#{ mildly concerned about the flow of this but it's late so }
firelord-frowny · 3 months
blehhhhhhhhhh health and adulthood
i really really really really really need to make a dr appointment (a few different appointments actually, probably) but i am Too Chicken and i keep putting it off but i really don't want to put it off anymore and i so so so so so so so hope i'm not waiting too late about something that turns out to be more serious than what i think it is.
the "it" that i think it is, is fibroids or uterine cysts or both. which like, i know those things can be serious enough to require surgery, but i also know that they're both very common conditions that might not require treatment at all (at least for a while) and that they're usually very fixable problems.
which like, i supposedly have pcos but was never diagnosed beyond my former gyno just saying "oh thats because of pcos" when i told her that i often skip periods and my flow is hella heavy. but like. apparently there's more diagnostic stuff that could have/should have been done about that.
but nowwww one new symptom that i think might be related (and would still warrant seeing a doc even if its not related) is that im getting HELLA constipated lately???? like for the past few months at least, i've been having to use a laxative at least once or twice a month. and good LORD this is tmi but the sheer amount of poop that accumulates in me is bizarre?????????? like jeeeez HOW? how is ALL THAT in there????
and then when i do finally manage to poo, it's almost always a terribly crampy experience. :( or at least mildly crampy. but it's often pretty bad.
and im kinda worried that if i do have some kind of cysty or fibroidy thing goin on, could it have grown to the point where it's actually causing some sort of blockage?? and then of course there's the terrifying possibilty that its a straight up tumor or something???
which kinda ties into the fact that even if my being constipated isn't related to the cysts or fibroids that im pretty sure i might have, it's still cause for concern. i mean i guess statistically the odds are that i just need to Drink More Water and Eat More Fiber and Get More Exercise lmao but i prolly shouldn't count on that.
but anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. i'm sick of worrying about this but im also so terribly afraid of finding out anything scary or even just inconvenient. :(
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incognitajones · 2 years
Hello! For Trick or Treat prompting, The Expanse + "gathering" or "frost" from the seasonal list (I did not realize you'd written for The Expanse and now I'm rushing off to read root system because marriage of convenience Prax and Amos sounds AMAZING) - If that doesn't spark any ideas, I'm always interested in your rogue one takes too. "longing" feels a little on the noise for that, so maybe "blustery"?
Ahhhh, thank you so much for your interest in "root system"! I had a lot of fun writing that fic. 😊 And here's some Expanse found family for you to fill the "gathering" prompt:
The numb chill of space flowed in with Naomi as she followed Amos through the Roci's airlock. A lattice of frost from the warmer air inside the ship crept along the edges of her faceplate. The hatch sealed behind them and she started shedding gear, popping off her helmet with a hiss and clumsily shrugging out of the oversuit. A shudder ran up her spine. Lately, every time she went outside the ship, she was cold for hours afterward. It felt as though she'd never get warm enough after the Chetzemoka. 
Amos, on the other hand, was sweating. He unzipped the top half of his inner suit and peeled it down, tying the sleeves around his waist over his undershirt. Then he tossed her uniform jacket over from where she’d left it hanging in her locker. “Put that on before you start shivering.”
“Dinner is served as soon as you two get up here,” Holden’s voice came over the intercom. “Clarissa and I finally perfected her pancit recipe.” 
Naomi made a face, and Amos laughed at her. “Aw, come on, the cap’s cooking’s not so bad.”
“He never makes it hot enough,” she grumbled. “None of you Earthers do.” “Just because you like your taste buds burned off…” Amos shook his head. 
They were still amiably bickering about food as they entered the galley. Clarissa looked over with lines of concern etched on her forehead—she got anxious when people disagreed in front of her. Amos grinned at her, though, and she relaxed. 
Naomi took her usual seat and Holden handed her a cup of tea. She curled her hands around its heat with a sigh. He set a bowl of pancit in front of her and sat down next to her, his arm resting warm against her side. 
Amos grabbed a bowl from Clarissa and slung his leg over the bench to sit. “Not bad, Peaches,” he mumbled around a mouthful of noodles. “Not bad at all.”
“I helped,” Holden said mildly, scooping some into his own bowl.  
“You chopped a few things,” Clarissa allowed. She manipulated her chopsticks with precision to take a small, neat bite. Somehow she hadn’t yet abandoned her perfect table manners in the face of the rest of the crew, who’d learned to eat fast and furious. 
The pancit might be a little bland for Naomi, but it was still good—filling and hot. The warm meal helped dispel a little more of the chill she carried inside her. Listening to Holden and Amos argue about the espresso setting on the coffee machine did the rest. Hiding a smile, she lifted her bowl to her mouth to slide in the last few noodles. 
“I’ll clean up,” she said, setting down the empty dish.
Amos shook his head. “It’s my turn.” 
It wasn’t, but Amos was still feeling protective enough of her that it wasn't worth arguing with him, and Naomi wasn’t so virtuous she’d insist on doing a chore someone else was volunteering for. “Then I’ll check the Prax panels after dinner,” she said. “The filters are due for a cleaning.”
Clarissa aligned her chopsticks across the top of her empty bowl. “I meant to ask, why do you call them Prax panels?” she asked. “I’ve never heard that before.”
“Our friend the botanist, who put them together,” Amos said. “That was his name.”
“How’s he doing, by the way?” Naomi asked. “Back on Ganymede?”
“Working hard,” Amos said. “Lotta repair work to get those agridomes up and running again.” He reached for the serving dish and dumped another mound of pancit in his bowl.
“To absent friends,” Holden said, raising his cup. Amos and Clarissa did the same, tapping their drinks together. 
“Absent friends,” Naomi echoed, thinking of Prax and Alex and Bobbie and Avasarala and all the others who’d shared this place with them. She touched her cup to Holden’s and drank, feeling the warmth spread through her.
A/N: I know pancit isn’t supposed to be hot, but I see Naomi as someone who likes most of her food to be spicy! (it’s a Belter thing)
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Whumptober Day 5
Blood loss
continuation of: day 3 (impaled)
Emil had not been adequately prepared to have his guts run through today. It’s certainly one of the more… unique experiences of life, though not something on his personal wishlist- and he can’t honestly say his own life feels particularly enriched by its unexpected occurrence here and now. Quite the opposite, in fact.
As his flesh warps around the rough wooden shaft of a hunting spear, as his organs shift and rupture and chafe distressingly in the presence of the intruding object, and as lifeblood flows in sick pulses from the wounds, Emil feels the weight of his mortality more heavily than he ever has before.
The other two, Rogelio and- what was his friend’s name?- well, the attacker, are arguing about something or another. It’s becoming difficult to concentrate on much else besides the pain. And breathing, which is now a delicate process. He hobbles over to the nearest tree to lean uncomfortably against it for support.
“So let’s hurry and interrogate him already, before he dies,” Rogelio’s friend says.
“…We’re not doing that, Lorenzo.”
“What’s your problem? We hunt dangerous animals all the time; why is this bothering you now?”
“He’s not a fucking animal!”
“Could’ve fooled me.” Lorenzo glances over at Emil with nothing but loathing. “He’s the enemy, remember? We wanted him to stop terrorizing us!”
“Not like this! Not murder!”
“Well, too late: problem solved. You’re welcome for doing what you couldn’t,” Lorenzo sneers.
Rogelio shoves him so hard that he stumbles and falls on his ass several feet away. He then walks calmly to Emil and begins examining the wound on both ends, scowling to himself as he does. It is mildly refreshing to see that ire directed at someone else for a change, Emil thinks.
“Shit, dude,” Rogelio mutters. “You’re only gonna bleed out faster if I remove this right now. How are you even still standing?”
“It- would hurt more- to fall.”
Emil’s response is stilted and breathless and requires significant effort to produce. His injury punishes him for it, the shock shooting across his entire body. He looks down at himself pathetically lamenting the gruesome state of his clothes.
“Hey now. Save your breath.”
“You- asked.”
“Yeah, alright smartass. Starting now. Can you walk?”
“What… are you doing?” they hear Lorenzo ask. He’s standing there watching Rogelio fuss over Emil, flabbergasted.
“Saving him. I’ve gotta get him to the healers.”
“Is- Is that supposed to be a joke?”
Rogelio doesn’t dignify that with an answer.
“Just stop. You know damn well they won’t take him in. No one will. And what about Dani?? Rogelio! Why are you-?”
“Shut up,” Rogelio growls.
He must have realized it too, though. That none of his normal protocols or resources are going to work here, regardless of his own status in town. After a few moments of reconciling with this fact, he swears loudly and racks his brain for another solution.
“Okay. New plan. Go home, Lorenzo. Don’t talk about any of this. Ever. If somebody asks, I stayed out to look for Dani. Got it?”
Lorenzo’s aloof attitude wavers more with every passing minute; his gaze slides past him to Emil again, narrowing suspiciously.
“…What did that mage do to you that’s got you acting like his dog?”
“Don’t look at him, look at me,” Rogelio butts in, even going so far as to physically step between them. “I need to hear that you understand what I’m saying. If you tell anyone what happened here, I’ll make damn sure you suffer for it.”
Emil’s lips quirk slightly, hearing that. Loath as he would be to ever admit it, he does nevertheless get profound satisfaction from Rogelio showing concern for his well-being. It’s yet another way in which he is cursed- or so he will continue to insist. Silently. Keeping his feelings locked within to the bitter end.
He is hard-pressed to truly be smug about anything in this particular moment, however. The spear through his chest makes it rather difficult. But at least the one who did this to him can’t indulge in his smugness either.
And at least… Rogelio is…
Coherence leaves him, and so does his strength. He shudders and begins to slide to the ground, his hand trailing bloody streaks down the side of the tree.
“Shit! Emil!”
Rogelio whirls around to help him, turning his back on his friend- who uses this opportunity to flee in the direction of Kaluss. Emil watches him vanish, at least until a warm hand swoops in to support and adjust his head.
“Look at me. Stay with me, okay? I’m not gonna let you die,” Rogelio says, trying desperately to sound optimistic. “Don’t die.”
Emil passes out.
continued in:
day 8 (everything hurts and i’m dying)
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vukovich · 3 years
peculiar prompts: fuck or die, but their dicks get bigger every second
A Mounting Problem
"Don't eat those." Ron came around the bend in the trail. Draco scoffed and picked several more scarlet berries, adding them to the pile in Harry's outstretched shirt.
"They're wild cherries," Harry said.
"This," Ron swept his arm out over the lush valley, "is an old wizarding land preserve." He pointed at the thorny bush. "And those are twiggenberries, not cherries."
Draco stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry. "Are, too."
"What would you know about foraging, Malfoy? You hadn't eaten a meal outdoors until this week."
Draco scrunched his face up and mimicked Ron.
"Fine." Ron adjusted his pack and side-stepped around them. "Don't be late to the top of the rise. And don't eat those berries til you're back home. Alone."
"Yes, Father," Draco said snidely to Ron's retreating back.
Harry pretended to gag.
"Heard that!" Came Ron's voice.
Harry swatted a mosquito against the inside of the tent and shot Draco a triumphant grin, but Draco's attention was on the bag of berries in his lap.
"Ron said not to eat those here."
"Ron says a lot of things. I'm hungry." He crossed his outstretched legs over his sleeping bag and Harry wondered if he shouldn't hand-feed Draco.
"Someone failed to guard the camp from raccoons." Draco popped a big, glossy berry in his mouth. "And someone cost us what smelled like a wonderful crockpot of chili."
"I said I was hanging back to take a nap, and I did. I didn't know none of you latched the crockpot." Harry rolled onto his side and clicked a small lantern on. "Give me one."
Harry opened his mouth and flicked his gaze back and forth between the berries and Draco's eyes. Draco let him look like a confused fish for a few moments before selecting a berry.
They were large, for wild berries. Almost like small plums, but a bit more pointed at one end, and deep red. Draco traced it over Harry's bottom lip before shoving it in, and then followed with his fingers for good measure.
Harry grunted in surprise, but sucked Draco's fingers clean before biting into the berry. It popped open in a rush of cloyingly-sweet bubblegum, and broke against the roof of his mouth like an overripe grape. He grabbed a bottle of water from the foot of his sleeping back to dilute the overwhelming taste.
Draco smirked and shoved what had to be his fourth or fifth one into his mouth.
"You can have the rest," Harry said, capping his water and laying down.
He clicked off the light, and Draco sealed the bag and laid down next to him. Harry started drifting off almost immediately, but Draco tossed and turned.
Harry cracked an eye and was met with Draco's eyes glinting in the filtered moonlight. "Do you think they're awake?"
"Ron and Hermione?"
"No, the wampus cats. Of course Ron and Hermione."
"Probably not. I think they hiked twelve miles today. Why?"
Draco walked fingers over their sleeping bags toward Harry's chest, and then diverted southward.
"No reason..."
"They're heavy sleepers."
"Mm hm..."
Draco tugged at the drawstring on Harry's pajama bottoms. Harry bit back a smile and let him pick at the knot until Draco started muttering swear words under his breath.
Harry rolled on his back and unceremoniously shucked his pants and pajamas off, and threw his t-shirt on the pile at the foot of his sleeping bag.
He couldn't read Draco's expression, so he clicked the lantern back on. Wonderment. Draco was staring at Harry's dick in absolute wonderment. Harry was flattered, then aroused, but then mildly alarmed, because Draco just kept staring.
Harry glanced down and didn't see anything more interesting than his own erection, and still Draco watched it, and Harry watched him. But... why would he be hard already?
Harry wrapped a hand around his semi-hard dick, but his fingers only just met around it. That wasn't right.
Draco tilted his head to one side. "I think those were psychedelic berries."
"Oh, shit," Harry whispered. He worked his fist over the head of his cock, just in case this turned out to be a really good trip. "Oh... shiiiiit. How many did you eat?"
"Five?" Draco licked his lips. "Your dick looks bigger."
Harry stopped stroking. "I think it is bigger."
Harry's thumb and middle finger couldn't touch, and felt like they were actively being pushed way. The skin of his cock grew achingly tight and over-sensitive.
"Shit. What do we do?"
Draco scooted closer. "I can think of several things to do."
Panic rose a cold sweat over Harry's chest. "What should we do?"
"Again, I can think of-"
"RON!" Harry shouted.
A rustle in the other tent, followed by a groan, and "Wassit?"
Draco leaned down slowly, eyes on Harry, sneaking his mouth closer to Harry's dick and fooling no one.
"What do those berries do?" Harry shouted, then swallowed a whimper as Draco's lips spread over the head of his cock.
"The fuck you think a twiggenberry does?" Ron grumbled. An owl hooted nearby. "You didn't eat one, did you?"
"Uhm." Draco's tongue against the tight-stretched skin was already too much. "Yes."
"Guess it could be worse. You gotta get somebody to help you blow your load before your dick drains your blood supply." The owl hooted again, and it sounded rather concerned. "Doesn't work if you do it on your own."
Draco slurped enthusiastically and winked.
"Sounds like you've got it under control. And I've got ear plugs. Good thing you only ate one. G'night."
"Ron! RON!" Harry tugged Draco up by the hair. "Shit. Now what?"
Draco held Harry's gaze while he slid his tongue out and prodded Harry's dick with the tip. "Mm?"
Harry nodded and tried to relax as Draco's mouth enveloped him. He blew out a long breath and forced himself to not think about anything but the wet heat sliding over his cock. Not about dying with an enormous dick hanging out. Merlin help him if Dumbledore met him on a platform in this condition.
Draco shifted, snuck a hand in his own pajamas, and moaned around Harry's cock.
"Fuck," Harry whispered. Draco's shoulder shook as he stroked himself in time to his mouth on Harry. He moaned again, and tension build at the base of Harry's cock. "Fuck, I'm gonna come."
Draco wrapped both hands around Harry's thick length, and the pressure in his hips broke, spilling into Draco's mouth. Harry's breath shuddered out as Draco slowed, swallowed, and grinned at him.
"I've got something for you." He rose up on his knees and Harry's dick gave a feeble throb at the size of the tent in Draco's pants. "Roll over, size queen."
It wasn't that Draco wasn't well-endowed. He was... fine. But Harry's tastes ran... larger. A lot larger. Like the bludger bat of a cock Draco was wrangling out of his shorts.
Draco reached into a bag, then tossed a tube of lube on Harry's pillow. That dick was so perfect Harry could have cried. And he did.
Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. Draco straddled Harry's thighs and plopped down, massive erection slapping against Harry's spent cock.
"Uhm... What's wrong?"
"I ate-" Harry sobbed. "-the chili."
"Okaayyyy..." Draco shook his head and waited for Harry to explain, but comprehension bloomed over Draco's face. "There were no raccoons?! Harry James Potter, you ate half a crockpot of chili and blamed raccoons?!"
Harry nodded and hid his face in the crook of his elbow.
Harry nodded again. "I'm sorry."
"Oh, I am not putting my dick in that."
"I'm really, really sorry."
"I'll bet you are." He felt Draco's breath against his ear. "Sorry you're not getting your greedy little hole stretched open by this."
Draco pressed his cock along Harry's abdomen for emphasis. He ran his chin down Harry's jawline and sighed. "Wanker."
Harry moved his arms, sniffled, and snuck a kiss on Draco's nose before he sat back up. "I guess wanking, it is. I don't think I can fit it in my mouth."
Draco walked his knees up to Harry's waist and sat on his flaccid dick. Hard.
"I always had a theory that Parseltongues could unhinge their jaws like snakes."
Harry only half-heard Draco, because the dick sitting on his chest was fucking amazing. It was still Draco's, but huge. He would have gladly impaled himself on this beast of a dong, but no. The chili had smelled too damn good.
Draco flipped the cap on the lube open and emptied it out on what was rapidly becoming a third leg. Harry wrapped both hands around it, and the overlap of his fingers shrank as he watched.
He stroked, slow and steady, trying to keep a familiar routine in a very new situation. Draco's head lolled to the side, and his lips pressed against his own shoulder. Harry smiled softly and tightened his grip. Even full of dick-enhancing berries, Draco couldn't come without his lips against bare skin, even if it was his own.
Draco tilted forward, but caught himself. He wavered above Harry.
"I'm dizzy."
Harry looked up and met glassy, vacant eyes. His fingers barely met around the dick in his hands.
"Oh, shit." His mind raced. "Lay down. Lay down on me right now."
Draco fell forward, chest on Harry's face. Harry grabbed Draco's hips and pushed him down until their lips met. "Shit. Draco, stay awake."
Draco hummed against Harry's lips, and Harry stroked dick like Draco's life depended on it. Up and over the swelling head, thumbs working the underside of Draco's cock until Draco's back stiffened.
Cool lips found Harry's, and Draco whimpered, hitched, and the dick in Harry's hands throbbed. Hot rivulets flowed through his fingers, and he absently thought a cock that big should put out a whole lot more come than this.
Draco sighed into Harry's neck. "That was good."
Harry slid his hands out from between them and wiped them on Draco's arse. "That was close, is what that was."
"Mm hm."
"Are you just going to fall asleep on top of me?"
"Mm hm."
Harry woke at dawn to a startled owl hoot, a scuffle outside his tent, and then the walls of the tent shaking violently. He popped up on his knees to look through the mesh window.
The sun was just peeking over the treetops, and Hermione stood outside, hands on their tent, hair in a tight braid, dressed for a hike already.
"Get up, losers! We're going berry-picking!"
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love-archon · 3 years
A Day With The Genshin Characters: Liyue Edition
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Today's going to be a busy day! Check your planner for who you'll be meeting with- as one of the esteemed members of the Liyue Qixing, you cannot afford to be late to any appointment. 
• 6:00, Ningguang: Morning Tea 
Although you say you love your job, waking up at un-archonly hours has to be the part you like the least. Even getting up at five in the morning, the hour when tigers prowl, is still not enough time to prepare for a meeting with the Tianquan. You rush around frantically choosing the best outfit, fragrance, and hair arrangement to present yourself to Lady Ningguang, and you're halfway out the door when it hits you- you forgot to bring a gift with you!
"Right on time," Ningguang says, pleased. You smile, hoping she won't hear your heart beating from anxiety. "And what a lovely present, too... is there any doubt you were appointed as one of the seven Qixing?" (You can't tell if it's her rare praise, or the sheer altitude you're at within the Jade Chamber, that's making your head spin).
• 7:00, Keqing: Business Meeting 
You barely have time to rest before Keqing whisks you away to Yuehai Pavilion. You're very close friends, and you admire the girl for her tenacity and diligence. The conversation flows easily as you walk to your destination under a cloudless sky. It's a wonderfully sunny moment, but the moment the doors lock, you mean business. In the next two hours, you conquer matters that would normally take days to resolve, and the two of you exchange grins. 
"There we go!" Keqing breathes a sigh of relief, pushing away the last stack of papers. She holds up her hand, and you high-five. "You know, I like how easily you keep up with me. You even caught mistakes I would have missed... things like this make me even more certain Liyue is better off in human hands."
• 9:00: Check In With Ganyu
With such a hectic schedule, Ganyu is your saving grace. It's always important to check in with her, just to make sure nothing you have planned catches you by surprise, and sometimes you wonder why others rarely do the same. She's quite lonely, and often mentions how nice it is that you speak with her every day and bring her gifts to help with work. It may be part of your job to be courteous, but... it does help her feel less lonely and conflicted with herself. 
"Qingxin flowers? Thank you so much." She accepts them gratefully, smiling at you with warm eyes. "I still have that new stationery you gave me, too. You're so kind for remembering the things I like!"
• 9:30: Talk to Beidou
The tea in the Jade Chamber was just a front for Ningguang to spring a request on you- meet with the captain of the Crux Fleet to discuss her... recent smuggling habits. But Beidou merely laughs heartily when you arrive. A crewmate tosses her a sack of Mora, and she slits it open, letting the payment shower over you in a spray of gold. And then, before you know what's happening, you're roped into helping them find a treasure rumored to be lost beneath the waves. 
"So, Ningguang though sending her star diplomat would get me to let up, huh!" You blush, wondering how you could be so easy to read under her ruby eye. "I was impressed by your words, and how well you fought by my side. But the annoyance of the Liyue Qixing is of no concern to me."
• 12:00, Tartaglia: TEACH HIM A LESSON!
As the member of the Qixing that oversees diplomacy and foreign relations, it's you that must meet with the Fatui Harbinger. He's quite good at playing pretend- all your underlings believed he was a naive, careless young man, and easily manipulated, too. And all of them ended up suppressing the urge to break something after they were done conversing with him. On your honor as one of Liyue's seven stars, you vow to not make their mistakes. 
"You're asking why I don't try to drive you mad?" he said, setting down his fork. You'd caved in and given him one after watching him struggle with chopsticks for far too long. "You're the only one who isn't a bore to talk to, that's all-" so this was on purpose?!- "and besides, I want to challenge you to a fight afterwards! Your vision's getting quite dusty from neglect, comrade. Let's fix that!"
• 2:00, Yanfei: Discussion of Legal Matters
Yanfei's counsel is an invaluable treasure. Especially when dealing with an opponent as vicious as Snezhnaya's Fatui, who deserve to have her wrath unleashed upon them. You walk to her office with a gleam in your eyes, and are delighted to see an equal fire already blazing in hers. For the next few hours, you two take the "suggestions" Tartaglia passed on from the Northland Bank and scheme on how to best tear them to shreds with the law.
"That man-childe's been giving you trouble again, huh," she giggles. "What did he come up with this time~? I've been waiting for an excuse to bring out the latest edition of my lawbook!" And with that, Yanfei slams it down, and the sheer weight of it nearly cracks her desk. "He won't know what hit him!"
• 4:00: Free Time
Of course, "free time" simply means that you have no meetings scheduled for this hour, which lets you adequately prepare for the next day's events. Tomorrow is your appointment with the Feiyun Commerce Guild, which you already know will require great patience and strength of mind. Because the head of the guild, and his eldest son, the future head, are- to put it mildly- not very bright... it's fortunate, then, that the second son Xingqiu has a good head on his shoulders.  
"Tomorrow, you should go straight to me instead," Xingqiu informs you cheerily, handing you a popsicle. Apparently, he keeps them around for his friend Chongyun, who's off to complete another exorcism. "I'll be sure to set everything in order." His eyes gleam. "And then, I can tell you the latest developments in 'A Legend of Sword'!"
• 5:00: Catch Xinyan's Concert!
Liyue's one and only rock musician isn't hard to find, thanks to the designated performance spots scattered around the city. You stop by at the raised platform where she's rocking out, where other people are listening as well. Xinyan strikes a peace sign in the air, and her vision glows with energy before the stage erupts with pillars of fire; her audience bursts into cheers and applause, and she's beaming as she leaps down to meet you. 
"Wait, seriously? You really changed up the rules a lil' so it'll be easier for me to hold concerts here?" Her eyes shine as they scan the papers- one of the many results of your work today in Yuehai. "Thank you so much! Wait-" she picks up her guitar again, giving it an experimental riff. "Let me think up a quick song for ya as thanks- I insist!"
• 6:00: Wangsheng Funeral Parlor 
Lately, you've been sent particularly determined requests from the other nations about allowing tourists to observe the ancient funeral rites. You already know the answer's gonna be a hard no, but the laws written by Rex Lapis state that you must check with the director anyway. She's not there when you arrive, so a consultant, Zhongli, brings you tea while you wait for her. You sit together in the fading sun, waiting for Hu Tao's familiar song to rise above the hill. 
Zhongli takes a quiet sip from his cup, closing his luminous eyes. "Although it was Rex Lapis who created the laws, they are not meant to be set in stone. Humans must revise the contract as they see fit, so that it will not erode with the passage of time." Something makes you feel as though it's more significant to him than you know. Then, he smiles slightly. "But, just looking at the people leading the way in his absence, like you... there's no need for me to worry."
• 8:00: Dinner; Request Chef Xiangling
The Wanmin Restaurant, run by Chef Mao and his daughter, is a breath of fresh air. While the rest of Liyue is divided between the "Li" and "Yue" styles of cooking, Xiangling pays the conflict no mind. Instead, she's not afraid to be daring and experiment, blazing ahead without worrying about what others think. You can see some similarities between her and Keqing, but it's best not to mention it after that disastrous banquet they organized together... 
"Had a rough day, didn't you?" Xiangling asks, her golden eyes twinkling as she hands you the steaming hot bowl. "Well, for you, I made sure to prepare your favorite dish! I hope you don't mind if I added a lizard or two this time- I'm kidding!" she adds quickly, upon seeing alarm flash across your face. 
• 9:00: Return Home
After everything that happened, you're eager to collect the reports from your subordinates and head home to draft new revisions for Tianquan Ningguang to look over (and then, hopefully, get some rest). But as you're walking on the path to your neighborhood, you spot a little girl sitting in the grass, clutching her head. Alarm rises in your chest as you rush over to see what's wrong, and why she's alone- only to realize with a start that she's the child that returned from the dead.  
"Thank you for taking Qiqi back to Bubu Pharmacy," she says, reading solemnly from her notebook (where the entire thank-you script is written). Even when you set her down, she's still reading the pieces of paper. "Will you tell Dr. Baizhu where I got lost? Please and thank you, again."
