#[ ppl call it ''hypocritical'' and i take issue with that bc
findafight · 1 year
ty for pointing out that steve graduated on time despite a severe concussion and likely limited or non-existent support (esp considering how his dad reacted to the college thing). it's also worth noting that steve had no issues passing his classes throughout high school while playing and captaining at least 2 sports (3 if you count baseball [on top of other clubs and extracurriculars] from that yearbook thing they released post s1 i think). that's not easy to do. it also irritates me sm when they harp on steve confusing the names of things as proof that he's incredibly dumb or illiterate. esp the gumby thing when it's a fucking children's cartoon. even the german vs nazi thing makes sense in the context of him having a grandfather that fought in ww2, told him stories, and probably called the nazis germans. also v hypocritical when it's not commonly pointed out that the soviets are near exclusively called the russians. yet they always conveniently forget that steve is the only reason they figured out the russian code was coming from the mall (and, going by dialogue in the scene, was specifically the person that put together that the message was coming from the mall on top of recognizing the music and being the only person to pay attention to it - i always see the realization that the message is from hawkins misattributed to dustin) and the only reason they got out of the elevator in the same season where's he supposedly illiterate and incredibly stupid bc he confused the names of things. i stg ppl that do this so they can hype eddie up make eddie feel like my enemy.
Do I think Steve was getting A's? No. Do I think for the back half of his senior year he was working his ass off to scratch C's? Yes. VERY frustrating and honestly kind of hurtful when people keep calling him stupid about it! I interpret a lot of Steve's spacier moments to post concussive syndrome, and it's actually so impressive he's doing as well as he is especially in S3, just over seven months since billy, and is finished hs. Buddy bounced back! People love giving Steve migraines as a lasting symptom of his head trauma but don't acknowledge that focus and what I call "thinking speed" are also affected. Like yeah it'll take him a minute to process what is happening and formulate a response/plan, his brain was goop a few months ago! And S4 happens less than six months after S3 so like yeah. Clearly he's not at 100% we should all be so proud of him.
S1 sort of indicates he cruises through school when helping Nancy study. He's not a model student, and while one could argue teachers were more lenient because he was on sports teams and they wanted to win, that wouldn't have applied after billy beat him because he'd have had to take a leave from the teams, and it's the eighties so some teachers would potentially have thought "serves him right for fighting".
Steve is consistently making connections to things that others aren't! With the "realizing Russians in the mall" thing he is definitely leading Dustin to the conclusion. He goes "Indiana flyer? No way" or something to indicate that it's unlikely the message was from elsewhere, and he has already realized that the transmission is from Starcourt, and wants Dustin and Robin to as well. Just because Dustin said it doesn't mean he figured it out.
(I find people also attribute a lot of what Robin does and figures out to Nancy? Robin gets the newspaper that talks about Victor Creel being possessed by demons, Robin gets them into the hospital, Robin makes the connection to music as key to saving a victim. Stobin contributions so underappreciated smh)
Steve's quick on his feet and makes sure they're able to get out of the elevator with an Indiana Jones move! Without getting caught! I once saw someone saying it's Steve's fault they were trapped at all because he was older and should have put a stop to it, but. Did they think Dustin would drop it? And not explore by himself?? Also Steve's 18. Notorious dumbass decision age. (They also don't know the Soviets are in the mall, and then don't know it's an elevator) yeah it's a bad call, but where is this attitude for Nancy and Jon trying to expose the lab in s2 that absolutely would have known who snuck in and recorded Owens (why weren't they searched?) And then disappeared them. Like if you want to do that with Steve do it with everyone who has made a decision that potentially put people in danger. Hell, Hopper's the reason the lab agents go to the school in S1! He sells El out!
The German/Nazi thing is weird like. Everybody knew who he meant. What OTHER Germans would be a connection there. Yeah it's not "correct" but also. It's not wrong either. Especially when you're right! Russian/Soviet is used pretty interchangeably in the series I think even though many other countries were considered Soviets. Gumby/gumbo is such...a dumb thing to use as proof Steve is illiterate or whatever. Only one is a real word, and it's not Gumby!! Mixing up and confusing words is a normal thing, and these are one letter off and sound similar. Shit happens.
Him connecting Henry Creel to being a clockmaker? Logical conclusion to make given the emphasis the clock had gotten. He's also the one to find the pet siders and it doesn't mean anything even those were Henry's schtick. Literally they included that to make Steve look stupid for making a connection and then getting scared by spiders in his hair and I was just sitting there nodding along like wow same king you're so smart.
Idk I don't like comparing him and Eddie this way because it's not a competition? Frustrating when people try to make it seem that way. You don't need to drag Steve to make Eddie look good? Eddie wants to graduate, and I think it's probably a combo of him skipping and also not being good at/liking formal schooling and possibly some teacher bigotry that prevents him from getting a bit of slack that keeps him in hs. Eddie's good at what he likes and cares about (he's a brilliant guitar player!) And likely doesn't focus on things that don't interest him. That's fine!! But just because he's a rabble rouser and a weird guy and poor, doesn't mean teachers, for three rounds of grade twelve, held him back for no reason.
Idk it's like. Teachers can have biases and that can influence their teaching and interactions and expectations of students, but for it to happen twice to the point that Eddie didn't pass, seems very unlikely, because most teachers do want their students, even the ones that annoy them and they don't like, to graduate. It's sort of insulting to insinuate they would get away with it for three years without any other teacher complaining? Or calling them out? There are bad teachers out there but there are so many good ones too. Saying that the only reason he didn't is because of everyone but him and then turning around calling Steve stupid when he did a near impossible task? Seems weird. Don't agree. Bad take. Acknowledge people have different intelligences and can be better/worse at formal schooling than others and move on.
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
Always felt like the bias against Kokichi was kinda the point, bc, honestly? Most of the characters don't treat him very well, even before he does anything actually bad. And it's weirdly extreme, I was wondering if it was the mastermind's goal.
It always bugged me, how Nagito, y'know, the guy who manipulated the events which resulted in the forst murder, so an actual threat to everybody's safety, upon getting sick still had people to take care of him, but when Kokichi gets chocked by an assassin, we don't know if anybody eventually helped him up. When he gets concussed, Maki tells him to faint somewhere else & Shuichi just watches him struggle to walk. Like, bro.
Maybe the point was to show that V3 cast aren't that great ppl. They're hypocrites, frankly. It's something Kokichi actually calls them out on, which, honestly, he has the right to - he's the one getting the short stick there. Everybody gets on his ass for lying, but everybody's actually lying about something, but somehow it's only him they're mad at. No wonder he snaps when Shuichi lies to *him* now & no one cares.
Kokichi's treatment in V3 makes me pretty annoyed.
