#;the warmth of the sun the brightness of the stars and the very definition of magic (( aesthetic ))
darkburning · 2 years
"i want to see you smile... to see you happy." @harpyiiai
𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ; the look of a sister capricious and firm, glancing at you in memory of sweet yesteryear. honey-nectar gold yields at the tapestry of concern, clinging onto you so fervently with a bond so archaic —— it was only natural for her to appear by your side. she shall not yield, no, never against this palladium of pride you traipse in. family stays together and though neither was bounded by blood, the conviction remains true. you are someone she cannot abandon, t'was as simple as the moon and tides ( rising, rising, catastrophically / magically ). loyalty immortalizes kindred link and she beseeches you to recall halcyon days where careless laughter consumed the night. she had always admired you, you see. the beautiful harpy whose wit can easily tear down the walls of conceited men. unapologetically, you shined in her recollection and o' how it ached to see your wings clipped in agony.
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you were always like this, always pretending to be so strong when in reality you did not always need to be. she apologizes for going along this bravado for so long, for allowing this naivete to extend this far —— only realizing the severity of your pain so late in the game. she's sorry mai, truly she was, and all she can do is hold onto you close as pathetically as possible. ❝ you big dummy, you didn't have to disappear on me. i was already happy just being by your side. ❞ it was enough for her, just knowing you were close by. you were enough. how could you not ? she longed for your stories, the majesty of it, why couldn't they go back ? they still could, and they will. your younger sister will make sure of it. ❝ if you want me to smile, then you need to get better. i already lost a mama and papa, don't let me loose you too. ❞
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pointetoed · 2 years
*˖ ⊹ … tag dump
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heartpascal · 2 months
joel’s place
▹— joel miller x platonic!reader, hints of jesse x reader
▹— summary: you visit the cemetery
▹— a/n: this is inspired by the song robert’s place, simon robert french. i think it fits the situation perfectly :( — also i wrote this over many months so it may read a bit inconsistent, sorry! it also isn’t proofread, and by the end might’ve turned into just a string of consciousness idk
▹— warnings: major character death, grief and all that follows, mentions of scars & previous injuries, TLOU 2 SPOILERS, once again MAJOR CHARACTER DEATHS, lots of angst, talk of canon typical violence, abby mentioned, ellie and dina mentioned, also can be read as platonic for jesse i think, long lasting injury effects (please add if there’s more! i’m rusty)
▹— taglist: @rhymingtree @sleepygraves @wnstice (everything!) @auggiesolovey @just-kaylaa @evyiione @lemonlaides @fariylixie0915  @faceache111 @randomhoex @canpillowscry @pedropascalsrealgf @star-wars-lover @coolchick333 @soobsdior @rvjaa  @sunflowersdrop @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @miss-celestial-being @hqkon (pedro!)
MASTERLIST if you can click on my masterlist, you can also do your daily clicks!
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Eventually, the snow bled into summer.
Time tumbled and warped, moved on, the world spinning, seasons changing and months passing by like nothing had ever happened. Sometimes, when you wake up, the sun shining in your eyes from a gap between curtains, the world feeling warm, you could pretend that nothing had. That the world was as it had once been.
And in the moments of waking, that’s easy. It’s second nature to slip into the past, into better times, where autumn fell and so did you. Where everything felt right in the world.
That, unsurprisingly, didn’t last very long.
But still.
You’re here, your house in Jackson unchanged, despite the year passing by unrelentingly. The only difference being the bloom of flowers at your doorstep, colours bright in the warm sun.
And you, of course.
If you’re honest, it’s probably you that changed the most.
With scars in new places, still aching with a pain that you were certain would never go away. Hair cut shorter, choppier, done by you in the middle of the night some time in the spring. Then there’s the shakiness to your hands, the tremors that linger despite the warmth. A slight limp when you would inevitably tread wrong on your ankle. And a new age to your face, a new hardship reflected in the bags that continue to weigh you down, after all this time.
You’re not sure that the people who were lost that winter would recognise you, had they been here now. There was a whole new air about you, too, lingering in every space you stepped into.
But still. You try not to think too much about it.
Instead, you gather a handful of flowers from your doorstep, bunched together into a makeshift bouquet that you tie with twine. The remaining blooms get a splash of water before you’re setting off from your house, stepping on soft grass until you reach the road.
From there, you wander along the path you know so well, that you have walked so many times. Gravel crunches underneath your soles with every step, unearthing the split second longer it takes for you to put weight on your ankle. It still hurts, but you don’t mind so much anymore. It allows some of your pain to be physical, rather than emotional. It’s a small mercy, really.
People used to call out to you when you walked this route, but they know better now, and don’t bother you when you carry flowers. That, you think, is a small mercy, too.
If you were to glance to your left, you’d see his house. Instead, you focus on your feet, ensuring you don’t roll your ankle again. As much as you try, you can’t accept that there’s someone other than him living there now. You don’t want to see his name pried off of the mailbox, Miller outlined from the five years that the sun bleached the uncovered wood around it.
You like to think that he’s still in there, somewhere, just down the hall. So long as you don’t look, Joel lives on in that house.
You could almost pretend that you weren’t going to his new home. His final home. His resting place, Tommy had called it once. But if you knew anything about Joel, you knew that the man couldn’t rest, not even in Jackson. Not fully. You’ve resigned to calling it Joel’s place.
It comes into view quickly, a mere stone’s throw from his house, and like every other time, you feel dread.
A wave of it crashes over you, leaving you gaping for air. It sinks down your throat and fills your lungs, your stomach, your very being. It’s an all consuming thing. You know his name is going to be carved upon a stone, instead of the mailbox where it should be, and every time you come here, it shatters the illusion. Each time, you have to pick up the pieces, and painstakingly put it back together again.
The flowers sit nicely, giving his place a burst of colour. It makes that pit in your throat open up again, and threaten to swallow your tongue. You know Joel wasn’t really a flower guy, but there’s not much else you can do. If he was here, you’d give him the bag of coffee that still sat useless in your cupboard. But he’s not.
“Hi,” You say into the still air, because you still can’t bring yourself to say his name here. There’s a part of you that refuses to believe it’s him, even after all this time. You practically fall to the floor as you lower yourself, and huff at the inconvenience your old injury still caused you. “It’s been a while.”
And it’s true — it’s been long enough that Zahir, the man who took care of the graves on a more regular basis, had removed the flowers from the last visit. They must have died quickly, which you found to be quite ironic. Still, you hoped these ones lasted longer.
“Dina’s going to have her baby in a few weeks, we reckon. She said that if it’s a girl, she’ll name her Talia. But if it’s a boy…” You smile faintly, just imagining what Joel would look like if he was truly here. “She said JJ. Jesse-Joel. I hope it’s a boy, if I’m honest. I think he’d have Jesse’s smile.”
A breeze shifts the air around you, and you fidget with the tongue of your shoe for a moment.
“Her and Ellie are still living up at that farm, with a whole bunch of sheep. It’s not far, but I don’t see them too often. Ellie doesn’t really show her face around here, much. I think she avoids it because of Tommy, and Jesse’s parents. I don’t blame her.” You continue, breathing in the warm air and hoping it’ll soothe some of the pain in your chest. “Jesse’s parents have tried to visit me, a few times. You would think I’m so stupid for avoiding them like this, I just know it.”
You swallow roughly, trying to push down the lump in your throat. More than anything, you just wish that he could answer you, wish that he could confirm your suspicions on what he would think.
“It’s just… it’s been hard, here. Since we got back. Everything just feels so different.” You scoffed. “Probably because everything is different. You should see Mike and Astrid trying to lead the patrols. Without you and Jesse…” You shook your head, trailing off.
The breeze shook some leaves free from their branches, and sent them swirling down to the ground, where Zahir would sweep them away later. You liked the man. He had been kind and respectful every time you had seen him here, and you appreciated how much care he put into the upkeep of graves of people he hadn’t even known.
Sometimes when you were here, it felt like you were the only person in the world. As if when Joel died, everybody else died with him. And in some ways, you think that might be true. Jesse died right after him, and Tommy was almost right behind him. And Ellie… she lost a part of herself in that basement. After Seattle, you were surprised there was anything left of her.
It was why you always felt relieved when Zahir showed up. He allowed you to realise that there were still people around you, that not everybody was buried with Joel. Zahir reminded you that other people were grieving, too. It helped to know that you weren’t actually alone in this experience, even if it felt like it.
You wanted to tell him how much you missed the two of them, how your life felt incomplete without them in it. You wanted to let the words fall from your mouth, wanted to observe as the breeze caught them and swept them away to somewhere that Joel just might have heard them. But you already felt silly, doing this. Speaking to him, knowing that he couldn’t hear a word of it.
What else could you do, though? Where else were you meant to put all of these unrelenting thoughts? What else could you do with the grief that threatened to bury you right beside the people you missed most?
“So much has changed here. It doesn’t feel like home, the way it used to.” You admitted to the open air, trying not to let regret or embarrassment consume you. The breeze could be comforting, if you allowed it to be.
It’s been a long time since you’ve allowed yourself to be comforted. Maybe too long.
All you can think is haven’t you suffered enough? Do you have to continue the seemingly endless cycle of pain that you have been trapped in for years? Shouldn’t you, after everything, be allowed some comfort?
“If I’m honest, I don’t think it’ll ever feel like home again. Not really. I guess that’s why Ellie doesn’t really visit.” You said, listening to the rustle of leaves, watching the petals on the flowers you’d brought shift. You believe it, too. You believe that Ellie refuses to visit because Jackson has lost its spark. Its livelihood. That, and you’re pretty sure she can’t bring herself to visit Joel’s place, or Jesse’s.
You don’t blame her. It had been one of the hardest things you’d ever done, coming here after returning from Seattle. You felt like some sort of sorry animal, failing to come home with the prey it was supposed to. Despite your best efforts, your jaws remained empty of prey. Your hunt had failed, had turned sideways, had left you feeling more sorrow than before.
How could you come here knowing that Abby was still alive out there? Knowing that, while Joel had been rotting underground, she had a life.
It had taken you a long time to accept that fact. To let it go.
Ellie was still holding on.
You suppose that you have always been better at knowing what went through Joel’s head. At rationalising things. You knew that going after her was never what Joel would’ve wanted for the two of you. But Ellie had always struggled with seeing his point of view. With seeing anyone’s perspective but her own, really. She could never understand Abby, just like she had never understood Joel after what he did to the Fireflies.
Joel would want the two of you here, not on some cross country journey for revenge. And you understand why — because that trip had caused you even more loss. It hadn’t fixed a thing, and at the end of it all, Abby was still alive.
Going after her wasn’t worth Jesse’s life.
If you had known the cost of that journey before you had left Jackson in search of it, you don’t think you would’ve gone. Not if it meant losing him, too.
A glance across the cemetery had your eyes locking onto another familiar headstone. It was still hard for you to face that one, knowing that you were the direct cause of Jesse’s death. Would he had left the safety of Jackson, if you hadn’t joined Ellie on her quest for vengeance? Would Abby have felt the need to defend herself, the kid with her, if you and Ellie hadn’t been so intent on killing her?
One of the worst parts about his death is that you could understand. Had you, Ellie and Joel not killed many people, defending those you cared about? Hell, hadn’t you killed WLFs to protect Jesse? You’d caused people this loss, too. Perhaps his death was just karma, finally catching up to you. But to reduce Jesse to that felt… wrong. He was more than that. So much more.
He should’ve been here. At your side, grieving Joel right alongside you.
Had you chosen to just grieve, rather than avenge, you wouldn’t have to do it all alone. If you had remained in Jackson while Tommy, Ellie and Dina left, you could’ve asked Jesse to stay. You’re almost confident that he would have.
But then you would’ve lost the others, too.
Either way, Jackson would’ve lost its spark of life.
“I think that, maybe, you guys were my home. And that’s why it feels like this.” You look away from the stone with Jesse’s name carved upon it. Admitting it just makes it feel more real, and you know that you will never feel at home again. Not like you did with them.
Your eyes water before you can do anything about it, trailing saltwater down your cheek. It crawls across the scar underneath your eye, and you feel the phantom pain of Abby’s fists upon your face once more. Everything in you aches, particles of loss and decay floating through your veins until it feels like it’s all you are.
But it’s not.
There’s still life within you, waiting to be let out.
Joel and Jesse don’t have that luxury. Which is why you feel like you have to honour them, like you have to actually live, instead of sitting here, wallowing in the pain of it all.
“I miss you.”
The wind brushes against your hair, your face.
“I’ll come back soon,” You promise, resting your palms against the ground to help you stand without aggravating your injury. “Maybe next time I’ll bring your guitar, show you what I’ve learned since we lost you.”
There’s a lump in your throat, and you can’t seem to swallow it. Your goodbye can’t get past it, and you know it will only worsen if you go across to Jesse’s place. You turn, swearing that you will have something more hopeful to tell the open air next time you come.
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pokegalla · 4 months
I’ll be honest i haven’t done this in awhile but i hope you enjoy!
Requested by @neko-rose888
Skellies with an S/o kinda like Rapunzel!
* At first he actually joked about you reminding him of Rapunzel. With the aloof personality, long hair, that glows when you…sing- wait a damn minute-
* Watch out for ink spewing out his mouth. He’d be so excited seeing such an incredible power. Can he touch your hair? Would it affect skeletons? Are you ACTUALLY Rapunzel-?! Aaand there he goes hurling again- And you being awkward but still kind self, you help him clean up, chuckling at his excitement. Kinda hard to ignore how adorable this little artist is.
* Soon you two end up hanging out a lot just to do a LOT of painting. And stars Ink LOVES your work. If this guy isn’t the reason you leave your tower, I call bullshit right now because he is FILLED with adventures of his own!
* Wouldn’t be surprised if he takes you with him to start your own adventure….with him by your side.
* He wasn’t surprised that you had powers. He could…just sense it. He just didn’t know how it worked. He simply thought it was a beautiful power of yours.
* Though despite your abilities, he wants to make sure you will never be forced or ever feel obligated to use your abilities. Especially considering your past. It’s your ability and it’s your choice to use it. But he WOULD feel proud if you use it for healing others. And even feel more special if you heal him too. You fretting over him is so sweet.
* He loves to show you around new places just to see you smile, your positivity shining both in and out. Like a literal sun…it’s so warm and nice to be around. He ends up teaching you how to make flower crowns on a walk in the forest. It was worth seeing your smile beam.
* Literally just two beans with a dash of trauma- you both find peace within each other✨
* He probably bumped into you by accident and didn’t realize you were the princess….and when he did, he apologized PROFUSELY- he’s a KNIGHT in training for damn sake and he’s already being a klutz? TO THE PRINCESS OF ALL PEOPLE-
* Luckily for him you don’t find it to be a big deal and quickly tell him it’s fine. You both excitedly introduce yourselves and soon you two become a fun energetic duo.
* Taking you on horse rides, treating you like a lady, you teaching him how to cake (so he doesn’t explode the kitchen again-), and teaching you how to defend yourself. Frying pan wasn’t a weapon he expected but respectfully cool as you show off its power✨
* He vows to be your loyal knight and will always protect you no matter what!
