#[[ someone isn't very impressed tho xD ]]
countlessrealities · 2 years
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@mcltiples​ sent: 🌿 { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick }
Send 🌿 to accidentally get caught under the mistletoe with my muse || Accepting !
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Gray blue eyes slowly moved up and down, dancing between the figure standing in front and the thing that his partners was holding over their heads. At a first glance, his alternate’s expression was the portrait of innocence, but he knew better. The smugness and the amusement was subtle, almost unnoticeable, but it was still visible in those bright blue orbs. You just needed to look close enough to see it. And he had the unique privilege to come as close to the other as he wished to.
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His voice, usually completely toneless, held a spark of something that sounded a lot like exasperation, mixed with a hint of something else. A warmer feeling that, if it had come from someone else, might have been fondness.
Rick’s gaze lingered on the mistletoe, watching as his partner waved it a little from where it was pinched between his thumb and index, in a silent request. Someone was feeling festive, apparently. Or better, he was using that excuse to get what he wanted without openly have to ask for it. As per usual.
“V-Very well. I can never deny you, can I?”
The words tumbled out of his lips automatically, with the easy of a script that had been used over and over. It was almost a ritual for them by now, exchanging that sort of words before he complied and did what was asked of him. Back before their relationship had taken that odd but not unwelcome turn, he would have merely acted. Nowadays, things were different. In a way, this was their version of being playful.
Without further stalling, Rick took off the latex gloves he had been wearing, carelessly throwing them on the workbench, and covered the little distance that still separated them, stopping when there was less than an inch between their bodies. One of his hands rose until his fingers touched the other’s temple, right next to his cybernetic eye, and he let the touch linger for a few moments, in the slowest caress. As if he had been trying to get a taste of the one connection he still hadn’t been allowed to have.
Then his palm found his partner’s jaw, cupping it as his other arm slid around his alternate’s neck, pulling him even closer so that their mouths could meet.
Unlike the little touches that had preceded it, the kiss was hard, bruisingly so. His too sharp teeth instantly bit into the flesh of the other’s bottom lip, cutting through it with terrifying ease, and he greedily lap at the blood that flooded out of the wound before the flesh quickly started to knit itself back together.
His tongue smoothed over the spot where the cut had been, before pushing its way past his partner’s lips, only for Rick to part his own and suck the tongue found in his mouth. An open invitation for his alternate to invade, occupy, possess.
When he eventually broke away, they both were breathing a little more quickly, for the intensity of the contact they had shared. Rick’s eyes opened half way and he let go of the other’s jaw, using his thumb to swipe away a hint of blood that had dripped down on his chin. He stared at the redness for a moment, contemplative, and then he sucked his fingers clean.
He hesitated for a moment, then he brushed his mouth back against his partner’s, in a kiss that was light and almost tender, before letting go of him and taking a step backwards. His hands moved robotically to fix his lab coat, but his eyes remained fixed on his alternate.
“I-Is there anything else I can do for you?”
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haljathefangirlcat · 4 months
Sharing headcanons with you makes me realize...despite Gunther being the oldest Nibelung sibling (and possibly co-king even in his father's lifetime, ala Rosengarten) he's also the least specialized. Hagen/Hogni is the intense and super-strong one, Gernot/Gutthorm is the brave one, Giselher is the young one, and Gudrun/Kriemhild is the sweet one, and Gullrond if she's there might be the smart one. And then of course he gets the most awesome brother-in-law/blood brother who goes around fighting his battles for him. In real history, there's also the fact that his father in fact established their kingdom on the Rhineland, so Gibich must have had some big expectations for his eldest son. While he's no slouch, and rocks some serious musical talents in Norse sources, there's always this subtle feeling of inadequacy to Gunther. He's always pushing himself too hard but it turns out it's never enough. He must have some crippling feelings of inferiority that he's keeping behind that kingly facade.
(And now I imagine Oddrun giving him a "stop trying to be your father, live for yourself for once" speech, that results in him very impulsively doing the sneaky sneak with her.)
... okay, that last bit about Oddrun is just the sweetest thing! And very tragic, too, but I guess that comes with the territory. XD But jokes (and angst) aside, it really does sound like a very genuine and important connection and I love it.
As for Gunnar/Gunther himself, well...
I have to confess that, once, a lot of my ideas used to lowkey fall into the uncahritable "Gunnar/Gunther is kinda useless/weak" interpretation. But thanks to papers like “Mit (un)lobelichen êren”: Authority, Gender, and the Cause of Siegfried’s Death in the Nibelungenlied by Casey Alexis McCreary (about specifically Siegfried, Gunther, and Brunhild in the Nibelungenlied), as well as some influence from dear @galarix and @ivylili, I ended up re-evaluating him a lot both in the continental and Norse sources.
In the latter, I now find it really striking how he did want to leap over the flames, he did want to risk everything to go about the whole thing the right way. But he couldn't, and after that things increasingly spiralled out of his control in all the worst ways... and yet, even in the end, even with some admittedly pretty bad choices in the middle, he was no coward and went out with literally as much dignity as Hagen in the Nibelungenlied, using almost the exact same trick as him to defy his enemies and captors to the end.
In the former, I now find him not a bad king for Burgundy at all, but actually rather clever and resourceful in some moments. The paper I mentioned above actually does a very good job at arguing that he is pretty good at politics, it just that both Siegfried and Brunhild show their royal authority through heroic feats, with impressive shows of brute strength and charisma, so at first glance it's hard to recognize his qualities when they're the ones taking all the spotlight.
But actually having your own, solid good qualities and value, even when other people know about them and acknowledge them, isn't always going to be enough to make you feel satisfied with yourself...
I do still think he has an emotional, hotheaded, and impulsive side that he only learns to control slowly through the years and still gives him trouble sometimes even later on, tho. And as I previously said, I also see him as someone who was forced to take on the responsability of both his kingdom and his family too suddenly, and at too young an age, and always felt the weight of it all hanging above his head like the proverbial Sword of Damocles after that. And, taken together, that would all boil down to a lingering sense of self-doubt, I believe...
When it comes to his place in his family... or rather, families, I tend to see him as the brother who tries to be a proper head of the family, to bring honor and glory to his bloodline while also taking care of his siblings, but sometimes that all becomes too much to bear, and then he feels guilty about it because, is it even okay for him to feel that way? (It's certainly human and understandable, imo, and I think other characters would tell him that, too, but he'd rather keep that all inside until he blows up about some other, unrelated issues due to all the tension that's been building up, lol.)
The harp thing in the Norse stories is fun because it kinda looks like it comes from nowhere to give him a little bit of an Orpheus moment (soothing beasts with music, anyone?) as well as adding that tiny little bit of hope in desperate times only to rip it away right after. But I do like it a lot. I headcanon an interest and a talent for music for both Gunnar and Gunther that, unfortunately, neither of them ever really had the time or the conviction to make into more of a thing. Lately, tho, the multishipper in me who OTPs Volker/Hagen but also loves Gunther/Hagen has actually been playing with the idea of Volker and Gunther becoming closer (either as friends/friendly metamours, or as two people who, perhaps without even really realizing it, are inching their way into forming a throuple with their mutual partner) through Volker encouraging Gunther to revisit his old interest and reconnecting with what made him feel so good about it. But, well, that's another story...
