#//number 20 a rude text
noneorother · 5 months
I bought Aziraphale's Bible so you don't have to.
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Am I insane? Yes. Was it worth it? Maybe. In most* of both season 1 and season 2 of GO, there's a very specific Bible on a bookstand next to Aziraphale's desk. It's a vintage illustrated plate book by Harold Copping, known as the Harold Copping Bible, published by the religious tract society in London in 1910. It features some of the most well known Old Testament stories, summarized and annotated by the Bishop of Durham at the time, and illustrated by Copping, who was freshly returned from a sojourn in the middle east. Ironically, It was meant as a lay-person's version of a comic book, short, exciting by use of exotic illustrations, and easy to read.
But my (expensive) gain is now your gain! As I've collected here every visible page in both seasons for your reading and viewing pleasure.
Season 1: All episodes Adam & Eve Genesis iii (1:3) / HCB page 10
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Season 2: Episode 1 Joseph known to his brethren Genesis xlv (1:45) / HCB Page 28
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S2E1 14:21, S2E1 17:41, S2E1 39:45
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Season 2: Episode 2 Jacob's vow Genesis xxviii (1:28) / HCB Page 22
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S2E2 5:49
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Season 2: Episode 2 Joseph known to his brethren Genesis xlv (1:45) / HCB Page 28
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S2E2 13:38 (see S2E1 above)
Season 2: Episode 2 The Brazen Serpent Numbers xxi (4:21) / HCB page 36
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S2E2 16:12, 43:40
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Season 2: Episode 2* Bible on the desk, Magazine on the stand Annuel L'art Pour Tous, Cover (1861-1880 most likely)
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S2E2 22:10
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The French L'art pour tous industrial design periodical will have to be a story for another post. For now, just enjoy this 1880 edition copperplate of cherubs discovering a microscope...
Season 2: Episode 2 Imaginary page from HCB, Job KJV Job (18:1) / HCB N/A
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S2E2 22:29, S2E2 40:05 Obviously, the plate illustrations and text look different here than in the real bible, because they were created for the show. But there are a few more particularities here. For one, this layout with the thin grid around the text, as well as the paragraph symbol next to the first title, indicate that this would have been a printer's proof copy, not a finished book. It shows you the layout grid and can be annotated for changes. Second, there seems to be a war going on between fonts. Where the "chapter" of Job begins, we get a font and a style similar to the original bible, which gets rudely interrupted by a dropped capital (from the real book) and a Gothic-style font/verse numbers like in the original King James version of the printed Bible.
Season 2: Episode 3 The Brazen Serpent NUMBERS xxi (4:21) / HCB page 36
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S2E3 1:18 (see episode 2)
Season 2: Episode 5 By the Rivers of Babylon Pslam cxxxvii (19:137) / HCB page 52
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S2E5 21:20
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Season 2: Episode 6 Bible missing, L'art pour Tous on the stand Annuel L'art Pour Tous, Cover (1861-1880 most likely)
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S2E6 10:21, 17:21, 18:15, 34:28 (see episode 2)
Season 2: Episode 6 Closed HCB, L'art pour Tous on the stand behind HCB page 0
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S2E6 37:58, 44:20, 48:08
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diejager · 6 months
Okay so I have kinda a prompt...and I was wondering if you could work your magic and like make it a story.. please :)
Okay so like, *reader* was at a restaurant waiting for ghost, the first date had gone so well, you were thinking of dating him seriously. However, 20 minutes had gone by and he hadn't shown up, nor was he replying to your texts. You glanced down at your phone trying to call him once more when suddenly a familiar skull mask was placed on the table. So you look up with a smile, expecting it to be ghost but it turns out to be könig, and he sits beside you and places a hand on your thigh before whispering, "I think you should be seeing someone else" or something...
Cw: DARKFIC, stalking, implied murder, implied death, obsession, possessive behaviour, tell me if I missed any.
You’d been doing so well, leaving behind the man who’d broken you, who took and took until all that was left was a dried carcass of what you used to be, a fragile version of who you once were. You cut ties with him, left him in the rubble of a shattered relationship and picked up whatever was left of your as you moved away, another city, another province and another country, as far away as you could from the monster. 
And here, you met a gentle man, as scarred and broken as you, only his were physically present, people would gawk and stare at him when yours were hidden, buried beneath your skin and sinew, chained in a spiraling mind of terror and nightmares, but you understood him and he understood you. It was a mutual understanding that you built on, stacking every moment of sorrow and agony, tearful calls and sobbing voice, making it into a tower of affection that you worked beautifully on.
You called him Simon, and he called you love. 
It was perfect, the first shards of friendship that soon became love, an intimacy you were both afraid to commit, but were willing to try, to dip your toes in shark infested waters and test your luck. It started out with subtle touches, his fingertips brushing against yours in fleeting signs of affection; then the gentle pull of his voice, calling your name whenever you were near; and the small tokens of servitude he gave away to you, spoiling you rotten with the money he has. 
It was perfect, the miracle you had always dreamed of, the beautiful thing that filled our bleak world with vibrant coloursand liveliness. You shared a kiss, your soft ones pressed against his dried ones, feeling the coarseness and curve of his lips when they moved against yours. It was a passionate one, filled with worship and love that you were both tempted with. That led to a date, lost in each other’s eyes while you swooned at him, doe-eyed and hopeful for more than what you were unafraid to give, sipping on tea and coffee for any kind of distraction for falling further into the throes of love and devotion. 
You left feeling happy, a smile shining brightly on your face until you got home and screamed out to your heart’s content, confessing to your plants and the ghosts that lived in your walls. You’d been giddy, excited for the second date, seeing the first one went so well, planning the dates and places the second day, organised half a month in advance because you were high on the pleasure. You were ecstatic, jumping to and from the walls and ceiling, like a puppy promised treats. 
And when the day arrived, you dressed up, dolled yourself up for a man your heart came to love and got to the restaurant early —too early. Seated at the reserved table and encouraging yourself with a quick monologue, unaware of the time, the ticking minutes passing in a blink until you realised Simon was twenty minutes late. You knew he wouldn’t stand you up, he was too soft with you for that, he emphasised too much with you to let you go so abruptly, but he hadn’t sent anything, no message or call. You were left wondering and worried, lost in your thoughts with no one but the screen that showed Simon’s number. You might have to-
Something was rudely dropped before you, a black fabric placed in the middle of the your table, it was familiar, but many things were black. You turned, frowning and brows pinched, ready to question the person who’d trashed your table. 
“What-” you choked back a whimper, eyes cloudy as you stared up at cold eyes, a chilling blue that would have frozen seas, “You-”
Your throat closed on itself, breath stuck at the back of it as you stammered, unable to utter a single word towards the giant in your nightmares. You could see the glee in his eyes, the squinted lids that screamed of a cruel grin, malicious yet jovial. 
“It’s time to come back home, Spotzi,” his tone was low, a deep monotone that portrayed nothing, not even a single crumb for you to decipher how he truly felt, “You’ve had your fun with him, nh?” [Sparrow]
Him? You didn’t understand what he meant. Had he meant Simon? König couldn’t be serious, you’d finally found someone who felt the same and emphasised with you, and König wanted to take it all away like he did with your life? You stared down, away from his piercing blues, the chill that ripped through you whenever you gaze at it, wandering down to his bloodied palm- They were bloody, bruised and battered. It couldn’t be, no, you couldn’t believe it. He wouldn’t dare —he would, he’d always whispered promises about beating other men to a pulp if they got in the way of his affection - obsession - for you.
Your eyes fearfully strayed from his towering form, glancing at the familiar cloth, catching the faded white of a skull dirtied with streaks of red, spotty and ripped. You recognised it, being so, so familiar with the mask as you were with the man who wore it, the soft browns and fluffy blond, the heavy bags and scars. It was Simon’s mask. A tear rolled down your cheek, falling from the fluttering of your lashes, only to be brushed away by the rough thumb of your captor.
“Do not cry, it’d eventually happen,” his attempts of soothing you were flawed, it only made you cry more, lips shaky and breathlessly choking and whimpering, “If not now, then later.”
He crouched to meet your eyes, head tilted up by your chin for König to admire you, roving over your dolled up face and the clothes you decided to wear for a man that was probably dead in an alley. 
“Come, Spotzi. I have your things packed.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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ghouldump · 26 days
Love Me | Lestat de Lioncourt x Bi!Reader
ෆ as your companionship seems to be failing, you retreat, seeking comfort from a woman who looks awfully similar.
a short fic from me to you. bi reader, as well as rockstar lestat, has been high in demand. i actually accidentally deleted a few really good ones, but there i honestly write whenever i’m bored, so more is bound to come along.
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Throwing the large book, you expected it to hit him in the head, but before it could connect, the book went left, falling onto the floor.
“How long will you continue this, ma chérie, you don't menstruate, so why must you go on like this? Hm, do you want to shop, a new handbag, shoes, a new boy toy?” Lestat asked, smirking. Behind the grin, he was incredibly frustrated. The two of you had been arguing for over an hour, and he didn't even know why.
“What does that have to do with anything? You always have to ridicule, when a problem is being addressed,” you screamed, a few tears escaping. As much as you tried to hold them back, the barrier was crumbling, as you grew angrier.
“Are you serious? What is the problem? Go on”
“That boy that you bought home, he looked like him-
“It was merely a coincidence”
“And the one before that, and before that, and many more. All of them resembled him, your Louis,” you whispered, wiping your tears.
“All of them were also drained and burned”
“After you fucked them,” you said, shaking your head as he chuckled.
