#; verse
soulmaking · 5 months
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"Mirror" by Rita Dove
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thinkingimages · 4 months
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Silver Posy Heart Pendant, circa 1680
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rightshewrites · 4 months
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sambeckdraws · 9 months
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✨⚪🔥 VERSE returns as a webcomic! versecomic.com 🔥⚪✨ --- Book 1 is available to read in its entirety, and Book 2 will be updated weekly starting today! --- And in even more exciting news, Verse Book 3 will be coming out this summer, on August 20th!
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lepetitdragonvert · 5 months
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The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
rendered into english verse by Edward Fitzgerald
Hodder & Stoughton
Artist : Rene Bull
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cicadas · 28 days
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23
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backup1318 · 4 months
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{And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him.} Quran(65,3)       الطلاق - الآية 3
التفسير الميسر
ومن يتوكل على الله فهو كافيه ما أهمَّه في جميع أموره
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avengers-21 · 2 months
today’s verse ✨
“I waited patiently for the LORD; And he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭40‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭KJV‬‬
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hlozt · 7 months
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Bestie <3
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poetry · 22 days
AM no waking things to wake us yet. and just as well, since our dreams haven't fully receded, pooling at the backs of our eyes, in the same manner that nightfrost drips from the tips of the atlas spruce in the heat of morning. i reach for you and gather up the light.
PM quickly, with careful fingers you reach into the sound of a chainsaw and rearrange it. even before you draw back your hand, I hear swallows. you repeat the act, now it's a chorus of cicadas.
a gust shakes seedcopters out of the maple across the street. they fall spinning, with a metallic whine i find unbearable, and land like bolts on the asphalt.
but you, you are hearing the molecules of paint on our porch deck sing in the stillstrong sunlight.
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andallshallbewell · 24 days
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ritadcsc · 8 months
[...] lembro que Deus é forte e quer que vocês sejam fortes.
Efésios 6:10 (versão A mensagem)
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justheretolook214 · 8 months
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sambeckdraws · 21 days
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Verse was on a tiny break so I could line up updates with the release of Book 3 on October 15th. But now it's back and updating! There's about 4 more weeks of updates before we reach the end of Book 2.
Read it here: versecomic.com/comic/book/the-second-gate/chapter/4/page/22
Or from the start: versecomic.com
You can also check out the site for links on where to pre-order Book 3!
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fuckyeslilkim · 2 months
Satisfy You (Remix) — Lil' Kim's Verse (1999)
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weirdlookindog · 4 months
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Theodor von Holst (1810-1844) - Hero and Leander, 1833
"She went up to the tower, and straining out To search the seas, downwards, and round about, She saw, at last,—she saw her lord indeed Floating, and washed about, like a vile weed; On which such strength of passion and dismay Seized her, and such an impotence to stay. That from the turret, like a stricken dove. With fluttering arms she leaped, and joined her drowned love" - Leigh Hunt
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