* He’s definitely heard about you because of your ability and studied about the wither and decay spell? Now THAT can be a very useful weapon! So he sends his team to get you! ….which was easier said than done.
* He knew his idiots were…well stupid but it’s just ONE girl. It can’t be THAT hard. So he goes himself….and finds himself tangled up in your hair, almost getting whacked by a frying pan. He turned into a puddle to escape both your trap and frying pan skills before picking you up with a tendril and taking you away, complaining about the hair you left on him (even though he left goop ALL over your hair- 😑)
* After that you pretty much became swift friends with his team as you hang out with them, heal them, bake cookies, and your bright smile makes them happy. That positivity annoyed Nightmare so much. But…whenever you bring him a black coffee and give him that same bright smile….he can’t help the feeling of warmth deep inside his own soul.
* He may be cold at times but you’re definitely safe around him. Would give you princess treatment….even if he’ll never admit it.
* Might be a bit of a unique meeting but I bet you two met under a starry night sky, looking up at the stars together before he starts up a chat with you. Probably a little space pun that goes right over your head making him laugh instead-
* He was pretty chill about your hair although a little surprised at first. He liked showing you his abilities too. It was funny seeing your ecstatic reaction. But he was interested when you one day mentioned the lanterns from your home. He’s never tried something like that before….
* So hell YES you take him to the lantern thing! You even got lanterns for just the two of you to float together. He was in awe seeing your lanterns twirling together to join the VAST other lanterns mixing in with the starry sky. It was…like the city had come to life….and you being here with him made it all the more special.
* That day you gave him a painting you made of the moment just for him to take home. He still has it in his room, on the wall presented proudly✨
* He only visited because there was some odd decay in the area….and he witnessed your wither and decay ability. Definitely….surprising. Hell it was like his death touch. He was the one to snap you out of the trance thankfully. You go to hug him to thank him much to his scare- but….you didn’t die? Huh? But you ARE human so how-? He chuckled though once you realized you’ve literally hugged death-💦
* He took you with him to study up together about how this came to be and it seems the flower you’ve consumed is more powerful then you expected. Even saved you from his own death touch. Fancy that. He ended up sticking around out of pure curiosity. Plus….its rare to have someone he’s able to be around without needing to be cautious…
* Buuut wow you were accident AND trouble prone- seriously how have you SURVIVED this long in life?! Got the poor guy stressed with how much you got him watching over you- but you make it worth it….you always give him headpats and promise him cuddles and cookies. Can he really stay this upset seeing that cute face?✨
* He went from god of death to a sweet loving guardian angel. You simply just had that effect on him!
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itgirlgyu · 2 years
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pairing : huening kai x fem! reader.
genre : best friend to lovers, mutual pining, idiots in love, fluff.
synopsis: under the melting sun of a nameless summer, you find out that the person who you call your best friend, and whom you once had fallen in love with , didn't in fact want your prized acorn paper weight, but your heart.
wc: 3.9k+
warning: huening kai is referred as a sadist and bastard multiple times, there is mention of a threat concerning a plastic fork and hyuka's nose, hyuka mentions his own balls, beomgyu, reader gets a concussion, hospital and bad example of physics.
a/n! heh my first one shot! stay tuned for the next one next year (jk) or am i
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The swing still squeaked like it did every evening of those idyllic years of past; perhaps even more now, only a few years later. The shrill sound melting into the last breath of the light of the day, mixing itself with the palette of sunset, one that you both had savored together years later. Oddly wistful, if you had to put a word to that feeling. The buzzing warmth warbled at the pit of the stomach would definitely conquer the one of the diminishing bright star above. Although it's quite unclear to you whether it was the nostalgia of the ear-splitting noise of the unoiled metal clanging together that made you feel this way, or it was your best friend’s laughter that was one pitch away from over taking the invincible of swing that has been here since the buttcrack of 90’s.
“Never thought this old, rusty swing would bring so many memories,” Huening Kai exclaimed, eyes turning into the crescent’s that mirrored the one in the sky. Like a kid he had been clutching onto the metal grips of the swing, trying to get himself to sway as much as he could despite now being double the size of the swing set himself.
“Push me!” He added in with urgency, feets swinging in a childish tempo instantaneously teleporting him to the early years of his life when this very place was one of his daily commutes, despite all the jumbled brew of all sort of emotion a teenage boy can go through at the common playground of the society, only the sweeter of the bunch displayed on the apple of his rosy cheeks, and the lowkey questionable giggle that gurgled out of his mouth. All in the name of good nostalgia, you hoped. 
"Fine!" You got up, wiping your hands onto the fabric of the skirt you were wearing, "Me next, though." You quickly threw in the condition. 
The man kept his mouth shut, pretending to not hear what his best friend had said, earning a tug on his ear. 
"Sure, sure!" Huening Kai winced in pain, prying your fingers off his ear, praying to his lord that none of your fingernails would catch onto his piercings and tug a few out; It had always been his biggest fear, once he got them pierced a few weeks ago.
You narrowed your eyes, but quietly took the place behind the man, placing your hands onto the metal chain attaching the seat to the pole, just above his fists, which tightened in anticipation. 
"You know after all this time I thought you'd calm your violent outbursts a little." Huening Kai raised his feet above the ground to increase the velocity of the push, meanwhile you closed the proximity between the two of you as you brought your face next to his, trying to look at him in the eyes from standing behind him, nearing the stage of becoming cross eyed just to show the seriousness of the demand of the next turn being yours. 
Huening Kai stopped breathing for a second at the interaction, the warmth from his cheeks radiating to his ear, urging him into deluding himself with the idea of the recent tugging of his ear being the cause of its turning into an embarrassing shade of red rather than having his best friend so close to him; he could have turned to his side just a little to close that shy little gap between them, which is exactly why he started to getting a cramp on his neck from the fear of moving at any direction and causing the unthinkable. 
"I will push you too! No need to threaten me, geez!" He pulled his head in front of him, he might have looked like a duck but it was better than whatever the other options were. 
"Good boy." You patted the top of his head, and pulled him back with all your might while stumbling backwards, making Huening Kai chortle joyfully like a kid in a toy store. 
"Do you remember the time you chased me to this playground with a fork in your hand—STAND BACK! FAR!" Huening Kai yelled out, cautioning to get away in order to avoid the hit of the swing if he swung too far, hardly thinking it would, but both of you hadn't been the best at physics nor math and it would just be better for everyone if they maintained a safe distance. 
You stepped a few feet away and sighed. 
"That happened?" you lied confidently, trying to sound shocked and waver him off as you pulled back the seat, Huening Kai advised that it would give you better grip for a higher swing, and let go once again. 
It had been only a few days since the two of you had met, acquainted, and fought when the murder attempt was made, and it was merely because he had taken your homework with him  and went away for a get away with his parents which resulted in quite some trouble for you. And for that reason to this day, you do not regret threatening the man with that plastic fork which you said you would have generously shoved up one of his nostrils, and fetch it back from the other one. 
Plus it started their beautiful friendship that transcended all those years. 
"YES!" Huening Kai exclaimed, turning back to look at your face from high above the ground, "It was a plastic fork though."
"Don't really remember." You murmured, avoiding eye contact with the victim of the heinous crime. Huening Kai chuckled and shook his head, and turned back before whining to go a little bit faster. 
"Do you remember the time when I wanted your acorn paper weight?" He asked quietly, playing the entire scenario of how it took place in the hallway of their school. 
"And then we met here to trade." 
You nodded even though Huening Kai had no way of seeing your non verbal confirmation, " I was so surprised when you asked for it, like it was a paper weight." laughter bubbled at the back of your throat as you rewinded the memory of an awkwardly tall, sheepish boy eyeing the acorn paper weight with such determination. 
"It was pretty…" 
"And that sticker book!" You gasped, leaning on one of the handles Huening Kai had been holding onto, "It had all my favorite animes!" 
You giggled triumphantly, the years old exultation still making you giddy to this day, "I think I got a better end of the deal than you and your sad acorn!" 
"Loser!" You added with an exaggerated evil laugher. 
Huening Kai carelessly nodded, soaking in all of the fervorous cadence you offered, blissfully unaware of the eyes that were fixated on you; the movement long forgotten as Huening Kai opened the box of nostalgia. Handpicking each and every story that was made in this playground, and replaying it in front of them like a movie of a lifetime. 
Oblivious to himself, he had been smiling up to you; the marmalade sunset melting the brown into his eyes and trickling like honey onto his cheeks, staining them oh so sweet. 
"Do you remember the time you gave me a rose?" He pondered out loud. 
"What a way to crash the nostalgia train, shithead." 
Of course You remember, who could forget their first confession no matter how bad it went. Especially when it went inexplicably bad; the worst! But what was even more worse than worst, if that is possible (It was in this case), was the fact it had been Huening Kai, who you had confessed to. It sends you cold shivers that you still remember that day as clear as a sunny day. 
"Sure I called you a loser," You sighed, "You didn't have to repay me with that blow." 
You wondered whether her best friend had been a closeted sadist all these while. 
"I didn't murder anything nor did I blow you with anything," He reasoned, turning his bottom into the seat to face you a little bit more, the inane smile had been replaced by a dinky frown, "I just asked you whether you remember it or not." 
"Woah," You wheezed, "You're so cold hearted." 
Huening Kai rolled his eyes waiting for you to get over the drama and reply to him, which you did, "Yeah." 
"You're such a bastard, you want me to talk about it, don't you?" You put your hand on his head and yanked a fistful in rage, but let go soon enough when you saw a few of his bleached hair coming out; you didn't wanna be known as a the crazy lady who made a hole into her crush's head after he had rejected her years prior. 
Huening Kai's hands flew to his crown in a panicked rush as early hair loss flashed before his eyes, letting out a sigh of relief when he did not see a patch of his yellow hair on your hands. He relaxed his shoulders, and leaned back on the other handle. 
"Yes please," He pleaded with a smirk, "Tell me all about it." 
One demonic shriek and three earth shattering convulsions later, you were ready to indulge into the revelatory experience you had at the beginning of your teenage years, and be done with the ridiculous life experience that haunted every night of those ripe years full of opportunities.
"I confessed to you," You murmured quickly, flitting your eyes everywhere except for the pair that were gazing into hers with a minuscule citrusy smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. You hated that dumb face he made; You despised the actuality of the little beat that your heart skipped in that moment. 
You found him smiling up at you when the shame died down just a bit, "I didn't quite catch you, can you repeat that?" 
"The only thing you'd be catching is," You held up a clenched fist, "this." 
Huening Kai's cautiously touched the knuckled of your closed fist pushed it down as if he were testing the water, his gaze cavorting from your deadpanned eyes to your tiny fist that is now at half the height you had raised it at first without any visible scratches on him: always a good sign to go on. 
"You heard me," 
"No, I did not." 
"You-" You calmed yourself, snatching your fist away from the tip of his fingers that had been lingering on your knuckles despite the danger being out of question, you pointed your index finger at him, and then put it down. Your cheeks turning into the rouge of the rose you had shoved into his hands and left a few summers before. 
"Anyway, whatever!" You explained, your hands capering around in the air, as Huening Kai watched with an amused smile that only increased in sizes as the second keys in the clock ticked away, "So I liked you!" 
"Only a little," You clarified. 
"Pfft," Huening Kai snickered, sitting up properly, further diminishing the distance between you two. He could see himself in your eyes, "You're lying." 
"You shoved a single rose in my hand, muttered something like, I like you I guess and just booked it." He explained, reciting it exactly as it happened, word to word. Which meant only one thing, he remembered everything. Sure, he hadn't comically been hit by a car and lost his memories but You hadn't expected him to remember it as vividly as you did, that too from the perspective of the person who had not embarrassed himself in front of a person they had a crush on. 
"Don't remind me," You slipped further onto the chain, somehow mimicking an otter pop in the summer heat after being in the hands of an hyperactive toddler for more than five minutes, " You never answered me back either." 
"That's because I didn't get a single word that you told me, until I spent some time on the way your lips moved and what sounds that you made could be translated into words." Huening Kai chuckled, the memories of a younger him trying to impersonate his best friend and make those sounds to figure out what you had said was still as fresh as it had been yesterday. 
"Still not an excuse," You sulked, "We had school together." 
Huening Kai nodded in agreement, with his lips pursed and his eyebrows bunched together to come up with a feasible fib, "we did," 
"Perhaps I was shy?" 
You rolled your eyes the exact moment an abrupt gush of wind gently brushed the silken web of dark hair away from your face, the sheen of burning sun shining onto your cheeks.
“You and shy?” You cocked your head to the side and leaned in closer. Huening Kai’s oxygen intake was immediately endangered when the nearness between your heads was less than mere five inches. Huening Kai blinked; once, twice. He had hoped providing a few seconds might remind you of the unseen boundary of friendship you had crossed, once again. Just as bravely done as you had done four years ago.
“Stop kidding me,” You broke the silence, finally retreating your head. Huening Kai was awfully confused: you sighed, and went to sit in the swing adjacent to his, Huening Kai’s eyes never leaving you.
“ You probably thought it was a joke or something,” You drawled, “and it’s okay you know?”
Huening Kai knows it's not okay. He could tell that from the way your eyebrows were furrowed together, and that etch of frown that marred your glow. Huening Kai hoped it wasn't okay. It was selfish of him to wish that but the boyish feelings he had harbored for you way before yours even began to flutter, turned him into one of those emerald tactless monsters.
“It's okay if you didn't like me back.” 
Huening Kai internally groaned: he was going insane. The soft, pitiful tone you spoke in only added fuel to the hell fire that was already burning inside of his heart. He couldn’t blame it on the fried oreo Beomgyu had stuffed down his throat anymore. He might have been a coward years ago, but now his balls were all grown and ready to be used.
“Not true,” Huening Kai murmured, dragging himself across the steel seat to face the front.
“Very true,” You snapped back.
“You couldn’t have been further from the truth,’ Huening Kai snorted, avoiding your flaming eyes, sending you more death threats than a wounded fan at their bias’s wedding.
“Okay so you were madly in love with me? Ooh you would've died for me," You mocked him, but as though Huening Kai was hell bent on embarrassing the shit out of you, that bastard nodded at the ridiculous rumor you made up on that spot.
“Now that’s some good ol’ truth.”
“Nobody talks like that old guy!” You were mad; You were furious, your nostrils were flaring as though they had a life of their own and those lives were very stressful. It might have been years since you got ditched, but that was still your first actual in person crush, which remained unclear and now the offender of that deplorable act is sitting beside you and committing perjury. You could break his skull open.
Without a word, Huening Kai turned around meeting your accusatory eyes. His ones were serene, melting like candle wax, shimmering like the reflection of moon in a constant wavering lake, meanwhile yours were smokey, cautious and hurt clouding the pupil in iridescent droplets. You opened your mouth to plead, but nothing came out.
‘Don’t look at me like that,’ was what you wanted to say. 
