#{ yeah a babysitter can act all nice when you fist meet them and they meet your kid }
oflostinfound · 1 year
Hax, hypothetically, who would you rather hire as a babysitter
a) someone in tattered clothes, very nice, who says they need the job to help their family,has worked as a babysitter before
b) a rich looking teenager in perfectly good clothes, rude, who only needs the money to buy themself the newest phone, and has never worked as a babysitter
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ From only what you described, the person in the tattered clothes would be my choice. You stated they were nice, they've done the job before, and they need the money. You didn't really say much about the other person's personality, or if they were willing to really learn the job as opposed to sit my child in front of something and ignore her. ❞
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ Granted that also depends on how Taygete feels about the babysitter. I'm not leaving her with someone who would neglect her or make her sad or scared. There's a lot more factors to consider for a babysitter besides just what they're wearing and past experience. ❞
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kurokoros · 4 years
liar liar | bakugou katsuki
Rated: M
Words: 9.4K
Pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
Summary: Of all the things he’s experienced working as a Pro Hero, Bakugou never expected his dick getting too big to ever be a problem, let alone one in his top ten.
Bakugou is hit with a strange quirk. You reap the benefits.
AN: This fic is 50% crack and 50% raunchy smut. I have zero explanations for this. Also big thanks to @lady-bakuhoe for ranting with me once about the fandoms weird level of hatred towards Bakugou, thus inspiring me to write something for him. I’m so sorry it was this.
Warnings: smut, language, oral sex (m receiving), dom/sub undertones, rough sex, degradation, spanking, choking, inappropriate use of quirks
Of all the things he’s experienced working as a Pro Hero, Bakugou never expected his dick getting too big to ever be a problem, let alone one in his top ten.
Kirishima glances at him out of the corner of his eye as they step into Bakugou’s office, red eyes narrowing in concern as he sees Bakugou’s gritted teeth and clenched fists. “Are you sure you’re okay, bro?” he asks, a little hesitant.
“I’m fine,” Bakugou practically snarls between his teeth. Fuck. The tingling sensation starts in his gut, heat spreading through his limbs, and he nearly swears aloud as the sensation shifts to his dick, his boxer-briefs getting uncomfortably tighter. Shit, he’s probably up to at least another inch by now. Thank god his pants are baggy.
Unfortunately, Kirishima isn’t so easily convinced. Brows furrowing, he looks Bakugou over slowly, searching for any lasting effects from their earlier scuffle with a few low rank villains. “You’ve been acting kind of… strange,” he settles on after an awkward beat of silence, “since you got hit by that quirk. You know, you probably should have gone to a—”
“I said I’m—” Bakugou cuts himself off as that tingle comes back. “I’ll be fine,” he corrects himself. The tingle goes away, and he almost groans in relief as his dick returns to its normal size. “Drop it, Kirishima.”
Kirishima holds his hands up in front of him, placating his huffy friend. “Okay, okay. I get it.” He backs off, still eyeing Bakugou warily as he pulls his phone from his pocket. He glances at the time. “Look, man, I gotta go. I have a date in twenty, and she’s gonna kill me if I’m late again.” His smile is apologetic, but exhausted.
“Whatever.” Bakugou tosses off one of his gauntlets, letting it clatter against the floor noisily. Breathing slowly through his nose, he peels off his mask as well, setting it down on his desk. It’s fine. Everything is fine. He can handle this. It’s just a really fucking annoying quirk that’ll probably go away on it’s own by the end of the day.
Another tingle stirs in his gut, and then his underwear tightens again.
Fuck. He can’t even lie to himself.
Just as casually as before, Kirishima says, “Yeah, and since I figured you shouldn’t be alone, I called you a babysitter,” as he types out a quick text on his phone. If that wasn’t bad enough, Kirishima calls out your name in a sing-song voice.
Bakugou drops his other gauntlet on his foot and whirls around. “You what?” he hisses, only half because of the pain. The sound of your name definitely doesn’t cause his heart to do something stupid like flutter in his chest. And his pants definitely don’t get snug around his crotch as he blatantly lies to himself. “Kirishima, what the fuck? Why would you call her?”
Taken aback by the outburst, Kirishima puts his phone away and shrugs. “I figured she’d make you feel better.”
“I don’t fucking want her here,” Bakugou tells him. Nothing happens in his pants. Like the bullshit quirk affecting his dick can’t decide if that’s a lie or not. Hell, Bakugou isn’t really sure either. Sure, he likes having you around, even if he’d never admit it. He likes seeing your pretty smile as you come flouncing into his office wearing one of those little skirts that make him want to bend you over his desk and—
He squeezes his eyes shut, banishing the thought before it can go any further and his pants grow any tighter from non-quirk related reasons.
On the other hand, you’re quite possibly the last person he ever wants to see him like this. Too bad the universe seems intent on fucking him over today.
“Nice to see you too, Bakugou.” 
The sound of your voice hits him like a lightning strike, still sweet despite the sarcastic inflection of your tone. Bolts of electricity shoot up his spine. In his chest, his heart pounds viciously against his ribs, and Bakugou’s shoulders tense as every one of his senses suddenly becomes a tune to you. Even from across the room, the scent of your perfume tickles at his nose—something floral or fruity that he doesn’t recognize, but it’s heavy and enticing and he tries not to shiver as it wraps around him.
He doesn’t dare turn to look at you as you take a step further into his office, determinedly staring at the wall and hoping you’ll leave with Kirishima. Yeah, un-fucking-likely.
When his silence persists, you roll your eyes and turn to Kirishima instead, the pinched expression on your face relaxing into a pleasant smile when you meet the eyes of the more friendly half of the duo. “Thanks for calling, Kiri,” you say, smoothing out your skirt.
A wide grin is the response you get. “Of course,” Kirishima says, stretching out and linking his fingers behind his head. “Figured he’d listen to you over anyone else.” He ignores the glare Bakugou sends his way, his lips twitching in amusement at the stark silence coming from the explosive blond.
You scoff. “Hardly, but I’ll try.” Casting a glance at Bakugou, you’re a little glad he seems intent on ignoring you, because it gives you the perfect opportunity to give him a slow once-over—for injuries, of course. He looks fine to you, a few superficial scrapes and bruises, but nothing severe enough for Kirishima to call you.
The tension in his shoulders is the first thing you notice. Bakugou is awkwardly hunched over himself in a way that isn’t like him at all. Usually, the Pro Hero exudes confidence that would border on cockiness if he didn’t have the skills to back it up, but right now he just looks... uncomfortable. What little of his face you can see is pinched, but not in annoyance; it’s more like pain, you realize, but then his expression melts into one of relief and you’re left baffled once again.
Before you can think too hard about it, your gaze wanders lower and you’re promptly distracted by his bare arms.
Kirishima clears his throat when you stare at Bakugou’s biceps a little too long.
“What happened anyway?” you ask, turning back to Kirishima. Your face feels warm, and by the way he grins you can tell he notices your faint blush. “You didn’t say much on the phone.”
He sobers a little as you bring the conversation back to the other Hero. The humor bleeds from his eyes, his shoulders drooping. “Yeah, sorry about that,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t have much time. We ran into a couple of villains on patrol. One of them caught Bakubro off guard and he got hit with their quirk. Wouldn’t let anyone check him out after.” He shrugs halfheartedly, looking at you apologetically. “You know how he gets.”
Don’t you ever. You’ve never met someone as stubborn as Bakugou before in your life. He can be a real pain in the ass when he wants, and you can’t blame Kirishima for his best friend being a dumbass.
You prop your hands on your hips, eyes narrowing in on Bakugou again. “How long has he been sulking?” you ask just loud enough for Bakugou to hear you.
Ruby eyes pin you with a heavy glower that would probably make anyone else piss themselves. Bakugou’s lip pulls back in a snarl, his teeth bared, and you ignore the pleasant tingle that shoots down your spine. “I’m not fucking sulking!” he snaps at you, making your eyes roll.
“Sure you aren’t.” Before he can start arguing with you, you turn back to Kirishima. “What do we know about this quirk?” 
“Nothing. Cops are questioning the guy now, but he’s not talking.” Kirishima gestures to Bakugou with his thumb. “And Ground Zero here keeps saying he’s fine.”
Across the room, Bakugou grumbles to himself under his breath, noticeably displeased with your lack of attention, but like hell he’s going to say anything about it. Jealousy is a bitter taste in the back of his mouth, and for once he can’t even pretend that’s not what it is as his glare shifts to Kirishima. Fuck, he wants you to look at him again. Pay attention to him.
The honesty is surprising to him, but he keeps his mouth shut and definitely doesn’t pout as you and Kirishima continue to chat like he isn’t even there. When it becomes clear that you aren’t going to end the conversation immediately, Bakugou huffs and turns around, glaring as he leans back against his desk, watching the two of you. His gaze skips right over Kirishima and lands on you, and he swallows back a frustrated groan when he finally gets a good look at you.
Fuck, you look good today. Unable to help himself, he’s absolutely shameless as he stares at your legs, your short skirt and high heels making them look even longer than usual. Bakugou grits his teeth as his mind drifts to those legs wrapping around his hips and yanking him closer. For once, he allows the thought to linger, lost in his own head.
“I see,” you murmur as your conversation with Kirishima comes to a close. With your lips pursed in thought, your gaze shifts back to Bakugou, only to find him already staring right back at you, watching you intently. Your pulse jumps under his piercing gaze, and it takes everything in you to break eye contact with him and smile at Kirishima instead. “I’ll take care of it. Have fun on your date, Kiri.”
Kirishima shoots you a megawatt smile and a thumbs up.“Will do! Good luck with this guy!” He pays no attention to Bakugou’s grumbling as he heads out the door, closing it quietly behind him, leaving you and Bakugou alone together in an office far away from other people.
Yeah, this should be fun.
You twist on your heels so that you’re facing Bakugou directly. Trying for a charming smile, you prop your hands on your hips. He glares at you and crosses his arms over his chest, clearly not planning on cooperating. And boy does it give you an excellent view of his muscled forearms, all tanned skin and silver scars from years of hero work. You wet your lips, suddenly thirsty. 
“Okay, Ground Zero,” you start, giddily noticing the way he puffs up at your use of his hero name, “are you going to tell me what’s wrong or do we have to do this the hard way?” Your voice lowers at the end, coming out as a husky whisper.
Bakugou’s throat bobs with a harsh swallow, and he grits his teeth against the pleasant warmth that curls in his chest. “Piss off,” he bites out, a low and dangerous edge to his voice that you easily ignore.
If you hadn’t known him for years, maybe it would be intimidating, but despite his gruff attitude and biting tone, you know he would never lay a hand on you. “Come on, Bakugou,” you try again, taking a step towards him as a small pout forms on your lips. “Please tell me? I just want to help and make you feel better.”
The breathy whine you let out paired with you wanting to make him feel better does absolutely nothing to help the situation going on in his pants.
His gaze slides to the side, avoiding your eyes as he tells you to “Just go home,” because he doesn’t want to see the disappointment there.
But you don’t back down. You can be just as stubborn as him when you want to be, and there’s no way in hell you’re leaving just so he can cling to his manly pride, or whatever it is he’s worried about. Clearly, asking nicely isn’t going to work. Honestly, you’d be more surprised if it did. “Hard way it is.”
Bakugou’s eyes widen, and his head snaps towards you just in time for you to launch yourself at him. It’s a bit difficult, between your skirt and heels, but you catch him off guard, and that helps. He tries to twist away at the last second, leaving you to cling to his back, limbs wrapping around him tightly. A surprised grunt escapes his at your sudden weight on him, but he doesn’t even stumble, letting you curl your body around him in a one-sided hug.
“Get off me, loser,” he growls at you, glaring at you over his shoulder. Despite his irritation, Bakugou makes no move to shake you off. In fact, one of his big hands latches onto your leg when you start to slip, allowing you to shift yourself for a better grip. He lets go of you just as quickly, standing stock still in the middle of the room while glaring at everything that isn’t you.
Your fingers dig into his shoulder where you’re grabbing him. “Not until you tell me what’s wrong!”
This time, he does try to shake you off, and you squeal as your grip starts to slip. “I’m fine!” he snaps at you, only to wince a second later.
Ever the opportunist, you don’t think twice before hooking your leg around him and going for his knees. Bakugou swears as he loses his balance, and somehow you manage to knock him to the floor using a grappling move that he taught you. He ends up rolling in time to land on his back, cushioning your fall aa your knees press against the floor on either side of his hips, straddling him as you pin him with a firm look. Long fingers grasp at your upper thighs, his thumbs grazing the hem of your skirt, and he lets you go just as quickly, as if you’ve burned him
Bakugou looks like he’d rather be anywhere else, but, again, he makes no move to shove you away, though he definitely could.
“Oh, yeah, clearly you’re just fine,” you reply, sarcasm laid on thick. Your hands are pressed against his chest for balance as you regain your bearings, and you can feel the angry breath he takes. Bakugou is warm and solid beneath you, hips pressed snug against yours. It feels way too good, but that’s not what you need to be thinking about at this moment. “Now stop acting like a baby and tell me what’s going on.”
Looking up at you, Bakugou sighs when your fierce look doesn’t relent. He mutters something under his breath that’s too low for you to make out clearly, then grimaces. “It’s nothing,” he tells you again, a harsh edge to his voice.
You pin him with a glare. “You got hit by a strange quirk, Bakugou,” you tell him slowly, contempt dripping from every word. “That’s not nothing.” The crack in your voice on the last word is what makes him drop the sour look on his face. You wince, fingers curling tighter around his shirt, like that might keep you grounded. All the fear you felt when Kirishima called you earlier comes surging back through you, and it feels like a blow to the ribs. You stare at his chest as you continue, the words bubbling up and out before you can stop them. “I know you. You’re too damn prideful to go see a doctor and admit something is wron—and that scares me sometimes, you know? One day you could get really hurt.” Slowly, you force your eyes up, meeting his stare with your own tentative one. “Please, just tell me what’s wrong. For me?”
Bakugou’s expression softens nearly an imperceptible amount. His glare smooths out. “Fuck,” he growls under his breath, trying to ignore the violent tug on his heartstrings that comes with that pleading look in your eyes. He’s always been a sucker for you, and you damn well know it too.
But he’s not going to give in this time.
The tingle that goes straight to his crotch proves him very wrong.
You freeze above him, body locking up as something big and hard presses against your inner thigh. “Katsuki,” you say, forcing yourself not to react aside from the widening of your eyes. “Is that your…”
“Yeah,” he replies, jaw clenched. His tone is nothing short of mocking when he tacks on, “You’re sitting on my cock, sweetheart.”
Well, shit. You blink at him owlishly, mouth opening and closing soundlessly as you try to think of literally anything to say in this situation that isn’t stupid, crass, or a blatant change of subject. It’s surprisingly hard to think with his bulge pressed up against your leg like this, and you blurt the first thing that comes to mind. “Are you turned on right now?” you ask incredulously, jabbing a finger into his chest. “I swear to God, Katsuki, I’m trying to be serious here, and you—”
He cuts you off. “I’m not fucking hard.” A pair of big, rough hands latch onto your thighs to keep you from squirming over his lap. “But if you keep moving around like that, I will be.”
“You liar.” A gasp sticks in your throat as he tightens his grip on your legs. By this point, you’re pretty sure you’re blushing, but honestly, you can’t find it in you to care when you are, in fact, basically sitting on his lap. Besides, Bakugou doesn’t look that much better. “If you were that big while soft, I’m pretty sure I would have noticed by now.”
Well that catches his attention. A smug smile stretches across his face. All teeth. “You spend a lot of time looking at it, angel?” Oh, this time he’s definitely mocking you. The palms of his hands slide up your thighs until his fingertips graze the hem of your skirt where it’s hiked partway up your legs, revealing a few tantalizing inches of your bare skin.
“Oh, no, you aren’t changing the subject,” you snap at him, sitting up a little straighter. “Why the hell is your dick so big, and what the fuck is going on?”
Your questions echo awkwardly through the otherwise silent room. For a tense moment, Bakugou just glares up at you. One of his eyes twitches slightly, his lips turned down in a grimace. You don’t relent, glaring right back at him. Eventually, one of you is going to have to give in, and it’s sure as shit not going to be you this time.
“Fuck.” He squeezes his eyes shut and tilts his head back against the floor. His fingers bite into your thighs when you shift on top of him, leaning a little closer. “It’s that dumbass villain’s quirk,” he sneers, baring his teeth in a snarl as he opens his eyes again. There’s nothing that could possibly prepare you for what he says next. “When I lie my cock gets bigger.”
You almost laugh. Almost. The deathly serious look in his eyes is the only thing that keeps you from bursting into a fit of giggles. And you believe him. You probably wouldn’t if you weren’t currently straddling his lap and sitting on his abnormally large cock. But, yeah. Sure. His dick gets bigger when he lies, and somehow that makes perfect sense.
“What, like some kind of kinky lie detector?” You almost suggest Pinocchio, but you doubt he’d take that well at all. 
Predictably, he makes a face at your comparison. “Sure. Whatever.”
Again, neither of you say anything, letting an awkward silence develop between you. While Bakugou just looks all around uncomfortable with the situation, your brow is pinched in thought. Honestly, this quirk seems like some bullshit. You can’t imagine what benefit anyone would get out of making someone’s dick grow when they lie, aside from the exact situation you’re currently in. You almost feel worse for the poor sap stuck with such a bizarre quirk than the Pro Hero currently lying between your legs.
A full body shiver runs through you, and every nerve suddenly becomes highly aware of the man beneath you. Every breath he takes moves his chest beneath your hands, and you can feel the rapid beating of his heart beneath your palm. The tips of his fingers ghost against your thighs, not quite touching you, like he isn’t sure what to do with his hands anymore. And, suddenly, all you can think about are those hands grabbing you by the hips and grinding you down against him.
Unbeknownst to you, similar thoughts are wreaking havoc on Bakugou. From where you’re sitting on top of him, he has a perfect view of your legs and chest, and every time you shift, the movement goes straight to his cock. He almost hisses between his teeth as your thighs tighten around his hips, which only presses the growing bulge in his pants harder against you. His fingers twitch against your legs. It would be so easy for him to roll the two of you over, pin you beneath him, and show you exactly what you do to him. Fuck you senseless until you—
“What are you thinking right now?”
The question is like a hard slap across the face. His eyes snap from the apex of your legs to your face, caught red-handed. There’s no way for him to get out of this one without his dick giving him away or an actual slap across the face. He chooses his traitor dick. “That I want you to get the fuck off me.”
You look entirely unimpressed when his dick moves between your legs, growing larger in seconds. “Liar,” you deadpan. You drum your fingers against his chest, unintentionally matching the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “Tell me the truth and maybe I’ll move.” Nevermind that he could definitely throw you across the room one handed if he really wanted to. Frankly, you’re a little surprised he hasn’t already, given your current situation. 
Not that you want to move right now. You’re quite comfortable where you are.
Bakugou’s tongue swipes across his bottom lip. Those ruby eyes drag down your body slowly, shamelessly drinking in the sight of you sitting on top of him. An unexpected lick of run runs along your spine; your breath catches. “You look really fucking sexy right now,” he tells you, and his hands grab your thighs again.
It takes a second for you to register his confession, though you can’t say you’re that surprised. “Huh. Never pegged you as a guy who wanted someone on top.” You can work with that.
His brow furrows. “You know, you’re taking this surprisingly well.”
“I work in quirk registration for the police,” you remind him, shrugging. “This isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve come across.” Honestly, you aren’t even sure it makes the top ten, but you keep that to yourself. You get the feeling he’d take that as some kind of challenge, and you don’t need that kind of stress in your life. “How long has it been like this?”
A shrug. “Shit, I don’t know.” Bakugou shifts beneath you, craning his neck to look at the clock on the wall. “Thirty minutes, maybe. Why?”
“Effects from quirks like this typically only last an hour or two,” you explain. “Maybe twenty-four hours at most, depending on how much training the user has.” Your head cocks to the side as you give him an entirely unsubtle once-over. “It sounds like he didn’t give you and Kirishima much trouble though. I’d put your... little problem at an hour and a half maximum. You should be fine.”
There’s a wicked look in his eyes. “Nothing little about it, babe.” His palms slide up your legs, rucking up your skirt even higher on his way to grab your hips. “Hour left, huh?” A low hum rumbles through his chest. “I can work with that.”
You freeze. “Katsuki, what are you—”
“Look,” he cuts you off with an irritated sigh, “I’ve liked you for a long time, so if you want to fuck right now, that’s fine with me.” Heartbreaking honesty shines in his eyes, only partially masked by a layer of annoyance and boredom, like he doesn’t care either way. The way his fingers dig into your hips tells a different story.
Your eyes widen at his crass confession, your lips parting as you stare down at Bakugou in shock. “Are you…” you hesitate, swallowing down the sudden lump in your throat as your fingers curl against his shirt. “Are you serious?”
Bakugou glares at you, but his faint blush gives him away. “You’re the one sitting on my magic cock, you tell me.”
You sit there for a good minute, just staring at him, mouth opening and closing soundlessly as you try to think of any kind of response. Eventually, you settle on, “That is, by far, the worst declaration of love I’ve ever heard.”
If you thought he was glaring before, it has nothing on the look he levels you with now. “Who fucking said anything about loving you, dumbass?” he snaps, huffing, cheeks turning an even darker shade of pink. “Like hell I do!” He grits his teeth as his dick tingles.
“Yeah, well, your magic cock reveals your deceit,” you mock him. “You’re such an emotionally stunted pain in the ass, Katsuki!” 
He opens his mouth—probably to start yelling about something—but you lurch forward and meet his mouth in a fierce kiss before he can say anything. He grunts in surprise and squeeze your hips, but kisses you back eagerly, immediately tilting his chin for a better angle. The hands that were on your hips don’t hesitate to move. One slides up your back to fist in your hair, pulling you closer as the other drops to your ass. A hard grope makes you gasp against his lips, your fingers clenching tighter in the front of his hero suit.
Before things can get too heavy, too fast, you pull back, leaving just an inch of space between your lips. He doesn’t let you go much further. “I like you, too,” you whisper against him. He stiffens as your fingers touch his bare chest where his hero suit doesn’t cover him.
His heart is pounding just as quickly as yours, and he’d never admit it, but he swears your little confession does something funny to his chest. All of it does. The heat of your breath. The gentle weight of your body on top of his. Something about you makes him feel inexplicably soft, and he wants to hate that feeling, but he still can’t lie to himself without his cock growing two sizes. And if he’s going to stuff you full of his cock, he wants it to be all him.
At least at first.
With the hand still tangled in your hair, Bakugou yanks you back down. Your lips mold against his perfectly, the space left between you nonexistent. When he kisses you it’s all teeth and tongue, and your lips part readily beneath his demanding touch. He makes a low sound of approval in the back of his throat, slotting his lips harder against yours. Using the hand cupping the back of your head, he adjusts you above him, tilting your chin until he finds a position he likes.
The dominating way he touches you makes you keen, and your quiet whimper is smothered by his tongue delving into your mouth to taste you. Your legs tremble on either side of his hips as the hand on your ass gropes you again. By now, your skirt is hiked halfway up your waist, and if anyone were to walk in they’d get a perfect view of your ass and the damp spot forming between your thighs.
You arch into his touch at the thought, moaning as his teeth tug at your lip.
By the time you pull away, you both have kiss-swollen lips.
When Bakugou recalls what you called him a moment ago, he chuckles, deep and throaty, and it sends a thrilled shiver up your spine. “I’ll show you a real pain in the ass later, sweetheart,” he promises, squeezing your ass cheek for good measure. The squeeze is followed by a sharp slap, and you lurch forward, a startled squeal slipping out of your mouth.
You glare down at him. Well, you try to. It’s a little hard to pretend to be mad at him when his hand comes up to rub the spot where he smacked you, which only presses your hips closer to his growing bulge. Your tone is dry when you say, “I’m sure you will.” And then, because he’s already propositioned you and has his hand on your ass, you grind yourself against his dick.
“Shit,” he grunts, grabbing your hips. His fingers bite into your skin, twitching like he doesn’t know if he wants to still you or shove you down on his cock. A slow exhale hisses through his teeth. “You tryin’ to be a cock tease?”
The satisfaction that bubbles up in you only feeds the damp heat between your legs. He’s hardly touched you, but you can already feel yourself getting wet just from the thought of him filling you. You brace yourself against him, palms pressed flat against his chest. “You want me to stop?” Purposefully fluttering your eyelashes at him, you slowly work your hand lower, fingers grazing over lean muscle until you stop at his waist, pressing down on his belt.
As your eyes start to follow the path of your hand, Bakugou reaches out and grabs your chin. A warning squeeze makes you mewl expectantly. “Keep talking, baby, and I'll put that mouth to better use.” The pad of his thumb traces your bottom lip. Before he can let go, you tilt your head into his touch, teeth barely grazing his finger as you nip at him. “Such a little brat,” he sneers. 
You’re thrown off balance when he sits up. His abdominal muscles flex against your stomach as he crushes you against his chest, and your hands fly to his shoulders, desperate for something to hold onto. Bakugou kisses you again, lips hungry and demanding as they press against yours, and you give him complete control. He tilts your chin, pulls your hair, bites your lips, and every touch makes you feel hazy and warm.
Anticipation churns in your stomach. Your hands slide over his shoulders, looping around his neck. He grunts when your wrist brushes against the side of his neck, and when you card your fingers through his hair and tug, he lets out a sound that goes right to your core.
The hand on your ass gives you another sharp spank. The motion jerks your hips against his, and you grind down against the hard cock rubbing your inner thigh. His fingers knead your ass and the back of your thigh, groping and squeezing and helping your hips along as you rock languidly over his lap. Each roll of your hips has his cock dragging across your damp panties, the head kissing your clit through the layers of your clothes. You shudder, lost in the feeling.
You’re only half aware of him moving, not noticing until the hand that was in your hair slips beneath your shirt to palm your breast. An appreciative squeeze has you arching into him, hips stuttering against his. Bakugou nips at your bottom lip hard enough to make you whimper, and when he pulls away you’re sure it’s swollen and flushed from his treatment.
But he doesn’t leave you for long. You’re barely given a moment to breathe before his mouth is on your jaw, your cheek, your chin. Bakugou trails heated, open-mouthed kisses down the side of your neck, only stopping when he finds a spot that has you lurching against him, a pretty little moan falling from your mouth. He laves attention to that spot, right over your racing pulse. Teeth dig into your sensitive neck, and your breath catches in your throat as he begins to suck, intent on leaving a mark. You don’t stop him as he works a hickey just below your jaw, eyes fluttering shut at the onslaught of sensation. 
Before leaving that spot, he drags his tongue across your neck to soothe the bruise he’s left behind.
Desire curls in your chest as a thought comes to mind, and you’re too slow to stop it from spilling out. “I wanna touch you,” you choke out as his mouth trails lower. Bakugou pauses, lips hovering just shy of your throat. The heat of his breath fans your damp skin, sending little pinpricks of electricity all the way to where your hips are grinding against his. You swallow, one hand fisting in the back of his shirt as his thumb brushes against the lacy cup of your bra.
“Already are, baby,” he says, partly muffled by your neck as he ghosts his lips against you. “Grinding against my cock like a little slut. Gonna get yourself off for me just like that?” He’s hiding a smirk. It’s clear what you want by the way your hips roll against his faster, grinding down harder as teasing touches turn desperate, but he wants to hear you say it. He wants you begging for his cock before he fucks you.
He ruts against you, alternating between squeezing your breast and ass. 
“Bakugou!” You try to sound reprimanding, but his name comes out as a breathy whine. There’s no way for you to get your hand on him with the way he has you pressed flush against his chest. And he’s definitely not going to make things easy for you.
As if he knows what you’re thinking, the man beneath you laughs. “You want it that bad, you better take it yourself, sweetheart.”
Huffing, you try to put some space between your hips, but his grip is firm. Bakugou swats your ass when you try to move, and you whimper as it forces your hips harder against his. You try a second time, and he pinches your nipple through the flimsy cup of your bra. Your head falls back with a moan, giving him greater access to your throat, and he smirks as he bites down on your soft skin.
Fine. You can play this game, too.
With a sharp grind of your hips, you rub your clit against him just right. Your back arches. Your thighs tense around his hips. “Ground Zero,” comes out as a needy whine against his ear. You feel him tense beneath you, his grip faltering for just a second. That’s all you need.
The momentary distraction is all you need to slide back on his thighs, putting just enough space between your hips to grab his belt and grind the heel of your hand against the massive bulge straining against his pants. Even through his pants you can feel how thick and long he is, and your pussy clenches at the thought of him fucking you senseless.
He grunts as you palm him, squeezing gently as you trace the outline of his cock. His mouth leaves your neck with a wet pop. “Shit,” Bakugou murmurs. Soft strands of his spiky hair tickle the side of your neck as he rests his head against you, reveling in the feel of your light touches.
Your fingers brush against the back of his neck, your palm grinding against him when his hips rock forward. Strong muscles flex beneath your thighs. Bakugou’s throat bobs with a harsh swallow. 
Unable to stop yourself, you duck your head, pressing your lips against the side of his neck. It’s hard to find an angle with the bracers around his neck, and your attention turns to the front of his throat instead. Bakugou groans as you kiss him, lovebites and lipstick stains left in the wake of your mouth. He lets you kiss and nip your way down to his collarbone.
Thank god for the low cut of his shirt, you think, biting down on his chest hard enough to leave a mark. At the same time, your fingers grasp at his belt, nearly snapping the buckle in your hurry to get your hand on him. Somewhere in the back of your mind you’re aware of him saying something—calling you needy or naughty, you aren’t sure which—but you don’t care as you finally get your hand in his pants and grab his dick.
