squeezemylemon · 2 years
"Ågren" - Cornelis Vreeswijk and Östen Warnerbring
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"Miss Squeeze's ABC February" Day 26/28
"Ågren" is Swedish slang for a hangover, so this is a quite beautiful song about the morning after the night before. When trying to find a word to use in the translation I landed on "Vesalgia", which is an English slang term for a hangover.
The rhymes in the translation are far from perfect, but I hope the translated text can be of some use anyway.
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ukfrislandembassy · 2 months
OK, let me expand a little on my point about conlangs and theory. See, morphology in particular does get the short stick (as I intimated in my previous post), and I think that's a shame (not that I'm biased), but it's partly because it's a shame that the kinds of complexity we see in natural language don't come up anywhere near as often as they should.
See, there's actually very little consensus among linguists about what makes a language 'complex'. I tend to follow the heuristics of Östen Dahl in The Growth and Maintenance of Linguistic Complexity (2004), where he takes a minimum description length approach; the more rules required to give a complete description of a language, the more complex it is. He then goes on to divide that into 'richness', which in effect refers to the size of the lexicon but also to number of e.g. inflectional categories expressed; and 'structural complexity', which is how many different operations you need to encapsulate the relationship between the forms found (note that this is about description only, not making assumptions as to the mental grammar or anything). As implied by the terminology, the former per the discussion of the book isn't strictly 'complexity' per se, so freeing us to talk about languages being 'rich' in the former and 'complex' in the latter.
Now here's the thing, conlangs in my experience only tend to be rich, not actually complex. You'll have loads of categories, like a long list of TAM forms, but if they're all agglutinative affixes your system isn't really complex per this typology. My (admittedly somewhat anecdotal) impression though is that it's just as common for languages to be complex but not especially rich than vice-versa, if not more so.
That's how you get languages like Nuer, where nouns only have three cases and singular-plural contrast, yet these categories are expressed in a myriad different ways. Neither Skolt Sámi nor Chichimec verbs inflect for all that much either. Jê languages don't inflect their verbs for much, but the category they do express (finiteness) has all kinds of strategies to mark it. Welsh nouns only really inflect for number, but there's oodles of forms (including some singulatives). Heck, all of English's irregular verbs are good example of this kind of thing really, there's really a lot of this kind of thing going on when you actually start looking.
Now I do agree, as people have noted in the comments to that post, this kind of stuff is in some ways a bit less straightforward than regular morphology, but I honestly think it's a lot more rewarding. And this is not to say that there are no conlangs that do this kind of thing (Ronc Tyu and to some extent the Rompian family as a whole are good examples I would say, especially if we can get the Akana Project wiki working again...), I just with there were more I suppose.
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Shelf designed by Uno and Östen Kristiansson for Luxus
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444names · 8 days
Names generated from German towns and Russian cities, excluding the letter "Z"
Achelorg Agobile Ahna Alden Aldkark Aleck Alhön Almsk Aloyev Alshen Alsher Alsnoy Alten Angepen Apolkhny Apotuhi Arstau Astende Astrumsk Asuk Auchweim...