It was bizarre; insane actually how some gymnastic that snuck into your stomach was doing somersaults, like a whole butterfly convention letting all of them out in your gut. It was weird, because you had this exact torture executed on you years ago, on the command of this exact man.
“I wanted to tell you something that day,” Huening Kai began, breaking the harrowing eye contact that immured you, allowing you to breathe at last.
“I liked you,” Huening Kai confessed, letting out a breath of relief. The tingling sensation that erupted beneath his skin, electrifying him to the core. Despite the fear that laundered his entirety, it was freeing at last.
Although the same couldn’t have been said for you..
“I probably liked you before you did,” Huening Kai chuckled, throwing a side glance towards you, briefly catching the blanched appearance you adapted.
“You're pulling my leg.” You stated in a shaken tone, but it was just as quickly refuted by Huening Kai who shook his head.
“Do you think I’ve watched an episode of cardcaptor sakura in my life?” Huening Kai questioned, “Or inuyasha?”
Huening Kai was right: It had always been you who was a big fan of all those shows in that book. You didn't even know whether Huening Kai was even remotely aware of them except you mentioning them once in a while,yet the sticker book was filled with the obsessions you had rambled away to your heart's content.
It wasn't good, it wasn't good at all. The way Huening Kai looked at you; it made your heart skip beats like the first time you had figured out your irrational behavior, and palpitations were because of him. As though someone had turned back the clock, and they were back in the year and your biggest wish was for him to love you back. 
You shook your head, "But you," you murmured, closing your eyes to collect yourself, "But I thought you wanted my acorn!" 
Huening Kai was beside you in silence, trying to process what his best friend, and allegedly (according to you, it was still alleged) crush had said, before erupting in a fit of hysterical laughter. He pulled his head backwards, flinging his black locks along with him, clutching onto the metal chains to prevent himself from toppling over, all while you stared at him as if he had just smoked some green leaves. 
"You really are dense," He sputtered out in difficulty through his laughter, "I wanted a reason, not your acorn!" 
You opened your mouth to defend but closed it realizing you had nothing to put forth as evidence while blissfully ignoring the biggest lead for you to win the case. You slumped onto your uncomfortable metal plate of the swing, which was starting to hurt your tailbone, while slowly soaking in the new information from years prior that could have, frankly, changed the trajectory of your life. 
Your first love could have been fulfilled. 
"Why didn't you answer me back when I said I liked you?" You questioned, springing up from your slouched position, pointing an accusatory finger at Huening Kai.  
"I-" Huening Kai stammered; at this age, he had no idea why he had just ignored that completely despite sharing those feelings. A look of defeat washed over his features, his head lolling downwards in a wave of shame that washed over him upon remembering what a candy-ass he had been in front of you. 
"I am sorry," He apologized, "I guess, I was taken aback." 
"So you're saying we could have dated in school?" You wondered out loud, pushing kicking the ground to swing yourself as high as you could. It felt funny in your gut knowing that your one sided high school love affair wasn't as bad as you had cursed it for so long, although quite a bit unfortunate. No one ever told you that discovering that your old crush, with whom you had no luck getting together with now, was actually interested in you too. 
"It's kinda weird now, don't you think?" You added, turning to look at Huening Kai who never stopped staring at the soaring girl; glowing brighter than the moon that had embraced the navy sky. 
“Why weird?” Huening Kai queried, stretching his arms before standing up and walking behind you, hoping to return the favor he had promised you.
“It’s just,” You paused when Huening Kai’s hands grabbed onto your shoulders to prevent you from crashing into him. Myriad of stars detonated behind your closed eyes; Heart racing as though it is being chased by something that would guarantee it from ever beating, thumping against the rib cage at a brush of his hand.
Huening Kai murmured a quick apology, moving his hands onto the metal chains. The downside of his closed palms slightly touching your closed fists: an action that wouldn’t have affected you anyway, just ten minutes ago, but now it was a whole different conversation. Huening Kai just broke open Pandora's box, and you were the one suffering.
You were only one step, one innocent touch, away from experiencing all nine stages of grief in front of your ex-cush and current best friend, “Do you think we would have still been together?”
“I would hope so,” Huening Kai answered truthfully, he let go of the swing when felt it was a safe enough distance,”But your boyfriend might not like that idea.”
An impish smile decorated Huening Kai’s lips: he was aware of the fact that you currently had no boyfriend; a fact which you had no idea of. Truthfully he’s just testing the waters.
“I have no boyfriend!” You yelled out from above. Huening Kai smirked, quickly doing a congratulatory fist pump, and fixed his posture, pushing you back up when you came down. Thankfully, he was standing behind you so he didn't have to hide his grin and appear as if someone injected anesthesia into his lips while trying to hide it.
“Do you want one?”
If your heart skimped on doing it’s only one job which essentially runs your body, you might just admit yourself in a cardiac specialized clinic, and stamp the bill onto Huening Kai’s forehead. This time, before he could push you again, you screamed for him to stop and turned back to get a better look at the man.
And that bastard looked as though he was enjoying this. You were  now sure that your ex crush and current best friend is in fact a sadist.
Huening Kai bent down to look you in the eyes, 
"Do you want one?” He repeated his question; this time a little bit slower, a bit more earnest and an amped up sexual appeal which his 16 year self never could even if he plucked up the courage.
You were the first one to break eye contact, as you narrowed your eyes. You got up and stood in front of him, now looking up at him with your arms crossed, before booking it and running out of the playing ground. But in a comical turn of events, you hadn’t noticed the pull up bar in the dark and fell back within a second. If the pain wasn’t enough, the embarrassment was enough reason for you to dig a hole into the ground and bury yourself into it.
“Hey you okay?!”
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“You couldn’t wait till I got discharged?” You deadpanned, touching the bandage on your forehead that you had acquired from last night’s mishap. 
“No,” Huening Kai quickly responded before pouting his lips to blow onto the spoonful of soup and took it towards you—which you consumed without any words. He had a content smile on his face, pulling his personal handkerchief out  and wiping the corner of your lips.
“I think for our first date,”  Huening Kai looked around, acknowledging the romantic setting of a plain hospital room, “This is pretty iconic.”
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© itgirlgyu. feedbacks are always appreciated!!!
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lonelyskeletonflower · 7 months
Scar-crossed Lovers
my very first serious fanfiction, in English nonetheless lol. I wrote this last night after uni fueled by the power of hyperfixations (FOB's music) and the fact that I miss playing BG3 (I'm stuck + no time to play because of uni)
1,5k; spoilers for the end of the game. transmasc tav (they/them). based on FOB lyrics. hurt no comfort (okay a bit of comfort)
It was a rare, calm night, after a long, tiring day. The sky was clear, and the moon was big and comforting. The stars seem to shine brighter, lately, Astarion thought, as he lowered his gaze to look at the big wolf getting chased by Scratch around the camp. The big wolf, his druid boyfriend. He allowed a soft smile to form on his lips, knowing that the other companions were busy, except for Karlach, who was watching the wolf and the dog play with a delighted expression. Her presence next to him definitely wasn’t the reason why he felt so warm inside, despite his condition. No, that warmth in his chest and the exceptional brightness of the stars those nights were caused by his blooming feelings for Kieran, who had just sat next to him, panting, still in wolf form.
“Are you done playing for tonight, darling?” he asked, stretching his hand out to pet the wolf’s fluffy head. Kieran replied with a sweet canine smile, wagging their tail.
Sweet. Yes. Kieran was, indeed, quite sweet. And not just that; they were many things. Brave, for instance, always ready to face any danger on their path, and fierce in battle, and strong, and attractive, and compassionate, smart, sensitive, loyal, caring, good. Astarion hated how much of a good person they were, it was almost nauseating, at least when they first met. He knew people had taken advantage of their goodness their entire life, Kieran had told him about it with a pained smile on their pretty face, and yet the druid never really strayed from being good, from the desire to do good, to help people, even when they didn’t deserve it. That didn’t mean, though, that being used like that didn’t leave any emotional scars on their soft soul, and that was what made them strong. He hated and loved that at the same time. He loved Kieran, as reluctant as he was to admit it, even to himself. He’d never expected that, in the process of getting the druid to fall for him and win their protection, he would catch feelings for them, but there he was, in love with someone so infuriatingly good at heart.
He wasn’t the only one, of course, who felt something for the redhead. Kieran was so lovable and loving, they’d been with Karlach, and Wyll, and even Lae’zel couldn’t resist them, and he saw the way Shadowheart looked at them; Halsin, too, had let them know that they could drop by his tent anytime, and not just to talk about the Oak Father and other druid things. Nevertheless, Kieran longed for him. Astarion. The kind-hearted hero wanted to give their love to him, who was no hero and definitely not much of a good person. The fact that he refused to share them with anybody else, someone good like them, was certainly proof of his selfishness.
He petted the wolf some more, then wished Karlach good night and got up to go to his tent, followed by the wolf. They snuggled up together in Astarion’s bedroll.
“Could you stay like this, tonight?” asked Astarion. Kieran answered by wagging their tail.
It was much easier to be alone with his thoughts at night without seeing that sweet face in the dark. Even in the dark their goodness made them glow, a light as painful as the sun before the tadpole. But could he really live without light again?
“Dream sweet of me” he whispered, gently scratching the wolf between the ears. Kieran licked his cheek. Soon enough, they were softly snoring.
Astarion sighed. At first, he had thought they only desired his body, they were infatuated with that handsome face (he didn’t need to see his reflection to know that, because nothing could change his beauty… right?), just like his victims; but Kieran had shown him that they genuinely loved him for him, handsome face and nice body and perfect hair and scars and selfishness and dark past and being a vampire and- they loved everything about him, good and bad. They believed in his goodness, although he doubted there was any left in him, after everything Cazador had put him through.
He kept going back to that first night with the druid, after the party, how they went straight to his tent instead of spending the night with Karlach, or Lae’zel, or Halsin, and how they kept coming back, how they kept choosing him over everybody else. Kieran was pretty messed up, too, to love someone like him, even after knowing Astarion’s plan to seduce them so they would protect him. How did they manage to remain a sunbeam, since they were so messed up? That was a mystery. But it was only fair that two messed up people had ended up together. Maybe they deserved each other.
Maybe, he thought, cautiously, I could get used to this. To their love.
He pressed a kiss against his boyfriend’s head and buried his hands in their fur. Having Kieran sleep in his tent, whether in an animal form or in human form, made him feel safe. An unfamiliar feeling, but not an unpleasant one.
Yeah, I could really get used to this.
It was over. Cazador was dead. He had ascended. He was free. Free! He didn’t have to hide any longer. He didn’t have to live in fear anymore. He had power and everything he wanted – everything but one thing. The only thing that motivated him to find Cazador again and kill him: Kieran.
After Astarion had completed the ritual, he thought everything would be perfect: control, power, love, and no more fear. But Kieran had left him, saying that they thought they were more than a pet to Astarion. And they were so much more than a pet to him, they were the reason he finally felt alive after two hundred years. Weren’t they supposed to be aeterna amantes? And yet he couldn’t stop them from leaving.
He could live in the light again, forever, yet he preferred the darkness. There was no point in being in the light without his light. His sunbeam.
And suddenly, there they were. Kieran was there, right in front of him, in their human form. Astarion wanted to run to them, hug them, kiss every single one of their freckles, greet them with “hello, my sweet”. Instead, he waited for them to say something.
“Astarion” they said. Their eyes were filled with sadness. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah” he agreed. I miss you, he wanted to say. “What brings you here?”
Kieran opened their mouth to say something, then changed their mind and closed it again, only to clear their throat and finally speak.
“I wanted to talk.”
“Talk” Astarion smirked. “What about? Regretting your decision?”
The druid tortured their bottom lip with their teeth for a moment.
“I don’t regret it, seeing how you are now. Who you are” they replied, locking eyes with their former lover.
“I’ve always been like this. This is who I’ve always been. And you knew it.”
Kieran shook their head, red hair gently falling on their face.
“You’re not the person I knew. You’re not the man I fell in love with anymore” they said, calmly wiping away a solitary tear that rolled down their cheek. Astarion felt incredibly angry and incredibly sad at the same time.
“I don’t think he ever existed” he retorted, flatly. “You just wanted to see something that wasn’t there.”
The hero of Baldur’s Gate looked extremely dejected.
“I guess you’re right. I never learn my lesson, uh? I’m sorry.”
Astarion looked away, uncomfortable.
“I still think that hiding somewhere behind this image you’ve created for yourself there’s the Astarion I love” Kieran added, slowly. “I love you. I cannot be with you, but I do love you. And I’m yours ‘til the earth starts to crumble.”
The vampire laughed bitterly, choking on tears that he refused to cry.
“We’re scar-crossed lovers, forever” he said. “These scars we bear will always keep us apart, no matter how used to them we get.”
Kieran took one step closer. Astarion did too. Their lips met one last time. Their faces were wet.
“I thought you believed in having control over your life” whispered the druid, but they didn’t mean it. They knew their relationship was doomed.
“I thought you believed anything can be healed or fixed” whispered back Astarion, and he found himself meaning it.
“What happened to ‘scar-crossed lovers, forever’?”
“What happened to aeterna amantes?” Astarion smiled weakly, gently wiping away Kieran’s tears. “I’m struggling to exist with you… and without you, darling.”
It was the redhead’s time to laugh with desperation and a tiny bit of hope.
“Is this our fate? A relationship that will never work, but a love that will always bring us back to one another?” they asked, looking for Astarion’s eyes. In the darkness of the place, they glowed with love… and a tiny bit of hope.
“Oh, my sweet.”
They embraced each other, feeling finally safe and at home again, as the dawn of a new day brought a few soft rays of sun onto them.
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sakkiichi · 1 year
MATCHUP FOR MY DEAR @yourangel137
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Suzy, love, I really do hope you like this <3 thank you so much for trusting me with your info, it really helped me determine your best match 🌸
I took into account your personality traits, your preferences and your hobbies, once again I hope I managed to write this according to your expectations.
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your genshin impact match is the embodiment of both the sun and the moon: bright and welcoming, yet with a depth of magnetism and mystery if you look just beyond the surface. Although carefree and extremely charming at first glance, don’t let his allure misguide you: he is extremely caring and protective, going to any lengths needed if he so must just to keep you safe. he is definitely the kind to provide conversations for hours, his variety of topics never boring, as if casting a spell over you, you could listen to him endlessly. but because duality clings to him in flames and shadows, he is a dedicated listener as well, refusing to drop the topic until you’re done with all that troubles you.
well, you might have already guessed who’s starring in today’s performance, no? However, let us rise the curtains and meet…
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Closed off and leaning on the shyer side are no setbacks at all to Fontaine’s famed magician. Lyney is very curious about you, and all the beautiful secrets hiding behind quiet words and that bashful smile of yours.
Adept in the art of performing, he is also a pro at making you feel comfortable around him; be it his playful yet sincere smiles, the little magic tricks he performs for you or just the enigmatic warmth he radiates, you feel safe around Lyney.
