#—there's an endless road to rediscover; ( musings. )
anotherhumanpet · 2 years
💝 [Dennis about Gramps, Jaden about Shale]
Send a 💝 and my Muse will ramble on about how they presently feel about yours.
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"I actually kind of miss him right now. Like, I see him on the weekends for our boxing lessons and stuff, but I haven’t really seen him since our talk after the gala crap. Or, actually just the gala itself. And I know he’s busy with war stuff so I get why he isn’t around as much, but I kinda wanna just go on another camping trip with him, ya know? Like... I dunno. We’re not really friends cause he’s so old and I’m not, but it still cool to hang out once in a while, ya know? And I just wanna do that. I like our camping trips and stuff. So, yeah. I miss him.”
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“I’m getting worried about Shale. She’s been through a lot lately, and I get that shit hurts and she needs time to recuperate from it, but I’m starting to wonder if she’s going to step down from her job and start doing something else - or just quit entirely. And if that’s what she wants to do then fine. I can’t stop her from doing that. But she’s a great engineer and engineering makes her happy so I don’t think she should quit doing it just because of what happened to her. I think she needs to get a hold of Silas about getting some upgraded and custom tools set up so she can still work on her projects. And she should probably stop trying to fix every damn problem Oron has too so she isn’t constantly drained by him.”
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theasteriae-arc · 4 years
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* things said meme ( accepting! ) / @gunmetalgrey​ said:
❝ Things you said at my grave. ❞ ( for BASH & LEO )
“I’m sorry.” He doesn’t say what for, because he’s sorry for it all—sorry it’s taken him so long to come down here, sorry that he has to come down here at all, sorry that Leo spent all night crouching in a cupboard once because Bash skipped out on a game of hide and seek in the Embassy and forgot to tell him till the morning. “Hey.” He places his hand on the cold, smooth ridge of marble on top of the tombstone that’s stood here for almost ten years and crouches down to look at the words that are spelled out in gold lettering across the front.
There’s a vase of fresh flowers, not yet wilting, sat near the base that tells him this, at least, is true. Bash is just thankful he didn’t decide to come the day they were placed; he’s here with August, who’s loitering in the background, but he couldn’t face running into his mother or either of his sister for the first time since Leo died here.
He glances over his shoulder. August’s making a big show of looking in the other direction, but Bash lowers his voice anyway when he says, “I brought you something,” because he doesn’t want to be overhead.
Out of his pocket, he takes three little tin soldiers. One for him, one for August, and one for Leo. The colour’s all but rubbed off them now, but he still knows which one is which because of the letters carved into their feet. He puts them down in order next to the flowers. “I got them back. Well, we did.” A small smile and a splash of salt water on marble; he’s crying already.
“You used to love these things. Carried them with you everywhere you went. Always used to line them up like this as well, on the windowsill in Seb and Sev’s room, and on your locker at school. You’d walk them up and down, make them go on missions under the bed. Didn’t seem right that you be without them now, so. There you go. Sleep tight, Leo. Sweet dreams.”
ft. @diabolicaltendencies​ 
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sukoshitachi · 6 years
Tag Dump
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chocoboyo · 6 years
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“Its all fun and games until the King tries to kick you out of his bed for squeaking the chocobo.”
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endtiimes · 2 years
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dipper tag drop!
♪ — there's an endless road to rediscover. ﹝ .dipper ﹞ ♪ — i was writing 'bout everything i saw before me. ﹝ .dipper / visage ﹞ ♪ — there's something more to this. ﹝ .dipper / musings ﹞ ♪ — if i catch fire then i'll change my aim. ﹝ .dipper / aesthetics ﹞ ♪ — all my troubles on a burning pile. ﹝ .dipper / hcs ﹞
♪ — 'cause i know the smallest voices can make it major. ﹝ .dipper / main ﹞ ♪ — i messed with forces that our eyes can't see. ﹝ .dipper / grim v ﹞
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variantia · 6 years
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tag dump for Elyan Lewis
I won’t be told what’s supposed to be right.  (  ELYAN.  )
distance was a friend of mine.  (  ELYAN MUSINGS.  )
(  VERSE.  )  hey brother ; there’s an endless road to rediscover.
