#<- Shortened name for the au
starprincejelly · 10 months
A recent collection of sketches for the pokemon sonic crossover I'm working in, it now has a name! PKMN: Green Hill
These are concept sketches of some of the evil team, every region's gotta have one lol
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invye · 1 month
Dressrosa would obviously be quite different in the CoraMiShanks AU, given that, well, Rosinante is there to help kick Doffy's behind, but I'm not sure if I want to touch the happenings in present day canon yet.
HOWEVER! I am once again thinking about how in canon Zoro dragged Law into the party after---
Zoro dragging Law along to have a drink and they inevitably talk about swords (it's Zoro and Law carries an interesting blade, what did you expect?) when Zoro, slightly tipsy, lets slip that he trained with old Hawkeyes for two years.
Law, already fully sloshed (seriously he should have known better than to try matching Zoro for drinks), immediately goes: "Does Hawk-san's 'training' still include tossing you across the entire island and letting you fend against the stupid monkeys for yourself?"
And Zoro just absolutely loses it. What do you mean Law knows that he's spend most of those two years traipsing around lost on that stupid foggy island?? What do you mean Hawk-san???
And drunk Law long-windedly explains that he grew up with Mihawk around, even lived in his dilapidated castle for a while with Cora-san, before they returned to the North Blue so Law could finish school. He even had extended dealings with the Red Emperor during that time, and don't belive what anyone tells you, they're both stupid powerful, but also stupid dorks, it's unbelievable how Cora-san is so attached to these idiots...
And while Law drunkenly prattles on, Zoro is sitting there, head in his hands, realising Hawkeyes actually did a good job with Law, even though his technique is disappointingly reliant on his devil fruit; which means that Hawkeyes probably also did a good job with him, and that on top of that, he might actually really care..?
Druing the trip from Zou to Wano with the Heart Pirates, Zoro learns that they all know Hawkeyes, or Hawk-san as Law calls him and they copy; because when they first set out he showed up all intimidating with his huge sword and unwavering stare and icily told them to "stay safe" and "don't bite off more than you can chew" and "here is my contact, do not use it" and he has shown up somewhat regularly since, especially after Cora-san officially joined the crew when they entered the New World.
Zoro is left sitting there with the knowledge that Hawkeyes apparently has at least three vaguely adopted children, and that he does care. And Zoro has no idea how he is supposed to feel about the knowledge that he is one of those children now.
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cringefail-clown · 9 months
i think my favourite tidbit ive written so far for cam cafe au is the Hal's Real Name debacle, bc in it hal is a name he got for himself when he first watched 2001 space odyssey at 13. jake first catches a wind of it when dave calls hal "dee", but hals like nah im not telling you it requires lvl 69 friendship and youre at best on lvl 3 so get fucked noob. everyone at the cafe and all jake and hals friends know but everyone decides to fuck with jake and not tell him. its a constant subplot through the story until its finally revealed at the end and i can tell you, yall aint ready for what the name is
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inked-spirit · 2 years
So continuation of this post ->
Jason adopts Danny as his own.
At first he has no idea what he's doing and does extensive research on how to care for his new son. He fumbles a bit at when actually buying baby products as he's not sure exactly what he'll need, intill a mother of two spots him and helps him out.
In order for the batfamily not to find out about his kid he just puts Danny to sleep before patrols and locks his whole apartment down, leaving a camera to watch over Danny and check on him when ever he gets the chance.
Sometimes making a quick pit stop back to feed or put him back to sleep if he woke up.
Eventually he gets the hang of parenting and hiding his son. Intill hes just relaxing, reading a book at the end of patrol before bed. And gets an unexpected visit from one of the bat fam (I'm thinking nightwing but could be any). They look between Jason and the sleeping baby in a cot before they evidently become incredibly concerned and confused.
Where did this baby even come from?
Why is there a baby? WHY DOES JASON HAVE A BABY??
Jason has to finally Reluctantly reveal his sons existence and the whole family goes wild.
Bruce: I have a grandson? :0
Dick: I have a Nephew! :D
Tim: Should we be concerned?
Duke: Oh God, the Bird adoption tendency has passed onto Jason..
Damian: ... What
Cass: Nephew :D
Stephanie: I'm gonna be an awesome aunt! >:D
They all immediately try and meet the little guy but have a hard time when a very protective Jason practically hisses at them when they try to get close without his invitation. Especially Bruce. Telling them all that he'll let them met him eventually over time under his choosing.
First is Alfred and Barbara (obviously) who is absolutely in love with little Danny on sight. His little great grandson. And Barbara's technical Nephew.
Bab's absolutely melts when she gets to hold his little self bundled in fabric. And tears up when reaches for her face and gently munches on her hair.
When Alfred got to hold him and he had to wipe his eyes then well, he just has to do some dusting later that's all.
Next is the overwhelmed with excitement Richard. Dick is absolutely overjoyed to meet his little Nephew and immediately crys when Jason allows him to hold the little guy and Danny grabs one of his fingers. The little guy was holding his finger! With his whole fist!
Cass and Steph were after Dick, Cass absolutely loved him and even had a gift lined up for him (that others were jealous of since they hadn't even thought about that!)