You mention you’re family-oriented and love animals. Lyney is someone who cherishes his family deeply, as proven by his devotion to Lynette and Freminet, he’d literally go to hell and back again for them, and for you. So seeing that same trait reflected in your character as well makes his heart beat in ways he didn’t believe possible before; this is definitely different from being under someone else’s protection… is this what they call love?
Getting hurt by someone else’s words shouldn’t be a problem if you’re dating Lyney. He reads people quite well, plus his speech and mannerisms are inherently enchanting; gentle with you in a playful and mischievous way that makes you feel like royalty (he’d be damned if he didn’t make it known how special you are to him).
Forgiving and giving others chances are qualities of yours that I believe would be beneficial to Fontaine’s beloved illusionist. His past is not exactly the most easy to stomach, and he certainly won’t come clean about it at first. But with the time and nurturing you give him, you both will figure things out together.
After all, that’s the love song written in cursive for you in the distant starlight…
Reflections of the universe seem to sift through your fingers as you comb through his hair.
The night is quiet, as if waiting with bated breath for the greatest show to start.
In his lover’s lap, a magician lays the riddles of his magic, unspoken spells coming alive with no wave of wand when he’s around you.
“Does this feel good, Lyney?” You softly utter, fireflies stilling on flowerbeds, spectators of the sweet tale unfolding.
Eyes of lumidouce blooms conceal behind snowy lashes, not in the impenetrable way of the rings of fire he set aflame when painful memories were unearthed, no; but in a serene manner, as if the magic he commands was born from your touch.
“Mm, ma chérie…” Your beloved hums, stardust dotting his fine visage. “It does… but I know a way to make it even better…”
“Oh?” You smile at him, your movements continuing, as your free hand is tenderly caught by his.
“Sing for me, angel.” He whispers, gaze now focused solely on you. Because now, and always, Lyney couldn’t care less about the audience, as long as you were standing there, starry eyed and smiling.
“But Lyney…” Heat spreads through your cheeks, akin to a flock of doves set free from inside a mage’s hat. “Are you sure…?” You tentatively venture, the rhythm of your heart picking pace, already dancing to the symphony to be sung.
“Completely, my rose.” Your boyfriend offers, reassuring you with a gentle squeeze to your hand.
“A-alright…” You hesitate for an instant, and then, the true magic begins. Honeyed notes fill the auditorium of you and him, butterflies and nightingales swaying to your waltz; pluie lotus and romaritime flowers seem to come alive under the veil of your melody, almost glowing in the dim starlit lake; even the moon has appeared to lend an ear, her shawl of misty clouds opening up to the view of this private stage.
This must be what true love feels like. Is the thought flashing through the magician’s mind, his body feeling weightless, nectarine warmth wrapping tenderly around him.
As your song continues, your vocal chords loosen, the passion that you sometimes conceal spreading its fiery wings, flying you both to the faraway stars.
Instants like this one, where your truest feelings become center stage… That’s the greatest show to your partner.
What else could he need, when he has the night and your angelic voice all to himself?
And what more could you want, when the lines of his face look so utterly at peace?
This is your own idyll, its gates open only by the incantation of his lips on yours.
Another reason that made me choose Lyney as your genshin match is because of his caring nature. The famous magician will not, under any circumstance, allow you to forget to take care of yourself. As seen when he interacts with his family, Lyney is naturally shielding towards them, their wellbeing a priority to him. And that, of course, applies to you too.
Be it because of large crowds, too much stimulation from the environment or any other reason, Lyney somehow always manages to appear just in time to hold your hand. If you need to, he’ll hug you tight, as you bury your head in the crook of his neck, his pyro vision offering a comforting warmth to fend the cool seeping into your bones.
Lyney thinks it’s absolutely adorable that you enjoy childish things: from pretty dresses to plushies, to cute accessories, rest assured he’ll either make them appear right before your very eyes or buy them for you (I mean, he earns enough as a performing magician, but even if that wasn’t the case, seeing you happy is worth more than any amount of mora).
Your hobbies quite align with Lyney’s lifestyle too. Crocheting is one of your passions, so I can definitely see him including the plushies you sew in magic tricks he performs for children. Their smiles as they hold the dolls you make in their little hands are truly adorable.
Alternatively, I can imagine you giving stuffed animals to some of Fontaine’s less favored children, our star magician smiling melancholy and fondly, completely in love with the kindness you radiate (that could be how you met/your first interaction, with him being absolutely whipped from the first moment).
As for qualities you seek in a significant other, well, he definitely fits plenty of them: he’s shorter than you (and he’d melt every time you kiss his forehead); he can be both mature and playful, he just won’t shut up (affectionate), but knows when to be serious and lend an ear too; he’ll keep you safe without a doubt, plus he’s familiar with the night life in the city; you’d have to chase him a little too, he may seem all smiles and sunshine, but let me tell you, there’s shadows to unfold as you get to know him more. Even so, he’ll open up to you and be honest, it just might take him a while.
As for the insecurities you harbor, Lyney will be sure to make them vanish with a snap of fingers: he’s a natural charmer, his compliments leaving you speechless in the best way every time. Oh, and yes, he definitely takes that chance to steal a kiss or two hehe (don’t blame him, he loves you too much).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Other matches I considered: Kaedehara Kazuha, Childe.
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She, too, fits most of your preferences.
She is very protective. I’m telling you, all hell will break loose if anyone ever dares harm you or make you uncomfortable.
Shenhe is mysterious, not letting many people close to her. But the lucky ones who get to truly know her (that is, obviously, you) are rewarded with one of the gentlest souls ever.
You mention you’d find someone both childish and mature interesting. While not exactly childish, Shenhe is still learning about many things from the human world. Her cluelessness is quite adorable at times.
I believe too that your soothing nature and fondness for childish things pair very well with her more detached and closed off self.
In a modern au, I know Shenhe would undoubtedly be the type to win a huge teddy bear or any big plushie you’d like at a fair.
She is not familiar with the concept of music, so wouldn’t it be beautiful, for her to learn about it by listening to your voice? The way her eyes sparkle, dawn rays over frozen streams, is enough to mesmerize you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Other matches I considered: Raiden Ei, Ganyu.
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
Can I request Luke Skywalker falling in love with a fem!reader who feels down after being bullied for many years? Please???
You Are Important, You Are Enough
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Pairing: Luke Skywalker x fem!reader
Summary: When Luke finds reader upset after being bullied after so many years, he tries to comfort her
Word Count: 868
Warnings: fluff? Angst? Bullying?
A/n: So this is so bad and so late! But thanks for requesting and thanks for waiting! Hope you enjoy!
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Looking at [Name], Luke has never failed to find beauty in the girl. From the moment they met, all those years ago when he first attended a meeting with the rebels, he knew that he wanted her in his life for as long as he lives.
Their meeting was not smooth but after a few laughs and many weeks spent in rebel bases, as well as the destruction of the death star, the two had become close friends. Long weeks spent in the icy quarters and meeting rooms of Echo Base on Hoth were unbearable for Luke, and were only made better by [Name].
[Name] was like his light in the dark, the sun to his moon, his kyber crystal to his lightsaber, his warmth in the frigid cold. The girl was kind to all, always taking everyone’s thoughts and feelings into account. Which, as the war raged on, was becoming more and more difficult.
[Name], although tried to get on well with all on the base, felt some resistance to her kindness by a group of technicians. These technicians worked hard and for long periods of time and thus were often more irritable. [Name] understood this and while she tried to be extra understanding giving their commitment to the cause, this didn’t shield [Name] from their relentless bullying.
[Name] has working with the rebels for a few years now and this very same bullying from the very same people, started right when she joined. The would call her names, calling her useless, making fun of the way she looked, the way her clothes fit on her, the whole nine clicks. And [Name] tried to remain focused on the cause and her job in the rebellion for all of the years she had to endure it. She did it well too. She made sure that she never retaliated, never making them upset, never truly given them a reason to bully her.
But today it finally got to her. And Luke could see that.
While he hadn’t been working with her for long, Luke saw the way she held herself after walking past a group of them. He swore to himself if he ever saw himself any of them making fun of [Name], he would make sure they had fresher cleaning duties.
Today, he noticed her all day. She was quiet, sullen, and definitely moping. He watched her confidence and bright smile fade as the day went on. He was heart broken.
It was only at the end of the day that he could approach her. She was sat in her quarters, a quiet, small space where he knew that she knew no one else would be. The rooms the rebellion gave were either very small or shared with many others.
The sliding doors opened to reveal his concerned eyes. He carefully approached, sitting beside her careful, hoping not to scare her off. He sat there for a moment while she sniffled. He hoped that she would start, so that she would not feel pressured into saying anything.
After a moment, [Name] gathered herself. Looking up at him hesitatingly, eyes still wet with ready tears, begging for comfort.
“I know, I know,” He cooed, cradling her head into his chest. He hand stroked her cheek as he muttered soft, comforting words into her ears.
“You are so wonderful.” He brushed a hand over her forehead, before moving to wipe the tears from her face.
“Don’t listen to their silly words, they have no idea what they are saying.” His other hand was wrapped tight around her back, holding her secure in place.
“You are too special, kind, and wonderful to ever have to hear the things that come out of their mouths.” He sighed into [Name]’s head, kissing the top of it gently.
He pulled back, sure to connect his gaze with hers.
“Do you know how important you are?” He asks, eyes showing no intention of letting her answer that.
“Not to just the rebellion, because even too that you are in-expendable,” He muses, smiling warmly at her teary face, still a firm but gentle hold on her back.
“But to the people that love you. The people that care so deeply for you. To me.” He smiles, looking down for a beat before looking back in [Name]’s eyes.
“Do you know how important you are to me?” Luke’s gaze is soft and loving in the most wonderful way. He looks at her as if he is holding the plans to the death star himself. He looks at her as if he is watching a star be born. [Name] is everything to him.
“You are enough, [Name],” He states, there is no hint of deception in his voice, only pure adoration.
“You are enough,” He pulls her to his lips slowly, taking his time to watch her expressions. Only when her eyes flutter closed, does he connect their lips. The kiss is full of passion, full of love, and full of insecurity. Insecurity that melts away as soon as Luke brings her closer, bringing her flushed against him.
When they separate with staggering breaths, all [Name] feels is adoration. The technicians be damned, because she has Luke Skywalker.
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A/n: Thanks so much for reading! Have a nice day, lovely!
Tag list: @luvlykrispy
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"How though?"
"How what?"
"How did you know?"
Will laughs. "Know what?"
Nico just looks at him. All his life his disjointed thoughts and ineptitude with words were met with irritation and ridicule; sometimes even a ruler to his stinging fingers. Here, however? In camp, everyone's thoughts run away from them. Everyone obsesses over the stuff that doesn't matter while at the same time forgetting the things that do. Even literal deities are unable to form a single sensible sentence most of the time. He's finding that being around people can be actually fun when he doesn't have to keep himself in check at all times. Who would've thought.
Will's smile widens, less private than before but still equally sincere. "You're staring."
Nico blinks. Once. Twice. Realizes he truly has been staring at Will's freckled face for however long. "Yeah." Nods. "I know". Makes no move to change that fact. Will stares back. His freckles are even more noticeable over the flushing cheeks.
This is perhaps the most noticeable change. It's no wonder Will Solace is no combatant because that boy is the living antithesis of subtlety. ("My father is the god of the sun. AND truth." is his excuse whenever Nico teases him about it. He even pretends to buy it sometimes: a true testament to how far their friendship has come)
So he didn't think much would change, when he arrived at the infirmary on the afternoon of the very same day (there was nothing Nico hated more than being forced to change his routine), only to immediately be confronted by the head medic himself.
"You'd tell me if I made you uncomfortable, right?", fingers nervously playing with bright blond hair. And Nico couldn't help it: he laughed. Did Will truly think that Nico wasn't used to the looks and the smiles and the touches? Did he genuinely believe he was good at hiding it?! Then, because he enjoyed being a bit of an asshole: "Just tell me what y'all so desperately need help with." As if he didn't willingly go into the infirmary every day, regardless of how necessary his presence actually was.
Will had asked again "just to be sure" and Nico had rolled his eyes because if it hadn't bothered him then, why should it do so now?
And then.
And then Will just...looked at him. Didn't scratch at his nose to try to hide the smile. Didn't pretend to to have some super important issue on the other side of the room in a poor attempt to stop Nico from seeing the look of pure adoration he was currently wearing. As if Nico had personally hung the sun and the stars and any other number of celestial bodies. "This okay?" voice quiet and a bit out of breath. Nico hoped the warmth he could feel on his cheeks wasn't visible. It feels powerful, having so much unhidden affection directed at his person. A bit impossible, that the target of all that is truly him. "The only thing making me uncomfortable is you asking the same question over and over and over". The answer lacked any bite - he hadn't expected his own voice to come out breathless as well.
Impossibly, Will's smile became even more sincere, his gaze even softer. "The Hermes Cabin is currently at the climbing wall, and today is lava day, so we'll definitely need some more bandages for the inevitable burns we'll be treating" he'd explained, with the solemnity of a man speaking his wedding vows. And then, as if summoned, the first victim of the lava wall limped into the infirmary; and then Will disappeared to help her; and then Nico focused his attention on his beloved menial task; and then everything was the same as it had always been; except.
Except that every time Nico looked up Will would already be staring, with flushed cheeks and an infatuated smile.
So there was a difference, turned out, between catching it from the corner of your eye and having it directed at you on purpose. He started noticing more things, now that Will wasn't trying to hide it anymore. How Will bit his lips when Nico was particularly excited about something; how Will always had an extra hair tie on hand for when Nico got irritated with the strands constantly on his face; how Will fiddled with said hair ties whenever Nico used his powers, as if the awe he was feeling (for it could not be anything else) was too big to contain inside his body. Much as Nico loathed to admit, the stolen glances truly had been subtle. Comparatively speaking, that is.
He may not understand it, but it's....nice. Flattering, definitely. Whether it is because he is just a genuinely nice guy or because everyone knows that they will eventually be under his care, Will is without a doubt one of the most well-liked demigods in camp. And if one of the most popular guys here is so obviously and unashamedly enamored with him... That must mean something, right?
Sometimes, when he lies on his bed and his cabin is empty and he can't fall asleep and his thoughts try to eat him alive, he'll think of these moments. He feels a bit guilty about it, using Will's feelings as a shield like that, but it also helps. And Will would probably appreciate that. Helping people. Helping him.
How can I be unlovable, he'll think, when Will looks at me like that, just for breathing. How can I be terrifying, he'll wonder, when Will acted like that when he saw me summon that skeleton rabbit yesterday. How can I not belong here, he'll ask, when Will visibly relaxes whenever it is just us, alone, together.
In the romcoms and dramas he watches in secret, love confessions are always an ultimatum. Either the person loves them back, or they don't. Either they stay in the show, or get a last slow motion shot set to sad music before being written out forever. Nico knows that Will is in love with him. Will knows that Nico knows that he is in love with him. And Nico never gave him an answer. Nico knows he cares for Will. Sometimes he even thinks that it could be, though more often he knows it isn't. Most of the time he realizes it doesn't matter. They are friends, and it's good.
