#//feel free to add anything or pick and choose what you might be interested in
carnivoraformes · 6 months
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@vancreux asked, "DYNAMICS!"
𝐒𝐎  𝐘𝐎𝐔  𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀  𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓? || Status: Accepting
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//I'm trying to remember what we have and have discussed already. I'll just start with what I am pretty sure we haven't talked about yet...
Neuvillette & Xiao and Zhongli - I don't know exactly how quickly you believe Neuvillette would catch on to Zhongli being Morax that could either involve normal conversations with Neuvillette being absolutely clueless about who he is talking to a (strange) young looking man that was wiser than his years that would honestly take a profound interest in the current state of affairs of Fontaine because despite the fact this man could GO ON FOR CENTURIES about little tidbits and the history of Liyue he is also curious of the other nations from an insiders perspective. And the possible exploration of the parallels between these two as figureheads of their nations (like the Nation of Contracts vs the Land of Justice).
Xiao would probably be awkward as hell because 🌈introvert 🌈 and would not have the first clue what to say the Neuvillette and because he is nowhere near as interested in Fontaine as Zhongli would be. And in all reality the only reason I could see them interacting is having a 'mutual friend' in the traveler, depending how you look at Neuvillette's relationship to the traveler. Also once it becomes obvious that Xiao served Morax there might be room for room to 'agree to disagree' or just outright tension considering how much Xiao looks up to Morax and I don't honestly expect either to hold back on the opinions of him on either side among other obvious issues/differences.
Okay the rest I think we kind of talked about at some point...
Kafka and Blade - annoying coworker that kept stealing his phone and their whole deal of forced cooperation because I think it is firmly establish Kafka doesn't exactly respect him (or most people for that matter) as much as any sane person should.
Jing Yuan and Blade - two former friends now on opposite sides. Jing Yuan honestly has no intention of fighting Blade or trying to arrest Blade (because what would be the point cause MORE PROBLEMS) unless Blade is actively being a threat. And I do think there might be a small bit of sentimentality on Jing Yuan's end, not enough to stop him from doing his job but enough to turn a blind eye when Blade isn't an active threat to him or innocent bystanders.
Aventurine and Sunday + Ratio - Aventurine is just irritating because this man has an allergy to being real with people and very few people probably have the patience to put up with his bullshit that aren't as fake as he is. We already established how Ratio feels though possibly exploring just how Sunday and Aventurine feel towards each other now. Probably not good. It's honestly up to you though.
Not sure what we could do with them that doesn't escalated into a fight but I'm also still laughing at Boothill calling Aventurine a bitch.
Sunday and Robin - loving siblings!?
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0 notes
gonzo-rella · 2 years
Fluff Alphabet: Jamie Tartt
Inspired by this post by @snk-warriors​
Relationship(s): Jamie Tartt x gn!reader (romantic)
Warnings: None! (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: I figured I’d finally try out the alphabet format. Let me know if you’d be interested in me doing this for another character, and feel free to send me other alphabet layouts to try out! Plus, just feel free to send in Jamie requests. Also, apologies if some of this makes my love for Keeley beyond obvious.)
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
At first, Jamie loves to take you out to dinner, shopping, or wherever he can spend money on you. 
Over time, though, I feel like he’ll become more content with just having a night in with you, doing some mundane thing like watching a film.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
I feel like Jamie’s grown to become far less shallow, so his appreciation for you is well-rounded. As cheesy as it sounds, he really appreciates who you are as a person. It’s not something he’s used to in relationships (even though Keeley had plenty to appreciate outside of her appearance).
That said, I do imagine there are physical characteristics of yours that he could spend a lifetime gazing at. If he had to choose anything specific, it’d probably be your smile and your eyes. He’s not used to people being genuinely warm to him, so it makes his heart melt when you look at him and smile at him.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Jamie will give you his full attention when you’re not feeling great. It’ll break his heart to see you looking almost broken, but he’ll engulf you in a hug and tell you everything’s going to be alright.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Jamie’s previous relationships have been relatively shallow; you’re probably the first person he’s considered an actual future with. He wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
At the very least, he wants you to live with him. He loves the idea of waking up next to you every morning and falling asleep beside you every night.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
You and Jamie are on equal footing in your relationship. It’s quite unexpected, since he’s a well-off footballer and you’re... well, not.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Oh, God, Jamie hates fighting with you, especially with the history of his dad. If you end up yelling at him or express anger/frustration, he’ll immediately go into panic mode because I feel like he might associate fighting with anyone with his dad being a dick to him. He’ll worry that you don’t love him anymore and he’ll just generally feel like shit. He might need a bit of space for a given period of time, but he’ll forgive you if forgiveness is warranted.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He doesn’t really express it a whole lot (at least at the start of your relationship), but he is so grateful to have you as his s/o, since he’s not exactly used to being appreciated as a person (not to bring up his dad again, but-).
If his breakup with Keeley taught him anything, it’s that he should be grateful for what he has when he has it. He’s definitely learned his lesson.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
At first, I imagine that he’s conscious about unloading too much of his emotional baggage onto you, so he’ll end up concealing his insecurities until you kind of pick up on them yourself. It’s not even like he views any of this as secrecy; he just thinks he’s shielding you from... well, himself. He’ll definitely become more and more comfortable opening up as your relationship develops, though.
When it comes to things that aren’t his emotional problems, though, he doesn’t have anything he really hides from you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Being with you is part of what inspires Jamie on his road to self-improvement (of course along with multiple other things). You make him want to be a better person.
Since his relationship with his dad (wow, we’re sure mentioning his dad a lot) is less than ideal, I imagine that you’ll probably help him work through some of the issues he has been left with as a result of that. It’s nothing you can fix completely, but you definitely help him get through tough times.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I feel like jealousy is something Jamie has to work on. He’s not crazy possessive nor does he get jealous easily, and it’s not like his jealousy is something you’d notice unless you were the most perceptive person on the planet.
When he experiences jealousy, it’s more linked to his insecurities. He’d probably just try to ignore it, or, failing that, seek your approval in some way. It might not be the healthiest way of dealing with it, and if you end up figuring out how he’s feeling he might open up.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Jamie absolutely prides himself on being a good kisser.
I feel like your first kiss with him would be surprisingly sweet. Like, you guys are both nervous (Jamie’s obviously trying to play it cool, and you tell him he doesn’t have to). He asks if he can kiss you, and you obviously agree. With that, he gently grabs your face and presses his lips to yours.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He’s surprisingly awkward and nervous. Here’s how I imagined his confession in part one of my critically-acclaimed duology Inadequate.
“I really like you. It’s not because I think you’re fit. I mean, you’re still pretty fit, but, like, I dunno, I like who you are too, probably more than how you look. That doesn’t always happen for me.”
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I feel like marriage isn’t something overly important to Jamie. He knows that he wants you in his life forever, but he doesn’t have strong feelings about marriage.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
The most common name he uses is probably ‘babe’. If you’d prefer, though, he’d probably call you some variation of your name (e.g. a shortened version of your name).
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When he’s head-over-heels in love with you, he’s (to quote Roy) a bit less of an insufferable little prick.
