#//amy is a bitter baby
sonic-fankid-showdown · 3 months
Poll 20, Round 1.
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About Asha: (by @yourpalsalamander) Like Surge and Kitsunami, she was turned into a cyborg by Dr. Starline with a hypnotized false hatred towards Sonic; Starline injected her with so much of Amy and Surge's DNA that her fur and eye color changed, genetically making her resemble a daughter of the two.
About Silo: (by @kingprinceleo) From my [Leo's] 1000YB au. Shes a bioengineering project that Shadow wants to discard, a combination of his DNA and DNA he scientifically determined was most compatible with his own, a harvest mouse. Though surrounded by love from other sources, she starts to become bitter and act out at the lack of fatherly love she receives from Shadow. He Created her. why doesnt he want her. why doesnt he love her. Very cute baby tho :] She also has some black arms DNA that causes some of her fingers and toe claws to be larger than others
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aviscarrentals · 6 months
Yelp (Prologue) ls2
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masterlist next chapter
words: 796
warnings: cursing, implied violence and character death, it's literally the opening scene of scream so use your imagination
notes: i promise these specific characters have been chosen for plot-related reasons. i love kimi, it made me sad to hurt him, but it's worth it for the story i promise 😪 hope you enjoy this teaser! i'll get to working on the main plot real soon i promise 🤞also if you see any mistakes please let me know. english is my first language, i'm just fucking stupid
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“Mum, I don’t need a babysitter. I’m literally 18 in August.” … “No, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to yell at you, but I’m not a kid. He doesn’t even do anything; he just sits on the couch, watches TV, and eats all of the good crisps.” … “Yeah, I know I said I don’t need him, but what’s the point of even having him here if he doesn't do anything?!”
“Kimi, pipe down a bit, will ya?”
“See? Did you hear that?” … “I’m not even being that loud!” … “Okay, yeah, that was loud, but it was because I’m pissed off, Mum.” … “That’s not even a curse word!”
“Sorry, Ralf.” … “What? Are you kidding me? No, I’m not gonna call him ‘Mr. Aron.’” … “Yeah, whatever.” … “Sorry. Yeah, have fun, love you. Bye.”
Kimi hung up the phone and sighed dramatically. “I’m 17 years old,” he whispered to himself in the way one does when they’re angry, but don’t want anyone else to hear, while he fake kicked the wall.
After several minutes of pantomiming a temper tantrum, Kimi sat down at his desk. He could hear the disgusting crunches of crisps being belligerently chomped on by an open mouth from downstairs harmonizing with the bickering voices of Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago on the television.
“Fuck this,” he muttered under his breath and unlocked his phone. Just as his finger was about to press the call button on his friend Ollie’s contact page, the screen went black, except for two green and red buttons and white, medium-sized lettering displaying who was on the other end of the line: “Unknown Caller”.
Spam, he immediately concluded and clicked the red button without hesitation. But, again, before he could select the FaceTime option, the Unknown Caller screen returned. Annoyed, he quickly answered and brought it up to his ear.
“Hello?” he asked tiredly. Maybe it was some distant relative who thought it was his birthday or something?
“Hello,” the voice on the other end echoed.
“Hello? Who is this?” he demanded, already out of patience. The last thing he needed on this already tragically boring evening was to get stuck on the phone for an hour with someone who claimed to have changed his diapers when he was a baby.
“Oh, you know who it is. We’re good friends,” the voice replied, this time with an eerie tone that made his skin crawl.
Before Kimi could answer, the sound of a bowl clattering to the hardwood ground made him turn his head to the open door. “Fucking dumbass,” he grumbled under his breath.
“Excuse me?” the voice seethed.
“What? Oh, not you,” Kimi rushed to explain, “my stupid babysitter.”
“Babysitter?” it asked him, chuckling.
“Fuck,” he moaned, leaning back in his chair. “Shut up. I meant-”
“No, I know what you meant,” the other line interrupted. “I know all about you…”
This made Kimi sit back up in his chair. “Huh?”
“You heard me,” It simply stated.
“Alright, is this a joke? You guys know I don’t like shit like this; it’s not fun-”
“This isn’t a prank!” the voice hollered.
Kimi fell out of his seat at the sudden noise, hitting his shoulder on the edge of his desk.
“Pardon my tone,” it apologized. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I just don’t like when I’m not taken seriously.” Kimi could hear the bitterness seeping in toward the end of the sentence.
“You didn’t startle me,” he lied, getting up from the floor.
“Oh, don’t you try and deceive me,” the voice reprimanded with a snicker. “I see everything.”
Kimi’s heart fell to his now standing feet. “...what did you just say?”
“I said, ‘I know everything.’”
“No, you didn’t. You said…” At this realization, Kimi dropped his phone, not even bothering to end the call, and rushed out of his bedroom. Prank or not, he was freaked the fuck out and wanted to leave. Right. Fucking. Now.
As he made his way down the stairs, he abruptly came to a halt before he reached the bottom. On the floor in front of the couch lay a mess of crushed crisps and a haphazardly tossed wooden bowl from his cupboard. No Ralf. With shaking limbs, he descended the final steps to inspect the scene further.
“Mike! Mike! Mike!”
Kimi turned around so quickly he almost lost his balance. His heart settled when he realized it was just the stupid movie playing on the television. He promptly grabbed the remote and turned it off.
But when he looked at the reflection of the black tinted glass, he could see something behind him. Something out of the ordinary. He squinted to try and make out what it was.
“Aw, you don’t like scary movies?”
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taglist (if you would like to be added or removed just lmk!): @gaypoetsblog @koris-009 @feralnando @disneyprincemuke @osbuzz @avaayalaa @faithshouseofchaos @thearchieves @scuderia-piastri @lovelytsunoda @localwhoore @foreveralbon @vroomvroomcircuit
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desiderio-dixon · 8 months
Darkest Before the Dawn
Chapter One : Sugar, I'm going down
Pairing : Daryl Dixon x f!reader (endgame), (unrequited) Glenn Rhee x f!reader
Series summary : When Glenn Rhee comes into your life, you become convinced he's a guardian angel sent by your late best friend. You think he's your soulmate. But then he falls for the farmer's daughter, and you find that your own angel may be a little more blatant than expected; wings and all.
Chapter summary : The group sets up for a run to Atlanta, and you fall ill.
Chapter warnings : brief suicidal ideation, violence, language, typical twd themes
Word count : 1.7k (a little baby introductory chapter)
A/N : hello! im no stranger to the fanfiction community but this is my first time writing for daryl so be easy on me please lol. i have the whole series planned out so I hope somebody out there enjoys!
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The plan. What was it? What was the plan? You can't remember. You can't think. The blood is fresh and sticky and it pools in your hands. Bitter and metallic and filling your lungs. She gurgles, her head in your lap. More blood slips from her lips, running a path down her cheek. Somewhere distant, far off in your mind, you're aware it's leaking through your jeans. Warm on your thigh.
Her hand reaches to your jaw, trying to grasp it weakly. All you can manage is a shaky breath, closing your eyes.
You know there's one left. Somewhere among the shelves. You just can't care. Let death take you. Let that thing pull you into it's cold grasp and sink it's rotting teeth into you.
You smell it first. The putrid rot overpowering the fresh metal of your best friends blood. And then you hear it too. The lazy shuffling of it's feet. That's when her hand grasps you harder. She can't speak but you know she's pleading. 'Save yourself'.
When it's close enough for it's ragged pant leg to brush your ankle, your body tenses. It's uncontrolled. You want this, but it will be painful. Your breath catches in your lungs, anticipating, awaiting.
But it never comes. And when the body slumps to the ground heftily, her hand slips from your jaw. Your eyes snap open.
That's the first time you see him. All clammy skin, panicked eyes, and splattered blood over his white T-shirt. "Come on, we gotta go!" He ushers. And he must see your eyes flicker to the limp body in your lap. "She's--She's gone. I'm sorry." Yes. She's gone. But somewhere in your soul, you find yourself believing that she sent him. You never were terribly spiritual or faithful; But in this case you hang on, desperately, to the concept. That, as she left this world, she gave you a gift. To keep you going.