Man I wish I could believe that it was the intention. Unfortunately there are many (and I do mean many) instances of the writing itself being against Kokichi. Like with that piece of evidence--that was not Shuichi, or Tsumugi, or a character writing down that Kokichi tricked Gonta. That was the writers who did that. The very narration within itself constantly bashes on Kokichi, not just the characters.
It would be one thing if it was just the characters. But there was an interview once with one of the main writers that explains the issues we see narratively--they hated Kokichi as a person.
That sentiment is everywhere in the narrative, oozing out and trying to villainize a character that is just not the villain here. The bias of the writers is very clear--which is why I don't think the biases the characters have are fair to judge.
They're being controlled by writers who hate Kokichi, after all.
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enemywasp · 3 months
UMMMMM ..... Rant bc it's so rare to find a kindred spirit in this shitty immature ""war""
it fr just means i believe we should ship and let ship??? why is the "i don't judge u for your preferences" thing seen as bad idfk like. it's fucking fiction.
if it's problematic then I don't condone it irl. but I'm human. I have curiosities and shit. Like,, ppl don't listen to true crime bc they condone murder and ppl don't go calling true crime fans murderers. so WHYYYY is shipping any different, in fact it's b e t t e r bc at least fiction. isn't. real.
like why tf is what i ship anyone else's business??? unless it's bc we have smthn in common to bond over, why tf do ppl care abt the ships we don't have in common.
istg ship wars are crazy af and this whole pro- anti- ship shit is just another way to try to control smthn that doesn't need controlling.
it's like U said no one fucking cares abt it irl and the damn DEATH THREATS ppl get over **not giving a damn what other people ship** instead of being the fucking fandom shipper police or smthn is disgusting and i hate that im never allowed to talk abt this w/out ppl hating me and calling me a disgusting monster.
why can't I just do what I fucking want when in my own privacy while not causing any harm???
like ppl are so damn delusionalllllllll!!!!.!.!.!
-> some proshippers just mean they support any and all ships bc fiction is fiction
-> some proshippers ship "problematic" ships and that is FINE because it is NOT REAL and THEY ARE NOT HURTING ANYONE and i meannnnm ppl are curious right. they gonna explore alien concepts some way or another. why tf would ppl stop them from exploring it in a safe. healthy. fictional. harmless. way.
why is it that it's okay to consume problematic content but not okay to ship problematic ships?? literally what is the fucking difference ships are a subgenre of content.
if you think it's okay to be a fan of lotr or american psycho or some shit then it is damn hypocritical to say it isn't okay to ship something problematic. same thing if you think it's okay to stan/simp for a villain character.
it's only even called ~problematic~ bc that's how the relationship would be if it were real. which it isn't. so it isn't fucking problematic bc it's fictional content and the ppl shipping it do not condone the irl versions.
also sidenote,,, why tf are proshippers and multishippers grouped together in the dni stuff?? they are not related. a multishipper just. ships the same character w/ more than just one (1) other character. how is that problematic too?????
okay sorreryyyyyy i just have so many thoughts on this that im never allowed to share pls feel free to let this one collect dust in the inbox. or just straight up delete it lol.
Do not apologise! I love a good rant!
If you want to interact with proshippers more the tags "proshipper", "proshippers pls interact" and "proship positivity" are usually very nice and lots of wonderful people post there!
And you could always make a side account for proship stuff if you want to be able to take a break from the intense pro vs anti stuff if and when it gets too much, whilst still having a place to enjoy that stuff.
Honestly I think a lot of the issue is people seem to take the word "ship" as their ideal relationship. Less so than a dynamic they enjoy in fiction. But I don't know, I can't pretend to understand the mind of antis.
Proshippers and multishippers getting clumped together is probably linked to the idea that a ship is a pairing you want to see canon and shows actually pandering to ship wars lately. Or maybe people are just weird!
Everyone takes shipping way too seriously now and acts like a fictional pairings existence will romanticise the topic and brainwash kids. My general rule is that its for fun, who cares ?
And feel free to rant in my inbox whenever! It's always open to anyone. Glad you could get that off your chest :)
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
You say you like both boys, but you seem to be very biased towards Colby. Reading through you're blog you seem to take every opportunity to attack Sam and call out his flaws while letting Colby's slide even way back in your blog in years past. You say people baby Sam and attack Colby while doing the opposite yourself by babying Colby and attacking Sam making you a little bit of a hypocrite.
You should let people know you are more biased towards Colby so that they understand your answers to their questions might be weighted slightly in Colbys favour as people seem to be asking you for unbiased opinions on things when you're not unbiased at all.
usually with asks like this, i just ignore them and move on. but i have the time today.
i'll get all of the initial things out of the way first: everyone has a bias. shocking, i know. having a bias isn't a bad thing inherently, especially in cases like this where we're not talking about life or death topics. we are talking about fandom nonsense and nonsensical things like who's the better singer or who could be a model or what hair style looks best. who cares if i have a bias? none of this matters ! you're asking for my opinion, and this is what my opinion entails. if you don't like it, don't ask. or ignore it if it goes against what you want to hear. if you want someone to just agree with you, find someone that will. i'm not trying to change anyone's opinion, i'm just stating my own. and again, there's no such thing as an unbiased opinion.
out of all the ppl on this site that answer asks about sam, i'm one of the few that is actually nice to him. me calling out things that i think are a bit strange about him, or flaws of his, is not an attack. there are plenty of asks i've answered over the years where i have defended sam from anons who downright hate him (or at least sound like they do). i give him the benefit of the doubt a lot of the time. just bc recently i haven't agreed with the way he manages to not edit videos doesn't mean i'm attacking him.
i've tiptoed around saying my full, god's honest opinion about this fandom for a very long time, bc i think it's gonna piss some ppl off. but i think it's time i say it.
this fandom loves to coddle sam and full on hate colby. personally i believe that some fans that claim they love sam don't even like him. they just hate colby so much that sam is the only other option to them. that's not to say no one likes sam. i love sam. i care about sam. but that doesn't negate when he does things wrong imo. i don't have to turn a blind eye to them just bc i like him. and that applies to colby too.
the amount of asks i have answered over the years pointing out colby's issues in relationships, how he treats himself, his terrible choice in friends outside of sam, his ability to purposefully tease the fandom only to them complain about it, the times he has disappointed me, ect… i've talked about that ad nauseam. but so has the rest of the fandom as well. and not just on here; on sites that colby can actually see it on. ppl point out colby's flaws all the fucking time and no one cares. no one is coming up in my ask box saying "hey guys we don't know colby like that. let's give him a fair chance now." I'M the one saying that. but sam…. i have to walk on eggshells just to talk about in fear that someone is gonna get pissed bc i said he's a bit annoying sometimes.
let me point out some examples.
