#{ lol xD }
fluttersharpi · 4 months
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x3 !!
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choiyeonjuns · 5 months
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bickering bestiez
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2009xd · 1 year
invader zim blinkies !
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more blinkies in my discord server !!
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tepli-mravenci · 6 months
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lucalearnstowrite · 5 months
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bleue-flora · 6 months
No. c!Tommy was never right about anything.
Nah, Tommy was right.
Instances of Tommy being right:
[Dsmp Finale]
30:27 "You know what, Dream? You know what, Dream? I’m sorry because you’re right."
38:27 "You—you—you didn’t have a bad thought in your mind, it was just George and Sapnap."
38:53 "That’s why you’re doing this isn’t it? You just want it to be simple."
40:12 "You just wanted it to be simple, you wanted to be back with your friends. That makes sense."
41:52 “I just didn’t realize how much that hurt you.”
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I have found the strength to draw one (of two) OCs for AFK Journey. So let me record a few details about her here.
Close childhood friend of Valen. Her father was an Imperial Knight stationed there (Stoutstone Isle) but died on duty in her early childhood years. Since then she dreamed of stepping into her father's shoes, bravely (and angrily often) tagging behind Valen to prove she was no less than him, despite being nearly 3 years younger. Sometimes even managed to kick his butt!
Left for the capital at 11 with her mother. She hated the city and missed the island (and her friend), but then found the Heroic Order and saw that girls were allowed - and then didn't think of anything else.
She had agreed with Valen that they'd meet again as knights but he never showed up and so time passed. On occasion she'd discuss with her mother what he might have been up to, not knowing that he's been in Holistone the past few years.
Her design was influenced by the two other Imperial members Guywin and Joey. She isn't meant to have any special rank, but somehow the design looked bland without the touch of gold.
Her story would be experienced as some extended side quest. At that point she's been through stupid stuff and hit rock bottom. She hid in the Ashen Wastes for a few weeks, before Berial senses her despair. He grants her continued life in exchange of being entertained... so now Lavinia is returning to the capital to follow up on her dark thoughts and assassinate the current leader of the Heroic Order.
She would not actually be wearing her uniform, but some rags she got in Mauler territory a few weeks prior. Only after the side quest is over she'd be seen in uniform again.
Valen's got to attend an important meeting of the Solitaries in the capital, and Merlin joins for the opportunity to see more of the Lightbearer Empire (and refresh her memory). They run into Lavinia on the road and travel together for a bit.
"Who the heck gave you permission to grow into such a stud of a man?!" "The same entity that made you grow pretty beautiful curves. You actually look like a girl now!"
Then lots of things happen. xD Friendships rekindled and broken again. Attempted murder in broad daylight and witnesses.
Truths are being shared, faith and trust are lost. Futures put on line. Hypofiends and a Hypogean in the middle of the capital!
Valen nearly throws the towel on the Heroic Order.
Corrupted Lavinia versus Valen (and others)
Berial is causing chaos but escapes from Merlin and the celestials.
The leader of the Heroic Order ends up very dead. Lavinia lives, somewhat against her expectations and wishes.
Hogan saves the situation, at least he tries to.
The Happy End is not missing, though: while leaving behind the capital for good, Lavinia continues to serve under and among better men in Holistone. ;-)
Due to previous events, Lavinia's life is dependent on Berial's grace. She's also got some perks due to that but she'd much rather not have anything to do with a Hypogean. Thankfully, he forgets about her until I need more drama many years down the line. xD
And finally... she wouldn't be a playable character ever, her skills are boring and greatly overshadowed by Valen or even Guywin. I might think about her stats in the future but since that part of the game isn't what sparks my interest, I probably won't. *shrugs*
Thanks for reading. :-) Until next time! <3
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nico-vega · 1 year
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emo-56 · 1 year
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I cant wait for 2014 xD
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yep-yep-yep · 6 months
His name is Lucas.
I noticed in ex 11 (with anya-ania secret) this thing:
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With my obsession with names I googled it and got this thing:
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In childhood, Twilight had a name plate too.
(ch 62-1)
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Also, I read one more interpretation - "born at dawn", quietly ironic for a person, who will get the name "Twilight" in the future. It's kinda in Endo's style to add the real secretive name of the main character to Anya's cartoons, from what she will get inspiration, what will lead to her strange gaze and mystery of her real name. Yep, it absolutely is.
thanks for your attention.
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navi-appmon · 1 month
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marvelstars · 1 year
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halfagone · 1 year
Here’s a relatively simple prompt, Danny meets Adrien and Marinette while he’s visiting Paris, and they see him easily resist akumatization. Naturally, shenanigans ends. What do you think?
Now that would be funny!! The angsty route is always well and good and all but the idea that Danny just doesn't have time or can't be bothered with Hawkmoth's (or Shadowmoth's. Or Monarch's [Dang, for a fashion designer you are not the most creative guy out there are you, Gabriel?]) akumatization attempts on him so he just swats the butterflies away. Oh~ Now there's an idea:
Marinette had seen many tourists come and go. Her family patisserie had slowly grown in fame over the years, and having Jagged Stone himself come over on live television had certainly helped with profits. (Although she could have gone without the man in her room and showing off all her Adrien pictures.) She was well aware that the shop was now on some travel agency websites and a number of foodie digest lists, so an influx of tourists were to be expected.
