spaceistheplaceart · 5 months
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found an old ekurei comic rotting in my files, decided to finish it. upon my rewatch of mp100 i kept noticing how many times dimple was referred to as a pet- but he's not ! ! ! he's a friend :)
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pigeonpalacade · 3 months
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Nothing like panel practice with the most criminal cut script snippet
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ilovebeingaturtle · 2 years
I’m so upset I’ve gone so long without having this extended scene in my life
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firstkanaphans · 22 days
As The Eclipse re-run comes to a close, I think we should look back at First and Khaotung’s thank you messages to each other because they never fail to make me emotional.
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It’s always been you 🥹
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coquelicoq · 2 months
Xiao Heng had managed to get his very inebriated wife into their room without carrying her, but only just. He had in fact tried to pick her up at one particularly tricky part of the hallway (a lip in the floor had threatened to trip her up, literally and figuratively), but she had insistently pushed at his arms until he let her get back to her very important business of navigating around the obstacle. Now he led her to the bed and sat her on the edge, hovering for a moment to make sure she wasn't about to fall over, then settled on the floor to take off her shoes.
He had just gotten the first one off when she spoke. "Hey," she said.
He looked up. A'Li was staring at him, a bit glassy-eyed, a furrow between her brows. "Yes?" he said, and when a reply was not immediately forthcoming, added, "How are you feeling?" She needed to drink some water, though he had been hoping to get her in a more stable position first before going in search of a pitcher.
"You," she said suspiciously. "Whatchu doin' down there?" She squinted. "Gongzi," she tacked on after a moment of consideration.
Gongzi? That was a new one. "I'm taking off your shoes," he ventured, and held up the one in his hand. "Since I think it may be beyond your capabilities at the moment."
The brow-furrow deepened. "Your face," she said.
She wasn't always the most eloquent drunk, but she'd get to a sentence eventually. "My face?" he prompted.
There was a pause as she inspected him with half-lidded eyes. "'s good," she said finally.
Waiting for her to make a sentence had been worth it. "You like my face?" he said, delighted. His wife was a delightful drunk.
"'s good face," she said, sounding defensive. Her lips were turning down at the corners. Adorable.
"I'm glad you think so," he said, still feeling, despite all the intervening years, just as warm as he had that night in the rain in Luyang.
She must have found something about his reaction unsatisfying because her frown deepened. "'s'not that good," she said. "Not as good as th' face--" A hiccup cut her off and she startled, losing her train of thought. She stared at him in surprise. "What?" she said, as if he had been the one interrupted.
This would be the perfect opportunity to move the conversation in a more productive, sleep-adjacent direction, if he weren't dying to know whose face his wife liked better than his. "You were saying, you've seen better faces than mine, apparently," he said. He was not pouting, because he wasn't a baby.
"Yeah," she said, emphatically. "Face of Xiao Heng. M' husban'."
"Your…husband?" he said slowly. "Your husband Xiao Heng? You like his face better than my face?"
"So what?" she said, belligerent. "'m allowed. He's mine."
"That he is," Xiao Heng agreed, nonplussed. She must be drunker than he thought. Drunk enough to forget who he was--but thankfully not so drunk that she forgot he existed. Theoretically. Somewhere.
"Well," she said, seeming appeased. "You got good eyebrows."
"You like my eyebrows, huh?" He raised them at her.
"Yeah," she said, jabbing a finger in their general direction. He caught it before she could poke out his eye. "Nice an' hairy."
"You like my eyebrows because they're…hairy?" he asked, but she had already moved on, her gaze now trained hazily on his mouth. "What?" he said, curious to know what she would have to say about that part of his anatomy, but she just kept staring. "You are so drunk," he teased.
"'m not," she said, frowning again. She pushed at his hand until he released her finger.
"No? You're totally sober right now? Could have fooled me," he said.
"Not drunk. Don't get drunk," she said. "Not safe."
Now it was his turn to frown. "How come it's not safe?" he said, though he wasn't sure why he was asking. He already knew the answer.
"People can do stuff. To you," she said, enunciating carefully, "when you are incap…sasitaded."