And now, a bit of bonus Wagner because god, those three messed-up Gibichungs: Ring!Gunther is, like, the personification of an inferiority complex. He's literally introduced worrying that all his warring and conquering may not be enough (will maybe never be enough?) to live up to his late father's name. Hagen's mere suggestion that he's been keeping mum about some possible new conquest that could bring him honor pretty much sends him into a panic. He flatters Hagen (the same brother whose illegitimate and only half-human state he'll later callously throw in his face when all's said and done) by saying he's the lucky one who got all of their mother's cunning, but is it all flattery (especially when Alberich pretty much confirms the similarities between Hagen and Grimhild, and he doesn't really need to lie about it after doing his best as far as we know to isolate Hagen from full human beings) or is there some genuine envy there? Brunhhilde literally just needs to tell him he's shaming his family by refusing to kill Siegfried to have him wrapped around her little finger...
(Not that Ring!Hagen and Gutrune aren't also walking talking inferiority complexes in their own respective ways. I am unwell about that family.)
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stxrrynxghts · 4 months
Re-watching Mahabharat (7/?)
Can't believe that Yudi is falling for Duryodhan's theatrics
bold of Vidur to assume that Shakuni is the sole reason behind the Kauravas and Pandavas not getting along.
Dushasana is sooo dumb God-
Okay. I refuse to believe that Gandhari doesn't know about Dushala's marriage. HOW?!
Yay. Everyone has to give their opinions, but where is Dushala? Why isn't she telling if she wants to marry Jayadratha or not herself?!
Tho technically, Shakuni isn't wrong. IF Dushala wants to marry Jayadratha, then she should have the freedom to marry him, and Duryodhan has the freedom to wed her to him.
And I don't want Bhishma, the man who abducted brides for his brother, to give his opinions on whether a girl has the freedom to select her husband or not.
Yudhishthira, no one is politically bound to respect and follow Bhishma's orders. The reason people do what he says is out of respect.
Kunti being manipulated by Purochan. Has the Yadava blood evaporated?
Yudhishthira is proving that he is Kunti's son after all.
Honestly, this has been....what? 3-4 episodes since we last saw him?
Are these the exercises that Arjun has used to build that godly physique?
God, Subhadra, why are you so stupid sometimes? What is this show trying to prove? That she is someone who is just there for comic relief? srsly?
Okay but this is kind of like the "bhediya aaya" thing but Dwapar version?
Why is Karna being so scandalized? As far as memory serves, he was actively involved in this?
LOLS. Karna, probably: How will I kill Arjun if you burn him down?
Duryodhan is such a manipulative lil shit, isn't he? Shakuni is probably shedding tears of joy rn
Not the showrunners playing "Ye kaisi duvidha hai" in the BGM while Karna watches the Pandavas and Kunti leave.
If you feel SO bad for them, then stop Dury, or just tell them somehow? But no. Mitrata>>>>>humanity. If you can't do that, then stop feeling bad.
Krishna dropping casual hints in front of the simpleton Arjun
Arjun's memory starts glitching the moment Krishna starts giving him some divya gyaan XD
Vidur has a spy network? COOL
Why does everyone speak in riddles here? Is this a Dwapar thing?
Not Bhima and Kunti giving forced smiles on seeing the palace of Varnavrat hehehehee
Nakul is so much in love with himself XD #singlethings
Yudi is genuinely impressed by Purochan's mahal building and designing skills-
Sahadeva always asks the right questions at the right time. But no one pays attention to his borderline prophetic talks
The Pandavas don't sleep with a blanket? REALLY? Oh wait. They do have blankets.
This is such a cheap room. Have you seen the beds? That is literally a single bed. A single bed for PRINCES. No canopies, no King sized stuff, nothing. And they are in a single room.
srsly, where are the side tables?
Oh, that sneaky ass person was Bhima!! How surprising!!! *sarcastically*
Come on Nakul, use your brains!!!!!!!!!
Did Purochan just indirectly roast Bhima for getting hungry in midnight?
Do these ppl eat only sweets? As someone who doesn't have a sweet tooth, I feel very unrepresented rn.
There is no food for me to drool on T_T
Why is Dhritrashtra wearing Arjun's gamcha?
Even Dhri's andha pyaar can see through this priye Bhrata facade
Dhritrashtra yelling at his son after not giving him any morals as a kid. HAHA.
Dhritrashtra knows what Dury will be doing, but he won't stop him, right? I mean, you should stop your kid when he is busy committing murder.
Arjun is back, YAAASSSS
The real reason Vidur sent a mouse was to encourage the Pandavas to open an animal shelter!!!!
Arjun so caring. Makes jokes and lies to lighten the mood.
Nakul, are you trying to say that Bhima isn't handsome? *gasp*
Arjun be like: mujhe kyu toda
Also Arjun, wdym by that line? Bahu isn't the only one who can cook in a family!
Yes Bhima. Kick Arjun's ass for that weird dialogue.
Not Yudi unintentionally adding insult to Bhima's injury XDDD
Arjun, a literal pillar is melting beside you. PAY SOME ATTENTION TO IT!
Bhima is a cook, isn't he? How does he not know about all the different things that are added to kheer?!
Bhima is not impressed by Purochan's wife's cooking hehe.
Srsly, how do you not find all of Purochan's activities sus?
Ofc. As always, Arjun is the one to decode all the mysteries.
Ye naubat aati hi nahi agar Arjun ne kuch time pehle apne baaju wale khambe ko dhyaan se dekha hota.
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egg-emperor · 2 years
It sucks that Sonic Boom isn't being renewed because they could find some way to incorporate Sage. And Boom Eggman being the softie he is would praise her for even the smallest thing. I can see him actually being a kind of good dad in contrast to Mainline Eggman being just awful as a father.
Boom Eggman is the only version of Eggman I'd accept to be any modicum of a good dad. Making sure his daughter is well taken care of while also being her teacher in the art of evil. Being proud of her for every small act of evil. She could even screw him over once and he'd be like "that's so evil! That's my girl!"
That's just my take on it tho. I like the contrast between canon and boom Eggman.
Yeah I think the most popular but the canon divergent fanon version of Eggdad and Sage now would work perfectly fine with Boom Eggman, he's set up well for some version of Sage to be introduced to him.
Boom Egg isn't so bad, he's actually known to be lonely and want friends and family with his desires to befriend Sonic and co and what he had going on with Morpho and Mombot and such. Basically all the things people would like game Eggman to be, fully possible without malicious intentions or ulterior motives and more depth than modern Egg's shallow perception.
Plus I think the guy who has managed to have some genuine and friendly moments with Sonic and also managed to be concerned with the well being of a child like Beth the shrew and stuff would make a better father than the one who is always trying to kill kids in terrible ways and has very shallow self-centered and selfishly beneficial ways of caring about his creations at all lol
Boom Egg would enjoy having someone to teach evil who's genuinely enthusiastic without having to make them eat evil cookies if she had the same loyalty she does to modern Egg. She could please him much easier and he'd probably gush over her evil and emphasize it a lot fondly like how much he does with himself in the show.