“50 years, I have given myself to you, and you alone, but I haven't been enough, I’m not Louis”
“You revealed your identity to the entire world for him. I let you turn me at only nineteen to fill your lonely void, and you’ve never told me you loved me, do you even love me?”
“What kind of point are you trying to prove? I told you, Louis and I had a very different relationship, than what you and I-
“Right, you loved him, and I was the replacement,” you laughed, grabbing your phone and handbag.
“Where are you going?”
“Out, text me from your iPad, if you need anything,” you grumbled. He was too much of an illiterate man-child to even learn how to use a phone, depending on you and Siri.
“The sun will be out soon”
“I won't be long,” you said, making sure to slam the door.
Your emotions were all over the place, angered at the terrible decisions you'd made over the years. You were a young party girl, in the 70s, when you met Lestat. It didn't take long before he was your boyfriend, and you were bragging to your friends about the sex. After months of dating, he confided in you about a weird call from his former lover’s partner, revealing his identity afterward. Soon, he asked you to join him in darkness, and immediately you agreed.
However, looking back, you felt like an idiot, you should've stayed away when the adults told you about the strangeness of Lestat. The rumors of him not aging, only being seen at night. You couldn't see past his charming personality or handsome face, to realize he was trying to fill the void Louis left.
Walking through the French Quarter, you maneuvered through the crowd. You rolled your eyes at all of the tourists, especially since the writer, Daniel Molloy came out with his book, people were flocking to the city.
Going into a random bar, you sat down, your eyes scanning the menu. Alcohol didn't have much of an effect on you, only making you slightly tipsy, but it was something that made you feel human.
“I bought your drink, the least you could do is give me your number,” you heard the man next to you say rudely.
“What can I get for you?” the bartender asked.
“A pineapple martini,” you said, handing him your card.
“I didn't ask you to,” the girl argued.
“Listen, I didn't spend $20 on an overpriced daiquiri just because you're cute-
“And I told you, I didn't ask you to buy it,” she argued.
“Can you two take that elsewhere, I don't want to hear all of that, while I enjoy my drink,” you said, tapping the man’s shoulder.
“No one cares, and keep your hands off-
The man stood from his seat, lunging forward to grab you next, when you caught his arm, twisting it. You watched the man in satisfaction, thinking of how men hadn't changed, even in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and so on — there were always the disgustingly perverted men.
“You don't know how to keep your hands to yourself, it’s gross, but it makes me feel less guilty for breaking your arm,” you said, shrugging before twisting his arm. He screamed in agony, holding his arm as he ran out of the bar, just as your martini was sat down, along with your card.
“Hey, thank you for that,” the woman started, as you sat down. By her accent alone, you knew she was a tourist.
“It was nothing,” you mumbled, twirling the little straw, focused on the drink.
“How did you do that? Do you take self defense classes?” she asked.
“Well, that was pretty impressive, I don't think I’ve ever seen-
“Lady, I just want to enjoy my drink-
Your eyes widened at the woman, she was perfect, she looked like Lestat, if he had been gender-swapped. Her blonde tresses were inches away from her waist, sky blue eyes, and full pink lips. Her bone structure was symmetrical, her straight teeth as white as milk. She dressed hyper feminine, wearing too much pink and white. You tried not to be weird, forcing your eyes to stop wandering, despite catching a glimpse of her toned body.
“I’m sorry, I know I can talk too much sometimes, sorry,” she apologized.
“You’re fine, I’m just in a shitty mood,” you shrugged.
“What’s wrong?”
“My partner is caught up on his ex, even though they broke up forever ago,” you admitted.
“Why do you hold on to him then?”
“Everything else is perfect about him, I can’t help but want to be loved by him,” you mumbled, thinking of Lestat. Since he revealed himself, he had been very busy, but when he wasn’t, his attention was on you. Waiting for him backstage, in the hotels, in his coffin, the quality time was incredibly intimate.
“If he’s as perfect as you claim, why are you here, obviously upset?” she asked, scooting closer.
“I don’t think I will ever come close to being loved as much as Louis,” you admitted, gulping down the pressure of the tears.
“I’m sorry,” she said, reaching to touch your hand.
“I will be fine, are you new to New Orleans?” You asked, staring at her hand laid against your own.
“Yes, I’m Lisa by the way, but I want to move here, I’ll be out here for a few weeks, maybe we can hang out, you could be my personal tour guide,” she said, briefly biting her lip. In her thoughts, she was hopeful, wanting more than to spend time with you. You seemed mysterious and she was dying to know why.
“Y/n, What did you want to do?”
“See historical landmarks, try local cuisines, hang out with you,” she said, leaning towards you.
“A woman as beautiful as you deserves all of the attention”
“I could say the same thing about you,” you smirked, remaining still as she leaned closer, allowing her to press her lips against your own.
As you moved closer, your phone dinged, making you reach into your pocket. Pulling away, you rolled your eyes as you stared at the coffin emoji, paired with a question mark.
“I have to go,” you told her, going to stand.
“Could I have your number, we could hang out sometime, if you're free,” she said, fidgeting. Smirking, you couldn't help but think of how much she looked like him, yet acted completely different.
Laughing, you unlocked your phone, handing it to her. After her number was saved, you were making your way to the townhouse. The sun could be seen coming into view, and just as you began opening the door, you could feel the heat burning against your skin.
“I thought you wouldn't be long,” Lestat said from the top of the stairs, as the door was shut.
“I wasn't”
“You left nearly two hours ago,” he said, following behind you, as you walked past him, up the stairs.
“And I’m home, did you want to argue more?” you asked him, rudely. He was stunned by your tone, but recovered quickly.
“No, I wanted you to return to me, in perfect condition,” he said, watching as you stripped from the clothing, holding your phone near.
“I’m okay, it will heal,” you told him, feeling his eyes on your lightly burned shoulder. You didn't say anything else, climbing into your coffin, and he couldn't admit your already different behavior left him feeling embarrassed.
Just as your eyes were about to shut, your phone lit up, as Lisa’s message appeared on the screen, asking if you made it home safely. Lestat stared at your coffin, hearing the sound of you typing, before slowly moving to his own.
“Sleep well, ma chérie”
“You too,” you said, hearing the sound of his coffin closing.
Lestat was confused by the way you were acting. This wasn't the first and most likely wouldn't be the last time you'd get into an argument, but this time seemed different. You'd leave and eventually come home, and he'd pick a fight, and just as you started to argue back, he would apologize for his actions and everything would fall into place.
Now, just two hours later you acted completely standoffish with him, as if you didn't want to be bothered. Was the argument that serious to you? You understood the love he held for Louis, but that it was best that they remained friends alone. He was with you, he had been all these years, he cared for you, he lo-.
Lestat didn't know how to express himself, arguing, being jealous, possessive, then ravishing you with gifts, that's all he knew. What he didn't realize was his failure to comfort and reassure you, not taking you seriously, you were pulling you away, as you began to desire your needs elsewhere.
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Immediately, Lestat could see the red flags going off, you were gone every night. Some nights before he even woke up, others you'd silently dress in front of him, before leaving. Even when he left for his music business, you always traveled with him, but now you had excuses.
He didn't want to follow you, but he had to, the jealous assumptions were beginning to pile up in his thoughts. Months, it had been months of you ignoring his presence. You’d look at him, hunt with him, and even talk with him if he wanted — but you weren’t putting your all into the relationship anymore. He was making the same mistake as he did with Louis. Choosing when the relationship could and couldn’t open.
He’d dabble in his different tastes regularly, no strings attached, usually killing the person after. You were different, the only way you’d have another person, was if Lestat was present. You weren’t as open to the idea of having others, and in a way, it satisfied Lestat knowing you would never sleep with another, or so he thought.
He had been following you, all the way to Gentilly, until you stopped at the unfamiliar house. His heart could have shattered, as he watched you through the window. The woman, you touched, touched in a way that was only meant for him.
He watched as you and this is unknown woman made love, his heart throbbing. The two of you, going on for what felt like hours, before you were both giggling, going into the bathroom. As the woman came out, grabbing a towel, Lestat was sure his dead heart would stop. This woman, she looked exactly like him, he couldn’t even say he looked better, because they resembled each other so much.
After your shared shower, you both plopped on the bed, holding each other. Your hearts full of passion towards each other.
“Y/n,” Lisa said, playing with your sharp nails.
“Hm?” You answered, your eyes closed. Her warm skin felt nice against your forever icy skin.
“I think I love you,” she said, making you open your eyes.
“What?” You asked, looking at her.
“I love you, I know it’s only been a few months, but that’s all I needed with you to know,” she said. You could feel the tears building up, as you pressed your lips against her own.
Staring at her, you could only see Lestat, the one who stole your heart all those years ago. No matter how idiotic you’re decision was, at the time. All you wanted was for him to declare his love for you, with his mouth.
“Say it again, please?” You asked her, as you pulled away.
“I love you,” she smiled brightly, smashing her lips into yours, as she pulled you back into a hug.
Lestat had tears pouring down his face, as he turned to leave. He didn’t think he could watch any more of whatever that was supposed to be. He couldn't take the idea of you being loving or being loved by another. All this started because of love, you claiming he didn't love you.
“Lisa, tell me you love me, once more,” you said, as you began to glamour her.
“I love you,” she exclaimed.
“No, you don't, you never met me, you won't recognize my face and you will never approach me, do you understand?” you asked her, watching as she silently nodded, you wiped the bloody tear from your eye, just as it escaped,
“You will sleep now, you're very tired,” you said, watching as she nodded, dozing off. She lay beautifully, as you covered her with the blanket. You couldn't replace him, even with the female doppelganger — especially with her. Lisa was a sweet girl, you didn't want to take away her life, revealing your nature, for your selfish reasons.
