#<- didnt mean to separate those but oh well
dr-spectre · 1 day
while i originally didn't think much about s2's story
after seeing your posts about hypno callie i am 100% with ya
fact that it gets misinterpreted so much is agh. painful
Im glad that I was able to inspire you to change your mind!!! I used to not think much of Splatoon 2's story, too, until the autism in my brain whispered, "Callie Cuttlefish...."
(I'm about to get ranty in this post, so get ready.... if you wanna move along and don't wanna see someone get upset over a squid woman then by all means do so!)
I think the main reasons as to why the story of Splatoon 2 gets misinterpreted a lot is because in media circles, people will use the words "brainwashing" and "hypnosis" interchangeably and they genuinely don't know what hypnosis is actually like. Nintendo and the Splatoon devs probably don't know either. Like I don't think in Splatoon 2's rushed development cycle they bothered to look up the definition of hypnosis and they just made up the Hypnoshades to make Callie "evil" in a quick and easy way because "ooooo hypnosis is mind control/brainwashing ooo" WHICH IS FALSE!!!! VERY VERY FALSE!!!!!
Splatoon 2 was most likely rushed and it impacted Callie's storyline. You can clearly see what kind of story Splatoon 2 was going for from the concept art and Squid Sisters Stories prequel series. The tale of two cousins drifting apart and Callie growing resentment in her heart....
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While we SORTA got that in the final game, Callie's arc got muffled due to a lack of understanding of what hypnosis actually is and media out of Splatoon continuing to use "brainwashing" as a cheap and lazy way to explain things which most likely had a strong influence in Splatoon 2's development, despite a lot of evidence proving that's not what happened to Callie... and there's not much we can do about it... ugh.
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They also hid a lot of important story details behind optional content and social media posts. The sunken scrolls explaining Callie's growing mental issues, the relationship chart which disproves that Callie was kidnapped, etc, etc....
Also people tend to take Marie's perspective very objectively because we follow her as Agent 4. So when she says that Callie was "squidnapped," people believe it. When Marie says Callie was "brainwashed" in the rematch fight, people believe it. Including inkipedia and people who analyse splatoon.... the people who seek out objective information take the overthinking and worried Marie with a lack of knowledge as the well of truth.
Slight tangent but, you know what's kinda funny to me? Inkipedia wants to be very objective on Splatoon yeah? Well on Callie's main page it says, "Callie went to the octarians willingly," yet another parts of the site, it says, "she was kidnapped." Hmm... and of course, them flip-flopping the words "hypnosis" and "brainwashing" despite those words being OBJECTIVELY TWO SEPARATE THINGS THAT CANNOT BE USED INTERCHANGEABLY!!! But they use brainwashing more because Nintendo NoA used it.... oh well, tangent aside...
That's why so many people fuck up and you know what? I don't REALLYYYY blame the common fan over this. I dont! It would be unfair of me to get mad at someone who doesn't know any better because Splatoon 2 did an AWFUL job at properly fleshing out Callie!!!! When people hear what I have to say and either agree or respectfully disagree but still get my points, i get happy, and im glad more people are looking into Callie in a different light! She was treated like TRASHHHH for 7 fucking years!!!
Im only mad at certain parts of a certain wiki, and people who go over the timeline and make 5 hour videos and claim that Callie was KIDNAPPED DESPITE THERE BEING A FREELY AVAILABLE FUCKING RELATIONSHIP CHART THAT LITERALLY DISPROVES IT!!! BUT NO!!! YOU JUST HADDDDD TO READ A SINGLE INKIPEDIA ARTCLE AND YOU DIDNT EVEN BOTHER TO LOOK ANYWHERE ELSE!!!!! Putting in so much effort yet these loud voices in the community drop the fucking ball on Callie because she's silly.... ugh...
If I see another person in 2024 that says that Callie was kidnapped.... I swear to FUCKINGGGGGG god bro....
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UGHHHH!!!! When will it end.... I'm gonna keep repeating this stuff until I DIE it seems!!!
I dont wanna seem like I'm above anyone btw. I dont want to be like that. I'm just... really autistic about this sort of shit and I get very very picky about people's word choices and stuff when it comes to this.
I just want a character I love to be treated better... okay? That's all... it is getting better which I'm VERY happy about but... the loudest voices in the community, the people who analyse stuff and make timeline videos and analytical videos, still say the same bullshit since 2017 and I'm getting tired....
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interoteme · 1 year
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clearly you don't own a [suit]
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jyoongim · 8 months
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Themes: posessiveness, slight yandere behavior, mentions of cannibalism, softcore smut,
After 7 years the Radio Demon is back!
But things arent how he left them…
Vox has taken it upon himself to be in charge of all things media
Radio has turned to Video
And Alastor’s little darling aint in her place…oh that just wont do
Your relationship with the Radio Demon was like a match made in Hell.
Alastor was a wild card by himself alone, but you? You never failed to keep him on his hooves?
You had been in the media world looong before Alastor popped up in Hell, having the title (ironic) Media Demon but somehow he managed to bring back the old themes that were once appreciated.
Not those podcasts or vlogs the youth were so prone to do
But things from the good old days.
Things that were considered ancient in the sense of modern tech.
Radio; Talk shows and actual live broadcasts.
Alastor and you quickly rose in popularity in the media realm [(you had a sneaky suspicion it was because he was terrifying and people honesty clung to an overlord’s word)]
You and Alastor had separate broadcasts, but you worked perfectly in sync with one another. Until one day…the Radio Demon disappeared, leaving you to run your show alone.
You did what you could, but the people seemed to miss the charismatic broadcaster as much as you and soon you were approached by Video.
“C’mon y/n, This will be a great improvement to your brand.” Vox smirked as you sipped the tea you were offered. You frowned. You were aware that media came in all formats but you enjoyed the ‘old’ way. “I dont know Vox, i prefer to be out of the camera’s eye” you said. Vox had been begging for years for you to join his team and claiming it would ‘boost’ your reputation. You didnt need a boost. You were THE Media Demon. If anything, you knew it would boost HIS popularity.
“Radio is so old-fashion, video is the future! You should be up to date with these things” he said. You grimaced “i am well aware of the trends, but not everyone likes this new savvy way, it is good to have a little variety”
Vox was getting annoyed.
Having you on the Vees would not only boost his claim to fame, but it would boost his power.
“The people would love to see the Media Demon in the public eye. You use to sing right? How about music production? You would kill sales with that voice of yours”
He was trying to butter you up.
Everyone knew you were a renown singer. A popstar once. You only showcased it a few times broadcasting when it was late at night and were in a mood.
Alastor loved to hear you sing.
“If you made videos people, your image can skyrocket” he continued.
You set your cup down, standing, having heard enough.
“I appreciate the offer Vox, but I will decline. I quite like stereo” and with that you left.
You made your way to the Hazbin Hotel.
To Alastor’s radio tower.
You sighed as you sat and stared at the station.
Maybe i should take Vox’s offer you thought as you collected your topics and put your headphones on.
You turned on the radio and did a count set
“How ya doin tonight folks? Its your favorite radio host and tonight you are in for a treat!” you gave the daily Hell gossip and opened the line for discussions. Letting out a laugh from a few of the responses you finally sighed “I have been offered the damning chance to retire from radio” you started. “I am sure you are all aware that I am fabulous of course, but i mean reverting to video can you imagine? And the audacity of Vox to even suggest just a thing. I think i do quite alright for a media connoisseur” you giggled.
As you chatted away you were unaware of the dark presence manifesting in the tower.
“Dial in im opening the lines to hear your opinions”
You listened in
“I think it could be good to switch it up!”
“Youre the Media Demon you could crush anything!”
“Y/n youre incredible!”
“Video kills the Radio star!”
