#[ v. the fog consumes all ]
virtucvs · 2 years
There isn't much warning before Frank is scooped up by a couple of tentacles and pulled toward the the tyrant currently chuffing at him. Nemesis sits on the ground and uses one of the couches to rest back on as he places the Legion leader on his lap, replacing tentacles with arms. He begins to rumble and nuzzle against him, letting out a deep grunting noise from time to time.
Seems like he's in more than just a cuddling mood. - @parasxtc​
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       AH. HE WAS beginning to wonder when the Big Guy would be back for seconds. Wasn’t even frighten when tentacles wrapped around and pulled Frank in, resting into Nemesis’s lap like it’s his throne.  
        He eases back stretching his legs and giving a sigh. “Hey to you too.” a hand caressing the side of his massive jaw. “Like a big fucking teddy bear. Scary one. One that’s been in the wash as it’s being set on fire--still. Teddy bear.” 
       A few scratches just like the Big Guy likes. “Mm? Got something on your mind, Nemi?”
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A media literacy handbook for Israel-Gaza
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Next Tuesday (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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Media explainers are a cheap way to become an instant expert on everything from billionaire submarine excursions to hellaciously complex geopolitical conflicts, but On The Media's "Breaking News Consumers' Handbooks" are explainers that help you understand other explainers:
The latest handbook is an Israel-Gaza edition. It doesn't aim to parse fine distinctions over the definition of "occupation" or identify the source of shell fragments. Rather, it offers seven bullet points' worth of advice on weighing all the other news you hear about the war:
I. "Headlines are obscured by the fog of war"
Headline writers have a hard job under the best of circumstances – trying to snag your interest in a few words. Headlines can't encompass all the nuance of a story, and they are often written by editors, not the writers who produced the story. Between the imperatives for speed and brevity and the broken telephone between editors and writers, it's easy for headlines to go wrong, even when no one is attempting to mislead you. Even reliable outlets will screw up headlines sometimes – and that likelihood goes way up in times like these. You gotta read the story, not just the headline.
II. Know red flags for bullshit
The factually untrue information that spreads furthest tends to originate with a handful of superspreader accounts. Whether these people are Just Wrong or malicious disinfo peddlers, they share a few characteristics that should trip your BS meter and prompt extra scrutiny:
High-frequency posting
Emotionally charged framing
Posts that purport to be summaries or excerpts from news outlets, but do not include links to the original
The phrase "breaking news" (no one has that many scoops)
III. Don't trust screenshots
Screenshots of news stories, tweets, and other social media should come with links to the original. It's just too damned easy to fake a screenshot.
IV. "Know your platform"
It used to be that Twitter got a lot of first-person accounts from people in the thick of crises, while Facebook and Reddit contained commentary and reposts. Today, Twitter is just another aggregator. This time around, there's lots of first-person, real-time reporting coming off Telegram (it runs well on old phones and doesn't chew up batteries). Instagram is widely used in both Israel and the West Bank.
V. "Crisis actors" aren't a thing
People who attribute war images to "crisis actors" are either deluded or lying. There's plenty of ways to distort war news, but paying people to pretend to be grieving family members is essentially unheard of. Any explanation that involves crisis actors is a solid reason to permanently block that source.
VI. There's plenty of ways to verify stuff that smells fishy
TinEye, Yandex and Google Image Search are all good tools for checking "breaking" images and seeing if they're old copypasta ganked from earlier conflicts (or, you know, video-games). The fact that an image doesn't show up in one of these searches doesn't guarantee its authenticity, of course.
VII. Think before you post
Israel-Gaza is the most polluted media pool yet. Don't make it worse.
There's plenty more detail on this (especially on the use of verification tools) in Brooke Gladstone's radio segment:
The media environment sucks, and warrants skepticism and caution. But we also need to be skeptical of skepticism itself! As danah boyd started saying all the way back in 2018, weaponized media literacy leads to conspiratorialism:
Remember, the biggest peddlers of "fake news" are also the most prolific users of the term. For a lot of these information warriors, the point isn't to get you to believe them – they'll settle for you believing nothing. "Flood the zone with bullshit" is Steve Bannon's go-to tactic, and it's one that his acolytes have picked up and multiplied.
It's important to be a critical thinker, but there's plenty of people who've figured out how to weaponize a critical viewpoint and turn it into nihilism. Remember, the guy who wrote How To Lie With Statistics was a tobacco industry shill who made his living obfuscating the link between smoking and cancer. It's absolutely possible to lie with statistics, but it's also possible to use statistics to know the truth, as Tim Harford explains in his 2021 must-read book The Data Detective:
There's a world of difference between being misled and being brainwashed. A lot of today's worry about "disinformation" and "misinformation" has the whiff of a moral panic:
It's possible to have a nuanced view of this subject – to take steps to enure you're not being tricked without equating crude tricks like sticking a fake BBC chyron on a 10-year-old image with unstoppable mind-control:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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jolapeno · 2 months
the meeting
francisco "frankie" morales x ofc!reader* | collection masterlist
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summary: stumbling into a diner in the dead of the night, frankie morales doesn't expect to find anyone there. then he meets you. what begins as a one-night-stand-turned-weekend becomes a no-strings-attached arrangement.
pairing: pre-tf/delta squad francisco morales x ofc!reader (*OFC has name and backstory, but is physically a blank slate) rating: smut. 18+ warnings: smut. nickname is given to the reader by frankie: blue. no y/n. no physical descriptions. one-night stand. p in v. blueberry pie... is actually pie. pre-TF. dual POV. wordcount: 4.6k an: originally posted on AO3. i won't be doing a taglist for this series, so i'd recommend bookmarking on there for email notifications.
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You only realise the rain is heavier when the bell chimes.
Lifting your head, dragging it away from blurring pages, you quickly spot the thick droplets pounding, hammering their tiny water-based fists against the glass beside you. The battling temperatures continue to do all it can to fog and smear it, making visibility impossible from the inside to the out.
It forces car lights to blur into scarlet reds and soft whites from your place; makes the bright diner sign out in the parking lot—spelt out in neon tubing—to be hidden, slowly swallowed and consumed by the growing storm.
When you'd first arrived, it had only been a small shower. Sometime between your first coffee and now it had shifted into a downpour—the outside rumbling angrily, accompanied by flashes that ripple across full and fuming clouds.
Stretching, raising arms above your head, you glance out from your booth and land on the figure who'd set the bell off.
They're unzipping, haphazardly throwing down the hood, parting their jacket before you see the side profile of their face. You’re transfixed, unable to blink as they rustle the short hair atop their head—the outside they’ve brought in dripping onto the worn welcome mat of the diner.
It’s Doris who hurries to greet—a favourite of yours.
She’s the kind of person who doesn’t judge when you order more coffee when it’s gone midnight or you’ve barely moved to stretch your legs; she doesn’t ask if you’re sure you should eat another slice of pie or question if studying in a busy diner is as effective as the library.
Doris keeps her nose out. And does so in a way that makes you think, that if you needed advice, she’d give it to you. Just like she quickly begins doing (unsolicitedly) to the mysterious, almost midnight visitor.
Y’from outta town? Doris asks, rich in cheer, all sing-song-like and innocent to the point it would trick even a dubious soul that she doesn’t gossip.
You wait for a response, focusing on taking small sips of your coffee. A break from the books, from note taking and soaking information. Not eavesdropping, not at all.
No. Just got in late. Saw the sign, and thought I’m a man who deserves a warm drink.
Smiling, almost smirking, you take a larger mouthful. Lie, your brain says; a charmer, you think immediately after. Taking in the slope of his nose and the way he looks lost, unsure—as though there had been no thought after escaping the night and the storm and stepping inside.
Of all the places in the empty diner for him to sit, he chooses the booth next to yours. Jacket sliding off, folding it, placing it at the end of the booth bench he’s sitting in as he faces you.
He doesn’t smile, but he doesn’t glare when he meets your eyes. Just passes you over, acknowledges but not by too much. It’s you who breaks the stare.
Then Elvis begins playing—as he routinely does. Singing about mail and returning to sender as you tap your pencil against the textbook. Dropping your gaze, and doing your best to ignore him.
You’re not sure your best is going to be good enough.
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Six minutes and thirty-nine seconds pass, and in that time you take further glances when you think it’s safe to do so.
For one, taking in how he scratches at the back of his head as he attempts to understand the menu. Next, how broad his chest is, and how it forces the thin fabric of his tee to stretch when he pulls out the menu, lays it down and dips his head lower between his shoulders.
By the following chance you afford yourself a glance, his thumb is pressed to his lips as he studies the plastic, two-sided menu, flipping it over with a crack, before doing so again a few moments later. Undecided, troubled—nostrils flaring as he sighs and you try not to glare through your brows.
You blame the fact it’s been a while for why thoughts are sparking.
Practically unable to stop staring at how thick his fingers are, to stop your body from reacting to the width of his thumb. Your thighs press together under the table, mind running away with itself before it’s snapped back to the present when he flips the menu again.
It’s easier to busy yourself by tapping the toe of your sneaker against the metal pole of the table. Discreet, rubber side up, dotting your paper with the pencil as you urge him to order.
Internally pleading him to.
Counting to thirty and then to sixty, before you drop the pencil and rest your cheek on your palm, staring—more bold and unafraid of confrontation than you might have been minutes ago.
“You having a hard time there or something?”
His head snaps up, eyes a little wide. The stare dripping with surprise before he snorts. Before his index and thumb are lifting the menu, tapping the others against the back.
“What do you recommend?”
“You’d take advice from a stranger?”
Shrugging, he dips his chin, but his eyes remain on you. Dark, yet warm—glancing at you as though he wishes to let them up and down your frame. Before he drags them to the empty plates, the ones stacked, ready to be collected.
“No one else for me to ask.”
You smirk, dropping your hand from your face and straightening your spine. “Touché.”
Then, you make him wait. Take as much of him in as you can. Pencil in hand as you trace the eraser end over, and over a graph in your book. Because he’s handsome, good-looking, in a way that’s understated but you know would make you double-take somewhere else.
It’s the eyes, you try to reason.
A unique mix of doe-eyed and sharp.
Exhaling, you tap your pencil louder before saying, “The coffee is good, and so are any of the pies. The pancakes are good, but not when Ernie is on. And Ernie is currently on—they always taste salty? I try not to think why.”
It’s his turn for his lips to slide into his cheek. “Which pie?”
He points, right to the plates. “Which pie have you been eating?”
For a second, you take him in. Head tilting, back straight, lips rolling together as you try to place him—nostrils flaring as you take a steadying breath. “Blueberry.”
“Alright then.”
To your surprise, he orders you one too.
It sitting, temptingly in a space between notes, postits and your book. Your stomach grumbles in protest, desperate to taste another slice, knowing the importance of fuel and nutrition to ensure that you don’t fall asleep at the table again.
You wait until he sinks his teeth into it. Tuning in for any groan, any evidence of surprise at how good it tastes. You flick your gaze to him, watching, waiting, eventually stabbing your own fork into it before the filling bursts in your mouth, exploding sweetness that’s balanced by a gentle tang—the crust, as always, both crumbly and smooth, all buttery, a treat. Homely. That’s what it reminds you of, home.
A thing, from the look on his face, he feels too.
“Told you.”
It’s a sight to watch him run his tongue across the front of his teeth, fork sliding across the crumbs on his place. “Not bad for a stranger.”
You release a short laugh, one that you try to bury against the cup you bring to your lips.
“I’m Francisco—Frankie.”
He drops his eyes, embarrassment—most likely. Shyness is another option.
Even with no expectation for a trade, you lick your lips and offer him something else. A nickname as he smiles, eyes narrowing. “—not going to just hand you my name, you could be a murderer.”
“I could be.”
“Your nickname doesn’t suit you.”
“Thank you?”
He laughs, low, but light. It’s then he asks if you’re working, to which you share studying. That you find it easier here, less distractions—
“More pie?”
“There’s that too. What about you? Just fancied a break from the storm?”
Sheepish, that’s the word you’d use. The back of his fingers runs along the stubble on his jaw. “I’ve just landed back. Needed… wanted a minute.”
You nod, letting his words simmer as a bolt of lightning catches you in the corner of your eye.
“Guess we’re one step further away from being strangers.”
He hums, and you dip your head, turning the page of your textbook as it becomes the only noise while one song transitions into another.
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Frankie tries not to smile when you jump at a clap of thunder.
He hides it behind his coffee and tries to stare out as another bolt sketches itself across the sky. Then, you ask him if he’ll watch your things so you can use the restroom.
Nodding, throat all of a sudden dry when you stand and he manages to steal a look at your bare legs.
Up until then, he’d only seen the oversized grey sweatshirt from the waist up, and then he finds your shorts sitting somewhere along the middle of your thighs—all skin until socks above sneakers. The latter scuffed, overly worn and likely loved. Things he assesses quickly, training coming into use even when home.
What he doesn't spot is a coat or an umbrella.
A thing which ticks in the back of his head as he wonders how long you’ve been here to have racked up the number of plates and the different glass and cupwear. It ticks over, maths whirring when he hears the bathroom door squeal and the sound of you approaching.
Your thank you comes across softly as you lean back into the seat of your booth chair, rolling your neck—and massaging your temple before reaching for something in your bag.
It’s a test, he thinks when you begin to apply gloss. Sliding it over your lips, not glancing up at, as he tries not to even let his eyes wander. To follow.
He fails.
Watching, seeing it glistening, the exposed lighting above the two of you sparkling on them like glitter.
And, he tries to drink his coffee; tries to think of what the next song could be. Whether it will be Elvis again or something else.
The song begins before he has come up with an answer. Having been too focused, too busy silently working out what flavour your gloss is.
Whether it would be tacky against his mouth—
“If you keep staring, Frankie, I’ll think that you want to take a picture.”
A light laugh escapes him, shaking his head, scratching at the back of his hair as he sighs. “Only if you pose for it.”
Your laugh is loud, sweet—gentle on the ears as you pout and roll your eyes. “You’re distracting me.”
Frankie swallows that you’ve been distracting him since he sat down.
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By the time it reaches the third hour he’s been here, Frankie finds himself opposite you.
Having relocated, taken some pity on you to help “test” you on something. It had ended quickly when his hands held your notebook and spotted your illustrations along the edges. That’s when he spots a half-bad sketch of himself. A little heart on his jawline, one of his fingers tracing it on his skin, running over the patch that doesn’t fill in like the rest of his beard, before seeing an arrow with the name Frankie at the end and some dots.
“Morales. My surname.”
Grabbing your notebook back, eraser removing the dots, he watches as you write out his name. Immortalise it against the lines pages of your studying. Committing him there, a memory you can keep or erase, the choice entirely yours.
“Now, give it here.”
For a second, you look like you wish to argue, before you surrender, smirking. Pencil placed down as you lick your lips.
Amongst his name, are notes. Swirly handwriting that becomes more chaotic the longer he thinks you’ve sat here. Some circles, some with bubble clouds drawn around them, doodles on doodles—and then there’s your textbook. Post-its and scraps of receipts sticking out from different parts.
“You studying for an exam?”
Nodding, stretching your back in your seat, a little groan emitting.
“How long have you been here?”
Smiling, more telling than wicked—the opposite, he suspects, of what you intend. Your hand reaches for the pot Doris has left, tilting your cup, his eyes spotting its emptiness before your fingers wrap around the handle the black handle on the glass pot.
“Put the coffee pot down, Blue.”
Laughing, the edges of it cutting into your cheeks, “Blue?”
“Better nickname—because at this point, you’re nothing but blueberries and coffee.”
“Oh. Is that right?”
Wrapping his fingers around the handle, smothering over yours, he stares—ignores it, the pulse from your fingers, the warmth. The way his throat dries and he wants nothing more than to slide a palm up your leg to see if it’s as smooth as he thinks it will be.
“What would you say if I said I think I’d rather be full of something else…”
Your words hang, linger.
Lips sliding up into his cheek, feeling your hands loosen from under his. The silence thick. A second away from it all shifting, ruining, mood dampening and changing. So he leans, elbow resting, then forearm—finding some form of confidence buried under the responsibility he usually has to carry.
“You think you can handle that, Blue?”
Swallowing, dropping his voice as he glances over his shoulder before staring at you. “Being full of me.”
There's a definitive pause. A glide of your eyes up and down him. Dragging, practically scraping. “Oh, I think I’d like to give it a go, Morales.”
Placing your notebook down, sliding it across the table—tracing his tongue across his teeth. He nods before muttering get your coat.
That’s when you hand him your name, first only, Liv—but friends call you Livvie. He tries it silently before following you out of the booth into the parking lot.
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He follows your car—close, not allowing another vehicle to squeeze in between, but not tailgating.
There are barely any blocks, but he doesn’t chance it. Parking behind you, exiting as you do from yours, throwing his bag over his shoulder, as you wait for him outside an apartment building at the end of a small walkway.
Frankie considers the option to turn back.
To consider his choices, to opt out of something that could become complex, awkward. But, he doesn’t. Not when he holds the door open after you’ve let them both in, or when he rides the elevator to the fourth floor, to the fourth door, four-oh-four you whisper as you stick your key in and the lock sounds in the night.
He doesn’t give it another second when the door shuts behind his back, hand grasping, swallowing your gasp when his mouth slides over yours. Bag thumping to the ground, palms wrapping around the sweatshirt as he forces it to cling to your waist when he presses you to him. Your warm, sweet—all plump lips that have the remainder of your gloss.
Tacky, he thinks. Smirking the thought to your lips as he cradles your jaw, as he licks into your mouth and earns himself his first moan.
“Can still change your mind?”
You shake your head, peeling your sweatshirt off—revealing practicality. A little grey sports bra, nothing impressive, nothing you feel embarrassed for. Your nipples are hard, peeking through the fabric as the light from your kitchen paints you in gooey yellow.
“You can change yours though?”
He smirks, almost snarling out, “Not a fucking chance.”
Throwing your sweatshirt, you slide both thumbs under the band that meets your skin and take that over your head. He almost lunges, crashing his mouth to yours, hand cupping one breast as his thumb rolls over it—circling over it. Walking you back aimlessly, unsure of any route, eyes assessing, watching, until he moves you against a wall.
One hand against it for leverage, his other slips down the band of your shorts—passed cotton, it digging into his wrist as two fingers glide through your slick. Feeling your want, your need, able to spread it, smother it over your clit as you whimper, as your arms knot behind his neck and pull his mouth to mould to yours.
“All for me?”
“Shh,” you whisper, grinning, one of his thick fingers sliding from your swollen clit to dip into your pussy. Your hips grinding into him, against his palm, groaning—almost moaning against your mouth at the feel of you. More so when he catches you whisper, “Please.”
“Answer me then, is this all for me?”
Nodding, lips ghosting over his before he slips another finger in. Sliding them in and out, curling. Feeling you tighten around him, clenching.
“Yes, fuck yes.”
“Not so hard, was it?”
His fingers curl, finding that spongy spot that has you whining a completely different noise—has your fingers digging into him, leaving little marks that’ll take hours to fade. He hopes they bruise.
The more he thrusts his fingers, the more you flutter—the more you rut into his hand. The more the noises you emit become strangled, mewls that are wrapped in a moan.
“That’s it, use me, Blue. Take what you want.”
“Fuck, m’gonna… fuck, I’m so—”
Frankie smothers your babbling with his mouth, licks his tongue into your mouth, vanishes them, erases them. Half-about to confess how hot it is that you’re so riled up, all because of him. That you’ve barely invited him in before you’re humping his hand, desperate, aching all for him.
Your fingers tighten around his forearms, hips shuddering, moaning right into his mouth as he feels your slick coat his fingers, his palm. Working you through it until you’re nudging his hand free, pulling it up to your mouth and meeting his eyes.
Then, you’re a fucking sight, a vision. Tongue sliding between his fingers and up and over them, tasting every part of yourself from his hand before his palms clutch your cheeks. Before his mouth is on yours and you’re guiding him to the bedroom, to your made bed of pale shades and decorative cushions.
Your hand reaches, shifts awkwardly for the handle, as he swipes at your hand—leaning over, reaching. He spots them, foil in the centre of papers and—
“Fuck, Blue,” he hisses. Looking down, finding his cock in your hand, mouth hovering closer, teasingly, breath fluttering over the leaking tip as you ask you clean and he nods.