colby literally gets slut shamed very frequently. hell, there are ppl on here that do it often. i don't do it bc i would love for him to go out and have fun as much as he wants. but anytime he's even near a girl, it's "omg colby's at it again, acting like a fool. when is he gonna give it up and stop sleeping around?" but all of sudden bc sam is single it's "i can't wait to see sam hook up with girls. i wonder who his next gf will be." no issue there. sam was literally dancing up on a girl at jc's party, but colby's the one that gets called out for standing next to the same girl all night. okay then.
colby got berated on here a while ago for having a possible type - white, skinny, dark hair, light eyes. even tho he has been with girls that don't look like that. but bc it's believed to be true, he's a dick for having a type. sam literally followed like 10 asian girls in a row, some of which were onlyfans girls (which btw colby also got hate for following onlyfans girls so there's another example) and it was seen as "omg sam is so funny, what is he doing following all these asian girls???"
another prime example: kat is getting hate for writing music about sam. why? bc it doesn't favor him. bc it points out that maybe he wasn't the best the entire 8 years they were together. she has borderline albums dedicated to that man but all of a sudden it's an issue when she writes a song that doesn't metaphorically suck his dick. yall don't bat an eye when major artists shit talk their exes. it's tea, it's drama. but kat can't do the same to sam bc…. you like him?? not to mention, kat is now getting called a slut for talking to other guys (some of which are just her friends) when again at the SAME party, sam was with a girl and then admitted to hanging out with her after the party.
let's get into more, quasi serious, examples.
who participated in queerbaiting? sam, colby, and brennen. who apologized for it? colby. who got yelled at for not doing enough and not being sincere about it? colby.
who got yelled at for not talking about jan 6th on jan 6th as it was happening? colby. who got called misogynistic for wishing happy international women's day? colby. who got called out for not posting links to reputable sources when stop asian hate was trending on twitter? colby. do you know what sam did? nothing. he didn't post anything until colby eventually did, the difference is he didn't get yelled at for it. he didn't get cancelled for it. am i saying that colby didn't make some fuck ups during this time period? of course not. but the difference between what was said to him and what was said to sam over the same exact situations is a bit confusing.
colby still gets called an asshole for the killing best friend prank, a prank that BOTH OF THEM participated in and were in on.
i have seen this discourse happen on twitter a bunch: a lot of sam fans wish that he got recognized just as much as colby does. but do you know what that recognition brings? a tremendous amount of hate. colby receives that DAILY for almost every decision he makes. he loses followers when he grows facial hair, he got a death threat so bad when he was getting cancelled that he left twitter for like a week straight so his mental health would go back to normal. kat's own fucking fans rejoiced when colby lost his journal and was emotional about it. there is a level of respect that sam receives that colby doesn't.
sam and colby fan accounts can exist, sam accounts can exist, but colby accounts get called rude bc they forget about sam, or they get told "it's sam AND colby." yet weirdly, who's saying that to the sam accounts? bc i have a sneaking suspicion no one is telling them "hey you pay too much attention to sam, give colby some love too." bc i'm gonna take a wild guess that you wouldn't have sent this ask if i favored sam over colby.
i could go on, but i think i've made my point clear: do i have a bias towards colby? sure. i've openly admitted to favoring him sometimes or saying that he's my type more than sam. but i'm also right when i say this fandom babies sam. colby gets a lot of love, but a fuckton of hate on top of it. there are things that sam has done that colby could NEVER get away with. the amount of times sam doesn't address shit and just goes quiet and ppl just move on from whatever drama it was…. that could only happen to colby in a completely different timeline. i love sam dearly, but me pointing out that sometimes he's out of touch or isn't the nicest doesn't mean i'm attacking him. i call out colby for the same shit but no one cares bc shitting on colby is an everyday occurrence in this fandom. sam is literally known as the smart one of the two. you don't think that in itself kinda proves my point? colby is literally seen as the dumb one. what about that screams unbiased??
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3terna15unshin3 · 1 year
hi i really love your writing btw but i just wanted to ask bc i saw your post abt rina's comments on matty healy — i was wondering if u could expand on your thoughts on separating the art from the artist or anything like that.
Hellooooo thank u!!!! anon is referring to this post btw.
This is a tough convo 😬😬😬 and I’m honestly still working through what separating art from the artist means to me! But here’s sort of what I think.
I have always refused to watch Woody Allen movies or support Chris Brown’s music. And would 100% stop respecting anyone who preaches anti-vaxx or anti-choice bullshit. I’d never listen to Kanye West on purpose either. I think these dangerous narratives pushed out by ppl whose moral compass are clearly different than mine just totally water down the art they make. Kanye being a fucking weirdo antisemite automatically discredits any good music he makes, to me.
But I’ve also never been connected to any of it. I don’t care for his music, or Chris Brown’s, and I can live without Woody Allen movies. So it’s easy for me to boycott it all. With The 1975’s music—it shaped my teen years. It makes important statements, it breaks boundaries, I feel it so much more deeply than other music makes me feel. So as embarrassing or hypocritical it may be, it would probably take a lot for me to stop listening to it and supporting the band🥲
Matty’s issue is that he thinks ‘teenage boy peepee poopoo make me a sandwich humor’ is funny. Which is really immature and can be damaging to project. But then he turns around and says profound and very intelligent shit about important issues and builds this super leftist radical progressive political stance…… so what the fuck dude! Pick a fucking side! This is why I’m still here…. holding out hope that if he really cares about these issues then he’ll speak out.
Idk I’m rambling at this point but bottom line we just have to stop putting these celebs on pedestals. Call them out when they do fucked up shit, and don’t kiss their asses trying to defending them in the name of being a stan. And also remember that we don’t fucking know them….. like what do u mean ‘you know he’s a good guy and that he’d never say anything misogynistic’ ????? HOW do u know????😭😭😭
I am also reading the book “Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma” by Claire Dederer. It dives super deep into this conversation and I think reading it will help me understand my stance better—just haven’t finished it yet! If you’re passionate about it I’d suggest checking it out :))))
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papirouge · 1 year
I hate how everything online feels so US centric you know? Like no, stop assuming when I say I’m pro life I’m for this backwards medieval attitudes Americans have towards socialism and social welfare that’s needed to help decrease abortion rates. Being pro life for me means I support socialist systems to care for the poor and those in need that includes women who are expecting babies and the babies themselves. America shutting down maternity wards and refusing maternity leave for workers and canceling legislation that would give kids in schools free lunches instead of fucking school shootings ever week is an explicit American issue. I’ll gatekeep all day on this - Americans are not and never been truly pro life. Especially since they worship their guns so much it’s in their constitution 🙄
The fact they indifferently use socialism, leftism, globalism, communism, liberalism - and now 'wokism'....like they were synonym is enough for me to know they are idiots. I hardly take any political take coming from USAmericans that seriously tbh.