“You’re so big,” you murmur, eyes widening. The tips of your fingers don’t touch as you wrap your hand around his cock, stroking him languidly from base to tip. You can’t get a good look at him from your position, but you can feel every ridge and vein of his shaft, and you bite your lip at the sheer girth of him. “Is this from the quirk?” you ask him, swirling your thumb over the tip before dragging your hand back down, giving him a firm squeeze. You lean back a little, wanting to look at him, but Bakugou lurches forward to get his mouth on you again.
He groans against your ear, pressing a harsh kiss against the side of your jaw. “All me, babe,” he tells you, smug. For once, you really can’t blame him for being cocky. “Fuck, that feels good.” 
The way your soft hand slides against his shaft wrecks havoc on his brain, and Bakugou presses another heated kiss to your neck to smother a loud moan. He’s already painfully sensitive from having you hump his lap, and your tentative touch only makes him harder. And that damn quirk didn’t help at all. After over a half hour of that bullshit cock tease, he’s just aching to bury himself in your dripping pussy.
Your thumb traces the thick vein on the side of his cock, pressing against it gently before twisting your hand. The sudden change in angle and the way you squeeze him have a low sound tearing from his chest, and then your hand is being yanked out of his pants. Bakugou’s fingers clench around your wrist in a vice grip, and you wince at the mild sting.
“Get up,” he demands, nearly growling. His fingers are digging into your ass hard enough to leave faint bruises, but you don’t care. When you hesitate, he releases you only to slap the back of your thigh. “Now.”
You pussy clenches at the pain that quickly dissolves into pleasure. “What’s wrong, Katsuki,” you can’t help but tease, hoping to get a reaction out of him, “afraid you’ll cum too fast?”
He doesn’t spank you again, though his palm does press against your reddening ass cheek in a way that speaks of a warning. “Don’t make me tell you again, baby.”
It takes another second before you shift off his lap, your legs quivering as you stand. You almost consider ignoring the command. Almost. But it doesn’t take much for you to decide you’d rather see what he has planned for you.
Your thighs rub together as Bakugou rises from the floor in one fluid motion, years of training making him silent, almost catlike. He reaches for you as soon as he’s standing, towering over you, an imposing figure. The scattering of small marks on his throat makes you grin, but the smile is wiped from your face as he grabs your chin roughly between his fingers and forces you to meet his eyes.
Ruby red and blown wide with lust, the look in his sharp gaze makes your breathing hitch. A wet crackling sound leaves your mouth as your lips part for him. His thumb grazes your bottom lip. “Such a dirty fucking mouth,” he growls.
You stumble a little as he starts walking you backwards, not touching you aside from the firm grip he has on your jaw. You go willingly, eyes on his. Excitement has your stomach flipping, a nervous flutter in your belly, and you gasp when your back hits the side of his desk, the cold wood pressing against your skin where he’s tugged at the hem of your shirt. 
Bakugou’s thumb delves past your lips, dipping into your wet mouth, and your lips wrap around him greedily. Sucking gently, your teeth press against his skin possessively, tongue laving attention to his thick digit. With his free hand, Bakugou grabs the front of your plain blouse and yanks it open, careful not to rip any of the buttons. You let your shirt fall to the floor, wriggling a little as it sticks around your elbows. He reaches up to palm your breast, humming in approval once he sees your pretty bra.
“Get on your knees, baby,” he tells you, pulling his thumb from your mouth and smearing your spit across your lips, watching them glisten. “I want to see your mouth on my cock.”
You do as you’re told, practically shaking with anticipation as you drop to your knees for him. Now that you’ve gotten a feel for his cock, you’re desperate to have him inside you. Your mouth. Your pussy. It doesn’t matter which. Any thoughts of playing coy or being a brat disappear into the back of your mind as he pins you with a harsh stare. Bakugou pets your hair, threading the soft strands through his fingers to hold you still. 
You bite your lip as his free hand drops to his waist, Bakugou shoving his pants and boxers down just low enough for his cock to spring free. The size makes you swallow. He’s bigger than you thought. Thicker. And you remember how your hand couldn’t wrap all the way around him. Your thighs clench, rubbing together as a dull ache builds between your legs.
He doesn’t waste his time. Shifting forward, he palms himself, lazily stroking his cock with his own fingers, just out of your reach. When you try to lean forward, he pulls your hair, forcing you back again. “Such a little slut,” he murmurs, allowing the head of his cock to press against your wet lips, his hips slowly rocking back and forth. Your tongue flicks out to taste him, and he groans. “There you go,” he says, brushing a few stray strands of hair away from your face before he starts pushing his cock into your mouth.
You immediately close your lips around him, bobbing your head forward as much as his tight grip will let you. Bakugou feeds you his cock, sliding into your wet mouth slowly as you start to suck, letting you adjust to just how fucking thick he really is. His girth has your jaw stretched wide, forcing you to breathe slowly through your nose. You glance up at him.
“That’s it, angel,” he groans as you bob your head again, “suck my cock.” His hips rock forward in a shallow thrust; his eyes lock on your lips, stretched obscenely around his length. Wet trails of saliva stick to his cock as you pull back to swirl your tongue around the head. 
Whimpering around him, you suck harder, swallowing around him, anything that might pull another filthy moan from his mouth. Your hands grab his thighs for balance, your fingers digging into his legs as you try to pull him closer.
You’re rewarded with a low moan rumbling from his chest. Bakugou’s eyes slip shut for a second, his head tilting back in raw pleasure. “Figures you'd be a perfect little cock sucker,” he says under his breath, almost too low for you to hear him. “I bet you want me to fuck your face, huh, baby?”
You settle for moaning instead of nodding, watching him through your eyelashes as he pants above you. 
“Fuck.” A long, hissing exhale escapes through his teeth, and his hand tightens in your hair just a little bit as he watches you work his cock. You look so fucking pretty with your mouth wrapped around him, your lips slick with saliva as you take him deeper into your mouth. There are tears beading at the corners of your eyes. “Fuck,” he says again, “you feel so good.” He grunts. “How long have you been thinkin’ about sucking my cock, babe?”
You flush under his gaze, unable to answer with your mouth full of his dick, but the answer must be clear as day on your face. You don’t know what it is he’s thinking about, but you swear his cock gets bigger in your mouth, that strange quirk making him thicker so that you’re nearly choking on him.
Bakugou holds your head still as he starts to rock his hips; he moves slowly at first, his thrusts shallow and even, but he quickly picks up speed when you whine around his cock. It isn’t long before he’s fucking your mouth, thrusts as rough as you’d expect from someone like him. His cockhead brushes against the back of your throat, his hips stuttering as he holds you like that, your lips pressed nearly against the base of his cock.
Somehow, you manage to keep your eyes on him. You force your throat to relax and swallow around him. His eyes almost roll back at the sensation, but he keeps his ruby gaze locked on you, watching how well you take him. He can only imagine how good you’re going to take his cock, too. He speeds up again, groaning as the pressure in his gut starts to build.
His cock pulls from your mouth with a wet sound, and you cough, sucking in greedy mouthfuls of air. Bakugou drags you off the floor, and your startled gasp is cut off by his hand wrapping around your throat. He doesn’t squeeze, unfortunately, just holds his palm there. The next thing you know, you’re being shoved against the nearest wall, your cheek pressed to the chilly surface as Bakugou all but rips off your skirt, leaving you in just your underwear and shoes. 
The fabric pools on the floor in a crumpled heap, and Bakugou kicks it aside in order to spread your legs from behind. You brace your hands against the wall, ass out, and he’s on you in a second.
Teasing is thrown out the window as he finally—finally—touches you. One of his hands reaches around you to grope your chest, palming your breast roughly before shoving the cup of your bra aside to tweak and pinch your nipple. You’re a panting, whining mess by the time he gets his hand between your legs. Two thick fingers drag over the crotch of your panties, and he actually laughs when he feels how wet you are. “Shit, you get that horny just from sucking my cock?”
Blearily, you nod, pressing your pussy closer to his hand. Bakugou shoves your panties to the side, fingers skimming through your wetness before rolling over your clit. You nearly sob at how good it feels to have him touch you. It’s like his hands were meant to please you, big and rough, his calloused fingers providing the perfect amount of friction. Each precise stroke of his fingers feeds the knot in your belly, keeping you right on the edge of coming undone.
“You’re gonna feel so fucking good on my cock,” he tells you removing his fingers from your clit to squeeze your ass. His cock quickly replaces his hand between your thighs, his thick length rubbing against your slick pussy, the head bumping against your clit with every stroke. Bakugou lets go of your breast; his hand slaps against the wall beside your head for balance. “Pretty cunt squeezing around me. That what you want?”
“Please. Oh, please,” you mumble. Anything to get him inside you. It almost hurts how turned on you are right now. From the corner of your eye, you see him reach for the hem of his shirt, about to pull it off. “Don’t!”
Bakugou goes absolutely still at your sharp cry. The only movement is his eyes snapping up to meet yours, flooded with concern as he checks to see if he’s hurting you.
But you whimper, trying to shove yourself back on his cock. “Don’t take it off,” you clarify breathlessly, legs quivering with the effort of holding yourself up.
The concern bleeds from his eyes, and they’re taken over by something dark and hungry instead as he realizes what you mean. He thrusts his cock between your thighs, your slick covering his cock as it drips from you. Your eyes flutter as he pressed against your clit again. “Don’t take what off?” He wants to hear you say it.
And you’re so painfully aroused that the words come spilling out of your mouth before you can stop him. “Your costume,” you choke out around a loud moan. “I want you to fuck me while you’re wearing your costume.” That’s one dirty little fantasy you’ve had for a while, maybe ever since you met him. The thought of him fucking you while he’s still in costume is almost too much, but god do you want it badly.
“That so?” he drawls. His hand drops from his shirt back to your ass cheek, groping you before spreading you from behind. He takes a step back, ignoring your whine, and whistles when he gets a good look at your dripping slit. Bakugou tugs your hips back, forcing your back to arch for him. “What a naughty little slut. You got a thing for heroes, baby?”
Just you, you think, but all you can do is moan his name. “Bakugou.”
You cry out as he slaps your ass. “No, no, no,” he repremends. “That's not what you call me.”
“Katsuki, please,” you manage to whine around a harsh swallow.
He spanks you again. “Come on, angel, you know what to say.” It takes a second for it to click, but when it does you blush. “Fuck, look how wet you are.” He chuckles as he looks at your glistening thighs. Another love tap lands on your reddening ass. “You like it when I spank you?”
“Yes,” you mewl.
He spreads your legs open wider. “Yes, what?”
You take a deep, shuddering breath, cheek pressed against the wall in front of you. “Yes, Ground Zero.” Your tongue runs across your bottom lip. “Sir,” you tack on.
“Good girl.” 
There’s no warning as he adjusts himself behind you, cock slamming into you hard enough to steal your breath. There’s no resistance, you're so wet. You pussy clenches around him, your walls sucking him in deeper. That’s all it takes for an orgasm to rip through you, the knot in your belly snapping so fast that all you can do is let out a silent scream as you slump forward against the wall.
Bakugou is equal parts shocked and amused as you try to milk his cock, and he grits his teeth as his dick twitches inside of you, almost pulling him over with you. “Fuck,” he laughs. “You cum just from me filling you up?” You whimper and nod. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight.” 
He presses you closer to the wall, and his arm slips beneath your knee, lifting your leg and holding you open. Your thigh burns from the stretch. His cock drags along your walls slowly before, only the tip left inside before he thrusts back into you, reaching deeper.
He picks up a steady pace, slamming into you over and over. You’re already so sensitive from your first orgasm, and little gasps and whines keep falling from your mouth with every brutal thrust as Bakugou finds your sweet spot, hitting it perfectly as he pounds you. He’s thick and hard inside you, even bigger than he was in your mouth, and your eyes widen when you realize he’s doing it on purpose. “How big can you get?” you gasp, moaning as his cock expands inside you, filling you up completely.
“As big as you fucking want me,” he snarls back, fucking you faster, hiking your leg up higher.
All you can do is hold on and take it.
You don’t know how much time passes, the only sounds are your heavy breathing and his harsh panting against your ear. Sweat drips down your back where he’s sliding over you, and his fingers bite into your thigh as he almost loses his grip. “You know whose office is on the other side of this wall?” he asks suddenly. “Answer me, baby!” A particularly harsh thrust follows the demand.
“No, Sir,” you pant.
“Fucking Deku.” He grits his teeth as that now familiar tingle goes right to his cock, but you don’t seem to notice the lie. “You think he’s in there right now? His desk is right on the other side.” You pussy squeezes around him, and Bakugou moans against the side of your neck. “I bet he can hear you in here panting like a whore as I fuck your slutty little cunt.”
Your back arches into him, the revelation reigniting the fire he lit inside you. That knot comes back, just as tight as before, and you tremble as you realize he’s going to make you cum again. “Ground Zero,” you whine.
He lets go of your thigh, but keeps your knee hooked around his elbow. His hand snakes around your hips to rub your clit, and you jerk against him. “He’s got some new intern, too. Some little high school brat.” A high-pitched, needy sound falls from your mouth. “Fuck, you sound so pretty when you moan my name.” He rolls your clit harder between his fingers, and the heat rolling from him is so sweltering that it’s hard to breathe. “Shit, you’re gonna be filling this kid’s fantasies for weeks. He’s probably gettin’ off to you right now.” His cock gets bigger inside you; his hips grind against you harder. “But your pussy’s mine, angel. Got that?”
You nod, delirious.
And, fuck, he just doesn’t stop talking. “You gonna cum?” he asks, fingers moving faster over your clit. “Gonna cum from thinking about Deku and his intern listening to me fuck you?” You shudder and gasp, shoving yourself back on his cock in a weak attempt to match his brutal pace. “That’s it, baby, cum on my fat cock. Let everyone know who’s making you feel so good. I wanna hear you scream so fucking loud that everyone in this goddamn building knows my name.”
Bakugou pinches your clit. Your eyes slam shut, body locking up as he throws you into another powerful climax. “Katsuki!” you shriek, his name ripping from your throat in a raw scream.
This time, he doesn’t hold himself back. A series of harsh thrusts drag out your orgasm until you’re sobbing, a few tears slipping out and rolling down your cheeks. His cock twitches, swelling, and he shoves inside of you as deep as he can go before cumming inside you, his thick seed filling you up and dripping down your thigh.
He doesn’t pull out, leaning his head against your shoulder as you both try and catch your breath. Bliss washes over you as he kisses your neck, mumbling a string of garbled praises against your ear.
You blush when something he said hits you full force, finally able to process it now that he’s not fucking you senseless. “Midoriya,” you gasp, trying to crane your head around to look at him.
Bakugou presses more of his weight against your back, slowly lowering your leg back to the floor. His hands grasp your hips when your legs threaten to collapse beneath you. “Bastards office is on the other wall,” he says, calming you down. “‘Sides, it’s his day off.”
Relief floods through you. “You have absolutely no filter, do you?”
He shrugs, kissing across your cheek. “I don’t see you complainin’.”
You laugh a little breathlessly. “You made me cum twice,” you remind him. “I don’t give a shit what you were saying.” You shift in his embrace, wincing as his cock moves inside you. Fuck, you’re sensitive.
He stills you. “The fuck do you think you’re doing?” he asks. When he sees your obviously confused look, he gives you a shallow thrust, his cock still hard inside you. “Oh, angel, we’ve still got thirty minutes, right? We’re just getting started.”
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butwhyduh · 4 years
A Date to Remember
Damian Wayne x Superman’s daughter reader
Damian is 20, reader 19, Jon is her little brother at 18 and Kon acts like an older brother to her.
Warning: angsty and kidnapping
You’d always told Damian that the sunset on the Kent farm was the best in the world. Damian smiled a little as he drove down the long road to Smallville. Damian had thought about classic dinner date in one of Metropolis’ fanciest restaurants but you insisted on meeting him in a barn.
He felt underdressed. Blue jeans and a flannel shirt. Why did he let Jon help him get dressed? He felt ridiculous but at least he wore sensible shoes. But deep down Damian knew you world like it. And he was certainly willing to feel a little foolish for you.
Clark was off world and Lois was on a mission. Jon had his own date in the city so it was the both of you alone tonight. How long had it been since the two of you were alone without someone around? Between his half a dozen brothers and your family with literal super hearing... yeah it’s been tough. So being 50 miles from everyone was kind of a dream.
Damian pulled in the driveway with some flowers and walked up to the house. He knocked on the door only for it to swing open. Damian noticed the splintered door frame and his heart sped up. He called your name. Act like the rich billionaire son while working like Robin, even though he wasn’t quite sure he still wanted the name.
He scanned every surface and he noticed a small scratch near the back door after looking through every room. Most people wouldn’t even notice it. You weren’t there. He looked closely and saw drag marks in the gravel path to the barn. His heart was thundering at this point. You weren’t in the barn either.
You were half Kryptonian but the genetic inheritance was complicated. Jon had won the lottery with having most of his father’s powers and not being as sensitive to Kryptonite. You had lost it. Hypersensitive to Kryptonite and only some speed and increased hearing and strength. Barely about the average human. You weren’t a fighter.
Damian pulled out his phone to call Jon.
“Bit busy here, Damian,” Jon said, sounding far from amused. Damian could hear kissing noises in the background and frowned. He didn’t want to hear that.
“Your sister is missing,” he said and he heard a lot of movement on the phone.
“The door jam was kicked in and there are scrap marks of her being dragged away. I think she’s been kidnapped,” Damian said. His voice felt tight. He, son of Batman, let his girlfriend get kidnapped. “Whoever it was clearly waited until she had no other Kryptonians around to grab her. It wasn’t a coincidence that she was taken tonight. Can you get out here? I’m calling father to try and trace her. Her phone is missing too.”
“I’m leaving in 5. Damian, if Luther has her, she can’t handle Krytonite,” Jon said, worry bleeding into his voice. “It’s like it poisons her.”
“I know. But we don’t know who has her. Let’s hope they don’t know she’s part Krytonian,” Damian said, already mentally moving on to his next step. Contact Bruce. Get the bat computer to trace her. Look for more evidence. Don’t freak out completely that she might be poisoned by Kyrotonite.
“Okay. I’m about to fly. I’ll see you soon,” Jon said before hanging up.
You woke up with a cough. You head throbbed and your stomach rolled as you laid in a bed? Maybe a couch? It was a horrible feeling but you knew exactly what it was: Kryptonite. You couldn’t forget what how that stuff made you feel. You tried to look around to see it but the room was completely dark. Night vision would be nice but you got human eyes. Your slightly enhanced hearing heard nothing but the wind outside. Okay, you were ground level or higher.
You tried to twist in the cuffs that bound your hands only to cry out. There was the Kryptonite. It was on the outside of the cuffs and you almost threw up at it touched your skin. You were cuffed with Kryptonite to a hospital bed, you figured. What other bed had areas perfect for cuffs? Your legs were equally restrained and you felt so exposed in the dark room.
Your dad was off world. He wouldn’t hear you if you called for him. But Jon might. But if you yelled, someone might come in and who knows what they would do. You’d wait a little bit longer. You wanted to fall asleep. The Kryptonite made you feel so dull. Like the first time you were exposed to it.
You were all of 4 years old. Your dad had brought you with him to the Justice League meeting. Relatively safe and Batman promised Robin would watch you. Dick was so excited to be a babysitter. You had hugged him tight enough to hurt before running to the climbing wall.
“Hey!” Called the 16 year old. “I brought games instead!”
You warily walked back over to him and card games and board games fell out of a duffle bag as he opened it. Half the stuff you were far too young for. You bent down as he scooped up his gameboy. You pulled out some games and open a side pocket to grab a small metal box. Dick sat down his gameboy carefully before turning back to you.
“Don’t open th-“ he started before you pulled open the box to show a bright green stone. Followed by you throwing up all over his bag of games. You dropped the box and sat on the floor. Dick quickly closed the box with the piece of Kryptonite and put it in his pocket. He had boroughed one of Bruce’s bags that apparently wasn’t fully unpacked.
“Dad, I don’t feel good,” you said as Clark ran over. Dick looked at you so guiltily.
“I didn’t know,” he swore. “I’m so sorry.” Bruce stood by quietly.
“We need to talk later,” Clark had told Bruce and yeah, they were mad at each other for a while.
Jon arrived shortly in a dress shirt and slacks and he looked at Damian just as weird as Damian looked at him. They had basically switched clothing.
“Not to judge but that’s date clothing? You told me to not wear flannel,” Jon said accusingly.
“That’s because your sister wanted me to wear this,” Damian said back. “Let’s focus on finding her. Father’s calling me now. We’ll change in a minute.”
“Hello, you’re on speaker phone,” Damian said.
“Her tracker is showing a warehouse owned by Luthor Corp in downtown Metropolis,” Bruce said. “Do you need help? I can see if Dick is nearby.”
“No thanks. Jon will help me. Thank you, father,” Damian said before hanging up.
“Luthor. I knew it,” Jon said with a frown. “Wait, you put a tracker on my sister? Does she know?”
“Now is not the time. Let’s get to Metropolis,” Damian said, changing the subject while both got dressed. Jon nodded and offered his arms. “I’m not being carried like that. I’ll hold on your back,” Damian said. Jon rolled his eyes and nodded again.
As they flew over corn fields and pastures, Jon began to question Damian. “So when did you put this tracker in? Does she even know? Where is it? Do I want to even know?”
“It’s sub-dermal in her forearm and I haven’t told her yet. And it’s irrelevant right now as it might save her life,” Damian said and Jon looked disgusted. “We need to focus on saving her and then you can be her angry brother.”
You moved and the cuffs burned your skin. You gasped and screamed “Jon! Kon!” You called out to them hoping one of them would hear you.
“Dad!” you cried frantic. There was no way he would hear you. “Damian! Jonathan! Conner!”
You panted and your head pounded. You were so tired. You’d lose consciousness if no one saved you. Then who knows what they would do to you.
“Superman!” You screamed desperately before finally passing out.
“Did you hear that?” Jon said as they flew towards the Metropolis skyline.
“No all I hear is wind. What did you hear?” Damian said.
“Y/n. She’s calling for us,” Jon said speeding up.
“Is she okay?” Fear bled into Damian’s voice.
“I can’t tell. I’m trying to hurry,” Jon said flying quickly towards the industrial area of the city. He landed on the roof of a warehouse. Jon’s eyes glowed as he looked through the building.
“7 men. 4 posted outside the door to the room that’s she’s being held on the 2nd floor. Her heart rate is steady and she isn’t screaming any more. Almost sounds asleep,” Jon said after his analysis.
“Probably tranquilizer. Father’s data said this building is used for research purposes. Does that fit?” Damian asked.
“Uh more like research subject holding. Maybe a small lab on the first floor but other than cameras everywhere, there isn’t much science stuff that I can scan. But also the basement is sealed off,” Jon said.
“Lead bound. You can check it out while I rescue her. 4 guys is nothing,” Jon said making a fist.
“Hold on. Luthor would probably have her surrounded by Kryptonite. Just in case one of you look for her. And that’s the last thing we need,” Damian said. “I’ll rescue her and you look for the basement. Knowing Luthor, it’s probably an entire facility of experiments below. He just hadn’t gotten her room ready yet.”
Jon looked frustrated. “Fine. You rescue her but be careful. She is the weakest of us. She’s not invulnerable to bullets or anything.”
“Most of the people I rescue aren’t either,” Damian reminded him. “And I’m certainly not taking a chance with my beloved.”
Jon looked over to respond but Damian was already gone. Just like the rest of the bats: silent goodbyes. Jon quietly moved down to the first floor. He was working but at the same time, his ear was trained on his sister’s heartbeat. Jon might be the younger sibling but she didn’t have powers and he felt so protective.
Damian rolled his eyes at the 5 ways he could see that the security sucks in the 3 minutes he hung out the window before climbing in. Large rafters and guards who didn’t bother to look up. Not to mention the fact that they let there be a solid wall between the set of guards which meant that Damian was easily able to jump down to knock them out in pairs without the other set knowing. If the security was any worse they would leave the door unlocked.
The door wasn’t unlocked but it was a deadbolt that Damian easily disabled. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was on purpose. He gulped before opening the door. What if you were really hurt? Or dead? Ignore and get in there.
Damian opened the door and he felt white hot rage. You were tied to a bed and were unconscious. You were in a nice dressy shirt and sweatpants. They’d clearly taken you while you were getting dressed. Damian wanted to kill them. He had to take a breath to help you. Jon was taking them out and Damian was on rescue. He had to stay level headed.
Even the cuffs on your wrists were inadequate. If they had attempted to restrain Damian, he would have gotten out in 3 minutes. When he was 6 years old. The Kryptonite had left nasty red burns on your skin and he clenched his jaw at the sight. Jon better be punching extra hard.
Damian picked you up bridal style and you groaned a little before turning your head against his chest. The farther he got you from that fucking Kryotonite the better you were. He took you to the roof and you started waking up.
“Damian,” you said softly and a little confused.
“Hey you’re awake. How are you feeling?” He asked looking all over your face for injury.
“Kryptonite. I hate that stuff,” you said. Damian grabbed your hand and you hissed. He looked to see bright red knuckles. You’d clearly fought at some point. He certainly knew the signs of punching someone.
“You fought back?”
“Yeah and hitting someone in a helmet and body armor sucks. I got just a few in before they pulled out the damn rock. I throw up every damn time,” you said shaking your head.
Before Damian could comment on how brave and stupid it was to punch body armor, there was a huge crash down on the first floor as someone flew in the building through the window. You grabbed him tightly.
“What the hell is that?”
“Kon. Conner’s here. I’m up here,” you yelled.
Conner flew up to the roof. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“Kidnapped. Damian and Jon saved me. He’s still down there actually. Can you check on him?” You said. Damian suddenly stood up.
“What if you were a distraction and the real problem is downstairs?” Damian suddenly said with clarity. The Kryptonite alone was enough to hold you down. The half ass security was to hold their attention when they rescued you. Jon was already flying back down before Damian could say more. Damian weighed his options: leave you alone, bring you with him, or stay out of it and while the last sounded nice, he’d have to go in case of more Kryptonite.
Before Damian could decide, Kon was back on the roof. “You’ve got to come see this.”
Downstairs was a lead lined basement. That alone had you nervous. Jon stood by the door. Little spattering of blood could be seen on his hands. He had a hard look.
“Warning: this is going to be messed up,” he said and you were even more worried. You walked in to see cages. Kids. Unconscious adults lay around in the hallway. “They were experimenting on them.”
You felt nauseous.
“My father is on the way. This is much bigger than I thought,” Damian said messing with his comms. His free hand was on your shoulder protectively.
There were 8 kids in cages. Bruce was running tests on their blood and investigating the area as you helped to get them out of the cages. What a terrible Valentine’s Day.
“Beloved, let’s get you home. We can stay at the farm tonight. You need sleep,” Damian said worried. You looked at him distracted.
“They’re just kids.”
“Come on. Let’s go. Kon is going to stay there too. Just for the night,” Damian said helping you up. Kon flew you both back to the farm.
“I’m going back to help. You okay, kid,” Kon asked as Damian inspected the house.
“I’ll be alright. Just help those kids,” you said.
“Yeah, of course,” he said ruffling your head. You rolled your eyes. “But seriously, the way you screamed I thought you were being murdered.”
You stiffened. “I’m fine. Thanks.”
Kon knew when to quit. Something he had learned from Tim. He gave you a big hug and flew off towards Metropolis.
“Hey. I made your bed so you can sleep,” Damian said quietly. “And a change of clothes.”
You nodded and went upstairs. Damian helped pull off your shirt and put on a sweater. He looked at the marks around your wrist and red knuckles but didn’t note any more bruises or cuts. You pulled on sweatpants and climbed in small twin bed that Lois kept for guests. The pink and yellow flowery quilt felt warm and comforting on your skin. Damian lay beside you after changing and looked at you seriously.
“What is it,” you asked.
“I was so scared tonight. I have been doing this for years and I’ve never been so worried,” he said softly and you looked down and flushed. If you weren’t so freaking sensitive to Kryptonite this wouldn’t have happened. Damian gently lifted your chin and you looked at him.
“I was scared to lose you,” he said running his thumb across your cheek. “I’m going to drive you absolutely mad because I don’t want to take my eyes off of you.”
“Yeah?” You said with a little smile.
“Uh hm. But first sleep,” he said and your body certainly agreed. You curled into him and rest your head on his chest. His arms held you tightly before rubbing your back. You fell asleep to Damian staring at you. He stared at you all night, not even sleeping when Kon came in a few hours later.
“I have to know what all that was, Bruce,” you said at the Batcave the next day. “I was in there.”
He looked at you for a minute. “They were experimenting with meta DNA. All of those kids have gifts and they wanted to take you too. There were even plans to inject those kids with your blood to see if it would affect them.”
You shivered a little at the thought. Lex Luthor and his obsession with Kryptonian DNA.
“All the records were burned. Most of the warehouse too. Your brothers were.... thorough. And Clark will be home in a few days,” Bruce added.
“Yes. And he’s furious at Luthor. Probably will call soon. He wanted to let you sleep earlier. We’re just running programs here. Why don’t you and Damian go upstairs,” he suggested.
“Bruce Wayne,” came a stern voice behind you. You turned to see your mother, Lois Lane, looking like she was going to beat up Batman. “You put a tracker in my daughter without her permission?”
“You what?” You said.
“Actually that was Damian. Though I want to point out that it helped save her life,” Bruce added. Lois slapped him soundly across the cheek. Bruce just blinked and rubbed his cheek.
“Damian, you put a tracker in me?” You asked shocked. You’d assumed Jon had heard you or Damian’s detective work brought them to the warehouse. Not an invasive tracker in your body. “What the hell?”
“Well I can explain..”
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Insatiable ( Jungkook x OC) Chapter 2
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!! [ bet you’ve never seen all of this in one fic before? ]
[ Some notes : Born Vampires stop aging when they turn twenty five.  Turned vampires stop aging when they’re turned. ]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
“You alright?” Somi asked gently, watching me fling  my backpack into the corner of the room with enough force to dislodge one of the wooden panels on the wall, the shelf crashing and bringing down the two potted plants on it. The sound of ceramic shattering made me wince, regret churning in my stomach. 