And so you do.
"And that is how I met Glenn." You finish your recounting, though this version was much less detailed and much more comical. You wouldn't want to cry on the boat. Andrea told you it scares the fish.
Amy giggles and Andrea scoffs. "You? Some damsel in distress?" Andrea says, peering up at you while she tightens her knot. "I would think you're too stubborn for that."
You huff. "Yeah, well, things were different back then." You playfully defend, debating splashing her. Surely *that* would scare the fish though.
"Can't have been that different a month ago!" Amy chimes in. If the sudden end of the world taught you anything, it was that a *lot* could change in a month.
"Last time I join you guys out here!" You tease.
When you three return back to camp, Andrea and Amy garner various cheers over their impressive catches, though it's not enough for everyone to eat tonight. You, you're happy enough with your one minnow. Gotta start somewhere.
You dump your single fish by the fire, where the Dixon brothers sit. "Fishin' ain't your thing, huh, sugar?" Merle drawls. You pay him no mind, only sending a quick nod to the younger brother before strolling away. Merle was nothing but trouble. Crude words and cruder actions. Daryl, though, was nice enough. Quiet. He never seemed to say much to anyone but his brother. In your opinion, his value to the group was nearly unmatched. Most of the food in camp was provided by him.
You spot Glenn by the RV, chatting up Dale as per usual. Those two had an admirable student/mentor relationship. Raising your hand to block the beating Georgia sun from your eyes, you walk to join them. Glenn grins when he sees you approaching. It makes your chest warm. "Hey, guys." You call.
"Hey! We were just talking about you." Glenn says. Your insides feel like they do a somersault. They were talking about you? Stuck somewhere between honored and worried.
You chance a look at Dale. The older man always seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve. Wide eyes telling his wise tales for him. He seemed casual now. "Do I wanna know?" You joke, leaning into the side of the RV. Glenn puts his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet as he so often does. You find it cute.
"Just another run in Atlanta. Shane wants a bigger haul though. Not just you and me this time." You and Glenn had been scavenging partners since the day he first found you, only a couple weeks in. It was just easy with him. While it was important to be compatible in the ways of scavenging and fighting, you found it even more valuable to be compatible in that human way. Humor, connection. It was difficult to go on runs with people you didn't much talk to. Tension with your partner led to being distracted.
But of course, Shane wasn't satisfied. He never quite was. No matter how many trips to the woods he took with Lori. You scoffed at the thought. "Well, is Shane gonna do some of the dirty work himself?" You ask.
Truthfully, in the time you'd been in camp, you felt Shane didn't contribute much at all. The women were set to cooking and laundry. The Dixons were to hunt. You and Glenn to scavenge. And Shane to reap the benefits while ordering everyone around.
Glenn laughed. "Course not. Shane is king of the swamp!" That earns a huff out of Dale. He shakes his head in amusement before stepping into the RV and shutting the door behind him.
In his absence, Glenn filled you in on the plans.
"Merle? Seriously?" You roll your eyes. The idea of being anywhere near Merle for longer than ten minutes was enough to make you rip your hair out of your scalp. Why couldn't it have been the more respectable Dixon?
Glenn shrugs, his eyebrows raised with a similar look of displeasure. "He volunteered."
❀ ~~__~~ ❀~~__~~ ❀
Trudging back to your tent that night, your legs felt like lead. You must just be tired from all the time in the sweltering Georgia heat. The act of laying on your cot made your head spin, spots rolling over your vision. Figuring you'd need rest for the run tomorrow, you decided to try sleeping immediately. No reading or journaling tonight.
You drifted off without even realizing. When you awoke a few hours later, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body, you couldn't remember falling asleep at all. Disoriented, you stood up. The world spun for a few moments as you stumbled out into the cool night air. The dry breeze brushing over your damp skin brought goosebumps onto your arms.
Something was definitely wrong. You could feel your legs trembling under you as you walked towards the communal area. The water was kept there. Maybe you were dehydrated. Finally reaching the stash of bottled water, you collapse onto your knees. The plastic crinkles loudly as you try to open one. With your weakened, shaking arms, you find that you can't manage.
"The hell 're you doin'?" Any other day and the sudden gruff voice would've scared the shit out of you. In your dazed state, though, you only manage to look towards Daryl. You must look like hell with the way his face blanches when he sees you. The moonlight does you no favors, exaggerating the shine of sweat on your skin. Your color is off too, two shades too light. He can see your hands trembling where they hold the water bottle. "Ya bit?" He asks.
You shake your head, clearing your throat. "I don't know what's wrong. I don't..." You trail off, voice going weak. At the confirmation that you're not infected, Daryl draws closer. His boots crunch over the drying leaves and damp soil. You wonder if he'd gone to sleep at all, given that he's fully dressed. You swallow. "...feel right." You finally manage to finish.
Daryl crouches in front of you, reaching his hand to brush your forehead. The contact seems more uncomfortable for him than you. He draws his hand back quickly, like the act of touching you is painful. "Ain't got a fever," He grabs the water bottle from you roughly, opening it easily before passing it back. "Yer right though, somethin' ain't right with ya. Im'a get Shane."
Before he can walk away, you grab his wrist. He jumps at your touch, whipping his arm out of your grip. You pay it no mind. "Not Shane. Get Carol, please." You plead, staring up at him. He hesitates before giving you one single nod, trudging off in the direction of Carol and Ed's tent. You sip your water while you wait. Part of you worries that Ed will be mad if he's woken, but you know he's probably too piss-drunk to wake to anything.
Carol's always made you feel safe. You wish you could do the same for her. Most days you find yourself wishing you could simply will Ed out of existence. Instead, you do your best to offer her and Sophia small comforts; a nice pair of earrings for Carol, a new doll for Sophia. Throughout your time in camp, you'd grown to see Carol as a sort of motherly figure. She looked out for you, and you, her.
Before long, Carol and Daryl are jogging up to you. Carol crouches down with you while Daryl hangs back, chewing the side of his thumb. He seems like he doesn't know whether he should stay or go. Carol's cold hands caress your cheeks and forehead, examining the clammy skin for sighs of fever surely. "You okay?" She softly murmurs, giving your cheek a soft pat before pulling her hands back.
"I just feel sort of--dazed? Sweaty and shaky too." You explain to the best of your abilities. Something about the way Daryl was looking at you from behind Carol made you nervous. You pick at the drying leaves on the floor around you, soil piling under your nails.
Carol nodded, pushing up onto her feet. She turned to Daryl, "She's probably low on sugar. None of us have had much to eat lately." She was meek around Daryl. Truthfully, she's meek around all the men at camp. Always careful to not raise her voice or make a joke.
Daryl just nodded, thumb still in mouth. Carol wandered off, muttering something about candybars in her tent. To your surprise, Daryl remained. You trailed your eyes up his body. When you met his eyes, he quickly averted his sight. "Ya ain't goin' on that run today." He says, tone leaving no room for argument. And just like that, he leaves you in the middle of camp, awaiting Carol's return.
❀ ~~__~~ ❀~~__~~ ❀
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𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵 "𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘦" 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘪𝘯 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘯, 𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥
Dear Marmee,
The bitter cold crept in slowly at first but there is no denying winter has arrived here in Wales. Everything is now covered in a sheet of white snow.
Every morning, I wake before the rooster's crow. Our friend Beth has moved in with us and she enjoys knitting very much. She has knitted me two new sweaters before Christmas has even come and they keep me much warmer than my worn-out coat from last Winter. It's a good thing too 'cause there's still much to be done on our farm, though I've made a rather decent amount of progress.
Even so, we hardly had any remaining produce leftover for ourselves after selling what I was able to salvage from our terrible blight. I won't burden you too much with our troubles but things have been rough here for us and I know Winifred is silently troubling herself over it.
You mentioned Jo is trying to get published? Please let me know how that goes for her. I think it might just inspire Winifred who is still glued to her typewriter whenever she has the time to write.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Sincerely, Lawrence
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Dear Marmee,
I'm sorry to hear Jo was turned down in her quest to get published. Hopefully it won't discourage her from trying. Have you heard from Amy in Paris? How are Meg and Mr. Brooks? How does Beth like teaching piano?