Almost set to choke out words when wet warmth envelopes his cock. Cheeks hollowing, doing all you can to take as much of him from this position as he drops his head back, as his fingers grasp at your sheets, as the condom crinkles in his fingers before it scratches, protesting and reminding of its importance.
He’s throbbing in your mouth. Too in awe of the actual fucking sight of you—a person he met four hours ago—who is now a dream come to life.
“Stop, baby,” he groans, hand on cheek, easing him out of your mouth, “Wanna feel you come around me.”
Your eyes narrow in fury as he shifts back, rests back on his knees, eyes unable to tear away from how you lick the small taste of him from your lips, thumb swiping at the spit that had slid around your parted mouth as he rips the foil open.
“Are you sure you want this?”
Lifting up, taking the condom from the wrapper, sliding it down his cock. “Oh, I want you. Wanted you the moment you walked in.” He laughs, watching your hand wrap around his length. “I mean it—I don’t… don’t do this. But, I had to.”
Taking your hand from around him, leaning you back before lifting your leg, he lines himself up—sliding the head of his cock through your folds. Smearing himself in your wetness, coating him, watching you try to style out your little changes in breath.
“Had to?”
Nodding, “Had to, Morales.”
“Frankie,” he says, urges. Slowly pushing himself in, head tipping as he watches how you stretch around him, how perfect you are, how good.
“Fuck, Frankie,” you moan as he bottoms out.
Your fingers dig into his shoulders and your chest arches into him. Your hooked leg tightening, forehead pressing into his neck as he rubs a circle on your back, comforting, aiming for relaxation as your head lifts, as eyes—glassy, lust-blown and filled with want.
“Good girl. S’good for me.”
Then you flutter, loosen a little, grind your hips—
“You like that, Blue?”
“Move, Frankie.”
“Please. Please, Frankie—fuck me, fuck me—”
Your words fade, swallowed by a whine as he begins to move. As his hips begin to snap to yours in a rhythm so unrelenting, so desperate. Kissing you between heavy breaths as he lifts you slightly, changes the angle, and swallows a different moan that almost makes him grin as his fingers spread out along your back.
Because fuck you feel good.
A thing he’s sure he groans, says, spills.
Your mouth close to his ear, hands tugging at him, pulling—feeling you everywhere, taking him, all that he’s giving you. As his arm hooks under your leg, spreading you a little more, placing a palm down to the bedsheets as he squeezes the cotton as you tighten around him.
He knows you’re close, can feel it, can see it, a look that he’d seen only in diluted light*,* but now gets a real view of.
And it’s enough to push him over the edge.
“Say my name, baby. Please—”
“Frankie—fuck, m’god, Frankie, right…”
It shifts into a cry, your body tensing as your pussy flutters, tightens—contracting and constricting. Then there’s your nails, the ones clawing at him, scratching. Digging into him in a way he wants you to over, and over, again as he moans.
Because you feel good. Perfect.
His breath fans across your neck and he finds himself so hard, so desperate as he slides in and out, hand grasping at your hip, easing, helping—
“Come for me, Frankie. Need it, need you t—”
“Fuck, m’give it to you.”
It’s dizzying, the way he snaps—gripping your back as liquid pleasure rushes through him, making all sounds mute. Except the ones of his skin slapping against yours—of your whines and breaths as he jolts, as he twitches. Coming hard as a groan rips from his throat. His hips stutter, losing their pace, hearing your whine change as overstimulation layers thickly before he slowly lets himself collapse against you.
A thing, he suspects, you’re eager for. Arms encasing around him, holding him—heartbeat hammering against his in a rhythm that doesn’t match, but could, he supposes.
Then you kiss him.
Drag his mouth to yours, bodies both slick with sweat, glistening, shimmering as your tongue licks a thank you at the back of his teeth and his fingers grasp one of your breasts, sliding a sweat-soaked thumb over your peak as you groan.
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He’s not sure of the hour, but he knows it’s morning when he wakes.
The shower’s running. Steam billowing into the bedroom from the ajar door with warm light leaves a line that guides him to you.
A part of him thinks he should leave. Should take the easy option, knowing things—how you feel, how he feels. Hand on your hip between the first and then the second—the time on your clock barely acknowledged as you ask him what he does, where he’s come from.
It rolled from him, the truth. A thing that should frighten him, that he should have held back—
You serve?
Against your sheets, the ones that smell of you and then him and then the two of you, running a hand over his face. Recalling the way you touched his cheek, brushed your palm, staring, before you whispered:
Lemme guess, a pilot?
Eyes widening, hand on your chin as he made you look at him, silently asking, how do’y know, how d’you see me? You kissed him instead of answering.
It's why it would be easy to go—to leave in the mid-morning, disappear, vanish.
But his feet are taking him to the bathroom door, pushing it open with two fingers—the same two that tipped your chin up, made you look him in the eye as you came on his cock—steam greeting him before it clears. Before he sees your back to him, half-covered by droplets and glass until he’s padding across tiles, remembering your words the last time when you’d been shimmering with sweat—
“I can’t do serious, Morales. So if you have a taste of me, don’t fall in love with me.”
He’d snorted, sliding his mouth down your stomach, thighs twitching against his palm as it remembered the other ways he’d already made it shake. “It’ll be you falling when I’ve done with you.”
Your fingers slide the glass open now, that conversation there, hanging like fairy lights that you both ignore as water cascades down your skin—and he steps in, welcomed, lips finding yours as the glass shakes when it slams back into place.
It’s a few more hours until he’s dressing, until he’s drinking a cup of coffee and finding himself having trouble making an excuse to leave.
Because these things aren’t easy, comfortable. Yet this is.
Opening the door, the scent of coffee from the pot you made still filling your place, you let him pass—hovering, lingering.
Glancing at you, how you’re biting the nail on your thumb, one foot on the other. “Maybe, call me—when you’re next in town? If you want.”
“Thought you didn’t do strings.”
“We can be friends… can’t we? Friends who…”
He watches you nod, laughing, before he mumbles friends into the air as he lags. Swallowing. Fingers lightly tapping against his jeans before he rests his arm against the door. “Blue?”
“What if I said I’m not expected anywhere for two more days.”
Your teeth bite your lower lip, scratching at the back of your head, before that same hand grabs a fistful of his shirt, moving closer, chin tilted up. “I’d say, I think I could handle a bit more of you, Morales. If you want?”
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an: a huge thank you to @luxurychristmaspudding for reading this and helping me spot the hilarious typos (you're a real one). to @pedgito for holding my hand so tight since i said "i think i want to do a kink list" and then spinning a wheel which unveils the kinks in the next few pieces. i'd be lost.
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zweigsangel · 2 months
illicit affairs. — patrick zweig.
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warnings: smut, friends with benefits, p in v sex, rough sex, risk of getting caught, unprotected sex (don’t do this), mentions of being slightly drunk.
you knew that becoming friends with benefits with patrick zweig wouldn't lead to good consequences. except for the sex—that was perfect.
it had become a cycle that neither of you wanted to end, even if you both knew it probably should. the first time was really random. you were at a party, both tipsy from the alcohol. you were literally eye-fucking each other, and it didn't take long before you found yourselves in the backseat of his car, your legs wrapped around his waist as he pounded into you. the sound of your moans and of your skins slapping together fogged up the windows. and god, it was the best sex of your life. the kind that would leave you breathless, with your body trembling. it was like his cock was made to be inside you, hitting all the right spots, while your pussy clenched around him perfectly, as if your bodies were designed to fit together like this.
and so, you decided to do it again. and again, and again. no feelings involved. just the physical connection that neither of you could resist. at your place, at his, on the bed, the couch, in the car. it didn’t really matter where you were. as long as you could feel him inside you, as long as you could hear his breath hitch with every thrust, that was enough. sometimes it was rushed, a frantic need that couldn’t wait—clothes half-off, bodies colliding in the nearest available space. other times, it was slower, drawn out, teasing each other until you couldn’t take it anymore, until the desire was too overwhelming to deny.
you would find yourselves in the most unexpected places, whether it was against a wall or a door, your back arching as he pushed into you, or on the kitchen table, dishes shoved aside as he spread your legs wide, nothing else mattered.
and then,
“i'm in a relationship.” your eyebrows lifted in shock and your lips parted slightly at his words, letting out a small, involuntary breath. “wow, i’m happy for you, patrick. i mean, we can still be friends, right? you managed to say. it was true—you were genuinely happy for him, even if the thought of him with someone else felt a little odd.
he paused for a moment, letting your words settle in the space between you. then, shaking his head slowly, he said, “no, no, no. i want to continue... what we have, you and i.”
your head tilted to the side, your brows knitting together in confusion. “what? you’re in a relationship, patrick. now you can fuck your girlfriend,” you replied, a soft, playful laugh escaping your lips. but he didn’t laugh. instead, a familiar smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth, that smirk of his that always sent a shiver down your spine.
“you don’t understand…’ he began, his voice dropping to a low, husky whisper as he stepped closer, closing the gap between you two. he had to bend down slightly to be at eye level with you, his presence suddenly overwhelming. “no pussy feels like yours. none.”
his breath was warm against your skin as he spoke. you didn’t say a word, your gaze locked with his, as your body reacted instinctively to his nearness, your panties getting incredibly wet. and he knew, of course he knew. he knew your body better than anyone else.
and so it continued between the two of you. you knew it was wrong. hell, it was. but you couldn’t help it. the way he made you feel— the way his cock filled you, stretched you, consumed you— it was like a drug, intoxicating and addictive, something you craved even as guilt gnawed at you. he’d act all sweet with his girlfriend just to fuck you afterwards. you both knew you were crossing a line, yet it felt impossible to turn back.
“‘come over. right now,’ he said over the phone one day, abruptly hanging up. you were left confused; his tone was sharp and angry.
when you arrived, there was no time to say anything before he slammed the door behind you. he grabbed you roughly and dragged you toward the couch, forcing you to lie down. his movements were quick and forceful as he pulled down your pants and panties. you helped by kicking them off onto the floor. he then quickly lowered his own pants and boxers, freeing his throbbing cock.
he positioned himself over you. “patrick, what the—oh fuck,” you gasped as he thrusted into you with no forewarning or preparation. your head fell back onto the couch and your back arched. “that bitch,” he murmured as he slid in and out of your tight pussy.
you tried to speak, to ask what was going on, but you couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. your mouth hung open as loud, pornographic moans escaped you.
then, his phone began to ring. at first, patrick barely seemed to notice, his focus entirely on the intensity of the moment. but as his eyes glanced to the screen, he grabbed the phone and answered. your tear-filled eyes widened. what the fuck was he doing?
“hi baby,” came a voice from the other end of the line. his girlfriend. patrick, however, appeared calm, a faint smirk curling his lips as he used his free hand to cover your mouth, muffling the desperate whimpers escaping your lips. his thrusts slowed just a bit but did not cease.
“sorry about earlier,” the voice continued. “it’s fine, don’t worry,” patrick responded, his voice low and rough as he panted. “everything alright?” his girlfriend asked, clearly noticing the background noises. beneath him, you squirmed, tears streaking down your face while his gaze remained locked on you, watching your muffled moans vibrate against his hand.
“yeah, yeah, everything’s fine, baby. just a bit busy right now. i’ll call you back later.” he then ended the call, letting the phone fall onto the couch beside him. he pulled his hand away from your mouth, and a loud moan escaped you as he resumed thrusting into you with increased urgency.
“good girl,” he whispered, pressing his sweaty forehead to yours. you were nearing climax, your walls tightening around him, making him groan with pleasure. “cum f’me.” your nails clawed at his back, and your body arched as you reached your orgasm. patrick was close too, his movements growing more frantic.
“i’m cumming inside, ‘kay?” he whispered into your ear, his tongue tracing along your jaw and sliding to your neck, his breath coming in heavy gasps. before you could even nod, he moaned deeply, his thrusts halting as he filled you up completely.
you stayed like that for a moment, trying to steady your breaths. “shit, ‘m sorry,” he murmured after a while, lifting his head from the crook of your neck to meet your gaze, his chin resting lightly on your shoulder. “it’s okay,” you whispered back, your fingers threading through his tousled curls. in that instant,
you couldn’t help but think how cute he looked, as his big blue eyes locked on you with intensity and he was propped on top of you with a careful balance, just enough to be close but not to press too hard.
and you knew you were completely screwed.
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transform4u · 2 months
I woke up this morning and found out Id been hacked, and the hacker had sent my nerdy best friend a file named “americanalphajockbro.mp3” but I have no idea what it is. I tried messaging him to tell him not to listen to it, but he’s not responding at all. I hope he’s okay, Id heard some strange virus is going around…
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As you open the “americanalphajockbro.mp3” file, the initial silence stretches, an eerie quietness that seems almost too perfect. Then, out of the nothingness, a faint buzzing begins to permeate the stillness. The sound starts as a low, persistent hum, like an electric current struggling to stabilize. It has a metallic edge, a synthetic quality that seems to vibrate through the very air.
Gradually, the buzzing evolves into a more aggressive noise, filled with discordant grunts and the harsh clashing of metal. The grunts grow more pronounced, each one carrying a weight of effort and strain. The metal crashes with a forceful clanging, resonating like a rhythmic hammer pounding on a forge. These sounds start to take on a rhythmic pattern, as if forming a chaotic symphony of power and exertion.
Your head begins to feel a fogginess creeping in, a mental haze that obscures clarity. Thoughts become sluggish, like trying to wade through thick, heavy fog. It’s as though your mind is being weighed down by the intensity of the noises, struggling to keep up with the rapidly increasing din.
The grunts, now louder and more insistent, echo within your consciousness. Each grunt feels like a reverberation through your very being, growing in intensity until they seem to invade every corner of your thoughts. The metal clashes turn into a cacophony of discordant clangs, overwhelming your senses and making it difficult to discern any other sound.
Amidst the growing chaos, a country song begins to hum softly in the background, an incongruous yet persistent melody that seems to contrast with the tumultuous noises. The twang of the guitar and the mellow tones of the vocals create a strange juxtaposition against the harsh clashing and grunting, adding a layer of surreal calmness to the sensory overload.
As this soundscape continues, a heat starts to radiate from within your body, an intense warmth that spreads outward. The heat seems to emanate from deep inside, radiating over you with a force that feels almost tangible. It courses through your veins, a vivid, encompassing heat that contrasts starkly with the foggy confusion of your mind.
The heat seems to transform your weak, nerdy frame, melting away the previous state of vulnerability. You start to envision a powerful, muscular form emerging from the haze. Your body morphs into a formidable ensemble of muscle and sinew. The V-shaped torso, broad and well-defined shoulders, and meticulously developed muscles become apparent. Each muscle group is a testament to rigorous training—chiseled chest, bulging biceps and triceps, and abs carved into a six-pack of relentless effort.
The veins running along your newly formidable arms and legs are visible networks of strength, evidence of intense commitment to physical fitness. Your posture is now relaxed yet exudes confidence, each movement fluid and deliberate, reflecting an effortless grace born from intense training.
Your face transforms as well. The strong jawline, rugged charm, high cheekbones, and tanned skin speak of both determination and an active lifestyle. Your eyes, now sharp and twinkling with charisma, are set beneath well-defined brows. The smile that emerges is wide and inviting, revealing meticulously maintained teeth.
The once weak and nerdy body has become a powerful, charismatic all-American jock bro—a figure of physical prowess and approachable charm.
As the buzzing in your mind intensifies, it feels like a wildfire racing through a dry forest, consuming every memory in its path. The flames of change lick away at the remnants of your past, turning them to ash and scattering them into the wind. The once-vivid recollections of late-night Dungeons & Dragons campaigns with friends, the thrill of staying up to catch the latest Doctor Who episode or Spider-Man movie, and the satisfaction of acing every math quiz—these are now nothing more than fading echoes in the wake of the blaze. They're fucking lame as shit.
Those cherished pastimes, once a vibrant part of your identity, now feel distant and trivial, like old, tattered pages in a forgotten book. In their place, a new fervor takes root. Your mind floods with the adrenaline of football games, the satisfaction of rigorous workouts, the robust flavor of protein shakes, and the thrill of flirting with girls. Conversations revolve around gains and flexing muscles, and the smell of BBQ fills the air.
This patriotic passion grows within you, a swelling wave of fervor that crashes against every corner of your psyche. The colors of red, white, and blue seem to paint your thoughts, and the anthem of America plays on a loop in your mind. The very essence of American pride becomes a driving force, a relentless and invigorating surge that propels you forward.
Simultaneously, your appearance begins to transform to match this new identity. Your clothes morph seamlessly into the quintessential American bro attire: a snug, muscle-hugging tank top that highlights your sculpted physique, shorts that showcase powerful legs, and a cap worn backward for that classic casual look. The emblem of a of the Patriots adorns your shirt, and a pair of well-worn sneakers completes the ensemble. Every article of clothing seems to echo your newfound vigor and pride, reflecting the powerful, confident American jock that you’ve become.
Your entire being now resonates with an energetic and unapologetic American spirit, a blend of muscular strength, athletic prowess, and patriotic zeal.
You feel a surge of energy as you receive the text from your bro about hitting the gym and then heading to the bars to pick up chicks. Your old gay thoughts, which used to fill your mind with doubt and uncertainty, disappear in an instant, replaced by a burning desire for muscle growth and American pride.
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As you enter the gym, you notice how much stronger and more confident you feel compared to when you first started lifting weights. The sound of grunts and clanging weights fills your ears as bros surround you - their gazes lingering on your impressive physique before returning back to their workouts. You grab a barbell loaded with plates and begin warming up by doing some squats and deadlifts; each movement challenging yet manageable under the weight of this newfound masculinity coursing through your veins.
After an hour-long session at the gym where sweat mixes with dirt from yesterday's football game, it's time for some well-deserved rest before hitting up downtown where all the action is happening tonight! You hop into your truck decked out with American flags stickers - ready not only for another round at lifting but also primed for picking up chicks who appreciate real men like yourself.
You stroll confidently into the bar, taking in the sights and sounds around you. The smell of beer and sweat fills your nostrils as bros jostle for position at the bar counter. Your eyes land on a bimbo chick with huge tits who catches your attention immediately - she's exactly what you're looking for tonight!
"Dude, check out that chick over there," you say to your bro while pointing her out. "She has a pair of cans on her that could launch an aircraft carrier!" You both burst into laughter at how crude yet accurate your observation is.
As she walks past, making sure to sway those hips just right so they catch every man's gaze, she glances over at you and smiles coyly before returning her focus back to her friends sitting nearby. "I bet she wants me bad," you think to yourself as lust fills every pore in your body like an adrenaline rush.
Without hesitation or any concern for respecting women (because let's face it - these types don't deserve it), you move towards your target while casually catcalling from behind: "Hey baby! Wanna ride the Rodester?
The bimbo chick laughs dumbly at your crude joke, clearly not understanding the double entendre but enjoying the attention nonetheless. She then approaches you and starts feeling up your muscles, complimenting how strong they are while simultaneously calling you an idiot for making such a lame pick-up line.
Ignoring her insults, you grab her ass and pull her in for a kiss - taking control of the situation as any true alpha male would do. Her lips are soft against yours as she moans into the kiss, encouraging more aggressive advances from you both on this bar stool that's becoming increasingly uncomfortable under all this heat generated by two bodies colliding together so passionately.
Your bro orders another round of drinks; while you firmly place your around one of those massive melons hanging off this girl's chest as if you owned them.
As you continue making out with the bimbo chick, your mind wanders to thoughts of how much fun it is to be a fucking American bro. You have big muscles, and you take what you want without giving a shit about anyone else's feelings or opinions. Getting drunk, fucking, and working out are your life - they define who you are as an individual in this world filled with weaklings and pussies who don't understand the true meaning of masculinity.
Drinking shot after shot helps fuel this fire burning inside you- pushing your boundaries further than ever before! You don't care about consequences or repercussions because you know deep down that being an American Bro means living life on your own terms without apology or regret for those left behind scrambling to catch up with you at every turn.
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alyrasturnz · 3 months
Hi babe!!! Can we get a Chris smut inspired by dress by Taylor swift🩷
DRESS {{ chris sturniolo }}
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summary — amidst a party teeming with hazed influencers, their attention diverted by the swirling chaos of the night, the fervent glares exchanged between you and chris go unnoticed. the intensity of your gazes, laden with unspoken desires and electric tension, remains a secret shared only between the two of you, lost in the oblivious crowd.