He tries not to be all lovey dovey and he tries his best to play it cool, but sometimes he just can’t hide how happy you make him. He smiles to himself and his teammates often notices that he looks like he’s waiting for someone when you’re not around.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Jamie will definitely check in on what you’re comfortable with before doing anything, or, at the very least, he’ll listen to you if you express any discomfort.
If he had it his way, though, he’d constantly have his arm around you or have your hand in his, and he’d give you so many kisses. Mostly because he loves you, but part of him really likes to show off that you’re his s/o.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Maybe this isn’t all that random, but he’s got a smart mouth. He’s very good at saying things that’ll totally fluster you, much to his delight.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Jamie tries his best to do what he thinks is romantic. He’ll take you out to the nicest restaurant (he’s paying, of course) and he’ll buy you gift after gift.
But I feel like, gradually, how he shows his love will become more personal, since he’ll learn more and more about what you like, and he’ll realise that you see romance in the personal rather than the material.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Since you’re (probably) incredibly supportive of him and his career, he’ll definitely reciprocate this support.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He definitely leans more towards trying new things, though he does like having a balance between normalcy and stability and trying out new things.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
I feel like you’d probably underestimate how well Jamie knows you. When he gives a shit about someone, he picks up little things that might seem trivial to most others. He’ll definitely surprise you when he casually recalls something about you that you wouldn’t expect him to remember.
Jamie can be very empathetic. He’s been through some shit in his life despite the front he tries to put on, so odds are he understands how you feel. At the very least, he’ll try his best to understand.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
As I mentioned before, Keeley breaking up with him was a wakeup call he needed to start valuing his future S/Os.
So, he really does value you and your relationship. Of course, he’s come to value his friendships with the team, but he values your relationship just as much.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Jamie will definitely try to protect you from the press as best he can, and he’s sure to sort it out if any problems do arise.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
As you can probably guess, Jamie is incredibly affectionate. He’ll often greet you with a peck on the cheek or lips, and he’ll often find himself wrapped around you before and after you two go to sleep.
He's become desensitised to the bollockings from Roy about him being late because of these morning cuddles.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
It’s apparent when you’re on Jamie’s mind. He’ll become distracted, and it’s difficult for him to get his head in the game.
The best he can do is think about how he’ll get to see you soon, and he’ll just occupy himself until then.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Jamie will definitely go to great lengths for your relationship, and he’ll do whatever it takes- within reason- to maintain it.
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dragon-creates · 6 months
I’m looking for an artist to collab with for an AU
Hello! If you don’t know me already, my name is Dragon, the author of the TADC fics 5+1 and Royally Screwed (and also a funnybunny shipper). However, I am coming up with a totally new AU, something similar to the carnival and freakshow au as well as inspiration from Bendy and the Ink Machine, Poppy Playtime and Amanda the Adventurer.
I call it ‘The Amazing Digital REDACTED’ au.
In this au, you ‘the player’ play as Jax, an ex-employee of C&A returning to the abandoned building in order to find the rest of your work employees after a mysterious incident years ago. With hidden knowledge that he must enter the game in order to find them, Jax does just that while managing to retain his memories. Along with his accomplice Bubble (a helpful AI who wants to free the rest of the trapped souls) and some help from his friend Winter (yes Winter from 5+1 will be in this but that fic isn’t canon to this au) on the outside, Jax tries to fix his past mistakes and save everyone – especially a particular jester he loved and lost long ago.
Yup that’s right, Jax will be the main character of this au and you will be playing as him. Let me explain, there is a feature on AO3 that allows you to make multiple choices on how you want the story to play out, like a telltale video game if you understand what I’m saying. You will get to pick and choose how Jax goes about his adventure and receive more than one ending (with a canon ending as well). And yes, this au’s main ship is funnybunny as I believe that it deserves more recognition and I find that these two in this au are very interesting to explore (especially with their past).
However, this fic is going to take quite a long time to make and is going to be bigger than anything else that I have written in the past. That is why I want to team up with a fellow TADC/funnybunny artist (since I am not an artist and do better with writing and characters) and create a separate blog for this au to come up with comics and art together. If you’ve seen the blogs for the Carnival and Freakshow au’s, you know that with their comics and art they explore more of the world, drop some lore, do character sheets and explain the pasts of the characters. This is what I’m hoping for if I team up with an artist. This au will mostly be on tumblr however if it does well I might add it to twitter as well since I’m putting this post on twitter as well.
Here are what I have pictured for the characters so far.
Jax: Past name; Jack. Ex employee of C&A, main character and who you the player will be playing as. Before the ‘incident’, Jax used to work at C&A as part of a coding team, to make sure that there were no bugs before any games were released. While C&A wasn’t on his list of jobs to pick, it was the only one that seemed best due to the pay and the fact that they could pay for schooling for those with children. Since Jax has a little sister named Jane, and has no parental figures in his life, he takes the job in order to help pay for the both of them and to make sure that Jane gets a good education. Unlike his canon TADC counterpart, Jax is more quiet, tired and while sarcastic, isn’t all out cruel to everyone unless they are bad people (think Mike from the FNAF movie especially with his relationship with his younger sister). He becomes quite close with his boss’s daughter however, Penny (Pomni) with him starting to develop feelings for the shy girl. However, after the day of the ‘incident’ Jax is left with nothing but guilt since he knew things that contributed to that day. Now he has a chance to make things right and save everyone, and Pomni.
Pomni: Past name; Penny. Ex employee of C&A and daughter of the CEO Abel, Pomni is an extremely introverted and socially awkward person, due to being traumatised by her mother’s death. She and her father don’t have a good relationship, with reasons that will become clearer later. She was quite close to the past version of Ragatha, but other than her father, she doesn’t really have a relationship with anyone. She likes to work alone to focus on the numbers and accounting part of her job (she understands numbers more than people) until she meets Jack. Though Jack is usually a bit standoffish, he is sweet to Penny due to her shy nature and helps keep an eye on her throughout their jobs so that she doesn’t feel too overwhelmed. Overcome by his sudden kindness and protectiveness, Penny starts to develop feelings for Jax. However, after the day of the ‘incident’ she is now trapped in the game, forever a jester trapped in a box…until Jax shows up.
If you’d like to be an artist for this au and collab with me, you can send me a DM or @ me. Do either of these and a sketch of the characters and I will reach out to you and confirm that you can be my partner for this project.
Here are some visuals on how I envision the characters.
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Sans the goggles, think of Jax wearing this over his grey and dirty overalls, he could also be holding a makeshift weapon like a bat or a stick so that he can fight off enemies. This version of Jax is much more serious and he is ready to fight in order to get the job done.
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(on the last pic, focus on the makeup rather than the outfit)
Overly baggy and childish, with blue and black instead of blue and red. This design is a reminder of her past trauma and as so, is implemented into her circus features. Due to it being too big for her, it makes it hard for her to run and escape, and the ridiculousness of it all is a huge slap in the face that this is her new life now and is fully erased of her past.  Even the makeup covers up any kind of normalcy on her face.
Well that’s it for now, I hope you guys take this into consideration and I hope you all have a lovely day/afternoon/night.
