it's slepe meds asmi i knOW yall missed me didn;t you maggots. im listening to someone to stay but a slowed version of it. it's a very beautiful song. you should lsten to it mabye that woul be nice? i've listened to it white i wrte my first book and thn while eeling som lonesome yknow
hear the fallen and lonely cry out canyou fix me up can you kdold me close
you know maggotyys im so very scared a idk cna you tell? im so veyr scared all the time an im all fuzzsome and everything frrls very empty when i look ayt yhe futrue which aint whow a future outghtta look is it? not bleak or sad or anything just empty and it's not about it being unkmown i KNOW it's unknown it's ienffable eheh but lik. itt's. i dont even iamgine anything because who KNOWS nayrmore whats gmnna be there?
it's all so bery strange. i feel liekthis is the part of the post whee i si9uld pyell about crowley fo CROWLEYYYYY it a tradiiton at his poisnt isny iy !@howmanyholesinswisscheese isnt it isnt it
my hands are glazed with lolive oil /paltonic because of the chamical burns on my smcalp
well gndongiht! i love you mamgots
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cuubism · 5 months
Spy au?? 👀👀👀
the spy au, my neglected child 🥺 [chapter 1 - 3 here]
canon-adjacent au where hob "died" in 1389 and wound up in the Dreaming to serve as Dream's spy
The ruby contains Dream’s power. That was what he had said. It’s the power Dream needs, not the ruby itself. So. It’s a good thing Dream isn’t here to hear about what Hob’s going to try to do before he does it. That’s if he even can. He holds the ruby in his palms. No way he can just break it to release the power. Not with physical force, anyway, even a regular ruby would be too strong for that, never mind a dreamstone. But the Dreaming doesn’t operate on physical force. It operates on fantasies, and feelings, and wishes, and most importantly— on Dream’s power. Dream’s power will want to return to him, Hob thinks. Hopes. He only has to give it the opportunity. He closes his fingers over the ruby and squeezes. And it cracks. A wave of power explodes outwards from his fist. The sky crackles in its wake. Trees change color from teal to red to orange. Creatures take flight with more wings than they once had. Stars wheel through a dusky sky. The power goes right through Hob’s chest with a loud enough thrum that his heart feels like it stops. And then it does stop. And stops and stops and— Ah, shit.
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meadowziplines · 24 days
trans dream abortion fic?? 👀👀
So I usually write Dream getting knocked up and then there's a kid, but I thought it would be ... interesting to poke at it the other way? I haven't seen many fics where characters get them?
It's a human au and less angsty than it could be. It's Dreamling; Dream is a trans guy and Hob is his boyfriend/partner and Dream gets pregnant by accident and is like. This is not how I want to have a kid. And is terrified Hob's gonna be mad at him for not wanting it. Fortunately Hob is supportive of his decision and most of the fic after the initial anxiety is just the kind of caretaking after the procedure.
Snippet (ft. part of that anxious conversation):
"Hob," Dream croaked, a bundle of nerves, a faint ringing in his ears with how anxious he was. "Hob, what if I told you I had a condition. And did not want to keep it. I – I have thought about it, and I – do not want –"  "Dream, dove," Hob said, extending his hands out, and Dream took them, closing his eyes. "What kind of condition would require… making that kind of decision?" His face suggested he had an idea, but that he needed Dream to say it.  Dream looked away. Swallowed. "Pregnancy, Hob. And I – am afraid. That. You will … abhor my decision. I do not want… I cannot. I am sorry. This cannot be how…"
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wenellyb · 4 months
I can't wait for the "Tommy set up the fire" take😂
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issylra · 2 years
👀 Hello! For the wip ask ❌️
Thank you for asking! Even though the answer is the most boring if you haven't read the fic I'm talking about. Tagging @theotherone17 since you sent the same one.
❌What WIP do you find the most challenging? Why?
It's definitely golden days, and that's because I wrote myself into a corner with it by not following my outline. I have ideas, though. Specifically inspired by Season of Mists. Right now, my plan for the final arc of the story is essentially (warning for very vague comic spoilers) "what if Hob was there while Dream had to deal with all the nonsense re: the key to hell?" I think if I plot it out properly, it'll work really well. We'll see!