Many of our animals, including the thorn in my side, Frank the Goose, passed on near the end of November. Without their eggs and milk to sell, money is tighter than ever.
Winifred has begun fretting over how we will make a good Christmas for Ozzy. So I've started working at the pub again to help us make it through the rest of winter and afford a few gifts for him. I'm struggling to come up with an idea on what to get Winifred, after all, how could I top her typewriter? If you have any ideas, please include them in your next letter.
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Ozzy is doing quite well, thank you for asking. He likes to "help" me on the farm but mostly he enjoys playing in the snow with the garden shovels and trying to escape to our small pond. You would not believe the tantrums he throws when I have to wrangle him away from the edge. I can almost understand how my Father felt when I was a boy and he would paddle my bottom. The boy is like a fish the way he enjoys the water! Even bathtime seems to be his favorite part about bedtime.
It was a struggle to get him out of his crib and into a real bed but we needed to complete the transition before our new little one arrives. With Beth here to teach us patience, I can proudly declare we have finally succeeded.
Sincerely, Lawrence
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Dear Marmee,
We're approaching our due date rather quickly, a little under 3 months now. Millie has been staying with Louise for the Winter (and giving her free cooking lessons) after agreeing to stay and help Winifred deliver the baby, which I'm thankful for. I know this is a huge relief for Winifred. Her last delivery was not without complications and I know she grows uneasy the closer we get.
I know Winifred believes the baby will be a girl but I have my own suspicions we will welcome another son. I'm not wholly certain I could handle another little girl after we lost Flora. Not yet, rather. The pain of losing a child never truly leaves, does it?
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I did not mean to ignore your inquiry over how I'm fairing. I must keep a courageous face for my family, and consequently I've grown used to wearing my mask of gallantry. Since you so kindly asked though, I will admit that I am a little worn down as of late.
I spend long hours tending the farm and go to work even longer hours in the pub. Valerie, good hearted as she is, is not the best co-worker, often drinking herself stupid before the nights out. I suppose it's true what they say about you Irish folk.
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Most of my trouble comes from myself, I suppose. I watched my father save this very farm many times over and I should want to do the same. But with every plant that refused to sprout, I found myself resentful over having ever inherited it.
I think of my wife, the writer, the poet, and how she is able to read Ozzy her stories. I think of Jackson with his pub, and his son, Patrick, who's becoming a doctor, and you with your bookshop. Even my father who provided my mother and I with food, and a roof over our heads because he cared for the farm so tenderly. All of you, with such passion.
Even if I was as passionate as my father, the farming industry is changing. All these extravagant advancements are putting farmers out of work all over. If the farm were to go under, what would I do? It's all I've ever known.
If I don't have time to write before Christmas Day - I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Send my love to your girls and wish them the same for me as well.
Sincerely, Lawrence
P.S. Don't be cross with me for the joke, I only say it in jest. The Irish could drink me under the table any day of the week and sing a merry tune whilst doing so which is rather remarkable.
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violettavonviolet · 28 days
Tim Drake fic recs part 3
All of these fics are finished and amazing! The word count progressively goes up and all the ratings are noted, but def do check the tags for any triggers. all fics that have been stuck in my head since I read them are marked with a star.
Batfamily genfic's
Gotta Roll With The Curveballs
“How’d you cry so easily?” Duke asks, still entirely too awkward because no matter what Steph says, Duke still thinks Tim is kinda cool in a weird way. A really weird way.
“Oh, I classically conditioned myself over winter break when I was eleven. All I have to do to tear up is pinch a certain point on my arm. See?” Tim viciously pinches a spot on his inner forearm. Immediately tears start to well in his eyes.
Or: Duke Thomas dealing with Tim Pod-Baby Drake and what exactly that entails.
4.5k crack gen
A Matter of Trust
When Damian learns of an unexpected list of Batman contingencies, he's forced to go to Tim to vent.
And in doing so, might help the two of them find some common ground.
5k tim & dami gen
Days I Have Held (Days I Have Lost)
“You’ve outgrown me”
Damian frowns when he meets Tim’s gaze. He doesn’t say or do anything that warrants the feeling of loss that crawls up his arms and settles in his bones.
Then Tim is leaning towards him, on his toes, hands automatically going to his hair and mussing up his locks like he can’t fully miss the chance to annoy him. Still, his grip is gentle and his smile is real and Damian is more than glad to pretend that his eyes are devoid of their bitter sadness.
Or, Damian outgrows Tim. It shouldn't change anything, really, but it does. It does.
9k tim & damian gen
Satisfactory Bonding Activities
“Look, Dick and I had no idea how to be brothers either," Jason said, "but we made an effort to spend time together. If you and the demon brat aren’t sure where to start, maybe you can decide on some things to kick start these bonding activities.”
“Like what?”
“Hell if I know. Play twister, do an escape room, take over the world, learn to knit, I don’t care. Just pick something you can both agree will keep you busy for an hour or two and it’ll be fine. Now hand me that Molotov, these guys are going down.”
12k gen, tim & Damian
So...Rock, Paper, Scissors?
His smile widens. “You will pick one to kill. I shall give you ten minutes to decide and say your goodbyes. If you have not killed one of your brothers when the time is up, I will kill all three.”
Jason feels the bottom drop out of his stomach. This was supposed to buy him time, not give him a literal deadline.
“You see, little blade? I have made it so easy for you. You aren’t even really killing one. You are saving two. Your time starts now.”
24k angst mature
i can't let go when somethings broken
the sky is blue, the earth is round, dick and bruce fight.
tim wishes it was a little easier sometimes.
or: tims crash course in the remains of childhood, rose colored glasses, and the economics of brotherhood
28k gen angst
Bludhaven Police Department
Sgt. Amy Rohrbach learns that her partner, rookie cop Dick Grayson, is not what he seems. Or how Amy finds out that Dick Grayson is the heir to the entire Wayne fortune, the vigilante Nightwing, the leader of the Titans, and meets some of the Batfam and the Titans along the way.
31k gen humor
right place, wrong time
Twelve-year-old Tim Drake has homework to finish and dinner waiting at home. He even has an invitation to spend time with Bruce before patrol the next day reviewing toxins and antidotes. It doesn't matter that Bruce prefers to keep things all-business and down in the Batcave. Having Robin again is helping, Tim can already see that, and it's always a relief to know when he's invited back.
Sixteen-year-old Tim Drake decides that he'd rather keep his distance from the tempting research project Bruce has across two work tables. It's archaeology and time travel all at once, even more interesting than usual after Bruce's long trip through time, but Bruce probably won't crack that in one night. Getting involved in the project will eliminate Tim's chance to escape to his apartment for a quiet evening rather instead of struggling through an awkward dinner with Jason and Damian and Bruce.
When the Tims suddenly switch times and places, twelve-year-old Tim has an invitation to dinner and sixteen-year-old Tim knows just what kind of ripples someone can leave from the past.
38k teen angst
Say Uncle
Tim is prepared to take the steps necessary to ensure that Bruce will not feel obligated to adopt Tim when a comatose Jack Drake inevitably dies. But what could be better than preventing Bruce from ending up with a son he doesn't want? Bringing back the one he does.
Jason agrees to the Replacement's stupid, stupid plan to invite some strange adult man he's never met to come live with him, if only to keep the idiot alive long enough for him to serve his purpose in the Great Red Hood Revenge Scheme.
Might this new roommate situation have an impact on either of their worldviews? Surely not...
46k teen
Vultures, Squirrels, and Other Flying Menaces
He used to think that Batman needs a Robin. 
Now, Tim’s pretty sure that Robin was only ever a band-aid. 
He never tried to learn Batman’s identity, but he knows it, and Tim has no idea what to do next to save Gotham from Bruce Wayne’s violent rage. 
He becomes Batman’s shadow – never sidekick – trying to clean up the wreckage he leaves behind. 
A vulture, trying to remove decay before it has a chance to poison everything. 
Tim’s quest to save Gotham from Batman leads him to the most obvious victim – the man’s first Robin. But Dick Grayson’s grief is complex and deep, and not something the twelve-year-old has a fix for. 