I'm not that much of a political person myself, but USAmericans are the only people acting like advocating for free access to healthcare was instantly making someone a Communist... Only on Tumblr I've been called a commie for advocating for a better wealth distribution 💀 They are insane.
"first they ask for free stuff, then they'll come for my property!!" bestie, we all know you're broke and ain't owning shit. Sit down.
In their mind = getting stuff for free = stealing someone's labor. It doesn't occur in their mind that health distribution can make it happen while everyone getting paid. When I fainted in a mall, got sent to ER, got tested AND went to the pharmacy for medication, I only had to pay 10€ for ALL of this. And yet, the ER, the medics, and my pharmacists all got fairly paid.
It's a well known thing in France that tax evasion loss covers the retirement hole which is the excuse for that reform. That's why ppl are fuckin shit up. That's unfair to make the people pay the price of greedy billionaires. The money is here. Wealth dstribution is the problem.
That's why it's soooo annoying to these twat scream about Communism at the slight possibility of a better redistribution. The fact that they're aligning with millionaires when they're socially closer to the homeless person down their block is cringe.
And yeah, pro life is beyond simply fighting to protect the unborn. That's also why every pro gun pro lifers Americans has cognitive dissonance. They're brainwashed by their savage culture bred from genocide and slavery. They are spiritually cursed. Only a few ones got the Grace to snap out of it.
They really shown they ugly hypocrite asses when they *suddenly* cared about gun violence bc the shooter was trans..... Disgusting.
If me wanting universal healthcare & get pregnant women have free pregnancy care makes me a Communist I genuinely don't care lmao Hail Stalin. I'm absolutely immune to this brand of anathema. Me being a Communism won't make anything that I say any less true 💅🏾
USAmerican hate Communism bc they know it's the only regime that could virtually rekt them, because Nazism was mostly targeting Jews, so the Whites USAmerican don't care that much (they'll never openly admit it ofc, but their obsesssive hate boner against Communism -and not as much against Nazism- speaks louder than words)
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menalez · 8 months
You’re something else. You complain abt ppl not having empathy for you but I’ve seen you attack women on here for not being feminists as if there’s no reason women—especially lesbians—would reject feminism after its long history of racism, lesbophobia/ erasure. YOU are the one with no empathy. YOU are the one who can’t understand or accept that some women think differently than you. You’re a hypocrite you criticize polilezzes so much yet you’re literally the exact same as them, actually Ur worse
when did i criticise anyone for not being a feminist? lol i criticise people’s opinions sure but i’ve never criticised someone for not being a feminist bc i don’t call myself a feminist either. i’ve criticised people for spewing misogynistic takes tho.
love that i’m the “exact same” or “actually worse” than polilezzes for… taking issue with misogyny. and that’s somehow the same as constantly bringing up trauma i’ve faced from my teen years to debate my sexuality. wild
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c0rpsedemon · 2 years
Same anon as bwfore - those are all valid hnoc complaints, i have a soft spot for it since it got me into arthuriana which is now a big special interest (also yk, the thing of making ur own Canon for a media piece in ur head that no one else knows abt)
Appologies for yelling in ur asks abt it, just trying to say I agree
Also sending asks so u can ramble abt ur gripes w hnoc if u wish (no pressure to)
yeah i Used to have the same perspective on it too but as time went on and i developed a stronger aversion to the mechs fandom (everyone say thanks to ts teeth hcs, dr c mischaracterization and any other piece of widely accepted fanon which ppl get weirdly overprotective of) + realized that hnoc Wasn't my actual introduction to arthuriana (shout out to dragon slayer's academy and this niche little vn which i pretended to have read for weeb clout when i was ~12 even though really i had just read the summary of it on a fandom wiki, it was called destiny/leave day or something like that?) an i'd just somehow forgotten about its predecessors + tried to fit my arthurian faves into hnoc-verse and realized that it just Didn't Work and realized just how bad it was in comparison to like. udad. which was soooo good and it just kinda. made me go a little bit insane and tanked my opinion of it. also my growing hatred of a/g/l due to med lit fandom drama (< bizzare series of words that Sure Does Exist) + modern arthuriana like in general probably fanned the flames.
anyways. i said almost everything i have to say about hnoc in the og tags (save for some parts that are less a hnoc issue and more of a discussion of th white/mzb/modern arthuriana in general or a frantic explanation of why it's ok when fate does it but when hnoc does it i'm mad and it's not hypocritical of me (< generally it boils down to 'arthurian lit is incredibly inaccessible to english speakers in 2023, imagine what it would've been like to japanese speakers in 2004, nasu did the best he could, meanwhile the mechs have demonstrated the ability to heavily research their albums and are english speakers who would've had university access (p much the only way to read anything other than le morte or sgatgk legally without breaking the bank) at the time they were working on it')) but i got cut off so i'll add a basic summary of the tags which tumblr couldn't handle bc my arthurian takes r 2 complex and well-thought out for it
basically re: "#and idk it just rings hollow to me for the adaptation which made all/most of its characters either lgbt or poc to have written out p much#all the arthurian characters who were originally poc (palomydes. priamus. ysabelle. feirefiz. isolde of ireland. etc.)" there was a second part of that sentence which also pointed out how almost all the academically/historically substantiated lgbt characters (palomydes, tristan, gawaine, galehaut, lancelot, sebile, morgan, galahad) were cut out or unrecognizable (lancelot and galahad fall under the unrecognizable category).
i also had the character assassination of gawaine as it's own point, as it's just. particularly bad and one of the main reasons why i dislike hnoc, as well as the reason why hnoc's world is so hostile to p much Every other arthurian story bc he's basically the main character of medieval arthuriana and he's now. . obligatory disclaimer that i'm not opposed to gawaine as a villain bc god knows i'm a palomydes stan above all and anyone with a passing interest in the tristan tradition will know that gawaine is a fucking asshole an a horrible person but like. he didn't have to be fucking racist. medieval gawaine is an incredibly complex and deeply deeply flawed character and hnoc boiled that all down to 'racist' which is. one of the few things medieval gawaine is not. and so now all the characters and stories that orbit him are dead in the water bc why would anyone want to read about the cartoon racist.