Leaving her home, you silently went back to your shared townhouse. It was quiet, Lestat already in his coffin, as you undressed.
“Good night,” you mumbled, getting into your coffin.
If this would be life, then you accepted it, second to Louis. You loved Lestat with every piece of your soul, so much that you could take not being loved, but being liked enough to be in his presence.
As the sun eventually left, you got up, dressing to go hunt. You found a random man, draining him in an alley, but as you made your way back home, your eyebrows furrowed. Entering the house, your eyes widened at the sight.
Exotic dancers, well over ten of them, all with wavy blonde hair and shades of blue eyes. A few of them were fawning at Lestat, but he paid none of them any kind of attention.
“What is the meaning of this?”
“For you, ma chérie, I’ll drain them, but I’ll let do whatever you please with them first,” he grinned.
“What are you talking about? Get them out, now,” you said, shrugging off a hand that was about to rub your shoulder. Watching as Lestat controlled them, sending them away, before he sat down, drained from the action.
“What is wrong with you? Bringing all of those women here? God, why don't you think,” you grumbled.
“I was just trying to appease your passions since they were more of your type, I mean, it only took a few months for you to find out,” he shrugged, making you realize he had been there.
“You can't be serious, you're such a creeper,” you laughed bitterly.
“For months, I’ve reached out to you, and you recoiled at my touch, just for me to find out you're having an affair with a woman, who looks too much like me”
“And how is that any different than what you've done?” you asked, crossing your arms.
“I heard you both, making love to her, kissing her, touching her the way that you do me. Texting her throughout the day, you're in love with her,” Lestat cried.
“I’m in love with you, but you love Louis. I can't replace him, so I wanted to replace you,” you said, turning to storm away, when he caught your hand.
“I will always love Louis but don't think that I don't love you. You are my wife, my companion, the one who saved me from myself. I don't want to see you with another, only me,” he confessed. His face was covered in blood from the tears pouring down his face.
“And you have me, but you have to say it, I know you show it in your own ways, but to hear it from your lips, would help me so much,” you told him.
“I love you, I love you, I love you. I know, I am a hypocrite, but end your affair, I can't take knowing you love another, I love you” he pouted.
“Fine, you won't have to worry about her,” you told him, as he moved closer to embrace you. Swiftly, he lifted you, holding you in his arms.
“Are we made up now?”
“Yes, love”
“I don't know how much I could take of that excruciating cycle of neglect,” he expressed.
“Lestat?” you said, as he sat down, having you straddle his lap.
“Yes, chérie?”
“Tell me again, tell me you love me,” you said, sighing in fulfillment as his arms wrapped around your body.
“I love you and I’ll say it as many times as you need”
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confietti · 8 months
Never Lose Me
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you knew sukuna would kill you if he knew where you were right now, but you didn't care. you had it in your airy little head that he was a cheater because of what one of your 'homegirls' told you.
it all started when you were in your shared apartment laid on the bed scrolling through instagram waiting for 'kuna to come home when your 'friend' sent you a picture of him hugging this girl.
you never were the smartest, so you never second-guessed the photo. you on the other hand immediately broke down into tears. sukuna never liked her and always suggested you get better friends for a reason.
he always got weird vibes from her because she continuously tried to make passes at him whenever you weren't around.
you could only imagine your boyfriend's surprise to get drunken texts and voicemails of you telling him to 'go fuck himself' and how you 'don't need him'.
my supersoaker🫶🏼💞: [ forwarded an image ]
my supersoaker🫶🏼💞: nigga FUCJ you
my supersoaker🫶🏼💞: i thoguth we had somethgin anf you trwest me like thid??? i hste you!
hubby💝: ??? baby? who sent you that???
hubby💝: and are you at the fucking club??
you stared at your phone through teary eyes as you blocked his number and turned off location sharing. you shoved your phone into your purse and continued to drink.
sukuna had been watching from across the bar for probably 20 minutes now. he watched you flirting with the guy you were talking to for maybe the same amount of time. he studied the way you held onto his arm and laughed at all his jokes. it made his blood boil.
“what do you say we take this a step further hm?~” his hand slipped up your thigh and you giggled when he started nibbling on your neck.
“nah fuck this.” your boyfriend slammed his drink on the counter and stormed towards you, angrily shoving people out of the way but he didn't care. his main focus was you.
he didn't say anything as he heaved you over the shoulder like a sandbag, ignoring your protests and the weird looks he got as he exited the bar. he practically threw you in the passenger's seat and locked the door.
the car ride to his house was dead silent. except for your protests and complaints about your boyfriend's behavior.
“Bitch why the fuck did you do all that for?” you stared at him with your arms crossed over your chest in annoyance, glaring at him for an answer that never came.
the rest of the ride was just you looking out the window and light curses underneath your breath of “cheating ass”, “hoe ass”, “worthless ass”.
once you got home, sukuna parked the car and dragged you into his house with a tight grip on your arm.
he walked into his bedroom and threw you down on the bed before locking the door. then sukuna finally spoke after what was hours after not speaking.
“you gonna explain your sudden little tantrum or do i have to fuck the attitude outta you first?”
sukuna chuckled when you still had your arms crossed over your chest, not looking in his direction. your eyes were puffy as you let out little hiccups and sniffles. you were still mad at him for spoiling your fun. how cute.
just then he harshly gripped your chin forcing you to look at him. “it’s really rude to not look people in the eyes when they’re talking to you.”
his hands traveled down to your neck and he squeezed it tightly, you felt a breathy chuckle in your ear before he began to speak.
“so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh ma?”
it was about 20 minutes later and your brain was so foggy to the point where you couldn’t remember how you got into this position.
your boyfriend had you on all fours, one of his hands pulling your hair back into a makeshift ponytail, the other wrapped around your neck pulling your head back to whisper the most disgusting things into your ear.
“you think what you said t’me was nice? you thought it was funny to send me those voicemails and texts while i was working? huh? y’had me worrying my ass off you dumb. fucking. bitch.”
he emphasized those last three words with harsh thrusts, before pulling your head back to tap his fingers at the side of your cheek. “open.” he mumbled before spitting roughly in your mouth. “swallow all that shit.” he spat before shoving your face back into the pillow before you.
he took this time to analyze how small your figure was compared to his. you were so much smaller… so vulnerable… so much easier to manhandle.
sukuna decided to tease you. fucking you slowly, working every inch of his thick cock into your little hole as slowly as he could. he wanted you to memorize every vein and inch. he wanted to make sure you never forget tonight and you should never disobey him ever again.
“wouldn’t have to be this way if you were just a good little girl who followed the rules. tsk.” this had been going on for hours now. the rough fucking, the degradation, even after what? 4 orgasms? he still hasnt had his. you figured out by now that this wasn’t a punishment… he wanted to torture you.
“p-pleasee ryo.. i’m- haa~ s-sorry! wan’ you t’fill me up. please!” he chuckled darkly. “ y’want me to fill you up? huh?” “please! hnghh- m’sorry!” “you never did have any shame did ya hun?”
sukuna’s thrusts began to get sloppier as he was nearing his release. you whimpered for him to slow down as your tear stained face was pressed into the pillow. his balls slapping against your clit with each harsh thrust.
“i won’t f-fuck- i wont slow down. you’re grown, right? if you can go to the bar on your own then you can take this shit like a big girl, right?”
before you knew it hot ropes of cum start spurting out filling your tight cunt. your boyfriend’s thrusts began to slow down until they came to a complete stop.
he slowly pulled out of you, replacing his cock with his fingers to keep his seed in. humming lowly before getting up to get some towels from the bathroom.
you woke up the next morning in his shirt. you tried to get up before feeling an immense pain in your back. you groaned before you felt a large hand rubbing at the small of your back.
“y’wanna talk about your feelings now? if you don’t want too then we can always go for round two. i still have some energy left over.” he smirked down at you.
“also.. this was supposed t’be a surprise but… the girl i was hugging in the picture you sent wasn’t anybody baby. remember when we were apartment shopping and you mentioned you really wanted the one in tokyo?”
you nodded as sukuna pushed some of your hair behind your ear to see your face better.
“it’s ours now.” sukuna thought that nothing could compare to your smile in that very moment as you hugged and peppered kisses across his face while murmuring little ‘thank yous’ in his ear.
“yeah, yeah.” he chuckled and hugged you back. “you could never lose me that easily.”
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a/n: thank you so much for this request anon!!! it took me a little while but i really enjoyed writing it. hope you enjoy!! </3!!
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© confietti, 2024. do not copy, steal, or repost my content without permission.
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WIBTA if I tried to covertly exclude one of my friends from game nights ? 🎮🎧📞
tw: disordered eating, self harm
I've got a discord friend group of about 15 people though only 10 or so are regularly active and game nights often are usually around 6 people but they rotate who participates often. We're all in the 20s and mostly nonbinary / genderqueer / trans one way or another. I'm 25 ftm personally (they them) and the friend this is about in particular is 22mtf (she/they).
Friend is really excited to hit the 1 year marker in her transition and loves sharing how excited she is about her progress - how strangers at her job are gendering her correctly more and more often, how her cup sizes are growing, how much weight she's lost, wardrobe updates, getting to learn girl things from their very supportive mom, etc etc etc. It's all very exciting, I remember hitting my 1 year marker and i'm genuinely really happy for her.
The thing is I struggled with disordered eating in the past. Several others in our friend group have as well and it's something we've talked about both in related and unrelated convos to this issue. Friend keeps an excel spreadsheet with her measurements from bust to hips to weight and will update us frequently whether we've expressed interest in hearing the exact numbers or not. Exact Numbers was one of the things I kept track of and hearing her tracking them (for very different reasons) will often set me off and i'll start taking more and more unhealthy actions, falling back into disordered habits.
