#;good man {happy hogan}
statisticalcats2 · 1 year
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Iron Man (1968) #21
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
I Can See You
pairing: Peter Parker x Happy’s daughter!reader
synopsis: You can see Peter being your addiction and Peter can see you as a secret mission
real synopsis: Happy forbids you and Peter from dating, which only makes you want to do it more
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“Hey.” You nodded at Peter as you wandered into his room. The hair on Peters neck stood up on high alert now that a stranger was in his bedroom. He shut his laptop and swiveled in his desk chair to follow what you were doing. He watched you walk over to his Lego shelf as if you’d been in his room a hundred times and admired his Lego titanic.
“Um, hello. Can I help you?” Peter asked.
“Did you build this?” You asked in reply.
“Oh, yeah. I did. It took me almost a full month.”
“Wow. It’s huge.” You said and gently ran your hand along the side of it.
“I know. It’s kinda cramped in here, though. I want to display it in the living room.” Peter told you. His tingle was telling him you weren’t a threat so now he just saw you as a pretty girl who had wandered into his room.
“You totally should display this thing. It’s awesome. What’s stopping you?” You wondered.
“The family pictures in the way.” Peter laughed dryly.
“Psh. Who needs those?” You joked, making him smile.
“Not me.” Peter played along. “But my aunt might be just a little upset if I replaced photos of her dead brother and dead husband with my Lego titanic.”
“That’s nothing. My dad replaced my high school graduation picture with a photo of his dead best friend eating a cheeseburger. It’s not even a good picture. It’s blurry and my dads pinky is in the frame.”
“Damn, your graduation picture? That’s next level. Either he really loved his best friend or it was a really good cheeseburger.”
“Probably both.” You shrugged. “Uncle Tony knew all the best cheeseburger spots in Queens.”
“Wait, Tony? Like Tony Stark?” Peter asked and stood up from his desk chair.
“Yeah, Tony Stark. Oh, that’s right. I forgot you knew him.” You said and tapped the side of your head.
“Your dads best friend.” Peter said to himself. “Wait a second. Are you…”
“Y/n Hogan. Your aunt invited my dad and I over for dinner.” You said and you held your hand out.
“Wait, you’re Happy’s daughter? But you’re so pretty.” Peter said in disbelief as he shook your hand.
“What?” You laughed.
“I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. Your dad is a very beautiful man. I can see the resemblance.” Peter quickly followed up.
“Seeing the resemblance is impressive considering I was adopted.” You laughed again and continued looking around his room. You saw his Spiderman suit hanging in the closet and touched it with a fond smile on your face.
“Oh God. Can we start over? I feel like I failed at this conversation.”
“You didn’t. I actually think you’re doing a pretty good job talking to me considering the deep lore that runs between us and our mutual acquaintances.” You assured him.
“Oh.” He blushed. “Thanks.”
“No problem. So did this thing come with a Lego iceberg?” You asked and pointed to the Lego titanic.
“No. That would’ve been perfect. But unfortunately, Lego didn’t have a dark sense of humor.”
“But I do. Do you have any blue legos?” You asked with a devious smile.
“Yeah. What are you thinking?”
A few minutes later, you and Peter were sitting on his bedroom floor with his Lego bin between you. You led the conversation, much to Peters delight, as you added onto each others creations. Even though Peter was usually shy and awkward around strangers, he found it very easy to talk to you. Maybe it was because you were already apart of his secret world and he didn’t have to lie about anything, or maybe it was just because you got along. Whatever it was, Peter really enjoyed talking to you. You felt more like an old friend rather then a stranger. Happy came into the room after a little while and was surprised to see you already in there.
“Oh, there you are. I was looking for you. But I see you found Peter.” Happy said and gave Peter a stern look.
“You never told me you had a daughter.” Peter playfully scolded him to keep the mood light.
“That’s because I don’t disclose any personal information to teenagers in spandex.” Happy said curtly.
“Dad. Be nice.” You whispered harshly.
“What are you guys doing in here anyway?” Happy asked as he folded his arms.
“Making a Lego iceberg for Peters Lego titanic.” You explained and held up what you had built so far.
“Interesting, interesting. Peter, can I talk to you for a second?” Happy said through a fake smile.
“Yeah. Sure. Be right back.” He told you before getting up to follow Happy into the hallway.
“What’s up?” Peter asked kindly.
“Don’t even think about it.” Happy said immediately.
“Huh? Don’t think about what?”
“My daughter. Don’t even let it cross your mind. Because if it crosses your mind, I’ll know about it. And if I know about it, I’m gonna kill you.”
“Wait, you think I’m trying to date your daughter? I just met her. Relax.” Peter laughed.
“No, I won’t relax. I don’t ever want to see my daughter in your bedroom, okay? That’s gross. I don’t want you getting your horny little nerd germs on her.”
“We were just playing with legos.” Peter pointed out.
“That’s always how it starts.” Happy wagged his finger. “I know your type. You lure girls in with your boyish charm because they think you’re safe.”
“I am safe, Happy.” Peter insisted. “You know me. You know I’d never break her heart.”
“I know you won’t. Because you won’t get the chance.”
“I’m sorry, but why is it okay for you to date my aunt but not for me to date your daughter?” Peter asked and folded his arms.
“Oh, so it has crossed your mind? I knew you were thinking about dating my daughter.” Happy pointed accusingly at him. “I knew it the second I walked into your room. You’re thinking about her right now, aren’t you? Well stop. My daughter is not allowed in your head, okay? Ever. Get her out.”
“I wasn’t thinking about dating her until you put the idea into my head. But I kinda want to do it now.” Peter laughed in amusement and looked back at his room where you were.
“Don’t you even dare.” Happy whispered and took a step closer to him.
“Or what? What’ll you do?” Peter challenged him. He didn’t even care that much about it, he just wanted to antagonize Happy for his own amusement.
“Kill you.” Happy stated like it was obvious. “Like I said.”
“What if she likes me? Huh?” Peter smirked. “You can’t tell her not to date me. That’ll just drive her straight into my arms.”
“That’s not gonna be a problem because she’ll never like you. She’s too smart.”
“I’m a good guy, Happy. Tony knew that. Wouldn’t you rather her date a nice, responsible guy that you’ve known for years over some random stranger whose intentions might be impure?”
“She can date a guy I know.” Happy shrugged. “Just not you.”
“We’ll see.” Peter shrugged as well.
“What? What does that mean? We’ll see? We’re not gonna see anything because you’re not dating my daughter.” Happy declared.
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” Peter shrugged again.
“No, you definitely won’t.”
“How are you gonna stop it?” Peter asked him.
“With a gun.” Happy replied. “That I use to kill you. To death.”
“I don’t think your daughter would appreciate you killing her future boyfriend.” Peter said innocently.
“You’re not her future boyfriend. You’re not her future anything. But you’re a future dead person if you keep this up.”
“Relax, Happy. I’m just messing with you. I’m not gonna date your daughter.” Peter laughed and patted Happy’s shoulder. Just then, you came out of Peters room with the Lego iceberg you had built.
“I’m gonna help May in the kitchen. Maybe I’ll accidentally knock down a few family pictures while I’m in there.” You said and winked at Peter.
“Why would you do that?” Happy asked you.
“Peter gets it.” You smiled coyly before disappearing down the hall and into the kitchen. Peter watched you walk away and felt something blossoming in his chest. That simple moment of sweet understanding between you was all he needed to fall head over heels for you.
“Happy?” Peter said without taking his eyes off where you had just been standing.
“Yeah?” Happy replied. Peter turned to face him, put his hand on Happy’s shoulder, and smiled sympathetically.
“I’m gonna date your daughter.”
Before Happy could respond, May called everyone in for dinner. Peter and Happy exchanged a look before throwing on smiles so that you and May wouldn’t suspect anything. Happy sat across from Peter with you sitting beside him, meaning that every time Peter looked at you, he got a kick under the table from Happy. Similarly, anytime you tried to ask Peter a question or start a conversation with him, Happy cut you off. Peter tried to do the same with you but was always met with a death glare from Happy. The incredibly silent and awkward dinner ended all too soon and Happy could not have taken you out of Peters apartment fast enough. You waved to Peter as Happy pulled you out the door but there was no time for an exchanging of words. What a beautiful wedding jk jk iykyk.
Peter was fully prepared to let his little crush on you go away on its own without any intention of acting on it. He knew it was a bad idea anyway to get involved with the daughter of the head of security, but that didn’t stop him from thinking about you from time to time.
“Hey Happy. I just wanted to report that I found a lost dog today. But then it ran away again after I returned to to the owner. I’m starting to think it wanted to be lost. Maybe he met a bunch of stray dogs and felt more at home with them on the streets than he ever did in his owner’s apartment. What do you think?” Peter asked over FaceTime as he gave Happy his daily report from patrolling the neighborhood.
“Kid, I don’t care. I never have. You don’t need to keep calling me with random updates of what you do on patrol.” Happy told him. In the background of Happy’s video, Peter could see you walking into the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around yourself and your wet hair hanging around your face. He perked up and felt his face heat up at the sight of you.
“Is that Peter?” You asked and walked over to where Happy was sitting.
“No. It’s not.” Happy said and tried to shut his laptop.
“Hi Peter.” You opened it back up and waved, leaving you with only one hand to hold your towel onto your body. Peter turned bright red as he stared at the screen and felt all dialogue options leave his mind.
“Oh, uh, hi.” He stammered. “I didn’t see you there. I didn’t even know you were home. How’s it going?”
“Pretty good.” You shrugged. “What kind of dog was it?”
“The dog you found. What breed?” You asked with genuine interest. Peter smiled at you wanting to know and felt his blush deepen.
“Chihuahua. His name was Pinto.”
“Aw.” You smiled. “That’s so cute.“
“Oh, yeah. Very cute. Very, very cute.” Peters eyes glazed over as he stared at your through the screen. Happy looked back and forth between Peter and you before realizing what Peter was staring at.
“I’m hanging up now.” Happy warned.
The call ended abruptly and Peter was left alone staring at a black screen. If Happy was going to stop him from seeing you, he would going to have to get creative.
A few nights later, Peter formed a new plan. If Happy was gonna date his aunt, he was going to use it to his advantage.
“Oopsie. I just accidentally ordered two pizzas instead of one. Silly me. What will we do with all this incoming pizza?” Peter asked as he dramatically scratched the top of his head to make it look like he was thinking.
“I don’t know.” May shrugged. “Eat a lot of pizza?”
“That’s a great idea, May. Or, and this is just coming to me now, what if we invite Happy over to eat some? So you guys can have a little date night. He even can bring his daughter. What was her name again? Telulah? Annabeth? Marcy?”
“Y/n?” May chuckled and raised her eyebrow.
“Right. Her.” Peter played dumb. “She probably likes pizza, right?”
“I know what you’re doing, but I’m gonna go with it anyway because there’s no way we can eat two pies and I hate wasting food.” May playfully scolded him as she dialed Happy’s number.
Much to Peters delight, you and Happy showed up a few minutes later. You were standing behind your dad with a bag behind your back.
“Hey. Thanks for the invite.” Happy said and kissed Mays cheek. You looked at Peter over your dads shoulder and waved.
“No problem.” May replied. “It was actually Peters idea.”
“Oh, was it?” Happy asked and stared daggers at Peter. Peter shrugged innocently before making eye contact with you. He discreetly nodded towards his bedroom before going to it. You followed after him once the coast was clear.
“Hey.” You smiled at him and shut his door behind you.
“Hey. Thanks for coming over. I’m glad you could make it.” Peter played it cool but was screaming on the inside over you being in his room again.
“I’m glad you invited us. I have a present for you but I didn’t have any way of getting in touch with you.”
“You wanna touch me?” Peter said in a low voice as he stared at you with his eyebrows raised.
“What was that?”
“I said you have a present for me?” He quickly corrected himself and threw on a smile.
“Uh huh. Look what I found.” You held the bag up and pulled out the Lego Super Star Destroyer, a Lego set Peter had dreamed of owning since he was a kid.
“What?! You got this for me?” He jumped out of his chair and held the box to read it.
“Yeah. You mentioned last time that you always wanted this one. I know you’re a big fan of the movies so I wanted you to have it.” You smiled sheepishly as you stared at him. His childlike excitement and wonderstruck expression made him even cuter than you typically found him. His expression changed suddenly when he realized he could never accept such a costly gift.
“This set costs a fortune. You really didn’t have to do this.” Peter looked apologetic as he looked into your eyes. You laughed a little at how bad he felt and put your hand on top of his.
“It’s okay. I wanted to do it.” You assured him. “Plus, Uncle Tony put me in his will so I’m kinda flushed with cash right now. I would’ve just spent the money on something stupid. And I know he loved you so he’d be happy I used the money to buy a Lego set for us.”
“Us?” Peter cracked a smile and felt his excitement return.
“Yeah. I thought we could build it together while my dad makes out with your aunt.” You suggested.
“Gross.” Peter grimaced. “But the part about building it together sounds fun.”
Now that he was willing to keep it, you tore the box open and dumped the pieces out. You and Peter sat next to each other with your knees touching as you built the spaceship. Peter snuck glances at you every now and then, and you caught them every time. You accidentally made eye contact at one point and he turned pink.
“You know, my dads been up my ass all week because of you.” You said with a soft laugh.
“Me? What did I do?”
“I don’t know. Did you tell him we were dating or something?” You questioned him, making him gulp.
“Actually, he told me not to date you.” Peter admitted.
“He told me the same thing. Little does he know, that just makes me want to date you even more.” You replied. Peter froze and realized that if what Happy said made you want to date him more, that meant you already wanted to date him in the first place. You realized that you had said too much at the same time Peter did and looked at him out of the corner of your eye to see if he was weirded out. To your surprise, he was staring at you with a soft expression. He quickly cleared his throat and looked away when you caught him staring.
“Doesn’t he know that the hottest thing a guy can do is be disliked by the girls dad?” Peter said like it was obvious.
“Exactly. I told him disapproving of you was just going to send me straight into your arms. And who could even blame me? They’re really nice arms.” You shrugged and gave Peter a coy smile. Peter laughed shyly and busied himself with the legos so you wouldn’t see him blushing.
“What did he say to that?” He asked you.
“That there will be a cold day in hell before he lets me go out with you.” You laughed.
“And what did you say?” Peter asked as he looked up at you and found that you were already looking at him.
“I told him that he can’t tell me who to date and if I wanted to go out with you, I will.” You said simply. Peter gulped and never broke eye contact with you and he reached for a Lego brick. Your hands accidentally touched and he saw sparks fly.
“Do you want to go out with me?” He asked quietly. You opened your mouth to answer just as May opened hers.
“Hey, kids. Pizzas here.” May said as she appeared in Peters doorway. You looked at him apologetically before getting up and following May to the kitchen. He desperately wanted to get you alone again to finish your conversation, but Happy was never gonna let that happen.