She had, however, been pleasantly surprised to meet a visiting American family. Marinette swore her father could have been related to the other man, if only for the sheer size and body structure. The auburn hair had suited the mother more, a Mrs. Dr. Fenton, and it had given them all a good laugh to see how well the two married couples mirrored each other.
Unlike Marinette's family, there were two children, a older girl that always treated Marinette kindly- often trying to speak in butchered French but hey, she could appreciate the effort. The younger boy, who was around Marinette's age actually, easily could have been Marinette's brother. There were some notable differences, obviously, but if you didn't look hard enough they could have been twins. The boy, Danny, had taken great amusement to this.
And so had Adrien.
That part had Marinette a little anxious. She hadn't been expecting Adrien to come over today, now of all times! She had been so sure he was busy with another photo shoot, but as it turned out Lila had made a big fuss and Adrien was free to roam, using it as an excuse to flee the scene. Marinette had worried he would get in trouble for it, but then he'd smiled at her in that way he always did and oh alright, Marinette was a goner.
Adrien and Danny got along well. Almost too well, in Marinette's opinion. She didn't mind that Adrien had other friends; honestly, he deserved all the friends and love in the world! But the moment those two started punning at each other, mixing in physics facts just because they could, Marinette began to regret some life choices.
But even despite her exasperation, she'd enjoyed herself! After some debate she had taken the two boys up into her room with some treats to snack on while they hung out. It wasn't often that Marinette brought relative strangers to her room, her private space and her haven, but her parents had been sharing awfully personal information with the Fenton parents as well, so she figured it would be alright.
Danny was nice and clever, a tricky teen with a silver tongue, and a heart of gold. Marinette would have invited Jazz- Danny's sister- to join them had she not caught the eye of an older boy Marinette had seen around sometimes. She seemed busy with that, so Marinette let her be.
Everything had been going well, beautifully even, until there was a sudden shout of "Ghost!" from downstairs and Danny flinched. Marinette had startled at the sight of it. She'd been more frightened by Danny's reaction than the sudden shout, actually. That would have been fine, a passing thought even, had it not been for the butterfly flapping through the window at the exact moment.
She and Adrien were instantly to their feet, jumping back and away from the innocent-but-cruel butterfly. Danny didn't seem to notice it at all, and just when she and Adrien went to say something- Danny turned his head, stared the akuma head-on, and waved it away. She watched, dumbfounded, as Danny veered his head from side to side, looking annoyed of all things as the akuma persisted after him.
"I am busy right now, begone!" Danny remarked, half-joking by the sound of it. She gaped at him in confusion for a while, her hunches lowering when she realized the akuma wasn't doing anything? It was clearly attracted to Danny's negative emotions, so why couldn't it possess an object? "How do I get rid of this thing?"
"Usually you need to release your negative emotions," Adrien commented with a frown, looking just as lost despite his reply. "But I've only seen that happen after the akuma has settled."
"Wow, so all those pamphlets hadn't been kidding, huh?" Danny remarked ruefully. He gave the butterfly a rude side-eye. "Well, if that's what it takes-" Danny reached out a hand, letting the akuma catch onto his watch and possess it.
"NO!" She and Adrien shouted at once, horrified.
But Danny continued to surprise them both by commenting, "Woah, you talk too much. And that's saying something from blabbermouth extraordinaire over here." The butterfly mask over Danny's eyes flashed a little brighter, much to their surprise. "Excuse moi ? That's awfully rude and I- Okay, but what if I don't care about Ladybug and Chat Noir? This sounds a lot like free child labor and I'm on vacation here. So what do I care about special powers, they're temporary? Oh, big deal! You can threaten me once you've showed your ugly ass to my face. Yeah, that's what I thought."
The akuma lifted from Danny's watch and innocently fluttered away. Marinette would have to catch that before someone else got akumatized. And yet she could do nothing more than stare at Danny in complete shock and confusion.
Danny stared back at them, before snatching some pain du chocolat from the plate. "So you were saying?"
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vilochkaaa · 2 years
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(I like to draw them like this)
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the-starry-traveller · 8 months
What... is your name? What... is your quest? What... is your favorite color?
Dear Gads & Zooks...
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"The objective of this quest is to retrieve some special soul crystals from the ruins of Lys, a once powerful fortress, now lies in ruins. You will be paid 3,000 bits, plus extra for every crystal found. Yes, we will provide supplies, medical care, as well as traveling expenses. Interested? What say you, dear adventurers?" - Aurora
((Fun fact: Because of this ask & @ask-gadzooks, I went on to practice drawing for this blog for fun. Still very much a WIP... but Thank you, dear wonderful creators for answering all of my questions & inspiration :P Love you guys! ))
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anney-sunny · 24 days
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