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moon-mcther · 4 years
Tag duuump~
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jakeothomas · 4 years
tag dump
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twinpaths · 5 years
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Tag dump: General!
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theasteriae-arc · 3 years
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taylor swift: ‘evermore’ ( no longer accepting ) / @diabolicaltendencies​ said:
❝ If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were talking to me now. ❞ ( from AUGUST ) 
Bash shrugs. “Sam’s awake. Just thought you’d want to know.” He sits down opposite August, body thumping into the plastic cafeteria chair. “Sev told me you were here, and—” Bash had thought about putting it in a text, but his cousin had gently suggested he come down here and deliver the news in person. Or else visiting hours were over, and they would be indefinitely from now on.
He sighs. “Look, this isn’t me being- I’m sorry for being—” He breaks off, rubbing his hands over his face, running them through his hair. “—It wasn’t your fault.” It’s a heavy thing for him to get rid of, the weight of the blame he’s been carrying with him. He lets go of it in a long breath and looks up. “You got hurt too, and I should have been there.” Instead, he was several floors up, shirt soaked through with blood, waiting for Sam to get out of surgery. This is the first time he’s asked August, “How are you?” So, he apologises too. “It’s only us now.” And maybe that’s partly it. He’s already lost one brother; he can’t think about losing another.
The sound of gunshots ringing round the reception venue had taken him back to that place, grit in his eyes, sand in his mouth, Leo’s grip slowly loosening on his hand. Hold on, he remembers shouting. I’ve got you, and help is coming, you’ve just got to hold on. Even if he couldn’t feel his fingers or anything below his neck. He just kept his eyes between Leo’s face and their joined hands until he saw him go.
But surely, that should only make him want to hold onto his remaining brother more tightly?
In that moment, something changes for Bash. He extends a hand ( an olive branch ) across the table.
“It’s only us, August. I should do better. No, fuck off, I will do better. Any time you need help, I don’t care what kind of trouble you’ve got yourself into, you come to me. I’ve got your back. I’ve had it all along. You’re my brother, mate, and- I should say this more often. I love you.”
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, August 23
Buffy: You know what? I don't think you want us to let you go. Maybe we made it a little too comfy in here for ya. Spike: Comfy? I'm chained in a bathtub drinkin' pig's blood from a novelty mug. Doesn't rank huge in the Zagat's Guide. Buffy: You want something nicer? (She leans her head to the side, exposing her throat to him.) Look at my.. poor neck? All bare and tender and exposed.. all that blood just .. pumping away.. (Spike is all but licking his lips) Giles: Oh, please. Spike: Giles, make her stop.
~~Something Blue~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Meeting with the Boss by Indra Leigh (Giles, The Sentinel xover, FR13)
Conversations by acswatwst (Joyce, Ghostbusters xover, FR13)
Goodbye to Charming by Glitterangelem (Kennedy, Sons of Anarchy xover, PG)
Why I Won't Drink In Vegas Ever Again by beri_fanfic (Beriaearwen) (Buffy, How I Met Your Mother xover, FR13)
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Five Page Sonnets by TheClowniestLivInExistence (Spike/Buffy, T)
Innocence Undone by Anonymous (Spike/Dawn, E)
"One Week, Then We'll See" by DrivingStick (Tara/Willow, T)
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The Requisite Father Embarrassment by madimpossibledreamer (Xander, NCIS xover, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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In the Afterlife - Ch. 3 by mmooch (MCU xover, FR13)
A Cascade of Echoes - Ch. 7 by 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions on TtH) (Buffy, Stargate crossover, T)
oh sister, I will help you out - Ch. 2 by jedibuttercup (Buffy, Fast and the Furious xover, T)
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oh sister, I will help you out - Ch. 2 by jedibuttercup (Buffy, Fast and the Furious xover, T)
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Burning Questions - Ch. 3 by kristosnikos (COMPLETE! Riley/Spike, M)
Homecoming - Ch. 1 by reinla (Buffy/Dean, supernatural xover, E)
Lindsey's Pride - Ch. 1 by TinyDancer96 (Angel & Lindsey, T)