I can definitely see him being so attached and proud of her that he'd react like that to anything evil she does even it were against him or at his expense in any way because he'd just think it further proves her greatness and how impressive it is. XD Depending on what abilities she has in the Boom verse she'd be one of his significantly greater creations.
She probably wouldn't be as big of a threat just like Boom Eggman isn't as much as modern but she'd especially be much higher up on the list than the majority of his other creations, which he'd appreciate her highly for. But also for the way she can feel like family to him and he could get the company and care from her that he's always not very secretly desired going by other bonds he's made.
I enjoy looking into and embracing vast differences between modern and Boom Eggman in personality and interactions, it's pretty interesting and fun. If Boom still existed and a version of the dynamic could've existed like that officially then everyone could've been happy and gotten what they personally wanted out of the character and father daughter dynamic.
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mobolanz · 1 year
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
Okay let's seeeee that's an interesting question! Since ultimately all three of my main ocs are in a gray area being more associated (and shipped. 🪨💛🤍💎💜🌫️) with the antagonist pov.
With that in mind I don't think I'm capable of imagining any of them betraying someone's trust (intentionally at least) considering it already happened to each of them individually and because that'd mess them up in a way I personally don't really fuck with. I WOULD tho with them misinterpreting that they do or being conflicted about the fact that this idea even came to them to begin with be it from a third party or their own thoughts (ah complexes and delicious angst :3), but ultimately not if that makes sense.
So let's get on the kill count because we're in for women's actually correct wrongs xD ♥️
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Evelyn: for such a gentle and sheltered soul, I figure the very moment it happened and she had to, albeit in self defense, would initially leave her calm that at least it got them to leave her alone. I suppose it also wasn't just to her but at least one more person with her. But gradually in a matter of hours the deed truly catches up to her mind, that's already set on finding herself to be bad and lesser from young age (it's harsh and entails emotional abuse amd neglect) , so to actually have the extreme nerve to go ahead and kill someone who probably "deserved" to return home and be with their loved ones "more" than her? Prove the claims that got her disowned and undeserving of even natural needs right in the worst way possible? It leaves her isolated in a dark corner with a struggle to breathe.
Actually beyond that, in the matter of other displays of violence, she'd be more overwhelmed and shaken than the person who got smacked, whoever it is. Like how did you blindly loose your cool, how did you resort to shutting them up selfishly as that, they're not confronting you over nothing. Girl's really, really harsh on herself with it
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Mia/amethyst: Had she been an actual character within the canon afraid she'd fall to the trope of "villain makes a great point on the world's condition but is dismissed because the narrative and MC keeps bringing up and making them hurt a bunch of background characters we as viewers aren't as attached to and the status quo remains" so good thing she isn't and I allow her scott free, the things we do for love. 😆
Surprisingly or not, she's the one of the three with the highest count.
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Cecille/night lilly : She pretty much never is the starter, so not (yes) to be villain apologist™ but... It's kinda on them thinking it'd impress anyone that they took her down. :v , you don't provoke an endangered wildcat in it's natural habitat on the run!!! She's also on to be quick about it.
Oc asks
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @nigmos. @isthisdesire98, @pralinesims and @helltrait! Thank you all for tagging me, I don't feel this lonely because of such sweethearts as you are! Also, I love knowing a bit more about you all! 💕🥺 It turned out to be so long, god... Someone shut me up, I talk too muchhhh T^T So you need to click (I apologize on my knees...).
Are you named after anyone? Oh, that's such an interesting story, because I was named Olga after Olga Lisikova - WW2 heroine, a Soviet pilot, she was the only woman during the war who was the commander of American transport aircraft. She is really amazing and has a large number of heroic deeds. My mother is a historian, as well as a museum worker who devoted herself to this and she called me that, because Olga was exactly the person with whom my mother's interest in history began.
When was the last time you cried? I cry daily, so the last time was... 15 minutes ago, maybe?
Do you have kids? THANK GOD I DON'T and will NEVER have kids :') Kids are like insects for me (I have entomophobia).
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I feel like I don't? But I may be wrong lmao, because sometimes I feel like my hands (with which I like-type you know) have the mind of their own XD So I'm not sure about that!
What sports do you play/have you played? DOES SCREAMING AND RUNNING THOUGH THE FLOWER FIELD AT NIGHT COUNT? But if I'm being serious (not like I don't run screaming though the flower and wheat fileds at night, tho) , I was interested in fencing when I was a child, so I had a couple of classes of fencing - but my parents were too worried, so it wasn't long lmao. I'm not a sporty person and I actually... I don't understand most of the modern sports and hate some with a passion, because developing your imagination and mind is much more important than torturing your body - that's how I always felt about athletic achievements. Aren't they... useless? As well as sports. By the way, I don't count walks and rageous runs or anxiety meditations as sports, AND IT'S MY OWN POINT OF VIEW OKAY? You have the absolute right to play any sport, that's just how I feel about myself, okay??
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? It may be very weird, but it's either moles (which I adore just so muuuch) or! some unique facial features that I can't help but adore, also... gestures and this form of self expression in general. Movements, also! And maybe... jewelery? Rings, ruffled clothes and maybe even little movements like blinks. I love details. I may look like I'm staring at you, but only because I simply find your little details so interesting and fascinating! That's why people are so unique, and I love that so much, I just love noticing the way everyone is different at some little and almost imperceptible details, but it's not like i'm searching for them purposely. For some reason, this is really the first thing that catches my eye, and therefore, so that a person does not feel uncomfortable in my company, I try to look at the floor or at the phone screen. Also, the same goes for accents - I love accents because speaking with an accent means so much. Just remember that having accent is so cool - especially when you speak in a different language, because It means that you know more than one language which is impressive on its own, but just.. accents are one of the most beautiful things about humanity and speaking languages. The accent speaks to who you are, to some extent-and not in a bad way at all. On the contrary, it seems to bring your home with it, allowing you to feel close to the place where you grew up even speaking a foreign language thousands of kilometers from home. Isn't it amazing how much culture and personality is hidden in accents?
What's your eye colour? I have brown eyes - there is more dark in them, but my mother always says that this color is like a burning wood consumed by a bright flame, like the small embers sparkling in them - especially with sunlight. I love my eyes.
Scary movies or happy endings? This question seems rather strange to me, because these two things don't really have a connection and I'm not sure how to answer, but since we're talking about endings, I love a not so sudden tragedy, and I also love Hannibal-style endings. A sweet tragedy, full of acceptance and so long-awaited and painful. Happy endings do not allow you to feel the same emotions.
Any special talents? Ahh, I'm not sure about that?... So it's a no.
Where were you born? I was born in Munich, Germany!
What are your hobbies? Editing from time to time (and no, I'm not talking about Sims now, skssks), photography, playing Sims, and one of the most time consuming that I have since my childhood - writing. Also birdwatching if you can call it a hobby!
Do you have any pets? Sadly, I don't :< My parents do, but since we live in different cities I don't see their dog as much as I wanted to.
How tall are you? I actually, in full seriousness, have no fucking idea, but it's something between 170-175 cm? I don't know, sorry!
Fave subject in school? History, literature and Russian! I can't pick just one, because I absolutely adore these.