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marvelrarepairbingo · 6 months
Marvel Rare Pairs Bingo Spring Fling Mini-Event
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Hey Everyone! It's that time of year again for us to begin our Spring Fling Mini Event. For information see the posts below under the cut:
Event Rules
Please no character/ship bashing! Also, no kink shaming on other’s work! This is a place where we encourage people to feel safe in their creativity. If you don’t like something someone creates then try to follow the rule “Don’t Like, Don’t Read/Comment/Etc”. We want this to be a friendly zone for everyone to feel included so please keep that in mind. We want you to create and explore, but be sure to be mindful of your other Marvel loving fans because we want everyone to have a good time!
While we understand that everyone has their own thing that inspires them, we ask that your fills do not contain incest, underage (under 18), rape/non-con or any bestiality themes. If you have any questions about this rule, please feel free to contact us so we can clear up anything for you.
Any fan works that you have made are allowed to be in this event. This Bingo is not just limited to writing and drawing, so if you have something else that inspires you, let your mind roam free and create!
When making a fill be sure to label it accordingly. Warnings are important to readers so if you think you might need one please include it!
In this bingo event we want everyone to have fun, but for safety purposes we want this event to be for those 18+. We encourage authors and artists of all ages to keep creating, but for this event we’d like to keep it adults only. Thank you so much for respecting that and we appreciate your interest moving forward! We are operating on an honor system as we can’t check everyone’s age, so please be respectful in moving forward in signing up.
Spring Fling Bingo and Badges Welcome to the Spring Fling mini event. This event will run through the months of March, April, and May. We intend for it to be a fun, low pressure event where members will be able to use any of the prompts to replace squares on your current card if you would like to do so. Or you can simply do them as an added bonus if you're not actively participating in the bingo or just want to do something beyond your card. The choice is yours! For this event, we have cards that are exclusively NSFW and those that are SFW. You can pick either one, but know that if you pick a SFW card you can fill the prompt with a NSFW story. If you pick a NSFW card, you can also do a SFW fill (although some prompts might be a little challenging in that). It's up to you what you come up with. We want to see how creative you can be so for this event with the cards you can choose from one of the pre-made cards listed below and have fun creating. You can pick ANY of the cards below that inspire you to gain a special Spring Fling badge at the end of the event. As mentioned before you can use any of these prompts on the card you pick to replace any of your current squares if you'd like or if you simply want to do the prompts for the event itself that's okay too. Because these cards are a little different than the normal cards, to get a bingo and be eligible for a bingo/coverall badge, you have to complete the five square prompts. That's it for this one as it is a smaller card meant to be a fun little add on. Anyone who does 1 fill can get a badge of participation.
Also as an added bonus this round if you manage to use all the prompts in one story you can get a special Spring Fever badge as well for completing the bingo in one story, but to do so the story must have a minimum of 1000 words and you can still use the fills here to replace your regular bingo squares if you wish to do so. For those only taking part in this mini-event and not the bingo you can still get badges for this event!
Fills When you are making fills for the event please be sure to add share them in the ⁠⁠special-event-fills channel with others. When making posts on Tumblr be sure to @ us at @marvelrarepairbingo so we can reblog your posts there too. Fills have to be a minimum of 200 words if written and there are no restrictions on art size as we'll let artists use their discretion on it. We invite you to include your works in the Round Two AO3 collection up at mrp_bingo_2023 as well for those who would like to post their works to the event collection in place of other card squares or even as add ons since it is still part of this Round Two we have going on. Just make a note that it's for the Spring Fling Event and which card and prompts you've used. If you have any further questions about the event don't be afraid to reach out and ask us in the ⁠ask-a-mod section or to DM @BeachWitchAunTeigh or myself as we're always here to help! We hope you all have a lot of fun with this mini-event and we look forward to seeing what you come up with! Enjoy!
Spring Fling Bingo Cards Here you will discover the choices in mini-cards for this bingo event: SFW Spring Fling Bingo Cards Below you will find your options for SFW cards for this mini event.
SFW Spring Fling Bingo Card #1
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SFW Spring Fling Bingo Card #2
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SFW Spring Fling Bingo Card #3
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NSFW Spring Fling Bingo Cards Below you fill find your options for NSFW cards for this mini event.
NSFW Spring Fling Bingo Card #1
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NSFW Spring Fling Bingo Card #2
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NSFW Spring Fling Bingo Card #3
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scoganbingo · 6 months
Scogan Bingo Spring Fling Mini-Event
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Hey everyone! It's that time of year again where spring is in the air and for our Scogan bingo participants and Scogan fans outside of the bingo as well we introduce our very own Spring Fling Mini Bingo Event! To find out more information about the event and this year's event cards, please take a look at the information below the cut:
Event Rules
Please no character/ship bashing! We realize this is a ship event so we don't anticipate any of that happening, but since poly ships are allowed as well we just wanted to make sure that was clear. Also, no kink shaming on other’s work! This is a place where we encourage people to feel safe in their creativity. If you don’t like something someone creates then try to follow the rule “Don’t Like, Don’t Read/Comment/Etc”. We want this to be a friendly zone for everyone to feel included so please keep that in mind. We want you to create and explore, but be sure to be mindful of your other Scogan loving fans because we want everyone to have a good time!
While we understand that everyone has their own thing that inspires them, we ask that your fills do not contain incest, underage (under 18), rape/non-con or any bestiality themes. If you have any questions about this rule, please feel free to contact us so we can clear up anything for you.
Any fan works that you have made are allowed to be in this event. This Bingo is not just limited to writing and drawing, so if you have something else that inspires you, let your mind roam free and create!
When making a fill be sure to label it accordingly. Warnings are important to readers so if you think you might need one please include it!
In this bingo event we want everyone to have fun, but for safety purposes we want this event to be for those 18+. We encourage authors and artists of all ages to keep creating, but for this event we’d like to keep it adults only. Thank you so much for respecting that and we appreciate your interest moving forward! We are operating on an honor system as we can’t check everyone’s age, so please be respectful in moving forward in signing up.
Spring Fling Mini Bingo and Badges Welcome to the Spring Fling mini event. This event will run from today through July. We intend for it to be a fun, low pressure add on event where members will be able to use any of the prompts to replace squares on your current card if you would like to do so or if you aren't signed up for a card and would rather just do a mini-event card we will allow you to do that and join us as well. We encourage anyone who likes Scogan to join us and participate as this is meant to be a fun thing for all Scogan fans! For this event, we have cards that are exclusively NSFW and those that are SFW. You can pick either one, but know that if you pick a SFW card you can fill the prompt with a NSFW story. If you pick a NSFW card, you can also do a SFW fill. It's up to you what you come up with in your creative endeavors. We want to see how creative you can be so for this event with the cards you can choose from one of the pre-made cards listed below and have fun creating. You can pick ANY of the cards below that inspire you to gain a special Spring Fling badge at the end of the event. As mentioned before you can use any of these prompts on the card you pick to replace any of your current squares if you'd like or if you simply want to do the prompts for the event itself that's okay too. Because these cards are a little different than the normal cards to get a bingo and be eligible for a bingo/coverall badge, you have to complete the five square prompts. That's it for this one as it is a smaller card meant to be a fun little add on. Anyone who does 1 fill can get a badge of participation.
