottle, tasting the foreign flavor before committing to it.
“No, you won’t. Sit,” Kid reached out to grab her wrist when he noticed she was stiff as steel. “If it’ll be more comfortable for ya, take off your sword. No one here wants your shit.”
“I don’t want to,” she started, “Its…hard.”
Killer, Heat, Wire, and Kid all leaned in close to her, the three men as best they could from their seats at the table, before practically shouting at her, “We. Don’t. Fucking. Want. It!”
Just like that her inhibitions washed away with help from the sweet tasting rum and comfort she found within the crew; she slid the scabbard over her head and placed it flat on their table. With a triumphant cheer, the men battered their hands on the table in cheerful excitement. Kid brought Y/N to his lap where he held her close as they started a new round of card games. Games that were hard to play with the giant, redhaired beast constantly peeping at her hand.
Time seemed to stop as the deck came alive with their party. The dark, star filled sky was the only witness to their fun as it raged on. Laughter, choking, liquid sloshing, screeching, and cheering echoed in the air as the crew and their guest let loose in true camaraderie.
When the initial buzz of the celebration waned into a more quiet, drunken atmosphere, talks became more personal. With more personal information shared came vulnerability. Y/N watched with fascination as she observed the notoriously feared crew talk with each other about their dreams, their fears, their secrets even. Not ever having that type of closeness with her own crew, nor her mercenary squad. A yearning deep in heart, an envy even, bloomed in her chest.
She almost didn’t register Kid’s attempts to gain her attention.
“Hey, Y/N,” he tugged on her arm gently. When she looked at him, he quickly weighed his options before finally going for it, “Can I—May I see your sword?”
She blinked owlishly at him, then at her sword, then back at him. Not able to answer him at first as she weighed her own options in her mind. Trying to win some type of battle in her own head as her brows furrowed and her hand twitched in the direction of her scabbard.
Finally, with a deep sigh she nodded in approval.
Standing up and letting her take his seat, Kid walked to the side of the table and slowly removed the blade from its cover. His jaw dropped as he examined the gorgeous sword, and Y/N could see from her peripherals that the unique blade had caught everyone’s attention.
How could it not?
Unlike any other weapon, her great sword had thick veins of blue and black marbled into the metal. It was concentrated on the pointed edge of the blade with the black lines curling up the sides of the hilt and handle. An ore pocket of blue sat in the center drawing down the length of the sword. Just above the base of the ore deposit sat a polished blue gem.
Turning it in his hands over and over, his expression did not change as he admired the craftmanship that went into making the blade. Trying to pick at his brain on why it felt and looked…familiar.
After a few more minutes, Kid slowly lifted his gaze from the sword to her eyes, “W-wait a minute. Is this…Polychrome Titanium?!?! I thought it could only be found on Y/C/N Island! And this craftsmanship, it…is this—is this an Ultra Supreme Grade Blade?! There’s supposed to be only five of these in the whole world, a class of their own! They were said to be lost during the buster call that happened on that island. All their resources and artillery, gone forever!”
“I’m surprised you know about Calamity and the Supreme Swords of Y/C/N Island. Everyone thinks they’re a myth. A ghost story,” Y/N said quietly.
“CALAMITY?” Kid and Killer yelled out loud in complete shock.
“They said it only had one wielder, the fiercest warrior and general of Y/C/N Island’s military force!” Killer babbled excitedly. “She was so formidable that she was the first foreign army to strike a military alliance with the Giants of Elbaf! It was never confirmed but there were rumors that the giants wanted to wage war against the World Government and after some failed marriage alliance, I think to the Big Mom Pirates, they sought her out to help them.”
His broad soldiers tensed, even his luscious blonde hair seemed to stiffen despite the cool, salty breeze that swept over the deck. “I-I remember reading the news that before the alliance could even meet, the Y/C/N army was attacked by the World Government at sea with the threat of a buster call on their home island. Those fucking Marine dogs, they…they blew them all to hell knowing they were shooting fish in a barrel. Any attempt to fight back would end with Y/C/N Island being destroyed. And then the World Government did it anyways…a year later.”