in general all of the hnoc characters seem like they were written to serve the plot and the co-opted into being the nearest arthurian character. not a single one resembles themself at all. the best example i can think of is galahad (who's actually my fave hnoc character) who just isn't. galahad. medieval galahad is young and has been worshipped and dehumanized all his life, the very reason he was conceived was bc a prophecy said he would be good and pure and would achieve the holy grail, and so he was raised like a holy relic for one purpose and one alone, to the point where, when he finally tries to make a friend in le morte, literal angels intervene to remind him of his purpose, and ultimately he did succeed in that purpose! and when he did he had nothing else to do but end his own life. hnoc galahad is never dehumanized nor worshipped or even liked. hnoc galahad is viewed as a crazy person but a person nonetheless, and hnoc galahad genuinely wants the grail. the two are connected by name alone and it's the same w everyone else. medieval lancelot will always return to guinnevere, and she is the source of both his loyalty and sense of self, and he will destroy anything that poses a threat to her, hnoc lancelot genuinely cares abt camelot and uhm. human life. medieval mordred wasn't actually arthur's son in most texts and kinda just tagged along w his brothers' plans (particularly agravaine's) and ultimately took over camelot bc agravaine was dead and it was the next logical step to take considering all they'd done before, if you want something really interesting mordred-wise the alliterative morte gives him genre awareness but his lamentations of his fate are centered around the uhm. fratricide. and not arthur, hnoc mordred views arthur as his whole world which his Only brother gawaine is comparatively a footnote in, and has motivations which are truly his own. medieval guinn is politically savvy and stuck in a loveless marriage unable to fulfill her one purpose as queen (to have an heir) and thus centers herself around lancelot and his devotion to her to cope, hnoc guinn is a gunslinger. idrc enough abt arthur to analyze him but ultimately it's easy to see that These Are Not The Same Ppl in the way that like. myth orpheus, ulysses, narcissus etc. and udad orpheus, ulysses, narcissus etc. are. even in like. ouat(is) where the characters are Obviously Different People from their fairy tale counterparts, they exist in a form of commentary on their other selves, and the ouat(is) approach to characters is true for the prisoner of dorian gray + frankenstein as well. hnoc has no commentary on the original arthurian characters bc it Doesn't know who they are, the characters in hnoc are meant to be the arthurian characters in a different setting like in udad and tbi (the latter i can't speak on bc i don't norse myth and don't tbi). and it gets them wrong.
tl;dr uhm. the mecha arthurian vn that lives in my head wouldn't do this to me
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narrie · 2 years
idk resal, i think people who call harry queerbaiter are wrong bc no one deserves to be forced to ‘prove’ their sexual identity, for me it doesnt matter if harry is a rich white man, calling him a queerbaiter and pushing him to come out/put a label on himself is hurtful as hell and that should be enough reason not to do it, like thats a valid reason, it ALSO hurts a lot of people who see what people call harry and it hurts them as well but idt the social status of the person takes the validity of the issue
yes ofc, i think u misunderstood me! i'm also saying it's ALWAYS wrong to call someone that and hating the person (e.g. harry in this case) for other reasons doesn't justify pressuring someone to come out or anything like that, but these ppl probably don't care how wrong and hurtful it is bc they think it's only about harry styles and they probably want that effect but it also sets a precedent that "everyone needs to come out and label themselves otherwise they're a queerbaiter", like they're actively supporting shit that leads to 18 y/o being pressured to come out (there's also an underlying biphobia to it all). everyone rightfully backing kit for initially wanting to keep that part of himself private but at the same time coming for harry's throat when it's the SAME issue is very hypocritical. that's what i meant, sorry if it wasn’t clear!
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theharellan · 4 years
solas definitely sees the irony dw, although like. to mildly defend solas here, his terrible mistakes have never been self-motivated. like it’s telling of his character that the most selfish thing he’s done lately is fall in love. the guilt that drives him is of a completely different nature than blackwall’s, owed to a cause and a people rather than something done out of greed and cowardice. he outlines the differences between them best himself (emphasis mine):
Solas: There is little to say. I assumed we were alike. We’d seen war, knew its terrible costs, but understood that it was necessary. But there was nothing necessary in what you did. You did not survive death and destruction. You sowed them. To feed your own desires.
in blackwall’s crime he sees the acts of people he fought against in elvhenan. and rather than accept punishment, he ran, and his soldiers paid the price. betraying one’s own people is a really big deal for solas, who at this point in canon seems to desperately want to stop what he’s doing, but can’t. why? well, probably several reasons, although i think one is certainly that stopping would be a betrayal of them. that blackwall left them to save his own skin only compounds upon his anger that the initial crime was the killing of innocents for coin.
he might also be a liar, but he has a right to be angry. in a longer thread those conflicting feelings could prob be better explored, although i do enjoy banter. in that last response in particular he’s actually paying him a compliment, and agreeing with the faith the inquisitor put in blackwall in a roundabout way.he also has a decent perspective of how to use guilt as a self-motivator without allowing it to overwhelm, seeing as his own hasn’t stopped him yet. also, he does also apologise, once his own anger as ebbed. both because i think he reflects upon his own situation more and he genuinely thinks blackwall thom rainier deserves some forgiveness, there is no lie nor greed in the man who stands before him.
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
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i dont care if you don’t like dream . you are purposefully choosing to ignore the point im making because you don’t like dream which is in fact proving my point .
the mcc community has a huge issue with hate and hypocrisy so let me take a deep dive into what i mean by that and why these guys ^^^ are dumb cunts
example 1- buildmart .
“ what’s your favourite game and why is it not buildmart”
that’s all i said . it’s a joking post about the fact a lot of people complain about buildmart . let’s talk about the response to that, which if needed i will tag blogs who participated in this behaviour .
• i was being whiny and needed to get over it bc buildmart if just a game
• i was clogging the mcc tag with negativity
• buildmart hate wasn’t allowed in the tags
this is the big one right
• i was asked to delete my post because the mcc tag is not a place for any sort of negativity, people don’t want to constantly see discourse in the tag which was from them on to remain discourse free
read that again . and a third time. as many times as you need for it to get through your skull .
let’s look at how the community reacted to that
- sent me death threats
-harassed me for 3 days after the post was made
- eventually made me take about a week away from tumblr bc i was tired of being harassed every time i made a post and there’s only so many times i can hit block anon
and that was justified right ???? that was okay ! because i made a little joke about not liking buildmart .
example 2- dream team hate
imagine the sheer murderous rage i felt watching the event that saturday to
“ugh i fuckinf hate sapnap he doesn’t deserve his 5th win get him out the event”
or this event to
“i hate dream stans”
“dream us dishonouring technoblade and this person is doing it better “
“dream should be permabanned because i hate him and i don’t agree with what he said”
and so many other posts .
you all complained about the dream fans using th tags but i didn’t see anything from dteam fans in the tags . just you lot complaining about how awful they are .
let’s look at how this hate was handled
- nobody cared .