(wip ask game)
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Support LENR: Fund Clean Energy Projects via the ICCF25 GoFundMe Campaign
Clean energy is no longer a dream of the future. It’s here, now, and it’s called Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). At LENR-Forum.com, we’re spearheading a push towards this sustainable future through our participation in the upcoming 25th International Conference on Condensed Fusion (ICCF25). Support LENR Research with the ICCF25 GoFundMe Campaign The ICCF25 is an unparalleled platform that…
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brandiacs · 2 years
Nuclear Fusion.. what is it?
Nuclear Fusion.. what is it?
By Diadon Acs Have you ever looked up at the sun and wondered, how is that even possible? Well, be careful because looking at the sun can seriously hurt your eyes! This article will be my first attempt to cover what Hydrogen Fusion is and how it is a game changer for clean energy technology. It’s pretty simple, just do what the stars do to create heat and light. Well, simple in theory but not…
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tj-dragonblade · 2 months
Last Line Tag Game
Tagged by @kydrogendragon - thank you! Have a chunky little snippet from a little further down the Mechanic Hob timeline:
= "You just like me for my rugged filthiness," Hob says, a tease to keep his head in the right place—there's still no sense getting attached, after all.
Dream regards him haughtily, one eyebrow lifting. "I am quite sure I would enjoy you equally as much cleaned up and dressed up, that I might wine and dine you, take you home to my bed for an evening."
Hob almost, almost detects a hint of vulnerability threading the words and grins, a little pang of tenderness tugging helplessly behind his chest. "Think so, do you?"
"Would you like to test my theory?" There is something both hesitant and eager underneath the casual tone, and Hob's heart trips a little as that tug grows stronger.
"Why, Mr. Atelíotes, are you asking me out? On a proper date?"
"Perhaps." It's equal parts caginess and coy teasing, and Hob is forced to admit that he's smitten despite himself.
"Well." He grins, dialing it up to his most charming. "Rumor has it I'm excellent company whether my dick's involved or not. And while a standard dinner date may not be as fantasy-worthy as getting plowed by the studly mechanic in his shop, I think we could still have a good time." He's showing his hand a bit, gently calling Dream on the fantasy fulfillment that has obviously been going on here, but what's life without a little risk? Especially when the potential reward is so very worth it?
"You are very confident of your own appeal," Dream replies, mouth turning up at one corner in a way that tips over from 'cautious' to 'amused'. And if Hob's not mistaken, there's a hint of pink blushing over his porcelain complexion.
He grins. "Am I wrong, though?"
"…No," Dream decides, after a long moment of deliberation, and Hob steps closer to him, dares to touch his face affectionately.
"Why don't you pick me up here at seven tomorrow night. Tell me exactly how posh I should dress, and we'll see where it goes?" He leans in, presses his lips softly to Dream's.
Dream hums into it, pleased, and squeezes his bicep gently before pulling away. "Very well. Seven, tomorrow night. I will make us a reservation and text you the dress code?"
Hob smiles, an effervescent sort of happiness bubbling up inside him. "Sounds perfect. Phone, love?" =
Tagging, no obligation: @lenreli @valeriianz @chaosheadspace @dsudis @pellaaearien @mallory-x and if you've not been tagged but want to share, please take this passive tag and have at it!
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ralkana · 2 months
I got into The Sandman/Dreamling recently (in large part due to you!). Can you recommend any blogs that still post regularly? Thank you!
Oh yay! I'm so happy to hear that! I hope you are enjoying the MASSES of incredible dreamling fic on ao3, and if you need some recs, hit me up, I have SO MANY.
This community is so active and friendly, and welcoming, and encouraging, and I love it so much! I'm so happy to bring you into it!
Okay, some very cool and active folks...
Starting with @dailydreamling, which is awesome for a huge range of dreamling content!