Kid spat on the ground in disgust, “Fucking cowards! Too weak to be a real threat so they resort to cheap tactics to assure their own spoiled victory!”
His beautiful amber eyes radiated with fury, the veins in his neck pulsing from his hot, surging blood. Then just as quickly as it had come, the look was gone. Replaced now with confusion.
“Y/N…how did you end up with a legendary military warrior’s sword that’s supposed to be wiped from history? You-you said that what you were looking for…this…that it was forged by your father? Did he know General Y/L/N?” Kid pointed the sword at his mysterious guest in a non-threatening manner as he spoke.
Y/N had been leaning back almost nonchalantly in her seat drinking her bottle of liquor, observing the two Supernovas as they talked and obsessed over her claymore sword. When Kid directed his question at her, she swirled her drink in the dark glass bottle. Laying all her metaphorical cards on the table—
“You’re right about everything you said Killer. The New Genesis hadn’t even cleared the horizon when the Marines showed up. A hundred ships, maybe more. They sieged our island to force our fleet to return, and then the Marines created a blockade to surround New Genesis from docking or escaping. We heard the entire exchange over the Den Den Mushis the Admiral placed on the pier for us. I’ll never forget that man. Kizaru. It was scummy, the way they dangled that fucking bomb over us while forcing my mother into submission. I was at the pier with my father when they killed her.”
Y/N paused to tilt her head back and finish the bottle in several gulps as the crew swallowed the impact of her words. Jaws slowly dropping open as it clicked in their heads. Steady droplets of liquor ran down Y/N’s chin and neck like rivulets as she drained the bottle, staining her blouse but too drunk to care.
“Every day for four months I sat on the shoreline watching that damned spot. Hoping, wishing that I had dreamt it all up, that she had somehow escaped and would come back. She obviously never did but…” Y/N’s knuckles turned white around the empty bottle.
“One day, her sword washed up right in front of me. I couldn’t believe it. When I brought it back to our town, it sparked hope. And hope turned to rebellion. See after the attack, the Marines forced our island into an alliance with the World Government – and for the heavenly tribute, they wanted our precious metal made into the finest weapons for them. For the next several months under the pretense of making them unmatched armory, our metalsmiths were creating false weapons that would break under one stone of pressure. The real polychrome titanium was mined and smelted down into blocks. Blocks that were then made into a massive statue of a horse, in tribute to Freya, my mother’s animal companion that she always took into battle. A week before the World Government could collect their tribute, we shipped it out and sank it all. The statue, all the weapons, and the Ultra Supreme Grade Blades, dropped to the bottom of the ocean in scattered locations.”
Y/N held out her hand for the jeweled blade. The silence and tension was thick before Kid turned it over in his hand one last time, finally returning it. As soon as the hilt was in her hand, she expertly flipped it in her wrist to slide it cleanly in its sheath. Her steely gaze held Kid’s eyes as she spoke.
“All of them except Calamity. My father forged this sword as a bride gift to my mother, back when she was still a young cadet trying to climb her way through the ranks. To be the best of the best. He entrusted it to me when he helped smuggle me off the island just before the buster call went off. It’s my family’s legacy, and it will never leave my side again.”
Standing, she put the bottle down on the table and cracked her neck, “It’s been fun but I think I’m gonna turn in.”
“Y/N,” Kid called out, unreadable scowl on his face. Processing this new information, analyzing and cross referencing it with the knowledge he secretly gathered on her. “If all of what you say is true…than that means you come from the South. Just like us.”
Smirking, she walked away, “I’m from the Calm Belt.”
“Yeah, the Calm Belt in the South Blue Ocean. That practically makes us neighbors.”