“Yeah...yeah. Oh, God. I’m so sorry, Somi.. I broke your pots-”
“Never mind the pots...why do you look so upset? Have you been crying?” She demanded , reaching for me, hands curling around my wrists and drawing me into a hug and I swallowed, my throat dry and eyes swollen from all the tears that I’d wrung out of them. 
Outside the room, Namjoon stood guard, at the door and I felt guilty remembering how the past three hours had gone. 
After confronting Jungkook, I’d stormed off in righteous indignation and poor Namjoon had been forced to follow. 
He had kept a discreet distance as I climbed to the tallest ridge on the roof, scaling the gables with ease and I knew he had been terrified at the prospect of me falling. 
Immortal or not a three hundred foot drop to the ground would be something that would hurt.
And it was my bodyguard’s job to make sure I did not get hurt. 
When he wasn’t busy fucking other women that is. 
I gripped my sister harder, fingers curling into the fir of her coat as I tried to catch my bearing. 
“Do you know Helena?” I whispered, pulling away to look at her. Somi’s face fell,eyes filling with sympathy.
“Oh, no. Was she here?” She asked gently, reaching out and cupping my cheeks and my lips wobbled. 
“Why didn’t you warn me that he was in a relationship?” my voice shook and Somi shook her head. 
“He’s not!! God, Helena doesn’t do relationships. Jungkook and her.... well, I’m not sure but they’re just fuck buddies..... barely that. You know she’s from the Kim clan right? Those bloodsuckers never settle for one partner. “ She muttered. 
I stared at her.
“He called me a child and then told me he’ll tell dad if i try to make a move on him.” I whispered. 
Somi flinched.
“It was humiliating and painful and I don’t ever want to think about it, ever again.” I muttered. 
She sighed. 
“It’s not like you don’t have men dying for a glance from you, Sera. You forget that you’re literally the most beautiful woman in the clan. If he rejects you, you’re definitely not the one missing out in that equation.” 
I nodded, misery seeping into me. My sob-fest on the roof hadn’t been wasted. I was angry at first but now, a sort of resigned acceptance had taken the place of my anger. 
 The look on Jungkook’s face had been too real, the emotion behind his rejection too potent for me to get over. I wasn’t sure I could change his mind.
Wasn’t even sure if I wanted to. 
“Was he very hurtful ? You know, if you tell dad, he’ll hire someone else and-”
“No.” I said immediately. “ I won’t do that. It’s not his fault, it’s minge. I acted out like a...well a child to be honest. He doesn’t owe me anything and he’s always been obvious in his disinterest. I was just too blinded my own attraction to consider that it wasn’t reciprocated.” I grimaced. 
God, I’d been an idiot and Jungkook’s words had knocked some good sense into my head. But I did care for him and his son and they needed this job. I wouldn’t put his job in jeopardy just because I didn’t get my way. 
I was better than that.
“Alright... Dad wanted to meet you for breakfast tomorrow.... He sounded serious. Do you know what that’s about?”
I groaned, when I remembered the reason my dad wanted to see me these days. 
“Dad wants me to start meeting men now. He thinks I’m old enough now that i’ve turned 21. He’s been badgering me for a whole entire month but I kept putting him off because of...well, because of Jungkook.” I admitted. 
Somi looked worried.
“You want to ? If you don’t we can talk to dad and-”
“No-” I shook my head.” I’m just gonna agree.” 
Somi looked surprised.
“Are you sure? Sera you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to-”
I smiled weakly. 
“I’m not going to be allowed to stay single forever Somi. Especially not when the entirety of dad’s day is spent trying to chase suitors away from the door. Do you know the Count from Jeju Do...dude’s a whole seven centuries old and he looks like a toad. He apparently tried to ask about me and Dad’s been freaking out.  “ I shuddered. 
Somi laughed.
“ That’s what you get for being you. But dad’s right. Keeping you away from everyone is only inviting more interest. And we don’t want you to be with someone insufferable.” She ruffled my hair and I hugged her again sighing into her shoulders.
No I didn’t want to be with someone who just saw me as some kind of a possession to be owned. I wanted someone nice and kind. A handsome man who did the right thing .  Someone who maybe, worked hard to give his kid a safe and protected life, someone who didn’t shun away from hard work and was a gentleman as well. 
Someone like-
“Someone other than Jungkook.” Somi said gently reading my mind. 
“I really liked him.” I whispered softly, feeling tears spring again. 
God, I thought I was all out of tears for Jeon Jung Kook but apparently I was wrong. 
I took extra care with my makeup the next morning, because my father usually had a ton of business meetings during his breakfast. I didn’t usually bother but , I was going to agree to his suggestions today and well, nothing wrong in delighting my father. And nothing made him happier than seeing me prance about  with pretty feminine clothes . 
My dad, for all his jovial cheerful air, loved his position as the head of the Hwang clan. And as his most prized possession , I was the apple of his eye. And while he didn’t treat me as an object or anything ( my dad loved me deeply and his affection was always evident. ) , there was no mistaking the fact that my dad enjoyed the power that came with being my guardian. Powerful men were willing to bend to his will, just for a chance to be with me. 
I sound insufferable, don’t I?
Trust me I’m not. 
The vampires that court me are usually assholes. Entitled, brain dead assholes .  When I opened the door in the morning, dressed in a short summer dress and ready to meet my dad, I was surprised to see Jungkook standing guard outside. He straightened away from the wall where he was fiddling with his phone, his gaze flitting to me, eyes cold and blank. 
I bowed lightly, not smiling.
“Mr. Jeon. I have a breakfast date with my father and then I’ll be heading to the cottage. I’m also meeting a friend of mine at the Art Museum in the evening so i’ll need the Mercedes brought around to pick me up maybe at 5.00PM.” I said briskly, glancing at him. 
My face flamed red when I noticed his gaze, fixed steadily on my ass. I cleared my throat angrily and his eyes met mine, a slow lazy grin playing around his mouth. 
“You look different.” He commented , shamelessly giving me another once over. 
The nerve. 
I swallowed, willing myself not to blush harder.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” 
He chuckled.
“That dress barely covers your butt, angel. You sure you want to head to daddy dearest, dressed like that?” The way he said daddy made my skin heat up. 
I felt my jaw come unhinged. 
“That’s...that is none of your damn business.” I said shrilly.
He gave me another once over.
“Okay, then. If that’s what you’re into...fine. Let’s go.” 
Gritting my teeth, i tried to keep my face neutral. I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing that he got to me. I would not. 
I walked ahead of him , my fists clenched and my jaw tight and I felt incredibly upset because the day had barely begun and I was already wound tight. I was supposed to be relaxed and clear headed while talking to my father but Jeon Jungkook had muddled my brains as usual. 
I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. 
“Sera, wait.” His voice made me pause and I stopped, turning around to glare at him.
“What?” I snapped. 
He sighed, deeply. I watched as he ran his hands through his hair, tongue pressing into his cheek the way it did when he was upset. 
“About last night-”
I felt my pulse quicken. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it!” I said quickly, turning back around to leave but his fingers came around my arm, gripping hard . 
“Well tough luck. Because I do!” He said sharply. 
I whimpered, pain blooming up my arm and he swore, loosening his grip.
“I keep forgetting you’re human.” He muttered, “ I’m sorry... I just... I wanted to apologize for how i handled things last night. I was twenty once and I should have been more understanding.”
I closed my eyes. Oh, God no. Please, please for the love of God, let me hate you in peace. Don’t apologize and make me fall in love all over again.
“Its fine.” I choked out. “ You were right. I was out of line.”
“You deserve better.” He said quickly, eyes flitting away from my face and I felt a sharp pang in my heart. God , this was agonizing. 
“It’s just that you’re...well you know who you are. You can’t be with ...someone like me and trust me you don’t want to be with someone like me either. I know its appealing, the whole illusion of stability. older man, has a kid, has his life together .....but that’s not all it means .” He gave me a tired smile.
I bit my lips, ot replying and he went on. 
 “ I have baggage, a shit ton of it and I would have to be especially cruel to unload something like that on a girl barely out of her teens. I’ve done shit I’m not proud of ,....but ruining your life, I’m gonna draw the line there.” He smiled , looking a whole decade younger and I closed my eyes.
I was back to square one, I thought miserably. He had my whole heart. 
“ So we’re good right?” He prompted and I exhaled, giving him a smile.
“We’re good.”
“That’s good. Because my son loves you and I would rather we be friends. You’re just like a daughter to me. ” He touched my face gently, pulling away at once, the small contact leaving fire in its wake and I had to clench my fists . 
A daughter?!! Is he out of his damned mind? 
“Let’s go then.”
“Jungkook, please sit down. You’re like my son and I don’t want you hovering like you’re part of the backdrop. I’ve trusted you with my entire life.” My father beamed, pointing at me and i laughed. 
Jungkook bowed respectfully, taking the chair next to me. 
“How are you , my buttercup?” My father asked softly, fingers gripping mine and I smiled.
“I’m well, father. Do you like my dress?” 
Next to me Jungkook coughed and I shot him a dirty look. 
“It looks ravishing on you. The prettiest flower in my estate is my daughter, do you agree Jungkook?” My father prompted and I swallowed the smirk that threatened. 
Poor Jungkook was going to learn that being my bodyguard meant singing my praises twenty four seven or at least anytime my father was in hearing distance. 
“Uh..” Jungkook’s eyes flitted between the two of us, “ Yes sir. Your daughter is quite lovely.” 
I beamed at him and he looked away quickly. 
Turning back to my dad I held my hand out. 
“DAd, you wanted to see me about something?”
“Yes dearest. You know the Kim clan’s matriarch has been after me. Three of her great great great grandsons have come of age recently. And all three of them are set to take over some very lucrative businesses. They are good men and apparently they’re quite smitten with you. They say you know of them from school?”
I sighed.
“Do you know their names?” I prompted.
“Mingyu, Minjae and Yugyeom.” My father said briskly. 
 “ They’ve asked me out before, yes.” 
“Uh..Excuse me.. Could I get a refill?” Jungkook said quietly next to me and i turned, watching him wave to one of the footmen. 
“Jungkook, are you thirsty?” My father asked brightly. 
An idea formed in my head, wicked and dangerous. 
“Perhaps, he should get a taste of the Hwang Elixir?” I said innocently. 
My father’s gaze snapped to mine. 
A small frown made its way to his face. 
“Are you sure? I’m not sure if Jungkook would be comfortable-”
I turned to him, purposely flipping my long hair off my shoulders exposing my throat . Jungkook’s eyes went to the curve of my neck at once and i felt a sick sort of triumph when his eyes flashed red.
“Oh, no no...” I crooned, leaning in closer. “ I’m sure you aren’t uncomfortable , are you Jungkook ssi? After all, I am just like a daughter to you , aren’t I?” I stared right at him, fluttering my lashes and I saw his jaw clench. 
“Of course, Ms. Hwang.” He said briskly, glaring at me. I played with the small gold chain around my neck, letting my fingers flutter over my pulse , drawing his gaze there.
“Well, that is true ...” My father looked uncertain, but I gave him a gentle nod and a smile. 
“Well, as a special guest, I suppose you can enjoy our hospitality , Jeon. Why don’t you take a drink from -”
I moved closer, pressing up against him and Jungkook sighed, lips closing over my neck, and I felt my eyes flutter shut at the wet warmth of his mouth . 
It was intoxicating, the way he used one hand to grip my neck gently, the other on my waist to steady me and when his fangs pierced through, I could sense the warm liquid flood his mouth and Jungkook’s entire body relaxed, a strangled moan escaping him. 
“---my daughter’s wrist.” My father finished and I felt Jungkook stiffen next to me. 
This time I couldn’t stop the grin that bloomed on my face. 
My eyes dropped to his lap and yup, his pants definitely looked a tad tighter. 
“Did I do good, Mr Jeon? Or should I call you daddy? ” I whispered quietly , fluttering my lashes at him and his fangs retracted and he pulled away from me, shoving me back into my own chair quickly. 
My father was slightly slack jawed. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hwang. “ Jungkook muttered and I laughed.
“I do believe it is I whom you should be apologizing to. It is  my  neck you just mauled. ” I smiled brightly staring at Jungkook and if looks could kill, I would have a thousand wooden stakes through my heart right about now. ‘
Take that Mr. Jeon. 
Daughter, my ass. 
“My apologies , Sera.” He said stiffly. 
My father laughed raucously.
“Ahh, you must be used to the neck, my dear boy. understandable understandable. it is how we used to do it in the old days, after all . These younglings with all their etiquette and feminism and what not....it’s hard to keep up..... But now you must tell me? Is my daughter not the sweetest you’ve ever had?” 
I choked, coughing. Oh God, sometimes my 900 year old father had no idea how he sounded. 
Jungkook looked like he had swallowed a lemon. 
“She’s certainly ...” He stopped, probably realizing that any adjective at the end of that sentence would sound entirely wrong. 
“Delicious?” I prompted, blinking innocently and Jungkook shot me another glare. 
“Well, nevermind nevermind. .... So, tell me dearest, will you be willing to meet the Kim boys?”
I sighed.
“I like Yugyeom. I cannot stand Minjae. I don’t know enough about Mingyu to make any judgement. How about I meet Mingyu and if I don’t hit it off with him, I will allow Yugyeom to court me....” I said softly.
I glanced at Jungkook but he was studiously looking away. 
“Very well my dear. Do you have any plans today?”
“I’m meeting a friend at the museum.”
My father’s eyes widened.
“Well isn’t that a wonderful coincidence. Mingyu's law firm is just a block away if I’m not mistaken. I’ll ask the boy to pick you up afterwards. Have dinner with him and you can tell me tonight of your choice.” My father smiled briskly.
“Yes, father.” 
“Jungkook..” My father prompted and the vampire glanced up.
“Yes, sir?”
“Take good care of her. At the restaurant, make sure you stay at hearing distance. “ 
“Yes sir.” Jungkook bowed and I groaned. 
In other words, let my father know if I behaved appropriately. 
i pouted and my father waggled his finger at me.
“No, no no.. Missy. I’m going to make sure you keep your end of the bargain . You need to give these men a proper chance before you reject them. “ 
I nodded.
“And you must ask Either Somi or Seolhyun to dress you. No jeans or one of those ridiculous gowns that make you look like a pastry.”
There was no mistaking the snort that came from my right and i glared at Jungkook before turning to my dad.
“Yes, father.” 
“Good, now run along the pair of you. “
I stood up, kissing my father fondly on his forehead.
“I love you.” I whispered. 
“You are my whole entire joy, dearest. “ He kissed my hand gently, eyes warm and soft.
As we left the room, Jungkook let out a sigh.
“I am never having a meal with you two again.” He ground out and I laughed. 
“Anything you say, daddy.” I grinned. 
Jungkook groaned. 
As luck would have it,  my friend cancelled . 
So at six the evening, I finished locking up the cottage as the last of the kids left, fumbling with the lock while a tired Joo Won napped in his father’s arms, head resting on Jungkook’s shoulders. I felt myself soften at the picture they made, Jungkook singing softly , fingers brushing his son’s hair back as he rocked him gently. 
“I’ll be a while... I needed to get ready. Why don’t you put him to bed? Who’s watching him tonight?”
“Hwasa and Moonbyul offered. I’ll drop you off in your room and head to the north wing. What time are you meeting the jerkwad?” He said casually.
I blinked rapidly, confused.
“I’m sorry... the jerkwad?” 
Jungkook shrugged.
“It’ just a fact. Most men are absolute jerks at twenty one.” He shrugged. 
i felt myself bristling on behalf of the unknown Mingyu.
“That is absolutely unfair. My brothers were incredibly kind and good.”
“To you perhaps. Because they don’t have to impress you. But men act differently when they’re trying to get between a woman’s thighs. They’re jerks when they want to get laid...” He grinned.
“Is that why you act like a jerk to me? ” I smiled evilly and he rolled his eyes.
“Oh, darling we both know I don’t have to act in any different way to get you into my bed . I just have to do this.” He smirked, curling his finger in a come hither gesture.  
I felt my pulse pound and I tried not to let his words get to my head. He was flirting , yes but it was a joke. He was joking with me because the very idea of being with me was a joke to him. 
And I couldn’t forget that. 
Rolling my eyes, I pulled on the lock a couple more times to make sure the door was well locked. 
“Shall we leave?” He prompted watching me wrestle the backpack onto my shoulders. I grunted under the weight. 
“Of course. Let’s go.” 
We walked in silence for a few seconds.
“So, how’s he doing? With stuff?” Jungkook asked gently and I felt warmth bloom in my chest. 
“He’s very advanced for his age Jungkook. You’ve done a wonderful job with him. He’s able to read and he has a beautiful l writing hand. He’s learned his multiplication tables all the way up to seven and he has the voice of an angel. Which I think he gets from you. ” I smiled, reaching out to brush the back of Joowon’s head. 
Jungkook smiled softly, the late evening sun painting his perfect features in a soft golden glow. 
“Your father was kind enough to support me the first few years when i had him. I didn’t trust anyone enough to leave him with them and well... i needed to put a roof over our head.” He sighed . 
I touched his arm, giving it a small squeeze.
“I understand. I’m glad you’re here. He’ll grow up well in our clan.   “
“And he has a lot of excellent men to look up to here...He needs a good role model, someone kind and amazing who can inspire him to be hardworking and fair. ” He smiled.
I bit my lips.
“I think he’s had that all along. ” I said quietly.
Jungkook’s breath caught for a second and the air between us changed. I licked my lips. 
“Jungkook you’re a good father. You know that right?” I said after a few more seconds of silence. 
He laughed.
“Am I really? I wonder.” 
“He loves you.” I breathed , “  You’re all he talks about.... Today, one of the other kids tried to say that his father was brave because he helped someone who was stuck in an elevator. you know what Joowon did? He listed some twenty different incidents where you’ve helped people out....And he looked so proud.”
Jungkook’s ear looked red in the brightly lit garden. 
“i was just doing my job. Most of those times, I was in danger.” He grunted. 
“And yet, you did the right thing. “ I whispered. “ And your son was watching. And he’s learned the importance of doing the right thing even when you’re scared. That’s a life lesson that isn’t easy to learn.”
“Can’t disagree with that.” He chuckled. I grabbed his arm forcing him to stop. 
I had to tell him this. 
 “ Jungkook, when immortality is on the plate, people don’t give much value to morals. They don’t always care about doing the right thing.... . Its how our kind functions. Consequences don’t mean much when you have a whole eternity to fix your mistakes.....So I always admire vampires who value morals. “ I smiled, “ To see a five year old with such a well formed moral compass... it tells me that you’re an amazing father. Possibly the best I’ve ever met. “ I reached out, to hold his hand, wanting to touch him in some way, to make him believe that I was completely honest. 
“Sera!!!!!!” My sister’s voice made me jump and Jungkook stepped away as well. 
“Dad told me you’re going on a date? I’ve picked out an outfit for you!! But you need to take a shower! You cannot show up smelling like diapers and spit-up.” She called. 
I groaned. 
“Time for the ugly duckling to transform into a swan, I see?” He said gently. 
“Your son’s favorite fairytale.” I whispered.
“He makes me read it every night.” 
“I would like to sit in on that someday.” I laughed.
His eyes met mine. 
“You’re always welcome, Ms Hwang,” He smiled politely. “ Someday soon maybe your kids and my son would be friends.” 
And just like that the wall grew between us. 
His kids and my kids. 
Not our kids because he wasn’t for me. 
He would never be for me. 
I felt the sudden inexplicable urge to cry. 
Turning away, I began following my sister as she waved to me. . 
“I’ll be at your door at seven.” He called out behind me. 
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thebluenoteblog · 5 years
Summary: When some guy starts getting a little handsy with you while the guys are warming up, Colton takes it upon himself to handle the situation.
Player: Colton Parayko
Word Count: 1.6k
Requested: can you do a joel edmundson or colton parayko and go to a game with the other wags and some guys come up to you during the game and start to talk to you and wont leave you alone and starts to touch you and then colton or joel slams into the boards and yells at the man till he leaves you alone and after the game he seems really upset and you comfort him and tell him how much you love him
“I swear, if it gets any busier, I’m going to throw my hat in and call it,” you said before taking a drink from your water bottle.
Cris nodded, “I feel you. Sort of. I mean I don’t get the whole nurse thing, but I get the running around like a chicken with your head cut off thing.”
“You don’t have to be a nurse to understand being swamped at work,” you said, screwing the cap back onto your water bottle. You only turned away from Cris as the boys started to filter out onto the ice for warm ups.
“At least you got the night off,” Molly said, leaning around Cris to look at you. “Even I didn’t want to miss this one and I’ve been to so many hockey games that they star in my dreams.”
You laughed, “Yeah, you’ve got to love when the Blues play the Preds. It’s always a good match up, especially this late in the season.”
Jayne smiled, “Such a good match up that we all got babysitters, so we could go out tonight. You’re coming right?”
“Of course,” you said, “Wouldn’t miss it.”
You were distracted from Cris’s reply by someone coming up beside you. He took a seat next to you and turned in your direction. He smiled, “Are you sitting here for the game or just down for warm ups?”
You smiled politely back at him, “For the game,” then turned back to Cris.
You were about to restart your conversation with her when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Jayne looked around the two of you at the man. Maybe she was curious who was disrupting your evening, maybe she was hoping that he would recognize her and put two and two together, then back off. If her goal was the latter, it failed.
He continued to tap until you turned to face him again. You gave him another polite smile, “Yes?”
“I was wondering if I could get your name?” He asked, “After all, we will be sitting by each other all night.”
You frowned, but being the good conflict avoiding midwestern girl that you were, you answered him, “(Y/N),” you said, and immediately regretted it when his eyes lit up.
He held out a hand, “It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N). I’m Tom.”
You begrudgingly took the hand and after releasing it, halfway turned in your seat before he spoke again. “So how did you afford these tickets?” He asked.
Did you avoid conflict? Yes. Was this an exception? Also, yes. You narrowed your eyes at him. This was your way out. You should have told him the truth. You were Colton Parayko’s girlfriend of two years. You were at every home game that you weren’t working or sleeping through after a twelve-hour shift, like the supportive girlfriend that you were. He bought your season pass.
However, the implication that for some reason you shouldn’t be able to afford these seats? Oh, no. Oh. No. “Why shouldn’t I be able to afford them?”
He paused for a moment, face flushing before responding, “I was just saying that I practically had to sell a kidney for this ticket. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
You nodded slowly, pretending to believe him. “Okay,” you had made your point. He knew he’d made a mistake. You tried to turn back to the group and he grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to face him. You took a deep breath and bit the inside of your cheek. You could practically feel the women behind you shifting uncomfortably in their seats, unsure of whether or not to make a scene yet.
“So, what do you do for a living?” He asked.
You sighed heavily, “I’m a nurse practitioner.”
He nodded, “That’s really cool. I work construction.”
You nodded but didn’t say anything. You also didn’t try to turn away from him because his hand was still on your shoulder. He slid it lower, now resting dangerously close to your breast. You attempted to flinch away, and you heard Molly finally say something behind you, but it was completely drowned out by what sounded like a car crashing into the boards.
Tom jerked his hand away in surprise and stared wide eyed at the player who had just rammed himself into the glass right in front of you. You stared in surprise as Colton slammed the side of his fist against the glass. “Leave her alone!” He yelled.
You, and all of the women sitting beside you sat in shocked silence as he stared Tom down. The look Tom was getting, was honestly turning you on a little bit. However, if you had been the one on the receiving end of it, you probably would have gotten up out of your seat and left until warm ups were over.
That was exactly what Tom did after about thirty seconds of this stare down. Colton watched him retreat with harsh eyes. When he had disappeared, Colton turned to you, his eyes softer, but you could still see his jaw working. He was still clearly angry.
He smiled at you then nodded his head and skated away.
Ten minutes later a security guard was standing at the end of your row. He didn’t leave once throughout the entire game.
Colton wasn’t typically clingy. He wasn’t usually clung to your side, following you to the bar when you went to get a drink. He had never walked you to the bathroom before. He wasn’t typically possessive. He didn’t make a show out of kissing you in an explicit way anytime he caught another guy looking in your direction, even his single friends. He usually didn’t keep and arm around you at all times, even when you were clearly getting annoyed because you were trying to move through a tight space. This is how you knew something was wrong.
It was after you had spent an extra five minutes pushing your way through the crowd in an effort to get to the bar because he was clung to your side, only to have him pull you into a lip bruising kiss when you got there that you finally broke. When he pulled away, arms still around your waist, you looked up at him and asked, “What’s wrong with you?”
His eyebrows came together, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You crossed your arms which was one interesting task because you were still pressed against his chest. “You don’t know what I’m talking about? Really?”
He shook his head, “Really.”
“Okay, let me fill you in. You’re acting like I’m a helium balloon, for starters,” you said.
He snorted, “What?”
“Like I’m going to float away if you take your hands off of me,” you waved a hand through the air exaggeratedly.
He frowned, “I am not.”
“Then let me go,” you said, attempting to take a step back.
He dropped his hands from around your waist but took your hand in his before ever losing contact with you. You didn’t say anything about it, just turned and walked toward the exit. You knew he would follow. “Where are we going?”
“Outside to talk,” you said. “There’s to many people in here, I can hardly hear you.”
You pushed your way through the door and the cool February air hit you like a truck. You sucked in a breath and he noticed right away, “(Y/N), let’s go back inside. It’s cold out here.”
“I’m fine. It isn’t that bad,” you said, turning to face him. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Colton said quietly as he stepped around you to block the wind.
You brushed your fingers over his jaw, “Colt, please. Just tell me. If you’re planning to act like this forever, then I guess I don’t mind too much but it’s going to get really inconvenient.”
He sighed and reached up to play with a strand of hair that the wind had blown into your face before he had moved to protect you from it just like he had been trying to protect you all night. “I didn’t like it.”
“What didn’t you like?” You asked, continuing to stroke your thumb over his jaw.
His head tilted to the side and his eyes scanned over your face. Studying? Assessing? “He was harassing you. I was watching it happen the whole time and there was nothing I could do to stop it.”
“You did stop it though,” you said.
He nodded slowly, “Yeah, but he didn’t have to listen to me. I couldn’t have done anything to him from the other side of the boards. If I could have, I would probably be looking at an interesting suspension right now.”
You pulled your lip between your teeth and looked away from him before saying, “I really don’t believe you. You have more self-control than that.”
He placed both hands on your waist and tugged you against him, “We both know that I have no self-control when it comes to you, (Y/N).”
You laughed softly, “You have enough not to hit someone over me.”
He didn’t look so convinced but he nodded, “Whatever you say.”
You stood up on your toes and pulled him down to you. He pressed his lips to yours and this kiss was unlike any of the others that you had shared that night. It wasn’t possessive or designed to put on a show. It was slow and sweet and just for the two of you. When he pulled away, he had a smile on his face. “I love you,” he said, brushing his hand over your neck, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you said, “More than you know.”
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ayyyez · 4 years
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Reader
Contains: angst and fluff  Warnings: none, except swearing and kissing?  Word count: 13,102 Summary: Reader finds themselves drawn to Bakugou and when they follow this feeling they end up with more than they bargained for when they become his source of comfort every night before he goes to sleep.
Also posted to my ao3 link is here [x]
a/n: This is a very self indulgent oneshot. I got inspiration for while catching up with the anime. I just love Bakugou’s character and wanted to see him be soft. Also first time writing for Bakugou and BNHA in general but it was fun! It’s very long so I’m adding a cut.
It started after the kidnapping incident when everyone moved into the dorms.
You had been shaken to the core when it all went down but now that it was over the only person you were actually concerned about was Bakugou. There was no doubt he would hold his own but you could tell his behaviour had been off since he had come back. You were also smart enough to know he wouldn’t talk about it.
That didn’t mean you would let it go.
Everyone was sitting in the common area, buzzing with the new dorm life. From their perspective, things were smoother, more subtle in their from home to dorm life. Your chin rested in your hand, your other lingering on your lap. You watched as the others filled the silence with conversation and you instinctively turned your head to find Bakugou.
He was sitting in a corner seat, arms crossed while Kirishima talked to him about something, you couldn’t quite hear. Through the window sunlight shines onto the left side of his face and casts a shadow along the other. It highlights his hair around his forehead and the indifferent expression on his face. The sight alone brought back memories of the event, when all you could think about was saving your classmate.
It was then Mina decided it would be a good idea to check out the boys rooms and rate them accordingly. Your gaze snapped to the girls in front of you and you couldn’t help but jump on board. The excitement of moving into the dorms was an infectious thing and you hoped it would reach everyone—especially him.
As you went from floor to floor and observed each room you couldn’t help but feel something was missing. Instinctively you searched the crowd, noticing a few faces missing. It was then Kirishima mentioned Bakugou had gone to bed and something inside you snapped. You just couldn’t take the guilt eating away at you anymore.
‘Actually, I just remembered I forgot something in my room.’ You called to your friends and quickly jumped out of the elevator.
‘Oh, alright.’ Ochako called after you. ‘Meet us at the next floor soon okay!’
You nodded with a smile as the door closed.
Then you turned and headed back down toward Bakugou’s room.
It was stupid really, going into his private space in order to check on him. He was definitely not someone who would take that lightly. But getting yelled at didn’t really bother you. The fact he might bottle it all up did.
When you reached the door you took a deep breath then knocked.
There was no answer.
You knocked again this time adding, ‘It’s me, can I come in?’
‘Get lost. I’m not showing anyone my room.’ He replied, voice muffled by the door.
‘That’s not why I’m here and it’s just me.’
There was a pause which made you a little hopeful.
‘I don’t care I’m sleeping.’
‘You’re a pretty talkative sleeper.’
‘And you’re pretty damn annoying.’