-hate clogged the tag
- the mcc tag was not discourse free
- and i am being harassed again for calling that out
so let’s get into why i’m calling it out .
i don’t care if you hate dream . hate him for whatever reason i do not give a shit. i’m not asking you to suck his dick. the issue is that you are purposefully straying away from the topic of conversation bc i like dream and you think it can all be boiled down to that . it can’t .
so what’s the issue if it’s not the fact that people hate dream? it’s that you’re awful people .
not even joking . this is what it’s come to . this is how i’m gonna be describing the mcc community from now on . which is sad bc i love mcc .
how are you awful people ?
let’s recap
• a joking post about buildmart gif a blog bullied off the platform for spreading negativity and clogging the tag with hate
• the hate that actually clogs the mcc tag does not receive a similar energy and is let slide bc ppl think they’re cool when they hate dream
so what does this say to me ? it says to me that you didn’t ever care about the tag being clogged with hate. it says to me that you are either liars or hypocrites who only care about defending your own interests . it says to me that i never should’ve gotten any of the “helpful criticism” i got from people like (i removed the tags bc it felt cruel but test me again and i’ll tag them) for clogging the tag and spreading negativity. unless you two want to open up and start talking about how the dream neg is ultimately worse for the mcc tag , since that’s genuine negativity and hate and actually clogging the fuckinf tag . and i’m calling the two of you out not because i hate you i don’t have anything against you but because i remember you . you spoke Big enough to me about how i was impacting the mcc community and turned a blind eye to everything else .
i was harassed and threatened for days . “i’m sorry that happened to you but” but nothing . don’t sit and apologise to me for shit. if you want to do anything, uphold the values of the mcc tag that you were so desperate for me to stick to with a little buildmart joke. call out people posting neg in the tags, tell them that this is a discourse free tag . go on .
but you’re going to find every reason not to . bc dream neg is allowed . and every justification i’ve gotten from you lot is completely useless . it all boils down to i hate him and that’s okay i’m not asking you to feel otherwise despite the fact you’re desperate to say i am
i am asking you to uphold your fuckinf values . principles arent principles when you pick and choose when to use them . so either stop lying to me, or get a fuckinf grip and tell people posting dteam neg in the main mcc tag that they are breaking the rules of the tag .
just to clarify for a third time because i know people won’t have understood yet- i don’t care about what you think of the ace race drama . i don’t care what you think about dream . i care about the fact the etiquette of the tag is being abandoned yet again to justify a bias against certain communities. but if i was in there posting anti buildmart memes, what would happen?
either shut the fuck up when ppl say they hate buildmart (ace race is just a game remember) or keep your neg out the main mcc tags
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bondsmagii · 3 years
Hey, can I ask your advice? I'm an aspiring artist that comes from a very wealthy background but a lot of my art is political and I think ppl won't take me serious or say that I'm a hypocrite bc of that. Like, for example, my parents have millions and a lot of my art is about wealth inequality which makes me terrified people will call me out on it and also, and this is just a general thought, I keep thinking If one day I get successful - like really successful (aka rich and famous) - ppl will also think it's inappropriate for me to talk about political issues in my art. I keep thinking about this since I saw parasite win an Oscar and ppl laughing at the the audience applauding when the movie is about them (celebs) but like the movie was made by a celeb ??? Where does the line js drawn? I mean, would it be okay for taylor swift to talk about wealth inequality? Would it be okay for J.K Rowling?
So, anyway, my point is: I have rich parents and I want to make political art but I'm afraid that will be considered hypocritical of me and I also wonder if I become a famous and rich artist in the future and still wanted to make political art if ppl would also call me hypocritical
personally I'm of the opinion that these kinds of social issues need to be examined from all angles, and also to truly dismantly something like wealth inequality, a movement needs people from all walks of life. this includes people who have benefited from wealth inequality, and those who have suffered. it's important to remember that while you benefited, this wasn't your money. just how poor kids can't help the fact they were born poor, you can't help that you were born wealthy. it's not an inherent flaw on you personally; it's just how the cards fell for you.
the problem with a lot of people from backgrounds like yours is that they mostly pay lip service to the idea, but do nothing to actually help matters. for example, rich celebrities talking about how poverty is terrible, but keeping their massive fortunes and doing nothing to improve even their local communities. with regards to J. K. Rowling, it's an extreme shame that she turned out to be such a piece of shit, because she's a good example of how to do being rich well. she struggled financially when she was younger, and at the time of beginning the Harry Potter series, she was actually on government benefits. she never forgot this when she became rich, and I believe that she once gave so much money away to charitable causes that she actually knocked herself off the millionaires' list. unfortunately she also turned out to be a fucking TERF, but I guess even the worst people can get things right sometimes. the complexity of man, etc. I'm not sure if she's still good at this kind of thing now she's gone off the deep end, but this at least proves that it's possible.
it's also a shame, but fairly common, that a lot of rich kids grow up detached from the world and through their ignorance can act very entitled or offensive, believing that everyone has the same opportunities they had and they just didn't work as hard (not realising that by being born rich, they had a huge advantage). you seem to lack this entitlement, and you understand that you are coming at this subject from a place of privilege. I think so long as you remember this, and you work with others and don't speak over them, you're going about this the right way.
people are going to call you out on it. people are going to be rude, and flippant, and dismissive. I believe that these people believe they're doing well, but they're woefully misinformed. you have a right to speak out about these things in your art. you have seen something that's moved you, and you want to draw attention to it and criticise it through your art. that's good, and it's one of the things art is for. while there will be people who will be uncharitable about it, I believe they're ideologically immature. it's very important to understand who our enemies are when it comes to wealth inequality, and the child of wealthy parents who has looked at their life and thought "this is fucked up that I live like this yet others suffer needlessly" is not our enemy. if more people grew up rich and thought like you, the world would be a better place.
you have every right to make this art and you should make it. while there will be people who will try to invalidate your art because of your background, you shouldn't take it to heart. you had no choice regarding who your parents were, and clearly you've come out of a very privileged upbringing (at least in terms of wealth) with a sense of empathy and justice. I think the thing to be most wary of is that because of your upbringing you might have opportunities for recognition that others might lack; if this is the case, you're in a prime position to use this recognition to lift others' art and stories up with you, and that's why we need people from all walks of life. if we all work together, we can take advantage of a much bigger stage.