Bach Bacheim Bachen Bakeulm Bakhtad Balchl Barderl Baronau Bayen Bech Beckel Berg Blat Bogock Borch Bormwald Born Brangen Bratten Bredils Bryover Bräunsk Bröpp Bründov Bürnsk Büttmar Cashen Casokum Cheim Chen Chof Creu Dansten Darg Darsk Daysk Degov Derg Dietstal Dinge Dingelm Dingen Dingersk Dinhalau Dmiki Donsayk Dorn Dubakov Döbla Eberg Eiberbel Eide Eilsk Eingen Elbsevel Elsdam Erbelsk Ernhorf Erny Escheim Eukoleus Faffen Fatov Felovnov Flacht Fonkful Freck Fren Freun Frev Fringen Füremron Fürsheim Ganrehum Gary Geld Gelich Gendel Genn Gerg Germ Glagen Glau Glinsk Gnigod Golsk Grano Grassim Greck Greim Greveten Grick Grotrom Gräfel Gröderg Gubki Gutedt Güssenhe Haff Hagorn Hairyurg Hanaksar Hatterg Haurg Hebusau Hegsburt Heick Heim Henbersk Herg Hino Hirch Hohlen Holim Holsta Holymar Horf Horym Hovo Hovsk Hüch Hürthau Hütterg Ibina Idati Ilden Intal Irch Irsk Ischn Ishkir Itsyk Joheim Jöhrem Kaagensk Kamsk Karkhorn Kemsk Kensten Khochhen Khorn Khtadym Khum Khönn Kingen Kirch Kiriedt Kiroursk Kirsk Kiryubau Klingen Kock Kodsteye Kogort Koki Korform Korsk Koving Kovo Kovshen Kovsk Kradt Kransk Krasov Krau Krauen Kreck Kredt Kryesal Kumsch Kuneuen Kunfel Kurg Kuschsen Kyantsk Könsk Kötten Künsk Ladaye Lamerg Lamespen Lande Laneber Lauburg Laverg Leim Lenberg Leorf Lesen Leurg Leutts Lexinova Liedt Likha Lingehut Linsk Litsk Ludinth Lugano Lugara Lymka Lysk Lübbin Lüchny Lüden Made Magen Maisvil Mald Mansben Mansk Manst Marken Marrnfel Marvin Meidde Mensky Merf Merg Mernten Monemmuk Mosiyese Movsk Mukingen Märkinov Mühlinsk Münch Neberg Nechim Nelol Nerang Neschta Nesensk Neven Nevosta Nits Nogum Norg Norich Nornbeld Novsk Nyevsk Nörrsk Nürtich Obechlen Obrersk Ochohn Ochsk Oedt Oelder Oerth Oeschel Oeswig Oetsk Ohlensk Oppiye Orfurg Oschsk Ossoly Osta Ostein Ostlits Oswersky Pain Papreuch Papulld Pegoren Peng Perov Piyevo Plagenar Plavdant Plopeim Plyov Plyurg Pokolysk Porf Prensta Priesen Prosen Rhagdan Rheisch Rhelden Rogorf Ropeim Rosee Roten Rtsk Ruppen Ryarnov Römmerg Rönik Rönne Rüdin Ründold Rüssayel Sach Sachalde Salingen Sann Sart Saryup Saufberg Sayksim Schadt Schalde Scheil Scheim Scheißen Schet Schhorsk Schhoy Schkisen Schof Schsteim Schtedt Schwerg Scow Seln Senben Sensk Sensta Serg Sern Shage Shar Shcherg Sheinsky Shudorf Siberg Singenak Sokhau Solenbau Sonnel Sonneysk Sosen Spelshin Speysk Spren Stal Stano Steild Sterg Stessen Stom Stov Stow Strak Strich Sven Tadt Tansk Taylovo Teing Teistadt Teistage Tergnoy Togrim Told Tomysk Torda Trangeln Trau Traus Troborf Trode Trov Tuth Tuye Twan Tyov Tyovoh Tüberg Uckulom Udild Udyn Ukirsk Ussen Vayersk Vetteim Vilya Vlosov Vols Vorf Vöhlin Vöhr Vöhradt Völstorf Wald Walinger Waltecka Wanov Warkurg Wart Wede Weer Weim Wein Weinsk Weißen Werf Werslok Wetting Wich Wiestye Wigsteim Wingensk Wisch Wishaich Wola Wold Woleim Woleko Wolfin Wollen Wurg Wöhr Wülhev Yanovo Yatirch Yeverd Yurg Östen
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paganplaces · 1 year
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Kung Östens grav
Kung Östens grav (English: King Östen’s Grave) is a passage grave located within a roughly 1.0-meter-high round mound. It is situated on the island of Hisingen, Sweden.
Read more at: https://paganplaces.com/places/kung-ostens-grav/
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no-gays-in-russia · 1 year
Melodifestivalen final tops: 2003
10. TKO (Knock You Out)- Bubbles: who leaked the tape of my best friends and I putting on a show for our moms in the early 2010s?
9. Bye Bye- Barbados: if there is two things I like about Barbados, that’s that they sing in Swedish, and Magnus Carlsson. This song has neither.
8. Genom Eld Och Vatten- Sarek: I know this is a big fan favourite, but it just sounds really chaotic to me. I will be honest- I could find positive things about it, but it sounds so cacophonous that I cannot focus on anything else. 