Also as an added bonus this round if you manage to use all the prompts in one story you can get a special Spring Fever badge as well for completing the bingo in one story, but to do so the story must have a minimum of 1000 words and you can still use the fills here to replace your regular bingo squares if you wish to do so. For those only taking part in this mini-event and not the bingo you can still get badges for this event!
When you are making fills for the event please be sure to add share them in the ⁠⁠special-event-fills channel with others. When making posts on Tumblr be sure to @ us at @scoganbingo so we can reblog your posts there too. Fills have to be a minimum of 200 words if written and there are no restrictions on art size as we'll let artists use their discretion on it. We invite you to include your works in the Scogan Bingo AO3 collection up at ScoganBingo as well for those who would like to post their works to the event collection in place of other fills on their bingo squares or even as an add on since it is still part of the bingo. Just make a note that it's for the Spring Fling Event and which card and prompts you've used. If you have any further questions about the event don't be afraid to reach out and ask us in the ⁠ask-a-mod section or to DM @BeachWitchAunTeigh, @stormxpadme or @scottxlogan as we're always here to help! We hope you all have a lot of fun with this mini-event and we look forward to seeing what you come up with! Enjoy!
Spring Fling Mini-Event Bingo Cards Below you will find your choices of cards for this mini-event
SFW Spring Fling Mini-Event Bingo Cards
SFW Card 1
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SFW Card 2
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SFW Card 3
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NSFW Spring Fling Mini-Event Bingo Cards
NSFW Card 1
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NSFW Card 2
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NSFW Card 3
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halfagone · 2 years
What would Danny do for work?
I have a quick question to my fellow Danny Phantom fans... When you imagine Danny picking a career/job, what do you headcanon for him? And this is if he can't- for whatever reason- be an astronaut. This is a hypothetical question, it's not- like, going to affect any of my stories in the future or anything *chuckles nervously*
For me, it's always depended on the headcanon I choose for any particular story/AU. But that gets complicated when I have multiple headcanons that could offer opportunities for him.
For example:
Astrophysicist/Aerospace Engineer - He can't be an astronaut, but that doesn't mean he can't still do some kind of work that involves his love for space.
Engineer - In a similar vein, he could be a regular engineer. Especially if he takes after his dad, Jack, more and maybe even creates his own prototypes and inventions.
In a subset to engineer, in my story weekend wonders, Danny is majoring in biomedical engineering. This is because in this AU, the accident gave him chronic pain, and that's how he gained an interest in this field. This could also work great if he gets attention from the Justice League in a DP x DC crossover, or the Avengers in a DP x Marvel crossover; Danny could just as easily work with heroes who have disabilities or chronic pain from many decades of work as heroes. It helps that he personal experience with the same struggles, after all.
Translator - If you headcanon that Danny can understand a lot of languages (or maybe even them all) due to ghost speak, then Danny could totally use this to his advantage with work. Plus!! This offers many different avenues that could be used to your advantage. Want Danny to be connected to the UN in some way before debuting as Ghost King? Have him be a translator that works there. Want Danny to be busy often with his royal responsibilities/ghost fighting? Have him be a translator; he can work remotely or stay self-employed/on contracts.
Teacher - Danny doesn't have great experience with educational staff, so I could imagine him going into this field of work due to nothing but spite. And! He could teach ectobiology, or just ghosts in general. He could do so many topics: Biology, government, history, hell he could do a whole semester on how physics work in the Ghost Zone.
Blacksmith/Ironsmith - Okay, this one is more self-indulgent, but imagine if Pandora teaches him how to fight with a sword and then he gets obsessed with the sword itself that he wants to make one that's perfectly suited for him and this just dominos into going full-blown into this field. (Trade skills are still important, and sadly, don't get as much attention even when they can usually offer fairly decent pay without the thousands of dollars worth in student debt.)
Writer/Author - If you wanted him to be more artistic, he could be a freelance author/novelist or something similar. I feel like being an author would be one of the better choices for him because, again, if you were writing a story where Danny would be busy with a lot of other responsibilities, then he could largely work on his own schedule. Plus! I can totally imagine him hanging out in Long Now with Clockwork when his head is just full of ideas for a story but he wouldn't have the time to write it otherwise. So he kind of uses Long Now to get that time, but he can promise it's for a good cause, stop laughing, Clockwork!
Actor - I really love the concept of Danny being an actor, just for the laughs if nothing else. While this could be a pain if Danny does actually get famous, since that's a lot of media he would probably prefer not to deal with, the concept alone offers a great deal of shenanigans. And... if he does get a good movie deal, he could very well be set for life afterwards. He could be one of those one-hit wonders in television or something.
If anyone has other possibilities, feel free to add! My head is constantly spinning with even more ideas, I might just add some myself.
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scottsummersevents · 6 months
Scott Summers Bingo Spring Fling Mini-Event
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Hey everyone! It's that time of year again for our Spring Fling Mini Bingo Event! To find out more information about the event and this year's event cards, please take a look at the information below the cut:
Event Rules
Please no character/ship bashing! Also, no kink shaming on other’s work! This is a place where we encourage people to feel safe in their creativity. If you don’t like something someone creates then try to follow the rule “Don’t Like, Don’t Read/Comment/Etc”. We want this to be a friendly zone for everyone to feel included so please keep that in mind. We want you to create and explore, but be sure to be mindful of your other Marvel loving fans because we want everyone to have a good time!
While we understand that everyone has their own thing that inspires them, we ask that your fills do not contain incest, underage (under 18), rape/non-con or any bestiality themes. If you have any questions about this rule, please feel free to contact us so we can clear up anything for you.
Any fan works that you have made are allowed to be in this event. This Bingo is not just limited to writing and drawing, so if you have something else that inspires you, let your mind roam free and create!
When making a fill be sure to label it accordingly. Warnings are important to readers so if you think you might need one please include it!
In this bingo event we want everyone to have fun, but for safety purposes we want this event to be for those 18+. We encourage authors and artists of all ages to keep creating, but for this event we’d like to keep it adults only. Thank you so much for respecting that and we appreciate your interest moving forward! We are operating on an honor system as we can’t check everyone’s age, so please be respectful in moving forward in signing up.
Spring Fling Mini Bingo and Badges Welcome to the Spring Fling mini event. This event will run from today through July. We intend for it to be a fun, low pressure add on event where members will be able to use any of the prompts to replace squares on your current card if you would like to do so or if you aren't signed up for a card and would rather just do a mini-event card we will allow you to do that and join us as well. We encourage anyone who likes Scott Summers to join us and participate as this is meant to be a fun thing for all Scott fans! For this event, we have cards that are exclusively NSFW and those that are SFW. You can pick either one, but know that if you pick a SFW card you can fill the prompt with a NSFW story. If you pick a NSFW card, you can also do a SFW fill. It's up to you what you come up with in your creative endeavors. We want to see how creative you can be so for this event with the cards you can choose from one of the pre-made cards listed below and have fun creating. You can pick ANY of the cards below that inspire you to gain a special Spring Fling badge at the end of the event. As mentioned before you can use any of these prompts on the card you pick to replace any of your current squares if you'd like or if you simply want to do the prompts for the event itself that's okay too. Because these cards are a little different than the normal cards to get a bingo and be eligible for a bingo/coverall badge, you have to complete the five square prompts. That's it for this one as it is a smaller card meant to be a fun little add on. Anyone who does 1 fill can get a badge of participation.
