#//utterly chaotic thought process that I'm not... going to try and organize and I'm sorry ;w;
splittingxpaths · 4 years
❊ ✥ ❦ ✣ ✦ ❆ crawls under a rock bc i hope that's not too many symbols hhhh
{ what you want to tell me } 
❊ I want to roleplay with you
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s) 
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
❆ I love your art
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(*cue gibberish noises!!*
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GOSH, that’s a lot of symbols! But they’re more than welcomed!! (so like, come back out from under the rock, friend--) It might always surprise me that someone likes seeing me come on the dashboard, but I’m glad I can make the day/night a little better just by coming up, I guess!!!
I’m always -- ALWAYS -- flattered that you want to roleplay with me, as well as had enjoyed our threads from before!! And goodness, is there a new ship thing you have in secret, or is it Roh, or??? I’m still always kind of gushing about what we’ve been talking about before with Roh & Taiko, at least whenever I look through threads and they pop back up!
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And I’m genuinely happy to hear that there’s someone that loves my art!! Especially someone like you, Masha! Since I, well, do look up to YOU!!)
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