It came time for you and Happy to leave and Peter was visibly disappointed. As Happy and May said their goodbyes, you pulled Peter to the side.
“Goodnight, Peter. I had fun tonight.” You said sincerely.
“So did I. Thank you again for the legos. It’s the nicest thing anyones ever done for me.”
“I’m glad you liked them. Hopefully I’ll see you again. Hopefully soon.”
“Yeah. Totally.” Peter nodded eagerly.
You held out your hand to shake Peters, which Peter found a little strange. But when he shook your hand, he felt you slip a piece of paper into his. Peter waited until Happy was out the door before opening the paper up. Written in your handwriting was your phone number. Peter looked up in surprise and made eye contact with you.
“Call me.” You mouthed to him and made your hand like a phone just as Happy pulled you away.
And that’s exactly what Peter did. It became your nightly secret mission to sneak off and call Peter once you were sure Happy was asleep or preoccupied in front of the TV. You would talk for hours in hushed voices so no one would hear.
“Can you imagine what my dad would do if he found us out?” You asked Peter one night as you hung over the edge of your bed to talk to Peter.
“So there’s an us to find out about?” Peter asked and felt grateful you couldn’t see his blush over the phone.
“I don’t know.” You smiled timidly. “I really like talking to you, Peter.”
“Well that’s good. I’m happy to hear that. Because I like it too.” He laughed shyly.
“I think about you a lot when we’re not on the phone.” You admitted as you switched positions and rolled onto your stomach.
“You do?” Peter gulped.
“Uh huh. All the time.”
“What do you think about?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe half the things I see inside my head.” You chuckled. Peter gulped again and felt his face heat up. He cleared his throat before speaking again.
“Why don’t you explain it to me then?” He asked. Before you could answer, a loud crash sounded from his side of the phone.
“What’s all that noise?” You asked him.
“Mays looking for the pasta maker.” Peter sighed. “We have a thousand boxes of mezzi rigatoni but she wanted fettuccini.”
“Fettuccine actually sounds amazing right now. I need to get up and make some food. I just hope my dad went grocery shopping or else I’m eating sleep for dinner.”
“You should come over tonight.” Peter said before he would overthink it.
“Yeah. Come make pasta with us. May usually burns something and then gives up about 15 minutes into cooking so we wouldn’t have to hang out with her the whole time. We could make pasta together. Just the two of us.”
“Okay. My dads watching a movie in the den so he won’t mind if I go out. I’m in.” You smiled and started to get ready to see him.
“Awesome. Great. See you soon.” Peter grinned and hung up the phone. He quickly brushed his teeth and put on a fresh shirt before joining May in the kitchen. There was a knock on the door soon enough and Peter practically ran to open it.
“Ciao.” He said as he flung the door open.
“Ciao, bello.” You replied. “Scopiamo stasera o cosa?”
“Wait, what? I don’t actually speak Italian.” Peter sheepishly.
“That’s probably for the better.” You laughed and walked into his apartment.
“Oh, good. You’re here. And you brought wine! Even better. Come in, come in.” May kissed your cheek before taking the bottle of wine and opening it.
“Peters been dying for you to get here.” She whispered in your ear, but loud enough for Peter to hear.
“May.” Peter whined and motioned for her to zip it.
“What? I’m just being honest.” May shrugged. “Honesty is the best policy. That’s what I always say.”
“She’s right. That’s a great policy.” You said and gave Peter a look.
“Oh yeah? Does your dad know you’re here?” Peter asked you and folded his arms, already knowing the answer. Your smile dropped when you realized he was right.
“A little lie never hurt anybody.” You replied. Peter smirked, knowing he caught you.
“Come here. I’ll show you how to make the dough.” Peter said and led you to the kitchen with his hand on your back. You and Peter made the pasta dough while May chopped up some tomatoes and made a sauce. May switched the radio on to play some instrumental background music that made the apartment feel like a small cafe in Italy.
“All right. I think we’re ready. I’m gonna get the pasta maker. It should be in the attic.” May broke up the party and put the meatball back in the sauce.
“If you can’t find it, what do we do with all this dough?” You asked her.
“I don’t know. Make a shit ton of Pizza.” May shrugged and left to go find the pasta maker.
“Okay then.” You chuckled. Once you and Peter were alone, you hoped up on the counter and leg your legs swing.
“Should we try it to make sure it tastes good?” You asked as you rolled some dough between your fingers and made a snake.
“Yeah, but not that piece. You made a worm.” Peter said and pointed to your dough.
“So what? It’s just dough. Try some.” You replied and dangled the dough in his face.
“Dough way.” He laughed at his own pun and swatted the dough away.
“Oh, we’re making pasta puns now? You’re gonna pay for that.” You playfully warned him.
“But I dough not want it.” Peter pouted and leaned on the counter you were sitting on so you were caged in between his arms. You both became aware of how close you were at the same time and laughed shyly.
“Can’t think of anything other than replacing “do” with “dough” huh?” You asked and raised an eyebrow.
“Dough, I can’t.” He shamefully admitted. You gave him a look and he held up his hands in defense.
“That one was different.” He pointed out.
“All right. I’ll give it to you. Now eat the pasta worm.” You playfully demanded and dangled it in his face again.
“No. Get that thing away from me.” He laughed and smacked it away. It flew across the room and stuck to a nearby cabinet with a loud smack.
“Wow. Look at that.” Peter said, genuinely dumbfounded.
“It’s kinda beautiful.” You said as you quietly stared at the pasta in awe. Peter turned to look at you and rested his hands back on the counter.
“You’re kinda beautiful.” He said in a soft voice. You tore your eyes away from the pasta to look at him but couldn’t form a single word.
“Even with flour on your face.” He chuckled and wiped a smudge of flour off your cheek with his thumb. You gulped and discreetly picked up some flour off the counter.
“You have some flour on your face too.” You told him as you stared into his eyes.
“Where? Here?” Peter asked and touched his cheek.
“No. Here.” You smirked before throwing the handful of flour at him. Peter coughed and waved his hand to get it away from his face.
“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that.” He warned and grabbed a handful of flour. He went to throw it at you but you caught him by the wrist to stop him. Peter wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him so that you couldn’t block his next attempt. But instead of feeling flour on your face, you felt Peter kissing you. You weren’t actually sure if you kissed him or he kissed you, but you didn’t really care. You wasted no time in tangling your hands on his hair and deepening the kiss. His hands slid up and down your back before finding their way up your shirt. You felt your entire body heat up as you kissed him and felt all the tension that had been building up release into the atmosphere between you. He kissed you until you felt dizzy but you didn’t stop even then. You started to unbutton his button down when the moment was interrupted.
“Found it!” May called from the hallway. You jumped apart so quickly that you fell right off the counter. You screamed on the way down as Peter watched with his hands over his mouth. He rushed to pick you up just as May came back into the kitchen. She took one look at the flour covering the two of your, most noticeably the flour handprints on either of Peters cheeks, and knew what had happened.
“Oh my God. What happened in here?” May played dumb.
“Fell.” You and Peter said in unison.
“Oh no. Are you okay?”
“Maybe?” You smiled weakly and rubbed your throbbing head. Peter touched his hands, which now felt cold from the absence of you.
“Oh my God. How did you get flour all over your back?” May laughed and turned you around to see the flour Peter had left all over your clothing.
“I’m a messy girl.” You shrugged and hoped she’d buy it.
“Look at that. The flour on Y/n’s butt looks like a perfect handprint. How funny is that?” May laughed again and pointed to the handprint Peter had left on your black leggings. He turned so red that he had to turn around so May wouldn’t see it.
“I’m gonna go potty.” You said quickly and ran to the bathroom.
“She okay?” May asked once you were gone.
“Her? What? Yeah. She’s fine. Nothing weird happened while you were gone.” Peter said a little too quickly.
“Hm. How did that piece of pasta get stuck to the cabinet?” May asked and pointed to the pasta Peter had flung.
“I’m not sure.” Peter lied.
“Are you feeling okay? Your face and neck is all red.” May asked and pressed her hand to Peters forehead. He knew she was getting suspicious and had to think of a lie to get out of there.
“I have to poop.” Peter blurted and walked out of the kitchen.
“Y/n is in there.” May called after him.
“I’ll go to the other bathroom!” He shouted back.
Peter passed the bathroom in the hallway and stopped outside of it. He pressed his ear against the door to try and hear if you were freaking out or not.
Which you 100% were.
“What the hell are you doing? You can’t just kiss him. You slut bag! You hussy! You don’t even know how he feels about you.” You whispered to the mirror. You splashed some cold water on your face to calm down before looking at your reflection.
“Woman up and get your shit together. Go out there and make pasta with your dads girlfriends nephew like a fucking normal person.” You warned yourself in the mirror.
The bathroom door suddenly opened and Peter fell inside. You gasped and pulled him the rest of the way in before shutting the door.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t doing anything!” Peter said quickly.
“What are you doing out here?!” You whispered harshly.
“Nothing! I just wanted to talk!” He whispered back in a panic.
“So you wait outside the bathroom door? What if I was pooping?! You would’ve heard it.” You whispered even louder and angrily shook his shirt.
“But I didn’t.” He said weakly.
“I think I need to go home.” You sighed and left the bathroom.
“Wait, no. Please stay.” Peter pleaded as he followed after you. He caught you in the hallway and gently pulled your arm to get you to stop.
“I can’t. I can’t go back in there. She’s gonna know something sus happened.” You whispered to him and pointed to the kitchen.
“It wasn’t sus. But I really think we need to talk about it.” Peter said and looked at you with his big puppy dog eyes. You knew he was dying to talk about it and you felt guilty leaving him after what happened.
“Peter, look. I’m really sorry that I kissed you-“
“I’m not.” He cut you off and pushed you against the wall. The interrupted kiss was resumed and even more passionate than the last. He had you up against the wall as he kissed you as if he hadn’t seen you in years. You forgot all about the pasta and your dads warning and just got lost in his touch. You both knew it was wrong and that you could be caught any second, and that’s what made it feel so right. Peter squeezed your hip, signaling you to jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. You couldn’t feel him smiling into the kiss as he pressed you against the wall. That was the moment you knew you were never giving this boy up, no matter what your father said.
“Peter! Y/n! What happened to my sous chefs?” May shouted from the kitchen. You pulled apart and stared at each other as you caught your breath.
Peter gently set you back down on the floor but stayed in your personal space as he leaned against the wall. You never broke eye contact with him as he fixed a strand of hair that he knocked onto the wrong side of your part. You gulped and smoothed your clothing down before looking away.
“Can we talk after? Please? Don’t go home.” Peter pleased as he buttoned his shirt back up. You looked him up and down and knew you were at his mercy.
“Fine. You’ve convinced me. I’ll stay.” You agreed. Peter smiled in relief and led you back to them kitchen.
“Look who decided to join us.” May smiled proudly and stepped to the side to reveal Happy standing behind her. Peters knees buckled and he immediately fainted onto the ground. You caught him and let him lean on you as you waved your hand in front of his face to wake him up.
“Dad? What are you doing here?” You asked through a big fake smile.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He said through an even faker smile.
“I was making Peter with Pasta. I mean, pasta with Peter.” You stumbled over your words as Peter came to and nearly fell over again. You held him upright but his waist until he could stand on his own. Happy was watching the whole thing and growing more suspicious by the second.
“Hm. You didn’t mention you were going over my girlfriends house when you said you were going out. I find that a little strange. Don’t you?” Happy shrugged as he folded his arms.
“Maybe I find you a little strange.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“Now that Happy’s here we’re gonna need some more pasta. Honey, can you knead the rest of the dough?” May asked you.
“Sure. I can dough that.” You laughed nervously. Happy gave you a strange look and you gulped.
“I’m sorry. I kiss-poke. I mean, misspoke.” You gulped again and went over to the dough. Peter went to follow you and earned a longing glare from Happy as he did. The two of you bumped into each other and dropped things on the floor numerous times from how nervous you were now that Happy was there. Once Happy and May disappeared to the couch to drink wine, Peter knew it was safe to talk.
“Stop being weird.” He whispered to you.
“I’m about to murder-suicide us.” You said at full volume.
“Peter, can you help her? You gotta put your elbow grease into it.” May called from the couch.
“Yeah. I can dough that.” Peter replied.
“Stop making dough puns.” You hissed.
“I literally fucking can’t.” He deadpanned. You suddenly felt his arms wrap around you as he put his hands on top of yours to knead the dough.
“What are you doing?” You asked him.
“Helping you knead the dough.”
“Why wouldn’t you just stand beside me?”
“Because this is how men show women how to do things in rom coms.” Peter said very seriously.
“Okay, but we’re not in a rom com. We’re in real life in your real kitchen with my dad who has a real gun.”
“He won’t shoot me. I’m his girlfriends only nephew. I’m untouchable.”
“And so am I as long as my father is present.” You said and slipped out of his arms.
“Is everything okay over there?” Happy asked from the couch.
“Yes.” You and Peter shouted back in unison. You finished with the dough and brought it over to the pasta maker.
“You better speed run this fucking pasta before I lose my mind.” You whispered in his ear.
“I’m going as fast as I can.” Peter whispered back as he put the dough in the pasta maker as painstakingly slow as possibly. The pasta maker squeaked as he turned the handle and echoed off the walls of the silent kitchen. You could feel sweat running down your face and started to fan yourself.
“I can’t handle this. My dad is gonna know what we did.” You said and gave your hair a stressful tug.
“We haven’t done anything wrong.” He pointed out as he finished up with the pasta. You nodded in agreement and picked up the pasta he had made.
“Yet.” He added and stole a kiss against your neck. You gasped and put your hand where his lips had been.
“What are you doing? My dad is in the next room?”
“I know. That’s what makes it so exciting.” Peter said and leaned in to kiss you again.
“The water should be boiling by now. Can you start putting the pasta in?” May asked as she appeared in the kitchen. You quickly turned around and pretended to be doing something so she wouldn’t suspect anything.
“Sure.” Peter smiled calmly at her and put the pasta into the boiling water. May went back to the living room, leaving you and Peter alone once again. You picked up a wooden spoon and pushed the pasta around the pot in an attempt to look busy.
“I can see you. Stop staring at me.” You said when you felt Peters eyes on you. You looked up and sure enough, he was watching you with a soft expression.
“I’m sorry. I can’t help it.” He said as he walked over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and pulled you into him. It felt nice for a moment but you knew it shouldn’t be happening.
“I am off limits, okay mister? You cannot be staring at me like that.” You whispered and slipped out of his arms.
“Off limits? What does that mean?” He played dumb.
“It means that we cannot happen.” You said and gestured between the two of you. “We can never, ever happen. My dad will reign hell fire on you for even thinking about it. And he’ll reign regular fire on me because I’m his daughter which will be less hot but still really bad.”
“Psh.” Peter scoffed. “I’m not scared of him.”