Also as an added bonus this round if you manage to use all the prompts in one story you can get a special Spring Fever badge as well for completing the bingo in one story, but to do so the story must have a minimum of 1000 words and you can still use the fills here to replace your regular bingo squares if you wish to do so. For those only taking part in this mini-event and not the bingo you can still get badges for this event!
Fills When you are making fills for the event please be sure to add share them in the ⁠⁠special-event-fills channel with others. When making posts on Tumblr be sure to @ us at @scottsummersbingo so we can reblog your posts there too. Fills have to be a minimum of 200 words if written and there are no restrictions on art size as we'll let artists use their discretion on it. We invite you to include your works in the Scott Summers AO3 collection up at ss_bingo_r2 as well for those who would like to post their works to the event collection in place of other fills on their bingo squares or even as add ons since it is still part of the bingo. Just make a note that it's for the Spring Fling Event and which card and prompts you've used. If you have any further questions about the event don't be afraid to reach out and ask us in the ⁠ask-a-mod section or to DM @BeachWitchAunTeigh, @stormxpadme or @scottxlogan as we're always here to help! We hope you all have a lot of fun with this mini-event and we look forward to seeing what you come up with! Enjoy!
Spring Fling Mini-Event Bingo Cards Below you will find your choices of cards for this mini-event
SFW Spring Fling Mini-Event Bingo Cards
SFW Card 1
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SFW Card 2
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SFW Card 3
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NSFW Spring Fling Mini-Event Bingo Cards
NSFW Card 1
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NSFW Card 2
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NSFW Card 3
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a-kaash-me-outside · 2 years
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i may open it back up in the future, but for right now, i am just wanting to make sure everyone who submitted one gets their matchup! thank you so much for all of the wonderful submissions so far! loving this and your guys' reactions. <3
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in celebration of almost reaching four thousand followers, i am doing another event! before all of the fun, i just wanted to thank everyone for following and liking and reblogging and commenting and tagging, because i cannot explain how much every little compliment and scream mean to me. i read every single thing comment and tag and think about them often. with that being said >:) LETS get into it ♡
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to participate in my 4k tinder match up event, just go ahead and read the rules below and join in with the fun!
minors please dni! even though this event isn't entirely nsfw, there is nsfw content and i am a pretty nsfw blog, so please dni
answer the profile creation questions in my inbox! (feel free to pick and choose what you answer, but the more you send, the better my matching ability hopefully)
if you choose hookup below, it will be NSFW. please let me know if it will be v!, p!, or neutral!
i will show you which character you match (this is a hq only event), their opening message to you based on your profile, and write a small dialogue blurb abt ur first date ♡
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name (doesn't need to be real obv, could just be an emoji, i'll use as the title!) : pronouns: star sign: bio: (something for your matchup to msg you abt) interested in (gender of the character you want to match w): looking for (casual/hookup/long-term) (determines blurb type):
fill out as much as you’d like:
myers brigg type: your perfect night: dogs/cats/both: favorite hobby: hq bestie: smoke/drink: currently listening to: introvert/extrovert/ambivert:
anything else? feel free to add anything you might think would be relevant to getting matched! ~
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// archives will go here
name // character x reader
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reblogs & comments appreciated ♡ my ko-fi ♡
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mugeesworld · 2 years
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Request Something! ♥︎
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Requests are currently open! So feel free to request something!
I'll put some info below if you're interested!
My name is Mugee or M! I do mostly chubby reader content since their is a lack in it but I do almost anything. I write to hopefully make other people feel better about their body image or just make their day! So if something is on your mind and you want to put that in a y/n for me to write I happily will! No money needed.
A few examples of stuff I've wrote that you can find on my page:
Luffy/Franky/Zoro/Sanji/Ukai with a chubby partner (not all in one part. Head cannons)
Distant/sad fem reader x Zoro (request)
Now let's go over a few examples of what you can request!
First let's go over different types of requests!
Head cannons
Small fics
Match ups
Head cannons:
Want head cannons of your favorite character or maybe how different people in a anime would react to a certain quality? Write what character/ anime you want and what you want them to be about.
chubby, tall, short, shy reader x *character*
Or for my kinky people
*Character* reacting to partners certain kink
Or maybe something more wholesome
*character/anime* reacting to child Crewmate/team mate (something like that. You get the idea. Like fluff)
Or if you're feeling down
*character* reacting to sad/depressed reader (like how they would help)
One piece crew reacting to chubby, short, tall, goth, alternative, y/n
How boys in Naruto would react to you calling them a nickname/pet name (tell me what name)
Make sure to put a good description of how you want y/n to be and on what character you would like!
Small fics:
Give me a scenario or idea that you have and I'll write about it. Adding my own touches! It can be mad, sad, sfw, NSFW, fluff, smut. Anything! Give me your idea and I'll just run with it!
Make sure to go in to very very deep description though. Put what gender you want or I will make it female! Im open to doing doing Male and gender fluid tho! Just make sure to put that! Make sure to add if you want smut or not. Or if you want it sfw.
Match ups:
This is the one I really want to do!!! So please request it!!!
Tell me one or more animes you want to be matched up with a person in. Whether you want it to be a boy or girl. And then make me a long long long descriptive paragraph about yourself! Tell anything! Make it as long as you would like! Don't feel embarrassed!
Tell me your zodiac sign, your personality sign, your height, if you're plus size, hair length, personality, fav color, fav animal, fav anything!, music preference, hobbies, characters you kin, LITERALLY WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!
Hell even tell me some of your kinks if you're up for it!
and then I will pick a boy/girl from the anime/animes of your choosing that I think would like you. (You can choose whether it be friends wise or love!) and I will tell you why I think that! Like giving you reasons why I think this character would love you!
Reminder that these matchups will be decided by me so you may not like who you get! Or might not get the person you we're expecting!
I write NSFW/ Smut so if you want it or don't want it make sure to put that.
Put what gender you would like or I will make it female
Put if you want it to be fluff, smut, sfw, NSFW.
If you want something kinky in your NSFW like choking, pegging, bondage, spit. Let me know! No kink shaming here! (I don't do blood, urine, scat, vomit, incest)
If you want something sad I can do that.
I'll do any gender of character. I'm pansexual so anything goes! As long as it's not a animal.....
Animes I do:
One piece (I just finished thriller Bark so don't request people like Law, sabo, do flamingo. I'm NOT do chopper unless it's like a sibling relationship)
Naruto (I'm sorry but i won't do sasuke. That guy pisses me off💀)
One punch man
MHA (Has to be a adult for nsfw. No like dating or crush stuff. Platonic is ok. Comfort is ok. Fluff is ok. I won't do bakugo tho period. He pisses me off. Very badly!!)
Haikyuu (no nsfw unless they are aged up or a adult. Haikyuu is the only exception I make for ageing up a character then writing nsfw for cause the creator showed what they are like when older and posted art for them aged up.)