‘Would you stop being an idiot and let me in.’ You sighed, pressing your forehead against the wood. ‘Please.’
There was another pause.
‘Why are you here?’
‘To talk to you.’
‘So, talk.’
‘Are you seriously going to make me shout to you through the door all night?’
‘If you plan on being here all night then I’m moving out.’
You groaned, trying to remind yourself why you were there in the first place. With a deep breath, you pushed off the door, feeling the cool wood against your fingers as they slid down.
‘If you won’t open the door then I’ll just get in there my own way.’
‘Tch, whatever.’ You heard him grunt. ‘Just get lost already.’
‘Nope, I’m coming in. 3…2…’ You paused waiting for him to protest. ‘1.’
You used your teleportation quirk and found yourself standing in the centre of his room.
The room was dark, obviously he hadn’t lied about his intention to sleep since all the lights were out. The curtain of the room was open an inch letting in the moonlight. Using the subtle light it cast you searched the rest of the room. That was when you spotted a large mound in the bed.
You took a deep breath, preparing to say something.
His eyes met yours once you did. Him lying on his bed looking up at you and you standing, (uninvited) in his room.
‘Say what you want and get out already.’ He said, a little softer than usual.
‘Yeah, yeah.’ You sighed, reaching behind in the dark until you found what felt like a chair. After a few moments of awkward manoeuvring in the dark you sat down on the chair which slid back into the desk. With more shifting and shuffling you managed to turn it to face him.
‘Well I haven’t got all night,’ Bakugou said a little louder, ‘Don’t think I won’t throw you out.’
‘I came to check on you and—’
‘I don’t need a babysitter.’
‘Would you shut up and just listen to me,’ you sighed again, trying to force yourself once again to remember why you were there. ‘Like I said, I came to check on you and to apologise.’
You could tell by his silence that he hadn’t expected that.
‘That night at camp when…’ You needed to choose your words carefully. ‘When it happened. A big part of that was my fault.’
‘How was it your fault?’ His tone soft again but still held a touch his brash nature—that touch of him.
‘Because I was there and my quirk is supposed to be for those situations, okay? I should have been faster to get to you and—’
‘Enough already!’ He sat up. ‘Don’t be dumb enough to think it was your fault, no ones going to blame you for it so why even worry?’ You heard him sigh. ‘If that’s all you’re worried about then don’t be. So stop feeling guilty over nothing. You can go now.’
‘It’s not nothing.’ You said, firmly. ‘It’s a big deal to me.’
‘Well it’s not to me so forget it.’ You heard him flop back down against his pillow. ‘If you’re that worried then learn to make your quirk better.’
‘I plan to.’
A heavy silence filled the air but it wasn’t uncomfortable just new and unexplored.
You concentrated on the way the fabric of your pants slid between you fingers as your fists balled against them. Taking a deep breath, you realised that in his own way, Bakugou had told you not to feel guilty on his account and you knew he meant it. But you also knew it was probably him blaming himself.
‘It’s not your fault either you know.’ You said, softly. ‘No one blames you.’
‘Tch.’ He rolled over toward the wall, away from you. ‘Is that all?’
Why do you take on everything alone?
Honestly, that was all you had come to say but a part of you didn’t feel like his feelings toward the matter was resolved. You needed to do more or at least try to say something to make him talk.
‘What was it like?’ You paused, before clarifying, ‘Being taken by villains who wanted to recruit you.’
‘What do you think?’ Bakugou scoffed, shifting in his bed. ‘It was an insulting pain in the ass. Are asking if I was scared?’
‘I would have been. Of course I wouldn’t let that get in the way of my trying to escape but I would have been scared. I think anyone would have been scared.’
‘I wasn’t scared of a bunch of villains.’
‘That’s not what I mean.’
‘Huh? What the hell do you mean then?’
‘Just that not knowing what was going to happen would have been awful. Wondering how long it would take before someone would come. Villains assuming they could recruit you in the first place. Getting so misjudged when you aren’t even close to being a villain.’
Bakugou didn’t reply but you heard him shift again, presumably to turn further away from you since you couldn’t make out his face anymore.
‘I know you’re fearless but I figured even you needed to vent about it. Talk to someone who isn’t just trying to find out every detail about the event to track them down, you know?’ You sighed and stood from the chair and looked out the window.
‘I’m not fearless,’ he said, quietly, ‘I just don’t worry about all the dumb stuff like you do.’
For the first time that night you smiled.
‘Yeah, I guess that’s true.’ You let out a small laugh as you approached his bed. ‘But that stuff isn’t dumb, it’s normal. Don’t act like you don’t worry about that stuff sometimes.’ You leant down on the bed and poked him.
Bakugou flinched and looked over his shoulder.
‘Get out already!’
You laughed again. ‘Aw, come on I thought we had a breakthrough.’ You poked him again. ‘Come and inspect the last of the rooms with everyone.’
‘Hell no.’
‘Geez.’ You poked him again
‘Stop it.’
‘Come on!’
Another poke.
You went to poke him again but he turned and grabbed out wrist before you could.
With a yelp you fell forward onto the bed, face first against his pillow, your arm slung around him.
‘What the hell get out of my bed.’ Bakugou said, a little too quietly.
When you lifted yourself up, it took you a second to realise the position you were in. As you did you got an inhale of his scent. You weren’t sure if it was his scent or the scent of his shampoo sunken into the pillow but it was… nice? Fascinating.
You turned onto your back, removing your arm from around him with a huff.
‘You’re the one pulled me onto your bed.’ You reminded him, feeling a tingling sensation shoot through the arm that had touched him.
‘The hell I did.’ He shifted next to you.
‘Yeah well, either way, it’s still your fault.’
Bakugou grumbled but he didn’t push you out like you thought he would. Maybe he didn’t mind as much as he was making out. You took it upon yourself to test that theory.
‘Well, this bed is pretty comfy,’ You said coyly, faking a yawn, ‘and I am tired.’
A smile spread across your face.
You were fairly certain that had any of the other classmates tried this they would have been blasted out the door by now. That fact alone urged you to revel in this moment as long as possible.
Kicking your house shoes off you cautiously shifted and got under the blanket. The moment you did you were surrounded by warmth. You could feel it envelop you but most especially from his back which you accidentally grazed with your arm.
‘What the hell?’ Bakugou said, looking back at you for second before shoving his face back down on the pillow.
You turned to face his back, wondering whether or not you were crossing a line.
Bakugou wasn’t the type of person to keep quiet if you were bothering him and you honestly wondered why he hadn’t made more of an effort to kick you out. By his standards it was well pretty strange. Perhaps there was something more to it.
A boldness rose in you, a boldness you hadn’t know was there.
The next thing you knew you were scooting closer to Bakugou and carefully putting an arm around him to spoon.
He tensed on impact, making no sudden movements. You swear after a few seconds his skin grew even hotter but neither of you said anything. And he didn’t explode either.
You don’t know what possessed you to hold him. Somewhere in the back of your mind the idea of making sure he was alright turned into a need to make him feel alright. Words had seem to fail when it came to Bakugou so actions served as your only resort.
Still, it did seem a little overboard but it also felt nice. Really nice.
‘You’re warm,’ you whispered without thinking, letting your eyes drift closed.
‘Obviously,’ Bakugou replied, still not moving out of your hold.
You shuffled a little bit closer to him, seeking out more of his warmth. Your body had felt so cold in comparison to the heat he was radiating. He was like your own personal heater. Oh, you wanted more of this.
His breath hitched as you shifted, causing your eyes to crack open, as if only realising what you were doing. Perhaps this wasn’t a good idea after all.
‘Do you want me to leave now?’ You whispered.
‘I want to sleep.’
That wasn’t exactly an answer.
Just when you opened your mouth to say something else he snapped.
‘Just shut up and go to sleep and I swear if you tell anyone else about this—’
‘I won’t,’ you promised, ‘Let’s sleep.’
‘Hmph.’ Bakugou grunted before pressing further into the pillow.
There was much left unsaid between the two of you but it was undoubtedly there, like a cloud veiled moon in the sky, the faint light shinning through, not entirely seen, not entirely hidden.
You snuggled your head into the pillow and pressed closer.
That night you fell asleep holding Bakugou like it was the most natural thing in the world.
In the morning you both stirred awake immersed in a new reality. Except you weren’t in the same position you had been in when you had fallen asleep. Bakugou had shifted and moved and was facing you. It took a second for your eyes to focus but when they did you found his wide eyes staring back at you.
So it hadn’t been a dream after all. Damn.
You didn’t want him to freak out about it so you tried to act casual.
Carefully, shifting your arms away, you stretched before getting out of the bed. You made sure not to do it too fast as to look like you were running away. A part of you wasn’t sure why that was important, perhaps you simply didn’t want to hurt his feelings?
‘Morning.’ You mumbled, sleepily turning back to him. ‘I should be getting back to my room.’
Bakugou didn’t say anything, just stared at you.
‘Well, see you later.’ You said, teleporting to your room.
The moment you did you dropped the casual facade and wondered what the hell you had done. You had spent the night sleeping in Bakugou’s bed and he let you. That was something you never anticipated to happen.
Slapping your hands over your cheeks you groaned. Then, determined to dive back into reality, you went about busying yourself with a shower. You needed to forget what had happened and focus on going to school.
At breakfast you made a point to act as normal as possible and fight the urge to seek him out. As you spooned every last bite into your mouth, Ochako talked about how sleeping in the dorm was refreshing, you nodded along.  But you couldn’t quite invest yourself into the conversation like you normally would, too distracted by the problem you faced.
Internally, you resigned yourself to the fact that it was a one time thing. Bakugou would definitely pretend it never happened and you were fine with that. Things would go back to normal soon enough and the uncertainty bubbling inside you would surely disappear.
For the rest of the day things went on like they normally did. The class spent the day working on developing ultimate moves which quickly took your mind off things. You already had in mind some moves you could utilise but you needed to fine tune them if they were going to be ultimate. You needed to get stronger.
Then there was your costume design to reconsider.
When your eyes did finally land on Bakugou he seemed very enthralled with his ultimate move training. It brought a smile to your face seeing how pumped he was. It also made you feel at ease, knowing he wasn’t worrying about the night before. That was definitely a good thing..
‘Did you have any thoughts about costume changes?’
You turned to find Ochako standing behind you, pulling your attention away.
‘I’m thinking of same design by lighter material and lighter boots.’ You smiled, the ideas and possibilities overcoming you. ‘That way I can move faster and it will be less effort to phase from one place to another, you know?’
‘That’s really smart!’ Ochako agreed. ‘I was thinking of making a couple upgrades too! Did you want to come arrange them with me?’
‘Yeah, sounds good.’
You turned to spare one last look toward Bakugou. He was standing on top of the makeshift mountain and already looking at you. Your eyes met for a painstaking moment before you turned away and followed Ochako. You were barely aware of the goosebumps on your skin on the way out of the training room.
The day had been so packed that it went by pretty quickly and before you knew it the training was over.
‘Hey are you coming?’ Mina called out to you. ‘We are all walking back to the dorms together.’
You waved her off. ‘It’s fine, I’ll catch up soon,’ You called, ‘I just have to pack up my stuff!’
By the time you had finished packing up your things you were left alone in the classroom. It wasn’t that big a deal being left alone when you were about to walk back the dorm room where everyone was waiting. A part of you enjoyed the small moment alone.
As you walked out the door, bag on your shoulder, you were alerted to someones presence.
Turning with a defensive stance, you found Bakugou leaning against the wall.
‘Oh, hey,’ you said, stopping next to him, ‘Were you waiting for me?’
Bakugou scoffed. ‘No, why would I do that?’
You shrugged, unfazed. ‘I don’t know.’
‘I just didn’t feel like walking back chatting with everyone else, alright?’
When he didn’t say anything else or move to walk away you wondered what he was waiting for. Then an idea struck you.
‘Well since you’re still here,’ you began, clutching the strap of your bag a little tighter, ‘did you want to walk back together? I’m kind of enjoying the quiet too.’
Bakugou sighed. ‘Yeah, whatever.’
You gave him a small smile and began walking back toward the dorms together.
Bakugou stood at your side, walking with his hands buried deep in his pockets. He also looked deep in thought, judging by his frown, so you didn’t bother trying to make conversation. It was nice just walking together in silence for a change.
The quiet allowed your mind wandered to the night before and an uncertain feeling bubbled inside of you. A thousand questions penetrated your mind. (Was this his way of making things normal between the two of you again? Was that why he was waiting for you?) Perhaps he really did want to avoid everyone else and it had nothing to do with you.
Pushing out the intrusive thoughts and forcing a smile you continued on walking. Instead of dwelling on the unease you instead wondered dinner and how it was going to work with everyone else here. Perhaps there would ramen or soba.
‘Hey?’ Bakugou asked, breaking your train of thought.
‘Hm?’ You replied.
When he didn’t reply you stopped and turned, realising he wasn’t walking beside you anymore. He stopped a few steps behind you and staring at the ground.
‘What is it?’ You asked.
‘Are you going to annoy me again tonight if I slip out early?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Don’t play dumb!’ He yelled, like he always did.
‘I’m not, you just need to be more specific!’ You parried but you underestimated how much the night before had affected him.
Bakugou could have meant several things. Were you going to go into his room and bother him or even go and sleep in his bed again. Out of all the possibilities, you knew which one was the most likely. You just weren’t sure why he was asking.
‘You know what I mean.’ He said, quietly.
‘I…hadn’t thought about tonight.’ You replied, honestly. You had been so caught up in the past night you hadn’t thought about the next one. That was Bakugou though, always thinking ahead.
When he didn’t reply or move you knew you had to say something else or the two of you would remain there frozen in silence.
‘Did you want me to come?’
‘Like I care!’ He said a little too quickly, brushing past you.
You blinked at the bluntness of his statement but it didn’t really bother you as much as it amused you. Then your smile faded a little as you realised there was nothing fragile about his voice but the words still came across to you as vulnerable.
When you didn’t follow him Bakugou turned back.
‘Hurry up or the others will be a pain and ask me where you are!’
‘Coming.’ You said, running to catch up.
The rest of the walk was made in silence. Your head spinning at the implications of Bakugou’s question and the way he was acted.
There were more questions. Did he want to make sure it wouldn’t happen again? Is that why he was waiting outside of the classroom?
Whatever the case you decided going to his room tonight would not be a good idea. Not that it bothered you; you had already told yourself it was a onetime thing. A sudden fluttery feeling arose inside you as you brushed by him and you each went your seperate ways.
The excitement of dorm life still bubbled amongst the girls and Ochako decided that you should show Tsuyu the rooms. Ultimately, you got dragged along since you had missed out on some too.
They assumed you had gone to bed the night before so Ochako filled you in on everything you missed. You wanted to return the gesture and tell her what had really happened to you but you knew you couldn’t. It wasn’t the sort of secret you could share even with your friend. After all it wasn’t just your secret.
Time moved pretty quickly after that.
Dinner came around and after came cleaning up followed by everyone heading to shower or retreating to their own rooms. You took the opportunity to shower and return to your room, reflecting on the day.
The whole time you worried you had crossed a line with Bakugou. Even you, as forward a person as you were, couldn’t deny that sleeping in the same bed as him had been weird. Especially how calming and warm it had felt. Bakugou was anything but calming when it came to day to day life.
Deciding to ignore that thought for now, you came back to the common area to see if anyone was still awake. That’s when you heard the array of voices; the girls talking in one part of the common area and the boys in the other.
The moment you entered the room your eyes met with Bakugou’s. You stopped, exchanging a long glance before he looked away. With an internal shrug you turned toward the girls and joined in on their conversation. Something about Ochako being in love.
You smiled and asked her if it were true. It only made her blush and freak out.
‘I don’t think she is going to tell us.’ You chuckled. ‘Maybe we should let her be.’
Momo agreed.
‘Aw come on Ochako!’ Mina insisted.
‘You know,’ you began, ‘maybe she would be more willing if you all talked about who you loved.’ You raised your brows at Mina for emphasis.
‘But I don’t have anyone!’ Mina groaned.
‘Then maybe Ochako doesn’t either.’
Mina pouted but relented and you simply shrugged.
‘Fine we’ll drop it,’ Mina agreed, before adding, ‘For now!’
You chuckled again. ‘Good enough.’
A burst of laughter and yelling came from the boys sat across the room. You turned toward the noise to find Bakugou standing.
‘Would you shut up!’ He yelled, before turning to walk away. ‘I’m going to bed!’ He shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked by the couch you were sitting on.
The moment Bakugou walked by he looked up at you, your eyes meeting once again. They lingered for a moment and you were overcome by a profound want—the want to reach out to him—to sooth him. Then he looked away and hurried by in a huff.
There was something about that look you couldn’t shake. In fact, it looked like he was trying to tell you something. It resembled the look he gave you earlier when you walked home, when he was telling you hurry up.
No, that couldn’t have been it. He would have said something, right?
Shaking your head of the thought, you turned your attention back to the girls. For about five painful minutes you tried to get re-involved in the conversation but you just couldn’t concentrate. There were too many questions on your mind. Too many things unanswered gathered inside you like a pile of rocks weighing you down.
‘I’m going to bed,’ You said, standing up abruptly. ‘See you in the morning.’
The girls bided you goodnight and you were gone, walking in long strides toward the elevator. You could feel the heat in your cheeks with every step, the adrenaline pumping inside of you.
Pushing the button for the fourth floor, the doors shut in front of you, sealing off the voices of the common room. All the babble disappeared and the silence hit you like a cold shower. As the elevator began to ascend with a jolt, you felt somewhat numb. Your mind jumped from thought to thought without focus.
The doors dinged open and that fluttering feeling emerged in your stomach.
The question remained: should you go straight to your room or should you go and see Bakugou again?
Earlier in the day you had decided that you wouldn’t but that look he gave you made you question that decision.
Hurry up.
Hurry up meant he wanted you to come.
The doors began to close when you shoved your arm out to stop it. It opened with another ding and you leapt out onto your floor, heading to your room.
When you came face to face with your door, you froze. Even as your hand came to the handle it hesitated. Something in the back of your mind screamed at you to go and figure out what he had meant. You couldn’t ignore it—that wasn’t who you were.
‘Damn it.’ You muttered, releasing your hand from the handle.
Then without another thought, you teleported into Bakugou’s room.
‘About time.’
You turned to find Bakugou in his bed, hands behind his head and looking up at you. It was bizarre to witness how his face lit up at the sight of you. He probably didn’t even realise he was changing expressions.
‘If you wanted me to come you could have just said so when we walked home.’
‘Who cares? You figured it out.’
‘Actually, I’m still confused.’ You took a seat on the edge of the bed. ‘Why did you want me to come?’
Bakugou rolled his eyes. ‘Just hurry up, already!’
He really had a knack for ordering you to hurry up without telling you the what for. You did have a pretty good idea but a part of you still wanted to make him work for it.
‘Hurry up and what?’
He didn’t reply.
‘Fine.’ You relented, lifting up the covers and crawling in beside him.
Bakugou tensed a little as your arm grazed his but he didn’t move away.
You manoeuvred under the covers until you were both on your backs, side by side and staring at the ceiling. The urge to recoil was there, palpable in how he tensed under your softest touch but neither of you moved. There was a subconscious awareness of your surroundings, fine-tuned into each other, you could feel it.
‘You really are warm.’ You whispered, snuggling back against the mattress.
‘Shut up.’ He said, but it was quiet, like he the only meaning behind it was that he had nothing else to say.
You frowned a little.
‘What’s wrong with saying—’
‘If you’re gonna talk at least talk about something else.’
‘Alright,’ you said thinking of another topic. ‘Do you think you’re ready for the licensing exams?’
Bakugou snorted. ‘Of course I am!’
You chuckled. ‘I wish I was that confident.’
‘Don’t be stupid, just work on controlling your quirk better.’
‘It’s not my quirk I’m worried about.’ You said, shocked at your own honesty. ‘I’m just worried about making the right decisions when facing so many unknown opponents.’
‘Yeah well…’ Bakugou paused, ‘Tch, just work on your weaknesses if you’ve already developed your ultimate moves.’
You turned you face slightly to look at him.
Bakugou was still staring at the ceiling but his expression was softer than usual. God, was he actually trying to make you feel better?
‘That’s what I aim to do.’ You turned back to the ceiling. ‘It’s better to worry about my weaknesses than pretend they're not there at all, otherwise I won’t get stronger.’
The two of you stayed there for awhile in silence, staring up at the ceiling your arms occasionally grazing when either of you shifted. It was nice and calming, as though all your worries had been taken away.
‘Let’s go to sleep.’ Bakugou said, turning onto his side away from you. There was an implicit don’t you dare reject me thrown underneath the statement.
‘Alright.’ You turned the same way and automatically slid an arm over him.
Bakugou tensed again but he didn’t protest.
‘Goodnight,’ you whispered, closing your eyes.
He grunted in reply.
And just like that you began a routine.
Things in your day to day life went back to normal. The little anxieties you had toward the situation vanished from your mind. And you assumed it was the same for Bakugou.
During the day you attended the summer courses with your classmates and worked on getting stronger for the licensing exam. During the night you would continue working, spend time with your class mates and then, inevitably, you would find yourself in Bakugou’s room.
He never asked you to come (after that one time) but he was always expecting you. One night you confirmed that when you were a lot later than usual, studying up on something that could help you control your quirk better when you teleported into his room. He was annoyed at you for taking so long and even rolled over for you to get in.
Some nights the two of you would talk about the day or have next to nothing conversations that warmed your heart. Other nights when you were both exhausted you would climb into bed and fall asleep straight away. No matter what happened it always ended in Bakugou rolling over and you following suit.
It was a comfortable routine that you both kept a secret.
Outside of that you and Bakugou didn’t interact too much. You didn’t know whether it was because he was worried about the secret being exposed or if it was because you were afraid it meant something more than it did. It was better this way—that’s what you told yourselves.
Then the licensing exams came around. You were granted a license and Bakugou wasn’t. It was something that would hit him hard.
That night you were feeling exhausted but you were worried about both Todoroki and  Bakugou since they had failed. Todoroki wasn’t the kind to open up to you so you merely wished him luck for next time. Bakugou on the other hand, well, you were worried enough to go to his room. That worry grew exponentially when you realised he wasn’t there.
An uneasy feeling resided in the pit of your stomach as you looked around his empty room. A part of you wondered whether this was him telling you to go back to your own room tonight. On the other hand, you couldn’t imagine him avoiding his own room merely because of you. He would just tell you to leave and that would be that.
Then there was the last time he had disappeared—kidnapped by villains. The thought of that made you more uneasy. You considered going to tell Aizawa but if you were wrong then Bakugou would only get into trouble. That was the last thing he needed.
You decided to bide your time and wait for him.
What you hadn’t expected was that he would come back ridiculously late and beaten up, covered in bruises and bandages.
As the door clicked open and he entered, Bakugou froze when he saw you, his mouth open and his eyes wide. It was like he hadn’t expected you to be there an —oh you actually waited? When he walked in and looked down, letting the door gently shut behind him.
‘Did you come to gloat?’ He cut you off.
It was like a punch to the gut accompanied by a light fluttering feeling in your stomach. You never realised that something small, like that assumption, could make you feel so deeply.
‘Of course not.’ You stood from the desk chair and took a few steps closer. ‘What happened to you?’
‘Nothing, it doesn’t matter.’
He still wouldn’t look at you.
‘Yes, it does.’
Bakugou’s fists clenched by his side before they, just as quickly, unclenched again.
‘I had unfinished business with Deku alright, the rest is none of your business.’
‘Alright,’ You exhaled, relieved it wasn’t something worse. ‘Are you okay?’
He looked up at you with wide eyes. He hadn’t expected that.
‘I’m fine.’
You nodded before asking, ‘Is Midoriya, alright?’
Bakugou frowned. ‘Why do you care?’
‘You obviously fought, I’m making sure everyone involved is alright.’
‘Whatever, he’s fine.’ Bakugou sat down on the bed and looked away. ‘You didn’t have to come here.’ There was something heavy that weighed on his mind. You could feel it just by looking at him, like a heavy weight pushing his feelings down.
‘I know but I was worried.’
‘Tch.’ His fists balled against his pants. ‘Why?’
‘Because of what happened today.’ You took a step closer. ‘Because when I got here you were no where to be seen. I was worried something had happened to you.’
‘You think I’m that weak?’ You saw the grip on his pants tighten. ‘That I’d easily get into trouble again with some villains or something?’
His words filled you with guilt. You had thought the worst but not because you thought he was weak. A part of you had seen he was vulnerable which is why you had reached out to him in the first place but you never ever saw it as a weakness.
‘I didn’t know what to think.’ You replied. ‘But I know you’re not weak. The one thing you have never been is weak.’
Bakugou’s hands unfurled and sat flat against his thighs.
‘It’s late,’ he said, getting under the covers. ‘I’m going to sleep.’
You didn’t know if that was an invitation or him telling you to get out.
Again, you reminded yourself that had he wanted you to leave he would likely have used his words, very loudly, to tell you.
Taking a deep breath you stepped toward the bed and lifted up the covers. Then you cautiously manoeuvred under them, trying your hardest not to bump Bakugou in the process. It would be like poking the bear if you did.
Feeling very much awake you stayed on your back, staring at the ceiling. Beside you Bakugou shifted, pushing himself further into the mattress. You smiled at the action and wondered what he was thinking.
‘Hurry up and go to sleep.’ He grumbled, voice slightly muffled by the pillow.
A small smile came to your lips as you rolled over and put your arm on top of his. Your fingertips loosely slid between his as you pressed against him.
Bakugou flinched at the new contact but he didn’t pull away. Instead he surprised you by enclosing his fingers around yours and tugging you closer.
That night neither of you fell asleep straight away.
You were awake thinking about what could have happened between him and Midoriya. And you didn’t know it but he was awake, very conscious of you breath tickling the back of his neck and the way you made him feel so comfortable and confused at the same time.
Something shifted between you and Bakugou after that, like another wall between the two of you had been torn down.
Since Midoriya and Bakugou were on house arrest they missed out on classes. Each night when you went to Bakugou’s room he would pester you about what he had missed. You shrugged with a smile and apologised since you and the rest of the class were made to keep it a secret.
Every time Bakugou would grumpily go to bed and sulk and you would tease that maybe you should sleep in your own bed. He would never stop you but he would grumble to himself and mumble a ‘Whatever.’ He would also stop asking you about class for the rest of the night.
Then the subject of work study was brought up and explained by the Big Three.
Before you knew it you were doing your work study with Kirishima and Tamaki at Fatgum’s agency. That meant more days and nights away from school and working out in the field. It also meant more questions from Bakugou when you returned.
You couldn’t remember him being this talkative before. All he wanted to do was find out what he was missing out on. It was probably more of a blow to him that both you and Kirishima were out in the field where as he was left alone. You two were the closest to him after all, although you weren’t sure if he would use the term friends. Not when you were concerned anyway.
One night you didn’t get back in until 3am and you were thoroughly exhausted. You needed to recharge before you could so much as think about using your quirk. It was a miracle you made it through a shower before you flopped down on your bed.
Although your body was exhausted your mind was still racing with the nights events and you couldn’t sleep.
Then there was a knock at the door.
You groaned in response.
There was another knock.
‘Open the damn door.’ Bakugou’s voice carried in a harsh whisper.
With an exaggerated groan you pushed yourself up and opened the door. Your eyelids were heavy, barely able to stay open as you looked up at Bakugou.
He looked down at you with a frown.
‘Well…’ He said, scratching the back of his neck. ‘Move, already.’
You stepped to the side to allow him in and shut the door.
‘What,’ you paused to yawn before continuing, ‘are you you doing here?’
‘What do you think?’ He was harsh, almost angry but you weren’t sure why. ‘I heard Kirishima get back ages ago.’
Ah, that was it.
It dawned on you why he was so irritated, remembering how you felt back at the night of the licensing exams.
‘I didn’t want to wake you. Plus, I’m too exhausted to use my quirk after tonight.’ Then you realised something. ‘Wait. Did you wait up for me?’
Bakugou immediately looked away and if your lights were on, you swore you would have seen a blush across his cheeks.
You let out a soft laugh.
‘Sorry, I was trying to be nice but I just made you worry.’
‘Who said I was worried?’ His gaze snapped back to yours with a frown. ‘What happened to you?’ His eyes observing the tape on your cheek.
‘Oh this?’ Your hand touched it absentmindedly. ‘Some jerk landed a hit but I landed more, no big deal.’
His frown deepened but he didn’t say anything.
‘Anyway,’ you continued, swaying a little. ‘I’m really tired so…’ You fell froward your forehead landing against his chest.
You were more tired than you realised.
Bakugou brought a hand to your arm to steady you, steering you upright.
‘Come on, let’s go to bed.’
‘I can’t teleport, remember?’
‘I meant sleep here, idiot.’ He guided you down to the bed then released you, letting you do the rest.
Once you shifted under the covers you grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled him down.
‘What the hell,’ he muttered, shifting under the covers beside you. ‘Such a pain.’
It was different to how you two usually slept but things between you had changed. You were sure you could both feel it.
Beside you Bakugou remained on his back making no move to turn over.
With a sigh you shifted to face him then slung an arm over him like you usually did. He relaxed at your touch and shifted closer. You could feel his gaze on you but you were too tired to open your eyes or comment on it. All you cared about right then and the was sleeping.
‘Your mattress is soft.’ Bakugou said, quietly.
‘Is it?’ You mumbled. ‘Hadn’t noticed.’
Then you realised. ‘Actually, this is the first time I’ve slept in my bed.’
Bakugou let out a sharp breath, as though he had just realised it too. You felt him tense a little, his gaze still burning a hole through you. You contented yourself by wriggling a little against him then relaxing again.
Just as you were drifting off you swore you heard him let out a soft laugh but you weren’t sure. What you did feel was his hand settling over yours just as sleep took you.
In the morning you awoke in the same position.