Individual peeps:
@softest-punk @tj-dragonblade @carnelianmeluha @pellaaearien @kydrogendragon @dsudis @zzoomacroom @lenreli @issylra @gabessquishytum @cuubism @moorishflower @arialerendeair @signiorbenedickofpadua @five-and-dimes @teejaystumbles @karalynlovescake @avelera @seiya-starsniper @academicblorbo and I'm sure there are a ton I forgot, I could just keep listing them forever!
Also, I don't know if you're active on discord, but the @mr-sadman server is wonderful, if large and kind of intimidating, lol.
If anyone else wants to add on more blogs to follow that I may have missed, please please do so!
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valiantstarlights · 1 month
Last Line Tag Game
Tagged by @kydrogendragon @lenreli and @teejaystumbles ✨ Apologies for only getting to this now 🙇‍♀️ Thank you all for tagging me, though! 🥰
This is for teejaystumbles's The Bodyguard AU. 😎 The clues are in the numbers. 💃
No pressure tagging: @valeriianz @gabessquishytum @cuubism 🙇‍♀️
"...'No?' You're declining the job offer?"
"For god's sake, why? It's not like you to turn down a job before you even meet the client."
"'No' is a complete sentence."
"As is 'fuck you' and 'why.' No, brother; I know you. There has to be a reason why you're turning this job down."
"Can I not simply be enjoying my well-deserved vacation?"
"Okay, first of all, you got shot four years ago. Second, just last week, Destruction was whining about getting his ass handed to him when the two of you got in the ring and sparred. Destruction. A professional MMA fighter. Whining. Let that sink in for a second. Third, the salary is 500 thousand a year. I mean, what more do you want? Or is that figure too low for you after you worked for Morningstar?"
"(small sigh) You know I do not care about how much I'm paid, so long as the amount is fair and reasonable."
"Then why--oh. ...Oh, right. Now I remember. You don't work for artists anymore."
"Careful, sibling."
"(dramatic sigh) Oh, big brother. How many years has it been? Ten? Eleven? And you're still--"
"If this is your best effort in trying to persuade me to take the job you're offering--"
"(light laughter) No, no. Don't worry. I've changed my mind. I never should have called you in the first place. I know how difficult it is to convince you to do something when you have already decided against it, and I have no intention of trying to get you to change your mind either, because unlike you, I simply do not have enough free time to wallow in sadness and think about--"
"(hangs up)"
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butcherlarry · 4 months
Weekly Fic Recs 66
Before the fic recs, it is my duty as a Superbat fan to do a plug for Superbat Week 2024! It will run during the week of September 9th-15th. Submissions for prompts will be going out soon too! Click the link for more details and to follow the blog for updates :)
Ok, plug over, now onto the fics!
gauntlet by pomeloquat @pomeloquat - Superbat, complete. An omegaverse fic. Clark has to fight a nest of children to spend some quality time with his mate, Bruce.
You Must Be This Conscious to Ride by justbeyondstars and motleyfam @motleyfam - Batfam, complete. Part of the Settle Our Bones series. The after math of a not so fun day at the amusement park
Waking Up to a New Beginning by Elegitre @elegitre - Batfam, complete. Bruce gets hurt while Batman-ing. He wakes up to a Robin snuggling on his chest. It's super adorable :D
long black line by shipyrds @burins - Batfam, complete. A look at Bruce and Dick's relationship through the lens of an early morning call. The last couple of paragraphs were my favorite part, just Dick having an imaginary conversation with Bruce, the misinterpretations they would have with the words they say, and all the feelings that come with it.
silent running by TheResurrectionist @frownyalfred - Batfam, complete. There is a crack on the Bat Cave floor and Jason wants to know why and what Clark has to do with it.
You Saw Nothing by rotasha - Superbat, complete. Two times Ollie has walked in on Bruce and Clark in compromising positions :)
The Problem With Clark Kent by vectacular @lenreli - Superbat, complete. Clark comes back from Warworld looking like...that. This does not help Bruce's sanity, especially after Clark moves in with him. Shenanigans ensue :))))))))))
sugarcoated by pomeloquat - Superbat, complete. Superman calls Batman a variety of cute, sugary nicknames. It sometimes gives members of the Justice League physic damage (especially Hal).