“You should be. He has access to all of Uncle Tony’s weapons. So unless you want to get blown up or turned inside out, you need to stop. That’s means stop staring at me, stop touching me, and definitely stop kissing me.” You whispered as you got in his face. Peter smirked now that he had you close again and put his hands on your hips. You gulped and looked anywhere but his eyes as he got close to you.
“You want me to stop kissing you?” He asked as he tilted your chin up to look in his eyes.
“Yes.” You replied, but it came out like more of a question than a statement.
“Are you sure?” He asked and moved in even closer. His lips brushed yours when he spoke and you felt your eyelids flutter shut. Right before your lips could touch, you covered your mouth and stepped back.
“No. No more. We can’t.” You said behind your hand. Peter smiled sadly and nodded his head. He looked disappointed but like he understood.
“I know we can’t happen.” He said in a soft voice. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want it to.”
“It doesn’t matter what we want.” You gently reminded him and nodded towards the living room where Happy was.
“So you want it too?” He asked innocently and tilted his head to the side. You sucked in a sharp breath and thought about the way it felt when he had you up against the wall and how badly you wanted that again.
“Peter.” You breathed out.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful I find you?” Peter asked you. Footsteps approaching made you jump apart and turn your backs to each other.
“Hey guys. How’s the pasta coming?” May asked as she walked into the kitchen.
“It’s coming.” Peter replied.
“It’s definitely pasta.” You nodded in agreement.
“Great. I’ll set the table.” May laughed at your strange behavior and grabbed some plates. Once you were alone again, you answered Peters question.
“Yes.” You told him.
“You asked me if I’d want this to happen too. My answer is yes.” You said and looked into his eyes. Peter smiled now that he knew you felt the same but didn’t want to let you off that easy.
“Oh. But then I asked you if you knew how beautiful I found you so I thought you were answering-“
“Shut up.” You laughed as you cut him off. Peter smiled fondly at you from across the kitchen and you felt yourself smile back.
“Do you really feel the same?” He asked, all teasing in his voice gone.
“I do. But I told you, it doesn’t matter what we feel. We can’t date. Ours is a forbidden love.”
“I know. That’s what makes me want you even more.” Peter said with a wicked smile. You stopped leaning on the counter and started to walk to Peter when your dad suddenly walked into the kitchen.
“What are you guys talking about?” Happy asked suspiciously when he noticed the love struck expression on both your faces.
“Dad.” You whined. “Don’t you knock?”
“Knock on what? You’re standing in the middle of the kitchen.” He pointed out. You and Peter exchanged a look, and then you and Happy exchanged a look. Happy looked at Peter and narrowed his eyes, making Peter panic.
“Dinners ready!” Peter shouted despite 75% of the people in the apartment being right in front of him.
“Um, Peter, the pasta is still raw. It’s only been in there a few minutes.” You reminded him.
“Dinner!” Peter said again. “Let’s sit and eat.”
You shrugged and went with it to keep your dad from getting suspicious. You drained the pasta and put it in a big bowl before Peter added the sauce on top. You brought it to the dining table that May had set and put it in the center. Everyone sat down and served themselves some pasta.
“So what’s new with everyone?” Happy asked.
“Nothing.” You and Peter said at the same time. You gave him a look and he gulped nervously.
“Is anything new with you?” You asked May politely.
“Yeah.” Peter nodded. “Talk about yourselves. Tell us everything.”
“Well, um, May and I have been thinking about getting married.” Happy said sheepishly. You spit out your water as Peters jaw dropped.
“Oh.” May smiled tightly. “I didn’t realize we were telling them.”
“Wait, married?” You asked them.
“Yeah. Thinking about it.” Happy nodded as May shook her head.
“But, uh, if you guys got married, what would that mean for us exactly?” You laughed nervously and gestured between you and Peter.
“Well, I’d become Peters uncle, so you guys would technically be cousins.” Happy shrugged as May nodded in agreement. A chill ran down your spine at the use of the “c” word. Peters mouth started to heavily salivate like it usually did before he threw up.
“Cousins?” You choked out.
“Or would they be siblings?” Happy wondered.
“Oh God.” You whimpered. “Not siblings. Anything but siblings.”
“No, just cousins.” May explained. “Because I would become Y/n’s stepmom but Peter isn’t my son so they would be cousins. But you guys could consider each other siblings if you really wanted to. It might be nice to have a sister, right Peter?”
“Stop talking.” Peter said in a grave voice as he gripped the table to keep from fainting again.
“Relax guys. It won’t be too weird. You’re basically cousins already.” May said with an innocent smile.
“Oh no. Don’t say that.” You whispered and clutched your stomach.
“I’m gonna throw up.” Peter said through a gag.
“Why?” Happy asked as he narrowed his eyes at Peter.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t you want to be cousins? It’s just you and me on holidays Wouldn’t it be nice to have a bigger family?” May asked Peter.
“Don’t call us “family”, please.” Peter said and gagged again.
“Yeah, no more.” You pleaded. “Not while we’re eating.”
“Are we missing something?” May asked.
“I don’t want her to be my cousin.” Peter grimaced and shook his head.
“Peter. That’s disrespectful.” May scolded him.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want him to be my cousin either.” You assured her as you wiped some sweat from your forehead. You looked over at Peter and he was just as distraught if you were. He was pale and sweating and extremely close to breaking. You snapped your fingers at him under the table and motioned for him to keep his mouth shut. May and Happy exchanged a suspicion look at the strange behavior in front of them.
“Is there something you guys aren’t telling us?” May asked and leaned on her hand. She stared at Peter, who looked at you in a panic. You shook your head at him, making Happy frown in confusion. He turned to stare at Peter, and that’s what made Peter break.
“I made out with my cousin.” Peter blurted before gasping for air. You groaned and put your head down on the table as May and Happy reacted.
“You what with your what?” May scrunched her nose in disgust.
“You what with my what?” Happy asked and glared Peter.
“Haha. He’s just kidding.” You laughed nervously and waved your hand.
“He better be.” Happy stated without taking his eyes off Peter. Peter was staring all around the room at everything other than Happy.
“This pasta is amazing. Let’s all eat it and stop talking.” You said and shoved some pasta into your mouth.
“It’s a little undercooked.” May commented. “How long did you guys leave it in the water for?”
“Peter?” Happy asked calmly.
“Yes, sir?” Peter answered while looking up at the ceiling.
“Look at me.”
“Yes?” Peter said and looked near Happy, but not at him.
“Peter, look me in the eyes.” Happy commanded. “Right now.”
“I am.” Peter scoffed as he stared at Happy’s ear.
“Not at my ear. My eyes.”
Peter shut his eyes and turned to face Happy head on.
“Open your eyes.” Happy said through clenched teeth. Peter slowly opened one eye, then the other. Happy was glaring at him with a face redder than the sauce May had made.
“Did you make out with my daughter?”
“Which daughter?”
“The one sitting beside you. The only one I have.”
“I don’t understand the question.”
“Let me ask it again then. Did you or did you not make out with my daughter?”
“Okay. Good.” Happy nodded in satisfaction.
“She made out with me.” Peter clarified.
“Peter!” You shouted and looked at him.
“You’re a dead man. He’s a dead man.” Happy declared and lunged across the table at Peter.
“Wait! She kissed me! I didn’t kiss her.” Peter defended himself as he scrambled to get out of his chair and run away from Happy.
“You did the second time.” You pointed out.
“Second time? There was a second time?” Happys voice got louder as he chased Peter around the table.
“Daddy, no. Don’t hurt him!” You protested and stood between your dad and Peter.
“Move it, honey. I’m gonna fight him. I’m gonna fight him up real nice.” Happy declared and grabbed the bowl of Italian bread off the table. He started throwing pieces at Peter, but Peter dodged every one.
“Stop dodging my bread!” Happy shouted and threw his last piece.
“Ha! You’re all out of bread.” Peter pointed at the empty bowl before hiding behind you.
“I’ll just have to use my hands.” Happy said and lunged for Peter again.
“Hold on. Step away from my nephew.” May said as she stepped in front of you and held Happy back. Happy stopped trying to attack Peter and caught his breath.
“Happy, you need to calm down.” May told him. “Your daughter isn’t your property. She’s a beautiful young woman. She is allowed to make her own decisions. And that includes deciding who she wants to date.”
“I know that.” Happy sighed. “She just can’t decide on him.”
“Why not, dad?” You asked him.
“For starters, he rented a very inappropriate movie when we were in Germany. No man who respects women would rent a movie called “Grinding Nemo”. I can’t have a guy like that dating my daughter.”
“I was like 15!” Peter whined. “I just bought the first one I found!”
“Grinding Nemo?” You turned and asked Peter.
“It’s like Finding Nemo but instead of fish it was this guy looking for this girls-“
“I don’t even want to know.” You cut him off.
“Happy, you know Peter.” May reminded him. “You know he’ll stop at nothing to protect the people he cares about. She’s in good hands.”
“But why do they have to be his hands?” Happy pointed to Peter and sat back down. You squeezed Peters shoulder before going to sit down beside your dad.
“May is right. You knew I was gonna start dating eventually. And you also know that Peter is a great guy. You should be glad someone like him turned my head. He’s nice, responsible, smart, respectful, and loved by Uncle Tony. So come on, dad. Let me date my cousin.”
“But Tony asked me to look after him. And I don’t always so the best job. I try, but you know he won’t listen if he has his mind set on doing something. God forbid something had ever happened to him….” Happy trailed off and looked down at the ground.
“You’d be letting down the two most important people in your life.” May finished his sentence with a sad smile.
“Its hard for me to remember you’re not a little girl anymore. I thought I would have more time to prepare for this.” Happy admitted. “And I thought Tony would be here to help me. But you’re just growing up so fast. I can’t keep up.”
“We’re both growing up, dad. But we’re doing it together so it’s less scary.” You told him as you put your hands on his shoulders. Happy smiled fondly at you before looking over your shoulder at Peter.
“Do you really like him?” He asked you.
“I do. He listens to me. And he makes me smile.”
“Gross.” Happy gagged.
“Dad.” You whined. “Stop it.”
Happy sighed and looked up at everyone in the apartment. When his eyes landed on Peter, he got up and went over to him. Peter raised his fists in case Happy tried to attack him again, but Happy lowered them.
“Peter, you have my blessing to date my daughter.” Happy said sincerely.
“You have my blessing too.” May spoke up. “But I don’t love the whole cousin aspect.”
“Me either.” You agreed. “Please never get married so we’re never actually cousins.”
“We were never actually talking about marriage. May just said “Aw” during an allergy commercial that showed a wedding.” Happy admitted.
“So we’re good then? We can date without it being incestuous or forbidden?” Peter asked hopefully and wrapped an arm around you.
“I guess so. Just no PDA in front of me, okay? I don’t need to be reminded of this. Ever.” Happy asked and Peter immediately removed his arm.
“No problem, sir.” Peter replied.
“I’m glad that’s settled. Let’s get back to the family dinner.” You smiled and sat back in your seat. Everyone scrunched their face in disgust and you realized your mistake. Calling it a family dinner now that everyone knew you and Peter had kissed and nearly become cousins made everyone a little queasy.
“I, um, I apologize for my choice of words.”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
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Caffeine fix and beyond - Part 1
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A/N: Did I come up with the worst fic title? Lmao. This is for @elixirfromthestars thank you for hosting the cutest writing challenge ever!
Sitting at the Coffee shop AU table, with some sweet treats - “I’m only doing it because you’re cute.”, “Why don’t you tell me what I can do to make your day better?” & Saying ‘I love you’ for the first time.
Find the writing challenge here ☕️
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warning: fluff! One bad coffee pun.
Word count: 2.2k
Tony Stark Masterlist
“Oh look! It’s my favourite superhero!” you exclaimed, giving the man before you a big grin as he mirrored your action.
“And it’s my favourite barista.”
Tony Stark lowered his sunglasses to greet you, shoving them in his pocket before ordering his usual cup of coffee to go.
Happy Hogan, his head of security or the guy who handed him things - as you formerly knew him, was missing today. That was a first. You got to know about his eccentric habits over the course of time, something which you initially found snooty and borderline narcissistic.
It was a sunny day in New York when the genius billionaire walked into your cafe with a caffeine urge to subdue and an air of indifference. He had cut through the line much to your annoyance but the people waiting didn’t seem to mind since it was the great Iron Man who’d just walked into your humble but prominent shop. After making him wait for a good fifteen minutes before giving him his fix, you were introduced to the man who had been observing you keenly from afar while you worked. As time passed, you got to know the man behind the titanium suit, the funniest, wittiest man you’d come across and a broken superhero you had grown fond of. It had come to a point where on days he wouldn’t show up, you would actually miss him.
“No Happy today?” you wondered out loud, raising your eyebrows when he held his hand out for the cup which you were about to place on the counter.
“He’s feeling under the weather. I’ll let him know you missed him.” he teased, taking a sip of the scalding hot beverage without flinching.
“Please do. You know how much I love him in his suit.” you grinned as Tony chuckled, waving goodbye as you watched the man head out.
“Might stop by later tonight, Y/N!” he called out without turning around, making a few heads turn your way before the superhero disappeared.
Shaking your head fondly, you went about your day, tending to the ever-growing line standing in front of you, all waiting for their favourite coffee.
While you rolled out the last of the cinnamon roll batch for the night, you heard the bell outside your door chime, knowing it wouldn’t be anybody other than the man who had quickly become one of your closest companions. He usually ended up in your cafe late at night for a chat, more often than not for a cup or three of his famous Stark brew - as you coined it.
“Are those cinnamon rolls I smell?”
You chuckled hearing his voice float through the empty cafe before the man appeared in the kitchen which was located behind the counter. Dressed in some faded jeans and a band t-shirt, he looked quite relaxed for someone you knew was running on four hours of sleep on a daily basis.
“Yes! Aren’t these a favourite of your best friend? James if I’m not wrong. Ask him to stop by tomorrow, will you?”
One of the things that you loved doing was teasing Tony Stark, the man was so easily annoyed, it was adorable.
“Yeah I’m starting to think you prefer my head of security and my best friend over my company, Y/N.” he narrowed his eyes at you, leaning against one of your work stations while snooping around for snacks.
“Finally you got the hint! You are as smart as they say, Stark.” you poked your tongue out, wiping your hands on your apron before handing him a bag of strawberries which he gratefully accepted.
“Alright, quit it.”
The two of you had quite the chemistry ever since you began talking, it always bordered on flirting and would more often than not lead to banter, something you thoroughly enjoyed and knew he secretly loved too. It had been a privilege getting to know the man behind the Iron persona. The man was generous and kind, he was sweet when he wanted to be and a stubborn prick when he pleased.
For a few moments he remained silent, watching you wrap the trays of cinnamon rolls in plastic before you transferred them to the fridge to prove overnight; he saw how meticulously you cleaned the kitchen before pouring a glass of white wine for yourself and perching yourself on the counter next to him.