You stirred, gently pressing your cheek into the pillow with a soft groan. As your eyes cracked open they met Bakugou’s staring back at you. He was wide awake.
‘What time is it?’ You mumbled, letting your eyes close again.
‘Later than usual.’ He replied.
‘Geez how tired are you?’ He scoffed. ‘Not for you. I got extra lessons though remember.’
‘Oh, that sucks.’ You sighed, ready to drift off again.
‘Hey don’t go back to sleep!’ He nudged you. ‘I need to get back to my room, I’ve got to leave.’
You groaned in reply.
‘Tch.’ His tone softened a little. ‘Come on.’
‘What do you need me for? Just go to your room.’
‘Are you stupid?’ When you didn’t reply he added, ‘Everyones waking up now. I can’t just walk out of here without them spotting me so I need your stupid quirk to get me there!’
‘Oh right.’
Without thinking you activated your quirk, teleporting you to Bakugou’s room but being half asleep you miscalculated a little. Instead on landing on the bed you two landed with a thud on his floor.
‘Damn it!’ Bakugou yelled. ‘What was that?’
‘Sorry.’ You said, sitting up with a yawn. ‘I barely slept.’
Bakugou’s expression softened a little.
‘Just go back and sleep. I’ve gotta get ready.’
You nodded, still drowsy. ‘Bye, have fun.’
Then you were gone, teleporting back to the warmth of your bed. Snuggling beneath the covers, letting what was left of Bakugou’s scent fill your senses, you slowly drifted back to sleep.
When you awoke you went downstairs to do your catch up work from the classes you had missed with Kirishima. You were glad you weren’t doing your work study alone. Kirishima was also fun to be around so the time flew and you didn’t feel so anxious about missing out on so much work.
By the time the two of you were done it was dinner time.
The two of you began to ate, talking and laughing between bites. Then Kirishima turned to the entrance with a smile.
‘Oh, hey guys! You’re back just in time for dinner, come join us!’
You turned to where his gaze shifted to see Bakugou and Todoroki walk in. Noticing Bakugou looked a little angry you gave him a smile.
‘Yeah, come join us!’ You called.
‘I don’t wanna eat with him!’ Bakugou yelled, gesturing to Todoroki.
Todoroki didn’t seemed fazed by this, walking instead further down the table to join another group.
‘You didn’t have to be a jerk.’ You said, unamused.
‘I just spent all day with icy hot.’ He scoffed. ‘I’m getting some dinner.’
Bakugou left to get his meal and you and Kirishima turned to each other laughing.
‘So, anyway,’ Kirishima began, ‘Fatgum said next time we would be patrolling in pairs during the day.’
‘Yeah, it’ll be like regular hero duties,’ you replied, ‘did you do much of that when you did your internship?’
‘Yeah a little but it was more them showing us rather than us participating.’
You nodded. ‘Same here.’ Then a smile came to your face. ‘To think we are finally getting a feel for doing regular hero duties. It feels surreal.’
‘Yeah, I just don’t want to get too cocky and mess up.’
‘Aha, now you’re making me nervous.’ You shook you head. ‘Don’t worry I have faith in us.’
‘Me too!’
‘Me too, what?’
The two of you turned to find Bakugou there, holding his tray off food and looking at you.
‘Oh, just work study stuff.’ You said, trying to tone down the enthusiasm.
You felt bad rubbing in the work study in his face while he was still working toward his license. You could tell Kirishima was doing the same when he followed your lead.
‘Tch.’ Bakugou sat down next to Kirishima and began eating.
‘How are the extra classes?’ Kirishima asked.
‘Lame.’ Bakugou replied, not looking up. ‘You two were talking about the work study.’
Kirishima’s face lit up. ‘Yeah you should have seen us yesterday!’ He launched into recounting the events of the night before.
You smiled and nodded, explaining things whenever Kirishima turned his attention to you. The whole time you felt Bakugou’s gaze on you and you couldn’t help but feel something was different. You spared him the occasional glance, not wanting to alert Kirishima to anything but you were certain he was too involved in his storytelling to notice.
When he was done you excused yourself to go shower. You spared Bakugou one sympathetic smile as you stood before bidding them both farewell.
The shower gave you time to relax and wash your hair properly. The night before you had been to tired and just rinsed it. Now, you finally got a chance to give it a deep clean. It also gave you time to think about everything until your mind drifted to that one thing that seemed to always nag at you: Bakugou.
There was something off about him at dinner but you couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was. You considered that perhaps you were to hyper aware of each other. Maybe you were reading too much into it.
After your shower you went straight to your room. It was late and you needed time to recharge your social battery. Plus, you still felt a little tired from yesterday. You barely had time to sit down on your bed when there was a knock at your door.
‘Who is it? You asked.
There was a long pause.
‘It’s me.’
‘Come in.’
The door opened slowly and Bakugou hesitated before stepping inside. The door clicked shut behind him and his eyes met yours.
A heavy silence fell between you.
‘Is everything okay?’ You asked, gently.
‘I didn’t feel like waiting.’ He said, quickly. ‘Not like yesterday.’
‘It’s still early. I was going to come soon anyway.’
Bakugou huffed then looked up and around your room.
‘Did you…’ You watched him eyeing your room with curiosity, ‘Did you want to stay here?’
‘I don’t care.’ His eyes caught on something. He stepped to the side and looked over your shelves, eyes lingering on certain items before jerking his head to the next.
‘Let me just check over my work before I go to sleep.’ You stood and walked over to your desk, getting out the catch up work you had done earlier. ‘You can sit on the bed if you want.’
‘Yeah.’ He replied, distracted.
You smiled and began reading through your work.
Bakugou didn’t shift from his position in front of the shelves.
‘Is this you?’ He asked, pointing to a photo.
You turned to see which one it was then nodded.
‘Yeah that’s me with my parents.’
Bakugou grunted in acknowledgment then turned away and went to lie down on the bed.
You turned back and continued going through your notes. As you went you found a few grammatical errors in your answers that you touched up. Then you checked all the notes you had made for the new math formulas.
‘What’s with all the books?’ Bakugou asked.
You paused, processing what he had said.
‘I like to read.’ You replied, immediately returning to your work.
Bakugou grunted again. He didn’t speak the rest of the time you spent checking your work. You were surprised he had asked you questions about yourself in the first place. You tried not to let him distract you.
When you were finally done you placed the completed work in your bag. Then you reached your arms up and stretched, craning you neck from side to side. That was when you turned to find his eyes glued on you. It caught you a little off guard.
‘Something wrong?’ You asked, lowering your arms.
‘No.’ He said, still looking at you.
You walked over to the bed and waited for him to move. When he didn’t you frowned.
‘So are you going to let me go to bed?’ You asked.
‘What do you think I’ve been hanging around for?’ Bakugou shifted under the covers and huffed.
You crawled in next to him like you usually did and cuddled up beside him.
The two of you didn’t talk. You also noticed that he also felt incredibly tense under your touch. He wasn’t relaxing and you were certain he felt hotter than usual.
‘What’s wrong?’ You asked.
‘Nothing.’ He replied.
You scoffed. ‘Yeah, right.’
Retracting your arm and rolling onto your back you sighed.
Bakugou growled and rolled onto his back too, his head turning to face you.
‘I told you, it’s nothing.’
‘Yeah right,’ you laughed, dryly. ‘I can feel your frustration from here, whatever it is that’s making you like this.’
‘Don’t be stupid.’ He muttered.
You sighed. ‘Look if you're worried about the licensing makeup exam then don’t be. I’m sure you’ll get it no problem.’
‘Obviously, I will.’ He was a little too smug for your liking but you ignored it.
‘And,’ you continued, ‘If you’re worried about getting a work study then I’m sure you’ll get one easy too. Even if you don’t you’ve always got Kirishima as a connection to Fatgum so you could always—’
‘Shut up!’ Bakugou snapped. ‘I’m not worried, alright!’
‘Shh!’ You turned to him with a frown. ‘You want the other’s to hear you?’
He groaned and turned to face the ceiling.
‘Look, I won’t pretend to know what is bothering you but don’t just bottle it up like you usually do.’ When he didn’t say anything you continued. ‘I’m not saying you have to tell me but you can if you want to.’
Bakugou didn’t say anything right away. He contented himself by staring at something on the ceiling.
You watched him, sensing some of his frustrations calming as his body relaxed next to you. An all consuming feeling filled you as you continued to look at him. It began in the pit of stomach and trailed up to your sternum. You were then very much aware of your heart beating, echoing through your body.
‘It’s nothing.’ Bakugou said, tone softening. ‘It was just something stupid. Let’s sleep.’
‘Okay.’ You said, cuddling up against his side gain. ‘So warm,’ you whispered without thinking.
Bakugou didn’t say anything, just pushed himself a little closer to you.
For the second time since this thing between you two started, you fell asleep in your bed with Bakugou. You did have to admit that your mattress was a lot softer than his.
After that things grew a little distant between the two of you. It was expected on his part, with Bakugou it was always one step forward two steps back. But for you it had to do with something bigger and beyond your control.
You and the other work study students were informed about Eri and the operation. All of your emotional and mental energy channeled into the operation.
Between the assignment and the secrecy, it made it hard to be your usual self. You weren’t the only one either and your classmates were beginning to notice. It wasn’t something you could change until you had answers.
Most of the day you were emotionally checked out, constantly wondering whether or not they would succeed in finding her location. Ochako and Tsuyu stayed by you most of the day exchanging uncertain glances. It was the only thing you could do since you couldn’t discuss it with other people around. It would do more harm that good.
At lunch you sat with Kirishima whose own somber mood matched your own.
‘It’s hard not being able to say anything and pretend.’ You confessed, forcing yourself to eat your ramen.
‘I know.’ He said, staring at his own food. ‘I hate sitting around and waiting.’
‘Me too but imagine how Mirio and Midoriya must feel.’ You sighed, letting your noodles fall back into you bowl as you slumped back in your chair.
‘What the hell happened to you two?’
You looked up to see Bakugou join you.
‘Work study stuff.’ Kirishima mumbled, still staring at his food.
Bakugou looked at you, silently asking a million questions.
‘Sorry, we can’t talk about it.’ You said, not even able to force a smile.
‘Yeah, sorry.’ Kirishima added.
A heavy silence fell between you. You were torn between keeping your emotional switch off and crying. You could feel a lump in your throat.
‘Stop mopping about and eat already!’ Bakugou said, slamming his fist down.
That seemed to wake both of you from you somber trance as you exchanged glances. Without saying anything you both began to eat your food. You were thankful you were distracted from crying. The last thing you wanted was people worrying about you.
Bakugou sighed, sparing each of you a glance before he turned his attention to his own food.
You knew by that interaction alone there was going to be questions later. You couldn’t bring yourself to worry about that. You simply didn’t have the energy.
‘What do we have next period?’ You asked, staring down at your bowl.
‘Math.’ Kirishima and Bakugou said at the same time.
You sighed and leant your cheek into the palm of your hand.
‘Just what this day needed.’ You mumbled, bringing the noodles to your mouth.
The rest of the day went by in a blur. You weren’t sure if the notes you took made sense. If you weren’t already missing days of school for work study you would have stayed in bed. Even the lecture of Iida would have been worth it.
You spent a lot of time avoiding your classmates when you could and keeping to yourself. The possibility of them picking up on this behaviour was high but there wasn’t anything else you could do. It was painful to force a smile and lie. They would understand in the end. You just had to be patient.
When you returned to your room you contemplated staying there. You knew that if you went to see Bakugou he would just ask questions. Then you remembered that night he sought you out. Maybe this time he would figure out to stay away. Yeah right.
Taking a deep breath you teleported to his room.
Bakugou was sitting on his bed, turning toward you when you arrived.
‘Hey.’ You said, half-heartedly, looking down at the floor.
‘Hey.’ He replied.
You stood there expectantly, waiting for the questions. When they didn’t come you looked up at him with an uncertain expression. But Bakugou wasn’t looking at you, he was looking down at his hands.
‘Everything okay?’ You asked.
He stopped and looked up a little.
‘Shouldn’t I be asking you that?’
‘You know I can’t—’
‘You can’t talk about it, yeah I know. That’s all I’ve heard from you.’
‘I’m sorry. It’s not intentional or personal.’ You took a deep breath and sat beside him. ‘It’s just really important.’ You let your face fall into your hands.
‘Yeah, I figured.’
Giving your eyes a gentle rub you then removed your hands from your face. You reminded yourself to keep it together.
‘Thank you.’
He turned, looking a little startled. ‘For what?’
‘For not asking about it again, even though I know you’re dying to ask.’
‘Please, I’m not stupid.’
‘I know you’re not.’ You said, putting your hand on his.
Bakugou flinched, looking down at your hands. For a hairsplitting second you thought he was going to keep it there but he quickly snatched his hand back and turned away.
It was amusing to see him in this almost bashful way but you didn’t dare laugh. Instead you simply smiled and placed your hand back in your lap.
‘I’m going to bed,’ he mumbled, the line he always used to retreat and avoid the conversation.
You stood up feeling it shift under you.
Once he was settled he turned back to you. ‘Don’t tell me you still don’t get it.’
You smirked and hopped in beside him.
‘I’m not going anywhere.’ You whispered, shifting to settle in.
Before you could settle completely Bakugou shifted and turned to face you.
You froze, waiting him to say something or do something but he just stared at you. There was a soft crease on his brow, his eyes looking at you like he wanted to say something but couldn’t. There was a pain somewhere behind his gaze you could see it.
On instinct, you reached out to him, extending every part of you that you could emotionally muster and placed your hand on his cheek. It grew hot at your touch and his eyes squeezed shut.
The thought of removing it reached the forefront of your mind but vanished when you felt his hand on top of yours. He clutched your hand and kept his palms pressed to his cheek. Don’t let go.
You swiped your thumb away from your pointer finger and across his burning cheek then back again. I won’t let go.
There was something he was trying to tell you. Something he wanted to communicate but couldn’t. You felt it, felt the same pain enveloping you but you couldn’t determine the source. The things you felt were merely a byproduct of his emotions.
Bakugou opened his eyes and looked at you.
That all-consuming feeling returned again. All you wanted to do was wrap your arms around him and pull him close and oh, suddenly you wanted to kiss him. It wasn’t even your own selfish desires that formed that want. It was an act that served take away his pain, as if by kissing him you could take all those frustrations he felt onto yourself.
Instead of kissing Bakugou you closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
There was so many things going on. You weren’t thinking straight. All the stress was building up and obviously you were projecting onto Bakugou. It was something you had imagined, nothing more.
It was only after you opened your eyes again that you realised his hand was no longer there.
His eyes watched you intently. Your hand on his cheek burned. Everything between you two buzzed and screamed and you couldn’t bare it any longer.
You retrieved your hand slowly and he moved back first—like he always did.
‘We should sleep,’ your voice scrapped against your throat. Your mind reeling with theories, to circumvent the only logical conclusion of that burning touch into one that would suit your own needs.
A crease formed across Bakugou’s brow then, with a huff, he turned back around without another word.
Suddenly, the gap between you too filled with emptiness.
The intensity of your emotions confused you and hollowed you out. You wanted to reach out to Bakugou again, to hold him like you usually did but that need was now tainted with uncertainty. You attempted to regain your composure, afraid to reach out to him again and give yourself more ideas.
—No, something isn’t right.
In one swift motion, you turned away from him, burying yourself beneath the covers. Your eyes squeezed shut and you drew a shallow breath. In and out in and out. It wasn’t long before you relaxed and eased into a deep slumber.
Something was vibrating against the bed side table. Next you you, Bakugou swore groggily.
You blindly slapped the bedside table looking for the source of the buzzing when you found your phone. Stifling a yawn, you pulled it to you face and squinted when the light blinded you.
Bakugou mumbled something against your neck.
Straining your eyes you deciphered the messages, one from Ochako and the others from—Damn.
The moment you read the update your body stiffened and your eyes widened.
“Let’s meet in the common area.”
It was only when you went to get up that you realised Bakugou was wrapped around you. And his grip was strong. His breath tickled the back of your neck.
Squirming in his hold you attempted to shift his arms.
Bakugou grumbled and pushed himself closer to you in an attempt to stop you moving.
‘I have to get up.’ You whispered.
He mumbled something impossible to make out.
You rolled your eyes.
‘Come on.’ You squirmed again. ‘I promise, I’ll be back.’
Using more force you broke his hold and jumped out of bed.
‘You really are different when you’re half asleep.’ You mumbled, watching him resettle, his arm reaching out for the loss of warmth.
Bakugou looked so childlike in his sleepy state, entangled in the sheet and sleeping on his side with an arm reached out to where you once sat. A temptation arose, to reach out to him, to ghost your fingers over his profile: over his forehead and down to the tip of his nose. But the memories of the night before rushed to the forefront of your mind and your hand burned at the thought.
Then you teleported back to your room and went downstairs to meet the other work study classmates. It was time to take action and find Eri.
That day you broke your promise and didn’t return to Bakugou’s room. Instead, you retired to your room and left before he even got out of bed.
A lot of things happened that day, during the rescue operation.
In the end Midoriya was able to rescue Eri but each of you took a hit and went down hard. Many of the heroes found themselves being taken the hospital, yourself included.
When you woke up in the hospital room you went to sit up when a searing pain overcame you arms. Looking down at your arms and legs you noticed they were bandaged from top to bottom. It was a little surreal waking up safe and away from the fight.
It was also a little strange waking up alone.
‘You look like hell.’
You looked up to find Bakugou standing at the end of the bed, hands shoved in his pockets and an indifferent expression on his face.
Then you remembered. ‘Kirishima and the others are they—’
‘How do you think I got the memo to be here?’ He sighed. ‘They got beat up pretty bad and are couple rooms down but they’re fine.’
‘Oh, good.’ You looked back down at your bandaged hands, feeling the sting beneath them.
‘What the hell happened?’
You pressed your lips together then looked up to meet his gaze. His frown was deep, he was angry but you weren’t sure why.
‘The rescue operation was to save a little girl.’
‘Yeah I got the logistics of it idiot. I meant why the hell didn’t you tell me you were leaving.’ His jaw clenched and his expression darkened.
‘I’m sorry, I tried but I didn’t want to wake you.’
‘That’s a crappy excuse.’
‘It’s not like I could have told you what was happening.’
‘You could have said something!’
You hadn’t expected this reaction from him but now you were watching him you realised there was no other way he could possibly react. Something inside him hurt.
‘Why are you angry?’ It was a question asked not to prod but to understand.
‘Why wouldn’t I be?’ He looked down for a moment. ‘You say you are going to train and make your quirk better. Then you leave without saying anything and now you're burnt all over from overusing your quirk.’
‘If I hadn’t used my quirk then more people would have died!’ You snapped, a newly realised anger surging through you. ‘I’ll heal up fine in a few days so what’s a few burns compared to their lives? Even with my quirk I couldn’t save everyone!’
‘You idiot,’ Bakugou said. ‘That’s not your fault.’
‘Maybe not but maybe if I had been stronger I could have done something more.’
Bakugou didn’t answer and you watched him look over and out the window beside your bed. The rays from the afternoon sun shone through onto him. His features were soft in this light, his expression didn’t look so hardened.
‘There’s no point worrying about what you could have done all the time. Just focus on getting stronger instead.’
You took a deep breath, letting it sit in your lungs before exhaling again. With that you already felt lighter.
‘I know.’ You whispered. ‘That’s what you said last time.’
There had been something about his words, something underlying that told you he knew how you felt. Perhaps he harboured some of the same guilt you had but for other reasons—he had his own reasons.
When he didn’t say anything you asked, ‘What’s the matter?’
‘Nothing.’ His voice was dry. He cleared his throat and turned back to face you.
It had been weeks since the two of you had fallen into the routine. All that extra time spent talking about everything and about nothing. You even started eating meals together and talking outside of the dorm rooms. Sometimes you argued and it took willpower on both sides not to lose yourselves to the familiarity of standing on opposite sides.
Now, you wanted to push further than merely being on the same side.
‘Always so secretive.’ You sighed and challenged his gaze. ‘What is nothing to you, Bakugou?’
‘Tch.’ He was deflecting. ‘Why do you care?’
—Because you care.
‘I think we established a long time ago that I care about you,’ Your brow creased a little before you continued, ‘The question is: what am I to you?’
Bakugou blushed at the question. It wasn’t a dark, obvious blush, in fact you probably wouldn’t have noticed it if you weren’t watching for a reaction. It was soft and uncharacteristic but at the same time very fitting. His frown deepened.
‘What does it matter?’ He deflected, shifting on his feet.
For someone who was brutally honest about everything else, Bakugou definitely was not in touch with his feelings. Or at least had no intention being open about them.
‘Well maybe you should think about that before you come in here lecturing me.’ You hadn’t meant to be harsh but you couldn’t hold back. ‘I mean if you don’t care then maybe this thing between us…whatever it is, should stop.’
‘What the hell, of course I care—’
The door to your room opened and the nurse doing the rounds entered.
‘Oh, good you are awake.’ The nurse approached the bed. ‘I’ve got to change the bandages so your friend will have to wait outside while I check everything over.’
You nodded. ‘That’s okay,’ you turned to Bakugou, ‘I’ll see you later.’
He mumbled a goodbye before leaving, the door sliding shut behind him.
It was nighttime when you and Kirishima returned to the dorm building. Both of you needed a little extra time to heal considering the extent of your injuries. He had even made a point of visiting you once he could get out of bed. It was nice having someone to talk to and pass the time with. Once again you were thankful for Kirishima.
It was past dinner time but there was still a group of your classmates awake discussing something over on the couches. You made a beeline to the elevator, hoping to slip by them unnoticed and Kirishima followed behind you.
When the doors shut you pushed the button to your floor.
‘Are you going to go see him?’ Kirishima asked.
You let out a soft gasp.
‘What do you mean?’ You asked, hand tightening on your bag strap.
‘I share a wall with Bakugou and he’s not exactly quiet when he talks.’ There was amusement behind his words. ‘I kind of put a couple things together and figured it out.’
‘It’s not like that.’ You sighed, trying to find the right words.
‘Yeah, I know.’ He gave you a wide smile. ‘You both are my friends after all, I know you two pretty well.’
You returned his smile, feeling a little more at ease.
‘Right.’ The doors dinged open and you both stepped out. ‘Did you tell him that you know?’
‘What are you crazy? Of course not. Besides it wouldn’t help whatever situation you two have gotten yourselves into.’
‘Thanks, Kirishima.’ You say turning toward your hall.
‘No problem.’ He moved to walk away before he stopped and turned. ‘I hope everything works out! Night.’ He gave you a quick wave.
‘Goodnight.’ You waved back.
With a smile, you returned to your room and pack away your belongings.
When you were done you set your bag down by your desk and took in the room.
Your bedroom was clean, aside from the stray water bottle on the floor beside your bed and the book you had been reading the day before you left turned upside down on the desk. It didn’t throw the room off balance but was a small wrinkle, a sign it had been lived in. In reality though you spent more time in the common area and Bakugou’s room than your own. This space was reserved for the few hours a day you needed to be alone.
Being at the hospital had created more than enough alone time. You almost drove yourself crazy with all the thoughts you had, all the little things you tried to decipher. In fact, you had felt rather lonely there, especially at night when you had to sleep.
You had missed sleeping with Bakugou. But after the last conversation the two of you had, you knew it was necessary to have some space. You realised then that you could probably sleep in your own room and he wouldn’t know you were back. A small part of you wanted to do that—to avoid Bakugou. But the part that wanted to see him was far bigger.
With a sigh you pushed yourself off the bed and stood in the centre of the room. In your head you counted backwards from 5, hoping you didn’t pop into his room at the wrong time.
After a deep breath you hit 1 and teleported into Bakugou’s dimly lit bedroom. Immediately your eyes went to the bed which was empty. Then you turned toward the source of light—the desk lamp—and saw Bakugou sitting there.
He had turned to face you, presumably having heard you teleport in. He looked at you expectantly but neither of you spoke.
The silence was heavy, filled with all the unsaid thoughts that you hid from each other. You contented yourself with sitting on the bed behind you, keeping your body facing him, your eyes not leaving his for a second. He met your stare head on, his brow creasing slightly. Both of you had fallen into the defensive stance, the walls around you up and your hearts hidden.
It took all your willpower not submit to that hold, the arguments and the projecting and instead try to pull those walls down.
‘What are you thinking about?’ You asked, softly, testing the waters.
Bakugou’s lip twitched and his fists balled against his pants.
‘Nothing.’ It was a defensive response, one he didn’t even think about but was automatic. ‘Just thinking about going to bed.’ Another excuse—it was always that excuse.
The circles you both went in were beginning to frustrate you. For once you wanted to simply say what was on the forefront of your mind and have him do the same.
Then you stood, eyes still holding his gaze and walked over to him.
‘You are avoiding it again, Bakugou.’ You said, firmly. ‘You weren’t really thinking about bed. You weren’t even looking at it. You were looking at me—still looking at me.’
He swallowed thickly, painfully audible in the silent room.
You leant down a little, feeling the weight of his gaze on you, watching your every move. You reached out to touch him, reached out to let him know it was okay but just before your hand reached him shoulder he flinched away.
‘Don’t.’ He croaked, standing upright in front of you.
‘Why not?’ You challenged, a stubbornness in your voice, impatience and irritation too. You’re both upright now daring each other to look away, to give in—you want to give in.
You can almost see the objections swimming in his eyes but he wasn’t vocalising them. His silence only prompted you to push further. You reached out again but Bakugou grabbed your wrist. You attempt to pull it forward. It was enough to trigger his reflexes and he yanked your arm away and in turn pushed you off balance.
You stumble forward but save yourself as your feet regained their footing. When you stare up at each other you there was something burning between you too. Something that was about to explode.
Bakugou lunged first–he always did, you go to pull your wrist back but you underestimated how firm the grip on your wrist was. Your eye contact doesn’t break but his eyes become hooded, half-lidded as he leant toward you. A kiss was pressed to your mouth, desperate and quick. The floodgates have opened. You followed his lips back as he retreated and then you kissed him.
He pulled back again and looked away, his cheeks blushing. You were too stunned to comment on it though because he had just kissed you. Your mind was still processing when he cleared his throat.
‘Let’s go to bed.’
You nodded accepting the retreat this one time and followed him under the covers. Your mind was far too alert to sleep. Too overcome with what had just happened.
That morning you awoke slowly, a few rays of sun peaking through the curtains into the room. With a yawn you shifted back a little and blinked your eyes open. When you immersed in world around you, you realised you were spooning Bakugou like you had several times before.
It was different this time, you had certainly never kissed before you went to bed.
As though hearing your thoughts Bakugou shifted and turned to face you his eyes seemingly wide awake as they met yours.
For a while the two of you simply stared at each other. You concentrated on how warm he was beneath your touch, your arm still wrapped around him. He seemed content lying there, waiting—for what you didn’t know.
‘Why did you kiss me?’ It was a kind question, with no hint of malice in your voice.
You felt him grow hotter.
‘Why did you kiss me back?’ He was deflecting again and you weren’t going to play that game.
‘Because I wanted to kiss you.’ Your voice was light but the weight behind those words weighed like a stone. ‘Why did you kiss me?’ You repeated the question, you needed to know.
‘Because.’ He stopped for a second, looking up at you. ‘Because every time we do this it feels like I’m on fire, even when you act like your slightest touch or comment would burn me, don’t think I’m stupid enough not to notice. What you don’t seem to get through your head is that I’m made to burn.’
For once there was such conviction behind his words. All this time you had thought you were the only one burning when he was practically up in flames beside you.
There was a pause as you glanced down from his lips back to his eyes.
‘Do you still want to burn?’ You whispered, as if a ‘no’ was still in sight, as if a ‘no’ would turn this entire situation upside down and you could abandon emotions and leave the room never to return.
Bakugou practically snorted. ‘Obviously.’
That temptation to caress his face was there again and this time you didn’t deny yourself the pleasure. You let fingers trace over over his forehead, down the bridge of his nose, over the apple of his cheek, the contour of his lips and down the column of his throat
It was enough for Bakugou to lunge forward again. His lips meeting yours with a firmness, a certainty that said he wanted this. And you indulged it, your hand still ghosting over his neck, reaching back up to his face.
Bakugou’s kisses turned softer, more lazy, more true to the earliness of the morning. And when he broke away he reached out to you for the first time and buried his face in your neck.
It was then you realised that your relationship with Bakugou had changed so rapidly over the course of a few months that it only felt natural to continue to move forward. You whatever this was, it would continue to change as the two of you grew together.
For now all you wanted to do was rest there with Bakugou a little while longer.
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heybenhardy · 5 years
Joe Mazzello Smut / Soft / Dad
Here’s a little smut fic which had been sat in my notes for months and I never actually was pleased with it, but didn’t want to delete it... posting it now just to get it out my notes.
Joe was doing more press release with Ben, Gwil and Rami, but this time it was away in London and all the partners were invited. It had turned out to be much more fun than you intended, instead of being cooped up in a Airbnb with your baby Isla and everyone’s other halves waiting for everyone to finish, the boys actually had a lot of time off, so you were all free to go out and explore.
It was planned that you were all going to have a chilled day at the house you were all staying at and were inviting over some familiar faces to have a catch up; Allen, Polly and other members of the team. It was a nice warm summers day and luckily the house provided a big barbecue to satisfy the needs of your big party. Everyone was cooing over your baby and oh boy was Joe being such a proud dad, he radiated his dad energy and loved showing his little girl off. Seeing Joe radiate such dad vibes made you weak as hell, I mean... maybe you’re daughter wouldn’t have even been here if you hadn’t have seen Joe getting broody holding his niece one evening and babbling to her. The atmosphere was so chilled out and it was lovely to catch up with the boys and especially Lucy again, you hadn’t seen one another in a long time. Joe lay on his side chatting to the boys and giving Isla attention, but then also giving you a cheeky smile every so often. “Refills anyone?” Joe offered raising himself up and offering his hand to you “help me carry them baby” and you sprung to your feet. Joe looked round at everyone... “uhh... To be honest Lucy you’re the only one I trust to look after Isla and make sure she stays in one piece, so I’m nominating you babysitter” he said and Lucy gave you a wink.