(Sometimes he even considers finishing the conversation. I don't think I'm in love with you, Will, he'd say. I don't think I've ever been in love with anyone. But he is still scared of losing him, of being written out of Will's life and out of camp, and so they continue in this limbo. It isn't bad. And sometimes, when the sun is setting and they are sitting together on the riverbank and Will's hair looks as if it was spun out of pure gold; sometimes, when he looka at him and he'll already be looking back and it will feel as if Zeus's fist has come alive with the sole purpose to squeeze his heart to death; sometimes, when he'll allow Will to envelop him in a hug and a part of him will want this moment to last forever, he thinks this is the closest I'll ever come. And it's good. Not good enough, just good.)
(His biggest fear is being alone and right now he isn't. So he doesn't need romance. He doesn't need to cling to Will when the other clearly has no plans of letting go. Sometimes this in-between feels safer than steady ground.)
"So, how did I know?"
This time it's Nico's turn to be confused. "How did you know what?"
Will laughs. Then he asks if Nico wants to hear about the medicinal uses of the dandelion.
Nico's heart doesn't beat faster when he looks at Will. His belly doesn't squirm. He feels...calm, which seems much preferable to all of the above anyways.
Nico doesn't care about dandelions. He nods anyways.
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
Can you write headcanons of gotham scarecrow in summer with his s/o 😩?
Gotham Scarecrow in summer with his s/o
Hello dear, I hope you're doing well. Of course I can write headcanons of our dear Jonathan in summer with his s/o!
But first let me apologize for the awful delay, I am so sorry about it and want to smash my own head against a wall since I know how frustrating it is to not receive any answer to a request. So, again, sorry!
Warning: just my bad English I think... sorry about it, I'm working on it!
Word Count: 543
Now, here it is:
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🎃 First, a picture: Jon and you at the beach, both seated under a huge parasol on one enormous Halloween themed towel. You, in our favorite swimsuit, and dear Jonathan with this one:
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🎃He has a super-sensitive skin so always take some sunscreen with you, especially now, for your date at the beach. He would want you to apply it on his skin, arguing that you'll have to put it on his neck anyway so please, just help him with the rest. Plus, the sun is too bright and his eyes too sensitive so he can't see very well and doesn't want to miss a spot *cough* liar *cough*
🎃Because of his "sensitive eyes" never forget to bring a straw hat. They have to be protected at all times as well as his head. Even with his mask on, Scarecrow as red as a tomato would ruin all dramatic and horrific effect. You know it, he knows it, so hat and sunscreen always in your bag.
🎃I don't know why but I'm pretty sure Jonathan doesn't support the hot weather very well. If his hideout doesn't have AC, don't be too surprised to find him on the cool floor in nothing but his underwear, and groaning about how he's not gonna make it.
🎃He can be a little baby, especially with you since it means you'll pamper and spoil him rotten.
🎃Make sure to at least bring a fan to help him, or he's going to melt on the floor.
🎃If you like to cook or make home-made ice-cream, cold dishes, or treats like watermelon smoothies, he'll definitively help you. He's good at cooking since, for him, it's a bit like chemistry. Plus he likes to do couple things with you, and making cute little watermelon cubes will bring a smile on his face.
🎃He's not very confident in water or with water games since it means being outside and without his costume. He'll do it to make you smile but will be glued to you, too afraid to look people around directly in the eyes.
🎃 Any indoors activity, he will be happy to participate. He would be delighted if you help him improve his villain costume to make it more summer-friendly.
🎃He loves when both of you are outside at night, enjoying the cool air and watch the stars, protected by the darkness of the night. If you are afraid of the dark, though, he'll make sure to light a cute little pumpkin lamp and put it next to you.
🎃If nights are cool, he would be too happy to cuddle and bring you warmth. He would never say it aloud, since he's too shy for this, but he likes how your pajamas show more skin and allow him to touch your skin directly.
🎃If nights are hot… well, sorry for you dear, because he is CLINGY and wouldn't want to let you space, don't worry, though. He would be too happy to offer to take a shower with you to help you wash the grim. Clin-gy.
🎃He likes when summers slowly start to end, the leaves slowly turning yellow and orange, and his favorite season is upcoming.
🎃He would be super-excited and would love to share his plans with you: how to decorate the house, what movies he wants to watch waiting for Halloween and during Halloween, what costume you'd like to wear… He will also talk about his grand villain's plans, but only if you're comfortable with it.
🎃He can't wait to harvest the pumpkin both of you planted months earlier and watched so carefully to carve them with you!
A/N - I hope you liked it dear. Have a beautiful day/night and take care! 👻🎃
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jackdup · 3 months
Us rolling over over here with a handful of stars and hearts to spread all over when you deserve all of the best!!! Sammyyyy it must be said that you are truly one of the coolest and sweetest folks to exist ever!!! You're always very kind and lovely to us and those around you. Anyone would be so blessed to get to meet you and have you as a friend. Your presence is as warm as the sun and bright as infinite stars! Whenever we get a notification or a reply from you, it's like getting a quick happy hug! I always get so happy when we see you on dash or notifs while we always wish you the best of all. It's always an absolute joy chatting with you as well while I enjoy all of our conversations that we have so far. Your portrayals are wonderful, also! You're so passionate and dedicated to every muses you pick up, I'm constantly amazed by the endless love and care you put out in their dialogues, personalities, general headcanons, etcetera. Like with Timothy for an example, I can always be able to envision him perfectly from your incredible writings and even your headcanons speak volume of his character so amazingly well. Truly, do you make everything and everywhere so much more funner and brighter. No places can be the same without ya! The world needs more kind folks like you. We're super duper happy we could meet and befriend ya, Samstar! You're so amazing. Thank you for being an amazing friend and person overall! We're sending you so much love and light, always!!! 💖✨💖✨💖✨
@devours || ‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
(/ε\*) you guuuuuys !!! 💖
first of all, did you just . . . know I was heading into a bad week or something? (◕‸ ◕✿) i s2g, the timing for this sweet and most loving message is insane in the way that you legit sent it right when i needed it and i'm legit in shock over that gnhajogdhnjao you're truly too incredible in too many ways and i cannot even being to express how much this means to me in general, but especially right now—
thank you thank you thank you!! (⺣◡⺣)♡*
i realize i'm a broken record at this point, but i do in turn want you to know how much you guys mean to me and how grateful i am that i met you ! (´⌣`ʃƪ) you're one of the first people i've engaged in a long thread with on timmy's account, and i'll never forget how welcoming and supportive you were from the very start (and continue to prove to be!). it warms my heart that not only were tim and micah able to just so immediately click together, but we as their writers had the same thing happen, and it really lends itself to a long-term friendship here that i'm so excited to have the privilege to pursue with you! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
your talent is immeasurable, okay? i can't possibly say that enough. your presence is always a warmth on my dash i value so much, and i love that you're always just so pleasant and encouraging to all of your rp partners. it's something this site definitely needs more of, so thank you for setting a great example for all of us. ♡
sending so much love and light back atcha! thank you again so so much for this sweet message! it's definitely brightened a stressful week!
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uummi · 1 year
Written for @dicktimweek 2023
Day 5: First Crush/Love | Dick learns Tim is his soulmate after Damian Gains Robin | BAMF Tim Drake
Words Count: 1649
Title: Black Dahlia
Pairing: Dick Grayson/Tim Drake
Warnings: Implied Character Death| Implied Reverse Robins AU| Implied Joker Junior AU
Dick was a naturally gifted master of performance
Perhaps the fact that he opened his eyes in a show where the led lamps illuminating the interior of the tent gave the feeling of the soft shadow of the moon and the noise of applause served as a lullaby was one of the reasons why he had this habit
Even when he was a baby bird that was too small to carry his parents in the sky with his own wings, he invited people to the show of their lives with his bright smile on his face, enjoyed the smell of excitement spreading around with pleasure
But every art had an inspiration, like that his father and mother had painted their canvas, before they met which was a blank piece of white brick, using the colors of the rainbow they had collected while floating
Dick, on the other hand, has his own in the blue eyes of an older boy he met by chance one day
A boy with a huge camera that looks big on tiny but obviously very painful calloused hands and a small but strong shining smile like a star
Timothy Drake...
It all started on a summer day when he turned 5 and it was going to be determined whether he would start accompanying his parents to their shows
That's why it wasn't a strange situation when everyone was running around with celebration supplies from a month ago, or talking about the childhood of the acrobat who made the sun jealous with their excited tones to each other
For Dick, on the other hand everything was a mess because he still hadn't figured out how to do his family's special move
Even if he felt his muscles crying with pain every day, he worked late into the night and even sometimes gave up sleeping and continued his training, nothing he did was working
He could see that his parents were looking at him with sadness so he was starting to get scared now
What if he fails and his parents start denying Dick's existence? What was he going to do then, he didn't have another family
He didn't want to be alone...
As a result, although he knew that everyone was waiting for him, he decamped through the caravans and started running towards the wooded area next to where the circus decided to stay
He had no strength left to endure this expectation any longer...
He also did not believe that anyone would try to find him, which is perhaps why the thin fingers touching his shoulder caused him to scream
Ice blue eyes that would melt with warmth nevertheless complement the body dressed in red clothes and looked at it with such sincerity that Dick believed for a moment that he was an extremely important person
'Why are you crying, are you hurt?'
He touched his hand to the point where his eyelids were, and when he felt the wetness, he made a surprised sound towards the air because he was not even aware that the tears had regained their freedom
The boy began to speak as if he had never removed the question he was asking from his thin lips while Dick was trying to wipe the wetness off his face, and the other was trying to ignore them after a caress with the hand he placed on his knee
Also Dick was having new thoughts about the beauty of the being in front of him every passing second
The more Timmy talked, I told you to call me Tim why are you already trying to find a nickname when I have one, Dick was starting to calm down a little more. Two of them even started bouncing stones in the lake opposite where they were sitting
At the end of about an hour, the younger boy began to explain what the situation that was bothering him was
In fact, he was just waiting for a conversation consisting of sentences indicating how upset they were or that such a thing would definitely not happen
It happened to everyone else like this
So the response he received in return was the last thing he expected
'Do you want me to teach you?'
In response to his incredulous looks, the teenager with straight black hair said that he really had a great teacher and that he was trying to learn all the movements that attracted his interest after his training with him
And even before his sentence was finished, he presented a perfect work of art
A special show for only certain people, like a bird flying at night
He was so lucky...
Timmy gave him tips to perfect the movement for a while, and Dick felt that after a long time he was really ready to fly
Dick wanted to give something on top of that, but what could it be?
For a few seconds, his eye was caught on the camera, which Tim did not let go of for a long time. With the idea that came to his mind, he tried to find a suitable angle by taking the machine left by the tree in his hand
When he got the position he wanted, he quickly sat Tim down and settled into his lap
'Smile Timmy!'
The young boy complied with the request and also joined their cheeks and planted a small kiss on Dick's one at a moment when he was sure that the machine had caught
After both sides got their photos in their hands, the sounds of footsteps began to approach before Dick had a chance to say anything else
'Timothy, if you're done, let's go now. Don't keep father waiting any longer'
After the sound heard from a grown man, Dick, who saw that the young boy had provided his head and slowly began to advance his body, shouted in alarm
He didn't want it to end, he didn't want to leave Timmy's side!
'Watch me before you go!'
Tim's eyebrows rose into the air with a pleasant curl, and although Dick knew even from this that his cheeks were starting to blush, he did not disturb his determined posture
Upon these words, he became possessed of that image that did not come out of his dreams. The normally air-stitched hair scattered by the summer breeze closed the ice-blue eyes for a moment, the hand that did not hold the camera threw a few tufts behind the ear, and an angelic smile that pinched the sides of his face decorated the pink lips
Ah... He didn't want him go because he had fallen in love
He forgot about the fingers touching the top of his head, the arm dragging him towards the tent or the other boy he saw just for a second who called Timmy, and he wasn't fully himself until he reached his parents' side or even presented the Grayson family's special move
If Tim is able to do the Quadruple Somersault, wouldn't that make him a Grayson?
He was awakened from his thoughts by the kiss that his mother placed on his cheeks and greeted them gently in response to the sounds of applause
'My little Robin... We always knew you would make us proud'
He could look into his mother's smiling eyes and feel that he was starting to laugh through his aching cheeks, or he could relive how full of confidence his father's peaceful embrace was
Turning his head, he turned to Tim, who was standing at the end of the tent door. The young boy was waiting like being the most beautiful being he had ever seen, and he was kind of sending his congratulations by raising his thumb to him
And then he was gone before Dick could talk to him again
So Dick squeezed the photo he put in his pocket with all his might
The one which Tim kissed him...
Would he ever see him again, he wonder
This question continued to haunt his brain until the death show of his family. Every year, he would examine the people inside the tent before going on stage and would give Tim his art along with every beautiful feeling from his heart
Now the top of his canvas was covered with blood, a storm had broken in the sky he was flying
He closed his eyes and tried to eliminate the pain, but he just didn't know what to do
And then Dick felt startled by the hand placed on his shoulder as he cried, knowing that his parents' broken wings would never heal again and that their bodies, captured by wild animals, would be buried in the ground
Nevertheless, he raised his head, ignoring the drops floating from the tears that filled the blues
Opposite him was a young man whose hair reached to his shoulders. Although the hood was tightly covered, the green wires decorating the ends could be noticed
But the really noticeable part was perhaps the scars that turned the sides of his mouth into a horror movie scene. It's like someone put a knife through the tip of his lip and went to the last point he could go
As if this situation would prevent Dick from recognizing him...
The blue-green eyes opened in surprise and the decayed hands buried in his hair paused for a few seconds
Then the head area moved towards the shoulder with a slight curve. As if he didn't know what he was talking about
Dick remembered a news story he had read in one of the newspapers called the Joker attack in Gotham and what happened as a result, and realized that the stones had fallen into place
So while he was even more upset that everyone he loved had to suffer, he cried once again for all of the childhood he had lost
He was cursed...
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kaigarax · 2 years
To The Stars
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X-Drake x Reader
Quote: “Fall in love because of your similarities with another person.”
“Where are you going?” You asked.
He smiled, the same way you always did, “to the stars.”
Diez Drake has always been fond of you. Not just because you’re a nice person (though it highly contributes to it) but because you and him share quite a few similarities.
Of course you have your differences but your similarities have just always allowed the two of you to click.
The sky is bright today with the birds singing and the clouds slightly adrift. Yet the Marines are forced to sit inside a small and stuffy room as they go through a list of events they currently need to address.
Drake finds himself beside the window this morning.
He can almost hear the singing of the birds and splash of the waves against the Marine base. He can almost feel the warmth of the summer sun against his easily burnt skin.
Drake wonders if you would tease him if he came back from his next mission with a sunburn. You seem to always find enjoyment from his flustered reactions but have been rather quiet lately. You’re always quiet around this time of year. Despite the sun lingering in the sky longer and the breeze tasting sweeter you choose to hide yourself away.
You have always chosen to hide away this time of year and Drake can’t hide how much of a shame he thinks it is.