What Tim Drake does have, however, is the know how to make money difficult to trace and a certain phone number.
51k dick & Tim & jason found family
Option C
Jason had to make a choice.
Enact his vengeance by killing the Joker himself.
Forget Gotham and stay with Talia.
However, there was an option C.
One that could end with the Joker dead, with Bruce proven wrong and with Gotham changed for the better.
Jason took Gotham to court.
78k teen
cards on the table
Tim's parents faked their deaths and fled the country years ago, but neglected to take him with them. He spent some time on the streets, and now at 16, he makes a living as a fortune teller, stalking and hustling the shit out of Gotham's elite by telling them eerily accurate fortunes based on the information he gathers about them.
His life is peculiar but he wouldn't change a thing. When he gets booked for the big Wayne Halloween party, however, he finds himself getting all tangled up with the Waynes, and the more fortunes he tells, the tighter the snare becomes.
or: Tim just wanted to scam Gotham's elite, not end up on the Batfamily's watchlist. But it seems they just won't leave him alone..
69k not rated
Bruce Wayne
there but for the grace of god
From a tumblr prompt. 
AKA, "A Justice League fic where everyone argues about who's the most beautiful and intimidating sexy from the Big Three and everyone has valid points."
3.7k crack not rated 
Aliens Made Us Do It
Bruce and Hal run into a little bit of cultural difficulty on an off-world mission. This was really, really not supposed to be Bruce Wayne's wedding day. Consider this story the traditional fannish "oh no we have to get married!" with a BatLanterny twist at the end
25k explicit hal/bruce
Acid Rain and Black Umbrellas
Clark Kent hates Gotham. The people are weird, it's always raining, and nobody will give him a straight answer about anything.
He's certain that these people know who the Batman is, but nobody is talking. He just needs to find one of them willing to spill the secret. Any one of them. Seriously, there MUST be at least one.
His teenage son-clone-whatever is losing his powers, and Clark is torn between finding a cure, flirting with Bruce Wayne, and trying to figure out who the hell the Batman is under that cowl. 
Maybe this Tim Drake kid knows something useful.
39k bruce/clark timkon
Friends - Definitions May Vary
Bruce Wayne and Lex Luther are not friends.
However, Bruce Wayne's persona Brucie is about to re-define what friends means. And due to a series of weird and random moments, Bruce is about to learn that Lex Luthor could be a friend. Whatever that means.
154k Bruce/Lex
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reinathevocaloid · 8 months
A Sladick Playlist
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(Bc these two have been living in my head rent-free these days lol)
Animals by Maroon 5 (Cover by Living in Fiction)
Baby, I'm preying on you tonight Hunt you down, eat you alive Just like animals
I Don't Know Why by Imagine Dragons
Dangerous Your love is always dangerous And now I'm lost in us We're livin' in a lying trust
damn. by Rei Ami
So tell me why you're back again Say what you mean, mean what you say 'Cause what you give is what you get And I don't forget
Killing Time by Infected Mushroom
In my dreams (I can kill you) Close to me You open the cage and he sets you free
Amsterdam by Daughter
Heavy eyed crawling on the roadside Swinging from the street lights I hope by the morning I will have grown back
heart of steel by sanjay.
What would I do with a heart of steel Protect what I love when I don't even feel Taken the chance to fix what I need Nothings right I need a chance to breathe
Maybe by Flower Face
You're the one who's in my body, ripping at the seams And you're the one who's crashing on the highways in my dreams Maybe I won't, maybe I will I haven't slept so easy since you left me in the wild I wish I could've loved you right, but I was just a child Maybe I won't, maybe I will run back to you
Psychobabble by Frou Frou
Do just what I tell you And no one will get hurt Don't come in any closer 'Cause I don't know how long I can hold my heart in two Make no sudden movements And no one need get hurt You're making me nervous If you know what's good for me why would I be loving you?
Knee Socks by Arctic Monkeys
When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock When you know who's callin' even though the number is blocked When you walked around your house wearin' my sky blue Lacoste And your knee socks
Turn Off The Lights by Panic! At The Disco
I got so sick of being on my own Now the devil won't leave me alone It's almost like I've found a friend Who's in it for the bitter end
Just Pretend by Bad Omens
I can wait for you at the bottom I can stay away if you want me to I can wait for years if I gotta Heaven knows I ain't getting over you
Invisible by Plumb
I cannot see you But I can feel you I just wanna be with you I've nowhere else to go I've nowhere else to go
Red by BEAUZ
I know all your little secrets Did you think that I'd forget? The first cut always goes the deepest You ain't seen nothing yet
Waiting Game by BANKS
Baby I'm thinking it over What if the way we started made it something cursed from the start? What if it only gets colder Would you still wrap me up and tell me that you think this was smart 'Cause lately I've been scared of even thinking 'bout where we are
The Walk by Imogen Heap
No, it's not meant to be like this Not what I planned at all I don't want to feel like this So that makes it all your fault
The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez
The bed's getting cold and you're not here The future that we hold is so unclear But I'm not alive until you call And I'll bet the odds against it all
Hold Me Like A Grudge by Fall Out Boy
Hold me, hold me like a grudge The world is always spinning, and I can't keep up, whoa Faster and faster, can't do it on my own Part-time soulmate, full-time problem, yeah So hold me like a grudge
Strange Birds by Birdy
You've always loved the strange birds Now I want to fly into your world I want to be heard My wounded wing's still beating, You've always loved the stranger inside Me, ugly pretty
Coming Down by Halsey
Now we're lost somewhere in outer space In a hotel room where demons play They run around beneath our feet We roll around beneath these sheets
Death Valley by Fall Out Boy
But we are alive Here in death valley But don't take love off the table yet 'Cause tonight It's just fire alarms and losing you We love a lot So, we only lose a little But we are alive
The Definition of Not Leaving by Hands Like Houses
I want you to follow and find me Howl like its us and no-one else We could keep out the sadness and stand so tall We could run like wild things, and lie right where we fall
Undisclosed Desires by Muse
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask I want to exorcise the demons from your past I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart
Disciple by IAMX
Disciple, I absolve you So forgive yourself enough to obey the naked truth That you need to be owned And you beg to be controlled
On The Run by Kayou.
I guess you're back Are you gonna tell me where you went? All the messages I sent, with no reply It's like that You're just gonna walk into my room I hate how you assume That there will always be a place for you By my side Day or night You know that it's killing me
Raw Raw by K.Flay
I came up from the depths of hell with a golf club in my hand You disarmed me, no defense My armor turned to sand It's hard to escape the wounds of the past Every time I feel something real, I wanna take it back
Red Lights by Stray Kids
I'm going crazy now, out of control, I I'm staying up all night again The moment when I close my eyes All I see is red lights
All About Us by t.A.T.u.
They say They don't trust You, me, we, us So we'll fall if we must 'Cause it's you, me And it's all about, it's all about It's all about us
Heaven, Iowa by Fall Out Boy
Scar-crossed lovers forever I'm checking myself out forever I'm saving this all for later Scar-crossed lovers forever Here we are, untouched forever I'm saving this all for later, oh
Spiracle by Flower Face
And I want your parties, the shark in your water The scrapes on your knees and the blood that spills over And I want your zeroes, your polluted marrow The sweat on your palms and your surveillance shadow
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dev-solovey · 1 year
I rewrote the first chapter of My Immortal if it were a super pretentious literary fiction novel
I came up with this idea at like 3am and I'm not great at litfic, so I just dialed up the purple prose to 10 and hoped for the best lmao
here it is:
My Immortal
Chapter 1
Slush battered my dorm room window, half-rain, half-snow, existing somewhere between two states of matter. Siblings of a sort, meshed in disharmony, coating the campus outside in its misery. I watched as the pretty-in-pink girls with their fluffy faux-leather boots and paper thin leggings slipped and struggled their way across the courtyard. Suffering. I loved it.
One of them, a girl in garish Aeropostale garb, caught my eyes, and her face twisted with bitterness. Her minions gathered around her, “are you okay, Brittney? What’s the matter, Brittney?” but she didn’t answer them. A petty impulse gripped me, and I raised a single night-painted nail, baring my teeth in a wicked grin and making sure all of her friends saw the crude gesture. Brittney and her entourage stormed off, and I waved them away with self-satisfaction.