• 10:00: Sleep
In the end, you never did get to those revisions. You can hear your fellow Qixing scolding you in your head, but at least you got plenty of other things done; the well-oiled machine that is Liyue will still keep running on thanks to the tasks you accomplished today. Someday, even the adepti will have to acknowledge the ability of humans... you turn in your bed to feel the coolness of the other side. Speaking of adepti... the night air coming in... reminds you of... "Xiao..."
"I thought you were in danger," the adeptus huffs. The moment you said his name, you'd finally fallen asleep, but it still brought Xiao to you- balanced on the windowsill, hair waving in the breeze. "Still... I'm... glad that you're alright," he admits, glancing at you to make sure you're not awake to hear. "Rest well, bright star of Liyue." And then, with a sound like a sigh- or was it the wind?- he's gone.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
To bargain for immortality pt.2
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Finally, she felt well enough to leave the infirmary room for good. Her internal organs were at peace for the most part and she could keep some food down without the risk of seeing it for a second time. Her sinuses still seemed to refuse to recover though. Occasional nosebleeds would have her head spinning and the scent of blood so often present within the castle was somehow too offensive to her senses. Nicole couldn't help but wonder how exactly she got it this screwed up, but then again the first few days of the infection were a painful blur that she'd rather not remember.
For now she was content to sit in front of the fireplace with the rest of her family. They decided to have a movie night to break her out of the mopey state she had been in and, for the most part, it was quite the success. She wasn't paying much attention to the projector screen, some sappy scene from a movie chosen by Daniela playing at the moment. Instead, she was simply enjoying the close proximity to Cassandra that she so dearly missed in the last few weeks. Nicole was in the brunette's lap, with hands loosely around her waist and leaning against her shoulder. She was vaguely aware of Laura complaining about the poor life choices of one of the characters only to be unceremoniously shushed by the youngest sister. It made her chuckle.
Bela was passing the popcorn to her mothers when a knock on the main entrance reached their ears faintly. Lady Dimitrescu narrowed her eyes in the general direction of the sound, and listened. Soon enough the rapid steps of Alexandria, their Steward, reached them.
"My Ladies, Mother Miranda's assistant is here."
The whole family got up hesitantly and tried to look as presentable as possible, given their "lazy day outfits". For some like Bela that was a baggy shirt and shorts, while for the Lady it was one of her trademark white dresses. They made their way to the main entrance of the castle, where the assistant, a woman in her late thirties and the air of an annoyed teacher, was waiting. It was Alcina the one to ask why she was there.
"Mother Miranda wants to see um… Nicole was it? Yes, to take a look at the regenerative abilities."
"Why not do it here like last time?"
"Mother Miranda's laboratory is far better equipped for whatever she may want to test. Unless you have something to say against her wishes." She finished that with a raised eyebrow that would've gained her a talon through the skull were she not there as per Miranda's wishes.
Who's talons exactly was debatable.
"I'll come too," Cassandra spoke up from just behind Nicole.
That only got her a dismissive wave. "No, I was told specifically to only bring her. Come now, we don't want to make Mother Miranda wait."
With that, the woman turned around and started walking towards a carriage that would take them away. Nicole looked briefly at her family. They all had either confusion or mild concern in their eyes. All but Alcina who looked as if she'd like to protest and snap at the woman but was holding her tongue.
She reassured Cassandra that she'd be fine and started jogging after the assistant.
Needless to say, that was Nicole's first time stepping foot inside the underground network of tunnels. Not that she complained. Few people went there willingly and probably fewer left the same way they came in.
The ancient looking hallways were in such stark contrast with the occasional medical equipment and the pristine looking labs with doors left slightly ajar that Nicole had to wonder if the woman had no taste for a consistent aesthetic. At least Lady Dimitrescu kept all wiring and modern devices carefully hidden or blended in with the castle's decor. Here, the harsh neon lights illuminated worn out stone so dark it was almost black. Not to mention the smell of… old that seemed to ooze off the very walls she was walking by.
She was led inside a spacious lab, the bluish lights above being too bothersome for someone who got used to the warm or natural light in the castle. The room was rather long, numerous hospital beds lined up against a wall, some separated by white curtains and some left visible. An almost imperceptible whiff of an all too familiar foul odor reached her nose, but it was mild enough to be easily ignored. Nicole had a suspicion that the unmoving person laying in one of the cots further away could be the source, but she sighed and hoped not to join them by the end of the day.
Mother Miranda was sat at a desk, microscope in front of her together with a small stack of documents and a laptop. She was typing in what could probably be notes on whatever she was looking at, when icy grey eyes finally shifted to Nicole.
"Get changed and lay down," she ordered, not even moving from her spot.
The assistant that had brought her here, pushed a hospital gown that had been pulled out from a cupboard in her arms. At least she was allowed the decency of changing into a bathroom as opposed to stripping then and there in the middle of the room. The gown was surprisingly comfortable, fabric folding around her body and being held closed by a loose ribbon that she tried at the side.
Once she was back in the lab, she was ushered to one of the beds where she laid down, nervously waiting for whatever Miranda had in mind.
It was quite odd to see her without her usual attire, especially without the gold talons that Nicole was now far more familiar with than she'd ever hoped. The white lab coat looked far too normal on her and, were it not for the unmistakable cold eyes and regal posture, the woman would’ve been unrecognizable.
She finally got up, a few documents in hand, and approached her. The papers were handed over to the assistant, along with a few other objects and finally, Nicole had her full attention.
Mother Miranda bent down, scalpel in hand, and grabbed one of Nicole's wrists. Just like she did back during the first examination, the blade was dragged across the length of her forearm. Despite fully expecting it, Nicole couldn't help flinching at the pain, but she kept her eyes fixated on her arm, at the blood slowly starting to flow from the wound.
Soon the same tingling as before took over the pain and before their eyes, the skin started to stitch itself back together.
"Time," Miranda asked while wiping the blood to allow for a closer inspection of the now good as new skin.
"Five seconds."
"Three seconds."
Miranda hummed, seemingly pleased with the results. Or at least as pleased as the woman was physically capable of being.
"Hook her up to the cardiac monitor," she further instructed while moving to retrieve something from another cabinet.
The assistant, Emma, if the tag pinned to her lab coat was to be believed, stuck a series of electrodes to her chest and abdomen. Nicole bit her lip to stifle a yelp when one came uncomfortably close to the still sensitive skin of the scar.
In no time, the machine came to life, familiar beeping sounding through the otherwise silent room.
"I hope you're not afraid of needles," Miranda said while grabbing the same arm she had before, lips pulled into a faint smirk.
Nicole only shook her head as she saw the needle of a syringe attached to a transparent slim tube slide into her arm. How ironic would that be. The sting was close to imperceptible, taken over by the now familiar faint tingle. Unlike with the cut, it didn't fade away, most likely due to not being able to fully heal the small wound with the needle embedded in the skin and vein.
She looked away, in the direction of the other occupied bed in the room. It was far away enough that she couldn't make out any detail, only messy brown hair sprawled on a pillow. The face was turned towards the wall and body covered up to the neck. She grimaced and decided instead to focus on the beeping machine, mildly annoyed by Miranda's lack of properly separating her dead lab rats from the living ones. At least she hoped she'd stay living.
The numbers on the machine started out normal. With the slight uncomfortable feeling of blood being drained however, her heart rate started to slowly increase.
Alright. Normal enough. Especially when someone is clearly in a fucking blood draining mood.
Nicole decided not to look at exactly how much blood Miranda was drawing, keeping her eyes glued to the various color coded numbers. The heart rate kept increasing until Nicole could swear she could feel her heartbeat ringing in her ears. She gulped. Still relatively within the norm.
Two things were at odds however. First, the blood pressure remained constant, almost as if her body simply refused to acknowledge the fact that it was currently being drained. Secondly, the temperature rose from the normal 36 degrees to a staggering 41 in less time than it should have.
"What the fuck…" She couldn't keep her tongue at the weirdness of her situation, her brain thankfully choosing confusion and curiosity over the dread that it probably should've felt instead.
Mother Miranda didn't seem to care though as she turned to type something on the laptop that she brought over from the desk. She tapped her finger on the device for a few seconds and finally spoke up.
"The accelerated healing means the blood is being regenerated constantly, thus not decreasing in volume. Which explains the constant pressure." She narrowed her eyes at the monitor once again. "It doesn't, however, explain the heart rate and temperature. Any bright guesses?"
It took Nicole a second to realize the question was actually addressed to her. Miranda seemed in an oddly good mood. Not any less hell bent on causing her pain, mind you, but she also seemed genuinely curious. Being a biology nerd will do that to you, she couldn't help but think.
Nicole hummed and thought for a second. She tried to recall any information about the topic at hand that she had studied prior to running away.
"Heart rate could just be the normal body response that stayed even with the mutation. Like… like a reflex. It remains even though it's not needed." Then she tapped a finger on her chin trying to find a less random explanation. "Or maybe it's the body's way of making sure that even while healing all body parts remain at least decently functional. No idea about the temperature though," she shrugged.
Miranda once again typed something up and then, without warning, pulled the needle out of Nicole's arm. She flinched, barely holding in an angry protest as she turned towards the woman. Which was a mistake. She couldn't help the gag that raised in the back of her throat at the sight of the metal container full of blood.
No, no, blood did not bother her. That would've cut her career as a medical examiner short before she even stepped foot in med school. It was the knowledge that that was her blood that made her stomach churn. The container could easily fit three liters of liquid in it, and it was full to the brim. Not to mention the smell that assaulted her still messed up sinuses mixing oh so perfectly with mr. corpse over in the corner.
Miranda just chuckled at her sour expression. "Do you think your darling wife would like to have this?"
With a sneer, masked by Nicole turning once again towards the monitor, she couldn't help slipping an edge of snark in her reply. "No need, she likes it fresh."
The numbers were back to normal, all but for the temperature that was taking slightly longer to go down.
By this point her vocal cords were raw from screaming and each shuddering sob felt like clumps of spines in her throat. Nicole was curled in on herself, small frame trembling pathetically on top of the uncomfortable bed. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, the tingling sensation feeling like needles constantly pricking at her skin around and under the wired leather cuffs wrapped around her wrists. The frantic beeping of the machine was grating to her ears.
An electric shock test.
Of course.
Mother Miranda decided to test out how the increased heart rate worked. Results? Her body vehemently refused to allow her to pass out. Even when the shocks traveled through every part of her body, causing the nervous system to short circuit. Even when damage to internal organs and muscles ripped painful sobs from her throat, that turned into gags as soon as the tingling turned to nausea. Even when she could feel her heart hammering against her ribcage so fast that she was sure the small organ would burst any second. But it didn’t.
Every muscle in her body flared up in a sensation of painful pins and needles when Miranda pushed the button to release another shock. The cardiac monitor started screaming again and Nicole brought shaky hands over her ears in an attempt to block out the sound. Her whole body was on fire while all the damaged tissue repaired itself, making her stomach turn painfully. She felt like throwing up. Not that she had eaten anything today, but bile and thick blood still coated her esophagus. It was all swallowed back with a disgusting gulp.
The nausea was oh so kindly accompanied by searing pain from her still damaged sinuses, who’s condition only worsened exponentially with the electricity. The blood that seemed to coat all the way up to the inside of her mouth felt horrible mixed with the putrid smell of death.
She swallowed again, but that proved itself a bad decision as now that same smell permeated the very inside of her nose and mouth and throat and the feeling of blood sloshing on her tongue behind clenched teeth made her head spin.
She lurched forward, a small river of dark blood flowing from her mouth and nose, into her palms that she instinctively brought to her mouth. Wet coughs made it splatter into crimson splotches on the white sheets, herself and anything else within proximity. It took surprisingly long to realize that, after the initial wave that rose up her esophagus, the rest of the blood was from her sinuses. It was cruelly invading her nose and sliding back into her throat only to come out of her mouth. Fuck fuck fuck-
“What’s wrong?” Miranda’s tone lacked any trace of sympathy.
Nicole simply coughed out the remaining fluid from her mouth and unceremoniously grabbed a piece of cloth from Emma’s hands. She pressed it to her nose, only to feel it soaked against her skin far too soon.
“Damaged sinuses, as you said,” she croaked, her voice sounding so unlike her own.
That made Miranda frown. She kept that same expression while noting down the previous results. “It should be healed by now.”
“Well they aren't,” Nicole spat. The blood and the horrid smell were clouding her mind and, as many knew, pain and holding her tongue did not mix well in her. “And did we really have to do this in the same room as a dead fucking body?!”
Nicole’s angry outburst gave the woman pause. Annoyance mixed with a hint of confusion on her face. She looked at her assistant, an eyebrow raised in a silent question.
“No. Just- just anestesia.” Emma answered promptly.
“What the fuck do you mean anesthesia? Anesthesia doesn’t make you smell like a goddamn decomposing corpse, do you have cotton stuck up your noses?!” Thankfully the bleeding was starting to subside, which meant there was nothing to stifle her steadily raising angry tone.
Miranda, now sporting a scowl, got up and grabbed Nicole’s chin between two fingers. It made her flinch back, but there was no escaping the iron grip.
“I can assure you that the man is not dead, simply under anesthesia and recovering from a bad infection.” She moved Nicole’s head from left to right, eyes scrutinizing as ever.
Afterwards, she turned back and wrote something down on a piece of paper and simply instructed Emma to wrap up and lead Nicole out. The sudden shift not only in demeanor, but also in her position from the bed to standing upright was mildly dizzying. She swapped the gown for her normal clothes as quickly as she physically could, not wanting to spend another unnecessary second in this underground grave.
While she was ushered out the door, Mother Miranda’s sickly sweet voice rang after her.
“I’ll see you in a couple days.”
Her stomach turned.
The trek home was short and silent, Nicole simply wanting to get home as soon as possible and get a damn hot shower and sleep.
She bid the young man that was accompanying her goodbye the moment the Castle’s entrance was within jogging distance, and hurried steps took her to the imposing doors. It was Alexandria to answer her knock, Nicole having left her own keys in her bedroom.
“Welcome back my la-” the polite smile was all but wiped off the woman’s face, replaced by wide eyes. “Are you injured?”
Nicole looked at her confused, then down at herself. A muttered curse escaped past her lips when she remembered the bloody mess on her skin. “I’m okay. Just-... just don’t tell anyone I’m here yet. I'll change first.”
Her plan went out the window when a set of hasty steps came booming toward them.
Cassandra’s voice died in her throat when her golden eyes landed on Nicole’s small frame, dried dark blood on her face and arms and her clothes stained. An angry growl slipped from between bared teeth.
“What the fuck did she do to you?”
Nicole was quick to answer, too tired to deal with anything other than a few hours of sleep. “I’m okay. I’m just-...” she shook her head, then turned to the Steward. “Alexandria kindly ask a maid to draw me a bath.”
“At once.” And with that the woman turned and scurried away, most likely also not wanting to be in the vicinity of an angry Cassandra.
The hot water felt like pure bliss on her skin. It seemed to make every muscle relax and get rid of the awful tension. She leaned back, eyes closed and hands idly moving through the water.
It was just mildly difficult to fully relax with Cassandra muttering and pacing back and forth in the same room though.
"I'm-... I'm not letting you do this again."
Nicole simply sighed and started to scrub away at dried blood. The miniature red waterfall from earlier had gotten blood all over her arms and chest, some splatters even getting on her legs. Her face was also a mess, trails of blood going from her nose and mouth to the chin with smudges and splatters.
"What did she even do to you?"
Before she had a chance to reply, a knock came from the door and a maid entered with a few clean towels and a change of clothes from Nicole's own bedroom. The girl didn't linger, simply giving them both a courteous bow and exiting the room.
Looking for something to change the subject, Nicole focused on the pleasant honey smell. Honey with a slight citrus-y undertone, maybe lemon or orange.
"Did you get a new soap?"
Cassandra stopped pacing, brows furrowed. "No? It's the same one."
Confused, Nicole brought a hand that had just been scrubbed with that very soap right under her nose and took a deep inhale. It was indeed the same one. Chamomile and mint. She sighed in annoyance and leaned back against the cool porcelain while Cassandra came and bent down on one knee to be somewhat on eye level.
"Nose still not working properly or…?" She said while gingerly tilting Nicole's chin up with two fingers. She grimaced at one yet to be washed trail of dried blood that made its way to her wife's thin upper lip.
Nicole simply shook her head and grabbed Cassandra's hand. "Can you… go get ready. I'm beyond tired and just want to lay down with you."
Cassandra pursed her lips but nodded none the less. With a kiss on top of red hair, she turned and left the spacious bathroom, door shutting with a heavy thud.
Left alone, she scrubbed every inch of skin again and took a few extra minutes to enjoy the warmth of the water. It felt so incredibly odd to not feel any actual pain after the day's events. Any trace of what her body went through had been erased by her newfound ability, not leaving behind even the faintest mark of a scar, nor blackened skin caused by electric shocks.
She pushed herself out of the tub, grimacing at the slight pink tone the water had taken. Body and hair quickly dried with the towels, she put on the clothes, a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top, and finally stepped out of the bathroom too.
Cassandra was waiting for her in bed, velvety dark robes hanging loosely on her shoulders and eyes fixated on the window while her fingers were tapping furiously on the cover of a book forgotten in her lap. Book that was quickly placed on the nightstand when Nicole climbed in beside her and pushed her way into the brunette's arms. She was tired and absolutely not above demanding cuddles.
Her wife wasted no time in wrapping an arm around her and pulling the soft blanket up to cover them both. Nicole interlocked their fingers, absentmentally turning the ring on Cassandra's finger. The same ring she had, albeit in a smaller size. A golden band with intricate floral patterns engraved on it. It had no protruding gem, something they both opted for so that the rings wouldn't need to be taken off while working and wearing gloves. Instead, eight small ocre gems were lined among the minuscule curled leaves.
It took Cassandra about two minutes to take a deep inhale and open her mouth. New record.
"Are you… are you hurt?"
Nicole didn't look up at her, the concern dripping from her words alone were enough to squeeze her heart painfully.
"No. I'm all healed up, just tired." She could almost feel Cassandra's question of clarification, but not wanting to go over what had happened down in the laboratory so soon, she opted for something the brunette would hopefully be just as interested in. "We did get some odd results though."
At the lack of any interruption she went on. "Accelerated heart rate whenever I get hurt. Can't pass out." Which was both a blessing and a curse, depending on the point of view and situation. "Also for some reason my temperature gets really high."
"You get one hell of a fever?"
Cassandra tapped a finger on Nicole's hand, mentally going over possibilities. "Aren't fevers used against infections? Maybe that has something to do with it."
A small hum passed her lips. Could that have something to do with it? It was possible that her healing abilities caused a fever in order to fight off any possible infection before it even became one. Maybe it was her body's way of lessening damage as much as possible since, as the day's events showed, the old replaced tissue had a tendency to get purged. She grimaced at the memory of slowly choking on blood and went for something at least slightly more pleasant.
"Oh and… I can't bleed out. Blood volume stays constant."
She looked up at Cassandra with what could only be described as a shit eating grin. Her wife blinked, realization seeming to dawn on her together with the faintest hint of a blush on her cheeks. She coughed.
"Yeah well. I'll keep that in mind. For when you don't need to sleep."
"And deny me some fun now?" Nicole's pout was purely for dramatic effect and it gained her an eye roll.
Two slender fingers gripped her chin to keep it in place while narrowed golden eyes bored into her green ones. The pout slowly morphed into a smirk. Cassandra was not the kind of person who did not indulge in her own pleasures and that, although to a more careful extent, included drinking her lover's blood. A fact that Nicole was not only not complaining about, but also learned to use in order to push all the right buttons.
When Nicole turned her head in the uncharacteristically gentle grip to plant a small kiss on the soft palm, Cassandra finally gave in. Concern was momentarily put on hold in the name of the normalcy they both have been denied in the last few weeks. She bent down, their lips meeting into a kiss that soon turned needy with tongue slipping past sharp teeth and a hand scratching lightly at her nape. Soon Cassandra broke their kiss, but only to slowly trail her way across her jawline with kisses and small nips. She bit at the soft skin right under the jaw bone, eliciting a quiet groan right by her sensitive ear. Black painted lips took her down the neck and across collarbones, planting a kiss right in between them, at the base of Nicole's throat.
When she slowly made her way to an exposed shoulder, Nicole's hand at the back of her head guided her further up, right above where her pulse was. After an inquisitive hum against her skin, she spoke quietly.
"Since blood loss isn't exactly a problem… no need to avoid the neck really."
Cassandra hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided to trust her wife. She placed a gentle kiss on the spot right above where blood was flowing in rhythm with her heartbeat. The same gentle kiss that was placed on the skin countless times before and that only Nicole had the privilege of experiencing.
Sharp fangs sunk into tender flesh, the warm blood invading Cassandra's mouth making her moan low in her throat. Being used to the feeling of the bite by now, Nicole simply closed her eyes with a sigh and let her body melt into Cassandra's arms. The familiar blissful ache was welcomed, even though, she noticed, it did not bring with it the lightheadedness she had grown accustomed to.
Although she wasn't aware of it, Cassandra was, in a way, a creature of habit. Every time she would drink her blood, her hand would come up to cup Nicole's cheek, thumb slowly tracing the jawline, right before she would pull her mouth away. Every time, without fail.
This time however, when that happened, Nicole kept her in place with the hand tangled in brunette hair, her voice coming out breathy when she spoke. "Go on."
Cassandra would never admit it, but her self control would always waver while feeding. Therefore, she didn't need much convincing, continuing to take mouthfuls of blood in between a satisfied groan. When she finally had her fill, she pulled back with a bashful look in her eyes. Concern quickly flashed on her face at the sight of the crimson mess on her wife's neck.
Nicole however, not wanting their moment to get ruined, took one of Cassandra's hands in her own and slowly placed a soft kiss on each knuckle. After that was done, and the downright ticklish sensation of skin patching itself subsided, she guided the fingers over the bloody skin.
"See? Healed," she whispered.
Cassandra gingerly traced her fingers over the spot, looking for no longer existing puncture marks. She smiled upon not finding them and turned to pull out a handkerchief from a small drawer of her nightstand. A ritual of sorts, one practiced more times than they cared to count over the years. Cassandra passed the white cloth over the skin, wiping away the crimson stains while her wife relaxed into the touch.
"Feeling good?" It was a remark meant to poke fun at how much Nicole seemed to enjoy herself, but the double meaning did not go unnoticed.
A smile tugged at Nicole's lips and she nodded.
In turn, Cassandra hummed. "You taste different." And, at her lover's furrowed brows and the slightest hint of alarm flashing in her eyes, she clarified. "Not bad. Just different. Slightly sweeter actually."
"Is that so," Nicole purred, the smile returning to her lips.
Cassandra discarded the cloth on the floor to be retrieved later and shifted both of them back down on the myriad of pillows.
"Yes. Now how about you get some sleep."
Nicole wasted no time in snaking an arm around her waist and nuzzling into her side. It would never cease to amaze her how Cassandra's presence could make her feel so at ease, as if nothing beyond the castle's walls existed. At that moment, she couldn't help but be grateful for her newfound ability, useful in far more ways than one.
She stretched slightly upwards, auburn hair like a small waterfall behind her.
"I love you," she whispered against cool ashy lips.
"I love you too," Cassandra replied, closing the almost nonexistent space between their mouths in a soft kiss.
It left behind a slight coppery taste on Nicole's lips, but she couldn't bring herself to care, instead readjusting her legs to tangle comfortably around her wife's thigh.
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jkknight98 · 3 years
Fear less, Forget, and Forgive
Here’s a short little story of Tommy and Techno finally addressing the awkardness around one another after the events of my gift for Altobug83. I may have made Techno a bit more emotional than how he’s normally portrayed, but I felt the urge to write this ending. I hope you guys enjoy while I try to rewrite the Skeppy and BBH fic sitting in my drafts~
warning: this does refrence back for my gift that had some hard vore moments, not in the same detail, but they are mentioned.
“Look, Tommy, me and Will are going out to get a few more things from the market, you stay here with Techno and hold down the house alright?”
In any other circumstance, Tommy would have loved to have nearly free reign over the house, but after what happened a few weeks ago, he still didn’t want to be anywhere near his piglin like brother, especially not alone like last time. He gave a soft whine as Phil tried to remove him from his shoulders, but he was quick to try and hide between the soft black feathers that coated his father's wings, not wanting to be removed in the slightest. “But Phil, I don't want to be stuck at home, what if you and Will get to see something cool while I'm stuck here, it’s not fair.”
What he didn’t realize was that his father and the rest of the household had noticed Tommy’s hesitance and near refusal to be anywhere near Techno, they all agreed to try and find out what was happened, especially since Techno didn’t know the reason himself, facing the issue head-on was the decided course of action. Tommy gave another whine as a pair of giant pale fingers gently pulled him from his feathered hideaway and quickly sat him on the wooden table, but swatted at them in annoyance as they ruffled his blond hair. Phil was quick to leave him on the table as he moved for the door, and Tommy could see the tiny mop of brunette hair that was seated among the giant's blond, and the two left Tommy on his own; but not really. Tommy could help but freeze as Techno entered the room, face still holding the impassive look like always, but his eyes couldn’t help but focus on his mouth. The memory made his arm twitch in phantom pain and he was quick to try and leave,” H-hey Techno, I'm going to head off to my room to play some games, good?” He tried to make his way off the table as quick as he could, but couldn't help but yelp when he found himself gripped in familiar pink-tinted hands and nearly jumped out before the fingers softly wrapped around him.
“Yeah no, we need to talk.” Techno had no idea why Tommy had been acting like he was terrified to even be in the same room as him, but he wanted answers as to why he had found that scrap of Tommy’s shirt between his teeth. He didn’t like how he could feel the tiny heartbeat fluttering like mad under his fingers, as much as he wanted to hide it, it was clear that Tommy was terrified to be in Techno’s hold. He slowly brought his little brother close to his chest as he moved to walk towards the living room, hoping that the sound of his own heartbeat would soothe him, just like how it did when he found the boy passed out on his chest late in the night.
Tommy shivered as he was brought upwards, but thankfully not towards the face, he might have really screamed if he was. He was surprised to be held to the chest, he had forgotten how comforting the sound of his brother's heart was, it had been drowned out by the noises of his other organs the last time he was this close to it. He gripped the fingers holding him tightly as the two of them moved to the living room, Techno moving to sit on the couch and still holding him close. “ W-What do you want to talk about?”
Techno couldn’t help but snort slightly,” I think you already know, you've been avoiding me like I’m a monster, I have to say that's not a nice feeling when it comes from your little brother.” He kept his grip on the tiny but moved to make it less caging so as not to freak him out. It was hard to put his feelings into actual words as they raced in his head, giving him a mild migraine and making him slightly regret telling the other two to leave the house. “ I want to know what happened, especially since I found a scrap of one of your shirts stuck between my teeth. Did you do something to me in my sleep because you haven’t been near my mouth any time I've been awake; what happened?”
This made Tommy shiver slightly as he thought back to that day, Techno was fully awake when it happened, just unknowing. He didn’t want to talk about it, he really didn’t, but even he could see the barely visible look of pain in Techno’s eyes at how Tommy had been acting around him lately. “ You were awake when it happened, you just didn’t know I was there, and I don't know how I’m alive.” The tears flowed freely at this point as the memories resurfaced and he turned into the comfort that the fingers still provided,” You didn’t know I was hiding in the bread when you rushed out of the house, you didn’t hear me scream, not even when you made these.” He held out his arm to fully show the marks that rested on his skin, not wanting to look at them himself as he continued to cry.