You were about to chime in when a deep static like voice sounded
“I think you mean Radio killed the Video star”
Your eyes widened and spun around to see Alastor
His devilish smile sharpened as he pressed a button to cut the lines and removed your headphones “its been a while darling”
You couldnt help yourself as you launched at him for a hug.
You quickly recovered and let him go, stuttering “oh oh im sorry but w-what are you doing here? I-i thought you were gone”
Alastor grinned, bringing your hand up to his lips to press a kiss to it
“Ooooh mon cher i could never stay away from you”
You blushed.
Alastor pulled you into an embrace, his grip a little tight
“So what it is i hear of you forsaking radio?”
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
could I request creepypasta x reader who can take their head off
Various crps x reader who can take their head off
pretending that i didnt tear up the roof of my mouth while eating my dinner shhhshhhh ignoring that my bottom front teeth rest on the roof of my mouth right where its all torn up thus making me hyperaware and by extension making me clench and grind subconsciously characters: jeff the killer, laughing jack, ticci toby, eyeless jack notes: reader is gn, reader isnt really human but theyre written to look human, focusing on first reactions cws: none unless you found taking ones head off as body horror? does it count? im not sure tbh.. mentions of anatomy and stuff in ejs part.. canon typical violence
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finds it so cool, entertaining even... i like to think that he has "clown physics" to him, but im unsure if being able to dethatch limbs would be one... if he cant take his own head off hes going to be a tad bit jealous of you
sometimes yoinks your head and holds it up to his height so you can "see the world from his perspective", this is more likely if youre significantly shorter than him
if you allow it hes going to juggle your head or even "go bowling" with it... you... may get dizzy though, so agree with caution
if your head is loose and has a habit of falling off hes going to take it as a win if it falls as you laugh at one of his jokes
honestly? not all that phased by your little party trick, at least hes not grossed out by the clear view of your necks insides- hes seen those plenty of times... both in the form of images as well as in person when hes needed to silence someone
that said looking at in tact neat remains is different than seeing it all messed up or in a diagram, so if you dont mind he would like to take a look at least once... totally not making notes for future reference
not many questions otherwise, surprisingly... i mean hes a man eating demon of sorts who mostly gets nutrients from eating the organs of humans- he doesnt have much place to ask you what you are exactly or what caused this sort of thing to happen
doesnt ask you to show off your trick, finds no interest in asking you to take your head off and goof off with it unlike some of the others
oh! thats his partner taking off their head.... OH! THATS HIS PARTNER TAKING OFF THEIR HEAD- he... genuinely needs a second to process what hes looking at because it catches him so off guard, you only told him you had a party trick to show him
lots of questions, main one being how and why- were you not a living human this whole time? a little betrayed that you didnt tell him sooner, actually- and even if you did, why didnt you show him this sooner?
traces his fingers along your neck where it separates, after you put your head back on- even more impressed if theres no mark left behind
like jeff, hes going to try to get you to play some jokes on people- though its likely hes going to pull them on masky and/or hoodie
sometimes carries your head around with him while hes working- ignore how morbid of a sight thatd be..! he just wants some company without making it too obvious!
stares wide eyed for a few seconds... ignoring that he doesnt have his eye lids anymore so hes always looking at you wide eyed-- thinks he may have actually lost it for a second before cracking up
probably one of the last things hes expected you to do but hey, he thinks its pretty wicked!
oh hes definitely going to try to get you to use your quirk to scare some unsuspecting people who are walking around- perhaps do it late at night for some added effect? and if they lash out he can always swoop in and come to your aid
will push your head off of your neck if youre being a smartass or generally lightly getting onto his nerves- not a hard push, but enough to knock your head loose
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amomentsescape · 11 months
Heyyy darling,IM POLITELY BEGGING,for some stu and billy with feral ,hyper,punk gremlin s/o headcanons. Simply the boys trying to be as casual as possible so they dont get suspected for the previous murders but then they’re running around with their own little bundle of chaos. Im talking like a real troublemaker,just for the fun of it but always just watching all the drama happening,never being involved even though they caused it. For example: •causing misunderstandings in other friendgroups •cutting someone’s car wheels (or similar stuff) after they’ve been rude to someone in their friend group,maybe when gale didnt respect sidney‘s privacy in the first movie •S/O has a collection of anything shiny and glittery things they stole (from spoons to necklaces) just cause they like how it looks and they know it will cause some chaos. •Flirting with randy,tatum and stu to piss the boys off a bit •Oh or maybe billy getting them one of those vertical cloths or swings for their living room,I feel like that would fit cause billy would be a bit tired of his S/O letting their hyperness out on him. •When they come home from killing a bit later sometimes,they just find their s/o sleeping in the most uncomfy position (criss cross apple sauce type of shit) on their swing,drooling a bit,their body twitching every now and then
I dont know if any of this made sense my head is all over the place right now. <3
Billy and Stu (Separate) with Feral Gremlin Reader
Billy Loomis x Reader, Stu Macher x Reader
A/N: This was honestly so fun to write!
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Billy Loomis
Boy, he didn't quite know what he was getting into when he first became interested in you
But he's in it for the long run, so here we go
Making Billy jealous is a common theme with you
Outright flirting, giggling, and dancing around with other people automatically makes Billy see red
But there's something about his possessiveness that you love so much that you keep doing it anyway
It almost always leads to a fight between Billy and the other party
And damn, isn't it fun to watch?
But that's not to say that you don't also feel your fair share of anger as well
Someone pisses you off even slightly? They're gonna regret it the next morning
Keyed cars, egged houses, graffitied threats
There is no limit to your creativity to get back at them
Billy simply huffs and puffs at you, berating you about being too "loud" with your actions
He's trying to keep things down-low by all means
And the last thing he wants is one of your actions getting him caught and put in jail
But there is something kinda attractive with how you stir up drama and give Billy some attitude
He doesn't like easy
He wants a challenge
And boy do you give him one
But on days where he simply cannot have you running amuck, he has you lay down in your own little hammock he bought you
For whatever reason, that always has you relaxed
It's like you become a whole different person with it
And Billy lets out a little "thank you" to the Gods each time he sees you just swinging away
He loves you, but damn, it's hard to keep up with you
Stu Macher
Stu on the other hand, is not phased at all by you
In fact, he matches your energy about 80% of the time
A friend pissed you off? You're both screaming and laughing while talking badly about them
Things are getting a little boring? You and Stu tell different people made up stuff that someone else is "saying" about them
You both love to stir up drama and watch how badly things can unfold
Stu is less concerned about getting caught than Billy anyways
What's even the point in killing if you can't have some fun outside of it?
So having you around is the perfect way for Stu to let out his hyper energy and keep things exciting when he isn't killing teens
But when he is out and about, he's thinking of you
You're probably at home eating all of his snacks in that moment, but he doesn't care
After his victims meet their fates, he is happy to dig around in their pockets and their homes, looking for anything even the slightest bit shiny to bring back to you
Nothing compares to the way your eyes light up at the gifts
Hell, you have a drawer in your room just filled with all things shiny and captivating
But Stu knows he'll have to wait until the morning to give you your gift
Because just about every night he comes home, he finds your head handing off the couch with your legs and arms splayed out, snoozing away
Remnants of chips and chocolate can still be found on your lips and fingertips
Stu secretly has made a photo album in his phone just for all the pictures he takes of you when you're sleeping
It's about time Stu had someone who met his chaotic energy
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qoldenskies · 27 days
i genuinely adore the way that anatawa hitorijanai/the third part of the finale brings back the little motif with leo falling and raph jumping to save him in bug busters because it was such an important moment that really propelled raph along in his own abilities (although i personally interpret mystic powers as being more related to the individual and their emotions, while ninpo is more about. yknow. the family and their trust with each other since its hereditary, i see it as separate. post for later) but i always find it SO WEIRD that it's treated as like. a trust fall. because leo falling was not a trust fall. it was the opposite, actually.