— smut smut smut
warnings :: literally smut, p in v, pet names, titty sucking lmao
a/n ,, whats up with all the smut requests 😭 i got like three more in my inbox dude
the music roared from the speakers, a cacophony so overpowering it threatened to obliterate your eardrums with its relentless force.
you knew you had crossed the threshold of moderation tonight, the number of drinks you had consumed leaving your mind shrouded in a dense, intoxicating fog. 
the world around you seemed to sway and blur, a testament to the tipsiness that now coursed through your veins, leaving you teetering on the edge of clarity and inebriation.
“i'm going to get another drink!” madi bellowed, her voice striving to assert itself against the relentless onslaught of the music.
“okay!” you hollered in return, a smile playing on your lips as your voice endeavored to pierce through the cacophony.
your favorite song began to play, igniting a spark in your eyes as you downed another cup. with a newfound energy, you swayed your hips to the rhythm, each movement in perfect harmony with the beat.
you donned a form-fitting dress, one that you knew chris had a particular fondness for. it halted just above your upper thigh, offering an enticing ease of access. 
the dress featured delicate, thin straps that elegantly showcased your sculpted collarbones, exactly as you desired. 
the fabric clung to your curves, accentuating your silhouette with perfect precision.
the air was stifling, heavy with an oppressive warmth. the room was teeming with every influencer from LA, their presence saturating the space with an almost palpable intensity.
your smile was an indomitable beacon, your eyes irresistibly gravitating towards chris, capturing the essence of your unspoken emotions.
chris was gazing at you with a look you knew all too well, a piercing glare that spoke volumes of familiarity and unspoken words.
his eyes were shadowed with an inscrutable darkness, his hands deeply ensconced in his pockets, as if concealing secrets untold.
you and chris shared an extraordinary bond, an unspoken connection that transcended mere friendship. 
to the outside world, you were the quintessential best friends, though beneath the surface lay complexities that only the two of you truly understood.
you and chris have been clandestinely entwined in a romantic liaison, yet those who profess to know you both intimately remain blissfully unaware of the delicate dance you perform in the shadows, unseen and undetected.
even with all the telltale signs—the subtle flirtations, the clandestine touches, and the furtive glances exchanged across crowded rooms, much like the one shared at this very moment.
a torrent of warmth surged through your veins, compelling a delicate crimson to unfurl across your cheeks, each hue weaving an intricate narrative of unspoken emotions.
your gaze descended to his trousers, where the pronounced outline of his bulge was inscribed with undeniable clarity.
you sensed an inferno igniting within your core, a torrential wave cascading through your abdomen, culminating in a trickling sensation.
chris gracefully reclines onto the couch behind him, his unwavering gaze consuming you with an intensity akin to a famished soul savoring its last, most exquisite repast.
you swallowed your pride, each step a testament to your resolve, and gracefully approached him, lowering yourself to sit beside him, the air thick with unspoken tension and anticipation.
his hand descended onto your thigh with a deliberate slowness, while his lips inched closer to your ear, whispering secrets only the night could bear witness to.
"you have no idea what you’re doing to me," he growls, his voice a low, primal rumble that reverberates through the air.
your gaze inevitably drifts to the prominent bulge in his pants, the outline unmistakably clear. "i think i do," you whisper, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips, laden with knowing mischief.
chris withdrew, a smirk dancing on his lips. "someone grew an ego," he murmured, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "did ya miss me, princess?" he inquired, his tone a blend of teasing and genuine curiosity.
you sigh deeply as chris wraps his arm around you, his hand meandering along the curve of your waist before finally coming to rest on your thigh, a lingering touch that sends shivers down your spine.
you melted into his touch, leaning against him as your fingers absently played with the rings adorning his fingers, each twist and turn a silent testament to the comfort and intimacy you found in his presence.
"not really," you whispered with a smirk playing on your lips, as chris tutted softly, the sound a gentle reprimand that hung in the air between you.
"we need to fix that attitude of yours," he grumbled, standing up and pulling you with him, his hand still firmly wrapped around your waist, a silent command that brooked no argument.
chris moved you in front of him, his hands firmly gripping your waist as he guided you with deliberate intent toward an isolated bedroom, each step echoing the unspoken promise of what awaited.
chris immediately pulled you into his embrace, the door clicking shut behind him with a definitive finality, sealing the two of you in a cocoon of lust and anticipation.
he hungrily stared at you, his eyes tracing every contour and curve of your form with a ravenous intensity, as though committing each detail to memory. 
the air between you crackled with an electric anticipation until, unable to resist any longer, he closed the distance, pressing his lips to yours in a desperate, all-consuming kiss that left no room for doubt about his desire.
a subtle smile tugs at your lips, even as they remain entwined with his in the kiss. with a graceful, almost instinctive motion, you reach behind him, your fingers finding the cool metal of the lock and twisting it shut, securing your private sanctuary.
chris's hand firmly clasps your shoulder, guiding you with a measured yet insistent pace toward the bed. as you retreat, your steps falter slightly, each backward movement a delicate dance of balance and anticipation.
chris guides you onto the bed with a gentle yet commanding touch, his presence looming above you as he leans in, his lips seeking yours once more in a fervent embrace.
chris' lips descend to your neck, bestowing a series of tender nibbles and kisses, each one a delicate mark of his presence, leaving a trail of possessive affection upon your skin.
“shit,” you whisper under your breath, as the heat in your core intensifies, spreading like wildfire through your veins. 
your head tilts back in a moment of surrender, your eyes fluttering closed as you are consumed by the growing sensation, each breath a testament to the fervor building within you.
“who did you buy this dress for, ma?” he whispered against your skin, his hot breath fanning your neck as he continued to nibble. his voice, a low murmur, sent shivers down your spine, each word laden with a mix of curiosity and possessiveness.
"only you, always you," you whispered, your voice quivering with a potent blend of need and desire.
he smirked against your skin, a devilish curve to his lips, before lifting his face to lock eyes with you. "good girl," he growled, his voice a low, rumbling affirmation that sent shivers down your spine, each syllable dripping with a mix of dominance and approval.
chris methodically slides the straps of your dress down your shoulders, allowing your breasts to spill free. 
his mouth follows the path of the fabric, descending with deliberate intent, his tongue swirling over your skin in an intricate dance of sensation. 
as he continues, each movement is laden with purpose, his touch igniting a trail of fire that leaves you breathless and yearning for more. 
every swirl of his tongue and press of his lips is an attestation to the passion that simmers between you, drawing out a symphony of desire that resonates through your very being.
he brings his hand to your exposed breast, his fingers tracing delicate patterns that send shivers down your spine. 
the sighs you had attempted to stifle escape as soft, involuntary moans, each sound an attestation to the overwhelming sensations coursing through you. 
your body responds to his touch with an intensity that leaves you breathless, the connection between you deepening with every moment, every caress. 
the air is thick with unspoken desire, the room echoing with the symphony of your shared passion.
chris slowly withdraws his mouth from your breast, a whisper of cold air trailing in its wake, sending a shiver through your skin. 
with deliberate grace, he lifts himself up, his movements fluid and unhurried, before deftly sliding the dress off your shoulders, letting it cascade to the floor in a silken pool.
chris unbuckled his belt with deliberate slowness, the sound of the metal clinking echoing in the room. as you let out a soft whine, his gaze shifted sharply, piercing through the dim light to lock onto you, a silent promise of what was to come.
"patience, baby," he cooed softly, his voice a soothing balm against the tension. with deliberate slowness, he allowed his pants to descend to the ground in a fluid motion, revealing his engorged, crimson member. it sprang forth with an almost urgent vitality, the tip glistening with the evidence of his desire, a testament to the intensity of the moment. his gaze remained fixed on you, pure lust woven into the depths of his eyes, as the air between you seemed to thicken with anticipation.
you swallowed thickly, your breath hitching as your gaze traveled along the expanse of his formidable length, absorbing every detail. despite the countless times you had been in this position, the sheer magnitude of him never failed to elicit a visceral response, each encounter feeling as if it were the very first, leaving you in a state of perpetual awe and anticipation.
he meticulously gathered every bit of your slick with the tip of his length, his movements deliberate and measured. with a practiced precision, he then positioned himself, aligning perfectly with your pussy.
he slowly slid in, inch by inch, his movements deliberate and unhurried. his mouth fell open, a silent testament to the shared gasp that escaped both your lips. he remained still for a moment, deeply embedded, as your walls clenched around his throbbing length, giving you time to adjust to the exquisite sensation.
"i’ll start moving," he let out a low grumble, his voice a deep, resonant promise. you nodded with a whine, a sound filled with anticipation and need. with a deliberate motion, chris began to move, his hips withdrawing slowly, creating a tantalizing separation before driving forward again, reconnecting with a force that sent waves of pleasure through both of you.
"chris!" you yelped, your voice a mix of surprise and pleasure, as he picked up his pace. with a soft grunt, he threw his head back, the intensity of his movements increasing with each passing moment.
you let out a chain of screams intermingled with whines, each sound a testament to the overwhelming sensations coursing through you. your nails, driven by desperation and ecstasy, raked across his back, leaving a trail of crimson marks. 
he leaned in further, his body pressing closer to yours, as if seeking to forge an impossibly deeper connection, each thrust a powerful declaration of your shared intensity.
"chris, please," you whined, your voice trembling with urgency as he responded with a soft chuckle, the sound vibrating against your skin. he buried his face into the crook of your neck, his breath warm and teasing against your pulse. "f-faster," you pleaded, the word escaping your lips in a desperate whisper, laden with need.
"y’want me to go faster, princess?" he asked, his voice a low, predatory growl. you desperately nodded, your eyes wide and pleading, the intensity of your need mirrored in the depths of his gaze.
"mhm," you hummed, the sound escaping your lips as more of a whiny moan, laden with a blend of urgency and desire that resonated in the charged air between you.
“do you think you deserve it?” chris asked in a low, gravelly tone, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. his movements were agonizingly slow, each deliberate thrust a tantalizing mix of pleasure and torment.
you let out a soft whine as he tuts, his hips driving deeper into you with a swift, relentless thrust. the intensity of the movement was overwhelming, each motion a blend of urgency and control. 
then, abruptly, he stopped right at the center, the sudden stillness creating a stark contrast to the preceding fervor. 
you gasped, the air thick with the palpable tension of unfulfilled desire. it was as if the very molecules around you were charged, vibrating with the electricity of anticipation, leaving you suspended in a moment that seemed to stretch infinitely, every second laden with the promise of what was to come.
"chris!" you whined, your voice a plaintive, desperate cry that seemed to hang in the air, laden with a mixture of longing and frustration.
"answer me," he growled, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine. with each word, he punctuated his demand with a forceful thrust, driving his point home with an almost punishing rhythm. "do"—thrust—"you"—thrust—"think"—thrust—"you"—thrust—"deserve"—thrust—"it?"—thrust. his eyes bore into yours, the intensity of his gaze matching the relentless cadence of his movements, leaving you breathless and teetering on the edge of coherence.
"yes!" you screamed, your voice a symphony of desperation and longing, each note trembling with raw emotion. "i-ive been a good girl,” you whimpered, your words barely escaping your lips as his smirk deepened, a knowing glint in his eyes that only heightened your sense of vulnerability.
he began to drive his hips into yours with a violent, rapid intensity, each thrust a forceful declaration that left you utterly speechless. the sensation was overwhelming, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt him relentlessly hit your g spot. 
every movement seemed to blur the lines between pain and pleasure, leaving you suspended in a state of euphoric abandon. the world around you faded into insignificance, the only reality being the intense, almost primal connection between your bodies.
you felt the knot in your stomach tighten, a whirlwind of emotions coiling within you as tears brimmed in your eyes, threatening to spill over. the intensity of the moment prompted you to squeeze your eyes shut tightly, seeking refuge in the darkness behind your eyelids, where the tumultuous waves of sensation and emotion could momentarily be held at bay.
"close-" you warned, your words emerging as a soft whisper, your voice strained and trembling. the syllables seemed to falter, barely escaping your lips, laden with the weight of the impending climax.
"then cum,” he grumbled, his voice a low, gravelly command that sent shivers down your spine. “cum with me. cum all over my cock, ma,” he growled, each word dripping with urgency and desire. 
his movements became increasingly erratic, thrusting sloppily a few more times before he finally released inside you, a guttural groan escaping his lips. the sensation pushed you over the edge, and you released on his length soon after, your body trembling with the intensity. 
he continued to thrust in and out, slower now, each movement a blend of lingering desperation and the sweet satisfaction of shared release.
after a brief yet seemingly eternal moment, he withdrew, his body collapsing beside yours in a tangle of limbs and sweat. both of you lay there, chests heaving, breath coming in rapid, shallow gasps as you tried to steady yourselves in the aftermath of such an intense encounter.
you remained in that intertwined position for what felt like an eternity, the silence between you filled with the echoes of your shared breaths. eventually, you turned to face each other, your eyes meeting in a moment of unspoken understanding.
a soft giggle escaped both your lips, a tender sound that seemed to bridge the gap between the physical and the emotional, binding you together in the quiet aftermath.
“y/n! you in there?”
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syluscore · 1 year
Cameras Pt. 2
~Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader~
Word count combined for both parts one and two: 8277
Content warnings: smut, sexual content, breaking n entering, stalker leon, obsessed leon, dirty talk, degradation, praise, grinding, slapping, spitting, choking, hair pulling, biting, aggressive sex, very brief mention of wanting to slice reader open and climb inside her, lots of begging, blowjob, throat fucking, taking pictures during sex, fingering, p in v sex, creampie
The water for your shower had been running for a few minutes now, but as you sat on the toilet seat, your mind was elsewhere. Jumbled thoughts and random flashbacks to the past 2 days were consuming you. You’d been home for two hours now and had yet to do anything at all besides think and think. But you had to shower and probably eat something eventually so you opened your phone and connected to your Bluetooth speaker, allowing your brain to get lost in the music. Maybe music could chase the thoughts away, maybe you could have a few minutes of peace.
You stepped underneath the hot water and let out a deep sigh. You let the water wash over your body and focus on the lyrics of the song blaring through the speaker. Slowly washing your body as you swayed to the music. You found yourself mumbling along to the lyrics of the song as you ran shampoo through your hair. All that mattered right now was the music and washing yourself. You’d never taken such a serene fucking shower, but things had gotten weird since what you’d discovered about Leon.
Leon. So much for sweet inner peace. You weren’t any closer to knowing what you were going to do about him. How could you even show your face around the office knowing he’s there? You can’t manage to force yourself to forget about him and trust me when I say you’ve tried. You’ve desperately tried to push the fresh memories to the back of your mind. As time goes on, perhaps you could forget about what happened; or at the very least the memories could become hazy and your brain wouldn’t be plagued with replays of Leon and his cock. How do you forget a cock like that? Now you’re thinking about his cock again. You’re supposed to not be thinking about his cock. Stop thinking about his cock!
You finished washing yourself off and stepped out of the shower, wrapping yourself up snugly in a towel. You wiped the fog off the mirror and stared into your reflection. Why was this happening to you of all people? Maybe it wasn’t you specifically after all. It could just be a thing for Leon. He picks someone to obsess over until he’s bored and then moves onto the next fixation. He definitely knew what he was doing with the obsessive stalker shit. He could eventually move on and then you could move on as well. Now that you know about him, he could lose interest in you. 
God, you really hoped that wasn’t the case. You hope that isn’t the case? Why the fuck would you hope that’s not the case? This isn’t healthy at all. You hate the way the whole situation is making you feel. Well, hate is a very strong word and Leon doesn’t deserve to be associated with such a word. Uncomfortable? Nerve racking? Uneasy, tense, disturbed? You couldn’t think of a word to describe it. Exhilarating? Intoxicating? Maybe you loved it. Maybe a part of you hated it and the other part, a much bigger part, absolutely loved it in every way. Nobody or anything had ever been so devoted to you. Infatuated with you.
You’re one mentally ill human being. You shook the thoughts from your head as you made your way out of the bathroom. Dinner and some good sleep should help clear your mind. Your thoughts could be factory reset by the morning and you’ll be able to go about your day as if everything is normal. Welcome to the state of Denial, you’ve officially entered. Enjoy your stay with us and please come again. You’re losing your mind, you’ve gone mad. 
Upon entering your living room, you came to an abrupt halt. Your heart felt like it almost fell out of your ass and your muscles all tensed up as if preparing for impact. “What the fuck?” you yelled out, “What are you, the fucking cat whisperer?” The man on your couch just chuckled, not even looking up from the book in his hands. One of your cats was cuddled up against his leg and your other cat was on the back of the couch cuddled into his opposing shoulder. “What are you doing here? Is that my book?” you asked Leon.
He shut the book and laid it down on the other cushion on the couch. He looked up at you and replied, “You should really read the next chapter, things are really starting to heat up.” He talked so casually, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. All you could do was stand in place staring at him, eyebrows furrowed together. You didn’t know what to say, what to do, what to make of this situation. “How was your shower?”
You cocked an eyebrow, “Good. What are you doing here?” 
“We have things to discuss,” he motioned for you to come closer to him, but you refused to move. “Come. Here,” he demanded and you shook your head at him.
“You couldn’t knock?”
“Why would I knock when you know I can just come in? Sounds like a waste of time to me.”
“Because you don’t live here! You could be a nice guy and respect boundaries, although it’s obvious you aren’t very good at that,” you shot him a dirty look and all he did was laugh. Comes into your place unannounced, scares the shit out of you, and he has the audacity to laugh at you. You two stared right at each other. An unspoken staring contest taking place between the two of you. You broke eye contact and sighed, slowly making your way over to sit next to him on the couch.
Leon had other plans, quickly darting his arms out to intercept you. He easily maneuvered you to straddle his thighs, causing you to let out an embarrassing shriek. 
“Leon, what the fuck? I’m basically naked! Let me go,” you exclaimed and tried to pull away from him, but he just held onto you tighter. He wrapped his hands around your back and pulled you even closer to him.
“Oh wow, I thought you were fully dressed under your towel. My mistake,” he smirked as you gave him the deadliest stare you could muster with flushed cheeks. “Have you gone all shy on me? But you displayed everything so nicely for me in those photos,” which caused you to avert your eyes away from him, staring at the cushion underneath you.
He grabbed your chin and brought your face back up to his and you couldn’t help but finally take in his appearance. He was wearing a button up shirt with the top few buttons undone, exposing the light hair on his chest. The sleeves were pushed up above his elbows, extenuating his huge biceps. He could wrap that bicep around your throat, slowly drain the life from you and you’d die a happy little content slut.
You brought your eyes back up to meet his, but his eyes were wandering elsewhere. His eyes looked across your exposed collarbones, down your arms, exploring the valley of your exposed thighs on either side of him. His eyes devoured you in a way that sent chills down your spine.
He finally met your gaze and you didn’t give yourself time to think before your right hand was raising up to his cheek, gently rubbing it. “You’re a fucking creep,” you said, your eyes never leaving his. Both your hands tangled up into his dirty blond hair as you continued, “What kind of a person breaks into someone’s house and jerks off with their panties? You’re a freak of nature. They should study people like you. What’s wrong with you?” He ground his hips up into you and you could feel his hard cock rubbing against you.
You pulled his hair as he brought his mouth to your ear, nibbling gently on the lobe. You had to fight back the moan that threatened to spill past your lips. He brought his mouth right up against your ear and spoke, “What kind of slut gets turned on by such behavior, huh?” You slowly start grinding yourself against his jeans, your exposed cunt making contact with his covered cock. You pulled your hands away from him, causing him to pull his mouth away from your ear and lean back so he could look at you.
You don’t know what came over you, but you pulled your dominant hand and slapped him as hard as you could across his face. “Anyone turned on by what you do is fucking deluded,” you told him as his hands pushed your towel up past your hips. His hands gripped so tightly into your hips you knew there’d be marks. You felt like your pelvis might snap in half between the pressure of his hands, but fuck did it make you so uncontrollably wet. 
“What was I supposed to do? The second I laid my eyes on you I couldn’t think of anything fucking else. I was jerking my cock what seemed like every hour for weeks after meeting you. I tried to stay away, but I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to slice you open, climb inside your body, and fucking live there. But I obviously can’t do that, so I climbed inside your house, surrounding myself with your things, learned everything there was to know about you, so at the very fucking least I could be inside your mind,” he said as you two grinded into each other like your lives depending on it.