You sat on the counter watching Joe do all the refills for everyone’s drinks, as he walked by you prodded his ass with your foot to get his attention. He turned and walked over to you with his gorgeous smile. “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you” He said, planting a totally innocent kiss on your collar bone. His hot breath gave you shivers and you used your legs to wrap round his waist and pull him closer to you. Joe started to get the idea and it didn’t take him long to be as horny as you were.
You were just out of sight at the two of you passionately made out on the kitchen counter and luckily, as Joe had his hand up your skirt and started to tease your entrance. “Baby you’re so fucking wet, is this all for me?” He teased in your ear. You moaned into his neck and bucked your hips closer to him, Joe put his hands firmly on your hips to stop you from moving. “You are such a bad girl,” he said nipping at your neck, “do you want me to fuck you” He asked.
“Please... Joe please fuck me, I want your hard cock. I need you baby” you said softly with puppy dog eyes and this was enough to send Joe overboard.
“Room now.” He barked with his dominant side showing, as he dragged you off the counter and slapped your ass as you lead the way. You both totally forgot about getting everyone’s drinks.
Yours and Joes room was down the hall from the kitchen, so it wasn’t long until you both stumbled into your room tripping over your daughters toys. Joe had you up against the wall, holding your wrists as he sucked on your neck and moaning between breaths. Although in this situation, you didn’t care about yourself, you wanted to please Joe and to be honest you got more pleasure out of pleasuring Joe and making him so weak to your touch. Acting the innocent part you gave him a smile and softly took his hand leading him to the bed where you both lay down and you gave him sweet and small kisses, his eyes falling for this innocent girl you were like the day he fell for you, you had him in the palm of your hand. Though just like that you turned, stopping the sweet kisses and heading straight for his pants, you tugged at his trousers and then yanked his boxers down a little revealing his rock solid cock. You took no time in getting the head of his cock in your mouth while you pumped the rest of his length with your hand, “uh- god- fuck you’re so- so fucking pretty” he could barely form words and his hands were twitching as he grabbed your hair into his fists. You took great pleasure in Joe fucking your mouth, he fucked it so fast and had you moaning down his shaft. All of a sudden you stopped and Joe pulled you towards him, “I need you baby, let me fuck you” he whispered into your ear as you blushed, “I want to fuck you, baby girl and I want you to take all of me” he said turning you over and helping you get onto your hands and knees on the bed. With you facing the headboard bent over, Joe got on his knees and teased his cock along your entrance which already made your back arch and then he thrusted into your core. Joe started slow and deep making sure you were satisfied as you responded with moans, he loved you moaning. As he picked up the pace he slapped your ass causing you to scream a little, “fucking scream my name baby” he ordered, now fucking you as fast as he could, you whimpered and moaned into the pillows until you were on the brink of orgasm, as Joe fucked you, he brought his hand to your clit and started rubbing, your head flew back and through moans you called out his name. You both reached your highs as the same point and once Joe pulled out, he helped clean you up with a towel.
You were both dressed and now you stood in between Joe’s legs as he stared you up and down and kissed your hands. “Love you my beautiful baby momma” he said giggling at you, “wouldn’t be surprised if you were my baby momma of 2 after that” he winked... god did this man have a serious dad kink.
“Shh,” you said kissing his forehead, “let’s get back to refilling drinks and act like nothing ever happened, we’ve only been gone 15 minutes...” you told him heading back off to the kitchen.
You and Joe got everyone’s drinks on a tray and headed outside to serve them... It was quiet when you got to the floor covered in picnic blankets where your friends lay, including your daughter. You placed the drinks down and tried to act as if you hadn’t been gone that long, but no one spoke... “Hey uh... Joe buddy...” Ben asked looking at the floor and Joe nodded, “can I grab my phone charger from your room now you two are finished” Ben said, causing both yours and Joes faced to heat up in embarrassment...
“Yeah Joey!” Rami teased,
“Wow... I didn’t know a beer from the refrigerator took 15 minutes to prepare...” Gwilym of course had to chime in with the boys, “well Isla sweetheart, £10 on your mummy and daddy giving you a baby brother or sister 9 months from now” Gwilym laughed at his own joke and stroked your baby’s little hand..
Now entailed a life long embarrassment which the boys would never let you both live down and would probably be brought up every time you meet. but what can I say... you had needs.
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statementends · 5 years
Prompt! Gerry is the one that slapped the book out of bby!Jon's hands
I know you don’t want Gerry as spider food, so let’s get this going.
Characters: Gerard, JonAO3: LinkPairing: None, Gerard & JonWarnings: Web typicalSummary: Gerard might claim he’s not the type to take care of strays but…
Wasn’t a whole lot in Bournemouth, surprising absolutely no one. Lots of beaches. Gerard lit a cigarette. It was nice to catch a moment alone. His mother was meeting an ‘old friend.’ She invited him along of course, but oops. They got seperated.
Not entirely by accident. Obviously.
He turned up the volume of his headphones and leaned back on the park bench. There wasn’t really anyone around to tell him off for smoking. Just a small boy engrossed in a book on the bench opposite and an older teen subtly graffiting a wall near the play area.
Gerard rolled his eyes at that. Really didn’t have anything better to do. Not that he cared about mundane laws and rules, but the teen was drawing dicks, not raging against anything. What a waste of energy…
His eyes skimmed back to the boy.
He wasn’t sure what exactly it was. Maybe the stiffness. Maybe the fear just visible in the eyes, maybe he was just used to seeing people in the lull of a Leitner.
“Shiiiiit.” He dropped his cigarette and bolted to the other side of the park. The boy hesitantly started raising his hand as if to knock on a door. Gerard used the only thing he had, his tape player which he slammed at the book in the boy’s hands making it fall to the ground. The tape player went with it, there was an awful crunch as it hit. Fuck. He had saved for that.
He grabbed at the boy’s shoulder before he could try to retrieve the book.
“Oi,” he pulled his useless headphones down.
“That’s my book,” the boy’s voice was stilted. Fuck, the Web. Gerard got a firmer grip and pulled. The boy was still trying to reach at it.
“Where the hell does a little kid get a Leitner??” He asked no one. The commotion drew the attention of the older teen who headed towards them. Christ. He tried to get to his lighter without letting go of the kid, but for a beansprout he was awfully determined. His hand was still in a fist outstretched trying desperately to touch the book again.
“You do not want the spiders to get you, snap out of it.”
“Hey, what are you doing?” The teen asked. He seemed unsure. There was unpleasant recognition on his face towards the small boy, but he didn’t know where Gerard fit in. He scanned them and then slowly down at the book on the ground. He looked amused. A nasty sort of smile.
“Little Einstein reading kiddie books?” He was obviously referring to Beansprout. He leaned down towards the Leitner.
“Don’t touch it!” Gerard warned.  The older teen didn’t hesitate. He scooped it up. His face went blank. He opened the book to the beginning.
“Damn it!”
Beanpole seemed to come out of it. He stopped struggling. Gerard let him go.
“That’s mine!” he protested still. The bully easily swatted him away and started walking.
“What’s happening?” Beansprout finally looked up at him. The kid was small, all angles. “He’s taking my book!” He added, a bit demanding as if he expected Gerard to do something about that fact.
“You don’t want that book,” Gerard told him firmly knowing it wouldn’t be much help. Even released the web still had it’s sticky threads in the boy. What  started needed to finish. The boy looked between him and the Bully and started running after the Bully.
Gerard sighed. The kid was easy enough, but a struggle with the bigger guy wouldn’t go easy. It was obviously a strong compulsion and if he got tangled…
His mother would say to leave it and not worry about strays. If they were weak enough to get trapped then so be it… but then, his mother would also want him to watch, see how it worked. Get the book if possible.
He sighed again. He had just wanted a smoke and alone time.
He followed after Beanpole as he followed after the Bully. The Bully was completely unaware that he was being followed nose stuck in the children’s book.
Gerard felt a bit queasy not for the first time wondering if the Books created themselves, or if some sick fuck had actually made a children’s storybook a nightmare.
The boy couldn’t be more than ten, but he seemed confident walking the streets by himself, even without the compulsion. He looked back at Gerard and hesitantly slowed down. His eyes looked clear now.
“You should go home,” Gerard told him.
“…Yes… but…” Beansprout wavered unsure of himself for a moment. “I…it’s pulling me… but I also…I want to know what’s happening.”
Gerard felt a shiver down his spine, the feeling of a hundred eyes on him all at once before the feeling faded.
“That will not make you feel better,” Gerard warned. “It’ll make it worse.”
The kid stubbornly shook his head. “I know… but… not knowing is worse.”
If the child was very lucky this would be his only encounter with the real world. The world of shadows and fear and monsters.
Those large dark eyes told a different story though. God, he sort of reminded him of his mother. A bit more likable–well… only because he didn’t know better.
“What’s your name?”
“Jon. What’s yours?”
They walked silently and eventually came to a suburban street. It could be anywhere in any town. He put a hand on Jon’s shoulder and pulled him to a stop.
“You should close your eyes.” He told him.
The Bully placed the book on the door and raised his fist.
Jon didn’t.
They both watched, unblinking as long hairy limbs snatched the Bully and yanked him into the house. The door slammed.
Jon gave a little cry of shock, shaking violently any calm he had had, gone. He looked like he wanted to bolt, but didn’t want to leave the safety of Gerard’s side.
“Mr. Spider,” He whispered, terrified. “That can’t be real.”
Gerard stared at the house. Through the window he saw a normal couple chatting. He doubted the door lead to the Spider’s lair anymore. The book was gone, at least for now.
He looked down, realizing Jon was clinging to his hand.
“What was that?” the kid demanded.
He should be kind. Tell him it was some sort of horrible joke, or a figment of his imagination, or that he was drugged or something, but he felt certain that the boy wouldn’t accept any kind lie he’d come up with.
“A monster,” He told him simply. “…sorry.”
The boy’s grip tightened, although he seemed to be trying to calm himself down. Trying to act braver than he was.
“Monster’s don’t exist,” The boy lied, knowing it wasn’t true but saying it anyway.
“If that comforts you then, sure,” Gerard allowed. He didn’t pull his hand away, although he sort of wanted it back. He wasn’t a babysitter.
But… well… the amount of times he wished someone would hold his hand after seeing some of the things his mother introduced him to…
Well… there was no harm in it.
He gently tugged and Jon allowed himself to be lead away from the little house.
“Are… are there other books like that?” Jon asked after a while. He had let go, but was still trailing after Gerard. Gerard took out a cigarette and took a drag.
“I like books.” Jon sounded betrayed.
“The bad ones are labeled. The Library of Jurgen Leitner. They’re rare. If you ever see that label you drop it and run the other direction.” No need to tell him about the objects or the entities. Let him think it’s just haunted books.
“You’ve seen them before. That’s how you knew to save me.”
“Why didn’t you …” Jon trailed off.
“You’re tiny. He wasn’t. There was nothing I could have done… either of us could have done.” Gerard added noticing the pensive look on the ten-year-old’s face.
“He’s mean… he doesn’t like how smart I am,” Jon said, almost to himself. Gerard snorted quietly. Not that messing with a kid half his size was right or anything, but Jon probably had more to blame than his smarts. His questioning alone was sort of annoying–well… Gerard didn’t really mind it. It was sort of nice. Usually people freak out more. Jon seemed to internalize it. Maybe he felt safe with Gerard and would break down when he was finally safe and sound at home.
But… yeah. Nice to talk about it with someone else just as freaked out as he felt deep down inside. With someone who knew it would be awful, but couldn’t look away either.
“He … I thought unkind things about him… I wished he’d get hurt,” Jon was sounding more upset. “I didn’t mean anything like that.”
Gerard stopped and crouched down to be level with Jon. “Hey. No bad wishes come
true. I’ve seen lots of shit and I can tell you that much. Wishing assholes ill doesn’t make you bad. Just means they’re assholes. I warned him, he didn’t listen. That’s what happened.”
“But I–”
“You got caught in a trap you weren’t supposed to escape from. Blame Jurgen Leitner.”
He wouldn’t take it to heart. The guilt was seeping in. It was worth trying. He stood. Jon forcefully took his hand again without meeting his eyes.
“Where am I dropping you off? Back at the park?”
“I want to know more.”
“You really, really don’t.”
“I do,” Jon argued. “I want to know what you know.
“Do you really?”
Jon nodded.
“…I know it will be bad… the knowing,” Jon said slowly. “It’ll probably make me even more scared…I… but… not knowing is worse! It just is. Please tell me!”
God, this kid was Monster bait. Beholding more specifically, although the Web might seek him out later. He might have broken the web, but the pieces were still stuck to him.
It wasn’t really fair. There should be safety. Somewhere there should be safety. Someone that knows something. Some good entity that protects against the bad ones.
But there wasn’t. It was just a cold dark scary world. Gerard had never met anyone that wanted to help. His mother wanted to learn, wanted power, and maybe that was sort of a protection, but… well… Gerard wasn’t naive. He couldn’t afford to be. Everyone in this life wanted power.
Maybe he had to be the one that wanted to help. No one else was doing it.
They arrived at the park. Jon was still clinging on to his hand, about to protest.
“I don’t live around here.” Gerard told him. “I live in Morden.”
“I could bus there.”
Gerard gave him a pained look. “You’re ten.” What a pain in the ass. “I’m going to give you my address. If you ever visit I will absolutely not let you in, but you can write me.”
“Like penpals?”
He sighed heavily. “Yes. Like penpals. But only if you promise not to visit. If you do I’ll stop telling you things.”
“But you will.”
“Yes, if you promise not to come.”
Jon hesitated. “Okay.” He awkwardly shook the hand he was already holding, let go, and stepped back. “Thank you Gerard.”
“Gerry,” Gerard said awkwardly. “Call me Gerry.”
Jon gave a tiny smile at that. “Okay, Gerry.”
It was weird. This was weird. The kid was five or six years younger than him, but… well he never had a penpal before. They weren’t friends. This was more of an… apprenticeship? Fuck this was a terrible idea. Jon looked less shaky though so that was something.
“You alright to get home?”
Jon nodded. “I know the way… will… will the spider come back?”
“No,” Gerard lied, forcing himself to sound certain. He had no idea. He just knew Jon was like him…
And frankly being him sucked.
He wrote down the address carefully and handed it over. Jon looked at it and then carefully folded it placing it in his pocket.
“… Thank you, Gerry…” Jon said awkwardly. “I… thank you for… for saving me.”
Gerard ruffled his hair. Jon grimace and corrected it. Gerard laughed.
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krreader · 6 years
like a butterfly | chapter 5
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pairing: min yoongi x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; single dad!yoongi ; language ; mentions of smut genre: fluff ; angst ; smut previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
summary: you never planned on becoming the babysitter of min yoongi’s daughter, one of the richest and most famous man of south korea. you also didn’t plan on becoming so attached to the little girl, as well as her father. (Or: hot, successful and single dad hires broke babysitter.)
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Finally, after weeks and weeks of studying, you were done with the semester and could relax at last.
Or at least, not worry about grades and all that for a little while. Because you still had to work, after all. With you now being at home, you decided to not only play the nanny, but the housekeeper as well. It wasn't that the apartment was dirty, Yoongi did have someone employed for that specifically. But there were still things, like laundry and buying groceries, that someone had to do. And it most certainly wouldn’t be Yoongi.
You had dropped Mei off at school earlier, went grocery shopping straight after and were now about to do the laundry, when you realized that you couldn't find Mei's tutu. Which was a problem, because she had a performance later tonight and you hadn't washed it yet.
You went through every drawer, looked through every bathroom (Yes. Plural. Because obviously this apartment would have more than one bathroom) and even looked in your upstairs area, but it was nowhere to be found.
Yoongi was still at home – which was unusual, because he usually left relatively early for work – so without thinking twice, you grabbed the laundry basket and balanced it on your hip when you opened the door with your free hand, not bothering to knock. 
Which you should have.
“Hey Yoongi, have you seen..- Oh,” you stopped talking and began smirking, one eyebrow raised at what you saw in front of you, “Hello Sarah.”
There she was, on her knees for him, while he was sitting at the edge of his bed, his hands fisted in her hair.
“(Y/N), get out!” Yoongi said, trying to put everything back into his pants, while you let your eyes roam over his hard length for as long as you could, before looking back at Sarah.
“Still being the rude bitch that you are, I see,” Sarah got up and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Still sucking his dick, I see,” you retorted like a shot, while you smiled sweetly.
Before this could escalate any further, Yoongi had grabbed your arm and dragged you outside, closing the door behind him.
“Ever heard of knocking?” your eyes were still glued to the bulge in his pants, until he grabbed your chin and made you look up at him, “Hey!”
“I told you I was going to see you naked. I just thought it would be when you and I finally have sex,” you said sarcastically and pretended to pout.
“Because that's going to happen,” he snorted and shook his head, “What do you want?”
“I need Mei's tutu for her ballet performance and can't find it.”
Without wasting a second, he walked into his bedroom and the bathroom that was only his, before coming back out before you could even say a whole sentence to Sarah, the tutu in his hands.
“Anything else?” he put it into the laundry basket.
“Nope,” you looked to the tutu, then back up at him, grinning, but not making a move to leave, until he grabbed your shoulders, walked you back until you were outside his room, then he went back in and this time, he locked the door, “Remember to protect yourself, kids!” you yelled, laughing while walking off to the laundry room.
You were glad that you and him were finally friends, or at least something like it. After that night a couple of weeks ago, the dynamic between you two had shifted. He was more open towards you and you and him often shared a drink at night. He often asked you about your opinion on his music and he often wanted advice when it came down to Mei.
Whatever label your relationship now had, you were happy with it.
But that didn't mean that you wanted to hear him have sex with Sarah, so as soon as the laundry was in the washing machine, you had grabbed the car keys and left the apartment.
Spontaneously, you and Jimin decided to meet for coffee an hour later, both of you already missing each other, despite having last seen each other only three days ago.
“So you walked in on him? While he was.. you know?” his eyes were wide, looking for the tea, but not wanting to hear all the details, apparently.
“Yeah,” you laughed and leaned back in your chair, “He wasn't even embarrassed about it, though.”
“How can he not be embarrassed about it? I still remember when Hoseok walked in on me once. I was mortified.”
“Oh, right. I still remember his detailed story about that,” Jimin blushed, lowering his head and playing with his fingers, “Awww, don't be embarrassed, love. I was glad to hear you finally got laid again.”
“What's that supposed to mean?!” his head shot up in an instant, his eyebrows furrowed, “I get more than you do!”
“I'm living with a child. What do you want me to do, sneak in one-night-stands?”
“Why would you do that when you're living with Min Yoongi?”
You rolled your eyes, “Not again, Jimin.”
“But don't you see how perfect it would all be? You told me how much the girl loves you.. just imagine.. if you were with her father and you would eventually marry each other, you'd be her step-mother! She'd be the happiest girl on earth.”
“It won't happen, okay? And besides, I'm happy with how things are right now. We're at that stage where I can walk in on him getting a blowjob and I'm shrugging it off with a grin. It's like we're.. friends,” the corners of your mouth curled into a smile at the thought of how you and him acted around each other. How he would now greet you with a smile when he came home from work. How he would laugh at something stupid you said when you were watching TV after Mei was already in bed. How he would carefully listen to what you had to say when it came down to his kid and how he now always tried to be his absolute best for the girl.
“Right.. friends,” Jimin muttered under his breath, while he watched you daydream about Yoongi.
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“Why do all women take so long,” Yoongi whispered to himself, getting up from the couch and walking towards the stairs, “Hey! Can you hurry up? We're going to be late!”
“Just give me a minute, goddamn it!” you yelled back and he let out an annoyed huff, putting his hands into the pockets of his pants and pacing around the living room.
You had dropped off Mei at the venue of her performance two hours ago and had went back home, since she wanted tonight to be a complete surprise for you and therefore, didn't want you to stick around. You took that time to take a nice, long bath and get ready without any time pressure. But maybe you took a bit too much time in the bath, since you were actually running late. Not by much, but still..
You made your way down the stairs, your black over-knee boots clicking against the wood beneath you, while rummaging through your purse, not seeing the way that Yoongi was staring at you with his mouth slightly agape.
He had noticed your beauty before, how could he not, but now that you were all dressed up, your make up done, wearing a tight-fitted, black turtleneck dress and those shoes? Well, maybe he had underestimated just how beautiful you really were.
“Alright. I think I got everything,” you looked up at him and he immediately tensed up, clearing his throat and acting like he hadn't just been staring at you like you were his dessert for the night.
“Finally. Can we go then?”
“Yes,” you hooked your arm with his and grinned up at him, “It's like a date.”
“You wish.”
Or was it maybe the other way around? From the way he had a hard time keeping his eyes on the road throughout the entire ride, it seemed like he was the one that wanted to take you out on a date right now. Or, you know, stay at home and do other things.
“I'm so excited. She's been working so hard for weeks..”
“Hm? Who?”
You slowly turned your head to look at him, seeing him gulp just in time. You began smirking knowingly.
“If you stopped staring at my legs for a second, you might have heard what I said.”
His head turned to you when he stopped at a red light, but you just wiggled your eyebrows at him with a grin.
“Don't think anything of it. I'm just worried that other people might think that the dress is too short.”
“That is so thoughtful of you, wow. Thank you so much, Yoongi. I appreciate the concern.”
“You're welcome,” he knew it was sarcasm, but he didn't want to admit that he thought you looked ridiculously sexy tonight.
It's not even that your dress was as short as he made it out to be and it wasn't the boots or anything like that. It was just.. you.
Your perfume, that made him want to bury himself in your neck, your make-up, that he wanted to admire for a little while longer, your face, that he wanted to kiss, your body, that he wanted to touch, your looks that he wanted to implant in his mind.. your personality, that he wanted to get to know more. 
It just all fit.
And how come he only now started to realize all of that?
It wasn't long after that he parked on the parking lot of the venue, both you and him making your way into the hall like all the other parents. It was a big performance, hence, a big hall and even more people. And Yoongi knew none of them.
He didn't know a single face around here, even though there surely were parents of his daughter's friends here, right?
“Min Yoongi? I'm surprised to see you here,” a man walked up to the two of you, extending his hand with a friendly smile, “I'm one of Mei’s teachers. Kim Namjoon.”
Wow. He looked.. young. And good? How come you never had such young and good looking teachers like him? 
“Ah. Nice to meet you,” he tried to keep it as friendly, even though he really wasn't interested in talking to this guy, especially because of the way you were eyeing him.
“And you are.. Mei's mother?”
“No,” you giggled when he smiled at you. Something that Yoongi noticed. And didn't like one bit, “I'm just her nanny.”
“Oh, you are the nanny that she keeps talking about these days. She's infatuated with you, you know? At least now I finally understand why.”
Yoongi wanted to throw up into his face for flirting so blatantly with you, even though he was standing right next to you both. And he wanted to punch him for being able to make you giggle and blush like that.
He wasn't having any of this tonight. And he wouldn't stand around here and not do anything, while this guy was practically undressing you with his eyes. Not on his watch.
So he wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you closer. So close that you could smell his cologne and feel the heat of his body. So close, that you had to look up at him and would only have to lean forward to press a kiss against his cheek.
“I think we should go and find our seats.. excuse us,” he pulled you with him, but since you didn't try to stay behind, it wasn't a hard task.
“Jealous?” you asked with a smirk, when he still wouldn’t let you go.
“Just concerned he'd fuck you right there and then. There are children here after all.”
“Don't worry,” you both sat down in the first row and you smiled sweetly at him, “You're my date tonight, remember?”
He laughed as if you had said something ridiculous, but he liked the sound of that. And when Mei's math teacher walked by, he smiled triumphantly at him and put his arm on the back of the chair behind you, as if he wanted to say: 'Try harder next time.'
The rest of the night, both you and Yoongi focused on Mei.
As expected, she did fantastic. All that hard work really paid off and even though she was still so young and you'd expect it not to look professional, she managed to pull it off so effortlessly. The last and first time you had met her ballet teacher, she had told you that if Mei kept practicing so hard, she would have a bright future ahead of her. And finally, you could understand what she meant. She was a natural.
And you couldn't help but watch Yoongi out of the corner of your eyes, a happy smile on your face each and every time you saw how proud he was of his little girl.
And when the performance was over only an hour later, he was the first to get up and clap, Mei waving her little arm with excitement at you and her father.
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“And did you see my pirouette, daddy?” she pulled on his hand and jumped up and down when you entered the living room, “Did you?”
“I did, love,” he laughed and picked her up, spinning her around once, earning a happy laugh from her.
You could only watch them with a smile, until Mei ran towards you and jumped into your arms, “I want to be a ballerina when I'm older!”
“You'll be whatever you want to be, pumpkin,” you kissed her cheek and continued chatting with her about the night, when Yoongi suddenly received a call.
Even though your eyes were focused on Mei, you couldn't help but listen to the conversation Yoongi had, especially when you realized that it was a business call.
“What do you mean? Listen, I promised my kid I wouldn't stay away for that long anymore. Why can you not do it yourself?”
As if on queue, Mei turned around and watched her father end the call with a sigh a moment later.
“What's wrong, daddy?”
He lifted his head and waved her towards her, sitting her on his lap, when he settled on the couch.
“I know I promised I wouldn't do any trips anymore.. or at least not very long ones, but..-”
“No, daddy,” her lower lip already trembled and he didn't even have to finish the sentence, “You promised me!.”
“I know, Mei, but this is important work.”
“I'm never important to you,” gone was the happiness and excitement her body had filled her before. How quickly her emotions could change always fascinated you.
He looked at you with desperation, especially when the first tears began rolling out of Mei's eyes. So you sat down next to Yoongi and asked: “Where to?”
“The trip. Where to?”
You grinned and brushed Mei's hair out of her face, “What if we went with your dad, hm?”
“A family trip!” she screamed with excitement, already wiping away those, now, unnecessary tears.
“No! I have to work there, I can't..-”
“You work, Mei and I enjoy ourselves. She's got a break soon anyways, which means she won't miss school. And I think a little vacation would do us all some good.”
It was two against one and Yoongi knew that he was outnumbered by his girls. And how could he refuse when one: his daughter was already beginning to talk about the beach with the biggest smile on her face and two: when there was a possibility he would see you in a bikini.
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zoraclover777 · 6 years
Halfway Happy
[Part 10]
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[ Part 1 ] // [ Part 2 ] // [ Part 3 ] // [ Part 4 ] // [ Part 5 ] // [ Part 6 ] // [ Part 7 ] // [ Part 8 ] // [ Part 9 ]
Quiet was a virtue and you didn't realize it until you had escaped outside—after you had stitched yourself up and you bit your lip, staring at the stars with more interest than they needed.
“What're you doing out here so late?” His voice was quiet and soft, you've never heard it like that before, and you swore you could fall asleep to it right there. Turning to him, you smiled gently and looked down at your leg, rubbing it like it was going to break at any minute. “Shit, your leg—”
“I fixed it up, made it new. Nothing to worry about, Hargrove.” He could see right through what you were trying to do and the sigh that came out wasn't meant to be that loud—but he couldn't hold it in. His legs were moving before he knew what he was doing and he sat down next to you, crossing his feet.
“You know what, I am worried, fuck, I'm terrified, Y/N.” He held up his hand when you attempted to interrupt him and tell him to not use your name. “Hopper said the gate was closed, so, why—why does everything still feel wrong? Why does it feel like the whole damn world is going to give in and—”
His voice caught then and you looked at the blonde, eyes widening at what you were witnessing. Billy Hargrove was crying.
It wasn't an act, no, you could spot one from a mile away.
Your face softened as you softly took his hand and gripped it, smiling sadly when he looked at you, the tears starting to fall. He ran his tongue along his teeth before coughing, more tears cascading down his face. “I don't want anyone to die.”
“I don't either and no one will.”
“That's—that's not a promise anyone, let alone us, can keep.” His voice made you stare at the ground and you sighed, turning to look at the back door of the house.
“I know, but, I'll be damned before anyone gets hurt.” The tone of your own voice made you gulp and you stood, brushing your pants off. “I'm going to get some sleep, you should too. We'll have a big day tomorrow.” As you turned to walk away, you heard Billy speak your name and you made eye contact with the male.
“Thanks for saving my ass back there—you know, in the tunnel.” You smiled at the gentleness of his voice and you nodded before walking inside.
You bit the skin off the side of your cheek as you listed to Jim scream at the teenage boys and you squeezed your eyes shut. It wasn't their fault that your body spazzed out and they couldn't help, it was nobody's fault but sometimes, you believed it was yours.
Having a home was sacred but you didn't feel at home, you felt like you were intruding and the tears would well up in your eyes before you angrily wiped them away.
“You could've called—”
“We tried, Hopper! We did. It went straight to voicemail so don't say I didn't try to call you.” Steve's face was twisted into an angry expression and he threw his hands up in the air, rolling his eyes at the chief.
“Steve, you promised to take care of her! You promised she would be okay.” His voice raised higher and Steve growled, crossing his arms across his chest before he screamed.
“She IS okay! She's fine! I wasn't the one who asked her to be here, Hopper! You did. I'm not a damn babysitter, especially for her. She's old enough to watch herself!”
“She's being tracked by the government, Steve! She can't just watch herself!”
“Then let them take her! We've had nothing but trouble since you brought her here and we all know that's true!”
The argument came to a halt and silence filled the room as you looked down, tears cascading down your face before you stood up and walked away.
“Shit, why did I say that? I didn't mean it.” His voice became soft as he placed his palms over his face and rubbed them down, groaning as he did so.
“If you didn't mean it, why did you say it?”
Steve turned to look at Billy and he grinded his teeth together, clenching his fists before wiping his hands on his pants. “I don't—I don't know.”