Friend has adhd and very poor impulse control. She often joins conversations and talks over people, completely changes conversational topics on a dime, or forgets who is in a call at any moment and brings up someone's triggers. She'll almost always apologize if someone mentions a social mistake she's made, but because the weight/food intake/number watching is so important to them as a way to track their transition it's the one thing that keeps coming back and back and back. I and the others have tried talking in voice calls, mentioning in text chats in the group and even DMing her but because of the topic and this group being the friend group she feels safest in (we were all the first to know and hyped them up on the hrt journey) these are some convos she only gets to have here
and because of the topic, i feel rude or embarrassed when I have to say "hey can we not talk about this right now or i'm gonna have to leave". So on most nights if it comes up I'll just deafen / go afk / just zone out entirely until the conversation has passed. If it doesn't seem like it's going to or they are so in depth that it's genuinely triggering a self harm response i'll fully leave instead so she can keep having her fun and get excited
Game nights are different though
I'm usually the host of game night and so can pick when we play our silly little games. Obviously people can and do still hangout and do things together Not on specific game nights, and we all do, but game nights are my thing. We play party games over discord or multiplayer competition games or lately have been getting into games like content warning and lethal company when there's 4 or sometimes 5 of us (either someone wants to hang out but only watch or we rotate around who plays round by round)
Friend is often working in the evenings and so bc this is an online friend group they don't actually know my work schedule. We usually only have about half the total number of participants be around for game night anyways, so I've been thinking of occasionally lining up game nights for nights when she's mentioned being busy by saying i work the other nights - but only sometimes. I do really like friend. She can be so much fun to hang out with, excitingly competitive and with interesting knowledge to share and generally a good sport no matter the actual game we're playing. But sometimes the worry about the triggering and the trigginering itself are too much. sometimes i just can't handle when she does it and knowing i can't leave and asking her to stop expressing her joy makes me feel like an asshole anyways so i don't want to be around it.
To be clear. I do not think they are an asshole. Friend is genuinely one of my friends. I like her and hanging out with her. they do not trigger me (or any of the others w this same trigger) maliciously. this is solely would I be the asshole.
TLDR: My friends way of tracking her transition sometimes triggers my eating disorder. would I be the asshole for planning game nights that I host and cannot leave / tune out conversations during so that she cannot attend as often in hopes that I am not triggered as often?
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mydearesthrry · 1 year
hi! could you do a behind the scenes of the daylight mv?? maybe the reader is an equestrian and owns horses themself and they let harry borrow one for the mv?🤍
Behind the Scenes: Daylight - h.s.
a/n: hi lovely! thank you sm for the request. i kind of got distracted and only had a little bit of equestrian!y/n in this. this is kind of like a behind the album style behind the scenes, hence the interviews :)
🎀 warnings/cw: nothing, fluff the most fluff ever oh my goodness
🐇 pairing: famous!harry x equestrian!reader
💐 wc: 2.2k
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“So let’s talk about the Daylight music video,” The man behind the camera says. Almost immediately, a grin is plastered onto Harry’s face as he nods. “Where did you get the idea for all of that, and most importantly, where’d you get a horse?” 
Harry snorts at this, and he flicks his eyes over to his girlfriend who sits cross legged on the floor next to the camera. She smiles at him and winks, which makes a pretty pink color flush his cheeks. “Yeah, ‘Ve been getting a couple of questions on the horse. The set was easy enough to come together, jus’ rented a couple of things from different places, but the main inspiration and reason for the video was… It was a date that I had went on two years ago when everything opened up again and we went to the circus.”
Harry was so nervous.
Actually, he’s convinced that he’s never felt more nervous in his life. Performing at Wembley couldn’t hold a candle to how he felt right now.
He was going on a date.
Harry had dated around but he’s never felt a spark. In his other more serious relationships, of course that would be a different story, but on all of the other first dates he’d went on, sure, he had a good time, but he would sit at home and text the other his apologies before moving on again. But this time, it was different. He had already felt like he was in love. 
He met the sweet girl at a birthday party of a mutual friend, one of his closest childhood friends, Tom. He’d showed up at the party and was immediately greeted by another one of his friends, Aurora, who had then introduced him to the girl she came with. Y/N. He choked up when she first introduced herself, and he stumbled over his words, nervous because of how pretty she was. 
For the rest of the night, they talked and talked and were almost attached at the hip, only leaving each others sides for a refill or a trip to the loo. By the end of the night when she’d allowed him to drive her home, he walked her to her door with a kiss on the cheek and left with a number written on his palm since he left his phone in the car. On his drive home, he realized that he didn’t even get to say happy birthday to Tom because he was so entranced by this girl he had just met today. 
Harry stared down at his shoes as he contemplated knocking on the door, knowing he had a few minutes to spare. He’d been waiting nervously in his car for about 20 minutes before he worked up the courage to just walk to her door. He cursed himself out in his head before just bringing his fist up to the door thoughtlessly. He smiled at the sound of his date shouting ‘coming!’ through the door, before he heard the lock twist and the door open. Looking up, his breath caught in his throat and he stilled, completely wide eyed. 
She looked unreal. 
“Hi, Harry!” She greeted, pushing a bit on his shoulder to get him out of his trance. He blinked twice to come to his senses, and shook his head a bit before looking at her fully. 
“Hi beautiful, here, um– these are… these are f’you. I didn’t know which flower you liked, so I just got tulips, I hope y’like them, but if you don’t its okay! I jus’ didn’t wanna show up empty handed and come off as rude, I don’t really do this often, and I really like you so I want to do this right, and you look.. Beautiful. But um, yeah.” He ended, voice trailing off at the end. 
“You finished, silly boy?” She giggled, taking the flowers graciously and cradling them in her arms. Harry nodded fast, an embarrassed look on his face. “Well, thank you for the flowers, y’actually got my favorite ones, and the color is beautiful. I don’t think you’re gonna do this wrong either Harry, you’ve got me pretty tied up as it is, too.” 
They made it to the fairgrounds, a bright smile on Harry’s face as he watched her eyes light up at the sight of all of the rides, tents, and the sound of joy in the air. She subconsciously grabbed his hand, leaning into his side as she watched distractedly at everything that was to come. 
Squealing, she looked to Harry before smiling, “I’m so excited right now, you have no idea. I haven’t been to the fair since I was like, 17, and I could cry with how excited I am.” 
“Y’so cute, don’t explode, then I would be all alone! But I’m glad you’re excited, guess I made a good suggestion, yes?”
“Oh, the best.”
The two had walked around a bit, still hand in hand, occasionally stopping past a booth that would catch their (her) attention. She gasped when she saw a photo booth, booking it and dragging Harry along with her. They’d been at the fair for quite some time now, flirtatious comments and loud laughter filled their dialogue. They sat in the booth, Harry inserting his card against YN’s wishes. The timer started, and they both scrambled to hit their first pose.
The first picture was of them smiling, Harry holding up his infamous peace sign. Their grins were big, a gleam in their eyes. In the second picture, they pressed their cheeks together, Y/N with a pout on her full lips as Harry dropped his jaw, mouth open. The third picture rolled around faster than they thought, and they both looked at each other to figure out what their next pose would be. They could hear the booth speakers counting down from 10, and they both locked eyes, mutual understanding of what was about to happen. Harry brought his hand up to grasp the side of her face that was unseen by the camera when they faced each other, their hands coming together in an interlocked hold on her thighs. They leaned in as the countdown got closer to one, a smile encasing their features.
3! 2! 1!
Right as the timer hit one, their lips were connected, albeit a bit strangely from the wide smiles on their lips. The flash was seen behind their closed eyes, a soft smack filling the room as they pulled away. Harry decided he didn’t have enough, and placed, one, two, three more pecks on her unexpecting lips. When he opened his eyes, he saw the most beautiful smile on her now slightly swollen lips, staring at her with moony eyes. 
“C’mon sweet girl, time t’go get our pictures.”  
They walked around a bit more, a new atmosphere around them that trailed them since they kissed in the photo booth. The pictures were now tucked away in a secure pouch that she kept in her tote bag, the two of them coming to the agreement that they never wanted to lose those pictures.
They stopped in front of a large red and white tent, seemingly the most popular and main attraction of the night. He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow, and dragged her in by her arm when she smiled and nodded. They found a place outside of the spotlight on the ground closest to the attraction, trying to find a place where Harry wouldn’t be easily noticed. He hadn’t been found tonight so far, and he was grateful for that, the mask covering his identity. They watched on in awe as the acrobats flew in the air, and gasped when a man got blown out of a red cannon. There were dancers on the ground in blue corsets holding feathers, and the loud music filled their ears, drowning out their laughter. The magician placed his assistant in a box and closed it, performing the magic trick perfectly. The next person to come out was holding a colorful parrot, and was talking to it as he performed tricks. Throughout the night, the acts were pulling audience members from the crowd and performing tricks with them and using them to help with their performances. 
However, the two didn’t know that they would be chosen at all.
“You! In the blue shirt! Come here, hold the parrot! And bring your boyfriend, he can help us too.” The bird tamer called, pointing out Y/N. Her eyes widened, and she looked over at Harry, tugging on the bottom of his shirt, mumbling out an ‘Oh God!’, whining when Harry pushed her up to go hold the bird. She grabbed his hand and took him up with her, laughter bubbling from Harry while YN walked up like a dog with its tail in its legs. The bird flew between the two, the trick ending with the red parrot on Harry’s shoulder. The photographer of the event got their attention, and they both smiled brightly as the flash went off. Almost unnoticeable, but in the bottom middle of the picture, you could see their hands conjoined and squished in the middle of them.
