#//but also under 5'0 duo
despairs-memorial · 11 months
@dead-or-lie Continued here for editor 「❀」
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"Th-that's right. I've heard a lot about you from her, s-so it's good to meet you." While they were a little discouraged by not being that much taller than an actual child, they were impressed when they were told about her capabilities despite her young age. It was impressive, and it made them want to learn more about her and her methods.
They take a seat next to her, giving her a friendly smile. "I'm Chihiro Fujisaki, I hope that the two of us can get along." If nothing else, they hoped that they would be able to help her get even better somehow.
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br-kker · 2 years
Here we are: My final birthday headcannons (unless one of you guys want to request one) for My Hero Academia. Our final character is everyone's favorite rocker: Kyoka Jiro!
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Pairing: Kyoka "Earphone Jack" Jiro X Reader.
Media: My Hero Academia.
Content and/or Warnings: Language, mentions of sex (all characters are aged up), very heavily music-oriented (I can't help it, I'm also a slut for music), I might throw in mentions of my birthday (yes, me and Jiro do have the same birthday).
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The Meetup
*cracks knuckles* Let's do this shit!
You met Kyoka at a record store. Take a shot everytime I mention music.
PSA: f3ll0nb1ackday5 is not responsible for any casualties that come out of her work.
You were browsing for a CD/vinyl/cassette tape/8-track of an album you like when you come across this girl at the other side of the record store.
You recognize her as one of the girls in your class, so you go up and formally introduce yourself.
Instead of introducing herself as well, she takes notice to your band shirt and compliments you on it. So fuck getting each others' names, it's time to geek out about music.
You guys walk around the block conversing about music, which turned into getting to know each other outside the realms of music.
You both make it back to the record store, and exchange phone numbers.
'What a woman,' you thought, feeling the beginnings of a wonderful friendship.
You're My Best Friend
You guys are the total 1980s' duo.
Passing notes to each other in class, talking underneath the bleachers, etcetera etcetera.
Kyoka's definitely teaching you how to various instruments.
She also leaves music sheets on your desk if she gets to class before you.
"Hey Jiro, what's this?"
"The power of sound!"
You end up becoming friends with Momo and Denki due to being around each other a lot.
I feel like Kyoka is a napper and takes naps in class if it's a "chill" day.
She definitely draws on the desks, so depending on who you are you either stop her, help her with her doodle, or try to compete with her to see who's the better artist.
She sometimes asks for your help with music, like for inspiration or composition depending on your level of music knowledge. Speaking of...
Love Potion No. 9
So, Kyoka needs some help with a song she's writing. Alrighty, no big deal. This isn't your first rodeo with this.
You meet up at your usual meetup spot (under the bleachers) and she's a blushing mess. Sometimes she gets like that, so you're used to it and don't think it means anything.
You're dead wrong, my friend.
You greet her, and she replies with "T-Take this," handing you a piece of paper that you assume has lyrics on it.
You read it, trying to see if there's anything to add, but then notice that the lyrics were a bit too personal towards you.
Not in an invasive way, but that she had written specifically about you.
You ask her if she wrote this about you, and she nodded. Putting two-and-two together, you decipher that it's a love letter of sorts.
You threw your arms around her, telling her you feel the same way.
The biggest fucking sigh of relief came from her as she reciprocated the hug.
Crazy on You
Alright, so PDA is about a six-ish.
She likes to cling onto your arm. Not in a childlike manner, but she likes knowing you're there.
You like kissing her cheek and forehead.
Kyoka is a sucker for cheek kisses send Tweet.
Ok, but she's canonically 5'0 (154 centimeters) so if you're taller than her, she'll love wearing your shirts, hoodies, etcetera.
I feel like she would like having a taller S/O, but if you're the same height as her or shorter she won't care c:
If she's ever feeling insecure, you hype her up to the sky, baby!
Let's get the obvious out of the way: She's writing a shit ton of music dedicated to you.
At least once a week she's dragging you to her bass and tons of paper scattered everywhere.
"This one's for you, (Y/N)!" *plays Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple*
Alright, sex with Kyoka is a vibe.
Lowkey a bottom-
100% music is playing softly on a speaker while y'all are doing the do.
I feel like she would be into oral sex so there's that.
Movie nights cuddling on the couch? Movie nights cuddling on the couch.
Someone take away my headcannon that she loves Jackie Chan movies-
Love love LOVES to go to concert and venues with you.
Also adores late night drives, like a lot.
Overall, dating Kyoka is a pretty rockin' time!
Birthday Special!
Alrighty, so we all know Kyoka would love to go to concerts, that's a given.
Your birthday gift for her was a fairly easy one. You guys haven't gone to a concert in a few months, so now is the time to go.
You search up concerts that are happening around that time, and your eyes lit up when you saw that her favorite band was coming to town on her birthday.
Absolutely without hesitation, you bought the tickets and waited.
On her birthday, you tell her to dress as punk as possible. A few minutes later she looks like she stepped out of London in 1977. Perfect.
You guys hit the road, all the while she's asking where you two are going. You actually find it kinda cute.
Parking at the venue, you guys get out and she sees the sign that says the band's name. Her gasp and hug said it all.
Now for your birthday. Kyoka's wrote you so many songs that it would almost be comedic if she wrote you ANOTHER one.
I know I say this every time, but this time I mean it when I say she's genuinely clueless on what to get you.
She's gotta get you something, though. You can tell her ten thousand times that you don't want anything for your birthday but she won't listen.
There's a shoebox under her bed that has all the little things you gave Kyoka. Guitar pick, letter, bracelet, you name it and it's in the shoebox.
'That's it,' she thought, looking inside the shoebox. She's gonna give you the shoebox, or at least show you that she kept everything you gave her.
So your birthday comes and she leaves the shoebox open on a table for you to find. When you stumbled upon it, you smiled and asked her why she kept it.
"Keepsake, memories, because I love you-" We'll be damned if that wasn't the biggest hug she ever got.
(A/N: After a complete brain fart in the beginning, I did get the main portion done. But wait, there's more!)
Twentieth Century Fox
Kyoka is very pretty, we know that. You tell her that she is, which is a highlight of her day.
She doesn't tend to dress out or anything, but sometimes she'll put on a cute dress or skirt.
However, I feel as though she really likes casual/loungewear.
You walk to her dorm room to spend some time with her, and you open to find her on a chair facing the wall next to you. She's wearing a jacket that has slipped of her shoulders and a white crop top, absentmindedly chewing on one of her earphones.
"Holy shit, my girlfriend's a model!" You say, startling her, causing her to nervously giggle and turn a shade of cherry.
(A/N: Annnnd we're done! Y'know, some people tell me that I am a LOT like Jiro, yet it was a bit hard for me to write. Coincidentally, it's my birthday as well so I didn't have too much time today, but I did get them done! If any of you want to know, my birthday went well except for right now as I'm writing this [10:54 pm/22:54] because I'm having the worst period cramps of my fucking life! Someone please take my reproductive system and throw it in the trash. Anyway, the titles for the parts are based on songs, and if you know those songs I actually love you. Anyways, that's all for me. Thanks for following these birthday headcannons, happy birthday Jiro and me, and I'll see you guys later!
Signing off for now,
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