"Incapacitated," he said automatically.
"Sapsidated," she agreed, nodding her head, then stopped immediately and clutched her temples. He put his hands on her thighs to steady her, then thought better of it. She thought he was some stranger, after all.
She squinted at him again. "You're not gonna, though," she said matter-of-factly.
"Not gonna what?"
"Do stuff to me."
"That's right," he said. "I won't do anything. How could you tell?"
"Just know these things," she said loftily.
"Oh?" He smiled, relieved and endeared. She felt safe with him, even when she didn't know why. Teasing, he asked, "But how do you know these things?"
"Tell you a secret," she said, leaning forward precariously. He caught her by the shoulders, propping her up. In the whisper-shout of drunks everywhere, she said, "'m a very. Smart. Cookie."
He loved her. To the ends of the earth, he loved her. "Is that so?" he said, and thought about how much he would kiss her in the morning. She would be cranky, and her breath would be horrible, and he would kiss her and kiss her and kiss her. "And that's a secret?"
"What's a secret?" she asked curiously, and he laughed, and she glared at him, and he felt his love for her like a balloon about to burst inside of him. "I think it's bedtime for you, sober-niangzi," he said.
If looks could kill they'd be scraping pieces of him off the walls tomorrow. "Sober-furen," she corrected, and then added, "'s'not for you to decide," managing to sound imperious despite her drooping eyelids and the fact that only his intervention was keeping her from faceplanting onto the floor.
"That's true," he said. "That was just this one's humble opinion. What does sober-furen think? Perhaps she'd like to play a game of Go?"
"'m very good at Go," she said, and then, emphatically, "very good. Better'n you def'nitely."
"Yes, I believe that," he said. "Well, you would be doing me a great favor not to challenge me to a game of Go this evening. My ego is very fragile, you know."
"Yeah, I bet," she said, much more confidently than he thought was warranted, then she smiled at him. "'s'okay," she said, reaching out and haphazardly patting the side of his topknot. "Least you got good eyebrows."
Xiao Heng felt his heart clench inside him from an excess of tenderness. One of the things he had learned from knowing A'Li was that hearts could do that. Suddenly he wanted nothing more than for her to recognize him, to remember that they played Go all the time and she was in fact better than him, specifically. For her to love his eyebrows because they belonged to him, her husband. "Have you told him?" he asked. "Your husband. Does he know how much you like his face?"
"He knows," she said. "I told him."
"Maybe you should tell him again," said Xiao Heng. "The next time you see him. I think he'd like to hear it again."
"You think?" she asked, and then, before he could reply, she started to rise from the bed, as if to find him and tell him that very instant.
He caught her and pulled her back down. "Not right now. Just sit and rest your eyes for a moment. When you open them, he'll be here and you can tell him anything you want. Okay?"
She looked down at him, still on the floor. "He'll be here? How d'you know?"
He smiled. "Just know these things," he said. "I'm something of a smart cookie myself. I get it from my wife."
She was quiet long enough he thought surely she had lost the thread of their conversation. But eventually she said, "Okay. Then I'll wait here fr'im."
He thought of the long years she had already waited, and wanted to tell her, he's here, I'm here, I'll never make you wait again. But her eyes were closing, and she trusted him, both the him-that-was-here, to be a safe person, and the him-that-was-her-husband, to return to her. He knew what a gift that was, to be trusted by her.
So he took off her other shoe, then made quick work of her hairpins. He swung her legs onto the bed, one hand behind her shoulder blades to lower her back onto the cushions. He lifted her head and repositioned the bolster under her neck. He hadn't had the chance to make her drink water, and he'd surely hear all about that tomorrow. But he was looking forward to it--tomorrow, that is. Tomorrow she would recognize him.
He sat on the edge of the bed and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "See you when you wake up," he murmured, and looked toward the east, willing the earth to turn faster, willing the sun to rise.
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dark-wil-wheaton · 7 months
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My dark army is growing
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ask-the-roommate-au · 1 month
How do Eclipse and Sun actually feel about each other? We really haven't seen them interact one-on-one much besides, uh, the whole killcode thing.