Tears came gushing down your face as you grabbed a dufflebag and walked over to the dresser, yanking it open roughly. Grabbing a handful of clothes, you shoved them into your bag before grabbing more and you sighed. “Nothing but trouble.”
Your eyes shut tightly as a memory of papa came rushing into your mind and you could feel the panic rising up.
“Nobody is going to want you, Five. You're nothing but trouble. A murderer.”
The door to your room creaked open and you looked over your shoulder as you zipped your bag shut before picking it up.
“Listen I—”
“I'm leaving.” The words came out of your mouth smooth and cold before you threw the bag over your shoulder quickly and walked past Steve, your shoulder slamming into his.
“No, no, no, wait—”
“I've waited enough. We've all waited enough, right? I should leave, I'm intruding.”
“No, you aren't, please, just—”
“Steve, you were right and now, it's time for me to move on. I'm sorry I've been a problem and I appreciate the honesty. Maybe we'll cross paths again, someday. Thank you for allowing me to be here and—”
“You're not leaving.”
The words made you stop and look up at the teen before raising an eyebrow at him. “I am. I'm not welcome here—”
“I didn't mean any of it.” His hands came to your shoulders and he gripped them tightly, pulling you into him. “I didn't mean it at all. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot and I say things when I'm mad—”
Your hands came to his chest and you pushed him away, smiling slightly at him before taking a few steps back. “No.”
“No, Steve. It was nice being with you for the month that I could stay. I'm sorry for troubling you.”
And like that, you were walking out of the room and out of his life before he knew what else to say
The words of everyone around you were muffled as you gripped the strap of your bag and walked out the door, blinking the tears out of your vision.
Multiple people yelling your name would make you turn around, eyebrows raising at them all and you gripped your bag even tighter. You shook your head as Hopper walked towards you, eyes pleading with everything for you to stay and you just turned around before running.
You were always good at running away.
The running would last only twenty-two minutes before you would stop and rest your hands on your knees, gasping for air.
It hit you then.
You've never had a secure home. You've never had a family that loves you. You've never known what it's like to be loved, and love someone back and that broke you.
Falling to your knees, your hands buried in the dirt as you groaned out and sobbed harshly. Breathing wasn't coming as easy as you hoped it would and you choked, your tears becoming a waterfall.
The words echoed in your brain as your screamed out, fists pounding on the dirt and you sucked in through your teeth as you felt your knuckle hit into something hard.
You pressed your back into the tree behind you as you cradled your hand, staring at the nature around you.
Where would you go, now?
Two weeks. It had been two weeks since anyone had seen, or heard from you and Steve bit his lip, pacing around the living room.
“I don't want to hear shit from you.”
Steve sighed before sitting on the couch and resting his head in his hands. Thoughts ran through his mind, but you ran through it more and he threw a pillow at the wall, angry at himself.
“She's gone because of you, Steve. You don't get to fucking be mad.” Billy spoke as he lit up a cigarette and sat at the dining room table, expression hard.
“Not gone. Hiding.”
All three men turned to face the voice and Hopper's eyebrows raised. “What do you mean by that, Jane?”
“She's hiding here in Hawkins. She isn't gone, not yet.” Eleven looked at the front door before turning away from the men and walking away.
In two weeks, everything had gone to shit and no one could deny it. Eleven didn't want to eat. Steve wouldn't leave the house, just in case you did come back. Billy had started finishing a whole pack of cigarettes a day, just to keep his worrying subsided and the kids? They ditched school to look for you.
Hopper was the worst out of the group. He wouldn't sleep or eat and no matter how much Eleven would beg, he would say the same thing.
“I'll take care of myself once we find her and take care of her.”
Steve's foot would shake from the amount of anxiety pooling in his stomach and he bit his lip, glancing at the other teen sitting at the table. He could tell Billy was just as worried and Steve's breath caught when the other stood up abruptly.
“I'm going outside.” With that, he walked outside, closing the door lightly and Billy sighed as he rubbed his eyes. Looking up, his eyebrows furrowed as thoughts invaded his mind.
The sound of a branch snapping caught his attention and he looked over his shoulder, eyes meeting with yours. His eyes widened before he turned to you and breathed out slowly.
“I'm not here to stay—”
“No, please, stay.” The words came out rushed and he watched your face soften as you looked down at the grass. Silence filled the void as Billy look a hit from his cigarette, eyes never leaving you. “Do you check up on us often?”
“Yeah, uh—” Your hand came to the back of your neck and you rubbed it nervously, a habit you've attracted from Steve. “I know Hopper and Eleven aren't eating. Hopper won't sleep. I know that Steve won't leave the Byers house because he's hoping I'll come back. And, I know that you, you've been smoking more.”
Soft laughter filled the air as Billy took another cigarette from his pack and handed it to you. “The kids haven't stopped looking for you since you walked out on us.”
Gently taking the cigarette, you placed it in your mouth before lighting it and taking a long drag. “I had no choice.” The words came out with the smoke and you turned to look at the forest.
“You always have a fucking choice.”
“Not at that time.”
Silence followed after before Billy threw his cigarette on the ground and faced you. “That's a lie and you fucking know it.”
“Billy, I'm not here to argue—”
“Then why are you here?!”
You bit your lip before looking down and chuckling softly. “I don't know. To see if you guys are okay? To see if you guys—”
“Forgot you?”
The words made you close your eyes before turning away from the male and you played with your thumbs. “I don't…know.”
“Well, hey, we fucking didn't. We couldn't, okay? We tried. This was a choice you made and God, we fucking tried to forgot you, but we can't. None of us.” His breath caught before he groaned out and dropped his cigarette, hands coming to rest on your cheeks. “We need you. You're here for us. You always have been, Y/N.”
“No, I—”
Billy's eyes connected with yours and you looked down as your hands came to rest on his wrists before you pushed them away.
“Don't. Don't push me away because you don't think you belong here. God dammit, you do!” His voice made you clench your teeth together before you turned away and shook your head.
“Billy, don't—”
“Listen, you've been here for months. You don't get to just walk out when so many people want you here and fucking love you.”
“They don't—”
“If they don't, fuck it. I do. I love you. God, I've loved you since I saw you.” The words came out soft as he stared at you, hands gripping onto his own biceps and you took another step back.
“I can't.” You shook your head as you backed away from him before he could reach out for you. “I don't belong here, and I certainly don't deserve that. I'm a monster, Billy and monsters aren't able to love humans.”
The words lingered in the air as he watched you walk away, jaw clenching and that's when he felt tears fall down.
He couldn't bring her back.
AN: This is actually way longer, i just couldn't fit it all in one so look out for part eleven today, folks.
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cheetahsprints · 7 years
Summary: In which Harry and Cisco find mutual comfort in their friendship. And it evolves, as natural as the changing of seasons. Word Count: 2329
“Where are you going?”
He doesn’t make it past the hallway. He stops, leaning against the wall, hand pressed to his mouth. His arms tremble with vexation. It’s all he seems to feel anymore, this roaring in his head. 
He’s reminded, like a broken record, that he can’t outsmart DeVoe. There’s options, he’s considering, to raise his own intellect. But at what cost? There are risks involved in any such endeavor, but his brain is his most precious asset. It’s how he built STAR, it’s how he got to this Earth, it’s part of his connection with Cisco.
Cisco. He blinks as Cisco breezes by him. He groans softly and grumbles something inaudible. He’s clutching his head, rubbing at his temple. Harry forgets he’s not the only one with tough days. He’s not the only one who can’t always beat the enemy. 
Harry follows him into the workshop. He taps at the keys on the computer. Should he still be working? 
He hears Cisco say, “I’m sick of getting mind-whammied in my vibes. I’m sick of Barry jumping down my throat. And Ralph -- ugh.”
“I’m a hair away from ditching this place and chilling on another Earth until this blows over. I’ve been nothing but a punching bag and a babysitter.”
“That’s -- well it’s kind of true. But you don’t have to leave Ramon.”
Cisco flinches at the sound of Harry’s voice. He tried to keep his voice lowered. Cisco glances at him, but he’s caught up in what he’s doing. He’s thankful Iris was there to get Barry off his back. But what if she hadn’t been? Why doesn’t he ever speak up?
He knows why. He doesn’t want to admit it to himself. He acts like a doormat, because he’s afraid. He’s afraid they won’t want him around if they think he’s a stick in the mud. If he starts complaining -- well there’s no putting that back in Pandora’s Box. Barry doesn’t treat him like an equal. Ralph is Barry’s idea, his responsibility, yet he expects everyone else to put Ralph above their own needs. Sure he needs to be protected, he’s a person, they can’t let DeVoe take his powers. 
That doesn’t mean Cisco has to sleep on his damp futon and not even beg Barry to take the next shift. Barry should just do it. Cisco barely gets rest, between his nightmares and his vibe abilities exacerbating them. He figures the others don’t catch much Zs either. However, Barry offers to take the next shift like it’s not actually his problem, and he’s doing some great deed for a friend. 
And Cisco pats him on the back like the wishy-washy person that he’s been for the last year. Possibly longer. Reverb may have been evil, but Cisco could benefit from taking a few pages out of his book.
“I’m not serious. I’m just. I’m tired, Harry.” Cisco sighs. “Sometimes, I don’t feel like I matter to anyone.”
Harry claps him on the shoulder. He turns Cisco to face him. He loosens the tightness in his expression, allowing Cisco to see the honesty in his next words.
“You matter. To me at least. To Barry, he’s just got his wires crossed.”
Harry continues, “This team would be nothing without you. You’ve gotten them out of more scrapes than I can count, Dibny especially.” 
“They see me as suits and tech and convenient breaches.”
“You’re an exceptional human being.” Harry leans forward looking him deep in the eye and says, “You know and I know you ought to start acting like it.”
Cisco bites his lip. He drags his fingers across his throbbing temple. “I. I’m. I don’t know. What if I take charge and they think I’m -”
He inhales. He braces himself on the desk as a wave of nausea hits. It doesn’t bear thinking about, how the team might react. He got enough from his family, always telling him he was too opinionated, too loud, too annoying. 
These days, Harry is the only person he can feel like being himself with. That used to be Caitlin, but for reasons unknown they’ve drifted apart. And it used to include Barry to an extent -- but on Cisco’s side things are complicated there. 
Harry watches the turmoil flickering behind Cisco’s eyes with great concern. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He has his own issues he hasn’t worked out. Communicating with people, dealing with his mistakes and failings. On impulse, he grabs a wrench and bangs it repeatedly on the table. Cisco doesn’t even twitch. A small smile pulls at his lips.
“You too huh?”
“One of those days. Fuck that - The whole week has been shit.”
Cisco bites down on his index finger. “I take it the uh visit to your Earth didn’t go so well?”
“I mostly took care of STAR business. I saw Jesse all of three times, the first she didn’t even talk to me. Else, we just rehashed our arguments.”
“I find it hard to believe she really kicked you out -”
“I mean, she made it clear she was sick of my brand of training,” Harry says. “I feel wanted here. Even if I. I suck.”
“Harry!” Cisco chuckles a little and shakes his head. “You don’t.... suck.”
Cisco’s eyes linger on those nice, pink lips for too long. He gulps when he meets Harry’s gaze. Harry notices his direction, but he refrains from commenting. It doesn’t seem like a good time to open that particular door.
“OK, let’s both agree we’re awesome, and anyone who says otherwise can shove it where the sun don’t shine.”
“Without any lube,” Harry remarks.
“Yeah, no, ouch. I’m not that mad.”
They both collapse into giggles. Cisco braces himself on Harry’s shoulder. He quickly pulls his hand away with a small apology. Harry reassures him he doesn’t mind. He near lives for the contact. He spent years avoiding it. Cisco seems instinctive on his boundaries, never coming in close when he’s especially prickly, and offering just the right amount of silent comfort when he’s seething.
He seems to do the same for Cisco, if he’s any judge. He studies the pinched muscles in Cisco’s face, the tightness of his jaw. The headache must still persist. Harry doesn’t know if he’s even stopped to take medicine.
“Why are you pushing yourself so hard?” Harry asks. Cisco sighs and leans on his elbow on the table.
“It’s Barry - I have to - he -”
“You don’t have to do anything. Take a break.”
“But I have to -- DeVoe.”
“Nope, rest. Doctor’s orders.”
Cisco grins. “You’re not that kind of Doctor.”
“And you’re not a bodyguard or a personal assistant, but here we are.”
“I know what I’ll say next time,” Cisco says. 
“Dammit, Barry. I’m an engineer not a watchdog.”
He must need more sleep. Harry laughs so hard he ends up having to clutch his stomach. Cisco blows air through his lips, and he tries to stifle his laughter. Harry barely stops himself from asking if he can kiss him. 
Cisco stops abruptly and squeezes his eyes shut. Harry enters panic mode, but he keeps his external reactions under control.
“What’s wrong? Was it a vibe?”
“No. I’m just. Hungover from DeVoe throwing me out.”
Harry is cautious. He brings Cisco’s head close and applies his lips to his forehead. Nothing untoward, just checking his temperature. Cisco goes rigid. Then he relaxes. Harry decides to seize his moment.
He kisses Cisco’s nose. His face scrunches up adorably. Harry tilts his head and kisses his temple. Harry can’t resist the temptation, and he kisses the softness of his curls. He loops a few strands around his fingers, carefully watching Cisco’s expression. He’s not as tense as he was before, which Harry takes as a good sign.
Cisco’s eyes flutter open. “Thank you.”
Harry whispers, “Anytime.”
They tackle the project together. He can work on his own later. He scrawls some formulas on the board anyway. He’ll get antsy if he doesn’t release some of it from his mind. Cisco raises an eyebrow but doesn’t comment. Harry doesn’t give it a prior thought when he passes Cisco a kiss on the cheek. 
In return, Cisco fists his sweater and kisses him on the ear. It’s a weird sensation. He whines through his nose and jerks his head. He never realized he was ticklish there. Cisco is amused by his reaction. The hours pass. He casually wraps his arm around Cisco, and they continue like that, letting it just be. At some point, Cisco leaves and returns with Big Belly. Harry’s eyes are drooping before he knows it.
Harry jerks awake. His heart is pounding. His body is ready for action toward some unseen threat. For a brief moment, he’s back on that battlefield, guns blazing, soldiers shouting. His hands are coated in slick blood. His eyes snap shut and he goes through his breathing exercise. When he allows the world to flood in, the sight makes him stop short.
Cisco’s face is close. Too close. He doesn’t move. Frost might as well have froze him on the spot. His lips look even more enticing and fuller due to the lack of distance. Harry can see clearly his most prominent freckles. He follows them from the middle of his forehead, to his cheek just below his eye, on his left dimple, and finally his neck. A few strands of hair had fallen across his eye and nose. Harry gently brushes them away. He’s so soft and beautiful. 
His stomach flips to see him so vulnerably in sleep. He’s only seen it twice before, and at a greater distance. He suddenly smiles in his sleep, highlighting his dimple and freckle. Harry wishes he could kiss him and kiss him forever. Nothing else mattering.
It’s because of Cisco’s gorgeous visage that he initially didn’t realize they are practically holding hands. He sits up and stares dumbly. Cisco’s hand is over his. They’re not holding exactly, but Cisco has his hand cupped just enough to count. It feels like an electric current travels up his arm. Harry inhales noisily, with a slight groan, like he’s been punched in the stomach.
Cisco wakes up. He peers up at Harry through confused, narrow eyes. His pulse jumps like an excited rabbit. He can’t will it to stop, so he basks in Cisco’s rough sleepy haze. One day, he might figure out what he did to deserve to know someone like Cisco.
“Wh - where am I? What Earth... What time...”
He blinks rapidly. He rises from his slumped position. He looks around, then examines Harry closely. He seems to unconsciously squeeze Harry’s hand.
“Earth one. I’m Harry.”
“Yeah. Yeah I know. Sometimes I just... in my dreams... vibing different realities at once --”
“You’ve never mentioned -- that sounds like something we should work on correcting,” Harry breathes. He doesn’t want to raise his voice. Cisco seems on the verge of falling apart.
If he does, Harry will hold him until he puts himself together again. He reaches out hesitantly. Cisco tugs his wrist, and Harry starts to rub his back. Cisco doesn’t let go of his hand. It’s dizzily pleasant. He licks at his dry lips, throat beginning to match. 
“How long were we out?” Cisco asks the air. He presses a key on the keyboard and examines the time. “Two hours. Feels like five.”
“My brain isn’t completely online,” Harry supplies. The rest is beneficial, however short-lived. Cisco’s eyes go wide. 
He pulls away and types rapidly. “Shit. Shit. Barry needs me to --”
Harry slips his hand up to the back of Cisco’s neck. 
“Easy. Calm down.” Harry tilts his head back and hurriedly gives him a chaste kiss. “The world isn’t going to end because you haven’t finished.”
His lips have a direct line to Cisco’s heartstrings. They promptly tie themselves in knots. He gapes helplessly. 
Harry’s spine straightens when he recognizes what he’s just done. Cisco just hums. He leans forward, hugs Harry around the middle. His cheek lays against his stomach. Harry’s hand returns to his back. And he would be happy if they could stay like this, in their own secret realm. 
Cisco pushes his shirt up, applying kisses to his belly, navel, kissing upward across his abs. His stomach quivers in response. Cisco notices, he drags his fingertips along the same path. Harry growls and tickles Cisco’s sides, his armpits. Cisco squirms and pushes him away.
“That was fine- but please, stop.” Cisco adopts a serious tone, “My brother used to wake me up that way and I -”
“No problem. I’m sorry.”
Cisco smiles and pats him. He looks at his hand. “Damn you are rock solid. When do you even work out?”
“Trade secret.”
Cisco gives him a lop-sided grin. Harry runs his fingers through Cisco’s hair, earning a low noise from his throat. He kisses the freckle on his forehead, and his cheek again, sloppily at each of his dimples. He can’t believe this is real. That this is happening. He must still be asleep. He pinches himself.
“Did you just -”
“Shut up.”
Cisco cups his cheeks and kisses him right on the lips. He drinks in the sensation, Cisco drizzling his kisses on him like syrup. 
Falling is dangerous, Cisco thinks as he does this. It feels good, and he wouldn’t have expected Harry’s interests to run alongside his. He thought the best would be Harry seeing him as a true friend. The unseen consequences are worth every moment he can absorb. He’ll store these moments, these talks with Harry, wrap them around him like a blanket when he needs comfort. Unless Harry himself is available. 
Harry glides his nose along Cisco’s cheek, tongue flicking out to catch his earlobe. If he’s falling, Harry is right there with him. Neither of them are alone, each other’s parachutes in the vast sky. 
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roronoaxd · 7 years
dream daddy
Kurodai Weekend Day 3: Single Parent AU 
Summary:  Kuroo has just moved to a new cul-de-sac with his son Kenma. Thanks to his new neighbors, he's able to rekindle a relationship with his newly single college crush, Sawamura.
Additional Info: Dream Daddy AU pretty much
Word Count: 2803
Piling into the car, Tetsurou took one last glance at his old house. “I can’t believe we’re really moving.” He commented to his sixteen-year-old son, Kenma, who’s face was buried deep in one of his handheld games. “Aren’t you just a little sad? I mean, you grew up here. I raised you from adoption as a baby to the tender age that you are now.”
“Are you sad?” Kenma asked, not even bothering to look up.
“Of course! There are so many memories in this place, and here we are, moving to an entirely different neighborhood!”
“It’s not a big deal.”
“How are you so indifferent?” Tetsurou definitely did not pout, but it was something close, “Remind me to talk to you later about the importance of showing emotions for things you might view as mundane when other people are clearly not taking it well.”
“That’s a lot to remember.”
“Then just remind me to teach you about faking it until you make it.”
Upon arrival, Tetsurou wasn’t that surprised that Kenma barely took in his surroundings or appreciate the outside of their home, and instead just headed straight for the door, eyes still trained on the game. “Humor me, will ya? Pay attention at least a little bit to where you’re walking.”
“I am.”
“Make it more visible.” Tetsurou complained, unlocking the front door and allowing Kenma to enter first. “Well, this is it. Home sweet home.” Kenma kicked off his shoes and paused to give one quick look around and then returned to his game. He walked over to the couch, collapsing down on it.
“Nice.” Kenma commented in his monotonous voice, which Tetsurou would accept for now.
“It’s more than nice, Kenma. The movers did quite a decent job…not my favorite spot for the couch but it will do until I feel like moving it. Oh, and you’re not going to sit around and play that thing all day, come help me unpack.” Kenma groaned dramatically, clicking a few buttons before putting the game away.
Kenma helped Tetsurou unpack for approximately…five minutes, before he managed to sneak off to his room to continue playing games, leaving Tetsurou alone with a bunch of boxes and a box cutter. He put things away rather quickly, not really trying to make it look pretty, but instead just trying to get rid of the boxes. The doorbell sounding off gave Tetsurou a reason to take a break. “Kenma! We have neighbors!”
“Obviously.” He could hear Kenma mumble.
“Come help me greet them, so they can think we’re friendly and social butterflies.”
“But that’s a lie.” Kenma complained, walking over to stand next to his father.
“Yes, but they don’t have to know that.” Tetsurou opened the door, smiling widely at a guy who appeared to be his age, with large brown eyes and thick black hair. He was holding a plate of brownies.
“Hi! I’m Moniwa Kaname. I saw the moving van in the driveway earlier, and then saw your car, and figured I’d stop by and welcome you to the neighborhood! My son Kenji made these.”
“Brownies?” Kenma questioned, walking over and taking the plate from Kaname, before disappearing into the kitchen.
“Ke-Kenma? Come back here.” Tetsurou could hear Kenma removing the Saran wrap, a clear sign that he would not be coming back. “Sorry about him. That’s my son, Kenma.”
“Is he your only child?”
“Yes, yes he is.”
“I have four. Takanobu, Kenji, Kosuke, and Kanji. All boys.”
“Yes, yes…boys are tough. Children are tough in general, but that's not why I came over. I’m having a barbecue for the whole cul-de-sac, you’re welcome to come on by and meet the others in the community! It'll be fun! We'll have burgers.”
“Sure, Kenma and I will be there. We appreciate a good burger.”
“Great! It’s Saturday at noon! I…better get going, and check up on my rowdy quad. I’ll see you on Saturday?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.” Tetsurou knew he already agreed, but maybe Kaname needed a more definite affirmation or something.
“See ya neighbor! Enjoy the brownies!” Kaname gave a final wave before turning around and heading off to his own home. Tetsurou closed the front door, turning to find Kenma coming out of the kitchen. “Did you save me any brownies?”
“Uh…no… they weren’t very good, so I had to eat them all to save you.”
“…I appreciate your noble acts. Moniwa probably wants his plate back, so let’s clean it up and deliver it to him.”
Tetsurou pushed Kenma to put on some shoes, and then nicely shoved him out the door. “Which house do you think he lives in?”
“The one with the fighting kids.”
“Should we just drop the plate and run in fear of getting dragged into the fight?” Tetsurou teased.
“Sounds like a plan. I want to get back to my game!” Kenma explained, though he had said game in his hands.
The duo walked over, dodging the little fists, “Hey kids! It’s not nice to fight.”
“He started it!” One of them called out, he had straight brown hair, looked to be at least eight and had frown on his face, as he pushed what Tetsurou assumed was his older brother.
“I did not, Kenji!” The one who looked like he was straight from that Angry Birds game that Kenma was obsessed with for about three hours.
“Look… I just wanted to return this plate. Ken—Kenji? The brownies were good, or so my son said.”
“Really? Thanks, strange guy!” The Kenji kid commented, taking the plate happily from Kenma.
“Al-alright, we’re just going to leave… quickly, come on Kenma.” Tetsurou placed a hand on Kenma’s shoulder and started guiding him away again.
“That kid called you a strange guy.”
“Now that I think of it, it is a bit strange to have a neighbor you never met come up to you, giving you a plate, and thanking you for brownies.”
“This appears to be a strange place. You would think kids these days would know about stranger danger.”
“You don’t even know about stranger danger! Must I remind you of the time I lost you at the park because some random lady had homemade rice krispies.”
“She was giving them out to a lot of kids, not just me.”
“That’s not the point, Kenma.”
They began to make their way back home when someone called out to Tetsurou. He stopped walking, turning around to see who it could be. “Daichi?”
“Small world.” Daichi commented, smiling brightly, with his cropped hair, strong muscles and a baby strapped to his front.
“Uh yeah it is! Dude, I haven’t seen you in so long! Kenma, this is Sawamura Daichi, we went to college together and were roommates.”
“This is Kenma?! I haven’t seen him since he was as small as the one strapped to me.” Daichi exclaimed, pointing down to the baby with bright orange hair who was giggling madly, kicking both his hands and feet.
“You a professional babysitter now?” Tetsurou questioned, waving at the baby and causing happy gurgling.
“No, this is my kid. The youngest, Shouyou.”
“Yeah, I have thirteen-year-old twins… Kentarou and Ryuu. They’re not really twins, but they're the same age and we adopted them at the same time, so we refer to them as twins.”
“We? As in you and Iwaizumi right?”
“How is the old brute anyway?”
“He’s good. We’ve, uh, been separated for a bit of time now.” Daichi shared, scratching at the nape of his neck.
“Oh! I’m sorry, man…”
“It’s fine, you didn’t know, and we’re still on good terms. He's met someone knew anyway, a great guy, and I'm happy for him.”
“I can’t believe you’re a father to three kids! I always knew you’d be a great dad.” Tetsurou changed the subject, causing Daichi to blush.
“Y-yeah, uh… I have to get going. I was just doing my daily jog and now I have to take the twins to volleyball practice.”
“Daily jog??”
“Yeah, I have to keep in shape, running after three boys. Y-you should join me sometime.”
“I’d—like to.”
“Cool, cool. I guess I’ll see you around now that we live in the same neighborhood, huh?”
“Yeah, see you around.” Tetsurou said, giving Daichi a wave as he jogged away, with Daichi turning around at a distance to wave back and smile.
“You’re giving him googly eyes. Stop it.” Kenma complained as he continued walking the short distance to their home.
“I was not!” Tetsurou protested, keeping up easily with his wider strides.
“The last time I seen you look at someone like that…you were looking at yourself in the mirror.”
“Zip it you!”
“Did something go on between you and Sawamura-san?” Kenma stopped in front of their door, waiting for Tetsurou to unlock and open it before stepping in, not even bothering to look up from his game.
“Like I said, we were college roommates. Besides the basic college shenanigans, nothing too major happened between us. We were young and he had his own relationship back then to worry about.”
“It sounds like you’re jealous.”
“Do I need to send you to your room?”
“Please do.”
Tetsurou did his best to ignore Kenma’s comment about him being jealous of Hajime and Daichi’s relationship. He was so not jealous! Sure, it bothered him when they would make out on the couch, or hold hands during movies, or show up to hangouts with hickies all over their—those things would annoy any roommate! Sure, he had a tiny crush on Daichi back in college, but that was probably his own loneliness manifesting itself and latching onto the nearest male who happened to be Daichi. And sure, that crush seemed to return as soon as he heard Daichi call out to greet him. And the news that Daichi was a fellow single dad did have Tetsurou’s heart thump with excitement, but he wasn’t going to get his hopes up. If things couldn’t work out in college, why would they suddenly turn in Tetsurou’s favor now?
Saturday came around quickly, and Tetsurou was actually looking forward to Kaname’s barbecue party. “Kenma! Let’s go! We should get there early, make a good first impression.” Tetsurou called out, grabbing the watermelon he bought last minute to bring over with them.
“Why do I have to go at all? I hate barbecues.”
“In order for me to make a good impression, I should probably be a good dad and force you to suffer with me.” Tetsurou said putting an arm around Kenma’s shoulder and guiding him out the door, “Plus you never know, there may be apple pie there.”
“If there is, I say we drop off the watermelon, grab the pie and leave.”
“Not going to happen, kiddo.” Tetsurou smirked as they walked over to Kaname’s yard, which was already packed with people and kids.
Spotting Kaname was easy, since he was dawned in a white ‘Grill-Master’ apron with painted handprints, probably a gift from his children. Tetsurou waved at him, before heading over, dragging Kenma along too, who tried to escape once he spotted a chair off to the side. “Kuroo and Kenma! Welcome to my humble abode, and you brought a watermelon, how thoughtful!”
“Thank you for inviting us.”
“It’s no problem at all, please, let me introduce you to my children. This is my oldest at thirteen, Takanobu, then we have twelve-year-old Kenji, ten-year-old Kosuke, and seven-year-old Kanji.”
“Nice to meet you all.”
“Hey strange guy!” Kenji greeted before dragging his brother Takanobu towards a water slide set up in the east of the yard.
“I’m so sorry about him! He’s quite a handful!” Kaname apologized, unnecessarily. Tetsurou understood kids...kinda.
“Well, enjoy yourself and mingle! We have some food already set up over there by the garden, help yourself to anything you’d like.” Kaname patted Tetsurou on the arm, patted Kenma on the head, and then made his way back to the grill.
Tetsurou led the way over to the food table, grabbing a plate and grabbing a few beef skewers, while Kenma headed straight for the desserts. “There sure are a lot of fellow dads around…”
“Yeah, have fun.” Kenma commented, nibbling on a cookie as he piled more onto his plate, trying to run away.
“But, I can’t just leave you by yourself. What kind of father would I be if I did do that?” Tetsurou asked, grabbing Kenma by the shirt to stop him.
“A good one?”
“Kenma, no…and stop with the sweets. Eat at least one beef skewer with some veggies before you indulge yourself.”
“Fine, go mingle.” Kenma fled, going over to confiscate the lone chair he spotted earlier, leaving Tetsurou alone in the crowd.
Tetsurou looked around briefly, the only people he could recognize were Kaname and Daichi, but Daichi was laughing with some loud guy with black and grey hair. Tetsurou didn’t want to interrupt that conversation. He headed over to Kaname, watching the guy grill some burger patties instead. “You probably don’t know this, Kuroo, but Kaname is definitely as masterful at the grill as his apron reveals.” Daichi spoke up, suddenly appearing behind Tetsurou, who did his best to hide his surprise.