In his early years as a cadet Drake had been curious enough to ask someone about why. He didn’t ask you of course. He didn’t want to risk the chance of igniting some traumatic memories. So instead he asked Sengoku, your Grandfather.
It wasn’t a bad idea. No. It was even worse than a bad idea. An idea so horrible with consequences that Drake never believed he would be able to recover from. Of course time heals all wounds and it would eventually become something everyone would laugh about.
Not only had it been Drake’s first time informally speaking with the Fleet Admiral but it would also be the first time he would see (and make) him cry. Tears flowed freely from the Fleet Admiral’s eyes and Drake could only leave in a confused mess as Vice Admiral tried his best to console the crying man.
He eventually learned, from you, that it was the anniversary of your mother’s death. The anniversary of the Fleet Admrial’s late daughter’s death.
To this day Drake still finds it hard to look the Fleet Admiral in the face. On the bright side, at least Vice Admiral Garp always seems to get quite a good kick out of it.
Drake doesn't remember his own mother but his father certainly lingers in his mind. There are some days when Drake falls into a nightmare and thinks he’s back with his father’s horrible pirate crew. Those days are always the worst for him, regardless of the weather.
Your own concern mirrored Drake’s own.
You had gone around asking people about it before finally coming to ask him when your questioning yielded no results. You were horribly flushed (like he had been) and very apologetic when you asked.
He guessed back then that curiosity was also a weak point of yours.
You definitely hadn’t been able to look him in the face for a while.
Drake usually finds it easy to focus on the information being shared to the Marines but it's particularly hard today. Perhaps the sun's too hot, or his new cloak is hanging off his shoulders incorrectly.
Unlike Drake, your attention is fully on the topic at hand.
They’re discussing the newest bounties to the up and comers of the Pirate (and Revolutionary) world. Drake had never been a fan of Revolutionaries but he was even less so a fan of pirates. His own father was a pirate, and definitely not the good kind. Drake personally never thought there were good pirates but you had always insisted otherwise; and Drake always found it exceptionally hard to disagree with you.
“Try your best to stay awake,” you say while slightly nudging him.
“It’s not like we’ll ever see these pirates. They never make it to headquarters,” Drake smirks, “and it’s not like you’ll ever make it out of headquarters.”
You roll your eyes but Drake can tell you find amusement in the statement. Your corners of your lips are slanted upwards and your eyes soften.
Drake thinks it’s refreshing how don’t turn away embarrassed or get upset. Even if the words hurt you always try your best not to take it to heart. Especially if they’re true. And you know they’re true, after all you’ve always found it exceptionally hard to disagree with him.
You get horribly sea sick but it apparently hasn’t stopped you from wanting to become a Marine.
It’s definitely dumb from an outsider’s perspective but one could also argue for it being admirable. Drake doesn't think you’ll be able to last a short trip on a boat much less a journey into any of the four blues. He knows you’ve gone on long distance missions before but he’s personally never been on one with you. He doesn't know if you’re able to keep your meals down or not.
“Is there something funny, Diez?” Asks the Marine currently reading off a wanted poster. He’s a gruff and scruffy man with the Justice cape slung around his shoulders. He wears a full suite beneath his cloak of Justice. His gaze is stern as he burns holes into Drake’s eyes.
The rest of the room turns to look at Drake and yourself.
Unlike Drake and you, they’re all fresh faced Marines. Low ranking Seamen.
“Sorry,” you’re the first person to speak up, “I started a small conversation between Diez and myself. I had the intention of reminding Diez to stay focused on the task at hand but managed to get distracted myself. I’ll take the punishment in his place.”
The man standing at the front of the room sighs. He looks conflicted as he brings a hand to his face and says, “you’ll both be on cleaning duty Sengoku.”
“How pleasant~”
“And where do you think you’re going, Sengoku?”
You gave a smile, “to the stars~”
“Why do you want to become a Marine, Drake?” You asked, watching as the aforementioned boy continued punching the bag in front of him,
“Why do,” punch, “you,” punch, “care?”
“Isn’t it normal to care about what other people want to do? Isn’t it normal to ask your friends about why they’re doing what they’re doing? Especially when they’re working so hard to achieve something.”
Drake supposes you’re right.
But something seems off with your motive. It just seems so out of the blue for you to come up to him and ask a question like this.
You’re not a malicious person and the question actually doesn't seem to have anything bad tied to it. So Drake answers, “because I,” punch, “want,” punch, “to help,” punch, “people.”
“Well isn’t that a little cliche.”
“Hey?” Drake abruptly stopped, “what's wrong with cliches?”
“Nothing,” you shrug, “they’re just a little boring.”
Drake, after placing the punching bag down, moved to stand in front of you. His own form seems to tower over your own. Drake had been the same height as you when he first came to the Marines. It’s a little strange for him looking down on you now.
You seem to lean back a little as Drake gets closer to you and it boosts his confidence.
He smirks, “oh, and why are you becoming a Marine, Miss. Cliches are boring?” It’s rare to see you nervous and even rarer to see you actively back down from a challenge. Drake wonders if you even realise what you’re doing.
Your eyes meet with his own before you finally answer with, “well, I want to travel.”
“Wow.” Drake laughs, “and you say I’m cliche! Who doesn't want to see the world?”
You roll your eyes playfully, “trust me, I won’t be going anywhere you will.”
“And where do you plan on going?”
At the time, Drake hadn’t thought your next words would hold as much weight in his life as they would. He didn’t think that it would be the last thing you’d say to him for a long while in years to come. He didn’t think that those would be the words he’d cling to long after you were gone. And he most definitely didn’t think those words would be something he himself would use when the positions the two of you stood finally switched.
He didn’t think you even had an answer at the time.
Just when he had thought he held the upper hand over you. Just when he had assumed that this would finally be his chance to get payback for all the flushed cheeks you’ve given him over the years.
You seem to glow when you say those words. Your eyes light up and your face fills with determination. Drake is left in awe.
“To the stars~”
Cleaning duty is most definitely not pleasant and Drake thinks that you end up making more of a mess than you clean. You spend half the time throwing up over the side of the deck and the other half trying no to. It’s almost funny. Vice Admiral Garp certainly thinks it's funny as he watches you from shore.
You had originally been scheduled to clean the headquarters bathrooms until Vice Admiral Garp had learned of your punishment. He had mentioned something about ‘not visiting him last week’ and ‘making sure you get a real punishment’ before making some changes to the sheet.
He could almost see steam rise from your head in anger.
Drake feels just the tiniest bit of guilt ebb away at him, but only just a small bit. His time with you is pleasant and warm and he would rather spend an afternoon cleaning up after you than one without. You had begun training to be a Marine the same time as him and were the only one his age when he first arrived at headquarters.
The two of you had done almost everything together.
It would be weird when the two of you would finally be separated.
“Have you gotten your main assignment for the week?” Ask Drake as he takes a seat beside you and holds out a cup of water.
The two of you sat on the sandy beach on the edge of headquarters. After your punishment the two of you were given the rest of the day off. Drake suspects it’s mostly to make sure that you recover properly. Even the cruelest of Marines flash you looks of pity when they come across your seasick form.
“Yeah,” you take the cup from his hand, “what about you?”
Drake sighs, “yeah. I’m still stuck at headquarters. Just the normal guard duty. What are you doing?”
“Long distance assignment.” you say.
“Oh.” Drake frowns, “how long are you doing to be gone?”
You shrug, “six months maybe but it could be a whole year. Fleet Admiral Sengoku needs me on a… certain kind of mission.”
You’re always going on time based long mission like this. Drake feels those negative feelings begin to rise to the surface. As a higher ranked Marine, it makes sense that you would go on longer and harder missions than him. You’re more qualified. As someone close to the Fleet Admiral it makes sense that you would be trusted with information sensitive missions. You’re less likely to betray. But he’s still jealous.
“What do you think you’ll be doing there?” Ask Drake.
You sigh, “mostly investigation. I’m going undercover again. You know how it usually is for me.”
“At least you won’t actively be in danger.”
“But isn’t that the best part?”
“No.” Drake gives you a deadpanned look, “it most definitely is not the best part of it.”
You laugh, “agree to disagree.”
“So, where are you going?” Drake asks.
“To the stars.” you answer.
“Where are you going?” You asked.
He says the same words you always did, but he doesn't mean it the same way you have.
Truth be told, it had actually taken Drake quite a long time to read the meaning between your words. The young boyish part of him had always assumed you had meant it the same way you had when you first mentioned it. With shining eyes and a determined smile.
To the stars - I’ll see you around.
To the stars - where adventure is most ripe.
To the stars - somewhere I can’t tell you.
Now, he thinks, this is just another thing shared strictly between the two of you. Another thing that sends a smile to his face. He wonders if these words will also ring in your head as you lay in bed at night. If these words will replay in your head when you think of him.
Do you think of him too?
Will you see the hidden meaning behind his words?
He can only hope.
He smiled, the same way you always did, “to the stars.”
To the stars - I love you.
Fall in love because of your similarities with another person.
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magnoliacharmed · 2 years
Golden Boy
18+, Shawn Michaels x Billy Gunn one shot 
[Also available on Archive of Our Own!]
Word count: 5054
Tags: Angst with a happy ending, self esteem issues, implied drug use, blow jobs, masturbation, condomless sex, praise kink (guess who has it. just guess.)
Shawn Michaels' conflicting feelings for Billy Gunn are making his life a lot more difficult.
Looking briefly into Billy's gray-blue eyes earlier, Shawn had felt like the light was breaking through the angry storm clouds. He finally felt the warmth he'd been missing.
Author’s note:
also starring d-generation x!
shawn confirmed a bottom from his "my middle name is 'top this'!" promo. i don't make the rules
suspend your disbelief and pretend that shawn didn't take that break for a few years in the late 90s/early 00s! haha i didn't know how to reconcile that.
There was something about Billy Gunn that everyone loved. He was just a nice fucking guy. His smile was sincere, his laugh never mocking, his energy fun. The worst part about it all was that he never had to try to be that man. He just was. Nobody had a bad word to say about Gunn.
It drove Shawn insane.
So what, he was "nice"? Anybody could pretend to be nice. Shawn had managed just fine at it for years now. He was likable enough. Ever since Billy joined D-Generation X though, Shawn's facade began to crack. Fake, fake, fake. Shawn couldn't even look in a mirror at himself without picking at all his flaws. He wasn't old by any stretch of the imagination. But his hard lifestyle was going to catch up with him soon enough if he didn't slow down. When he got sick of his own face screwing up at itself, he'd lay in the dark and replay the day's events. He'd be flying high when Hunter and X-Pac nodded away at everything he said, chuckling at his jokes. The sounds would echo through the hall for everyone to hear. Eat that, Billy. You may be in the crew, but you'll never be a part of it.
Then Billy would make an offhand comment and the whole locker room would double over in pain from laughing so hard. Chyna's smile stretched from ear to ear whenever Gunn was around her. Road Dogg stuck by his side like a pathetic leech. They acted like the sun shined out of his ass.
Shawn's eyes burned in his sockets. The pain didn't even bother him any more. The muscles in jaw were shot to hell from mashing on his gum. The mint flavoring was giving him a stomach ache, flips and turns bounding around in his lower body. The acid felt like it was burning him from inside out. It was the gum. A shitty brand he didn't usually choose. That's all they had at the local gas station so he was stuck. Yes, it was definitely that and not the image of Billy standing near him in the mirror pulling his white-blond hair into a ponytail. He was chewing gum too, the muscles in his neck moving below his skin hypnotically. Shawn was 99% sure his eye twitched at the sight of it.
"Shawn… Shawn. You okay?"
Very suddenly, Gunn was face to face with Shawn. He cocked his head to the side like a puppy, the curls of his ponytail following the movement. There was concern painted on his face plainly. Shawn hated how the taller man could wear his heart on his sleeve like that. It'd been a long, long time since he could be so open. A wicked thought passed through his head, that one day Billy too would go through the same pain as him. One day he wouldn't be so happy-go-lucky. It happens to everyone. At least, that's what Shawn had to tell himself over the years.
"What? I'm fine, man."
"Okay, I just wanted to make sure. You were staring into the distance."
"Thanks." Shawn's voice was clipped. Get the fuck out of my face.
Billy couldn't seem to catch the hint. He instead leaned down to reach into his duffel bag, the smooth, tanned skin of his back shining under the harsh backstage lighting. Shawn had to shut his eyes at the sight of it.
Billy rose up with a pack of gum resting in his hand. It was Shawn's favorite brand. The bright red of the packaging signified that it was his favorite flavor too, cinnamon. The smell of it wafting off the pack and from Billy was beginning to be too much.
"Do you wanna trade? I hate cinnamon, but it's all the liquor store had left. I wanted spearmint."
Shawn dug into the pocket of his slacks for the gum. He was happy to get it off his hands. Maybe his jaw would stop hurting so bad once he got the new--
Something that felt like hot lava and the brightest strike of lightning zipped through Shawn's heart. It struck his brain and flowed down to his cock in a millisecond. The little voices in his head-- the mean one, the self-loathing one, the needy one-- all ceased.
Shawn's pupils dropped to focus on his fingers. They were… touching Billy's. While they were handing off the gum. Touching. Still.
Billy took the spearmint gum from Shawn gently. The rest of the world blurred around Gunn's figure while Shawn watched him unwrap a new piece. Billy raised the shiny silver wrapper to his lips to press his tongue, the tip of it covered in the pinkish wad of cinnamon gum, to the surface of it. Billy's tongue was at half speed as it moved back into his mouth. Like he was teasing Shawn. Wait, was he? A new piece was in his mouth now.
Shawn was pretty sure the blue was going to drain right out of his irises if he stood there straining himself any further. With no words, not even a thanks, he walked away from Billy squeezing the cinnamon gum in his fist.
Shawn could barely speak for the rest of the day. Hunter and Chyna whispered to each other about him. He didn't appreciate their lack of discretion about it. They were really loud. Might as well have just said out loud, "Shawn, what's your problem?" It's not like it was the first time he had an attitude. More often than not recently, he always had an attitude. Nobody could figure out why, so they made stuff up. The obvious rumors around the locker room were his drug problems. Yeah, okay, maybe. He had to start taking more and more Soma for it to actually work and he was incredibly irritable when he didn't have enough. It was better for them to think that he was a junkie.
In reality, it didn't have much to do with the drugs at all. The world around him was changing a lot faster than he realized. The new millennium was approaching in a flash. What did he have to show for it? The belts he'd won were nice. The media attention fueled his inflated ego. His friends had his back no matter how shitty of a person he could be. For Shawn, it was never enough. Nothing was ever enough for him. Until earlier.
The way Billy had looked at him lit something up that had been dormant for a long while. It made Shawn's head pound. Out of all the people in the whole world, it had to be Billy Gunn. Annoying, frustratingly charming, perfectly sculpted, Billy Gunn.