Techno could help but be confused at Tommy’s wording,” What do you mean I was awake- '' as the boy continued to talk, and couldn’t stop the sharp intake of breath as he realized what happened. He remembered clearly how he thought he had cut himself with his own teeth when he tasted blood,” oh gods.” He felt his stomach turn and his face pale, the taste of blood, the weird noise he heard, and the weird way the lump of ‘bread’ stuck in his throat. He had eaten his own brother and had no idea he did until now, his own hands started to shake as he thought how alone Tommy must have felt despite being so close to him, it made him feel so sick with himself. He felt unfamiliar wetness start to slide down his face, he was crying.
Tommy looked up when the hands holding him starting to shake,” hic- why the fuck are you shaking?” He had never seen his brother's face so expressive in his life, the fear, sorrow, the self-anger, each emotion was as clear as a brightly lit sign. The thing that really caught him off guard was Techno crying, the massive red eyes were redder than usual as they looked down at him, and had multiple tracks of tears running down his face as he couldn't stop them,” Techie….Your crying.” He yelped when the hands lifted upwards and he was mildly frightened to see that he was being lifted back towards the giant face, but he was met with the giant nose being softly pressed into him as his brother shifted his hands to be hugging him against his face as he continued to cry.
“Fuck Tommy, I'm so sorry, I can’t believe that I hurt you… Fuck I’m so sorry,” He held Tommy close to his nose as he continued to softly cry, his ego prevented him from crying any harder, but his emotions were also too strong to stop the tears that did escape him as they rolled down his face and caused his throat to clench in pain. “ You have to understand that I would never willingly hurt you, whatever happened on that day, I swear on my life that it will never happen again.”  The piglin hybrid let out a shaky sigh as he felt his brothers arms wrap around his nose and fully lean into his touch, he normally didn’t like to be touched, but by the gods was he happy to feel his brother hug him,” I swear I will make it up to you Tommy, I don’t want you scared of me, I’m not a monster..” He signed in relief as he felt the smaller boy nod against his nose as he also cried, he knew that it still would take a while before Tommy would fully be over what happened, because who would be able to get over that level of trauma quickly. Techno would be with him every step of the way, he couldn’t take back what his body did to his little brother, but so help him if he didn’t try to ease as much of the pain as he could.
“Do you think the two of them made up yet, or are they fighting like before, even that would be better than the awkwardness that has hung over everyone lately.” Phil could only sigh as his eldest child kicked his legs lightly against his shoulders, hoping that he would find the house peaceful or in a wreck instead of a field of glass.
“I'm hoping for the first, but you're right about the second one being just as favorable, but I hope we have a house to walk into when I open the door.” Phil was slow to open the door and was happy to see that the house wasn’t in shambles, but was concerned when he didn't see his other two children anywhere. “Boys… Techno… Tommy?”  He started to make his way towards the stairs after seeing that the kitchen was completely empty but was stopped by a sharp tug on his ear,” What the fuck Wil-” but he quickly saw what his son was trying to show.
On one of the couches was a softly slumbering Techno who still had some easily identifiable wet spots on his shirt, and resting over his heart with a protective hand covering him was Tommy. The two apparently had such an exhausting moment together that they must have passed out completely when the emotions calmed, but it seems like things have fully been mended. Phil smiled as he turned away from the peaceful site and went back towards the kitchen,” Let's make some good food for when the two wake up and don't you dare tease your brothers for finally showing emotion.”
“Fiinnee, you're no fun Phil, but I’ll leave them alone. They both needed this.”
84 notes · View notes
pause, m | myg | 2
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Life is like a cassette tape. It seems like it’s constantly repeating, flipped from side A to side B, and the songs can’t be skipped. You can only pause, rewind, fast forward, play after you’ve already heard the song. After you’ve already lived it. All Min Yoongi knows is his own tape, until it smashes right at his feet, and then he has to learn to dance to a different beat.
warnings: rated M (18+) - please be warned this story has a physically and verbally abusive relationship; language; emotional manipulation; gender stereotyping; non-idol!AU; music producer!Yoongi x dancing fanatic!reader
rated M because I know how sensitive a topic domestic abuse is.
The music reader listens to is inspired by Frederic, specifically their songs ‘oodloop’, ‘OWARASE NIGHT’, and ‘Kanashii Ureshii’ and you can look up the MVs on YT. They have subs, yes the lyrics inspired certain scenes, no I have no idea what is going on, and I don’t know why they’re dancing like that lol
She slapped him across the face.
You froze.
The cassette smashed.
“I hate you, Min Yoongi!”
She shouted it so loud that you heard it over your music. Your finger instinctively went to your earbud and tapped it, pausing the sound. You couldn’t believe your eyes. What had this guy done? What had this guy done to be yelled at like that the second he stepped off the night train to stand in front of his girlfriend?
“Useless piece of trash, always fucking late!”
Slapping him over and over, so loud because the train station was completely empty except for you and these two, yelling obscenities and the guy was just standing there, taking it, saying, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, sorry for what? Why did she keep hitting him? Why? Stop it. Stop hitting him.
“Such a fucking waste of life, I can’t believe I have to be your girlfriend!”
Stop it.
“No one will ever fucking love you, you shithead, so I’m stuck with your stupid self!”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry…”
Mumbles. Fear.
Stop it!
“You think anyone will ever do anything for you the way I do? I’m all you have!”
Within two seconds, you crossed the space between you and them.
You smacked her hand away from him.
You hesitated to press play. Standing in front of this random guy you didn’t even know, fury in your chest so strong that you forgot you were a stranger, glaring at this scowling, rage-filled woman with vehement disdain. You had no idea what the fuck was going on, you had no idea why he was being slapped so much, you had no idea why this woman was so angry and maybe there were very good reasons for it all, but somehow.
Somehow you didn’t think so.
“Stop it. He said he was sorry,” you barked, narrowing your eyes.
Her pretty face twisted with rage. “Who the fuck is this bitch, Yoongi? A whore you picked up?”
“I… I don’t know her…” the man behind you rasped, trying to move around you, but you kept yourself between the two, shouldering your backpack.
“I don’t know him. I just know you shouldn’t be hitting someone like that.”
The woman snapped at you, rising to her full height, challenging you. “This isn’t any of your fucking business. This is between me and him and doesn’t concern outsiders. Tell her, Yoongi.”
But you didn’t let Yoongi tell you, cutting him off as he tried to speak.
“This isn’t my business, but I’ve seen enough examples to be able to spot domestic violence when I see it,” you growled.
The woman scoffed, flipping her hair. “Domestic violence,” she snorted. “He’s a man. It’s not like I hit him that hard. I’m a woman.”
You curled your hands into fists.
“You stupid bully.”
The woman looked taken aback. “What?”
“I said, you’re a stupid fucking bully,” you snarled, taking a step forward and forcing her to take one back. “You think this is nothing, until you have children and your children have to watch this shit over and over, every night, thinking it’s right, thinking it’s the way it should be, but you’re fucking wrong, because this is not a relationship, this is not love, this is fucking bullying and you are a stupid, dumb bully who can’t admit you have an inferiority complex and your kids will spend years in fucking therapy wondering why they don’t understand how to make relationships with other human beings because their mom was a terrible fucking example, so do me a fucking favor and get the fuck out of here and leave this guy alone, because you are an absolute sewage of a human being.”
She gawked at you, slack-jawed, probably never been talked to in such a forceful manner before, but you didn’t care, because you didn’t spend years in therapy to watch this shit happen right in front of your face.
Never in your entire life had you ever been so angry at a stranger before.
The woman seemed to gather her bearings and spat at the floor, staining the concrete with her spit. You raised your eyebrows, unintimated. She stamped her foot at your lack of reaction, pointing accusingly at Yoongi behind you.
“Don’t you ever think about coming back home. I’m burning all your shit.”
She turned her heel and stomped away.
You almost expected Yoongi to run after her, but he didn’t. He just stood behind you and breathed laboriously. You suddenly realized that you might have done something mildly insane. She said she was going to burn all his shit.
“Hmph,” you heard the mumble behind you. “All I had was clothes anyway.”
You turned around. He wasn’t looking at you. His black hair was all over his face, and his face mask was half-pulled down, revealing his red cheeks. You looked away quickly, taking a step back.
“Are you… okay?” you asked quietly.
You saw his eyes shift around. He didn’t actually respond. Just shrugged.
You bit your lip.
“There… are no more trains,” the Yoongi guy whispered.
“Y… Yeah.”
The lights above you were harsh, casting large shadows all over the concrete. Nothing but the sounds of the city and the darkness above, the moon witnessing it all.
He turned away from you, walking over towards the benches. Walking away. The crumpled paper of a man, shrinking as he took one step, then another, farther and farther away from you, and you opened your mouth to shout after that black back, extending your hand in the air.
He turned his head around to look at you with broken and lonely eyes.
“If you want… I have a couch and some blankets.” You swallowed, knowing how crazy it was. “Because… You shouldn’t go back. I…” Don’t want you to end up like my dad. “Even if it’s one night.”
I want to break this cycle.
“Just one.” You lowered your hand, holding up one finger. “One.”
Yoongi didn’t say anything.
Only turned around wordlessly and walked back to you, stopping in front of you. Saying nothing.
He didn’t say anything the entire walk.
Didn’t say anything as you opened the door and gestured him inside. Showed him the couch, got him the blankets. Asked him if he wanted anything else. He shook his head instead of talking. You ran to your room and got him a spare pillow. Held it out to him. He took it silently. Ran off again and got a new toothbrush from your stash of toothbrushes. An unopened travel toothpaste. Asked him if he wanted anything to eat. A glass of water. He shook his head.
Showed him the bathroom. A shower?
Shake, shake.
You told him if he was cold to let you know. You would find another blanket.
Yoongi said nothing.
You nodded and turned away, letting him be. It was hard to look at him. You didn’t want him to think you pitied him or anything. But he reminded you too much of your dad if you stared at him too long. You had gotten him everything you could think of and let him know that if he needed anything to tell you.
You went to your bedroom and let out a big sigh.
No dance party tonight.
You went to your computer and opened Spotify. Put your headphones on and listened to the music, letting it carry you away. Before you knew it, one song flowed into another. You slowly began to bounce your head to the music, the cheerful, quirky beats making you smile, your hands moving on their own, lip-syncing the lyrics.
A happy tune with sad lyrics, but it made you smile at the same.
You failed to notice Yoongi appear at your door, holding his phone. He needed a charger. Did you have one? And then he saw the back of your head, bouncing along, headphones on.
He retreated back to your living room, clutching his phone. Decided to go to sleep instead.
Hours later, you finally decided to sleep, placing your headphones down. Was Yoongi sleeping? You padded over to the dark living room, seeing a bundled form on your couch. His coat was over the blanket. His head was under the blanket. Was he cold? You went back to your room and collected a pink knit one. Walked back to the living room and moved his jacket aside onto the armchair, putting the extra blanket on top of him.
His phone was on your coffee table, flashing. It was low on battery.
You checked if it was Android or iPhone. Android. Good, because you didn’t have a lightning cable, although you would have gone to the twenty-four-hour convenience store nearby to get one if he did have an iPhone. Back to your room. Got a charger and struggled to find an outlet in the dark. You’d think you would know where your own outlets were, but apparently you were too sleepy to remember. You felt around in the dark and poked at an outlet, stabbing the wall repeatedly before plugging it in. Maybe you should have turned a light on, sheesh.
You snaked the cable around and plugged his phone in. It vibrated approvingly and you gave it a thumbs up, even though it was an inanimate object.
Let’s just say living alone made you weird.
You let out an exhale and wandered off to brush your teeth.
Not noticing Yoongi had woken up and been watching your struggle. Saying nothing.
Fast forward.
You yawned and nearly jumped when you saw the unmoving pink blob on your couch. Oh, right. You were surprised he wasn’t awake, but you shrugged. The blankets were over his head, blocking out the sun. You tried to stay quiet, opening your fridge, staring at the contents.
Staring at it with a million question marks.
You had… kimchi. Eggs. Cheese. Definitely expired take-out. You took that out and dumped it in the trash can, grimacing at it. A stranger didn’t need to see how disgusting that was. You went back to your fridge. Um. It wasn’t that you couldn’t cook, it was that you didn’t have jack shit. And if you cooked on the stove, you would definitely wake up Yoongi.
Your stomach screamed in rage.
Feed me!
Ah, well. Sorry Yoongi. You settled on a kimchi-egg-cheese pancake thing. Was it going to be good? Sure. Was it not the most elegant thing in the world? Maybe. What can you do?
You began to chop the kimchi.
Yoongi turned over on the couch, groaning. He heard the sizzle of the pan. Smelled spice. Eggs. The world was unfamiliar. No one was yelling at him to get up. No one was doing the blankets off of him and calling him a lazy pig. 
A female voice cursed in a loud whisper. You cut yourself off, muttering.
"Stupid oil, ugh."
Not his girlfriend. 
Slowly, Yoongi pulled the blankets off his head. An unfamiliar scent, different laundry detergent than he was used to. The sofa smelled different too, like vanilla with a hint of stale popcorn. Probably from being dropped in the cushions and forgotten about until months later. 
His stomach growled. 
The smell of the food enticed him. He got up, seeing you at the stove, wearing black pajamas with the sleeves rolled to your elbows, and a cream scrunchie holding your hair up. You made a face at the pan and scolded it. 
"Who's the boss here?" you hissed hotly at the sizzling food. "That's right, me, because I'm about to eat your ass, so simmer down and stop trying to singe my arm hair off."
Yoongi blinked. 
He got off the couch as you continued your quiet tirade, shoving your hand into a bag of cheese and sprinkling it on top, laying down a generous layer. 
You should cover it, Yoongi thought. To let the cheese melt. 
You grabbed a pan lid, and covered it. The lid definitely went to a separate set because it was a different shade of silver, but it didn't matter. You mumbled triumphantly at the pan. 
"Ha, take that, you stupid eggs, who's in the hot seat now, eh?"
Yoongi stared.
You lifted the lid and checked the cheese. A billow of smoke floated out. You seemed satisfied and turned off the gas. Lifted the pan and spun around. 
Yoongi blinked at you. 
Your eyes were wide, still holding the hot pan. 
A good ten seconds past. 
You slowly put the pan on the cork potholders at the counter. Two plates were at the counter with two sets of chopsticks.
"Uh... I made a kimchi-egg pancake t-thing..." you stuttered. "With cheese on top. You don't have to eat it. But I'm not going to poison you or anything. Er, well, that's something a someone who would poison you would say, huh? Oh, maybe I should have checked the expiration date on the kimc–"
"Why do you talk to your food?" Yoongi asked pointedly.
You turned bright red. 
"Um... bad habit. 'Cause I live alone..." You shifted your eyes. "No one... to talk to."
Yoongi stared at you. 
You turned around abruptly and grabbed a knife. Took off the pan lid. The kitchen was suddenly filled with the delicious smell of eggs and kimchi. The cheese bubbled as you cut it into pizza-like slices.
Yoongi sat down at the barstool, staring at it. He was the one who usually cooked. He hadn't had a home-cooked meal by someone else in forever. Not since he lived with his parents. 
That was a long time ago. 
"I seasoned the eggs beforehand and poured it on the sautéed kimchi..." You placed a plate with a pair of chopsticks in front of him, ears still red. You avoided looking him in the eye, scratching your cheek. "I, uh, have to go grocery shopping," you mumbled, taking a slice. "Sorry it's not that fancy..."
Yoongi picked up the chopsticks and took a slice. He blew in it carefully and took a small bite. Spicy, savory, delicious. He took another bite. And another. The food was hot, almost burning the roof of his mouth. This must be a dream. He wasn't in his nightmare. He wasn't going to question it. 
As long as he wasn't in his nightmare, he could pretend this was reality. 
Yoongi didn't notice you watching him with relief. 
He took another slice. The meal was quiet, but not suffocatingly so. It was calm, only interrupted by chewing. You reached into the cabinet below you and produced a water bottle. Put it next to him. Didn't say anything. Yoongi are three more slices, throat prickling with the spice, lips puffy, before he opened the water bottle and drank from it.
"If you want, I can direct you to a shelter."
Yoongi put the water bottle down. Stared at his stained, now empty plate. 
"Or you can call a friend to shelter you," you continued. "You can even get a restraining order if we involve the police–"
He said the word with harsh finality. 
"It's not that bad."
It wasn't. He was just being a child, running away. 
"... Okay."
Yoongi looked up. For a split second, there was immense pain in your eyes. Why? None of this was happening to you. You didn't know anything. You were just some stranger. Why was he even here? Why had he come here to sleep on some random couch? So dumb. Some random woman couldn't save him from his problems. 
... Your kids will spend years in fucking therapy wondering why they don’t understand how to make relationships with other human beings because their mom was a terrible fucking example...
Yoongi stilled as he remembered your words from last night. That was far too specific. His brows furrowed. You let out a sigh and took his plate.
"Do you want a shower?" you asked. "I have spare towels."
Yoongi tilted his head. "I don't have a change of clothes." He stared at the hardwood floor. "And my other clothes are probably burned by now."
You placed the dishes in the sink and began to wash them. 
"We can go buy some. I need groceries anyway."
He didn't understand why you were being so nice to him. It was strange. You didn't know him. Well, actually... he didn't even know your name either. 
You looked up from the dishes, hands covered in soap. Yoongi did all the dishes at home. He did all the housework, in fact. This was weird, watching another person do housework. His voice was quiet, timid, crumpled like a piece of paper. 
"What's your name?" 
"Do you want white or black?"
You held up two multi-packs of t-shirts in his size.
"Uh... Black."
You dumped the black in the cart and put the other back. Yoongi stayed behind you, not picking out anything. You were wearing your backpack, a black cap, red wide-knit sweater, and black jeans. Black combat boots, the familiar staple for you. The two of you are standing in an aisle at the local convenience store. Yoongi was still wearing the same clothes from last night – black parka, black turtleneck, black jeans, black face mask. 
He mostly stared at the floor, following your boots. 
"White or black?"
Yoongi looked up to see you on the other side of the cart, holding two multi-packs of underwear. White briefs and black boxer briefs. He felt his cheeks heat up as you blinked at him. Instead of speaking, he grabbed the black boxer briefs from your hand, intending to chuck them into the cart.
Except his jacket sleeve caught a strand of your red sweater, the Velcro sticking to and unraveling it, so that when he twisted his hand to throw the plastic pack into the cart, the yarn tangled around his fingers and got caught, rapidly getting pulled around. Your eyes widened, gasping as the red string was yanked from your sweater. 
His hand was tangled in it and the part around your wrist tightened, the missing yarn causing the constriction. Yoongi cursed again, trying to shake free, panic rising. Oh no, fuck, what if you got angry? What if you started yelling at–?
You laughed. 
You started laughing. Yoongi froze, slowly lifting his head to witness your laughter. Your shoulders shook, shaking your head, big smile on your face. The yarn hung in the air, shaking a little.
The red string connecting you to him. 
Yoongi stared. 
At you.
His heart thudded in his chest. 
"Hold on," you chortled, reaching over and following the red yarn.
His heart was like a bass drum. Consistent and loud, rhythm in his own ears. You untangled the mess slowly, carefully, wrapping the exposed end loosely around your wrist. Finally, it was off his fingers. Your fingers were centimeters from the back of his hand. You grasped the red yarn tightly. Yoongi looked at the end, trapped in the Velcro of his parka.
A fleeting feeling. 
You ripped the red yarn off, the end frizzy and scraggly. 
Another fluttering feeling. 
You backed up, going back to the cart, tucking the end in next to your wrist, all chuckles. Thump, thump, thump. He couldn't breathe. It was impossible. What was going on? Why did he suddenly start shaking all over?
"I'm sorry," he blurted, breathless in panic. 
You shook your head, waving a hand. 
"Don't worry about it. This thing is old anyway." You pointed to the rack. "Is four enough? Or do you need more?"
"Let's get one more. I can always return it if you change your mind."
"Do you have a job to go to? Because I have to go soon," you were saying as you shoved the groceries into the fridge. Yoongi was unwrapping the plastic and cutting off the tags from the few clothing items you two had bought. 
"Um... yeah, I work at a music studio..." Yoongi mumbled. "I make my own hours."
"And it ends right before the last train, right?" you affirmed, nearly dropping the green onions and making a mad dash for them before they touched the ground. Whew. You shoved them back in your fridge. You didn’t really have an organization system. You probably should. Being an adult was hard.
"... Yeah."
"Cool, you should take a shower now then. I'll get a towel, hold on!"
You scrambled out of the kitchen to find a towel in the linen closet, the fridge door still open. 
"... Alright..."
Fast forward.
Yoongi spent the entire train ride tense. You sat in your usual spot, humming along, bobbing your head to your music in your earbuds. Neither of you attempted to sit next to the other. Yoongi fully expected his girlfriend to be there as he stepped out of the train, at the last stop. He thought he was going to get yelled at once again. He thought she would be there to smack him upside the head again. He braced himself as the doors opened, exhaling deeply as he walked out of the sliding doors.
"Ugh, I need some energy," you mumbled behind him, yawning. 
No one was there. 
The bright streetlamps only illuminated the concrete. 
"Hey, Yoongi."
He turned his head to see you tilting yours. 
"You coming?"
You bounced on your heels. He remembered your usual routine. 
"Wanna race?" you asked with a big grin. 
Morning. Night. Morning. Night. 
Empty station at the last stop. No one but you and him getting off. 
Morning. Night. 
"Hey, Yoongi."
"You coming?"
“Wanna race?”
The cassette tape replayed over and over, flipped around in the stereo, day in, day out, stuck on replay, a weird reality that wasn't his until it became his, seeing your face when he woke up, watching you cook breakfast in the morning, chastising inanimate objects when you thought he wasn't looking.
Your lips asking him once again. 
"You coming?"
Then you and him, breaking out into a run, racing to your apartment. 
At first, Yoongi didn't smile. 
Then one day, he did. 
And he kept smiling, smiling as he ran breathlessly with you. 
"What are you doing?"
You froze. 
Literally one second before you heard those words, you had been wiggling your arms like an octopus in front on your full-length mirror, flapping the long sleeves of your over-sized blue sweatshirt, your billowy knee-length gray shorts following suit. You reached up to your Bluetooth headphones to take them off.
And realized, with heated cheeks, that the music was not coming from your headphones, but the Bluetooth speakers on your desk, blaring the odd twangs of guitar and quirky drum beats, paired with whiny, almost nonsensical lyrics. 
You turned around. 
Yoongi stood at the entrance of your bedroom door, staring. He was wearing a black t-shirt. Black sweatpants that were slightly too short, exposing his pale ankles. 
The song went into the guitar solo. 
He blinked at you. 
"Uh... dancing?"
Normally after work, Yoongi would either be asleep or watching television in your living room. You told him cable came with the apartment and you never watched TV, so he should at least watch some in your stead. You usually went to your room. The first couple nights, you only danced in your chair. Then you got up and danced next to your desk, and then you were back to your wacky mirror dancing, thinking that if it was though headphones, then Yoongi wouldn't notice. 
But, of course, you had disturbed him with your music blasting through the speakers, which had never been disconnected all this time because, well, how were you supposed to know? They must have connected because your over-ear headphones died.
"That was dancing?" Yoongi echoed.
Your eyes shifted. "Er... it's stress relieving?"
Yoongi stared at you.
The song changed. One of your favorites. 
Your shoulders began to bounce. Your head tapped to the beat. Then your heel. 
"Are you possessed?" Yoongi asked with a deadpan look. 
The tune was getting to the good bit with the xylophone. Fuck it. He had already seen you octopus it up. You began to bob your head from side to side, breaking out to a big grin, shooting him some finger guns before going back to your full-body jiggle and arm flapping, singing along on the top of your lungs, prancing around your room, Yoongi staring at you the entire time in mild shock. He probably thought you were psychotic, but who cared, because you were clapping along to the snare drum, skipping in circles, pointing at him at certain parts in the lyrics and playing air guitar. 
His normally downcast cat-like eyes were huge.
You grabbed his hands at the guitar solo and he yelped, his arms rippling as you swung them around, you stumbling through the lyrics, singing the absurd words, and Yoongi gawking wide-eyed.
The song went to the final chorus and you wiggled like a fucking squid. 
Only to see Yoongi burst out laughing and wiggle his arms with you, tiny wiggles compared to your full-blown tentacle swings, but it made you laugh too, because it was all stupid and ridiculous and very embarrassing. 
With a start, you realized you had seen Yoongi laugh. 
And he looked so wonderful laughing, perfect teeth and pink gums, huge smile and scrunched-up face, black hair falling back from the strength of his chuckling, revealing his lovely fair-skinned features and those cat-like eyes sparkling.
Sparkling with brightness. 
The song ended and you were panting breathlessly.
Yoongi raised his eyebrows in disbelief, half-smirk on his lips. 
"Your music taste is nuts."
You smiled as the next song started. 
"Nah, this is just my nighttime dance party music. It's supposed to be crazy."
You flapped your sleeves to the beat of the drum. Grinned at him. 
"Because every night should be a dance party."
And you started dancing again, Yoongi watching you and laughing, even joining in sometimes. 
From then on, every night was a dance party. At one point, Yoongi started to bring you songs and weird beats he discovered for you to dance to. He even said a few times, "Hey, I made this. Can you make a dance from it?"
You'd dance to anything. 
You weren't great at it. 
But it was always hilarious. 
And it was always worth it, watching Yoongi laugh all night. 
Fast forward. 
Wait. Are you sure?
You can always rewind. 
You don't have to press play. 
“Do you like rap?”
You were sitting next to Min Yoongi on the night train. There were still people around, not yet the last stop. He was clutching his phone, face mask on his chin. He looked a little nervous.
“Yeah, of course. I like all music,” you said cheerfully. “Something you want me to dance to?”
Yoongi chuckled a little, giving you that little half-smirk. “No.” He took a deep breath. “I’m a… music producer. And I… I make music. And I wondered if you wanted to listen to a little bit my mixtape.”
“I do.”
Yoongi looked taken aback. You grinned.
“I definitely want to listen to it.”
You connected your earbuds to his phone and listened carefully. His words, his beat, his rhythm. Yoongi sat beside you, wrapped in his black parka, looking nervous as he chewed on his lip, but you didn’t notice, bobbing your head to certain bits, mouthing the chorus, raising your eyebrows as he altered the framework of a traditional song. He had only five tracks on the playlist, but you listened to them all, holding his phone. When the playlist ended, you clicked back to your favorite parts and replayed them, over and over, listening to his strong, raspy voice.
Yoongi sounded confident when he was rapping.
Like he was meant to do it, perfectly expressing himself with his simple words and elegant phrasing, his anger, his sorrow, his hopes. You could tell there was an underlying theme, an uncertainty about the future. As if he was taking steps to an invisible, unlit path, and he wasn’t sure whether to run forward without a guiding light or go back to all he knew.
You handed him back his phone with a smile. You understood him a little better now.
“Well?” he asked, still biting his lip.
“I really like it,” you said. “Especially your vocals. It’s different from other voices I’ve heard.”