He continued, “I watched you install your stupid cameras and do you think I gave a shit? I put on a show for you so that I could overtake your fucking mind like you did mine. I’ve been watching you for so long, I knew you were a depraved, needy whore. I knew if I showed you the truth it’d make your little pussy wet. You were made for me, fuck, just look at you.” He grabbed the back of your hair and yanked your head back. You couldn't contain it anymore, his words working you up more than you could stand.
Whimpers, gasps, pants, moans, sounds you’d never made before in your life were falling from your lips as you continued getting that sweet friction against your weeping cunt. His hand left your hair and pulled your towel completely off, baring you completely before him. He took one of nipples into his mouth and sucked intensely, like he was a dying man and the only thing keeping him alive was his mouth on your body.
As he sucked on your breast, his eyes rose and stared back into yours. This sudden urge came over you and you let saliva pool in your mouth before spitting it out on his cheek. He stopped the assault on your breast and looked at you with a shocked expression on his face, trying to comprehend what you had just done to him. “You disgust me,” you said before he quickly wrapped his hand around your throat, completely cutting off your air. 
Your hand quickly shot up and gripped onto his. You weren’t trying to pull his hand away, oh no, you held his grip tighter. Your reflexes were kicking in, your mouth fell open as your lungs tried to suck in any air they could. Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head, but that didn’t stop you from feeling Leon spit right into your open mouth.
“Fucking look at you taking whatever I’ll give you. You’re a filthy whore and you can’t even help it. You sit here and call me all sorts of names because you love my obsession with you,” he spoke as your face felt on fire and numb at the same time. He let go of your throat and you began to greedily suck in the air you’d been deprived of.
Grabbing you by the shoulders, he pushed you onto the floor on your knees as he stood before you, undoing his belt and jeans letting them fall down until he was just in his boxers before you. Your vision cleared as you looked directly at his hard dick through his briefs. You could see the growing wet spot on them from his precum as he brought his hand to his bulge and started rubbing himself through his underwear. 
You looked up with pleading eyes, hoping he’d understand what you so badly wanted to give him, but understanding is not what you got.
“What is it, baby? Is there something you want? We have to ask for things when we want them, that’s a concept you’re familiar with right? Or are you just a stupid slut who expects me to give her whatever she wants without having to work for it, hmm?” he said, the pace in which he was rubbing himself picking up. You whined, maybe he would give in and just let you take him without having to speak the words out loud. He just stared at you, waiting.
You cleared your throat and forced out the words, “Please, can I please suck your cock? I need to taste you so bad, please. Please sir, please fuck my mouth like you deserve to.” Once the words came out you couldn’t stop them. You needed him so badly, all you could do was helplessly beg. “I’ll be so good, I’ll do whatever you want from me, just please let me take your cock. Let me show you I can be good. Let me show you how well my throat can take it,” you continued begging and almost started drooling as he slowly pulled his underwear down, letting them fall to his ankles.
You looked up at him, asking for permission, “May I, sir?” He ran his hand down your scalp, bringing it down to your cheek and massaging it underneath his palm. He suddenly pulled his hand away before a sharp slap met your cheek that had your brain going foggy. The pain spread through your face, causing your jaw to fall open in a groan. 
Leon took this opportunity to shove his cock into your mouth, your attention grabbed immediately as your lips wrapped around him. You let out a moan as the taste of his precum flooded your mouth. The pain from the slap mixed with his taste had your eyes rolling back into your head as you sucked him in as hard as you could.
Leon’s head fell back in pleasure as a moan of your name fell from his lips. You pulled his cock deeper into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat to spur him on. Your hand wrapped around the base of his cock, pumping him while you took his cock as deep as it could go in your throat. The sheer size of his member still blew your mind despite seeing it over camera twice. Nothing could compare to him being right in front of your face.
One of his hands tangled in your hair as the other one fiddled with something behind him. “Hey,” he said, grabbing your attention away from the work you were doing on his cock, “You can say no, okay?” You raised an eyebrow questioningly as you didn’t know what he was trying to say. He pulled up your Polaroid camera and it started coming together in your brain. You whimpered realizing he wanted to take pictures of the two of you together.
The idea rushed feverishly through you and straight down to your cunt. You’d never thought of taking pictures in the act. You both knew you’d taken plenty of pictures alone, but the thought of doing this with Leon and having the pictures for both of you to hold onto? You could feel the arousal pooling down your thighs as you nodded your head once to let him know to please continue. He smiled down at you, “Atta girl. Put on a show for me and I’ll make it worth your while, yeah?” The hand still held in your hair pulled tightly, causing you to close your eyes as you kept up your work on his cock.
You lost yourself in pleasing him. Giving him pleasure gave you pleasure as well. The way his cock stretched your mouth around him was heavenly. He was thrusting into your mouth, pushing himself down your throat. Tears were pouring down your face, but you didn’t want him to stop. You loved feeling like this, loved when your mind went foggy as he used you.
“Look at me,” he suddenly demanded. You looked up and your eyes immediately looked into the camera as he snapped a picture of you. “Fuck, such a good girl. So good for me, your mouth is, fuck, fucking perfect,” he whined out. The sound was pure sex, causing you to moan around his dick.
“You want me to fuck you? You wanna take me into your slutty cunt, huh?” he asked you as you pulled your mouth off his cock sucking in a deep breath.
“Please, please. I want you to fuck me so bad. I want you to use my pussy until you cum, sir,” you were once again pleading for him. You couldn’t find shame within you anymore. Your need heavily outweighed your pride. And knowing he liked you like this? You wanted to give yourself over to him whenever he wanted, however he wanted.
He walked around you, pushing you forward so that your chest was laying on the cushions of your couch, knees still on the floor as he spread them wider before him. You looked back at him just in time to see him take a picture of you bent over for him. After the photo was pushed out of the camera, he brought the device closer to your sopping pussy and took a picture of how wet and needy you were for him. He sat the camera down and started kneading both his hands into your ass cheeks.
Leaning forward he kissed your shoulder as one hand slipped down between your thighs and rubbed your clit gently. He ran his fingers up and down your folds before sinking a finger into your wet heat. You couldn’t help but whine at this point. You were so worked up, you could’ve taken his cock immediately, but you were also too worked up to be able to voice this. He slid another finger in as you let out a long, high pitched moan. 
“Are you ready for me, baby? I need to feel your pussy around my cock,” Leon asked you as you nodded your head as fast as humanly possible. He chuckled at your neediness before slowly pulling his fingers out of you and bringing them to your lips. “Here, be a good girl and clean this up for me,” he could barely finish his statement before you were sucking his fingers clean of your juices. He let out a deep moan as his other hand pulled back and smacked your ass hard. 
He wrapped his hand around his cock and rubbed the tip against your wet hole, causing you to instinctively push yourself back, trying to take his cock. This earned you another smack on your ass. You moaned as you arched your back from the pain. Leon took this opportunity and slammed himself all the way inside of you, which had you unintentionally biting his fingers that were still being held in your mouth. He moaned at the way your teeth dug into his fingers before pulling them out and running his hand down your back.
You turned to look at him, begging, “Please move Leon, I need it so bad. I need you to fuck me, please please please please.” You couldn’t help but move your ass around to get some sort of movement within your pussy. You were so desperate, you couldn’t wait any longer, you needed him to fuck you until you couldn’t remember your own name.
“Shhhhh,” he whispered as he wrapped his hand around your throat, pulling your head back to rest on his peck as your back arched even further for him, “I’ve got you sweet girl.” He finally, finally, started moving and moans were already falling from your lips uncontrollably. “That’s it, you take me so well. Gonna make you feel so good,” Leon praised you. He had completely switched from the degrading way he spoke to you earlier and the praise had you melting beneath his touch. Your walls flutter around his cock in approval.
His pace picked up as he ruthlessly began pounding into you. You were uttering incoherent phrases at him as the pleasure was coursing through every nerve in your body. Leon leaned forward and buried his head in your neck, letting loose the most pornographic moans you’d ever heard. You didn’t know what was giving you more pleasure, the way he was fucking you or the way he sounded.
You pulled your hands from where they were gripping the couch and wrapping them behind you, tangling his hair in your fingers as you pulled his mouth to yours. The kiss was messy and loud, moaning as your tongues clashed together desperately trying to feel every square inch of each other. Leon’s hands released their grip on your thighs and ran them up to your stomach until he reached your breasts, where he rubbed your nipples between his fingers, further driving you crazy.
You felt yourself slowly climbing that mountain, heading towards release, when Leon’s movements suddenly stopped and he pushed your chest back into the couch, pressing you into it with both hands. You were whining and pushing yourself up and down his cock while he held you in place. “That’s it, fuck yourself with my cock. You look so good like this, so fucking needy,” Leon barely formed the words together as he got lost in the sight of you. He rested his hands lazily on his hips, holding himself up as you forcibly fucked back onto his cock.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, please fuck me. I’m so close I need you to fill me up, please,” you begged, wearing yourself out from your movements, hardly able to catch your breath but unrelenting in your need to cum. 
Leon gave into your request, pushing his hands into your back, holding you in place as he ruthlessly fucked into you. He let out a loud moan before speaking, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Cum with me sweet girl. I want to feel you cum around my cock.” You couldn’t formulate a response, but after a few more hard, sloppy thrusts you were screaming Leon’s name and all sorts of profanities as you came. 
After feeling you squeeze his cock so tightly, Leon was cumming deep inside your pussy. Thrusting into you through his orgasm, pushing his cum further inside of you. Your knees gave out beneath you, but Leon was quick to grab your hips and hold you up. He slowly slid his cock out of you, taking in the view of his cum slowly dripping down your thighs. If it was possible, he would’ve cum again at the sight alone. 
He helped you turn over and lay on the floor right beside your couch as he laid down right next to you. You were tightly sandwiched between the couch and coffee table with him, but you didn’t mind. You wanted to be as close to him as possible. You rolled onto your side and threw your leg and arm over him, chin resting on his shoulder. He turned to look at you, catching your lips in a slow, gentle kiss. It was a sharp contrast to how you’d just been moments ago and it would’ve given anyone whiplash, but to you both it made perfect sense. 
Leon pulled away and spoke softly, “There’s only one thing I’m not sure of. Why’d you get the cameras?” You let out an airy laugh and were about to speak when you were interrupted by a loud crash in the kitchen, followed by one of your cats zooming through the living room and into your bedroom away from the noise.
“What the fuck was that?” you yelled, whipping your head towards the kitchen. “That’s why I got the damn cameras! Between the cats, and apparently you, I was beginning to believe I was living with a poltergeist.”
Leon laughed before speaking, “Hey, I’m careful. That’s all on them or the poltergeist.”
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mandowifey · 1 year
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Father Paul/John Pruitt x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, P in V sex, unprotected sex, dry humping, mutual masturbation, lots of priest play, biting, pining, dom!Paul, semi established relationship, cum play, mentions of cervix, mentions of bite wounds.
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It's a storm to end all storms.
That was what Beverly Keane proclaimed at yesterday's service. The woman had a penchant for dramatics and often spoke with puritanical judgment. Folks were accustomed to the devout woman's manic ramblings, which meant she was never taken literally. However, when the Coast Guard reached out to warn the town to evacuate not but four hours before the storm was due to impact, Bev Keane stood, smug and proud.
"I had warned you, all of you."
Towns folk rushed towards the docks with their families, arms full of the few precious belongings they had. Sturge was helping them up the ramp and into the ferry, trying to explain that there was no need to panic. Dark waves sloshed and rolled under the boats. People were gasping and crying out below the blackening sky. Hysteria at its finest.
"You lot wrought this upon yourselves," sighed Keane, who stood on the dock, hands linked together. "Those of us who remained loyal to our faith, who filled the church every day and lived our lives devout and holy have no reason to fear. The Lord recognizes his own and will shephard us unto his raft to guide us through the storm."
Over half the population fled Crockett that dreary afternoon. Those who remained boarded their windows and hunkered down to ride it out. While the last ferry departed, Bev Keane smiled and turned to head back up the trail. Confident in the hopes that God would sort things out in the end.
° ☆ ° ☆ °
Candles warmed the room around you, while flashes of lighting illuminated the windows and caught your eye. When thunder clapped and shook the wooden frame of the rectory, you would suck in a sharp gasp and tense, which drew a low chuckle from the man above you. Rain impacts noisily against the glass windows, causing a steady hum.
A hand closes under your jaw and tips your head back, exposing the curve of your throat. Lips press against your skin, making you rumble and start to smile. "You are so strange," the words leave your mouth in a breathless sigh. "How can you not be at least a little afraid?"
He chuckles again, and you feel teeth graze your flesh. "I have much more important things on my mind." There was a pull to his words that brought moisture between your legs. Heat consumed you, twisting through your limbs and fogging your thoughts.
"Looks like you do too." His palm cups your mound. Embarrassment overtakes you as you realize you had soaked through your underwear. "Messy little lamb." Lips slotting together, the man kisses you with intensity. He parts your mouth with his own and scoops his tongue between your teeth. You can feel the way his nose pushes to your cheek and taste the remnants of the tea he had earlier.
Words fail you as you cave below him. The bed moves under you as he shifts your bodies and lays himself between your legs. Another flash of lightning, another gasp, this time it's for him. He presses the aching bulge against your core and leans his weight into you. You feel so small with his body caging yours, and the contact makes you simper.
"O-oh, P-paul,"
"I'm sorry?"
Paul's voice was lile velvet in your ears. Candlelight flickers in those obsidian eyes of his, and you watch his angular brows start to vex. Heat burned in your stomach, and you paw at the blankets beneath you.
"F-father, p-please."
A smile breaks the tension, and he drops his head down to gently kiss the middle of your forehead. He rumbles his praise against your skin, balancing himself on his knees and one hand while the other pulls your leg around his hip. You tilt and groan unabashedly as Paul starts to grind into you. The friction of his clothed cock pressing and sliding over your crease had your clit engoring with blood.
Head tilting back, your mouth hangs open as soft groans waft out. Paul was watching you, admiring every line in your face as he began bucking into you. Your body bounces, your cries coming out louder as he thrusts as though he were fucking you. The impact had you soaking more than before, leaking a spot on the blankets.
"U-uhn, hnn, p-please-" You felt frantic, desperately craving the Priest to bury inside and claim you as his. To carve through your insides and nestle himself in the furthest reaches of your cunt. The ache within your body called to him, your scent nearly driving the starving man mad.
"Patience is a virtue." Paul sat back against his legs before placing both large hands on your hips. Fingers gripped bruisingly tight as he hoisted you upwards against him, locking your pelvis to his so he could continue rutting. The man sighed, his eyes closing as he grunted and panted softly. Both of you mutually wind your bodies together in a frenetic desire.
Panting fills the empty space, and you're using the massive bulge between his legs to chase your release. Paul used you, too. His hands greedily squeezed and pulled you while his hips bucked to yours. "T-that's it." He gasps, his large thumbs pressing down into the front of your pelvis, causing a pleasant pressure inside of you that made you mewl.
Ravenous, the holy man watches as you fall apart. Chest heaving, skin flushed, and nipples showing through your tank top. "Look at you, little lamb," His voice purrs. "So beautiful, a spectacle to watch unfurl." Rolling his hips forward, Paul grinds his cock into your core and makes you whine. You are gradually rising now, the friction pushing you higher and higher. Smiling, he smoothed one large palm over your stomach as he moved it onto your breast. "Let me hear you." He pinches your pert nipple between his thumb and index finger, causing you to arch and cry.
"That's it, good girl."
Your face burns. Sweat builds in a thin layer on your skin as the sensation of bursting swells inside of you. Paul lifts off his legs to get a better angle and alternates slow grinds with firm, steady rocks of his hips. Each impact jostles your smaller frame, bouncing you under him and pushing cry after cry from your parted lips. "I-im g-gonna-" It was hurtling towards you full speed. You knew there was no use in trying to fight it. You could feel the burn of his eyes on your face, watching you as you fell apart.
"It's alright, my angel, let me see you."
Paul leaned over you, bucking himself against you just right. Your clit throbs, slick soaking through your panties and onto him as you gasp and jerk. Fireworks spark in your belly as the rush hits you. Your cunt clenches sporadically, your body shaking as you cum. Reaching your hands up, you curl your fingers into his arms, thighs shaking as he continues to grind against you. Paul coos, mesmerized by your face. When you rest back and relax, he leans and opens his pants to spring himself out.
With your head still spinning, you hardly notice him fist his cock. Eyes transfixed on your soaked underwear, the Monsignor inches closer and strokes himself against you. "S-such a messy lamb," his voice shudders with pleasure as his palm slicks across his length. "S-so beautiful." He sounds like he may cry, his dark eyes heavy with lids and lips parted. You look up at him, feeling your heart race at the sight. "P-please father, I need you to cum." Paul jerks, startled by your words and breath stopping in his throat.
That undid him. He bucked against his fist while you pulled your panties to the side. Whimpering and looking down, he groans as he cums. Hot, thick ropes spraying across your folds and fingers. You feel the heat as he drips inside your crease. "O-oh." He bucks one last time, a final spurt landing on your clit and dribbling downwards. Paul looks disheveled, breathless, as he settles down from his own high.
You were ready to speak when he dropped over you, impacting your lips with his own. Paul slips his large hand between your legs, using his nimble fingers to collect his cum and push it into you. You gasp, groaning into his starving mouth as he sinks inside your cunt to the knuckle. "Mh, p-paul-" He kisses your words and swallows them whole, adding a second digit which causes you to shriek into him. He pumps them inside of you, trying as hard as he can to reach your end with his seed.
Mouths and tongues lashing together, Paul slows his fingers right as you begin to buck against him. "So needy tonight," remarked the holy man as he licked over your kiss swollen lips. "I suppose you have been good enough to earn a little more. What do you say, my lamb?" His fingers curled inside of you, applying pressure to your gspot and bladder. Sparks flash behind your eyes, and your back lifts off the blankets. "Y-yes, p-please father Hill." You gasp, struggling to bring your eyes to his. The man flashes his teeth, and his eyes crinkle along the edges. His digits squelch inside of you as he begins to pump them faster.
"Since you asked so nicely." Paul nods, drawing his fingers out while you whine.
The loss of him makes your cuntache. Feeling no need to rush, Paul takes his time removing your sodden underwear and his pants. Carefully, he lays beside you and shifts you on your side, facing away from him. As he closes the distance between your bodies, you feel the cold press of his skin behind you. Paul lifts your leg and kisses behind your ear. "Keep this up for me, please." The delicate tone in his voice makes you throb, and you obey.
You feel the familiar prod of his cock and angle your hips back to make it easier for him. Paul guides his tip to your sopping opening and grunts with you as he presses inside. With a sudden snap of his hips, he submerges inside your heat and bottoms out. The stretch is immense, and you can already feel the tip nudging at your end. "G-god!" Your lip quivers and leg shakes, the muscle burning now.
As if he knew, Paul curls his frigid hand under your knee and holds your leg. Lips kiss at your shoulder as he starts liesurely rocking inside of you. The drag burning your cunt and making you whine. Eagerly, you shove yourself back against him, nearly sobbing each time he pushes fully inside and reaches your furthest depths. You're keening, whining, noisily falling apart for him as he rocks. Paul smiles against your skin, peppering you in soft kisses as he takes his time.
Thunder rattles the wooden frame of the rectory, but you hardly notice. Paul drives himself inside you faster now, spearing every inch of his aching cock deep inside your heat. More sparks are flying now, he's brushing everything right within you. You can hear him grunting and gasping behind you, his breath fanning your skin as he bucks his hips. His fingers dig into your skin as he plaps noisily against your ass. Paul grunts, his movements stuttering and becoming uneven.
It spurs something in you, and you fuck yourself back against him. "P-please, please!" You cry as he desperately stuffs himself inside you. Paul bites your shoulder, muffling his groan as he sinks to the hilt. You flutter around him, your abrupt orgasm taking you by surprise as you clench on his throbbing cock. Groaning louder, he bruises your skin as he empties directly against your cervix, the hot flood of his cum making you whimper and grind into him.
As he calms, he lowers your leg and pulls you into him further by wrapping his arms around you. Paul enjoys the rapid patter of your heartbeat, and he licks over the bitemark he left. You were melting, sinking back into him and closing your eyes as you smiled. "Thanks," you giggle, feeling him pause in licking you. "For distracting me from the storm. I think it helped quite a lot." His chest rattles with a soft chuckle. The two of you remained embraced while it continued to pour outside, safe and warm together from the storm.
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xxspringmelodyxx · 7 months
Why Her and Not Me?