is it representative of raph putting himself aside for the sake of his family? oh yeah. i do believe its a point that marks a turning point in the way he perceives the role of the oldest and leader, which is why i like the parallel because he puts the same into his younger brothers' hands. but was it really an act of trust? hell no! raph spent the entire episode NOT TRUSTING LEO. they were put in that exact position because raph cared a lot about being right just as much as leo did, and draxum dropped leo because raph didn't listen to him!!
leo pushed and bitched and begged pretty much that entire episode to be listened to, and raph never truly gave him the floor because he was expecting him from the get-go to be cynical and selfish. and even though leo can be those things at times, it didnt mean he wasnt a voice worth not listening to. and that did nearly get him killed! joke aside, leo shouting about his last words meant he really, really did not actually expect raph to do something like that, and raph jumped in a blind, panicked act of desperation for leo's sake. i think learning he SHOULD trust him from that point was something that should've been clarified, or they should've left the parallel more implicit tbh.
but you know what IS an excellent parallel to bug busters? the movie! their roles are reversed! raph has well learned the importance of taking things seriously and is loudly pushing for caution, and leo is pushing him away and shrugging it off like he's just being too pessimistic, its pretty much a HERE COMES THE FUN POLICE WEEWOO. which i think is like, the equivalent to raph's "she's a nice spider lady, why are you being so negative, do you just want to prove me wrong? you're up to something"
and i think a big reason raph is so loud about the lesson he's trying to pound into leo's skull is because of the exact lesson he learned in bug busters, because he definitely does actually see a lot of himself in leo (i do love when people play around with raph going "oh god did i teach him that" about some of leo's more self-destructive behavior btw, that's good A team angst) and i dont think he wants leadership back at all. he's perfectly fine with splitting the load, because they already have been The Big Brothers from the start and leo's been his second in command and cheerleader a lot before. but leo in his eyes is being vindictive and refusing to take this seriously, and i'm sure for raph it hits a little close to home! projection moment
this was honestly just me trying to say that i think the perfect leo/raph roof moment parallel should be their fight when raph is krang-ified, leo telling raph to go save donnie and mikey, and then him leaping into the prison dimension, just like raph leapt for him, because there was no other choice in order to save lives. it's the exact same type of move, bonus points with how leo points it out, "hero moves are your style".
(also potential parallel if you choose to interpret raph's tears as he jumps off the roof as overwhelming guilt because he suddenly realizes that his own choices brought them to this point, because like.... leo crying in the prison dimension..... same thing)
point is, love the raph trust fall in the third part of the finale. but i think the point of him catching leo was that he didn't trust him, and i think it wouldve been better to the finale trust fall more about how he's grown from the behavior that put them there back in bug busters.
OH AND AND AND this is compounded in by the B team moment RIGHT AFTER THAT with donnie and mikey, because that is an ACTUAL example of two brothers that genuinely, earnestly trust each other. donnie tells mikey to let go intentionally and mikey doesn't hesitate, because he knows donnie will always be there to catch him and he trusts him wholeheartedly. the difference is jarring and most likely intentional.
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cielles-random-vault · 9 months
new year's hangover☆
lil drabble where you befriend ghost at the tf141 new year's party... what can possibly go wrong?
content: drunkness, socially anxious-ish reader, ghost being ghost, passing out and hickeys.
author's note: UHHH HAI IM BACK?!?!? icl im kinda hating myself because im posting a drabble instead of a full work.... am sorry.. mi bad mi bad... also im waiting for friday for new invincible content because the brainrot is REALLL
also pls pretend i posted this on new year's eve... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YALL BTWWWWW
shotout to @unabashedcroissanttreefan bc i want to make her bitter /hj, and to @michelleart8 ! <3
anyway enjoy and pls reblog
wc: 1836
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"will you be coming at the new year's party tonight?" price asked as he noticed you filling some paperwork in the common room.
"i dont think so" you sigh, "im not that much of a social person, and i still have a lot of paperwork to fill in,let alone medical files."
"are you sure?" price asked, worried you might overwork yourself, but then an idea suddenly came to his mind. "i heard the lieutenant will be there as well, rumors have it you have a crush on him, so it'd be a good opportunity to actually talk to him, instead of just- avoiding him like you do."
the thought of captain price having noticed you had a crush on ghost sent a bright blush to your cheeks, but you waved those thoughts away.
"even if he was here, that doesn't mean i stand a chance with him" you reply, losing focus on your paperwork, now that the lieutenant was mentioned. "we barely talk anyway, and he seems to hate me so..."
"he seems to hate everyone" price chuckled, "dont take it personally. did the fact that he will be there change your mind?"
"i dont know" you sigh, but your little smile was betraying you. "it will depend on whether i have finished filling those files. at what time will it start?"
"around 7!" price replied with a subtle smile, feeling like he convinced you to come. "oh,and, you can come in a casual outfit, no need to pull up the formal uniform", he winked and left.
the few hours that separated you from the awaited party came, and all of a sudden a sudden peak of anxiety invaded you.
what if everyone made fun of your awful social skills? what if you didnt dress well enough?
your overthinking stopped as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket; surprisingly enough, it was a text from price.
are you coming? ghost is here 👀
you chuckled as you put on a comfy sweater, and headed to the common room.
"you came!!" price greeted you, smiling brightly at you. "make yourself at ease, go get yourself something to drink, and who knows? maybe alcohol can help you make a move on our lovely lieutenant" he chuckled, before handing you a cup of alcohol.
"do you... want to get me drunk so i could get rid of my social anxiety?" you asked price, raising an eyebrow.
"maybe" he chuckled, already sounding drunk, "is it working?"
"not reall- ouch"
you blushed brightly as you noticed ghost was the one who stumbled into you.
"oi," he said, sounding slightly drunk as well, "im sorry. must've lost my balance, probably drank too much already. you're y/n, right?"
"y-yes," you nod, still not over the interaction, praying he didn't notice the bright blush on your cheeks, "why?"
"because..." he tries to articulate, and nearly fell on the floor, "ive been meaning to tell you... you're doing a great ass good job... dont let my mean words convince you otherwise, k?"
"oh-" you said, taken aback by this sudden demonstration of kindness, your heart melting. "thank you lieutenant..?"
the evening went on, until the cheerful "happy new year!!!" resonated in the walls of the tf141's buildings, everyone happy to finally greet the new year.
the party then came to an end, and so you decided to stay a little longer to help clean the room. once you got done, and got ready to head back to your quarters, you noticed an odd figure.
was ghost... asleep? he sure seemed to. he probably passed out due to all the alcohol he had drank, and you couldn't blame him.
that's how he somehow ended in your quarters - and if you were to be honest, carrying a man as massive as him was NOT an easy thing, but you somehow managed to. you tried your best to put him in a comfortable position on your couch, but bringing him here was already kind enough, wasn't it? so you just left him laying down on the floor, covering his massive frame with a blanket, and put a pillow under his head.
"this sure was a strange new year's day" you thought out loud, "happy new year lieutenant"
just in case something happened to ghost, you decided pull an all nighter (?), and you were right to, well at least, soft of.
in the middle of the night, ghost woke up, seemingly not over his hangover.
"i'll tell you what, y/n, ive always been in love with you." he mumbled, barely able to stand.
your heart dropped at this confession, but you had to stay lucid: he couldn't possibly mean it, it had to be the alcohol, right? that would make no sense if he was in love with you.
but you couldn't help to secretely wish what he was saying was true, after all you know the saying: drunk words are sober thoughts, and now you really hoped the saying was true there.