I returned to my vanity, picking out bottles and jars and palettes of Hot Topic-brand makeup. My tastes were simple, but refined. Unlike the baby blue and bubblegum that all the other girls wore, I understood the need for contrast. Where there is heat, you need cold; where there is light, there will be dark. White foundation, black lipstick. And, perhaps, a bit of eyeliner and some red eyeshadow for flare.
Black is an essential part of my wardrobe. It’s how I stand out from the mindless masses, how I tell the world that I’m not like other girls. I find variety through texture—lace for my corset, leather for my miniskirt, stitched canvas for my combat boots. Any colors I use are bright, but they’re carefully placed. Pink for my fishnets, red and purple highlights for my long ebony hair, neon bright like patterns on a poisonous frog.
The year 2006. My seventh and final year at Hogwarts. It was hard to believe I had made it this far—focusing on your studies isn’t easy when you’re always the center of attention. I had men tripping over their heels for me left and right, an intensely annoying phenomenon. I could spell it out for them a million times, that they could never handle me, that I don’t want to talk to preps and normies, and still they simper, my words like olive oil sliding off their brains. The fact that I was a vampire apparently wasn’t enough of a deterrent, nor was the hatred behind my icy blue eyes.
I walked outside, the cold air like a cooling balm against my pale skin. There was rarely any sun in Hogwarts during the winter months, the ideal environment for me. I was almost sad this was my last year. I took a deep breath, then walked out into the courtyard, with little more than a lacy parasol—black, like always—to shield me from the slush.
Once I reached the middle of the courtyard, I saw him. Draco Malfoy, standing in an adjacent walkway speaking to a few of his friends. Blond hair whipping in the wind, almost blending in with the frost. One of the few men at this school that I could tolerate. I recalled the day I met him, our first day in Potions class. The teacher spoke my full name when calling attendance, “Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.” A mouthful, but one I owned with pride. He called the name of the boy sitting next to me, “Draco Malfoy.”
He turned to me once we broke off to work in groups. “Your last name is Way?” he said, a glint of curiosity in his captivating hazel eyes. A mischievous grin split his face, and he said, “You wouldn’t happen to be related to Gerard Way, would you?”
That wasn’t the first time I heard the comparison, but it was also how I knew Draco wasn’t like other guys. He was actually cool. “I wish,” I said, smiling for the first time that day. "because he's a major fucking hottie."
“You look more like Amy Lee,” he replied.
I was charmed. I couldn’t help it. “You can call me Ebony,” I replied. “Like my hair.”
He spotted me in the courtyard, and his hazel eyes lit up. “Hey, Ebony!” he said, waving eagerly.
I felt myself blush as he approached me. “What’s up Draco?”
A small breath escaped his lips, as the sound of my voice seemed to bring something out of him. A short burst of exhilaration, perhaps at hearing his name spoken on my lips. A shade of longing passed over his face, and he was suddenly shy. “Nothing,” he finally said, still staring at me.
I opened my mouth to speak, but I paused, noticing my friend Willow behind him waving at me and calling my name. The bell for class rang, an infuriating interruption that made my stomach drop. Reluctantly, Draco and I parted ways.
hope you enjoyed this mania-fueled atrocity I've committed lmao
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sinukiyo · 2 months
Hey Kiyo. I hope life is treating you well.
I should have asked this way before, but it wouldn't hurt to ask now.
What inspired Daichi's character? Like what was the process like when you planned out his character.
Also, did you initially plan for Akari to not fall into the stereotypical mean girl/rival? I honestly find such characters refreshing. Don't get me wrong I love me a good villainess that I love to hate and roast, but it's become a common and generic trope especially when they’re not well written or just put in a story to be the readers' punching bag ya know?
This is so funny to me but Daichi’s character was inspired by my uncle😭
Okay, so I don’t really care about talking about this cause no one who knows me irl knows this account exists. The entire scenario with Daichi and Ami is so similar to my uncle and his baby mama.
So they were together, she got pregnant and he suddenly dipped and wanted to marry someone else. It made everyone upset (including his entire family) but he didn’t really care. They lived in the same city and he didn’t check on her, didn’t want anything to do with his kid. It was a whole mess.
Anyway, for about two years after he got married, my mom was the one who took care of the baby mama and his kid. Then one day, he suddenly called to say his wife couldn’t have kids, they had been trying and they went for tests…blah blah blah
He wanted my mom’s help in connecting with his baby mama and his kid and she was basically like “no, you don’t really deserve them.”
This happened a few years ago but I remember being so disappointed because I adored my uncle when I was a kid so seeing him move that way, really just showed me that sometimes, the adults we look up to can be real losers.
Like Daichi.
And a whole lot of other people out there.
On the other hand, Akari wasn’t inspired by my uncle’s wife (I don’t really know her because the family sort of pulled away after the whole thing happened). I always planned for Akari to be strong and supportive despite her circumstances.
It would have been easy to make her a mean girl and to make her a bitter person who blamed Ami for her problems but personally, if I was ever in a situation like that, it is just not how I would handle it and that is not how I wanted her to handle it.
P.S: I’m doing well, thank you! I’m most likely going to go back to writing again but I’m having a good break!😊
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oldmen-enjoyer · 2 years
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The reference picture is post-amy incident.
John Ward is current host to the Sickler (unseeable/jagged-jazz, ect) for more than 10 years. After the recent incident of (literal) botched exorcist with Amy Matins and Father Allred, John choose to banished the entity influenced on his decisions. Unfortunately they share more than a mind to be completely seperate.
Jokingly called John psyWard (not in-lore)
This John is late 30s (37~39)
John Ward is same-person name but due to the hosting, is now used as seperate. Ward is described as Sickler part.
Shaped like a hen.
Physically really fits even after falling off his daily routine (can bend Gary in half if given reasons)
Have extreme passion for cooking and extremely niche on how it should go. This is shared and encouraged trait by Sickler. Gardening go along this line.
Morally is, fucked up grey (to put it lightly)
Divorced Molly ages ago before meeting Gary and Amy incident
Used to date a Normal Human Being years ago before their relationship turn into bitter rivalry and seething hatred.
If injured, required blood to replaced the missing space (vampiric: manually)
And reason why guy's so pale.
Trans but cis passing so hard that he forgot that (thanks to wonder of literal body modifications offered by Sickler.)
"Who's Thomas."
189 cm tall
Sound AND inspired from Paul Hill from Midnight Mass (the autism in his eyes is strong.)
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Fortunately, still a cat person (figurative)
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Nicknamed Tarot-boy both affectionately and insultingly by other demons
Is equipvelent of "Popular Girl" in hell. Got quite a portion of people in court to kiss his shoes when he's away.
Trans and evil (keep top surgery scars even through reincarnation for the jig of it)
Gary Miller, not much is known in past life aside from being certain Duke of hell summoned to be reborn as baby boy, adopted by Miriam. And, by rumours, Father Gray. (Is debunked to be false, GRAY IS NOT YOUR FATHER.)
Abortion slays, Landlord evil
Have little brother named "Mike Miller" (Raum), not reincarnated together.
Is a dooting big brother.
Voice of smooth jazz singer with hint of rasp as a treat.
Charismaniac slug, oozing with charms and grins like bastard
Cat person (literal)
According to Aless, use old spice and not axe spray. According to my other friend, pats cow blood on the pits and call it a day.
197 cm tall
Body of athlete who haven't been working out for years
53 years old shroom slug
Trauma-bombed and pranked by Sickler
John's movable finely aged blood wine (where all biting come from)
Allergic to church and have to drink a herbal mixture to repressed the sickness (made out of Mandrake)
[CULTIST SIMULATOR + Conjured form]
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[>Father Gray: extremely dead, had very complicated and unwanted (neg) relationship with Miriam before being discarded as a dead husk. Currently is still a husk but is moved unwillingly. The spirit is long dead. There's no single trace of humanity behind those eyes.]
[>Father/Big Brother Jonas: (???) Story unfold soon but, is very much insane and devoted to Sickler. Have father/son relationship with Gray]
[Korne: a tool, a husk.]