Hxh (no nsfw unless it's a adult like illumi. Fluffy head cannons are ok tho with Gon/killua. It has to be a strictly platonic relationship tho. Like best friends. It's different for them cause it doesn't give much description about older them. Like how haikyuu does.)
And more! Just ask and I'll let you know if I have or haven't seen it!
Don't be scared to request something! Like seriously. If you have a question please ask! I will happily answer. It doesn't bother me I promise.
I can't promise I'll do every request I get but I will try! ♥︎
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florencemtrash · 9 months
i love love love your work and reading it has gotten me back into my love for acotar (and azriel shhh). im so inspired/tempted to start writing my own fics on here but i have no idea where to start or how to maneuver anything lol .do you have any tips?!
WRITING FANFICTION - my thoughts on how to get started (and others please feel free to chime in in the comments)
AHHHHHHHH YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO IT!!! I encourage everyone who is interested to write fanfiction, even if you don't want to post things online, because I feel like fanfiction is the perfect avenue to a) have fun and b) practice any and all aspects of writing in a low stress way.
*cracks fingers* get ready for a brief rant about the glories of fanfiction writing
Fanfiction is such a beautiful way to get invested in a story. We already have our own interpretations of how characters look/act/their inner turmoils and struggles that might not get a lot of page time in the canonical works, AND for me personally, I'm always trying to find ways to insert myself into any media I read so fanfiction just feels like a natural extension of that and it honestly has improved my daydreaming skills for better or for worse.
It helps me escape my own thoughts and any troubles I have and I feel like I can grow as a person through the characters I read and write about.
Fanfiction is also great because you can pick and choose what aspects of writing you want to focus on improving. For me personally, I've always had issues with writing dialogue, but if I were to write something from scratch I would have to go through the efforts of creating a whole universe/characters/plot etc. etc so I would always get overwhelmed and just not write at all.
BUT! With fanfiction writing I can just take existing plots/characters etc. etc. and only write the dialogue for a scene I could make up in universe. AND because I'm writing existing characters that I "know", I have a framework for how they speak and can better gauge whether what I am writing sounds natural/realistic. Sometimes if I'm getting stuck on the dialogue I'll just write the lines for each character so I don't lose momentum and then later on I'll go back in and add the setting descriptions, dialogue tags, actions.
More concrete tips/steps you could take
So, I suppose if you're looking for a place to start and have a specific aspect of writing you have trouble with, you could always write short blurbs focusing on that skillset.
If you have issues with dialogue, just write dialogue. No descriptions/scenery. Nothing. If you have issues with describing settings you can always take the dialogue/actions from a scene of a book verbatim and then write around them. OR maybe if you have issues with characterization you could also take a scene from a book and then write from a different character's perspective. I just think it's a neat way to practice and something I've done in the past.
2. Write shameless self inserts. You know yourself better than anyone else and if you're interested in writing fanfiction, you're probably already a chronic daydreamer who's imagining what you would do in a fictional universe. May as well just write it down for the practice.
3. Start with short oneshots - I only started posting online about 7-ish months ago but I've been writing fanfiction since I was in middle school (so about 10 years now) and that's how I got into writing... and also I started out by handwriting the beginnings of trilogies but never getting past page 10 because I realized I was just copying the Hunger Games.
4. Don't be precious with your writing (see #3) and especially in the beginning I think people should prioritize quantity over quality. I think my writing has drastically improved since graduating college because I now consistently have time in the evenings to just write, even if it's "bad" writing. I also have a document titled "Dump it into the fires of Mordor" for my shittiest ideas and bits that I've cut out from other writing projects.
Other Tumblr-specific tidbits
Keep a google sheets to organize fics/taglists. I like to organize this way because unless you have a masterlist (which most people don't in the beginning), tumblr just has everything on one long scroll. So to get around this I have a google sheets where each column is one writing project with one row dedicated to links to the tumblr page, one row to commonly used tags, and the rest of the rows in the column are a list of anyone on my taglist for that project
Include more paragraph cuts than you think you'll need. This is a personal preference of mine, but because I read fanfics on Tumblr predominately on my phone where the width is narrower, extra paragraph cuts a) help me keep track of where I am in the story better and b) look more visually appealing - at least in my opinion
I'm still getting used to Tumblr myself and everyone approaches writing and using the platform differently.
BUT PLEASE DO WRITE IF YOU FEEL INSPIRED TO! Writing and posting fanfiction, and generally getting to interact with people, has been so much fun and I highly encourage anyone and everyone to do it.
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Hmmmm, this ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would be. Whoops. Hope it was helpful though!
Florence B.
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hearthgender-hub · 1 year
Hearthgender System (Coining Post)
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Please do not archive elsewhere without asking, I don't want anything lost in translation, I am okay with people molding it to fit their needs but I'd like the original definition to stay somewhat intact for archive purposes.
Welcome to the coining post for the Hearthgender system. It will have a carrd soon! This gender system has been several years in the writing and is very personal to me. I hope others can enjoy it as well and it might apply to them too.
A gender system centered around being at your core, the hearth of a home. Connected to loyalty, kindness, genuineness, as well as family (However you define the above, and this gender is not tied to morality). This system is also paternal/maternal(or any family variants of any gender or lack thereof) in nature, as well as feeling gentle and fair but still strong. But you can pick and choose why it applies to you if it resonates with you! It can be used as a gender descriptor umbrella or a gender in itself. (Much like Transgender/Nonbinary/Genderquer etc)
Misc things/aesthetics associated with the gender system: Fire, hearths, flint, mantles, baking, cooking, plants, roots, full tables, full houses, full tables, the sounds of laughter, camaraderie, peace, hospitality.
You can add anything before/after hearth to better describe yourself. “Hearthqueer” “Hearthboy” “Hearthfemme” "demihearth" etc.
Gender terms and pronouns:
You can use any sort of gender or person descriptors, but feel free to play around with fireplace/hearth terms or den/den dwelling animals to find some terms that fit you!
Who might be interested in this gender system?
Those who feel their gender is Paternal/Maternal or any other gendered/non-gendered variants, including but not limited to: brotherly, sisterly, siblingly. Any gender terms can be used as the head, hub, or glue of a family does not have to be a parent(s) or any specific family member. Family is whatever you make it and whatever you call it. This gender is just very "family homemaker" in nature.
Someone who feels a connection to the heart of homes.
Those who feel a connection to hearths.
Someone who's genders feels homey.
This gender might also be a good replacement for former hp fans who felt a gender tie to hufflpuff house!
Personally, I identify as Hearthboy/hearthbxy because I feel like my gender is related to being father and a brother but not a man or a boy, but also like my gender is related to being a hearth of a home and a homemaker.
This gender system will NOT be gate-kept in any way. It is not exclusive to any one race, religion, gender, sexuality, ability, etc. You can mix and match and do what you'd like.
However, to be clear this gender is not, and was never intended to be:
An excuse to push “Nuclear family is best” or "blood family is better" crap you decide your family and a family can be anything. 
Enforcing gender roles.
Also not an excuse to judge people who do not want any kinds of human connection.
Anyone using this to be hateful or harmful has their own problems to sort out.