"lieutenant,you're drunk, you should go back to sle-"
he interrupted you by kissing you, first on the lips, and then moved on to your neck, leaving a little trail of hickeys here and there.
you gave in the kiss, you knew it was wrong, but it felt so good, but quickly waved those thoughts off: it was wrong in any way. he was your superior, and drunk, you couldn't abuse his drunken state like that.
but the feel of his lips on yours sure felt like heaven...
as if nothing happened, he smirked softly as he pulled out of the kiss, and resumed his peaceful slumber on your floor.
however, the next morning was nothing like that.
"looks like someone had fun last night" ghost grumbled as he noticed your many hickeys. "what the fuck am i doing here? and where even is here, and did you poison me? why is my head pounding?" he asked, back to his usual stern self, and you would actually be surprised if he didnt.
"youre in my quarters" you reply as you handed him a cup of anti hangover tea. "i brought you here because we were the only two remaining at the party, and you passed out. and hum... about the hickeys, how much do you remember from last night?" you ask as you look away, embarassed at the thought of last night's passionate kiss.
"i dont remember shit, why?" he asked, sounding more annoyed than mean.
"okay i..." (you sigh) "promise not to get mad at me if i tell you?" (he shakes his head, annoyed) "okay, so... you confessed yesterday." you blurt out, "but that is not all." (you gulp.) "we also kissed and... you gave me those hickeys."
"oh." he said blankly, and you could feel the blush in his voice, despite his mask.
"yeah.." you chuckled awkwardly, not daring to look at him, "but i have one question though. were you honest when you said you... 'always have been in love with me?"
your heartbeat quickened as you waited for his answer, but you had to know.
"would it be weird if i said yes..?" he asked, unable to look at your eyes, and your heart nearly missed a beat. "i mean, youre always doing what youre told to despite the fact that i treat you like shit and... i don't know, i guess that made me develop a kind of soft spot for you... do you happen to feel the same way..?" he asked, and you could feel the vulnerability in his voice.
"i- i think i do..?" you replied, both confused and relieved. "i mean, i always thought you hated me but.. this feels a bit rushed. can we do it again?"
"okay" he nodded, "how does 'hello, my name is simon riley, known as ghost, lieutenant from the task force 141, and i am in love with the wonderful y/n' sounds?" ghost chuckled with a soft smile, loving at you with loving eyes.
"much better" you reply with a soft smile, butterflies fluttering in your stomach, way better.
later on that day, when you and ghost headed to the briefing room hand in hand, price couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"see? seems like alcohol can do wonders" he whispered, and it made you let out a small chuckle as well.
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itsbebebrainrotting · 7 months
Analysis of qtubbo and qphils separate parenting flaws which might get me chased with pitchforks so im not tagging it:
(Long so under a cut)
Phils issue, when it comes to the other eggs, really boils down to his isolation. He only prioritises Chayanne and Tallulah (and he prioritises them by a lot) and only really knows Chayanne and Tallulah. And thats because he doesnt hang out with the other eggs often (and gets panicky when taking care of 3 eggs at once so never really gets to know them).
To him, dapper has cool shit, richas is just mischievous and sunny just likes money. This, as a start, just messes up his interactions with some eggs because he acts more familiar with them than he is and doesnt take a chance to know them better. This is worsened by how non serious and out of rp phil often is because when phil isnt rping the eggs still are. They will take his jokes srs. (And its especially bad with sunny cuz sunny is so defensive of tubbo, who qphil makes fun of a lot, and he also places that same relationship onto sunny, even if he doesnt know her well enough to have that relationship).
He also always prioritises his kids to the point of almost putting other kids down. It was RICHAS at fault in that argument over that painting he had with tallulah (cuz phil doesnt know richas enough to know he had an actual issue there). Phil didnt look for dapper when he was kidnapped and at risk of dying. Sunny and Leo fighting was none of his business. When sunny was sad their pa was gone phil compared it to his daughters loss and accidentally minimised their upset.
And the thing is, qphil isnt even perfect with chayanne and tallulah (enderking aside). He sees chayannes feeling of duty to everyone and encourages it rather than noticing how worrying it is. He also is seemingly unaware how deep it runs, considering how long it took him to notice chayannes hurt after tubbos death (and, may i add, chayannes egg bit with tubbo was way more heavily played into by phil than by tubbo). Hes seemingly a bit more attentive with tallulah (though notably i feel less knowledgeable on tallulahs woes nowadays than i used to - oh how the tides change). I know she struggles with loneliness and abandonment issues, and afaik hes very aware of that. But his own isolation therefore backfired a lot on her and he really doesnt notice. (Note: post reset i would also say qphil is probably less isolated but i cant really since i dont watch him and also most of the post reset phil has been enderking affected)
However, I wouldn't say qphil is a bad father to chayanne and tallulah. He just has one big flaw: He doesnt see the negative effects of some of his own actions and they suffer because of it.
Anyway, now to qtubbo, cuz im a tubbling and this analysis should be fair to both crows and tubblings.
Firstly, lets address post revival tubbo. Hes a lot more direct about his hurt and feelings, which manifests into him being mean and short tempered at times because qtubbo puts up with a lot of shit. This backfires at times onto his relationship with the eggs as he directs a lot of unnecessary anger onto them. He guilted both richas and chayanne for his death, for example.
That, however, isnt the only reasons he is a flawed egg caretaker.
See, qtubbo doesnt (always) have the same issues as phil. He babysits often and knows the eggs he regularly takes care of them really well, caring for them almost as much as he cares for sunny. The only egg id say he really didnt try to get to know at first was dapper (but he went out of his way to resolve the beef there). But, he also went to the end of the world and back for dapper so...
Tubbos issues with the eggs are more about his difficulty providing emotional comfort, than anything else.
For a start, both q and cc tubbo use humour as a coping mechanism. He will make poorly times jokes in dark situations because its his way of coping and dealing in those moments. That leaves eggs feeling hurt cuz he seems a lot less serious than they are.
Then theres the fact that while he lets the kids be kids, he also can struggle with telling the emotional age of the kids (he said sunny was 11 💀). This means he can sometimes act like the kids can handle a lot worse than they can.
Plus, his need for petty drama means he will accidentally upset the kids and not care that them fighting will upset them.
Not only that but he struggles at times to help sunny when she has issues (such as leo and tallulah disliking her at first) in part becayse he himself struggled with those issues irl. Of course he doesn't take the smart course of action there because he doesnt know how to fix it irl, let alone in rp.
Oh and all that also ignores the fact that tubbos suicidal tendencies are pushed onto sunny to the point where they literally have a suicide pact together
So, no, in short, qtubbo isnt perfect either. But that comes from struggling at times to be emotional support as well as his own poor mental health, which is entirely different to phils issues, which stem from his tendency to isolate (and a bit of a lack of self awareness).
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miowritings · 8 months
do you know how fast i ran tp the request box when i saw that they were open. DO YOU KNOW anyway cqn i request akito with a g/n reader going out ice skating. playing in the snow going to cafes etc shit. pleas
the brainrot is real
꧁“𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠”꧂
Akito shinonome x gn! Reader
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✮A/N: HI!! I really had fun writing this and i really hope you like it! I dont know how to skate myself so i ended up asking for a friend on how to skate, i also love writing for akito, so it makes me happy requesting for him :DD
✮Summary: since this class year is almost coming to an end, your classmates recently invited you and your friend akito out to skate
✮Contains: y/n and akito are implied as childhood friends, no pronouns mentioned, you and akito are polar opposites when it comes to food, akito doesnt know how to skate, akito wants to impress y/n, might be ooc?
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While you were out skating with your friends, you noticed how akito was desperately holding onto the railings as if there's no tomorrow.
Recently, your classmate invited the class out to skate,you were almost turning into second years and that meant that the class might go in their separate ways.. You always thought your friend akito knew how to skate and was actually planning to ask him for help, he knows soccer and was very athletic growing up, he probably knows how to skate, you assumed.... Turns out you assumed wrong.