“… It’s not that–”
“And I like your lyrics. They’re simple, but they pack a punch and make you think.” You smiled widely. “I like music that makes me want to listen to it over and over again. That’s how your rap makes me feel.”
Yoongi looked stunned.
You pointed to his phone. “You could release it just like this, if you wanted.” You tilted your head. “Hm, maybe a few more songs though. It seems like you’re trying to tell a story.”
He blinked rapidly, putting his phone in his pocket. “Y-Yeah… I’m working on a few more that I want to add.”
You nodded. “That’d be awesome.”
The train screeched to a halt. There was no one in the car. That was your cue. You stood, stretching first and then shouldering your backpack. Yoongi stood as well, pensive and silent. The train doors slid open. He walked out first and you followed. Streetlights harsh and bright on the concrete. Yoongi did his usual routine of looking to the edge of the train station.
Both of you froze.
“Get the fuck over here, Yoongi.”
You recognized her. She might be wearing a different dress and a different coat, but it was the same woman all right, with the same harsh scowl.
“I knew you wouldn’t be a man and face the music. Instead, you went off prancing with some whore.”
“She’s not a whore,” Yoongi muttered, pulling up his face mask.
You didn’t say anything. There was a sudden pressure on your chest, an overwhelming, tense heaviness, because you knew what was coming.
“Are you telling me that you’re not going to come home to the woman you supposedly love, the one you were supposedly going to marry and give a comfortable life to?” the woman accused. “Are you telling me that you can’t take responsibility for your actions? That you’re not a man, but a child?”
Yoongi took a step towards her.
The weight in your chest felt like a ton of bricks crushing you.
Another step.
He turned his head, dark brown eyes flickering to you.
You smiled.
Smiled even though the moment was killing you.
“I… I have to finish this,” he mumbled, the sparkle in his eyes dulling with every passing second.
You kept the bright smile on your face.
Like a cheerful-sounding song with sad lyrics.
You wanted to rewind. You wanted to rewind so bad, even if it was only to ten minutes before this painful moment. With a shaking hand, you pressed play.
“My door is always open for you, Yoongi.”
He made eye contact with you. He nodded.
You turned and ran.
Ran and ran, hoping he was running after you, but you knew he wasn’t, you knew he was walking towards that toxic woman and you could do nothing about it, you couldn’t care, you just had to keep running, running and running until you hit your front door, fumbling with your keys and running inside, slamming the door closed.
You froze.
You wanted to scream.
Instead, you ran to your room and threw up a specific playlist, a playlist full of cheerful-sounding songs with agonizing lyrics, hopeful beats tainted by upsetting words, and danced the night away, danced and danced. Not wanting to think about the blankets on the couch, the suitcase you had dragged out to let Yoongi borrow and put his clothes in, not wanting to think about his toothbrush on your bathroom sink, not wanting to think about all those nights dancing stupidly in this bedroom with him, and focusing only on dancing alone, singing the night away, on and on and on until you couldn’t stand anymore, couldn’t sing anymore, and you just fell on your bed and passed out, completely drained.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Chapter 7
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
Saturday brings an unexpected heat wave, the high temperatures uncharacteristic even for D.C. Dana has grappled all week with how to explain her Saturday evening plans to Ethan. Her instinct is to lie, to tell him she’s getting dinner with Missy or has to go into work for an emergency autopsy. But lying makes it impossible to tell herself that what she’s doing isn’t wrong; if she has nothing to hide, why would she be hiding it? In the end, she goes with vague truth and tells him that she’s meeting up with a colleague to discuss some interesting new research they shared with her. Never mind that said colleague is a very handsome and apparently very single man. Never mind that she feels a rush between her legs whenever she pictures his cocky smile. Meeting with a colleague. Interesting research. Nothing more.
She and Ethan spend the morning lying around in their underwear, too overheated to do anything else. The air conditioning hums and sputters, trying to keep up, but it's no match for the sweltering heat.
“Do we have ice cream?” Ethan asks, splayed out on his back against the hardwood clad in green boxer shorts.
“Nope, I ate it all when I was PMSing last week,” she replies from the couch, arms and legs draped off the sides so that no part of her body is touching any other.
They are quiet for a bit.
“Wanna have sex?” Ethan asks offhandedly, and she feels a flush of dread.
“Too hot,” she replies with an equally offhand tone, glad he can’t see her face.
They are quiet again.
“Are you okay, Dana?” he asks hesitantly, his eyes on the ceiling. She waits a little too long to answer.
“Yeah, why?”
“You just...you don’t seem like yourself. Since we got engaged, I mean. You seem kind of distracted. Distant, maybe?”
She takes a steadying breath. She knows he’s right. If she were honest, she’d tell him that she feels crushing guilt for being so infatuated with another man. That she feels like a horrible girlfriend, fiancée, almost-wife, for continuing to seek out interactions with him, but she can’t bring herself to stop. That she loves Ethan, so much, but can’t deny the pull that Mulder has on her. That she feels like she’s cheating when they have sex, because Mulder invariably takes his place in her mind. But she can’t tell him any of that.
She rolls to her side so she can look at him.
“I’m sorry, Ethan. I guess I’m just feeling overwhelmed lately, with work and the wedding. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
He rolls his head to the side to meet her eye.
“So you’re not having doubts? About getting married?” The pain and worry in his voice is like a kick in the gut.
“Of course not,” she implores, crawling off the couch and across the floor to where he lays. She gingerly throws a leg over his hip and straddles him, placing her hands on his sweat-damp chest and leaning forward to kiss him on the lips. “I can’t wait to be your wife,” she says with a soft smile, and the twist in her belly alerts her to the fact that this might be a lie.
They make love, there on the living room floor. She keeps her eyes open, not allowing her mind to wander from this moment, this man. Not allowing herself to admit that this is a consolation, an attempt to prove to them both that she is in this, with him, for the long haul. Her orgasm is weak and brief, not the same. Nothing is the same, anymore. Not since Mulder waltzed into the autopsy bay and complicated her life.
The heat has abated only slightly by 5:30 as she’s preparing to leave her apartment and head to Mulder’s. She debates what to wear for an agonizingly long time; the temperature calls for a dress or shorts, but she fears sending the wrong message if it looks like she’s intentionally bearing skin. She finally settles on a black maxi dress, a compromise in coverage and air flow, paired with flip flops. Casual, not trying too hard, but not frumpy either.
As she makes for the door, Ethan stops her with a gentle grasp on her wrist, pulling her to him.
“You look beautiful,” he says with an affectionate gaze, and that guilty feeling in her belly is back. Their impromptu living room floor love-making seems to have assuaged his concerns over her demeanor for the time being, but it only served to deepen her own inner turmoil.
“Thank you,” she replies before kissing him on the cheek and escaping the emotional heat of their apartment for the temperate heat of the DC evening.
2630 Hegal Place is a stately brick building that has been decently maintained. It’s not as nice as her neighborhood in Georgetown, but it’s hardly the slum that Mulder suggested it was. She feels a little sick as she rides the elevator up to the fourth floor, taking in the dark wood trim against the yellowing walls of his hallway. She finds apartment forty-two and pauses outside the door for a long while. She has a feeling that walking through this door is a decision with consequences, one she shouldn’t take lightly. She realizes she’s not wearing her engagement ring; it’s likely sitting on the bathroom counter beside the sink. A simple oversight; she’s not yet used to wearing it. Certainly not a Freudian slip of the mind...she has the sudden overwhelming urge to flee. Perhaps she knows exactly what she’s doing after all. She turns to walk back to the elevator when the door swings open, startling her.
“Scully,” he says with a lopsided smile.
He’s wearing dark wash jeans, his top half bare, a bag of garbage in one hand. Her eyes immediately light on the broad expanse of his chest, smooth and dappled with a light dusting of hair. His abdomen is solid, sleek and defined. A swimmer’s body, she thinks with a sigh.
“I was just taking the trash out, you’re a little early,” he says with a hint of embarrassment, passing her to stuff the bag down the chute at the end of the hall.
“Oh, sorry, am I?” she looks at her watch; it’s 5:55.
“Or maybe I’m just running a little behind,” he replies sheepishly, then lifts his arm and gestures for her to enter the apartment, “please, come in.”
She enters a combination foyer and dining room, the kitchen tucked off to the left and the living room straight ahead. The ambiance matches the hallway, dark wood and yellow walls, the ceilings impressively high. The decor is sparse; nothing on the walls and only small trinkets littering the surfaces, a fish tank burbling near the window. She waits to see where he directs her to go. The dining room table seems like a suitably professional place for two colleagues to review work files. He brushes past her to the living room, the shower-fresh smell of him drifting into her nostrils; Irish Spring and Old Spice.
“You can take a seat,” he says gesturing to the couch, “let me just grab a shirt and the files.” He disappears through a door that must be his bedroom.
She sets her purse on his cluttered desk and sits on one end of the worn leather couch, looking around at his few furnishings. She startles when a black blur springs onto her lap with a high-pitched meow, and Mulder re-enters the room with a bankers box tucked under his arm, his torso now covered by a black T-shirt.
“Jesus, Priscilla, don’t assault the woman,” he says as he sets the box on the coffee table and plucks the cat off her lap. “Sorry about that, she has an affinity for pretty girls,” he continues, then directs his next comment to the cat. “We have that in common, eh, Prissy?”
She feels a flush to her cheeks and he takes the cat with him to the kitchen, returning with two beers in its place.
“I hope your boyfriend doesn’t mind me borrowing you for the evening,” he says as he hands her an open beer.
She looks at him with a mildly shocked expression, his mention of Ethan feeling out of place and somehow obscene. Noticing her discomfort, he changes the subject as he sits on the opposite end of the couch.
“This is all I walked away with, one box of the best, brightest, and weirdest X files I came across during my time. About half are those I investigated myself, the rest were left from the previous agents who started the division,” he slides the box down the coffee table towards her and she plucks the lid off carefully to see dozens of neatly labeled orange folders. She pulls a random one out from the middle and sets her beer on the coffee table, opening the file across her lap.
“So tell me why the X files division was shut down,” she says as she leafs through the pages.
“Well, the official reason is that an investigation into a man with green blood resulted in multiple deaths, which was just the last in a series of...mishaps. But the real reason is that I was too close to the truth.”
She lifts her head from the file to look at him. He has his bare feet propped up on the coffee table, his elbow resting on the arm of the couch. He seems so at ease all the time, so comfortable around her.
“The truth about what?” she asks, working to peel her eyes from his plush lower lip.
He takes a deep breath. “A lot of things, but namely a government conspiracy to conceal the existence of extraterrestrial life, even as they’re conducting experiments and research on said extraterrestrials. Perhaps even working with them.”
It’s that same even, factual delivery. Her mouth blossoms into a slow smile.
“Working with the aliens? To do what, open a KMart on Mars?” she teases, and he returns her smile with one that is so devilish it makes her pelvis twitch.
“Read on, Scully. The more you see, the less crazy it sounds.”
He stands and goes to the stereo, and after a few minutes of fiddling around she hears Radiohead begin to play. “You like Radiohead?” he asks, and she gives a half shrug, half nod. Doesn’t love ‘em, doesn’t hate ‘em.
“So this one appears to be about some kind of tree-dwelling insect?” she asks, reading over details of a dead man sucked dry of all fluids and bound up in a giant cocoon.
Mulder returns to the couch and sits beside her, much closer this time, their thighs nearly touching. The heat of his body on top of the warmth of the air makes new sweat prick at the back of her neck.
“Indeed, prehistoric insects that were released from the inner rings of the tree when they were logged. I nearly got eaten up by them myself,” he remarks, reaching over to turn the pages that lie across her lap. She shivers a little despite the heat.
“And what does that have to do with aliens and government conspiracies?” she asks, keeping her head down, knowing that if she looks up at him he would be close enough to kiss.
“It’s not that straight forward, Scully. There are things, many things, on our planet that are unexplainable, and having control over that which can’t be understood by science and intelligence gives you a certain degree of power. Unfortunately, it’s a power that’s most often used for evil instead of good.”
She does turn to him then, getting an up-close look at the greenish, almost-hazel of his irises, the pronounced bridge of his nose.
“There’s nothing that’s unexplainable on this planet, Mulder. Just because we can’t explain it now doesn’t mean we never will. Consider how much science has progressed in the last fifty years alone. Who knows what we deem unexplainable now that will be perfectly understood in another fifty?”
He tilts his head closer to her and her heart speeds up, her lips parting unconsciously. His smirk is devastatingly sexy, and she suddenly doesn’t trust herself.
“May I use your bathroom?” she asks abruptly, looking away.
“Of course, it’s through the bedroom,” he says, hitching his thumb to the door behind and to their left.
She carefully makes her way into his bedroom, which contains a queen size mattress on a mahogany frame, a dresser, and not much else. He’s a man of simple means, it would seem. The bathroom is clean and devoid of skid marks and stray pubic hairs; the seat is even down. When she returns, he’s placed several of the files in a neat stack on the coffee table.
“These are the ones I’d recommend you read. At least they may be the ones you find most compelling,” he says as she returns to her seat, inching just a bit further away from him than she’d been before.
She takes the first from the stack and opens it. “So how’d you get into all this, Mulder? Have you always been into aliens, or did you see E.T. too many times when it came out?”
He doesn’t answer and she looks at him. He’s considering her, pondering. Deciding whether to tell her something.
Continue Reading here
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shiversdownyerspine · 3 years
15. Confession
Ladies and gentlemen we have The Kiss.
The raunchiness is going to Ramp Up.
The passing of time finds you curled up in bed with a little journal, carefully perusing the information you've gathered on this new side of you. The scowl on your face won't go away.
You stare down at the top of the page, at the two little words that are the source of your ire.
Heat Cycle.
Isn't it just fantastic. As if you needed another weird little condition in your life. Well, it probably isn't right to consider this unusual. So far your cycle lasts six days total, with the first three days being the absolute worst. You can definitely believe that this is something you were meant to experience ages ago, but staying away from people severely delayed it. No, this is supposed to be natural for you. 
You can't bring yourself to appreciate the irony of it all. Natural. What a joke.
Well, maybe if you just give it time it'll become like second nature to you. Your eyes fall once more to the pages.
You'd bet that the attraction you feel towards the Swedes is the catalyst for triggering your cycle; when the men returned from their first mission, your fluctuating emotions probably set it off. Who knows, maybe because your attraction isn't singular but multiple, it's affecting the severity of your symptoms. Ohhh the symptoms. You dearly hope they get better with time.
The handful of experiments you've done to see what would offer relief have yielded poor results; hot water helps you relax, so showers and baths are good. Cold water is too much for your skin. For the first couple of days you had tried masturbation to gentle your 'flow', but that didn't really make a difference. You wouldn't even consider fingering, you're too wary of the sudden sensitivity to penetration, and strangely enough, you feel on an almost instinctual level that it wouldn't work.
There is some comfort in the fact that you could tell when your cycle was starting, the tingling and prickling caught your notice pretty quick. With the reliable timing, making yourself scarce won't be too difficult. Theoretically. But you're fairly certain the Swedes will eventually notice your missing presence.
It was a miracle you didn't have to explain your disappearance that first night to Otto. He'd been on the verge of sleep when you got up and luckily you hadn't really disturbed him, he just sank right back into slumber. Maybe the mission had tired them all out. Maybe time travel had its own sort of jet lag. Maybe both? Whatever it is, thank goodness.
A month later the Swedes are out on their second mission when your cycle returns with no sign of gentling. Your desperation leads you to throw caution to the wind and try penetration. In the bath your sex was fairly successful with tolerating light strokes and caresses. Carefully rubbing your clit, you breathe and push a finger in deep. Keeping it still and just letting the stimulation to your clit do the work, you push yourself to the edge of orgasm. Feeling a little more confident you let your hand move, slipping that finger in and out. By the third stroke you had slapped a hand over your mouth to smother your loud noises. By the tenth there were tears in your eyes, hips jumping and jerking almost uncontrollably as you came. Unfortunately, nothing changed for the better.
In fact, you were utterly crestfallen when you discovered your attentions had actually made things worse for you; late into the night you could still feel the phantom sensation of a finger inside, your walls weakly pulsing like a heartbeat as you ooze continuously into the gusset of your panties. You continuously drifted in and out, and in the wee hours of the morning with restless nerves taut enough to snap, you listened to instinct and headed to the dryer where Otto's shirt still lay folded and waiting. Retrieving the article of clothing, you curled up in bed with it clutched to your chest and promise you'd make an effort to remember to put his clothing back where you found it. But at the moment you didn't really give a damn about the possible consequences.
The effects of your cycle lessened as the lingering scent soothed you, and though you had to fight this bizarre urge to collect...like some kind of Magpie...eventually you were able to fall asleep.
After that cycle ended, you seriously considered stashing the shirt away. You're just...borrowing it. They'll never know.
The Swedes returned from their second mission after a handful of days out in the field. This time you were in the living room when they came trudging through your door. 
Oscar was in a huff, cheeks a bit puffed with frustration. "Jävla hala jävel."
Mildly concerned you watched as he headed to their guestroom, presumably to drop off his pack, before you turned your attention to his older brothers. Otto appeared to be untouched, if a little miffed. Axel on the other hand looked roughed up, hair out of place with light bruising and a couple of scrapes about his face.
The two men give a curt nod to you as you rise from the sofa to join them as they make their way into the kitchen. The first aid you had relocated to a cabinet under the kitchen sink, which Otto knowingly retrieves for you. "So...I'm guessing there's been some complications?"
"The target escaped." Axel solves the mystery for you, eyeing the kit in your hands before raising a brow at his quiet brother. Otto ignores him in favor of removing his pack and tossing it to Oscar as he joins the rest of you. The youngest catches it before giving Otto an annoyed look, seriously considering just dumping it on the floor for its rightful owner to take care of, before compromising and leaning the hefty bag against the wall. Oscar jerks his chin up in stubborn defiance, leaning back against the wall as well. Allowing it, Otto folds his arms and watches you make your way to their older brother.
"And took a couple swings at you on the way out?"
Sitting at the kitchen table with a slight scowl, Axel touches a finger to a small abrasion at the corner of his eyebrow to examine a bit of blood. 
Their target was a stocky man who had managed to break free of Otto's hold, had even cracked their older brother's head back into a wall with a wild adrenaline-fueled swing before tearing towards the exit like a bat out of hell. Of course Oscar had left him a parting gift, namely a wickedly sharp serrated knife buried in the meat of the unlucky man's upper leg. They had thought he wouldn't have gotten far with that wound impeding him, but he was nowhere to be seen. However as they began searching, Otto had surprised them by insisting on returning to you.
Taking the initiative you reach forward, brushing the loose strands of Axel's hair back off his forehead for a closer inspection of his face.
"Well...you don't look like you're on death's door, but how do you feel? Headache? Nausea? Blurry vision?"
Otto answers immediately, "Unsteady."
Indeed, as the brothers started tracking, Otto had noticed Axel stumbling a little every now and then, his steadfast gait not quite the way it was supposed to be. After a moment of consideration, the largest Swede had intervened, concerned about a concussion. Oscar had hesitated but once he saw his brother sway after coming to a complete stop, he too was on board with the change of plans.
"Concussions can get worse, you should take it easy for a bit. Let me see..." Before Axel can denounce any concerns, your hand is on his shoulder while the other is cupping his chin and tilting his face up to see how his pupils adjust to the light. Your touch is soft as your fingers slide over his skin, encouraging him with careful pressure to follow your direction. His hands twitch as his gaze follows a curl of hair sweeping down to your collarbone.
He breathes in slow when you once again push your fingers through the pale strands atop his head, your lips quirking fondly. "I think there's a little plaster in your hair."
Oscar's eyes flit between you and his eldest brother before he slips to Otto and elbows him, jerking his head towards the hallway to indicate that they should make themselves scarce. Otto walks to his pack and hefts it up with ease as an excuse of 'putting things where they belong' justifies their absences.
As you tend to the rough marks left behind on Axel's skin, you remember the mark he himself had left on your knife. You had meant to ask about it earlier but you've been rather distracted lately. The man shares his knowledge of the Algiz rune and some of the other Elder Futhark runes; the one on your knife handle represents an elk, a symbol of protection, defense, and guardianship.
"I'd love to hear about what other runes you know, but I don't want to keep you up all night...alright that should do it." You trail your fingers gently over his cheek, fascinated by the texture of his scar.
Axel hums, catching your wrist and holding your hand still. He turns his face into your palm and presses his lips to the skin. Pink dusts your cheeks at the gesture of appreciation, your eyes flicking from your hand to him as his mouth leaves your palm. With his grasp loose on your wrist you gather your nerve and slip your fingers lightly under his jaw, thumb dangerously close to the corner of his lips.
Brow creased with faux concern you lean in a little, eyeing his cheek. "Wait..."
Before he has the chance to react you lean in the rest of the way and press a lingering kiss to his cheek, right on his old scar. After pulling in a heavy breath, he goes very still.
You pull away with a soft smile, trying not to blush at the way his gaze is very focused on you. Chalking his stare up to confusion you murmur, "You've all been giving me so many and..I...I really wanted to give a kiss back. To thank you for the rune carving."
A strange look crosses the eldest Swede's face as his eyes flick down to your lips and then back up to your eyes, your wrist still in his grasp. He makes a decision.
The chair scoots across the floor as he rises from his seat and crowds you against the kitchen table, hand on your side guiding you back. He releases your arm as he dips to lift you up to the surface to sit, your wide-eyed stare and softly parted lips urging him to slip between your thighs. He needs answers. You've been driving him and his brothers crazy, and he has plenty of reason to believe the pining is mututal.
"You like us?"
"...? Of course I like you three, what..!" Your breath catches when he leans in, his fists resting on the tabletop to the left and right of you. Caged in, you're rendered silent as he stares intently at you.
"Do you want us?"
Mind blank and cheeks hot as your brain catches up with the meaning behind his words, your eyes dart over his handsome face. You know you're meant to respond, to say something but there is nothing, not a peep from you. This frustrating silence of yours, unintended as it is, does nothing to deter Axel. If anything it's an incentive to be a little more specific, a little more direct.
His head dips, lips lightly sliding against your cheek for a moment as he moves forward. Your ear tingles as his breath warms the sensitive skin before he questions you, voice lulling and suggestive as it rumbles from his throat.
"Do you like us touching you? Teasing you? Kissing you?"
One of his hands moves to yours, gliding up your arm and shoulder to sweep up the side of your neck. He rubs his thumb lightly over your bottom lip as his mouth presses minutely to the soft skin under your ear. At the sound of your whimper, his lips leave you as he draws back to peer heavy-lidded at your dazed visage.
"Red cheeks, squeezing thighs, pretty sounds..."
He cradles the side of your neck, thumb stroking along the curve of your jaw as he nonchalantly lists some of the reactions to him and his brothers that he's noticed. That they've all noticed. Your lips drag a shallow shaky inhale into your throat at his words, nearly breathless at how sweetly cruel he is to lay your attraction out so neatly before you. Axel's mouth hovers a hair's breadth away, his lips lightly parted as if hoping to catch the slightest taste of you on your exhale. The scent of pine and something heady floods your senses, pulling you under.
Vague recollections flutter in the abyss of your mind, specific memories of the younger brothers floating in the dark just out of reach. One was smothered with the comforting smell of laundry while another one dripped with zesty ginger, both slipping through your fingers. In their place earthy tones engulf you instead, entangling you in the present situation, in him.
This awareness does nothing but remind you with overwhelming intensity that you are helpless to the whims of the man who is tenderly interrogating you, pulling piece after piece away and leaving you bare before him.
When you finally give a verbal response, he's delighted to hear his name uttered so soft and sweet; begging for him to spare you yet also tempting him to give in and sink his mouth against yours and taste.
But...you haven't answered his question yet.
The hand cradling your neck slips back to cup your nape, tilting your head to expose your throat. He dips to the offering, leaving kiss after kiss as your hands shakily grasp his shirt, fingers curling in the fabric as he peppers your skin with lazy affection.
Your breath comes quick in light puffs and quivery gasps, stuttering with a weak moan when warm lips softly suck at your pulse. Emboldened by the results of his attentions, Axel strokes the feathers that tickle his fingers at the base of your skull.
Electrifying sensations entwine, spiraling into a cutting clarity and desperation that demands you reveal the truth. "I..I want..."
The gentle wet sound of his mouth releasing your skin distracts you for a second. He allows you a moment to collect yourself but has no qualms with encouraging you to continue should you hesitate too long.
"I want more."
Your greedy admission is rewarded with contemplative silence as he savors your words. The quiet lingers a moment longer before slow ticklish kisses trail back up your neck, your cheek, and finally to your ear. A shudder ripples through your body as the man softly nips your earlobe with a hum. "And?"
With the lull in teasing you discover the fog in your brain has receded a little, at least enough for coherent speech to return. You accept defeat.
"I want all of you. I do."
It feels good to recognize what you've been hiding inside of you for so long, to acknowledge that you wanted this with them. Axel plants one last lingering kiss under your ear before resting his forehead against yours, "Are you scared?"
You take the opportunity to catch your breath; the revelation that there had been more behind their attention, that they want you just as much, was as invigorating as it was nerve-wracking. But you know how you feel and you trust the three men.
"Maybe a little...overwhelmed? This is new."
The brush of his lips against yours is featherlight, the sensation potent enough to send a shiver through you. You marvel at how badly you want him to do it again as he murmurs, "Not all new. Some new, some different. We will still touch and kiss but more."
The final word in his sentence he chooses to punctuate with another kiss, warm and firm as it demonstrates his point perfectly and steals your breath for the frustratingly short amount of time it lasts. His words sink in. More. And not with just one, but all three of the men you so adore. Delight warring with shyness, you bury your red face in Axel's neck as his hands slip down your sides.
"We will go slow, give and take, share. Would you like that?" The heat in his voice is both reverential hunger and alluring promise. You press a kiss under his jaw, receiving a squeeze to your hips in turn.
Yes, you would most certainly like that.
Jävla hala jävel. - Fucking slippery bastard.
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athenadione · 4 years
pizza and feverish confessions
No one:
Okay so it’s only light whump, with an emphasis on comfort. Will I go to the grave believing that Damian is a big softie when it comes to sick Raven? Absolutely. 
Words: 3,909
Rated: G it’s all appropriate... this time ;)
Pairing: DamiRae
Click Here to read on A03
It starts out with a warm, fuzzy feeling in the back of her head. A little dizzying, but not enough to disrupt her equilibrium, so she brushes the feeling aside and chalks it up to a flare of her empathy. Throwing up a few mental shields to keep the plethora of auras at bay, she continues walking down the street with the rest of her teammates, nearing Pizza Corner. 
A popular hotspot for locals, they have to request seating ahead of time so that the employees can prepare for a visit from the Titans. It’s always a daunting task to go out in public. The employees have to barricade a spot near the back of the restaurant for them to eat in peace, and constantly combat the flow of customers that walk in all for the chance to meet them. Obviously, they don’t do it often. The sheer amount of work it takes for them to dine-in never takes less than an hour. But today Gar insisted, and Kori can be a sucker for cute, green kittens; So naturally, they made a reservation. 
The restaurant is already buzzing with activity by the time they turn the corner, still about a block away. Hosts and waitresses are shuffling people out and the crowd is growing considerably, all looking for a chance to get an autograph or picture with a Titan. They’re used to all the chanting and the yelling, but today it bothers her a bit. Already she can feel a tension headache blooming just behind her eyes, and she resists the urge to rub at her temples with her fingers. Maybe she stayed up reading too late last night.