Gojo Satoru x F!Reader x Geto Suguru (Angst) part V
Hello my lovely readers! Here is part V! I also want to let you all know that I will be making multiple endings for this story because all of you deserve to be happy, so I will do just that🫶🏽 As for this part, I hope you all enjoy it! <333
If you want the other parts, they are in my masterlist :))))
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As Toru wandered aimlessly down the quiet streets, his footsteps echoed hollowly against the pavement. Each step felt heavier than the last, weighed down by the burden of his own heartache. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, his thoughts consumed by memories of you and the pain of your absence.
With each passing moment, the weight of your absence pressed down on him like a suffocating blanket, suffusing his every breath with a sense of longing and despair. He had tried to distract himself, to bury his feelings beneath a facade of indifference, but the truth was, he couldn’t escape the emptiness that gnawed at him from within. It was as if a part of him was missing, lost in the void that had opened up between you.
Toru barely slept, barely ate, barely did anything other than wander the streets in a daze, lost in a fog of sadness and regret. He knew he should take better care of himself, that he owed it to himself to try and move on, but the thought of you lingered in his mind like a ghost, haunting him at every turn.
Every corner he turned, every street he walked, seemed to taunt him with memories of happier times, of moments shared and laughter shared. But now, those memories felt like nothing more than cruel illusions, mocking him with their fleeting sweetness.
His heart felt heavy in his chest, a leaden weight that threatened to drag him down into the depths of despair. He had never felt so lost, so adrift, as he did in that moment, with the realization of just how much he missed you crashing over him like a tidal wave.
He wanted nothing more than to see you, to hear your voice, to feel your touch, but he knew that was impossible. You were out there somewhere, living your life without him, and the thought filled him with a profound sense of loneliness and regret.
And as he trudged on through the empty streets, his aura radiated a palpable aura of sadness and longing, a silent plea for the universe to bring you back to him.
Toru loved you, the truth was undeniable: his heart belonged to you, and you alone. He couldn’t continue to deceive himself, couldn’t continue to pretend that everything was okay when it clearly wasn’t. And so, with a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, Toru made the final decision to end things with Osaka.
Their relationship had once been filled with laughter and joy, but now it felt like nothing more than a charade, a hollow imitation of the love and passion he felt for you. He couldn’t bear the thought of leading Osaka on any longer, couldn’t bear the guilt of knowing that he was betraying her with every passing day.
And so, one fateful afternoon, Toru found himself sitting across from Osaka, his heart heavy with sorrow as he tried to find the words to explain why he couldn’t be with her anymore. She looked at him with confusion and hurt in her eyes, her brow furrowed in disbelief as she struggled to comprehend what he was saying.
As Toru sat across from Osaka in the bustling cafe, his heart weighed down by the heavy burden of the truth he was about to reveal, he couldn't help but notice the sadness in her eyes. It was as if she already knew what he was going to say, as if she had seen the signs and understood the depths of his feelings long before he had even admitted them to himself.
"I'm sorry, Osaka," Toru began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... I can't do this anymore. I can't continue to pretend that everything is okay when it clearly isn't. I... I have feelings for someone else, and I can't ignore them any longer."
Osaka's eyes widened in understanding, her lips trembling slightly as she fought to hold back her emotions. "Is it... is it because of her?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible over the din of the crowded cafe.
Toru nodded, his heart aching with regret. "Yes," he admitted, his voice barely more than a choked whisper. "I've tried to deny it, tried to push aside my feelings, but... but I can't. I love her, Osaka. I've finally come to realize that everything that made me happy…everything that made me love life…it was all because of her… and I can't keep pretending that I don’t want her."
Tears welled up in Osaka's eyes, but she managed to nod, a small, sad smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I know," she whispered. "I've seen the way you look at her, the way your eyes light up whenever she's around. And as much as it hurts, I... I understand."
Toru's heart clenched with guilt at the pain he saw in Osaka's eyes, the knowledge that he was causing her so much hurt and heartache nearly overwhelming him. But amidst the sorrow and regret, there was a sense of relief, a weight lifting from his shoulders as he finally spoke the truth he had been hiding for so long.
"I'm so sorry, Osaka," he murmured, reaching out to take her hand in his. "I never meant to hurt you, but I... I can't keep pretending that my feelings for you are enough. You deserve someone who can give you their whole heart, and I... I can't do that."
Osaka squeezed his hand gently, her gaze soft and understanding. "I know," she whispered. "And all I want is for you to be happy, Toru. Even if it's not with me."
And in that moment, Toru felt a sense of gratitude wash over him, a deep appreciation for the kindness and understanding that Osaka had shown him. He knew that he would never forget her, never forget the love and support she had given him during their time together.
As Osaka got up to leave, her shoulders hunched with grief but her head held high with dignity, Toru couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the strength and resilience she possessed. And as he watched her walk away, he knew that he would always be grateful for her understanding and kindness, even though his heart belonged elsewhere.
—end of flashback—
That happened almost three weeks ago, and here he was, still down as ever because he still hasn’t gotten a chance to speak with you. As he rounded a corner, his gaze fell upon a familiar figure sitting alone on a bench in the park. It was you, your silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlights, and for a moment, Toru’s heart leaped in his chest.
Without a second thought, he changed direction and made his way towards you, his steps quickening with a sense of urgency. He needed to see you, to talk to you, to finally get some answers to the questions that had been plaguing him for months now.
Relief washed over him at the sight of you, but it quickly turned to dismay as he couldn’t help but notice the way your shoulders tensed, as if bracing for impact. His heart clenched at the sight, the realization that you were actively avoiding him hitting him like a ton of bricks. He had hoped that seeing you again would ease the ache in his chest, but instead, it only seemed to exacerbate it.
His footsteps faltered for a moment before he mustered back the courage to approach you. Each step felt like a heavy weight dragging him closer to the inevitable confrontation he had been dreading. He cleared his throat nervously, his heart pounding in his chest as he finally reached your side.
“Y/n,” he called out softly, his voice trembling with emotion. “It’s… it’s been so long since we’ve talked. I’ve missed you.”
You glanced up briefly, your eyes flitting over him before quickly returning to the ground. You instantly began to feel your heart race. You cursed yourself mentally, hoping that all of those feelings you had for him were gone once and for all, but to your surprise, they weren’t.
“Has it? I didn’t even notice.” You spoke plainly, going on your phone. Even you knew that was a low blow.
Your reaction was almost imperceptible, a slight shift in posture that spoke volumes. Toru’s heart sank at your words, his mind racing with a million different questions and doubts. What had he done wrong? Why were you treating him like this? Had he somehow pushed you away without realizing it?
“Y/n,” he repeated, his voice pleading, “please, I need to know what’s been going on with you. I miss you so much, and it’s killing me not knowing why you’ve been avoiding me.”
But you remained stubbornly silent, refusing to meet his gaze or acknowledge his presence. Toru’s frustration boiled beneath the surface, his patience wearing thin as he struggled to contain his emotions.
“Y/n, come on,” he begged, his voice cracking with emotion. “I can’t take this anymore. I need to know why you’ve been ignoring me. What did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this?”
You flinched at his words, the guilt gnawing at your conscience as you struggled to find the right words. But before you could respond, Toru pressed on, his voice growing more desperate with each passing moment.
“I thought we were friends, Y/n,” he continued, his voice trembling with emotion. “I thought we meant something to each other. Maybe…even more than that… But if I was wrong, if I’ve just been fooling myself this whole time, then please, just tell me. Tell me the truth, even if it hurts. Because obviously, you’ve been ignoring me for the last several months and I’m getting tired of it!”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you met Toru’s gaze, the pain and confusion written plainly across his face. You opened your mouth to speak, to tell him everything, but the words caught in your throat, choked back by the weight of your own fears.
Toru’s eyes searched yours, pleading for some semblance of an answer, but you turned away, unable to bear the intensity of his gaze any longer. And in that moment of vulnerability, you felt a surge of anger rise up within you, a resentment born from years of unrequited love and silent suffering. After all this time, he still doesn’t know about how you felt. How much you loved him. How much he hurt you that day. And how much it continued to hurt every time you saw him with Osaka.
“I’m sorry, Toru,” you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper. “I can’t do this right now. I need some time alone.”
But Toru refused to let you off that easily, his frustration boiling over as he grabbed your arm, forcing you to face him. “No, Y/n,” he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation. “We need to talk about this. I can’t just let you walk away like this, not when it’s tearing me apart inside.”
You tried to pull away, to free yourself from his grasp, but Toru held on tight, his grip unyielding as he searched your eyes for some sign of understanding.
”Let me go, Satoru. Now.” You spoke to him, your voice completely monotone and full of venom.
Toru’s heart cracked at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue with such detachment. It was as if you were a stranger, a cold wind blowing through the warm familiarity you two once shared.
“Y/n, please,” Toru pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper. “Don’t shut me out like this. I can’t bear it.”
But you remained resolute, your gaze fixed on the ground as if the earth held the answers to all your troubles. Toru’s heart ached at the sight, the pain of your rejection like a physical blow to his chest.
“Please, just talk to me,” Toru implored, his voice trembling with emotion. “Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me why you’ve been avoiding me.”
Your silence was deafening, a wall of ice erected between you and Toru that seemed impossible to breach. But before he could do anything further, you spoke again, your voice cutting through the silence like a knife. “Let me go, or else.”
Toru recoiled as if struck, the pain in your words lancing through him like a blade. He had never heard you address him so formally, so coldly, and it sent a shiver down his spine. He let go of your hand, seeing you begin to walk away. That is when he snapped.
“I…I don’t understand,” Toru stammered, his voice rising as his frustration began to take hold of his emotions. “What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to make you hate me so much?” He yelled, tears beginning to fall down his face.
Suddenly, you stopped in your tracks, your heart beginning to break as well. The tears welled up in your eyes as you met Toru’s gaze, the pain and anguish written plainly across your face.
Toru’s heart clenched at the sight of your tears, each drop a dagger in his already wounded heart. He watched helplessly as you approached him, your finger trembling as you pointed it accusingly at him.
“Y-you wanna know why I’ve been acting this way? Why I’ve been ignoring you this whole fucking time?!” you yelled, your voice raw with emotion.
Toru’s breath caught in his throat as he waited for your answer, his heart pounding with anticipation and dread.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as the weight of your words hung heavy in the air between you. “It’s because of you, Toru and well…me and my stupid feelings,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. “Because of what you said to me that day…about loving Osaka.”
Toru’s eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of understanding dawning in their depths. He opened his mouth to speak, but you held up a trembling hand, silencing him before he could interrupt.
“I know you probably didn’t mean to hurt me when you told me you loved Osaka,” you continued, your words tumbling out in a rush. “But it… it broke my heart, Toru. It shattered me into a million pieces, and I didn’t know how to put myself back together again.”
Toru listened in stunned silence as you poured out your heart, each word a dagger to his own soul. He had never realized the depth of your feelings for him, the pain you had been silently carrying all this time.
You swallowed hard, the lump in your throat threatening to choke off your words. How could you possibly explain the depth of your feelings for Toru, the longing and heartache that had consumed you for so long? How could you make him understand the pain of watching him love someone else, knowing that he would never return your affections?
“But It’s about more than just what happened with Osaka,” you finally admitted, your voice trembling with emotion. “It’s about how much I loved you, Toru. For so long, I’ve loved you with every fiber of my being. There wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t think of you, where I didn’t want to be with you.”
You continued.
“That’s why I would always make you your favorite desserts. I knew you loved them and so I made them to make you feel loved…to make you feel happy…to hopefully help you understand just how much I cared for and loved you…but you never got the idea.” Your heart was breaking more and more with each word you spoke. “You never once sat back and wondered why I did all of that for you. Of course I did it because I enjoy it…but it made it even more enjoyable knowing that it was all for you. You were the reason I looked forward to each new day. The reason as to what made everything better. And it… it hurts so much to know that you don’t feel the same way about me. And what’s worse is that…I still love you…even though I’ve tried to force those feelings away…after months of telling myself I don’t love you anymore, convincing myself of those words…I knew it was nothing but a lie.” You finished, still looking at him, seeing his widened eyes.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked up at him, the floodgates of your emotions bursting open with a force you couldn’t contain. You felt exposed and vulnerable, laid bare before Toru.
Gently, he squeezed your hand, silently conveying his remorse and his determination to make things right. He knew he had a long road ahead of him, but he was willing to do whatever it took to earn back your trust and your love.
“I-I never knew,” Toru choked out, his voice thick with emotion. “I never realized…” he stammered, his voice choking with emotion. “I never meant to hurt you, I swear. I never wanted to cause you pain.”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your cheeks unchecked. “I know, Toru. I know you didn’t mean to,” you said softly. “But the truth is, you did. And I’ve spent so long trying to come to terms with that, trying to move on and forget about you, but I just… I can’t.”
But you shook your head, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. “But It doesn’t matter now, Toru,” you said, your voice tinged with sadness and resignation. “What’s done is done. You are with Osaka…and there is nothing I can do about it.”
“I-I broke up with Osaka,” Toru interrupted, his voice loud and clear.
You felt your heart skip a beat as Toru’s words hung in the air, the weight of his confession hitting you on the head. You blinked, trying to process the sudden shift in the conversation, the unexpected turn of events leaving you feeling disoriented and confused.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, your heart racing in your chest. “Why would you break up with Osaka?”
As Toru’s voice wavered with emotion, you could sense the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air, each syllable laden with meaning and significance. He took a deep breath, steeling himself to articulate the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings that had consumed him in recent months.
“It was after you stopped talking to me,” Toru confessed, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes searching yours for understanding. “I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, I couldn’t do anything…I was a mess, Y/n. And I couldn’t figure out why until I realized…it was because of you. I realized that I needed you.”
You felt a pang of guilt twist in your chest at his words, the realization that your actions had caused him so much pain weighing heavily on your conscience. But even as you grappled with your own emotions, you couldn’t help but hang on to his every word, desperate to understand the depth of his feelings.
“I kept replaying everything in my mind, every moment we’ve shared together,” Toru continued, his voice growing stronger with each passing word. “And it hit me like a bus. I’m in love with you, Y/n. I’m so in love with you that it hurts. Everywhere I turn, it always brings up a memory of us together.”
The raw honesty in Toru’s confession washed over you, leaving you reeling in its wake. You had never imagined that he could feel that way about you, never dared to entertain the possibility that your feelings for him might be reciprocated.
“I tried to hide my feelings for you while I was with Osaka…to pretend that everything was fine….but I can’t keep pretending anymore, Y/n. I can’t keep hiding how I feel.”
As Toru poured his heart out to you, baring his soul in a way you had never seen before, you felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over you. Part of you wanted to throw yourself into his arms, to finally acknowledge the love that had been simmering beneath the surface for so long. But another part of you hesitated, still grappling with the scars of past heartbreaks, unsure if you were ready to take that leap of faith again.
You felt a lump form in your throat as Toru’s words washed over you, the enormity of what he was saying sinking in.
“I love you so much,Y/n… and I am so sorry that it took me this long to figure it out” He started, his hands becoming clammy.
Toru reached out tentatively, his hand hovering in the air between you as if unsure whether to touch you or not. “Please, Y/n,” he pleaded, his voice breaking with emotion. “Give me a chance to make things right. I’ll do anything, I swear.”
You looked up at him, your eyes filled with a mixture of pain and longing. “I don’t know if I can, Toru. You really hurt me, even if you didn’t mean to.” you admitted, your voice barely audible above the soft hum of the evening breeze.
“Plus…Suguru and I have been getting close…and I…I think I’m falling for him as well. I can’t explain it, but there’s something about him that draws me to him, something I can’t ignore. So not only do I still have feelings for you…but I also have feelings for him…and I’m just so lost and confused. I don’t know what to do anymore.”
The weight of your confession hung heavy in the air, the silence stretching between you like a chasm.
When you finally mentioned Suguru, Toru’s heart clenched with a mixture of jealousy and resignation. He had suspected as much, had seen the way you looked at Suguru when you thought no one was watching, the subtle shifts in your demeanor whenever he was around. But hearing you say the words out loud, admitting to falling for another, felt like a blow to his chest.
But he pushed back those feelings as he heard and saw your current state. He felt a surge of guilt wash over him as he saw you. This wasn’t about him right now; it was about you and the pain he had caused you. He couldn’t bear the thought of being the source of your hurt, and the realization weighed heavily on his heart.
He refused to give up hope. He knew that he had to earn your forgiveness, that it wouldn’t come easily or quickly. But he was willing to do whatever it took to make things right between you, to prove to you that he was worthy of your love.
“However,” you started, still looking into his eyes.
“I know that I can’t keep ignoring you like this. And…I have been missing you for some time as well. So…how about we just start back at square one and see where that takes us?”
Toru listened intently, his heart pounding with anticipation as you spoke. He understood the gravity of your words, the weight of the pain he had caused you. But as you suggested starting anew, a spark of hope ignited within him, lighting up the darkness that had clouded his heart.
He nodded, a sense of determination coursing through him. "I would like that…a lot actually," he replied, his voice soft yet resolute. "Let's start fresh, take it one step at a time."
As the words left his lips, a sense of relief washed over you. Despite the hurt and the uncertainty, you couldn't ignore the flicker of hope that blossomed within you. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for the two of you to find your way back to each other. To love and cherish one another and be one.
With a tentative smile, you reached out and squeezed Toru's hand, feeling the warmth and strength it offered, missing how good it felt. As you two walked side by side, the weight of the past lifting from your shoulders, you felt a renewed sense of optimism fill your heart. Maybe this wasn't the end of your story with Toru, but rather the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with hope, forgiveness, and the promise of a brighter and happier future.
Taglist: (If you’d like to be added, just let me know with the username you’d like to be notified and Ill gladly get you added <3, again, thank you for all the support)
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virtucvs · 2 years
Danny kicks his feet while laying upside down on Joey's bed, head hanging off the side. He's also reading what seems to be a magazine.
"Frankie boy needs better taste in reading material." he speaks offhandedly. If Frank was complaining about missing things in his room it wasn't his fault. - @dcvourhcpe
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        GOD DAMMIT DANIEL. It’s bad enough he isn’t on Frank’s good side enough, feeling like some dad-not-approving-of-teenage-love type of bullshit, but taking his shit is just gonna wind up being Joey’s fault. 
       “Could you not be a fuck for five seconds, Doll?”
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hotmentransformed · 1 year
Skin-Care Routine
Alex was a bright young man living in a small city. Proudly embracing his identity as a gay individual, he radiated charm and confidence that drew people to him. He was popular in college and got good grades, which allowed him to have a stable job. He was happy and had a great social life. It helped that he was attractive, and he spent a lot of time taking care of himself. That included his nightly skin-care routine. One day, an advertisement for a revolutionary face mask promising unparalleled hydration caught his eye. Eager to try something new to rejuvenate his face, he ordered the mask and continued with his life.
By the time package finally arrived, Alex had completely forgotten to he had ordered it. It looked like any normal face-mask, so that night, Alex decided to try it. After rinsing his face, he applied the mask. Its cool, rejuvenating gel settled onto his skin, and he sat down, ready to continue his routine. However, something unexpected began to happen.
The coolness shifted into a strange warmth that spread across his face, soon extending down to the rest of his body. He was consumed by an intense, pleasurable, tingling sensation, that left his mind feeling vaguely… blank.
His jaw drooped open, as all thoughts left his head. The pleasure overtook his mind. His curly hair straightened out and sleeked back onto his scalp. A thick, manly, mustache pushed its way from his above his lips, which began to plump up into kissable mounds on his face. Stubble formed around his jaw, which was still covered in this strange mask.
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His chest, once slim and unimpressive, began to take on new dimensions. Pectoral muscles emerged, rising and falling with every breath. The skin on his chest tightened as his chest bulged further and further in front of him. Hair pushed its way from his chest, swirling around his nipples and covering his entire torso, which stretch up, growing longer and wider.
His former twig arms were now swelling and expanding with strength and masculinity. Biceps and triceps carved themselves beneath his skin, involuntarily flexing and exposing the prominent veins that now snaked across his forearms, which widened. His hands cracked as they expanded, his fingers growing meatier and thicker, splaying out. He reveled in these strange pleasurable sensations, a soft moan escaping his lips.
Deep chiseled ridges and valleys carved their way along his abdomen, a trail of thick hair navigating further down his waist, which now sported an intense V-line that accentuated his transforming physique. He moaned deeply as he felt his member expand and pulsate in his pants, which were beginning to strain at his expanding lower body.