You finished putting on your scarf, earmuffs and gloves and head onto the ice rink with akito, at first you wanted to skate with your classmates but.. you werent really close with them so you decided to stick with your friend akito, since you both were the closest, you notice how long it took for him to stop holding onto the railling, so you went up to him.
"Hey, kito.. you alright?" You ask, akito scoffs a bit and sighs "yeah, yeah im cool.." he replied, you carefully took his arm and tried to pull him out of the raillings, slowly but surely. "Oh, okay then.. wanna join them?" You ask, akito looks around, shaking his head "oh, no thanks.. im sticking here with you.." he replied "do you know how to skate?" You ask, akito clears his throat and adjusts his scarf "n-no.. but who cares.." he shruggs, feeling embarrassed as he cant impress you.
"Wait.. you dont? I always assumed you knew cause well... You play sports?" You added, akito groans "just because im athletic doesnt mean i know every sport there is [Y/N]" He crosses his arms and chuckles slightly. "Anyways.. i want to leave.. maybe go to a cafe or something.." he added, wanting to change the topic, you shook your head. "No, we're staying.. please? We're almost in our second years and maybe we're not even classmates anymore.. who knows?" You begged, akito sighs and nodded "fine, fine.. but how are we supposed to have fun when neither of us know how to skate?" He asks, you chuckled "i know how to skate.. i just dont know how to do those fancy moves like twirling around or jumping in mid air.." you replied. "Oh really? Didnt know someone lazy ass you knew how to skate" he teases.
"Hey, just becauze im lazy, doesnt mean i no nothing, now ill teaxh you the basic steps! So first you just uh.. bent your knees?" You added, unsure on how to teach him "sorry, i dont really know how to teach someone.." you saud awkwardly, akito nodded "no,no... Its okay, i understand very well.." he replied and bent his knees. "Not that bent.. like.. oh thats better" you pointed out. "Well.. uh.. the thing i like to do is march..? Then after that i just glide..? March and glide.." you stated, akito nodded his head and tried to march and glide while still holding onto you.
"Okay.. thats it.. yeah.. slow down so that you can take turns.." you mentioned, and akito slows down, he was getting a hang of it! "Wait.. how do you turn away..?" He asks "hm.. well just lean into the direction you want to go.. lets go over there since its less crowdy" you suggest, akito nodded "just lean into that direction and maybe.. shift your weight that way" you replied and kito did so, it took a few more tries but he eventuall did it. "Hey, you did it.!" You congratulated him, he was a fast learner which impressed you, you slowly let go of him and just skated along side him. "[Y/N] how do i stop..??" He asked, you saw ahead that there was a railling and that if you dont stop, you might get hit. "Put your feet together and form a v shape like this" you formed a v shape with your blade and you gradually slowed down, akito however didnt quite get that.. "huh? Shit it wont stop.." he added, you started skating toward his direction "what.? Cmon just try it.!" You added, he shook his head, "i told you i cant.! My legs all wobbly.. [Y/N] if i hit that railing im gonna kill you.!" He said playfully, "just form a v shape.!!" You added, you did a v shape and gradually stopped, akito nodded and formed a v shape, he wasnt stopping but he was slowing down. He eventually crashed into the railings but he wasn't hurt, because he was slowing down it reduced the impact of him getting hurt.
"Will you still kill me?" You ask, akito sighs "..nah.. you did teach me how to skate.. and all.." he says while holding onto the railings "wanna take a break?" He suggested, you nodded and left the ice rink with him. While taking off the equipment he suddenly spoke up. "There's.. this nearby cafe here and they sell really nice cheesecake and coffee.. do you wanna go there..? My treat" he mentioned "its the least i could do since you thought me how to skate.." he added. "You smile at him and ruffled his hair "yeah, sure!" You say while standing up, stretching yourself. "Hey, now my hair's messed up.." he sighs and stood up as well.
You both secretly left the ice rink and went to a nearby cafe akito was talking about, luckily not much people were there. You both ordered you drinks and dessert and sat down "really? Carrot cake?" He asked "yeah carrot cake, you dont get to talk since you like cheesecake" you teased "how is cheesecake bad? Carrot cake's the worse.." he replied. "You took a tiny slice of the cake and tried feeding it ti akito. "Comeon.. try one!" You suggested and he shook his head "no.. you know how i dont like carrots.." He added and you sighed giving up. You both talked while drinking your coffees and eating your cakes, both of you soon left the cafe.
"I cant belive they charged us just to have a takeout bag.." you added while akito sighs "why did you order such a big cake anyways? You couldve orders a slice.." he mentioned "i did.! Yknow how i eat something before we go somwhere.." you pointed out, akito sighs and took out his handkechief to wipe your cheeks "you also eat like a toddler.." he says while wiping your cheek. "Oh shut up! Lets just go" you swatted his hands away and walked alongside with him.
Maybe ice skating isn't so bad when you have a friend around..
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@little-pondhead i wanted to add more to the fic from ask I sent you and that you added to so I did :3 (in a separate post because I’ll probably add even more, and others are welcome to as well!! and i didnt want to take up people’s entire dashes snfnfj) @cinturon-cadena
Dan had never quite mastered portals or long-distance teleportation, and he doubted he would be able to while he was so limited by this form, but it was a moot point when his top speed was far faster than Danny’s and he had Clockwork’s Time-Outs at his disposal. He took a quick trip around the globe, tipping over landmarks, moving some buildings, splashing around in some foul-smelling pools of ectoplasm and stealing some left shoes from the ninjas guarding said pools.
Once he was pleased with his mischief, (and more importantly: starting to get hungry,) he headed towards the familiar feel of the cursed city. It was significantly less destroyed than he had left it the last time he’d visited. He understood the necessity of Clockwork’s interference, but it was still disappointing. He had put effort into such widespread destruction!
At least the city’s curse-spirit-mind-whatever it was didn’t remember what he’d done, and as such no longer wanted to give him a slow and torturous End. That didn’t mean it approved of him being there, though.
Time unpaused and he’d barely had the chance to tear down some walls before Gotham slunk out of the shadows.
“Calm yourself!” He growled as he squirmed out of its grasp, wishing he could still turn his form into mist. Intangibility was of little use with a creature like this. “I’m not here for you, or any of those mortals you are so fond of.”
Gotham screeched, and if he had bones, several of them would have undoubtedly been broken. "You are Other! An outsider! You are not welcome here!" It’s voice mingled with the screams of the alarms and the shouts of inmates and guards alike. “You set the Madness loose!“
Their tussle was nonexistent to the mortals as they rolled beneath and through stampeding feet, clawing at each other like alley cats. “All in good fun, Gotham!” He snarled and bit through one of the tendrils intent on relieving him of his eyes. He grimaced at the sludgy texture. “Time Itself sends me, to play with your favored mortals and avenge your dead!”
“You are evil! You will cause harm!“ Gotham screeched.
Dan rolled his eyes. “I will kill the insect who terrorizes what is yours,” He promised as if it were an offering to her, and not something he’d been planning for some time. (Danny had been so upset when the insect who called itself the Batman and its brood were absent from one of his schemes, because they were busy with this Joker insect. It was annoying. No insect, no need for Danny to complain. Danny had even agreed to the plan!) “Decide his fate, and I will enact it!”
The city’s spirit relaxed its grip on him. “You swear it? You will rid me of him, you will leave my Knights alone?"
“I’ll leave them alive.” Unless they challenged him. Then he would destroy them. But that didn’t need to be said.
“I will watch you..." Gotham slipped back into the shadows.
“Oh, how spooky.” Dan grumbled sarcastically as he shook himself in a vain attempt to remove the lasting sensation of Gotham’s touch.