7. Crazy In Love- Jill Johnson: honestly this song is not even that bad, it’s quite solid and was clearly written by someone who knows what they’re doing, and it’s enjoyable too... But you know when there are certain things that make you so angry for no reason at all? Like, they just make your blood fucking boil? This is it. 
6. Aqua Playa- Afro-Dite: this is really good- they’re always charismatic and so entertaining to watch, perfect vocals and amazing harmonies, catchy and fun song. The issue is that this came directly the year after they won with Never Let It Go- and damn, that song is AMAZING. It’s inevitable to compare the two and it’s inevitable that this one will lose. 
5. Maria- Östen Med Resten: when I tell you I am obsessed with this? They sing in Spanish and Swedish, are dressed like mariachi, and have this incredibly fun song that has absolutely no reason to exist but to be entertaining? Bye this is everything I love about Melodifestivalen. 
4. Hela Världen För Mig- Sanna Nielsen: I never cared for this until I actually sat down and took some time to listen to the whole song and actually focus on it. Nice, very optimistic sounding ballad, definitely sounds like something out of a Disney movie. I always found it a bit basic and repetitive, and thought that despite the nice melody and good structure it doesn’t really have anything setting it apart- but I’ve started thinking Sanna’s stunning vocals almost (almost) make up for it. Her crystalline voice and clean technique fit a song like this perfectly, and her runs and variations actually add something interesting and captivating to it. 
3. Let Your Spirit Fly- Pernilla Wahlgren & Jan Johansen: I find this song very similar to Hela Världen För Mig, in the sense that with the simple and positive lyrics, clean vocals and sweet melody it feels like something you could find in a Disney movie. I think what makes me like this one a bit better is mostly the fact that it is a duet- I think duets, especially male-female, are almost always a winning choice because having two people singing instead of one is the simplest way to introduce variation and prevent the song from being plain and boring. Here, in particular, the contrast between Pernilla’s light and soft voice, and Jan’s more low and raspy one, works really well in making the song dynamic. 
2. Give Me Your Love- Fame: I don’t know what to tell you other than this is a bop. 
1. Not A Sinner Nor A Saint- Alcazar: I-C-O-N-I-C. No bye this is perfect and the fact that it didn’t win makes me absolutely LIVID. First of all, so iconic that Magnus Carlsson just ditched his former band and competed straight against them, coming in third while they got last? Shit that only happens in Sweden and that’s why I love this country. Brilliant structure with the piano intro and soft harmonised vocals, then more upbeat instrumental intro, I love the alternation in the verses with Andreas’s part/Magnus’s part/Tess and Annika’s part. If I have one complaint, it would be that I wish Tess and Annika harmonised their part, like they did in later concerts after Lina replaced Annika- with them both singing the melody it sounds a little flat. But this song is so well-written and exciting, with overall great vocals and harmony, amazing structure and it is just so iconic, 10/10 should have gone to Eurovision. 
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idontlikelipstick · 2 years
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Glass table lamp by Uno and Östen Kristiansson for Luxus Vittsjo. Sweden, 1970
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Mum likes Östen Warnerbring and she didn’t have this before. Thomas loved banana💖
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namnsdagidag · 2 years
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squeezemylemon · 2 years
"Underbar, så underbar" - Östen Warnerbring
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"Miss Squeeze's ABC February" Day 21/28
Östen Warnerbring was known as "Östen med rösten" ("Östen with the voice"), he had such a beautiful voice with a warm timbre to it.
(Translation will be posted a little later.)
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d1tr · 6 years
wenn nicht mit rap, dann eben nicht
felix brummer (kraftklub)
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1allicia · 7 years
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Have a short gif of östen nooding (it was for training 😑but damn mouse its so hard 😢)
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stingdragon · 7 years
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Belly massage.
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eurovisionart · 2 years
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🇸🇪 Östen Warnerbring - Som En Dröm
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designobjectory · 3 years
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Pair of Rare Hunting Chairs 204 by Uno & Östen Kristiansson for Luxus, Sweden
Pair of rare lounge chairs model 204 by Uno & O¨sten Kristiansson for Luxus, Sweden. The hunting chair was designed by Uno and O¨sten Kristiansson in 1954 and belongs at the top of Swedish design history. The chair features a frame in oak and a leather seat.
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