#« thread » ✧ zagreus
boxur · 10 months
if you want HADES to be a story where the protagonist permakills their dad and runs away from home and stays angry forever? that's hades and chronos. that's the literal exact cycle of abuse and misery that zagreus is subverting by choosing to love his family in spite of hades' poor treatment of him, despite all the factors that exist that would make it so easy to just, not. if you want zagreus to stay angry forever and hate his family for wronging him and abandoning them permanently, you just want zagreus to be hades. and the whole entire point of the story is that zagreus isn't hades. he's better than him.
the tagline of the game is "there is no escape", but the turnout of that is not "so all your efforts are futile." it's "there's no escape, so learn to live anyway. you have no choice."
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nectaric · 7 months
unni's got me thinking abt zeus and hades now and I'm literally on my knees begging for. Soft threads between these two brothers who LOVE EACH OTHER and are close as work allows, it's all I've ever needed, all I've ever wanted--
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sangreprince · 22 days
Starter Calls | Accepting | @ofspvrta
He only had a few hours. Making the best of them had become something of an aquired skill, as it happened. Finding mortals to pester with endless questions regarding the surface, even if he could not stand it for long. He had become accustomed to the eternal darkness of the underworld, but still: It was fascinating to him, in a way. But on this particular eve, a mercenary would catch his attention.
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Was it rude to stare at a woman's spear? He knew fine craftsmanship when he saw it, and that was something extraordinary. ❝ Those colors— Spartan? ❞ Both meant to seek her attention and think aloud, the Prince weighed his gaze to admire the shimmering blade. ❝ I beg your pardon but I couldn't help but notice your blade there. It's positively breathtaking. Wherever did you get it? It's...❞ Divine. ❝ Remarkable. ❞
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personae-obscura · 1 month
@littlexhades continued from [x]
It's been, what, at least a millenia? since Melinoë was reunited with her family and the Titan had been dealt with. And still, Zagreus is ridiculously protective. Understandably so, mortals are still easily frightened by that which they don't understand especially with how faith has changed over the centuries.
"I frequently walk the surface." She informed him as another spell shimmered around her.
Eternity had only given her more time to grow her mastery over magick, the glamour settling with barely a thought, disguising her mismatched eyes to a much less unsettling shade of green, suitable fashion hiding her typical clothing and adornments, shoes appearing on her feet to disguise the fiery glow of her steps and her skeletal arm looking distinctly not dead. Her skin tone brightening to look alive completed the illusion. She couldn't do much about naturally running cold but at least that could be explained away. She took a step back from her brother, doing a quick spin.
"How do I look?" She asked with a small smile.
All these centuries and she still hoped for approval that she didn't really need to fight or beg for.
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kirirez · 2 years
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sketches of my new babygirls
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soulgathered · 2 years
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“thanatos, you visit the world of the living regularly... if you had to pick, would you prefer living here or up there?”
@manigfeald​ ♥ for a oneliner.
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Isabela smiled when she saw the man walk into her shop, going up to the front to greet him. "Hello there! Welcome to my shop. Are you looking for anything in particular? I can get you literally any flower you'd like." She's happy to still have her gift here, and she's loved being able to put it to good use.
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tenebriism · 1 year
@box-of-characters ;; SWITCHING TO BETA.
That Takumi is not holding it AGAINST him for being so on edge is a blessing, in and of itself, and one Zagreus will certainly THANK him for when certain, unrelenting DOOM is not lingering at their doorstep. One wrong move, one step, and they will fall back into his father's clutches, worse off than either of them had been prior.
Zagreus would be harshly reprimanded for trying to sneak a SPIRIT out of hell itself, and Takumi . . . gods, the prince of the underworld didn't even want to THINK about what would happen to his partner.
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" This way. " The first area was the easiest, at least to someone who had been through it dozens of times, but it was DIFFERENT when he was responsible for someone ELSE'S life, now. Instead of dashing through it as he normally would, Zagreus is patient, taking calculated steps and avoiding as MANY adversaries as possible. He gestures when Takumi can ease forward, and signals when the spirit needs to tuck himself away whilst Zagreus fights.
So far, so good . . . but, the fortune would not last long, he's certain.
" You alright so far ? No scratches or scrapes ? Not getting cold feet yet ? "
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irresistiibles · 1 year
@wvsteria / continued from here as part of my reluctant switch to beta
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"it was definitely just a lucky guess, but better to try than just sit at the bar alone." zagreus said with a chuckle. he knew some people had hang ups with approaching strangers, and he understood, but it didn't change the fact that he'd never been the type to worry about it. "you could have ordered me anything and i probably would have taken it. i'm easy to please." zagreus replied, leaning into the bar a little so he was tilted towards the man. "but a gin and tonic would be great."