WWF's golden retriever of a man was no longer well pampered and doted on. Ever since Shawn's drug problem had gotten worse, McMahon punished him. He pushed him out into the street and let him fend for himself like a stray. The rain kept pouring down on him and he didn't know how to make it stop. Looking briefly into Billy's gray-blue eyes earlier, Shawn had felt like the light was breaking through the angry storm clouds. He finally felt the warmth he'd been missing. This time it felt real. This wasn't the warmth he got from McMahon, a heat lamp sort of warmth that could be switched off any time. This was the sun.
Hot tears pricked in the corners of Shawn's eyes. This was too much all at once. Thank God he could finally be alone in his hotel room. Looking into the hotel mirror he expected those self-conscious feelings to darken his features again. Instead though, his wet lashes blinked in awe at himself. There was hope. Hope…
Shawn frantically grabbed through his pockets to search for his gum. He threw his keys, wallet, pills, and jewelry out onto the bed with worry. Where was it? It was just there. He squinted at his wallet on his bed, the red pack hiding behind it. Shawn took out two pieces of it and began to chew like his life depended on it. For the first time in his life, he actually wished it was spearmint. Just so he could know how Billy's tongue tasted. The memory of Gunn's pressing his gum against his wrapper kept playing in Shawn's mind. It was so pink.
Blood rushed to Shawn's dick again. Conflicting feelings of hate, inadequacy, and lust ping-ponged in his brain. With how hard he was, he had to admit that Billy got him going in the worst way. Fine. Now he could move on from that. As if Billy would want him anyways. Even if he did, Billy wouldn't be able to handle him. That "sexy boy" stuff wasn't just for the cute little song. The one thing Shawn never lost his confidence in were his skills in bed. No matter who he was with, men or women, or if he was on top or bottom he blew everyone's mind. Whatever to the fact that it wasn't enough to make them stay. They'd never forget him and that was more important.
Shawn began to palm himself through his pants, his eyes fluttering closed and his head falling back. He tried to make the image of Billy on his knees in front of him work, but it just wasn't coming to fruition. The pieces seemed to click together when the roles were reversed. Shawn's dishwater blond hair fell out of his face as he looked up into Billy's eyes while his tongue swirled around his cock. Billy's fingers smoothed along Shawn's hair with every lick and he smiled at the man below him in that same sincere way Shawn loved. Loved to hate, of course.
The Billy of Shawn's mind was so infuriatingly gentle. He was used to the rough stuff. Sometimes that was exactly what he wanted, but other times he wished he got to be treated a little nicer. Everyone was so used to his reputation that he didn't know how to express that without looking weak. But Gunn just knew. Billy placed his hands on either side of Shawn's face, never once breaking eye contact with him. Even when Shawn took Billy's cock down his throat Billy tried his hardest not to blink.
"You're so good, Shawn. My good boy. So beautiful…"
With that, Shawn came in his pants. He thought he was going to collapse on the floor with the way his knees buckled. Falling on the bed in front him, Shawn didn't even care that his keys were poking into his stomach or that he was uncomfortably sticky. The warmth was shining down on him.
A week later, Shawn still couldn't get Billy out of his mind. Whenever they were on TV together he acted as normal as possible. Even when he was around all of DX at a bar or restaurant he could keep it together. Being alone with Billy was a no go. He blamed his recent up and down mood on trying to quit Soma, which everyone was surprised at. That made him feel both awful and proud of himself. No one thought he could do it. One day he really would prove that he could.
Billy was trying his best to reach out to Shawn. He was so guarded beneath that playboy exterior. Talking to the other wrestlers, the only ones who seemed to really understand why were Chyna and Hunter. They didn't go into detail but did mention that Shawn had been hurt in the past. Billy couldn't understand who would want to hurt him. Despite him having the tendency to be a huge asshole at times, there was a lot of good about Shawn. Billy liked the little flashes of Shawn's sweet personality. He appreciated how he put his all into selling it when he was in the ring. There was an it-factor about Shawn that Billy wished he had. In Billy's night sky, Shawn was the brightest and biggest star.
It was pure luck that Shawn's favorite flavor was cinnamon. He thanked every deity he could when Shawn agreed to trade flavors. With the way Shawn had been staring at him he thought that as soon as he approached him, the shorter man would knock him out. Shawn instead maintained his tightly wound demeanor, barely speaking or moving. When their fingers touched Billy was ready to grab Shawn right there. He could tell that it made Shawn feel something. He made Shawn feel something. It was confirmed when Shawn left in a rush.
Since that moment Billy hadn't been able to break through again. Whenever he tried to speak to Shawn someone interrupted the conversation. The tight little shorts he wore into the ring were doing him no favors. Every time he was around Shawn he got so hard it hurt. It was difficult to distract himself with anything besides the thought of making Shawn say his name.
Billy was shaken out of his dilemma ridden thoughts by X-Pac.
"Hey, you going out tonight with us to the bar? We're on match two of the best three out of five drinking contest, me and Hunter."
Billy laughed out loud at this. "You and Hunter? Good luck. You'll get alcohol poisoning before you win against him."
"You think so? I won a couple nights ago." Pac raised his hand up to his chin and rubbed it in deep thought. This was obviously a big source of pride for him.
"As much as I'd like to see that, I'm staying in tonight. I'm feeling a little worn out."
Pac shrugged, then patted Billy's shoulder sympathetically. "Hope you feel better, Billy. If you change your mind, we'll be downtown. We're gonna bar crawl. Page me and I'll let you know where we're at."
Billy shook his head idly while Pac walked away. He blew loose strands of his hair out of his face in frustration. There was no way he could spend another night out with Shawn pretending like he didn't have feelings for the man. Especially if both of them got drunk. He'd rather sulk alone in his room if that was the prospect. If he couldn't have Shawn sober and present when they were together, he couldn't be with him.
Shawn walked down the hallway with a lost look on his face. His own thoughts were a little jumbled up. Chyna had invited him out to the drinking contest too, jokingly begging him to come so she wouldn't have to deal with taking care of a sloshed Hunter all by herself. He turned her down with a whisper. She hugged Shawn tight and squeezed his hand.
"You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?"
Shawn sighed and nodded his head. "I know. One day I'll tell you all about it."
After that conversation, Shawn walked around the arena in confusion. He was so antsy over the last few days. It'd been a solid month since he'd had a good match. The lack of physical contact was making him feel funny. What did he have to do to prove to McMahon that he'd be in good enough shape to get back in the squared circle and be the WWF champion?
Shawn smacked right into Gunn's oiled up chest. He shook his head, his hair flying around him in soft waves. That's all it took for Billy's shorts to get tight again.
Shawn muttered out a raspy "sorry" at Billy. He was too mentally exhausted to exert any outward feelings of hate towards him. They simmered now instead of burned, the coals in Shawn's stomach finally giving out. He still strongly disliked the man, the bright sun in everyone's sky.
"That's okay. How are you?"
"I'm… fine. Why do you care?"
"You've been looking a little down lately. I'd hate for anyone in the group to be feeling bad."
So caring. There was no way anyone could actually be this good of a person. No fucking way. Shawn knew how awful people could get.
"Yeah, I'm good."
The pair stood there awkwardly. They had managed to find the one empty hallway in the whole stadium, so there was no reason to escape. Billy was the first to break the extending silence.
"You going out tonight with the rest of them? Hunter and Pac are having a drinking contest."
For the first time all day Shawn cracked a smile. "I was there the other night when Pac won. Between you and me, he cheated. He ate a big meal before going out and Hunter didn't get the chance to."
"Not surprised. As small as he is, he's not beating anyone fair."
The two men laughed at the harmless ribbing. Billy was on top of the world at Shawn's thousand watt smile. The taller man had a soft look in his eyes that made Shawn feel fuzzy.
"I'm staying in my room tonight though. Kinda tired, you know how it is."
"Definitely. I'm actually gonna stay in too."
Shawn hummed. Billy was so easy. This had to be fate. If he invited Billy to his room, they could fuck each other's brains out and Shawn could get over this weird little hate-crush he had on him. Perfect.
"Well… if you get bored, stop by my room. I'm in 1724." Shawn had that sparkle in his eyes he got whenever he was being a flirt. He dropped his eyes down to Billy's crotch, then to put the cherry on top he winked up at him playfully. Billy's mouth fell open in shock. This was really happening.
"Alright. I might take you up on that."
Might, Shawn scoffed internally.
Shawn wasn't nervous. Why the fuck would he be nervous about someone who calls himself Mr. Ass?
He was pacing around his hotel room because he hadn't taken any Soma in a few hours. And he was hungry. And he was trying to break in his new shoes. Not because of Billy.
As soon as he knocked on the door, Shawn ran over to open it. He looked up at Billy in his casual clothes and wanted to sigh. Shawn knew handsome. He knew it because he looked at it in the mirror everyday. But Billy was a different kind of handsome. To Shawn, Billy was football quarterback hot and just as sweet and oblivious as one. Billy probably would have laughed at hearing that. Shawn wracked his mind to figure out how to tell him.
Although Billy had been enjoying Shawn's suit jackets and dress shirts, he did miss the colorful tights Shawn used to wear into the ring. Billy was on another planet when Shawn did a little strip tease on TV wearing his black ones, his cock leaking right into his pants. It had morphed into a fantasy for Billy. He couldn't even count how many times he got off to Shawn dancing in front of him that same way.
"You actually came."
"Yeah. You thought I wouldn't?"
Shawn shrugged. Whether he did or didn't, whatever. He didn't care. Now what? Shawn figured he might as well leap right into the fire.
"I saw how hard you were for me earlier. You really are a big guy."
Billy's cheeks immediately reddened. Those stupid shorts finally got him in trouble. He didn't know what to say as Shawn inched closer to him.
The crystal blue of Shawn's eyes glittered in the low lighting. "You hard for me right now?" Shawn's hand reached out to rub at Billy.
A groan got caught in Billy's throat. "Ah-- you know I am."
"I know you are, baby."
Shawn moved his hands back to his body to unbutton his shirt. He took his sweet time, reveling in Billy's hungry looks at him. Billy's eyes threatened to pop right out of his head at seeing the smattering of light brown hair on Shawn's chest and stomach.
"Get on your knees." Billy could barely get the words out. Shawn complied, his fantasy from the previous week playing out perfectly. Deep down within him he hoped that Billy would be just as gentle with him.
Billy's dick sprang forward at Shawn. He felt his eyes cross at the length of it. Geez, he knew he'd be big but not like this. It was leaking onto the carpet. Shawn's mind twisted at how aroused he made Billy. With a kiss at the tip of him, Billy's moan filled the room. That was exactly what Shawn needed to hear. The inside of Shawn's mouth was so hot it was verging on being uncomfortable. He'd only put the tip in so far but he was sucking at it with force, hollowing his cheeks around him.
There was no way Billy was going to be able to stand the whole time. He collapsed on the bed, forcing himself to sit up to watch Shawn crawl over to him. He smiled at the smaller man like he had just gotten done running a marathon. It made Shawn's heart beat out of his chest. He swirled his tongue around the underside of Billy's cock as he swallowed him down. He wanted to hear him come undone above him. Billy's chest puffed in and out every time his dick touched the back of Shawn's throat.
"Shawn, fuck. You're so pretty."
The pads of Billy's thumbs ran along Shawn's cheekbones. It was too intimate. Shawn gagged and hummed around the length of Billy in an attempt to get him to stop. Billy moved his hands to play in Shawn's hair. Everyone always wanted to grab and pull it when he was giving them oral. It wasn't his favorite thing, but it was another part of putting on the show. Shawn's eye twitched when Billy didn't grab but instead kept smoothing it and massaging at his scalp. Too nice, too nice, too nice--
Billy suddenly pulled out of Shawn's mouth and raised the smaller man up to pull him on top.
"Off… take your pants off…"
Billy fumbled at Shawn's zipper and thrust his slacks down. Shawn pulled them the rest of the way down in a fog. He was realizing this was not going to be the quick, one-track minded fumbling he thought it would be. Billy wanted him. All of him. Billy kissed Shawn's neck then moved up to plant little kisses all over his face. He pressed his lips against Shawn's and was shocked when he jerked his head away.
"That's okay, that's okay. I won't do it again. Only if you want me to." Billy breathed.
He flipped Shawn over onto his back and raised up onto his knees to take his shirt off. Shawn was pretty sure Billy was a Greek god who was living out his days on Earth because he was bored in Olympus. That could be the only explanation why Billy made Shawn feel so heady and intoxicated at something as simple as a shirt being taken off. Billy sure felt like a god with the way Shawn blinked at him while he did it.
"There's lube on my bathroom counter." Shawn pointed into the other room.
Billy tried not to short circuit as he raised off the bed to go into the bathroom. He almost tripped over himself returning to Shawn, fumbling with the lid of the container. Shawn so badly wanted to laugh at him, but it was kind of sweet to see how excited he was.  Billy squeezed some out into his hand and began to stroke himself on his knees above Shawn. He shut his eyes and twisted his hand around his cock trying to mentally prepare himself for what was next. Shawn took the opportunity to readjust himself by getting on all fours even though he'd miss the view. Billy was probably wanting to look in his eyes and kiss him and all that mushy stuff that Shawn just couldn't handle. Not yet.
Just as Shawn expected, he was unsurprised when Billy said "I wanted to see your face." Too bad, Gunn. I'm running the show here. Shawn arched up at him in apology.
"This is a nice view too, though." Shawn felt the weight of the bed shift below him as Billy leaned down to kiss the tattoo on his ass. He was so… sentimental. Why wouldn't he just fuck him and leave like everyone else?
Shawn pushed those thoughts out of his mind when Billy's finger began to slick against his hole. He could hear Billy muttering above him but couldn't quite make it out. Soon his finger was replaced by the tip of Billy's cock, so warm that it felt hot. Shawn took a deep breath as Billy slowly pushed inside of him.
It'd been a while since he'd been fucked by someone so big. Or fucked at all, really. He made a high pitched noise that made Billy stop dead above him.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, dammit. Keep going, please," Shawn begged.
Billy gripped Shawn's hips and filled him to the hilt. At that moment, it was like he died and went to heaven. That's what had to be happening here. Shawn was so tight around him he had a hard time thrusting. Once he finally caught the rhythm, he had no problem hitting Shawn's prostate. With every bump against it, Shawn groaned and gripped his fingers into the sheets. His pronounced arch kept falling away, but Shawn was a trooper. Every time he lost it he arched back up and pushed himself against Billy to get him deeper. He caught the bigger man right as he thrusted into him and let out a scream he was sure the room next to him could hear. Fuck it.
Billy reached down to grab Shawn's cock. It was twitching below him and looking just as pretty as the rest of him. Billy had dreamed too many times of feeling it in his hand to not start stroking the man the way he stroked himself, slow and twisting. Tears started to stream down Shawn's face at the pleasure. He rubbed his face into the sheets to dry them away. When he raised up again he turned his head around to look at Billy's face and groan his name.
Billy had to stare up at the ceiling. If he looked at Shawn's face or back down at the tattoo for a second longer he was done right then and there, and it wasn't time for that yet. It was close, but he just needed one more thing…He used the little force he had left in his weakening muscles to flip Shawn onto his back. He bared down on the man below him, shaking his hair out and raising one of Shawn's legs up for a better angle. Shawn could barely comprehend what was going on, but he did miss the feeling of Billy's rough hand against his dick.