“Not driving home?” he asked, concerned about how tired you looked, surely you were doing this for years and he had never seen you this exhausted. Maybe it was something other than your regular baking duties that were troubling you today.
“Car’s with the mechanic today, she’s giving me nothing but grief these days.” you sighed, rolling your shoulders to relieve some tension from your aching muscles. Some family drama aside, it had been a long, busy but fulfilling day.
“So, what ails you, dear child?” you joked, sipping on your wine. Tony would usually beg you to make him a cup of joe by now but tonight, he remained silent.
“Forget about me. Tell me about your day, Y/N.”
Tony rarely asked about this. His visits consisted of rants about technical jargon which you did not pretend to understand, they ended with him bragging about an invention or a girl he scored with the night before. You were more of a listener than a talker anyway, had been all your life, so it was like a natural fit. So this certainly came as a surprise to you.
“I’m serious. I always yap about my day and you always listen. You seem upset about something and I want to know if you’re willing to share. You need a listener too.” he smiled one of those rare Tony Stark smiles that were reserved for special people in his life. It warmed your heart.
He waited patiently as you took another generous sip from your drink, his brown eyes boring into yours, his body angled towards you, letting you know you had his full attention.
“Well, my baby brother is thinking about quitting college. He says he wants to focus on his start-up. You know the one I told you about.”
He nodded, immediately recalling the day you had mentioned about your younger sibling being inclined towards artificial intelligence and expressing the desire to venture into it professionally one day.
“I don’t want him to be yet another disappointment to my parents, Tony. One sibling has had enough trauma to last a lifetime. I don’t want him to go through what I did.” you sighed, closing your eyes to make the stray tears that gathered disappear.
Sure your parents gave you the upbringing you deserved, but they would never miss a chance to show their disappointment in you after you had quit your well-paying job to open up your quaint little cafe. It had been a lifelong dream of yours that didn’t seem to fit in their ideal world. You were used to ignoring the little jabs and remarks but your brother was still young, and you wanted to protect him.
“Look, I know you still think of him as your baby brother, but he’s old enough to make his own decisions now, Y/N. And you never know, he might be really good, good enough for the heir of Stark Industries to want to meet him to discuss ideas.”
He knew you would never take advantage of the fact that you guys were close and he was willing to do whatever it took to make you feel better.
A lesser known fact was that Tony Stark was quite smitten by you. His best friend knew it, Happy knew it, probably the only person who didn’t know was you.
“Tony, it’s not necessary. You’re being too kind, I just–”
“Nuh-uh. It’s already decided. He will be okay, Y/N. Stop taking his responsibilities upon your delicate little shoulders.” Tony jumped down and placed his hands on your shoulders to give you a little massage. His fingers felt like heaven, making you melt against his touch instantly, you had to stop yourself from letting out a moan that threatened to escape.
“That feels amazing. Do you moonlight as a masseur?” you yawned sleepily, placing the glass away.
“Perhaps. The rest of my services are paid though. Come on.” Tony held out his hand for you and made you stand up.
“Come where? Where are we going?” you frowned, eyelids already growing heavy, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up.
“I’m going to walk you home. Have you eaten today?”
You hadn’t. The day had been busy enough and you wanted to finish the batch of cinnamon rolls for tomorrow, that had eventually led you to forget about dinner.
Meekly you shook your head, making him let out a dramatic sigh.
“What would you do without me, Y/N Y/L/N!”
If anything, Tony Stark would never fail to make you smile. He had a tendency to brighten up a dull day. You found yourself thinking just how much you’d miss him if he wasn’t in your life; not that you’d gather the courage to answer out loud.
He had looped your arm in his as you walked the ever busy streets of New York, grabbing a pizza on your way. This was a new side to him you were shown, one you were sure didn’t come out often.
As you unlocked your front door, you turned to the man beside you who stood fidgeting with the cardboard pizza box.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Instead of answering, Tony leaned closer and wrapped his hand over yours on the door knob, his breath fanning your hair slightly causing your heart to flutter hopelessly. Ever so gently he twisted the knob and opened the door for you, his body heat still radiating near you, making you want to lean against that taut chest. If only you could…
He stepped in after you, observing your space with keen interest. Years of hardwork and savings had bought you this modestly sized apartment, right in the heart of New York. The space was a little cluttered but it had a homey vibe to it which matched you.
Placing the pizza box on the kitchen counter, you discarded your bag and asked the snarky superhero who was currently skimming over family photographs if he wanted a drink.
“You didn’t answer my question, Tony.” You said, handing him a glass of wine. This time he turned to face you, a small smile played on his lips as he took in your appearance. Hair messy from a long day of work, minimal make-up and the light in your eyes that drew him in from day one; to him, you were perfect.
“I’m only doing it because you are cute.”
He stated matter-of-factly, reaching for your free hand and letting his fingers entwine with yours. A small gesture that awakened a few thousand butterflies in your tummy.
“You’ve offered to help my brother, you bought me dinner, walked me home, and you didn’t try to sneak a cup of coffee today. All that because I’m cute huh?”
You teased, feeling just a little bolder as you took a step closer to him. It was now or never, you thought.
“Ask me what I’ve always wondered about.” He asked softly, still toying with your fingers which he’d now brought up to his chest. Something in your heart whispered he felt the same way.
“What have you always wondered about, Tony?” Your eyes dropped to his pillowy lips, unable to resist yourself from getting closer until you were only inches apart.
“I wonder why you won’t bake some blueberry muffins for me?”
It took a couple of seconds for you to process and snap out of it, when you did, Tony’s eyes were dancing with mirth. You shoved him away with a groan only for him to grab hold of your arms and pull you close.
“I’ve always wondered how I’ve grown so close to someone I only met a few months ago, I’ve always wondered how someone as beautiful and amazing as you would ever entertain a selfish prick like me..”
You were about to open your mouth to speak but were stopped when Tony placed a finger on your lips.
“I’ve also wondered what it’d be like to kiss you…” his soft murmur traveled down your spine in a delicious manner, making your breathing hitch as his doe eyes landed on your parted lips.
Taking initiative, you gently pressed your lips to his in a kiss that assured you your life wouldn’t be the same again. It was surprisingly tender, contrary to his boisterous persona, soft lips molded into yours in a perfect union making the surroundings disappear.
You smiled into the kiss when Tony let out a small whine, almost as if battling in his head whether to break the kiss or take things forward. You felt his grip on your hands move to your waist, holding you flush against his chest before he reluctantly broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, grinning.
“And?” You kept your voice soft, afraid to break the bubble you were in.
“I think I found my perfect blend.”
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irondad-and-spiderson · 7 months
Hi! Sorry to bother, idk if you take asks like this (if you don't feel free to ignore!) but do you know any good fics where SI employees bully/threaten/mistreat Peter and Tony comes to the rescue? Thank you so much for your time 💙💙
Hi! I absolutely do! I might just take forever to respond and take your prompt a little loosely 😃 The three under the cut are employees with (valid) security concerns. I know there are more that I can’t find, so anyone feel free to add some 😉
A Big Security Issue by FotiBrit
When Peter lost his Stark Industries Staff ID, Tony handed the kid his own. That was never an issue, until Peter had to check in at the front desk.
The Cusp of a Breath by SpaceCowboysFromMars
“That was the most stressful thing I’ve ever experienced.” Peter says as he and Tony make their way into the crowd. He wipes his sweaty palms on his thighs, cringing when he remembers how much the suit costs.
“You got shot on patrol last month.”
“This was worse.”
Or; Peter is introduced as the official heir of Stark Industries, but not everyone is completely welcoming of his presence. Luckily, he has a pretty awesome mentor to keep him on track.
the love (and other things) you inherit by ironfidus
“Which is why,” Catherine says, unblinking, as delicately as she can, “the board requires that you name a successor in the event of your untimely demise. The risk has simply become too great for us to ignore.”
Tony Stark’s spent a large portion of his life thinking about legacy: his legacy, his company’s, Iron Man’s. He’s spent a lot of time fighting to protect his legacy, too. But today, with a lawyer as his witness and FRIDAY as his one-AI cheerleading squad, he stops, takes a step back, and lets go instead—because for the first time, his legacy isn’t about him, not really.
And as FRIDAY would say: it’s about damn time.
Alternatively: Tony updates his will and gets himself an heir, Peter gets a promotion (for lack of a better word), and the rest of the world gets a wake-up call—in that order. Ft. an impatient board of directors, a Stark Industries charity gala, and a universe in which Tony Stark gets to be happy.
Security Bias by Sara (ctrsara)
Happy Hogan asks Daren Anderson to help him out with a little project.
My take on idk-bruh-20's irondad fic ideas #128: Fic where, after a security incident in which some bozo accused Peter of trespassing at Stark Tower, Happy holds an emergency briefing for the entire SI security team.
The topic of the briefing? The absolutely untouchable, vital-to-know-if-you-want-to-keep-your-job level of importance of one Peter Parker.
Five Times Tony Stark's Fabled Intern Just Showed Up + One Time He Was Invited by kingdomfaraway
While Leroy didn’t like gossip, he wasn’t immune to it and he’d heard about a young boy claiming to be Tony Stark’s intern showing up randomly throughout the building. He just figured it was some random mystery, a Stark Industries cryptid if you will.
Never did he think he’d have a sighting.
“Are you Peter Parker?” Leroy questioned, narrowing his eyes at the young boy, looking for any signs of deceit.
“Oh yeah, that’s me, hi!” Possibly Fabled Intern Peter Parker reached into his pocket and pulled out a badge and lanyard, this one with his face on it and INTERN written underneath it. “Mr. Stark got me a badge so I can get nachos whenever I want.”
Chapter 1 of 200 Park Avenue (5+1) by Sara (ctrsara)
Peter hasn't seen Mr. Stark, or been able to go out as Spider-man since he turned down his invitation to join the Avengers a few weeks ago. He ends up at Stark Tower rather randomly, finding an unlikely hero in Mr. Stark's AI, then keeps returning for different purposes.
The first chapter is a short I did for Comfortember 2022 that I've just kept thinking about. I'm building on that story and creating a 5+1 to explore the new dynamic (post-Homecoming) in another way.
5 Times Peter Visited Stark Tower and 1 Time He Stayed
Home by patrochilles_trash ((it’s less angsty than it sounds))
Tony had been out of the country for weeks on SI business, and Peter was having a hard time. He missed him, plain and simple.
Okay. Maybe not so plain and simple.
Peter had a rough time in the weeks and months that followed the final defeat of Thanos in the ruins of the Compound. Thrust back into life, only to be forced to fight for the lives of the entire universe for the second time at only sixteen-years-old, and then to be told that his last living relative died in a crash during his five year absence did wonders for his psyche.
He developed a nasty form of separation anxiety toward his mentor-turned-adoptive-father -- not that Tony fared much better himself -- and his therapist had said it was a side effect of PTSD and that it would get better over time.
A small field trip fic to SI where Tony has been out of the country for a few weeks, and Peter isn't handling it well.
Don't be fooled. This garbage fluff to avoid my other fics that I'm writing
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I have found the strength to draw one (of two) OCs for AFK Journey. So let me record a few details about her here.
Close childhood friend of Valen. Her father was an Imperial Knight stationed there (Stoutstone Isle) but died on duty in her early childhood years. Since then she dreamed of stepping into her father's shoes, bravely (and angrily often) tagging behind Valen to prove she was no less than him, despite being nearly 3 years younger. Sometimes even managed to kick his butt!
Left for the capital at 11 with her mother. She hated the city and missed the island (and her friend), but then found the Heroic Order and saw that girls were allowed - and then didn't think of anything else.
She had agreed with Valen that they'd meet again as knights but he never showed up and so time passed. On occasion she'd discuss with her mother what he might have been up to, not knowing that he's been in Holistone the past few years.
Her design was influenced by the two other Imperial members Guywin and Joey. She isn't meant to have any special rank, but somehow the design looked bland without the touch of gold.
Her story would be experienced as some extended side quest. At that point she's been through stupid stuff and hit rock bottom. She hid in the Ashen Wastes for a few weeks, before Berial senses her despair. He grants her continued life in exchange of being entertained... so now Lavinia is returning to the capital to follow up on her dark thoughts and assassinate the current leader of the Heroic Order.
She would not actually be wearing her uniform, but some rags she got in Mauler territory a few weeks prior. Only after the side quest is over she'd be seen in uniform again.
Valen's got to attend an important meeting of the Solitaries in the capital, and Merlin joins for the opportunity to see more of the Lightbearer Empire (and refresh her memory). They run into Lavinia on the road and travel together for a bit.
"Who the heck gave you permission to grow into such a stud of a man?!" "The same entity that made you grow pretty beautiful curves. You actually look like a girl now!"
Then lots of things happen. xD Friendships rekindled and broken again. Attempted murder in broad daylight and witnesses.
Truths are being shared, faith and trust are lost. Futures put on line. Hypofiends and a Hypogean in the middle of the capital!
Valen nearly throws the towel on the Heroic Order.
Corrupted Lavinia versus Valen (and others)
Berial is causing chaos but escapes from Merlin and the celestials.
The leader of the Heroic Order ends up very dead. Lavinia lives, somewhat against her expectations and wishes.
Hogan saves the situation, at least he tries to.
The Happy End is not missing, though: while leaving behind the capital for good, Lavinia continues to serve under and among better men in Holistone. ;-)
Due to previous events, Lavinia's life is dependent on Berial's grace. She's also got some perks due to that but she'd much rather not have anything to do with a Hypogean. Thankfully, he forgets about her until I need more drama many years down the line. xD
And finally... she wouldn't be a playable character ever, her skills are boring and greatly overshadowed by Valen or even Guywin. I might think about her stats in the future but since that part of the game isn't what sparks my interest, I probably won't. *shrugs*
Thanks for reading. :-) Until next time! <3
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road trip as a teenage avenger headcanons!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1k
request: yes / no
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: lots ofc but i'd say big emphasis on reader (duh), harley keener, peter parker, miles morales, scott lang, clint barton, bucky barnes, sam wilson, tony stark, happy hogan, natasha romanoff, and bruce banner. more are prob in it but i don't wanna type it all out lol
a/n: y'all i think my pictures are getting more chaotic & tbh i think it's a good thing anyways requests are still open, send in an ask whenever :)
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
it was an annual tradition for the avengers to go on a road trip.
steve always said it was "team bonding". it was honestly kind of fun.
better than the other "team bonding" you did, which mainly consisted of running long distances!!
anyways, they usually would do it soon after you, harley, peter, and miles finished school (also yes im including miles now bc i love him)
tony would come over the intercom while you all were lounging around and tell you to pack your bags.
packing is always a big issue.
let's just say that SOME people are big overpackers...
no offense to him but like ppl have had to sit in the trunk before because of him
and he overpacks with stuff that rly doesn’t make sense
like once y’all went to colorado
and he packed snorkeling equipment
and so you were like “scott. seriously?”
and he looked at you with such a serious face
“y/n. what if all the snow melts? then we would be underwater!! i have an extra snorkeling mask too. i was gonna give it to you, but now idk….”
bruce overpacks too
but he overpacks in a good way
guys bruce is like the mom on vacation
well him and tony both
you’d think steve would be but he is NOT
like the man doesn’t even wear sunscreen
and then here comes bruce with a tote bag full of snacks
which tony eats half of by the way
the best part of having thor on a trip is that he will ALWAYS pick you up if you’re too tired
like once he had you and peter under both his arms like footballs bc u got tired
and clint was sad bc he was tired too
he tried to get scott to pick him up but scott wasn’t ready and they both fell and they like hit their heads
that was an interesting day
ok so setting the scene again
you, peter, harley, miles, natasha and bruce were in the middle of a very competitive round of uno
like y’all
competitive doesn’t even begin to cover it
anyways you were about to get uno
you put down your card and suddenly 
“HEY EVERYBODY” “SHHH you’re being too loud” “ohh sorry HEY EVERYBODY”
you started laughing at the quite obvious blunders of thor and clint in the intercom room
“thor, buddy? you don’t need to be kissing the mic when you speak, alright?”
tony, from another room, always quick with the jabs.
natasha just shook her head but you and peter, harley and miles were DYING
with that done, you all got up, groaning.