[Karlson: mouth piece for Song.S, will be talked in future later. For now, is assistance to Jonas's plans.]
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Entries List (which I will keep updated)
Anything in bold has propaganda
Alex Strangelove (2018)
Alice Junior (Alice Júnior) (2019)
A Moment in the Reeds (Tämä hetki kaislikossa) (2017)
A Single Man (2009)
And Then We Danced (და ჩვენ ვიცეკვეთ) (2019)
Beach Rats (2017)
Big Eden (2000)
BPM (Beats Per Minute) (2017)
Blue is the Warmest Colour (La Vie d'Adèle - Chapitres 1 et 2) (2013)
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
Booksmart (2019)
Bottoms (2023)
Bound (1996)
Boys (Jongens) (2014)
Boys Don’t Cry (1999)
Breakfast with Scot (2007)
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)
Camp (2003)
Can You Ever Forgive Me (2018)
Carol (2015)
Call Me By Your Name (2017)
Center of My World (Die Mitte der Welt) (2016)
Chasing Amy (1997)
Closet Monster (2015)
Cloudburst (2011)
Colette (2018)
Crash (1996)
Crush (2022)
Dating Amber (2020)
D.E.B.S. (2004)
Desert Hearts (1984)
Disobedience (2017)
Duck Butter (2018)
Edge of Seventeen (1998)
Elephant (Słoń) (2022)
Esteros (2016)
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
Fire Island (2022)
Freak Show (2017)
Funeral Parade of Roses (薔薇の葬列) (1969)
Get Real (1998)
God’s Own Country (2017)
Grandma (2015)
Handsome Devil (2016)
Happiest Season (2020)
Happy Together (春光乍洩) (1997)
Hearts Beat Loud (2018)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)
I Can't Think Straight (2008)
I Dream in Another Language (Sueño en otro idioma) (2017)
I Killed My Mother (2009)
I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
In & Out (1997)
Jenny's Wedding (2015)
Je Tu Il Elle (1974)
Kajillionaire (2020)
Kill Your Darlings (2013)
Kinky Boots (2005)
Latter Days (2003)
Longtime Companion (1989)
Mario (2018)
Maurice (1987)
Milk (2008)
Moonlight (2016)
Mosquita Y Mari (2012)
Mulholland Drive (2001)
My Beautiful Laundrette (1985)
Mysterious Skin (2004)
Nina's Heavenly Delights (2006)
North Sea Texas (Noordzee, Texas) (2011)
Operation Hyacinth (Hiacynt) (2021)
Pariah (2011)
Patrik Age 1.5 (Patrik 1,5) (2008)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Portrait de la jeune fille en feu) (2019)
Princess Cyd (2017)
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017)
Rafiki (2018)
Rūrangi (2020)
Saving Face (2005)
Selah and the Spades (2019)
Shiva Baby (2020)
Sorry Angel (Plaire, Aimer et Courir Vite) (2018)
Straight Up (2019)
Swan Song (2021)
Tangerine (2015)
Tár (2022)
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (Die Bitteren Tränen Der Petra Von Kant) (1972)
The Bubble (הבועה) (2006)
The Conformist (Il conformista) (1970)
The Feels (2017)
The Half of It (2020)
The Handmaiden (아가씨) (2016)
The Kids Are All Right (2010)
The Lost Boys (Le Paradis) (2023)
The Meetings of Anna (Les Rendez-vous d'Anna) (1978)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018)
The Power of the Dog (2021)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
The Strong Ones (Los fuertes) (2019)
The Watermelon Woman (1996)
The Way He Looks (Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho) (2014)
The 10 Year Plan (2014)
Tomboy (2011)
Totally Fucked Up (1993)
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (1995)
Transamerica (2005)
Water Lillies (Naissance des Pieuvres) (2007)
Yossi & Jagger (יוסי וג'אגר) (2002)
You, Me and Him (2017)
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neurotypical-sonic · 2 years
Alright, spill your thoughts about Prime!Tails before the show comes out
Anon what have you unleashed. All of this is spoiler free because I haven't seen the first episode yet.
First thought: I love him I would die for him he makes my chest hurt
More coherent thoughts: he's obviously a little older; he's a little bigger, not as childlike proportions, dark colouring on his ears etc etc. Baby boy's growing up. But it's heartbreaking because it means he's been alone for that much longer, and the fact that he's been dealing with this abuse for so much longer than what og!Tails did.
Without Sonic there to save him from the bullies, he had no one, absolutely no friends or support - I don't know where Amy and Knuckles are in all this, but even if they have never met before, the fact that NO ONE ELSE in Tails' life has been there for him is heartbreaking, not even a brief positive interaction with a stranger. Yes, Sonic has always been the first to stand up for him, but the implication that just Sonic was been the only one willing to give Tails a chance, and because he didn't no one else did... man.
In Sonic's world it kinda makes sense he was the first to protect Tails? He met Tails when he was four, and you can tell by how Sonic told his story that he wasn't really seeing the gravity of the situation. They were just silly bullies being mean, so he chased them off. It's. Not great but you can understand his reasoning, because it looked like stupid school yard bullying. Most adults don't take that seriously, and pass it off as kids being kids or harmless teasing. Sonic got Tails out of that situation, so it's fine now (I'm not trying to say schoolyard bullying isn't a big deal, I'm saying this from Sonic's pov)! And Sonic was always there to support Tails afterwards, help him heal from it, so it IS a thing from the past for him. Not insignificant, but also not a huge deal.
But for Prime!Tails that never happened, Sonic never stood up for him, and it didn't stop at schoolyard bullying. It only got worse and worse. This Tails is bitter and resentful and angry because he HAS to be, it's the only way he could've survived. Flight wasn't working out anymore, he couldn't wait any longer for help, so he switched to fight. He's never had anyone else in his life to keep him going, to give him hope, so the only thing he's got is his anger and spite, that's the only thing getting him through the days. No one was there to teach him any healthy coping mechanisms, to help him see his self worth, to make him see he's not a freak. He's been ALONE this entire time and I'm losing my mind!!!
And so he's sort of reclaimed the whole freak thing. He stresses the fact that he was abused for having ONE extra tail, and so he made himself seven more, made them his greatest invention and in your face and uses them as weapons and defends himself with them. You're gonna call him a freak for having two tails?? Check mate bitch he's got nine now and he's ready to maim. Also the fact that he's only ever seemed to invent out of necessity, only making things to protect himself and give him an edge and not anything just for fun and just because he could does something to my heart.
So he's got all these emotional walls up to protect himself, has survived his way for however many years, and then Sonic comes along and acts all friendly and immediately Tails lashes out because of COURSE he thinks it's a trick, it's some ploy to hurt him. He has learnt again and again that nobody cares about him. I'm very quickly running out of energy and my words are getting jumbled in my head hang on
So he lashes out at Sonic, refuses to believe him, but all it takes is a few words and Tails is hesitating. He's refusing to even acknowledge that Sonic could be telling the truth because it HURTS, someone possibly caring about him is so fucking painful. However. This is SONIC, no matter the universe they have this unbreakable bond. This is Sonic reaching out and Tails can't help but tentatively reach back because it's universal law that they have each others' backs. Tails can't fight that.
I talk about this specific moment here a bit more in depth, but to quickly repeat: Tails' walls start breaking down real fast and despite every cell in his being screaming against it, he starts to trust Sonic, and let his guard down and be vulnrable. He went from "I don't need ANYONE, nobody has friends and I want nothing more than for you to fuck off and leave me alone" to "tell me more about us. tell me more about how we're friends" REAL fucking quickly.
He WANTS to be the Tails Sonic's talking about. He wants that for himself so bad, he wants to have had someone there for when he was younger, and I'm once again repeating myself from a different post, but: him saying “so what else did we do” is even more heartbreaking when you think about how he said it - what else did WE do. not you and this other tails, but ME and you. something something so desperate for crumbs of love and care that he’s willing to settle for second hand friendship.
AND THE WAY HE SMILES AT SONIC AT THE END OF THE CLIP...... It's so genuine and hopeful and!! FUCK!!!!!!!
