#‘  ♔  ic .
anogarseperzys · 2 months
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@zobriesdaria gets a starter.
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it's always been hard to receive that look. and yet , he can't help but notice how often his beloved daughter makes him think of his late mother. of so many souls who have since left his life feeling cold and dark. yet rhaenyra , the last light left in his life ... drifted further and further away from him. there's a pause , the two sizing one another up , or perhaps more likely ... simply the king waiting to see if she will recede. when she does not , there's an almost tired sigh from the king. ' have you nothing to say? does this not bring us a step closer in resolving what as placed so much distance between you and i? between you and alicent? '
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lightcreators · 3 months
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No  one  was  truly  alone  in  middle  of  Purgatory's  games.
This  was  the  sentence  he  really  wanted  to  expressing  with  brightness,  offering  all  the  reasssurance  associated  to  that  statement  he  wanted  honestly  to  share.  However,  how  much  this  was  true  ?  Of  course,  for  a  while,  inside  his  own  chessboard,  there  had  been  only  his  mind  and  his  thoughts  to  having  an  idea  of  an  plan  for  bouncing  back  towards  the  Golden  Witch,  when  he  had  indirect  allies  during  that  time.  Another  witch  had  been  supporting  his  position,  and  eventually,  he  did  managed  to  have  allies  along  the  way  …  When,  with  that  last  thoughts,  slow  decomposure  couldn't  help  to  return. ❝  You  aren't  alone  in  this  fight,  never.  ❞  He  actually  decided  to  bring  around,  when  thoughtfulness  of  his  expression  betrayed  his  wish  to  be  innocent.  ❝  It  all  depending  of  the  chessboard  you  are  coming  from.  It's  all  depending  of  circumstances  within  your  chessboard.  It's  all  depending  of  the  witch  you  are  facing.  ❞  For  the  moment,  he  wasn't  obligated  to  awakening  pleasant  memories  and  recollections  concerning  that  point  …  or  even  how  within  his  case,  he  had  to  please  the  God  of  the  Underground  with  his  chessboard.  She  needed  reassurance,  not  to  be  worried  over  weight  of  opponent.  ❝  Did  a  witch  take  a  dislike  to  you ?    ❞
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opyre · 7 months
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.... leans against him. ⸻ @carrythat .
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the silence had found a home between them ; somewhere comfortable , existing in each other's presence . it breaks only when the seldom brush of a page folds over another , or when the ball point of his pen scratches ink over the paper of his notebook . cloud's company brings him peace , and he'd risk the chaos of coming home late for the tenderness of moments spent studying alongside him . he thinks quietly , smiling to himself , this is the reason he's alive . the reason he's lived through every trial of illness that threatens him with its mercilessness . he is so fond of the man who sits across from him , and he watches him from time to time when he is busied with his phone or otherwise lost in thoughts . while he fears his own company may prove excruciatingly boring , he savors the moment so greatly , he finds it hard to interrupt .
he scoots himself closer to cloud , shifting his books beside him and atop the sheets they sit , and finds comfort in a few more inches worth of closeness . the tip of his pen presses idly against his lower lip and it's cool to the touch . a brief flicker of his imagination ignites when he thinks about how cloud's lips might feel , but he puts the thought aside as his cheeks flush slightly . how embarrassing . if cloud could see his thoughts , he'd never live it down , he thinks .
and then , as if on cue , soft hair tickles his cheek as the warmth and weight of the other unfolds against his shoulder . he forgoes the books , the papers , the pen , wrapping one arm over his shoulder and pulling him closer . he invites him into his space and closes his eyes in welcome comfort . his fingers curl into his hair , and he twirls sections of it as he pulls his hand away , returning each time to gently touch him again , to wrap himself in him . his heartbeat quickens slightly , but he relishes in it . all is in its right place , save for the guilt the rests delicately against his chest .
❛ apologies if i've bored you . . . ❜ his voice , a gentle whisper ; you can hear the softness of his smile . he's broken the silence .