“He’s un-grill-ievable!” The grey/black haired guy called out.
“This is Bokuto Koutarou. His daughter Yukie is running around here somewhere.”
“Nice to meet the famous Ku-bro! I’ve heard a lot about you from Daichi.” Bokuto exclaimed, giving Tetsurou a hearty handshake. “Our buddy Ushijima should be around here somewhere with his son Tsutomu.”
“Amazing how all of us dads live in the same cul-de-sac. I feel quite welcomed.” Tetsurou admitted.
“It’s great, right? Really helps you feel supported too, since we’re all in the same boat. Just a bunch of single dads trying to do what’s best for their kids.” Daichi commented.
“Yeah, which one is yours?” Bokuto then asked, looking around. Tetsurou quickly scanned the crowds.
“The blonde one over there playing with Daichi’s baby?” Weird. Tetsurou felt oddly proud watching Kenma prevent baby Shouyou from getting his eye poked out with one of the skewers, while two boys, who Tetsurou assumed were the ‘twins’, tried feeding Shouyou a mandarin.
“They seem to be getting along.” Daichi cooed.
The barbecue went pretty smoothly after that, Tetsurou was able to get to know some other dads and not embarrass himself in front of Daichi, all while watching Kenma mingle with other kids. As the sun went down, Tetsurou went to collect Kenma and herd him home. “You made friends.” Tetsurou started off the conversation he knew Kenma would rather avoid.
“They’re all younger than me, I wouldn’t count them as friends.”
“Shouyou really took a liking to you.”
“Well, he’s a baby. You can’t be mean to babies.”
“His siblings seemed to like you too. You had fun.”
“What about you? Did you flirt enough with Sawamura-san?”
“Stop, someone might overhear you!”
“No one’s around.”
“I wasn’t flirting; I was being friendly.”
“Are you going to add them all on DadBook?”
“How do you know about DadBook?”
“How do you not know about DadBook?”
“Social media isn’t really my thing, dear Kenma.”
“I can help you.”
Tetsurou was surprised that Kenma was so willing to help him set up his profile on the social media network for Dads, and then helped Tetsurou add all the dads from the cul-de-sac. His son usually wasn’t up for teaching him anything to do with technology, always running low on patience, so it was all…weird. “Are you going to message Sawamura-san?”
“Do it. Make friends…or boyfriend, whatever.” Kenma suggested, taking his leave and locking himself up in his room to play games probably. Tetsurou sat in front of the computer, staring at the ‘message’ icon on Daichi’s profile. Should he do it? Should he not? If he does, it can be a start to a beautiful rekindled friendship which can ultimately lead to an even better romantic relationship. If he doesn’t, he could just continue pining until this crush ultimately kills him.
A ding on the computer caught Tetsurou’s attention, and he clicked on the little messenger icon.
Daichi: Hey neighbor! Want to come to a community volleyball game tonight? After we can grab some pizza together? Just like old times.
Well… looks like Tetsurou doesn’t have to think too much anymore. He smiles to himself as he quickly replies.
Tetsurou: Sure sounds like a plan!
Daichi: Great! It’s a date!
It’s a date. It’s a date?? Tetsurou had to stop himself from jumping up and shouting for joy. “Kenma, I scored a date without even trying!”
“Gross.”  Kenma responded back, and Tetsurou ignored him, thanking whatever gods for the sudden turn of events and favors.
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bj-freeplay · 7 years
One of nothing
The beach was always perfect in the fall. Waves would be just cool enough to not be freezing and your knees wouldn't knock while you stood in the water to enjoy the cooling breeze. If Sabo had to pick the moments of his life that were the best, it'd be those. Simple, alone, and with the air just cold enough that the beach was all his for the ending hour. The sky was a dying scarlet as twilight set in. No stars were out just yet, but the air was still dark enough that the pearly buildings to the twelve-year old's back were too dark to ruin the otherwise perfect view. The buildings always felt too tall and bright for Sabo's liking, their billowing hight reminded Sabo of the people far too much. It was interesting seeing the sun sink under the waves and change the white walls into beautiful oranges, reds, and purples. The shadows would grow more prominent and fill in the gaps that had always seemed to be missing during the day. Darkness was more fitting for Goa than white had ever been. That default sparkle died in the dark. Sabo sat down in the cold sandbar and watched the stars start to form in the water. He sighed and traced his finger against the clear liquid. He wasn't drawing anything, why would he? What was there to draw here that was to keep anyway? It was just relaxing to feel the dull thrum of sea-foam crash against his small chest. Sometimes he'd count how many waves he'd hit, but after that got boring or he lost count it just felt point less to try again. So he'd just sit, and sit, and watch as the colors in the sky started to fade away into complete darkness. "Brother!" Sabo closed his eyes tightly but didn't turn around until the sound of water hitting skin clashed behind him. He spun around and faced the child with an empty stare, "Stelly?..." The kid might have been nine but his toothy grin seemed older, "Why am I here right? Father dear has been throwing a tantrum about you for almost an hour! We both know how irrational he gets when he's mad, plus I don't feel like losing privileges because of you again, it's tedious." Sabo stood. The black silhouettes leering over the expanse of sand sunk further down, trying to sink into Sabo's skin like it already had on Stelly. Sabo almost took a step further into the water, away from the child. I don't want to touch that stuff... "Oh don't be like that brother!" Stelly looked mildly amused, "What are you? Afraid of the dark?" Sabo turned around to look at the last peek of the setting sun. Stars were dotting the sleek black sky freely, dancing firmly in the air against the growing wind. He looked down to the inky dark water and felt it flow past him. Deep in his heart Sabo felt no desire to respond to the jibe. Stelly had his arms crossed, but was only a black form in the dark with tall tall buildings guarding his minuscule back... it would only be a few years before those pointy shoulders broadened. Sabo almost felt small in its massive presence. Shaking his head the older blonde wadded forward. Stelly fell into his step, jogging slightly to keep up. Looking straight forward Sabo could tell the kid was looking forward to his growth spurt. They walked in relative silence until escaping the ocean's grib on their ankles and entering the sands cool embrace. Of course, it had been Stelly to begin the empty rambling that filled the night air... he hadn't ever been one to sit and obsorb the silence. There wasn't much to listen to so Sabo blocked the boy out until the kid brought up a sore topic he hadn't expected to deal with only a month after the cotastraphee's casts came off. "- wonderful! Now I know I pushed you out of that balcony last time we were there, but the opera is next Tuesday and mother is dead set of going. It still hasn't been confirmed if you've been ban from the theator or not so I volunteered you to go with her! I know that you hate it there, but-" "Stelly." Sabo growled. "What?! It's been months since it happened and you were the one to sneak into the back to talk to those pesants! It was only justice that you got what was coming to you, same goes for *eck* them. Father had agreed whole heartedly that after what you did you deserved to watch them-" It was as if Sabo's eyes had pierced Stelly with venom as the kid choked on his words and look away quickly. He didn't keep speaking, nor did he apologize, he just clamped his lips and looked forward stubbornly. His cheeks were burned however and it looked like he was going to have a tantrum. They didn't speak again until reaching the mansion's great gates. Ignoring the encompossing white steal gate installed only as a cage, Sabo asked, "What if I am ban?" Stelly looked up from the pavement in surprise, "Oh? What- well! Well.. father has a meeting that day so I guess you'll be home alone." Sabo looked down at Stelly and nodded slightly, "All we can do is hope." "You want to go?!" "That I'm ban." "... Hah." The door opened before either could get their hands on the doorknob. "And where the HELL have you been?!" A Large brooding hand crashes into Sabo's wrinkled shirt and dragged him into the house. "I- No where!" He staggered and barely managed to keep his footing as Sabo was dragged through a large cherry wood door. "I let you off early from your evening classes today with specific instruction to act like an upstanding noble and instead you sneak into the central city and have a stupid dine and dash which OBVIOUSLY LED YOU TO THAT EXCLUSIVE BEACH YOU AREN'T ALLOWED IN!" Outlook gasped and turned his scarlet cheeks down on his son. "Yeah, I know, I was there!" Sabo tried to twist out of the hard grip, but stopped when the slap crashed his cheek against his shoulder. "How hard is it for you to act like who you are?!" "... I AM who I 'ARE' that's why I'm ME!" Crap... he hadn't meant to say that. The French doors to the debonairishly fashioned office shuttered violently as it rammed closed. Outlook thrashed his oldest into the only none cutioned chair in the room and forced Sabo to dance from leg to leg to not topple over. Looking almost feral, his father lapped the desk and sank into his silk embroidered cushions. Sabo began to chew on his lip nevously, waiting for the wuiet to crack. Lowing his head and, looking directly into the defiant boy's eyes, Outlook growled, "You've lived here for twelve years-" "Eleven!.... I-" he stuttered, "I got away once." The angry frown morphed to a boiling scowl and Sabo bit his cheeks, "Ten years of training, one of consequence, and yet you still test my patience like you did when you were a child." Sabo didn't look away from his father's vicious eyes. "I have full authority to take your moments of freedom away! Do not insult me like you have any control!" "But I-" "You cannot skip around with out a care in the world! You are here for your mother and I!" "That isn't fair-" "You've known this for years!" "It wasn't that drastic-" "SOMEONE SAW YOU! IDIOT! THAT PUTS THE WHOLE FAMILY AT RISK!" Sabo glared up in frustation, "It was one hour! ONE! I can pay the host back tomorrow if you're so miffed about it! I'm SO sorry for having fun on my first day off in weeks!" "Kiss next month's break good-bye if you do this again boy. No man of my blood will run around like one of those hooligans from outside the walls." Outlook reached across the desk and clawed at Sabo's shoulder, "your losing all this month's allowance and transport aid. I do so much for you, next time THINK about your benefits before pretending to be so immaculately inconsequential. You're name is more important than you can imagine! Have some consideration towards your mother and I. All we want is to live our lives CORRECTLY! I will NOT allow your repugnant hobbies to taint our good name!" Pushing abruptly against the desk Sabo jumped to his feet and snarled, "YEAH! Image! IMAGE! IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT THE NAME! You know I'm your SON right?! I am NOT some MEANS TO AN END! You can't-" "CAN'T WHAT?! WHAT CAN'T I DO?!" Outlook clenched his desk. The roar of frustration spoke better than words as Sabo kicked the chair leg with all his might. It went flying across the room and crashed against the rosary China set. He threw his arms in the air, "What the hell did I do to deserve being locked in here for two months?! Maybe I'd be easier if you gave me more time off!" "You are my heir you over-confident brat! It doesn't matter how hopeless or how useless you are because I NEED you! You will never get time off as long as I know I can't take my eyes off you!" "Then give my rights to Stelly! He'd be thrilled!" "People would talk! We've been over this!" "People already talk!" "And who's fault is that you fool?!" "WHAT IF I JUST WANT TO BE FREE?!" "You are a NOBLE! The first highborn son of a wealthy business empire! All this family needs is to marry into royalty and then we'll ALL be free! Don't be so selfish!" Sabo looked at the man incredulously, "That's just going deeper into the cave!" "Why you-" "It's true!" "GET OUT!" Sabo stumbled over his words for a second before saying, "You can't just take over my life!" A vase thundered past the child's curls and- CRASH! Sabo jumped backward and felt the shards of glass bounce off his skin. Outlook stood and walked over to his son bitterly. He yanked the kid's arm and dragged him out of the office and into the hall way with his cane pointed down the towards the stairs, "If you don't get into your room RIGHT NOW or I'm going to make some bad choices boy!" "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" "ROOM!" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" One of the butlers seemed to appear just as Sabo began to advance towards the entry hall to make a break for the door. He was a strong burly man behind that black suit and easily snatched the pale boy out of his run to pull him down the hall. He ignored the feeble attempts at escape as if the preteen were an inconvenient fly and not a boy who'd miss several nights of sleep just to practice a punch in the cellar. It didn't take long at all for the resistance to die, however, and the two climbed the stairwell with only half the legwork active. It was just as the door clapped behind him in his dark, empty, over imactulate room that Sabo snapped. Before kicking the over elegantly carved chest in front of his bed, he tore off his shoes and flung them across the room into the corner. The pain was delightfully searing with any signs of stopping stalling into view when his foot eventually went numb. Face planting into his bed Sabo listened in to Outlook's fury out in the hall. Alberta was fighting her husband about something... probably that concert Stelly was talking about. There was a crash and yelling and It was getting closer to his room. "He needs to learn respect Alberta! I am his father not some babysitter. The more he pretends to hate living here the more that spoiled brat won't give us what we need!" "I'm not disagreeing with you dear, but we both know such light consequences have no effects on that boy! The last time this happened we didn't find him for two weeks. You can't keep pretending this is working!" It sounded like some of the wall crumbled against the fist that had obviously hit it, "What would you have me do?! Moving him back to the attic or cellar could have one of the maids or butlers talking around like last time! It's too risky woman and we both know it." "I refuse to miss another gala just because Sabo doesn't want to grow up. We've only got five more years with him before ends need to be tightened and cut. It's a bow by the end or a noose. Figure it out Outlook." The distinct click of heels that used to haunt Dabo's dreams echoed lightly as she walked down the hallway and away from the twelve-year old's door. "SO NOW HE'S JUST MY PROBLEM!" "This is your legacy. I just want a nice summer home a level higher than where we are now. My wish isn't that hard right?" Sabo pushed himself up and looked at the door in disgust when the knob clicked locked from the outside. He turned and looked at his barred window before sighing and pulling off his wet clothing. He stopped pulling out his pajamas when he looked into the full body mirror resting against the wall. Small patches of blood was scattered across his body and oozed down his snow skin. They were tiny; already beginning to dry into hard crust. "Do what ever I tell you BOY... or I'll toss you back in that dingy old cellar." Sabo muttered silently to his reflection as he took off his hat and pulled down his goggles, "Yeah, because that'll make me stop dreaming." He stood taller and pulled up his trousers before heading back to his bed. He lied there stiffly; itching at the nick on his cheek carelessly.
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oodlyenough · 8 years
kali watches iron fist so you don’t have to: 1.01-1.03
i’m watching iron fist for two main reasons, the first being that i’m going to watch the defenders and i have a compulsive need to Know Everything, and the second combined reason being that i wanna see colleen and claire. that’s ... pretty much it. for the record, though, as much as i may have gone into this anticipating that i would not like it based on the reviews, it’s not like i actively want to hate it -- i would very much like to not be bored by all of danny’s stuff in defenders, i would much prefer to be invested in all 4 of the leads and to feel like this dude is worthy of hanging around jessica, matt and luke, all of whom i adore. 
but here we are. so. if you wanted to know the basics but don’t want to watch, episodes 1-3:
my first overall impression of this show is that the reviews were more or less correct: the characters aren’t that compelling, the pacing is boring, the fight scenes (there’s been... like...... 3 so far) are nothing special.
the cast of characters:
danny is probably supposed to be perceived as sweetly naive, but is mainly infuriatingly oblivious. he frequently ignores the requests of women and laughs at them when they express that they feel threatened by them. “i’m not dangerous!” he insists quite often for a guy who, when angry, lashes out violently.
when he first meets colleen, he speaks mandarin to her unprompted. yeah.
marvel is no stranger to the “white guy you hate to love” trope, so it’s weird how much they missed the mark with danny. like, on the face of it, he shouldn’t be that much less likable than someone like tony stark, and yet. And Yet. there’s just not a lot going on here: humour or charm or warmth or ...anything, really.
colleen wing runs a dojo and at this point really just wants to live her life but fucking danny won’t leave her alone. i like colleen, but so far she hasn’t been given a lot to do besides be shown up by danny, who explains dojo custom to her, shows her how to fight better (yes, really) and flagrantly ignores her wishes at every turn. she is at this point just about danny’s only ally. free her.
colleen also participates in a fight club where she wins money... because she uses the trick danny taught her. where would we be without him?
brother and sister dynamic duo ward & joy meachum used to be danny’s childhood “friends”, and i use air quotes because in the early flashbacks we see, “friend” is probably the wrong word. more accurately they were danny’s babysitters slash bullies.
ward is a moustache-twirling bully maybe 5 years danny’s senior who obviously gave danny swirlies. canonically we are told he used to lock danny in the freezer. we see a flashback of him playing monopoly with danny, where he angrily tells danny that his dad says “rules are for PUSSIES” and knocks the tokens off the board and then tattles to the parents that danny is misbehaving five seconds later.
joy is supposed to be the nice one, i guess. joy is actually pretty horrible in these 3 episodes, like everyone else on the show, but ostensibly she is “the nice meachum”, whereby nice means “doesn’t lock children in freezers, probably”. i suspect her arc will be learning her family secrets and defecting to some kind of redemption arc, but she literally auctions off a human being’s liver for political gain, so, that redemption is gonna be a tough sell.
henry or harry or something meachum is the patriarch puppetmaster of this horrible clan, and he is “dead”. except he isn’t dead, he lives in a secret penthouse that he can’t leave for fear of reprisal from the Hand, and only his son and his manservant know he’s alive. joy believes he is dead. why all of this is true is part of the mystery of the show, i think, but i also zone out every time henry and ward have scenes because they are both boring people, so it’s hard to say for sure.
jeri hogarth from jessica jones fame is a long-lost family friend of danny, and the first person to easily believe he is danny rand because he tells her some anecdotes from the start of her career as a law intern at rand enterprises. (rand... corp? rand co? whatever.) she puts danny up in a BEAUTIFUL apartment she just happens to have lying around. danny takes his high-threadcount sheet and sleeps on the floor.  
the basic plot of these episodes is this:
danny rand arrives in new york looking like he is homeless, walks into the giant building that bears his family name, and announces to everyone that this is his building and he is danny rand. no one believes him, because danny rand is supposed to have died 15 years ago, and also he seemingly hasn’t showered in, like, a decade. 
he decides the way to convince people of his real identity is to beat up a bunch of security guards and force his way into the building. at this point you see that it is a plot necessity for danny to be white, because if he was not white and, as a seemingly homeless person, attacked a bunch of rich people, he would probably already have been killed by police like 15 minutes into the pilot
he also breaks into someone’s house. 
nobody believes danny is danny. that is essentially the plot of the first 2 episodes in their entirety.
danny also spends the first two episodes living on the streets, by which i mean meditating under a tree in the in-between scenes. the local other homeless people reach out to him, and he has these weird moments of “haha oh i’m not actually one of you!!” and the other homeless people sort of pityingly tell him where he can get shoes.
he doesn’t wear shoes for like two episodes. everyone asks him to put on shoes: the meachums, colleen, fellow homeless people 
one of his homeless pals has an iphone (stolen) and explains that it will have data briefly before the original owner cancels the contract. danny’s first act confronted with the internet is to vanity google “danny rand”
through this he learns that everyone believes he died in the plane crash that killed his parents, and that his parents’ company, “Rand”, is now run by family friends the meachum siblings.
claiming to not believe him, the meachum siblings conspire to drug danny and send him to some kind of psych ward which seems to just kidnap homeless people, diagnose and drug them. what follows is about an episode’s worth of danny being strapped to a bed and drugged while we do the “i AM danny rand” “no you’re not” argument repeatedly.
this includes joy mailing him some M&Ms and danny mailing her back only the brown ones, which joy considers incontrovertible proof this is Really Danny, since apparently as children they both refused to eat brown M&Ms even though literally every colour of M&M tastes exactly the same. ward convinces her this is just a crazy coincidence~~~
i am assuming based on their treatment of danny, as well as the weird meachum-family livestream in the hospital rooms, that this hospital place isn’t legitimate, but its real raison d’etre has yet to be explained and may never be.
danny finally manages to balance his chi (really), which allows him to activtae his glow-y fist superpower and break out of the psych ward. he shows up at colleen’s house and somehow convinces her to let him stay the night, promising he’ll leave the next day.
some goons come looking for him, colleen kicks their asses, and the next day danny refuses to leave, because he needs to “protect” her. colleen says she doesn’t need protection, fuck you very much, and they have a friendly spar match to prove that Actually danny is better at martial arts than she is.
he promises to pay her a year’s worth of rent if she’ll just let him stay for one week. “you don’t have any money” says colleen to a man who hasn’t worn shoes in two episodes. “of course i have money i’m danny rand!!!” says danny, who i guess thinks he can just walk into any bank and demand a billion dollars on the honour system. colleen relents, because she wants money.
danny shows up at joy’s house to try and make nice with her, and what follows is kind of baffling. it was also obvious from the start that joy meachum thinks danny might actually be danny rand, and she feels sort of bad about how she and her brother conspire to kidnap, drug and gaslight him, yet her apology is... to offer him $40m to fuck off, change his name and never lay claim to his family’s corporation.
like, to be clear, danny is pretty uninteresting and not especially sympathetic on account of how he talks over all the women in his life and has no significant redeeming traits, but he’s still drugged and ends up held in a “psych ward” strapped to a bed and forcefed sedatives while everyone tells him he’s insane, and joy’s reaction to all of this is kind of a shrug, because she and her brother Worked Hard For The MoneyTM and don’t want to share it with some jackass who had the audacity to be in a plane crash as a child
danny steals a children’s craft he made for her when they were kids, lawyers up, and threatens to take them to court for his shares in the company. he then follows ward home, where he discovers that the meachum patriarch is actually still alive, right before being shoved out a window, Game of Thrones style.
RIP iron fist
it probably sounds like i’m kidding. that’s seriously what happens. if only the series just ended now.
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flannel-anni · 7 years
[Another fanfic for the brilliant @nanihoosartblog who keeps drawing Skyrim art that I am living for]
Lydia leaned into the pillar she was standing by and checked her phone again. Still no word from the Dragon, and the meeting should have started ten minutes ago. She leaned her head against the cool concrete and sighed, the steam of her breath lit by the street lamp, white against the black canvas of the night sky, clearing in spite of the cloudburst a few minutes earlier. Last week’s meeting wasn’t groundbreaking, but the Dragon had said she would be there tonight. Lydia heard the chapel door squeak open behind her and turned towards the sound.
“Would you like us to wait, Lydia?”
“No, but thank you, Father.” She pulled her jacket a little tighter around her waist. “I don’t think she’s coming.”
The pastor gave a kind smile. “God really put you on your toes with this one, didn’t He?”
“Something like that.” Lydia nodded. “I’m going to go, but we’ll be here next week.”
The pastor raised a hand, still smiling as he shut the door. Lydia pulled out her phone and unlocked it as she walked towards the road. She had just started to pull up the monitoring center’s phone number when it started ringing.
“I was just about to call you,” she said to the monitoring agent as she answered it.
“Lydia, it’s Aerin. How’s it going?”
“It could be better.” She wiped rain from the seat of her motorcycle and swung a leg over the seat. “Where’s my parolee?”
Aerin giggled, a nervous sound. “Funny you should ask. Her SCRAM just reported rising alcohol levels.”
“Wonderful. Where is she?”
“Some pub called, um...Jar...Jorverr…”
“Jorrvaskr,” Lydia interrupted.
Aerin laughed again. “Sure, yeah.”
“I know where it is.” She turned the key and the motorcycle roared to life. “Thanks.” She hung up before Aerin could laugh again and reached behind her for her helmet.
As she sped down the streets, the city a blur around her, she felt her blood start to boil. She hadn’t met someone who could irritate her the way this parolee did in her ten years in the Army or the past three years as a parole officer.
Lydia had followed the Dragon’s case when it was still big news - the case was just breaking when she had finished her master’s degree. Alduin’s empire, built on the bodies of people whose inferiority he couldn’t tolerate, was maintained by a faceless mercenary who had a knack for burning people alive in their homes. Criminal psychologists struggled to create a good profile because he only acted on orders, and Alduin didn’t always need a reason for incinerating someone. Tabloids called this hitman “the Dragon.”
Until investigators received an anonymous tip - a child’s voice over the phone gave an address near the river. “In the back,” she said before hanging up. When officers arrived, they found a woman lying in the mud, beaten and bloody - Alduin’s Dragon.
The Dragon’s case was a mess because although she had an extensive juvenile case, she didn’t exist as an adult in any system, and - thanks to some good knocks to the head - had no idea who she or Alduin was. To add to the mystery, she had no given name, so although her records still read “Jane Doe,” the media insisted on calling her the Dragon. Although everyone knew she was the Dragon, she wasn’t sentenced for any of the murders that dirtied her hands. The jury settled for putting her away for two years for some intoxicated assault charges from her teenage years.
Parole and Alcoholics Anonymous was part of the sentence.
Lydia stopped at a red light and rolled her shoulders, trying to get her frustration under control. This part of the city was dirty. Half of the street lights sported graffiti or blown light bulbs, and all of the buildings had bars on their windows. A few women leaned against a brick wall under a neon sign, dressed to flirt with hypothermia. Lydia scanned one from head to toe through the tinted visor of her helmet. She heard someone throw up in the gutter, the sound almost swallowed by the pounding music coming from the car that pulled up behind to her just as the light turned green.
A few city blocks later, she pulled off to the side of the road and the pounding card screamed past her. She dismounted the bike and put her helmet back. Two burly men smoking cigarettes on the sidewalk looked her way as she approached the tall doors but didn’t say anything. They weren’t drunk enough to pick a fight, and even if they had, Lydia was at least four inches taller than both of them.
The air inside the bar was hazy with the smell of sweat and stale spirits. Lydia had never been here for the drinks, but the fight cage in the back had drawn her in a time or two. People crowded the makeshift ring, screaming and pushing against each other to get a better view. Two women were fighting now, their knuckles taped but bloody. One of them favored her left ankle. As her opponent stepped closer and started swinging, Lydia scanned the bar. Sitting at the end, drinking a beer, was a woman with a shaved head. As she turned to smile at the dark-haired woman next to her one of the neon signs on the wall threw the long scar over her head into sharp contrast. The Dragon.
Lydia’s jaw set, and she started weaving through the tables towards the bar. She could feel her blood pressure rising again.
“...can’t believe you beat her,” the woman was saying to the Dragon. She leaned towards the Dragon, her chest closing the space between them, and started tracing the back of the Dragon’s neck with her fingertips. “I’ve never seen her lose before.”
The Dragon leaned into her with a smile. “I just know all the important places on a woman.”
Lydia cleared her throat and they both turned to look at her. The Dragon’s smile grew. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite babysitter.” She turned around on the barstool to face Lydia. The Dragon looked awful. One eye was swollen and black, and her lip was split. An open cut on her chin was definitely deep enough to need stitches. Lydia glanced down and saw blood crusted on her knuckles. “I’ll have to call you some time, Sera,” The Dragon said to the woman next to her, who sighed dramatically and gave Lydia a lingering stare as she walked by. Lydia sat at the bar next to the Dragon and took the beer from her.
“You missed the meeting.”
The Dragon, still smirking, rolled her eyes. “Oh come on - that Father Nax or whatever his name was said I had already made great progress. I read all the way to step four in the book, so I don’t have to go back for another month.”
Lydia threw her a sharp look. “You know that’s not how it works. And why the hell are you drinking?”
The Dragon pointed to her swollen eye. “It’s to dull the pain.”
Lydia snorted and looked back at the fight. The women were standing in opposite corners, wiping blood out of their eyes with dirty towels. The one who had been favoring her leg leaned against the chain link, her eyes closed.
“You don’t seem like you know how to have fun, officer.”
“I’m not an officer.” She responded absently, watching the fighter. Lydia wondered if she was praying. “And it’s not about fun. It’s about staying out of prison.” When she looked back, the Dragon was yawning. “It’s not a joke, Jane.”
The Dragon rolled her eyes again - this time with a loud groan. “Give me a break with that Jane Doe bullshit.”
“You can’t skip AA meetings just to come drink at a fight club.”
The Dragon leaned towards Lydia, that stupid grin still hanging on her face. “You forgot about finding someone to take home.”
Lydia clenched her jaw hard enough to make her molars hurt and glared back at the fight just as the limping fighter pushed her opponent against the cage, landing blow after blow to her opponent’s stomach. They fell to the floor and the limper pummeled the other woman’s face until the referee pulled them apart. The crowd around the cage erupted.
“Don’t you even want to know how much money-”
Before the Dragon could finish, Lydia grabbed her by the collar and lifted her from the barstool. She pulled the Dragon through the crowd and out of the door. The guys smoking outside looked with the same disinterest as she rounded the corner of the building and threw the Dragon into the wall.
“I don’t care how much money you made, and neither will the judge when he sends you back to jail for violating your parole.”
The Dragon scrambled to her feet. Lydia felt a sense of satisfaction when she saw she wasn’t smiling anymore. The Dragon rushed towards her, fists up. Lydia dodged her swings and shoved her, sending the Dragon sprawling into a puddle. The Dragon lifted herself, a little slower this time, and Lydia grabbed her again, pushing her face-first against the wall and twisting her arm against her back. The Dragon struggled against her, breathing heavy.
“You know, someone told me in jail that you couldn’t really know a woman until you’d traded blows and shared a drink.” The Dragon tried to laugh and winced. “Maybe I can buy you a drink.”
Lydia let go of her arm and stepped away. Running her hands through her hair, she took a deep breath, letting it out slow. She watched the Dragon rub her shoulder and felt a sting of guilt.
“It’s been a long day,” She murmured to herself. “Forget that - it’s been a long life.”
The Dragon looked up, not smiling for once. She wiped dirty rainwater off her face with a soaked sleeve.
“So is that a yes to the drink?”
Lydia laughed and shook her head.
The Dragon smiled - not the smartass grin she’d had since Lydia met her, but a sweet smile that touched her eyes. “I won’t even drink anything. I’ll just buy you a whiskey and you can tell me about your long life.”
“I’ll do you one better. We go back to my place so you can clean up and I can stitch up your chin and we share a nice glass of juice together.”
“Just as long as you don’t call me Jane.”
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