She says nothing about her ailment and continues walking, appearing unaffected to everyone that doesn’t know what to look for in her face- a light grimace tugging at the corners of her mouth, and eyes that flutter shut a moment longer than necessary. 
A few employees jog out to escort them the rest of the way, and Kori thanks them warmly, resting a hand on one of the men’s shoulders. The way the man looks back at Kori can make any woman mad with envy. Complete, undivided attention and adoration. Really, she can imagine literal red hearts leaping outwards from the pupils of his eyes accompanied by the loud sound of an ahooga horn. It nearly makes her snort, but instead she arches a delicate brow. With a reminder to herself to watch less Cartoon Network, she allows herself to be ushered into the building by another employee. 
When she feels the brush of a well defined chest against the length of her arm after stepping inside it takes her a moment to realize it’s Damian. He must have stayed close behind her from the way he’s angled his body, shielding her from view. She remembers a time when his body wouldn’t even be able to take up half the space of the door. Now, at twenty two, he can easily provide coverage from the crowd- which she’s certainly grateful for. One would think after nearly a decade of superhero experience she’d be used to the publicity. Reluctantly, she admits that she’ll probably always be a little uneasy when it comes to large crowds. 
“Beast Boy, stop flirting and get in here!” Jaime is seen tugging on the Changeling’s arm, practically dragging him in the diner. Gar comes begrudgingly with promises to the horde of females surrounding him to come back later for pictures. The foray of giggles that is heard a few seconds after leads Raven to believe that he’s said something else that’s borderline inappropriate, and from Damian’s eye roll she knows that he heard exactly what it was. 
“Come on Beetle, I was this close to getting that blonde chick’s phone number!” Gar laments, rather dramatically Raven thinks, and continues his protests all the way to the door. 
“Hurry up you two, we’re ready to be seated.” Kori says, shooting Gar a glance, the warning to behave clear in her eyes. Raven admits that she’s impressed when Gar doesn’t immediately shrink back like he used to. 
“Sorry Star.” He mumbles, letting Jaime pull him past both her and Damian to follow behind Kori. Raven watches them a moment, willing the dull throb in her head to ebb, but it doesn’t cease. A light frown crosses her features when she realizes that she’ll likely need to meditate an extra hour today for the pain to subside. And perhaps take a few ibuprofen.
Behind her, Damian steps around her and lowers his gaze to meet her eyes. “Raven, are you okay?” He asks, touching her arm lightly. “You have a headache?” 
Raven blinks, the only evidence of her surprise that Damian had been able to read her so well. But then she remembers that they’ve been teammates for years, and of course he would be able to tell, just as she can tell that the lilt in his tone is concern, not annoyance. 
“Yeah.” She breathes and closes her eyes again. “I’m okay, I just need to meditate when we get back to the tower.” 
When she opens her eyes again she sees him press his lips together and narrow his eyes like he doesn’t believe her and he’s definitely going to argue with her...but to her relief he says nothing, just gestures to the large booth where the others are already seated. 
“Come on, the sooner we eat the sooner we can leave.” 
She nods lightly, aware of how the movement heightens the pain of her headache, and turns to walk to where Kori is waving for them. Then Damian places a hand to her lower back and begins to guide her through the clearest pathway to the booth, unaware of the light blush heating her cheeks. Even after all this time she still hasn't gotten the courage to admit to herself what the pang in her chest is when he does little things like that. 
Shoving back emotions that she refuses to interpret, she focuses her attention on the booth ahead of them, giving Kori a shrug when she sends her a curious look. 
“Man they always have the best veggie pizzas. I wish I could eat here everyday.” Gar states to no one in particular. Jaime takes offense, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “How can anyone come here and eat vegetarian pizza? That should be considered felonious.” 
“For once, I’d have to agree with Beast Boy.” Damian tells them both, stepping up to the booth first, then he reaches out with an open hand for her to take it. His hand is cool, contradicting the heat that she’s feeling from her headache. He gestures for her to step into the booth first and she scoots beside Jaime. Then he follows behind, effectively closing her in. 
“Are you serious? Did everyone hear that?” Gar’s eyes widen in excitement, and he jumps in his seat, nearly sloshing his drink. “I want this in writing.” 
“Don’t get used to it.” Damian quips back, eyes scanning the menu. The pout that Gar sends him makes Raven smile, mildly amused at the way his canines protrude over his upper lip. 
Any plea that may have come from Gar’s mouth is silenced when the wait staff swoop in to get their orders. As quickly as they left, they come back with her and Damian’s drinks, and they are already set to make their pizza. Fast and succinct, the waist staff pride themselves on their service, and they deserve a considerable tip for the effort they’ve already given to allow them all to eat here. She makes a mental note to mention that to Kori when there’s a light itching in the back of her throat, and she takes a few sips of her water to combat it. 
Conversations between her teammates continue, and Raven’s content to remain silent and listen to their banter, leaning back into the cool upholstery of the booth. The haziness in her mind grows, accompanied by a lightheadedness that makes her breathe deep, repeating her mantra to focus. In one corner, she finds a tear in the mahogany leather. Eyes beginning to glaze over, the longer she stares at it, the more black dots begin to swim along her vision. 
At some point she vaguely recognizes Dick’s voice across the restaurant, joining them in his Nightwing suit. The joy she feels bubbling from Kori’s aura is enough to bring her back to the present, vision now clear, and she sees Dick slide in beside the Tamaranean. Everyone shifts to make room and Raven’s thigh brushes Damian’s when it’s her turn to scoot over. 
“Hey guys, how’s it going?” Dick asks the entirety of the table. There’s a series of replies, each ranging from a curt “Fine,” to “I’d be better if I had my pizza right about now,” to a bemoaned “Thanks a lot Nightwing! It was already hard enough getting phone numbers with Robin around, now it’ll be impossible!” 
Raven just nods in greeting, knowing that Dick won’t consider her silence as rude. Something she’s thankful for. Dick takes it all in stride as he always does, and he easily fits in with their group dynamic, bantering back and forth with Gar and Jaime all the while shooting the occasional tease to Kori. He even manages to make Damian smile once or twice- a considerable feat to accomplish. 
Eventually they all settle down again and her eyes begin to feel bleary once more. This time a light shiver follows all the way up her spine, and she barely contains the shudder that threatens to wrack through her body. It does cause her to lightly brush against Damian’s thigh again though, and she’s very aware of his keen, inquiring eyes on her. Looking up, she sees the question in his gaze. 
And she wants to put the concern she feels in his aura at ease, but at this point the ache in her head has pretty much developed into a migraine, and any jarring movement sends her head spinning, so she just gives him a small smile, if a bit forced. And as much as she’d rather go home and lay down in the dark, everyone’s having a good time, and they don’t get to go on public outings often together. She doesn’t want to ruin it by cutting their trip short. Besides, she’s been through much worse.
Even so, when their pizza finally arrives Raven only picks at hers, taking a few small bites for show, but her migraine is starting to make her feel nauseous, and the itch in her throat is scratchy, making it uncomfortable to swallow. 
After a while, a heat begins to sizzle over her skin even as she’s bundled in her thickest cloak. Beside her, Jaime is arguing with Gar over which pizza is the best on the menu. It escalates to a point where Gar begins to point out how many slices of each kind of pizza everyone’s been eating until he gets to her own plate. 
“What’s wrong Rae, you don’t like your pizza? You love pepperoni.” Gar pipes up from across the table, a piece of veggie pizza in one hand and a crumpled napkin in another. His brows are drawn together in disapproval when she follows his eyes to her plate. Only one slice of the two that she had taken from the pepperoni and cheese pie in the middle of the table is half eaten. 
Aware of everyone’s eyes on her, she feigns nonchalance as she fights back another shiver. “Yeah, I do. It’s good.” She swallows, then takes another sip of her water to moisten her throat, looking back down at her plate. “I guess I just don’t have much of an appetite today.” 
Beside her, Damian narrows his eyes and turns in the booth to observe her blatantly, ignoring Dick and Kori’s curious glances. Feeling a bit self-conscious under his intense stare, Raven wraps her fingers inside her cloak, pulling it tighter around her body. His eyes sweep her figure pensively, then rest back onto her face, taking in the glazed expression on her face. 
After a few more moments he crosses his arms and gives her a reprimanding glare. “You’re getting sick.” He deadpans.
Immediately words of denial bubble up her throat, still conscious of everyone’s attention. “I am not. I’m fine.” She says, and as punishment the pain in her headache blossoms tenfold right at the base of her skull. 
Despite the clouding in her mind she can still feel the brush of Damian’s aura, a tinge of both worry and frustration lapping at her empathy. “Tch. You’re a horrible liar and this is ridiculous.” He vaguely motions at the table they’re sitting at. “You shouldn’t be forcing yourself through lunch when you’re feeling unwell.” 
The others voice similar echoes of concern with promises that she shouldn’t feel guilty for staying, and Raven sighs because this is what she has been trying to avoid. She waves off their concerns. “I’m okay, really. Let’s just enjoy the rest of lunch okay? I’m fine.” She repeats. 
“I think we’re all ready to go back anyway, right guys?” Kori asks before Damian can argue with her further, looking at Jaime and Gar. Together they nod and begin to shuffle as one when Kori and Dick step out- Dick leaving the group entirely with the check in his hand. 
Guilt swells in Raven’s chest, knowing how much the team had looked forward to being together on a relatively calm day like this, which is so very rare. “Wait, Star.” She winces as the raspiness grows in her voice. “You said you wanted to go to the mall first, we still have plenty of time.” Kori’s been wanting to go for weeks now. 
Scooting out of the booth to follow her teammates takes more effort than she’d like to admit, but Damian hovers close by, taking her elbow and helping her step down. His gloved hand around her arm is much colder this time, causing a shudder that she can’t contain anymore.
Standing is not a good idea, Raven thinks. Her legs wobble and she locks her knees to stop them from shaking, and gods why is it suddenly so hot in here? She completely misses the first half of Kori’s response. 
“...and besides, the dress I want to buy will still be there the next time I go.” 
The world tilts on its axis, or rather Raven tilts, taking the world with her when she takes a step. The sudden lightheadedness she feels is so overwhelming she doesn’t even notice that Damian still hasn’t let go of her arm.
Someone within the vicinity of her incapacitated hearing begins to speak. Is it Gar? His voice sounds so far away now and her movements feel sluggish. There’s a light ringing in her ears that increases in tune with the pounding of her head, and through it all she feels that she’s broken out in a light sweat. 
“Raven?” She looks through bleary eyes to see Damian’s face contorted with alarm. It makes her want to reach out and cup his face because he’s normally so stoic, and the worry creases above his brows don’t suit him at all. What would he do if she reached up on her tip-toes to kiss them until they receded? 
She never gets the chance to find out, because the black specks dancing at the edge of her peripherals fill her vision all too quickly, and before she’s able to take another step forward her knees buckle, falling into Damian’s arms as swiftly as she falls into unconsciousness. 
“Oh my god, Raven!” 
She’s not fully conscious when she catches hints of low whispers near her, nearly drowned out by the beep of a machine next to her ears. Groaning softly, her senses are overcome with the aching in her leg muscles, and how hot her skin feels against the sheets she’s tucked underneath. A shiver wracks her body and she involuntarily curls into herself on the bed she’s in. Cords follow her body, attached to the pulse oximeter that she briefly notices is on her finger, along with an I.V. in her arm. 
Faintly, she hears the sound of the t.v. playing in the background. She thinks it’s Scooby Doo. Either someone had turned it on for her when she woke, or Gar’s been in this room recently. Nonetheless, it’s enough to make her realize with mild amusement that she reminded herself to watch less Cartoon Network, not more. 
But that amusement is short-lived when there’s a dip in the bed, the movement making her moan as the aching in her legs heightens, and she opens her eyes hazily.
It takes her a few seconds to focus on the figure beside her. “Dami…?” She croaks and immediately regrets speaking from the sharp pain in the back of her throat. “Ah..hurts.”
Luckily Damian isn’t one for small talk and he just rubs her upper arm lightly. “I know, don’t speak.” He says gently, “You have strep throat and the flu. Your fever got worse overnight.” 
Damian presses something cold and wet to her forehead, and she sighs in reprieve as it soothes her heated flesh. Her eyes flutter shut once more and she’s already drifting off to sleep, barely hearing his next words. “Get some rest habibti. I’m here.” The darkness takes her under, and this time she welcomes it. 
The next time she wakes she thinks she must be delirious. 
Damian is mere inches away from her, pressing his lips to her temple in a light kiss, and whispering something to her in his native tongue. 
If she wasn’t so sick then this would be heaven- waking up to his soft kisses. And maybe it still is in her own mind, because she’s honestly not sure if this is real. 
A wave of nausea disrupts that train of thought and it courses through her stomach. She shoots upwards into a sitting position, head spinning. And she must’ve done this before because a small trash can is placed directly under her mouth as soon as she sits up, and she grasps at it weakly, vomiting up bile. Hands gather her hair gently at her nape, holding it back for her as she continues retching. Then she’s just dry heaving for a few minutes after there’s nothing left to throw up, and her stomach twinges achingly. 
Someone starts rubbing soothing circles at her back and cooing into her ear, and she finally has the energy to glance back, recognizing those familiar emerald orbs that look back down at her in sympathy. When it’s clear that she’s finished he takes the trash can and places it next to her bed, within reaching distance. Gratefully taking the hand towel from his outstretched hand to wipe her mouth, she wonders if she should feel mortified at the fact that he’s seeing her in this state, but another shiver wracking through her body halts that train of thought too. 
“Raven?” She must’ve spaced out at some point because she’s now leaning back against the fortress of pillows that have been fluffed for her, and Damian is hovering above her. 
He reaches out an ungloved hand and tucks a stray hair behind her ear, and she wishes she had the courage to ask him to keep stroking her hair like that. “How are you feeling?” He asks her. 
She just shakes her head, not trusting her mouth to speak. Also, her throat feels raw after vomiting. The lingering taste of bile makes her grimace.
“Try to sit up for me, you need to hydrate.” He calls out softly and she wonders how she didn’t notice the glass of water in his hand before. Bracing shaky palms into the mattress, she manages to pull herself up enough to earn a hum of praise. A straw makes its way to her mouth and she accepts it without argument, knowing from the set of his jaw that if she tried to she would certainly lose. The few sips she’s able to stand helps ebb the burning sensation in her throat, and Damian encourages her to take a few more. Then, she’s shaking her head and pushing away the glass. He relents, murmuring his approval. Soft, low tones. “Good. That’s good, Raven.” A hand threads through her hair again and she leans into his touch, taking the small comfort he’s offering despite how out of character it is for him to be so...intimate. 
The soft, rhythmic brush of his fingers through her hair distracts her from the ache in her legs, and the dull throb of her headache. It helps tether her to consciousness enough to open her eyes more clearly and see the gentleness in his gaze as he watches her. 
When she opens her mouth to speak her tongue feels like cotton, but she continues anyway. “You...don’t have to stay.” Her voice sounds like she’s been screaming in terror for hours until finally succumbing to an unbearable torture, and she winces at how pathetic it must sound to him too. 
He just shushes her and continues threading his hand through her hair. “I’ll leave if you insist, but I’d rather stay...if that’s alright.” 
All she can do is nod. They fall into a comfortable silence, which Raven cherishes. Damian’s always seemed to know when silence is needed, and he gives it to her often. Having him here, helping her while she’s in such a vulnerable state sends another sensation through her chest, filling her with a different kind of warmth. Not the kind of feverish, sweaty, and boiling heat that’s bogged down her mind the past couple of days (It’s been a few days right? Truthfully she doesn’t really know). But it’s a warmth that slowly spreads throughout her entire being, pouring over into her soul that leaves a light tingling in its wake. It’s stronger than anything she’s ever felt before and it swells in her throat until it formulates into words, spilling out of her mouth before she can stop it. 
“I love you.” 
Another shiver reverberates through her body, and the combined ache of her muscles and persistent fever takes her back under- so much so that she doesn’t even realize the significance of what she just said. She just knows that it makes Damian give her a smile that she’s never seen before. One that softens every feature in his face, and lights his eyes in such a way that mesmerizes her through the fogginess of her affliction.
“I know.” He says in a hushed timbre, leaning down to press his lips to her hairline- an act that makes her sigh in content, despite her dazed state. “I love you too.” 
He stays with her, fingers playing languidly with the strands of her hair as he murmurs into her ear- a mixture of both their common language and arabic, and she clings to the gentle undertone of his words, relishing in this new, welcoming warmth that’s now unfurling all the way down to her toes. She continues to listen to his voice as it lulls her back gently into unconsciousness.
And she knows that he’ll be there when she wakes up again, just as surely as she now knows in her heart that she loves him. 
And he loves her back.
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{Story} Gentle
I know it’s been a lot of manga for you, lately, sweetums, but uhm. Since I don’t know too much manga but I am an author, we’re gonna meet in the middle with an OC bishounen. Because I’m trying to flex practice my character creation lately and you deserve all the hotties.
It’s the best I can do from where I’m sitting, gomen nasai pls. ヾ(_ _*)
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“Be gentle with me.”
That was how Osamu Furuya ensnared Monica--that simple utterance, whispered against the top of her head as her fangs hovered above his pulse. She’d paused, green eyes snapping up to his pale face. He was smiling at her, a slight flush to the high crest of his cheeks; an older man, closer to 50 than 40, he was aging like a porcelain doll with skin unblemished by the sun as he took care of his human mortality. Strawberry blond hair hung like spider silk to his broad shoulders, cut in slight layers to bounce almost boyishly when he walked, adding to the deception of his well-maintained age. When Osamu smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkled but his bone structure was so feather light it wouldn’t allow for wrinkles as one might expect--instead, the skin lay like silk sheets on a luxurious bed, inviting and beckoning with the tug of surprisingly full, pink lips. Osamu carried his age with poise that showed in his physique even now; seated, so Monica could better reach him, his back was straight against the chair and his long legs settled on either side of her, dress shoes firmly planted despite his soft-spoken plea. His free hand, large but slim with long fingers reached up to settle against her hip, urging her closer when she didn’t respond, didn’t move to make good on their arrangement. Coaxing, offering, desiring to serve the Frenzy Empress in a way he’d never serve another.
Feeding was tricky for the most experienced vampires but there must come a time when blood bags and boxes, bottles and synthetics simply wouldn’t satisfy. From the vein was the best way to imbibe and the heir to the most powerful Syndicate in the world deserved the very best money could buy--blood slaves were one thing but a Consort was the ideal. Consorts, like escorts, come with a much higher price tag and the assurance that the blood provided was pure, delicious, and from a desired, esteemed bloodline. Osamu Furuya came extremely highly recommended; he’d been a Consort for decades and was known for blood richer and sweeter than honey. It definitely didn’t hurt that his picture, Monica had almost been too shy to properly look at for long. There had been no hesitation to pay his upfront fee and have him brought to the Frenzy home for Monica’s feeding.
Traditionally, Consorts provide whatever services their client desires (for a price, of course) but Osamu was in this for the long haul and had always conducted himself accordingly. Consorts often got taken off the market too quickly, by allowing greedy feeding or offering too much of themselves physically. He developed no long-term partnerships, he only allowed drinking from his wrists, and there were never any physical or emotional entanglements--but that had changed irrevocably the moment he’d laid eyes on Monica. The beautiful young vampire had come into the room and stolen the air from it immediately; Osamu had felt his heart stammer, the first licks of desire searing his belly so that he was fighting to swallow just to try and get his voice to work. When he’d spoken to her, introduced himself with a soft handshake and a bow of his light head, his voice had been deeper than usual, darkened with a lust he’d never felt before. This was meant to be work, meant to hold no feelings for him; he’d never been excited to be fed upon before, but the thought of Monica’s fangs breaking his pale skin had nearly driven him to his knees. Familiar as she was with the process, she’d quietly offered him a seat and reached for his wrist. Her touch was beautifully cold, her fingers soft as fresh ice sliding against his skin and when she’d parted her lips he’d made a strangled sound of anticipation, the words sliding from him like a prayer--
“Be gentle with me.”
Monica slowly straightened, her eyes still on Osamu’s petal-pink features. The flush to his pale skin didn’t seem to come from embarrassment; he was older, an experienced Consort, so what was this expression? This request?
“...” Monica’s fangs, elongated from the desire to bite, to feed, were a beautiful compliment to lips full enough to force Osamu to shift in his seat. She noticed the shift and it prompted her to speak. “...What?”
Osamu’s eyes were surprisingly dark for his pale features, a deep, rich brown that roamed Monica’s face unashamed. For a few seconds he kept his silence save for the whisper of his long hair as he inclined his pointed chin, the room light catching cheekbones just crying for her fingers to trace them. When he finally spoke, it was his usual deep, muted tone, as if sharing a secret only for her to hear. “Bite slowly, please, Miss. Gently.”
Monica couldn’t read the tone, the expression, and was immediately concerned what she’d read about Osamu was incorrect. Was he afraid? Hesitant? Maybe this was wrong. She lowered his wrist further. “Are...you sure this is what you want?”
Osamu glanced down at his wrist, her petite fingers cradling it, and he slowly shook his head.
Resigned a mistake had been made, Monica released his wrist entirely but when she would have stepped back, his hand tightened around her hips.
“You misunderstand,” he clarified. “What I want...”
Monica watched, her hunger spiking as Osamu’s head finally tilted to the left, exposing his long, elegant throat to her. His blond hair fell over his broad shoulder, his shirt unbuttoned enough to allow the collar to part, exposing sinew and muscle silently begging to be marked, bitten into, torn open. His wrist, Monica could see the scars from careless vampires before, who hadn’t healed him, had left him carelessly like a toy to be used but his neck was unmarked. Osamu didn’t allow others to feed from his throat, this she could tell without having to ask, without having to glean the thought from him...but he wanted her to?
“I want you here,” he was near breathless now, his finely muscled chest rising and falling a little quicker. “My throat, Miss Frenzy, is where I want you.”
“Mr. Furuya--”
“Osamu, please.” His dark eyes met hers and it felt intimate as a kiss. His head was still inclined, still offering, still beckoning. Still desperately wanting.
“...Osamu,” Monica couldn’t miss the way his body hitched when she said his name. Standing so close, there could be no secrets between them. “This wasn’t in the agreement.”
“Neither is what I want to do with you after you feed,” Osamu returned easily, but his velvet baritone burned with unspoken desire. His free hand moved, paused for just a moment before he touched her, as if asking silent permission. He knew his place, beneath her as a man to an immortal, powerful creature of the night, and beneath the Empress who commanded a Syndicate. Beneath her was exactly where he wanted to be. Long fingers, slightly calloused, smoothed against her cheek before cupping around the back of her neck, urging her closer. His arm moved from her hip around her back, locking her to him, as he bent over her and brought her lips to his throat. “Feed from me,” he breathed, his body nearly shaking with anticipation. “Slowly, gently, so I can feel every pull of your teeth on my throat.”
The intimacy was almost too much for Monica but how could she resist? The rush of his blood, honeyed and cloying, was beating strongly against the pulse so close to her teeth and when she parted her lips and took an experimental lick against the side of his throat the noise he’d made sent wet heat pooling between her legs.
“That’s it,” Osamu all but gasped, his fingers tightening on the roots of Monica’s dark hair. “Bite, Miss. Please, bite down, don’t tease me.”
Osamu’s refined elegance, his soft-spoken demeanor was shattered like glass when Monica’s fangs sank deep into the side of his throat; he let out a hoarse cry of satisfaction, his hand cupping the back of her head to hold her to him. The blood that filled her mouth was sweeter than candy, made so by years of fine, deliberate breeding--it was as if Osamu had been made for her. Her sweet tooth was notorious to all who knew her and the cloying, hot syrup that spilled down her throat now reminded her of melted ice cream, soothing and delicious on a hot summer day. Encouraged by the way he responded, his body rising off the chair just to curve further around her, Monica’s teeth sank deeper still and she was rewarded further. Osamu’s fingers cinched against the roots of her hair, the pain bittersweet even as he tried to breathe, to inhale against the desire making his entire body shake.
“S-So good,” came his panting admission, his voice broken by a need for something even stronger than Monica’s teeth in his throat--he was in her, but not in all the ways he wanted to be. “Tell me, Little Miss, am I to your liking?”
Monica made a noise of approval, unwilling to release the bite to answer him further, her hand sliding up to cup the other side of his throat to help pull him deeper, to draw more of him down her greedy little throat.
Osamu bit back a groan at that, the feel of her sharp, painted nails only adding to the delightful pleasure-pain of her teeth working against his throat. Never in his decades of Consorting had feeding ever felt like this. This was...something else entirely, so that the moment she’d entered the room the only thing he could envision were her teeth against his throat. Even now, he was anticipating how much she’d take from him, how often she would feed from him. Would she take him on full-time, to live with her and serve her and her alone? The idea swamped him with a fresh wave of desire and wanton need, his seeking fingers bruising around her middle, against her hair, as he made encouraging murmurs and moans at her feeding. He could never go back to serving any other after this--any other’s fangs just wouldn’t do, wouldn’t bring the same burning desire hers did.
“Little Miss, gently, please--H-Hah,” Osamu’s plea was broken when Monica’s fangs tore him, opened his throat further and inwardly he was delighted she was taking from him, roughly--because that was what he wanted. He fed her sadism, her desire to cause pain, to hurt, met it with masochism and a desire to be hurt by her and her alone. It felt so good. He could feel her throat working, swallowing, taking him deeper into her body and the knowledge that he was inside her nearly had his eyes rolling back in his head. “You are going to ruin me...”
Monica could easily read the underlying desire in his tone. The want he had for her to do just that and it excited her. A part of her wondered if he would even object to being bled dry by her--
“Don’t s-stop,” Osamu pleaded, relishing the lethargy, the slowing of his heart as she fed. He fought the urge to slip into the welcoming darkness, unwilling to allow himself to miss a moment of this euphoria, holding onto her petite frame like a lifeline but where he was overcome with desire and need, too far gone to think rationally, Monica complimented him. She released her bite, even as he made a broken sound of disappointment.
The velvet rasp of her tongue against the coveted wound stopped the noise, turned it into a deep, guttural groan as if wrenched from Osamu’s soul. It would stop the bleeding but he knew that wouldn’t prevent a scar and his smile was sleepy but satisfied as he basked in the idea of bearing her mark, of knowing that meant she was willing to allow him to stay. Lazily, drowsily, Osamu sat back against the chair, unwilling to put his weight on Monica despite her obvious strength. Besides, now he could see her beautiful lips stained with his blood, her skin gorgeously flushed with what he’d given to her. The sight of her, so tempting, so unearthly gorgeous, made him smile, the gesture not unlike the last rays of a sunset--soft, gentle, giving. It made him a perfect compliment to his vampire, his Little Miss, who came upon him like the night on a sunset--demanding, merciless, sadistic in her claim.
She was everything a gentle man could ever hope to want to keep.
0 notes
sukiglycerin · 4 years
call it fate (or a christmas miracle) || katsuki bakugou.
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* pairing: bodyguard!katsuki bakugou x earthbending quirk!reader (gender neutral!)