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wereone · 1 month
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" — how boring . "
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crownmarked · 3 months
is phipps’ chicken grass fed /j
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" ⸺ junior is fed a carefully curated diet of all the necessary nutrients she needs to grow up to be a lovely little lady . "
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aeg3n · 9 months
♔ ⊱ @isefyres ⊱ how long has it been since you’ve slept ? - from eleana
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ㅤㅤㅤIT'S BEEN MORE THAN A DAY SINCE HE'S SLEPT, BUT HE WILL NOT CONFESS THAT SO EASILY. He already knows the stern look the truth will earn him from her. Aegon can envision it now, Eleana's violet eyes pouring judgement over him, those brows of hers flexing in distaste for his habits; he's seen it plenty of times since she'd first joined his side. ❝ I've had sleep, ❞ he lies, but the lie lacks any effort to make it convincing. It won't be good enough for her, Aegon knows, so he heaves a sigh and sets his pen aside, leaning back in his chair as a weary hand brushes away his hair. ❝ You needn't fuss over me. Sleepless nights are common for kings. ❞ And he is not even a king yet. If he cannot handle the pressure and stresses of a prince, how could he ever hope to rule the Seven Kingdoms? Heavy eyes cast aside to the Vyrwel, the slightest uptilt of his lips as he bends a brow. ❝ Odd that you're not in bed at this hour. Have your daydreams of Lord Snow kept you so restless? Perhaps I should be the one scolding you instead. ❞
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ovenmade · 2 months
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FINALLY got Lemon Zest the other day so now I'm a part of the cool club!! And I also got Snow Crystal today, though my game crashed before I got a proper screenshot lol. I love her so much though!
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blindfoldcd · 3 months
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mana is old fashioned and definitely the romantic sort. and he’s definitely got quite a feminine presentation a lot of the times - from his long hair, to the fact he once tried on katerina’s dresses and she wound up spoiling him with dresses, skirts and blouses galore? yes. due to being sickly and weak growing up, mana’s often pretty cold, so the temperature being warm isn’t so bad at all. as for.. intimacy. well. he’ll be extremely flustered at first, but with someone he’s in love with? by all means. it definitely wouldn’t be low or non-existent. as for architecture? have you seen the ark, leo? pfft. easy clap. but mana is very giving and warm in nature. mwah mwah. ♥
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“Ya ain’t even gotta make’a case fer ‘im! ‘Ey there, honey, happy t’see ya, lucky ta know ya~ Say, ya don’t happen t’know any priests, do ya?” Can they just get married now? Who needs a full bingo card application when he’s already smitten?
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anogarseperzys · 2 months
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@worthyheir gets a starter.
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' a fine job indeed my boy! ' the king smiled , apparent pride in the young lad after observing his training. he was proud of the boy , even though he could see the contention rising between his grandson and his son. action had always been the king's weakness however. more likely to shirk things aside to handle at a later time , in favor of instead lifting people up when he could. perhaps a kind thought ... but ineffective. his inaction merely brewing. another problem kicked down the road. ' you should be proud. a fine hand with the sword i see in your future. '
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lightcreators · 6 months
@pointofviiew continue from here
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"Says the man who watches people and probably plays a weird chess game that makes no sense. Oh and constantly angers Shizuo like he has some death wish now that's ridiculous! For that same pest to run when danger...known as Shuzo appears..that's sooo funny!"