“If you say so. Good night.”
Killer waited a few minutes after she left before breaking the stunned silence on deck, “Did you know that her mother once clashed with Gold Roger?”
“Yer fucking with me.”
“Not this time! It’s true. I remember reading that his crew landed on her island and they got into it before the Marines – who were also on the island trying to convince Y/N’s kingdom to join the World Government – got involved. A day later, Roger fought ALONGSIDE her mother against the Marines and sank three battleships between themselves.”
“Shiiiiit. We got a fuckin’ legacy baby here with us?”
“Seems like it. She’s got moves, she’s got grit. Pulls a neat party trick or two but have you noticed anything…special?”
Kid was surprised Killer didn’t know, “You didn’t notice she’s using advanced armament haki?”
“OH! Yeah that makes sense. I just thought you used tungsten for her gauntlets.”
“Tch. No, been out for a while now. Used the last of it to enhance my tools. I used pure steel for her, then gave it a nice paint job.”
Killer whistled, “That was all her huh? Notice anything else?”
Kid thought back to the events on the ship. What he thought he saw in the reflection of flying debris.
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weirdestbooks · 2 months
The Faceless People You Have Yet to Meet (Wattpad | Ao3)
TW for ableist language and a character thinking a DID system is insane. For the wonderful @aloha-from-angel
It had been hard talking to America since her annexation. It was tense and awkward, and America’s moods only made it worse. Sometimes, he was unapologetic about taking her freedom, insisting that it was necessary, while other times, he was apologetic, acting like it wasn’t his fault like he was some observer who had nothing to do with anything!
It made Hawaiʻi nervous. She never knew what mood he would be in, and trying to guess his mood now was so much more nerve-wracking as a colony than as a kingdom.
It reminded her a little of living with Britain all those years ago when she was never quite sure if something she said was going to set off his temper.
Hawaiʻi hated it.
Thankfully, America seemed to be in a good mood today, and while Hawaiʻi didn't want to be talking to him, their conversation had yet to dissolve into screaming or an argument.
“So…how have you been, Wai?” America asked, his tone holding a note of hesitation and awkwardness, made all the more worse by the fact that he was actually pronouncing the nickname he gave her so long ago correctly. A strange mix of hurt and grief burned in Hawaiʻi’s chest before she pushed it away, swallowing back the tears that threatened to emerge as she tried to figure out how she would answer that question.
Hawaiʻi was thankfully saved from answering by a state walking through the door. While Hawaiʻi had a very hard time telling states apart from each other, this one she did recognize as being Georgia.
“Hello D—Caleb, is that you?” Georgia asked. America nodded, and Hawaiʻi took a nervous step back.
“Am I allowed to hear his new human name?” she asked, not wanting to do anything to make her time in this household more miserable. She didn’t want to give the states more reasons to hate her or harass her about feigned crimes against their father. 
Although it was strange that Georgia called her father by his human name, Hawaiʻi wondered if they had perhaps fought recently.
“Oh, Meri, I thought you and James were taking care of telling all the new people,” America said, sounding very annoyed. Who were Meri and James? Tell them what?
Georgia snorted, “You’re just unlucky. I think they meant to, but they’ve probably just been looking for a good time.”
“What are you talking about?” Hawaiʻi asked, feeling hopelessly confused. America grinned something that looked so out of place on his face that it took Hawaiʻi aback.
“You know those ‘moods’ of mine that you’ve noticed? How it can sometimes seem like I’m different people? I walk differently, talk differently, have different tastes, etcetera, etcetera.”
“That’s because we are! All those moods, they aren’t moods. That’s what it looks like when different people share the same body, but all have to pretend to be America in public because otherwise, we’ll get thrown into an asylum. My name is Caleb. I’m not Meri, America; Caleb is not America’s human name. I’m my own person in every way, aside from the body. I’m not America; I’m Caleb.” America’s eyes glistened as if he was holding back tears, with a worried look on his face.