What's your dream job? It's a difficult question, but I've always dreamed of being either an archaeologist or a linguist, or maybe even... history professor?. By the way, I study family law. T^T
I'm sorry, but I'm not tagging anyone since I don't want to annoy anyone and I feel like almost everyone have been tagged already, but If you want to do this - please do and feel free to be tagged by me!
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minmin-pal · 1 year
ahh aighto, so following the guide list and watching part 1 n 2 in close succession, 3 then 4 then rohan ova, then 5 and 6. on the liveaction one, ngl i wouldn't really have much complaints about the fact it's not art, always fun to experience a fandom in its entirety like all the cool different mediums and stuff like that, especially for how long jjba's been going on for, there's so much to explore :D
okay not gonna lie, i may have desperately needed that warning about no characters being safe lol i get way too invested and attached to them so the head's up is appreciated ;; (/gen) i don't know why i'm kind of very curious about that though now, i haven't seen any author ever just straight up kill of characters (well i have but ya know?) especially main ones? got me on the edge of my seat now ngl. i'm also wondering whether i should just stave off the manga for now till after i finish the anime and that jazz, dunno to be able to binge the manga and feel it properly tbh
and ohh alright, i was reading another guide just now and it linked the "Stone Ocean OP / Opening" from yt and i see what you mean by cgi, i dunno how they do that so i'll assume it's like 3d models, the way the 3d bits fit the 2d animation style looked so cool and aaa the expressions are just so uniquely styled and all from what i've seen of a 1 minute clip lol but glad u were still able to enjoy the season tho tbh (/pos)
and oh!! there's tarot connections? aa i'm so excited to see how they do that, it's always super fun to see those small little references and u can giggle since your like "yay i got that ref :D" (/lh/hj) might have to grab some kind of bingo to see how many refs i catch haha (/j) but alrighty, noted, no research on kira will be committed, i mean aside from me searching for his design yesterday lol (/lh)
i don't know if it classifies as spoilers much but from the guide i read it said that around part 3 they switched to entities called strands with random powers? that was basically the gist of what i got before i stopped reading so is that one of the differences that separate part 1/2? but oh wait what? why would they say to skip :(? isn't it just more fun in general to start from the very, very start? and oh! joseph! i believe you've mentioned him before but i never heard of jonathan before, his hair looks super cool tho omg and no cause fr :( the uniqueness is part of the appeal isn't it? jjba already has the reputation of being: funky, unique and just being so alive, i don't get how someone would start watching an anime with a rep like that and not watch the first 2 seasons just cause ;; (/lh) awh help i'm getting attached to joseph now, he sounds so sweet tbh (/pos)
and yooo i get why you said "they really did that just cause they could" now" tbh that's a tad more impressive as opposed to just doing the special effects to big scenes, kinda feels like a flex about the artistic control they got over the season tbh (ya know, since like- creators don't really often get that much artistic autonomy with their shows anymore?) i really like that bit now actually ill be honest (/gen) 
and yes rohan is for real representing all side-characters doomed to only appearing for like 5 minutes or having no voice lines lol (/joke/lh) but ahh i'm actually interested in his character development now, the sillyness of him being the only one that could publish manwha properly whilst everyone else couldn't has piqued my interest xD (/lh) oh wait no, your point does actually make a lot of sense though if people demand utter copies from canon then it wouldn't really be as fun tho i dunno, creative liberties are very cool and ngl i could see it somewhat bombing if they did make it irl anime type ya know? idk but seems like the kind of thing twt would poke fun at :') (/lh) i'm glad about how it seemed to turn out though, poster looks super cool too 
and oHH you like aot? yay :D! i haven't watched in a while but unfortunately, i may have spoiled myself- kind of? i've seen the designs and new art style but the lore lost me even before i last watched a couple of years ago, have you caught up with the manga? what's your thoughts on the story and just general stuff like that if you don't mind me asking? feel free to not censor spoilers for this one, my brain's already pieced together bits of lore whenever aot would go trending on social media lol (/lh/nf) but yay hope you had fun with your brother while you watched it! (/gen)
i dunno why i always imagined that motion to be like a croak-type 'laugh' lol, but yeah denji's character definitely seems very funny haha tho course there's the serious story bits, not sure why but he actually somewhat reminds me of mineta? albeit of course denji's a lot more fleshed out and established (i'm not really caught up with the bnha manga so i dunno how mineta is currently, though tbh the similarities kind of end with their primary motivations centering women? (i dunno if i phrased that right, i hope the idea got thru tho ;; /lh)
wait oh noo, i've seen the anime already but this clip compilation is actually so sweet omg ;; i love yor but for some reason the first few episodes of loid being practically a single dad has my heart in a vice grip lol, they really did do the family dynamic between them so well (/gen) and ohh what are your thoughts on uhm- what's his name? yuri briar? yeah that's his name, the uncle and niece dynamic between him and anya was adorable to see lol
i finally found an proper working site with the english trans for the comic lol, i myt finish it in abt a day so i can ask some indepth questions about that when i do :D (if you don't mind ofc!) ngl being able to relate to a character however flawed really shows how well the writing was done (/pos) and wait that frame actually looks so pretty omg?? the artstyle is to be adored tbf, there's so many details and you can almost tell the emotions even without the text woah. and ohh! wait his been your layouts? i saw the holding knife banner but i didn't recognize the artstyle till you pointed it out (/lh) 
help naur,  disliking sm that you don't remember his name is very cool lmao(/hj/lh) but oof, i already don't like him from this one frame i see,  ah- i'm kind of excited to see this dude that comes before him now lol. and yeah the 'brown haired boy' archetype is definitely a hit or miss, have you ever watched 'a silent voice' by any chance? i can see your fond of found family/slice of life and genres like 'killer in love' (assuming you read from the genre /lh, eng is failing me rn im srry) what are your feelings or thoughts on other genres? maybe like- time travel/romance/reincarntion (is that just isekai actually?)/comedy/action maybe? i heard shield hero was pretty popular, do you like that? 