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6ad6ro · 3 years
it doesn't matter what i do or how i live, because the majority of people are gonna think the worst of me. people who are flawed. people who don't think for themselves and live robotically. they'll ignore the effort i put out. they'll dismiss my struggles. they'll pretend my DOCUMENTED health issues are all in my head. the ones i literally get treatment for constantly? they'll keep calling them fake.
i'm just "an immature, lazy manchild still living with my mom". i guess that ignores the fact that i'm here to take care of her when the rest of the family (understandably) gave up on her. they weren't here when i tried to leave countless times and she begged me to stay. they don't feel the guilt and obligation that was left behind when my father died. they don't get that i'm not being "selfless"... it's just... she's my mom and i worry about her.
instead they think of me as "kinda pathetic". instead they say that I'M leeching off of HER. why? why do they decide to think this way? why do they choose to ignore what's really going on, instead imagining some story that makes me look bad somehow?
honestly, even if someone DID live with a parent bc they couldn't get by on their own... that isn't pathetic. ppl who judge for things like that are embarrassing scum. fucking mannequins who think in stereotypes. who live just to make money. great. enjoy your failing western capitalist mindset. suffer in your hypocritical judgement.
speaking of money... i can't believe how ppl will look at me? with how i've ALWAYS gotten by. ALWAYS been there helpin out my friends and family. and say that I'M irresponsible with it. i may be on disability now, but that was probably the smartest financial move i've ever made. some ppl even get JEALOUS. bc i do alright. and don't have to work shitty jobs anymore.
of course, they ignore that i worked since my late teens (woulda worked earlier but parents were too controlling). of course they ignore that my health stuff made regular work a total NIGHTMARE. and that i was slowly killing myself. or driving myself to suicide. getting worse and worse mentally/physically. they think i somehow tricked my way into bein disabled, rather than being drug into it kicking and screaming. they pretend that my "work life" isn't 10,000x better than theirs, and justify it by belittling me. idk if it's jealousy, classist brainwashing, or both. bc i'm SICK of it.
i'm tired of being judged. looked down upon. these people, they ignore my ACTUAL STRUGGLES. like my health issues and sleep problems and mental stuff? my HORRIBLE abusive past? my current REAL problems? and instead just make derogatory stuff up. they'll say "i can't believe you're still like this in your mid 30s" as if things should be somehow better?? as if i'm just doing poorly? "if you just apply yourself better, you won't have panic attacks anymore" like FUCK you.
i feel this judgement from all these... frankly EMBARRASSING people? people who shouldn't be judging ANYONE? and it's just like FUCK you. fuck you! i'm tired of it.
i'm laying here in my bed. trying to sleep the past few days away. because i wanna die. bc i feel embarrassed and ashamed. because i wanna give up. i think "maybe they're right"...
and i wonder why this happens. why do i have such low self-esteem? why do i feel so hopeless? idk MAYBE because some of the closest people in my life NURTURE my shame. they fucking TELL me "you're pathetic" to my fucking face. they disrespect me constantly. i do my best to show them love and help them when i can. in return? they treat me as if i'm far below them.
a big reason i hate myself is i was TAUGHT to feel this way by shitty friends and family. i'm tired of it. i'm sick of forgiving and overlooking other's mistreatment of me. i'm tired of justifying it by saying "well they're just in pain". I'M in pain. because you keep treating me like shit! why should i respect your trauma when you erase mine just to make urself feel better. why do you drag others down to try n make yourself feel better? it just makes everyone WORSE and it's YOUR fault!
i'm done! i'm done. disrespect me, and you lose me. MOST of you on here are amazing. but a FEW of you, people i'm close to? know i'm talking about you. and FUCK you. i was great, and you lost me.
YOUR loss. god you guys sucked, and i was there for you anyhow. i was SO NICE to you! but i'm done. go abuse someone else. the only thing "pathetic" about me? was you.
i've removed the ball and chain that was locked around my ankle. what are you gonna do about it? just sit there, useless. discarded. you can only blame yourself.
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garetthawke · 3 years
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this post annoys the fuck out of me. the way it's phrased seems so hypocritical like lmao how do u misunderstand the anti-beauty "embrace ugliness" campaign so bad that you view it as a low self esteem thing (which it's the opposite of) while acting like you're not participating in beauty culture??
like fact is, if u don't uphold societal beauty standards, society sees you as ugly, and embracing that purposefully, rejecting value found in being seen as beautiful, or refusing to see ugliness as a negative, that's the only way out? otherwise you're still supporting beauty culture, just shifting the goal posts (bc we KNOW everyone's "just existing" is not viewed on equal terms, esp when you take into account how beauty standards are predominantly white.)
ppl who "embrace ugliness" literally do not find value in beauty or have low self esteem bc of calling themselves ugly...that's the point of it. to percieve it as a low self esteem issue just shows how you still value beauty as a metric for self esteem. I'd rather purposely be seen as ugly by society just to move myself outside of that value system, than try to reshape a value system that shouldn't exist in the first place.
my "just existing" is viewed by society as significantly uglier than my sister's "just existing," bc even with us both being without makeup or whatever, I'm still fat and disabled, and she's still a model. her not wearing makeup is still a demerit in the eyes of beauty culture, but she's still privileged to be seen as beautiful without it, because beauty standards are pervasive and there's more past every layer you peel back.
no matter what I'd still be compared against her and people like her and be seen as ugly, even without standards like makeup coming into it. choosing not to perform the most basic of standards (wearing makeup) is embracing ugliness, because I'm accepting that I'm going to be "just existing" in a way socially viewed as ugly, and i make my choice without placing value on that perception. she on the other hand would be making that choice with no real risk to her self esteem bc she fulfills the beauty standards for "just existing."
there is no way to "just exist" without parts of your existing becoming or failing standards of beauty, and that will perpetually effect your self esteem unless u can learn not to care that you're seen as ugly...like that's literally it. the only answer is to embrace ugliness by not viewing it as a negative so u can deconstruct the value given to "beauty." if u still feel like ugly is an insult or is a blow to self esteem, that's participation in beauty culture whether you choose to perform beauty standards or not.
getting offended that your "just existing" is seen as "embracing ugliness" only reveals the level of privilege that means society didn't already tell you that your "just existing" is ugly. and like good for you that you're not already told you're ugly by everyone when you don't wear makeup, but not everyone is that lucky. we either have to embrace that our choosing to "just exist" while not performing beauty standards is going to get us seen as ugly, or let that perception affect our self esteem.
it's one or the other, bc our "just existing" will always be seen as ugly, so its left up to us whether to embrace that ugliness, or try to redefine beauty. and redefining beauty is futile and unhealthy when it'll be literally perpetual bc ur not deconstructing the culture and system that creates the problem.