Rocking Chairs by Shirokokuro @shirokokuro - Batfam, complete. Tim learns what rocking chairs are used for. Hurt/comfort fics my beloved <3 There is also some lovely art of this fic from @saint0psy !
fragile by kontent - Superbat, complete. A wing fic! Clark bleaches his wings to hide their otherworldly nature. Bruce comes up with a better solution for him :)
so far (from their graves) by wednesday - Superbat, complete. This takes place right after the big fight with Steppenwolf in the Justice League movies. The is a lot of clean up to do after the fight, but Bruce is Tired. Clark is there to help :)
To Let You Forget My Face by Violet138 @violent138 - Superbat, complete. Bruce and Clark reminisce on the times they met before they were Batman and Superman (and dating).
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 @ktkat99 - Superbat & Batfam, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! Cass gets a better understanding of Clark and his family. Tim is still going through it (please pray for my boy and his spleen).
If there is anyone I missed tagging, please let me know so I can update the list!
Happy reading!
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issylra · 2 months
Last Line Tag Game! ✨
tagged by @valeriianz ❤️
using this as an excuse to post a snip from the second chapter of distraction (reaction)! please ignore any typos because I haven't edited yet:
It is not Dream's intention to intrude, but he finds himself intruding nonetheless, frozen as he is at the threshold of Hob's washroom door. The scent of lavender tickles his nose, carried across the quiet flat by heavy, humid air.  "You can come in. Got enough bubbles here to protect my modesty," Hob says, after Dream has spent several minutes mulling over an appropriate greeting. He sounds almost fond, and Dream allows himself to take a step through the door, eyes trained steadfastly at the wall above Hob's head. "Not that there's much modesty left after those photos." "It was not my intention to—" "I know," Hob cuts him off, something like amusement coloring the tone of his voice. "Like I said before, I'm not ashamed." Dream doesn't respond, Matthew's words a distracting mantra in his head. Tell him, boss. Truthfully, Dream does not even know where to begin. He dares a look downward, and it's another in a long list of Hob Gadling related mistakes.  Hob is wet, errant bubbles sticking to the skin of his chest. Dream watches the drops of water as they trickle down from the hollow of his throat, leaving goosebumps in their wake until they eventually disappear back into murky bath water.
I feel like everyone has been tagged, so apologies in advance for any duplicates: @tharkuun @hardly-an-escape @lenreli @reallyintoscience and whoever might want to do it! also, no pressure because I'm not sure who's writing anymore.
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LENR Theory: Mathematical Models and Frameworks
Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) have emerged as a compelling area of research, challenging traditional views on nuclear energy and suggesting a pathway to sustainable and copious power generation. Utilizing the comprehensive research repository of LENR ARA GPT, this article ventures into the theoretical foundations of LENR, employing a mathematical perspective to unravel these enigmatic…
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seiya-starsniper · 6 months
Last Line Tag Game
Having been tagged by everyone under the sun (@five-and-dimes, @amielot @tj-dragonblade @lenreli @im-not-corrupted are the ones I can see, I'm sorry if I missed anyone else!), I present to you all, more of the same WIP, my omegaverse forced marriage fic which is now over 8k words and only halfway done lmao.
“Look I’d rather we not fight before I leave,” Robert says. “I’m sorry we haven’t spoken much lately, I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”  “Leave?” Dream asks, ignoring the only apology he’s ever received from the alpha. “Where are you going?” he demands, grip tightening on his silverware. His meal suddenly tastes like ash in his mouth. “Ah, damn,” Robert curses. “I meant to—it doesn't matter. I've been called away to manage an overseas contract. I'll be gone for a while,” he answers, resigned, as if this is something he cannot help. But Dream knows better. Ever since their marriage, Robert has been the golden child of his parents’ business again, which means the alpha was offered this job. Had willingly accepted it. All to get away from Dream.  “How long is a while?” Dream nearly shrieks, his voice pitching higher and higher as Robert’s words sink in. “Were you planning to even say goodbye, or was I supposed to learn of your departure from the staff?” Robert snorts, and Dream wants to throw his knife and fork at him.  “Does it matter?” the alpha asks with a hint of a sneer in his tone. “You hardly notice I'm here, and you spend all your time in your wing of the house.” “Because you never bother to seek me out in the first place!” Dream growls. He’s angry now. Livid even. He doesn’t know why. Robert leaving should be a blessing. Dream would have the house to himself, could decorate as he pleases, would not have to walk on eggshells to hide his pregnancy. But somehow, the thought of the house being truly empty, devoid even of its owner, rankles something in Dream and makes him feel as though he is being abandoned.