I do have more to say but I've reached my limit and I'm really struggling for words. I can't wait until it comes out I can't wait to see how they explore their relationship.
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crusherthedoctor · 10 months
1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 12
For 'Better luck next time Fuckox Boy!' and the purple princess with the pineapple head.
(That's 12 questions I'm so sorry-)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Tails is a good boi who does his best and uses his smarts, and Blaze is compelling and I like cats. :]
2. Favourite canon thing about this character?
For Tails, obviously I admire his good heart, but I also like how he serves as a mirror to Eggman in that he uses his genius for good and has Sonic's back. It's nice when this contrast is given explicit focus, even if it doesn't happen too often.
For Blaze, she has a tendency to not be given questionable gameplay mechanics when she's playable. :P
3. Least favourite canon thing about this character?
For Tails, that would be ThEn I'm WiLdLy InCoNsIsTeNt. The context behind that moment was already faulty and rested entirely on patting itself on the back for (not) fixing him post-Pontaff, and this line did not help. This is what a critic would say, not the character themself. It's like if Sonic made a quip about having a rough transition to 3D, or if Eggman introduced himself by going "Well well well, if it isn't Sonic and his Shitty Friends™!"
For Blaze, being handcuffed to Silver most of the time. I'm already not exactly what one would call a Silver fan (though I do sympathise with those who like him over what Stanley has done to him), and I don't think their connection adds anything other than "'Member '06? 'Member '06? 'Member '06?" I might also be a little bitter over the fact that Marine continues to be left in the dust for the most part, despite arguably having more justification to be Blaze's unofficial wingman.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
When Tails is essentially turned into a baby so that Sonic can look good for taking care of him. Because... realism? In a franchise where the kid can already build planes?
Can't really think of anything for Blaze outside of fans doubling down on the Silver thing.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
After the events of Lost World, Tails still felt guilty over his outburst because fans wouldn't stop hounding him over it, which Sonic picked up on and happily assured him that everything was A-OK between them. Tails would eventually use this experience to cheer up Amy when she was feeling down.
Blaze is prone to a quiet, relaxing moment in the spa to clear her head whenever something's troubling her. But not before making sure the Jeweled Scepter is still under protection, of course.
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scrambledsun · 4 months
Frosting vs Flowers au Amy Rose
Amy was adopted by Vanilla when she was a tween after being in an orphanage since she was 6 or 7 and moved to Green Hills.
hates: bullying. being belittled. others touching what's hers. littering. cities, or areas full of too much concrete. weeds. and bitter things. people getting in her way. too much screaming. people snooping. oh and Sourdrop.
Loves: strawberries and blueberries. her family. baking. gardening. pink. blue. kids and babies. her Mallet. good planning. mutilation of her enemies. her enemies in pain. oh and cannot forget, Sonic!
check out my series to see how her story plays out. and if you don't like sonamy? Fret not! because sonadow will also be in this. hence the title Frosting vs Petals.
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brigitteblackwood · 2 months
hiii thanks for rbing my horror recs post! here's your recs! :)
based on ginger snaps i'd recommend let the right one in (2008), the lure (2015), the witch (2015), the living dead girl (1982), stoker (2013), bones and all (2022) and carrie (1976) about (blood thirsty) outcast girls who want to be loved :(. 
based on hausu i'd recommend suspiria (1977), beetlejuice (1988), eraserhead (1977), the love witch (2016), the cell (2000) and the rocky horror picture show (1975) because they have unique aesthetics that they really commit to, and tetsuo: the iron man (1989), brain damage (1988), possessor (2020), killer klowns from outer space (1988), the machine girl (2008) and videodrome (1983) because they're some of the more unhinged batshit insane movies i've seen.
based on we're all going to the world's fair i'd recommend i saw the tv glow (2024), pulse (2001), skinamarink (2022), may (2002), censor (2021), swallow (2019) and eraserhead (1977) which are all strange but beautiful movies with themes of loneliness. 
based on scream i'd recommend urban legend (1998), behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon (2006), house of wax (2005), you're next (2011), haunt (2019), the final girls (2015), totally killer (2023) and the cabin in the woods (2011) because they're all about (masked) killers starring cool female characters.
based on the blair witch project i'd recommend the ritual (2017), horror in high desert (2021), the strangers (2008), the tunnel (2011) and them (2006) which are all quite simple but effective horrors about something lurking in the shadows.
hope there's some you haven't seen yet! :)
Thanks for the recommendations! Some of these I've seen already, but there are plenty I still haven't watched. In fact, a few have been on my watchlist for a while, so I'll take this as a sign to get to them soon (or, in the case of Let the Right One In, hurry up and read the book since I want to finish it before checking out any of the adaptations).
I thought it might be fun to share my thoughts about the ones I have seen:
The Witch (2015) - I read The Crucible when I was far too young (I stole it off my parents' bookshelf after I got bored with reading Junie B. Jones) and was obsessed with dark fairy tales about witches living in the forest as a child. So this was very much my shit.
Stoker (2013) - After watching this, I spent so many nights just wondering whether India Stoker and Merricat Blackwood would get along or try to kill each other if they ever met. I still don't have an answer.
Carrie (1976) - Love the use of split screen and Sissy Spacek really only moving her eyes during the attack on the gym. Hate the aggressive male-gazeyness of the locker room scene and the under usage of Amy Irving (I thought she was a interesting choice to play Sue, and I'm forever bitter she and Carrie didn't get to have their confrontation at the end like they do in the book).
Suspiria (1977) - The colours! The Goblin soundtrack! Sure, the actual plot barely makes any sense, but I adore it so much!
Beetlejuice (1988) - The last time I watched this was back in high school, so I should probably give it a rewatch soon. I remember loving the Maitlands and the Deetz family but absolutely hating Betelgeuse; I think he's the weakest character and would argue that you could still get a great story without him, but I understand I'm likely in the minority here.
Eraserhead (1977) - God, I always get so mad on the baby's behalf. He cries all the time! Well, he probably wouldn't cry so much if you didn't leave him lying on a hard table 24/7! 🙄
The Love Witch (2016) - I'm conflicted about this one. I thought it was beautifully shot, and I love anything that pays homage to older films. But since Anna Biller has gone full TERF since its release, I've found my viewing experience somewhat soured (which sucks because I was really interested in seeing her upcoming Bluebeard adaptation before I found out).
Videodrome (1983) - Another one I need to revisit. I'm a big Cronenberg fan, but I don't think I really gelled with this one the first time I watched it. James Wood (🤢) being the star probably didn't help.
I Saw the TV Glow (2024) - I got to see it at my local indie cinema as a double feature with The People's Joker last month! I bawled my eyes out, but thankfully, so did everyone else around me.
May (2002) - She's so me (minus the murder and mutilation, of course).
Swallow (2019) - Has one of my favourite ending shots in film history.
The Cabin in the Woods (2011) - The script was far too Whedon-y for me to enjoy, but I cheered so loud when they unleashed all the monsters on the staff.
Rocky Horror (1975) - I have fond memories of my mother sneaking 14-year-old me and my 10-year-old sister into our first live viewing (I think the only reason she succeeded was because my sister hit puberty early and looked a lot older). We'd known about the show for most of our childhood because both our parents worked in theatre and would often play showtunes around the house, so we'd already memorized most of the songs (minus Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me, which our parents would skip for obvious reasons).
I'd love to hear some of you're thoughts on these films. If you're comfortable sharing.
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mcltiples · 2 months
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whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood — pick 10 songs you find to give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write for your muse !