Hawaiʻi stood there in shock, unsure of what to say or how to react. It made sense, of course, it did. Hawaiʻi had commented before on how America’s moods made him seem like different people, but could that really be the case? What if America was just mad?
It didn’t matter if it made sense. Nobody had multiple people in their head. 
America had actually gone mad.
“Many of the territories used to exist in Dad’s body. I did before I became an official state, back when I was a colony. I…we don’t know for sure why it’s happened, but we think it’s a weird country thing. But..Caleb—Dad’s not mad. He’s fine, just sharing his body.” Georgia added.
America had gotten his children wrapped up in his madness? Or was Georgia just pretending to believe in the delusions because she was scared of her father?
“I know you think you know we’re mad. America did at first, and so did Florida, Ana, and all of them. But…they came around. We hope you will, too.” America said. Hawaiʻi nodded.
“Okay…may I leave now?” she asked, careful to keep her voice polite so as not to anger the madman in front of her. 
“Of course you can. Meri won’t say it, but this is your home now, too. You can come and go as you please.” America said, a soft smile on his face but worry in his eyes.
He didn’t look mad. He looked normal.
That was more terrifying than anything. Why couldn’t he look mad? Why couldn’t he just look like the terrible person he was? Why did he have to be so painfully normal?
Hawaiʻi nodded and stepped away, walking to her room as she tried to process everything. 
America was mad. That much was clear. He was convinced that he had multiple people in his head who could speak to him and control his body. Or he was convinced he was multiple people. Either way, it was scary. Hawaiʻi briefly considered the idea that America could be possessed by some sort of demon but quickly put aside that thought. 
Countryhumans were supposed to be holy. So America couldn’t be possessed.
He was just mad. 
Hawaiʻi had said before that living with Britain could be enough to drive a man mad, but she wasn’t truly serious when she said that. But was Britain the one to drive America mad, or was he mad from the beginning? 
Hawaiʻi didn't know how to feel.
How could she not have seen this before? So what if this explanation made sense? So what if she had commented before that sometimes America’s moods—America’s madness—made him act like different people? 
You couldn’t just have multiple people in the same body, even if it was just a country thing. 
That’s not how it worked. That’s not how any of it worked.
America had to be mad. 
It was the only thing that made sense.
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sister-juniper · 1 year
A Night to Remember (Terzo x F! OC smut)
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This is Chapter 6 from my book "His White Eye" on AO3 and Wattpad.
This will contain sexual content so MDNR!!!
Basically Terzo takes my OC's (Lilith's) virginity after they come back from a date ;)
AO3 link Wattpad link
☆ Word Count: 2703 ☆
Lilith and Terzo were still sitting in the backseat of Omega's car. They were getting closer and closer to the church, but the two of them were progressively getting more desperate for each other.
That kiss had lit them on fire, especially Terzo. That kiss had sent immediate desire down to his lower regions, and now the way Lilith was looking up at him with her gorgeous black eyes was making him wild. 
He had one of his arms wrapped around her shoulder, and his other arm was placed on Lilith's bare thigh. The tension in the air was so thick you could practically smell it. 
Lilith on the other hand, was experiencing a new feeling she had never felt before. 
You see, Lilith grew up in a small, conservative, catholic Italian town. In that place, it was forbidden to engage in anything sexual before marriage, and if you did, you would be shunned by the community. 
Lilith knew what it felt like to be pleasured, but only by her own doing, not by anyone else. Terzo had no knowledge of this of course, but he would soon find out.
"Amore..." Terzo whispered in Lilith's ear.
"Yes?" Lilith whispered in return while looking up at him
"When we arrive back, would you like to come to my quarters with me?" He asked with a fire growing inside of him
Lilith felt warmth in between her legs, as she knew what he meant by this. She immediately nodded and kissed his cheek. She was very nervous, but with Terzo... everything just felt so right. 