A stuffed toy Bat that Danny immediately took and held close. Steph followed up with Cass's idea and bought clothes for Danny, JL themed because it was funny.
Both got to hold him and both got to take turns bottle feeding him. He went to sleep in Cass's arms and had to be taken back by Jason.
Next up had been Duke and Tim. Both were very intrigued to meet him and Tim even made the comment that he looked identical to Jason.
Black hair, blue eyes, white streak. He was honestly suprised to hear from Jason that no, he was not biologically Danny's father. And that it was just incredible coincidence.
Duke makes fun of Jason with the Bruce adoption trait the entire time.
When they got to hold him they fell for his little chubby face and adorable sky blue eyes. This was the're Nephew, and they would absolutely protect the little guy from harm.
Finally it was Bruce and Damians turn,
Bruce was holding in all of his questions and all of his excitement. In order not to scare away his second son who had finally given the okay for him to meet his grandson.
Damian wasn't as enthusiastic as all the others but Bruce could tell he was curious.
As soon as Bruce laid eyes on the little bundled form in Jasons arms. He felt himself smile and his heart skip a beat.
That was the newest addition to his family. His little grandson.
His sons first and foremost rule was that Danny was his adopted son and not up for Bruce to take. Bruce readily agreed.
And that Danny was not to ever become a robin. Jason didn't want that for his son.
Damian looked at the little baby that in turn, turned to face Damian with wide eyes.
Damian blinked owlishly as the little one smiled widely and reached for him cooing.
Jason was also suprised.
"He likes the demon brat?"
Damian gave his hand to Danny experimentally and Danny happily took it and did not want to let go for a while.
Damian wondered if Danny would like animals?
Would Todd even let him show Danny all his animals?
Bruce would not not lie and say he wasnt jealous at the little ones quick effection to his youngest.
When Jason asked if Bruce would like to hold Danny he jumped at the opportunity. A rare show of trust, a sign of repair to there broken relationship.
When Danny was laid in Bruce's waiting arms it took all he had not to cry then and there. He was just so perfect. Danny curled up a bit and with an adorable little yawn, and drifted of to sleep in Bryce's arms.
I have all these random cute and funny sernarios in my head of Danny interacting with the family as he grows up.
Thinking that the whole family actively try and keep the vigilantism a secret from Danny intill hes a bit older.
Also thinking of either Danny still has his ghost powers and they just awaken incredibly slow over time from toddler age (floating toddler would be incredibly funny) or when he's just starting primary school and he's just absolutely terrified with no idea whats going on and Jasons freaking out on what to do. (Adding a how to care for your Meta child book in his library.)
I'm this 🤏 close to turning this into a fanfic>°>
With like a whole story line and everything. This au's begging to stick.
Also I have some art for this lined up that I'll post next.
Also @starkcravingmad tag as requested:)
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druidshollow · 8 months
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i know i said i wanted brilliant fire to attack dune earlier but im not sure on that now lol. idk yet theres so many options with him
dunes group all have their own masks and other than whimsy's theyre all modified enforcer masks. i think fire wears his the most (and dune the least), especially after he sees blade and realizes he could still be recognized on ground level, since its where his mom is from. its got the symbol for "ghost" on top of it so people call him ghost sometimes i imagine
hes so edgy. like. intentionally. edgy teen! edgy teen. he hates his dad and he loves shooting guns
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fridayyy-13th · 20 days
yknow one thing i was really surprised by when starting Gravity Falls was that the terms "mystery twins" and "bipper" are both just...From Canon. they sound exactly like fanon terms in my mind, i'd heard them before from my mutuals' reblogs about the series, so hearing them In The Actual Show caught me way off-guard.
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lxvepup · 4 months
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Settling into it.
Previous comic here!
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spacedace · 2 years
Alright, it's not gonna come up for a bit in the Uncle Oz AU most likely (tho knowing me I say that and it's gonna end up being next chapter lol) but there's going to be a point in which Penguin starts calling Jazz & Danny by affectionate (bird) nicknames.
The problem is I'm not sure what exactly those nicknames should be.
Like, I was thinking he would call them something from the corvid family, since corvids have some of the most intelligent birds in the entire bird kingdom (and honestly animal kindom, corvids are so fucking smart yall).
My initial thought being "Miss Magpie" for Jazz, and "Little Crow" for Danny, tho w/ Magpies being black & white maybe Danny should he Magpie? But then I think Danny should be Crow since he's a mischief maker and makes tools and stuff (both of which are very much crow things).
I'm wondering tho if I should look at other birds to see if there's something that fits better, blargh nicknames are hard lol
If anyone has any ideas/suggestions on what nicknames Penguin should give Jazz & Danny let me know ❤️
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alienssstufff · 6 months
Will there be deaths in the LLAAU, and will they be in order of who died in lastlife?
Yes!…. No-- sort of 👍!
The order is the exact same- however only their final permadeaths are counted. Every instance someone lost a life in canon Last Life is equivalent to a major injury/fever that would make them more susceptible to turning into a zombie in the au.