“uno.” natasha smirked at you, noticing that you only had one card.
“darn it!!!” you said. “well, doesn’t matter now. we have to go anyways.”
“we can always resume it later, y/n :) “ 
“fine, nat. but i’m going to win this time!! right bruce??”
“well, kid, you know i’m usually on your side, but…”
“aw, come on!!”
ok fast forward. 
you were in the family room
aw guys isn’t that cute that they call it a family room
bc ur a family
ok anyway
and here comes scott with his fifty bags
“relax sharpay, we’re not gonna be gone for THAT long”
guys i wanted a cool tony nickname and tbh i just remember vaguely that sharpay had like suitcases on the cover of her movie i never even watched it so i could be wrong but that was my intention
“tony, these are my essentials.”
“scott, why don’t you just shrink that down? like seriously, man.” miles remarked, and you couldn’t help but agree.
“hey, y’know what? that’s a great idea miles!!”
and so he ended up shrinking his luggage
but then he couldn’t find it
oh scott
anyways tony and happy did a lot of car assignment work
to make sure everyone would get there safely
and your car
drum roll please
ok also this was only for the trip there
the trip back would be different
ok the car was
tony, happy, clint and peter
tbh this was not a bad car at all
poor miles and harley were stuck with scott, bucky, sam and steve
natasha and wanda and pietro and thor were the other one
although here’s the issue
tony is a bad driver
but happy didn’t feel like driving
and u were just starting to drive so clint was like “NO WAY do i trust y/n in a car!!!”
that goofy clown fr
so tony was driving
oh and btw y’all were going to the compound
tony told you and you were like 
“dude, that’s not a road trip”
and he was like “we’re in the car for more than an hour. it’s a road trip, kid.”
and miles and harley kept texting like theorizing about where u were going
harley said europe
and you were like
anyways ya 
so tony is like swerving and speeding everywhere 
ok maybe thats dramatic
but happy was holding the little bar
and he was like yelling at tony to slow down
meanwhile clint is just singing along to the music thats BLASTING
and u and peter are ready to accept ur deaths
like u literally texted sam a video of what was happening and he almost called happy to tell him to pull over 😭 
sam’s got ur back thats for sure!!
anyways tony pulled into a drive thru
bc he needed coffee
guys hes tony stark he needs stuff like that
and he got u and peter and clint happy meals :D
and clint was so excited like 💀 
love him
happy made sure u and peter had ur seatbelts on 
he said it was bc he didn’t want to have to explain to midtown why yall didnt come back for the next year 😭 
that and “too much paperwork”
anyways tony finally got it together
u and peter decided that he just needed an acoustic song on the radio bc as soon as something more relaxing came on he was a lot better lol
the rest of the drive was pretty alright
i'm gonna do another headcanon set about the avengers actually on vacation but yeah there ya go :)
thats how the road trips work yahoo
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crazyunsexycool · 7 months
A love as sweet as honey
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Sad Steve, Crying Steve, Lottie being cute, not much else
A/N: Here we go!! This is set in the My Little Love universe The rest of the story will be updated once My Little Love is completed so there aren't any spoilers. Timeline wise this prologue happens during chapter 30 of My little love and characters from that series will play a part in this one.
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The tower loomed over the street. It glistened in the light of day, a beacon that called out to you. Everyone rushed around as you stared up at your new place of employment. With a deep breath you make your way into the building. It was odd to be in the middle of the city at the Avengers’ tower. The initial job offer mentioned working upstate at the compound. You had even started looking for a place closer to it. It didn’t matter either way to you as long as you had the job.  
“Hello. It’s my first day and I was told to ask for Dr. Banner.” You told the receptionist that sat by the elevators. 
“Y/N Y/L/N.” 
She types your name into the computer.
“I need to see an identification.” She smiled and held her hand out as you dug through your bag. 
She grabs it to verify your information and adds something in the system. Then she grabs the phone and calls someone down. 
“You can wait to the side someone will be right with you.” She says as she hands you back your ID. “Have a great day and welcome to Stark Industries.” 
You mutter a thanks and move to the side of her desk. She was much too chipper for your taste but maybe that was why she worked as a receptionist. There are not a lot of people around the lobby but there are a few guards dressed in full on armor. You’d been to the lobby of the tower in the past and it hadn’t been this empty before. As you wait for whoever is coming you can’t help but anxiously fiddle with your pearl necklace. The elevator dings open and out comes a man in a black suit, slightly curly but short hair. His facial hair frames his smile as he comes up to you. 
“Dr. Y/L/N correct?” He asks as he stops in front of you.
“Depends on who you are?” You eyed him suspiciously.
He chuckles. “I’m Happy Hogan, head of security. Why don’t you follow me and I’ll get you all set up with the proper clearance and work ID. Then I’ll take you up to the lab. If you are in fact Dr. Y/L/N.”
“Lead the way.” 
“Excited for your first day?” He asked as you got into the elevator. Not really bothered by your standoffish attitude.
He nods. “Many people apply for those lab jobs but very few get it and even less get to be Banner’s assistant. You should feel proud about it.” 
You give a tight lipped smile. In reality you were ecstatic about this job because word around town was that this position as Bruce Banner’s assistant had been vacant for close to a year. It wasn’t necessarily the work itself but the famous scientist had specific requirements when it came to an assistant. You still didn’t know what they were but you assumed you had whatever it was Bruce Banner needed.
Happy leads you into an office where he proceeds to hand you a temporary badge with the right clearance. Then he takes your picture for your actual badge. He goes over a few general safety protocols and procedures. Finally after what feels like an eternity Happy takes you up another few floors up to where the labs are. 
“Good luck.” Happy says as he knocks on the office door. 
“Dr. Y/L/N it's great to see you again.” Bruce says once he’s opened the door. He waves to Happy as he’s walking down the hallway. “Please come in.” 
You follow him in and take a seat across from him, only his sleek black desk separates you. The office itself is very clean, the walls are so white they almost hurt your eyes and there are barely any knick knacks or photographs lying around. 
“I’m very excited to be working with you.” Bruce says and gives you a small smile. 
“Me too. It’s an honor to be working with you. Still can’t believe I’m here.”
“Well believe it. Your work was very impressive and I’m sure we’ll do great things. Now before I show you your office and work space do you have any questions?” 
“No, I think everything was covered at orientation. But, I get an office?” You perked up. The thought of having a space just for yourself was thrilling. 
“Of course, everyone needs a quiet place to work. It’s attached to a much smaller lab if you have other things you’d like to work on. I insisted on it. I wouldn’t want to limit your own work just because you work with me. And Tony loves to fund new ideas so keep that in mind.” 
You nodded along but were about to burst at the seams that you had such an opportunity. Clearing your throat you ask, “so if there was something I wanted to work on, do I have to ask for permission or present any preliminary research or documents before I can work on it?” 
“Nothing so formal. As long as we know what you’re working on and we’d both like updates on your progress from time to time. Also if you need someone to look over anything or bounce your ideas off of please don’t hesitate to come to us. Other than that you’re free to work on whatever you want. Any possible equipment or materials are at your disposal. But it can’t interfere with our work.”
“Absolutely not.” You shake your head. 
Bruce smiled, seeing the excitement in your eyes. He stands and waves you to follow him. First he shows you to your office where you drop off your bags. Then he lets you look around the small lab that was meant just for you. You roam around and marvel at how well equipped it is even if it’s small. Finally Bruce takes you to his lab and you can’t hide how impressed you are. You don’t hide your eagerness to explore either. It’s like letting a kid roam around freely in a candy shop or toy store. 
Bruce doesn’t waste much more time. He quickly hands you an official lab coat with Stark Labs embroidered on it as well as your name. Then he shows you what you’ll be working on first. The two of you fall into a very comfortable rhythm for the next few hours. 
“Banner.” His name is called from the doorway and you look up from your station to see none other than Natasha Romanoff standing there. “We have a lead and we leave now. He’ll be needed.” 
He, as in the Hulk. You forgot that Bruce turned into the Hulk with how quiet he is. Bruce nods but sighs as he takes his white lab coat off and hangs it. Then he turns to you. 
“I’m off now but I sent instructions to your email for what to do next and Friday can also help you if needed. Friday, please introduce yourself.” 
“Hello, Dr. Y/L/N. My name is Friday and I am at your disposal.” 
“Hello Friday.” You say. “A.I?” You ask Bruce and he nods. 
“She has access to absolutely everything so you can ask her for anything. Of course if you don’t have clearance she won’t give you the information. Now about the mission. I may be gone the rest of the afternoon and evening so make sure you just head home at a reasonable hour. Friday will make sure to lock up the lab and help you set up your own codes to give you access. If I’m not back tomorrow just keep working on what you are now or work on one of your own projects.” He informs you. “I know it’s a lot but-“ 
“I’m your assistant, this is what I signed up for.” You reassure him and he nods. “Good luck on your mission.” 
He nods again and says a quick goodbye before leaving. You look around the empty lab and just take a moment to appreciate that you were actually at your dream job. It was incredible. After everything that you went through to finish school with no support and the previous jobs you had where you weren’t valued you finally got to where you wanted to be. You smiled to yourself and asked Friday if she could play music. She asked what you wanted to listen to and you gave her the name of your favorite artist. Music started playing through the room and you got back to work. 
For the next few days you followed the same schedule. You’d get to work at around 8:00 am, look at the instructions that Bruce had left for you on that first day and stopped when you felt like it was time to do so. Most nights you’d leave by 7:00 or 8:00 pm. It was easy to lose track of time when you were doing something you loved. 
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Bruce was finally back a week later. There was a defeated and tired look on his face when he greeted you that morning. You weren’t good with comforting people so you weren’t sure if asking if he was ok was the right thing to do. He didn’t give you much of an opportunity because he just dove into work and explained that he would need your help with some kind of testing in about half an hour. 
Sure enough the half hour went by quickly. It was punctuated by the arrival of a little girl to the lab. She had stunning blue eyes and black hair that both framed her face beautifully and accentuated her rosy cheeks. Next to her was a boy with similar beautiful eyes and shoulder length black hair. You assume that they’re siblings. Behind them were four people. An older man, a young woman with red hair whom you thought was part of the Avengers, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark himself.
“Mowning Buce.” The little girl greeted as she bounded over to your boss. She smiled up at him while hugging a pink teddy bear. 
“Good morning Charlotte. How are you this morning?” 
“Am kay.” 
“That’s good.” 
The corners of your lips quirked up at the interaction. Kids were sweet, you liked kids more than you did adults. They never seem to have ulterior motives and were innocently but brutally honest most of the time.
You felt eyes on you as Charlotte continued to talk with Bruce. When you look over you see the boy with his brows furrowed, trying to decide if you’re a friend or foe. You give him a small smile and look back over to Bruce. This time you see Charlotte looking over at you. 
“Hi.” She says as she gets closer to you. “Is Buce new fwiend?” She points at you. 
“Yes?” You look up at Bruce for help and he just nods. “My name is Y/N.” 
“Y/N. Is cute.” She approves of your name and you smile. “Am Wottie an is bubba an gwandpa an Wanda an Tony an Steebie.” She points at everyone she mentioned. 
“Hello.” You give an awkward wave.
“Is Avenguh?” 
“Me an Avenger? No. I just work here in the lab.” 
“Can be fwiend?.” 
“Of course.” You nod and Charlotte smiles at you.
“Alright Charlotte are you ready?” 
“Am weady Buce.” She moves back toward Bruce and takes his hand. 
As everyone follows Bruce around you look in their direction only to find Steve Rogers looking your way now. He gives you a small grateful smile before walking away.
“Y/L/N, good to finally meet you in person.” Tony stands besides you. “Your work was really impressive, I’m sure you’ll fit right in.” 
“Thank you for the opportunity.” You say first as you go from looking at him to the small group at the end of the room. “She seems sweet. If you don’t mind me asking why is she here?” 
“Lottie can see the future. Her brother Henry can turn invisible. We run some tests just to make sure they’re hitting their regular growth milestones and that there are no underlying conditions we should worry about.” 
“Oh.” Now you were intrigued. 
“You’ll see her around here a lot. They live here, and their parents are on the team.” He gives you their names. “You seem to have the approval of our little social butterfly over there. She likes to roam around so don’t be surprised if she pops in for a visit.” Tony chuckles.
“What do you mean?” 
“Trust me when I say that you’d know if she didn’t like you.” 
You nod as you watch Bruce pick her up and set her down on an exam table. Tony excuses himself and joins the group. Moments later Bruce asks for your assistance. You’re mesmerized by the readings as it seems that Charlotte is having a vision. 
You definitely loved your job.
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You had just walked back into your office from a small break when you heard it. Someone was in your lab. If it were Bruce or even Tony, you’d be ok with it. But someone else poking around your things annoyed you beyond belief. The doors that connected your office to the lab slid open as you went to see who it was. There was a man with his back to you. His shoulders shaked lightly and you could hear some sniffling. You took a step back with the intention of leaving him alone but he turned his head to look over his shoulder. The moment he heard you he looked in your direction and he composed himself. 
“I’m sorry. I thought this place was empty.” He says and turns around completely. 
Steve Rogers was standing in your lab, crying. He didn’t seem the type to cry at all but even less to do so in a semi public place. You stand there awkwardly as you think about what to tell him but he beats you to it. 
“I’m Steve. You must be Banner’s new assistant right?”
“Yeah, Y/N.”