This place was nothing like her hometown, sexual activity was praised and celebrated, not shamed. It was about time that she had her first time, and it just seemed so perfect to have it with the charming satanic pope himself.
Finally, the car pulled back into the parking lot, and Terzo was quick to open the car door and guide Lilith out. The two of them thanked Omega for the drive, and walked hand in hand back towards the large church. Terzo pushed open the big doors and he began to lead the way back to his quarters. 
It then occurred to Lilith that Terzo had no idea that she was so inexperienced. She was correct, Terzo considered her indescribable beauty and came to the conclusion that she already had her first time, and maybe multiple other times too, but he was wrong.
"Hey, Terzo?" Lilith asked
"Yes, mi amore?" Terzo asked looking down at her
"Uhm... I've never actually done something like this before..."
Terzo was stunned, but this turned him on even more. The idea that he was going to be the first to pleasure this lovely woman made his heart soar, and his pants feel a bit tighter. He pulled Lilith close to him and began to reassure her.
"Ah, cara mia, that is okay. I will be gentle and guide you through everything as it is your first time si? If you feel uncomfortable at any point, just let me know and we can stop immediately. I want you to be comfortable"
Lilith smiled at his reassurance, she was glad he wasn't bothered by her lack of experience. She was also glad that she was in good hands, and that Terzo wanted her to feel safe. 
Terzo kissed her briefly before the two finally arrived at Terzo's living quarters. He dug inside his pant pocket, pulled out a black key, and pushed it inside the door. It then opened and he guided Lilith inside.
Lilith took a good look at her surroundings and she was stunned at the majesty of Terzo's living space.
In the room, there was a big black couch across from a fireplace. Near it was a large desk which Terzo did most of his papal duties at. Parallel to the couch was a king-size black bed with purple bedding and pillows, and next to the bed were two doors. Lilith assumed it was for a bathroom and closet. 
Terzo took notice of Lilith's surprised expression and chucked a little.
"Ah, what do you think? It's quite fancy eh?" Terzo asked with a smirk
Lilith nodded as she still kept staring at the big bedroom. Terzo stepped closer to her and pulled her body against his, and grabbed her face with one hand to make her look at him. 
Lilith looked deeply into his eyes and saw that his white eye was gleaming, but this time it was slightly darker than before. Lilith guessed it was because he was turned on. 
She also felt something pressing against her abdomen, this made her even more excited. Lilith wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him deeply.
Terzo moaned into the kiss and grinded his hips against hers. In response, Lilith moaned into the kiss as well and slid her tongue inside Terzo's mouth. He moved one hand down and squeezed her ass while he explored her mouth with his tongue. 
Both of them continued to feel more and more warmth in their pants as the kissing progressed. Terzo pulled away breathlessly 
"Mio cara, go sit on the edge of the bed." Terzo demanded
Lilith nodded and followed his orders. This was then followed by Terzo bending down to take off her heels. 
After he did this, he began to place kisses up Lilith's left leg all the way up to her mid-thigh. Lilith threw her head back and moaned at the sensation as her thighs were extremely sensitive. 
She felt wetness pooling in her panties as Terzo moved her dress up and began to kiss around her abdomen. He had his hands on her hips and was kissing all over her abdomen. He looks up at her and opens his mouth to speak
"Is this okay mia dolce? Would you like me to continue?" 
Lilith nods frantically "Yes, please continue"
Terzo then turns his focus to Lilith's special region. He began placing kisses over her panties in all of her sensitive areas which caused Lilith to let out a desperate whine. She desperately wanted more friction. 
She soon got what she wished for when Terzo grabbed both sides of her panties, pulled them down her legs, and discarded them on the floor. He then started to lick and suck at her clit, making Lilith let out a loud moan at the sudden pleasure.
She threw her head back and moaned Terzo's name, which made him start to palm himself through his pants. Cazzo.. she sounds so sexy moaning my name... he thought. 