“The date we went on, there were a bunch of different acts but near the end of the show, we both got called up and were messing around with this parrot, which is why I have a parrot on m’shoulder, we have a picture of us with it on me when we went, and all of the same people who performed in the show then were in m’video now, which felt really full circle to me,” A reminiscent smile was on Harry’s face, and anyone who viewed the behind the scenes could tell that he was in love. “After that, though, we walked over to like– a pettin’ zoo sort o’thing, and there were like, baby ponies there and stuff like that, and m’girlfriend, she just freaked. And I mean like, ran over screaming. I asked her after we saw them why she freaked out and she had told me she was an equestrian, so I had the horse in as a nod to her, even though I wrote the whole song that night after I got home.” 
The video then switched to a video on the set, Y/N in a pair of leggings, a crewneck from her hometown covering her torso. In her hands was a reign, a beautiful horse behind her. 
“Hi! I’m Y/F/N, and we’re on the set of the Daylight music video. So, in the video you can see Harry riding a horse, it’s actually the thumbnail, and I’m the one who’s provided it! I work on a farm with a bunch of different animals, but I’m the main equestrian on our farm, which means that I handle all of the horses. But this one right here,” She smiled, turning on her heel to run her hand along the snout of the horse. “This is my baby, her name’s Honey. She’s my first horse and most special, and I thought it would be right if we had her on the set. She’s my best trained horse, and when Harry mentioned that he wanted to have a scene like this in the music video, I was instantly up for it, and now we’ve got my baby here!”
Harry walked over and stood by the camera man, catching her attention and smiling with his bunny teeth, dimples popping out, making her giggle and blush as she tried to continue speaking. “Um, anyways, yeah! Now we’re gonna show you how we trained Harry to ride the horse!” 
The camera turned off and the cameraman threw a thumbs up, making her hook the reign onto the band of her leggings and walk the short distance to Harry. She smiles and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug the best she could. Harry had on a skeleton themed ensemble, and when she pulled back, she giggled.
“Hi, Phoebe Bridgers.” Harry rolled his eyes and breathed a laugh, shaking his head at his girlfriend. 
“Silly girl. Thank you for lettin’ m’use y’horse, I love her, and I love you, so much.” He walked them over back to Honey, who snuffed and pushed her head up into Harry’s hand, who was scratching over her skin. Y/N watched in adoration, pulling out her phone from her waistband to snap a picture. 
Following the release of Daylight, fans lost their minds when Harry posted, leaving nothing to the imagination as the carousel contained a picture of him, a picture of one of the people who played a clown with a cigarette in their mouth, and what made the fans go crazy, a picture captured by Lloyd of Harry and YN next to Honey. Harry had his arms wrapped around her shoulders in a tight hug, half of his face hiding in her hair with a slight smile playing on his lips, YN with a hand on his arms, the other one in Honey’s maine. In the picture, you could see a thick band on Harry’s left ring finger, and a band and engagement ring ensemble on YN’s ring finger. 
harrystyles: Daylight. Out now. 2023.
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leonsdoll · 11 months
omg how about Hazel x goth!reader
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some silly hc's!!:3
warnings: none!
word count: 0.2k
notes: ty for requesting!! I love this idea sm! sorry this is short, plus I don't know that much about goth culture and stuff so sorry if this is incorrect!:(
the photo does not represent reader in any shape or form!!
-hazel adoresss your style, she thinks it's so cool, all the jewelry and lacy clothes
-she loves watching you do your makeup, she finds it so impressive that you can do that and make it look good
-she also loves your music taste, even though it's not what she would listen to alone she still loves it (her fav goth band is the cure)
-if anyone made a rude comment to you, she's defending you hard, like she'll yell at them and maybe throw a punch
-let's say you've been looking for a certain vintage clothing item and you finally find it but it's like 200 bucks...you'll wake up the next morning with a message from hazel and it's a screenshot that she bought it
-if you wear big shoes she always has a comfortable pair of shoes in case you need them
-if you guys go to a concert she would definitely let you do her makeup and choose her outfit
-she loves listening to you rant about goth culture, if you know a lot about it she'll listen to all of it, she really just loves listening to you talk
-she'll buy you all the makeup you need, if you use white foundation she buys it for you the day you run out, you'll text her smth like 'I'm out of foundation:(' and then 20 minutes later you'll get a photo with her holding a little bottle of it
-she'll also buy you vinyls of ur fav bands/singers!!
-she's basically your number one supporter!!
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lihhelsing · 2 years
It’s just another normal day and Steve is working out at the gym like he’s used to. It’s leg day, so he takes his time, keeps to himself because he doesn’t like gym bros that much.
He’s taking his first break and that’s when he notices a cute guy on the other side of the gym. 
He never saw him there. Steve goes religiously five days a week and he never saw this guy. But he’s definitely cute. He’s also not the gym type. He’s all scrawny, looks like he has never worked out a day in his life.
It’s never too late to start, Steve knows that, so yeah. 
Steve does his workout, but he’s always stealing glances at the guy and by now is pretty obvious the guy is also looking at him.
He has dark hair tied in a ponytail and is using a weird band t-shirt. Definitely not workout attire, but Steve can’t look away. 
By the end of his workout, Steve lost the guy and he shrugs it off. Maybe the guy was just watching Steve do his exercises so he could copy him or something.
He’s resigned, but when he walks to the water station, there he is. Cute guy, filling up his bottle. 
“Hey,” Steve says and the guy almost drops his bottle. “Sorry”
“That’s ok,” the guy says and his voice is something else.
“Never saw you here”
“Oh, it’s my first day”
Steve bites back a comment about how he noticed it was his first day. It would be rude. 
Instead, Steve says “if you ever want some help, let me know.”
It’s a casual enough comment. If Steve read things wrong and the guy wasn’t checking him out, then it's completely harmless. Steve’s never sure how to flirt with guys.
“Yeah, thanks…?”
“Steve! Nice to meet you” 
“Steve,” he rolls his name on his tongue and it does things to Steve. Looking up close the guy is even cuter. Has a nice smile, too. One he offers Steve when he says his name is Eddie.
Eddie steps aside so Steve can drink water and Steve thinks he was just being polite, but then; 
“Hey, Steve, why don’t I grab your number? That way I can hit you up if I ever need help?”
Steve’s heart sky rockets and he tries to play it cool. Shrugs, like it’s no big deal.
“Awesome, gimme your phone and I’ll put my number in it,” Eddie says and Steve complies. 
Steve bends down to drink his water as Eddie taps away in his phone. His head is a little fuzzy because he never flirted with a guy like that. He usually finds guys in dating apps because he’s too afraid he’d mess it up in person. He feels like a winner, and can’t wait to tell Robin 
When he finishes his water, he turns to look at Eddie, who is grinning at him when he offers back his phone.
“I just texted myself so I could grab your number.” Steve smiles and pockets his phone, and Eddie smiles too. “Nice to meet you, Steve”
They say goodbye and Eddie leaves the gym. 
Steve hits the shower feeling electric. He can’t stop smiling, can’t stop thinking about Eddie.
He’s in his car, about to drive home when he thinks ‘fuck it’ and decides to text Eddie right then. He should wait until Eddie texts him, but he can’t and he’s feeling confident 
When he unlocks his phone, he goes straight to his messages and… There’s nothing there. No new messages to new numbers. Just a text from Robin asking when he will be home for lunch. Steve frowns.
Goes to his contacts and searches for Eddie but comes out with nothing. 
Maybe Eddie messed it up, or maybe he chickened out at the last minute. Steve drives home thinking about it and getting more confused by the second.
It doesn’t make any sense. Eddie offered his number. 
It’s only when he’s on his couch, Robin’s legs stretched over his, that he thinks of checking other things on his phone. Pulls up his e-mail and there it is, a new e-mail from his Venmo account.
Steve clicks on it, feels his heart beating quickly. 
And yep, there it is. A 20-dollar transfer to Eddie.
“Hey Steve, you’re cute, merry Christmas.”
Steve groans and pushes Robin off of him. She asks him what’s wrong and he says “I just got scammed by a cute guy”
Robin laughs until dinner time. 
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house-of-mirrors · 8 months
r/fallenlondon simulator
Post 1: basic post about hitting a game accomplishment or enjoying a particular thing... and the off-topic things you find in the comments section may shock you!