That little disagreement had eaten up much of his precious time before the heroes of this realm could catch up to him. He lifted himself off the floor, startling a few inmates, and surveyed the chaos for a moment, selecting the perfect target. He darted towards the plant themed-villain- Poison Ivy, if he recalled correctly. (He always did.)
The woman staggered, clutching at her head as she tried to force him out. Overriding her will was laughably easy, but he admired her attempt to fight.
“Ah- Hey! You leave her alo- EEP!” With a flick of Ivy’s wrist, Dan suspended the other- Harley, Ivy’s memories named her, -in the air, leaving her dangling from some vines. The baseball bat she’d tried to clobber him with fell to the floor. He kicked it aside as he strode down the hall.
“I’ll give her back.” He said with a shrug, overexerting the woman’s powers to restrain every person he could find within the prison. His plants dragged all the pitiful, trapped mortals to the largest room available, stringing them up from the ceiling in cocoons like the insects they were. There. That would make it easier to find that awful clown.
Unless he’d already escaped. That would be unfortunate. Not for Dan, of course, but unfortunate for anyone who got in the way while he searched the city. And unfortunate for that clown, when Dan caught up.
The clown wasn’t in Arkham, so Dan left the unconscious Poison Ivy on the floor and shot through the roof, grumbling to himself. He flew clear of the building just in time to see Batman enter through a window. He paused, spectral tail flicking back and forth as he thought, before diving back in after the hero.
Danny had said to see how many things he could steal from that utility belt without being caught... And it wasn’t like there was anywhere the clown could go that Dan couldn’t follow.
He slipped out of the visible light spectrum and bit back his gleeful cackles as he liberated some of those delightful green rocks from the confines of the Bat’s pockets.
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karin-miyoshi · 7 months
Do you think yuyuyu is ableist?
sheesh, talk about a loaded question
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definitely opens up a lot of rabbit holes. ill give my opinion, but note im not the most educated on the subject itself so giving a definite answer is outside my scope.
ill put a read below, but for me, i personally think it isnt, but can be easily misinterpreted as is on a surface level.
tldr, ableism is discrimination towards those with disabilities.
the character in question most of the time when it comes to these topics is tougou, who uses a wheelchair in season 1 due to losing function in her legs. there are never any distasteful jokes made about this, and the show constantly shows various handicap friendly services throughout the show. something even more surprising is that these are never the core focus of the scene or pointed out, its always well integrated into the world as if it were normal (important).
just skimming through s1, we have:
wheelchair assistance integration for both cars and stairs
special swim courses for the disabled, not separated from the rest of the class
beach wheelchairs and separate assistants
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now while we can assume a lot of these were due to her previous service as washio sumi, i dont think that would really be fair to the production team putting these in, and it really feels like theres a lot more heart than "yeah we put these for the big shock value realization later on". even after regaining function in her legs near the end of the season, tougou's priority was always towards yuuna and her recovery.
onto the next topic, which is the show taking away and then returning these characters functions throughout. whats important to consider here is what is considered tragic, is it the characters living without these certain functions, or is it the act of losing these functions themselves?
"It'll definitely improve. I mean, we haven't done anything wrong." (Fuu, s1ep9) again, no distasteful jokes made about their disabilities, and fuu even plays it off with her sick eyepatch. her worries instead stem from the loss of itsuki's dream, in the form of her no longer being able to sing. thats the key factor here, being punished for doing what is right, losing the ability to do what you could do before, losing the memories of the time you spent with your friends. (thats another thing i see with a lot of these arguments, they always bring up physical disabilities, but ive never seen one actually talk about ones regarding memory, arguably the most precious thing to them). tougou flat out doesnt remember sonoko at all despite being comrades in arms before, and understandably freaks out that the same might happen with her and yuuna.
now, understandably, the ending to s1 seemed super rushed, and them getting their bodily functions back seemed rather sudden. this put a lot of people off, and was really only explained in s2, which many didnt watch.
people should be allowed to grieve if they lose something important to them, and should be allowed to be happy if they get it back. personally, i dont think people realize the weight of their words when they say, "oh i wish karin wouldve stayed deaf, itd be really cool to see the club members learning sign language for it" or "yuuna in a wheelchair was really cute, i wish we saw more of it." yeah its a cool idea i guess, maybe something to see while theyre stil recovering, but forever? in a chase to see more representation, i hope they realize what they are wishing onto others eventually (even if fictional). while many with disabilities are satisfied with their life, they should be able to wish for better if they wanted to, its not like theyd wish their circumstances on anyone else, right? shouldnt the same apply here, to the girls who've actually lived both with and without disabilities?
just my two cents, hope this wasnt too hard to read! theres a lot more i could write up, especially regarding sonoko, but thats a whole other discussion i should probably save for another time
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arcticlutra · 2 years
There's something so great about Court of Owls!Tim and Janet idea cause it could go anyway.
It could go Tim having this absent but loving mother he loved dying tragically only to find out that not only is she still alive but she's also evil,
You can have Janet who chose her son over the Owls over and over again until she paid for it not without bringing a big part of it down with her though,
You can have a Tim who was secretly an Owl all along and keeping an eye on the Bats for them,
You can have a Tim who was being groomed into being a future member of Owls by the mother he should have been able to trust and now refuses to let anyone close,
You can have two people who love each other but are at odds because they'll do anything for their families they choose-Bats or Owls,
You can have a Tim who started as an Owl and now doing everything he can to fix their and his mistakes and gain trust of people he grew to care and a Janet who is amused by her son's teenage rebellion
You can have two equally ruthless people who will stop at nothing to destroy each other even if it means burning down the entire city of Gotham in their war
You can have a Janet who is very good at keeping her work and personal life separate
And personally my favourite- the comedy of two passive aggressive enemies pretending to be a Normal civilian family (Janet: Oh Timmy :) it appears your grades are in risk of slipping again :) you should probably stop with those useless rpgs of yours :) wouldnt want to risk your life and future sweetie :) :) :) :). Tim: Well mother :) i for one think it's because of certain barn owls hooting all night :) kept me up all night :) dont worry i will be getting rid of them :) :) :) :). Jack, an idiot: oh i didnt know we had barn owls all the way in Gotham city)
Exactly! I honestly just think Janet has amazing potential when she's evil or morally ambiguous(er).
I will admit I love villain!Tim but I also like the idea of Janet faking her death to take the helm of the Court while subtly keeping an eye on Tim. Then she tried to isolate him from the Bats and slowly corrupt him until she has him join the Court willingly.
If Bernard is a Court member too and she sees the pull between them...well what loving mother would ever stand in the way of true love (when it can serve various ends)?
I did write a fic where Janet was part of the Court. But she was already dead. Ah fun times.
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feral-teeth · 5 months
Spommy week 2024 - prompt “Florida”
Enjoy the drabble i made for the prompt a few week ago when I first heard of spommy week and got inspired by the prompt for the second day - Florida! Hope this gets me out of my writing posting hiatus to post something silly - maybe this could become something more one day!
I was inspired by @funeralroast to post this! And thank you to the creators of this and the rarepair smosh server for everything and for inspiring me everyday <33
“What are you doing here?” Spencer gasps as the hot chocolate cup that was warming up his hands in the hot weather flips back all over him.
Tommy gasps. “Oh shit! Im so sorry! mean… wait what are you doing here?” He recognizes those eyes anywhere.
They were both visiting their small town that they grew up in for the annual Christmas in summer jingle jangle stockings and crazy fun times fairytale lighting nighttime Christmas tree hanging stockings and hanging wreaths ball Christmastime but not actually Christmas because its summer jingle ball jangle ball Christmas bulb bash thats actually not during the winter because its more fun to have Christmas in the summer as well, but we also have Christmas during the usual time in the winter, so its more fun that way and we get more of the Christmas spirit all year round.. festival ball bash and they would never miss it.