Terzo moaned softly into Lilith's core as he continued to eat her out like no tomorrow. She flew her hand to Terzo's head and ran her fingers through his soft hair with her mouth wide open in pleasure. 
Just as she began to feel a certain feeling building, Terzo pulled his mouth away, making her whine at the loss of contact.
"Ah ah, not yet cara. I want you to orgasm with me inside you" Terzo says with his tone laced with lust
Lilith nodded and this excited her even more. But of course, she needed to be prepped a bit more first. 
Terzo then stood up and instructed Lilith to hold her arms up so he could pull off her dress. Lilith was now left in a simple black strapless bra, which Terzo was quick to remove as well. 
She then sat there on his bed, with wetness dripping down her legs and a red face. Terzo moaned at just the sight of her looking so needy and desperate for him.
He then began to remove his own clothing, first he slid off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his waistcoat and dress shirt. This left him with a bare chest for Lilith to drool over. She looked him up and down and took in the beautiful sight before her. 
He was toned, but not too muscular. He had no chest hair apart from a trail of black hair leading down to his crotch. In the middle of his toned chest was a Ghrucifix tattoo, and he was wearing a small silver chain with "666" on it. 
Terzo then moved on to his pants, unzipping them and taking them off in a few swift motions. Now all he was wearing was a pair of black boxers and socks, which he kept on as he climbed on top of Lilith and pushed her further back on the bed.
Terzo took notice of Lilith's blushing face and smirked knowing he was the one doing this to her. He was the one who turned her on. He was the one she was looking up and down and admiring.
He looked deeply into her eyes and began to rub her clit with two of his fingers. In response, Lilith gripped his shoulders and moaned his name softly. He then slowly moved those two fingers down and slipped one inside her. 
The sudden sensation of something being inside her made her moan again but louder. He began to move his finger in and out as he crashed their lips together in a heated kiss. 
Terzo then slid another finger inside of her which caused Lilith to dig her nails into his shoulders and moan obscenely into the kiss. He curled his fingers up into her g-spot which made her a moaning mess beneath him. He was sending pleasure sparks all throughout her body and it was driving her crazy.
Terzo broke the kiss and looked lovingly into Lilith's eyes. "Are you ready amore?" He asked still fingering her
Lilith nodded and tried her hardest to get words out over her moans "Y-yes Terzo, please, I need you"
Terzo removed his fingers and sat up on his knees so he could slide his boxers off. He then threw them on the floor next to Lilith's panties. Lilith's mouth drooled as she took in the sight of his gorgeous cock. It was a good size, and it was dripping with precum. 
Before Terzo could do anything, Lilith reached one of her hands forward and slowly stroked his cock. The contact of her hand caught him off guard and he squeezed his eyes shut and moaned softly. Lilith smiled as she looked at his pleasured face. This turned her on to new levels. 
Terzo opened his eyes, looked at her, and smiled in return.
He then pushed her body back against the bed and climbed on top of her. Lilith moaned softly at the sensation of his tip rubbing against her clit, which was now even more sensitive than before. Terzo lined himself up with her entrance and looked deep into her eyes as he slowly slid himself into her.
Lilith moaned loudly and Terzo carefully studied her face for any signs of pain, but all he saw was pleasure. Truthfully, Lilith was so soaked at this point that he slid in with ease. 
When Terzo was about halfway inside of her, pleasure surged through his body. He held Lilith's face and his hands and moaned her name as he slid the rest of himself inside of her. It was truly a perfect fit.
"mio caro, you are so tight.... mmmm fuck.. I..." Terzo moaned out
Lilith was in an equal amount of pleasure, she was breathing heavily and looking into Terzo's eyes "Mmmm Terzo fuck... this feels... so.. good..  ahh"
Terzo continued to rock his hips inside of her, and after a bit of the slow gentle pace, Lilith spoke up.