Post 2: This part of the game isn't optimized to make the most money and that means it's bad
Post 3: I hate the characters and plot and mechanics in this game (yet I'm still playing it for some reason)
Post 4: the most incredibly fan work you've ever seen with only a few upvotes
Post 5: not in need of a discordance missive
Post 6: I ignored the story in a story-based game to do nothing but grind and now I am burnt out
Post 7: [it wouldn't be the subreddit if I didn't include a "heehoo the number" joke]
Post 8: the most volatile discourse topic known to man which you never would have thought was an issue if it wasn't for the post, with environmental storytelling in the votes to comments ratio
Post 9: monthly ES announcement
Post 10: AI art
Post 11: meme that's kinda mean and edgy when you think about it for more than a few seconds
Post 12: I need people to betray/I need a certain calling card
Post 13: guy who posits something about the lore but doesn't actually intend to listen to any of the answers
Post 14: newbie asking for help and getting answers that range from helpful to rude to focused only on optimization
Post 15: someone pointing out a social justice concern in the game text and getting a bunch of comments "well I don't think it's a problem so therefore it isn't a problem"
Post 16: Some guy that worships AK and the old writing and thinks being an ass is the peak of cleverness
Post 17: poll with an answer distribution you didn't expect
Post 18: poll with an answer distribution you did expect
Post 19: pointing out something in the game is unbalanced (may be accurate or inaccurate)
Post 20: wild card
Types of comments:
1. Some guy talking about being Mr Cards when in fact no one was talking about Mr Cards
2. Some guy talking about hating the liberation of night when in fact no one was talking about the liberation of night
3. Some guy talking about smen when in fact no one was talking about smen
4. Some guy talking about hating the thing OP liked in their post
5. discourse about a strawman or otherwise entirely unrelated topic
6. blocked user
7. [sigh. the number]
8. FBG itself (rare)
9. clever joke that makes you laugh (the only decent thing in the whole thread)
10. wild card
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eternalwritess · 29 days
hazbin hotel and jjk matchup exchange with @justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms
i match you with... 𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓝𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓲 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓯𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ██ 20% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
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☞ He definitely met you at Jujutsu tech, maybe some event that was being held there when he was older. He was confused on the exact details of what was going on and decided to approach you since he thought that you might know. When you told him that he didn't he planned on walking away but you kept talking and he found himself constantly responding to you
☞ He didn't even notice how much time had passed as the two or you were talking for about an hour before he noticed that whatever event you were both there for was starting. It was some meeting about giving sorcerers more work, something that Kento wasn't too fond of and grumbled about under his breath, you made a comment agreeing with him and he found himself smiling at your comment, pleasantly surprised
☞ When the meeting ended fate seemed like it hadn't had enough of the two of you together as you were both on the same mission, actually most of them were the same as apparently whoever arranged the schedules thought that you two might make a good team together and they were right. You both mostly stayed on task when fighting curses and when it was done you had some more missions together so Kento ended up asking for your number
☞ That night he ended up texting you asking if you wanted to meet somewhere to discuss the next mission the two of you were facing and you agreed, the two of you ended up going to a nearby bakery where he had a sandwich and some coffee. He also ended up paying for your food and drinks saying that since he called you out here it was the least that he could do
☞ Although if you were worried about not seeing him after the two of you finished all of your missions together you were more than wrong. You found him more than once on several occasions, several cafes, restaurants, and stores that you went to were the same ones that he would and each time he would approach you to see how you were doing and the two of you would end up talking for a while
☞ He didn't realize it right away but he started developing feeling for you but since he found it unprofessional of him he kept it buried deep and told himself that he would never act on them because as a sorcerer it wouldn't work out for the both of you in the end
☞ Eventually and unfortunately for him when the two of you were talking and walking back from a rather troubling mission Gojo just happened to spot the two of you and had it out for Kento, running up to him and saying how he never thought that anyone would actually date him and constantly teasing him
☞ He didn't leave for a while and kept noticing the way that Kento looked at you, soon enough Gojo decided that the pining was getting on his nerves and started saying how 'nanami just wont shut up about you! hes told me hes in love so many times already, its getting kinda sad'
☞ This went on for about fifteen minutes before Kento managed to push him away, finally allowing himself to breathe as he apologized for Gojo's behavior towards you. Yet he never said that he didn't like you and that led you to believe that Gojo was right, when you asked him about it though he only said that it was unprofessional and that the two of you should move on
☞ The next day Gojo set the two of you up for a blind date, why? Why not, he could tell that this slowburn was set on low and he wanted to turn up the heat and see what would happen. Kento wanted to leave the date but Gojo kept him there saying how it was rude and in the end he stayed and you two talked and talked
☞ By the end of the date Kento was unsure but he asked you if you would want something more with him and when you said yes he was pleasantly surprised, and a little horrified... it had nothing to do with you, more that Gojo actually did him a favor for once
☞ Your first date was at a cafe, and he paid for everything once again as you two began to sit down and talk again. Everything felt pretty much the same accept that you two sat closer and Kento complimented you on everything, your hair, style, it was like he couldn't get enough of you
☞ Gojo was ecstatic when he found out that the two of you were dating, constantly jumping up and down with excitement saying how he's glad that you managed 'to tame a grumpy nanami' and how he hoped that you didn't mind him being 'so cold' sometimes. Which you both knew was a lie
☞ When Shoko found out she thought that it was kinda funny how Kento managed to get a girlfriend before Gojo, and she said that only for Gojo to shush her and say that 'he didnt need a girlfriend... or boyfriend-'
☞ Mei Mei didn't react much at first, although she was surprised that it happened, teasing Kento and saying how she thought that he liked to keep it professional and such
☞ Utahime was absolutely ecstatic for it, she bought you two quite a few things as a congratulation gift, and Gojo bullied her for doing so but she yelled at him and then ignored him
☞ Your dynamic is friends to lovers, and workplace lovers <3
☞ He constantly does stuff for you, goes out to by you groceries, fixes anything that you break, helps you with your technique and training. He's around you basically 24/7
☞ When you told him about your love for literature and writing he asked for you to recommend him some books to read, saying that he needed to read more anyways
☞ While he doesn't give you letters per se he does write you little sticky notes on things, placed on food all over the house saying that it was for you or that he thought you'd might want to try something. If you overworked yourself one day you'd find a sticky note next to you when you woke up criticizing you for it
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☞ When you first met him you probably crashed into him when you came into hell and he was confused at first until he realized that you were just a sinner from Earth. He got really sad at that and started lamenting about it as he walked away, before turning around and asking you what got you into Hell in the first place
☞ You told him that you didn't know and thats when he started to get a little confused, he asked you again and said that you must have some idea of what got you there as you must to have done something bad like the majority of people there and when you replied no his face dropped.
☞ Thats when you took hold of the conversation and began asking him questions, he answered them boredly and with a bit of disdain but did so nonetheless and the more he talked to you the more he felt that you didn't belong in Hell, yet he didn't do anything and instead told you to follow him. He took you back to his place and said that you could stay there for the night until you found a proper place to stay
☞ You tried to thank him but he didn't stick around long enough for that, instead disappearing without another word. Every now and then the two of you would talk about something and he would find himself captured by your voice but shook it off and it wasn't till he introduced you to Charlie that she pointed out that he was falling in love
☞ At first he didn't want to admit it but it became more and more apparent and suddenly he couldn't hide it any longer, when he confessed to you it was a huge grand gesture with fireworks and everything (courtesy of Charlie)
☞ When you said that you would date him he didn't know what to do. He started panicking and running all around the place screaming about how he needed to plan for your date... which Charlie helped with
☞ You two had a date at the hotel with Alastor as the server, he kept exchanging insults with Lucifer the entire time but besides that his attention was fully on you... at least when Angel didn't almost burn down the entire building just trynna make some damn pasta for the two of you
☞ You two ended up taking the date agian and this time just having some tea in the lobby while chatting with each other about your goals and such, along with what is going on with your lives. He ended up apologizing for treating you so coldly when he first met you, saying how he didn't really like most sinners at that time and they just reminded him of what he did
☞ You comforted him through it the entire time and he appreciated that a lot from you saying how you didn't have to forgive him at all and that he was 100% in the wrong for what he did in the first place
☞ Charlie was ecstatic to hear that you were dating, jumping up and down and grabbing and shaking Vaggie screaming about how she was going to make sure that everything was going to go smoothly in their relationship and how she was gonna be the cool daughter
☞ Vaggie didn't really care much, she was just happy because Charlie was happy for the two of you
☞ Alastor bullied Lucifer constantly saying how he's surprised that he could get anyone after Lilith and how even that had probably been a mistake on her part, which caused them to fight... again
☞ Relationship dynamic is roommates to lovers and maybe caretaker x whumpee thrown in there?
☞ He tries to take you flying often, he just wants to hold you and cuddle with you man... he doesn't really got a real reason, cut him some slack please
☞ He's scared of doing something wrong to push you away from him and because of this he's always giving you things, complimenting you and even writing you the occasional sappy love letter if he can't hold up to any of his promises even if its the smallest thing ever he instantly wants to make up for it when it comes to you
☞ You ground him and teach him more about his self worth than anything and everyone loves you for it, its a lot less awkward when you're helping him through his anxiety and depression
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lliminall · 1 year
excerpts from the group chat | pannacotta fugo x reader
tags: fem reader, implied sexual activity, copious amounts of swearing, borderline crack but I know in my heart they would be this annoying irl
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Fuck Heads
Group Chat with Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia Ghirga & Guido Mista
Tuesday 4:34 PM
Guido Mista they didn’t have salsa I got u ketchup
Narancia Ghirga ok fuck u
Guido Mista they’re both tomatoes idk why ur bitching
Narancia Ghirga Im not brining ur beer now ur fucking on ur own
Guido Mista please daddy? 🥺
Narancia Ghirga jk princess I got it
Guido Mista fugo I am headed over now be there in 10
Narancia Ghirga be there in 20 running late
4:47 PM
Guido Mista bro I’m here let me in
Guido Mista are u shitting?? open up I’m here
Narancia Ghirga its cus u brought us fucking ketchup instead of salsa
Narancia Ghirga jusy call him hes probably getting his dick wet again
Guido Mista we talked about this he does not have a girlfriend. he is a fucking incel narancia
Narancia Ghirga i was there last week I heard moaning. I told u
Guido Mista then it was porn u dumb fuck
Guido Mista open the FUCKING door
Narancia Ghirga bro literally what are u doing let us IN
Pannacotta Fugo I will fucking kill both of you
Pannacotta Fugo Stop banging on the fucking door.
Narancia Ghirga wtf let us in???
Pannacotta Fugo I’ll let you in but do not speak to her. She’s studying in my room just mind your business
Guido Mista SHE????
Guido Mista and why can’t we meet her??
Pannacotta Fugo You fucking organisms. You are not pestering my girlfriend.