“Sorry for this,” Steve looks sheepish at the fact that he had been caught by a stranger. “It’s been a couple of tough weeks. One of my best friends is missing. Her family is devastated.” 
“You must be too.”
Steve nods, his eyes suddenly glued to the floor. 
“I’m sorry. Is that what the missions are about? Dr. Banner has been pulled for a few of them.” 
Steve nods again. 
“I’m sure you’ll find her soon.” You murmur. 
“I hope so.” 
There was an awkward silence between the two of you. All you wanted to do was get back to your office. It was right behind you all you had to do was take one step back. It’s not like you were really good at comforting people. 
“Steebie.” You could hear Charlotte walking through the hallway. 
“I should go get her. It was nice to meet you.” 
The sliding door behind Steve opens and in walks the charming little girl you met a few weeks earlier. 
“There’s my best girl. C’mon.” Steve picks her up, giving her a kiss on the cheek. 
“Oh hi.” Charlotte says when she sees you. “Is new fwiend, Steebie.” 
“You’re just making friends all over the place, sweetheart. Can you say bye to Ms. Y/N.” 
“Bye bye Ms. Y/N.”
“Bye Charlotte.” 
Steve gives you a tight lipped smile and a small nod and starts to walk out. The little girl in his arms waves and smiles as the doors start to close. 
You walk back into your office and blow out a breath. In all honesty that interaction wouldn’t be the weirdest thing you’ll ever witness while being employed by Stark Industries. 
It would also be the first of many interactions that you would have with the blond haired, blue eyed super soldier.
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jakes3resin · 6 months
Can you tell us about your other fics if you already have an established plot?
I'd love to! So there's quite a number of them I won't lie. I tend to get inspired by the randomest things. These are all in various stages of plotted out and written.
A/B/O fic (technically turning into 3 fics) that follows Bucky & Buck through the war, described below.
Courting Arc (top of my list to finish writing) - Bucky POV as he is anonymously courted during his time in the states just before he gets sent over to England (there's a post I'm basing my writing around I'll link it in a moment) <- published
England Arc- a quick look into their lives as they run missions with A/B/O elements (this will be pretty short I think) mostly snippets of scenes from the show just now with Omega Bucky and Alpha Buck <- published
Stalag Arc - Omega Bucky and his awful time in Germany. Here is where we see what being an Omega in war is really like in my omegaverse. Bucky is the highest ranked Omega in the camp meaning he's technically 'in charge' of keeping those Omegas in line. He's tested by his heats, keeping his pack together, and finally by a German order that could tear Buck and Bucky apart. This is a big fic for me to prepare for, and I'm building up to it by writing the Courting Arc first <- next on deck
Biker Gale AU (my beloved, genuinely obsessed with this AU) - this was inspired by one of hogans-heroes AUs. So, Gale leads an outlaw-esque biker club, and Bucky used to be his right hand (and lover) except one day out of the blue he just disappeared. Gale does everything he can to find Bucky, but there's no trail to follow, no clues to put together, nothing. Fast forward about two years, Bucky arrives on Curt's doorstep holding a small baby with the brightest blue eyes and prettiest blonde curls and begs Curt to watch his baby for 5 days. 5 days later Bucky comes back in town bruised to all hell with the FBI on his tail with their own nefarious reasons for tracking Bucky down. Bucky has nowhere else to turn especially since when he comes back to Curt's he finds Gale holding his little baby. (This could be A/B/O I haven't decided, but it's definitely at least mpreg)
Amnesia fic - this is based off of a post I made about the effects of Bucky getting hit over the head like 3 times in the span of two days, its... somewhere (edit: here). But its about Bucky waking up with no memory of who he is just before he gets interrogated by the Germans and sent to Stalag Luft III where he meets a man that his heart rejoices at seeing but his mind doesn't recognize. Buck of course has to deal with the love of his life forgetting him.
Magic AU - Bucky is a Scamander and its now everyone's problem to deal with it. The tag to find all of my ramblings for it is magic au (not that Tumblr's tag system works), and @getinthefuckingjaeger just wrote the best ever fic of Bucky and Theseus so go read that.
I've also got a few paragraphs written of Foster Kid Bucky somewhere but that might never see the light of day (that's also from a hogans-heroes AU) where Bucky is a jaded teenager just trying to make it to 18 to get out of his shitty foster placement when in comes Buck whose mother finally divorced his dad, got custody of her kids, and moved to her hometown to escape. It's about a Bright Buck meeting a Jaded Bucky (a flip on their usual dynamics)
Blonde Bucky AU - I wrote a blurb on the Twin Cleven AU post, and the idea of Bucky bleaching his hair on a drunken night out with Curt and Bubbles has haunted me since <- published as well
There might be more? But these are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head right now that are plotted out beyond oh that'd be a good fic. I have a lot of time spent sitting and waiting right now, so I have the ability to write a multitude of fics. I'm happy to talk about any of these fics if you want to come into my inbox or my messages.
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jadevine · 1 month
Deadpool and Wolverine musings, Part 1 - On Deadpool knowing he’s Deadpool, the Worst Wolverine, and a Hero That Never Was: How the theme of failure in "Deadpool And Wolverine" hits too close to home for another would-be actor.
--- So now that I've processed Deadpool and Wolverine, it really hurts to see the theme of failure and being “the one who’s WATCHING people be awesome” woven through the story. You probably know someone like me, dear readers. I have big dreams, but no big friends or big bank account to pull them off.
The Deadpool franchise’s nature as a self-aware side of the Marvel Universe folds painfully into my own experiences as an artist.
As usual for Deadpool, the start of the movie is a wild ride: We open on him desperately digging up Wolverine’s grave from the end of “Logan,” because Deadpool needs Wolverine’s help--and he’s in serious denial that Wolverine died. Turns out that yes, he did. And Deadpool ends up fighting some furious Time Variance Authority soldiers… with Logan’s decaying skeleton. To the hilariously unfitting song of “Bye Bye Bye” by NSYNC.
Millennials, we can feel old now. I remember when NSYNC was rolling out their CDs in the early 2000s, and when I decided I was too cool for NSYNC anymore, I threw that shit away. Apple is now laughing at me for buying this one song again, twenty years later.
We then get plunged into an explanation of why Deadpool is desperate for Logan’s help, and boy howdy, does he need HELP.
Wade and Vanessa started having relationship issues between Deadpool 2 and this movie, so he tried to sign up for the Avengers to give his life purpose. In his interview with Happy Hogan (HELLO, SIR, IT’S GREAT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!! WADE, SHUT UP ABOUT HAPPY BEING A CHAUFFEUR!!!), Wade says he wants to be an Avenger because “he needs it.” Why? Deadpool sure loves the battles that the Avengers are known for, but I don’t think he wants to be an Avenger JUST for violence or glory. There’s one MORE thing that the Avengers are known for: Being friends. And with it, being LOVED.
The running theme in Deadpool’s movies is his nagging insecurity and loneliness. In the comics and movies alike, he is constantly trying to join the X-Men or the Avengers, but his main problem is… Deadpool himself! You are your own worst enemy, as the saying goes.
He’s ruthlessly good at killing, loves his gallows humor, and he’s reckless as hell. The usual expression that someone’s weird/crazy is “having a wire (or a few wires) loose,” but Deadpool’s like an electric rat-king of jumbled wires. (A cash register at my work has one of those bad boys. I am constantly worried if it’s okay.) Later in the movie, Wolverine thinks Deadpool has ADHD because of how insufferably chatty he is, and while Deadpool’s constantly called “crazy” because other characters just don’t like him, fan speculations and writer depictions abound on what KIND of mental disorder he might have.
As TV Tropes would put it, Deadpool is “The Friend Nobody Likes.” Other heroes tolerate him because he’s skilled, but not many LIKE HIM. And he is all too aware of it, especially in the films, so by the time of Deadpool and Wolverine, he WANTS to be a hero.
As I mentioned before, he says to Happy that he NEEDS to be an Avenger.
But Happy tells him, “The Avengers don’t do the job because they need it, they do the job because people need THEM. Understand the difference?”
Many Avengers fans understand the core of the Avengers, and of the superhero genre as a whole.
I did not miss the shots in Happy’s office of notable objects in the main Marvel Cinematic Universe--and maybe Wade was looking at them, too. We call those “Easter eggs” because people will scour the film for them.
-Tony’s very first heart reactor, with the engraving of “Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.”
-One of Captain America’s old shields.
-Old pieces of Iron Man’s armor.
-A photo of Tony himself and Peter Parker.
Then comes the hurt-y part: “Please, Mr. Hogan, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life like an annoying one-trick pony.” Ouch, Wade. I am all too familiar with the sense of failure, and feeling like I annoy everyone by existing.
So Happy says to Wade, “The problem might be that you’re reaching a little too high. Aim for the middle and you’ll never miss. I think you got a good heart, I believe what you’re saying, but not everyone’s the world-saving type. Shoot for the middle and you’ll never miss.”
And after he’s rejected, Wade officially breaks up with Vanessa. WHY, motherfuckers?! THEY ARE MY POWER COUPLE!
So with no Vanessa and no Avengers, Wade becomes increasingly insecure/depressed, and he leaves the Deadpool work behind and takes a car-sales job with his former X-Force teammate Peter to pay the bills. If that is not an allegory for the constant misery of being an artist who doesn’t know anyone important, and doesn’t have the money to make knowing important people EASIER, I don’t know what is.
I spent years trying to get people to read my novel drafts on Wattpad so I can get them cleaned up and published for real, and then I could be a REAL FUCKING WRITER. And that wore me out, because I’m not a marketer and I’m already introverted. I spent years not being able to afford updated headshots to audition for shows, so I could finally be a REAL FUCKING ACTOR and do something that wasn’t a college production… but after I finally got new headshots, guess what happened? I’M STUCK AT MY DAY-JOB TO GET MONEY.
While I’m trying to be a real fucking actor and a real fucking novel writer, I’ve combined them into an unholy sandwich, by writing a superhero story that deconstructs the idea of “who gets to be called a hero, and who’s just a gangster/vigilante?” It involves the Tagalog deities being stuck in California as undocumented immigrants.
I feel like I asked every Filipino theater I know of about workshopping this script or giving it a reading or two when the draft is done. Like, I’m Filipino-American and I’m writing about Filipino mythology and Asian-American superheroes--I don’t expect people to spring a whole production onto the stage when I say go, but surely people would want to check my script out or keep tabs on me? Something to get the ball rolling?
But that involves having GOOD luck, and I don’t seem to have any. The theaters who bothered to answer me say it sounds cool, but they don’t have the resources, or how this script is expensive to pull off, so I’ll need to find someone willing to take a risk and fund my production.
I wanted to fucking laugh at those folks, because that means THEY’RE not willing to risk things for me. I want to laugh because if I don’t, I’m gonna murder something.
As Deadpool said in his very first movie: "Fake laugh, hiding real pain."
This one time, I could have gone to Canada for a writing conference. It was about how Filipinos and the Filipino diaspora use their culture and spirituality as inspiration for their work. I sent them an email about my poetry and writing, and I didn’t really think they’d answer me, so I was pleasantly surprised when someone DID answer, and they thought my work sounded beautiful!
But then they said I’d have to get to Canada, pay the attendance fee, find a hotel and get from a city (either Toronto or Ottawa) to the buttfuck wilderness of a regional park, where the conference was actually being HELD.
So I said (politely), “Oh, I didn’t realize you wanted to hold a conference in Canada, but had no way to… GET NON-LOCAL SPEAKERS TO THE CONFERENCE. I figured you’d be handling at least some of the costs. I won’t be able to go, then.”
One of my friends, bless her heart, started a GoFundMe on my behalf. It went nowhere, so neither did I, but she tried. Another of my friends said it felt really messed up that they wanted me to pay the attendance fee AS A SPEAKER.
In my only bout of less-bad luck, I submitted some angry decolonizing poetry about the Tagalog gods to a show halfway across the state, and the team absolutely loved it… but that was before I had updated headshots. When the recent Facebook memories with a photo of the brochure showed up, I got to see my fucking Facebook selfie smack in the middle of everyone else’s nice, professional headshots, and that really stings.
I wish I was like Deadpool, and I had some time-traveling friends to go back and replace it with one of my REAL headshots. But I can’t spend all my time cringing, so I’m not only writing my stories, but saving up to pay 50-100 actors for a table reading.
And that’s probably going to be my only shot. I don’t know anyone in theater professionally, because I never got a chance to WORK WITH anyone professionally.
For my script, I have three or five Filipino actor “friends” (more like acquaintances) whose shows I’ve watched a few times, so I told them how I have a superhero script that I’d love to get a reading for when the first draft’s finished, and I will pay everyone for a table reading in a couple months. And if they have ten or fifteen more friends of varying ethnicities, please ask them if they think my script sounds cool as well.
I hope I didn’t sound too desperate.
I try not to outwardly beg, but I don’t have a good gauge on that. I was the only Filipino in my theater class for years, so I never knew how to TALK about my extremely Filipino-oriented urban-fantasy, or if my stuff was ACTUALLY good or just weird. I went to open mics for a short but lovely few months, before I had to stop.
I couldn’t even afford MONTHLY TRIPS to read my work. Not only for no pay, but I had to pay AN ENTRY FEE and deal with the parking in this driving hellhole of a state. And then being a BROKE Filipino who still lives with my mom and works in food service? I always feel like I’m begging for scraps of attention.
I love art.
I love making art.
But with so many things depending on who you know--whether you can afford to go to shows, or go to school, or go to parties so you can FIND people to know--art really makes you feel shitty and poor sometimes.
My friends and about twenty or so Wattpad reviewers like my work, and they say I’m a great writer. It always makes me feel nice.
But when I try to get someone IN POWER, someone with MONEY, to check out my work and say the same things, that’s where I start feeling like Wade in the Avengers Tower--so close to the heroes I’ve heard about my whole life, seeing the things they use, the photos of people they love--and begging the doorman to let me be a hero, too.