Current flag: The stripes do not have meanings on their own. The flag itself represents a hearth inside of a den. Under the sky and the ground there is a fire, and the design is mirrored. Another version includes a daisy with a stylized flaming ring to reference roots/putting down roots into a hearth. The flag is muted in an attempt to give a non-offensive(to the eyes) homey feel. I did not go with a tree due to wanting to use different plants. If the flag feels too similar to something else let me know.
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dudewhy3 · 1 year
❤️ 💥 ⏰ 🔮 🚀 🦈 🍬 🎬 🎨 💘 🚦 🤩 💛
hi you, moon, thank you for your ask!!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Armin watches her cross the bridge separating his side of the village from hers and slowly make her way up the hill, to a house he could never dream of stepping foot into again, where everything he could never be able to offer awaits her arrival. (from Nothing Sweeter Than You)
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
i wouldn’t necessarily change anything major, but i wish we knew more about Bert's past, and the gap between the Rumbling and them becoming Ambassadors of Peace
⏰️ Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
i'd love to have a posting schedule, especially for wpts, and i'm trying to make that happen. but with how hectic life is right now, i haven't been able to keep that up.
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
i'd like to recieve some lmao
try stepping away from projects that give you headaches for a while. write something new, that you’re excited about, or find a prompt list, pick one at random and write on it for 15 minutes or so– i've found that quite helpful lately! but also don’t be afraid to completely step away from writing. sometimes life is just too much, there are many things that lead to burn out, it’s okay, it happens. step away, take a breath, take care of yourself and your well being– your stories amd your readers will still be there when you come back ♡
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
outline! i almost always outline my fics, it helps put stuff in perspective and makes it easier to write, having a direction and stuff.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
all of them, in a way. it depends on my head soace at that moment
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
i do actually, i just never posted anything for any other fandom than aot lmao. but my favourite fanfic for that is probably Who painted the sky?
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
Who painted the sky?, and i want Maya Hawk as Hannah and Jenny Walser as Marie, i have no idea for the volunteers really. feel free too add your own fancast for them, i'd love hearing y'all's ideas!!
also for See You Again, i want the entire cast of Gray's Anatomy to have a role!
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
see, i'd be happy with any scene from any fic. literally a n y scene
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
depends on how i feel really
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
ambiguous! i love leaving room for immagibation, or sometimes a sequel 👀
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
great question! my oldest friend told me about aot in 2017 so i watched it, and i was so mad over petra's death i stopped lmao. then 2019 came aroumd and i was just bored so i picked it up again, started reading the manga in 2020 and started writing for the fandom in the summer of the same year. it was the same friemd that pointed out Annie and Armin looked cute together, and that, topped by mimi's fanfics, lured me into this side of the fandom and made me want to actively be part of it.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
it fluctuates. it comes and goes in waves. it's an extremely flexible thing. it's entirely impacted by your personal life, it reflects in your art in ways you might not notice.
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
anyway i keep complaining about the killing eve inspired who's lila au living in my head rent free so i might as well. fuckin. make a post about it lmao
putting this under a cut because holy fuck this got long (and this isn't even everything, if you can fucking believe it) (also warning for some mentions of ableism, if there's anything else i need to warn for lmk)
honestly i never watched all of killing eve nor do i really remember most of the plot so i'm calling it "inspired by" rather than a fusion au or something because it's just become more and more its own thing. really this whole thing kicked off because my brain went "hrhrhghg. lila (and will by extension) wearing pretty outfits and killing people while tanya tries to figure out who the fuck she is. mommy issues. sapphic girls. send tweet" and that's the basis this thing was founded on lol. (i was correct for this btw, in case you were wondering /lh)
will and lila do share a body in this au but i'm kinda flip flopping between whether or not they're a system or if i wanna take this further away from the source material and add supernatural elements to this where lila is a tulpa/spirit/whatever tf she is that latched onto will like in their original canon. i'm kinda leaning toward the latter because i don't want this to fall into stereotypes about people with DID being scary or evil (like. lila isn't evil in this au but she does enjoy killing people which can frankly pose a Problem even if i do try to be delicate/more nuanced about it) but i feel like stereotypes can happen either way so i'm. trying to figure out what to do here ahgkldjglk. this is another reason this au was originally going to stay solely in my head but honestly i developed too much to keep it bottled up so HGDKSJFKL
either way they share a body but lila does all of the killing because will is squeamish and frankly far too sweet to be a murderer lmao. they have a way better relationship here than the one they have in canon, they're more like friends or siblings and lila goes out of her way to protect will......even if she can be a bit careless with their body sometimes. when she does get injured on assignments though she tends to get him a treat (things like clothes, food, stuffed animals, toys, books, games, etc agere stuff too because that slipped in here OOPS) to try and make up for it, though honestly, sometimes she gets him things just because. their apartment is littered with things lila bought (or stole....) for him at this point cuz it's the way she shows her love for him basically. what else is she gonna do, express it verbally? fuck that lmao
i was kinda agonizing about this choice but yu is their handler/the one who gives them their missions, and also their surrogate father figure because of course he is lmao. i was kinda worrying about this being ooc for him but then i realized like....he was part of the group that killed the rest of the lawrence fraternity, which regardless of intention is still murder ahglkdjsf. i feel like a lot of people gloss over how morally dubious that was, even if it was almost definitely his best option given the circumstances, so i'm just taking that same logic and bringing it here--lila was trained to kill by and for the lawrence fraternity in this au, and once they're gone (either by dying, arrest, or something else, maybe she just runs from them idk that could be interesting) she just continues killing because it's all she knows. since she refuses proper rehabilitation, yu here is like "look, if you want to kill, we can find some people we need you to kill as a last resort, and we'll even pay you well for it. please stop killing random people you choose to pick fights with" ahdlkjlkJFD. also, having her technically employed by him helps keep her and will close so that he can make sure they're safe because he worries about these orphaned teenagers okay :'))
tanya's role here is kinda nebulous here, originally she was going to be an agent tracking lila down like eve was but i didn't wanna bother messing with these character's ages (i ALREADY have an au where they're aged up to their mid twenties for the sake of plot so give me a break lmao) so now she's more like.....technically a witness who decides to get invested in the case despite being like 17/18 and having no expertise lmao. like in the og killing eve i was thinking maybe she meets lila in the bathroom before she kills someone and thus becomes obsessed with her when she realizes she's probably the killer? i have to work on her more idk i just want these two to be weirdly obsessed with each other and for tanya to frantically hunt her down with her limited resources before they eventually meet and KISS about it
tbh as an additional motive for tanya i have been toying with the idea of martha being the one lila kills since that's her friend and it would fit with that one who's lila scene BUT two problems: 1) i would have to come up with a reason for lila to have to kill martha and i can't. really think of a good one especially if yu is the one giving her orders, and 2) i would just feel really bad about doing that to her. hgdalksjflksadf. she might be spared solely on my guilt alone honestly, we'll see what happens.
anyway that's the basics of the au i just wanted to get this fucking word vomit out there. i may or may not post more about this later (or, god forbid, i might write an actual fic, could you fucking imagine lmao) but yeah. if you read all of this bless your soul i love you
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magesforthedas · 2 months
Dragon Age Zodiac & Significance in Birth Dates:
Hey, first post! So I'm unsure how much anyone will be interested in this, but here's some backstory to this:
I have gotten completely fixated on Dragon Age recently, picking up from the LAST time this happened. I've had this idea for a while about, what if all the PCs existed, survived, and were important? Now this question has taken me very, very far into nerd territory, mainly the fact that I've apparently made it my mission to address every single world-building factor I can. Included in that is making full character profiles for each Player Character and crafting a full timeline (mainly of birthdates and events). I've made a Thedas calendar, which I may share in another post, but we'll get into that later.
