#‘what the hell is keysmash poly’ so glad you asked *pulls out my powerpoint* so— (i am dragged off stage)
jujumin-translates · 10 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] An Oni Protecting The People | Spirit・Snow Demon - Part 2
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Kazunari: So that’s what that was all about…
Izumi: You scared us…
Sakuya: Sorry I startled you. I just want to experience what it’s like to be in a place like that so I can better understand how the snow demon felt…
Kazunari: I getcha. I wonder if they’re still doing that one thing this time of year~.
Sakuya: ? What are you looking up?
Kazunari: Found it! What about something like this?
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Sakuya: A mid-winter test of courage…?
Izumi: Huh, I didn’t know they even had tests of courage around this time of year. Ooh, and it’s got a story and everything.
Kazunari: Yeah, yeah! Right now it seems like it’s a story about the spirit of a person who died alone in a cabin on the mountain and wasn’t able to move on to the afterlife.
Kazunari: I know you’re not technically playing a spirit, SakuSaku, but aren’t the situations like totes similar? Y’know, like being in a cabin on a mountain in the dead of winter?
Kazunari: So I think if you do the test of courage and go through the story ‘n stuff, you might be able to relate to the feelings of the role you’re playing better!
Izumi: No way, maybe you can be calm like that because you’re you, Kazunari-kun…! Any normal person wouldn’t be able to analyze things that much in a situation like that!
Sakuya: But I wanna go! I might be able to get something out of it if I do.
Kazunari: That’s our SakuSaku! That settles it, us three are SO going. When are you both free, SakuSaku and Director-chan?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: --We made it!
Izumi: It was kind of a hike to get here…
Kazunari: And it’s still cold as ever~.
Tsuzuru: Well, it’s both night and the middle of winter, so of course it is. By the way, how’d you even find out about this test of courage?
Sakuya: Kazunari-san looked into it! Thank you so much for tagging along, Tsuzuru-kun!
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Tsuzuru: I told you I’d do whatever I could to help, didn’t I?
Tsuzuru: So this test of courage is the kind where people go around in pairs and solve the riddles together, right?
Tsuzuru: I had a part-time job at a haunted house once, so I have some experience that I can maybe put to use.
Kazunari: That’s my man! MPV Tsuzurun over here!
Sakuya: That’s reassuring!
Izumi: Fufu, let’s all do our best. Well then, here goes.
Staff: I’m going to give you each an item now. It is up to you to decide where and how you’ll use the items.
Staff: You should work with your partner and share your ideas in order to reach the goal.
Kazunari: Well then, let me and Tsuzurun kick this thing off ♪
Tsuzuru: Got it. Well, let’s go.
Izumi: Good luck, you two!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: Hmm… maybe put this here?
Tsuzuru: Ah! Maybe don’t use that one just yet…
Sakuya: Huh, that light…
Izumi: Eh?
Tsuzuru: UWAGH!!
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Kazunari: Eh!? Tsuzurun, where’d you go!?
Izumi: (Just how scary is this test of courage? If someone who has a high tolerance for horror, like Kazunari-kun, is making a sound like that, I can’t help but wonder…)
Sakuya: Director, are you okay?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: I’m okay.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: I’m okay. Kazunari-kun and Tsuzuru-kun’s voices just surprised me a little bit.
Sakuya: It startled me too. I wonder what that was about.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: I’m kind of scared.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: To be honest, I guess I’m a little scared. I can’t help but wonder after hearing those reactions come from Tsuzuru-kun and Kazunari-kun.
Sakuya: Yeah. It makes you wonder what else there is if it’s that scary so early on…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Anyway, let’s go and see what’s going on. Just standing here and listening to them scream is only going to make me more unsettled.
Sakuya: Right. It’s about time for us to get going too. Let’s do our best, Director!
Izumi: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: …I can’t see Kazunari-kun or Tsuzuru-kun anywhere.
Sakuya: Yeah. Maybe they’re up further ahead than we thought they’d be?
Sakuya: That light… I wonder if I was just imagining it…
Izumi: Oh yeah, you did mention something like that earlier. What was that ab--?
Ghost: It’s so dark… and lonely… I need the light…
Izumi: AHH!?
Sakuya: UWAAH!
Ghost: The light… give me the light…
Izumi: What does it mean by “light”...?
Sakuya: Director, could it be talking about this?
Izumi: Ah, a candle! Is that one of the items we got at the entrance?
Sakuya: Yeah! Now where to put it… Ah, there’s an indent in the wall of the entranceway. Maybe it goes in there…
Izumi: But it looks like there are two indents… I know. What if I use my candle too and we put them in together?
Sakuya: Okay. On the count of three. One, two, three…
*Lights flick on*
Sakuya: Ah, that sound… seems like the front door unlocked.
Ghost: …I didn’t have to split you two apart like the last two.
Sakuya: Eh!?
Kazunari: Ah, there you are, Tsuzurun!
Tsuzuru: Jeez, that scared me… I can’t believe I was dragged off into the dark like that when I put one of the lights in…
Izumi: …I guess it was the right choice to put them in at the same time.
Sakuya: Seems like it.
Ghost: Aah, I can feel the warmth of humans through the lights. I had forgotten this warmth…
Ghost: Please melt my lonely, frozen heart.
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Sakuya: …Got it. Leave it to us.
Sakuya: I’m sure there are a lot more riddles to be solved around here somewhere. Director, let’s go save everyone!
Izumi: Yeah, let’s do it.
Izumi: (It’s like his urge to save everyone outweighs his fear.)
Izumi: (I can’t wait to see how today’s experience will affect Sakuya-kun’s performance.)
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