"Terzo amore... c-can you go faster? and a bit rougher? Please...?"
This was the permission Terzo had been waiting for, as the slow and gentle pace was killing him.
He held himself up on his elbows and began to thrust faster and deeper into Lilith, making them both let out loud moans. Lilith threw her head back and opened her mouth in a silent scream as Terzo began to slam into her G-spot. Her toes curled and she could feel herself getting close once again.
Terzo was breathing heavily above her and moaning her name over and over. This was the best sex he ever had in his life. There was pleasure shooting through his entire body and every thrust sent him into ecstasy. Not only this, but he couldn't believe he was the first one making this fantastic woman feel this way. He was her first time, and she seemed to be enjoying herself beyond belief. 
Terzo leaned down and started to place kisses and love bites along Lilith's neck. He bit roughly into her neck making her eyes shoot open and a loud moan escapes her mouth. She pulled at his hair and Terzo fucked even rougher into her as he could feel his orgasm approaching with every movement he made.
"T-Terzo a-ah, im so close mmmm.." Lilith moaned out
"Me too amore... che cazzo ahhh.." Terzo moaned in response
The two were getting closer and closer to release. Lilith's grip on Terzo's shoulders became rougher and his thrusts were getting more messy and wild. Terzo felt a surge of love overtake him, and moaned his feelings out to her
"Mi amore... ti amo.. ti amo tanto cara mia... You are everything..." he said in her ear
Lilith blushed and moaned loudly at his words. Too lost in pleasure to fully respond or comprehend the meaning behind what he just said. Her orgasm was fast approaching and so was Terzo's.
With a few more thrusts, the two of them finally reached their climax. Lilith threw her head back against the bed and moaned so loud the entire hall could hear. 
Terzo quickly pulled out of her and released his warm cum all over her stomach and breasts. He moaned her name loudly and gripped her hips so tight that it probably left a mark. 
After a few seconds, he collapsed onto the bed next to Lilith and pulled her body against his.
The two of them lay there both catching their breaths. Terzo sat up and kissed Lilith's cheek gently.
"You did so good amore... so so good. This was amazing..." he breathed out
Lilith smiled and looked into his eyes with pure adoration. She reached her hand up and held his cheek gently.  "Terzo... oh my satan... this was a night to remember."
Terzo placed a hand on Lilith's cheek and pulled her in for a slow, loving kiss. They pulled away a few seconds later and smiled. Terzo's white eye was gleaming so bright that it helped to light up the dark room around them.
After a few minutes, Terzo decided it was best that they get some rest now. He sat up and guided Lilith to the back of the large bed and told her to sit and wait while he grabbed something. 
She sat and waited while Terzo went into his bathroom. He returned a few minutes later with a washcloth and a small box of chocolates.
Lilith smiled upon seeing the chocolates, and Terzo placed them on the nightstand while he used the washcloth to clean up all of the cum on Lilith's body. 
He then threw the cloth on the floor and climbed into bed with Lilith and tucked the both of them under the covers.
He grabbed the box of chocolates and Lilith was excited but a little confused.
"Why do you have a box of chocolates?" She questioned
"Well, I was going to give these to you with the flowers but I forgot to bring them. By the time I realized, I was already at your dorm." Terzo said with a chuckle
Lilith smiled at Terzo's thoughtfulness  and took the box from his hands. Inside was an assortment of 9 truffles. Lilith thanked him and leaned against his bare chest while taking a chocolate and placing one in her mouth. 
Terzo wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close while admiring how cute she looked getting excited over some simple chocolates.
"Would you want to share these with me? I feel like it's a cute after-sex treat for the two of us" Lilith said smiling up at him
"If that is what you want mi amore, then I will be happy to share with you." Terzo said while taking a chocolate and placing it in his mouth
The two of them finished the small box together and a few minutes later, they fell asleep in each other's arms, both exhausted from the night's events.
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