* genre: bodyguard!au, fluff, some angst, fake dating, aNd thEre wAs OnE bEd
* words: 10.3k (help)
* warnings: swearing bc bakugou, too much backstory, idk what bodyguards even do, there’s a fight scene (in a similar lieu to the sports festival arc), hunter x hunter? no this is tsundere x tsundere, i want to hug bakugou, yes i imagine mr. tanaka to be the tanaka from kuroshitsuji, christmas is a very minor aspect of the story (but the title was too good to resist)
* original request from @apexqueenie​: Hnnnnnnnnnnnngh can I get a Bodygaurd Bakuboi x bratty reader who don’t like to be watched like a hawk cuz she wants to do fun things pretty please? // and from anonymous:  if it's ok, can I request Bakugou with a reader who has a quirk like earth bending please? // and from @killkurzyackerman​: ÒWÓ UR REQS ARE OPEN can u do a bakubabe with like lil sassy bad bitch vibe reader bc ive seen a lot of fics that sorta like softie or angel type and no offense theyre great but ya know sumthn diff this time please
* a/n: this is a very long fic, to say the least. i combined these three requests! though reader’s quirk doesn’t appear often, it conveys my thoughts on how bakugou would go about with that quirk. moreover, i hope this reader is badass? i realize that that characterization is quite hard for me. so, i hope you don’t see reader as super soft! i made them fight back against bakugou (literally, too) and kinda bratty hehe. i got to explore a lot of new things with this fic, so i hope they reach you well. this is a repost because it originally did not show up in the tags!
* synopsis: things had gotten boring with bakugou as your bodyguard. it was only until an interesting proposal by the man that things would change. well, maybe a little too much would change...
you, to be quite simple and honest, were getting tired of katsuki bakugou. he'd been your bodyguard for years (years! much longer than any other you'd hired!) and he was getting boring. dull. plain. any synonymous word would fit. he was boring like a 24 hour session of watching paint dry, monotone like a professor’s droning that never failed to put you to sleep. (perhaps he was even more spiritless than professor sato at the academy. he caught you sleeping no less than thirteen times in his class. the number didn’t even account for the times he didn’t catch you.)
to the untrained eye, katsuki bakugou is vibrant. he's aggressive, unruly, and ruggedly charming (somehow). he's a wonder in a suit-and-tie and the epitome of an oxymoron with his harsh words, rough hands, and crisp suit. it was that very reason you’d hired him; his personality excited you. it seemed unpredictable and it was a challenge.
like all other challenges, bakugou was not impossible. once the challenge was overcome, time flow was stagnant; you watched the ticking of a clock as the day passed by you. you’d gotten used to him and he’d gotten used to you. these days, he watched you like a hawk. you could never slip past those sharp eyes anymore, no matter what you did. he was not fazed by any of your antics (ticked off mildly, sure, but he could live with it).
“leave me alooooone,” you whined for the fourth time in an hour as you exited a mall. bakugou's hands were full of shopping bags filled with everything from clothing to the latest technological invention. you weren’t sure how he was supposed to protect you in that condition. though, to be candid - in the first place, you didn’t need protection. you attended a private institution designed to maximize the use of your quirk as a child and graduated with absolutely flying colors. on top, you’d taken various martial arts outside of school. you didn’t know why your parents were still concerned about your wellbeing. you handled it fine. around 99.9% of the time, you could easily beat your bodyguard in a fair fight. it was a regular practice for you; so common that there was a reward if a bodyguard could last longer than six months working for you. not that any of them liked to be called bodyguards.
“sweetheart, i would if i could,” bakugou gritted through his teeth. “pay’s too good to- goddamn, what did you even buy?” he’d stopped behind you to adjust his grip on one of the bags.
you hummed pleasantly, continuing at your same, leisurely pace. his question was a rhetoric; he watched you buy everything with your black credit card. you watched as a car pulled up in front of you.
“there’s our ride,” you said, brushing bakugou’s shoulder as you stepped into the car. he grunted in response, loading the car with your purchases.
“fight me with your quirk when we get home,” you said during the ride. “you have, what, a boom boom quirk?”
he made a noise in his throat, voice hard. “my quirk’s explosions. nitroglycerin.”
“dangerous,” you said through a smile. he’d never used his quirk around you, but you were already starting to see possibilities of strategies you could use.
“so says the master earthbender,” he retorted sarcastically.
you clicked your tongue. “we’ll see who wins in the fight, explodo-boy.”
“finally brave enough to challenge me, eh?"
“i was always this brave.”
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“oh, give it up already, bakugou!” you directed another wall of rocky terrain toward bakugou, who blew up the land and sent rocks flying. his stance was hunched slightly, forehead matted with sweat. the sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows, coat long abandoned on the rugged terrain.
“tired already?” he snarled. he put his hands together, preparing for a bigger explosion. you didn’t let him have this opportunity, slinging a large rock to absorb the impact of the explosion. he dodged swiftly, to your disappointment, but his attack seemed to be subdued.
you used his delayed reaction time to try to trap him with terrain under his feet, but he was somehow a step ahead of you. you heard a popping noise; bakugou was propelled through the air, your rocks blasted already and a cloud of dust forming. you cussed under your breath, already moving yourself away from his estimated landing spot that was too close to you.
he sent crackling explosions to the bottoms of your feet, but you easily dodged them. you created a temporary platform of elevated ground to protect yourself from the small explosions, jumping off it and rolling away. he was already aiming a larger blast toward you, presumably expecting your escape route. you figured it’d be a directed blast to pierce through a wall. you knew that the explosion would be unavoidable. to counter, you created a line of walls resembling dominos. they acted as stairsteps; you quickly ran up to the highest you could conjure in the short time you had before bakugou hit them. you grabbed the closest piece of rock that you could and leapt as bakugou’s blast made contact with your steps, chucking the rock at him and aiming to kick him when you landed. you knew he had no power to counter, being unable to react quickly due to the powerful nature of the blast he’d conjured.
you were about to win when the door to the training facility opened. you froze, literally, in midair and frowned, turning to look at the intruder.
“fighting, young-?” one of the butlers, tanaka, said. he was an elderly man with a gentle voice, but his eyes always seemed to glint with a clandestine humour in it.
“you can call me by my first name. please put me down, tanaka,” you said, no malice in your voice. he nodded, and you softly landed on your feet next to bakugou. you’d known tanaka for far too long for him to use honorifics with you. he’d practically raised you as a child.
“you haven’t fought in a while,” tanaka commented. he conjured a water bottle (you never knew how he had the right things for the right occasions) and walked toward you.
you made a noise of acknowledgement. “and it seems i was just about to win.”
he smiled tenderly. “i’m sure.” he handed you the water bottle, which upon further inspection, you saw was ice cold.
“thank you,” you said, gingerly accepting the beverage. the water flowed soothingly down your throat, easing the aching that had formed due to all the dust you’d kicked up in the fight.
“mr. bakugou?” tanaka asked, offering another water bottle (seriously, where did he get that?).
“thanks,” bakugou took the bottle. he drank feverishly, quickly finishing the bottle in what must’ve been two seconds flat. so undignified.
“y/n, you have an appointment in 15 minutes with-” tanaka said as you capped your water bottle.
“oh, yeah,” you said, waving off the matter. “i got it.”
you brushed off the dust on your clothes and started toward the exit. bakugou was quick to follow you, nodding politely to tanaka.
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bakugou stood outside the door during the meeting you had with your father. you were not a minute too late or too early when you stepped into your father’s office, freshened up and dressed in clean attire, the dusty clothing from your fight with bakugou long discarded. the smell of leather and mint enveloped you, reminding you of the days you’d play in your father’s office in your youth. the room was always dim, the light on your father’s desk being the brightest object in the vicinity when the curtains were pulled down. when you were younger, you liked to pretend the room was made of chocolate, as the color was so dominant on the interior. your father was not pleased to find five-year-old you trying to bite the corner of his desk, to say the least. 
the sight of his office was ever-so familiar to you, and once held a feeling of endearment in your heart. that was then; now, you only ever entered the room for a business-related matter. your face was blank, lips held in a thin line -  you anticipated the topic of the meeting since your father first scheduled it a week ago. it, quite frankly, was inevitable; you could be neither opposed nor favorably disposed to it.
“i’ve found a compatible match for you, y/n.” your father sat at his desk, eyes intensely trained on you. “they’re from a well-off family with a strong quirk.”
compatible. it didn’t mean they got along with you or would be a good partner; no, it meant that they matched the superficial criteria set by your family.
“yes, father,” you said indifferently. he nodded, as if already expecting the answer.
“you’ll meet them soon. we’re arranging the date,” he folded his hands on the desk. “tanaka will alert you of it when it’s finalized. that is all.”
you nodded, taking your cue to leave. giving the room one last glance, you started to push the door open, then paused. door halfway open, allowing outside light to stream into the dark room, you looked back at your father. it was now or never to ask, you guessed.
“father… we wouldn’t happen to be having a family gathering anytime soon, would we? for new years or anything...” you hadn’t had any in the recent years, but you’d figured you’d ask. the scent of homemade food and the comforting chatter of the gatherings always made your heart swell.
he grunted, not looking up from the papers he shuffled around in his hands. “no.”
“ah. okay,” you said, sighing quietly. you knew better than to get your hopes up for such things. you turned back to the light, where bakugou was awaiting you, and shut the door behind you with a thud.
you walked in silence.
“so, no plans for the holidays?” bakugou asked bluntly.
“eavesdropping, i see,” you deadpanned.
“shouldn’t’ve had the conversation in front of the whole damn world.”
you rolled your eyes. “what about it?” you asked. “my lack of plans, i mean.”
“well-” he coughed awkwardly into his sleeve, averting his eyes. “that old hag- my, uh, mom, somehow got under the impression that i’m no longer… single. probably because of my profession - she thinks it’s ridden with scandals like a damn drama - but, uh… she’s expecting me to bring… company home for our christmas dinner…. and i can’t ask any of my friends, ‘cause she knows them… i wouldn’t damn ask you if i had no other option…”
“thanks,” you interjected. you held your tongue from making a comment about how little friends he probably had. “anyway, why don’t you tell her no?”
he slouched. “have you met her?” he grumbled. “the hag won’t listen to me. trust me, i would’ve, but… you can’t refuse her, once her mind is set on something… she’s too stubborn for her damn good.”
“like you,” you remarked, earning a small shove from the man.
“pl-” he choked, “pl - ah, fuck - please can you go to the dinner with me? it’s just for a night and morning, i need you to fake being my date. i can tell her we broke up later or whatever, i just really need…”
your lip curled. a desperate bakugou was a rare sight, and you wanted to relish in it for as long as you could. you feigned further consideration.
“but there’s so much i would rather be doing…” you whined. it was a lie. all you wanted was some variation in your life; a dinner didn't sound too bad. perhaps there was a dark secret within the bakugou family you could exploit. 
“like what, wasting money?” bakugou muttered bitterly under his breath. you shot him a dirty look.
“fine, please?” he asked again. “there’ll be some damn good food… and, uh…” you tapped your foot with false impatience.
he cussed under his breath. “i’ll do whatever you want, damnit, just go with me! please!”
you cocked an eyebrow. “whatever i want?”
“yes, for a day,” he groused. “only a day.”
“alright!” you pumped your fist up. your father’s business training came in handy sometimes. “when’s the dinner?”
“this weekend,” bakugou said. “we also need to, uh, figure out how to act more… coupley.”
“...right,” you said. business class had not prepared you for that. “how the fuck do we do that?”
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as it turned out, you two were not the best pair to fake a relationship. neither of you had actually been in a relationship prior to this. you didn’t really have time to date on top of your studies and such; you didn’t need to, anyway, because all of the people who were romantically interested in you bored you. their personality traits either consisted of rich or doormat. as for bakugou - well, he was bakugou. you couldn’t see anyone wanting to date that brute.
“i’ll pay,” you said upon entering a cafe. it was a big cafe, nestled in the midst of an even bigger mall. your tone was firm; there’d be no way bakugou would be paying. you looked up at the menu and said to him, “the usual?”
he was silent for a moment, and you almost thought he hadn’t heard you. he cleared his throat. “uh, yeah, sure. the usual.” weird.
you ordered yourself a drink and bakugou his usual order, a decaf iced caramel macchiato with light ice. he looked at you with a strange emotion on his face when you handed him his drink.you practically shoved it in his hands while he was too starstruck about god-knows-what.
the two of you settled at a booth (“table,” bakugou had argued. you eventually won the debate).
“so… trivia about each other, right?” you asked. “i guess we’ve got to get to know each other more.” he nodded. “well, first, you need to stop being so quiet. right now, you’re not my bodyguard or anything. we’re, uh…. dating. we’re partners. datemates. lovers.”
he choked on his drink at the word “lovers.” he sputtered, then gained composure. “yeah.”
“okay, i need to you to be more casual.”
“tch, who said i’m not casual right now?!” there it was; this was the bakugou you’d known when you first met him. he was awkward and amateur-ish, stumbling on his words and failing miserably at being polite. it was a fond memory. overtime, he’d obviously polished himself up (but only in the presence of you and your family).
“that’s more like it,” you said.
“tch.” he sipped his coffee, unrelenting to admit that you’d won.
“well, let’s cover basic facts. your birthday is april 20 and you like spicy food.”
he coughed again, setting his drink down. “yeah.”
“are you okay? d’you need water, or something? are the lights in here too bright?”
he shook his head, eyes still dazed with a certain unclarity. “‘m fine, idiot.”
you weren’t convinced. “...whatever you say.”
he took another sip, closing his eyes then continuing as normal. normal, in the standards of bakugou, of course. “i-i think i know damn well enough about you. don’t need to prove shit,” he grumbled the last bit.
“a little bit too well,” you muttered saltily. “well, this is a learning experience for me, take it or leave it. we need to get along at the dinner, don’t we?” you drummed your fingers on the table, eyes darting around at the cafe. the decor was pretty. 
he made a grievance under his breath, but nodded. “there’s my dad and my mom - the old hag - and me. i’m an only child.” figures. he continued, “they both work in fashion… yeah… my dad’s more quiet than my mom, she’s loud… apparently we’re a lot alike - don’t comment - but yeah, she’s my mom. they live in shizuoka, and it’ll be just them at the dinner. you’ll need to stay overnight...”
“seems… intimate,” you commented offhandedly.
he whistled. “you think?”
the gears in your head turned as you stared into the space over bakugou's shoulder at a large poster of some featured drink. it was all small talk to you, but you saw this meeting for what it was. an opportunity. it was your break from the uniform days plaguing you for the past week's - he wouldn’t need to watch over you, now your fake lover. lovers were equal. 
love - what was love? you didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. feigned or not, it was different. couples were moody, from what you could gather. one day they’d be hanging off each other’s limbs, and the next, they were bickering their heads off. it sounded fun, to be a couple with bakugou rather than his employer. you could say goodbye to normalcy and tedium.
you felt your lips turn into a smile as a plan developed in your mind, tapping the table at an increasingly faster tempo. who cared about the dinner? you were a fake couple! you could break away from the norm and find the things that made bakugou tick. you could gain a one-up over him. you could pick his personality apart piece by piece until it broke the monotony of daily life. you watched bakugou’s expression grow puzzled and frustrated. you pretended to be deep in thought, aware that bakugou was opening his mouth to make a snarky comment presumably about how the smile on your face was getting unnerving to him.
you didn’t let him speak, instead cupping your face in your hands and leaning in towards him. “how do you think we should become more intimate, kat-su-ki?”
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you think you got soft over the years. when you first met bakugou, he was a rough little thing. being the same age as you, he was far less qualified compared to the other candidates to be your bodyguard. he looked out of place in his suit identical to everyone else. call it fate, or what you will, beckoning you towards him. when you first met him, you could’ve never imagined how far into the future you’d be stuck with the boy. all of the bodyguards you’d hired prior to bakugou’s appearance in your life didn’t last long. it wasn’t their fault; no, no, they were very competent. extremely competent - to the point it was boring, scrutinized under their meticulous gaze. you could do absolutely nothing under their watch, and where was the fun in that?
so, long story short, you hired bakugou for his incompetence. you’d low expectations for how long he’d last. you were surprised he could even put on a tie properly. from the way his hair spiked in every which way (“undignified!” your father had complained to you) and how his feet shuffled against the nice, newly polished cherry wood floors (“the scuff marks…”), bakugou was far from the epitome of a bodyguard. he couldn’t sit still and constantly made weird crackling noises (which you later learned were small explosions, not the concerningly incessant crack of his knuckles). the cherry on top to the disaster pie called bakugou, however, was his speech. he was polite, at face value, but also incredibly rough at face value. if you transcribed his words down, they’d be all standard formalities. it was the quirky way in which he presented his words; gritted out like somehow had forced him into this job. actually, scratch that, it was like this job was the be-all or end-all of his life. he was like an extremely tsundere shounen protagonist. he needed to win (“win what?” your father had laughed in disbelief) and be the very best. you'd… appreciate the sentiment more if you were his mentor in becoming a pokemon trainer.
of all the things bakugou was at the time, he was not a stoic old man nor a cold, indifferent boy who looked down on you snottily; he got the job. much to your father’s chagrin, of course. you’re pretty sure he had a backup bodyguard during the first month or so of bakugou’s employment, in case bakugou dropped out mysteriously for any reason. 
surprisingly, bakugou was competent, but not infuriatingly so. he had snark, and under any other employer he would’ve been fired in the first week. he did his job, and that was all. it was fun to tick him off, too, and so easy. it was - dare you say it? - cute. you wanted to watch him fall apart and leave, as so many others had. you waited for the day he’d get used to you or vice versa, when you’d wake up with nothing to look forward to. in the end, no one ever stayed with you. you could usually figure that out within the first week of a bodyguard’s services.
these days, you started feeling that way. bakugou was just becoming everyone else you’d ever hired. he was becoming everyone else. for some reason, though, you still clasped onto the thread of hope that maybe he was different, and that led you down a series of events trying to convince yourself he was different.
at the same time, you told yourself he was like everyone else. did you want him to stay or not? you didn’t know anymore. maybe fate would spin something good out of this, or maybe he would. you didn’t want it in your hands anymore.
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being flirty was definitely not the best route of plan, but man, it was efficient. what better way to fake being a couple than organically develop that relationship? that was your bullshit reasoning to the logical part of yourself (when it was obviously far from the truth).
yeah, it was definitely not the best plan. you bored of it quite quickly, but couldn’t shake off the lasting feeling of fluttering in your stomach. you supposed it was because it was the most reaction you’d gotten from bakugou in months. you’d never seen him so disgruntled.
he was very, very blushy. you didn’t know how you hadn’t learned of it earlier. his cheeks were dusted strawberry red, matching the hue on the tips of his ears. ah, tsundere bakugou had returned for a short period of time. you wished you could've taken a picture of him.
you tapped the tip of his nose and he hissed at you, cheeks darkening a shade.
“a boop?” he scoffed indignantly in disbelief. “who calls it that? a five year old?” but you could tell that he really enjoyed it on the inside.
“what- what are you playing at, dumbass?” he swatted your hand when you tried to boop him again.
“c’mon, couples need to do coupley things, katsuki,” you cooed. “like overly affectionate pda~”
you didn’t know someone could get so red.
“since when did you call me by my first name?” he grumbled, unable to form any other type of response.
“since we started ‘dating,’” you teased back, realizing that watching bakugou become more and more uncomposed was more fun than you’d expected. he'd never become so open around you; after all, you'd had a strictly professional relationship prior, so bakugou never expressed any hint of a personality other than his behavior when he was first hired. it was a good change, in your eyes.
then, as you did of most things, you bored of it. sure, flustering bakugou was fun because he was so outwardly tsundere, but your attention span was short. he was already starting to recollect himself in record time, face cooling from a startling scarlet to pink and remarks becoming increasingly cohesive.
you're not even sure if he was aware of your gaze resting upon him as you half-assed responses and watched the gears in his head furiously turn. when he got real worked up, he pouted when speaking and occasionally slurred words together. his eyes tended to veer away when he thought of a response and he always got fidgety. 
eventually, you stopped teasing him. by this time, the ice in his drink had already melted and you were dangerously close to kissing him on the cheek (it was an impulse thing! you were not catching feelings!).
if there was one thing you learned, it was this: bakugou was truly a sight in his emotional state, though you could argue his unassuming state was equally, if not more breathtaking.
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you noticed it as morning light illuminated him through the window of your room, hitting the silky fabric of your bedsheets around him. he was reading some book, dressed in comfortable attire that felt oddly domestic. maybe it'd be the most casual you'd ever see bakugou.
the thought struck a chord in you, making you wonder what'd happen after the dinner. it'd be awkward, for sure. it dawned on you that these moments with katsuki would vanish and things would go back to normal. they'd disappear into thin air, like nothing had ever happened. you weren't well educated in horology, but you were pretty sure that the time you'd spent with him would vanish as well, not to be spoken of or referenced ever again. time would keep trudging forward and you'd only be able to stare back as it disappeared on the horizon line.
you wanted to grasp the time that flooded your hands, encase the moment in glass and hold it in your palm forever.
"oi, idiot, what are you staring at?" and maybe it was the first time you truly heard bakugou's voice. it was rough on the edges with a soft core, you realized. maybe, after these couple of days, bakugou had started to care for you.
"nothing, stupid," you mumbled, returning your attention to your phone, but you couldn't shake off the newfound feeling that holed up in your heart. bakugou didn't care about you, you told yourself. you had a strictly professional relationship with him, and that was only broken for the time being because he needed a favour. 
right. this was all for a favor.
nights spent testing each other on the most miniscule of facts and afternoons spent telling each other stories about each other - it was all nothing. it wasn't a big deal, you repeated to yourself.
still, you couldn't help but to look back up at bakugou and let your imagination run. he wore a black shirt and sweatpants, a complete 180 turn from the typical three piece suit he normally wore. maybe this is what he'd look like in the mornings if you were a proper couple, not client and bodyguard - maybe in another universe. you could imagine his bedhead, hair all messy and eyes still worn with sleep, vastly different from the professional persona he had around you.  you'd wake up inhaling the scent of caramel and feeling his warmth surround you, feeling secure merely in his embrace. it'd be him and you in your own little bubble, unperturbed by the entire world.
wait, caramel? you wondered. where did that come from?
"you're staring again, dumbass," bakugou grunted, not looking up from his book.
"zoned out on the blandest thing i saw, sorry," you replied.
you sat in silence like that for a while. you weren't not exactly sure how it was bonding time for the dinner (were you sharing telepathic waves?), but it was comfortable like a fluffy comforter on a frigid winter day. it felt secure, like a home you never had in your own bedroom. every now and then there was the sound of a page turning from bakugou and a tap on your phone from you, and things never felt so normal. it was too short an eternity for you; before you knew it, you had some event to attend to for your father, solely there for the image of his company.
you didn't see the bittersweet look on bakugou's face as he watched you leave, or how he hadn't even finished a chapter of his book during the hours he'd sat with you. as his eyes followed your disappearing silhouette, bakugou wondered if he'd ever be able to see you like that again.
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a foreign giddy feeling filled your chest as you got ready for the dinner with bakugou’s parents. you’d brought a bag for light travel packed with essentials (pyjamas, toothbrushes, and things like that), having planned ahead. you were typically indifferent to gatherings of any kind, having attended so many for your father. besides, this was a favor for bakugou. you weren’t sure why you were being so indecisive choosing an outfit for the dinner, or why your heart felt light as a feather, fluttering about in your rib cage boundless. this was no big deal, you told yourself. it’d only be bakugou and his parents; you’d spoken at gatherings of far more people with less nerves. you penned it down to only being excited for the food which was so coveted by bakugou. his mother, mitsuki, was apparently an outstanding cook (bakugou was apparently good as well), and you had to admit, you missed the heartening scent of homemade dishes. her specialty was spicy curry - your mouth watered at the thought. 
yes, you reassured yourself as you walked out of the door and met the fresh, winter air outside, you were only in it for the food. you had an abnormally fast heart rate and a spring to your step (as noted by bakugou) solely for the food. 
shizuoka prefecture was two hours away from your hometown, tokyo, and you forced bakugou to drive. the trip didn’t really feel like two hours, anyway, in your opinion. according to bakugou, that was only because you were sleeping the majority of the time and he was stuck with the dull task of driving and only the low hum of the radio to entertain him. 
“well, this is it,” you said to bakugou, approaching his parents’ home, bag in hand. it looked quite elegant on the outside, snow thinly blanketing the well-kept greenery in the front. you turned to look at him. his suit looked nicer than usual, on full display because he refused to wear a coat despite the frigid air biting at any bit of bare skin unsheathed on your body. (“just the perks of having a great quirk like mine,” he’d said. you punched his shoulder.) you huddled closer into the warm padding of your coat, watching your white breath dissipate in the air.
“it is,” he belatedly said. his face was atypically solemn, eyes downcast and seemingly lost in thought. you didn’t comment on it. something about the nippy winter air numbed the atmosphere, as if all warmth had subsided only to your coat. 
“do i look alright?” you asked him, trying to wipe away any last bits of drool you might’ve had on the corner of your mouth.
“yeah. you look… really nice,” he commented quietly. you didn’t mention that your bulky coat was covering the entirety of your attire. a heavy silence fell over the two of you.
anyway, the mood was quickly relieved by the presence of mitsuki bakugou, who greeted the pair of you at the door with her husband, masaru. bakugou really was a spitting image of his mother, sharing the same spiked blond hair and annoyingly clear skin with her. they also had similarly loud personalities, you observed later on. they’d often bicker with no real malicious intent. they were both much different compared to bakugou’s father, masaru, who was a gentle, soft-spoken man with brown hair and glasses. 
mitsuki met you with enthusiasm, eagerly asking you questions about yourself and your relationship with bakugou. it was strange to see bakugou so quiet; though, at some points in the conversation, he looked like he was going to be sick. you didn’t have time to ask him about it, occupied by his mother’s unending but well-meaning questions. you’d expected to fib for most of them, but the truth easily slipped from your tongue. even compliments about him were half-truths. 
"when we first met, he was like a fish out of water!" you recounted to mitsuki. "he stumbled on his words and my father didn't approve of him as my bodyguard. but, i pushed through, and here we are! right, katsuki?"
"r-right," he coughed, unable to look you in the eye and fidgeting nervously.
"it amazed me, too," mitsuki admitted. "i'd never seen our katsuki looking so polished before - it used to be a trouble getting him to even wake up at a decent time." she smiled at you. "you've brought a blessing on him."
bakugou cleared his throat. "don't talk about me like i'm not here," he grumbled.
"oh, katsuki," mitsuki cooed, pinching bakugou's cheek. "masaru, let's prepare dinner." she looked at you and bakugou. "the two of you don't need to worry about a thing - oh, you still have your bags! i’ll put them in katsuki’s room."
upon the absence of bakugou’s parents, the two of you sat beside each other without a word. 
“are you… feeling alright?” you asked suddenly, breaking the silence. “you don’t look so well.”
“fine,” he grunted. “i’m fine.”
“are you sure?” you teased in an attempt to lighten the mood. “not nervous meeting the parents?”
he cracked a small smile, but his fingers still nudged each other in his lap. you touched his shoulder, first in an attempt to comfort him, but soon realized that he was very toasty. you scooted towards him; he stared at you with an surprised, indecipherable expression. you linked his arm with yours and leaned into him, inhaling his cologne and bathing in his warmth.