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chainsawcorazon · 4 years
been thinkin about this for a while, and i just gotta say - some of you REALLY dont realize how much y’all contribute to self-clownery by going after fancontent creators over the age of 25. whether it’s jibes of the nature of “ur almost thirty,” or the more condescending “ur old enough to know that ship is Bad,” and it’s like???? bitch you pay my bills??? you clothe, feed, and house my fantastic ass and my bitch cat??? you sendin me money for my givenchy bitch!?
cuz you aint. more often than not, fancreators over 25 be creatin for themselves, regardless of how immoral the content is bc it’s a) there’s no monetary gain, b) it’s an exercise in skill and creativity, and c) cuz it’s fun! YES, CLOWNS! IT’S FUN TO WRITE A 150k DARKFIC WITH MURDER, INFIDELITY, HIJINKS, AND TELENOVELA-ESQUE ALLURE! nobody gives a fuck if it’s immoral in its lessons, because NO ONE is required to consume it and NO ONE is telling a fancontent creator how to write it! it’s free of every restriction placed on mainstream COMMERCIAL content, because fancontent... wait for it... is for free.
and it’s true! 25+ gang is old! we got bills to pay and mouths to feed and dayjobs to excel at so we can survive in this capitalist nightmare, BUT WE ALSO LOVE FANDOM! we got back problems and still cant get our apostrophes right half the time, but the engagement is STILL there. THAT’S why AO3 survives, cuz people who are old as shit have a passion for fandom, have a passion for creating and archiving for future generations.
and to think that some of y’all got the gohtdamn NERVE to roll up in my inbox talmbout “if u think critically, u would not be shipping/liking this character/ship/etc.” like??? im sorry im not using my critical thinking skills to make moral content katherine, but like, i see critical thinking is not stopping you from selfshipping on main and taking requests for reader-insert porn and selfship OCs. not to be mean, but imma be VERY mean, but did you think u were special just cuz ur discord cult said so???
cuz ur not. i know some of y’alls social interactions with other human beings is relegated to your discord cults, voltron fandom, and your pizza delivery guy, BUT DID YOU THINK.... that no one noticed???? and that you were any less of a clown than the rest of us??? did you think no one noticed that your reams of self-insert porn and selfshipping fanart wasn’t just a testament to your ten million daddy/mommy issues??? did you think your content wasnt a part of the cringeship, ugly and immoral in of itself??? cuz it is. i know some of y’all will ride or die for your cult overlords, but i want you to know that they are in fact wrong and that you are in fact a dumb clown who people very much DO laugh at for being so clueless despite being such vicious bullies.
some of y’all lucky as hell most ppl just block you and keep it pushin despite the fact that SO many of you will cross the boundary of respectability and then be too much of a coward to come off anon when your friends have no problem ratting you out for being hypocritical clowns. and you’re lucky that ppl mute ur nonsense cuz they know you’ve gone on record with Several Mental Illnesses and no old bitch wants to tell a clown with low selfawareness that mayhaps they should stop cuz guess what? we aint ya parents.
bc the sad reality is, some of y’all just got no hometraining PERIOD! you come around, talmbout this and that and actin like you hot shit, but nevermind that you’re LUCKY that the old gang aint cruel enough to roll up and tell you to your face that you’re probably contributing to your bad health by being this much of a clown on the internet, and you’re LUCKY that no one’s called out some of y’all sociopathic asses so damn THIRSTY for fandom validation, but really, i want you to know that that’s all luck.
cuz eventually, and it always happens, you gon piss off a clown EQUALLY as sociopathic as you, they gon ruin ur online rep, get ya frens to turn on you, get the cult will target you next, AND laugh ya ass all the way outta town. cuz why?
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madmadmilk · 4 years
It has called my attention your drawing of Ariana... bc she has been making herself be brown skinned and part of a culture that’s not hers... and i thought you were against that
lol truthfully, i don’t really have anything constructive to say but this ask has been bugging me for the past few days so i’m gonna post a bit of  rant under the cut >>>
her spray tan is excessive and her /speech/ often is borrowed –– i’m not excusing her for it. but it recent years, i have seen her more as a woman who has gone through some traumatic public trials, released more consecutive albums than i thought possible (i never really paid attention to anyone else tbh), and also been a pominent example of A Woman Who Keeps On Going Even When Her World Flips Upside-Down.
tldr: i respect her
a part that frustrates me is that we all have skewed perceptions of body-social-media-standards-of-beauty ideas, making it nearly impossible to comprehend things the (exact) same way. everyone can see it, she spray tans, DARK. she does up her hair, keeps a trim figure, changes her eyebrow shape, does her lips–– this is not a criticism, this is just what i can see for myself. i know what a fucking spray tan looks like. i can see with my own eyeballs if a magazine ‘darkens’ the hues to suit a theme [without her hand in it], even if it doesn’t honestly reflect the true colors; when they edit a human body to a shape that does not account for ribs and internal organs. certain things are out of her control. And >> i’m secure in what i look like, and trust that Every Body is... A Body; that’s it. i know better than to ‘wish’ a certain complexion or figure on myself or to allow it to influence me–– it’s a matter of how everyone else perceives it. i can look at her and be like, yep, that’s ari. and that’s it.
>> i’m sure ariana is tackling her own handful of body image issues (of which SHOULD remain private), and while she is a role model for many young and impressionable people... [to me] it’s frustrating to see celebrities expected to understand every minute detail about their social influence.............. like, think for yourselves every once in a while, folks. she’s a person too....... facing her own battles............
as for the culture part >> i’m laughing to myself that IDK what part you’re talking about. i’m going to assume that you think she is appropriating black culture and speech.  i don’t know her well enough to provide examples but, \ she talks/sings with the AAVE and ~profits~ from it. my mind also wanders to her japanese character tattoos and ///kawaii/// style. i’ve seen ppl come for her hair, calling out her extensions as ‘weave’ in a negative light during her early years, as well as ‘baby hair styling’ bordering on hair appropriation.
idk what to think about all that–– like, obviously that’s not great.
i’d like to think that she learns a little bit of something new every year and corrects herself in private (as no one really owes it to the world to admit their faults and publicly correct themselves for every offense)..... but i dunno!
again this is not an excuse but an ongoing observation but: fashion / style / trends often forget to credit where the inspo comes from. the cultures they take from don’t meet the same profit as the famous face that sports it. it’s unfortunate, but that’s how ‘new culture’ builds. i think that when you see it and recognize it comes from something else, you have to do just that. RECOGNIZE IT. don’t call it ‘bella hadid/kendall jenner fox eye’ call it ‘makeup [inspired from asian eyeshapes]’. don’t look at pretty puffy injected pouts and think the desire just comes from nothing. if you acknowledge, allow, and credit things that inspire you... we will all grow beautifully TOGETHER.
it’s up to us to be aware of what we consume, how we perceive it, and how we react to it.
admittedly, i can be a lil ari fan because i don’t really feel the influence to ‘look’ or ‘act’ like her. i just appreciate her person and the bops she puts out. that sentiment alone is enough for me to draw it.
this feels like a long-winded way to say, “i see it, but i still want to draw it.” which, isn’t always great. i’m not vouching for her, but she makes me happy and i wish her well.
no one is perfect, but she is not an overtly malicious person. it would be hypocritical and impossible to only consume pristine content, but that’s also not an excuse to just let things slide. watch critically for yourself, as well as the position of the person in question.
have a good one ✌🏼
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