honestly, i get how you feel about one piece ngl:') i've watched a ton of analysis videos on that but it's always a whiplash to see the diversity in the male characters then see the female characters, coming from a vid i watched they said "It's like there's no middle ground, your either made into the standard body type (the girls in the images:') ya attached ) or your made 'grotesque' (the video cues a photo of big mama)" tbf i don't actually know big mama's character and there isn't really anything wrong with being that weight but i do get the gist of the idea the vid was talking about (artstyle side ofc), 
and oh, i''m gonna be honest i've never actually understood the whole highlight thing, i always assumed they were all sweating when i saw the shine if that makes sense (/hj/lh) but yeah, i can get how it's p much  a redflag or at least can makes someone uncomfy (/gen) 
and yay, ty for clarifying on that, i don't realize how much the text piles up till i send the ask ngl, and oh wait- i never really noticed the ideas might have felt disconnected tbh, flowed p fine for me though i may just not have noticed it /lh)
and oh, i don't really mind it lmao, feel free to call me mikey or custard (it actually sounds silly in a /lh way lmao haha /pos/lh) feel free to choose whichever, i don't really mind tbh
last bit- omg min (r you alright with me calling u that btw?/nf) did jjba s1 outro make the "we'll be right back" meme sound?? i'm questioning everything i know rn (/j/lh)
happy morning (very long response)
(also poorly formatted. every line break is answering its corresponding one in ur ask) (in most cases im so sorry :sob:) mhm!! theres a whole lot of extra stuff to read aswell-- like after part 4 araki didnt just make the rohan ova, he also made "dead man's questions" which you probably should also read (not watch as theres no anime version) after part 4-- it follows a character who dies in part 4 which is why i wont say ANYTHING about it. i heeaaavily advise you to not even search it up- like at all its mc is a MAJOR character spoiler like not until youve finished part 4 okay
also, despite no character being safe, i wholeheartedly push you to still love and care about every character your heart Will. shatter atleast once, but thats the fun in it really? i started jjba after watching the original naruto, so the first time a main character, like a *main* died i was just shellshocked the entire time i was waiting for them to bring the person back cause it was like You can't be serious? i REALLY dont wanna gas it up but the ending to part 1 was genuinely wild aswell W series
for the stone ocean cgi i didnt really mean the into but in animation itself for some scenes they used like 3d models and such for the powers and effects, and it sometimes might not be noticable, but when you see it. you see it and its like theyre really doing that and its genuinely so cool
the tarot connections are mainly part 3's thing- the way they names most abilities at least my favorite being death (13) mainly because the episode had me SO intrigued- honestly my favorite jojo episode other than this episode in part 4 (will not disclose [spoilers] but its the "bites the dust" episode- youll know it when you get there) hearing the ability names; it was always great to go "hey i know that band!" but i must say if youre watching the anime with subtitles, or in dub, what you read is not the stands name (or hear if dub) the stand name in most cases, will not be the same as it was originally, as well, copyright purposes really, so in western versions the name the person says (for sub) will not line up with the subtitles man in the mirror for example in the subtitles is reffered to as "mirror man" , so if you get to the part with stands, just know you might not be able to like get some references unless you listen to the japanese name not that it matters it just popped into head lol
and yes thats the big change really, the reason people say to fully skip part 1 and 2 the lack of stands which is so childish.. like really? you dont like the main fundamental parts of the series cuz they dont have big punchy monster powers? i assume youve met johnathan by now, judging byyour comment on the ending music YOU WILL (PROBABLY) LOVE HIM hes just a sweetheart like a mary sue mc but in a not mary sue way
yayaya :DD the team behind jojo REALLY can take the liberties they want and thats probably because the manga/araki is weird as hell like think. uh. spy family you just couldnt do the stuff you do in jojo there, not even story wise but art wise everything is so "polished" and set? like i dont wanna say polished, because jojo is *very* sleek looking but like you get what i mean
where was i.... honestly, jojo side characters (unless theyre like minor antags that get beat in one episode) are really prevalent as the seasons go on and one thing i can REALLY applaud araki (as if i havent been applauding him for EVERYTHING) is that he doesnt forget characters if you meet a side character that isnt evil, you Will. meet them again at least once something i like in part 4 (can you tell its my favorite part?) is that all the characters sort of have their own episode (even the sidest of side characters) when you watch it itll make more sense, but like the side characters arent just plot devices i guess youll see them roaming the street and the characters'll walk past the same bg characters multiple times, and that bg character genuinely wont matter i think it goes hand in hand with the whole everyone knows everyone small town theme but it's still super cool and yes!!! i get so dissapointed when i see irl anime reboots and they are literally just cosplaying the characters nooooo!! the point is that its in real life!!! make the story your own!!! yeah i loved aot :D its not a favorite of mine but its top on my lest i should do like a tier list or something of all the mangas/animes i can remember ive watched ive watched a whole lot actually theres not a lot else to do when youre a shut-in :sob: im all caught up with the aot manga the ending. had me shellshocked genuinely had me blinking like.. thats not okay where was my happy ending??? my overall overall thoughts are is that.. well.. i really love when mangakas just through your expectations out the window and thenh grabs them back and spits on them and throws them out another window just to mess with you so i loved aot; the lore behind the titans and everything? confusing but once i got it they had me rolling over in my bed sorry if ive been getting off topic alot by the way . _ .
croak type laugh is what i meant thanks for giving me a solid term :pray: and !! what i like about csm is actually something i saw in a rant on reddit and i have this issue where i repeat what ive read or heard verbatim solike. what im saying next is not only my thoughts but csm isnt really.... about the lore it isnt about the backgrounds and the world building its about denji and his personal growth and!! the growth of the people around him too https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/103xnqk/rant_i_hate_how_people_misunderstand_the_point_of/ ^says it much better than i ever can also... i think the biggest difference between mineta and denji is that denji knows what consent is also that denji is a person, whilst mineta is sorta just his character trait (one was made to be disliked, one made to be liked aswell) i am So glad youve seen sxf its just so charming honestly like,... i love happy slice of lifes sm nichijou, lucky star, shows like that and spy is just such a good show, its heartwarming whilst also definitely being about a spy trying to safe the country by adopting a kid and getting married the family dynamic is just c: -- i dont really love or hate yuri him and anya are cute together but... ive never really liked the obsessive brother trope and that Is yuri's entire character mainly so idrk how to feel about him hes not a bad character though i will say
and yES!! when u finish it i'd love to hear your thoughts and questions :pray: and!! being able to like characters that r super bad people is such a major sign of good writing and having bad characters that causes your reader physical pain is also a sign of good writing
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i genuinely love this artstyle it feels full of color. and is in black and white :kneel:
nameless white haired guy is just really insufferable from what i remember hes just gassed up too much by the people that surround him so his ego is the size of the lotte world tower the dude that comes before him comes into the manga EARLY like EARLY- chapter three i think theres another person just like him, more like him than the guy i was referencing, "arata" hes bad too but not.. as bad. the guy i was referencing assuming youve read to atleast chap 3 is the hooded weird guy with black hair I can't remember his name either. :grin: i love him though his name is just not said other than one time i think; (sorry this is so..... discombobulated- m reading ur ask then directly responding here. i need to start using transitional phrases) i have watched + read a silence voice, i loved it but i watched and read it in like the same 2 days so i cant tell you small stuff i liked its like cramming studies before a test. you absorb it for a day but afterwards youre only left with how you felt- in this case i remember crying at the end- and the ending but i dont remember specifics or like the traits i loved minus.. nijimiya? i think? was a sweetheart. genuinely adorable i loved her and her little sister as well as shoto (i think is his names) character development. kids are assholes; he was an asshole kid and he grew up and was Not an asshole kid whats not to love for other types of genres... i like horror but i dont like horror mangas/animes that are 'scare' horror idk how to describe scare horror but like.. if stuff r creepy just to be creepy its just not enthralling i love psychological horrors though things like oyasumi punpun or junji ito's stuff (notably uzumaki) i like dramas aswell but like. neon genesis type i think you could sum up my taste as things that are depressing at their core... minus slice of lifes. and like every other romance
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i think those would fall into the isekai category for comedy and action though i dont mind it honestly all depends on the thing itself-- i dont like sports mangas but i watched blue lock since it looked cool to me and i didnt hate it not a favorite, but its not under like c tier i havent heard of shield hero honestly-- but i did check it out the designs are nice but i dont think ill watch it
the ONE reason i wont watch one piece is the femals character designs i know its like a 1000+ chapter manga, made by a male mangaka which is a bad sign because to make manga, you must like manga people who like manga enough to write it probably do not see people of the preferred sex at all, so like yeah hes never met a woman other than his mother so he cant draw them but come one you mentioned her so i have to bring her up
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come on man. is this really it? just like you said, its either they fit the mangakas beauty standard for women or they are grotesque theres no in between at all and the men designs are so different and unique and vibrant!! he could make more unique female designs he just doesnt :sob:
for the highlights on skin type thing. i have exactly one example in mind- now as a preface peni parker (the girl) is fifteen miles morales (boy) is seventeen im not insinuating anything being illegal here, and if you think that it wouldnt be my point, so ihave to make a point here that that is not what my problem is as a second preface, miles morales looks like this
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i sound silly as hell right now. "of course miles looks like that- whats your point? arent we talking about art highlights??" (art is not mine. of course it isnt its.,... look at it...)