“what?” you mumbled. “you’re warm.” you intertwined his fingers with yours. “warm,” you happily cooed, eyes slipping shut. 
“jesus christ,” bakugou hissed. “you’re freezing. is it humanly possible for your hands to be this cold?” his other hand enveloped your hand (still being held by his), rubbing his thumb soothingly on the heel of your palm. a bubble of warmth fizzed inside you, heart effervescing like a carbonated beverage. he held you long after your hand had passed room temperature, and you sensed that maybe the fuzzy feeling jittering about you wasn’t his quirk. it was like some sort of low fire, crackling deep within you. you hadn’t much time to dwell on the thought when your eyes jolted open, smelling really, really good food wafting from somewhere near.
“look at the lovebugs,” you heard mitsuki murmur, standing in the doorway connecting the kitchen to the living room leaning on her husband. “dinner’s ready,” she softly said upon noticing your eyes on her. 
your eyes widened, looking down at the hand entwined in yours, and you look at the man next to you. bakugou was sound asleep, tranquil slumber having sheathed itself around him. his head leaned against the top of the couch, mouth slightly agape and chest falling rhythmically.
“hey,” you whispered. reluctant to let go of his hand, you used your opposite hand to tap his shoulder lightly. “hey, sleepyhead.”
bakugou groaned, eyes still closed and body unmoving. “five… more… minutes…”
“sure,” you said easier than you expected. you immediately let go of the man’s hand (he reached out toward you blindly at this) and stood up. “i’ll just eat all of that food you've been looking forward to by myself…” mitsuki and masaru looked at you fondly.
“nice try, dumbass,” he said gruffly, standing up and putting a hand on your shoulder. his eyes were lidded with torpor and his voice was an octave deeper. it sent shivers down your spine - you hadn’t ever heard his voice like that - and a part of you wanted to hear it again. sadly, the effects of sleep passed him quite quickly; by the time he’d said “let’s eat, dumbass,” and made his way to the dining room, his voice was back to normal.
dinner consisted of scrumptious-looking (and tasting!) chicken katsu, curry, and even more conversation. your mouth watered as you spooned yourself the perfect ratio of rice, curry, and chicken in one bite. you politely raved to bakugou’s mother about her heavenly cooking, and bakugou never looked so proud or embarrassed in his life. masaru discussed fashion with you, mitsuki occasionally chiming in and offering to show you pictures of young bakugou modelling. you courteously declined for the fear of bakugou’s face getting any redder than it was already. 
“y’know, katsuki really wanted to be a pro-hero when he was younger,” mitsuki reminisced. “he even was accepted at that really prestigious hero school, ua.”
you looked at bakugou with questioning eyes, and he shook his head dismissively, hesitant to the topic. you wondered what he was doing here, as your bodyguard, rather than the hero he aspired to be. it wasn’t like he’d be unable to become a sidekick once out of ua, so what happened…?
at the end, you seemed to have gotten the approval of mitsuki and masaru. your heart twisted in pain realizing who you were and why you were here; this was asked of you, nothing real. you pushed the thought away, returning to the dining room after washing your hands. 
“oh, my!” mitsuki exclaimed as you entered the dining room. “it’s getting late.” she turned to you. “we don’t have a guest bedroom, so you’ll have to share a room with katsuki, if that’s alright?”
you looked to bakugou, who seemed lost in his own thoughts. “sure, i don’t mind,” you replied. 
“i’m sure you’d love to see bakugou’s childhood room.” this brought bakugou abruptly to his senses; his eyes rounded, face looking like a deer caught in headlights. 
a smile tweaked your lips. “i’d love to.”
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you didn’t know what you were expecting when mitsuki opened the door to bakugou’s room. certainly, though, you were not expecting this. his room was decorated from head to toe with all might merchandise, carefully collected through the years. it could’ve been worse, you admitted to yourself, but bakugou’s interest in all might surprised you. the level of admiration bakugou had for the former symbol of peace was clear, plastered on the wall posters and figurines which dotted his bookshelves. 
“of course,” misuki said, “this is all really from his middle school days. he had to move to a dormitory system in high school, and i’m afraid he didn’t take much along with him…”
you tilted your head at bakugou, who’d taken particular interest in the ground with his hand sheepishly on the back of his neck.
“it’s cute,” you reassured him gently.
“though katsuki’s bed is pretty big, we could pull out a futon if you’d like…” 
“it’s alright.” shit. why did you say that? noting the bewilderment on bakugou’s face, you added, “we are dating and all…” you mentally smacked yourself for assuming bakugou would be comfortable sleeping in the same bed as you. “yeah,” bakugou said, much to your shock.
“that settles it!” mitsuki smiled. she winked. “don’t stay up too late.”
after mitsuki and masaru bade you goodnight and closed the door behind them, you were left alone with bakugou.
“hey, is that a picture of you?” after looking around the room, your eyes fell on a framed photo sitting on bakugou’s dresser. you reached for it, recognizing a familiar spiky haired blonde boy proudly holding a trophy.
“wait-” the frame was already held in your hands.
“aw, you were such a cute kid.” you teased, “can’t say the same about now.”
he huffed, ears reddening. “there’s a photo album on the bookshelf,” he mumbled, pointing to a thick looking book on his bookshelf. you eagerly plucked it from the shelf, holding it like a precious treasure in your two hands. he shoved his hands into his pockets and rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you open the photo album. 
the first photo was a baby photo, of course, and you could feel that it was taking every part of bakugou not to rip the book from your hands and scorch it all out of embarrassment. the first few pages were those of baby bakugou, eating food with his hands or playing with his parents. as the book progressed, you watched him develop a quirk (blowing up a vase) and become interested in pro-heroes (clutching an all might doll to his chest with a big smile on his face). the photos became more scarce as bakugou grew, but he seemed to grow happier. paging through photos of him in high school, the man’s gaze seemed to grow softer and fonder. his high school pictures consisted of him either standing in front of the famous ua or making an indifferent face with a group of his friends, who looked vaguely familiar from somewhere. upon further inspection, it dawned on you. you could recognize them all - they were young versions of the pro-heroes red riot, pinky, chargebolt, and cellophane. they regularly appeared on your newsfeed for one heroic deed or another, so it came no surprise to you that they attended the famed ua high. 
as for bakugou, though? you couldn’t understand what he was doing there, or rather, here. if he graduated ua, he’d be right on track to become a pro-hero, not a bodyguard. 
bakugou already sensed your revelation, shutting the book and putting it down. sitting on the bed, he squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“i know what you’re thinking,” he stated. he took a shaky breath. “i’m- i’m not ready to talk about it.” 
“okay,” you replied. “i think… we should get some sleep. you have to drive back tomorrow.”
he snorted. “me?” 
you nodded like it was a given.
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the night was long, dragging in the same manner that you’d trudge through deep snow with weights on your ankles. it wasn’t that bakugou’s old bed was uncomfortable; it was surprisingly plush. you laid awake, though, as the clock ticked by and the house went silent. you felt as stiff as a wooden board, staring at the dark ceiling and thinking about everything and nothing.
your thoughts first strayed to bakugou’s childhood, and how he’d seemed the poster child for an aspiring pro-hero. how could he have given that up? he had friends, dreams, and a path open to his aspirations. yet somehow his life had deviated into this, pretending to date you for his parents’ sake.  
it felt strange to lay in his bed in his parents’ house and not to really call him yours. not that you wanted to call him yours outside of this scenario. definitely not. it was just the guilt gnawing at you that impaired your proper judgement - your conscience felt pity. you pulled off a large lie to bakugou’s parents that you were dating when in reality, you’d never even gone on a proper date with the man; for all you knew, he could be a terrible person. he could have terrible dating manners and leave to the bathroom when the check comes in an attempt to force his date to pay. it was hard to imagine, but hey, you reasoned to yourself, it was a possibility.
“can’t sleep either?” bakugou’s deep voice startled you. you thought he’d fallen asleep hours ago.
“yeah,” you snorted. “and here i thought you were in the habit of always sleeping early,” you referenced his mother’s stories of him in middle and high school. you turned on your side to face the man.
“kinda hard with five different all mights staring at me,” he joked, gesturing to his plethora of all might-themed decorations.
you imitated all might’s larger than life voice. “i am here! … to watch you sleep!”
bakugou first snickered, which then transitioned into a full-blown, unrestrained (yet somewhat hushed) laugh. you couldn’t help but laugh too, watching his features crinkle and gummy smile widen. your heart felt peculiar in your chest, but you couldn’t figure out the feeling. in the years you’d known him, you’d never seen him so relaxed or open. you knew you’d miss moments like this in the morning, when you’d drive back and the deal would be over. it sent a bittersweet pang to your heart - why couldn’t moments like these last forever?
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you woke up to find bakugou gone, leaving you alone in the bed with only a warm indentation next to you letting you know he’d just left. you rubbed your eyes groggily, sitting up and pushing the covers aside. you swung your legs over the edge of the bedside, standing up and making the bed once again. you padded out of the all might-furnished room to the kitchen, where you could hear quiet footsteps and the sizzling of a frying pan.
“someone’s finally awake,” bakugou’s husky voice remarked. he was standing at the stovetop, wearing an apron over his nightwear and frying eggs. sleep had worn his voice deeper; you swooned at the domestic sight before you. no, it wasn’t swooning, you told yourself. just… appreciation. you really wanted to make a comment on his muscles, bulging from his short-sleeved shirt.
“that looks really yummy,” you said, in no way whatsoever referencing his biceps and definitely referring to the egg in the pan.
“i’d like to pretend that was an innocent comment, but the direction your eyes are looking at beg to differ,” bakugou deadpanned. you looked away, flushed.
“so, whatcha making?” you said, plopping yourself on a chair. 
“eggs, rice, natto, miso,” he said. “but nothing for you until you change and brush your teeth.”
you stuck your tongue out at him. “who are you, my mom?” you continued, “i used to hate natto when i was younger.”
“it’s good for you,” bakugou said, moving the egg onto a plate of steaming rice.
“you sound a lot like my mom,” you replied. “but i like natto now, just not too much of it.”
“i liked natto when i was younger,” bakugou said.
“really? all of my friends hated it. they complained about the smell.” you reminisced about your childhood days, when your biggest worry was whether you had homework or not.
“speaking of smell? your breath. go brush your teeth.”
“wh- i’m so far from you, there’s no way-”
“no hygiene, no food.”
“who even says that?” but you were already out of your chair and heading towards the bathroom.
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“oh, by the way,” bakugou said as you were halfway through emptying your plate with rice in your mouth, “what do you want?”
“wha?” you said, chewing the egg-natto-rice mixture in your mouth. “what?”
“the deal,” he said. “before my parents wake up.”
“the deal-?” you racked your mind for any deal you’d made in the recent days, as you weren’t much a gambler, then it hit you. the deal. in an attempt to convince you to pretend to be his date, he’d said he’d do whatever you wanted for a day in exchange. you hadn’t thought about it at all.
“um,” you said intelligently. what did you want? you wanted to spend more time with him, but there would be no way…
“take me ice skating.” he choked on his rice.
“i really want to ice skate…” you lied. “i’ve never been.” another lie.
“you want to go ice skating with me?”
“pay for me.” you could’ve paid for yourself. “and, you have terrible dating skills. how are you supposed to get a real partner? consider this beneficial for yourself.”
he blinked, taken aback. “...okay,” he agreed, dumbfounded. you hoped he couldn’t see through you. “when?”
“today, duh.”
by the time you finished your plate, bakugou’s parents had woken up to bid the two of you farewell. hours later, you found yourself at an outdoor ice skating rink in tokyo.
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the rink was decorated festively; surrounding trees had been wrapped in golden lights and there was something in the atmosphere which bustled with cheer. those skating were either children or couples, laughing and skating together. you told yourself not to pay too much attention to them, but there was something about the way they looked so happy that made you yearn for the same.
you clumsily clomped toward the entrance of the rink itself, clad in four layers of warm clothing and worn rental skates. cold air nipped at your cheeks and your breath was a snowy white before your eyes. patting your cheeks in an attempt to half hype yourself up and half warm yourself up, you tensely stepped onto the frozen water. clunk. clunk. 
“you look like an idiot,” bakugou said as you made your way onto the ice with slow clunks. he was surprisingly cocky about his skating prowess once he’d gotten his skates on, despite his lack of experience on the ice. he was unaffected by the chilly weather, wearing a thin jacket and denim jeans despite the vast majority of other skaters wearing winter coats. 
“it’s cold,” you responded. slippery ice beneath your feet, you suddenly felt a great deal less confident in your ice skating abilities. it might as well have been your first time skating, in the eyes of bakugou. you took baby steps on the ice, both hands gripping the side rails while bakugou glided breezily past you. 
“c’mon, idiot, loosen up~”
easy for him to say. “i’m- trying,” you gritted out, attempting to copy his fluid motions. 
“hey, dumbass, take my hands.” bakugou stopped in front of you, both hands outstretched for you to hold. you looked at him warily, then accepted the offer, his hands replacing the railings. 
“don’t hold them that hard,” bakugou said. “i’m not going to drop you. relax.”
you nodded, gulping as you released your death grip on his hands. starting to skate backwards (an incredible feat in your eyes), he slowly guided you along the edge of the rink. you spent most of the time staring at your own feet, trying to keep your balance and rhythm in time with bakugou’s. once you seemed to get the hang of it, he sped up ever so slightly, loosening his grip on your hands.
“just like that,” and his voice was much gentler than you’d ever heard it. you looked up to meet his soft gaze. your heart leapt and he quickly averted his eyes. “um,” he coughed awkwardly. “i think you’ve gotten the hang of it.”
“okay.” you started to let go of his hands, testing your balance skating without anything to hold onto. in small amounts at first, you start to let go, allowing your strides to become longer and longer. bakugou matched your pace beside you and eventually, the two of you fell into conversation. you’d both forgotten your own words about how this was for him to gain dating experience; it felt too real to be practice.
“the truth is, i was really, really close to becoming a pro-hero,” he confessed, “but i was injured in my third year. i had to take a break for a year or so, but by that time, i was too rusty for the job.” 
“but-” you said, almost stumbling on the ice at the revelation, “didn’t you do all that training-?”
he shrugged. “it’s the reality of it,” he said dismissively, a momentary shadow crossing his face. he recomposed. “i’m over it now.”
you had the slight suspicion that his words didn’t ring quite true, but let go of it. still, you couldn’t help but think about all of his all might decor - he must have idolized the man, only to fail at his dream. his room was like a memento to everything he wanted yet couldn’t reach. “you wouldn’t have met me if you hadn’t become a bodyguard,” you said cheerily in an attempt to distract both him and yourself.
“true,” he smiled. then, almost to himself, he added, “i don’t regret that.”
the two of you skated a couple more laps around the rink. conversation faded and your feet became more and more sore after skating for so long. a chill had settled itself onto your bones as the sky tinted in anticipation of the evening to come.
“we should get going now,” bakugou said. “before it gets too cold.”
“yeah-” your phone buzzed in your pocket. “hang on, give me a second.”
it was tanaka, telling you that you had a date scheduled by your father in two hours. it took you a moment, it really did, to remember who you were and what your priorities truly lay.
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you made it a point not to tell bakugou what the call was about on the way back. you told him it was about a business deal, and he pretended to buy it. the car ride was desolate, lacking all warmth despite the heater blasting. you felt guilty; why had you lied to bakugou? you and he both knew you were lying about the business deal. was it pity? why had you felt the need to protect him?
you could only amount it to the fact that maybe bakugou was becoming a friend. maybe bakugou was becoming someone you never wanted to hurt. your thoughts were the only thing you could hear over the buzz of the car’s heater. you looked to the sky with imploring eyes as if some cloud on the lavender-tinged atmosphere listened and could provide you an answer. 
you weren’t sure if it was the clouds’ doing or some star hiding behind the sun’s light that washed a sense of solemness by the time you returned to meet tanaka at the gates. it was almost enough to make you forget the sad feeling you held whilst looking at bakugou one last time before stepping out of the car to greet your old butler. the feeling was unfathomable to you; in your daze on the ride back, there’d seemingly been no reason for such a feeling to linger in your heart. why had you felt so much guilt, so much sadness for this man you were supposed to be strictly on business relations with?
not that you’d done this, anyway. your business relationship with bakugou ended the minute you agreed to that favour he’d proposed, and was further broken when you ice skated together. you wondered if he felt the same as you, or if things would return to the way they had been after this date tonight. somewhere deep in you hoped it wouldn’t - hoped he wouldn’t forget it all. (“stay here,” you’d told him when you stepped out of the car. his stare was vacant; would he? you weren’t sure why you even asked.)
“tanaka,” you said stiffly. the air was frigid around you (when had the temperature dropped so suddenly?) and a breeze wrapped itself around your legs. an impulse told you to turn back, look at bakugou, and tell him the things you left unsaid - but you didn’t. 
“y/n,” he nodded. it was like a wake-up call. this was who you were, truly. your father’s pawn, his company’s pawn. you were a face used for business and nothing more. you traded your feelings for your father’s wealth - that’s who you were.
yet it was the past two days that made you feel more like yourself than ever before. the time spent with bakugou, of all people, made you feel genuinely happy. he made your name feel more like yours than your father’s. it seemed it was he who could only coax this feeling out of you. you, certainly, couldn’t imagine it being anyone else. there was something unlike anything you’d experienced before which bakugou gave you. but you couldn’t let your father down, could you?
“y/n, we must go now,” tanaka urged. 
you didn’t look back.
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bakugou watched you leave with an inscrutable expression. as soon as you vanished from his sight, he let out a deep sigh and bashed his head on the steering wheel, then rubbed the spot of contact. that would leave a mark.
he wished he could pretend he didn’t know what your sudden meeting was about. he couldn’t. what kind of bodyguard was unaware of his client’s schedule? you were going on a date, on account of your father’s absolutely superb matchmaking skills. he wanted to strangle the bastard. 
god, he was an idiot to have gotten his hopes up about you. just like countless other things in his life, you were unattainable. he was constantly in pursuit of the impossible, it felt, yet none of his endeavours’ ends had quite felt like this. it started when he was a child with a newly developed quirk. constant words of praise fluttered around his ears, all applauding his strong quirk and natural intelligence. it continued when he entered school, winning academic and athletic awards for what everyone called his talents. (he remembered looking up the definition of “talent” in a dictionary in his elementary school’s library and being sorely disappointed. no one had seen the hours he’d dedicated to practicing and studying after school - all of that couldn’t amount to what everyone else had called natural talent.) 
in doing so - winning all those competitions - he’d somehow earned the approval of all those around him. it was never something he’d wanted or aimed for, but it soon started to fit him like a custom-tailored outfit. somewhere along the way, he started to seek out the approval of others, flaunting his accomplishments to do so. however, as years went by, one thing became apparent: the tactics used on his peers and teachers would never gain his parents’ approval. he so yearned for a tad of his parents’ praise or satisfaction; even an “i’m proud of you, katsuki,” from them would’ve sent katsuki to the stars and back. he never was quite sure, as a youth, how to gain this prize, so to speak. and so, for the sake of his parents, he became stronger and stronger and thus began his journey to attain the first impossibility in his life.
high school, at once, came knocking on his door in the midst of this endless journey. with it came izuku midoriya, the boy katsuki had bullied in middle school. this time, though, it was izuku who was stronger; katsuki had so wanted to atone for all that he’d done to the boy, but it proved something impossible. on the physical level, izuku had already forgiven him and moved on. it wasn’t enough for katsuki, who’d really done nothing to deserve izuku’s kindness. so katsuki set off, trying to truly deserve the boy’s forgiveness and make up for everything he’d done. in katsuki’s mind, there would be nothing he could do that would balance out the weight of his actions to izuku. hence unraveled the second impossibility katsuki set up for himself.
the third impossibility found itself in katsuki’s third year at ua academy. he was working for his parents’ approval and atonement for izuku; this impossibility, though, would send everything crumbling down. impossibles, unlike any math equations covered during his schooling, could not be cancelled out the more brought into the equation. it was perhaps katsuki’s only salvation and lifeline, his passion to become a hero. fate snatched this very possibility from katsuki’s hand, snapping the lifeline and dangling it just out of his reach. all of it was cruel - the sympathetic words spoken from recovery girl’s lips and the weeks katsuki had to sit out of hero training. even worse was how katsuki watch his grade drop from one of the top in the class to only passable in general studies, no longer sharp enough to qualify for a pro-hero. by the time he healed, he was rendered unable to rejoin the hero course. his goal was thrown away easily, becoming another impossibility.
katsuki trained himself physically for a new job. an acquaintance had introduced him to being a bodyguard, and katsuki figured that was close enough to being a hero. not that he particularly enjoyed the notion of waiting on someone’s every beck and call. but through and through his countless impossibilities and misfortunes, he had to move forward. he was tired, so tired - hearing his parents’ disappointed voices on the phone and looking up to see a billboard of the newest top pro-hero, deku. when he foolishly and naively got his hopes up about you, the logical part in him knew it was doomed. he knew that as he stared at you, illuminated by a golden light in your bedroom, it was ill-fated. you were a miracle opening up a new life to him - but miracles weren’t real.
of all the impossibilities in his life, you were the most painful. why was he cursed in such a way? where had the happiness in his life gone, if not with you as you walked away from him? he stared at his suit cuff, suffocated in the stupid attire. he should never have taken this job. 
a knock. another knock. three more rapid knocks, and he finally looked up to see your eager face looking at him from the passenger side window. he hastily unlocked the car door with a click.
“finally,” your exasperated voice said to him, tinged in a happy hue that he’s confused by. 
“wh-where’s tanaka?” katsuki stuttered. “your date-”
“i did it, bakugou.” you beamed at him. “i refused. i said no.”
“wha-what? you refused what?” 
“the date, duh!” you laughed. you grew quiet. “i realized something. i realized that all i want is you, and it’s… it’s about time i start taking control of my life.”
katsuki cracked a smile. a real one, not painful like so many others he’d faked before. “you’re a dumbass, you know that?” and it was endearment, bringing you close to his heart. 
maybe fate had decided to bless him. maybe it was all the impossibilities in his life that had cancelled each other out to give him you. 
“oh, and by the way,” you said, changing the topic. “i’ve been thinking a lot about it recently. we need to have a rematch for that sorry excuse of a fight we had the other day. i will have an undisputed victory over you.”
“you’re on, moron.”
it was definitely fate that brought katsuki to you.
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
When Stars Ignite - Chapter 17
HPHM Rockstar AU
A/N: Katriona Cassiopeia belongs to the wonderful @kc-and-oc
General Warning: This whole fic has a general warning of being NSFW / 18+. We will give specific warnings for every chapter in itself, but several adult themes will be more or less present in every chapter, may it be explicitly or in mention. These include sexual topics, drug abuse, (ab)use of alcohol, smoking and a whole lot of cursing.
Specific Warning:
Find the masterpost here, the previous chapter here and the next one here. The songs featured before every chapter can be found on this pretty badass playlist here.
This work is a collaboration with @the-al-chemist
Taglist: @slytherindisaster @night-rhea @carewyncromwell @thatravenpuffwitch
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She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
~ Guns N’ Roses - Sweet Child O’ Mine ~
On the morning of their charity gig, Lizzie woke to a blissfully cool morning and an overcast sky. She turned in her bed and indulged in another moment of sleepiness before sitting up.
She hadn’t slept as badly as last night in a long while. After their discussion at the pool, Orion had been restless and had preferred to keep himself busy with working, meditating or whatever else it was that he was doing to ‘find his balance again’. So Lizzie had left him to it and had spent her evening with the rest of her friends.
It wasn’t like Lizzie wasn’t used to sleeping alone anymore; since their tour had started, she had made sure to get back to her room instead of staying with Orion every night. The hotels they were staying in were busy and she didn’t want anyone to see her leaving his room first thing in the morning.
But still, going to bed without so much as talking to him had been strange; Lizzie was surprised at how used she had become to having someone to unwind with.
On the other hand, Lizzie knew how much events like the one ahead were affecting Orion. He usually had a good grip on the events of his childhood but being confronted with his memories in such a direct way tended to unsettled him. If he needed his space, who was she to deny it to him.
Lizzie yawned as she got out of bed and changed into her workout gear, glancing glumly at the alarm clock on her nightstand; it had gotten late last night and she hated early mornings as much as the next person. But Orion would already be up for his morning round of yoga and she had promised she would join him.
Lizzie couldn’t help but shake her head at this retrospectively stupid idea. She did enjoy doing yoga, and especially together with Orion; it worked wonders on her flexibility and chronically sore muscles. Could she have her way, though, afternoon yoga would be just as fine. If it cheered Orion up, however, she would just have to bite the bullet.
As it turned out, Lizzie could have stayed in bed for all that it was worth. Orion remained silent throughout the flow, but it was not his usual serene calm; instead, he surrounded himself with a melancholy mood that was uncharacteristic for him. Lizzie did manage to cheer him up with a little extended exercise after they were done, but even then she could tell a part of Orion’s mind wasn’t with her.
Much to her dismay, his restlessness had rubbed off on her as well. Lizzie felt a nervous energy course through her body, which usually only got hold of her right before a show was about to begin. Her fingers itched for a practice session on her drums, but those were lying dismantled in their boxes at the arena.
She was still wearing her workout clothes, so she decided to go for a run to channel her energy into something more productive than pacing around her room.
When Lizzie stepped out of the hotel and onto the private parking space, the sky was still clouded, but blue patches could already be seen here and there. Just as she was about to put her headphones on, the sound of her name drew her attention.
“Hey Jameson,” Skye’s voice sounded from across the car park. “Rath and I are going for a run. Wanna come?”
She motioned over to where Erika was standing at the exit to the streets, looking what Lizzie assumed was mildly impatient; it was always a bit tricky to tell with the blonde head of security.
It was nice of Skye to ask, but Lizzie wasn’t in the mood for company. Each of the girls was as competitive as they came in their own right; Lizzie usually never backed down from a challenge, but combined Skye and Erika were too much even for her taste.
“No thanks, go on without me,” Lizzie consequently declined the offer. “I already worked out with Orion.”
Skye grimaced and rolled her eyes. “Spare me the bloody details.”
“Yoga, Skye. We did some yoga,” Lizzie responded wryly. “Get your mind out of the gutter, will you?”
She did make a point to omit the second part of their workout routine, however. Skye didn’t need to know everything after all.
Unsure what to do after Skye and Erika had left, Lizzie turned around and marched back into the building. She couldn’t really go for a run by herself now, so she might as well go on the hunt for some much needed coffee and breakfast.
When Lizzie arrived at the breakfast room, most of her friends were already there. Orion was sitting with Merula at a table in the far corner of the room. He gave her the briefest smile as their eyes met. Lizzie returned it before walking over to the large table beside the window where some crew members were sitting.
She would have loved to sit with Orion but she didn’t want to get in Merula’s way. Where a confrontation with his past was unsettling for Orion, it turned Merula into a loaded gun. On days like this, it was better to steer clear of her; the only one who was safe from her moods was her foster brother.
Lizzie and the others were chatting about the shows of the day and the work they still had to do. Organising and playing two consecutive gigs in a row, and in such a short time span as well, was something neither of them had done very often. Lizzie thought wistfully about the hours of sleep she had missed last night by tossing and turning in her bed.