Alex felt his ass plump up, lifting him higher on his chair, and his thigh muscles swell, stretching his pants and accentuating the massive bulge at the front of his pelvis, squeezing his genitals and sending waves of intense pleasure throughout his body. His calves bulged as dark hairs spread across both of his legs, which stretched longer and longer, giving him several more inches to his height. His feet began to stretch longer and wider, his toes involuntarily flexing as they grew longer and bigger, with dark hairs growing on the tops of them. His now-size 16 feet were the perfect size to support his massive 6'4" frame.
Even in the fog, Alex couldn't help but notice the smell coming from his armpits. Thick, wet hair had sprouted there producing seemingly uncontrollable body odor. His arms brushed against his sides, and the tickling sensation of the hair against his skin sent shivers down his spine, eliciting a soft gasp.
Almost as suddenly as the mask changed from cool to warm, the warmth quickly changed from warm to fucking hot as hell. It burned! Fuck, of course it did, this stupid skin-care junk is nonsense! Why did he even bother listening to his girlfriend and try it? Alex jolted back from his haze and ran into the bathroom to rinse off the mask in the sink. The water rinsed the gel down the drain along with his old self.
Skincare routines were for girls, and he was a strong man. All he cared about was working out and looking sexy, which he did! Looking in the mirror, he decided to go back out to the gym and get a pump. Putting on his gym gear, he snapped a selfie to send to his girlfriend with the accompanying message, “after the gym, im going to ur place for a second workout 😈”
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549 notes · View notes
darlingdekarios · 1 year
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rating: explicit. 18+ only. length: 3,209 content: Morpheus / Dream of the Endless x f!reader, established relationship, sleep deprivation, mention of medication abuse, angry & possessive Dream, porn with plot, smut [throne sex, oral - giving, fingering - receiving, unprotected p in v]
what you'd intended to be a lesson taught to him Dream of the Endless turns to a lesson for you.
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“Why have you been hiding yourself from me?” the familiar cadence filled your ears before the vision took form before you. The fog cleared, you could easily make out the mess of dark hair atop his head, his skin radiant in the eternal night glow, the stars shining in his eyes. Morpheus, the King of Dreams, perched on his throne as he awaited your response – one that you would have been foolish to think he wouldn’t demand eventually.
You’d last seen him an entire moon past, the weeks the first in eons that Morpheus found himself conscious of the passing time, and while in the larger scale of existence the time that passed meant nothing, to Morpheus, those were the first weeks he felt the pain of a ticking clock. You’d done everything to repress your dreams, to stay away from him, following the argument that the two of you had the last time you were together. The direct cause didn’t matter anymore, all that either of you had clung to was the heart of it all – Morpheus was a petty being. And though you were not Endless like he, that pettiness was only matched by your own.
You’d been taking a cocktail of medications and weed to numb your sleep at first, a successful attempt at withholding your mind from the Dreaming. When even that was overpowered by Morpheus, you’d opted for stimulants to force yourself to stay awake – though you were only human, and the sleep deprivation consumed you into the deep sleep you found yourself in now soon enough. It was never going to be forever, your punishment of him, your attempt at matching his attitude where it was…but you had to hope that it would communicate enough.
“I was dissatisfied at our last encounter in the Waking World, King of Dreams,” you gave your response as your feet carried you up several of the stairs to him, testing his anger. “You were not very kind to me.”
“And so, your response…” he began, his fingers twitching against the arms of his throne. His voice held no hint to indicate just how angry he was, and so you continued up the stairs in hope to make out his porcelain features soon enough. “Was to return my…shortcoming, with cruelty of your own?”
You knew he was likely to pick up on the playful smile that covered your features as it reached your voice – but you also didn’t care. “Precisely, my King. It only seemed fair.”
“Hmm,” he mused, attempting to cover the slight smile behind his voice as well. Though he’d seldom admit it, your quickness to mirror his own behavior when he deserved it often entertained him. “I suppose I did deserve to be withheld from you. And yet, it must be said that this long without you…it has been cruel.”
As he came into your view, the features of his face less indicative than you’d hoped, you approached with slow and intentional steps until you were just before him. Slowly sinking to your knees before him you gazed up between your lashes, your cheeks glowing the exact shade he always loved to see. If he were less angry, less petty, he would reach out to brush his fingers along one now – but the harshness of his mood toward your over-punishment had faltered far less than you’d hoped. Biting your bottom lip between your teeth briefly in nervousness, burning under the intensity of his eyes, you placed your hands experimentally on his thighs, maintaining the apologetic look – one far too innocent to be truly sincere.
“I guess we both have something to be sorry for, hmm?” You inquired as your hands slid higher onto his thighs, voice soft enough to coax him toward relaxation but serious enough to communicate you weren’t going to lighten on your stance. His jaw clenched slightly, the evidence he was still unwilling to falter himself.
“I learned my lesson weeks ago when you were simply numbing yourself from me, little one,” he chastised, his fingers twitching against his throne again as his want to touch you grew. Though he could now speak quietly – only to you – the anger present in his voice was now evident as he knew his words were only for you. “Your behavior these past couple of days…this absolute disregard for yourself…is what needs to be addressed now.”
“Are you angry because you were worried for my safety, my King?”
The question was taunting, attempting to push him into giving into you. With your hands sliding up his thighs as you leaned forward, reaching one hand to work open the button of his pants, it was growing harder to ignore the burn he felt for you.
“I am angry,” he began, eager to communicate what he needed to before his rough exterior completely faltered around you. “Because you threaten to harm someone very dear to me.”
“Those are different words for the same thing, Morpheus,” you taunted as you pressed a meaningful kiss to the top of his thigh, a quiet apology that he already knew you felt. One of his hands finally reached to grasp the hair at the back of your head, pulling you to rise to your knees until your face was mere inches from his. His grasp firm and a stern tone behind his words he leaned forward to brush the tip of his nose against yours, eyes piercing yours as his other hand reached to work his pants free from his waist.
“I do not enjoy being deprived of you,” he asserted as his hand at the back of your head slid to grasp your chin between his thumb and forefinger, an intensity and seriousness behind his eyes you’d never seen before…which was impressive considering intense and serious were in his nature. Behind it all lingered the anger still. “Do not do it again.”
You could barely bring yourself to nod, lost in the endless galaxies in his eyes, your mind desperately trying to focus on his words despite the fact that every cell that made up your body could do nothing but yearn for him. His grasp did not falter, his gaze holding yours still as he leaned forward to claim your lips in a heated, angry kiss, his desperation for you seeping through his every movement. Your hands found their way to his chest, clutching at the exquisite black fabric of the simple sweater he’d adorned himself in that day as you returned his kiss.
You began to trail your kisses down his perfectly smooth neck as he released his hold on your chin, both of his hands finding their way to your shoulders as you found yourself free of clothing. With an impatient tug at his shirt, you nipped at the skin of his neck eagerly, hoping your intent was clear without words. Thankfully, he took your sign to remove his shirt, leaving him gloriously bare before you. Your kisses trailed down the impossibly perfect frame before you until you reached his waist, placing a final kiss on his hip as one of your hands grasped his awaiting cock.
An impatient groan left his chest as his hand found the back of your head again, turning it toward his hardened length as his simple instruction – “open” – filled your ears and mind itself. Every movement he made was indicative of the anger he still harbored for you, and while your mind had to wonder if allowing the Endless his way was beneficial long-term, it was silenced by your fulfilled instinct to wrap your mouth around him.
As much as you loved listening to his voice, the sounds that left his mouth were the finest of them all – particularly the repressed groan that left erupted from his chest as your gaze connected with his once again. Grasping his fingers into your hair he thrust his hips up, pushing his cock further into your mouth and into your throat to urge you forward. Your pleasured moan vibrated through his body, your hands reaching to grasp his thighs as he found solace in the warmth of your mouth. As he began to repeat his thrusts into your mouth, he ensured you held his gaze, drinking in the sight of you coming undone for him – the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as he refamiliarized himself with your mouth, the drool dripping down your chin; perfectly imperfect and entirely for him.
“Don’t you know what you’re doing to me?” He inquired, fully aware that the only response you would offer were your fingernails digging into the tops of his thighs. “I do not wish to be angry with you, beloved.”
With a thrust hard enough, assuredly, to bruise your throat he pulled his throbbing cock free of your mouth, tilting your head back to look at his still-hardened face. Fighting for a proper breath you reached your hands to rest on his on either side of your face, nodding with your lips partially open in confirmation that you understood – pushing him this far was not an option again. He pulled you upward to reconnect your lips to his he kissed you harshly, releasing your face once you’d fully submitted to his kiss to lower his hands to grasp your hips.
Climbing to straddle his waist you immediately felt the intense wave of heat that rushed to your core. A blissful sigh slipped from your lips, your hands reaching to grasp into his tousled hair as ivory fingers slipped between your folds to test how wet you’d become for him. Ending at your clit and rubbing a gentle circle around the nub, there was no holding back your desperate moan which he gladly swallowed into the kiss.
“Although, I do think you enjoy when I’m angry with you,” he proclaimed as he released the kiss, his fingers sliding back toward your entrance to dip his forefinger into you teasingly. “Just feel how wet you are for me.”
Your hips jerked to his again, whimpering quietly at his long finger inside you, curling tantalizingly slow against the velvety patch within you, enjoying the way your mouth fell open for him once again and your eyes fluttered closed. Your hips jerked toward his hand, desperate for anything more he would offer you to take – the Dream Lord was often amused by your greed for his attentions. The friction of his palm against your clit pulled another moan from you, your hands grasping his shoulders desperately to steady yourself without his aid, hoping his hands would focus elsewhere.
Though he adored grasping your hips, he released his hold of you there to slide his unoccupied hand to your chest, cupping one of your breasts delicately as his cold thumb rubbed over your already-stiffened nipple. Somewhat bemused by the goosebumps that erupted across your skin at the feeling he took the nub between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it between the digits carefully before giving a harsh pinch – just as a second finger was added into your wet heat. Rolling your hips, you became keenly aware of the quiet, moaned pleas that were leaving your mouth, though the words sounded so foreign – it was always this way with him in the Dreaming, where nearly everything was too good to be true.
His fingers thrust into you expertly, his memory serving him well to remind him of all the ways to perfectly bend your body to his will until he felt your thighs begin to shake. As your walls clenched around his fingers ever-so-slightly tighter and your breathing hitched in your throat he removed his hand from your core, clicking his tongue against his teeth disapprovingly before leaning forward to brush his nose against yours. Once again, his tone was quiet – eerily resonating within your thoughts, almost as if Morpheus was inside your head, as well.
“Given how you’ve behaved so poorly these last weeks,” he began, his lips brushing yours in a tormentingly light kiss as he spoke. “Do you not think that you should have to beg me for your release?”
“Dream,” you whimpered, using the name only those closest to him seemed to these days, regretting the extra days you’d made yourself stay away from him. Your hips thrust toward his stilled hand, desperate for friction and to release the ecstasy that he’d built in you – though all you were met with was another opaque hum from his chest. “Please.”
You had to admit, you may have deserved the light smile that played on his lips – and despite its lightly sinister nature, you fawned at the realization he was beginning to falter for you. “I do enjoy the sounds of your pleas, little one. Perhaps you have more for me.”
A desperate whimper slipped through your lips as you attempted to seek a full kiss from him, your core grinding against his hand before he pulled it away entirely, grasping his admittedly throbbing cock in his hand. The view of his marble-esque hand around his own cock, languidly pumping himself as his eyes connected with yours, perhaps darker now than you had seen them before, always drove you to new depths of need for him – and you supposed that was quite the point.
“Please, Dream,” you whined, moving your kisses to his angled jaw where you knew he would not stop you. Your kisses trailed to his ear, breaths hot and desperate against the skin as you nibbled at his ear lobe. “I’ve learned my lesson, and I will never deny you again. Please, don’t deny me now. I cannot bare another moment.”
Turning his head to capture your lips in a heated kiss he guided his cock to your entrance, thrusting upward into your well-slickened walls entirely in one motion with a deep, appreciative groan. Your surprised cry bounced off the walls of the large chamber you sat in still, hands grasping at his shoulders as you accepted every inch of him until his velvety head knocked against your cervix. Normally, he would claim you in his bed, enjoying the look of you sprawled beautifully against his dark sheets �� but tonight, his show of power included you riding his cock on his throne, knowing it would impart some message into your mind.
“You see how I reward you when you listen,” he groaned, his hand on your hip encouraging you to move your hips against his the moment he felt you adjust to him. With the perfect grind of your waist, he grasped at your hip tighter, his free hand reaching to grasp at the back of your head. Entangling his fingers in your hair he pulled backward slightly, leaning forward to press light kisses up the center of your neck, breathing in the scent of your perfume as he went. “It could be this way always if you simply trusted in my desires for you.”
Unable to refute his argument you nodded as best you could with his grasp on your hair, lifting yourself off of his length temporarily before dropping down, rolling your hips to emphasize the movement. His grasp tightened in both places he held, his hips thrusting up into yours wantonly as he found himself unable to resist the temptation to give into you fully – after all, you were listening to him so well now. You moaned his name – several of his names – as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, your eyes rolling back slightly at the repeated feeling of his cock hitting your most sensitive spot within.
Still somewhat angry he’d had to wait this long to claim you again, his thrusts became relentless, nearly forgetting that it was possible to hurt you too much – not that you would ever complain about what he wanted to give you. Pushing your head forward again he slotted his lips against yours, his tongue immediately seeking the taste he’d missed for so many hours – wondering if you knew that was truly what dreams were made of. You were certain from his pace that in the morning you would wake with bruised hips, unable to go about your usual activities or obligations – though if you’d complained, Dream would assert the only obligation that truly mattered was the one you held to one another.
It never took him long to push you to orgasm when he decided it was time, and now was no exception – your walls fluttering around him with embarrassing speed as your thighs began to shake again. Your moans became lighter, shorter, more feral as your nails dragged down his chest, clamoring for anything to grab onto before they slid back up and around his neck. As your own fingers found their way into his hair and you gave a light tug your ears were filled with a prolonged moan, his head falling forward shortly after to connect his lips above your pulse. His words were quiet, deliciously convincing and seductive directly in your ear – an effect you knew he was striving for.
“Let me treat you as art, beloved,” he groaned, sucking his mark into his chosen spot on your neck. “I wish to paint your walls with my release. If you will permit me that, you may cum for me.”
All you could do was nod, moaning his name in affirmation as your walls clenched around him tighter, silently begging him to reach his end with you. As his thrusts became harsher and sloppier you tugged at his hair slightly again, thighs shaking nearly uncontrollably as his hand at your hip slid to use his thumb to rub circles against your clit. Throwing your head back in pleasure his name left your mouth as slightly less than a scream as euphoria rushed over you, your walls clamping around him as you felt him release ropes of hot cum within you accompanied with a groan.
You collapsed against his chest when you’d both finished, burying your face in his neck and whispering a quiet thank you as his black cloak appeared around your shoulders, shielding you from the cold and wrapping you up within him. Moments later – impossibly fast – you found yourself against the satin sheets of his bed, unbelievable comfort encompassing you as he held you against him with one arm around your waist. Once he was satisfied with your stabilized breathing he reached his free hand to cup your face in his hand, urging you to look him in the eye before exhaustion took you over.
“Do not deny me again, little one,” he spoke, his words gentler than before and yet still firm, his fingers brushing against your cheek tenderly in the gentlest motion he’d offered that night. “My lesson will not be as kind the second time.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” you promised, the choice of words intentionally coaxing a light smile onto his face, reserved only for those who truly held his affections. Pulling you closer with arms around your waist he ushered you to relaxation, watching as your eyes closed again before he leaned forward to place gentle kisses against each of your eyelids.
“I will join you in the Waking World, beloved.”
The night was full of dreams, and your day would be endless reverie.
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childrenofcain-if · 28 days
So V’s love is warm and golden, and D’s is burning red. What about the other ROs?
i assume this is the ask you’re referring to?
C LACROIX: ultraviolet. an invisible force, radiant and perilous, just beyond the spectrum of what the human eye could see. it was beautiful in its intensity, a dangerous kind of love that dazzled you before you realized the damage it could do. it was the sort of love that looked like something else entirely on the surface—calm, composed, cool—but underneath, it was searing, volatile, as if at any moment it could ignite and consume everything in its path.
there was something hypnotic about it, something that drew you in even though you knew better. a kind of allure that made you reach out, even when you knew you should be pulling away. their love was the sensation of heat just before the burn, the flicker of light that you knew could blind you, but you couldn’t stop staring at. it was magnetic, irresistible, and terrifying all at once.
and if you listened closely, there was a hum beneath it all, a low, steady thrum that you could almost mistake for a heartbeat—except it was too harsh, too jagged, like a song with a rhythm that was just a little too fast. it didn’t demand attention like fire or sunlight; it quietly, persistently altered you, just like the way ultraviolet rays could sear through your skin, unnoticed, until you were burned beyond recognition.
but in the aftermath, after the light had faded, you could still feel the ghost of it—like an afterimage burned into your vision, like a bruise that lingered long after the impact. it was the kind of love that left scars, the kind that was as much violence as it was tenderness, as much a weapon as it was a promise. a love that was both radiant and ruinous, and you couldn’t help but be drawn to it, even when you knew it might end up hurting you in the end. because sometimes, it wasn’t the light that scared you—it was the darkness it left behind.
W OSTENDORF: twilight blue. steady and calm like the stretch of sky just before the stars emerged. it wasn’t the kind of love that struck you like lightning or overwhelmed you with heat; it was a quieter, gentler thing, born in the shadows of a winter’s morning, where the world was still half-asleep and everything was tinged in shades of blue.
it was a love that knew how to wait, how to watch from a distance without asking for anything in return. but there was a melancholy to it, an undercurrent of something that ran deep and cold, like a river frozen over. a way of holding on to their love, of keeping it close to their chest, yet always seemed ready to let it slip through their fingers, offering it up as a sacrifice to the gods of their bluest days.
they could give everything they had—their heart, their loyalty, their very soul—and still let go when the time came, not because they wanted to, but because they believed it was the only way to protect the fragile thing they had nurtured. in those moments, their love became a prayer, whispered into the wind, a promise that was never meant to be kept, only mourned.
and in that way, their love was both beautiful and heartbreaking—a love that was willing to endure the cold, to be lost in the fog, and yet always returned with the quiet hope that maybe, just maybe, the sun would rise again.
M WHITLOCK-SINGH: deep maroon. the color of twilight bleeding into night, of wine spilled across a white shirt, staining everything it touched. it was the kind of love that left marks, bruises that bloomed beneath the surface, a love that lingered long after it had been given and taken back. there was a richness to it, a weight that settled in the bones and refused to be shaken off, like the memory of a first dance in a forgotten city, where the air was thick with the scent of roses and regret.
it was a tempestuous thing, like the rush of blood to the head, the flush of cheeks when words are spoken too late, or not at all. it was the frayed burgundy on a t-shirt, the color of something that was once vibrant, now faded and worn, but still carrying the essence of that first, irrevocable touch.
but there was a rustiness to it too, like something that had once been bright and new, now weathered by time and distance. it was the mark of something that had been cherished, maybe too much, maybe too little, and now carried the weight of all the unsaid words, the moments lost to silence.
it was a love that would always be there, just beneath the surface, a reminder of what had been, what could never quite be again. the color of something deeply felt, deeply missed, and forever etched into the fabric of who they were, like a memory of a dance that never really ended, just faded into the night.
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arcielee · 2 years
Each Coming Night
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Summary: Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Modern!FemReader Word Count: 2870 Warnings: Smutty smut, smidgen of knife play, fingering, oral (female receiving), some spanking, p in v.  Author's Note: Okay, this took a minute because I literally was unsure what the fuck to do next with this depravity. It was supposed to be a smutty one shot and now it is finding a full arc. Thank you for much to @f4ll-for-you because your feedback and editing has helped me with this entire series. There will be 5 parts and I hope you all enjoy!  Tags (kindred spirits): @glitterandgoldfinds @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @fan-goddess @welcometothelioncage​ @hueanhdang (it won’t let me tag you??)   Series:  Call It Dreaming
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This cannot be happening to me.
This was your thought when the timer on your phone had gone off and you looked to see two pink lines glaring back.