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I'm not going to comment on the bulge. I won't comment on his lips. I won't even comment on the fact that this is ship fanart, for a ship that... if you've watched itsv or atsv just feels wrong the one thing i immediately picked up on was how they highlighted that line on peni's thighs theres alot of stuff you can just tell by an artstyle the person who drew that i can honestly say is not a good person even if they didnt draw miles like... that... i wouldnt trust them around children highlights alone my point originally wasnt that i didnt like how they look, it was more that you can tell alot about people by the way thy draw just like how you can tell a bit about someone based of their vocabulary the person who drew that Is a pedophile i can just feel it things like that
I DONT MIND THE TEXT PILING UP :pray: IT MAKESME RLLY HAPPY TOI RECIEVE THESE I AM DELIGHTED THE FLOW IS ALSO FINE!! :thumbsup: u can call me whatever (min, minjae, minmin, minpal, 8, 8pal, palpal... i dont think theres any other names associated with this acc)
and last but not least the end IS the meme i had the same realization youre not alone
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asoulofatlantis · 6 months
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I had some technical difficulties at first but now I could even switch it to English. Nice.
But I have to do this all again...
Thankfully, you can skip A LOT of the scenes in this game. Makes this process A LOT quicker.
I am there. Didn't take as long as I feared.
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Makes you wonder what they even are growing in a dry place like that, were the earth is more sandy than earthy. Then again, we found Wheat like... just randomly growing on the streets... you know... something Game-Sins would surely criticize XD
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Well... I mean... yes... he looks like the slave he is, but she does look really pretty in this dress. Then again, I guess its not really about being pretty but more about it being practical. So... okay, give them something new to wear.
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Right now she comes across as rather arrogant with her refusing to wear Denans Clothes like it would make her one of them, while it would just help her to fit in more properly or at least be less fashionable and more practical with her clothing. Also saying that she uses everyone for the ends to her means doesn't bote well. Our masked Friend hier (still no real name yet) has been protecting and helping her a few times by now and she comes around like rather... a bit ungrateful. Even tho without him, her Firesword can do shit.
I am sure there is a story behind it and that she will change over time. But right now... she doesn't leave the best first impression.
Oh boy... a sidequest. Wohoo...
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Oh boy... cooking ^^' Also... he can only remember the last year, so technically speaking, he might have cooked at some point and just doesn't remember it.
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He is actually really nice and considered but saying her cooking didn't taste like anything was really not nice ^^' Tho he realized that really quickly, so I think she should forgive him.
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I get why he is speechless. She looks so pretty!
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I just thought how I wished we had fast travel XD
Zephyr said he didn't need to ask what happened because he saw it in the way our Iron Mask looks right now but... body language aside... what can you see about his current emotions, while he is still wearing that darn mask?
I finally got a non-rusty Sword.
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He has to support her with a hand on her back when he takes the Sword so this for sure is not an easy process for her. Lucky for us that touching her doesn't hurt him, right? Very convenient indeed.
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I feel like she is trying really hard to keep him at arms length but he isn't making it easy for with how nice and understanding he is.
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I fully agree with him here. But it does say a lot about her, that she is thinking the worst about his thoughts. As someone who is the same I can tell you that this means she has made some bad experiences in the past.
It seemed odd for him to not recognize that she didn't want the kid to touch her because of her curse. I can't blame him for thinking badly of her, but that was a bit too much, given that she did help that kid and was nice to it otherwise AND the fact that he knows about her curse.
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Oh! Do we get finally rid of that stupid mask? Hurray!
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I think I know why we didn't get rid of the rest of the mask just yet, but its a damn shame.
But its convenient for the story for now. If this goes on, I will start calling the guy "Mr.Convinient" XD
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Well... I guess that is a fitting end for him. I hope the monster-thingy is satisfied with just him and lets us be ^^'
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Half the face and a name. Nice!
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Good girl!
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Do... her embarrassed emotions activate her curse? O.o
I don't understand why I can not fast travel right now. But... whatever. I will stop playing for today. Its enough.
0 notes
onewomancitadel · 3 years
I wanted to say Thank You for writing The Distance Which Fools The Skimming Eye. This story of yours has made me happy. I don't usually read stories centered around romance, but you have me hooked here. Every weekend I just wait for you to release the next chapter, I'm that hooked with this story. Now I'm not saying to rush, at all. This is art, writing is art and you are an amazing writer. Take your time, it's okay if you don't meet deadlines/release dates that you set up for yourself because again, you are the writer. We are just the readers, we can wait a long time. (I've been waiting for The Winds of Winter for almost a decade now.)
I also wanted to say that it's okay if your story strays from canon. Should Volume 9 and 10 and 11 drop miraculously before you finish your story and it's different from canon, it's okay. That's what writing and reading fanfiction is for. So we can read and write what we wanted or wished would have happened. I've read plenty of stories that strayed drastically from canon and I almost prefer them to actual canon. Also, love your rants on your Tumblr.
Now I wanted to ask, "Please tell me chapter 10 isn't going to end on another Cliffhanger? And everyone is saying how they can't wait for Ren and Nora's reactions to all of this. I want to see Ozpin's reaction to this, just because of the parallels."
P.S. I really love your writing style, the prose, and the way everything just flows together. That's not something a lot of writers can do, especially with the amount of words you put in a chapter. That's impressive and I'm a little jealous but that's okay.
P.S.S. I never heard of the Knightfall ship before your story. With a wombo of a combo between your story and your tumblr, I'm on board the ship now.
T_T anon thank you so much... this is such a sweet ask to wake up to (: I love checking my postbox... thank you for enjoying the story!!!! I'm so glad you do!! It's so interesting for me to hear from someone who doesn't generally read romance too, I'm always fascinated why/how people get into things and respond to them. I would actually be very happy to hear you elaborate on this point if you feel like it, not because I want my work complimented (hehehehe) but moreso I'm interested exactly what got you into it, and if it's something you think is specific to my fic, or something you might've been interested in before but didn't know. Do you think it's enemies to lovers or...? That kind of thing. If you feel like elaborating, of course! I just find this sort of thing interesting. I personally track my taste and it's a lot of fun figuring out how I got here lol.