The topic of the discussion had just changed to the ever on-going debate about their favourite kinds of sports, when Lizzie’s attention was drawn from Murphy’s admittedly impressive case for basketball. Artemis was standing in the doorway, her eyes scanning the room, probably looking for Charlie.
When she saw that he was sitting with the rest of them, a small frown appeared between her eyes. She wasted no time coming over, but walked straight to the buffet laid out in the middle of the room.
Lizzie downed the remains of her coffee with one determined motion and stood up. As she tried to get past Charlie to get herself another cup, Charlie shot her a warning glance.
“Relax,” Lizzie rolled her eyes at him, “I’ll be nice to her.”
“That’s exactly my concern, rockstar,” Charlie snorted in response.
Ignoring his concerns, she stuck her tongue out at him and made her way over to Artemis. The pyro technician only briefly glanced up from the selection of food as Lizzie stood next to her, but she could have sworn to hear a defeated sigh coming from Artemis’ lips.
Not getting discouraged so easily, Lizzie flashed Artemis a cheerful smile. “Good morning! Did you sleep well?”
Artemis didn’t look at her but made a non-committal sound as she picked out an almond croissant for herself; Lizzie took that as a sign to go on.
“I couldn’t sleep at all,” she said. “The noise from the street kept waking me up.” At least, that was half the truth. “I’m going to need all the coffee to get me through the day.”
To prove her point, she put her cup under the outlet of the fancy coffee machine and waited for it to fill up again. Artemis wasn’t responding, so Lizzie just continued talking; maybe she wasn’t a morning person. Then again, who besides Orion was?
“The day’s going to be such a long one, too. I can’t even remember when we last played two full shows in one day. Okay, granted, the first one is an acoustic set and that’s a lot less fuss but it’s still pretty exhausting if you want to do it right. And if you ask me, those kids deserve the best show we can give them,” she smiled at Artemis. “Do you and Charlie have anything special planned?”
“No,” Artemis said, turning to the coffee machine. Lizzie stepped away to make room, looking at her curiously.
“Your display is great as it is, so no need to change that much. The children will love anything you do either way.”
“There won’t be much to love. We’re not doing anything.”
Lizzie blinked in surprise. “Why not?”
“Because,” Artemis said pointedly, “I don’t want no child anywhere fucking close to my igniters. They can’t be controlled. One of them might burn themselves or some shit,” she smiled, but it was without any humour. “Imagine what that would do to your publicity.”
With that, she downed her still steaming coffee, turned on her heels and marched out of the room, the plate with her breakfast all but forgotten.
Lizzie stared after her for a moment, confused by Artemis’ strong reaction. When she returned to her seat, Charlie shot her a glum look.
“I didn’t do anything, I swear,” Lizzie shrugged. “We were just talking about the gig this afternoon and she ran off.”
Something like understanding was showing on Charlie’s face. “Ah, that explains a lot.”
Lizzie looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to go on. “Why?” she said slowly, when Charlie made no move to do so.
“She’s not coming.”
“Why not?”
This time, it was Charlie’s turn to shrug. “She didn’t want to tell me.”
Lizzie sighed as she poured more sugar into her coffee, blatantly ignoring KC’s unhappy face. “That’s a pity. The kids would have loved some cool effects.”
“Don’t worry about the effects,” KC said. She reached over the table and gently but firmly took the sugar dispenser out of Lizzie’s hands. “Just leave it to me to make your stage look pretty. After all, what are pyros but fancy lights?” she winked at Charlie.
Charlie muttered something incomprehensible into his coffee that sounded suspiciously like “No idea, that woman”. Murphy must have heard it as well, because he laughed and put his arm around his wife’s shoulders.
“Trust me, with the boss on the matter your show has a 94.3 % chance of being the best thing these kids have ever seen.”
As usual, Murphy’s prediction proved to be correct. Even without the use of pyros, KC had worked her magic on the lights, giving their show that little extra touch that made it even more special.
Sometimes Lizzie wished she could see the full display from the crowd’s perspective instead of being the subject of the spotlights. The only thing she could see was the change of colours and the patterns scurrying across the stage, but not the full glory of the elaborate show KC had designed for them.
For the show today, the head of Aurora Tourealis had known exactly which effects to reprogram without even thinking too hard on it. Suited to their acoustic set, she had dimmed the lights, toned down all effects, making their show feel different and yet familiar at the same time.
Even Everett had caught one of his better days; his voice sounded like liquid honey as it rose over the soft sound of his and Orion’s guitars, accompanied by the clear melodies coming from Merula’s piano.
They were met with thundering applause when they were done. Even though the crowd they had been playing for was ridiculously small compared to what would be waiting for them later, seeing the excited faces of all those children warmed Lizzie from the inside.
After their show, the kids, who were being allowed to meet them, split into two different groups. While one of them was shown around backstage, the others stayed with them and were given the opportunity to hang out with the band for a while.
Not all members of Equinox were in as good a mood as Lizzie, however. The only one enjoying her time seemed to be Skye, who was joking around with a few of the older kids. Everett was smiling his best stage smile, but it was obvious that he wished for what he considered a chore to be over.
Merula was hiding her discomfort much less well than Everett did; her answers to the questions were brusque and no longer than they had to be. There were considerably less children gathered around her than with the rest of them, but knowing Merula, that was just fine with her.
Every once in a while, Lizzie’s gaze wandered over to Orion. He was sitting cross legged on the stage floor, surrounded by a group of very attentive children. He was explaining why he was using different guitars for different songs, and the kids were positively hanging from his lips. Lizzie could understand why; when Orion was talking about his music, he did so with a passion that was completely captivating. She could listen to him talking her through his songs for hours on end and not get bored.
To anyone not knowing him, he might have looked just as calm as he always did; but Lizzie knew he was putting on a show. It was the little things that were giving him away; the way he was repeatedly running his hand through his hair, how he turned the pendant of the necklace between his fingers, or absentmindedly plucked on the strings of his guitar without even realising it. All these quirks showed Lizzie that he was trying to keep himself in check.
“And what is that for?”
Her attention returned to her own little group of fans. They were standing around her drum kit and she had just finished explaining the different kinds of drums, toms and cymbals.
One of the kids, a little girl probably no older than eight, was sitting on her lap; she seemed to be the youngest of them all and apparently an avid fan of Lizzie. Her stream of questions about Equinox, playing in a band, and how to become a drummer seemed to have no end. Lizzie was happy at her enthusiasm and answered every single one of her questions diligently.
Right now, she was pointing at something fixed to the stand of her hi-hat. Lizzie smiled fondly as she looked at the small construction of wood, string and feathers.
“That’s my dreamcatcher,” Lizzie explained, “I always keep it on my kit whenever I play. It’s supposed to watch over me.”
“How did you get it? Did you make it?”
Lizzie’s eyes went to Orion, only for a moment. “A very good friend gave it to me.”
The girl looked at her sceptically. “But if it’s supposed to catch dreams, why is it on your drums?”
Lizzie laughed. “That’s what my friend said, too. But I like looking at it when I’m playing. It’s my lucky charm.”
She remembered when Orion had given her the dreamcatcher. She had spent the night at his place and had woken from a nightmare that had left her shaking. She had those very seldomly, but when she did, she found it hard to let them go again. Orion had helped her breathe until she had calmed down; afterwards, he had collected the dreamcatcher hanging from the window above his bed and had given it to her.
“To keep away the bad dreams.”
The memory made her smile.
When it was time for the two groups to switch and the chaperones were calling their charges to their sides, Lizzie was surprised to feel a timid tug at the back of her shirt. Turning around, the little girl was standing behind her, a very serious expression on her face.
“I have to ask you a question,” she said urgently, eyeing the other children suspiciously.
Lizzie kneeled down in front of her and smiled. “Of course, sweetheart. What else do you want to know?”
A faint blush spread on the girl’s rosy cheeks as she looked over to where Orion was taking pictures with a few of the other kids. “Is Orion the friend who gave you your lucky charm?”
“He is,” Lizzie said, “you’re a clever girl.”
The girl’s eyes widened and the red on her cheeks deepened. “Is he your boyfriend?”
Caught completely unaware, Lizzie just so managed to keep her face from slipping. “What makes you think that?”
“You’re looking at him all the time,” the girl explained matter-of-factly, “and he keeps looking at you, too. And you smile when you talk about him.”
Without meaning to, Lizzie’s eyes flicked to Orion again, and sure enough, a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth when their eyes met. She felt the heat rise to her face and looked away again.
“No, he’s not my boyfriend.”
“Are you sure about that? He looks like he might be your boyfriend.”
Lizzie took a deep breath. “We are just very good friends.”
“That’s good,” the little girl stated, clearly satisfied with Lizzie’s answer.
“Why’s that?”
The girl lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Because I’m going to marry him when I'm grown up,” she said, completely serious about her plan.
Lizzie tried to mirror her earnestness but had to suppress the urge to chuckle; that was the cutest thing she’d ever heard. “Well, Orion is a very lucky guy then.”
“But you won’t tell him, right?” the girl said, suddenly looking very shy. “You have to promise me!”
Lizzie knew Orion was watching them and she smiled when she caught his gaze. Turning her attention back to the girl staring at her out of big eyes, she held her pinky finger out to her.
“I promise. This will stay our little secret.”
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portalford · 4 years
I Can Picture You So Easily
It hits Stan at the stupidest times.
Well.  That makes it sounds like Stan just forgets, when really it never quite goes away — sometimes it’s just more.
Like now.
He’s looking in the mirror — he found it tucked way, way back in a closet (and he’s gonna skip right over that because when he got here the mirror in the bathroom was broken, cracked until you couldn’t see a thing and why was Ford—nope) — and he’s trying out a new look for Mr. Mystery.
Gotta keep it fresh, right?  Accessorize?
Glasses aren’t accessories, unfortunately.  He can’t go without them anymore.
(Really, he needed them years ago, but he was too stubborn to admit it, or too broke, or whatever, but he’s literally tripping over his own feet now.  Needs must).
Ford wouldn’t be caught dead in this getup.  No sense of fashion.  So that’s fine.
The glasses—
(Ford started wearing glasses when he was six.  Stan had laughed himself silly when they went to the drugstore and tried on the biggest, most obnoxious frames they could find.  Ma had scolded, but she’d been too distracted checking price tags to do more than scold.
In the end, they went with some cheap horn-rimmed frames that Stan wouldn’t be caught dead in even now.  Old-man glasses, at six.  But that was Ford all over).
—they bring some stuff up.  The twin thing sucks, sometimes.  
(Looking in a mirror and seeing the changes, the lines in his face, the grey in his hair — does Ford have crow’s feet now?  Is his hair going silver?  It was always unmanageable — is it thinning like Stan’s is now, or is it still thick and flyaway, like it was when Ford was sixteen?  Did he even live long enough to get lines in his face and aches in his joints, or is he forever twenty-eight, dead somewhere in the universe?)
Time to stop thinking.
Notice the differences.
Stan’s ears and nose are bigger than Ford’s, always have been.  He’s heavier and his shoulders are broader.
(Has Ford gotten bulkier, fighting to survive?  Or is still he halfway to gaunt, like the last time Stan saw him?)
Definitely time to stop thinking.
Stan flashes a smile, and yeah, that’s all him.  Cheerful, magnetic, and a hundred percent fake.
Time to work the crowds.
There’s an ad for the nice ink pens Ford saved up to buy when he was fourteen.
Stan turns it off.
Mabel finds a picture, once.
“Grunkle Stan!”  Her eyes are all lit up as she shows him the torn photograph.  “I found this under a floorboard in the attic!”
If Stan ever had any doubts about his poker face, he can lay them to rest now. It’s all on the ropes and his expression is perfectly level, maybe even a little curious.
Mabel is still talking.  “I didn’t know there were pictures of you before you were all old!  Do you have any others?”
Stan still forgets sometimes, even after everything, that most people can’t tell him and Ford apart.
He knows better.
The young man in the photograph is unmistakably Ford, taken while he was living in Gravity Falls.  He’s got his head bent over that journal of his, but the photographer managed to catch the eager light in his eye, the edge of his smile.
Stan wonders who that photographer was, all those years ago.
A tug at his shirt reminds him he’s not alone, and he definitely can’t get messed up about this picture of his secret twin brother.
Mabel’s face has fallen a bit.  “Grunkle Stan?  Are you okay?”
Stan gives himself two more seconds to look at the picture — Ford just looks so happy; Stan can’t even remember the last time Ford looked like that, even before it all fell apart — and turns to Mabel.
“Yeah,” he says.  He smiles and ruffles her hair.  “Pretty good picture, huh?”
The name is the worst.
Stan never thought identity theft could involve so little fun.
Usually he can get away with just “Stan Pines,” and that’s fine.  That’s his name.  That’s who he’s supposed to be.
Sometimes, though, that’s not enough for whoever’s asking.
“What did you say your name was again?”
He smiles.  Lays it on thick.  “Stanford Pines.”
“Could you sign here?”
He does.  His blocky, uneven handwriting looks even worse than usual where he’s expecting to see neat, flowing script, the way Stanford Pines is supposed to be written.
“This is Stanford Pines,” someone will say.  “Mr. Mystery.”
Stan smiles some more.  Yes, Stanford Pines is certainly that.
Gideon is the worst.  Stanford this and Stanford that and Stan’s never wanted to punch a child so much in his life.
“Stanford Pines!”
He smiles, and he lies.
Dipper halfway drives him nuts sometimes.
It’s not like the kid’s a mini-Ford — he reminds Stan enough of himself, sometimes, though Stan’s not sure that’s great either — but he’s got the brains and the stubbornness and the love of weird nonsense, for sure.
He’s also got that obsessive edge, the drive that sent Ford right off the metaphorical cliff.
Usually Mabel tags along on the weirdness hunts — they make a day of it.  They go out, just the two of them, and come back laughing and joking and shoving at each other.
That’s enough of a painful reminder, but sometimes Stan will catch Mabel sitting by herself, coloring or crafting with a little less energy than usual, and he’ll realize that Dipper’s buried himself in monster theory again.
He tries to keep the kid busy with chores and hustle, but it’s a losing battle.
It was the first time, too.
There’s this old song that Ford used to love when they were younger.
It’s got no words, and Stan used to make fun of it — what's the point of a song with no words?  But Ford insisted it had Meaning, capital M.
It comes on the radio now and then.
Depending on how masochistic Stan is feeling that day, he might let it play.
He still wonders what Ford heard in this song, and if Ford would hear it now.
He realizes, one day near the end, that he’s been Stanford longer than he’s been Stanley.
What’s the point, really?  What does a name matter if it’s so easy for someone else to take your place?
(Did Ford matter so little, in the grand scheme of things, that not one person could recognize him in a place he lived for six years?
Does Stan, in a place he’s lived for almost thirty?)
If he could just stop catching Ford in his reflection now and then, that’d be great.
It’s not any better once Ford gets back (once Stan brings Ford back, the ungrateful bastard).
Stan’s got a smile on his face before he even turns around, and what’s wrong with him that he’s halfway made this lie into a Pavlovian response?  Someone calls him Stanford, he smiles and lies.
(Stanford — the real Stanford — is in the basement right now.  He doesn’t even exist, as far as anyone else is concerned.  Stan is Stanford, Stanley is dead, and Ford is a nonentity.
What a life this is).
“So how was it?”
Stan grunts.  “How was what?”
Ford rolls his neck, wincing a little as he works out the unavoidable crick from hunching over a drawing for twenty minutes.  “Being me.”
Stan shrugs.  “Wasn’t hard.  We’re basically the same person, y’know.”
Ford snorts.  A long time (a lifetime) ago that comment might have gotten him worked up, but he’s steadier now, softer around the edges.  “Very funny.  I saw your lease renewal.  You didn’t even change your handwriting, for heaven’s sake.”
“Ford, I rolled up to town, said I was you, and started a tourist trap.  You had a total personality transplant and nobody noticed.”  Stan grimaces.  That sounded really bad.
Ford’s expression has gone rueful and a little sad at the edges, but he doesn’t seem like he’s about launch into full-blown self-recrimination, so that’s fine.  “Yes, well.  That’s what happens when you isolate yourself for six years and your only friend erases his mind to cope with the mistakes you made.”
And that’s Ford trying to shoulder all the blame again, but Stan keeps his mouth shut.  They’re both too comfortable to argue right now.  “Being honest — for once — it kinda sucked.”  Ford’s looking at him, open and encouraging, so Stan keeps going.  “Everyone thought I was you, and it—I wasn’t.  I didn’t want to be.”  Stan shrugs.  “I wanted you you.”
Ford smiles, and it’s a little more worn than Stan remembers, but it’s real, and it’s him.  “I understand.  I met a few parallel versions of you on my travels, and they were you, but — they weren’t really you.”  Ford closes his journal (his new one) and sets it aside, tipping his head back over his chair.  More playfully, he adds, “I wouldn’t want to be you either, Stanley.”
Stan laughs.  “Yeah?  Couldn’t handle the salesmanship?”
“Have more self-respect than to wear any part of your wardrobe.”
“Says the man who wears sweaters in the summer.”
Ford lifts his head and smiles, and this time it’s almost exactly how Stan remembers — quick and a little crooked.  “Fair enough.”  Ford stretches, rolls his neck again.  “For what it’s worth, Stanley, I am glad to be back.”  A wry look.  “Even if it’s going to take ages to sort out the criminal record you gave me.”
Stan slouches deeper into the couch.  Any further and he’s going to slide off, but that’s a risk he’ll take.  “Yeah, yeah.  Talk to me when you’re legally dead.”
“You did that.”
“I legally don’t exist.”
“I was trying to learn theoretical physics at the time, Stanford; cut a man some slack.”
Ford laughs, quiet.  “Did I ever thank you for that?”
Stan cracks an eye open.  He didn’t realize he closed them.  “What, learnin’ physics?  Because I’m pretty sure that’s some of the stuff that’s not coming back.”
Ford rolls his eyes.  “For saving me.”
“Hm.”  Ford’s thanked him several times, but lately it’s been less Ford kicking himself and more Ford cautiously trying to engage in the old back-and-forth they used to have, and Stan can get behind that one.  “I dunno.  Might have to say it again.”
“You’re burning through my gratitude very quickly,” Ford says mildly, “but all right.  Thank you for saving me.  You knucklehead.”
Stan never got called that when he was Ford.  He thinks he’s missed it, at least the way Ford says it — like it means something completely different.
“Uh-huh.”  Stan’s eyes are closed again.  He figures he’ll just leave them closed.  “Missed you too, nerd.”
And maybe there’s something to be said for being your own person.
It feels pretty good.
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kaider-is-my-otp · 3 years
Best Surprise
Torin surprises Kai for his birthday.
Emperor Kaito never celebrated his birthday.
At least he hadn’t for the past two years since he became an emperor. Even before that, his birthday celebrations were surprisingly modest for a crown prince of world’s largest country. The sad truth was he grew up as a sheltered prince and never had too many friends he could spend that special day with. Usually his mother and father would take a day off and abandon their royal duties to be with him for that full day. They would sneak out of the palace to walk the city streets and eat food from the vendors, completely different from all the delicacies waiting in the palace. With both of them now gone, Kai remembered those birthdays with aching fondness.
Despite not making a big deal out of it, nobody ever forgot it was their emperor’s birthday. Palace cooks would make all of his favorite dishes, gifts from important politicians were arriving from all parts of the world, reporters were writing articles about him, usually comparing how much he’s changed during the years.
Still, Kai never cared about any of that. He would usually spend entire day busy with paperwork, meetings and revising the laws. If he was lucky enough to have his birthday fall on Sunday- his only free day of the week- he would spend it sleeping and lounging in his private quarters.
This year was different, though. There was one person in the palace who had no intention allowing emperor to waste his day doing work. Even though he usually said that work comes first, Torin refused to have him sitting at his desk all day and brood about not having seen Cinder in months.
With that in mind he knocked on Kai’s cherry wood door and walked into the office. As he expected, Kai was hunched over his desk, staring at his portscreen. He didn’t even lift his head to see who entered his office.
Torin cleared his throat. “Your Majesty.”
Kai lifted his head, surprised to see his advisor standing on the doorway. “Torin, when did you come in? I don’t think I heard you.”
Torin exhaled and closed the door. “That’s because you’ve been focusing on nothing but work for entire day.”
“I was in the middle of reviewing new transportation laws.”
“It’s your birthday, Your Majesty.”
Kai furrowed his brows. “I know that.”
Torin stopped himself from rolling his eyes. “Have you considered taking a break? Having lunch, maybe?”
Kai waved his hand as if lunch was something meaningless. His portscreen pinged with a new message, occupying his attention immediately. Even though Kai showed nothing but strong dedication to work since he became emperor, Torin was starting to get worried about his social life. He knew young emperor had friends, but they were scattered all over the world. And with his girlfriend ruling the moon, he didn’t doubt Kai would get lonely sometimes. Nobody should feel lonely on their birthday.
“Kaito.” Torin used his first name so rarely it instantly got Kai’s attention. “Could you come to the security rooms for a minute? Guards said there was a… possible break-in.”
Kai’s jaw slacked. “A break-in? You’re only telling me now, Torin?”
Torin tried not to cringe at his horrible lie. The only thing that mattered was getting Kai out of his office. “Yes, well. It’s probably nothing serious.”
While they walked through palace hallways, Torin noticed the concern over possible security breach worrying the emperor. He felt sorry for adding unnecessary worries to Kai’s ever growing pile, but he hoped to make it up with his surprise. Kai was so in his head he hadn’t notice Torin had pressed a different elevator button.
“Torin, that’s not where security is.” Kai’s eyes narrowed as he saw where Torin was sending him. “I told you already I don’t need rest or a day off. Birthday or not, there’s so many things to do and I—“
The elevator doors opened in that second and Kai lost the power of speech as he saw who was waiting on the other side.
“Cinder,” he stammered from shock of seeing her for the first time in months.
She smiled and the whole room brightened. She was dressed in a beautiful pale violet dress that no doubt Iko forced her to wear. It had long flowing sleeves and, even though the dress itself was fluttering around her ankles, Cinder shifted from foot to foot as if she were uncomfortable. Regardless, Kai had never seen a prettier sight.
He seemed to have frozen right there, unable to move as he stared at her. Torin cleared his throat and gently pushed Kai out of the elevator. Kai turned just in time to see Torin’s smile that said You’re welcome. Then the elevator doors closed and they were left alone. Kai made a mental note to send Torin on a luxurious vacation.
Cinder approached him and wrapped her arms around his middle. The warmth from her body yanked Kai from whatever stupor he was in. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground, twirling them in circle. Cinder let out a surprised yelp, followed by a gentle laugh in his ear.
He put her down and took her face in his hands. Cinder’s hair has already fallen from her fancy up-do- no doubt also courtesy of Iko- but she didn’t seem to care as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed Kai.
“Happy birthday,” she mumbled on his lips. Kai hummed and kissed her deeper, pulling her to his chest. Their kiss was full of longing, lonely hours and distant miles. When they finally separated, he took a step back to take another look at her.
“You’re here,” he said, still barely believing it. “You’re actually here. What—How?”
Cinder shrugged and reached to brush strands of hair that fell on Kai’s forehead. “Torin said you were a moping mess and I didn’t want you to spend your birthday sad and alone.”
Kai leaned forward to press a kiss on her lips. “How long are you staying?”
“I managed to take only two days off,” she said, giving him a sad smile.
Kai shook his head and grabbed her hand, leading her to his room at the end of the hallway. “I’m so happy to see you. Even if just for a minute, the fact that you’re here means more to me than I can explain.”
Cinder’s heart skipped a beat at his words. He was always better at sweet talk than she was. She smirked at the birthday boy as she closed the doors of his room behind her. “You should be even happier when you see I brought your favorite cake.”
Kai walked closer to the table in the middle of his spacious room and saw a small heart-shaped cake and a bottle of champagne. His eyes widened as he recognized the flavor. “Red velvet cake?”
Cinder nodded and bit her lip. “I made it myself.” She spent a whole day yesterday watching baking tutorials, dusted in powdered sugar. The cake looked decent only on her fourth try.
Kai stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her. “You made this cake yourself? For me?”
“Of course I made it for you,” Cinder said, huffing in irritation. “It’s your birthday and as your girlfriend, it is my duty to make sure you spend this day doing things you love. I may not have been able to see you previous years, but I’m not letting you get away with it this time.”
Kai felt his chest warm with happiness and love. Even thought he was neck-deep in work, he couldn’t help but feel grateful that someone was actually making sure he had this day for himself. It’s been years since his country- and Cinder- weren’t the number one thought in his head. He leaned toward her to press a soft kiss on her lips. “Thank you.”
He grabbed the knife and sliced a big piece of cake for Cinder and one for himself. He laughed when he saw the bottle of champagne. “Strawberry flavored?”
“Without alcohol.”
They both smiled at the memory of last and first time Kai had alcohol. To no one’s surprise, Kai couldn’t really hold his drink. Cinder had seen him mildly drunk on only one occasion when Rampion crew was having a get-together a year before. He barely recognized her at the end of the night and he only had two drinks. Safe to say, Kai never had a drop of alcohol after that night.
They spent next few hours eating, laughing and kissing. They lounged on Kai’s huge bed, facing each other, telling stories they never got the chance to share during their late night video calls.
“You didn’t.” Kai was holding his stomach while laughing as Cinder told him about the time she came to the meeting dressed in cargo pants and tank top.
“Of course I did. In my defense, I was just leaving the garage and forgot to change into my dress. Iko was less than pleased with me.”
“I can imagine,” Kai said as he wiped a single tear from the corner of his eye. He stared deep into her eyes, her swollen lips. “You haven’t changed a bit,” he said quietly.
Cinder stiffened, as if unsure whether it was a good or a bad thing. “Is that… good?”
Kai lifted his hand to caress her cheek. “Definitely good. I never doubted you would stay the same girl I fell in love with, but it’s nice to have reassurance.”
Cinder’s lips lifted in a smile when word love left his lips. Even though he said it too many times to count- her brain had tried- it still felt surreal to have this wonderful boy say that to her. She buried her face in his chest and Kai lifted her so she was on top of him.
After few quiet minutes Kai spoke again. “Thank you. Not just for this, but for seeing me as something more than just an emperor.”
Cinder lifted her head to look at his face. His eyes had a misty glow and from the tone of his voice she knew he was confiding in her thoughts that had troubled him for years. Maybe even his whole life.
“Everyone in this palace sees me as nothing more than a person who was thrown into position of power before he was ready. Don’t get me wrong, they’re all nice and helpful, but sometimes… It makes me feel less human in a way. Even outside of the palace, people know who I am, but they don’t really know me.” He scratched behind his ear. “Am I making any sense?”
“You do,” Cinder said quietly. “I get what you mean. I feel that way sometimes, too.”
Kai’s grip on her waist tightened.
“That’s why we have each other,” Cinder continued. “And our friends. They don’t’ see us as just royalty. At least I hope.”
Kai laughed and rolled them both over so they were facing each other. He kissed her nose, then her lips. “Let’s agree to surprise visit each other more often. Just to feel more human.”
Cinder smiled, kissing him one more time. “Agreed.”
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