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xxcrystalinerose · 4 months
Thinking about the Fate-unravelling incantation once again.
Moros spoke of how he was not only the Fates' brother but also their guardian, and that they raised him under their watch. He was privy to their weavings, as the sole emissary to this trio of all-powerful, reclusive deities whose threads bind even the gods.
So, surely, he was there when Nyx met with the Fates to bring Zagreus back to life? We know that quite a lot of Nyx's children are old old—Thanatos has known Megaera much longer than Zagreus has ever been alive, yet he is implied to be one of the younger or at least middle children—so it's not entirely out of the question that Moros is already grown up enough to work with and for the Fates.
Moros knew of the price and consequences of defying the Fates' weavings. Of which their Mother, the Primordial Night herself, refuses to speak about even to this day, whatever terrible things it cost her or involved. She doesn't even allow any discussion about the Fates themselves, either. It was THAT bad and that's all we need to know.
It speaks volumes of how dire the present situation is, and how much Moros wants to assist Melinoë's task—not just help it, but make it possible in the first place (re: her bloodline curse)—that he straight up defies the top brass of the celestial bureaucracy by doing the godly equivalent of a younger sibling who overheard his older siblings had put some leftovers in the fridge to eat later, then went and stole the food for himself when they left the house.
Oh Moros, you've got it bad. At least you don't officially condone Mel's actions. We all know that's how bureaucracy works, right?
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sangreprince · 23 days
Starter Calls | Accepting | @palespawn
For some reason, they reeked of death. They were odd. Something about them stood out as if they didn't belong, much like him. He only had a matter of hours on the surface, and the pale figure struck him as odd. They were the only one that gave such an impression on the city of Balduran. ❝ Hello there, sir. ❞ A polite gesture, to get his attention.
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❝ Apologies for interrupting your stroll sir, but I had a question regarding you. If you'll forgive my forwardness, I noticed you've a familiar air about you. Something close to the underworld, or whatever your equivalent of it may be. I'm from about two planes over, across the Oerth. You wouldn't happen to be a shade of some kind? ❞
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nat-20s · 4 months
God I'm so obsessed with how to solve/unlock almost all of the narrative threads in Hades it's Zagreus raising his hand and being like "have we considered being more niceys to people and talking to them with our mouth?" And everyone is like "gods you're such a dumbfuck" and he's like. So we haven't tried it then. Cool. And then he fixes basically everything around him by being niceys and talking to people with his mouth
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gamerwithamonocle · 2 years
Cool Hades 2 Character Design Thing!
First off, new god art looks amazing! I am so excited to see a some of the ones that didn’t make it into the last game appear here! Now onto a cool thing about Moros’ character design I noticed and how it’s probably tied into the game’s themes!
He’s got little references to his sisters, the Fates, in his design. (and also to the Fate aesthetic as a whole I guess.) Moros is one of Nyx’s many kids along with the Fates, Thanatos, Hypnos, Charon, Nemesis... ect. However, he and the Fates are a little more closely associated with each other than he is with his other siblings.
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His little sash had three symbols on it that resemble (left to right) a spool of thread, ye old scissors/shears, and a spindle. These match the Fate sisters’ roles as Spinner (spindle for a spinning wheel), Allotter (determines how much thread of life goes into each person’s spool), and Upturning (or the one that cuts the thread). 
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His sword also appears to be made to look like a sewing needle to complete the whole Fate family sewing aesthetic. Moros himself is the Fates’ older brother and is associated with impeding doom and generally bad times destinies, being the one who kinda leads people to them. SO it makes sense that he would have a needle to guide people’s strings.
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Also he’s standing next to what I assume is this game’s Fated List of Minor Prophecies, which was written by the Fates for Zagreus in the first game, as well as what’s probably a scrying pool. Maybe he has missions like killing a certain type of enemy however many times given his domain?
I think it’s really cool that in a game where Kronos, Titan of Time, is the main big bad has all these gods whose domain revolve around prophecies, fate, and inevitability gunning against him is hilarious given he got screwed by fate before. I mean, Apollo god of prophecy and oracles is also here. Honestly, this is just a great cast for a game genre that’s all about running through RNG floors in endless loops. I’m so excited!
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soulgathered · 2 years
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“I do not dislike work - I just disliked the one father gave to me. now stop being fussy and give me your scroll. you clearly need to rest hypnos, I can take over for a little.”