"I want you to look at me, Shawn. Look at me, please," Billy kissed Shawn's cheek and entered him again.
They were too close! Billy was such a weirdo, but he'd give this weirdo whatever he needed. So Shawn blinked his long lashes at him and stared into his eyes. Billy smiled again. He was slower this time, annoyingly. Shawn knew he was going to come soon. He was getting to the limit himself.
"You're beautiful." Billy kissed Shawn's other cheek.
Shawn shifted below him. He wanted to cry at being called beautiful. He didn't deserve such sweet words from a guy like Billy. How did he see anything good in him? Because he was just that cool of a guy. It made Shawn soften. He didn't dislike Billy. Not at all. He liked him quite a bit. Shawn just didn't like himself. But Billy did. When no one else really liked Shawn, Billy did. He was still nice to him even when he barked back after all this time.
"Kiss me," Shawn whispered.
Before he could even get the last word out, Billy gently pressed his lips against Shawn's. The kiss hastily deepened, tongues swirling around each other like they'd never be able to kiss each other again. Billy lost his breath and had to break it to catch it again. As soon as he saw the completely open and vulnerable look on Shawn's face…
Billy pulled out of Shawn just in time to paint his stomach with his come. The sight of it in Shawn's happy trail would be burned into his memory until the end of time. Shawn looked at the mess with awe while Billy began to stroke him again.
"Oh, Shawn. God, you're amazing. You did such a good job for me. You made me feel like I was on top of the world. Now I wanna make you feel good. You deserve it, baby."
Billy removed his hand and placed his mouth around Shawn's cock just as he released. He copied that thing Shawn did when he hollowed his cheeks out, making him almost jolt off the bed. Billy happily swallowed all of Shawn's come and kissed the tip of him before taking his mouth off.
Shawn was completely spent. All he could do was look up at the ceiling and try to make sense of what just happened. Billy managed to climb out of the bed and head to the bathroom to get  a warm, wet towel for Shawn. He shut the door behind him and took a minute to replay everything. It was a blur right now, but he was sure he'd remember every little thing over the next few days.
When Billy exited the bathroom, he returned to see Shawn knocked out. Seeing him like that and knowing he did it was better than winning the belt. He took care to clean Shawn up as carefully as possible to not wake him.
The next morning, Shawn felt the warmth of the sun surrounding him on all sides. That was strange, he couldn't help but think. He squinted his eyes at the rays beaming through the windows. When he turned away from them, he had the surprise of his life seeing Billy lying beside him in a deep sleep.
He stayed.
No one stayed.
No one except Billy.
Shawn nuzzled against his chest and fell back asleep quickly.
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lunar-lair · 2 years
and they woke up.
(OK, ONE MORE CELESTIAL AU FIC! @ashwii i swear your au is consuming me. two fics in one day. four fics total. girl . if i go REALLY feral you might get that casey jr idea ive been brewing soon, but for now, its just origin story electric boogaloo, more godly and less rebirth-y.)
Raphael woke up. 
It was sudden, and he almost jerked when he did. All of a sudden, here he was. 
He didn’t know why that was his name. Or why he was here.
He only knew his name was Raphael, and that he was the sun, and that he was to stay here and provide heat and light and warmth for this universe.
Ok, he said back. I can do that. 
It was home, anyways. He was born here, right? 
He could already stand and walk. He was already the size of a child.
But he didn’t know that that mattered at all, yet. 
He waited, a little while. It was quiet and, besides his light, a little dark. 
He wondered if he would be alone here, for however long he would live. (Forever, some mysteriously already-knowledgeable part of his brain whispered-a gift from the god himself, perhaps, Donnie would muse later on-and he thought, ok, then, forever.)
Something caught his eye, though. 
Little lights. Small little things, lighting up the sky, winking in one by one, in clusters. 
He felt a tug, like he was part of this, like he was this light alongside them, like he was part of something, someone else now. 
Leonardo woke up. 
It was slow, and soft, like a star building itself out of helium and hydrogen, like the sun rising and falling on the horizon, like the stars showing themselves on a clear night. 
He didn’t know much. Why he was here, why his name was his name. 
He woke up surrounded by light, surrounded by stars, his stars, surrounded by family and love, and all he could feel was warmth. 
They gathered around him, following him as he found himself drifting towards a tethered spot in the center of this great big void lit up only by his stars, himself, and seemingly, whatever it was (as stars gave off only so much light on their own). They called him caretaker, and father, names he didn’t question at all. It didn’t matter how young he was, that he was just born. He already knew what they were to him, what he was to them. They were part of him. They loved him and he loved them back, all of their chattering and his bright laughter back, and their nicknames for him, starshot and Leo and blue. 
He liked that name. He already knew he wanted to be called Leo. 
He finally found it, the bright light at the center of this all. He was fiery, red cloth over his face. It fit perfectly. He grinned and waved, but the bigger guy beat him to it. 
His eyebrow was raised, grin light as he asked, “Are you what’s up with the light all of a sudden?”
He gestured to him. “I should ask you the same question! And they’re not lights, they’re called stars.”
Raphael pointed to himself, grinning. “Well, my name’s Raphael. I’m the sun. I’m supposed to keep this galaxy warm.”
Leo gestured to himself in return. “Well, I’M Leonardo, and I’m the stars. They keep things tidy and light up the sky a little more! Plus, they’re all my kids and we share a very special connection.” 
Raphael huffed, crossing his arms. Ok, yeah, being all of that light in the sky is pretty cool. Plus, he’s everywhere, Raph’s just stuck here. Leo was just staring at him, though, eyebrows furrowed. “...somethin’ wrong?”
“...you’re a star, I’m sure of it,” Leo said, voice quieter all of a sudden. In some ways, it felt wrong. Everything was quiet before him, and he was so bright, so bombastic. And yet, the light he held, all over his body and all around him, was so soft, cooler than the kind Raphael let off. Like he was always meant to be bright and bold, yet mellow. 
Raphael frowned. “I don’t really feel like your kid, though.”
Leo shook his head back, tilting it and squinting like he could analyze him. “...yeah. Maybe…” He thought, and thought. He looked back up at Raphael, straight on. “It’s definitely…like, you’re one of them. You’re mine, you’re part of my family.”
Raphael nodded. “It feels like we’re sharing hearts.”
Leo laughed, soft. “Maybe my stars got their light from you.”
There was a moment of silence, a fond thing, broken by Leo snapping. 
“Brothers! That’s it.”
Raphael nodded, slow. “Yeah, that…makes sense.”
“What does?” A new voice asked, and they both jumped five feet in the air. 
Donatello woke up. 
It wasn’t jarring, but it was sudden. He adjusted to it quickly, being alive. He was here now, though he’d have to look into how he got here, and how he knew his name.
He quickly deduced what he was: a new planet’s moon. Earth, his brain supplied, and he thought, ah, I must know that because my purpose is part of being in its orbit.
He was a little ahead the other three in figuring things out, just like always. 
There were already little lights in the sky, and he knew innately he was made to reflect something’s light, so he followed the focal point and the muted sound of talking. 
Eventually, he found two other people like him. Same three fingers, same clear representation of some celestial body. He didn’t expect them to jump so high when he asked them a simple question, though. 
The one in blue held a hand to his chest, eyes wide. “Gods, you scared the stars outta me! Who are you?”
Donatello held his chin up in the air and said, very simply, “My name is Donatello, thank you very much. I’m Earth’s moon.”
The one in red tilted his head. “Earth?”
He nodded back. “Yes, that’s the name of the blue and green planet we’re all near right now. I believe I knew its name at birth due to my responsibilities including living in its orbit.”
The one in red stared blankly back at him, but the one in blue squinted for a moment before nodding and grinning, holding out a hand. “Well, I’m Leonardo! Leo for short. I’m the stars!”
Donatello nodded, and shook the offered hand. “And you can call me Donnie.” Might as well figure out nicknames now. They’re more efficient, anyways. 
The one in red held his hand out, too, once Leo had let go. He grinned, bright and wide. “I’m Raphael. Uh, Raph for short, I guess? I’m the sun!” Donnie shook hands, stuttering for a moment at the sheer warmth the boy’s hand gave off. Not to mention the completeness he felt being so near him. Maybe this is what he reflects. His grin widened, enough for his eyes to close. “Leo ‘n me have already declared each other brothers, so if you wanted to join, we’d be happy to have you!” 
Donnie turned to Leo, and he nodded along, grin bright. 
So he turned back to him and smiled, a little soft, holding Raph’s hand more properly. “Alright. I’d love to.”
It was just the three of them, for a while. Raph had mentioned before that he was alone before the other two showed up, though, so it wasn’t too much of a surprise when a fourth showed up.
They were talking, one night, Leo rolling stardust formed into a nonsentient star over his knuckles when he suddenly dropped it right onto Donnie’s head. Ignoring the offended ‘ow!’ his brother gave, he pointed, grin wide, and turned to him and Raph. “Guys, look!”
Off in the distance, there were little lights, trails of rocks falling into Earth’s atmosphere.
They followed it, this time, all three eager to meet someone new. 
Michelangelo woke up.
It was something bursting and bright, awake suddenly and yet full of energy the moment he did. Comets fell around him, like a signal flare. He wanted to meet people, he could tell there were people, there was light in the sky. 
He grinned as three forms approached, waving with both of his arms to get their attention. As soon as they were close enough for them to hear, he shouted, “Hey! My name’s Michelangelo, I’m the comets! It’s nice to meet you!!!”
The biggest of the three, fiery and red, laughed, hearty and full and set his hands on his hips once he was next to him. “Well, aren’t you a bright little guy!” He settled, grin still wide but hands by his side. “My names Raphael, Raph for short. I’m the sun at the center of this galaxy.”
Donnie held out a hand for him, the way Raph and Leo had introduced themselves when he first awoke. “Hello. I’m Donatello, Donnie for short. I’m this planet, Earth’s, moon.”
Michelangelo shook his hand vigorously, and him and the blue one only laughed when Donnie scowled and took his hand away. There was something about these three that already felt familiar, like they’d already adopted him in. 
The blue one gave a little wave, stardust falling from his fingertips. “Hey, I’m Leonardo, Leo for short. I’m the stars! Nice to meet you, too!”
Man, they all had shorter nicknames. That’s so smart. 
He should do that.
He puffed out his chest, and said, “Well, you all can call me Mikey!”
Raph laughed, and set a hand on his shoulder. “Alright, Mike.” Ooo, he liked that one. Good nickname nickname. 
Leo waved a hand, grin lackadaisical, yet somehow warm and welcoming. Artificially bright yet warm and soft, just like his stars. “We all consider ourselves brothers. Us three have been around for a while.”
Raph nodded, grinning down at him. “You’re welcome to join the family if you’d like.”
Mikey grinned wide, beaming and bright, and jumped up high enough to reach past Raph’s head. “I’d love to!!!”
They all laughed, the other three finding, suddenly, that they’d do anything to protect that.
They lived that way, for a while. The four of them, living and loving and learning about themselves and about each other.
When they were finally a little older, Life and Knowledge came to visit.
They knew, an innate thing, all of them sitting in a little row. 
Life spoke first, telling them they were doing so well keeping this galaxy bright, warm, and safe, keeping earth’s tides in check, keeping the galaxy’s gasses in check and making sure the stars were alright, keeping the comets falling so the rocks wouldn’t collect and so they could fall the way they should. 
What a beautiful family, they laughed, warm the way Life always seemed to be. You’ve crafted such an amazing home for yourselves.
Home, they thought, and locked it away.
Home. This was home.
Knowledge filled them in further. How they knew what they did, how they got there, and where they got their names.
There are multiple universes, galaxies just like theirs. And there are always these turtles-ah, turtles, that’s it-that keep things in check. That keep the world safe.
And, well, to base their sun, moon, stars, and comets off of those world saviors, how could it hurt?
There’s also an excellent joke about world turtles Knowledge tells them, but it kind of flies right over their heads.
They are only given one real task:
Stay here. Keep this galaxy safe. Keep Earth safe, as that is the epicenter of intelligent life. Do your jobs, live your lives.
And most of all, Life told them, grin soft, live. Love, and care. Feel. Be your own people, independent and dependent of your purposes. You may be the stars and moon and sun and comets, embodiments of these beings, but they and you are so much more. You are my creations. Live, if not for you, but for me. 
And so, they did.
They lived, they aged until they got to the point they’d be for forever, they cared, they loved.
They woke up.
They would not be falling asleep for a long, long time.
And, well, why not make the most of it?
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ukistarlight · 1 year
craving something sweet | 454 words
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about: vash x oc
form: Hi! This is a small drabble I wrote about my OC Volt and Vash. The art you’ll see at the end is a beautiful commission made by @zeearts, please go support their amazing works!
about volt: If you wanna know more about my OC I’ll gladly post more about him! ^^ In this AU, Volt works as a archeologist, he especially loves to restore old books and parchments as they are to him the most important form of history you’ll find in this world.
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The sun long went down on No Man’s Land only leaving the stars and the warm fire as a source of light. Volt was still awake in his tent, insomnia getting the best of him. He decided to get some work done at least. As an archeologist, Volt had to restore very old books, sometimes in a language that wasn’t spoken anymore. And this one was definitely giving him a headache. The parchment made with animal skin was rotten in some parts and bitten by the rats in others. The spine was broken and the hard cover was black with dust. Volt sighs and scratches his arm out of impulse, lost in thoughts. He only realized when blood dripped off his arm and had to get up to not damage the book further.
“God I need a smoke. It’s been a while since I’ve been craving it.” Volt has stopped smoking ages ago now but having a companion named Nicholas D. Wolfwood who’s smoking habits are more wild than a fucking car truck was definitely not helping with his condition. Plus he was out of candies to keep his mouth busy with something else than the craving need of nicotine. He went out of his tent and saw Vash in front of the fire place. He smiled softly and went by his side.
“Can’t sleep, big guy?”
“You seem to have the same trouble.” Volt just laughed, his hand still scratching his already wounded arm. Vash was too quick to notice, his prosthetic hand grabbing his.
“Sorry… I’ve been kinda stressed lately. The craving for smoke gets worse during those times.”
Vash held out his hand and Volt curiously looked at it before putting his hand in, not sure what else to do. He yelped at the sudden pull on his arm and his head was now lying on Vash’s lap, his prothesis hand still intertwined with his and his other hand lost in his hair. Volt’s cheeks were bright red at the sudden closeness but also didn’t want to admit the warmth it provided him. Suddenly a lollipop was handed to him in front of his face and he looked at Vash’s fond gaze with surprise. The blond just smiled at him.
“I’ve noticed you were eating more sweets than usual these past few days so I stopped by a shop that sells candies before we left the last town to keep some with me. For emergencies.” Volt took it and thanked him in a quiet whisper. Vash just ruffled his hair lovingly, his hand still holding tightly onto his.
“Now why don’t you tell me more about that one book you’ve been reading lately? You’ve been a lot into it too. I'm curious about what it is now!”
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