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Academic Decommitment
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57238774 by webss312 Peter hadn't talked to Mr. Stark since battling the Avengers in Germany, three months ago. Which wouldn't be a problem, except that his class was now taking a field trip to Stark Industries, and he still didn't actually have an internship. Not to mention both Mr. Stark and Happy had been ignoring him. Things were going disastrously— as expected— but at least the employees in one of the R&D labs seemed grateful for his help in solving one of their problems. Then his day gets somehow weirder when Mr. Stark offers him an actual internship. Oh, how quickly things change.   OR: Peter's field trip to Stark Industries, except set in the time frame between Civil War and the start of Homecoming. ft. Peter being a smart little shit, Tony being begrudgingly impressed, and Happy being annoyed per usual. Words: 9557, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Academic Decathlon Team Members (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Roger Harrington (Marvel), Flash Thompson, Betty Brant, Friday (Marvel), Aunt May Parker (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Happy Hogan & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team Members (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker Additional Tags: BAMF Peter Parker, Smart Peter Parker, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Happy Hogan Needs a Raise, Happy Hogan & Tony Stark Friendship, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, like sort of its in that pre-homecoming era mentory vibe, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Michelle Jones is a Little Shit (Marvel), Tony Stark Doesn't Like Being Handed Things, EXCEPT from peter apparently if it's coffee, POV Peter Parker, POV Tony Stark, Happy Hogan & Peter Parker Friendship, developing at least, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Friendship, Awesome Aunt May Parker (Marvel), peter parker gets an actual internship from being smart, Sarcastic Peter Parker, Tony Stark Being a Little Shit, Good Friend Ned Leeds, Good Friend Michelle Jones (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes is So Done, Canon Divergence - Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Peter Parker is smart and capable read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57238774
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Tales of Suspense (1959) #87
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Previous Winners
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Stories that have won in the 2021-2023 Cycles are ineligible for story awards in 2024. Writers who have won writer awards previously are ineligible for writer awards in 2024. The full list of previous winners can be found below.
Previous Winners — Stories
5 Times A Member Of The Team Head About The Kid + 1 Time They Met Him By Orphan_Account
5 Times Peter Fell, And Tony Caught Him. And The 1 Time Tony Didn’t By Eva7673
5 Times Peter Fell, And Tony Caught Him. And The 1 Time Tony Didn't By Eva7673 Missing Links By Spagbol99
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud By Grilledcheesing
5 Times Peter Sleepwalked And The 1 Time He Pretended He Did By Losingmymindtonight
5 Times Tony Dealt With A Loopy Peter By For_The_Night
A Beautiful Lie By Rayrox360
A Parent Apparent By Happyaspie
A Parent Apparent By Happyaspie
A Peter Parker Problem By Spagbol99
A Soul's Best Friend By Superherotiger
Ain't My Blood; Still My Boys By Parkrstark
All Good Things Come In Threes By Bergen
And Stay Out! By Iron_Spider
And You'll Blow Us All Away By Losingmymindtonight
Astronomy In Reverse By Pansley
Astronomy In Reverse By Pansley
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It By Savana_Marlark
Built From Scraps By Peterstank
Built From Scraps By Peterstank
Catch And Keep By Bergen
Close To My Heart, Never To Part By Parkrstark
Come My Darling, Homeward Bound By Buckleyirondad
Five Time Faculty Members Had To Call Peter's Emergency Contact + 1 Time He Shows Up Anyway By Kingdomfaraway
Five Times Tony Stark's Fabled Intern Just Showed Up + One Time He Was Invited By Kingdomfaraway
Good Publicity By Bergen
Happy Hogan Never Forgets A Face By Jen27ny
He’s Just A Kid By For_The_Night
Heir Peter Fics By Onlyforward
How To Fire Your Intern Sixteen Times In Three Days By Bergen
Hydra's Not A Home By Tempestaurora
I Love You More Than Anything Series By  Iron_Spider
I Never Knew I Was Broken By Gotmyinkpen
Identity Theft By Kitcat992
If They Knew All About You By Mshermia
If You're Going Through Hell, Keep On Going By Baloobird
Instant Kill Mode By Isn't_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
It's Always Who Is Spider-Man, Never How Is Spider-Man By I_Regret_Thatpersonalityquiz
Long Story Short (It Was A Bad Time) Or Ais Don't Forget By Peacockgirl
May Parker's Complete Guide On How To Raise Your Spiderling By Embarrassing_Myself
Miscommunications By Isnt_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
Missing Links By Spagbol99
No Ulterior Motive By Ob_Liv_Ious_Writer
One In A Million By Inkonmyheartandonthepage
Peter And The Jailbirds By Beautifullights
Peter And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Field Trip By By Cazei
Peter Parker's Home For Wayward People And Animals By Bergen
Prince Of The Forest By Tess_Moon
Put It On Speaker By Onlyforward
Retrograde By Madasthesea
S.O.S. (Somehow Obtained Son) By Madasthesea
So Many Things To Say By Happyaspie
The 1 Time Some Avengers Didn't Believe Tony Was Father Material And The 5 Times They Were Proven Wrong By Thisisnotourlasthunt
The Avengers Vs The Peter Factor By Midnightwolf2192
The First Time Peter Called Tony 'Dad' By Warlock_Writer
The Guardian By Emily_F6
The Guardian By Emily_F6
The Guest Room By Niniblack
The Itsy Bitsy Spider By Fatandnerdy30
The Kid Behind The Mask By Inkinmyheartandonthepage
The Long Game By Niniblack
The Lost And Forgotten By Litcraz
The Third Option By Uncertainty_Principle
The Third Option By Uncertainty_Principle
The World Kept You Like A Secret, But I Kept You Like An Oath By For_The_Night
Things I Almost Remember Verse By Icedaquarius
Very Normal Totally Regular Human Intern By Winterturtle
Wait, You're Spider-Man? By Fritokays
We Forgot Peter By Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Whatever It Takes By Starryknight09
Wrong Number Kid By Blackshadow030930
Previous Winners — Writers
Sara (Ctsara)
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beans-core · 2 months
watched Deadpool 3 today. Please excuse me while I lose any marbles I’ve managed to convince you I have.
Spoilers! duh
Number one. First and absolute foremost. I will absolutely cream my jeans if Deadpool makes any cameo in any other marvel show/movie. Seeing him talk with Happy Hogan was already so great, and seeing any other characters trying to tolerate deadpools bullshit would be INCREDIBLE.
Something specifically that would make me happy cry would be seeing DP with Spider-Man. plEASE. Idgaf if they recast Spider-Man for a fourth fucking time or something but oml I would watch the hell out of that. (It would prob make the OTP SpideyPool shippers cream their jeans too, now that Tom hollands Spider-Man is legal. Would be a hell of a cradle-robbery though jfc.)
Number two. Honestly, I’d be completely fine if there were no more Deadpool movies. I feel like it’s alright to stop a good thing before it become a bad thing. E.g: not over doing it. It’s happened in many movies franchises before, and if happens to Deadpool I’ll probably kms. Like, three whole good movies is already teetering on the ledge. It’s fear-edging me. I’m scared the greed is gonna come back (did it really ever leave?) and target DP. So if they stop the movies while the going is good, I’d understand, but if so— please dear god I hope DP still makes appearances.
As in: maybe a tv show? Like, wasn’t there going to be an animated show at one point? It got scrapped I think, but something like that would fuck hard.
Number three. Just. Hugh Jackman. MAN. I’m ecstatic to see him play wolverine again. Positively quivering with excitement. I have no earthly idea if this was a one time thing, a final-but-for-real-this-time hurrah. But if it was: worth it. I squeaked when I saw him back on screen. Was shitting screaming crying at the end of ‘Logan’ when I first watched it (amazing movie btdubs) and even though it’s hilarious that Marvel didn’t let his movie-story end there— they just went “how about no”— I’m kinda glad that they didn’t just ignore that Wolverine ever died. And the fact that this movie helped set up a more coherent timeline for a bunch of other movies!!! I appreciate that sooo much!!!
Also. happy to see the movie people making another excuse to get wolverine naked.
“There are 206 bones in the human body. 207 if [Hugh Jackman is there].”
yeah okay I’m done. For now.
if you need someone to geek out about with, I’m here. Hmu. But beware, I’m not versed much in marvel’s comics.
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reidsaurora · 2 years
emmy may i request candy cane kisses with the prompt snowed in at the bau with our beloved Spence <33 hot cocoas and manilla folders
I'm so excited for your Christmas challenge!! Happy holidays love <33
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"Snow and Sweet" ~ S. Reid
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Summary: In which a cup of hot cocoa and a slip of the tongue leads to a mistletoe kiss and a love confession.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader (reader wears lipstick but fuck social norms)
Word Count: 1,493
Content Warning: the tiniest bit of angst because Y/N is lowkey insecure because of Elle, mentions of coffee and hot chocolate, like one (1) swear word, Spencer is autistic but what's new, honestly i think that's it?
Genre: Fluff, v fluffy 🫶🏻
Extra Notes: this took me soooo long to write but as they say, good things take time 🫡
Based on the Request: "emmy may i request candy cane kisses with the prompt snowed in at the bau with our beloved Spence <33 hot cocoas and manilla folders"
Originally Written: 01/03/2022
Beta Read By: @dungeons-are-too-cold
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
"ofwilliamandwalter's Christmas special" can be found here!
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You weren't quite sure how you found yourself in this position, but one way or another, you were stuck at the BAU… with Spencer Reid. Only Spencer Reid.
It wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world if you didn't have the biggest (and probably most unrequited) crush on the man.
You'd been working together for two years, straight out of the Training Academy. He must've been so smart he skipped training, you reckoned, because you were sure you would've seen someone as beautiful as him around and probably would've failed from being distracted by him.
Spencer looked much different now then when you'd first met, and if he'd looked like that in training, you were sure you would've tripped during your high speed chase at Hogan's Alley. His shaggy hair was replaced with neatly trimmed waves, his contacts were replaced with glasses that made him carry himself with a confidence you hadn't seen when you first met, and his shy, questioning smile was replaced with one of certainty. He seemed much more like his true self.
Any other time, you might've not minded being snowed in at the BAU. After all, it was a big enough building—a library on the second floor, a coffee shop on the first. But tonight was Christmas Eve, and you cursed yourself for insisting that you could finish up your paperwork and have time to make it to Penelope's apartment for a Christmas movie night.
Only five pages remained of your work when Spencer stepped toward your desk. "The Weather Channel says we might be snowed in." he'd said, his voice stupidly sweet, his expression stupidly concerned, his face stupidly beautiful.
Here you were, three hours later, sipping on some hot chocolate in your favorite work mug and avoiding Spencer like a plague. This was especially hard considering you were the only two people on this floor.
"You OK?" he asked, breaking you from your online shopping trance. "Well," he chuckled, "all things considered."
No. I'm trapped in here with the person I find most attractive who probably doesn't find me the least bit attractive. "All good," you smiled before taking another sip of hot chocolate.
He sat down in the chair next to yours, (Derek's, but it wasn't like he was there to use it anyway). A sideways smile stretched across his face as he said, "Well, please don't take offense when I say this, but I am a profiler and I can tell when something seems wrong. You've been avoiding me for one thing and every time we have spoken, you say three words or less."
"Not true," you pouted, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Your words reverberated in your ears, realization hitting you like a bus. "Sorry," you said, looking away. "I'm just not having the best night. I mean, I am stuck in the BAU with-"
You stopped abruptly, not sure how you'd let that much slip. Great, Y/N. Just great.
"With what?" he asked. Of course he caught that.
"Without Piper. She's my tabby cat." Well, at least he knows how much you love animals.
His mouth twisted. "You have a cat? That's so cool. I've always wanted a cat but I couldn't own one because my mom and I both have cat allergies." Of course he has cat allergies. How could I possibly make this worse?
Luckily, you stopped yourself before any more embarrassing things could slip from your tongue. Instead you took another sip of chocolatey goodness, thankful that it was the last one. "I'm gonna go make some more hot chocolate," you managed to say.
Much to your dismay, Spencer followed behind, reaching up into the shelf directly above you. His chest gently nudged your back, though his body felt rock solid. When did Spencer get so buff under those sweater vests?
"Sorry," he said with a blush.
You shook your head, perhaps a tad too fast. "It's all good." You turned your attention back to the fridge, grabbing the milk for your cocoa. Thank goodness Penelope stocks this fridge like she owns it.
A couple minutes had passed and you'd finished making your cocoa just as Spencer finished making his cup of coffee. You turned to walk back to the bullpen, but he grabbed your wrist with his free hand. Damn those hands. "Hey, are you sure you're OK?"
You set your mug back on the counter, your arms crossing tightly in front of your chest. "I am fine, Reid."
His eyes softened and his brows furrowed. "Did I do something?"
Your stomach churned at the thought of ever making Spencer sad or distressed. "Of course not! Why would you think that?"
"You keep avoiding me. You tensed up when I reached around you for my mug. You won't make eye contact with me. I'm just scared I've done something."
You shook your head, giving him a reassuring smile. "Spencer, you could never. I promise. I love you too much to ever-"
"You what?"
You froze in your tracks. If it hadn't been for hearing your slip of the tongue, Spencer might've thought you'd been seen a ghost.
"You love me?" he asked.
You couldn't move, you couldn't breathe, and the only thing you were sure you could do was hear because his question echoed in your head like he'd screamed it at the Grand Canyon.
"Y/N?" he called, waving a hand in front of your face. It wasn't until you blinked that he was sure you were still alive. You wanted to disappear. When you remembered that Spencer knew magic tricks, you were tempted to ask him how much you'd have to pay to see him make you disappear into thin air.
"If it's any consolation, I think I like you, which I know isn't the same but…" he told you, his voice trailing awkwardly. At least you weren't awkward alone. He chuckled for a moment before examining, "I sound like a seventh grader right now, don't I?"
Some of the heaviness left your chest as his response rang through your eardrums. "You… like me?"
He nodded softly, his cheeks tinged as red as your favorite Christmas mug. "I do. I'm assuming by what you said that you must really like me too."
You let out a deep sigh before looking up at him. "If I have to be honest, I've had the biggest crush on you since the day I met you. Up until about twenty seconds ago, I just assumed it was unrequited. I mean, the way you always looked at Elle before she left-"
He blushed with an awkwardly amused huff. "I suppose I should admit that I always thought Elle was pretty. Doesn't mean I thought she was prettier than you."
This time, a rouge made its way to your own cheeks. "Really? I mean, Elle's got everything. A nice body, she's smart, she's beautiful, and I'm… well, I'm me."
An expression of reassurance overtook his face as he placed a hand on your shoulder. "You are both beautiful in your own ways. You shouldn't compare yourself to others. Yes, I liked you both, but for different reasons. I always thought Elle was pretty. But you… I think you're beautiful. And you've always been kind to me. You're one of the only people here who respects my neurodiversity."
Your eyes darted away awkwardly, up to the roof—or rather, what was hanging from the roof. Why does the universe hate me?
Spencer must've noticed your eyes, widened and focused on whatever was above his head. His head tilted upward, and you were secretly thankful your eyes were stuck to the roof, otherwise you might've melted on the spot after seeing that one stupidly beautiful vein in his neck. "Huh," he said, his tone the most nonchalant you'd ever heard, "mistletoe."
"Yep," you replied, the p popping louder than you'd expected it to.
He looked back down at you, his cheeks redder and hotter than ever. "Hey, traditions are stupid anyway. We don't have to-"
He stopped mid-sentence when he noticed your lips twist the slightest bit downward. Even you hadn't noticed it until he was grabbing your face and pulling your lips into his, forcing them upward again.