This is a false positive, a defective strip, you reason, throwing it into the trash and retreating to the kitchen to refill the mason jar you were using to hydrate. 
At first you rolled your eyes when your roommate, Emma, made a comment about how your diva cup was only collecting dust as of late, but when you checked your calendar you realized that your cycle was, in fact, late. You purchased the test-a pack of three, actually-from the corner mart for peace of mind, reminding yourself that the only way for you to be pregnant would be to actually have sex or immaculate conception, which made the latter plausible since you were not fucking anyone.
Or fucking anyone within this reality.
You felt your chest tightened with the damn intrusive thought that spoke boldly from the back of your mind. Your sleeping schedule felt irreparable as of late, with you only having two solid nights of sleep that left you aching in the most delightful way the following day. 
You felt crazy and you were certain you could not speak it out loud to anyone-how would you even describe these lucid, sexy dreams? You assumed it came from the stress of the semester, these graduate level courses particularly grueling as you worked towards your masters; you used to appreciate being a recluse, the burden of your coursework and internship damn near suffocating, but you were finding it difficult to focus on anything as of late. 
There was a time when you were able to turn your brain on automation and be able to retain whatever your professors spewed, dive into assignments with an outline in hand, and be able to finish projects before their due date. 
Instead, you were consumed by this ache in your core that could not be resolved by any means available within the 21st century. 
Then you dreamed of him again, Aemond fucking Targaryen, and it was just as delicious as the first time, fulfilling a satisfaction that you were grieving the prior day, assuming it was lost forever. It was unlike any dream you ever had and you remembered a tone of sadness when he said the words, “I imagine you will leave me again.”
You had, of course, woken up in your bed with that same delicious ache between your thighs and naked. Damn, I liked that dress, your mind thought as you were quick to check yourself in your mirror, just like last time. 
There were love bites that trailed your neckline and you could see the bruises from his grip on your hips.
It did not make sense. 
Your mind was in a fog and you would tread through each day listlessly. Whatever the lie you convinced yourself of before had faded into nothing, your only motivation was to be done with your degree and even that was clouded by the impending student debt. At night, you pined for your subconscious to return you to Westeros but instead you had a few hours of a fitful sleep each night. 
There was an unexpected release when you found yourself returning to a passion you had not felt in years. 
It began one afternoon, during a particularly long lecture, when you were enticed by the vacant space on the lined paper you meant to use for your notes; your pen was intentional with every stroke, flitting across the page, desperate to capture the sharp angles of his face… 
“I appreciate your rapt attention, but class is over.”
You looked up to see the room was nearly empty, with a few students filling out, and your professor watching you, holding his bag and waiting for you to exit. 
You were quick to throw everything into your backpack and return to your apartment, to your room, where you dug out an old sketch book you purchased years ago. You retrieved the notes from the class and saw the beginnings of Aemond’s portrait peering back; you had been complimented often for your drawings, but your family was apt to remind you the impracticality of an art degree and had been appalled at your suggestion at having no degree.
You could not place the blame on them entirely; you eventually shelved your passion and enrolled in a university you knew would make them proud. 
And clearly the pressure of all this had cracked your brain entirely, since you suffered from a fucked up insomnia and found only a fictional prince from Westeros could get you off these days. 
You groaned when the timer on your phone brought your attention back to see the two tests on the bathroom sink, both with two lines of pink mocking you. You threw them in the trash and piled toilet paper on top to hide them. 
Fuck me. You sighed and washed your hands, peering at your reflection in the mirror. The love bites had faded away and you just looked tired, which was an understatement as you had not slept well this semester save those two nights in King’s Landing. 
You returned to your room and threw yourself on the bed, eventually moving to rest your chest on the back of your hand and looking to see the growing collection of drawings and sketches that you began to pin on your wall. All were different mediums, pen, pencil, and the occasional charcoal, but each one was the same subject.
He had stirred your muses in a way you thought was lost to you the moment you signed your livelihood to this degree and the career it would entail. 
He has stirred more than just your muses, that fucking intrusive thought made your groan and you rolled on your back, grabbing a pillow to smother your scream. 
I cannot handle this, you decide, still unable to fathom the madness that you might possibly be pregnant from a sexy dream. Instead, you would sleep, wake up with a clear mind and some sort of idea of what steps to take, or maybe wake to find the news of a massive recall for store bought tests. 
You curled beneath your blanket and closed your eyes. 
And when you opened them, you were, once again, in his room.
He was not awake, from what you could see. The fireplace had a low, amber light that pooled out onto the stone hearth that stretched in front of the fireplace and towards the empty leather chair. The dark, velvet curtains were tucked in the silver tiebacks and allowed the sea breeze and moonlight to pour into the room. 
There were tapers that burned low on his nightstand, casting a golden hue that washed over the sharp angles of his face and highlighting his tranquil expression as he slept. You were slow with your steps as you approached his bedside, your eyes drank in his figure as he laid back against the mattress, the shimmer of his silver locks and how one arm up was tucked behind his pillow while the other rested on his bare chest, rising and falling with his steady breathing. 
He was beautiful and you were lost in the moment, your fingertips touching the bed edge and a small sigh that slipped from your lips.
Aemond was too fast for you to comprehend his movements, one moment you admired him as he slept and now he bound out of his bed like a white fury. He was pressed against you, his slender fingers wrapped around your throat and his other hand a white knuckle grip on his dagger, the blade against your throat. 
Your eyes were wide as you watched him; his silver hair fell disheveled on his shoulders, his chest heaved with rapid breaths, and as he blinked the sleep away, his lavender eye slowly widened with his comprehension of who he had his hold on. 
Aemond released you, throwing the dagger to the side with an echo of metal on the cobblestone floor, and his hands cupped your jaw, bringing you against him for a bruising kiss. Your name spilled like a fervent prayer from his lips, “I did not think you would come back to me.” He pulled back and his eye looked over your face, falling to the side of your neck.
You knew he had cut you and your thighs clenched from the sting, the sea breeze cool against the trickle of blood. You saw the flash of worry dance on his features and your hand rested on his hips, your nails biting into his skin and pulling him close again. “I’m fine, my prince,” you soothed, your face flushed when you dared to tease him. “This has become a part of our foreplay.”
Pleasure coils in your stomach when you see the curl of his lips; he leaned forward to capture your mouth again, his hot tongue pressing in and pulling a moan from the back of your throat. Your hands flitted across the rivets of his abdomen and stopped at his chest, his large hands covering your own and pulling you to the bed. He peels off your clothes, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your ass and lifting you onto the edge of the bed.
Goosebumps ripple over you when his warm palms lay on your stomach and move to your hips, pushing you further back on the bed so he can nestle between your thighs. His lips trails the inside of your leg towards your center, then he drags his tongue against your silken folds. 
You give a small gasp and can feel him grinning against your cunt, followed by the gentle prod of his fingers that curl into you. There is a wet squelch as the pads of his fingertips press further in you, searching until you mewl his name.
He hums his approval, “Sȳz riña.” 
Good girl.
He continues the rapid motion against that sweet spot within you, his head dipping forward and his tongue lavishes you, drinking you in as you become undone. Your hands clamp over your mouth to muffle the mixture of your moans, crying against your palms as his movement continues through your release and continues towards overstimulation. “Aemond,” you gasp and he stops at once. 
He is slow to stand, his gaze hard on you and you watch as he begins to unlace his breeches. “Do not cover your mouth when I fuck you,” his tone dark and he crawls on top of you, pushing you further up the bed. “Va jaelan ryptas ao,” his face nuzzles into your neck and you feel the burn of his tongue along the cut.
I want to hear you.
His arm wraps around your waist and he pulls you towards the headboard, pulling until your backside is flush with his warm chest; his mouth is hot as he bites into your neck, sucking, and his tongue leading to your shoulder. 
You arc against him, your ass pressing against his cock; he groans, grabbing your hip to slip between the softness of your thighs, slick from your release, and rubbing his length against your swollen lips. You whimper from the friction, your head tilting back against him and his nose presses against your ear, his mouth chewing on your earlobe. His hands trail your side, his fingertips gentle to trail your curves before grabbing into your hip and pulling you roughly against him.
“Sīr rāpa,” he groans in your ear. So soft. 
His slender fingers palm your ass, lifting to press his swollen head into your wet warmth; his head falls forward between your shoulder blades and you let out a cry, arching against him again and allowing him to sheath himself fully into you. 
Aemond grabs your hip to pull you against him at a bruising pace from behind, hitting the same spot from before. Your thighs are slick and he slips out, but moves you on your stomach. He reaches for a pillow, nudging to tuck it under your lower abdomen, and propping your ass up when you lay back onto it. 
Your breathing quickens when you feel his warm hands, one on each cheek, and he pulls you apart slowly, allowing the breeze to tickle your wet heat. “Gevie,” Beautiful, he praises and you can feel the press of his cock against your soaked folds, the delicious stretch as he presses entirely into you. 
Your hands grip the sheets and his hands are pressed on your lower back, holding you in place, and you feel the tickle of his silver hair on your backside when he leans forward. “Stop clenching,” you can hear his smug smile. “I wish to enjoy you.” 
There is a satisfying wet squelch when he finally ruts his hips against you, hitting a depth within your velvet walls that curls your toes. You can feel his hip bones in the soft flesh of your ass and the crescendo builds easily from his overstimulation; you are breathless, your skin is aflame as you best brace yourself against his thrusts.
His hand moves from his grip on your hip, moving the curve of your ass before lifting his hand for a sharp slap that sends shockwaves of pleasure over your body, once, twice. The sound spills a wanton moan from your lips and a guttural groan escapes the back of his throat.
As your cunt begins to flutter, you bury your face against the mattress and he is quick to grab a fistful of your hair, pulling you back to all fours. You are a mewling mess, tears streaming your cheeks, and his other hand grabs onto your hip, continuing his brutal pace.
“Aemond,” you beg, but unsure what you are begging for. “Aemond, Aemond…”
Your crescendo of pleasure blossomed in your lower abdomen, your thighs shaking from the orgasm that rolled over and you clenching desperately at him. His thrusts grew sloppy and you felt the warmth of his seed spill into you, his cock twitching with his release. 
You fall forward and curl on your side, hugging the pillow he propped under your hips and savoring its new scent of sex. Aemond pushes from the bed and moves to an oak table with a basin on top, picking up a cloth and dropping it in. He wrings out the extra water and returns to the bed, sitting on the edge and nudging your knee. 
“Open,” he says and your legs spread.
The cloth feels cool in contrast to his touch and he is gentle to wipe you clean before pushing from the bed again. He uses a clean cloth for himself before he curls beneath the covers, eager to bring you against his chest and wrapping his arms around you. 
This gives you a sense of serenity, the feeling of being against the warmth of his chest and the comfort in his embrace. There was nothing comparable in your world to this moment and you feel the threat of tears at the thought. You swallow to hold them back, but he notices and says your name in a low whisper. “What is wrong?” 
His tone is genuine, gentle, and you cannot control the tears that spill. “I’m fine, I just wish that,” but what did you wish for? How do you explain that your reality is a suffocation of unwanted responsibility? That your only sense of pleasure is a hobby that your family begs you to forget and to just become another cog in the 21st century?
You blink away the tears, a small smile on your lips when you turn your head to look at him. “I only wish I was able to stay longer with you,” you finally manage. 
Aemond hums as he pulls you close, nestling you beneath his chin and his touch gentle as he draws small circles between your shoulder blades. The ministrations lull you to sleep and you wake up to your roommate walking through your bedroom door. 
“Hey, slut,” Emma is flippant with her greeting, mostly focused on grabbing her red hair to tie back. “I have to go to the store and I was checking if you need anything. Alex is making me go right now to buy him Pop-Tarts because he thinks I ate all of his, which I did but…” her voice trails off when she finally looks at you. “Holy fuck. Are you okay?”
Your eyes are swollen and red, there is a smear of blood on your neck under your jaw with love bites that decorated beneath and to your shoulders. Her eyes are wide with alarm and she moves to sit on the bed, unfazed that you are very naked. “Hey, did someone hurt you?” You are quick to shake your head. “No, I just,” you struggle with how to explain this, “I, uh, have been seeing someone and it is kind of complicated.” 
Emma raised her eyebrow. “How so?” She asks, peering over the marks from your night with Aemond. “Like, it seems whatever you have going on is very enthusiastic, if anything…”
“Emma,” you breathe. “I’m pregnant.”
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sungbeam · 7 months
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nonidol!hwang intak x f!reader
when summit poster boy hwang intak's car breaks down in the school parking lot, it sets off a chain of events that leads to you, someone he was perhaps always meant to find. the only problem is that the two of you are far from the ideal couple, and your peers are apt to keep that status quo.
▷ genre, chapter warnings. s2f2l, classism and discrimination, forbidden romance au, minimal swearing, angst, humor, mentions of grief and terminal illness, written in third person pov
▷ word count. 2.8k
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a/n: whenever i come back to this series, i remember how hard it is to write it
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Yn had not sent a picture back to Intak. In fact, she hadn't even opened his messages. Intak couldn't decide which was worse—being left on "read" or on "delivered." Both were equally quite horrible, but as the day went on with radio silence from her end, he continuously had to remind himself that she had responsibilities and a life. She couldn't be at his beck and call, and she certainly wouldn't ever entertain the idea of being so.
But one little text would have eased his mind. Just one, little text.
Intak flopped onto the couch in the living room of his house, the entirety of which remained just as cold and empty as it always was. In a way, the quiet was good because it meant that his father wasn't home, taking with him that thick, haunting presence of his. Intak sometimes imagined that he walked around with a massive cloud of fog clinging to his legs and feet, and that image had engraved itself into his head since he was an adolescent, more so now that his father's murky fog would soon consume Intak in all of those heavy expectations.
He lifted his phone up to catch a glimpse of the time. He would have to leave for that one dance class soon, the one that he and his friends had signed up for together to occupy themselves during the summer. If Intak wasn't forced to take over the company after his schooling, he would be dancing, or maybe even reading shit, like proper literature, and writing poetry about dead older brothers and forbidden friendships with strangers who felt closer to him than his own family.
He was tempted to text Yn just to check in. Something like 'hey bff i'm bored as hell and sad as fuck hbu' or 'miss u and worried about u text me back?' or god forbid, 'i've been trying to imagine what u look like but i have a feeling a picture won't do u justice.' God, he really needed to stop watching those cursed romcoms when he was bor—
Bzzzzz. Bzzz. Bzzzz.
Intak leapt out of his skin in surprise.
He reached into his pants pocket to withdraw Jaehyuk's phone. The notifications from Yn came in rapid succession at the top of the screen:
yer a wizard yn!: sorry i went mia for like a day
yer a wizard yn!: smth came up
yer a wizard yn!: cute pic btw :') ig i owe u a pfp too
yer a wizard yn!: *sent a photo*
Intak held his breath, then forced himself to turn away from the phone screen. Was he ready for this? Was he ready for her reveal? This felt like an invasion of privacy, especially with how carefully she kept her identity hidden the first few weeks they'd been texting each other. It hadn't been until recently that Yn had begun to let him learn things about her.
It wasn't like he forced her though… right? It was out of her own want and will. It was her choice and he—
He was going to fully indulge in that.
Intak finally opened up the full chat to view the messages she'd sent.
And lo and behold, there she was. It was a casual selfie, seeming to be taken in front of a window by the way the sun shone over her face in a gold-colored glow. She wore a dark T-shirt with a logo Intak couldn’t quite make out from the way her arms and hair were positioned. In fact, he could only see about half of her face from the way she hid the lower half behind her pulled-up knees. But her eyes crinkled enough that he could see that she was smiling.
The soft smile on his face was a stark contrast to the sharp palpitations of his heart in his chest. Before, he could never imagine the face he was speaking to across the phone—rather, it had always just been a person with blurred features. Now that he could put a face to the name, and the voice, and the character…
Intak saved the picture and set it as Yn’s contact photo. He wondered if he should have even been doing this since Jae didn’t even have a contact photo saved for her. (But now that she had sent it, it wasn’t like Intak was going to resist setting that photo as her contact, especially since it was an excuse to stare at it while he was texting her.)
jae’s phone: that photo is not fair that’s like… half ur face dude >://// /j
jae’s phone: but thank uuuuuuu i KNEW u were cute
He chewed on his bottom lip, quickly adding onto his previous texts since it seemed like Yn wasn’t going to reply back any time soon.
jae’s phone: ik ur the one who suggested swapping photos, but i hope u didn’t feel obligated to. ik u were never super comfortable w sharing personal info abt urself w me, but i’m genuinely really happy to get to know u better
jae’s phone: lol idk y that got kinda sappy ? but i hope everything’s good on ur end!!
jae’s phone: i’ve gotta go to a dance lesson rn tho so ttyl ynieee!!!!
Intak sighed as he forced himself to click out of his and Yn’s direct messages, and to haul his ass off the couch. He had, at multiple instances, contemplated why he felt so attached to Yn. Perhaps it was because she was so close to his brother and this truly was just his own kind of closure. Or it was something else, too.
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Yn's eyes burned holes through the notifications that sat at the top of her phone screen. It had been several hours since Intak had sent them, and she knew exactly what they said. She'd even mentally written out and sent several replies, but never physically carried them out. She just couldn't bring herself to do it.
The heavy weight that had settled on her chest from a day ago still rested there. Usually, privileged shit Summit kids did to her and in front of her were annoying, but she'd learned to grow thick skin. She didn't know why this time affected her so poorly. Then again, the fact that neither Jongseob nor Shota had gotten over it could have contributed to her own mood, too.
Her brothers in arms had been quiet since then, barely speaking unless necessity prevailed. The shop had never been so quiet before, and even when customers and neighbors came by with a friendly word or joke, they would force a smile onto their faces or a laugh from their throats. She could hear the strain, the grudge and emotions tugging at the corners of their mouths.
"If I had the money…" Yn remembered hearing Jongseob muttering under his breath the night of the incident. She knew exactly what he was thinking then and there. All the bitterness in the negative space.
They'd all grown to have thick skin, but it was bound to crack at some point. They weren't made of steel, after all.
After a long, grueling day at the shop, Yn, Shota, and Jongseob returned to Yn's house to wash up for the evening. The walk home had been quiet, and she'd been itching to reach for her phone and finally open up Intak's messages…
She cleared her throat. "Go get cleaned up and meet me in the living room," she voiced aloud to the two of them as she unlocked the front door.
Jongseob grunted, "Why?"
"We're watching Clueless."
Shota let out a snort as Jongseob threw his head back in a loud groan. "You're shitting me. Any other movie than that one, Yn. We've watched that, like, fifteen times."
With her back still to them, she could let herself smile just a little. All she had been looking for was that reaction from him. "Okay, well, if you can be on the couch in fifteen minutes, then you can choose a different—"
She hadn't even finished what she was saying when the two of them bolted past her, exclaiming at each other as they raced for access to the closest bathroom. Yn laughed under her breath, nudging the door closed behind her with the toe of her shoe. She hadn't even been sure whether or not the two would stay here with her or not since they basically stayed shut up in the old extra bedroom instead of hanging out. Though they would have been in the house, it had sounded like no one else was home.
But now? Yn made her way into the kitchen to get dinner started. Hopefully she could get something on the stove by the time one of them hopped out of the shower. Knowing Jongseob though…
She estimated that it was about five minutes later that Jongseob's elephant stomps sounded down the hall, nearing the living room and kitchen at high speed. Seconds later, a blur of orange and white launched himself over the back of the couch. As she expected, it was Jongseob with that freshly showered glow, damp hair, and a white towel hanging around his shoulders.
Her amused gaze clashed with his, and though his face was pressed into a deadpan, she saw the glimmer in his irises. He told her, "We're watching Star Wars."
Yn grinned. "Deal's a deal, kid."
Right on cue, Shota came sliding into the living room with his dampened locks tied up and out of his face with a Hello Kitty hair tie he no doubt found in the drawers of the bathroom. She wondered how he found stuff like that, stuff that she had ditched so long ago when she was much younger. She raised her eyebrows at him. “I’m starting to think that neither of you actually use soap when you shower.”
“I’m productive when I’m given motive,” Shota replied, collapsing onto the couch next to Jongseob. She could already hear the tell-tale explosion of sound that was the Star Wars main theme.
It was several hours later when dinner was eaten, dishes were washed, and the lot of them were one and a half Star Wars movies in that Yn stared at her notifications again. Intak hadn't sent anything else since those last messages, and there was a distinct feeling of guilt stewing in the back of her brain. At this point, it overpowered any feelings of annoyance or bitterness from the other day's incident. It was always at evening hours when the overthinking started.