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Well, uh... Eclipse is a lot different from before, I'll give him that. I-it's just, uh, weird now... and I still remember everything he did and said to me when we were sharing a body, a-and I think he feels bad about it all but— honestly I-I don't really know. We really haven't interacted one-on-one that much...
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Sun is, uh.... He's also a lot different. A lot... duller now. More tired. I guess I had a lot to do with that. Either way, he never deserved any of the crap that happened to him. I guess you could say we have a strained relationship. The only reason we even interact is because of Comet.
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*shake shake shake*
[More shaking noises]
Are we- ack- almost done? Is it working yet?
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deadangelos · 1 year
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Happy pride month!!!
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thepersonperson · 15 days
I can’t believe we got an infodump on simple domains AGAIN over a Sukuna backstory.
More complaining under the cut.
Usually I am one to give Gege the benefit of the doubt and will read heavily into what little information we are given. But I can't defend this chapter themes or character wise.
Even if this turns out to be a fakeout, going in painstaking detail over a show-not-tell battle in a way that lacks characterization and heartfelt emotion sucks to read. Even if the new shadow style and simple domain debacle goes somewhere, having it the main focus after an extremely traumatic battle instead of characters processing their emotions sucks to read. Even if Gojo is alive and that's why they're this chipper, everyone ignoring his sacrifice and efforts along with Choso's sucks to read.
I'm happy Yuta and Higuruma are alive but why was their revival off-screened? Yuta was so defensive over Gojo and everyone treating him like an object just 8 chapters ago. What happened to that? Why is everyone treating this battle like it was no big deal? (Also why the fudge did Kusakabe tell Yuji, a 15 year old, to his face he should've been killed while disparaging Gojo for protecting the life of a child???)
After the Shibuya Incident, there was a whole segment dedicated to how this affected the average person. The Culling Games ended and there are still bloodthirsty freaks running around. What happened to them? Is Angel hunting them down and that's why Hana is missing? Infodumping on anything except the battle would've been better.
I doubt we'll get any more info on Sukuna, Kenjaku, and Tengen at this point. We'll be lucky if there's a funeral for even Geto's body. Shoko was absent this entire chapter which makes me thing she's still trying to save Gojo or she's preparing their bodies for a funeral.
Anyways. This is the worst JJK chapter for me hands down. My hopes for the final 2 are mostly dashed. Crunch and poor working conditions really do ruin art my goodness.
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endrimer · 4 months
i love the idea of little normal inheriting the doodler psychic connection somehow
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duke-keane-official · 4 months
I'm alright. Why are you asking?
@discipleofyrath (ooc: i love pet names i have been trying to think of a good in character-y one. and. doll. haha get it like wiggly-)
I just worry a lot.
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piningpercussionist · 5 months
*falls down 20 flights of stairs and ends up at your feet, pathetically looking up*
Hey gril. Hopital
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... You're so damn lucky we have decent healthcare here...
(ooc: sorry, your ask was extremely Roxie coded to me.)
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isthemedia · 20 days
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So my “what if Wade and Logan saw each other’s flashbacks during the time ripper scene” has turned into a bit of a trip through a few universes where they are being told by:
A healthy Polycule of Scott/Jean/Logan
Origins!Version of themselves
A hint at my AU with the main polyship (thank you EXILES)
That they NEED TO TALK ABOUT FEELINGS and to stop pushing it off.
Not sure how long it will take since “Oh Brother of Mine” is just in pieces but still over 2k words alone.
(And I need to rewatch Origins)
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askchilchuck · 24 days
Hey Chil, do you have any thoughts on Kabru? I think he's cute *twirls hair* wonder if he's gonna get a Tumblr too
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Kabru? He’s alright, I guess. We don’t spend a whole lot of time together, though. I know he helps Laios out with stuff quite a bit, so I usually only see him when I’m visiting the kingdom. Not sure if he’s doing a Tumblr too or not, though.
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jizzlords · 2 months
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its almost good fizzarozzie wasn't in this short (</3)
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