#{ then like a week or months later they're awful and locking a child in the bathroom all day or making them clean their house }
oflostinfound · 1 year
Hax, hypothetically, who would you rather hire as a babysitter
a) someone in tattered clothes, very nice, who says they need the job to help their family,has worked as a babysitter before
b) a rich looking teenager in perfectly good clothes, rude, who only needs the money to buy themself the newest phone, and has never worked as a babysitter
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ From only what you described, the person in the tattered clothes would be my choice. You stated they were nice, they've done the job before, and they need the money. You didn't really say much about the other person's personality, or if they were willing to really learn the job as opposed to sit my child in front of something and ignore her. ❞
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ Granted that also depends on how Taygete feels about the babysitter. I'm not leaving her with someone who would neglect her or make her sad or scared. There's a lot more factors to consider for a babysitter besides just what they're wearing and past experience. ❞
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lancetuckershairgel · 5 years
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Warnings: Language, Posession of a weapon (gun), general angst
Words: 1,303
Tag List: @southernbell91 @book-dragon-13 @buckysforeverprincess @mycupoffanfiction @jobean12-blog @marvelgirl7 @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @buckysteveloki-me @brat-in-a-teacup @msruchita
A month had gone by since Lucy and Lily's dad walked out on them leaving the two girls to fend for themselves. Lucy managed to keep things going so far by continuing to steal necessities and forging her father's signature and income information on a form that would allow the elementary school to give Lily a backpack of food every week. She managed two weeks washing the few clothes they had by hand in the grime covered bathtub with cheap dish soap until the water was shut off. After that the teenager had to get creative.  She threatened classmates for change just to be able to go to the carwash in town late at night when no one was around and use the hose. Swiping a can of dry shampoo and filling an old water jug with the same hose water from the car wash was enough to give Lily a cold bath every few days. Things weren't easy, and Lucy was exhausted from trying to maintain her own school work, raising Lily and keeping face so no one would suspect anything. As the days drew on she was becoming more and more weary from the stress and lack of sleep.  
Meanwhile Chris had tried his hardest to get Lily to open up to him about home. Where she lived, her father's name. Either Lily really didn't know or she was incredibly good at pretending, and if she was anything like her big sister Chris would say it was the latter. 
Lily perked up when she saw Chris waiting for her at their usual lunch table. She plopped down in her seat and tossed her lunch box on the table, opening it. 
"I got a peanut butter sandwich today!" The kindergartner exclaimed excitedly as she unwrapped the sandwich from tin foil 
"Peanut butter is my favorite" Chris smiled as he passed her his fruit cup and chocolate milk from his lunch tray 
Ever since Chris had found out that Lily had barely any food and the schools hands were tied since her father refused to fill out a free lunch form, he had been sharing his lunch with her. He could at least go home and have a decent meal at the end of the day. 
"You must really like peanut butter too" Chris commented on the daily sandwich, hoping to draw out some information from the girl 
"Not really but it's all I got right now." 
"What do you mean?" He tilted his head 
"It's just the only thing my sis-" Lily paused to reword her answer, "I mean peanut butter is easy and doesn't have to be cooked." 
Chris raised his brows but didn't say anything.The two spent the rest of lunch talking about the book Lily's teacher read to the class that morning. 
"Aw man, lunch is over." Lily crossed her arms with a pout as the bell rang and her classmates lined up
"Sorry kiddo." Chris felt equally as disappointed because he was hoping to get more information. He'd hoped that Erin was having better luck with Lucy. 
As it turned out Erin wasn't having any luck at all. She sat at her desk, staring at a nodding off teenager who sat in the white saucer chair. Lucy had fallen asleep in history class and didn't care for being woken up by the teacher. 
"What?" Lucy mumbled
"Honey, did you not get a lot of sleep last night?" 
"I don't get a lot of sleep most nights."
"Why not?" 
"Somebody's gotta watch for the big bad wolf."
Erin narrowed her eyes as Lucy laid her head back and dozed off. She made the decision to let Lucy stay through the next period to get an hour's rest before waking her again. Lucy woke in a less grumpy mood, but still wasn't open to being friendly with the officer. 
"You want to tell me about that wolf?" 
"Come on, Lucy. Give me something here." Erin pleaded 
"Why? So you can ruin my life? Have everything taken from me? Nice try. Thanks for the nap."
Lucy snatched up her bookbag and left the office. Erin sighed before sending a text to Chris. 
That afternoon Chris ducked out of the building early and rushed home to change out the patrol car for his red pickup truck. He made it back to the school just in time for the line of buses to file out of the back parking lot and make their way to their routes. He spotted Lily's bus and followed it down the highway.  Six stops in he finally saw Lily emerge and make her way down an overgrown and unkempt path away from the road. He moved on with the bus but turned around a short mile later to head back. He turned onto the gravel path and drove down until he reached a cattle gate overgrown with vines. He got out of his truck and climbed the gate, walking until he found the house. He saw Lily go inside and he frowned at the condition. Unsurprised but still greatly disturbed by the sight he knew the place wasn't liveable. At least he knew where they were now. He returned to his truck and made his way back home, having a few phone calls to make. 
"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Lucy punched the wall with frustration as Lily pouted behind her 
"Why aren't the lights coming on? It's getting dark!" Lily whined 
"I dunno, kid." 
Lucy did know. She saw the disconnect notice three days ago.
"Let's pretend we're camping okay?" Lucy suggested as she grabbed a can of pork and  beans from the sparse cabinet
"I don't want beans again." Lily complained 
"Neither do I." Lucy grumbled as she opened the can and grabbed two spoons 
"They're cold" Lily said as she took a bite
"Yep. Eat." 
Lucy tried to remain patient with her little sister.  The girl didn't understand power bills and money. It wasn't her fault they were having to struggle. Lucy just ruffled her hair and sat on the floor next to her. 
"How long do we have to be pretend camping?" 
"I dunno." 
"Can you tell me a story?"
Lucy swallowed a spoonful of the cold beans and began telling Lily a story about two kids camping in the woods. Halfway through she stopped and tensed, the sound of crunching gravel under tires alerting her senses. She stood and walked to the front window, peering out through a torn curtain. 
Two police cars and a red sedan were parked in front of the house.  Panic rose in Lucy's chest and her heart pounded. 
"What's wrong?"
"Uh...nothing. New game. Hide and seek."
Lucy grabbed Lily and rushed to the back bedroom, closing the door before shoving them both inside the closet.  
"What are we hiding from?" 
"The bad guys. Stay quiet."
Lucy was shaking as she heard a heavy knock on the door. 
"No. Hush." 
Lucy held Lily close as tears formed in her eyes. The front door opened, the lock having been broken for as long as she could remember, and footsteps could be heard. 
"Hello?" A female voice called out "Is anyone home?" 
"Shh" Lucy whispered to her sister
"Lucy? Lily?" 
"Chris!" Lily exclaimed as she jumped up and ran out of the hiding spot
"Lily, no!" 
Lucy bolted after the child, pausing to grab a gun out of a dresser drawer. She ran down the hallway in time to sweep Lily into her arms and come face to face with Chris, Erin and an unknown woman. Another police officer entered through the back door and stood behind the girls. Lucy's eyes went wide with fear as she stood there, having been found out, and she raised the gun, pointing it at Chris. 
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