Intak had been good to her thus far, though, and it wasn't fair that she took out her annoyance on him. He had done nothing bad—a part of her countered with “yet.”
She could see the start of his messages: That photo's like half your face dude… I've got to go to a dance lesson though so…
It was all completely harmless, and yet, her heart pounded in her chest from not being able to fully read his reaction to her face reveal. Of course she cared what he thought. She chalked it up to the fact that Intak himself was a pretty face, and it was perfectly normal to be self conscious.
Yn raised her head for a moment when she caught a flash of quick movement from the TV, then felt a pair of eyes on her.
While Shota was curled up at the far end of the couch, Jongseob was seated next to her and saw who's messages sat at the top of her screen. The two of them connected gazes; he said nothing, showed nothing.
A different type of guilt rushed into her head.
Jongseob turned back to the screen, and she was back to square one.
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The house was quiet by the time Yn tucked her friends beneath quilts on the couch. Her mom had come home sometime between Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace, then crashed immediately after disappearing into her room, leaving Yn to haunt the hallways of her house in the dark and silence by herself.
She perched on the edge of her bed with the light of her phone screen illuminating her face. There were those unread messages at the top of her screen again, yelling at her to just take a peak. There was no harm in seeing what he said—but there was. He would see the Read sign beneath his messages and think the worst.
With nothing else stopping her but her own thoughts, she tapped the notification.
The text chain opened up before her in full. There was nothing out of the ordinary, as she expected. He was just being his bright, sweet self here. Her lips pursed into a slight smile as she read over his sappy talk at the end; it was appreciated though.
But now it was a matter of replying.
He probably thought she was busy all day again, but the guilt of “punishing” him for something that people from his community did and not him personally was eating her up inside.
She stopped, eyes widening as her head shot up like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. A drowsy Jongseob stood in her doorway with his eyes at half-mast and his mouth widened in a yawn. Sometimes she forgot that her friend was still a kid—that they were all just kids. “Hey,” she whispered to him. “Did I wake you up or something?”
He shook his head and suddenly looked a lot more awake. “The text messages you got earlier,” he drawled, inclining his chin at her phone.
“Oh.” She glanced down at the screen, then back up at him. “Seob, I—”
“He's gonna hurt you, Yn.”
Her chest felt so hollow all of a sudden. What?
He folded his arms in front of himself, cupping his palms under his elbows. Jongseob's eyebrows furrowed together as if in thought or in an attempt to look firm. “He's gonna hurt you like Jae did.”
No, the hollow feeling was because her heart fell into the pit of her stomach. Everything felt like it was falling out from under her with that statement. Yn said slowly, gently, “Jongseob, Jae didn't mean to hurt us. He didn't mean to get sick. He couldn't control it, Seob. You know that that's not fair.”
Sometimes it was hard to not let the anger seep through into blame and misunderstanding. That was just the grief talking. When those thoughts resurfaced, it was just as difficult to deal with the resulting guilt of ever blaming them later on.
Losing someone was just devastating.
Jongseob sniffled though, and she backtracked on her previous thought. But this wasn't that, was it? “Yeah, well—it seems whether they do it on purpose or not, that's all they do up there: hurt people.”
Her mouth felt so dry then, so helplessly wordless. Her throat was just as voiceless. These kids—her friends—had gone through all that pain just as she had. She couldn't blame them most of the time because she knew where they were coming from.
Jongseob poked his tongue in his cheek. “I know you miss him.”
Yn's fingers curled around the edges of her phone, like she could hold onto whoever was on the other side.
“I miss him, too,” he said.
A stinging sensation erupted in the corners of her eyes and she reached up to staunch the tears like they were cuts, and they were bleeding.
“But no matter their intention, a ghost can only haunt,” he muttered. He let that thought simmer for a second before citing his source, “Got that one off of Pinterest.”
The last comment made a laugh sputter out of her mouth, wet but touched. She sniffled at the same time he did. “I was gonna say,” she said, her voice watery, “when'd you get so smart?”
“I've always been smart,” he scoffed. He exhaled, still lingering on the threshold before waddling over to where she was perched on the bed. Awkwardly, he brought his arms around her upper body and gently patted her back. “Is this helping?”
Yn wrapped her arms around him to reciprocate. “Yeah.”
“Thank god.”
A ghost can only haunt. Maybe it was how fast it had all happened that none of them really got proper closure or got to say goodbye. They would never get a chance to see him ever again, to tell him they felt something for him close to love, and enjoyed his company despite his being from the Summit. There was no chance they'd be invited to the funeral, and there was little possibility of ever visiting his grave. There were only memories and a phone number.
One day he was here, and the next… well the next, Yn was texting Intak. Was this history repeating itself, or would this ending turn into a new beginning entirely?
When they both pulled back from their embrace, Jongseob poked her cheek. “You know I never know what to do when you cry, right?”
She reached up to swipe her palm across her dampened cheeks. “Yeah. You did good, kid.”
That made the corners of his mouth curl up a bit. “I just don't want this guy to be another reason you cry.”
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First Light
Author’s Note: Hey, y’all! Me again! In this installation of Somethin’ Sweet, we’re back to Sy’s point of view. Grab some tissues and join me in my sad girl era. As always, thanks for stopping by! 
Summary: Sy’s up early prepping for deployment and can’t help but relive the events from the night before. 
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female OC 
Warnings:  sexual content; nipple play, p-in-v intercourse, descriptions of male and female anatomy, explicit language, and adult themes. I am an adult, and due to the nature of this content, all works created by me will be rated for those 18 years and older. Minors, DNI.
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It never rains in Texas, but it did on the morning of Sy’s inevitable departure. Heavy clouds hung low in the sky as an early morning fog rolled in through the treeline. Bright, angry streaks of lightning raced across the sky and casted shadows through the room. A loud crash of thunder shook the old tin roof and startled him awake. In his moment of panic, Sy sat up straight and knocked the headboard into the wall behind the bed with a loud crack. It took him a second to recognize his surroundings in the dark, but once he did, he breathed a sigh of relief. A quick glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand beside him made his shoulders drop. 4:45am. Sy reached out and turned it off, as not to disturb his lover tucked so sweetly beneath the quilt beside him. That girl could sleep through a hurricane. A little fall of rain wouldn’t bother her much. Leaving over, he kissed the top of her head and lingered there, but only for a moment. Long enough to memorize the way she smelled. Honeysuckle and vanilla. Fuck, he’ll miss her.
Sy moved to plant his feet on the floor and ran a hand down his tired face. The last two weeks have been…a little less than ideal. It was his fault, really. He’d gotten the orders to ship out almost a month ago, but waited a while to tell her about them. He didn’t know what to say or how to say it. Things were just getting good here. Things were still so fun and new, but as always, Uncle Sam had other plans for him. 
The first person he told was his mama. When he did, she barely flinched. Sy made the third generation of Syverson men who’d stormed courageously into war. His daddy served in Vietnam, his papaw in World War II. When duty called, they answered. It wasn’t easy, watching him walk out the door, never knowing if he’ll make it home again, but she’d made peace with it by now. “What good does it do fer me ta’ worry? Either you’ll come back, or ya wont. It’s in the Lord’s hands now.”  
Sy trod lightly off to the bathroom to start the shower. The room filled with steam, just enough to fog the mirror as stood beneath the steady stream and let it run over his head. Staring down at his feet, he let the water consume him. Heavy drops clung to his lashes, but he didn’t bother to blink them away. His mind was somewhere else. With someone else.  
Sy had always been a steak-and-potatoes kinda guy, but he’d barely touched his plate. Every bite felt too heavy in his stomach, like he’d traded out his ribeye for a hunk of lead instead. She’d spent so much time cooking for him, springing for only the best of meat and the freshest produce the grocery store had to offer. The least he could do was clear his plate. Lord knew when he’d get another meal like this again. 
Once he’d managed to choke it down, he stood and started grabbing dishes to take to the sink, but she stopped him quickly. She’d barely said a word all night, and her interjection almost startled him. “No, baby,” she whispered, taking the plate from his hands. “Let me get those.”
Merrin kept her back to him as she filled the kitchen sink with hot, soapy water. Steam fogged the window above as she drifted off in thought. She was a million miles away from here, swimming in regret and longing for just a little more time. There was so much to do, so much to say, but the words never came out right. She hadn’t even realized she was crying until the tears began to blur her vision. Closing her eyes, she gave in and let them spill down her face. She’d fought so hard to keep her distance. To brace herself for the inevitable. In the end, she’d fallen hard. Harder than she’d ever expected to; head over heels and still tumbling. She braced herself against the sink and let her head hang low, covering her mouth to muffle the sobs that bubbled up from her trembling chest.
When a hand reached out to touch her shoulder, she gasped. Looking up again, Merrin stared into the reflection of his eyes in the pane of glass before them. Calloused fingertips brushed her hair to the side, then traced along the side of her delicate throat. His voice was low and deep, a rumbling baritone pressed against her back as he broke the silence. 
“I’m not gone yet. Gimme one more night. Just one more night, alone with you.” 
Merrin sniffled softly, wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and nodded. From there, Sy wasted no time. Most of the dishes made it into the sink, but a broken glass was the last thing on his mind when he placed her onto the countertop. Shoving his way between her open knees, his lips were hot and harsh as they crashed into hers. If she didn’t know any better, she might think he was angry with her. In truth, Sy was angry; angry at their situation, angry at the world, but not at her. Never at her. 
He grabbed her up, one hand on the back of the neck and the other wrapped around her thigh, squeezing with a force hard enough to leave a bruise. The pain turned into pleasure, the aggression turned to lust, and Merrin returned the favor with shared fervor. She wasn’t scared of him. On the contrary, she relished in his smothering presence, digging perfectly manicured nails into the meat of his shoulder as she drew him in just as close. Her mouth worked with his in a haphazard clash of teeth and tongue. Even in the mess, there was still beauty to be found. She was soft and sweet where he was rough and hungry. A yin to a yang, souls intertwined as one.
His shirt hit the floor first, and her sundress followed soon after. Merrin grabbed him by the belt and yanked until his hips pressed sharply into her own. They worked together to loosen the buckle and pop the button beneath it, ripping it from the loops and tossing it away to clatter to the floor. Rough hands came up to cup her breasts, bare and warm, a perfect fit for each palm. He squeezed gently and smirked against her neck, relishing in her pleads for more.
“Clay,” she whispered, clinging to him as he dropped his head to nuzzle against one hardened nipple, then the other. Always one to please, he licked his lips and welcomed one into his mouth. He took his time, gazing up through thick lashes as he moved from one breast to the other. She looked like an angel, basking in the glow of the sunset that poured in around her. But Merrin was no saint, far from it, and couldn’t stand his temptation for long. She let a hand fall between them to meet the bulge in his jeans and palmed it gently. She could almost feel the ache beneath the distressed denim; a steady, throbbing need that seeked relief that only she could provide. The words came before she could stop them. “Fuck me, Clay.”
Sy mumbled a gruff “Yes ma’am” into the flesh of her breasts and tugged himself free from his boxers. Never one to keep his lady waiting, he hooked a finger into the gusset of her panties and pulled them to the side. The sight of her wet heat made his mouth water. Any other time, he’d drop to his knees right then and there to have his fill, but it wasn’t what they needed the most right now. Right now, he needed to be inside of her, just as much as she needed to feel him there. He held the base of his erection and traced the swollen head through her folds, mouth agape and almost drooling as his eyes rolled to the back of his head in ecstasy. 
“Fuck, honey. So wet for me.” 
She gasped when the tip of his cock caught at her slick opening. The delicious burn from the stretch she felt as he pushed forward inside of her stole the breath from her lungs. They both watched as he crossed the threshold and buried himself deep inside of her. Breathy moans and whimpers of lust echoed through the room, and Sy took a moment to let her catch her breath again. 
“Fuck, baby…”
She met his gaze once more, eyes wide and full of fire as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss. Sy tangled his fingers in the hair at the nape of her neck, choosing to indulge her for a while, until he just couldn’t take it anymore. His retreat was nice and slow, but he didn’t pull out all of the way. Tugging her head back roughly, he buried his face in the crook of her neck and relished in the way she tensed around him. Nipping at her throat, he growled against her pulse and smirked. “So tight, honey. I’m not gonna last long.” 
She answered with the rake of her nails down his back, leaving tender, pink lines in their wake, then dug them into the flesh of his bare ass. Shoving herself back onto his cock, she groaned loudly. 
“Don’t tease me, Clay. I need you.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. With a harsh thrust of his hips, he bottomed out completely. Sy held her down by the waist as he took what he wanted from her. In and out, over and over, he pounded into her with a fervor she’d never seen before. Their lust was wild and sinful as he stood there at the counter and fucked her into a mindless mess. A familiar tightness built somewhere deep in her gut, and before she could warn him, she was coming undone. Her eyes filled with tears, filled with so much emotion, then spilled down her cheeks in hot, furious streams. 
It didn’t stop there. He had her again on the couch, and again against the front door, then once more upstairs in their room. The bed creaked under their shifting weight. Sweat poured from his face as he held one of her legs over his shoulder. Merrin clung to the sheets beneath her as he approached another climax. Just when she thought she couldn’t handle any more, he proved her wrong. 
“Come on, sugar,” he begged, wiped his brow with the back of his hand and picked up the pace. “Gimme one more. Just one more.”
He’d been saying that for hours, but this time, he was telling the truth. His muscles ached and cramped, his body pleaded with him to give it up, but he was determined to make this a night to remember. He’d be gone for God knows how long; he wanted to make sure she’d had her fill before he left. Sy kept his promise and within seconds, he crashed over the edge of climax right along with her. Chests heaving and voices hoarse, they rode out their highs together and collapsed into a heap of tangled limbs. Sy stared up at the ceiling as he fought to regain composure and felt her curl up against his side.  “Shit.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
Merrin held up a hand up and they smacked palms, victorious in their conquest. All qualms were forgotten, at least for a little while. 
“High five.”
“Good sex.”
Standing at the sink, a towel wrapped around his waist, Sy stared at himself in the mirror. He scratched at his chin and turned his head from side to side, then flipped the switch on the side of the clippers. The first pass up the underside of his chin took off most of the length. He dusted a tuft of fuzz from the guards and let it fall into the basin before him. Sy made quick work of taking it all off, then grabbed the shaving cream to smooth over the stubble left behind. He moved with a surgeon's precision, each drag of the razor taking away the foam and leaving baby-smooth skin behind. Once he was finished, he bent down and filled his hands with warm water to wash his face. Just as he reached for the aftershave in the medicine cabinet, two delicate arms wrapped around his middle and squeezed gently. He brought one of them up and pressed her knuckles to his lips, kissing them as he spoke.
“What’re you doin’ up?”
Merrin yawned against his back and nuzzled her face there. Her eyes were heavy with the sleep that she just couldn’t shake. He reached back to run his fingers through her hair, twirling and twisting strands of amber around calloused fingertips as they stood in a shared silence. She raked her nails through the hair on his chest and dug them into hardened flesh, putting up a weak fight to keep him there for just a little while longer. “Couldn’t sleep,” was all she said as another roll of thunder echoed somewhere off in the distance. Sy glanced back at her from over his shoulder and found her staring up at him. She traced his cheekbone and down to the line of his jaw, mesmerized by the clean-shaven stranger who stood before her now. 
“Most men grow a beard to hide their faces. You, though…” she pressed her thumb into the dimple on his chin. “You’ve got nothing to hide.” 
She left him there with a gentle pat to the chest, then turned to head back into the bedroom. He watched her as she went, wearing nothing but the cheeky little splash of ink that was tatted across the dimples on her lower back and the panties that rested beneath them. A drunken mistake from Spring Breaks of old, left to peak from beneath low-rise jeans as a reminder of wilder days. Sy chuckled to himself and shook his head. He could hardly handle her now; if they’d met back then, he could only imagine the trouble she’d get him into. She’d have eaten him alive. 
To his dismay, traffic was fairly light on their way to the airport. The skies above were a dusty shade of blue, vast and empty as the rising sun chased away the rain. Fields of wheat and grain blurred past on either side as they left their sleepy little town in the rear view. Sy drove with one hand on the wheel and the other resting in her lap. Every now and then he’d hold her thigh, knead and squeeze, then cut his eyes from the road and over to her in silent reassurance. Every radio station from here to Houston seemed to play nothing but love songs, and each one salted the wound just a little bit more. Merrin tried to surf from station to station, genre to genre, but eventually gave up, so they rode in silence instead. 
Sy didn’t mind the quiet. It felt more honest than anything he could say now. “It’ll be alright, honey.” “We’ll write every day.” “I’ll be home before you know it.” He couldn’t guarantee anything, and they both knew that. 
Once they’d made it past security, Sy found a bench to sit on and dropped his bag at his feet. When he looked over to her, she was staring off somewhere in the distance, a million miles away again. To her, this felt like punishment. Like the universe had nothing better to do than shit on the best relationship she’d ever had. Karma had finally caught up to her, and this was how she was meant to pay for her transgressions. 
“This isn’t fair.”
Clayton sighed and took her hand into his. “I’m sorry, darlin’. Life isn’t–” She cut him off. 
“Don’t you dare tell me that life isn’t fair. I know life isn’t fair. This is…” Merrin shook her head. “This is cruel.” 
He tried to smile, to crack a joke, to lighten the mood, but one look at her shut it all down. She was right. He’d been on the verge of hanging it up, of finally giving in and taking that cushy desk job at base to be closer to his mama, but his pride had gotten in the way. He knew he had at least one more deployment in him. One more, and he’d give it up for good. He just wasn’t expecting it to be so soon. 
Everything had changed, now that he had Merrin. She was everything that he wasn’t. Gentle, but not easy to mislead; Stubborn, but only when necessary;  Kind-hearted to those in need; and so fucking sweet. Now, he fought for her. If this it took to keep her safe, he’d do it in a heartbeat. Now, he had someone worth fighting for.
Wrapping her up tightly, Sy held her to his chest and buried his face in her hair. He pressed a fierce kiss to the top of her head and let his eyes close for a moment. They held each other just like that until his flight was called. Then they walked the Green Mile all the way down to the gate, where he pulled her aside and took her hands into both of his. His eyes searched hers desperately in a last ditch effort to commit them to memory. Shades of blue and green, specks of gold around the iris, as wild as the tide and as vast as the sea. When he kissed her, it was deep and lascivious. He didn’t care who saw. Fuck ‘em. Let them look. Sy broke his kiss and pressed his forehead to hers, dug the end of his crooked nose into her cheek and breathed her in for as long as he could. 
“I love you, Merrin Paige. More than you’ll ever know.” 
His words stole the breath from her chest. Three little words she never expected to hear him say. Three little words that paralyzed her, right where she stood. He kissed her cheek one last time, grabbed his bags, and headed off to catch his flight. Merrin watched from the window as the plane taxied at the end of the runway. A light drizzle began to sputter outside, just enough to blur her vision as the plane disappeared high into the clouds. Just like that, he was gone. 
It never rains in Texas, but it did on the morning of Sy’s inevitable departure. It never rains in Texas, and today, Merrin hated the rain. 
Far from home, Sy checked his watch as he waited for the line to ring. Static crackled in his ear as he cradled the phone between his head and his shoulder. 2pm in Baqubah; 10pm in Houston. If he was right, she’d still be up. Probably curled up in bed with a book, one of those dirty little romances she liked so much. Leaning back in his chair, he stretched and moaned. If Texas was hot, then this was hell. 
Then, a click. The old desk chair groaned when he sat up straight. He listened for a moment, waiting for someone to answer, then checked the signal to make sure that the call had gone through. Fuck. Don’t let it be the answering machine. 
“Sy?” a sweet voice chirped over the static. He sighed, relieved, and smiled widely at the sound of his name. 
“Yeah, baby,” he breathed. “It's me. How’s it–”
She cut him off. What she had to say couldn’t wait. 
“I love you too.” 
Taglist: @geralts-yenn @peyton-warren @kingliam2019 @uunotheangel @deandoesthingstome @drewharrisonwriter @foxyjwls007 @melissareadsstuff @totalwool @summersong69 @caramariehurst @niallhorwen @warriormirkwoodkwood @mairablue @omgkatinka @evansabove1981 @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @enchantedbytomandhenry
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