Until both Tommy and Spencer decided to move out to the big city of LA and New York, both big seperate worlds that decided that they could work there instead of help out at their family farms against their seperate parents better interest.
The apple sauce farm and the chicken coop farm, the first owned by the Bowe family and the second by the Agnew family.
They didn’t really know why they separately decided to get on a plane and make their way all the way back to their family home, but they did.
Maybe it was the way Tommy’s mother’s voice sounded different. Older. Sadder than last year when he couldn’t make it. She wasn't trying to hide her disappointment this time.
It was the same for Spencer. His father had called him with a gruff voice, begging him to come back in his own cold way.
“We miss you son. The chickens miss you.” Which was weird for an Agnew, so he was on the next plane over.
His father had cancer, and didnt know how to tell him. So he didnt. His mother had to tell him. Over a zoom call. How sterile.
“Oh so youre here for the…” they both repeat the dumb long ass title in synch for the event that they were pulled back into celebrating because it was a bad omen to not say it every time you mention it or else a bad Christmas. Or something. So they would always say the entire thing, no matter how much time they had to wait, or if they were ever running late somewhere. Like all of those dumb Hallmark movie titles.
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batbeato · 3 months
The more I think about ikuko and tohya the more frustrated I get. The implications of tohya's living situation is so dark but it feels like (to me as someone who only read the vn and none of the side content) ryukishi didn't really consider those implications. I understand we only met tohya at the very end, so there wasn't very much time to explore his character and how the decades post massacre has affected him, but it still bugs me.
I often joke that umineko would be peak media if tohya was trans (and ikuko didnt pick him up to be her roommate/pet but thats not the point i will be focusing on since thats removing an aspect of the story rather than adding onto it). I understand why some are against this idea, battler is shown behaving in ways that are seen as stereotypically feminine (like his crying) and making tohya trans might come across as saying because of battlers behaviour he can't be a man. But to me personally, battler and tohya are distinctly different people, so tohya being trans isn't a statement about battler's manhood.
(Also trans tohya doesn't need to be trans fem, tho I did lean on that idea initially, I have been in recent times thinking of a more masc enby tohya)
This is completely my own lil au idea that is very self indulgent so ill try to keep it brief but:
The concept of this freshly traumatised 18 being forced to build a life for themselves with no family or support, finding people who care for them and then also maybe discovering something about themselves along the way is incredibly compelling to me. I just like the idea of showcasing what it would be like to separate oneself from one's family to living as ones authentic self and the pain and new trauma that comes with leaving one's family.
I also like this idea for tohya because it would have shown that sayo wasn't doomed, that someone like her could have lived, not easily, but she could have. It would have shown that sayo's tragedy was a preventable one (I know lion already exists but I feel like their existence makes it seem like sayo could have only found happiness within the family and I feel like this idea could have shown that she could have also found happiness outside of it too. I also just adore the idea of having tohya and sayo mirroring each other).
Since ikuko isn't a part of my lil au concept when ange meets featherine she'd be meeting tohya, but wouldn't reconise them as battler in a similar way to how battler doesn't reconise kanon amd shannon as the same person, the parallels!!
Again this idea is very tailored to me and me specifically so I understand if this au idea isn't anyone else's cup of tea.
I just wish that since ryukishi had ikuko taking tohya in that he would have explored the darker implications of that (since i feel like battler's dissappearance post massacre is a mystery in itself, but the answer of that mystery only has its pieces fit together because they needed too (how did battler/ tohya find time and resources to write and publish the forgeries? Idk he had a rich benefactor) with no care for the implications of the whole thing) unfortunately as far as I know ryukishi didn't have any interest in exploring these matters, so I'm glad that other people have taken these ideas into their hands and explored them.
Ultimately its not something I hold against umineko too hard and I hope I didn't sound too negative in all this, but it's something I always come back to. Oh well it just gives me ideas on how to explore such topics in my own stories.
Hopefully this is coherent, I tend to be rather terrible at explaining my thoughts, sorry for ranting in your inbox. Feel free to ignore this if its too much.
Hmm, I see what you mean about trans Tohya. ...I feel like there's some latent exorsexism in the queer community that the base assumption of "trans character" is "transitioning to the 'opposite' gender they were born as" such that you have to clarify. I haven't really thought about trans Tohya but it could be interesting, fun way to take the text that heaps on even more Tohya-Sayo parallels like you mention. Also the "leaves the family, explores identity, comes out as trans" narrative is fun and, like you said, would definitively showcase how Sayo could have lived.
(Also, I agree with you that Tohya's gender doesn't have to correlate to Battler's at all. People's identities can change greatly after incredibly traumatic events, let alone amnesia on top of that.)
I think the general problem of Tohya is that while I love him and you can infer a lot about Tohya if you stare closely enough at the works he wrote, we also just don't see him enough, and he also isn't foreshadowed enough. Yes, you can guess that he's going to be a thing, especially if you're savvy and know about the Divine Comedy (Dante writing about the past from the future). But even when Ikuko as "Hachijo Tohya" first appears, and Featherine appears, there isn't really any foreshadowing about Tohya.
Even if Ryukishi had gone ahead and made Tohya trans, if he kept Tohya to the surprise end twist, it would still feel like it needed a lot of fleshing-out the way Ikuko and Tohya do now. So making Tohya trans would add a lot, but it's also only a fix if Tohya is actually given the spotlight for it? Like, properly putting in hints about his existence with Featherine/Hachijo's appearances. Maybe in this AU, Hachijo is Tohya with a wig and some vocal training, so Ange notices some odd looks from Hachijo, or maybe Hachijo's voice sounds vaguely familiar like she had heard it long ago, etc. etc.
Ikuko and Tohya, on paper, have the most fucked up relationship. They are also the only confirmed human characters to form a witch-character as a combination of two people, which seems relatively unexplored with Featherine excepting the tidbit about her memory device perhaps relating to Tohya's own memory issues. And yet, they don't really get explored, and the potentially-toxic elements to their relationship don't ever get explored. Yukari doesn't even ask about them, instead asking Tohya why he didn't want to see her, instead of why this much older woman didn't, say, inform the authorities of a missing person.
Oh, and this isn't discussed as often, but Tohya is canonically disabled (wheelchair user), and is, as far as I'm aware, the only visibly disabled character in Umineko, or at least the only one with any prominence. It's... sort of implied that Tohya can't walk, but really I think you're just supposed to assume this because he's in a wheelchair? He also never wheels himself around, instead relying entirely on Ikuko. Which, yes, some wheelchair users are not able to walk/stand, and some do not have arm strength to be able to move themselves around. But the assumptions the text asks you to make, the deliberate contrast it makes between Battler standing and Tohya sitting, come off a bit odd given that it never explicitly confirms the extent of Tohya's disability. The reader is meant to assume "in wheelchair = cannot walk/stand or move himself around", I guess.
...Sorry, tangent. Point is, Tohya and Ikuko seem very surface-level and maybe even half-baked in some respects. It's this thing Ryukishi does sometimes, especially with his commissioned works, where he clearly has a lot of things and cool concepts for a story/character, but just doesn't have the time to fit it all in, and instead implies it.
I think this is one of Umineko's big flaws, because it could have had the space to do a lot more with Tohya and Ikuko. But, perhaps Ryukishi hadn't settled on precisely what was going on with Battler's survival when working on earlier episodes, or he thought he would put it into later episodes and then ran out of time, etc. In the end, they just ended up with Ikuko being mostly author-insert and Tohya not really having his own voice, which lends well to a lot of fun speculation and fleshing-out as well as to the potentially abusive nature of their relationship, but not as well to the text having actually fleshed them out beyond interpreting their forgeries as Tohya's internal struggles somehow... which can be very subjective.