Enjoy the angst! :3
Tagging @softest-punk @moorishflower @teejaystumbles @pumpkinkingsalem @arialerendeair and anyone else who wants to play!
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anonymergremlin · 6 months
What it means to be a good king
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[GIF by @lenreli]
[Name]'s blade sliced through the last carcass like it was nothing. With a final scream, the mutated creature fell to the ground, lifeless and silent. They wiped the sweat from their forehead with the back of their hands as they finally felt some relief. The amount of carcasses had increased in the last few days. "I think that was the last one, Romeo, at least for now," they muttered before looking around for their friend. "Romeo?" they said when no answer was given. [Name] glanced around once more, expecting to see their puppet friend beside them, but instead he was busy with a broken puppet on the side of the street.
Romeo knelt before the puppet as it sat against a wall. Its lower half was completely missing, and one of its arms was hanging loose from its torso. "Is this my king? Oh… even in this form… you look so tall…" the puppet said in broken words. It was so badly damaged, probably from the carcass' corrosive acid. Had it fought them? Romeo's eyes widened slightly when he finally heard the formal title. King. He had almost forgotten that he is their king. Romeo, the king of Krat's puppets, the role he was meant to play, but what king would let his people fight such horrible creatures? Puppet or human, it doesn't matter. He felt bad seeing one of his puppets like this. "I thought you were dead… you look so different" the marionette said cheerfully, "but I can tell it's you… Your Ergo… Only our king would have such a strong Ergo". "I may have been your king," replied Romeo, "but not a good one. I never meant for you…". "Don't say that, my king. Not only did you try to save us… we who remember… you also tried to save people from… this terrible disease… We know you tried your best…".
"By sending you on a suicide mission? You… who are as human as I am… I…". "No, my King, by believing in us, by treating us as living beings… and so we believe in you, we see you as a living being… yourself… good and bad… my King… I". Romeo was on the verge of tears. Was that really the way all those puppets felt about him? Had he really been a good king to all of them? Although he wished they never had to fight at all. As he realised that the puppet had become far too quiet, his gaze fell on [Name]. His expression said enough about what he wanted to say, but [Name] could only shake their head in response.
"I'm sorry, Romeo, but I can't fix this puppet." The king slowly got up from his knees. Eyes focused on the doll one last time before he picked up his scythe. Its 'death' saddens him, but he hopes that one day he'll find another way to give poor souls, like this puppet, another chance for life.
Oh, my king. We are so proud of you. You do not rule over us and command us as others Kings do. You simply put your hands around us, protecting us all. And make us realise that we deserve to be here. We want to serve you, to help you. And whatever command comes from you. We follow it. Because you are our king, our ruler with a kind heart. And we know, even though we are not human. You would shed a tear for all of us.
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virgo-dream · 6 months
cosmo persona 💫🪐✨
tagged by: @seiya-starsniper !! thanks for the tag friend! this was fun :)
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I’m , not sure how to feel about these results??? I think I have a good sense of humour, but I am definitely not great at small talk nor am I the life of the party lol the weaknesses are spot on tho! Not sure about those percentages either, but I like the idea of being a black hole and drawing people towards me? idk lol
cosmo persona quiz here ✨
tagging: @chiron-crow, @softest-punk, @immacaria, @staroftheendless, @aquilathefighter, @bruce-wayne-simp, @lenreli, @tj-dragonblade
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