And thank you for being patient with my work. I really appreciate that. (: I'm off uni now and very hopeful about getting enough done in time, and I've sort of written before what was my thinking going into the fic so I won’t elaborate too much. But yes, I mean, there are things I can imagine won't happen in canon actually just because I have more time to explore things in fic. That's why I really wanted to write this lol. Also, as an aside: I feel so sorry for you with old boy GRRM, I never want to rush authors but it must be a little painful being a reader. I read some of the books and found them enjoyable enough, but I'll finish the series when the books are all published. I like coming to things late, R/WBY is probably the series I was actually very, very early for.
Now I wanted to ask, "Please tell me chapter 10 isn't going to end on another Cliffhanger? And everyone is saying how they can't wait for Ren and Nora's reactions to all of this. I want to see Ozpin's reaction to this, just because of the parallels."
Oh you poor thing, I've done this to readers twice now. XD You know the really funny part about Chapter 8 was that I was really proud of myself, I hadn't cut it off sooner like I originally intended, I gave them a proper parting... XD XD like the parting at the point of enemies-as-lovers is my favourite point, I thought I gave everybody a treat... sometimes you need a sobering.
And well, I don't want to give spoilers but I think you will like how the chapter ends! Well I hope so anyway!! I think I was very mean with Chapter 8/9 and it won't happen again. Well. Maybe! And yes, I agree, the social scandal of the relationship is at the very interesting part XD XD XD it's got to be done right. You're quite right about the similarity with Oz, but there are a few distinct differences which I think are very meaningful; it's also ripe for drama. Partly because of the Reverse Salem/Ozma business (and I do find it funny that Jaune/Cinder have an Aura bond instead, and Ozma is with other people), partly because I think Ozma's perception of Salem is still pretty warped and that's a personal bias blindspot, and partly also, I mean, come on, Oz the Great and Terrible Liar, I have a few thoughts about what he thinks of Jaune keeping a secret. XD
P.S. I really love your writing style, the prose, and the way everything just flows together. That's not something a lot of writers can do, especially with the amount of words you put in a chapter. That's impressive and I'm a little jealous but that's okay.
T_T thank you, I do appreciate that a lot, I often worry about it coming off like purple prose so I do a lot of work to minimise that. I'm really glad it makes sense too and flows together XD XD XD I have a few things I use to guide me and because I'm the sort of reader that likes everything connecting together and one thing also meaning another, I try to write what I would be joyous at to read. I settled on that chapter length because I feel like the sorts of mini-themes explored each chapter deserved more length, and really chapter lengths can be sort of a gamble and very much personal decision. But I prefer the longer idea and not breaking it up as much. Some stories that works, some it doesn't. I want to read about them talking all day lol. Then I have the bigger theme I am usually trying to argue for or against. It's not perfect, and there are probably a lot of gaps, but it's what I like. I also don't ever want to be a published writer, so that also informs my practice - my writing is not that 'serious' but also the inspiration I take from stuff is just multivaried, I'm not exactly going for palatability, and I'm mostly also doing this for myself (trying to). I have some original work I'm working on, but if I ever do publish that, it'll be self-published and probably put out for free. I'm mostly only interested in exploring ideas, not that I think that's a higher pursuit than published authors, of course!!!!! it's just my personal taste. It's much lower stakes too. I am also aware I am writing fanfic. I don't think fanfic is silly. In fact I think it's extremely serious business and deserves to be done well lol. That doesn't mean only high-stakes writing. I think crackfic is one of the best things ever for fandom to invent. Actually, I can think of a lot of crackfic I've adored.
I really don't feel like I'm an intuitive storyteller, I had to pay close attention to figure out how stuff worked and why stuff resonates with me, and I read a lot. I also read a lot of poetry and I think that can help with imagery and emotional response... there's a lot of crossover, a lot of poets insist there isn't, a lot of book authors insist there isn't, and then some say there's no difference, so you'll never find one answer. I think there is a stark difference between the two, but I think poetry frees your mind a little.
P.S.S. I never heard of the Knightfall ship before your story. With a wombo of a combo between your story and your tumblr, I'm on board the ship now.
XD XD Now see, this is so fascinating! I want to know where people are coming from!!! I hope you like my blog, and thank you for liking my fic above all! I had no idea my blog/fic would be convincing. I also often feel like I am speaking into the void and I wish I'd shut up sometimes XD
I want to hear more if you feel like on the romance front and the Knightfall front, I just like tracing the steps of how people got here. If you feel comfortable!! And hopefully don't feel like a scientific subject!! Also yes, I see you've seen me talk about Melee.
I think for me also it's interesting because I hardcore ship Knightfall, and I want to know what did it for other people, because I know what did it for me and as you can see there is a particular strain of romance to be seen on my blog lol.
Thank you for your lovely ask, hope my reply isn't overly-long (can you tell I like talking lol), and hope you have a fab day! <3 <3
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quirklove · 4 years
Can I get some HCs or a Scenario, whatever you think fits for Kai learning that his girlfriend feels inferior because how different Kai is with Kurono compared to when he's with her? Like she has this one-sided rivalry with Kurono in which he isn't even aware of himself? How would Kai approach that situation that his girlfriend is insecure because of Chrono although she already wins if she's dating Kai??? Thank you 🖤🖤
I did some headcanons!! they got long tho xD
this was a fun concept! I enjoyed it <3
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That his girlfriend is always 1000000% down to fucking fight Hari is a nuisance that, for all intents and purposes, Kai doesn’t want to deal with. Because he doesn’t understand at first that it’s because she’s insecure, he thinks it’s very childish. What does she think she’ll accomplish with her little pissing contest? Is she hoping Kai will act as coldly to Hari as he does to the rest of his subordinates, or does she want to drive the other man away? Neither Kai nor Overhaul are impressed, and (Name) is very, very lucky that Kai doesn’t slip into his Overhaul persona to deal with the situation, because Overhaul would not speak nearly as kindly as Kai does.
It’s doubly bothersome because most of the time, when Kai is away, Hari is the one who’s tasked with ‘chaperoning’ the capo’s girlfriend. All Hari really understands is that, for some reason, she doesn’t like him. He doesn’t know what that reason is, but it makes his life infinitely more difficult. How is he supposed to tend to her if she treats him like she doesn’t want him around? He can’t just leave her all alone; the boss is counting on him to keep her happy! That said, she seems rather unhappy when Hari is around. It’s a dilemma. It’s an intensely perplexing dilemma. Hari could bring her the head of her enemy on a silver platter and she wouldn’t be satisfied. Worse yet, she won’t even talk to him about what she feels or want. Just how the hell is he supposed to please this woman?!
Kai probably has to press the issue, hard, to get (Name) to tell him exactly what this is all about. Even though the feelings of most people don’t register on his radar, hers do. Besides, he needs to ensure that she’s taken care of when he isn’t around, and the best way to do that is to have Hari look after her, because he’s one of the few people Kai trusts. He doesn’t want his friend nor his lover upset, he’s unwilling to have one of the Precepts attend her, and he needs things running smoothly, so she better tell him what’s going on, now.