In working on characters and timelines, I wanted to give each character I was working on a specific birthdate. Now, I hate choosing something like that randomly- I give meaning to as many aspects as I can. SO, I decided, what if Thedas had a zodiac? That would certainly help me narrow down when each character is born!
I researched the constellations we know of, and chose the twelve I thought fit each existing western zodiac sign the best. Then I created a full profile, combining the description of the constellation, the western zodiac, and various little tidbits. Each sign aligns with a singular month, as looking into the WESTERN zodiac, it starts with Aries, which lines up with the beginning of spring. Now, Wintersend, which takes place on the first day of Guardian (the second month), as close as I can tell is the holiday of the Spring Equinox. That would mean that the Aries-equivalent would start its cycle on 1, Guardian. Each month is exactly 30 days, so therefore each sign would consist of day 1-30 of it's respective month.
Well, a Thedas zodiac successfully (?) created, I moved onto the days of the month. After all, the more I could find meaning in little things, the easier my decisions! The segments on Day/Weekday/Time significance needed no Dragon Age Lore editing, just a few modern-terms-translated-to-medieval. I've included them even though it's not Dragon Age specific just because if anyone else needs as convoluted a way to choose the birthday of their DA character as me, it would hopefully be helpful.
Well this post is probably long enough, so I shall add each of the rest of the info as links. Included in the Zodiac document is Notable People for each sign; these include both player characters, whom you won't know anything about (unless/until I make more posts!) and canon characters, which you might not agree with my choices. So PLEASE take what you like and leave what you don't. Honestly do that with every single thing I post- these are all my thoughts and feelings on the world, and you can customize yours however you like! Feel free to peruse and let me know your thoughts!
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If you're already a part of our brilliant and fun Discord Family, you've seen the announcement for our Summer Splash/Pride Month mini-event! New cards are up (and I'll post them here shortly), and the rules for this mini-event are the same as the Spring Fling event. Don't worry, I'll post everything here. This event starts today, June 1st, and runs the whole length of the summer, so there's plenty of time to participate!
We intend for it to be a fun, low pressure event where members will be able to use any of the prompts to replace squares on your current card if you would like to do so.
For this event, we have cards that are exclusively NSFW and those that are SFW. You can pick either one, but know that if you pick a SFW card you can fill the prompt with a NSFW story. If you pick a NSFW card, you can also do a SFW fill (although some prompts might be a little challenging in that). It's up to you what you come up with. We want to see how creative you can be so for this event with the cards you can choose from one of the pre-made cards listed below and have fun creating.
You can pick ANY of the cards below that inspire you to gain a special Spring Fling badge at the end of the event. As mentioned before you can use any of these prompts on the card you pick to replace any of your current squares if you'd like or if you simply want to do the prompts for the event itself that's okay too.
Because these cards are a little different than the normal cards, to get a bingo and be eligible for a bingo/coverall badge, you have to complete the five square prompts. That's it for this one as it is a smaller card meant to be a fun little add on. Anyone who does 1 fill can get a badge of participation.
Event Rules
Please no character/ship bashing! Also, no kink shaming on other’s work! This is a place where we encourage people to feel safe in their creativity. If you don’t like something someone creates then try to follow the rule “Don’t Like, Don’t Read/Comment/Etc”. We want this to be a friendly zone for everyone to feel included so please keep that in mind. We want you to create and explore, but be sure to be mindful of your other Marvel loving fans because we want everyone to have a good time!
While we understand that everyone has their own thing that inspires them, we ask that your fills do not contain incest, underage (under 18), rape/non-con or any bestiality themes. If you have any questions about this rule, please feel free to contact us so we can clear up anything for you.
Any fan works that you have made are allowed to be in this event. This Bingo is not just limited to writing and drawing, so if you have something else that inspires you, let your mind roam free and create!
When making a fill be sure to label it accordingly. Warnings are important to readers so if you think you might need one please include it!
In this bingo event we want everyone to have fun, but for safety purposes we want this event to be for those 18+. We encourage authors and artists of all ages to keep creating, but for this event we’d like to keep it adults only. Thank you so much for respecting that and we appreciate your interest moving forward! We are operating on an honor system as we can’t check everyone’s age, so please be respectful in moving forward in signing up.
And now the cards!
SFW 01
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SFW 02
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SFW 03
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yukiranarumi · 6 months
Introduction 2: Background
I'll be real real with my info,
I'm a female, probably 80% straight. Just started her 19th year on earth, but already in the 2nd year of degree.(cuz I'm born quite late of the year, most consider me 20 years old regardless)
The only child of the family that live with her grandparents (who she rarely interacts with), and her caring & loving parents who does on her.
However, she has to meet their expectations and not fial her parents to get the attention she needs as a child.
Normally what people would call us, it's "prodigy of languages" I can speak 4 different languages. But it's only natural to be frank, as I live in a country that some people could easily speak more than 3 languages.
I used to study in a Chinese private high school, having intense academic expectations, a competitive atmosphere among students, rigorous coursework, demanding teachers, and a focus on achievement at all costs.
We are trained to excel in almost anything possible. I could say for myself that I can do well in arts ,music, and studies.
On my 16 year old, we had to choose between science and business stream. Due to the pressured expectations from family I chose science stream with coding courses on the sides.
Our studies are much difficult than western academics, as it was tailored to match China's academic as much as possible.
You could imagine SAT exams are our 14 year old exams. IGCSE exams are our 16 year old exams. Our 18 year old exams are more than A level's add maths.
With all the above information you could've guessed. I brokedown and had quite a server depression when I was 18. Not professionally diagnosed, but I was breaking down and cry every 3 days.
Most of my best friends dropout when they were 16 at the start of the year. A few had to take mental health medications for a few years.
It was the worst school, but again the best school for me to ever had met such amazing life long friends. Unfortunately, we all had to go our separate ways as our interests and life goals began to diverge significantly.
I, who passed my UEC exams (the same level as A-levels exams) barely had enough grades to get into degree.
I dropped my biology subject, Aced in 2 different add maths papers and also physics. But when faced by life choices of university courses, my life was forced into the opposite way of my dreams.
I picked up financial analysis, a business course which I have 0 fundamental knowledge in.
I had to start all over again to work my way up. Not even the talents of arts and music could get me elsewhere.
Good news for us, I'm quite the person who gets along with everyone, and also a great leader. People often look for me during group projects.
However, I prefer to have more time to myself. After all rather than using my time on someone else who might not be of help to me in my future, wouldn't it be better if I used it on improving myself?
The society only ever cares how much contribution you could provide. At least that's how my mindset is.
Of course, feel free to tell me otherwise, I'm always up for learning and open discussions.
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