Chain of Ascension - Ch. 43 by GraeFoxx (Xander/Buffy, Xander/multi, E)
an endless road to rediscover - Ch. 2 by Jedi Buttercup (jedibuttercup) (Buffy, Fast and Furious xover, G)
the world moves on (and i without you) - Ch. 6 by taxicab12 (COMPLETE! Tara/Willow, T)
Magic of the Willow Tree - Ch. 1 by 29PheonixLement (Tara/Willow, G)
The Sun - Ch. 12 by heckate (Tara/Willow, T)
A New Big Bad - Ch. 8 by tinfoil_paint (Tara/Willow, T)
Bound - Ch. 9 by RavenLove12 (Spike/Buffy, E)
Bound - Ch.1 by RavenLove12 (Spike/Buffy, E)
Willing Slave - Ch. 16 by TheSigyn (Spike/Buffy, E)
Dress My Body All in Flowers White - Ch. 24 by othellia (Spike/Buffy, M)
In Retrograde - Ch. 3 by wroth_and_ruin (Spike/Buffy, M)
Who Watches the Watchers - Ch. 11 by blue_sweater_spike (Spike/Buffy, M)
Different Lives - Ch. 23 by BuffyBot3000 (Faith & Tara, Jenny/Giles, T)
I don't care about the presents - Ch. 2 by watcherless (Faith/Buffy, E)
All That Is And All That Seems - Ch. 37 by MalkMcJorma (Faith/OMC, Riley/Buffy, M)
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A Night Without Day - Ch. 7 by HappyWhenItRains (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Who Watches the Watchers - Ch. 11 by blue_sweater_spike (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Time We Had - Ch. 15 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
I Almost Do - Ch. 8 by artemisthestargazer (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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A Cascade of Echoes - Ch. 7 by MirroredIllusions (Buffy, Stargate crossover, FR13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Some Buffy Shirt Designs By CreativeSpero. DM me for links! by Bigslaw (Giles, Willow, worksafe)
[Fandom Discussions]
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musing on the costuming in out of my mind by mollyspeak
Early S5 Spike by disco-tea
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Joss Whedon's Focus On Firefly Came At A Cost For Angel' by Synch
Favourite Spuffy quotes? by School Hard
Did anyone think was positive character moment of Xander not taking advantage of Buffy in bewitched bothered and bewildered? by Benz
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Willow & Xander's kiss in Homecoming continued by Andrew S. and American Aurora
Angel Season 5 Rewatch - #10 Soul Purpose continued by Stoney
Joss Whedon's Focus On Firefly Came At A Cost For Angel' by Synch
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Season 05 Appreciation Post by defector-antal
Anya's speech in The Body by kurtney_
Spike is hilarious in pangs by intenseskill
Kendra was activated because Buffy died... So when Buffy died at the end of S5, shouldn’t another slayer have been activated? by ellefemme35
If Willow and Oz never broke up would have Oz told Willow she is using too much magic like Tara did? by wtffu006
Rack vs The Master? Or Adam? Or Caleb? How would he do? by wtffu006
If Joss had killed Joyce in season 3 by redskinsguy
Rewatching season 7 and I still don’t feel the hype by DoyleisAHero
What's the consensus on the first half of Angel season 5? Pre-You're Welcome? by jdpm1991
Angel Just Created the Buffy-Verse's Best Super Team by Current_Ad_9850
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: The Tragedy of William the Bloody - An Interview with James Marsters
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decided I'd share @JamesMarstersOf's fave pic for his birthday!
James Marsters Ottawa Comiccon 2022 Schedule
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laplaces-angels · 5 years
Tag Dump! (Dipper)
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chocoboyo · 6 years
Gladio: Rise and shine. Time to get up and train.
Prompto, sleepily cuddling up to Noct: Nope, sorry. This is a mutiny. Not letting go of the BFF.
Noctis: ...well, you heard him. This is a mutiny. I have no choice but to sleep in.
Gladio: :/
Gladio: >:/
Prompto: ...you can join in our mutiny if you want
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piine-trree · 5 years
Tag Dump MK. II (Will update later)
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kingklavs · 5 years
tags ;
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protectxthem · 5 years
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Hey brother! There's an endless road to rediscover. Hey brother! Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker.
                 independent multi muse blog:
written and tolerated by BluJay/Wolf
features muses from Star Wars and more.
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