Playfulness wrapped slowly his features. Masaomi-kun perspective was something interesting to heard, especially, concerning past circumstances between them, how he had many reasons to comment over his past actions (though none of that would stop him inside what he had been carefully planned neither how he wanted watching from the first steps consequences). His love for humanity had to coming with an intensive studying of them --- admiring every one of their reactions, viewing their doings in middle of created consequences, and remaining an closer observer that would staying behind meanwhile chaos emerging. Wasn’t it his main quality, to loving so much humanity he wanted discovering their entire potential, compared to how a benevolent underground doctor pretended only interest to such species? Wasn’t he kind enough to embracing humanity with that overwhelming love? Nothing had to be said concerning how he was watching. It was part of his job. It was his favourite hobby. Oh, he also didn’t cared if one unexpected supporter desired to watching him back, understanding the riddle of his person or giving him more possibilities of fun inside own particular manners of appearances games --- he could learn far more about how playing with the threads of people with an witch on his side, unable to been perceived unless an couple of lucky people … ❝ For you, how I play this game sounds ridiculous, nevertheless, it’s understandable for my rules~ ❞ He expressed amusingly concerning the remark of the young teenager concerning his game. It wasn’t a game meant to be understood by other people. It wasn’t meant to be focused over a tiny ridiculous single chessboard, in which established rules were simple. Oh, he expected no one actually achieving to understand each of his moves, even if such unexpected challenger of a witch ached solving him --- in same manner he was studying that strange guest of a kid. Sound of a betraying amusement dared escaped his lips for a couple of seconds, before increasing further inside a condescending mockery when Shizu-chan was mentioned. ❝ Shizu-chan and me have a long story together~ ~ Someone need to remember to Shizu-chan how an error of nature he represents, what better person than myself for showing my affections~ ❞ Positive feelings were intended within that mockery approach regardless if emotions diverged on his sentences. How Shinra managed even to breathe closer to Shizuo was something he couldn’t manage to understand, would never be able to understand, though, accidentally, he was amused by how his best friend was attached by an inhuman being he was so much passionate with … ❝ You might notice how humans being ridiculous is their special charm, it’s so admiring~ ❞
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opyre · 1 month
addressed : @luxdea ,
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it has become apparent enough that the trusted person before him is not who he says he is , and , despite his intellect , he's yet to confirm his suspicions of his true identity . so , instead , he proceeds as if his knowledge does not exist , continuously trusting him , continuously offering his time . the cavern they find themselves in is dark and eerie , the sound of drops of water dispersing into shallow puddles heard echoing in the shadows . the only light , the loyal flame that follows him overhead , illuminating sheik's features and bringing about his frequently noticeable beauty .
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still , ever - distracted by the wandering mind of curiosity and ever - plagued by the stress of striking inability , the future duke places his hand against the coolness of the rock walls , pressing his fingers into it with a quiet , yet frustrated , force , through his gloves . he's becoming exhausted , and knows he should allow himself a moment's rest , but can hardly convince himself he's deserving of it .
❛ still , nothing . doubtless , another futile endeavor . ❜ he drags his hand lower , eyeing the frayed threads of the cloth that covers them and opting to ignore them once more . ❛ how are you holding up , sheik ? have you found anything ? ❜
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zacaraya · 2 years
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Zacaraya wasn't one to actively go out of his way to help someone, so when he came across a small, multicoloured knit bag, he pondered just leaving it where it was and going about his day. He instantly recognised the scent on the item as Epel Felmier's, the guy who took a chunk out of his neck that one time.
Perhaps it was time for a little payback.
Inside was a locked box, so it was clearly something that Epel valued. He vaguely recalled the message on the bulletin board saying something along the lines of 'do not open'. It was safe to say that Zacaraya, did in fact, try to pry the box open, but to no avail. Something Epel was embarrassed about, maybe?
They were all still holed up in the Ramshackle dorm, so he shoved the bag into his rucksack until later on, when they would inevitably cross paths. Later that night, Zac was lounging on one of the old sofas in the Ramshackle Lobby, legs up and an arm dangling off the side.
He wasn't expecting to see Epel today, but that evening, he caught a glimpse of a tiny person with wavy, lavender mid-length hair, and he let out an amused hum.
"Glad to see you're walking again... Kind of," he called out across the lobby in that smug, sarcastic, teasing tone. He grinned at Epel when he turned to see who had called out suddenly.
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wereone · 3 months
“Oh Dee Dee!” He called from the front of house expecting his best friend, his loyal partner in crime to welcome him with open arms but instead he was just standing at the entrance of his house all by himself! “Listen up Diedrich Weizsäcker I am here to spend time with you and this is how you welcome me to your humble abode?!”
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the sound of heavy footsteps descend the stairs , followed by the faint sound of german grumbling and muttering . soon enough , the imposing figure of the baron came into view . he stops in his tracks just short of stepping off the stairs .
" phantomhive , " came the gruff greeting , brows knitted as he took in the sudden ( though not entirely unwelcomed ) sight of his friend . " — is it not considered rude to show up unannounced ? "
green eyes stared down the other man for a long moment , before diedrich finally relaxes and let's out an over-exasperated sigh . with a wave of his hand , he beckons the earl to follow as he made his way to the drawing room . " come . coincidentally , i just happened to have some of that chamomile tea you enjoy so much . "
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ghostbustingreen · 4 months
Ask and shall be delivered! Bowser casually pushed a full wardrobe of dresses right in front of Luigi. "Pick the ones you like the most, 'Stache"
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He's so strong...