Insecurity is something Kai himself doesn’t often deal with, but it is something he understands the concept of, and he knows the feeling from the few times he’s experienced it. To know that his girlfriend has been feeling it on such a deep level that she’s threatened by someone Kai doesn’t see in a romantic way makes him worry that he’s done something wrong. She should be secure in her position as his significant other. If she isn’t, surely that means he hasn’t treated her in the way he needs to. Unfortunately, as suave as he can often be, the truth is that Kai knows very little about romantic relationships, and is learning most of that through his union with her. Is there something he’s missed…?
He knows this needs to be fixed above all else. For her, he’s capable of putting his pride in a little box, far away, so that he can more easily reassure her of his love. He’s perhaps a bit manipulative with his words, though he doesn’t mean to be. As far as he’s concerned, the best way to remind her that he loves her is to ask why she’s so easily provoked by Hari. Of course Kai treats him differently, because he’s a friend, but (Name) he also treats differently even than Hari, doesn’t he? Doesn’t he treat her better than anyone else? He also showers her in copious kisses to reinforce that she’s the one he wants to have a romance with. He whispers that even though he likes to spend time with Hari, he doesn’t plan to share a bed with the other man like he does with her, if that’s what she’s concerned about. This isn’t some competition she needs to triumph over Hari in. Because Kai has claimed her as his other half, she has already won. She and Hari both have close roles in Kai’s life, and they are different roles, and he will never, ever fill hers. “Understood, my love?”
Once Kai calms her down a little, and she’s convinced that she doesn’t need to be jealous of his friendship with Hari, (Name) becomes a lot more relaxed around the other man. It takes time, but it’s easier for her to think of him as a friend like Kai does. Her boyfriend’s best friend should be someone she likes and can trust, right? It makes Hari’s life less complicated because now she’ll allow him to look after her. She talks to him more, she tells him plainly when she needs or would like something, and he feels less awkward about accompanying her. As far as Hari is concerned, (and, truth be told, Kai thinks so too), the woman doesn’t need some kind of minder. She needs a friend. If she’ll have him, Hari is happy to be that friend. Even though things are still a bit messy between the three of them, it’s leagues better than it was before.
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akane171 · 2 years
Hmm🤔 Isn't "naruto" something to eat?🤔
Ohhhh, that's actually a really interesting field of study and very nice from a multi-cultural perspective🤔😍 But haha, that definitely explained the weird discussions😂
Kat, I doubt there was EVER ANYONE who misses ANY kinds of exams😅🙈 Like, it's EXAMS🙈 I'd REALLY worry about your mental health if you said you miss the exams😅😅😂
Haha, Thanks and naah, I'd actually be suuuuper hyped if I met a demon, that just Sounds like fun (I hope they are kinda like SPN's demons or even Crowley cause those definitely seemed fun😍😂)...I'll have to get time first tho🙈
Well, basically she said that Bal-Seg did have his own theories (esp. Mon's mate being from another planet since they had so much trouble figuring out who it is) but that it was a closely-kept secret by the priests... 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ehh, you definitely have waaaaay more faith in my ability to nail his character than I do😅😅🙈 Huh, really? I didn't even notice that I haven't used "shit" yet (tho Yeah, I do try to not curse too much online🙈)😂 Well, life is kinda annoying in the long-run rn...Just a bunch of stressful things to do🙈🤷🏻‍♀️😭 
Aw maaan😭 Your ideas are really too awesome to just "throw away ad forget about"🙈 But I get it, can't claim to not have come up with ideas I thought I'd rather not write😅🙈
Aww, Mon in a Museum?😍😍 How sweet that must have been! But yeah, agreed, they should have explored the character and how he learns more about Earth waaaaaay more. And well, it's Chris, ofc he would have nailed it🙈🙈😁😌
Oh, absolutely! Mon is SO multifacetted even if you disregard S3 and the Legion thing, like, ironically I think he was one of the most "human" and relatable characters 🤔🙈😅
Exploding shit is ALWAYS AWE AND SOME 😍 And explosions plus MonWinn? Shut up and take my money😂😂😁 (Ohh, Bones, I watched that on TV what feels like ages ago😯)
Those two would be a cool duo tho🤷🏻‍♀️🙈😂 Ohh, on that note, thanks to all the Max and Mon talk with you and LW, my brain got stuck on a new AU idea: Imagine Mon having been a child when Daxam was destroyed (tho for some reasons everyone still had the misconception with him being the fratboy of the universe-maybe a double or sth?🤔 Not sure yet) and he ended up on Earth around the same time as Kara but was found by kid!Maxwell and "adopted" by him as his "brother" ala Professor X and Raven style and so they grew up together and Mon studied engineering and is part of Max' company, too (maybe head engineer or sth?🤔) and then in S2 Mon (aka Mike Lord) shows up and Max who already doesn't like Kara/Supergirl is still around too ofc and totally not impressed by her even talking to Mon and even less when Kara finds out Mon is an alien and a Daxamite and she's trying to pressure him into being a hero too (even more reasons for Max to dislike her😂😅) and aaaw, just imagine Mon having Max in his corner during all those stupid arguments and esp. the Jeremiah incident and the time when Kara found out Mon is the Prince of Daxam 🙈🙈 Ohh, and Max teaming up with Kara to get back Mon and kick Lar and/but esp. Rhea's ass? Or Ohhh, him somehow blackmailing Lillian, cause screw this, Lillian and Rhea might be evil and vicious, but Max is freaking brilliant and vicious😈 ...Okay, I'll stop now, this is starting to sound like my head just wants someone to unapologetically tell everybody to f*** off😅😅😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Hehe, yay, points 💃🏻😁
😅😂 Thanks, you too?🙈
Maybe. Something you get diarrhea after eating it ^^
It was nice. Not many job opportunities after it, but yeah, nicely spent time xD
Some were fun. Especially when I haven't studied and still passed.
...I don't know how to comment. Like.... they were quite blood thirsty and...murderous... I'm starting to wonder what kind of fics you are going to write one day =='
Well, he was RIGHT. Wonder what the priests were thinking about it all. Wonder if they knew she was kryptonian becasue lol. And how much younger she was xDDDD No wonder they kept it as secret xD
Yes, I have. Just write and you will see =='
Oh well, my mom taught me better but I guess I just like cursing.
LIFE IS BRUTAL, REFAIL! Even for fic ideas!
It was the sweetest and most adorable mon-el thing ever TT I love the books and the author just nailed him being adorable. And karamel was just ughh, the best
For sure I liked Mon-El bieng the interested fish-out-of-the water much more than I liked Brainiac. I can't even say I liked Brainiac =='
Oh, he totally was. And was the character who did most human things and has learnt most, especially about the emotions. They kind of did something they didn't allow Kara aka showing her emotional growing and learning how to be more human.
I'm still pissed about how they made her humanity ass kisser and made her abandoning her alien self.
I have some half baked au where they are all teachers and teach in high schools. Kara as English literature teacher, Mon as science/chemistry and Kara thinking he is irresponsible (he has a chart in his class where there is written how long it passed since an accident in his class) and he thinks she is boringgggggg.
Awww, Max would be the overprotective older brother, right? And Mon El the lil shit dedicated to piss off his bro. Take my money and write it xD
Anyway, hope life treats you well :D
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