[ ‘ere 😎]
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angelpuns · 6 months
I’m not trying to be mean but why did you change their last name? I know the fandom researched it and it’s known as a “fake name” but it’s a real Japanese name, just rare. No matter the era it’ll still exist, just in rare instances.
I really hope this doesn't come across as mean or super conceited or anything cause I am not an expert, but I have done a ton of research for this au and I want to make it as accurate as possible! I'm not upset or anything either I just want to be extremely clear about.
Okay I wanted to answer this with as much research as possible, because although you are technically right ( there are 100 households in Japan with the surname Hamato as of 1997)
There are other things to consider for this au, such as it being set in the 30s/40s as well as how old Yoshi's family is. Since his family goes back several generations, it'd make sense for him to have an older, more common name. Hamamoto still isn't extremely common, but it's significantly more common than Hamato.
The other thing is that a few points kept popping up when doing research and they are
1- these two surnames mean almost the exact same thing
2- When TMNT was aired in Japan for the first time, they specifically changed the Japanese names to more realistic ones.
3- The creators of TMNT have said that they just made the names up.
I will say also that in that 1997 Japanese National Census, they have a note that explains for the reader to be cautious of nicknames/pen names/stage names because people can and will put those names rather than their birth names/actually surnames, so there's no way to know for sure about those 100 households ( maybe more since its been several years but still)
So basically I changed it because I wanted it to more accurate to the language and the era in which the au takes place. I'm not saying this is all 100% certain as far as my research goes, I've done my best and this was the conclusion I came up with.
And again I'm not Japanese myself, so all my information comes from research and what I have learned of the language.
Also sorry if this comes off as mean or conceited or anything I just made that choice for a reason and ahsdhdhfhrhr I don't want to come off as mean
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I need help deciding
So I am currently in chapter 7 (yay!) of the AU and am at chapter 38 in-canon.
Daryun and Azar are going at each other verbally and I can't decide what Azar should say next! I have two options!
Daryun asked if they should just not fight the Lusitanians when incountered. It is the moment where he also is very unhappy with Bahman being so passive. Azar had offered a new option. This is before Bahman gets angry.
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Noni dearest ! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
Since you're not feeling your best self here I am to spread a little bit of good vibes for you. I wanted to share this little YouTube shorts I found and I hope it boosts as also melts you a little bit. 💗
And paired with this little snippet I add 'Talk' by Hozier because well, imagine being loved by him = Nanami. 💘
(I've been daydreaming about a vampire! Nanami Kento who can't just resist you, although he's a gentleman and does, but little does he know that you enjoy being bitten as much as he loves to do it). And this darn Hozier song feels like the background theme. LOL.
Wishing you all the best always! ILY ! 🩶✨
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to answer you I just didn't really have the spoons to do so for a while. God I'm loving this idea for a vampire nanami. Obsessed with how you taste. Desperate for more. But he knows he has to be so careful because he doesn't want to lose you. So he'll allow himself just the tiniest of a meal. Just a little nip. And your flavour washes over him. Warming his veins right down to his toes. Oh oh. This is too sexy!! 🫣🫣🫣
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You're absolutely wonderful!
Thank you for constantly being here. You don't know how much it means to me 🩷🩷🩷 ily. And thank you for the links. Wooo that nanami one. Tsudaken is going to get me pregnant is2g!
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skyxsy · 8 months
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HoloMyth Club AU
Uni students Fauna and Kronii(supporting characters)
Fauna is a Bio(/Physics)* major
Kronii is a Drama(/Literature)* major
*I'm not sure tbh but I can imagine it lmao
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freyrmichokolatte · 1 year
Scissor Seven modern AU but the Shadow Assassins are celebrities and Seven is a masked celebrity because he wants to live a normal fucking life that's not connected to his celebrity life
The Shadow Assassins also care about eachother because fuck canon I'll devour it with FLUFF
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anxiousapplepie · 4 months
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TFW your arch-nemesis has the skill to hack into your phone, but the only thing he does with it is change your ringtone when you're not looking XD And call you sometimes to let you know Plot is happening, but that's more rare.
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chromatasia · 6 months
alright. questions about the Patch AU.
hm... Ceroba can read Clover's LV/EXP/whatever, right? Would she be capable of sensing something is off with Clover, since Gold and Soul close are close by? (would she see basically a "[ALERT: LV20 BEING HERE]" warning sign pointed at a moving spot of thin air that happens to always be next to Clover?)
oh gold can be seen by everyone! and unnerves everyone they go by because they are inexplicably covered in dust! same goes for soul though… more selective because they are inhabiting clover’s soul
but yes! ceroba knows that something is happening with gold. clover seems… fine. they’re a nice kid, and they’re playing along with star’s antics, and… they might just be the one she needs, but she’ll ignore that until later. their friend, though… as soon as they followed star and clover into the saloon, she was on high alert. she wasn’t sure how none of the other monsters noticed it, but that child was not innocent. she keeps a harsh eye on them while they accompany clover during their deputy training. and when gold inexplicably wanders off? she follows. she wants answers. and she doesn’t want any more monsters hurt than they’ve already harmed, if the dust is anything to go by
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