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❝ W-Wowie zowie... I've never seen-a so many pretty dresses in-a one place before.❞ Luigi pauses, looking blankly at the Koopa King as though expecting some sort of trick. ❝ I-I can... I really can pick any one I-I want..? ❞
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quillheel · 11 months
“ There’s no honor in hiding and sneaking. ” [to ennard this time 👀 ]
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“ didn’t mmmake us with it. ” — its answer comes like a rattle of fowl between bars, a birdcage in flight, metal vibrating against metal where the voice-box had been stolen and reinstalled; cables slithering in on themselves, out on themselves, around the speaker like a living thing’s tissue around an object. 
a living thing entirely uninterested in being a living thing, aside from the concept of being something different. to learn, to adapt, to move and live and writhe was the sweet honey it’d never taste, humanity was nothing more than a lost dream. a dream they were never made to dream at all. they were made to make ghosts. they were made for a purpose and they’ve grown beyond it, but the flesh inside them never grew back. a thousand years of stealing hearts. a thousand years of never having their own. the ghosts of them, alone. the ghosts of one, alone. little girl, turned loud, turned quiet, turned gone. little girl, not enough for them all. — ( can a robot dream in italics. can dogs ever learn to speak. )
“ any of us w w w w with i it. all of us, to do t terrible, to b b b be terrible. have you seen what we made us, y yet? has he shown you? has he rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrambled-ed? “
a mother and a father and a sister and a brother and a monster you keep in the basement. lucky, they were the monster.
“ orr- “ the word shrieks in a happy voice given and turned sour, loud with distortion as the mangled thing of robotics too smart to die slithered from under the floorboards beneath their creators table, loops of cabling like nooses around the wooden legs, like a snake, like a monster. eyes clatter & drag from its chassis from where the wiring came loose and let them dangle, metal gouging his hardwood floors. “ -have you cha a a a a anged our mmiind while we weren’t looookkkinggg? “ the high, sweet voice of the daughter comes, a mimicry, a softness regardless. like cotton on barbed wire. like clouds under a eight hundred tonnes of Prometheus’ fire come back to burn him. 
its many voices titter, and beneath the workshop table, its eyes glow up, up, up at the beast in different skin, but just the same. a terrible red bleeds like tears from the circuitry. a terrible black pulls with it. iron fills the air like a silent chant; blood. blood. blood.
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“ did yyou want us to cal l l l l l l youu father when we came b back home to youu? “
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aeg3n · 9 months
♔ ⊱ @myrc3lla ⊱ our muses dance together for the first time
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ㅤㅤㅤTHINGS HAD GONE BETTER THAN HE'D EXPECTED FOR A WEDDING THROWN TOGETHER IN A DAY. There will be a far more grand event held once they have their peace, but this is war, and the longer they go unwed, the more they risk. Myrcella was right about that, but of course, she always is. She's made a beautiful bride of herself as well, but he never doubted that she would; she's always beautiful , and he would have married her in rags if needed. But no, the princess is a vision in ivory silk and gold. A sight that would have belonged in the Great Sept of Baelor, if only the structure still stood. Aegon is a contrast in his black and red. The best suit he owns, though without the mail underlay this time around. Despite the short notice, Storm's End has come alive as well, gathering for a small celebration after their abrupt ceremony. Not quite what the wedding feast of a king and queen should be, but this smaller, more intimate gathering is admittedly less suffocating. They can focus less on appeasing their guests and more on each other.
ㅤㅤㅤ❝ Had your fill of lemoncakes yet? ❞ Aegon asks his bride with a chuckle. He did promise her lemoncakes if nothing else, and he's glad he could at least provide that. ❝ I'm sorry I could not give you a proper wedding as of yet, nor a feast befitting a queen. ❞ He will make up for it the moment he has the chance, but for now, this is what they needed to do. He could not leave her behind with only an unfulfilled promise again. The sounds of music and merriment fill the hall, and the prince rises to his feet, beckoning Myrcella with an offered hand. ❝ I would like to dance with my wife, if she'll join me. ❞
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