Narancia Ghirga BRO
Guido Mista BROOOO
Guido Mista also ok rude
Narancia Ghirga he cant bring her out cus he wiped her out with his 10 inch schlong
Guido Mista u don’t even have a girlfriend ur just embarrassed we caught u jacking off
Pannacotta Fugo I’m coming outside and I’m bringing a fucking weapon
Narancia Ghirga is that why u had us bring some much food I thought u we’re trying to bulk up wasnt gonn a judge tho
Guido Mista my man 💯💯💯
Guido Mista proud of u now let us the fuck in
Guido Mista the food is getting cold bro open the fucking door
7:28 PM
Guido Mista night bro would have gave u ur goodnight kiss but ur girlfriend was right there
Narancia Ghirga wheres my goodnight kiss
Guido Mista come here bby girl i got it for u right here
Pannacotta Fugo You will be two brown stains on the floor by the time I'm done with you
Narancia Ghirga pee ur pannts
7:45 PM
Narancia Ghirga fugo got his dick sucked today. by a real girl
Bruno Bucciarati Why are you telling me this
Narancia Ghirga just thougth u might like to know
message read at 7:47 PM
7:50 PM
Narancia Ghirga abbachio guess who i saw layin pipe tonight
This user has blocked your number. You are unable to call or text this number at this time.
Narancia Ghirga fugo
Narancia Ghirga dammit
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spitdrunken · 6 months
I’m busy as usual lately, and if you’re new here, my interests tends to change up pretty quickly and strongly because of my neurodivergency lolol I see all your hazbin requests, and I will try to get to them <33 In the meantime, my girlfriend has dragged me into Ace Attorney (so blame her), and I cleaned up this ‘discord fic’ we wrote together, haha.
notes: dick gumshoe x female!reader (reader is very explicitly female here; please don’t go in hoping for ambiguity!), age gap (gumshoe is early 30s, reader is early 20, inexperienced reader. other than that, this is just very consensual sex. enjoy!
essentially, the entire crux of the idea is that gumshoe has a hookup app he uses sometimes, and you meet through there. you haven’t had that much sex, or just not sex with guys, but you’re bored and you’re horny and you decide- why the hell not? you assume nothing will really come out of it, anyway.
maybe there's just a far higher number of guys on the app you were on, and most of them just sent you a picture of their ugly penis or the most horrendous, sexual pickup line in existence… you'd practically given up on both the app and the male population in general, when you encounter gumshoe. who just tells you how pretty you are and asks how your day has been. he is outrageously attractive himself, and so you have to wonder whether or not he’s even real… despite the different start,i feel like he still wouldn't take too long to ask if you want to come over to his place sometime, but that's only normal and expected- it's the very purpose of the app such as the one you're using, after all! he warns you beforehand that his apartment doesn’t look like the best of places on the outside, and agrees to do anything you want beforehand to verify his identity! like sending pics of himself in certain poses, or (video)calling.
and you show up and all of your nerves just crash into you at once. you’re standing in the parking lot and you get so nervous you might as well throw up. you don’t really do stuff like this, but you were lured here by his genuine compliments and his good looks. you are almost tempted to text him that you’re going home, something came up, or to be rude enough to ghost him entirely- but there’s a little bit of guilt welling up inside you, knowing that you agreed with all of this, and he’s waiting for you and got his hopes up.
the reason you initially do go up to the door is this guilt. at your hesitant knock at the door, it immediately swings open, as if he had been waiting right beyond. you’d guessed from his pics he’d be big, but he’s really tall, and the spitting image of the pics he uploaded, rather than some of the horror stories you’ve heard.
"h-hi!!" you squeak. "i'm from the, uh, thing." you give him a little wave, and immediately feel stupid, quickly lowering your hand. your face is already on fire, and you don’t quite know what else to say.
gumshoe, on the other hand, only needs to take one look at you to be able to see how nervous you are. (while people often consider him dumb, he’s at least got emotional intelligence to make up for it. not to mention, he’s been around this block plenty of times before.)
"pal, c'mon, sit down. you look like you're about to pass out," he says, though not unkindly, and leads you inside before pulling back a chair from his dinner table. you're pretty happy to do as he says. "are you okay?"
"yeah, um-" you wring your hands together on your lap, face flushed, not meeting his eye. "i'm sorry. i don't really do stuff like this…. ever. i-is that weird? i just, uh, well…" you laugh sheepishly and awkwardly. "you were- you are very handsome, what can i say?"
he laughs, louder than you think you deserve, but it's boisterous. not laughing at you. "you sure do know how to make a man feel special, huh? but… hey. look at me." he's sitting opposite you now, a kindly smile on your face. "we don't hav'ta do anything you don't want to. we don't have to do anything at all! i want you to have a good time. both of us should have a good time. 'course, i'm always happy to have such a pretty lady in my home.. but i'm not gonna make you do something you don't wanna."
after his little motivational speech, you've calmed enough that your breathing has slowed down to regular levels.
"thank you, i really do appreciate it… um. i wanna try, at least. i bought new lingerie 'n everything," you mumble, eyes averted.
"just for little old me? you shouldn't have." dick's smile is goofy and genuine and luring you closer, allowing him to reach out for your waist.
"would you mind if i take a look? i'd love to see your pretty new panties." you don’t trust your tongue to make any comprehensible noise right now, so you just rapidly nod. "that's my girl."
maybe he keeps sitting down at the table, and pats his knee, inviting you to sit down on his lap. not right over his crotch, he doesn’t want to push you that quick and that hard. maybe you're wearing a cute little dress so he just pulls the hem up, and without even thinking about it, you reach out and taking him from it, holding it up for him,, you're very very red in the face and looking anywhere except at him, but you can hear the smile in his voice when he says ‘thanks’.
he just places one of his big, warm hands on your thigh, rubbing circles on the skin on the inside, and with the other hand he just traces a single finger up the length of your thigh, closer and closer to your panties to see if you don't get spooked. even when he touches your underwear, he doesn't go for your clit or anything like that, just running the tip of his finger over the side of it. maybe it's pink n lacy and slightly see through.
"that's so adorable," he tells you, maybe even tugging a little at the pink little bow on top. "s'like you read my mind and you knew exactly what i wanted to see! special girl."
"i- i'm sure i'm not… mmm--" gumshoe just hums in response, question unspoken. "i'm sure you've had prettier girls over." and you immediately want to hit yourself over the head for saying something like that, but it was what you were thinking.
"hah!" he practically guffaws, entirely unfazed. "you'd be surprised, pal. all i ever seem to hook are skinny little guys. which is all fine and good, love ‘em, but there are plenty who are just- if they can't be bothered to just say 'hi' before starting to talk about my dick, i just block 'em."
you can't help but laugh a little, and look at his face for the first time, meeting with relaxed eyes and a kind smile. (if you're going to catch feelings for this man, you swear to god--) "i guess we're pretty similar, then. i only got, uh, dick pics and bad one liners… you were the first one to just ask how i was feeling." for a moment, you can forget you're sitting in a stranger's lap with your dress pulled up, and his fingers centimeters away from your clit. maybe this guy just has that effect on people.
"people can be weird," he sighs and shakes his head a little. "that, or they just ask for the strangest things. i had this one guy over once, and he just straight up asked for fisting, which, y’know, never mentioned that anywhere before! how do ya even think you want my damn fist inside you, when you can't even handle my cock?"
"o-oh yeah?" you stammer out, the unspoken question on your lips (are you THAT big???!!??) obvious to both people in the room, and you don't even think about it as your eyes shift a looot lower than his face.
there's a tangible shift in the air, and gumshoe chuckles. when he speaks again, his voice is about an octave lower. "eyes up here, sweetheart." you jolt, practically spit out an apology, and he laughs again, louder this time. "no, no, i'm sorry, was just messing with ya. but you got curious, didn't ya? c'mere."
he takes your wrist, grip loose enough that you could pull away at any moment, but you don't. he places your hand right on top of his crotch, and places his own hand over yours. he is… big, and your face is burning. "i can see that you're wet yourself, sweetheart, so i think ya should know i've been hard ever since you walked through that door."
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mx24 · 2 years
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a messy chart displaying how the many motifs in Deltarune are (potentially) connected to each other.
of course, this isn't everything (missing Ralsei, Noelle, Kris, and the Weird Route's connections) but it does cover a great majority of things related to the biblical and greek mythological themes.
text boxes on the chart below (warning, large blocks of text):
text on the right of the blue God Bubble: "Satan is imprisoned within the Abyss (Revelation 20:2-4)"
text on the right of the purple Chaos Bubble: "God’s separation of Heaven and Earth creates a gap/the Abyss, which is also known as Chaos in Christian theology."
text below the red Satan Bubble: "Susie has crown motifs, which she shares with the Beast (Sea) and the Great Red Dragon"
text to the left of the white Tartarus Bubble: "Gaster’s connection has direct connection to the Beast out of the Earth. The Beast (Earth) puts a mark upon people’s right hands, the number of the beast being 666. The number is also the number of a man. (Revelation 13:17-18)"
text to the right of the white Tartarus Bubble: "??? has symbols related to the DR Titans, and the area resembles Tartarus and Sheol."
text below the teal Godzilla Bubble: "Tartarus, where the Greek Titans are imprisoned, is hidden within Gaia. DR Titans presumably hidden within the Earth too"
text directly right of the teal Godzilla Bubble: "Godzilla is known as “King of the Monsters”, and awakens from the sea."
text directly below the gold Lion Bubble: "Susie’s Roar ACT references lions, and has relation to the mouth. The Beast out of the Sea has a mouth “like that of a lion” (Revelation 13)"
text below the blue Ocean Bubble: "Ocean.ogg plays when entering ???"