He smelled sweet, probably because of the fifteen spoonfuls of creamer and sugar he always put in his coffee. Your stomach turned, probably a mix of nerves from your current position and the sickeningly sweet smell of Spencer Reid (or his coffee, anyway).
His hands stayed on either side of your face as he pulled away. You let out a giggle as you saw the remnants of your favorite lipstick coating his lips.
Spencer's wristwatch beeped loudly, breaking you away from your trance. He glanced down at his wrist while his other hand darted up to the nape of his neck. "Merry Christmas?" he said, cringing.
You giggled once more, pulling him in for another kiss. "Merry Christmas, sweet boy."
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Rups, my dear!!!! This was such a cute request and I am so glad with how it turned out!
I wrote this probably ten times and nothing ever seemed good enough. I'm sure you as a writer understand that sometimes, you make your standards way too high for your own self 🤣 But, finally, one last time I deleted the document and started anew... and this is what happened! I love it so so much and I hope you do too!!
As always, thank you for being so patient with me. Sometimes requests take me a little while because I want to have the vision as beautiful as the requester has made it out to be so it does take me a lil bit longer sometimes to do that. Thank you for your patience, my dear!!!
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as it was
pairing: peter parker x sister!reader
WC: 3K
warnings: small mentions of anxiety, maybe some cursing, just no way home angst. there is no physical description of reader, so you could read this as adopted!reader or however.
summary: you feel like there’s something missing from your life when may dies. you just aren’t sure what that thing is.
A/N: i started this april 11, 2022. something just came upon me to start writing for this draft again. i dont live in nyc so ignore all directions. my own gif (that’s why it’s shit)
@alecmores my editor💗
been in the drafts since march 25
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You were sitting in front of her grave.
The cold chill of New York winter settles into your bones. The trees were barren of any leaves with autumn having left a few weeks ago, no snowfall yet thankfully. The grass has been freshly cut along with some watering causing you to sit in a bit of wet grass, at least your coat was taking the moisture.
You brought some new flowers, just some simple white roses. The other flowers have been slowly wilting since your last visit, and you never want to have dead flowers resting with Aunt May’s grave.
As you replace the flora you sit back on the ground with the wilting stems staying in your hands to keep you from fidgeting around and picking the grass as you talk to her. You try to visit once a week, but sometimes you can only come twice a month because it will just hit you really hard one day that you have no one left, no immediate family anymore. The closest you have to any type of family is Happy Hogan, MJ, and Ned, which is kind of weird because when you think of your memories that involve the three of them, something is missing, a piece of a puzzle that won’t fit in its place.
“How are you today, may?” The wind just blows the hair around your face in different directions.
“I started to work at the Peter Pan cafe with MJ. Sometimes we have shifts together, but honestly, it’s kinda rare since it doesn’t get too busy there. The boss is an older man who’s lazy and has a snippy attitude for no reason, but it's an easy job. Don’t have to worry about my anxiety kicking in.” You stared down at your gloved-covered hands that clutched your crossed legs. Your lips rolled together as you let the silence cover you, thinking of what else to mention.
“Uh… Happy. Happy- he misses you, I miss you. He- uh… he took me in, unofficially adopted me. I’m thankful for him cause if I had to do all this- this, I don’t know, just I’m thankful he took pity on me and didn’t leave me to the wolves. MJ and Ned said they would’ve taken me in, but I think they just said it out of friendliness.” You shrugged your shoulders at the thought.
You perked your head up and glanced around the cemetery. Dozens of headstones, some having more grandeur stone carvings with angels or whatever. Fallen autumn leaves tumbled and kicked across the grass, sticking to trees or headstones before a breeze pushed them away and further off. It seemed you were the only person visiting a loved one at the moment, you wished someone accompanied you, but you liked being with May by yourself.
“Oh, uh, school. Probably want to know about school. I- I- I think I’m gonna take a gap year. Process and readjust to everything and I know if I was doing school I wouldn’t give my all and I don’t want to let you down. Plus, I need money and so I’ll probably need to work a few jobs- wanna help Happy with bills so he doesn’t feel stuck with me.”
A puff of air left your lips as you rubbed your arms up and down your biceps to get a good warmth back into your bones so you could stay longer. With a lick to your lips and a furrow to your brow, you hesitantly spoke a thought that’s been sitting on your tongue for a while, only feeling brave to speak them towards May.
“Ever since you- since you left… something has felt… off. I- I don’t even know what feels off, just that I’m missing something- someone in my life. But I don’t have anyone else. Mom and dad were gone too soon for me to remember their faces, Ben passed away a few years ago and then all I had was you. May... you’ve been my mom, you are my mom. And- and when the blip happened and we came back, that was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. Feeling like you were gone for only a minute but then people are telling you that it’s been five years and half the population turned to dust… but you came back and I felt safe again. And we got back into some normal groove again. And then hearing that you got into an accident and were killed-” your throat started to choke with restrained tears, “I’ve never been more scared in my whole life.”
You let a cry free before pulling yourself back in, wanting to continue your rant, “but, what I’m trying to get at… something feels out of place. I feel like someone is missing from the giant picture, memories feel like they’ve been edited- cutting out that person from our life, my life. Memories with MJ and Ned feel weird, and memories with Happy feel weird as well. Like trying to think about how the two of you met… something is burned away. I- I don’t know, probably just trying to find something to focus on.”
Your eyes met the dark stone, the words May Parker engraved with her date of birth and death. Your shoulders sagged, you were just talking to air about a nagging thought. Should probably look into getting therapy.
“I should start heading back, Happy’s probably worried about me.” You dusted your jacket and pants clean of any grass, might have a few wet spots soaking the fabric.
You stuffed your hands into the jacket pockets and just stood, not making an effort to leave just yet. There was a crunching of leaves that soon filled the quiet and you didn’t think anything of it, it could have been another visitor or Happy who came to visit and take you home, which happened a few times already. But when you looked in your periphery, it wasn’t someone at another grave and it wasn’t Happy. It was a boy.
Out of curiosity, you turned your head enough to get a proper look at the new arrival. You eyed him from head to toe, never seeing him around before. He looked to be about your age, just a teenager. A beanie covered his head, he wore a blue puffer jacket with a few stripes at the top with simple jeans and sneakers, nothing standing out. But there was just something about him…
“How did you know May?” The mystery boy spoke. It took you off guard, “huh?” Was all that came out. He cleared his throat and jerked his chin, again, “how- uh- how did you know May?” He turned to you before turning away.
“Oh, she- she was my aunt. Well, my mom really. Lived with her when I was young.” You stopped there and it was silent. You counted to five before asking, “how did you know her? If I may ask?” Your manners popping in.
The boy was quiet, eyes set on her name. He sniffled then wet his lips, “feast. I knew her from feast. She was- she was nice, always kind to everyone. She was like the mother I never had. I’m glad you had her as family.” His voice cracked on the word family, something you noted but didn’t push for further.
“Yeah. She was always looking out for the little guys.” A smile to your lips. “Was it just the two of you?” The boy asked then backed tracked, “only if you feel comfortable saying. Sorry, it just- it just slipped.”
You looked at the boy. He wasn’t fidgeting, but you could tell from his eyes that he was nervous about something. Your eyes just wandered over him, sure it may seem rude but you couldn’t help it. It was like a magnet was pulling you and you couldn’t resist the hold it had on you. You thought about lying to this stranger, but you didn’t. “Yeah. Well, it wasn’t always just the two of us. She had a husband, his name was Ben, and he’s buried in his home state. But he got shot during a robbery about… a decade ago… blip time difference is weird.” You mumbled off, realizing he died five years ago for you but with your dusting, that added an extra five. The boy agreed with a light chuckle, it warmed you.
“What about you? Any family still with you?” Bouncing back on his question.
His eyes drooped a slight frown on his face, “uh…no. No family, just me.” His eyes caught yours before, once again, looking away. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ “Oh! No, it’s- it’s fine. I was asking the questions first anyway.”
You rolled your lips as you swayed on your feet. Neither of you decided to speak, just stood beside each other as you stared at the headstone and listened to the leaves falling. You wanted to look at the boy again but withheld yourself from doing so.
“I should- I should head home. But it was nice to meet you…” you trailed off hoping he’ll present his name. “Peter… Peter Parker.” He held a smile at the last name.
“Huh, funny coincidence. I’m (Y/n), Parker obviously.” You bid Peter a smile goodbye and turned your back to make your walk to the subway.
“Hey! Uh (Y/n)!” You heard the shouts and the crunching of leaves beneath his feet as he hurried to catch up with you. You stopped your steps and looked at Peter as he stopped a few steps away.
“Do you… do you take the subway?” “Yeah…”
“Do you mind if I walk you? I just- I would just feel a lot better knowing you made it safely plus I think May would… sorry- sorry. Only if you want, of course, I mean you just met me and-“
You stepped closer and touched his arm, “hey, it’s fine. I would like the company. Plus, it’s just the subway, you’re not walking me to the front door.” You shrugged at the end before nodding your head to the iron gates.
The two of you traveled down the busy and packed streets of New York. Shifting and turning your bodies so you didn’t bump into anyone, especially someone who wasn’t in the right mood that day. The walking was quiet at first, two strangers who just met and didn’t know what boundaries were already drawn. You kept making glances at Peter beside you before looking away, at the sky or the buildings around you.
“Are you in school?” Peter was the first to ask, once again. You were thankful he took the first steps.
“Oh, well I’m eighteen so I’m about to graduate high school. And I was planning to go to college, out of state or in state, not sure. But after May… I’m taking a gap year. Want to get my bearings first before I focus back on school… How’s your academic future?” You eyed him as he watched you talk.
“Uh, well I’m eighteen as well. And something happened during the school year so I kinda have to start senior year over again. I was planning to go to MIT for college, but that’ll just have to wait.” He scratched his nose before stuffing his hand back into his jacket pocket.
“Another coincidence. Two of my friends are going.” You saw the smile Peter tried to hide from your comment.
“Do you have a job, Mr. Parker?” Already giving joking nicknames.
You didn’t notice the stiffness to his shoulders or the sadness that glazed over his eyes before stuttering, “uh, I’ve applied to a- a few different jobs. Kinda hard- not a high school graduate so my options are limited. Gotta look for the desperate places.”
“But those are kinda sketchy. Not the safest.”
His attention was on you, “yeah, well, I can handle myself.” He nudged your arm and pulled a smile from you as you shook your head. “What about you? Any sketchy jobs?”
“Not sketchy, just boring and quiet. I work at a small café with my friend. An easy job since I have anxiety.” You keep your answers vague with enough detail.
Silence came back around. Cars honking and people talking to each other or over the phone. Couples holding hands or looped around each other.
“Anyone special in your life?” Was your first question to come to mind.
You weren’t sure if the flush was due to the low temperature or the abrupt question towards Peter, who’s still a stranger, about if he was seeing someone.
“No, no. I- I had someone, but she left me. For the best, I think.”
“Why is that? Secretly with the mob or something?”
He laughed, “Nah, nothing like that. Just… I'm broken and a mess. Don’t want her dealing with… all that.” He made a circling hand gesture. You just hummed.
You weren’t paying much attention to your surroundings so you didn’t see the group of kids running and pushing into everyone coming your way. So with a tight hold on your bicep and a yank, you yelped and looked around. Peter pulled you behind him and you followed his eyes as you watched the kids pass as they shouted and yelled.
“Stupid kids.” You muttered before continuing your walk. “Thank you, for pulling me.” “Oh, it’s nothing.”
You were only a block or two away from a station.
“What about you?” “What about me?” “Anyone special?” He had a playful tone to his words. You just shrugged your shoulders.
“I’ve never been anyone’s first choice. I stick more to the shadows anyway, used to get bullied, so I keep my head down and mouth closed,” you looked to see if he was listening, and he was, “also, I’m kinda a hopeless romantic. Romance books, love songs; especially Taylor Swift's love songs, and a few rom-coms. Anyway, what I’m saying is that, no. No one special, probably not for a while. But maybe that’s okay, maybe I’ll find ‘the one’ when it’s time.”
Peter didn’t respond to your words. You smacked a hand over your face.
“What? What’s-“ “I just spilled my random thoughts to you, who’s still a stranger.”
You pulled your hand away and ran your fingers through your hair before moving it to your pocket for warmth. You looked at Peter and you were just full-on staring, eyes roving over his side profile or his face if he looked your way before facing forward. A tilt of your head came up.
“You know… maybe it wasn’t a coincidence.” You kept looking at Peter. “What wasn’t?” His eyes were on his feet.
“Meeting each other.” And you looked away just as Peter almost tried over his feet even as he watched every step. You kept walking, not aware of the cogs turning in Peter’s mind as he processed your words.
“What- What do you mean? How isn’t this a coincidence? I think it was just lucky timing.”
You threw a hand out as you talked, “What I mean is… maybe May sent you this way. Two people she knew and cared about, both lonely and without a family around. Plus come on, your last name is Parker. That's just crazy. I don’t know, just- it’s just crazy!”
You smiled at the boy as you crossed the street and walked down the crowded and smelly stairs leading to the subway. You checked to see if Peter was still with you and when you saw he was pushed back by a few people, you moved to the side and waited for him to meet your side. You flashed a smile when he reappeared and you both continued on your walk toward the entrances. You checked to see if any cops were around and seeing none you hopped over the spinning entrance, Peter a second behind.
“What train do you take?” “A train, you?” “F for me.”
You thought this meant that the two of you would split up, but Peter walked with you and stayed by your side as you waited for your train to arrive. You checked your pockets to make sure you had your phone, wallet, keys, and headphones, along with your taser and pepper spray that Happy bought for you. You texted Happy that you were waiting for your train and should be home within the hour.
After about thirty-five minutes you heard the screeching of wheels on tracks and saw the lights glow into the station. You turned to Peter with a smile, “well, looks like my ride's here.” He nodded at your words and he opened his mouth and then closed it. You stayed back seeing if he’ll say the words on his mind.
As the train got closer and he didn’t say anything you decided to be the first to speak. “Would it be okay if I get your number? I- I know we just met, but… you seem like a good friend.” You cringed a bit, it was almost like a terrible pickup line. And you weren’t hitting on him, it just felt gross to even think that.
“Yeah, yeah. I’d love to have a friend.” Peter stopped your worrying thoughts. You passed him your phone and then he passed it back before pulling his out and showing a text on his home screen.
You started towards the open doors and passed the rushing people and with a quick turn, you called out to Peter and he looked your way waiting to hear what you needed to say before you let the subway whisks you away.
“Stop by feast when you can. We can always use the extra hands and May would be thankful.” And before you got any reply you walked further into the metal tub and took a seat, sticking an earbud in and pressing play on an album you’ve had on repeat.
Already planning to visit May tomorrow after your morning shift to talk about your new friend. And Peter would keep watch from a distance and when you left he would speak with May quietly. Promising her that he’ll keep you safe and be your friend, maybe not your brother never again, only in his mind.
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