 @manigfeald​ ♥  for a oneliner .
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spookypookies · 1 month
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isnt my art on top! credit to Xiaoann9 on twitter/X
little! zagreus x CG! patrochilles (NOT A SHIP)
zagreus was visiting Elysium, sitting on the grassy floor messing with a stuffed animal of Cerberus. Patroclus and Achilles were sitting close by to the little one this being achilles' second chance to care for a 'child'. When Zag was playing a little too rough with his toy he ripped a paw off, Patroclus caught it and could comfort him. "stranger-" achilles always corrected him when he called Zagreus a stranger. "right, kiddo. come here give me the toy I'll fix it" Zag nodded and handed his toy over to Patroclus attempting to find a needle and string. achilles patted his lap signaling for the boy to sit on his lap "Come here little lad it is all right, I um... wish to comfort you" Zag came close crying a bit that his toy was torn. Achilles cuddled him into his chest and shushed him. patroclus spoke up "Dear please lean your head a bit further" achilles did so and got a single hair pulled off "I am sorry but i do not have a thread so i am using yours and my hair to sew it up." achilles didn't complain just kept holding zag "that's my brave boy it is okay no need to cry" he kissed his temple a few times. when Patroclus was fully done he handed the stuffed animal back and patted him on the head "Here little guy" he smiled at Zag and squeezed his hand. zag's eyes lit up and he hugged the toy to his face giving achilles the perfect excuse to start tickling the boy's sides. the day ended with laughing and being close.
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semi-good-artist · 2 months
Possible candidates for the sixth weapon in hades 2 [Spoilers!]
didnt see anyone really talk about this on here, but i want to hear the tumblr thoughts on this
Part one: the patterns
first i have to start with the pattern i have seen in this game's roster so far: so far the weapons can be seperated into three categories, those with a short attack and ranged special (s/l), those with either long or short ranges (but not the other)(s/s and l/l), and those with long attack and short special (l/s). remember that im not factoring the omega options, since those vary to much. in the silver pool, they are ordered like this
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you might also note, that each category has one faster and one slower option (at least by game feel, i didnt run tests) so the last weapon is probably a l/s slow weapon
the next point i realised was another split in the weaponry, illustrated here:
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One might argue on my placement of Descura (the staff) in the magic category, but since its attack patterns drawing spell circles instead of clobbering foes, i hope i can dissuade these grievances. Of course this order could change in later updates.
so a martial ranged option would fit these findings
but there is another thing which places this into conjecture (maybe the skull is martial after all, since it physically hits things); when observed top to bottom, you may find this pattern
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So a long attack, martial (?), floaty weapon according to the patterns drawn in the silver pool.
Part 2 cool concepts, which could fit these patterns
unfortunatly i cant think of a weapon that fits this bill, so lets ignore it and just imagine some that fits at least some of them
For this i consulted reddit threads, as mentioned above, who had some interesting ideas, like a whip or lyre, but im unsure about
first lets discuss the whip; this being a physical option with some range to it, fits 2 of my patterns, but i dont know if it can differentiate itself from the axe and staff enough. the axe has some range with sweeping attacks, while the staff has kinda single point damage (which i imagine the whip to have aswell). also what would the special be?
now to the lyre; while having some clear connections to already present figures (Apollo, Orpheus and Hermes) which could be great aspect choices; i dont think, if they are going for an instrument it would be the lyre, since zagreus already has one. for attacks maybe its a range of homing bullets/notes that Melinoe has to sit down for to play (kinda like one of Scyllas attacks), thereby creating a slower attack speed. but homing bullets might not have the heft known from slow weapons. for a special it could be a danse macabre type of deal, where Melinoe summons shades or the recently fallen foes to fight for her, or after a foe dies, the weapon spawns a mote that can be erupted by the special, kind of like mines
if theres a instrument based weapon i personally hope its based after Athena's/Marsyas' flute, since i dont hear that myth brought up a lot. (this can also fit the theme of divine punishment, since Marsyas got it bad after playing it). if we get Pan (since hes mentioned in the aspects), this flute could spark a conversation about his own. also with the danse macabre special, it could also reference the Piper of Hameln.
Another idea i heard was a spell tome, since the apparent witch theme; but im unsure since we already got the staff which is quite witchy with its sigils already. it could float so theres that
A lot of people also wanted another gun or other weapon type to return from the first game; but this is a boring option. cant you think of literally anything else?
if you can think of anything else i would love to hear it!!
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