text on the right of the pale purple Jevil Bubble: "Jevil’s Devilsknife (a scythe). Susie wields this"
text on the right of the green No Symbol: "Cronus castrated Uranus with the scythe/sickle, separating him from Gaia"
text directly below the green No Symbol: "Cronus tosses his father’s gonads into the Sea"
largest text on the far right side of the chart: "Chaos: In Hesiod’s Theogony, (possibly) out of Chaos came Gaia, Tartarus, and Eros, and certainly “birthed”  Nyx and Erebus. Hesiod’s Chaos was also a place, underground and gloomy, and where the Titans resided. In Aristophanes’s comedy, Birds, from Chaos and Eros came the race of birds. (Wings, and things related to birds are a recurring motif in Deltarune) Pherecydes of Syros interpreted Chaos as water, shapeless. (Water appears as the background during Deltarune’s Intro Sequence) And in the Roman poet’s Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Chaos was a formless mass where all the elements were cluttered together. Latin to English translated, from Wiki: “Before the ocean and the earth appeared— before the skies had overspread them all— the face of Nature in a vast expanse was naught but Chaos uniformly waste. It was a rude and undeveloped mass, that nothing made except a ponderous weight; and all discordant elements confused, were there congested in a shapeless heap” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_(cosmogony) "
bonus thing not included on the chart:
Jevil has a couple of connections to Ovid's narrative poem, Metamorphoses. when Jevil transforms into Devilsknife, he says "metamorphoses". Ovid's poem also talks about Chaos, which is Jevil's element and phrase.
God's creation week seems to share aspects of the Greek Titan's mythology. the Prophecy of Delta Rune is very similar to the true Titan mythology, therefore it parallels creation week.
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thewonandonly · 2 years
20:38 — the bitch still call me crazy, little ho, how does that work? she got the guest house jumping up with smoke out the attic, you're right, i know we like to argue, let's get at it | SPIT IN MY FACE! by thxsomuch
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seonghwa hated working at the convenience store with the girl. he thought it was beneath him, almost. it was only his first day, and he didn't have much experience in retail, despite what he mentioned in his résumé.
his fingers hovered over the unblock button of the girl's phone number, which he pressed after a momentary thought to himself.
sending an empty text to the chat room, he set the phone down.
who does she think she is, is all he could think. seonghwa couldn't help but think that she thought she was better than him, which was further from the truth. seonghwa knew about people and their up and downs. he experienced that first hand. when that doctor was in a bad mood, he poked him with needles, over-prescribed medication and gave the other inpatients double a dosage just to make them sleep. and when he was in a good news, he'd double the room time for arts and crafts, he'd bring in a karaoke machine, books. anything to make them match his mood.
seonghwa was aware of human's ups and downs, and it seemed this girl had a lot of them.
as she responded giving him a "first day" evaluation, seonghwa couldn't help the anger that bubbled in his throat; he wasn't late, he definitely didn't hog the music player, and he wasn't coercing customers into buying more. who doesn't like a compliment here and there? and the whole finger thing, it was a tiny cut on his thumb. it wasn't like he did it on purpose to get out of doing anything. if anything, she was the one who was blowing the entire thing out of proportion.
but, seonghwa was nothing if not a jokester. he replied simply with everything from his perspective; technically, he wasn't given a time to arrive at, so he was right on time. he made sure it was aware that loud music of any sort was an osha violation. he joked that she was the one who entrusted him with a box cutter and that he was making more money for the place for the store than she ever would.
it was met only with a poor attempt at criticizing and belittling him; a plain text that read "i hate you." which she immediately began to rehash her response by typing again.
seonghwa couldn't help the chuckle what she was saying; to say seonghwa liked to see people mad was a bit rude to say, but it was true. he liked to see people mad. it means he got through their thick skin.
"that's cute." he whispered to himself, reading the paragraph listing all the personality traits he recognized.
she finished off the essay with a simple text that read; "you remind me of my father."
he wasn't sure if it was an insult, since he didn't know her father, so he just took it as an insult and locked his phone.
he could already imagine her stomping her feet like the child she was, and chuckled to himself. getting under her skin was fun. no matter how many times she told herself that she didn't dislike him, the texts were enough to already show him how much she did.
and maybe it'll be easier for him at work without her trying to get on his ass about a bunch of shit.
the arguments the two shared was laughable, and anyone walking by would think the two were just old friends. but seonghwa knew she liked to get that pent-up aggression out.
he was gonna have fun with it.
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copyright © 2023 thewonandonly. all rights reserved.
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
snow’d in
yeah we’re snowed in. total driving ban. all roads closed. they gave up on plowing about 20 hours ago. i haven’t heard an engine in two days, there are no cars going by on the big road that’s about 500 feet away. Nothing is plowed out.
This is actually the worst weather i’ve ever experienced in 17 years living here. There are no ambulances, no fire; emergency services has over 2/3 of its vehicles out of commission over the whole county. The National Guard has come and the sole thing they are doing is rescuing stranded motorists. One three-man team on snowmobiles has made over 50 rescues in 24 hours. 
It’s unnerving to know that if I hurt myself and called for help  no one would come. But on the other hand, I’m fine, my power is on, my heat is on, and I’m going to not use any knives or run up or down any staircases tonight. This did get me to go put a note through the neighbor’s mail slot with my phone number on it, and she texted me-- 17 years we’ve lived next to one another, and have only spoken briefly in that whole time, but I said if you need anything I am here, and she texted back, I’m here too.
(listen we’re yankees, i wasn’t gonna knock. that’s not how we do. also then she’d have to open her door. in this cold? rude. no.)
It’s not that it’s snowed three feet-- that’s not actually that weird an amount. But the winds are 50-70mph every time I check. So any snow falling is falling in drifts, and there’s no way to plow in this kind of wind. The lake has involved herself, naturally, but the wind is out of the southwest instead of the west, and that means us northern suburbs are fucked, which is not usually the case. Most of the county’s snowmobiles are stored in the Southtowns where the lake effect bands tend to settle when the wind is more typically out of the west, and they did not redeploy them ahead of this storm because this storm very much did also hit the Southtowns. It’s just lingering, up here, and we’re not prepared in the same way. People have died, from being stuck in cars or from needing an ambulance that couldn’t come, and that’s sobering.
But, I’m fine, and if I can’t get out of the house tomorrow we’ll do Christmas on Monday.
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(Edit:Tumblr doesn't like the drawings so here's the text version Edit edit: OH NOW IT SHOWS UP!?!?)
I got directed towards Music Meister and now he lives rent free in my head. Ludicrously overpowered, but that just means he's Gotham's newest and greatest nightmare.
Some headcanons for my verse:
-Number: 1.
-Chaos. He shows up 5 months after Riddler's brutal beating by Green Arrow and is the Chaos to Riddler's Order. Gotham ->Batman ->Joker ->Riddler ->Meister.
-Has no "real" name.
-20-ish, making him one of the younger rogues.
-Bothers Joker the way Joker bothers Lex. Joker considers him to be an anklebiter.
-Colors: Purples, greens and bright red.
-Just exuberantly happy man. Happiest man in Gotham. As happy as Gotham is dark.
-On the flip side, he's childish, petty, vicious and absurd.
-The JLA is terrified of him.
-Communicates mostly in song. He can talk, he just does it so rarely people assume he can't. -Generates music when he opens his mouth and constantly hums. This isn't something he can stop doing. He's constantly making some kind of noise. Can level entire areas if he's loud enough. (Rarely does this as it doesn't sound like music and starts hurting him.)
-Cannot stand still.
-Gagging him hurts him.
-Restaining him is basically torture.
-Green eyes/red hair. Gets confused for Riddler, even by Batman.
-People thought Riddler had drastically rebranded after Green Arrow's attack.
-Giant red shades.
-Can play any music he's heard.
-Make him mad or frustrated enough and he starts sounding like an orchestra mid breakdown. - *Angry orchestra noises*
-Doesn't care about people’s personal space. He will drape himself over anybody, he's ll force people to dance with him. Has zero regard for people. (Basing that on the lyrics he sings in 'Mayhem of the Music Meister!')
-Really hates having his voice completely blocked. He considers it rude.
-Batman never gags him. Gagging him causes him extreme pain and makes him extremely mad and less likely to be cooperative the next time they meet. 
-His start outfit falls into Joker's purples-greens range, but his current outfit looks like he raided Riddler's wardrobe.
- "8D Full volume! 8D"
- "Crazy Frog. 6 hours, FULL FUCKING VOLUME!"
-Enjoys roaming around Gotham and singing, sending people scrambling. Classified as a tornado and even has a radio program dedicated to tracking him when he’s in storm-mode.
-Has his own music channel. Don't listen to it, he WILL order you to go steal for him.
-Meister: I was once proud to say I wan't deeply obsessed with Batman. Joker: What happened? Meister: He slammed me ass first into the hood of car and told me to quiet. Joker: Ahahaha, the would do it.
-Motives for crime: Money, control, fun and attention. Sheer power display.
-Nightmare difficulty when it comes to handling him. He enjoys pushing and testing boundaries, teasing. Will just emit extremely high tones at random which can knock people out cold. He's also figured out what kind of music Batman hates. The only plus is he doesn't try to randomly stab Batman.
-Hypnosis: You're aware he's controlling you. Because he thinks this is funny.
-He really hates the Green Arrow family.
-Batman is the only hero he'll listen to. He just barely tolerates the rest of the Batfamily.
-He calls Penguin 'grandpa'.
-Really wants to sing with the Mayor.
-Is a somehow a fully licensed therapist. Batman assumes it's the Mayor's doing.
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