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Coming Undone by Korn ; Keep holding on / When my brain's ticking like a bomb / Guess the black thoughts have come to get me / Sweet bitter words / Unlike nothing I've heard / Sing along, mockingbird, you don't affect me
American Horror Show by SNOW WIFE ; I'm a stone-cold monster / I can be your little- / I kiss freaks that treat me like an animal / Fuck on me and eat me like a cannibal / I'm miss Fish, that Rocky Horror Picture hoe / They call me an American Horror Show
body bag by Rei Ami ; Fucked up, wanna die / Fill me with formaldehyde / Sharp tongue, sharper knife / Drown you out with cyanide / I need that autopsy, toxicology / Cause of death 'cause you shit talking me
Werewolf by Motionless In White ; Will the man become the monster or the monster become man? / I could be up all night, but I'm paralyzed when the creature comes alive / 'Cause it's fight or fright in the full moonlight / You can run, but you can't hide
Dance In The Dark by Lady Gaga ; She looks good but her boyfriend says she's a tramp, she's a vamp / But she still does her dance / Baby loves to dance in the dark / 'Cause when he's looking away, she falls apart
Hell Above by Pierce The Veil ; Cannot spend another night in this home / I close my eyes and take a breath real slow / The consequence is if I leave I'm alone / But what's the difference when you beg for love?
Soft by Motionless In White ; You're mine, motherfucker / I'm insane, I'm insane in the membrane / I wanna fuck your face with a switchblade / I'm not broken, so don't fix me
Your Betrayal by Bullet For My Valentine ; I was told to stay away / Those two words I can't obey / Pay the price for your betrayal
Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless ; You make me wanna die / I'll never be good enough / You make me wanna die / And everything you love will burn up in the light / Every time i look inside your eyes
Applause by Lady Gaga ; I live for the applause, live for the applause / Way that you cheer and scream for me / The applause, the applause, applause
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idiotwithanipad · 3 months
Gore Au: The Ally
(A part 4 to this: https://www.tumblr.com/idiotwithanipad/754120512986300416/gore-au-first-meeting
(Ft a mention of @moonah-rose 's OC Silver)
(In my Gore AU, all the ghosts memories and mental states are warped due to trauma and time. They're constantly in the mindset they were in moments before their deaths)
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"Bring me any truths about her so I will diverge them from the lies she may tell. Don't let her out of your sights"
The creature's mistress had spoken. Her words were final. It wasn't a request, it was a demand. Although she was a woman of the flame, her voice was as icy as the times the creature had lived through. The creature didn't look at her nor negotiate, he merely nodded once before turning his gaze back down to the rippling lake beneath him.
He listened as the crackling aura of his mistress faded away as she wafted through the trees and out of earshot. He only allowed himself to think when he was alone. So many years of thoughts, but almost none of them made sense anymore. He saw the pictures in his mind's eye, he remembered the voices and the sounds, but he couldn't remember himself. His name, his age, his place in the world. But he did remember the small creatures that looked like him.
They'd follow him like a nest of hatchlings would follow their mother through the grass and into the waters, the waters could be dangerous, but they'd follow anyway, because they trusted. They'd beg for food after he'd return from the meadows carrying small fluffy creatures over his shoulders by their ears. They'd tug on his hands and furs, bounce on their heels and whine like puppies.
He'd feed them, they wouldn't go hungry. They'd have the best pickings he could find, even if it meant that he'd have to crunch through the food's bone marrow to nourish himself, he would. The little ones would always get the best.
They'd never tremble nor grow cold. If he had to shed himself of the wolf pelts across his chest and back just to wrap them up in them, he would. The frosty teeth of their environment would never get the chance to bite.
But he'd been taken from them too soon. Attacked by the sky, cut down in a fatal flash. Burning. So much pain inside him. His veins ran with the thick glowing blood that flowed from the mountains that spat fire. He could still hear the sizzling of his own brain inside his skull, it never stopped, it growled like a wild creature hungry for food.
He watched in spirit as the little ones kept their eyes on his body as the elders dug the shallow grave, dropped him in and covered him with dirt. They were confused, too confused to cry. They were only young and clueless, never before witnessing the cruelty of death.
The creature hadn't always been this way; not always had he been an empty, shallow, snide and bitter being. He once was a man. A father. He had meaning and was special to so many people and many more who depended on him, majority of which were his children, and his brother's and sister's children.
The children had given him purpose and a reason to fight. More importantly, a reason to love, a reason to lower his hackles and unclench his jaw after an unsuccessful hunt at the mere sight of the babies crawling from the fireside towards him in joy.
He missed his children. That's what those little creatures were. But he would never love another child again. His children are dead, they had to be dead by now. It's been a long time since he's seen another creature that looks like him.
The creature hates children. He can't stand them. Only because he can't see his own children again. He'd never wish harm on any child, in no way shape or form, but any child that isn't his own is about as important to him as a dead mouse under his boot.
His mistress has a child, one that sleeps for a long while before awakening for a brief time to play. She can't see, so she is blissfully unaware of the dangers of being so close to the creature. He won't hurt her, she's just a child. No harm will come to a child. But she isn't his child. If he does a simple task that his mistress has asked, she will reward him by making that dreadful sizzling inside his head stop. Only for a little while, only until she pulls her skeletal fingers from his hairline. Then the madness comes again. No home, no tribe, no family, no children, no life, no meaning.
His mistress asks him to gather information. The dark haired girl inside the house. The one claimed by the man in the bloodied red cloak. He'd seen the girl come here, years ago, she'd been berated, pushed around, screamed at. It twisted the creature's gut to witness it. But she wasn't his child. He shouldn't care.
But mistress will make the pain go away if he does this for her, he has to do it.
The creature pushed itself up from the dirt and got to his feet and knuckles, tracking through the trees at the perimeter of the land, his eyes burning against the outer brick of the house. He could smell the dark haired girl, even from out here, his knuckles barely got the chance to ghost over the gravel path before the scent hit him like a spear to the forehead.
Inside. Upstairs. Hidden away. As long as the others didn't spot him, he could complete his job. Just watch the dark haired girl, mistress will do the rest. She is alone again, the cloaked one took leave to search the house for danger. Like what he would do when the rival creatures showed their ugly faces by the cave.
She cries. Tears of blood soaking into her cuffs. Curled up in a corner. She shakes. Rocks. Clings and quakes. She isn't his child, so he doesn't care. But it hurt. It hurt when mistress would spin more webs of lies to her child. Children deserve the truth, even if it hurts, that's the only way to keep them from resenting you for lying for years.
Dark haired girl is a foundling. She remembers her old tribe and the people in it. That's why she cries. She mourns the loss. She's not been on this land for long enough to have forgotten her old tribe. The child of his mistress had accepted it straight away, what was so different about the dark haired girl? Why can't she accept it? Why does she cry?
The cloaked one returned, passing through the door into the room. The creature ducked to the side, moving his grizzled face from the window so he wouldn't be seen, but he still watched.
The cloaked one picked the girl from the floor, hand in hand, he wiped the cuff of his cloak along the dark haired girl's cheek, ridding it of the red stains. He wrapped his cloak around her shoulders, yet she still cried. She tried to push him away weakly but gave up as quickly as she began. More tears of blood came, staining her cheeks with red.
The cloaked one seemed ignorant to her cries, like he knew how she felt, but it didn't look like he understood why she REALLY cried. She was too bereaved and empty to protest anymore as the man's hand brushed her dark hair from her face and coddled her like a baby. She just cried. She cried as he swaddled her in his hefty cloak, wrapped his arm around her shoulder and rocked slowly from side to side. She just kept crying.
The creature wanted to get the dark haired girl out of this house, just as he'd wanted to free his mistress and her child from the lands so that they could live their own special life in their enchanted fantasy world. But mistress must stay. So must the dancing girl who gets too close. So must the dark haired girl and the cloaked one. The madness must stop. He needs these others to do his jobs. So that mistress will be merciful and cure him for a while. He has to go back. He's seen enough.
"Thou doth brings me the facts, dear ally?" The witch spoke, rising from her spot on the moss covered log beside her napping teenager. The creature knuckle-walked along the carpet of weeds and leaves towards her, his head bowed in respect.
A soft huff left his lips as he reached the frayed hem of her skirt. Her skeletal hand pressed under his bearded chin, lifting his gaze upward to her.
"Dearest cherished ally, thou hath done me a service this day. Thou will get your peace in due times" The witch purred, her other hand coming up towards his brow and morphing from bone to smoke, a dark slowly swirling smoke which crackled and spat tiny glowing embers of ash. Her smokey hand drifted closer to his brow, like always, it hurt at first, but when the obsidian plumes passed through his skull, the pain went away.
"Lets see what thou hath learned, dear ally"
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