For me Umineko is peak media anyway. I used to be a Fate fan. At this point I can survive any number of bullshit writing decisions so long as the concepts are insanely cool enough that I can gnaw on them for a few years, with good enough characters/story that there's some flesh to keep me actually fed. But it would be interesting to see a Tohya that doesn't exist in Ikuko's shadow, or that has more room to exist in the story at all. Whether with your idea of trans Tohya or something else.
(Ryukishi please give us Umineko GouSotsu I promise you no amount of obtuse/clumsy writing or reused animation will keep us from loving it. Please revisit Umineko please give us more did you know I think about Umineko scrapped content and Ikuko/Tohya toxicity every day plea -)
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Just wanted to ask what your *favorite* like, Top 10 furniture/build cc is? also where we could get it? sry if you dont do asks i just like your stuff
Hey! Okay, this is SUCH a hard question asdfghjhgfd so i'm gonna be super annoying and do a broader version with some of my favourite buildbuy creators. because i am not joking when i say i could easily list like hundreds of my top cc asdfghjkjhgfdfghjjhgf i hope thats okay!!!
asdfghjjhgf this post uhm. got away from me and ended up being SO LONG lmao but i think its worth it!
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If you like retro/mid century modern style cc, then teekalu's stuff is ESSENTIAL!!!!!!
literally obsessed with their colour palettes! everything matches SO nicely and you could easily decorate whole rooms/houses with just their stuff alone
THE WALLPAPERSSSSSSSSSSSSS argh my ultimate favourite!!!! like, i mean it when i say that if i could only have one set of CC in my mods folder and nothing else, it would be teekalu's wallpapers. i use them in every single build ever and would actually be bereft without them
not JUST build buy cc but also lots and cas cc!!!! and its all amazing and such a vibe!!!!
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did somebody say colour options? because there's COLOUR OPTIONS GALORE!!!!!!
MATCHING!!!!!!!!! leading on from the point about colour options, most of her cc comes in MULTIPLE colour palette options, so the options for matching different sets is ENDLESS. seriously, it's like, incredible and sooooooo appreciated
awesome mix of build AND buy!!! i must admit that i go ham mostly on her wallpaper cc (are we sensing a theme here? listen i hoard wallpaper cc like there's no tomorrow i cant help it) BUT the buy items are ALSO AMAZING???? and again, everything MATCHES!!!!!!!! oh, AND there's some incredible builds, too?!?!? the talent!!! and it would be remiss not to mention that pictureamoebae is like, the reshade master
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as we all know by now, i LOVE quirky cc. if it's colourful and fun, i'm THERE, and kiwisim4's content totally fits that bill
the tui series is my FAVOURITE!!! the COLOUR! the STYLE! the PIZAZZ!
ANDDDDD for those who want something a lil' more mainstream and less super specific, there's also a bunch of other sets in different styles that can fit any type of aesthetic and decor choice!
FOR EVERY ROOM TOO! kitchens? bathrooms? studies? living rooms? kids bedrooms? check, check, check, check and CHECK!
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aight buckle up y'all because i am constantly perplexed that zx-ta doesn't receive more love because LET ME TELL YOU, her cc is SO! FREAKING! GOOD! STOP READING MY POST RN AND GO CHECK OUT HER CREATIONS!!!!!
truly consider this to be the swiss army knife of cc creation - you want ts3 and ts2 to ts4 conversions? what about medieval and historical cc? genius additions to existing game content like separated sinks? wall art? planters? WELL HERE IT IS! literally every style/aesthetic/era/furniture type you could ever wish for
ik i mentioned it already but the SEPERATED SINKS!!!!! GENIUS! GALAXY BRAINED! also the movie hangout kitchen set IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOD
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aaaaaaaand no build/buy cc list of mine would be complete without mentioning the incredible sforzinda. listen, if you see cool clutter in any of my pics, there's a 90% chance its by them
aight they do truly chefs kiss CAS cc, BUT, i am OBSESSED with their separated clutter sets in particular. how many times have you looked at game asset and thought, hey, there's some rlly cute bits in this but then its like, part of a MASSIVE object that you never really use. well, sforzinda basically solves that time and time again and me and my mods folder are SO thankful. AND THE WALL ART ITEMS!!!!! THE MESH EDITS!!!!!!!!!
my most favourite one is undoubtedly the separated little campers clutter set, but also THE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS BED PACK!!!! ARGH!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry i didnt like answer your question really asdfghjhgfds i just, i have SO many favourites id never be able to narrow it down asdfghjhgfds. if you (or anyone else!) ever wants like a specific idk top beds, top coffee tables, top floors etc tho pls let me know because i'd definitely be able to make myself be SLIGHTLY more specific then asdfghjhgfdsdfghj. this was rlly fun tho!!! thank you so much for your ask, I hope this was at least a wee bit useful asdfghjkjhgfdfghjkjhg
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lesbianmarrow · 4 months
Hi! I saw on an ask you sent someone that you're currently reading Fraction's run on IIM, and enjoying the treatment of female characters. Thought you should probably know (as in, a trigger warning) that, during the 'World's Most Wanted' arc, Pepper and Tony have sex in a very dubcon (at best) way. It's probably not meant to be read as such, but it's hard not to. Tony barely remembers who he is and Pepper explicitly mentions enjoying how vulnerable he was. They then use this as a basis for a love triangle between Pepper, Tony, and Maria Hill. It's a gross situation and everyone felt wildly out of character, it became pretty infamous in Iron Man circles (even movie ones, as people used it to bash Pepper). I'm actually quite surprised it's apparently not well known thought other parts of the fandom, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :/
oh i actually just read that storyline today! though i appreciate the warning. i actually didn't interpret it as a situation where tony was unable to give consent, although i can see how one might read it that way. to me it just seemed like pepper and tony both feeling very stressed and hopeless and taking comfort in each other while they can. i didn't get the sense that pepper had violated tony in any way, and i don't think fraction intends for it to read as such. i'm actually a bit wary of the idea that tony's memory loss here means that he is unable to consent - it seems potentially ableist to me. like, if an adult has brain damage and memory issues, does that necessarily mean they can't consent to sex? ever? that doesn't seem right to me. tony in this moment seems aware enough of his identity and his relationship to pepper that i feel okay about him and pepper choosing to have sex here.
your love triangle comment is also interesting to me because that's definitely not how i would have phrased the situation between tony & pepper & maria, although it is technically accurate (though i should note i only read up to issue 19 and may or may not read further). i think fraction does a great job making maria and pepper feel like their own characters with hopes and fears and internal conflicts completely separate from tony. it never feels like theyre just there to be his love interests. and the focus is never on "oooh which one of them will tony choose? which one of them will he sleep with?" it's much more that they are the two women tony trusts and respects most, and yes he has an attraction with both of them, but that's extremely off to the side and not the point right now, they have a billion other things to worry about that are more urgent. like, the extent to which those romantic relationships are not the point right now kind of is the point. maria does say rude and disrespectful things to pepper but i didnt find that to be out of character or misogynistic writing, i think it's just that she was having a really really bad day and she felt embarrassed to have to be rescued by pepper. i'm generally not a fan of "male character has 2 women who are in love with him at the same time! and they don't get along!" stories but i think fraction cares enough about the interiority of these women that it works, at least for me.
i havent read much iron man so i can't say if tony or pepper are out of character but i definitely thought maria was in character. up until this point she's largely been written by bendis and i thought fraction got into her head in a really excellent way that made her into a more fully realized character. i loved all the stuff with her and black widow. and i guess i just have a weakness for a female character who is so loyal and determined to accomplish her mission but she is just having the worst time and getting her ass kicked physically and emotionally. and i should add, what i read of pepper in this series made me really like her as well! i'd potentially be interested in reading more comics she plays a significant role in. she's wonderful.
anyway lol i hope you dont mind the long response, i just thought you brought up some intriguing points and i appreciated the opportunity to lay down some thoughts on these comics that i read today!
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